View Full Version : 6 year old English Bulldog, Severe Calcinosis Cutis (Bella has passed)
01-24-2013, 10:58 PM
My 6 year old female English Bulldog, was just recently diagnosed with Cushings disease. She had acl surgery last year and the hair never grew back on her leg...I should have questioned this more, but when the vet told me sometimes hair just takes a long time to grow back on bullies, I just let it go and stopped questioning it; then she started drinking a ridiculous amount of water (up to 8 bowls a day!) and urinating non-stop. She's always eaten a ton of food and is very food aggressive. Now, looking back, she has displayed symptoms of Cushings for quite some time. She started to get calcinosis cutis (which we had no clue what these hard lumps were) a few months ago, which is why I took her to the vet. My vet shaved the area on her neck and back to get a better look, and OH MY! She became a bloody mess and looks like she got hit by a car. She now has scabs all over her back, and I've been told her hair will probably not grow back in this area as well. It is so sad. They ran biopsies of the area, did the necessary blood tests and everything came back positive for cushings.
We decided to start her on Lysodren after two different vets recommended this course of treatment because of the calcinosis cutis. I'm wondering if anyone has experience with this (successful?) and how much it actually helped to lessen the calcinosis? Also, did you use any topical ointments to help get rid of the calcium deposits such as DMSO? Our vet has not yet prescribed any topical ointment, however I'm wondering why not...
Our dog seems to be deteriorating quickly, however the vet is telling me it is from the loading phase of the Lysodren which is having some negative affects on her so now we are giving her prednisone to counteract the lysodren. Once she starts feeling better, we'll start her actual dosage of the lysodren. Her legs got weak after the loading phase, she's extremely tired/mopey, appetite down, just not herself.
Any advice/thoughts, would be greatly appreciated. It's so hard to see her this way and especially because she's only 6! I thought we would have had many more years with her...
Harley PoMMom
01-24-2013, 11:58 PM
Hi and welcome to you and your girl,
So sorry for the reasons that brought you here but glad you found us.
I was wondering if you could round up copies of all tests that were done on your girl and post any abnormalities that are listed. Also, could you tell how much your girl weighs and what dose of Lysodren she is/was taking?
Please know we will help you in any way we can so do not hesitate to ask any and all questions.
One of our Moderators, Angela, is our resident expert in Calcinosis Cutis and I am sure she will be along shortly so in the meantime here are some links to other members Threads with dogs that have Calcinosis Cutis:
Handy link with info about Lysodren: Lysodren loading Instructions and related tips (
Love and hugs,
Simba's Mom
01-25-2013, 12:49 AM
Welcome to the family, seriously it feels that way on this site, we all understand the love and worries that you have for your pup!
Sabre's Mum
01-25-2013, 01:40 AM
Hi and welcome!
Our Hungarian Vizsla, Sabre, had calcinosis cutis and was treated with Lysodren until he passed nearly three years ago. What I can tell you is that your vet is wrong in saying that the hair will never grow back. In Sabre's case he lost most of his hair along the sides of his body. This is a link to my album which you can see a pic with him a lot of hair loss and his calcinosis cutis ... this did get worse from this stage. This is a link of him a year after diagnosis with a full coat of hair.
What I will say is that the calcinosis cutis and hair loss will get worse before it gets better. In Sabre's case it took about 4-6 months before his hair regrew .... I tell you it you get such pleasure in seeing the little fluffy hair coming through. Once his hair grew back in we no longer had any issues with the calcinosis cutis ... it never became infected and we never had to do anything. It was just there and in Sabre's case this meant large plates (ie as large as 3 x 4.5cm approx) with hair growing through them.
Up until the point where the hair comes back in it is all about "managing the calcinosis cutis". Lori has given you links to other threads where this has been discussed. We are unable to get DSMO in New Zealand so this was not something we did use although I did find this as a topical treatment for calcinosis cutis. It is my understanding that it draws the calcium deposits to the surface, or through the surface enabling the skin to heal underneath. There have been some members here who have used DSMO but not many have returned to post the outcome of the use. It is my understanding that you can only use so much on the body.
More pressing is the Lysodren loading. As Lori asked ... how much does your dog weigh and what was the Lysodren dosage? How many days did you load your dog? Could you also provide the results from the ACTH stim test which should have been administered when your dog was loaded. Also what dose of prednisone has your vet prescribed and what have been your instructions for pred dosing?
Sorry for all the questions but it helps us build to total picture.
Angela and Flynn
Boriss McCall
01-25-2013, 11:02 AM
Welcome to the group. So sorry your baby is having a hard time. I am a bully mom too. They are the best dogs! :)
My Boston Terrier is the one with cushings. I wish I could give you some advice. We are treating our dog with Vetoryl & have not experienced the C Cutis. I know several members have dealt with it.
I hope she gets some relief soon. Once everything gets under control I hope you start seeing hair growth. It took our Boston about 6 months to get his back.
Our dog seems to be deteriorating quickly, however the vet is telling me it is from the loading phase of the Lysodren which is having some negative affects on her so now we are giving her prednisone to counteract the lysodren
Hi and welcome, sorry I only have a moment, Im popping in while at work but could you clarify something?
You are continuing loading with Lysodren and giving prednisone at the same time?
When did you start loading? What happened? When did you start the prednisone?
The more info you can give us, along with those tests you are gathering up, the better our experienced lysodren members can help you:):):):)
01-30-2013, 11:36 PM
She weighs about 52 lbs and during the loading phase was taking 500 mg of lysodren 2x daily. We did this for 6 days until she started to not eat like normal, legs began to suddenly get very weak, and she became extremely lethargic. I took her in for the acth test the next day and she tested right where the vet wanted to see her as "lysodren sensitive". I believe her #s were between .5 and .7. Because she seemed like she has too much lysodren in her system, the vet told me to give her prednisone 5mg 2x per day for two days and then we watched her. She still seemed week, so we let her rest for a few days with no meds. I just started her mon on lysodren. Hee dose is 1/2 tablet, so im assuming 250mg 3x a week, mon wed fri, and this week im giving it with prednisobe to boost her cortisol levels....
01-30-2013, 11:42 PM
Angela and Flynn, how did you heal the calcinosis with no topicals? Is it the lysodren which really does help? Bella's back is so terrible...It breaks my heart. I wish there was a way for me to post pictures for advice to make sure someone gas seen a case this bad:(
Harley PoMMom
01-31-2013, 01:15 AM
She weighs about 52 lbs and during the loading phase was taking 500 mg of lysodren 2x daily. We did this for 6 days until she started to not eat like normal, legs began to suddenly get very weak, and she became extremely lethargic. I took her in for the acth test the next day and she tested right where the vet wanted to see her as "lysodren sensitive". I believe her #s were between .5 and .7. Because she seemed like she has too much lysodren in her system, the vet told me to give her prednisone 5mg 2x per day for two days and then we watched her. She still seemed week, so we let her rest for a few days with no meds. I just started her mon on lysodren. Hee dose is 1/2 tablet, so im assuming 250mg 3x a week, mon wed fri, and this week im giving it with prednisobe to boost her cortisol levels....
Could you, please, get a copy of those ACTH stim test results and post them here. I am very concerned about your girl because if her post ACTH number was indeed that low (.5 ug/dl or .7ug/dl) than this is a starting of an Addison's crisis and no Lysodren should be given.
In this situation the Lysodren should not be given until her symptoms become symptomatic and then an ACTH stim test should be done to recheck her cortisol levels. Also, were her electrolytes checked? Please do keep an eye out for signs of too low cortisol and please do keep us updated.
Love and hugs,
01-31-2013, 01:30 AM
Hi there
Glad you came back to post what your girl is up to, what's her name??
I just thought I would do a post to you while you wait for the experts to come in. I don't think you should be giving the Lysodren and Prednisone together. Actually, at this stage I do not think you should be giving the Lysodren at all. Because on one hand you are giving her a drug to decrease the cortisol and at the same time giving the Pred to push it back up! So they just counteract each other. In my time on this board I have not seen dogs taking both drugs.
She went too low on the Lysodren and the side effects of not eating, weak legs and lethargy seem to confirm this. Also her ACTH is very low. If they go too low your vet should have retested her acth BEFORE starting her back on the Lysodren to make sure it is safe to do so. So please do not give her anymore Lysodren just now as it can be really dangerous if her cortisol gets too low. It is called Addisonian Crisis. If you noticed her becoming more unwell I would take her immediately back to her vet, even to the ER if out of hours as she may need urgent treatment. I am sure the more experienced members will be on soon to give you their excellent advice. But if it was my dog, I would be scheduling a vet appt pronto to get her levels checked.
It would be really helpful if you could post all of her results that led to her cushings diagnosis, only the abnormals and include the reference ranges too. Lori has included a link on her post above that might be helpful to you.
Hope she is feeling better soon and the wise ones pop in and advise you soon!
01-31-2013, 07:15 AM
Please check those numbers and if you are right do NOT give lysodren. You might have to give the prednisone should you see signs of vomit or diarrhea. Please keep us posted as we will worry alot. Thank you. Kim
Squirt's Mom
01-31-2013, 07:40 AM
How is your baby today?
Adding the voice of another Lyso mom - Please do not give any Lysodren until you are seeing signs again and not until your baby girl has had another ACTH that shows the post number out of range again. What you are describing could very well indicate an overdose of the Lysodren and it has a pretty long life in the body. The odds are, her cortisol continued to drop over the next few days so please keep a very, very close eye on her and get her to an ER if she is not improving on the pred.
Let us hear from you when you can.
Sending prayers and healing white light flying her way!
Leslie and the gang
01-31-2013, 10:36 AM
Angela and Flynn, how did you heal the calcinosis with no topicals? Is it the lysodren which really does help? Bella's back is so terrible...It breaks my heart. I wish there was a way for me to post pictures for advice to make sure someone gas seen a case this bad:(
There is a way you can post pics, by creating an album. :)
1) If you go the the "Community" tab above, click on it, then click "Pictures and Albums", it will take you to a page with a series of albums in it.
2) On the right side of the menu bar at the top, there is a link that says "create new album", click there and again you are taken to another new page.
3) Give Your Album a name, then a brief description of the contents. Leave it on Public view if you want others to see it. Click Submit.
4) On the next page, you have the option to upload photos directly from your computer. The site will resize them for you if they are large files, so just browse for the photo to upload, then click "Upload Pictures" (This may take a while to upload and resize the image, depending on your internet connection speed, so be a little patient at this point)
5) The next page will show you a small copy of the selected image and gives you a space to describe the image or add a caption to it. When finished, click "Save Changes"
6) Your album is created and you now have pics!
To link this album to your thread, just copy and past the web address link onto your reply, and viola - Pics Uploaded.
It's actually not a long process to follow once you give it a go, I've just set it out step by step. I hope this helps you, I can be of absolutely no use with CC advice, It's not something I've personally come across. So on that point, good luck, I will keep following to see how you are going though.
Sabre's Mum
01-31-2013, 02:15 PM
A post ACTH stim value of 0.5 or 0.7 is too low. The target range you are looking to attain is between 1 and 5 ug/dl. Generally the recommended plan of attack if your dog tests below this ...give a rescue dose of prednisone if required, wean off the prednisone when the dog shows signs if improving, wait and retest, have the results in the target range, then re-start the Lysodren at a lower dose. If your dog shows signs of "going low" the dogs electrolytes should also be tested. Dogs may be given a rescue dose of prednisone if they show signs like vomiting and diarrhea at a dose of 0.25mg/kg but it is generally not given with Lysodren as it could mask signs that the dog is having too much Lysodren.
Angela and Flynn, how did you heal the calcinosis with no topicals? Is it the lysodren which really does help?
