View Full Version : In need of advice - Update: Norman will be crossing the Rainbow Bridge
molly muffin
02-23-2013, 09:59 AM
Hi Sharon,
I am beyond thrilled that your new vet is taking the time that is needed with you and Norman and also that he is willing to include Glynda and call her to discuss any concerns. That is one heck of a vet that is willing to do that. :)
Have a good pool session,
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
02-23-2013, 10:47 AM
Wow, I am totally confused now, though... Why is the daily total being lowered when Norman's symptoms are still not well controlled and his ACTH result was still not within range?
02-23-2013, 02:32 PM
Marianne - Dr. Travis's thoughts on Norman include that Norman isnt getting a large enough dose at one time to cross the threshold of effecting the cortisol level... That is why he dosent like splitting the dose am /pm. It is a lower total amount but higher at one time. I started Norman today with 30mg am only...I'll post a report tonight and through the week.
Dr. Travis is a super, wonderful, compassionate man / vet. He has gone above and beyond what any Vet I know would and I have been a pet owner for 13+ years. I will be calling him with an up date on Norman every few days or week...if Norman starts to going out more at night or has other symptoms...he'll order a larger dose.
One note: According to Dr Travis's range for the ACTH testing we want to get Norman down to 5 Norman was at a 9.? That is why he orginally wanted to go to 40 at one time - to effect the cortisol threshold - something like that...but now I am to give him just the 30 that is how it will be.
Although, again, I wish the tablets were an owner we could tweak the dose and monitor closely...and then have the dog checked when we see improvement to make sure it is the correct dose and not to much. Even if it is a smaller amount at night I just keep thinking about the 12 decreased effect.
I am just trying to follow directions yet speak out for Norman as the group has so much hands on experience.
So for now Norms is and will be on 30mg am only. and the change to another heart drug within the week.
I will post as I see any changes...I feel a bit overwhelmed, but both pups are resting and that is always a good thing...knowing they are able to rest comfortably.
Thanks to everyone for the well wishes for Norman.
Peace and Love,
02-23-2013, 08:29 PM
Norman was on 20mg am and pm and his post stim was a bit over 9 ug/dl and Sharon said she was seeing a some improvement, just not enough. Norman only had one 30mg dose which is too soon to tell if it was going to make a difference. Dr. Travis' recommendation was to give him the full 40mg once daily and with all things considered, that concerned me and I told him why. We talked for 30 or 40 minutes and Dr. Travis is now my favorite vet. :D:D:D He asked me if 30mg would be okay with me. I was rather embarrassed that he would be asking me that question but you know me, I'm never at a loss for words. I said yes but that it was more important to know get Dechra's opinion. He will contact Dechra next week and in the meantime will order 30mg so that Sharon doesn't run out of meds.
We did talk about why he wanted to switch Norman to once daily dosing. Based on the studies I've read about twice daily dosing, I'm not of the opinion that Norman should be switched to once daily dosing but Dr. Travis has read or heard about studies indicating that once daily dosing is preferrable. Hopefully that issue will be discussed with the vets at Dechra, as well as the enalapril concern.
Dr. Travis does give prednisone to all of his clients treating with trilostane because he knows that it is not the safe drug it was touted to be. I really like this guy a lot and he even pulled out his notes from a recent seminar to give me the name of the lecturer as well the reasons why some of the ill effects of trilostane are not reversable. I left my notes at work so I'll explain the reasons why trilostate causes necrosis later, which also explains why all dogs on trilostane will eventually have enlarging adrenal glands. I so very much appreciated Dr. Travis' generosity in sharing his time with me and sharing his knowledge. He genuinely cares about Norman and Sharon....that was very obvious. I think he may have been put off by all the information Sharon was giving him from the forum and I tried to explain as best I could that we've seen it all and truly care and only want what's best for Norman and Sharon. I assume more vets than we know have been put off by their clients asking questions we've raised but I never thought I'd be called on it. :D Honestly, I'm still in shock that he would take the time to call me and be so giving of his time.
02-23-2013, 09:28 PM
Well he sounds like a keeper that's for sure! :D:D:D
Sharon, very glad you have a vet in your corner now who is so willing to work with you! And the fact that he called Glynda to discuss Norman;s treatment with her? Woah! NEVER heard of a vet doing that - very impressed!
Well done! Here's hoping the tide is turning for Norman and the results will move forward a bit quicker now.
02-24-2013, 07:58 AM
Good Morning from Norman, Millie and me!
Thanks Glynda for sharing your experience with Dr. Travis. You explain things very clearly. :) I am thoroughly impressed by the man. :D:D:D And for all of your help. :D
Norman woke up once, I think around 1-2 am and then again at 5:30 to go out and get a drink....Both pups are resting next to me on the couch. I need to go feed the Norms and give him is Trilostane.
Doc Travis suggested just stopping Normans water pill, at some point we might try something else...He would like to see if that has any effect on Norman's urination - I assume it would.
He thanked me for sharing the info on combining the other heart med with trilostane (Thank you Marianne!:D I copied and sent the info to his office.) - He was not aware and very humble and appreciate to have that info. :D I appreciation that and how he took the time to speak with Glynda.
Norman sends his love :p(kisses):p to everyone who has help mama Help him.
Very grateful for this site. (I keep telling Dr. Travis how knowledgeable, supportive this site has been - a God send.)
Peace and Love,
Sharon, it sure sounds like you are on the right track and I am so happy for you and Norman.
Enjoy your Sunday!!!!
02-24-2013, 10:05 PM
Hi Sharon
I've read some of your posts about Norman and got a bit concerned when you mentioned your vet wanted to take Norman off of Furosemide and replace it with Enalapril. I am by no means an expert but i know a little about heart disease as my dog had mitral valve disease, heart murmur and enlarged heart. He saw a cardiologist every 3 months at a university hospital. Sadly he passed. I do know that Cardiologists have a list of standard medicines they prescribe and they go down the list depending on the heart disease and symptoms.
Enalapril - Furosemide - digoxin. - Spironolactone to name a few. I was wondering what kind of heart problem Norman has? I believe Furosemide the diuretic, is given to dogs usually in heart failure to remove excess fluid in their lungs and stomach. This drug as you know is making Norman drink/pee more. Sadly, that is one of the awful side effects of this drug that patients have to put up with. In your case it's ten times harder because of the cushings.
Enalapril is another heart drug but it's used for high blood pressure. These drugs do 2 different things for the heart. Do you know why your vet would switch one for the other? Even if one is making him drink/pee more he needs this medicine to do a specific job for his heart. Something to think about before making changes. Hope all is going well.
02-25-2013, 08:18 AM
Hi Sharon
I've read some of your posts about Norman and got a bit concerned when you mentioned your vet wanted to take Norman off of Furosemide and replace it with Enalapril. I am by no means an expert but i know a little about heart disease as my dog had mitral valve disease, heart murmur and enlarged heart. He saw a cardiologist every 3 months at a university hospital. Sadly he passed. I do know that Cardiologists have a list of standard medicines they prescribe and they go down the list depending on the heart disease and symptoms.
Enalapril - Furosemide - digoxin. - Spironolactone to name a few. I was wondering what kind of heart problem Norman has? I believe Furosemide the diuretic, is given to dogs usually in heart failure to remove excess fluid in their lungs and stomach. This drug as you know is making Norman drink/pee more. Sadly, that is one of the awful side effects of this drug that patients have to put up with. In your case it's ten times harder because of the cushings.
Enalapril is another heart drug but it's used for high blood pressure. These drugs do 2 different things for the heart. Do you know why your vet would switch one for the other? Even if one is making him drink/pee more he needs this medicine to do a specific job for his heart. Something to think about before making changes. Hope all is going well.
Hello Concernedmom! Thanks for the posting. Sorry about your pups passing. Do you think it was more heart related or cushings?
As well as the recent cushings, Norman has an enlarged heart (about four years now) and a heart murmur(just found that out with last Vet visit. He is off the furosemide a couple of days now...I am watching him closely - Norman had a rough time yesterday with heavy panting :( for a good two hours, then napped. I will keep the furosemide as eventually he will need someting to help his heart and when I bring him back in for another ACTH test, or call with an update on Norman, I will ask if he checked into other possible meds. Was your pup on Trilostane/Ventroyl and a heart med that worked out without side effects?
Norman woke up at 2am and 6am. :D I made it through the entire Academy Awards last night so he was let out around 11pm.
Norman is staying pretty stable (other than the panting) not going backwards with symptoms of urination and drinking...
I do think I will have to go up to 40 mg at some point as the Vet stated the meds eventually should reverse all symptoms, but with having multiple health might be more complicated.
Sharon and Norman
02-25-2013, 09:31 AM
Just let Norman out again, before I leave for the pool...lose bloody stool,:( After pooping normal a half hour earlier. and it looks like he is having a hard time peeing...He has been out several times now...struggling to get urine out it seems...I'm not going to the pool until he seems better, but I do have a dr appt at 11:00... Roller coaster can stop Now.
Please Dear Lord heal my Norman and give him quality of life with his mama and sister.
Squirt's Mom
02-25-2013, 09:50 AM
Hi Sharon,
I am joining the worry wagon about the removal of the Lasix (Furosemide). This is a diuretic and it's job is to remove excess fluids from the body - fluids that build up around the heart and in the lungs with congestive heart failure and other conditions. With the increase in panting and struggling to pee since being off this med, I am very concerned that Norman is building up more fluids than his body can handle without help. PLEASE call this vet and let him know what is going on - this is not something you can wait about if it is fluid. The fluid will make it more and more difficult to breath and for the heart to pump. Call the vet now.
Leslie and the gang
02-25-2013, 02:21 PM
Hi Leslie,
Dr. Travis called back, suppose to be his day off but had an EMER C-section to do...said to bring Norman right in. He did another ultrasound on Norms, his bladder was full no blockage. He was going to cath him but decided to wait and see if he would go on his own - if he didnt by 3 pm today to bring him back in. (Happy he waited Norman has been going now.) I am not sure what the problem was but he would try to go and couldn't or a couple drops - I was able to collect some because he went on went on the paito. That came back was way more diluted that last week by color. Came back diluted when checked.
He also did a serum electroloyte panel, fecal floatation and smear.
Norman has an abundance of bacteria in his stool. Dr. gave him Metronidaole 250 mg 1/2 tab twice daily. He said to lesson Normans food,asked what I ad been feeding him. His stools showed carrots and other matter. Plus, Norman gained a pound since last week. Some of that could be in his badder.
I gave Norman popcorn last night. Which I won't do again, he just loves it though. I also give Norman carrots in between eating and sometimes banana - Norman is a glutton, usually. He begs for everything, so I have to be more careful not to share anything specially carbs. We discussed the water pill - with the urine check he stated he still wants to hold off the furosemide. I will post all of his labs in the next posting.
Thanks was scary this morning...Time for me to toughen up. I was in tears...
Hi Sharon,
I am joining the worry wagon about the removal of the Lasix (Furosemide). This is a diuretic and it's job is to remove excess fluids from the body - fluids that build up around the heart and in the lungs with congestive heart failure and other conditions. With the increase in panting and struggling to pee since being off this med, I am very concerned that Norman is building up more fluids than his body can handle without help. PLEASE call this vet and let him know what is going on - this is not something you can wait about if it is fluid. The fluid will make it more and more difficult to breath and for the heart to pump. Call the vet now.
Leslie and the gang
molly muffin
02-25-2013, 06:17 PM
Oh how very scary Sharon. I'm glad Norman appears to be okay and is going now. Leslie is correct, anything like that and call the vet immediately and take him in. Got to watch with these little ones.
Now take a couple deep breaths, nice and slow. Try to find your calm center and just be for a bit.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
02-25-2013, 08:20 PM
Here are Norman's labs. He is doing well right now, resting quietly right by my feet. He had a couple hours again with heavy panting but now, after eating, he is just fine. Going BM and urinating well also.
Last week Norman weighed 23.6 lbs. Today he was at 24.? It wasn't in the notes, I have to call back tomorrow. I think everything Overall is really improved and doing well. He does most likely need to have a higher dose of trilostane/Ventryol (sp).
One other thing - today his coat was full of white flakes throughout is coat. Doc Travis stated that is part of the cushings.
ALK Phos 28 10-150 U/L
ALT(SGPT) 26 5-107 U/L
AST (SGOT) 21 5-55 U/L
CK 92 10-200 U/L
GGT 4 0-14 U/L
AMYLASE 781 450-1240 U/L
LIPASE 675 100-750 U/L
ALBUMIN 2.9 2.5-4.0 g/dL
Total Protein 6.2 5.1-7.8 g/dL
GLOBULIN 3.3 2.1-4.5 g/dl
Total Bilirubin 0.1 0.0-0.4 mg/dL
Direct Bilirubin 0.1 0.0-0.2 mg/dL
BUN 16 7-27 mg/dL
CREATININE 0.8 0.4-1.8 mg/dL
Cholesterol 272 112-328 mg/dL
Glucose 98 60-125 mg/dL
Phosphorus 3.6 2.1-6.3 mg/dL
TCO2 (Bicarbonate) 26 17-24 mEq/L
Chloride 111 105-115 mEq/L
Potassium 5.1 4.0-5.6 mEq/L
Sodium 149 141-156 mEq/L
A/G Ratio 0.9 0.6-1.6
B/C Ratio 20.0
Indirect Bilirubin 0.0 0-0 -0.3 mEq/L
NA/K Ratio 29 27-40
Hemolysis Index + No significant effect on chemistry values
Lipemia index N No significant effect on chemistry values
ANION GAP 17 12-24 mEq/L
T4 0.9 1.0-4.0 ug/dL
WBC 10.2 5.7-16.3 K/uL
RBC 7.49 5.5-8.5 M/uL
HGB 17.1 12-18 g/dL
HCT 51.0 37-55%
MCV 68 60-77 fL
MCH 22.8 19.5-26.0 pg
MCHC 33.5 32-36 g/dL
%Reticulocyte 0.8 - %
Reticulocyte 60 10-110 K/uL
Neutrophil SEG 72.4 60-77 %
Lymphocytes 18.7 12-30%
Monocytes 4.6 3-10%
Eosinophil 4.3 2-10%
Basophil 0.0 0-1 %
Auto Platelet 400 164-510 K/uL
Platelet Comments – Scanning of the blood smear reveal adequate platelet numbers. Due to clumping, the automated platelet number cannot be accurately determined.
Slide reviewed microscopically – No parasites seen.
Absolute Neutrophil SEG 7385 3000-11500 /uL
Absolute Lymphocyte 1907 1000-4800 /uL
Absolute Monocyte 469 150-1350 /uL
Absolute Eosinophil 439 100-1250 /uL
Absolute Basophil 0 0-100 /uL
Na 146 144-160 mmol/L
K 5.7 3.5-5.8 mmol/L
Na/K 26
Cl 114 109-122 mmol/L
Pre ACTH 1.1 -ug/dL
Post ACTH 9.6 -ug/dL
2-6 Pre-ACTH (resting) cortisol
6-18 Post –ACTH cortisol
18-22 Post-ACTH cortisol consistent with hyperadrenocorticism
<2 Post ACTH cortisol consistent with hypoadrenocorticism
1-5 Desired pre- and post –ACTH cortisol on lysoderm therapy
Thank you "Experts" I'll let you tell me what your experience indicates.
Thanks Sharlene - I am much calmer now...but wow, it really was scary..I do need to dig deep and show more strength.
Peace and love to all...
Norman's Mom
02-26-2013, 12:57 AM
Wow, Sharon. Those results look excellent. I think the TCO2 elevations is probably from Normans stomach issues. The one thing I'd watch is the T4. It's low but that's not uncommon with cushing's. Most of the time the T4 normalizes once the cortisol levels are brought down to an acceptable level. I'd definitely have the T4 checked again when you reach that point just to be safe.
02-26-2013, 08:29 AM
Thanks Glynda! I thought almost everything looked really good as well. How about the ACTH? That is a bit confusing to me?
