View Full Version : Reaction to ACTH testing? (13 y/o beagle)

01-24-2013, 05:02 PM
Hey all. My 13 year old beagle was showing signs of Cushing's disease this past year and she had an ACTH test this past tuesday that confirmed it. Today, thursday, she woke up and she did not want to move much except to pee and poop, she was nauseous and vomited, and does not want to eat. Anyone else have this reaction from their dog after an ACTH test? or is this something totally different?

I don't know if I should go to the ER tonight or go straight to the vet tomorrow.

Squirt's Mom
01-24-2013, 05:19 PM

I doubt this is a reaction to the stim since it has been a couple of days since it was done. I would want to go ahead and call the vet just in case this is pancreatitis or something.

Leslie and the gang

Harley PoMMom
01-24-2013, 05:24 PM
I have heard of dogs having a reaction to the ACTH stim test but not like what your girl is showing.

If it were me, I would either call the vet ASAP or take her to the emergency vet clinic.

Could you round up copies of all tests that were done on your girl and post any abnormalities that are listed, also what symptoms is your girl displaying? How much does she weigh? Could you please post the results of all ACTH tests that were done.

Please do keep us informed on h ow your sweet girl is doing.

Love and hugs, Lori

Squirt's Mom
01-24-2013, 05:27 PM
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01-24-2013, 05:29 PM
Hi and welcome to the forum.

I agree with Leslie and recommend that you contact your vet and tell him/her what is going on. It could be pancreatitis but nausea and vomiting are also listed as side effects of the acth stimulation test. I have no idea if there is any set time in which you could expect to see signs of side effects but your vet would be a better source. You can see a list of side effects using the link below:


Please keep us posted on your pup. We'll be waiting for an update.


01-24-2013, 05:41 PM
I will get the test results tomorrow.

She is 23 lbs.

Her Cushing's symptoms include
1) hair loss
2) panting
3) ravenous appetite
4) elevated ALKPH liver enzymes in the 1600s last month
5) weakness in hind legs (recent)
6) drinking lots of water
7) peeing constantly (though few accidents in the house when i'm gone)

01-25-2013, 09:32 PM
I couldn't get the ultrasound results in my hand today as I visited Nina after hours at the hospital, but the nurse relayed general information that the internist/ neurologist found. The ultrasound did not show any masses except a few spots on her liver that may or may not be cancerous. Further testing for that.

When I visited her tonight after dropping her off at 12 noon, she was still a bit lethargic but was able to drink water on her own and walk with me up and down the hallway. Much more alert. She is staying overnight and tomorrow I will speak to her attending vet. He mentioned it could be a viral infection.

More info to come. But glad Nina was able to walk and drink on her own. Hopefully she keeps food down tomorrow.

In the meantime it's hard being in my house without her around...

molly muffin
01-25-2013, 10:30 PM
Oh I am so glad to hear that she is walking and drinking on her own. That is Very good. Hoping they can figure this out and you'll have good news tomorrow. We totally understand the silence of the house without her in it. I think everyone of us on here have that Same feeling when our furbabies aren't home with us. HUGS!
Have a good night Nina, we want you home tomorrow!

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

01-26-2013, 08:25 AM
I am glad Nina is at the ER so they can find out what happened. My pup had a few ACTH tests where she vomited and slept all day after having the stim but it was the day of the test and she usually was fine the next day.

Please let us know how Nina is doing.

Squirt's Mom
01-26-2013, 10:47 AM
I am glad to know she is where they can care for her and hopefully find the cause for this. Hopefully this is just a bug and she is home very soon, filling your house with her presence once again and for a long time to come.

Keep in touch and let us know what you learn!
Leslie and the gang

01-26-2013, 05:35 PM
She was released today. The internal doctors said she had gastroenteritis. She will be on antibiotics and anti-nausea meds for a little bit. She ate "with gusto"(quote from vet) this morning and did not vomit so they released her. She walked a bit outside before taking her upstairs, she even went up the stairs herself! She fell right to sleep on her pillow! Since then she has stayed sleepy, drank a bit on her own, and I made her some boiled chicken and white rice that they suggested for a few days. Usually she is ravenous and can't wait to have chicken, but she stuck her head in the bowl and turned away. Drank a bit, but no eating yet. Hopefully she does soon. EVery little thing I'm worried about now.

The last time she's been on antibiotics was when she was spayed! Needless to say she hasn't had any sicknesses in her 12 years, but do antibiotics and anti-nausea meds make a dogs lethargic?

