View Full Version : Fostering a Cushings Maltese

12-14-2012, 01:08 PM
I'm at Vet Tech in Baton Rouge LA and just recently took on a possible cushings case. The owner was in no way able to take care of her, even though the owner would have given anything to be able to. Long story short, she couldn't look at her everyday knowing she couldn't help her, so I took her in. Here's our problems...I, nor anyone at work, can afford the further testing she needs much less treatment. I was wondering if any of you knew of people who may "sponsor" cushing patients. I don't mind continuing to foster her at all. She's a sweet dog (with adults mostly) and she's been through a lot more then any 7 year old do should, so I definatly don't want to pawn her off on anyone else, especially after becoming attached to me, then losing yet another "owner". Problem again is, I can't afford it. So I've been searching high and low and calling/emailing every organization around here trying to find someone to help this baby! As a Vet Tech, I know about the medical side of Cushings, however the "owner" side of it, I know nothing! I don't know what her best form of diet is, or when she's up panting all night and can't sleep, how to comfort her. ANY help would be greatly appriciated! Harmony and I are both very new at this whole Cushings thing...:confused:

12-14-2012, 02:52 PM
Hi and welcome to you and Harmony.

I have manually validated your membership so it is not necessary for you to respond to our email asking you to validate. Your posts can now be seen by everyone and hopefully, lots of folks will be by to welcome you.

Bless you for taking Harmony in and doing what you can for her. I've seen sweet little Harmony on a Maltese rescue site so she's not a complete stranger to me. I'm a rescuer with an affinity for Maltese so I keep my eyes open for any Maltese that may be in danger. Unfortunately am in California so all I can do from this distance is answer your questions and try to help you get Harmony the help she needs. I am assuming that a diagnosis has not yet been confirmed, right? How much testing has been done thus far and can you please post the results those tests? You need only post the highs and lows, including the normal reference ranges. What are her symptoms?

Dogs with uncontrolled cushing's are more restless at night and the effective remedy is lowering cortisol. In lieu of treatment, you can try giving harmony 3mg Melatonin, not fast acting or time released, just plan Melatonin. I noticed on the rescue site that Harmony is listed as being obese. Obesity can actually be a bigger threat to a dog's health than cushing's so getting her to a healthier weight is important. The best diet for a dog with cushing's is one with a bit higher quality protein content and lower in fat. I think if you get your girl a good quality grain free food and only give healthy treats like green beans, she'll start dropping the weight. It's hard not to overfeed a cushdog when they starving all the time.

Looking forward to hearing more about Harmony.


12-14-2012, 03:56 PM
Hi and welcome from me too.

You are an angel for taking in and taking on little Harmony.

You mentioned possible Cushing's - have any tests been performed at all? Cushing's is slow progressing so there is time to sort out any other conditions she has - being obese; which could be the cause for her being uncomfortable and panting. I am sure as a vet tech you have thought of all this, but with this obesity, is there a possibility of this extra weight being fluid?

Any other medications being given at this time?

Keep us updated.

PS - here is a link with possible means for funding - Funding Sources (http://www.k9cushings.com/forum/showthread.php?t=212)

12-14-2012, 04:18 PM
The only test she has had so far is a CBC/Chem 12, T4 & Cholesterol and a Urine Cortisol/Creatinine ratio. Here are the results...
U CORTISOL 27.6 Range Not Established ug/dL
U CREAT 24.4 Range Not Established mg/dL
U CORT/CREAT RATIO 353.2 H Range 13.6-49.2 nmol/mmol
Her CBC is all WNL
ALB 4.5 H 2.5-4.4
ALP 1834 H 20-150
ALT 231 H 10-118
CA 12.0 H 8.6-11.8
PHOS 7.5 H 2.9-6.6
GLU 147 H 60-110
T4 0.9 L 1.1-4.0
CHOL 465 H 125-270
This is as far as the owner had gotten...idk how to afford the next step...and she only gets green beans as treats and I've been looking into what would be the best food for her. I have access to a good bit of diets working here so do you have a particular name of one? We carry Hills, iVet, and Royal Canin. My BIGGEST goal is for her to loose weight! I know thats her down fall at this point. I just hope I have enough time...I'm becoming attached but still not apposed to the right person taking her in. They would just have to be absolutly flawless LOL...but thank you for taking your time to respond. I have to change the contact info on that Maltese site to mine, now that shes in my care. And hopefully the "obese" can change soon too!