Thanking the Lord... he is healing Norman with the help of good guidance and meds. I am feeling very blessed, much calmer than yesterday (So scary when Norman couldn't that comon for cushings? - hard to watch)
I think Norman's meds are making him a but more tired...I let him out around 11:30pm than 4:15am he woke around 5:45 - I told him it wasnt time and to go back to bed and he did.:D:D:D He didn't even go to the door to go outside.:D:D and rested until I got up at 6:30. Resting and breathing good right now. I am not sure why his breathing /panting gets to bad for a few hours...I am going to watch how soon after eating that occurs.
My fluffy, furry, slightly matted, little yorkie-pooh goes to the groomer today. Norman will come along and get his nails clipped.
Thanks everyone for the love and support....Feeling it all the way in Wisconsin. ;)
Norman and mama
Squirt's Mom
02-26-2013, 08:49 AM
He does most likely need to have a higher dose of trilostane/Ventryol (sp).
uhmmmm....NO! ;):D Have you lost that new-found patience again? :p Norman's level is dropping into range already with the new dose and it may continue to drop for the next 20-30 days so NO INCREASE just yet, my dear. Give the drug time to do its job first. ;)
Leslie and the gang
02-26-2013, 09:24 AM
Just clarifying, though, I believe the ACTH result you just posted was performed while Norman was being dosed 20 mg. twice daily, right? He's just now started on the decreased daily total of 30 mg. all given in the morning, and no testing has yet been done at that lower total level. Am I right about that, Sharon?
Also, can you remind us as to how long he had been taking the 20 mg. twice daily before that ACTH was performed? To be honest, I suspect he may end up needing an increase back to the 40 mg. daily total, too, in order to recapture that same ACTH result. But the proof will be in the next ACTH testing (and of course, in seeing how Norman continues to do with his outward behavior).
Right now, the dosing recommendations do seem to be contradictory. Dechra says to increase the overall daily total when shifting from once to twice daily dosing. But recent research out of UC Davis implies the reverse -- that dogs often need larger total daily doses when they are given the medication only once every 24 hours. So go figure...:rolleyes: It will really be interesting to see how Norman's next test turns out. We more commonly see the shift occuring in the other direction: going from once daily to twice daily dosing. Norman's a bit unusual for us insofar as consolidating his dose at this stage.
02-26-2013, 09:43 AM
Marianne, you are correct. I also wanted to mention that Norman's new prescription from Diamondback Drugs is 32mg.
02-26-2013, 05:04 PM
Hi Sharon
I'm sorry if I gave the impression my dog had cushings. That particular dog did not die of cushings it was heart disease and he passed 2008. I had a 14 yr old rescue cushings dog that passed in 2003. The dog that I talked about above die and Another senior rescue die of kidney disease in 2011 and one who died last year in March he was 16 years old and died of old age dimentia (believe it or not) that is a terrible disease for dogs. Now I have one Cush dog left that I just stopped Trilostane treatment on a few weeks ago. I have a post on this site.
Norman is now off his heart medication lasix then correct and you haven't replaced it with any other medication? If that is the case then it scares me because of his panting and because a vet thought he needed it at one time why not now? My dementia dog panted whenever he felt like it. Just laying on the floor staring at us he'd be panting away. Boy would I love to see that face again. I don't want to come across as pushy I'm just thinking of Norman.
02-26-2013, 07:13 PM
Marianne - I am a bit embarrassed to say... :o I don't remember how long he was on 20 mg am/pm. 40mg total - I am going to say a 2-3 weeks tops.
He as been on 30 mg - am only for about 1 week, however, his new diamondback prescription will be 32 mg am only. Should be here in a few days.
Dr. Travis, I think is referring to the research out of UC Davis - we'll see how Norm does. So is doing alright with the one day dosing. Resting pretty well at night.
Leslie or Group- With the above info.- When should Norman be ACTH tested again? A good month or so I would think?
I am very happy with how well his blood work looked...It is a good indication that the trilostane was helping, although his weight went up 2 pounds in a week. 23.6 to 25.2 or did they say 26.2 (memory):confused::confused::confused: when they called they said it was 2 pounds in a week.:( However, his bladder was full - he wasn't able to urinate that morning. Ultrasound showed no blockage. He was off the heart meds only 2-3 days so I don't know if that would do it. I am cutting back on his food. 1 old Tide cup am/pm, carrots for a snack in between.
Norman's tummy is looking less swollen today and his stools are solid, no blood and the flakiness is much, much better.:) And urinating just fine. No heavy breathing/panting today... so far:D:D:D
Thank you for helping me decifer and guide us along Norman's journey.:)
Peace and Love,
Sharon, Norman and Millie
02-26-2013, 07:27 PM
Oh have experienced so much heartache and saddness. But also so much love and wonderful memories from all your pupps. Thank you for taking in rescues...I might do that when Norman and Millie pass - It may be they only way I could afford to have a pet, I think there is help with medical for rescues.???
Norman is off his heart meds - today no panting or heavy breathing. This is a new Vet again. But I do beleive he truly cares and I know he is very compassionate. I will ask again about another drug for Norman's enlarged heart/murmur. He just wanted to see how Norman does without as that med kind of counter reacts the trilostane.
Thank you for the email....I appreciate any and all suggestions, advice...with my Neuro condition, I need the help.
Sending (((hugs))), peace and mercy to you,
With Love, Sharon
Hi Sharon
I'm sorry if I gave the impression my dog had cushings. That particular dog did not die of cushings it was heart disease and he passed 2008. I had a 14 yr old rescue cushings dog that passed in 2003. The dog that I talked about above die and Another senior rescue die of kidney disease in 2011 and one who died last year in March he was 16 years old and died of old age dimentia (believe it or not) that is a terrible disease for dogs. Now I have one Cush dog left that I just stopped Trilostane treatment on a few weeks ago. I have a post on this site.
Norman is now off his heart medication lasix then correct and you haven't replaced it with any other medication? If that is the case then it scares me because of his panting and because a vet thought he needed it at one time why not now? My dementia dog panted whenever he felt like it. Just laying on the floor staring at us he'd be panting away. Boy would I love to see that face again. I don't want to come across as pushy I'm just thinking of Norman.
03-01-2013, 06:23 AM
Hey Sharon
How are you all doing?
Mel and Tia xxx
03-01-2013, 08:56 AM
Thanks for checking Mel. ;)
Norman might have slept through the night Wednesday if Millie, my other dog, who usually sleeps through the night woke up around 4 am.
However, with the low front and all the snow, 16+ inces, I only slept 2 hours. :( THe front moved on but I bleieve another is nearing. My right arm felt like it was on fire since Sunday early am. Spsams and pain in my back :( I'm checking into Ketamine infusion - done in Milwaukee to Hopefully gain remission of RSD/CRPS - Hope floats! :D
Last night Norman woke up once around 3am and then around 5;30 I scolded him at 5:30 and told him to go back to sleep and he did. :)
I think being on the mitrodiazole (sp) for his bacteria in his stool is making him more tired. I hope he gets in the routine...closer to sleeping through the night, stools solid (no blood), Drinking at least 8-12 cups yet...swollen stomach- better, flakiness impoved as well. :D
Today is Normans first dose on trilostane 32 mg capsules.
Millie has diareaha...Not sure why...I'll be watching them both closely today.
Have a good weekend all, Thank you for being here with me as Norman continues on his Cushings journey - I don't feel like I am alone anymore. :D ..THis site is so wonderful! :D I am so grateful for each of you. Thank you!
molly muffin
03-01-2013, 01:44 PM
Oh dear, poor Millie, anything different with her food lately?
Glad that certain symptoms for Norman seem to be improving.
Hope the infusion works out and you can find remission. That would be wonderful!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
03-01-2013, 06:05 PM
[QUOTE=molly muffin;95931]Oh dear, poor Millie, anything different with her food lately? Hi Sharlene, Millie went tot he groomer this week, she may have given her a treat or two??
Glad that certain symptoms for Norman seem to be improving. Thank you...It is good to see...Now, to stay on the positive track on his journey. ;) Baby steps in the right direction. :D
Hope the infusion works out and you can find remission. That would be wonderful! My faith is so strong...I know God has more for me than just being in pain...I also know he can heal me at any time. :D Not sure if anyone as heard of JOHN of GOD in Brazil - I have wanted to go since I heard of him, $$ - $2500 -3000 but someone who as gone before is taking my picture to present to him...In April, maybe he'll accept them and do a long distance healing. :D:D I just imagine being fully functioning again, although, it has been so long I don't quite remember wat it is like...It will be like being born again.
I am trying what ever I am able. ;) So I dont have to take medication and get drowsie.:eek: Live life, take walks with the puppies, earn a living. - until than I am grateful for the puppies and all that God has blessed me with, like this group. :D
Sharon :p
03-02-2013, 08:03 AM
Normans first day on Trilostane 32mg capsules from tablets 30mg and he was up to go out 4 times. :(
He was doing pretty well getting up to urinate once between 2-4 and then waking to want to eat at 5:30 which I would scold him "Not time, nite nite!" and he would go back to sleep until I got up between 6 and 6:30am. ;)
Has anyone else switched from tablets to capsules and noticed a difference? :confused::confused: Even this type of change makes a difference??? :(
I am happy to report that Millie's diareaha is better. :D
Wishing you all a wonderful, peaceful weekend.
03-02-2013, 08:39 AM
Hey there
I only ever gave T the capsules so I have no experience of switching. Hopefully that was a one off as 4 times is no fun, that I can relate to
Good news about Millie's belly, I hate it when they are ill especially as they can't tell us why :(
Mel and Tia
molly muffin
03-02-2013, 11:46 AM
I don't think you are looking at a difference between capsules and tablets, so much as difference between once a day and twice a day dosing.
So, first off, you'll have to see if over time, on once a day dosing if the getting up during the night will get better.
Hang in there,
03-02-2013, 12:59 PM
Hi Sharon,
I, too, think it may just be coincidental that you are noticing this difference after your first day with the changeover from tablets to capsules. Time will tell as to whether or not this will be a consistent pattern with Norman, or if it was a short-term "fluke."
If it does become a consistent issue, then a dosing change may once again be in order (as you already know :o). If you eventually do end up returning to the 40 mg. (or 42 mg.) daily total and he still remains more restless at night, then that could be evidence that he really was doing better with the twice daily dosing. But for right now, it remains a waiting game.
One other wildcard is that you have switched compounding pharmacies. So even though the change in the form of the drug (tablets to capsules) theoretically shouldn't make any difference as far as effectiveness, it is possible that there is some inconsistency in the production process between the two pharmacies, resulting in doses that are not exactly the same. A couple of recent studies have demonstrated greater dosing variability among the products prepared by some compounding pharmacies as compared to brandname Vetoryl. So even though the tablet and the capsule are labeled as almost the identical dose, they may still be somewhat "off" from one another. For this reason, I'd encourage you to stick with one single compounder from this time onward, even if you make a dosing change. That way, the same pharmacy staff and the same process will be responsible for the end product and that may ensure greater consistency from one batch of the drug to another.
03-03-2013, 05:13 PM
Thanks gals, I am going to just keep monitoring. :)
03-03-2013, 05:21 PM
Did you all get a better night last night
03-04-2013, 05:48 PM
Thanks for asking Mel!
Norman was up again last night 2-3 times.. :(
But everyting else seems to be going well. ;) I am grateful for that. :D
I just have to be paitent and wait until closer to the end of the month and check with the Vet...I assume we will be increasing his meds to 40 mg trilostane capsules.
One good day at a time. :D and it will get better!
Norman is resting right now, Naps a lot during the day. Millie does as well..:D He is doing well with the food reduction. I would like to see his weight get back to 24 lbs by his next visit...I think that is reasonable as he has been going regularily and with the meds his taking his tummy swelling should go down....I can hear Norman snoaring by his food dish...puts a smile on my face...:D:D
Thanks Mel!
Peace, Sharon and the pupps.
03-04-2013, 05:54 PM
Was just thinking about you and you posted spooky
Could say that's one less than the night before so progress :)
Good, waiting is not something I have ever been good at either and I can't say I got used to it you just accept it and push if you can move things forward. Norman could settle down more on this dose and the only way of knowing is to give it time
Bless him sleeping by his dish waiting, that image made me smile
03-07-2013, 07:15 PM
Hey Sharon
Just checking in to see how you all are?
Night times any better?
03-07-2013, 08:52 PM
Hi Mel! Thanks so much for checking in again...Norms and I apprecaite the love and care. ;)
Norman woke up once last night at 1am and then at 5:30 am which is I guess is his new normal wake up time... with the time change coming up will soon be 6:30. :D and that will be perfect. Once at night is progress. ;) His water intake is getting a little better as well. I am working on getting him used to eating less...He is doing well. :D
Tonight will be his first night off of the meds for the bacterial overgrowth, so hopefully, he will only wake once or not at all tonght. ;)
Feeling blessed for the group and how well Norman is doing now. Millie is doing better as well. Now if i could just get my right arm to stop feeling like it is on fire. :(:(:( ..that would be awesome.. typing is very painful.. :(:(:( that is why I have not been on and relpying as much. Between my arm being on fire, my arms falling alseep, and my back dripping in sweat, I havent been sleeping much.:(:( This too shall pass. And it is nice listening to Norman snore lightly. :) I thank God each day for life and for the puppies still being in my life. Very Grateful!
Love and Peace, Sharon and pupps
03-08-2013, 12:02 AM
nice to read a post from you sorry that you are suffering with pain yourself.have you been to a dr. for yourself to see what is going on with your pain?i know we as pet parents are so wrapped up with our babies that we put ourselves on the back have lots of eyes watching you !!! xoxox patty(milo)meka xoxox
Squirt's Mom
03-08-2013, 08:21 AM
Good to hear that Norman is doing better! And Millie, too! I hope you are feeling better soon as well. I made a new friend recently who has this same condition and has had to do without medical care for over a year until this week. She found a doc who will work with her and she is so excited! My sister-in-law fell getting out of a car last week and broke her ankle in three places. My friend had me tell her to start taking Vit C,1500mg/day, to help prevent this condition developing. She is and I hope it works. My SIL would not do well with a chronic condition like yours. :( She is one that is on the go 24/7! ;)
Take care of yourself and let us hear from you as you can!
Leslie and the gang
molly muffin
03-08-2013, 02:28 PM
Yay glad Norman and Millie are doing so well. Now you just take care of yourself too.
Leslie that sounds just awful about your sister in law, 3 places!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
03-08-2013, 05:05 PM
Thanks all...Yes, I have been to about 15 doctors/specialists...going back to Froetdert soon, to check into new treatments, if i am a candidate and insurance pays for it.
Yes, Vitamin C - high doses, for everyone who get a sprain or has surgery, any injury. It is proven to prevent this monster from coming out. No one wants this...highest pain level on the McGill Pain index, wich Drs use to measure pain.
I used to be wonder woman - two jobs, raising kids, a home and yard to care for and I hiked in the woods daily, plus was very active in sports, church, community....Poof, all changed in an istant.
...BUT, I will never give up on finding relief, remission and a cure. I am too young, I was 42 at the time of my assault/injury. The really sad thing is that little kids get this too...and they will never have a norman childhood..
Most people commit suicide, I imagine the young ones do when they realize this is there life...terribly sad. Altough, recently I have read that children have a better chance of remission but many doctor feel they are making it up that they have the pain. Again, very sad.
Appreicate evey moment and ability you have, in an instant it can be taken.
Thanks for listening and all of the support for Norman. I lost most of my doesnt get it, and my bf of 6 years, just coulnd andle being a caretaker not being able to do the many activities I used to do. It is nice to know I have made a few new friends on the site. I am so grateful! Bless you! Bless you all!
Love and Peace, Sharon
molly muffin
03-08-2013, 08:21 PM
Sharon, I know very little of this horrible thing that you live with. I really only read about it after you joined the forum and told us. It is truly unimaginable and I am so sorry that this happened to you. You are a very good mommy to Norman and Millie and try very hard. Some days you just do the best you can and that's it. It's enough.
I just really wanted to send you a big hug.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
03-08-2013, 10:38 PM
Scary situation earlier tonight. I was suppose to go to a friends with the puppies and watch a movie or two and stay over night.
