View Full Version : SPCA Dogs Driving Car in New Zealand
Sabre's Mum
12-07-2012, 01:31 PM
You may have heard about this .... to "Drive Adoptions" at the SPCA in New Zealand Mark Vette, an amazing animal trainer who does a lot of work for commercials and films, is training three dogs from the SPCA to drive. Apparently it was shown on the David Letterman show. We have seen two snippets on TV ... the first showing the dogs being trained to drive the car ... and the second ... the dogs in the studio ... last night. We were in fits of laughter last night with the dog in the middle doing his own lil thing ... putting his head on the desk. This is a show straight after the news shown here in NZ at 7pm.
Monty, the Giant Schnauzer is just gorgeous ... and as you can see the host John Campbell has taken a shine to him. On Monday night .... NZ time we are going to see two of them drive a car .... go the dogs!
This is the link to the dog "interview" last night. On the right you will see other links ... the second one down is the training of them.
I will post a link of the final product once it is shown here in NZ. Smart dogs!
12-07-2012, 02:42 PM
Ohhh Angela, I posted that link on Mhina;s website, it's just awesome :D The couple that raised Mhina(her forsterparents), have moved to New Zealand and they sent me the link last evening. I just now talked with Marian and she told me they had a tiny earthquake, nothing serious but they did feel it, brrrrrr... And yesterday it was all storms and tornado's, yikes. The Netherlands is a much more peaceful place, weatherwise that is ;) This lady is working for the local SPCA as well as a vollunteer and she too told me she would keep me updated on the broadcast on Monday...can't wait :D
Sas and Mhina :)
Sabre's Mum
12-07-2012, 03:56 PM
Yes ... it has been quite eventful. The quake was centred in Tokoroa about 1 1/2 hours drive from here. My husband felt it but the kids and I didn't! The tornado in Auckland was terrible, 3 people died and many more injured. We occasionally get them here in NZ but not of a predictable nature.
My sister used to work for the SPCA in Auckland and here in Tauranga ... she now moved back to Animal Control.
My husband has been on commercials when Mark Vette has been there with animals he has trained ... he is totally amazing and apparently is such a nice guy. We just love Monty's mannerisms ... the look he gives the camera when he is in the car seat is just classic. He sat in his chair and didn't move in last nights interview whilst the others got bored ... particularly the one in the middle! :)
12-07-2012, 04:28 PM
Ahhhh, you're also on the North Island :) So are Mhina's fosterparents, they are in Masterton, Wairarapa, about opposite of where you are (yeah, I'm becoming an expert on NZ, hahahaha...) :D It is soooo beautiful there and their view....exists of sheep....and sheep only :p It's so green...well probably it looks extra green since we are having snow and all that and it's spring overthere. In spring it's green here as well :) But right now the world is white...and it isn't even Christmas yet ;)
And yes, that Monty is something else...I absolutely adore him :D And one can tell that Mark Vette is a wonderful trainer and passionate about dogs. I especially liked the part where the dogs were "driving" a wheelchair...with a real steeringwheel, hahahaha...I need to have my wheelchair adapted and teach Mhina how to drive, that way I can sent her to the store or pharmacy and fetch me whatever it is I need :D :p :D :p
Well, have a lovely day, almost bedtime here,
Sas and Mhina :)
Sabre's Mum
12-11-2012, 02:18 PM
They had the live show with the dogs on Monday night ... Monty was so impressive driving the straight ... poor Porter got a little distracted doing the 180 hairpin corner. They have the video coverage on the link above ... just look to the links on the right side. Last night they showed the two dogs doing the 180 degree hairpin corner earlier on Monday before the live show .... now that was IMPRESSIVE! Both dogs negotiated the corner really well :). They have have not placed this video online yet ... I hope they do!
12-11-2012, 03:14 PM
Indeed, very impressive! I think Monty has stolen the hearts of the entire world, he has a certain air about him that's priceless, the way he's sitting behind the wheel :D And if I had been Porter, with that lady that kept yelling "turn, turn, turn, turn...." I would have stopped turning as well :p
Thanks Angela, I thourougly enjoyed this :)
Sas and Mhina :)
12-11-2012, 03:33 PM
Those videos cracked me up. That is so awesome! Thanks for sharing.
molly muffin
12-11-2012, 07:07 PM
This is sooooo cool!
Sabre's Mum
12-19-2012, 10:18 PM
OK ... last time I post links. There is now a channel on Youtube with all the videos with just the dogs ... not the current affair coverage. This link of Monty turning a corner and you can check all the other footage on the channel.
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