You are right ... it is the Lysodren that really helps sort out the calcinosis cutis. Up until it can have it's effect and let the dog's body sort it out we found it was a matter of "managing the calcinosis cutis. We did use things on his skin ... we tried medicated shampoos (only made it flare up), oatmeal shampoos (didn't really make a difference and was red after washing), epiotic to scuff stuff off (not sure whether this is available where you live - it is an ear cleaning solution but the vet said we could use it on Sabre's skin) and betadine (to dry out moist areas). I think that covers it. We also used T-Shirts and Jackets to try and stop him from getting at any areas. Antibiotics were used to try and hold off any infections - we took quite an aggressive approach on this ie. of we saw any area that was starting to get infected we started antibiotics straight away. Our vet wanted to control the infection immediately so it didn't get away on us. We also started supplements - continuing with the Flaxseed oil and adding in Evening Primrose Oil.
Keep us updated.
Angela and Flynn
02-05-2013, 01:56 AM
Thank you all for this information. My two vets had her continue prednisone through the weekend (no lysodren) & I took her in today gor another acth test to see where her levels are at before we resume the lysodren. I talked to this vet about it not seeming right to give ored with lysodren and she said she hasnt seen it done that way before either so she was going to advise the other vet office when we resume lysodren, no prednisone should be given or it could mask the side effects.
I posted some pics just now on this site from about a week ago. Ill take new ones and post..her skin is rapdidly declining and theyre worried now it might be infected so they took s culture. She just finished massive antibiotics so that confuses me, but I guess this calcinosis is just so hard to manage. Im going to try dmso gel on the dry parts of her scabs tomorrow....should get her acth results and cultures back tomorrow too. She had a bit oc a fever today too:(
Sabre's Mum
02-05-2013, 12:38 PM
Hi ... great to hear from you
Glad to hear that you are only giving prednisone. Just a note if you were giving prednisone at the time of the ACTH stim test it may be slightly skewed upwards. Generally you will get a more accurate reading if prednisone is stopped 24 hours before the test.
With regards to the antibiotics and calcinosis cutis .... I know with Sabre's pyodrema which also ended up having calcinosis cutis we did a "sensitivity" test when we did the biopsy and we required two strong antibiotics ... many types were resistant to the infection. So hopefully your sensitivity test will assist the vet as to what type of antibiotics are required.
We would love to hear the results when you get them.
Take care
Angela and Flynn
02-05-2013, 02:38 PM
The vet just called with the results to yesterday's ACTH test. She is still low. They want her #'s to be between 2-5 or at least 1-5 and she is still at .5
Her last dose of lysodren was last Wednesday and she has been given prednisone, thursday, friday, saturday and sunday (before the test yesterday, so I think the vet was surprised she is staying so low). She said that she thinks that this is a result still of the initial loading phase a few weeks ago. Now we are going to give her 7.5 mg of prednisone 5 days, then 7.5 mg of pred once per day for another 5 days; then every other day for 5 days. Then we'll see how she's doing and do another ACTH test a few days later to see how her levels are. Hopefully in 15-20 days she'll be feeling better and be ready to finally start the lysodren. What a battle this disease is, not to mention her calcinosis is just so terrible. I just hope I can keep it under control without it getting too infected. The results from the culture should come back in a few days and then hopefully I can get her on some new antibiotics for the calcinosis cutis. :(
Here's a link to a photo from about a week ago of her back:
Sabre's Mum
02-06-2013, 12:52 PM
Hi ... poor Bella's back :(. Yes that result is low and personally I am not surprised that she is still low. Some dogs can remain at a low level for some time. Did your vet also check Bella's electrolytes?
Has she been on prednisone between the ACTH test and when you got the results back? Calculating her rescue dose of pred this is about 6mg but some dogs do need the dose to be double this so 7.5mg per day seems a good idea.
Let's trust that the sensitivity test gives you a plan of attack with the antibiotics.
Take care
Angela and Flynn
molly muffin
02-06-2013, 05:59 PM
I do feel so bad for her. That just looks horrible. I hope the tests can point you in a direction to go treatment wise for that.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
02-06-2013, 07:01 PM
Just wanted to stop by and welcome you and your English Bulldog to the group. You are not alone...most have more knowledge than me but I will pray for you and your little girl. I find it intersting about the DMSO...I have tried that for my RSD/CRPS...however, I didnt have pure DMSO like I should have and I was suppose to mix it wit Glycerin Oil as it can burn. Did your vet reccomend mixing with anything or using aloe after applying it...I am not suggestion I know anything about DMSO and animals...I just found some interesting links when researching it for my condition... Candian/Belgium PARC mandates it for people who develop my condition...US is so far behind in research and is in bed with the drug companies....sorry for going on....
Your in great ands with the forum...very knowledgable people, and supportive.
Hugs and prayers,
Sharon and Norman
02-21-2013, 09:30 PM
Quick update- bella finished her prednisone tuesday. She's been okay, but still kind of lehargic this week. Sores are extremely bad and she is losing more hair on her back. She's having another acth test tomorrow so we can see if we can restart lysodren. Only thing is that she stopped eating tonight for some reson:(
02-21-2013, 10:08 PM
Good luck. Hope Bella's test results are good. My Scoop has Calcinosis Cutis. He is on Vetoryl not lysodren. He has it on the top of his back at the base of his neck, a small spot up further closer to his head, a small spot at his ear, a spot at his butt, and in his armpits. His back had bad infection on it. There were 2 different infections. He had to be on a strong, compounded antibiotic for 6 weeks. I was using DMSO. He had just started taking the antibiotics and using the DMSO when he had to go into the hospital for ear surgery. The surgeon started using Mupirocin Ointment on it. It's for infections. His back looked so much better just after the 3 days he was in the hospital. I continued the ointment after he came home. I used it on all areas. It helped his back the most. I guess because of the infection. It was used for 4 weeks. In that time period the scabs were coming off his back and neck. In those places he still has black spots but they flat. He still has scabs in his armpits but they have gotten better. It takes time. Good luck. Hope it starts getting better for Bella.
Big hugs.
02-21-2013, 11:05 PM
Sudocream helped Tia with the itching and it also helped soften the scabs
molly muffin
02-22-2013, 09:36 AM
Bella might still be too low and need to continue on a low dose of prednisone. We have seen dogs have to stay on prednisone for quite some time, months, till their cortisol starts to come back up. Not eating is a sign that the cortisol might still be low.
Any word on whether Bella had an infection on her skin?
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
02-22-2013, 08:16 PM
Thanks. Yes, she had mrsa and is taking cipro for it. Now that she wont eat though, i cant get her to take the antibiotics. She had her acth test today and ill get results tomorrow. They also yested electrolytes which came back okay but the vet is worried about her suddenly not eating...hoping its not pancreatitus....wondering if anyone knows how long a dog can go without eating or how I can get her appetite to come bavk? She's just never in her life been not interested in food....
02-24-2013, 12:29 AM
Bella's #'s from her acth are back up, right where her vet wants them to be, so were going to try lysodren again this week if she can start eating and feeling strong enough to get on it. She's still super lethargic from something, not sure what....and only eating white rice with egg or chicken broth today. Could dmso be making her sick? Or maybe she does have pancreatitus? Im so worried. Also, her calcinosis cutis is spreading all over her back, face, i being unfair to put her through treatment and keep her alive? I just dont know if im being unrealistic hoping some of this will get better....
Squirt's Mom
02-24-2013, 09:08 AM
It is pretty much a rule that you never give Lysodren or Trilostane (Vetoryl) to a pup who is ill, and certainly never to one who is not eating well. Regardless of what the vet says, I would NOT restart the Lyso until Belle is eating again.
I would like to know what the ACTH said - what the post number is that the vet says is where they want it to be. That post number needs to be high, out of range for a Lyso pup by a great deal before restarting the Lysodren. In other words, we don't wait for the post number to be within 1 - 1.5 ug/dl to restart; we wait until the post is back up in the teens or 20's ug/dl and signs are strong including appetite. Would you mind posting what the ACTH results are for us? That would be wonderful! ;)
I am glad to hear that she is doing some better but it sounds like she has room for more improvement before we consider restarting the Lyso. I realize that lets the CC get a stronger hold and that you are between a rock and a hard place but I wouldn't start her back on the Lyso until she is eating well again period. ;)
Leslie and the gang
molly muffin
02-24-2013, 09:11 AM
Good Morning,
Yes DMSO can cause a loss appetite. I'd want her to be feeling good before starting back on lysodren, just because what you're looking for is the symptoms to know if she is loading. Is the vet thinking of doing a full reload, a mini reload or what?
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
02-24-2013, 09:36 AM
Checking in...thoughts and prayers continue with you and Bella. Good to hear she is doing better...but still needs to regain her appetite - Too new to give advice but will keep you and Bella in prayer.
Sharon, Norman and Millie
02-24-2013, 05:15 PM
Thanks everyone. Her pre # was 2.2 & post was 3.6 which both vets told me was a good place to be. Does this sound right? They did say we want to wait until she's eating again to start the lysodren, and to try lean people food, like rice, chicken, cottage cheese and egg. She tolerated this yesterday but threw up this am. Not sure whats causing this.
Her dose for lyso is going to be low, at 250mg twice per week to start.
02-24-2013, 05:29 PM
Those numbers would be perfect for a dog that is feeling well and eating normally. Your vets are absolutely correct in withholding any further treatment until such time as Bella is eating normally again. Did your vet check Bella's electrolytes?
02-25-2013, 12:58 AM
Yes, her electrolytes were normal.
02-26-2013, 01:27 AM
I saw someone elses posting that mentioned it might....i thought it wasnt a steroid. Is it?
02-26-2013, 02:35 AM
Though I could be wrong, to my knowledge Rimadyl is a Non Steroidal Anti Inflammatory Drug, or NSAID as you may often see it here. I don't think it could be responsible for causing cushings, but it can definitely put strain on the liver if used long term (or where the liver is under stress anyway).
Someone correct me if I am wrong please.
02-26-2013, 07:03 AM
Yep Naomi you are correct Rimadyl is a NSAID. From my experience, no Rimadyl does not cause Cushing's (it cause is still a bit of a mystery), but there are some dogs who are sensitive to it and those with liver troubles should not use it or it should not be used long term.
Squirt's Mom
02-26-2013, 08:21 AM
MODERATOR NOTE: I have merged your post about Rimadyl into Bella’s original thread. We normally like to keep all posts about each pup in a single thread as it makes it easier for members to refer back to the pup's history when needed. Thanks!
02-28-2013, 11:36 PM
This week has been a complete blur for me, but I need advice badly for what do do about my sweet Bella. She took her first maintainance dose of Lysodren (250mg) on Tuesday, although she still was acting herself, she wasn't throwing up any longer so the vet said it was okay to give to her. She was still not eating great prior to the medicine (only scrambled egg, rice, and shredded chicken, and not consistently, but she hadn't thrown up since Sunday). She took the pill Tuesday night, then stopped eating again on Wednesday. (She's been acting sick since last Thursday.) She's been going to the bathroom, not as regularly as normal, but still going and just lying around not coming out of her little home barely at all. Seems super depressed and lethargic and it just seems like she no longer wants to live. I can't stop crying...I just don't know if it's time for me to let her go, or if there is anything else I can do to save her. She is acting like it is difficult to swallow (even when not eating, just laying around or walking she is doing this weird thing with her throat). The vet said I need to bring her in tomorrow to be examined because a dog not eating for two days is a very bad sign and that I either should do xrays and find out if she has some type of unrelated to cushings blockage, or decide to put her down. Her calcinosis cutis is so bad, as is her muscle wasting that whenever anyone else sees her, I feel like they automatically say I'm being selfish to keep her alive. I just don't know the right answer because it's so hard to know, not having her had a chance at a full round of lysodren yet. Could she actually improve with this significantly?
Any suggestions? Advice? What could be making her so sick (since it's not the lysodren since she was sick prior to the lysodren)?
Sorry for the long winded post...
Harley PoMMom
03-01-2013, 12:28 AM
Oh sweety, I am so sorry to hear that Bella is feeling unwell. Maybe ask the vet about an appetite stimulate, and I would with-hold the Lysodren until Bella is eating normally again.
I wonder if Bella has some pain with the calcinosis cutis and contributing to her inappetence??
The unusual swallowing might be nausea so maybe ask your vet about anti-nausea medicine.
Sending tons of healing and loving prayers.
Hoping sweet Bella is feeling much better soon.
Love and hugs,
molly muffin
03-01-2013, 08:53 AM
I'm so sorry Bella is not doing well. I wouldn't continue with any kind of cushings treatment until you know that she is well enough to tolerate it. It doesn't really sound like she is, but I understand that with the cc, you want the cortisol to be more controlled. I'd look into other possible problems. Xray or ultrasound (when was the last ultrasound done?) full blood panels and urinaylis. See where that takes you.
You know Bella best remember. So, if nothing is helping, you'll know and if something does help, you'll see that too. Then you can make a knowledgable decision.
Hang in there sweetie,
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
03-01-2013, 09:29 AM
I'm so sorry to read Bella is not feeling well right now. I'm certainly not an expert, but I do agree with the others... maybe something unrelated to Cushings is bugging your baby girl. On the other hand, I know exactly how difficult the Calcinosis Cutis can be to deal with and how important it is to get that under control. We give Ugga Gabapentin (100mg twice a day) for pain caused by his Calcinosis Cutis. He also goes for acupuncture and it's been a tremendous help. Maybe start with a full blood panel and urinalysis and go from there? Like Sharlene said, you know your girl better than anyone. Go with your gut and listen to your heart. Sending you positive vibes and hugs. ~Jackie and Ugga
molly muffin
03-01-2013, 05:51 PM
Waiting to see what happened at the vet today.
Let us know when you can. Hope all is okay.
Sharlene and Molly muffin
Boriss McCall
03-01-2013, 05:59 PM
Hope you got some good feed back today a the vet visit. I know it is really hard to see your baby hurting. hugs..
03-04-2013, 06:23 PM
Unfortunately, I'm writing to share very sad news...We received very bad news at the vet on Friday. The vet ran as many tests as I was comfortable with (chest and stomach xrays, more blood tests, electrolyte testing, gave bella fluids under the skin, etc, etc)...only to find out that within one week, from her appt the friday before, she had gotten a large amount of calcium in her blood stream. They are not sure what caused this (could be numerous causes) however, on top of this, they said that the tests showed that Bella's kidney's were starting to fail, (stage 3 of 4) and she was still not eating...she was in pain and uncomfortable. I took her home on Friday afternoon hoping that the other vet out in Fairfield would tell me there was still something else I could do to save her. When I had them fax this vet the test results, I asked for her honest opinion on what to do. She told me that even a healthy dog that had just received results like Bella, didn't have a totally good shot at recovering and with all of Bella's multiple issues, including the terrible calcinosis cutis which still needed to be treated by treating the underlying Cushings disease (which we only now had had 1 day last week of treatment in her), she didn't really have a chance and that she was afraid she was suffering too much pain.
We made the most difficult decision to put her to sleep on Saturday afternoon, in the comfort of our home. I am devastated. I never thought I would lose my best friend, my English bully at only 6 years of age...
I also keep thinking of all I could have done differently, if only...
it just seems that if only the vet back in December had not shaved her back and neck where the two tiny calcinosis cutis spots were, it wouldn't have spread like rapid fire all over her body and we wouldn't have been faced with all of these least so quickly. I know I can't change the hands of time and I don't blame this first vet who saw her, but I'm just amazed that in less than 3 months, how my precious Bella, just deteriorated so quickly. I had just hoped for a few more years with her. :(
Best of luck to you all with your loved ones and may your animals never have to suffer.
molly muffin
03-04-2013, 07:12 PM
I am so very, very sorry to hear that Bella has passed and that so much went wrong so quickly for her.
You did everything humanly possible to find the answer to what was causing her these terrible problems, so don't beat yourself up. The thing to always remember is that Bella knew how much you loved her and she loved you back just as much. That love will always live on with you. Bella lives in your heart as she always was, a playful happy pup.
My sincerest condolences.
I am so sorry. To have so much go so wrong so quickly is pretty hard to take. We don't know why sometimes things just escalate so. You did all you could for your girl. Never forget that.
Fly free sweet Bella, no more pain.