I packed a bag with normans the weekly medicine holder that I used when I had chemo...(works really well well Grandpa watces Norman and Millie.or when we go some place.)
I was in the bathrrom and heard something unfamilar - Norman got into the overnigt bag, got out the medicine holder, broke off two AM days and ate two doses of Trilostane 30 mg tablets. That would be a total of 90 mg today.
I called the Vet immediately and they stated bring him we have to make him I did and they took good care of him...Naughty Norman he could have ODed and now another expense - I think it was $42 - which isnt that bad but when one doesnt have the money it is,:(:(
Norman was doing pretty well and I was being very patient with the couple times waking...But, What really is importatnt is that I did repsond immediately to something that didnt seem right or he would have ate all 7 days worth of meds.
We've been home since 5:15 Norman was immediately given a bath (he got sick on me and in the waiting room after emptying his stomach)now he has been resting nicely. - My friend called and canceled the movie night, sleep over...:( Little sad...
Thanks Sharlene, Leslie, Patty and Mel for all the love and support...for Norman, Millie and me. This site means so much to me. Heading to bed...tomorrow is one day closer to spring :) And one day closer to finding remission- Nite all. Love, Sharon
03-08-2013, 10:43 PM
uggh always something sharon,sweet dreams and you sir norman get in that bed and chillax.....xoxox patty(MILO)meka :)
Have you seen those puppy diapers? maybe that would help him, keep his and yours bedding clean, and less cleaning for you.
you could even use maxi pads really, if you had a secure way to hold them in place, i know the diapers for pups also have the little covers that go over the diaper. BUT if he would tear that diaper off you sure dont want them to eat all that tissue/paper stuff. That would be a mess, but under supervision it might be alright.
hope you felt well today.....
you and your babies are being thought of.
Squirt's Mom
03-09-2013, 09:09 AM
Oh, my, Sharon!
How scary! :eek: But you did the right thing - you heard your gut saying something was wrong, you went and found what was wrong, and took the appropriate action to save Norman from a horrible time. You done GOOD, Mom! :cool::cool::cool: I'm proud of you!
I'm sorry you missed your girl's nite out but there will be another time. I know Norman was so happy you were home with him last nite. How is he this morning? How are YOU this morning?
Leslie and the gang
03-09-2013, 09:28 AM
Naughty Norman!!!!
Glad he is ok now and you are both home safe.
Will check back in later to make sure your both ok
Big hug to you cause that must have been really scary
molly muffin
03-09-2013, 09:52 AM
Very scary Sharon. I'm glad that you were able to avert what could have been a bad situation by getting him to the vet.
Yep, you'll have another girl's night. Really! And you'll enjoy it a lot more since you won't be worrying about Norman hopefully. :)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
03-09-2013, 12:40 PM
Good Morning... Norman slept very well last night, I dont think he woke up to go out until 4:30.:D..I think the vomiting took alot out of him. Unfortunately, I didnt sleep all that well...pain in arm (still buring some) Arms fell asleep and back pain and spasms along with back sweating so much I had to move to oter side of bed :(- usual routine.
Thanks for the encouragement...Yes, I would say Naugty Norman!!!
I hope to see a neurosurgeon at Froetdert Hospital in Milwaukee to possibly gain some relief...I am also trying several homoepatic treatments. One day at a time and keep on keeping on.
Have a great day my Cushings friends!
Peace and Blessings Abound!
03-11-2013, 07:28 AM
Quick hello to see how you and Norman are? And that there has been no more naughtiness?
Hope you have had a great weekend and he has slept through, supposed to be working so will check back later
03-11-2013, 04:18 PM
Have you seen those puppy diapers? Yes Skye, I have some diapers and a belt and pads. Normans belly is so large :eek:the diapers dont stay on. I tried to use duck tape as well as a harness to keep the diaper/pad combo on....No go, Norman walked and wiggled out of it.maybe that would help him, keep his and yours bedding clean, and less cleaning for you.
you could even use maxi pads really, if you had a secure way to hold them in place, i know the diapers for pups also have the little covers that go over the diaper. BUT if he would tear that diaper off you sure dont want them to eat all that tissue/paper stuff. That would be a mess, but under supervision it might be alright.
hope you felt well today.....Thank you, I the pain in my arm as lessoned :)
you and your babies are being thought of.I appreciate that so much...Thank you! :D
Peace and Love, Sharon
03-11-2013, 04:20 PM
Peace and Love, Sharon
Sorry Skye I tried to change the color and changed it to the same as when quoted..:rolleyes:
03-11-2013, 04:29 PM
Quick hello to see how you and Norman are? And that there has been no more naughtiness?
Hope you have had a great weekend and he has slept through, supposed to be working so will check back later
Thanks Mel! My flare up of burning pain in my arm is improving.:D:D As far as sleeping at night..not so good for me..part of the condition, even with medication...sleep is a problem, :( numb tingley arms and back sweating so bad I have to get up air out ot change and move over to air out the bed.
Norman is being a good well as can be expected. He is drinking around 8-9 cups of water in 24 hours. :) That is improvement. he woke up at 1 am and then 5:45 :D so that is pretty if I could just sleep through until he wakes me.
Thanks so much for checking in. How are you doing? Keeping you in our prayers.
Peace and Love, Sharon and the puppies
03-11-2013, 05:57 PM
Sorry your pain is keeping you up at night. I broke my wrist in 2008 and I couldn't move it when it came out of the cast. I had awful burning and nerve pain which comes back once in a while and sleep was non existent for a long time afterwards so I can't imagine how hard it must be all up your arm and across your back. They manually made it move again over 9 mths which was horrendous. I really hope they help you get some relief as continuos pain is really wearing
Glad Norman is doing ok, 8/9 cups will probably account for those night time potty breaks. Is he due a test soon? He hasn't been on the 30's that long has he...
I miss her like crazy, Boyce is looking for her when he comes in which is hard so I chuck him balls to distract him. I remind myself I am lucky to have him, he had cancer 3 times so we have been through it with these two! Feel quite displaced everywhere if I am honest but I guess that is going to take time
Thanks for the prayers
03-11-2013, 10:34 PM
Mel, I feel for you and just can't imagine losing one of the pups. And your other little one, so strong to beat cancer 3 times...what a fighter.
Norman has only been on the Trilostane 33 mg AM about 2-3 weeks maybe. I am not sure if I will have to have him tested before we go to 40 mg AM only???
I am working on many modalities to deal with the pain. Some days are better than others. I found out today, I was approved to see a pain specialist that offers ketamine infussion. Plus, I will be seeing a neurosurgeon as I also found out that I have a buging disc in my C6-C7, if that can be repaired it will bring some relief....and hopefully, my arms wont fall asleep anymore:D:D:D:D:D
Hang in there Mel, I wish I could hug you and make it all better. Your strength will help others, like me when it is time for us to say good-bye to our pupps.
Surrounding you in peace, love, mercy.
molly muffin
03-11-2013, 10:48 PM
Oh Sharon, that is great news about getting the ketamine infussion and about seeing a neurosurgeon. Hopefully both of these will help to contribute to a continued improvement. We want long term improvement for you too just like for Norman. :)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
03-12-2013, 12:02 AM
I know money can be tight but before any dose changes a test should really be performed, whilst peeing and drinking is a cushings symptom it can also be attributed to other things so to err on the side of caution and to ensure Norm's cortisol isnt too low I would say yes to a ACTH test
Good news re the Pain management specialist, hoping that they can get you some relief soon. My other half had a microdiscetomy so know a bit about discs!
We were lucky with Boyce, he had a skin tag which was on his inside leg, I mentioned it to the vet and he said it was ok, we went back the next year for his jabs again and I said it had grown, he agreed as he had made notes re the size, he opened him up to remove it and found a mast cell tumour, nearly down to the artery! He then got secondary tecsticular cancer and then a grade one skin bump a few years ago. My little man has been through it, we also removed 3 other lumps which turned out ok.
Better try and get some sleep it's 4am here :eek:
Simba's Mom
03-12-2013, 12:44 AM
Sending hugs your way from Simba too!
03-12-2013, 04:36 PM
Checking in, how are you all today?
03-14-2013, 12:04 PM
Hey Sharon
Just checking in again, hope your ok and that your condition hasn't flared up?
How is Norman and Milly, hoping that drinking and peeing is coming down for him
hello!!!! popping by to see how you and your Norman are doing!!!!
what about taking a potty pad........folding like triangle and tying it snug? or baby pants with tail area cut into fabric? tossing ideas out there for you. hope your resting well........will help you so much once you can. hope your baby is doing okay. think of you both often.
03-15-2013, 06:51 PM
Thank you Sharlene, Letti, Mel and Skye~
Pain for me has been worse the past couple days...another low front in SE WI. :( Arm pain just won't go away completely...typing is painful.
Waiting to hear back from Neurosurgeon for appt. I had a long phone interview yesterday, then the dr will review info and old MRI and make a decision on how to proceed. I would think I would have to have a new MRI before any decision on how to proceed. I won't be having the ketamine infusion until the C6-7 bulge is taken care of....Relief, relief will come one way or another...This I beleive to be true.:D Patience and more patience.
Norman has been up a couple times at night...his stools ave been a bit loose,:eek: otherwise he is looking good (tummy seems to be thinner) and no naughtiness.:D
Millie is doing pretty good as well. :) But I should get her in for shots...I just get overwhlemed when I think about all the costs...more stress with the higher pain days.:(
Norman will have to have another ACTH test done most likely in 10 days as I have to have time for the order more med and they ave to come in the mail or Norman will run out of meds.:( I don't want that.
Thanks so much may K9Cushings friends.
Peace and Love,
Sharon, Norman and Millie
03-16-2013, 03:51 AM
Hi Sharon
Good to hear from you, I did think that was the reason why you hadn't been on, sucks for you that you have to go through this. I hope for better days for you soon
Has Normans drinking come down? Any vomiting? So many bugs flying around all the time that could be causing the icky belly
Our pups sure are expensive, even the routine things :)
03-16-2013, 08:55 AM
So sorry to hear about your pain. I hope things turn around for you God knows you need some good news. I know what you mean about how expensive everything is. I have gone without so that my Tipper can get any type of help that will improve her odds at longevity. Tipper and I will pray for you and your baby. Feel better.
03-17-2013, 04:55 PM
Hi Sharon
Just wanted to say Hi and to say hope your feeling a bit more comfortable
How is Norman and Millie doing??
03-18-2013, 09:23 AM
Hi Sharon:
Hope you are on the mend and things are getting better for you. Tipper and I keep your baby in our prayers.
molly muffin
03-18-2013, 06:22 PM
Hi Sharon,
Just wanted to pop in and see how you and Norman and Millie are doing.
Sharlene and molly muffin
03-20-2013, 06:31 PM
Hello All,
The pups and I are hanging in there. They are doing better than me, which is good in some respects...THey are so insightful to my pain. Millie is doing very good, she sleeps A LOT.
Norman, is doing pretty well. He still as loose stools, hungry but doing well within his food limits. He woke only once last night. :D:D:D I am still aving problems with increased arm pain, it just won't go away. I hope it is not a premenant spread.
I am waiting to hear back from the Neurosurgeons office. They interviewed me for about 20 minutes last Friday. ;)
I feel bad I am not keeping up with wat is going on with others on the site and their pups...Please know I pray for all of you and your pupps each day.
I am heading to Bible study shortly and then welcoming bed. I ope to sleep better each night.
Thanks for checking in and for the thoughts and prayers...Grateful for all of you.
Peace and Blessings Abound!
Love, Sharon and the pupps
03-20-2013, 10:00 PM
just popping by to say hi sharon and send you some healthy,positive,healing waves your way have been going through so much is time for you to get better,hopefully really soon.glad to read that the pups are hanging in and keeping close by...sending healing,loving light your way...patty(milo)meka xoxox
03-21-2013, 09:13 AM
Just wanted to let you know we pray for you every day. It must be a daunting task to be ill, and have to manage this going on with your baby also. You ust be a strong woman, so keep going you are doing fantastic. We know you cannot keep up posting on here so that is ok, so don't worry about it, take care of yourself your baby needs you.
God Bless You and your baby.
Boriss McCall
03-21-2013, 11:13 AM
Sharon glad the pups are doing good. I am glad you are getting better sleep at night. :)
were popping in to say hello and hope all is well!
Simba's Mom
03-22-2013, 12:36 AM
Me too, just checking to see how things are going, take care!
03-26-2013, 06:23 PM
Hello All...Thank you for the words of encouragement, advice and prayers for Norman and me. :):)
Weather is not cooperating with the pain. :(:(:( Low front is just too close down below WI. Blow away I say!!!!
Another bump to overcome, Blew a tire in a huge pot hole Thursday night. Cost of $244.82 - Pot hole also damage the tire rim. :mad::(:mad::( Norman is suppose to go in for is check up and med adjustment...I am going to ask my Vet if I can just keep him on the same dose for now. I just don't have the funds...He is doing better than a couple months. His quality of life is better...there is room for improvement but I can only do what can be afforded. He still as lose stools, waking 1-2 times a night, hungry througout the day, some flakiness, tummy bloat better, but still large, drinking about 8-9 cups.
I had another MRI done today...hopeful. I will never give up hope. Also had a mental health review for SSD. :o How humilating...Trazadone is an awful drug and to see how it has effected me... Sorry for venting. Thanks for checking in on the Pups and me. Right arm still not back to normal...Boy, I can't wait until summer and the heat to arrive. It just helps me.
I am not on much but do pray each day for all of us who love and care for our pups as best we can and that God grant us and our pups mercy and peace as we journey through their life with Cushings.
Peace and Love to all of you!
Sharon and the Pups.
Sharon, I am sorry to read of your hard times and I hope and pray things get better for you.
We are thinking of you and Norman as well as saying prayers.
We are all going to Houston with Skye, Leslie is taking your place on the rooftop air mattress so you get to ride inside:):):):)
No duct tape this time;););)
Are you up for a virtual tour?:):):)
Trying to make you smile, sweetie
molly muffin
03-26-2013, 07:42 PM
Hi Sharon,
Just wanted you to know we are thinking of you and Norman and Millie.
Baby steps, you can certainly keep Norman at the same dose until you decide otherwise.
Take care,
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
04-01-2013, 04:49 PM
Sorry I haven't been on as much...My right arm just hasn't fully recovered from the few days before the major snow storm since Feb.24th when I woke up with it in burning just won't go away completely...I'll be having some test done and I have been seeing own my regular Dr's as well. Plus I am trying to learn more about the bulging disc in my neck and the possiblity it is contributing to the RSD/CRPS pain. Typing is painful so until the arm pain gets better, I won't be on as much. :(
Enough about me... Here is an update on Norman. He has been waking a couple times a night, still very hungry (typical Doxie :p), drinking about 9 cups of water, urine still pretty clear, tummy expands and decreases from day to day, hair loss about the same maybe a little more. The biggest concern is is loose stools - some days were better but the past week they became worse and worse - he even had an accident in the house on the carpet.:( :mad::( Going BM quite often after the accident in the house. Even though I just picked up some natural product, memory :eek:is not cooperating. I knew it was time to call the Vet. I had to bring in a stool sample, he does have an overgrowth of bacteria. He is on Motridonizal ??sp?? for 10 days. He is already feeling better. :D I think the problem with Norman is that he eats grasses and roots and that has the bacteria or is causing the problem.
Norman has been on the 30 mg of Trilostane AM only for 30+ days. He is going in tomorrow after a 12 hour fast, then some test and then an ACTH test I will post the results and any doses changes.
I can't thank this group (((- all of you -))) enough for the emotional support since finding the group. The advice and encouragement means so much. I thank you for being here for Norman, Millie and I. Norman is still here because of you. (((<3))) :D:D:D THank you! Cushings is a scary disease to make decisions by yourself and as some of us know our Vets don't always know everything, or demonstrate compassion or know our pupps like we do.
I am also very blessed with my new Vet :D:D:D and thanks to the group for the advice he has also learned from the group. :D:D:D He wanted me to thank the group for sharing te drug interaction of trilostane and the heart meds.:eek:
Thank you all...I hope the pain in my right arm gets under control so I can repsond the postings and post on how Norman improves ;););). Please know I continue to pray for all who are going through this condition with our pupps...May God grant mercy on our pupps and peace in our hearts as we do the best we can to add quality to their lives.