12-14-2012, 04:21 PM
Thank you for the link Terry...we have ruled out fluid (for now) although thats not ever a definate...I listed the tests she had and only the ones that were out of the ordinary...Thank you for your support! And thank you for the link!! It gives me some hope!!


12-14-2012, 04:50 PM
Hi again.

I personally dislike all of the foods you mentioned because they all use crappy quality ingredients with lots of fillers. Seriously, check out the first ten ingredients in Hills prescription weight management food. It makes me wonder how a dog can lose weight when the first two ingredients is corn.

Whole Grain Corn, Corn Gluten Meal, Chicken By-Product Meal, Powdered Cellulose, Soybean Mill Run, Chicken Liver Flavor, Chicken, Dried Beet Pulp, Soybean Meal, Lactic Acid, Soybean Oil

For a list of good quality weight loss diets, check out http://www.dogfoodadvisor.com/best-dog-foods/weight-loss-dog-

12-14-2012, 05:13 PM

Thanks for posting the test results. So far, it looks like the cushing's pattern we're used to seeing. Cushing's is a very graded disease, progressing at a snail's pace so if Harmony does have cushing's, it's not a death sentence and it's not going to debilitate her any time soon. I agree that weight loss is a priority.

Have you called all of the rescues in Baton Rouge and surrounding cities? If not, go down the list and either call them or email and ask if they can either take Harmony in, letting you continue to foster, and/or help with medical costs to get her diagnosed. Lots of rescues have vets who give deep discounts so you have absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain by making calls or sending emails. We can talk about ways to save money on medications once the diagnosis is behind you.

I see that you are a vet tech. Is your vet willing to help you with some of the costs?


12-14-2012, 05:16 PM
Hey again,

I too wondered the same things as Glynda - about the vet facility you are currently working for- I know at my vets, the techs get discounts on a lot of meds, procedures and testing.

Is Harmony on any medications or does she have any other conditions?


12-14-2012, 06:04 PM
Our vet clinic is very small and like many small businesses we struggle...I can get things at cost, but even still, that is expensive. Especially having 3 dogs of my own, one of which is a 9 year old St. Bernard with horrible hip dysplasia. But at the same time, I couldn't let Harmony go to anyone else! And definatly couldn't sit back and watch her not get treatments. So to answer your questions, I could get things at cost here but that still isn't a huge discount. The reference lab doesn't discount us and that's who the test go to. That's what makes it harder...I have called and emailed every organization in BR. Next step is surrounding areas. All this took place Wednesday (two days ago) so its all still pretty new and still a lot is in the works. I've tried what feels like everything but I have to hold out hope...I literally loose sleep with her every night. Its devestating!! But I am so happy to hear its not a death sentence. I was thinking we needed to get her treated within the next couple days or weeks in order for her to have a chance of the best recovery. As far as the food, the list was helpful but VERY overwhelming! What exact brands do you all recommend? All my energy is exhausted too much to try and sort through lists of food LOL I just want someone to tell me what to buy and I will do it! LOL On a good note, her very favorite thing to eat is green beans! She would eat an all green bean diet if I would let her. What do you guys think about that LOL? Again, you all are MY angels!! I can't believe I found this site!! Its amazing!!

12-14-2012, 06:06 PM
Oh and no she does not take any other medications nor does she have any other medical problems, other then what comes with obesity, that we have diagnosed...I just feel like crying. Out of exhaustion and hope and fear...such mixed emotions!!

12-14-2012, 06:46 PM
i just got some GREAT NEWS!!!! I called our reference lab, figured it was worth a shot and the worst they could say was no, and I find out that ALL employees get a 50% discount on their testing with NO LIMITS!! I could send blood off on her every single day at half price for the rest of her life!!! HOW AMAZING IS THAT!!!! So instead of costing 400-500 it will only cost 200-250!!! Definatly some amazing news to end my work day with!!! Just thought I would share the amazing news with you guys!! I'm leaving work now so I will be off of here until I get home. Thank you everyone again and again!!!

12-14-2012, 06:51 PM
Woohoo!!!!! That is great news. I have to leave work for the day too but will try to check back in later this evening. I'll give some hints on how to save even more money.

12-14-2012, 08:52 PM
That is great news!


12-14-2012, 09:45 PM
amazing news,woohoo !!!!! so happy the two of you are going to get things in order... happy hearts all here to read this ...patty and milo

12-15-2012, 07:17 AM
Welcome from me, too!!!!

Here's a link to a couple of recent replies that may help you save even more money if you proceed with treating Harmony's Cushing's. Reading my reply first, if you treat with trilostane, you may be able to sometimes substitute baseline cortisol readings for full monitoring ACTH stimulation tests. On occasions when you do need to perform full stims, you can save money per the suggestions in Glynda's subsequent reply.


Bless you for taking in this little baby, and we'll do everything we can to help you along the way.


molly muffin
12-16-2012, 11:05 PM
Welcome from me too! :)

So glad to hear that you can get the tests done at a reduced cost. Yay!

What a sweetheart you are. :)

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

12-17-2012, 02:58 PM
Hey everyone, I wanted to give everyone an update from over the weekend...I spoke with my parents, and they agreed to "sponser" Harmony's first test! So we are in the process of doing the Low Dose Dex Suppression test today. We just drew her 4 hour post blood...I'm hoping and praying for good news but at this point, any news is good because we just need to know! I also had some one email about possibly adopting her but after going into possible medical issues, they quickly said that her condition is way out of their price range to be able to afford. Which I'm glad they were honest and believe me, I understand! But so far everything else is good, she's now on Wellness Core Reduced Fat Grain Free food and believe it or not has lost 0.5 pounds! Gotta start somewhere right!! But I will let everyone know as soon as we have the results of her testing...fingers crossed and please send some prayers!!

12-17-2012, 04:04 PM
So glad to hear you get a discount at the lab! That is wonderful!!!! Harmony thanks you for taking care of her. I know how expensive all of this is.

12-17-2012, 05:37 PM
That is so great your parents are sponsoring the first test - big hugs to them.


Boriss McCall
12-17-2012, 05:47 PM
Welcome to you & Harmony!

So, glad things are working out & feeling more manageable. All of us on here know that feeling of being overwhelmed. You are doing an amazing thing for your pup. yay!!

12-17-2012, 07:23 PM
Great news with the discount and bless your parents that they are able and willing to help out as well. I wish I could find someone to take my Norman who would be able to help him. Not giving up yet.

Question for all of you regarding pee pads, once they are down and the dog goes do you have to pick them up right away or will the dog go again on the same pee pad? Norman had 2-3 accidents today so i put one down by the front door. he did let me know he had to go but i didnt get there fast emough he went some on the pad and then I let him out to go more and he did.
Should i put paper underneath as well?

Thanks Sharon and Norman

12-22-2012, 02:25 PM
So we got news today...not so great news but I guess it's an answer...Harmony has PDH :-(
I don't know where to go next...I searched the suggested medication which is Mitotane, but I don't know dosage and most don't show prices and if they do, it's overwhelming!! Does anyone have a baby on this medication? If so, what dosage?? I can't talk to the Vet I work for until Wednesday but have to get some info until then or else I'll go nuts!!

12-22-2012, 02:47 PM
We have many dogs who are being treated successfully with mitotane (chemical name). Lysodren is the brand name, so if you search threads with that in mind, you'll come up with a bunch. I don't believe there is a generic available, but I do think we have had members who have used compounded mitotane which would likely be less expensive. Diamondback Drugs out of AZ is an internet pharmacy that many members here recommend, and I would imagine they could quote you pricing on both Lysodren and their compounded mitotane. However, I believe a member recently said that she was getting a really good price for brandname Lysodren at Walmart (it is technically a human drug that is now used mainly for dogs). You could try Costco pricing, too, if there is one near you.

Dosing is based on the weight of the dog. With Lysodren, you go through an initial daily "loading" phase until the adrenal cortex has been suppressed to a desired point. After that, the dosing switches to a weekly "maintenance" basis and medication costs decline significantly. Here's a link that will tell you more about this process:


Don't worry, you'll have plenty of folks supporting you and Harmony all along the way!


12-22-2012, 03:50 PM
Heidi, there are two treatments to choose from, Lysodren (active ingredient is Mitotane) and Vetoryl (active ingredient is Trilostane). If you let me know how much Harmony weighs, I'll let you know the recommended dose for both drugs so you can shop around for the best price. My cushdogs have treated with a compounded form of Mitotane and Trilostane over the years so I am very familiar with both drugs.


molly muffin
12-24-2012, 11:09 PM
Just wanted to send you a Merry Christmas wish for a safe and wonderful Holiday. You are such a special person to help Harmony out.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin