View Full Version : what we miss the most
01-25-2013, 09:50 AM
I hope it's okay to start a new thread on this, but I find that talking to Kevin each morning about my Caaseybug helps. I 'd like to hear from others as well about what they miss the most. I'll start.
What I miss the most is mornings, she was especially cute in the morning, she'd wake up with a frumpy look as I called it, with her hair on her face all puffy looking the bed head look I guess, and she would tuck her ears all close to head and just give you the sweetest look. Once we had our breakfast we'd go wake daddy up. She loved t give kisses in the morning and her dad didn't like being kissed so she would look around for a toyt have in her mouth so she would kiss him, I used to joke that she knows her daddy likes toys in Tue morning so had to try to find him a toy. Then she would play with hiom to get him out of bed, she walked over so he would have to reach to pet her and then slowly get further and further from him, like come on daddy if you want to pet me you gt to get up and come a little further. It was adorable, so I miss her sweetness in the mornings most.
What do you miss the most?
Squirt's Mom
01-25-2013, 10:01 AM
I miss my Crys' hugs most. She was almost dead when she was found and I spent the first little while with her making sure she was breathing. I would hold her face in my hands and put my mouth to hers so I could feel the air moving. As she perked up a bit, she put her paws on each side of my face and kissed back. That became her hug as she grew up. She would come running to me, throw her front legs around my neck and press her mouth to mine. I miss that so.
Too many things I miss about Tasha to single out one but the absence of her sounds still gets to me. I still find myself listening for her to be sure she is ok. I miss her funny, funny square face; her bouncy ways; her utter joy at life. I miss the way she seemed to know when folks needed her and would comfort them without even trying. I miss her prancing. I miss the game she would play hiding in her blankets and watching me searching frantically for her while she lay there grinning.
01-25-2013, 11:32 AM
Jill, what a wonderful idea for a thread. :o
I miss holding my Barkis. I would lie down on the sofa stretched full-length, and he would hop up beside me and then ever so gently just roll over on top of my chest (all 65 pounds of him) so his head was right under my chin. And I could totally hug and cuddle him. We did that every evening.
And I miss his smell. I loved kissing him in that soft spot under his ear, and smelling that sweet fur. That's the last thing I ever did. I kissed him and breathed him in, wanting to remember his scent forever.
01-25-2013, 03:16 PM
What a great thread, thank you for starting this.
I miss so much about my little Mytilda (and her brother Clancy), even after all these years.
I miss Mytilda's little Aussie smile as she would do twists and air bites when she would put on her happy attitude. She also loved to jump and kiss my nose when I was standing up and then land beside me with all smiles. She started doing that when she learned the flying finish. She would only do that to me.
I miss watching her push her favorite flat rock down the hill in our side yard. She would push it to the bottom, pick it up, take it back up on the hill and start again...she would do that for hours if I let her.
I miss both of their snuggles and just talking to them.
molly muffin
01-25-2013, 03:45 PM
Great idea indeed!
I miss my Tasha (my golden retreiver) who even when she grew up and was a honker of a dog, wanted to sit in my lap (on her back sprawled out) and eat an asian pear or an apple, all away around the core. It was cute when she was little, it was hilarious when she was big as she insisted on trying to get into the baby on her back position to much ooff and more ooofs from me.
I miss the way she loved everyone and everything. Especially the way she loved kids. She'd play for hours and then curl up next to them and sleep when they were all exhausted. I miss the way she loved my cat that grew up with her (and I miss him too, an awful lot). Those two could play for hours.
Now I'm crying because I still miss those two, every day and it's been 11 years since Tasha and her buddy my cat, Tipsy passed away. They went within months of each other. I still think it was partly heart break that did Tasha in.
I added a picture of Tasha and Tipsy. I didn't know about cushings when Tasha was growing up, but now I do, thanks to this forum. She had full blown cushings and calcinosis cutis. (probably spelled that wrong) Her skin was awful with the breakouts. :( I loved her dearly. She'd been on prednisone since she was 2 years old till she passed at the age of 10.
01-25-2013, 06:32 PM
i am still missing my milo oh so much,i still wait to hear for him to wake me and give me kisses like crazy all the day long.he loved to be held like a baby on his back in my arms,he was so content to be in my arms always.he was such a mush...and his barking at meka and holding on to her ball under his chin so she couldn't get it,which then was so annoying,but now i miss that.and his so very soft eyes,coat and demeanor..........he was my heart and meka misses him still as well...i have his pictures all around that give me comfort, eventually peace will come to my heart, to know that he was a gift to us for just a little while.i was truly blessed to have shared him with so many that love and miss him...patty and meka xoxox :(
01-25-2013, 07:29 PM
Great thread!
Ah Haley... my cuddly thing - like a teddy bear. Absolutely the move lovable thing and she always knew when something was wrong even if I tried to hide it and would come up and put her head/chin against mine and lean in... it was so 'human like' it was unreal. Oh what I'd do for another one of those.
And little miss Annie... oh your feisty ways. How does a dog have a sense of humor? Playing mind games with the UPS guys and that shit eating grin you gave me after you messed with them. She would bark at the UPS men a block before they even hit our cul de sac. She did it in 3 different cities - talk about brand recognition. :) Lastly the way you went psycho on me when I returned home from anywhere - so excited to see me. Girl I'll never leave.
01-27-2013, 07:13 AM
After a week, the most glaring thing for me is our routine... I miss dropping my hand down and patting her coat goodnight. I just miss her beautiful, soft collie coat which she was fortunate enough to keep 90% of (well the top coat anyway and that's the bit that counts). I miss being greeted by her when I come home, her silly face and wiggly bum. I miss all her silly little things that made her her.
01-27-2013, 10:28 PM
What a lovely idea for a thread.
More than anything I just miss Hamish 'being there'. I find the worst times are when I'm alone in the house, because you could never be alone with Hamish - even when he was asleep he was still aware of everything I did, and I was aware of his presence with his contented little (or sometimes not so little!) snores.
I still talk to him and expect to see him.
He absolutely hated anyone sneezing - when I sneeze I always look to the area where his basket was and apologise.
01-28-2013, 12:01 AM
I miss the way he used to look at me, so attentive to my every move. I miss his solid presence in the same room, just knowing he was there.
01-28-2013, 04:21 PM
I miss Lulu’s little demanding bark which sounded a lot like the distant cawing crows in the neighborhood trees. I still wake up in the morning to those damn crows, thinking it’s Lulu demanding her breakfast. I miss the way she would stretch her little body by doing a modified army crawl in the grass and on the sofa. She would extend her little legs out stiffly and pull her body forward with her front legs, then push herself back over and over again…. with a look on her face like it was the best thing she’d ever felt. She was my itty bitty best buddy who demanded my attention and I really miss being her trained seal...I admit it…she barked and I was on my feet. What I miss most of all is her big adorable black eyes staring at me like she knew what I was thinking. I’m not sure she didn’t know what I was thinking, which is a good thing because then she really would know just how much she meant to me and how much I miss her. It still hurts really bad.
I miss Jojo’s most loving moments when he would forget whatever caused the emotional scars that never allowed him to truly let his guard down. Those were amazing times when it was just me and my little grouchy guy… me tons of kisses and lots of snuggles. I miss watching his furry little butt bound down the driveway with that wide stance and stiff gait that never improved with treatment His muscle stiffness never slowed him down, especially if he was on a mission to find the tiny morsels of food the kitties may have dropped on the floor from their feeding perches. He was very territorial about keeping those morsels for himself and heaven help anybody who claimed a bite for themselves. He was my grouchy old man who had a very rough life before becoming our boy. I knew if anybody earned the right to a crappy disposition, it was Jojo. I miss my baby boy and hope that wherever he is, he has forgotten all about those who abused him and hold Gil and I in his heart as tightly as we hold him in our own.
01-31-2013, 01:42 PM
Bogey my sweet boy,
We miss how you were such a happy boy, with a spring in your step and how the tips of your ears bounced as you trotted along.
We miss how you brought a smile to the face of everyone you greeted.
We miss how you loved to ride in the car and couldn't wait to get where ever were going - you'd stand on the armrest between the front seats so you didn't miss anything.
We miss how you loved your daddy so much, you were his shadow and followed him everywhere, even in the shower! You never wanted to be apart from him.
We miss how you had to be the leader of the pack on walks in the woods, challenging everyone to keep up with you.
We miss how you protected our yard from the invading chipmunks, and chased them with valor.
Bogey most of all we miss you in our lives - you were so very special to us and made us better people. We were lucky for having you in our family. We will see you at the Rainbow Bridge.
01-31-2013, 06:57 PM
There are so many things.....
Having to watch where I step, so I wouldn't trip over her.
Having my little vacuum cleaner devour every eatable morsel that hit the floor.
Her fresh bath smell and those velvet ears.
But most of all I miss those big brown eyes full of love.
Wow, what a wonderful thread to start Jill, Thank you.
~Mary Ann
02-21-2013, 09:50 AM
Your uncanny ability to know when a chicken was cooked and ready to come out of the oven -even at Nannys house!
Your hatred of the Hoover and just the slightest sound from it would bring you barking
Your less than one minute new toy destruction like it offended you and had to be ripped apart
Your ability to know when mummy was sad and needed a good snuggle
Your hatred of sneezing I am sure I will say sorry to the air for years to come
02-21-2013, 04:44 PM
Okay I finally got some of my pictures off of old computers(paid to have it done, no cpu whiz here). So if you guys will go see my new pictures on my album you will see what I mean by "I miss mornings the most". The pictures are of Caseybug and I giving our love for the day. See she really did not like whenever I got the camera out. Probably because I was forever calling her name, but not wanting her to come, just wanting her to look at me so i could get the picture. Very confusing for I am sure, anyhow she got so she really did not like the camera. So these are sneak pictures in the mirror. Each morning when I was getting ready for work I would go into our extra bedroom to blow-dry my hair so as to not disturb Kevin. I would sit on the ground in front of the mirror and she would lay somewhere nearby in the room staring at me. As soon as I switched the hairdryer off, she would come over and give me love. It was sortof like a mix between our, 'gotta give you enough love to last through the day, til I see you again time' and 'mommy please don't go' time. So I decided to put my camera on the floor right next to my brushes so I could capture some of these moments without her realizing what I was doing. Now you can see what I mean by mornings. I miss our morning the most, because she was so cuddely and cute and loving, just the sweetest thing from the sweetest girl in the world.
Bo's Mom
02-21-2013, 11:19 PM
I miss my Angel Bo...but one thing I do miss a lot was his wanting to be laying on my chest and just looking into my eyes. Those were some of the best "talks" that we shared.
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