Love and Peace to you all.
04-01-2013, 06:08 PM
Sharon, it is very important that Norman NOT be fasted before the ACTH test. If trilostane is not given along with food it will not be absorbed properly and the ACTH results will be inaccurate. If he needs to be fasted for some other test, then you will need to hold off on the ACTH and perform it on a different day when he can have food. Pus, just remember that the ACTH should be done 4-6 hours after dosing.
04-01-2013, 10:23 PM
that's a switch! A vet thanking the members of this group instead of admonishing us for doing our own research:)
I'm lucky, neither vet had a negative thing to say about this group.
Labblan is right. Norman needs to eat his food with Trilostane 4 - 6 hours before the ACTH test! Otherwise, it will be inaccurate.
You're vet may not be aware of this.
molly muffin
04-03-2013, 08:21 AM
Hi Sharon,
Just checking in to see how you are doing and how things went at the vets with Norman.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
04-04-2013, 02:13 PM
Update on Norman/Vet: The office ad me bring in his food and meds. They tested him before eating, then hours after eating w/ meds. Norman was there from 8:10 until after 3 pm. I did remind him to wait to do the ACTH test at least four hours after eating - they knew.
They do send out the test and No one got back to me yesterday either so Norman will run out of meds.:(:(:(
Vet called today, his numbers are way off...he needs higher doseage and will be going twice a day. Norman was on 30 am 30 pm before going 32 only am... Now vet wants to do 40 am 40 pm little worried about that but will see what actually happens - he's going to call me back with what he calls into the online pharmacy - I think diamondback - memory poor today.:eek:
And see if he has a couple days he can give me until script comes in. Norman got into his meds/ ad to have his stomach pumped so were short.:(:(
Norman had an aweful night last night - up four times compared to 1- 2 ...Vet said it is normal after day of testing.
Any thoughts or suggestions? Thanks for checking in...Norman's Mom ;)
Thank you! Sending Peace and Love and Hope to all our pups.:D
04-04-2013, 02:16 PM
I have to read back on my posts to see what Norman was on before going to 32 am only....I will post results when I get them...
h's dont always work on computer and typing is so painful..apologize for not having correct words spelling.:eek: I can't get the spell check to work???:o:o:o
04-04-2013, 02:21 PM
Hi Sharon, I only have a minute to post this morning, but I do want to agree with Glynda's recommendation that you stick with the twice daily dosing, especially since one of your issues is the need to get a restful night's sleep.
But additionally, I want you to make sure your vet is aware that there is a warning about combining enalapril with trilostane. It is a type of "Ace inhibitor," and Dechra has a specific warning that Ace inhibitors can combine with trilostane to lower a dog's aldosterone too much, resulting in problems. This is not an absolute contraindication, and we do have members who are using both drugs with their dogs. But it is a warning to keep in mind and I'd want to make sure your vet is aware of this issue before switching Norman over. Here's the specific quote from the product insert for Vetoryl:
Furosemide is not in the class of potassium sparing diuretics, so as far as I know, there is no contraindication against using it with trilostane. So that may be why your first vet selected it.
Marianne - Dr. Travis wanted to thank you for sharing this he wasnt aware,:eek: Humble good guy...not arrogant...I really like him.:) That was weeks ago...
04-04-2013, 02:25 PM
Sharon, I will read back through your thread, too, but I believe Norman was only taking 20 mg. twice daily before you shifted to the 32 mg. once daily. If so, your vet is now proposing that you double the dose that he was previously taking at a time when he finally seemed to be doing better. That is a huge increase! And it will be a huge problem if your vet is ordering this new Rx in the form of unsplittable 40 mg. capsules since there will be no way of lowering the dose if it proves to be too much for Norman. :( :(
I am very worried about this new development. Can you please get the actual numbers for the ACTH test results?
04-04-2013, 02:35 PM
HI Marianne, I checked also, did call to give 20 am 20 pm before going to 42 I think am or is it 32 they know he was on 20/ 20 and I am concerned about a 40 am 40 pm...they'll call back later.. sorry short Arm is killing me...thanks <3 Norms and me
I dont ave numbers yet...but he said he was way off compared to last ACth...Norms was doing pretty good considering his numbers were worse he showed some improvement...My boy...doing his best I am so proud of him
04-04-2013, 03:00 PM
OK Sharon, I just checked back in your thread, too, and found that Norman's post-ACTH result back at the end of February was 9.6. That was back when Norman was being dosed with 20 mg. twice daily, so I don't think it's at all surprising that his current ACTH result is worse now than it was at that time. He's been getting a lower daily total ever since the decision was made to back him off to 32 mg. once a day.
I know it's useless to say I wish your vet hadn't made that change, but there you have it. It seems to me that the important thing now, though, is not to leap to an increase that is too high. Norman was not that far away from being in therapeutic range back when he was being dosed at 20 mg. twice daily. So I would think the more reasonable course would be an increase no greater than to 30 mg. twice daily now.
04-04-2013, 03:59 PM
12 fasting acht test because of lipimic ???
post 27.7 (6-18)
pre 9 (2-6)
they did not give im food or meds until after injection :confused: :confused::confused: lipimic ???? so now there reallyisnt a comparison because all oters were 4-6 after food and or meds
norms was on 32mg trilo am
now will be on 32mg trilo am and pm
04-04-2013, 04:24 PM
So you mean he didn't even get his trilostane until after they had started the test (let alone, no food)? If so, you are exactly right, Sharon. The results cannot be compared and the test was worthless. :(
You have told us how compassionate and helpful this vet is being. So I hope he will be receptive to repeating the test at no expense to you. You can print out this information to discuss with him:
The dog or cat does not have to be fasted overnight, and lipemia does not appear to “clinically’ affect serum cortisol values...
With trilostane, it’s extremely important to give the morning medication with food, and then start the ACTH stimulation test 3 to 4 hours later.
Fasting these dogs on the morning in which the ACTH stimulation test is scheduled should be avoided since it invalidates the test results.
When a dog ‘s food is withheld, the absorption of trilostane from the gastrointestinal tract is decreased. This leads to low circulating levels of trilostane, resulting in little to no inhibition of adrenocortical synthesis. Therefore, serum cortisol values will higher when the drug is given in a fasted state than when it is given with food.
The higher basal or ACTH-stimulated cortisol results could prompt one to unnecessarily increase the daily trilostane dose. That misjudgment may lead to drug overdosage, with the sequelae of hypoadrenocorticism and adrenal necrosis in some dogs.
Some blood tests are indeed invalidated if there is too much fat in the blood (lipemia), and this is why animals and humans do need to be fasted prior to performing some tests. But per Dr. Peterson's article, fat in the blood (lipemia) is not an issue when performing the ACTH. So there is no reason for a dog to be fasted. And in fact, the fasting will skew the results.
I will not be surprised if it turns out that Norman does, in fact, need a dosing increase. The 32 mg. twice daily may turn out to be just the right amount. But I would not want to move forward with the increase until he is first retested, properly, at his current dose of 32 mg. once daily. I really hope your vet will understand and take care of this for you.
04-04-2013, 05:42 PM
Hey Sharon
Just nipping in to give you a big hug, hope you get this figured out with the vet soon
Sorry you are suffering as well, hoping you get that treatment started soon
molly muffin
04-04-2013, 10:11 PM
oh Sharon, I am sorry that the test wasn't done properly. I don't know why he would have done it fasted, and I hope that he'd do it correctly at no cost to you since you just followed instructions. Dechra would be more than willing to tell him the proper test procedures if he wants to call them too. We just had another member call and they told her to feed a small breakfast with the medicine prior to the test, then within 4 - 6 hours take the first draw. The test does not have to be completed within the that time frame, but the first draw (pre) does.
I hope you get to feeling a bit better soon. Your arm especially. We miss you. :)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
04-06-2013, 10:34 AM
Thanks all. Dr Travis had a death in family - out of St, wont be back til next week.
I ordered the same dose just double amount. but will keep him at 32mg AM only until learn more. Norman wakes more, and tummy much larger since test.:(:( anyone else find that occurrs after ATCH test?
Sometimes the ACTH test can throw them off with higher cortisol signs. That should abate in a few days. Sometimes just the stress can do it.
I hope you are feeling better, Sharon, so sorry to hear about your health problems and now this worry about the test for Norman not being done correctly. If it is any concellation, a lot of us have had to remind and push for the test to be done following protocol. I cant tell you how many times I had to push back to a vet tech who did not have a clue when scheduling a stim for Zoe.
Budsters Mom
04-07-2013, 01:53 PM
Hi Sharon,:)
I am the member that Sharlene was talking about who called Dechra. Some of the protocol instructions given from my vet conflicted with what I was reading on the forum. I am still at this point trying to get my vets to see the light. Anyway Dechra was very accommodating. They not only answered my questions, but also explained the reasons for their answers. Sharlene was absolutely right with the message she relayed on to you. To add one thing, Dechra also said that the ACTH test needs to be done the same way each time, Within the exact same parameters so that previous test results can be compared. I am so sorry that this happened to you and your sweet little Norman. This is why I have to take off one day this week, so I can monitor Buddy's first ACTH test to make sure it is administered according to protocol. My thoughts are with you and Norman.
Kathy and Buddy;)
04-11-2013, 06:08 PM
Hey Sharon
Just wondering how you all are?
Did the vet sort out another test for Norman?
Hoping you are getting some relief from your pain as well
Big hug
04-14-2013, 11:12 PM
Update on Norman - on 32 mg trilostane 2 X a day am/pm.
Vet didnt do another ACTH test, but had an Emer - death in family out of town.
Norman as been sneezing a lot, A lot and drooling or his nose has been dripping - clear but a lot. He has been doing this for a month or two but it is worse the past couple of days. Anyone familar with this and trilostane or maybe allergies???
He sleeps/reast more and his appetite is not as revenous...he is a glutton usually. still eat it all just takes his time not all at once. he looks thinner in his tummy area. Flaky coat, stools better, but has only been off his mitrodonizole a few days.
THanks all!
FYI on me - dr's ok ketamine treatment in office but I ave to check on insurance and if they will cover if in office treatments dont work. I also had an EMG on arms - normal, but then the neck EMG came back with nerve damage of some sort - It was very painful, I couldnt andle one of the needles in my neck but allowed them to continue and happy I did so they could find the least now they see something that coinsides with the arms falling asleep - or what ever it means. Arms still burns and so does my neck now, the back is just always with burning pain and spasms...but I am alive and have the puppies...and have hope for some releif with the new treatments. Trying myofascial release at end of the month and getting further info on the ketamine.
Thanks eveyone for thougts and prayers for Norman and I...
Any ideas on Normans nose drainage and sneezing?
Peace and Joy to all of you, thanks for being here for Norman and I.
Sharon, Norman and MIllie :)
Budsters Mom
04-15-2013, 12:00 AM
That's exactly what Buddy's nose does when he has an allergy attack.
His allergies went haywire when the Cortisol Started dropping after starting Trilostane. He sneezed,wheezed and his nose ran continuously. Benadryl did dry it up, but it does cause drowsiness.
Since Norman is on other meds, I would check with his vet before giving him an antihistamine. Buddy has always had allergies. Norman symptoms could be caused by something else.
I hope that Norman's feeling better soon.:)
Kathy and Buddy:)
04-15-2013, 10:11 AM
Hi Kathy, Thanks for the quick response. I hope it is only allergies...Norman never had this runny nose or sneezing before getting cushings.
Calling the vet to see what they think, I most likely am going to have to bring Norman in to get checked, the costs for this other stuff on top of the cushings is tough. Norman sleeps more now since his meds were increased about 10 days ago.
How is Buddy doing? his cortisol levels already dropped? ;)
I'll post when I know more...Thanks again!
Sharon, Norman and Millie
Budsters Mom
04-15-2013, 11:29 AM
Hi Sharon :)
I am so sorry that you and Norman are having health issues once more, or still? The runny nose thing makes it hard for our babies to breathe.
Yes, I'm very aware of the expenses or treating a Cush dog. It is a eye opener to say the least! The $$$$ end of it is tough for me also. Thankfully, my tax refund will pay for a couple of ACTH tests!:)
Buddy's cortisol level has dropped, but it's still higher than they'd like. His Cush symptoms have all melted away except for real leg weakness. Even that, seems to be a little better. :) He is doing well for now, thank God!
I am well aware of vet problems. I have had my share also.:(
The most help I've gotten has come from all of you caring K9Cushings angels. :)
sending wellness thoughts to you and Norman.:)
Kathy and Buddy:)
04-15-2013, 01:08 PM
Hi Kathy, I am happy buddy is progressing so well. My vet is not in today, but he'll call back tomorrow.
No tax retuen here as I am on SSD, but i'll do what i can for Norms.
Now Millie my yorkie pooh puked 4 times outside - yellow creamy, sorry to gross anyone out.
I just came for chiro who said the nuerologist explained to her he didnt think I had nerve damage in my neck - so now a call out to him...DO I or DONT I...B>S> so frustrating!!!
going to take a nap with the puppies.
have a good one all.
Budsters Mom
04-15-2013, 01:51 PM
Sending so much love and hugs to you! I'm sorry that life is so tough right now.
Kathy and Buddy:)
04-16-2013, 03:55 PM
Hello there
Did you get to speak to the vet and your neuro?
How's the dogs? Hope Millie's sickness has cleared up
Sending you a massive hug and kisses for the fur kids
04-16-2013, 09:43 PM
Vet just called back...hours after they closed. I will add what he said after as I just wrote this as then called. - Norman is still sneezing quite a bit, But he is sleeping way more as well :( and his appetite is really gone down. no more glutton :eek: Norman. I am not used to that. I guess that is good that he isnt SSOOo hungry any more.
He slept about 3 hours not even by me, then took a nap with me, and that was after I got home from the pool and a doctor appt, so he probably slept then as well.
Vet: appetite is is alright, not overly concerned as long as he is still eating/drinking. Sneezing could be allergies, lots of questions regarding color - which there is none just clear. He suggested Benadryl 25mg or zertec 10 mg, watch him closely and monitor stools and call again with an update end of week.
Neuro called back yesterday - he said there is not enough to go with what was found to state nerve damage, -:confused::confused::confused: Now he says, normal - after stating nerve damage, well let me restate that nerve dysfunction (or irritation) probably from your condition.
The good news is the weather is much warmer today and the flare in my arm is pretty much gone...may God grant me mercy and keep it gone. Grateful! :D:D Now to get the back and neck pain to go away. I am trying to get into UW-Madison Hospital to have an MR Nuerograghy test done and will be having myofasicial treatment at the end of the month also migt be trying the Ketamine low dose infussion.
Yes, Kathy, I agree the forum is full of K9 angels - I feel so blessed for this group. Norman is still here because of the encouragement and support. So knowledgeable!!!:D:D:D
Hi Mel! Thanks for asking about Millie as well. She seems to be doing better, gave the pupps a bath this morning and she lost another tooth.:eek::eek: after cleaing her teeth. She probably only as 6 left, she has always had bad teeth and breath - but she still manages her food well, her gums are hard.
Thanks all for the prayers for the puppies and me. They means so much and I send them right back to all of your pups as well.
Peace and Love, Sharon
Budsters Mom
04-16-2013, 10:00 PM
YAY! :D I am so glad to hear that you are feeling better! It makes it really hard to take care of our babies when we aren't feeling well ourselves.
Buddy is on Benadryl for allergies. It does dry up his runny nose and controls his sneezing. It has always worked for him, but does cause drowsiness. I'd like to eventually switch Him to a nondrowsy antihistamine, but want to wait until he is on Trilo a while longer. Please keep us posted. :)
Kathy and Buddy:)
molly muffin
04-16-2013, 10:17 PM
Hi Sharon,
It sounds like they really don't know if it is nerve damage or not. I do hope though that they can find Something that will give some relief. As much as is possible at least.
It is entirely possible that allergies that you might not have known he had would show up once the cortisol went down. It does sound like the cortisol has dropped if he isn't eating as much as he use to.