The antibiotic is Metronidazole 250 mg every 12 hours. (10 days)

The anti-nausea is Famotidine 5 mg every day. (10 days)

01-26-2013, 06:02 PM
Awww poor Nina, she will be exhausted from her stay in hospital so not surprised she is more interested in sleeping right now. Hope she perks up soon and takes a wee bite, I would be more keen to get fluids into her so she does not get too dry. Little and often would be the way to go. Get well soon Nina! Hugs to you both

Trish xxxxxxxxx

Squirt's Mom
01-26-2013, 06:11 PM
SO glad to know you got an answer and she is back home where she belongs. I hope she is acting more like her old self in no time flat!

Here is a link about the Mertonidazole.


As for the Famotidine, that is simply generic Pepcid.

Leslie and the gang

01-26-2013, 09:18 PM
Hi there! I am relatively new to the group yseslf but wanted to welcome you and Nina. This site has a wealth of knowledge and encouragement...they have been through all the emotions, tests, ups/down and at times loss. The group is very insightful and supportive. They have helped me in so many ways mostly teaching me patience and informing me of ways to cope and sharing knowledge about this terrible condition our pupps all have in common.

Happy to hear to took Nina in and she is doing better.

Wishing you and Nina a happy and healthy 2013.

Sharon and Norman = )

01-27-2013, 08:44 AM
thanks for your support everyone!

Last night, she ate all her chicken and rice over a two hour time span. She's not drinking much though (perhaps it is normal drinking bc i'm so used to her drinking gallons due to cushings).

She went for half of her usual walk today, but I think 3 days lying down caused some muscle weakness in her already weak hindlegs so she was a bit stiff. She managed up the stairs again, however.

I'm going to keep giving her that walk every day and see how far she can go. Theres more "life" in her eyes than yesterday so I figure easy-does-it.

01-27-2013, 09:20 AM
So glad she is home and on the mend. Give her a little bit of time before she's back to speed. You would know yourself, when you've had flu or gastro or something, you tend to feel pretty blech for a while afterwards, Nina prob is too.

Also if she was on a drip in hospital, she may not be too interested in drinking much as she doesn't feel the need. I noticed that with my boy Oscar after a surgery, took him a couple of days to resume drinking normally (He is not cushings by the way, so it was noticeable). Little bits at a time will still get her there. The sleepiness after she got home is probably the relief of actually being home, no more anxiety of being in hospital. My advice would be, give her a couple of days to catch up and she will bounce back. Dogs are pretty resilient, but even they need the downtime when sick.

keep us posted and in the meantime, lots of cuddles work well :D

01-27-2013, 09:45 AM
Did they give her fluids before she came home? If so, she wont want water for a bit, at least that is what the ER told me about my Koko.

Metronidazole also has anti inflammatory properties so hopefully that will kick in and help though it can make some pups a bit sick to their tummy.

It is always so hard to know what is wrong with them, we know something is not right but what? I am so glad Nina went to ER and they could help solve the problem.

I wish her a speedy recovery. Keep us posted!!!

molly muffin
01-27-2013, 06:34 PM
Very glad to hear that Nina is back home and has eaten her dinner. Even if it takes time, that is probably a good thing, to eat it slowly. Maybe easier on her GI tract.


01-27-2013, 07:49 PM
After a day of figuring out what she wanted to eat (chicken and rice was not cutting it), I was getting worried. But then when I was making dinner she came up and gave me "the look." I was making plain grilled chicken for a salad, nothing crazy. I gave her a piece, she ate it, then another...then another....looks like grilled chicken it is! at least until this medicine is gone. no vomiting so I figure it's ok.

I also had to encourage her to drink some more water on her own. I had to place her in front of her bowl and pet her and say "good girl" a million times. She had IV fluids for 24 hours only, so hopefully she gets her normal thirst back soon.

She went for another walk today and did fine. she's back to sniffing everything in sight.

I can't tell you how much all of you have helped calm me down during this time! She is my and my family's first pet (though I take care of her now), and so there's a lot I don't know. good to know there's nice people out there that can help!

molly muffin
01-27-2013, 08:23 PM
My Molly goes spastic for grilled chicken too! I make chicken ceasar salads once a week usually and she just goes crazy for it!

I'd say that is a good sign, just remember to go slow to start with.

Good girl, drink your water (repeat till hoarse) :)

We're all here to support each other and very glad you found our little family too.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin