View Full Version : 13 y/o Maltese with full blown cushings, Muffie has crossed the Rainbow Bridge

01-10-2013, 09:08 AM
Good Morning to all of you.

In 1999 my maltese passed from Cushings. We noticed her losing her site and took her in and was told to be prepared, she was losing her sight completely. Then, in the same visit, diagnosed with Cushings. In 1999 Vet Med was different. "Buffie" passed away after making it through her first week of meds. Silly as this sounds, I could not function. I was bedridden and finally realized I could no longer continue to mourn (I had small children and a full time job running a law firm). I immediately searched for another Maltese to have Buffie live through our new "Muffie". It helped me get through without guib

Fast forward 13 years going on 14 on August 18th, Muffie was diagnosed with Cushings - fulll blown. She is so little and iss currently taking the recommended dosage of Trilostane - once a day. She is non-stop pottying and seems to be starving (we feed her every 3-4 hours. Her bowl movements are foul, she is on boiledc chicken, rice a veggiesl; She eats as if she will never eat again. I'm losing my health due to her disease and she does not seem to be getting better in my opinion. She sees the vet tomorrow for her check up. HELP

01-10-2013, 09:47 AM
Hi and welcome to our site. I am sorry you lost your little Buffie and no it does not sound silly how it affected you - I think it is pretty normal when loosing a furbaby under those circumstances.

Now, when you can post the results of the tests performed to diagnose Muffie for Cushing's.

How much Trilo are you giving and what is her weight? If she has been taking it since August and the symptoms have not started resolving themselves by now, I would be suspicious as to the dosing and it could be the daily dosage needs to be split into 2 doses daily to ensure a pretty constant dose is in her system and there could be something else going on.

What were the results of the last two ACTH test? Does she have any other symptoms than excess drinking and peeing and voracious appetite?

Regarding foul smelling stool - this could be connected to an intestinal problem - does her breathe smell foul as well?

Take a deep breathe - we are all here to help. :)


01-10-2013, 09:54 AM
Hi and welcome,

I am so sorry for the difficulties you and Muffie are having. Did Muffie have stool problems prior to starting Trilostane? When did you start feeding her boiled chicken and rice before treatment or after treatment? My Zoe has IBD/colitis which we battled for 3 years until we finally got it under control with Metronidazole and diet. I worked on that prior to starting her Vetoryl for her Cushings so that is why I am asking about Muffie.

When was Muffie's last ACTH test and do you have the results?

Terry has asked some good questions as well.

Take a deep breath and slow down, we are here to help sort things out. You dont have to do it alone anymore, okay?

molly muffin
01-10-2013, 11:44 AM
Hello and welcome.
The others have asked some really good questions that the answers will help us in helping you with Muffie.
Of course you are devastated. I think that is a normal reaction. I didn't get out of bed for a couple days when I lost my Tasha.
You are here now though, which is good, because you have others going through or have gone through the same things that you are right now.
It doesn't sound like Muffie's cushings is controlled and that is why the symptoms are still showing.
Please be aware that with proper dosage and testing, a cushings dog can live out a normal life. Many here can tell you that having lived with the diagnosis for years.
So, round up the test results, post them and we'll see whats what with her.
Poor you and poor Muffie, this is such a hard disease to deal with and now you've been down the road a couple times. Not something we would wish for anyone.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

01-10-2013, 09:05 PM

I have to second the questions asked above in regards to diet. When did you start her on the chicken? has she had it before? Is her breath foul too? My reasons for asking this are simply that a large number of dogs can actually be allergic to chicken! :eek:

I have 2 maltese x boys, 1 Maltese/Scottish terrier (the cushpup) and a Maltese/Cairn terrier. Both are allergic to chicken. When they have it, their breath is gross, their stools are horrendously loose, and yet they both love chicken and would give their right paws for it. Some years ago a vet suggested the possible allergy to me. I withdrew chicken from their diet and the issues cleared up within a couple of days. I kept them off chicken for a couple of months and then tested it out with chicken for dinner on a couple of nights. Sure enough, yucky breath and loose stools. Cleared up again when withdrawn.