You're doing great Sharon. Just hang in there. Hopefully the doctors can get you better now too.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
04-17-2013, 10:35 PM
Great News from Norman...He didnt need to go out through the night for the first time in. ...I dont remember:eek: But it has been at least 9 months or more. He has been sleeping A LOT, maybe his allergies have him more tired. I didnt sleep well but i didnt need to get out of bed, just move over to let my bed sry out from te intense sweating from my back and try to get confortable with the arms falling asleep and pain. But it was a great night because Norms made it through the night without having to pee. :D:D:D
I started him on Zertec 10 mg today once a day. I hope that is enough, they are pretty expensive as well. :eek: sneezing a bit better for one day, but it rained a lot today as well.
His drinking i think has decreased more as well, which makes sence with the not going out at night. :D Eating has decreased but that is alright he needed to lose a few pounds and he still eats just doesnt inhale without chewing so it is better for him.
He is very flaky, which shows up on his dark coat. :( Not too concerned about that though. He hasn't pooped today:eek: and that is a little worrisome. Although, I did start him on the slppery elm bark twice a day because he had diareah and a little blood in his stool. And finally his tummy has gone down quite a bit. :D:D:D Not eating as much and I think his cortisol level has dropped with the other symptoms getting better.
Thank you :p Thank you :D for all of the support and encouragement. I feel so blessed to have found this wonderful group who understands cushings and what we go through and why we try to do what we can for our babies.:cool:
I also want to thank everyone for the prayers for me and my condition. :) It is very loney when one cant be social and not work, and be so dependent because of the pain and scared to be touched. :(:mad::( (I was a getter done girl, perfectionist, work hard play harder person) I miss her and my capabilities. But I still have norman and millie :D:D:D and they love me and accept this is how life is.
There is some nerve aggrivation in the neck of some sort just not enough to say damage.:confused::confused: I did get whiplash when the student assaulted me. :mad::( I have more pain in my neck since the dr did the EMG - just burns:(:(:(:( However, I will never give up hope on finding something to reduce the pain forever and bring back functioning. RSD/CRPS has taken so much from me, but not my faith. It as made me stronger in many ways and a better person in some respects. :) Many lessons learned through this journey since the assault/ injury. I pray I am able to take the pupps for a walk in the woods once again before they pass. baby steps.... Even to get the mail would mean so much to me and the puppies. I still have them and that makes life pretty good!:D:);):D:) I am blessed because of them and even more so because of this wonderful group. A true blessing to all of us going through this journey with our beloved pets. Thank you all again!
With Peace, Love, Gratitude and Sincere Appreciation!!!:D:D:D
Sharon, Norman and Millie
04-18-2013, 12:04 AM
you have an amazing attitude for all that you've gone through and the pain that you endure! Animals have so much power when it comes to comforting and healing us.
Would acupuncture help or another therapy designed to help relieve pain?
Budsters Mom
04-18-2013, 12:46 AM
Sharon you are an inspiration to all of us! I am humbled by your ability to plow on in the midst of whatever comes your way. YAY for Norman making it through the night without having to pee!!! This is the only group I know where we can actually celebrate that! Sending prayers and wellness thoughts your way.:)
Kathy and Buddy:)
04-18-2013, 05:31 PM
Great news he made it through the night, not so great you had a rubbish one
Has he pooped? Is Millie doing alright now?
Hoping these blinking doctors figure out something for you soon
Big hug, kisses to the fur babies
04-21-2013, 05:28 PM
Thanks for the kind words of encouragement Mel, Kathy and Valerie. Yes, I have tried $540.00 acupuncture years ago – no luck.:( I am going to attempt myofascial release and looking into ketamine infusion where they will put me almost into a state of coma – but not quite. I have a little fear :eek::(:eek: about that but I am willing to try to get functioning and relief. :) I will have my step dad take the pups if they allow the in hospital version. I won’t be able to do the daily in office version as I don’t have anyone to stay with me over night and transport me back and forth – I don’t have the gas money either, it is 120 + miles each day.:(
One MRI of neck should the bulge - nerve touching the spine :(:confused::mad::( I still think that is part of the problem. People with RSD/CRPS should stay away from surgery if possible – neck is part of back spine area where RSD/CRPS began. :( That is part of their apprehension.
I won’t give up with trying everything I am able / or insurance will cover. :p I still believe the nerve touching the spine in the bulging disk in the neck has a lot to do with it. :mad::(:(
Norman slept through the night two nights in a row,:D:D and then had a terrible night. :(It’s been a rough few days physically and emotionally. :( I couldn’t remember if I gave him his meds because his appetite has been so poor he is not the time keeper anymore.:confused::o:o I gave him some food with a dose of meds and I shouldn’t of – he had a rough night, I thought I overdosed him and killed him. :(:eek::(Needless to say we both fell asleep and woke up at 8 am – really scared me. Norman hasn’t slept till 8 am Ever. He was sound asleep didn’t hear Millie and I walking around I didn’t give him his morning dose but did fill the new med container so I wouldn’t mess up again.
Millie is back to herself. :D:D
Norman is still sneezing quite a bit – how many dozes of the zertec should I give him? Right now I give it to him mid-day so not to interfere with the am/ pm doze of Trilostane. I also give him slippery elm bark mixture twice a day two hours after meds. That has helped some with his stools. They are not solid but not runny either ( at least for the most part). :eek:
Norm’s tummy is really looking good decreased swelling. :D:D But he is very flaky white on his black coat. Sleeping a lot through the day. Drinking decreased – to I would say “normal”. :D:D
Can someone guide me to how I can put up a picture of Norman on my post? :confused::o:o I still don’t know how to navigate through the site. :o I wish I could type in a person’s name and post on their site, is that possible?? :o:o
Thanks so much for the words of encouragement for Norman, Millie and me…I feel so blessed to have found this site. :):D:) I am not alone in Norman’s Cushing journey and that makes it easier to handle and for me to understand. Bless all of you!
With Heartfelt thanks and appreciation, :)Sharon
04-21-2013, 05:39 PM
Flaky skin could be related to allergies or something else.
Daisy's fur was flaky, looked dull, and smelled - she ended up having a bacterial infection. I would rule that out.
04-21-2013, 05:52 PM
Norman has been on Mitroonizole (sp) twice in the past couple months -mostly for loose stools /diareaha. Bacterial infection or overgrowth of bacteria in his stools.
I thought the flakiness was part of cushings?? maybe allergies?? His coat doesnt smell, that is a good thing. Unless is it an EMERgency I cant afford to bring him in this month, meds, zertec, dog food, I dont have any funds left. I feel bad but it isnt a huge deal, I hope.
I really enjoyed looking at your pictures, not sure if I have your doxie's name correct but what a cutie and so many great moments captured.
Thanks for sharing.
Budsters Mom
04-21-2013, 06:07 PM
Hi Sharon,:)
A lot of us are struggling financially and we totally understand your situation. We all do it we can. You are my inspiration when things get tough. ;)
Sharlene helped me with my avatar (picture of Buddy). I can post a picture, but I'm not sure how to explain it. I'm sure that someone will be coming along shortly to walk you through it. I can't wait to see a photo of your precious Norman.:)
Love and wellness hugs sent your way,
Kathy and Buddy:)
Hey Sharon,
The flaky skin can occur once the cotisol is down within theraputic range. The skin can flake off, their coat can get worse before it all gets better.
I am curious about one thing though, did the allergies start up around the same time as starting the slippery elm bark? I thought I had read for humans allergic to golden rod, I think, that you should not take slippery elm. I have not tried it with Zoe since she has allergies to grass, etc, so I was wondering.
Zoe has done that to me here and there, sleeping late out of nowhere, scares us sometimes too.
I am a bit concerned though about Norman's appetite being poor. How off is it?
04-21-2013, 06:11 PM
Thanks Kathy - for some reason it seems so important to me for others to see how loveable and how magnificient Norman is.
It's just been rough lately...I feel so grateful he is still hanging in here for me.
How is budster doing?
Peace, Sharon
Budsters Mom
04-21-2013, 06:29 PM
I have no doubt that Norman is magnificent!:D
He has you from mom, doesn't he? ;)
I am so sorry that life is so hard for you. I wish I could do more to help.:p
Buddy is doing very well. His Cushing's symptoms have all faded away, except for his real leg weakness, which is better. His biggest issue right now is allergies, which has been creating havoc. It is that time of year!:(
I'll be watching out for Norman's photo!!:D
Kathy and Buddy
Harley PoMMom
04-21-2013, 08:00 PM
Can someone guide me to how I can put up a picture of Norman on my post? :confused::o:o I still don’t know how to navigate through the site. :o I wish I could type in a person’s name and post on their site, is that possible?? :o:o
Here are some links that I hope do help you with the forum:
General forum usage:
Avatar: atars
Any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.
Love and hugs,
Budsters Mom
04-21-2013, 08:43 PM
I hope Lori's links work out for you! I am anxious to see a photo of Norman! :D
Kathy and Buddy:)
molly muffin
04-21-2013, 09:09 PM
Kathy, Sharon does have a couple album under her profile with pictures of Norman. He's a beauty alright. :)
Sharon, to add a picture of Norman or whatever you would like as your avatar, go tot he top, User CP, click on that. On the left hand side of your User page, you'll see "Edit Avatar" click on that. Now on that Avatar page, click "Use Custom Avatar" Under the second option under that you will see that you can upload a picture from your computer.
Let me know if you have any problems.
Hang in there Sharon.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Simba's Mom
04-21-2013, 09:14 PM
Just sending hello hugs from me and Simba!!
04-22-2013, 08:16 AM
Hello and many hugs and kisses from Tipper. Hope you are both on the mend. Blessings
04-22-2013, 08:21 AM
Hey Sharon
Just nipping in, I noticed you mentioned his appetite was off and Addy also enquired, is it really off as that could be a sign of low cortisol, lethargy is another, don't want to freak you out but I know he is now on twice day dosing so just wanted to ask that again...?
Hope you are feeling a bit better today, glad to hear Millie is well
Big hug, kisses to the fur babies
04-27-2013, 09:58 PM
Hey Sharon,
The flaky skin can occur once the cotisol is down within theraputic range. The skin can flake off, their coat can get worse before it all gets better.
I am curious about one thing though, did the allergies start up around the same time as starting the slippery elm bark? I thought I had read for humans allergic to golden rod, I think, that you should not take slippery elm. I have not tried it with Zoe since she has allergies to grass, etc, so I was wondering.
Zoe has done that to me here and there, sleeping late out of nowhere, scares us sometimes too.
I am a bit concerned though about Norman's appetite being poor. How off is it?
Hello Addy, Norman developed the flakiness about 6 weeks ago. He just started the slippery elm bark. It is working well for his loose stools. :D I am happy to say Normans appetitie is better. Not overally aggressive glutton but he is eager to eat.:D I was a bit concerned as well, but he was over weight so he looks good now. Pot belly pretty much gone His meds are working as they should. :D:D I feel very blessed! :D:p:D He is sleeping next to me now. :D
04-27-2013, 10:00 PM
Here are some links that I hope do help you with the forum:
General forum usage:
Avatar: atars
Any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.
Love and hugs,
Hi Lori...I still dont get how to do it...would it be possible for someone to call me and walk me through it?
04-27-2013, 10:15 PM
Kathy, Sharon does have a couple album under her profile with pictures of Norman. He's a beauty alright. :)
Sharon, to add a picture of Norman or whatever you would like as your avatar, go tot he top, User CP, click on that. On the left hand side of your User page, you'll see "Edit Avatar" click on that. Now on that Avatar page, click "Use Custom Avatar" Under the second option under that you will see that you can upload a picture from your computer.
Let me know if you have any problems.
Hang in there Sharon.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Thanks Sharlene! Looks like I got it to work, even though it said it failed. :p Thank you for the detailed steps.;)
04-27-2013, 10:50 PM
I have no doubt that Norman is magnificent!:D
He has you from mom, doesn't he? ;)
I am so sorry that life is so hard for you. I wish I could do more to help.:p
Buddy is doing very well. His Cushing's symptoms have all faded away, except for his real leg weakness, which is better. His biggest issue right now is allergies, which has been creating havoc. It is that time of year!:(
I'll be watching out for Norman's photo!!:D
Kathy and Buddy
Kathy, have you tried zertec or benadryl for te allergies?
Oh Kathy! Thanks for the pick me up. ;) I don't mean to complain about my life. As a cancer survivor/thriver, I thank God every morning when I wake that I am alive and that I still have the puppies with me. I will never give up Hope that my condition and situation will improve. Trying a new proceedure, now I just need to demonstrate more patience. My faith is strong.... one day at a time. I feel so grateful for this group the support and cushing friends. :D Thank you!:D Mel, Patti and Simba's Mom, with out all of you, your kind words, encouragement, suggestions, etc Norman would not be doing as well as he is. ;) And Thanks for asking about Millie, she ad another off day and got sick but the next day she was fine. She must have found something in the yard,:eek: or at friends house I took the pupps to when I watched a movie at her house.
Norman is doing pretty good. I would say his meds are working well. He has lost some weight (needed to) pot bellie almost gone, appetite improved, stools good firmness, drinking water but not obssessive, sleeping through the night most nights, rests soundly during the day, but not lathargic. He eats the dirt and grass around the property. I havent been able to take the pupps for a walk for years. My exBF took them when we were together but they havent since the break up Aug of 2012. Millie would do just fine, I am not sure how far Norms would be able to go but he looks muscular. He takes a zertec once a day for his sneezing allergies, that seems to be helping. Overall, very blessed and a Great report on the pups. :D
I thank everyone of you who contribute your time and knowledge to this site. A true blessing to all of us. :)
Life is good! Even when hurting there is so much to be grateful for, so many blessings surround us. Thank You ALL!:D;):D:):D
Peace and Love, Sharon, Norman and Millie :p
molly muffin
04-27-2013, 11:03 PM
Hi Sharon, Just popped in for a moment and saw your Avatar!!! Love it! You did awesome. Norman sounds like he is doing great too and that is wonderful news. Sleeping through the night is fabulous too.
So proud of you!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Simba's Mom
04-27-2013, 11:09 PM
Hey Sharon, love Normans picture, what a cutie, you have been through so much and you continue to be positive...your'e a blessing!!
04-27-2013, 11:41 PM
Thank you Ladies...I enjoy reading other posts and seeing a picture of the pupps I am praying for and others are giving advice for. I wanted everyone to see why I love Norms so much, and maybe you would see his love for me in his eyes..;)
I just can't thank the group enough for being here to help me get through this journey with Norman. Again, I feel so blessed. I hope to I am able to contribute to others through prayer...that is what I am able to do and my faith is strong...Everyone of us "living things" as live begins are one day closer to our end...what we do in between is what matters no matter how long or short of a period of time that is. How we love and care for our pupps and fill their lives and try to bring a good quality to their life as they fill ours wit so much joy and love is all we can do.
I again, thank you all. and Love you for helping me gain strength through this process and journey. :) Sharon
Budsters Mom
04-27-2013, 11:46 PM
Hi Sharon,:)
I was right! Norman is magnificent! I love his avatar.:)
So glad to hear that Norman and Millie are doing well.:)
Sharon, I don't see your challenges as complaints. You are an inspiration to all of us. I admire your attitude, perseverance and love for all. :)
Sending hugs and wellness thoughts your way,
Kathy and Buddy:cool:
04-28-2013, 02:00 AM
Hey Sharon, I haven't checked in with you for a while but I am so super glad to hear that Norman is doing so well! Sounds like things have really turned the corner for him. His picture is really gorgeous, and what a gleaming coat he has! Handsome man indeed! :D
Hope Millie stops finding those extra "treats" that aren't agreeing with her and you can have a smoother ride to focus on yourself for a bit. You are doing brilliantly, keep it up and take care. :D
04-28-2013, 08:45 AM
Glad to hear your baby is doing so well. Keep up the good work.
05-02-2013, 07:48 PM
Hi Sharon
Just wanted to give you a big hug and thank you for all the kindness you have shown me throughout the last couple of weeks.I am so glad that I found this site.I truly have Fella to thank for that!.If it hadn't been for him,I never would have found you all and being newly single,without any children,losing him would have been even more unbearable had it not been for all of you!You are all amazing.I just started to read a bit of the threads posted here and look forward to getting to know all of your babies as well as you were able to get to know my little Fella!I love the picture of your Norman-he is precious!!Thanks again and bigs hugs to Norman and Millie!
05-02-2013, 08:01 PM
Thanks Patty! I feel the same as you. When I found the sight I was recently alone for the first time in my life. So going through what was happening to Norman alone with my own health issues was rough. I feel so blessed to have found the forum. The site is so supportive and please feel free to send an email and if you ever want to cat leave me your number in am thing I can do is lend and ear and listen even if it is just to cry...your not alone...we're here for you. Thank you for the email! :)
Sending waves of peace and confort to you!
Love, Sharon, Norman and Millie
05-02-2013, 08:12 PM
Thanks once again to all of you for your loving, kind and supportive words. Even though I am alone here with the pupps I dont feel alone with Normans journey. I enjoy reading and learning about other breeds. I wish it wasn't through this aweful disease but God has a way of bringing people together and this is how he chose each of us to meet...through our pupps - to encourage and lend support. Even though I am not able to give much advice I pray and keep each of you in thought sending well wishes to each of you as we journey with our pups. Words cannot express my gratitude for this group, but I will say thanks again.
Sending waves of Love, Peace, Gratitude and Mercy to all of you.
Blessing Abound to all of you!
Sharon, Norman and Millie :)
molly muffin
05-02-2013, 08:39 PM
We love you too Sharon and Norman and Millie!!!
Super big hugs!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Budsters Mom
05-02-2013, 10:13 PM
Yes Sharon, we are here for each other, so no one is ever alone!:)It is a global family of dog lovers who love and support each other, through a difficult journey. A group of selfless angels who donate their time to others in need. A Cushings diagnosis goes from utterly terrifying to manageable with support from the angels. You are one of the angels also, so thank you for supporting our global family too.
Hugs to you, Norman, and Millie
Kathy and Buddy:cool:
05-05-2013, 08:48 AM
Kathy, you put in a nut blessed for the group.
Norman had a terrible night with breathing, allergies..what ever it is??? He is resting peacefully on my lap right now. ;) I hate to get up for anything...or move him, he seems pooped.
I will be taking him in for another ACTH test hopefully this week. I am pretty sure he is on the right dose with how other things are going. Insiting on the right way...I will feed him w/meds then bring him in for testing so the test occurs within the four hour period.
I would also like the vet to consider some meds for his enlarged heart. He has been off that for a couple months now. Something that doesnt have adverse effect when taking Triliostan/ Ventyrol.
It has been a very painful week for me with te weather chamging so drastically. Meds and sleep, whimpering through the night (seems worse then) and the numbness. but the warmer weather will eventually get here and I can always take more meds....Norman can't tell me how what he would like/needs. :(
Millie was sick again twice this week. but then she acts money to have her checked as long as she bounces back...That may sound terrible but Norman, I feel, needs the care more.
Have a great day my cushing friends. Thanks for the support and advice.
Anyone have a good suggestion for the enlarged heart med with trilostane/Ventyrol?????
Peace and comfort to all of you and your pupps.
Sharon, Norman and Millie
Simba's Mom
05-06-2013, 01:15 AM
Oh Sharon, praying for you and your pups, sending hugs too!
05-06-2013, 02:00 AM
Awww, no more sick days furbabies _ Auntie VAL says so.
05-06-2013, 07:54 PM
Thanks gals! sending the love right back atcha! A low pain day,:D today, so grateful...but I still didnt sleep well. I will be heading to bed soon.
Sharon, Norman and Miliie
molly muffin
05-06-2013, 08:35 PM
Low pain days are good ones! Hope you can get some good rest and sleep tonight.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
05-12-2013, 09:24 AM
Hey Sharon
Just checking in on you all, how are Norman and Millie?
Hope you are feeling better
05-17-2013, 02:49 PM
Hi Mel!
Thanks for checking in. I have been having some good days and then some more challenging days. Celebrated my birthday this past Tuesday and it was a wonderful day filled with messages of love and suprises. Grateful Norman and Millie are still here with many blessings to be grateful for. :)
Here are Norman's results form the past two ACTH tests and some other blood work results. :D Vet called late last nigt to tell me Norman is doing perfect. I wont be giving im anything for his enlarged heart as the possible side effects with the Cushings meds. Norman is on Zertec for allergies and slippery elm bark for loose stools which are solid since he has been given a small dose every day. Norman's weigt is also down to 22.4
Pre ACTH Cortisol 9.0
Post ACTH Cortisol 27.7 :eek:
Pre ACTH 2 - 6
Post ACT 6-18
Equivocal post ACTH cortisol 18-22
Post ACT cortisol consistent w/ hyperadrenocorticism > 22
Post ACT cortisol consistent with hypoadrenocorticicm <2
Desired pre - and post - ACTH cortisol on lysodren therapy 1-5
Pre-ACTH 1.3
Post-ACTH 1.7
Alk Phosphatase 42 [10 - 150 U/L]
ALT (SGPT) 52 [5 -107 U/L]
AST (SGOT) 28 {5 - 55 U/L]
GGT 7 [0 - 14 U/L]
Total Bilirubin 0.0 [0.0 - 0.4 mg/dL]
Gluclose 114 [60 - 125 mg/dL]
:D:):D:):D Thanks all for the guidance, love and support. :D:):D:)
05-23-2013, 02:04 AM
Hi Sharon
Just checking in to say hello and see how you and your gang were doing.Hope you're all having feeling good-hugs to you all.
Budsters Mom
06-17-2013, 12:02 AM
Hi Sharon,
It seems like forever since we've heard from you. I hope that the three of you are doing okay. I have missed updates on Norma and Millie. We'd love to hear from you!
06-17-2013, 12:32 AM
That's great news Sharon!
06-17-2013, 07:55 AM
Happy belated Birthday!!. I am so glad Norman and Millie could celebrate with you. I agree that is a blessing, and I hope you have many more.
Simba's Mom
06-17-2013, 05:31 PM
Great to hear from you, glad things are going ok!!!
06-25-2013, 06:03 PM
Hello cushings friends! Thought I would check in and give an update on Norman, Millie and me.
Norman is doing quite well. I beleive he is on the correct dose, hair is growing back well, pot belly is gone, appetite is good. alergy meds working pretty well, so is the slippery elm bark, energy is not huge but he did romp a little with Millie which I haven't seen him do is many many months. Sleep through the night and urination normal.:D:D:D
Both Norman and Millie sleep a lot which I would think is normal for 13 and almost 14 year old dogs.
I have been having some tough days with all the low pressure systems, my arms are burning and neck is terribly stiff. neurosurgeon in Madison says no surgery but will do epidural injections, woking on setting that up after trying the ketamine infusion (hopefull the 4th and 5th week in July). looking forward to some relief.
I apologize for not checking more often, my internet was down for a few days, then I was put on meds that gave me a terrible reaction, and between dr, laywer appts. and just painful days I haven't been up to checking in. That does not mean i dont hink of you all every day...I do every time I look at Norman, how far and how well he is doing. I am so very thankful for this group...My appreciation is abundant and I will forever be grafetul to all you for the love support and advice you ave given.
God Bless you all,
molly muffin
06-25-2013, 07:01 PM
Great to hear from you Sharon and I'm glad that Norman is doing so well and is even playing with Millie.
I do hope that at least one of the treatments will give you some sort of relief from the constant pain. Keeping my fingers and toes crossed.
sharlene and molly muffin
Budsters Mom
06-25-2013, 08:20 PM
Sharon, It is so great to hear from you! :)I am so sorry that you been in so much pain and hope the docs are able to find something that helps soon. :oNorman and Millie have a wonderful report for us! They are both sleeping through the night, which is awesome! We can handle so much more when we are able to get a good night's sleep. Go Norman! You keep on playing dude!:D
Hugs to all,
Squirt's Mom
06-26-2013, 06:48 AM
Hi Sharon,
Good to hear from you and especially to hear how well Norman is doing! I am happy for you both. But I am sorry to hear you have had such a tough time lately and so hope the injections and infusions bring you some relief.
Leslie and the gang
06-26-2013, 09:13 AM
So glad to hear that your Norman is doing so well. keep up the good work!! Blessings
07-06-2013, 03:13 PM
Hi Sharon
Just checking in to say hello and see how you and your gang were doing.Hope you're all having feeling good-hugs to you all.
Hi Patty, I am checking in to see how you are doing? Thoughts and prayers are with you.
Norman is doing well, turned 13 on the 26th of June. I feel so blessed. Miliie is going to be 14 in Oct. Both seem to be doing well.
I am having a bit of time dealing with the burning pain, which has now spread to my arms for weeks now. Not doing much of anything. GOing to the warm water pool (when open), lots of doc appt. and atty matters (WC and disability issues) watching TV, checking email, researching treatments for RSD/CRPS, napping because I dont sleep well at night. Alone most of the time, so grateful for the puppies. The weather here is nice / hot which helps my pain condition, but still not enough to just go out and do any activity.
But I am alive and the puppies are here with me to help me carry on.
My thougts and prayers are with you...(((Hugs)))
Peace, Mercy and Love, Sharon, Norman and Millie
Budsters Mom
07-06-2013, 03:28 PM
Happy Birthday Norman!!! Birthday need to be celebrated around here. I will start the celebration!:D:D
Simba's Mom
07-06-2013, 04:15 PM
Happy Birthday Norman!!!!!!
Sending hugs and prayers!!!
Roxee's Dad
07-06-2013, 05:08 PM
:D:D:D Happy Belated Birthday Norman :D:D:D
molly muffin
07-06-2013, 06:45 PM
Happy Birthday Norman!!! I am so glad that he and Millie are both doing so well. :)
How far we have all come. :)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
07-06-2013, 08:33 PM
Hi Sharon
Happy Belated Birthday to Norman and glad to hear Millie is doing well.Sorry you're having so many health issues-hope you are able to get to the pool.Nice to see you here again,we've missed you!!
Squirt's Mom
07-07-2013, 07:21 AM
Happy Birthday, Norman!!
07-07-2013, 07:35 AM
Happy Birthday Norman, Tipper and I wish you many more of them! God Bless You.
07-11-2013, 11:03 PM
Happy Birthday Norman!!! Birthday need to be celebrated around here. I will start the celebration!:D:D
Thank you and Love your quote! Peace <3
07-11-2013, 11:09 PM
Thank you everyone! ;) Words just can't express how much this forum has done for Norman and for me. I am so BLESSED because of all of your support, love, shared knowledge, and experience. Norman made it to his 13 birthday because of this group. Thank you!:D:D May you all be abundantly blessed for being the wonderful, kind, compassionate poeple you are. Love and Hugs!
Truly Grateful,
Sharon and the pupps :D
07-12-2013, 01:04 AM
13!!!! In this case, that is a very lucky number :)
Happy Birthday Norman!
07-12-2013, 11:13 AM
wishing norman a very happy birthday !!! patty (milo) meka xoxox
07-12-2013, 12:54 PM
Norman you are the birthday boy, and I sure hope you have many more!! Blessings
07-12-2013, 01:08 PM
Happy 13th Birthday to Norman!!! Wishing him many happy and healthy days!! :D
Barbara :)
Boriss McCall
07-12-2013, 04:50 PM
Happy Birthday Norman!!
07-12-2013, 06:29 PM
Happy Birthday Normal <3 :p
07-14-2013, 08:17 AM
So Norman do you feel any older today??????? Hope it was a wonderful birthday, you deserve it Norman. Blessings
07-26-2013, 05:49 AM
Hey Sharon,
Been absent a bit myself lately but just checking in to see how you and Norman are going. Hope you are both going well and look forward to hearing an update.
07-27-2013, 10:30 PM
Thank you all for the wonderful birthday wishes for Norman. He is doing alright. He injured a paw recently, I am not sure how or when, but I have been trying to carrying him to the lawn as nest as I am able. Rough days for me lately with the Low pressure systems, but I am alive and that means there is always hope and purpose.
When ever I report on Norman (doing well), it seems Norman has a rough couple of days, but that seems to be how it goes with cushings, lots of ups and downs. Norman, Millie and I are blessed to have found this forum and I utilize all of the suggestions. Norman is balanced (right now) and I know every day is a blessing. Enjoying each moment we have together.
Every night when we get tucked into bed I thank God for another day together,I thank the Lord for the Group and all of your contributions along with prayers for comfort, peace and mercy as we all journey through life with our pups cushings and other medical issues as well as the strength to go on after we lose one of our precious family members.
Even though I am not on here on a regular basis, there is not a day that goes by without me thinking of this wonderful group, every time I give Norman one of his meds or utilize a suggestion I think of you all.
With Love, appreciation and gratitude,
Kindly yours, Sharon, Norman and Millie
07-28-2013, 12:00 AM
Dear Sharon
I know this is such a hard time for you. Treasure each day. Know one can tell you what is right to do. Make pictures of your sweet Norman. He is so precious.
In my case , my baby died in my arms , Sept 9,2012. He waited for me to hold him. I attached the video I made in his memory. I showed all of it. Right to the end I made pictures. All I can give you is my love and support.
Apollo would have been 14 the next month. We fought hard and strong together. I would do it over again.
Fight together for as long as you can. Norman is still here and you got to celebrate a birthday. Focus on that for now. Know we are hear for you. You are not alone.
Hugs Sonja and Angel Apollo
07-28-2013, 09:18 PM
Sharon, Thank you for the condolences about my Scoop.
I hope things continue to go well for you and Norman.
08-29-2013, 06:15 PM
Hello Eveyone...I haven't been one for a while. I was informed suddenely that I was approved for the Ketmaine low dose infusion treatment for my RSD/CRPS. I have had 4 our infusions 2 -3 over the past 3 weeks. I also had an epidural injection in my C6-C7 disk buldge. four hour sedations with recieveing a mixture of drugs - mainly Ketamine. Infusions went well, helped in variaous ways - not cured, but quality of life improved in little ways - Very blessed and would encourage everyone who has my disease to try this. High dose as better results but costs are very high.
Anyway, while I have been going through all the treatments my ex BF has had the puppies, I am not able to drive day of or the next day, I have driven two days after late in the day - A vehicle is a weapon, specially when impaired. Therefore I ave only seen Norman and Millie 3 times in the past 3+ weeks. It is so hard to say good bye, the senced when I ws leaving after the first visit and whined. The second time wasnt as bad as I acutally stayed overnight and left to go to the pool before the injection so it was like a normal day. THe last time was very hard. After spending 4 hours with them, they were feeling secure and sleeping as I was leaving they woke and we let them outside, it was dark and so I snuck in the garage, Norman figured it out rather quickly and his bark just broke my heart. He was saying Mama don't leave, your forgetting to take me with you, please mama dont leave without me. I cried. He as been taking all of his meds but looks as though he has gained at least 5 - 8 pounds. Joe assured me he is not over feeding him but I think he is.
Tomorrow I should be able to get them back home. Being alone, witout someone to care for them and not being able to see them inbetween/retruning from treatments has been quite challenging. This is the longest they have been apart from me. But hopefull, I will be able to take them for sort walks now and my lower pain levels will allow me to be a better mom to them.
I am sorry I haven't been keeping up with everyone, My thoughts and prayers are with all of you struggling with getting your puppies cushing and other condtions under control. To those of you who have lost you beloved companion, I wish peace and mercy to who, may God surround you with comfort and love.
Thanking everyone for helping Norman and I understand and get his cushings under control. Your knowledge and support is thought of and appreciated everytime I look at Norman and when anyone visits they comment on how well he has improved, at least how much he did. with his weight gain I am not sure what is going on exactly. My Vet will not be happy. But Norman and Millie will be back home tomorrow. :D
Sending waves of gratitude, peace and love to all and Healing for your pups.
Sharon, Norman and Millie
Squirt's Mom
08-30-2013, 08:04 AM
Hi Sharon,
Good to hear from you! I hope this new treatment offers you much relief for a long time to come. Norman and Milly will be so glad to be back in their own home with their mom and I know having them with you again will help you, too. AND Norman is bringing you a project to keep your mind occupied - dieting! :p I hope he is well otherwise.
