View Full Version : Cherished Friends

casper's mom
12-04-2012, 11:47 AM
Hello Dear Friends:)
I'm so sorry I haven't been in contact for the past few months. After we lost Casper, George & I packed our RV and headed for FLorida earlier than usual, hoping a change of scenery would ease our deep pain. Well, it didn't. Our poor Maggie is so lonely without her 'brother' and we've had our hands full keeping her occupied and happy. I'm back to work at Disney, I'm a Seasonal Cast Member, and that's been helping somewhat but, as you all know, this pain is so intense it's going to take some time to recover. I feel sorry for my poor husband, he's alone with Maggie when I'm at work and she's getting more and more demanding for attention cuz we've been spoiling her rotten - but she deserves it - she took such good care of Casper while he was sick.
I've sat down at my computer numerous times wanting to write you but just break down - not only because of missing my beloved Casper but because you all were so wonderful during this trying and tragic time. I will never be able to thank everyone enough for your support, prayers and love - you all are truly God's Angels. I'm so comforted knowing that you are out there for others who will, unfortunately, go through what George & I had to endure. God gives us challenges but also provides us with a wonderful support team to help us through the dark days. Just another example of how He always knows what's best for us.
I'll check back occasionally, if that's OK and want you all to know that you're in our prayers. God Bless.
Love & Big Hugs to All - Teresa

molly muffin
12-04-2012, 08:19 PM
Hi Teresa and George and Maggie,

It is so good to hear from you. I know it's not easy, it's not easy to even write the words you just wrote, as it brings the grief back so strongly. Staying busy probably helps a bit. In that you have something so that you aren't face to face with it all the time.
We miss you guys and hope that as time passes that the pain will become bearable and the memories will not be the more recent ones but of the before. When they can bring a smile to your face instead of tears.
I wish I could give you both a big hug. You'll have to have a virtual one {{{{ HUGS }}}}.
There are so many out there that go through this and we can only hope that they will find their way here and receive maybe some answers and at least a support system. It's all we can do.
Do stay in touch. Hope your winter is a good one with mild temperatures and happy days.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin (give maggie a belly rub, okay george too if you think it'll help him) LOL

Boriss McCall
12-05-2012, 10:26 AM
HI Teresa!

Good to hear from you. I am sure your heart still has lots of healing to do. Sounds like Maggie is doing a good job in helping you & your husband heal.