I've tested this theory a couple of times in the years since and it has happened every time. Sure enough my boys are allergic to chicken. Now for poultry they have turkey instead. that's fine, no issues - how weird - but what suits them both best is pork. I know most people think pork is a fatty meat, and yet it is the only thing that doesn't give them loose stools, and it seems to suit their system really well. Anyway, that covers my advice on the diet and bowel movements.

As for the cushings, the most common questions asked here are how much does she weigh, and what dose is she on? You say recommended dose, but recommended by whom? Is that Dechra or your vet? Be sure to get copies of all of your vet results and keep a file of them. Vets can and do make mistakes so you need to keep on top of things and be watching over the shoulder (I caught my vet making doozy of a mistake!).

Have Muffie's symptoms been controlled at all since starting trilostane?
Have you had any ACTH tests done to look at her results? If so, if you post them here, the wise and wonderful people here will be able to give you some feedback. It sounds as though her dose may potentially be too low and her symptoms are not currently controlled. Being very new to this disease myself, I have to say, with the right dose, you shouldn't necessarily notice anything different other than give a capsule once or twice a day. It is entirely possible to control this thing and live normally. We've definitely achieved success lately, so hang in there and good luck!

molly muffin
01-18-2013, 09:12 PM
Hello. I'm wondering how the checkup went? Any news to add? We do tend to worry around here.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

08-21-2013, 12:15 PM
I did not remember that I posted in this forum. It has been 8 months now and her second results on her ACTH were better. Her initial findings were: We noticed her losing her hair, drinking water constantly and urinating alot. She did have blood work and now on on Trilostane (5mg). Her levels were better after 30 days. The last two months she lost most of her hair aside from her head and her paws and tail.In the past 2 weeks she has become lethargic.

Rushed her to the Vet Hospital and they put her on fluids via an IV and they started her on the ID Prescription can food (1 Tablespoon every 2 hours). After her electrolytes were balanced (3 day stay at the Vet), she was taken off the trilo and sent home to recover with an antibiotic (due to the IV - to prevent any kind of infection). CBC work came out good. Liver, kidneys fine. After about a week he wanted us to call him back to let him know how she was doing. She was most definitely dehydrated. Her stomach is now very bloated with a LOT of activity going on in her tummy. Stools are firm. Urine is strong. She's exhausted. When is enough enough? Am I hurting her????? She has no quality of life aside from sleeping all day. She acts like shes starving, but then will throw it back up. We have not started her back on the trilo and she is so so boney. I don't know if her little frail body can withstand any more. She went from 5-6 pounds to 3 pounds. When is it time to let her go? I can't bare to make a decision like this. How dare I do that???? She has a right to live with any care possible. But my Father has Alzheimers and I've seen him decline - not much quality of life left and I keep thinking about this. I'm sick sick sick with all of this.

Roxee's Dad
08-21-2013, 08:11 PM
Hi Muffy's Mom,
Good to see you back... Much more organised in here .. Huh! LOL. Sorry we didn't see this this morning.

Okay, we are waiting for those cPL results and I am sure Lori will be by to share her knowledge and experience with Pancreatitis, and we have a few other members that also have had the Pancreatitis experience.

molly muffin
08-21-2013, 08:41 PM
Waving to you and sending you lots of hugs. Yes, definitely waiting on all results to come back. It is just all so very scary. Muffie is such a wee little thing too. Her little body is just in over drive I am sure trying to combat everything that is going on.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

Squirt's Mom
08-21-2013, 08:41 PM
~~whew~~ it is good to see you here! I'm the Leslie from FB you've been talking with today. ;) Roxee's Dad is John and Molly Muffin is Sharlene. Hail! Hail! The gang's all here! :D Plus a whole lot more that you can count on, too! :)

I'm so proud of you for taking Muffie in today and making them listen to you. I hope she is feeling better soon and I cannot wait to see the blood work on the cortisol. Just in case they didn't tell you, no Trilo for now. ;) Let her pancreas heal a bit and these results come in, then we can revisit that. She will be fine without it for a bit - that is one of the beauties of Trilo, it is easy to stop and restart.