Let us hear from you when you can!
Leslie and the gang
08-30-2013, 08:14 AM
Good to hear from you, I hope the treatment works for you and that you are improving. Sorry to hear that you haven't seen the babies that much though. Hoping things get better for all of you. Blessings
08-30-2013, 08:25 AM
Good Morning Leslie, I really like your perspective on Norman. It made me smile and chuckle ..always a good thing. :D:D:D
Today I will be either driving to get the puppies or arranging for someone to bring them to me. it has been a long 3 weeks, but blessed I knew they were with their papa of the past 6 years, even if his care is not like mine, ( I know they missed him since we have been apart, but now realize...."He's not the Mama" and they need their mama's loves. I wasnt overly concerned of their care while I was getting treatments to improve my life and in return the puppies as well. Filled with gratitude for the treatments and improvements seen. I have been envisioning walking the dogs and taking them in the woods, an almost dailly pre injury occurrance. The journey of life continues. :)
Special thanks to all of you who make the world a better place just becuase your in it....sharing you knowledge, encouragement through the cushing diagnosis and journey and the support as our pupps transition over the bridge. This site Rocks!!!:D:D:D Very blessed we are.
:D Sharon
Glad to read your update, Sharon and so pleased you were able to receive treatment. I know the pups will be so happy to come home today.:):):)
I hope it is cooler in your neck of the woods, we are to have another hot one here in Milwaukee. Usually Sheboygan is cooler as is Port Washington. I think it is to be cooler next week. So stay cool and hugs to Norman and Millie.
We have another Wisconsinite on the form, Renee and her King Charles Cavilier. She is in Eau Claire.
Happy Labor Day!!!
08-31-2013, 09:01 AM
I bet you are so happy to have your babies back with you. That was wonderful of the neighbor to care for them for you. Than you for thinking of my Tipper, it has been a struggle lately. Blessings
molly muffin
08-31-2013, 11:57 AM
Hi Sharon,
I'm so happy to hear that you were able to get the treatment after all and that some improvement has been seen.
Glad the little ones are doing good too. :) Sounds like things are getting back on track as much as possible for you, which is a good thing.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
10-15-2013, 10:52 AM
Hi Sharon,
Just checking in, it's been a while since we heard from you, I hope all is going ok and the treatments have had a long term effect for you.
Squirt's Mom
02-10-2014, 09:23 AM
Hi Sharon,
You and Norman were on my mind last night and I wanted to pop in and see how things are going. Hope you both are doing well.
Leslie and the gang
05-19-2014, 09:31 PM
Hello K9 Cushings Support, friends and pups!
I haven't been on for some time. But thought I would give an update since I am having an OK day. My apologies for not getting on more, depression and pain have the best of me. I sincere and deepest condolences to those of you who have lost your beloved to the rainbow bridge. The days are nearing for Norman I fear and that will be a big decision for me as well.
First on Norman: He started having seizures in Jan. about once a month. He skipped one month but had two within a month the last the Friday before Mothers Day. I brought him a week after the prior one and they did lab work. Labs were great for Cushings, Vet was impressed with that. He had his shot for rabies at a free clinic where you just had to pay for the shots and nail trim. That vet did a thorough check up. Definitely looks almost 14, weight OK - 24 pounds. cushings, seizures (no meds, because of cushings and heart) enlarged heart, plus now a heart murmur. Mass on left front leg thought to be a fatty mass. But small lump lower by liver could go either way. (He suggested no walks for Norman, which isn't a problem as I can't take walks and Norman won't go without me, even my son and grandson have tried he goes maybe 20 feet turns around and looks at me and won't budge - he's not leaving his mama behind. I won't ever leave him behind as well.) No funds for further check. He is still demonstrating quality of life. Although the last seizure he had foaming and blood from his mouth. Maybe bit his tongue or tooth bleeding. didn't seem to be a problem after the initial few hours of the seizure recovery. that morning just before I was going to pool therapy he got a drink and the water dish was red. Fresh water and then pink. I called the Vet. They wanted me to bring him in to see another Vet, but only one Vet has seen him and he knows Norman and my situation. I don't have the funds. I canceled the pool and stayed close to my Norman. He has been snorting / sneezing some (bits) of blood and I started allowing him to sleep with me at night( except after a seizure because of the blindness he experiences, he'll walk off the bed and possibly hurt himself. I have found blood on my bedding, but not sure where it is from - mouth nose, teeth. Where doing the best we can with what we have. I keep telling him not to hand in there for me if he has pain, as I know what it is like and I will be fine. I'm here for Norman.
Millie - her free check when getting her shot and nails clipped was great, she'll be fifteen in Oct. Vet stated 15 going on two. I am so grateful for that. I couldn't find another penny for an additional medication or appointments.
Me - I've been going through terrible pain days. Winter that never ended, spring that has tried to appear then goes, low pressure systems. Medications that are making my stomach upset, but need to take to manage the pain. pain spread to left chest wall over the holiday's went to ER thinking I was having a heart attack, turn out quite common for RSD/CRPS patients. Dystonia spasms so intense they mimic the feeling of a heart attack. That lasted about 6 weeks, prior to that ear pain, which I thought was an ear infection but turns out a spread to the RSD to the ear canal nerves. That last a couple months and has calmed down, very little pain compared to the maddening pain of feeling like an ear infection. Then a spread to my lower legs that last about 4-6 weeks as well which has almost gone away. Of course there is the daily numbing of the arms/hands, legs/feet, burning arm pit should spasm pain and constant feeling of being assaulted in the ribs, spine stabbing burning, etc. of every day existence. headaches every day throughout the day and lack of sleep (1/12 to 2 hours at a time) throughout the night have left me exhausted and emotional. Crying and thinking about how wonderful life will be in heaven. But not as long as Norman needs me.
The WC case, ongoing for 6 1/2 years should be settled this year and fighting the denial of SSD benefits after three year review. Turns out they only considered the cancer and not the real reason my functioning is diminished - RSD/ CRPS I. I am so tired - all of the time, tired of the fight with all of this. The isolation is terrible and I thank God each day and night for another day with Norman and Millie too.
Well, that is a summary of my life over the past 6 months. I apologize for not being a support to those of you who really need the comfort. I am not a specialist be any means on cushings. My memory is much worse than months ago. But I do appreciate the love, guidance, support that this group gave me and Norman when his cushings journey began. I will never forget how much I needed you all and all the support and great advice this forum gave to help us though and to get Norman to where he is today. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. With and abundance of gratitude as well.
Peace and Love, Sharon Norman - cushings dachshund and Millie - mini yorkie-pooh
PS: Thank you for the Birthday wishes, the best gift God could have given me; Another day with Norman.
05-20-2014, 06:39 AM
Oh Sharon, welcome back to us although I am so very sorry to read about all your troubles. You are facing so many challenges -- it does not seem fair, and my heart aches for you. Please know that we have never forgotten you, nor Norman nor Millie, and we send many healing wishes from your K9C family. Please keep us updated, OK?
Many hugs,
05-20-2014, 07:50 AM
I am so sorry for all your are going thru and truly hope Norman has no more seizures. is he on seizure medication? I can't remember was it ever thought of being a macro? I pray you are on the mend, as you have had a tremendously hard road to travel. Blessings
05-20-2014, 09:12 AM
Hi Patti and Marianne,
No seizure meds for Norman. Because of the cushings and heart conditions the Vet didn't want to start something right away. Although, we spoke after the blood in the drinking water and I call to have them put in his chart when they occur. He did state if they happen more than a month apart we should try something. He would search for something as affordable as possible. Norman is also on a allergy medication since last fall. which I stopped over the winter but started as someone recommended that allergies may cause seizures. Has anyone noticed their animals having seizure during a new moon of full moon - seems that is when Norman has his, looking for a correlation, although, no control over that.
I thought often of the group but because of spreading pain/depression just couldn't get on. The bad weather and harsh winter makes dealing with RSD/CRPS more challenging. This grouped helped me though one of the most challenging times with Norman. I will be forever grateful for the advice and wonderful support. Thank you so very much.
Peace and blessings, Sharon
05-20-2014, 10:44 AM
Oh Sharon,
You and Norman have so much going on. I am so sorry!
I have no experience with seizures.
We'll be praying for you both. Happy that Millie had a great report.
molly muffin
05-20-2014, 06:14 PM
Sharon, so great to see you again, but I'm very sad that Norman is having issues and that you continue to fight for every moment of the day for yourself.
Whether you are on here or not, we do think of you and wonder how you and Norman and Millie are doing. :( The seizures sound scary and the blood doesn't sound very good either. I know that is a worry for you too. Hopefully the vet can figure out what is going on and see if there is anything that can be done to help him.
Sharlene and molly muffin
05-20-2014, 08:01 PM
Thank you for providing an update on all of you, although I am so sorry to hear things haven't been good for you or Norman. I can't offer any help but know that we are thinking of you.
05-22-2014, 08:06 AM
Hello Again! and thank you for all of the encouraging words of support. Even though I wasn't able to get on there wasn't a day that I didn't think if the forum and all of the wonderful advice and help that I received when Norman's health issue with the cushings began. This group was my gift from God. I don't know what I would have done...I might have listened to that first Vet who told me to put Norman down. I shutter to think of her words. No one loves me like him and to be honest he is the reason why I am still here. He needs me. I thank God every night and morning for another day with both pups.
So even though I don't get on often I do think of each of you and your journey's with your pups and cushings. I know the Rainbow Bridge will be a crossing Norman (and Milie) will travel. If treatments for my condition don't improve my quality of live we'll be together soon after, and I am alright with that. Life is about Movement, not this isolation and pain.
Thank you all for helping me with those early days. Every day is a gift, specially when you have the unconditional love of a dog.
Peace and Love,
05-22-2014, 08:26 AM
I think it scares us all to think of what would have happened had some of us listened to our vets when this all first came about. If I listened to mine over the past two years I know Tipper would not be here. I too thank God every day for this forum as it's most valuable service is helping us keep our babies quality of life as good as possible, and having them with us is the true blessing. Stay well Sharon and I understand what you say that you would not be here if it were not for Norman. Blessings
06-30-2014, 05:17 PM
We haven't heard from you in a while and I am wondering how you are doing? Hope your health problems are better. Blessings
07-23-2014, 03:50 PM
Hello K9-Cushing friends,
Just checking in, I guess I need to try to do this more often as my account was closed. With the pain, depression and anxiety I haven't been up to reading or posting updates. I value this forum and am so grateful for all of the advice for Norman and prayers for our little family - Norman, Millie and me.
Update on Norman: He is on day 30 for his seizures. since Jan when they first began he has had one every 22- 30 days, skipping one month. I hope he skips another this month. The last 2 maybe three (one occurred outside) were gran-mal. So he is no longer allowed to sleep with me on the bed, which I began after the seizures began. With my RSD/CRPS I can't have the extra wash duties as the night of the seizures there is no rest and my meds I am exhausted already. It just takes to much out of me and I need to be able to take care of Norman and Millie. Norman and Millie both nap with me in my bed daily. Although insomnia has been quite an issue for me lately. :eek: We still lay on the bed together. I pray I can sleep before my limbs go painfully numb. (and then they wake me or I just don't sleep because it's painful)
Every night and morning we thank God for another day together. I have a little song I sing to both dogs.:p
Thank you for the support, please keep me in the forum.
Sharon (RSD/CRPS) Norman (dachshund cushings, enlarged heart, murmur and seizures) and Millie (mini yorkie-pooh, bad teeth gums otherwise healthy. :)
07-23-2014, 04:23 PM
Hi Again,
Just thought that I would also share that my other dog to whom I am the Mama, my ex BF dog, actually the best dog I have even known in my life, Raven a black lab who will be 13 or 14 in Sept. is not doing well. She has lost so much weight, her back end is just about 6 inches wide. She hasn't been eating, even her favorite eggs with bacon. Her back legs have been causing her some discomfort for about 9 -12 months now and she is having more problems going up and down the few stairs to get into the house. Joe did start to give her Gluclosimine (sp) for joints and she did respond pretty well at first, but not so much anymore. :( It saddens me.
Joe, doesn't have the funds to get her to the doctor since his heart attack in Dec. 2012 he has so many medical bills and then had another scare on Memorial Day weekend in 2013.
He didn't realize how much I contributed, now does, I think but won't admit it. Some of his bills went to collection as he doesn't take my suggestions on making arrangements for payments.
I still dog sit on occasion and just cried for days after (the insomnia wasn't helping with being so emotional) and the waiting for Norman to have his next seizure. I hand fed her the eggs in her dish and a some of her other food, which she ate. I sent Joe and email to stress to the neighbor who walks her no to do so, another neighbor told me he took her for a walk and she didn't make it up the curb, her back legs gave out. I was there that day and Joe had a note on the door. :mad: He must have ignored it.:mad: With her not eating she is burning more than she is taking in and he is going for too long of walks.
I did inform Joe months ago that I want to be with Raven when it is time for her to cross over the rainbow bridge. He stated he didn't think he could be there, but the neighbor, who has been recently over walking her wants to be there as well. All I know is that she needs her mama to be there to let her know how much she is and was loved. I plan on rubbing a blanket all over Norman and Millie before we go so she can smell there scent as well. Then I'll bring the blanket home with me after rubbing it all over Raven. I believe dogs grieve as well.
I apologize for the long posts, and again thank you for allowing me to be a part of the forum. Without this group Norman would not still be here today. He still has great quality of live and brings so much joy to Millie's and my life.
Thank you All!
07-23-2014, 04:25 PM
Thanks Patti for checking in. ;)
I appreciate the thoughts and time.
Sharon and the puppies.
molly muffin
07-23-2014, 07:27 PM
Hi Sharon,
Very glad to hear from you. It sounds like Norman is doing well other than the seizures, which can be a difficult thing to get control of as many on here know.
I'm very sorry to hear that Raven isn't doing well and her time is near. I know that dogs grieve so I'm sure that Norman and Millie will miss her. I know you will to.
I'm not positive how the account thing works, if you have to log in every so often or what to keep it active, but you can always reactivate if that does happen I think. We have members who maybe pop in once a year or less/more, so I know it is quite possible to be a long term member and you Certainly are and will continue to be an important member of this forum/family.
Sharlene and molly muffin
07-23-2014, 10:15 PM
Sharon, if it possible to have your dogs there when Raven's time comes - that would give hem closure. I bright Daisy home after she passed so suddenly so that the cats would understand what happened and they definitely did.
Hi Sharon,
Sorry to hear about Norman's seizures and your on going health issues.
I think your ideas about your friend's dog are very good. We took Koko to say goodbye to Zoe.
Sorry it is all so hard for you right now. Thank you for your kind words about my Zoe.
07-27-2014, 08:39 AM
Hi Sharon,
Very glad to hear from you. It sounds like Norman is doing well other than the seizures, which can be a difficult thing to get control of as many on here know.
I'm very sorry to hear that Raven isn't doing well and her time is near. I know that dogs grieve so I'm sure that Norman and Millie will miss her. I know you will to.
I'm not positive how the account thing works, if you have to log in every so often or what to keep it active, but you can always reactivate if that does happen I think. We have members who maybe pop in once a year or less/more, so I know it is quite possible to be a long term member and you Certainly are and will continue to be an important member of this forum/family.
Sharlene and molly muffin
Thank you Sharlene. This group means so much to me and Norman. Words cannot even express, however, I think as we all searched for some hope and understanding of what was happening to our beloved pups and found this group know the blessing that is here in this forum because of all of you. THANK YOU!
With the summer temps occasionally getting warmer and high pressure systems I'll be able to manage the pain better and check in more often.
On a happy note: Norman has gone 33 days without a seizure :D
I dog sat Raven yesterday, Joe has started giving her a baby asprin in the morning. He says it is helping some. She was outside when I arrived and wanted to go in but never did, the 3-4 step to get in make her gun shy. Joe told me she didn't make it one day this week. :( I just stayed outside with her and hand fed her, but she didn't eat much. :(
Thanks for the hugs - right back at you. ;)
07-27-2014, 08:53 AM
Sharon, if it possible to have your dogs there when Raven's time comes - that would give hem closure. I bright Daisy home after she passed so suddenly so that the cats would understand what happened and they definitely did.
I plan on rubbing the dogs with the blanket they lay on often and bringing that along. And then rubbing it all over Raven so they have her scent for a while as well. I think it will be too much for me to manage the two dogs and hold Raven. I made it very clear to Joe that I want to be there and that Raven needs her Mama to be there so I can let her know how much she is loved. Joe already informed me he won't be able to handle being there. The neighbor who has walked her (and now over walling her) informed Joe he wants to be there when / if she has to go in. I am not sure what Joe plans on doing with Raven after she passes. He doesn't want to discuss it - really in denial. He uses avoidance as a coping mechanism with almost everything. Part of the reason we are not together anymore. Communication helps in dealing with life's ups and downs.
I bring the dogs to Joe's most of the time when I dog sit, unless it is just to let her in because its raining and Joe calls asking me to let her in. If Joe calls me and says it will be any day, I will probably ask him if I can just stay at his house, as long as he doesn't display anger to my dogs in his grieving process.
08-14-2014, 11:51 PM
Hi Sharon. I am Suzie. Your picture of Norman caught my eye so I read your thread. You and Norman have come a very long way and I enjoyed following your journey page by page. What I wanted to tell you was that it was absolutely amazing to see the folks in this forum rally around you and give you such unconditional love and support. In turn, you began to blossom and unfold just like a flower. Your spirit, heart, and beauty began to show thru in your writing. It was a beautiful thing to witness.
I am much like you - Disabled, depressed and on SSD with daily pain struggles and side effects from meds (poisons) I take for my autoimmune disease. And like you, I have neuropathy all over my whole body for which I only take NSAIDS - no narcotics. And like you my arms and hands fall asleep as soon as I lay down from the pinched nerves in my neck and arms. I sleep with wrist braces which helps to keep the nerve from getting compressed. It doesn't take away all of the pain, numbness and tingling but it does help. It may be worth a try for you. My heating pad is also very helpful.And I hope if you sold that CPAP that you had another to use. Yikes. No way you can sleep without the CPAP. I also have apnea. I wanted to also mention a few other things that may be helpful. I had a friend with a boxer who had joint issues and she had him on 2 chunks of pineapple per day. There is something in the pineapple that helps cartilage/joint repair like the glucosamine and I though if you could get Raven to eat some it may help her and surely wouldn't hurt And its cheap. Also I have been on allergy meds for most of my life and benadryl is the much cheaper option for Norman. I take Zyrtec daily that I get at walmart much less expensive than the name brand, but the Benadryl can be bought at the dollar store for almost nothing. Just a thought.
I will be keeping you, Raven, Norman and Millie in my prayers. Reread my first paragraph and never, ever give up. There will always be someone who needs you.
12-03-2015, 10:11 AM
Good Morning Canine Cushing Friends
Norman will be crossing the rainbow bridge later today at 3:20 central time. I want to thank this group for being such a tremendous support through Norman (and My) journey of cushings disease. I don't know what I would have done without the support of the group. This past week has been very difficult and sad knowing that Norman will need to be put down. Not because f the cushings but in between seizure shaking, and the moaning :( and he would have been 15 1/2 on Dec. 27th.
I have been blessed with the group and all the advice and help. <3 I was able to find a Vet, Dr. Travis, from the Sheboygan Animal Hospital he worked very well with me with your suggestions. And the added time and effort from Glynda. <3 I will be eternally grateful to you for your suggestions, chatting with me numerous times and advice of Norman's tests to get the cost reduced and the medication from a compound facility. He actually only had to be tested a few times since he was on the right dose that we started with. And that was on my request - only once it was a higher price at $92.00 I think. And he was still good.
Norman hung in as long as he could for me. I believe he was waiting for me to get better with the RSD/CRPS and that never happened. I feel like I let him down, but I know he understands and forgives me. I may have created this situation a little. I didn't have any dog food so I gave the dogs and made eggs (that were a little old) I ate them as well. Both dogs got sick - Norman had diarrhea several times in the house and then struggled to try to go outside for a day or two and throw up. :o That was last week Tuesday and Wed. Since then his slight shakiness has become worse. :( He pottied a couple times in the house right after being outside. And after being on contact with Dr. Travis about 4 times since last week Wed.
I finally got the clear sign I was praying for and asking Norman to show me. He started to moan and whimper a little at times. So now is the time for me to set him free from this journey, not because I don't love him, but because I love him too much to ask him to stay just for me, which I know he has. Like I stated the seizures began in January, I think a year ago, maybe two already. He started with once a month and then it became about every 10 to 30 days.after a friend had surgery and I didn't have anyone to give him his afternoon meds, he ended up having 3 seizures in about 7 days, that was in September. Some gran mals but he recovered pretty well. His last one occurred on Friday after Thanksgiving. I am pretty sure he is completely blind now, but that is not a problem he knows his way around the apartment and surrounding yard. It is the quivering, and whimpering at times that has made the decision clear. Dr. Travis will be gone on vacation until the 22 of December and I don't have enough of the cushing meds to last and with Norman being in pain and having a few potty accidents in the house, Norman is telling me it is time. I am devastated as the isolation with the CRPS has only become worse. I don't have family support, and I am disabled so I don't have the distraction of going to work, just doctor appointments about 15 a month. I am single, two children - one out of state and one in Sheboygan. a single, very hands on dad - not much time for a disabled 50 year old.
Millie, Normans sister, is 16 and is still in pretty good health - no daily meds. just bad teeth and gums since she was little. She went into the Vet for the first time in four years (I couldn't afford to take her as I live on 1039.00 SSD a month) for an ear infection her groomer found. Although, I noticed she has begun to wheeze at times when sleeping, usually at night. :( (I did take the dogs to a reduced fee clinic for their shots and an exam when their nails needed trimming and Millie went to a groomer who worked at a Vets office.) I brought Norman along to get weighed and he lost 6 pounds in a year. But that Vet thought Norman looked really well, except he didn't want him to lose any more weight. He was a bit overweight even before the cushings. That Vet stated he looked stealth like. :D That was about a month or so ago. Norman had a little of the quivering going on but not much. I knew it would be a huge blessing if he made it through Christmas though. Everyday is a blessing with all pets and loved ones.
I have been grieving since last Tuesday and more so as the days approached. I actually was going to put him down on Monday but canceled on Sunday, as I just wasn't sure. I prayed for God and Norman to give me a very cleat sign that it was his time. I talk to Norman and Millie all the time so that is nothing new. I told Norman he didn't have to be strong and hang in there for me, specially if he was hurting. He needed to let me know very clearly and he did. He started moaning a little bit a few times. And then I knew he was telling me "Mama I want to stay but I am old and hurting." :( For those of you who don't know Norman, he was suppose to be a miniature dachshund, born 6/27/2000, With ravenous appetite he wasn't miniature for long. He had an enlarged heart, heart murmur, developed cushings in 2012 (after a tumble down some stairs - I believe). That is when I found this blessing of a site and all of you. And then about a year or two ago (memory problems) seizure. He truly loved me more than anyone. Even my mother, who passed away in 2011 was a close second. It was very apparent to everyone who met Norman how much he loved me. And it wasn't long before he won over their hearts as well - Everyone Loves Norman. :)
I joined this site almost 3 years to the day or pretty close. I don't visit the site often anymore, (but think of you every day with gratitude. It is because of this group I had an extra 3 years) since Norman was balanced on his cushing meds and my daily routine of warm water pool therapy, doctor appt. nap/rest, possibly another doctor appt. then supper and back to bed. My RSD/CRPS has spread full body (and I since socializing is so painful and I have the fear of someone touching my back.) I don't get out very often and have lost interest in most things that used to bring some entertainment. The WC assault that has left me with this condition has been ongoing, the Hearing finally scheduled for the 8th of this month has been postponed. Another delay which means another delay in treatment. The treatment Norman was waiting to help make me better. I am waiting for a CRPS support group to come up with the funds to fly me to The Florida Spine Center to get Ketamine Sedation Infusions. I was hoping that would be in Jan. or Feb. I was concerned that Norman may not make it while I was gone the 17days for the treatment. Both dogs have never been away from me for that long, but now know he will be with me in spirit. It would have killed me not to be there if he had to cross the bridge without me, his Mama holding him.
Once again, (Norman and) I want to thank this wonderful, blessing of a group and each of you, for your exceptional support and advice. May God bless each of you abundantly for the help you give each one of us through this journey. Thank you! With much Love and Gratitude. - Sharon , Norman and Millie
12-03-2015, 10:13 AM
Would someone be able to share with me how to read some of my past posts and responses from you. Thank you!
12-03-2015, 11:33 AM
Oh Sharon, all our hearts will be with you this afternoon, and also in the coming days. Thank you so much for your kind words, and thank you also for allowing us to join you in honoring Norman and all you have meant to one another.
As you will see, I have added your new replies to your original thread about Norman. So now his entire story will be here, all in one spot.
I am sending you both so many hugs of comfort today, and also to little Millie, too. I know that Norman's passing will be a loss to her, as well.
Fare thee well, sweet little boy. Fare thee well on your new journey where you will be greeted so warmly by our other loved ones at the Bridge.
Harley PoMMom
12-03-2015, 09:18 PM
Oh Sharon,
I am so sorry and am keeping you in my thought and prayers. RIP sweet Norman.
Love and hugs, Lori
Squirt's Mom
12-04-2015, 07:03 AM
Dear Sharon,
I sit here with tears flowing knowing what a very difficult decision this has been. I have thought of you and Norman often but to be completely honest, I was afraid to ask after so long....I didn't want to hear this. :( And I know you never wanted this day to come, how well I know.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you today as you and Norman take this final step in this life. He knows, as we do, that his mom is giving him the greatest gift in her power - freedom from pain and decline.
Know you are not alone today; your family here is at your side every second.
Leslie and the gang
12-04-2015, 08:32 AM
Oh Sharon, all our hearts will be with you this afternoon, and also in the coming days. Thank you so much for your kind words, and thank you also for allowing us to join you in honoring Norman and all you have meant to one another.
As you will see, I have added your new replies to your original thread about Norman. So now his entire story will be here, all in one spot.
I am sending you both so many hugs of comfort today, and also to little Millie, too. I know that Norman's passing will be a loss to her, as well.
Fare thee well, sweet little boy. Fare thee well on your new journey where you will be greeted so warmly by our other loved ones at the Bridge.
Thank you! I'm heart broken and Millie is wandering around smelling and looking for Norman. :( Toughest day of my life, worse than my mothers passing. I cried for the first time for my mom over the past few days because this is a time when you really need that love. It was Norman and her.
Sharon, I am so sorry. Norman will always be in our hearts.
12-04-2015, 08:34 AM
Dear Sharon,
I sit here with tears flowing knowing what a very difficult decision this has been. I have thought of you and Norman often but to be completely honest, I was afraid to ask after so long....I didn't want to hear this. :( And I know you never wanted this day to come, how well I know.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you today as you and Norman take this final step in this life. He knows, as we do, that his mom is giving him the greatest gift in her power - freedom from pain and decline.
Know you are not alone today; your family here is at your side every second.
Leslie and the gang
Thank you Leslie, I should also mention Raven passed away this past Oct. so Norman had his sister waiting for him as well as my Mother and other loved ones.
12-04-2015, 08:35 AM
Oh Sharon,
I am so sorry and am keeping you in my thought and prayers. RIP sweet Norman.
Love and hugs, Lori
Thank you, Lori. It is so hard right now...I hope time heals this wound.
12-04-2015, 08:36 AM
Sharon, I am so sorry. Norman will always be in our hearts.
Thank you, Addy.
12-04-2015, 08:50 AM
Oh Sharon, all our hearts will be with you this afternoon, and also in the coming days. Thank you so much for your kind words, and thank you also for allowing us to join you in honoring Norman and all you have meant to one another.
As you will see, I have added your new replies to your original thread about Norman. So now his entire story will be here, all in one spot.
I am sending you both so many hugs of comfort today, and also to little Millie, too. I know that Norman's passing will be a loss to her, as well.
Fare thee well, sweet little boy. Fare thee well on your new journey where you will be greeted so warmly by our other loved ones at the Bridge.
Thank you Marianne, for doing that for me. It was so difficult and terribly hard it was. I thought the Vet would state, yes it is definitely time, but he didn't. He stated it could be a week, a month??? But he wouldn't get better. I guess I let him go before he became worse. he left with dignity. I still blame myself for giving them those eggs, then he would probably still be here...When Raven was brought in, they stated YES, definitely time. I was hoping my Vet would say the same thing. Raven's quality of life was more diminished than Normans. She was super thin - about 35 pound for a black lab. I very much appreciate all the prayers I really need them now. Thank you all helped Norman be with me for a few more years with good quality of life. Cushing was completely under control. I still have Millie, I hope she stays healthy, at least until I get treatment.
Is there some way to get an email notification when I get a message from the group?? I see I missed a few. I will respond later today or tomorrow. I so appreciate the thoughts and prayers. My heart is broken and I haven't been sleeping. less than 12 hours since last weeks. My brain and body needs the sleep.
I pray God opens a new door for someone or something to love me like Norman did. Thank you all!
12-04-2015, 08:53 AM
Hi Sharon. I am Suzie. Your picture of Norman caught my eye so I read your thread. You and Norman have come a very long way and I enjoyed following your journey page by page. What I wanted to tell you was that it was absolutely amazing to see the folks in this forum rally around you and give you such unconditional love and support. In turn, you began to blossom and unfold just like a flower. Your spirit, heart, and beauty began to show thru in your writing. It was a beautiful thing to witness.
I am much like you - Disabled, depressed and on SSD with daily pain struggles and side effects from meds (poisons) I take for my autoimmune disease. And like you, I have neuropathy all over my whole body for which I only take NSAIDS - no narcotics. And like you my arms and hands fall asleep as soon as I lay down from the pinched nerves in my neck and arms. I sleep with wrist braces which helps to keep the nerve from getting compressed. It doesn't take away all of the pain, numbness and tingling but it does help. It may be worth a try for you. My heating pad is also very helpful.And I hope if you sold that CPAP that you had another to use. Yikes. No way you can sleep without the CPAP. I also have apnea. I wanted to also mention a few other things that may be helpful. I had a friend with a boxer who had joint issues and she had him on 2 chunks of pineapple per day. There is something in the pineapple that helps cartilage/joint repair like the glucosamine and I though if you could get Raven to eat some it may help her and surely wouldn't hurt And its cheap. Also I have been on allergy meds for most of my life and benadryl is the much cheaper option for Norman. I take Zyrtec daily that I get at walmart much less expensive than the name brand, but the Benadryl can be bought at the dollar store for almost nothing. Just a thought.
I will be keeping you, Raven, Norman and Millie in my prayers. Reread my first paragraph and never, ever give up. There will always be someone who needs you.
Hi Suzie, I wish I would have seen this earlier, it is too bad we don't get email notifications when someone posts. I tried sending you a long message and it was gone stating I wasn't logged in. I will reply more in the next day or two. Praying for you as well.
12-04-2015, 09:11 AM
Sharon, there is definitely an option available to you that will allow you to receive email notification of new postings to your thread (or other threads that you may be interested in). It's called "Subscription," and here's a summary of how it works:
In order to monitor it, just go to your User Control Panel, and click on the subscription option on the left-hand side menu.
Also, here's a thread that will give you tips re: how to stay logged in when you are writing out long replies:
Hope both these links are helpful to you!
molly muffin
12-07-2015, 07:05 PM
I just saw that you have lost your Norman. I am so sorry to hear that. :(
Sending you big hugs
12-07-2015, 09:26 PM
I just wanted to say how very sorry I am to read about Norman. I've followed his story over the years and I'm happy that his treatment for Cushings had worked.
I know just how difficult the decision is, how much courage it takes to do the best for our pups even when it's heartbreaking for us.
You and Millie will be in my prayers and I really hope that you can get treatment to help you very soon.
Take Care
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