View Full Version : Been a long time, but I'm still checking in on you

12-03-2012, 12:10 PM
Hello all -

Some of you will remember me, a lot of you will not know me. I've been coming here a long time (I think!) and I am so far behind on catching up with everyone! Yikes!

If I can be of any help to anyone, please, let me know. I had two cush pups - one with "regular" cushings, treated with Vetoryl (Bailey). She went Addisonian a couple of times and had lots of dosage issues, so...maybe I could help with those questions. And the other with "not regular" (LOL - Atypical) Cushings, treated with Flaxseed, Melatonan, etc. He also had allergies and orthopedic issues.

Just for kicks, I also have a cat that had the radioactive isotope on his thyroid - so feel free to throw in any questions on that, too! LOL

Thanks for listening!

Mom to (cats) Chuckie, Evvie, Angelo, Tigger and (dog) SAMPSON
Forever Mom to (cushpups) Bailey, Clyde and Bob the Cat :)

12-03-2012, 01:19 PM
hello lynne ! my name is patty and my 6 yr old doxie milo has had pituitary cushings since jan.his doses have been regularly going up.started at 20mg,30mg,40mg...then we 60mg in 30mg am,30mg pm.again upped to 80mg 40mg am 40 mg pm.he hasn't looked good for 2 wks.back to the vet for tests and now going to do 90mg.30 mg 3xday.today is day 2 and he had a rough morning of some tremors and lethargic with hind legs very weak.now after 2nd dose appears somewhat ok......already put in a call to the vet and wait anxiuosly for her call.any info you have would be really helpful.thank you patty

12-03-2012, 01:24 PM
Hi Patty - I'm sorry you have to be here, but glad you are here, just the same!

I'm not a vet or anything, just so we are clear :) I just had two dogs with lots of issues. *sigh*

I remember that Bailey was a medium size dog - roughly 65 pounds - at her heaviest, she hovered around 75 pounds. They adjusted her meds a LOT. I'm sure when the vet calls you, they will have a course of action in mind, but they may want to check your baby's levels. Have there been any recent testings?

molly muffin
12-03-2012, 01:57 PM
Hello and welcome back from your hiatus. :)

I don't think we've met yet. I am pretty sure I came onto the forum during said hiatus. :) It's nice to see you back though. How are you doing? How very awesome of you to volunteer to help answer questions. You certainly have way more experience with animal issues than one would wish for any one person. Sucks though when you get that experience first hand.

Lets see, oh, about me, I'm Molly's mom, she's one of the flying in the wind, still to be determined whats going on furbabies. I have to say though that this forum has been invaluable to us and it is the experience of those like you who have been there, done that, wrote the book, that has helped so much. That and the constant support and also helping others in the same boat. So, I'm glad to see you here! (can you tell?) LOL

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

12-03-2012, 02:43 PM
Hi Lynne, WELCOME BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :)

(Can you see me waving at you like a wild woman?????) :D :D :D :D

It's so good to see you here, and please do give us an update on how Sampson has settled in with you, OK? If you'd like, I can link this new thread onto your previous thread announcing Sampson's arrival ;). Or we can just leave this thread as a stand-alone -- it's your pick. But either way, it's great to have you back!!

Love, Marianne

12-03-2012, 04:47 PM
Oh Lynne,

It is so great to hear from you - I think of you often!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How are things!?!?!?


12-04-2012, 08:44 AM
Hello! I'm waving back at you llike wild woman, too! XOXOXOX

Ah, mytil, so good to see you, too!

And Molly!

Things are ok...Sampson is freaking HUGE. He's 109 lbs., and he's got a big head, both physically and mentally! Thanks for asking about him :)

How are you all??