03-04-2013, 07:39 PM
So sorry to hear about Bella
Run free without pain little one. I will light a candle for you
Mel and My angel Tia
03-04-2013, 08:57 PM
So sorry for the loss of your beloved Bella. Fly free to the Rainbow Bridge Bella. The greatest love is being able to let your beloved dog have no more pain. My heart aches for you. Love, JoAnne
Bo's Mom
03-04-2013, 09:45 PM
I am so sorry to read of Bella's passing. It truly is one of the most difficult things we have to do when we put our babies out of their pain and suffering. Our prayers of strength and comfort are sent to you tonight and many nights to follow. RIP Angel Bella.
03-04-2013, 09:54 PM
I am so very sorry to hear of your sweet Bella's passing. My heart aches for you. You and Bella are in my thoughts and prayers.
Simba's Mom
03-04-2013, 11:43 PM
So sorry to hear about your precious Bella, she's the newest angel in heaven and the brightest star in the sky! Hugs from Simba and me!
03-05-2013, 12:19 AM
Oh no, poor you. I so hate reading these threads as know how much the ones left behind are hurting. Not so for the ones with the wings though :) flying and running now with freedom and no pain waiting for you to arrive!! You are so very brave for doing what was best for Bella and she loves you for it so please do not forget that in your sorrow. Big hugs for you tonight
Trish xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sabre's Mum
03-05-2013, 02:42 AM
I am so sorry to hear of dear Bella's passing. My thoughts are with you.
Take care
Angela and Flynn
I am so sorry to read that you lost your precious Bella. You and your baby are in my thoughts and prayers.
Tina and Jasper
Squirt's Mom
03-05-2013, 09:07 AM
Dear Amers,
My heart is broken for your loss. It is a terrible decision we often must make on behalf of our precious babies but it is a decision made out of a deep love. A love that allows us to take their pain and fear and confusion as our own, giving them they freedom they deserve. You gave your sweet Bella the greatest gift of all. Bella knows you did all you could for her to give her the best possible chance and knows just how very much you love her.
It is my belief that one day when your job here on Earth is done you and Bella will be reunited. She will be waiting for you as you cross The Bridge and will fly into your arms, covering your face with kisses.
Our deepest sympathies,
Leslie, Squirt, Trinket, Brick, Sophie and our Angels, Ruby, Crystal and Tasha
I Will Wait For You...
I will wait for you...
Though we never wanted to say goodbye,
Remember me...
When winter snows are falling through a quiet sky
I'll remember you
When, in our darkest hour,
You held my hand and prayed I wouldn't go,
But a silent voice called out to me;
My time had come, and I had to travel Home...
Since then, I know your life has never been the same,
For I visit you each day:
So many times I've felt your pain:
I've watched you cry:
And I've heard you call my name...
But now, further along life's road I stand
In a timeless world, just beyond your sight,
Waiting for the day when I can take your hand and bring you across
to this land of Golden Light...
Till then, remember me, you understand-and try not to cry.
But if you do:
Let your tears fall
For the happiness and joy we knew,
And for the special love we shared,
For love can never die.
~Stephen O'Brien
03-05-2013, 09:19 AM
So sorry to hear of Bella's passing. You were faced with and made a very difficult decision, but always remember it was made with love and Bella's best interests in your heart. Now she is free to play and give the old timers on the rainbow bridge a good run for their money.
Take care and please continue to share some of your stories with us.
Boriss McCall
03-05-2013, 03:52 PM
I am so sorry for your loss. I have a huge soft spot for the bullies & a huge hole in my heart as well from loosing one of my bully babies when he was just 4 years old.
It just doesn't seem fair when they die so young. :(
Just know you did the best you could & you were there for your girl.
alan h
03-06-2013, 12:52 PM
My heart goes out to you. It's so very hard to lose our furry babies. But rest assured she will be waiting for you at the Bridge. I'm so sorry for your loss!
03-07-2013, 11:09 AM
I am so sorry for your loss :'( Sending you healing thoughts and lots of hugs at this very difficult time.
~Jackie and Ugga
03-12-2013, 11:56 PM
Thank you everyone for your kind words. I never thought I would be visiting this forum for advice and then such a short time later, be forced to make the decision to put my best friend to sleep. So sad but glad that for many of you, the treatments have been working.
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