If you ever need to chat, we are here. There is usually someone on most hours of the day and night...and I will do a better job of watching out for your posts from now on, too! :o

Leslie and the gang

08-21-2013, 11:09 PM
Hi MuffsMom - I truly understand your pain as you watch your dear Muffie decline. I wish I could give you some good advice on your last post, but I can't. I can only send you hugs and sincere wishes for better times for you and Muffie, and your dad, too.

08-21-2013, 11:32 PM
Hello from me, and I am a bit confused. Was Muffie hospitalized due to pancreatitis or due to low cortisol/aldosterone? It sounded to me as though she was being treated for Addisonian crisis which would have been the result of trilostane overdosing. If so, she may still need supplemental medications to offset the imbalance of her adrenal hormones and electrolytes...


08-22-2013, 01:29 AM
If you can please post test results, we will be able to advise you better.

Squirt's Mom
08-22-2013, 09:29 AM

How is Muffie this morning? Lots of folks here are quite worried about her and we would love to hear from you when you can!

Leslie and the gang

Simba's Mom
08-22-2013, 10:03 AM
Sending hugs and prayers for you and your precious Muffie, just take one day at a time..we are here for you!!

08-22-2013, 12:04 PM
Sending lots of love and prayers for you and your baby.

08-22-2013, 12:22 PM
Thank you all. I read each comment. Thank you so much for all the concerns. It's scary to think she has been going through this since December of last year. I am going to post what blood test results were given to me yesterday, however, more blood results will come through today.

Ask which tests you want to see from yesterday and I will give write them out.


Squirt's Mom
08-22-2013, 12:27 PM
If you have the CBC and any tests for the pancreatitis from yesterday that would be great! Then the ACTH and electrolytes when they come in - hopefully today so we and the vets can see if she needs the pred and supplementation for the electrolytes. These two, the cortisol and electrolytes, are very critical. ;)

I wish we were closer and I'd be glad to watch Muffie so you could go see your dad. This has got to be so stressful on you. :(

Leslie and the gang

08-22-2013, 02:25 PM
Just received the results from the additional testing. Muffie does indeed have Pancreatitis. Time and a low fat diet is what she needs to heal. They would like to do an ultrasound to check and see if her adrenal glands are swollen. Then her ACHT or whatever it is called and then see if they need to tweek the Trilo. She does not have addisons.

She cannot have anything high in fat. My daughter is convinced I should "let her go" because she feels Muffie has no quality of life. I can't do that unless I knew she was in pain.

My head is pounding. I'm at wits end. Spent $1,000.00 in a week on all of this and looking at 500.00 more which is fine - but hubbie sees things differently though he loves her. WHEN will this end????? 1:17 p.m. and I'm in my pajamas, haven't showered, don't want to eat. Living on water. I want to go somewhere and be left alone from the pressure in this house. Even if I just took Muffie with me. It's wrong to say this, but there is no understanding here whatsoever.

I want to get to my Father too. Thought about taking a flight. $400.00 is a pretty good deal, and might work if Muffie is needing to rest, my daughter will be with her. Someone make a decision for me. I'm stuck. I know though, noone can do that for me. I'm just sick over this all. I want to run away!

08-22-2013, 02:33 PM
Sometimes when we feel the need to run away we know it has all been too much for us. So we need to stop and just breathe and be. Then after a time, we can feel the strength returning with each calm, slow breath- first our legs feel stronger, then our back, our head, then our heart and spirit.

And we reach for the hands stretched out to us, our hands here and we lean on those same shoulders if we have to, but we carry on with all the help from our family here.

Only you can decide when Muffie has had enough and she will clearly tell you.

But, we are here to help you find your strength should you chose to fight the battle and we will help you fight the battle very single day.

Squirt's Mom
08-22-2013, 02:38 PM
She does not have addisons.

How can they know this without the ACTH in? Yes, she has pancreatitis, no one doubts that BUT her cortisol is just as critical...if not MORE so to know about now. I want to be sure that they did do an ACTH yesterday and you are waiting for those results?

I am very concerned that her cortisol is still not producing as it should and if that is the case, treating the pancreas alone will not help her get better, she will only get worse. So we need to know without question that they did check the cortisol yesterday. ;)

If you have a park or wooded area near by, go take a walk for a bit when you can. Try to let yourself relax just a bit. Take a bubble bath with a good book and chilled glass of wine; go to a movie with your hubby or out to eat a nice meal; take some time to go visit a friend; go to the mall and people watch; do something you enjoy that lets you forget about things for a minute. We all need time for ourselves to rejuvenate and recharge and you have more than enough on your plate right now to make anyone batty as all get out. So don't forget to be good to yourself first and foremost so you can be strong for those who count on you. We are here for you in any way we can help, even if it is just to listen.

Leslie and the gang

08-22-2013, 02:41 PM
Sometimes when we feel the need to run away we know it has all been too much for us. So we need to stop and just breathe and be. Then after a time, we can feel the strength returning with each calm, slow breath- first our legs feel stronger, then our back, our head, then our heart and spirit.

And we reach for the hands stretched out to us, our hands here and we lean on those same shoulders if we have to, but we carry on with all the help from our family here.

Only you can decide when Muffie has had enough and she will clearly tell you.

But, we are here to help you find your strength should you chose to fight the battle and we will help you fight the battle very single day.

Thank you.

Roxee's Dad
08-23-2013, 03:50 PM
Muffie is on the way back to the hospital... lost control of her bowels :(

Sending prayers and positive thoughts ..... and keeping all fingers and paws crossed.

Squirt's Mom
08-23-2013, 04:03 PM
Oh dear.....

08-23-2013, 04:18 PM
I am so sorry you are having so many problems. I know it is overwhelming at times, and I pray you can find some answers to help your baby. Blessings

Roxee's Dad
08-23-2013, 07:28 PM
Oh I am so very sorry, you both fought the hard fight. Muffie knew she was loved so very much.

Rest in Peace sweet Muffie, Tonight you are our Newest and Brightest Star in the night sky.......

08-23-2013, 07:39 PM
I am so sorry to hear your baby passed. This is a terrible disease, taking all the babies from those who love them so much. God Bless you and you baby in heaven. Blessings

molly muffin
08-23-2013, 09:14 PM
I am so sorry to hear this. On a plane now but will write you later. Bless you. You tried so very very hard to safe her. We all know that.


08-23-2013, 11:56 PM
Oh no! I'm so sorry that Muffie has passed. She's pain free now.
Hugs to you. Go be with your father now. You can help each other.

Simba's Mom
08-24-2013, 12:26 AM
So sorry to hear that your precious Muffie crossed the bridge, no more pain, only happy days for her now, she's got her angel wings and is running free with the other cush pups that are there waiting for her....sending hugs for you, understanding to well how you feel....

08-24-2013, 12:43 AM
I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your sweet girl Muffie.
I know how you are feeling. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

08-24-2013, 06:52 AM
To all of you, I thank you. I slept a bit and now that the numbness is wearing off, the panic and pain is setting in. I'm so scared. Each minute passes through the night and I think about what did I do??????? I know intellectually, but emotionally I'm dying inside.

I remember not too long ago my husband fussing at her because I forgot to put her diaper on and she tinkled on the ceramic floor. He would get so ugly to her and I told him once, "don't worry, she'll be gone soon and you won't have to deal with it." Knowing deep inside it was just my little way of protecting her.

I came home only to receive more bad news that my Father is no longer eating. He has alzheimers. I so needed comfort, but hubbie's way, I'm told to deal with his grief is to project it on to me. He found reasons to become angry with me and I spent the rest of the night fighting the crying. I needed comfort, I needed my Muffie. I thank all of you who are strangers to me that have reached out more then my very own family has. I thank you so much. Right now I have to forgive myself for what I've done to Muffie even though I knew and the Vet knew what was best. I want to run away. I know I can't. I feel so alone, but know you are all here and I thank God for you all. I'm lost right now so I guess I will close in saying that "Muffie, you were my life for 14 years. I know I gave you the best home I could give and often wondered if your twin out there had it just as good. I know I will see you one day again. I am so so sorry and ask that you please forgive me for if there was a fraction of a chance you would not be in pain, I would never have done this. Your eyes told me you were tired. I'm holding onto you my sweet love....in my heart. You and my daughter are my life. I miss you each minute that passes. Mom."

Squirt's Mom
08-24-2013, 08:54 AM
Hi sweetie,

That feeling of "oh god, what have I done" can be so brutal even when we know with all our rational being we did the right thing, the only humane and kind thing we could. My little Boston, Tasha, had breast cancer that spread all over, finally to her brain, causing her to start having seizure and periods of disorientation that came on fast and got worse and worse quickly. Before the seizures started there were several times I knew she had had enough and took her in to the vet. She had lived at the clinic for 3 months after her first mom passed before I took her and she loved it there and loved the staff so when we got there, she would perk up and act as if nothing in the world was wrong. And we would come back home. I was so afraid of taking one single good day away from her and so afraid I would miss the sign that she really had reached the point where "the decision" had to be made. I felt like I was walking a tight wire in high winds at times. One wrong step and Tash would pay the price.

I know in the depths of my Soul that I did the right thing at the right time for Tasha this past Dec...but there are still those days when I see her in my mind's eye, prancing down the hall, that funny square face grinning, and this voice screams - "what did you DO?!" I have a dear friend who helped me with Tasha in many ways and one was to let me know that Tash felt so very good when she was released, that she had not realized how her body had declined until she was free of it...that she felt good and was happy to see her first mom again.

You stood by Muffie and fought for her against all who stood against you, you fought for your baby girl's right to enjoy every minute of her life that she possibly could...and when it was obvious that could no longer be, you gave her the greatest gift you could. You accepted the terrible pain you bear today in order that Muffie could be free. One of our early members once said that we take their pain so they no longer have to bear it. And there is no greater love. Thanks to you, today Muffie is strong and whole once again, running in the Rainbow Fields with Buffie and many friends, old and new, the wind in her ears, the grasses soft under her feet.

We are here any time you need to talk. As you heal, please feel free to start a memorial thread in the In Loving Memory section for Muffie where you can share your memories of your life together. We would be honored to help you celebrate her life.

Leslie and the gang

08-24-2013, 10:51 AM
Thank you, how beautiful that was of you. I will start the memorial when I am strong enough. :)

Hi sweetie,

That feeling of "oh god, what have I done" can be so brutal even when we know with all our rational being we did the right thing, the only humane and kind thing we could. My little Boston, Tasha, had breast cancer that spread all over, finally to her brain, causing her to start having seizure and periods of disorientation that came on fast and got worse and worse quickly. Before the seizures started there were several times I knew she had had enough and took her in to the vet. She had lived at the clinic for 3 months after her first mom passed before I took her and she loved it there and loved the staff so when we got there, she would perk up and act as if nothing in the world was wrong. And we would come back home. I was so afraid of taking one single good day away from her and so afraid I would miss the sign that she really had reached the point where "the decision" had to be made. I felt like I was walking a tight wire in high winds at times. One wrong step and Tash would pay the price.

I know in the depths of my Soul that I did the right thing at the right time for Tasha this past Dec...but there are still those days when I see her in my mind's eye, prancing down the hall, that funny square face grinning, and this voice screams - "what did you DO?!" I have a dear friend who helped me with Tasha in many ways and one was to let me know that Tash felt so very good when she was released, that she had not realized how her body had declined until she was free of it...that she felt good and was happy to see her first mom again.

You stood by Muffie and fought for her against all who stood against you, you fought for your baby girl's right to enjoy every minute of her life that she possibly could...and when it was obvious that could no longer be, you gave her the greatest gift you could. You accepted the terrible pain you bear today in order that Muffie could be free. One of our early members once said that we take their pain so they no longer have to bear it. And there is no greater love. Thanks to you, today Muffie is strong and whole once again, running in the Rainbow Fields with Buffie and many friends, old and new, the wind in her ears, the grasses soft under her feet.

We are here any time you need to talk. As you heal, please feel free to start a memorial thread in the In Loving Memory section for Muffie where you can share your memories of your life together. We would be honored to help you celebrate her life.

Leslie and the gang

Jenny & Judi in MN
08-24-2013, 11:04 AM
I'm sorry for all you are dealing with but you know you made every decision you thought was best for Muffie and gave her a life of love. Please just tell your husband to respect your feelings and I'm so sorry. Judi

08-24-2013, 11:50 PM
Thank you so much.

I'm sorry for all you are dealing with but you know you made every decision you thought was best for Muffie and gave her a life of love. Please just tell your husband to respect your feelings and I'm so sorry. Judi

08-25-2013, 01:01 AM
Sometimes people just don't have the capacity to understand how deeply we hurt. I am so sorry that your family doesn't understand and I know that this compounds your sadness/loneliness.

You are not alone though, many of use are life long pet owners and have been through what you're experiencing before. You have nothing at all to feel guilty for dear. You did your absolute best for Muffie right through to the end.

You knew Muffie well enough to know that she was ready to cross the bridge. That is the ultimate proof of love dear and you have nothing to feel guilty for.

I am so sorry that your father isn't doing well. Alzhiemers is a frightening illness. I can't imagine how it feels to lose what you know. Some afflicted become paranoid as well. No two people respond the same either.

We're here whenever you need us. HUGS

08-25-2013, 01:58 PM
Thank you for the kind words.

Sometimes people just don't have the capacity to understand how deeply we hurt. I am so sorry that your family doesn't understand and I know that this compounds your sadness/loneliness.

You are not alone though, many of use are life long pet owners and have been through what you're experiencing before. You have nothing at all to feel guilty for dear. You did your absolute best for Muffie right through to the end.

You knew Muffie well enough to know that she was ready to cross the bridge. That is the ultimate proof of love dear and you have nothing to feel guilty for.

I am so sorry that your father isn't doing well. Alzhiemers is a frightening illness. I can't imagine how it feels to lose what you know. Some afflicted become paranoid as well. No two people respond the same either.

We're here whenever you need us. HUGS

molly muffin
08-25-2013, 05:54 PM
Hi, I just got back in town and wanted to check in and see how you are doing. This is a very tough time and it's hard to get through. You aren't alone though, any time you want to talk you can find us here for you.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

08-26-2013, 02:23 AM
Thank you for your concern. Well, I'm awake. Should sleep, but afraid to go to sleep and wake up with panic attack.

I'm going to try to get some sleep. Hopefully I will hold on a bit tighter.

Hi, I just got back in town and wanted to check in and see how you are doing. This is a very tough time and it's hard to get through. You aren't alone though, any time you want to talk you can find us here for you.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

Squirt's Mom
08-26-2013, 09:16 AM
We have a candle site where we can light candles for our babies when they are sick, when they pass, or just when we want to say "thanks" for having them in our lives. You can find the site here and light candles in honor of your sweet Muffie...and Buffie.


08-28-2013, 02:27 PM
Thank you all so much for your kind words. I'm so sick inside and Muffie passed last Friday.
All I seem to want to do is exist. Sleep. I am still getting crying spurts.....it hurts so so much.

08-28-2013, 02:45 PM
God Bless you and your sweet Muffie, I am so sorry you are going thru this. This has to be one of the most heartbreaking times for you, and I wish things had turned out differently for you. Blessings

molly muffin
08-28-2013, 10:13 PM
You and Muffie are in our hearts.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

08-28-2013, 11:39 PM
I just saw this and wanted to say how very sorry I am for the loss of your dear Muffie. It takes immense love and courage to make the decision to say goodbye.

08-29-2013, 03:45 AM
I just read your thread now, and I'm so sorry to hear about Muffie.

You know you gave her a great life, please try to take some comfort in that.

As Sharlene put it, you are in our hearts.

08-29-2013, 12:27 PM
I am so sorry for your loss.

Simba's Mom
08-29-2013, 11:28 PM
Sending hugs and prayers, here for you!!

08-31-2013, 09:25 PM
I just saw this and wanted to say how very sorry I am for the loss of your dear Muffie. It takes immense love and courage to make the decision to say goodbye.

Thank you so very much. God Bless.

Squirt's Mom
09-01-2013, 09:30 AM
I hope you are finding more and more reason to smile lately, that your heart is a little lighter.

Leslie and the gang