View Full Version : New to the group! Trilostane - sweet Simba has crossed The Bridge
molly muffin
06-29-2013, 09:51 PM
Yes, I would go back to the 5mg until you can talk to your vet. Maybe it was too soon to drop to 2.5mg. Until you can talk to your vet, I would continue to follow his instructions as far as the dosing goes.
Would I give my dog the trilostane too, I don't know, maybe not, but Simba is going through so much that as as of right now, I'd feel better if he was under the care of a specialist to get this sorted out. If you notice any further problems tomorrow, then you can go to the ER that you mentioned and tell them what is going on and see what they say.
This is all so very complicated, that I don't want to say or do anything that makes things worse for Simba.
So definitely go back to 5mg tomorrow. The cortisol might be too low if he isn't producing enough of his own. He did seem to feel better at 5mg, and it was when you did the first cut back to 2.5 that he started to do poorly today?
It can be very hard doing the weaning without a vet to monitor. I know, I went through it with my golden and it's tough. So, lets see if he will feel better at 5mg. It can be very severe if they are weaned improperly.
When looking up the prescribed way to wean from prednisone I found one website that said 7-10 days at a full dose, then another 7-10 days at 1/2 that dose, then another 7-10 days of every other day at at the 1/2 dose. I don't know if this is what your vet will recommend or not though.
So we are back to the status quo of doing what the doctor ordered until told otherwise. I know I'm walking back what I originally recommended but I didn't realize you'd already tried the 2.5mg and that was when he started to feel bad, so obviously that didn't work out so well.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
06-29-2013, 09:56 PM
Letti, I do not know or understand your vet's rationale for giving the prednisone in the first place, or for alternating trilostane and prednisone now during the taper period. But none of us here are vets, and we are not qualified to direct you to dose Simba in a manner that is different from what your vet has instructed you to do. That's why I am really begging you to talk to Dechra on Monday, and then immediately discuss the situation with your vet. It is not safe for you to be altering Simba's medication on your own.
Since you have already made some changes, you are sort of between a rock and a hard place this weekend. I guess if Simba were my own dog, I would "start over" and give the 5 mg. of prednisone tomorrow with no trilostane, and then treat Monday as the next prednisone-free day. If you talk to Dechra on Monday morning, they can then help you with the determination as to whether or not to proceed with giving the trilostane that morning.
But this is the thing. You have got to discuss what is going on with your vet as opposed to just changing things behind his back. As hard as it may feel, you have got to press your vet for explanations as to what he is doing and why. We will be here tomorrow and Monday to help you practice what you want to say. We will be here to help in any way we can! But you have got to start getting some straight answers as to why he started Simba on prednisone, why he wants to give trilostane every other day, and how he plans to proceed with the taper. You have to get a handle on the gameplan from this point onward. I hope it will help you to first talk with Dechra yourself on Monday. That way, you can get some feedback from them to help prepare you for your conversation with your vet. And boy oh boy, we will surely be so anxious to hear what they tell you, too!
Simba's Mom
06-29-2013, 10:47 PM
Thanks so much, you are all so right, I will give him his 5mg of prednisone tomorrow and his trilo 25mg too, that's what's the vet told me to do....every other day....he did not tell me to do them the same day or not, seriously I'm very confused I guess, this is so hard, I want to put sim in the Tahoe and make the 4hour trip to Ames, but my husband would have a cow I'm afraid....I have already changed vets twice and started over with each one only to find out neither one knows enough about cushings to treat my Simba....I'm so frustrated...if not for all of you I would be waiting for the van with the straight jacket to take me away.....the reason I so want Sim off the prednisone is that is when his spleen enlarged when he started on that, but understand it has to be done under a vets supervision....thank you for reminding me of that...
Budsters Mom
06-30-2013, 12:05 AM
Big hugs to you and Simba tonight Letti, I'm glad the angels have come through and given you some direction to take. Give the king of belly rub for me.:)
Simba's Mom
06-30-2013, 01:00 AM
Thanks Kathy, ur an angel too!!!
Budsters Mom
06-30-2013, 03:39 AM
Thank you Letti, but I don't feel much like an angel. :o
06-30-2013, 08:13 AM
I truly think Marianne is right. I know it is hard, and you said your hubby will have a fit, but Sim needs you to make good decisions for him right now. It may be really hard to do the trip, and start with another Vet, but I would have to do it if it were me. I would thoroughly check the next one out before starting with him, it will save you a lot of trouble if his knowledge is limited on Cushings you will not waste any more money. I would start by calling around and asking questions. I too would be hesitant on making my own schedule up with the prednisone, I think you need a real professional. It is a darn shame these vets have let you down one after the other. If I had money I would travel the globe and inform vets on Cushings Disease. it is pitiful that so few of them can even recognize the symptoms, yet alone treat them. This disease is rampant, I do not understand this. Vets should have so many hours of continuing education per year to complete which is mandatory to keeping a license. Things like this should be taught. Good luck and God Bless you and dear Simba. May he be the King for many years to come.
Squirt's Mom
06-30-2013, 09:00 AM
Hi Letti,
I try to stay out of Trilo threads but I have to chime in and say that I am very confused about the vets approach and very, very worried about Simba under the current vet's "care". This vet was wrong from the moment he said Sim was Addisonion and things have done nothing but get worse since. I am scared for Simba. :(
It may be that this vet can be made to see the light BUT you have to bring the flashlight to him - you must fight for Simba and fight like you never have before. You must talk to him and make him explain his rationale for this whacky approach even in the face of Dechra saying it isn't correct. MAKE him explain why and how he knows more than the manufacturer of this drug.
I hate, absolutely hate, confrontations and will go out of my way to avoid them most of the time. But there are times we have to simply lay back our ears, grit our teeth, and charge in. This is one of those times for you, honey. It sounds like you have to choose whether to stand up to the current vet or stand up to your hubby, but stand up you must. For Simba's sake, you must. You need to channel the spirit of a lioness protecting her cubs. And I know you can do this, you can do this for your sweet boy. He is counting on you because you are the only one he can count on to be his advocate. Simba has absolute faith in his mom to do the very best for him no matter how difficult that may be for her. ;)
And remember, you never stand alone. We are all right by your side, holding your hand, cheering you on. You and Sim are family, and we fight for and with our family.
Leslie and the gang
Budsters Mom
06-30-2013, 10:09 PM
Ah Letti,
I know this is all so hard and confrontation just makes it harder.:o We really do want the absolute best for you and our King.;):) Sending you and Simba tons of hugs and healing energy.:)
Simba's Mom
06-30-2013, 11:30 PM
Thank you gals, I had to step away today and let Simba live without me watching his every little move....tomorrow I will be calling the vet and asking if I can speak to the specialist in Ames myself..and if I have to take Simba up there I Simba had his full dose of predisone, I will follow the vets instructions...I found a paper that I wrote my notes on when I talked to my vet on the phone, I asked him if Simba could have trilo, he wasn't thrilled but agreed, its my fault I asked, I asked, poor Simba, what a mess I made....I need to settle down and listen helped I have gotten a better grip on things.....sometimes I need to realize that I did learn alot about cushings, but that doesn't mean I can treat my own furbaby....but I can ask questions and get answers, just need to tape record or write everything down so i get it all straight...thanku for your patience with me, goodness this is quite a you gals....praying for you and your fur babies, when I pray I mention the pups by name, it's how I know you gals :)
07-01-2013, 05:32 AM
Hi Letti
You have not made a mess, you are not expected to know about all this stuff, your vets are the trained professionals so you would think they would be steering us in the right direction!! So please don't feel bad, you are taking Sim to find out the answers, I hope you get to speak to a specialist tomorrow so this can get sorted it and Simba gets back onto a good plan!! Good luck for tomorrow!! xx
Squirt's Mom
07-01-2013, 08:11 AM
Ah, Letti,
I think we have all felt that way at least once on our own journeys. I am still kicking myself in the butt daily over the Proin I let Squirt take without researching it....and she paid dearly for my failure to do so. And when our emotions are so very raw, as I know yours have been lately, it is almost impossible to think clearly. All we can think of is the immediate need - what is right in front of us.....while the fear of the future can cripple us completely.
Stepping back is just what we all need from time to time. Just to simply live and let our babies live, just to be present in the Now for a brief moment. Our minds need time for clearing out the cobwebs and dustbunnies, our Souls need time to rest and refuel, our Hearts need time to remember the joy and hope that sustains us. So take those breaks, step back and simply Be for a minute, breath deep, relax, do something that you enjoy. And remember you are never alone, honey, never.
Leslie and the gang
07-01-2013, 08:20 AM
Hi again Letti!
I think it will be great if you are able to consult directly with the IMS. But don't forget that you can go ahead and call Dechra directly this morning. They already have a file opened up re: Simba, and talking to them first may better prepare you for talking to your vet about the specialist at Ames and also about Simba's medication this week. It may take a little time for you to arrange things with the specialist, and you really need to have a gameplan in place this week for the prednisone taper with or without the trilostane. If I were you, I'd give Dechra a call before anything else. They may tell you that they need to speak directly to your vet (which would be a blessing to get him to call them!). But your call can't hurt, and it may help better prepare you for talking with your vet about where you go from here.
molly muffin
07-01-2013, 10:32 AM
You'll be fine Letti. Keep taking those notes and put them in a place where you can refer to them when needed. Call Dechra, tell them what you are currently giving Simba and when and that will prepare you for talking to your vet.
hang in there! Nothing wrong with just living life sometimes too ya know
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Budsters Mom
07-01-2013, 02:47 PM
You should see me at the vet Letti! I have envelopes stuffed with tests, tons of notes and videos of tremors and mobility issues. I write everything down so I know what to ask when I get there. You will do great! Remember, you know Simba better than anyone else! Big hugs,
07-01-2013, 07:51 PM
Hey Letti
Just nipping in to send you and the King some positive mojo...
Hope you are ok today and not beating yourself up about this. Dechra seem to be so helpful for you guys so I really hope they have helped you today.
Big hug, kisses for Simba
Hi Lettie,
Stopping by to make sure you are okay. I know it has been a hard day.
Budsters Mom
07-04-2013, 02:05 AM
Sending huge hugs and healing energy to you and our King. I hope Simba is doing well today. Have you managed to wean him off the prednisone yet? Big hugs,
07-04-2013, 02:11 AM
Daisy and I went through 3 general vets before we went to the IMS specialist. Of we hadn't, I truly believe that she would be in much worse shape right now.
You don't owe this vet any allegiance, I hope that you find someone more knowledgeable soon! This is very scary!
07-04-2013, 07:52 AM
Wishing you and Sim a happy 4th of July, and hoping you are and he are doing well. Blessings
Simba's Mom
07-05-2013, 04:37 PM
Simba took his last prednisone yesterday, tomorrow he starts his new dose of trilostane 18.3mg once daily..I have information into a IMS, he is supposed to call me back and have a phone consult...I called my vet again to make sure about the prednisone, and called dechra too...Simba's tummy is round like a barrel, and he has the runs, so I hope this new dose is good for him....thanks for checking in.....
Squirt's Mom
07-05-2013, 04:53 PM
Hi Letti,
I would wait until his diarrhea is over and his stools are normal before starting the Trilo back. Loose stool is one of the signs that the cortisol is too low so you don't want to cloud the picture. ;)
Leslie and the gang
Simba's Mom
07-05-2013, 05:28 PM
He takes a tblp of yogurt with his meals, but one good thing is tummy isn't gurgling.....but his stools are frequent and loose, they were cow pies for a few days, poor Sim......
Budsters Mom
07-05-2013, 06:09 PM
I'm so sorry Letti:( It is definitely time for you and Simba to catch a break! Big hugs,
07-05-2013, 11:21 PM
Sorry for what you're going through Letti. Such a shame all these changes with Simba's meds have caused so much trouble. Wasn't this the vet who seemed so promising??
It's certainly not your fault, you assumed that the vet knew what he was doing. So many dogs getting this disease in their senior years, why are vets not up to date on the treatments?!
I'm sure like most professionals your vet wants to be in charge...but I guess we're all learning from this board that we have to question everything. Maybe your vet could gain some knowledge on Cushings treatments from Dr. Mark Petersons' website, which has a lot of info especially for vets. Just a thought.
I hope between Dechra and possibly getting to the Ames specialist that Simba's meds will get all worked out.
So sorry you and Simba are both having a lot of stress with all this...hoping this all gets ironed out asap! :)
Simba's Mom
07-06-2013, 02:24 PM
Simba had better stools last nite so today started new dose of trilostane, praying this is the one that works for Simba, so far he's has slept the morning away...thanks everyone for checking in...praying for all of you....
molly muffin
07-06-2013, 02:31 PM
I'm so glad that you are making progress. Getting off the prednisone, starting a lower dose.
It might just take a bit to get him back into range, so don't worry if you see some of the urinating, drinking eating symptoms for a few days.
You are doing really good! :) Now just have a nice relaxing weekend with hubby and Simba. :)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
07-06-2013, 05:39 PM
Hi Letti
Hurray progress for Simba!!! I too am lining up to send my very best that it works a charm this time and we finally get Simba on the correct treatment to sort everything out, hope his tummy stays good :) Have a nice relaxing weekend xxxxxx
07-06-2013, 08:28 PM
Hi Letti
Just checking in to say hello and hope Simba's tummy is better and that his poops are becoming more solid.Hope you have a nice weekend.
Simba's Mom
07-06-2013, 09:01 PM
ok so Simba pooed in the yard and it looked like an empty worm I took picture of it but cant get it loaded, I will keep trying, I know its gross but wonder if anyone else has seen it....first he was pushing so hard that I thought it was part of his intestine, weird...poos runny again :(
I posted some new pictures of Simba, sorry first one is the poo thing, but other ones you can tell how the predisone really puffed him out, hoping he feels better every day on the trilostane again...
Budsters Mom
07-06-2013, 11:13 PM
OMG Letti! No wonder Simba has been feeling so poorly! It does look like some kind a weird worm. As gross as it sounds, I would put some gloves on and pick it up and carefully wrap it in some plastic wrap. Your vet should definitely see that thing, particularly since Simba is having diarrhea again. If it were me, I would want it checked out! This is even more gross, store it in the refrigerator until you can get it to the vet. Big hugs to you and the King!
Simba's Mom
07-06-2013, 11:46 PM
ok i will get it first thing in the am, I wondered if I should've picked it up....thanku Kathy, you never know whats important....
Roxee's Dad
07-06-2013, 11:50 PM
It kind of looks like our LittleBits Poop after she has eaten grass. Have you noticed Simba eating any grass?
Budsters Mom
07-06-2013, 11:52 PM
Letti, anything that you are unsure about is important. If it just turns out to be a weed or something like that it's okay, but at least you will know! Others may have a different opinion of course. This is just what I would do. I am extremely overprotective!;) big hugs,
Squirt's Mom
07-07-2013, 07:43 AM
OMG! That looks awful, Letti! I would have freaked out! Definitely get that to the vet so he can see it if you can. That thing is HUGE for such a little body! I hope he feels better now, bless his heart.
Leslie and the gang
07-07-2013, 07:56 AM
I agree with Kathy, put in in a jar, or saran wrap and put it in the refrigerator. The vet will want to see it, and it will help Sim to get it identified. Could be a tape worm segment. Sorry you are having so many troubles, I know it is not easy to deal with, but it will get better Letti. Once you talk to a Dr. that know what they are doing all of this mess will get cleared up. Blessings
Oh Lettie, I do hope the vet can figure it out. JoAnne's Coco had tapeworms.
07-07-2013, 09:50 AM
Hey Lettie: I don't know what that is. Tapeworms have segments and are white. The one I saw in CoCo's stool was really tiny and if I had not been looking for it would not have seen it. Supposedly the Dontal Plus kills everything, but I still check CoCo since he still is not straightened out. Maybe Simba swallowed something, dachshunds seem to scrounge around for stuff, at least mine always have. I am just glad he passed it. Heartgard Plus gets rid of different worms, but not tapeworms. I hope Simba gets straightened out. Love, JoAnne
Simba's Mom
07-07-2013, 10:46 PM
I went outside this morning and it was gone so I don't have it but I do have the picture, his poo is off and on bad then good, and he strains so hard but then it comes out ok, but then he moves and goes some more straining again, but on a positive note his belly is going down already and his water intake......thanks everyone
07-07-2013, 11:19 PM
Wow! I would show the picture to the vet. It could be that lucky Simba expelled the worm before it got to breed. Ick!
07-09-2013, 05:46 AM
Oh gawd, I hope it was dead and hasn't slithered off somewhere... that is a horror movie right there!! Has the vet seen the pic and made any recommendations? Glad to hear Sim is feeling better, I am sure he would with that out of him... I just hope it did not have any brothers and sisters lurking!! :eek::eek::eek:
07-09-2013, 08:36 AM
Did the vet see the picture yet/ We are all on edge waiting to find out what it is. My guess is a tapeworm as I said before. They suck up all the nutrients the dog eats. Has Sim lost weight? I hope there are no siblings in there!! God Bless hope Sim gets better. Patti
Simba's Mom
07-10-2013, 01:14 AM
The vet said it was an earthworm, I sent him the picture, Simba has been doing ok, seems tired but otherwise ok, thanku so much for all your words of kindness.....sorry about the horror :( picture, I will get rid of it, you just never know what your dogs will eat I guess....
07-10-2013, 01:18 AM
doxies are famous for eating and rolling in anything disgusting. Daisy has eaten worms in the past. Nasty :( She never got sick from them but it's not something that I let her do either.
I'm glad that it was an earthworm and not one that breeds inside...YUK.
07-10-2013, 05:07 AM
Jeepers, they breed earthworms HUGE where you are!! I would be too scared to walk across the lawn if they were lurking underneath :eek: I would have thought it would be broken down in the dogs gut if it got eaten?? Weird, well there we go, we learn something new every day!!!! Don't worry about being gross Letti, it was very ahem educational :D:D Hope Simba doing ok! xx
07-10-2013, 08:58 AM
Are you sure the worm came from Sim's stool? I thought it could have been on the ground where he went, and you thought it came from the stool? Tipper has been known to eat worms, I try to stop her, but she gets them sometimes. Did you ask the vet if Sim could have problems from this? A couple of weeks ago Tipper tried to eat a slug, yes a slimy slug! I caught her and threw it away. She is calming down now from the terrible morning storm. As if she didn't have enough problems. Hope Sim is doing better. Blessings
Budsters Mom
07-10-2013, 09:55 PM
That is not a regular earthworm! That is some kind of Mutant, cloned Godzilla earthworm!:eek: I am glad that your vet was able to figure it out! I'm glad that Simba is feeling okay, but too bad that he still tired, poor baby. That just won't do for our King. Xxxxxxx
07-10-2013, 10:26 PM
we live near the water. You should see the size of the centipedes! Absolutely disgusting! I'd much rather deal with the earthworm Letti.
07-10-2013, 11:33 PM
MY GOODNESS! I can't believe that came out of Simba! :eek: Glad he's feeling okay!
Simba's Mom
07-11-2013, 12:12 AM
Thanks gals and yes it came out of my poor Sim, I saw it coming out, ew poor Sim had weakness in his back legs as usual and weakness in the front legs trying to stand, ugh this is so hard... He seemed to really get better once starting on the trilostane on Sat, but now he seems to be sliding backwards again, I just have to remember the water in take is better and his tummy is alittle better, no panting, so hopefully he is more comfortable...I so wish he could tell me where is hurts or whats wrong....anyways, thanks for the kind words...
07-11-2013, 12:32 AM
awww Letti... it's good that those symptoms are going away...everyone always seems to say that the leg weakness is the hardest one to shake. It hasn't been a full week back on his regular dose of Trilo so maybe things will even out in a few more days.
I've got to think that getting that worm out of his insides is a good thing!! Hope he continues to improve! :)
07-11-2013, 08:02 AM
I did not see the picture of the worm. Where did you post it as I would like to see it. Glad Sim is feeling better Blessings
Squirt's Mom
07-11-2013, 03:54 PM
I think your vet needs his eyes checked! That was the biggest earthworm in history! Could an earthworm survive the gastric juices? ~~shiver~~ I'm just glad it's out and hope there ain't no more!
07-11-2013, 06:53 PM
I want to see this worm where is the picture??
Budsters Mom
07-11-2013, 10:04 PM
Sending big hugs to you and a belly rub for the king! Hang in there babe.:)
Simba's Mom
07-11-2013, 10:38 PM
ok I will bring the picture back, but it's gross rated R for graphic sight!
Budsters Mom
07-11-2013, 10:49 PM
Yeah, who would not want to see that mutant, Godzilla,earthworm again!:D
molly muffin
07-11-2013, 10:50 PM
It's okay Letti, we've had poop pictures here many times before and will probably have many more in the future. It's pretty hard to gross us out. :) It has yet to happen for me for any picture. It is all helpful in the long run and having it posted gives others a chance to see it and produce any ideas that could be helpful.
Poop patrol!!!!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Simba's Mom
07-11-2013, 10:51 PM
Thanks for the smile Kathy, you continue to amaze me, suffering in your loss you still help others, yep your an angel, thanku!!
Simba's Mom
07-11-2013, 10:52 PM
Thanks Sharlene, we definitely are the poo group....
Simba's Mom
07-11-2013, 10:54 PM
I'm feeling so down tonite, I know I still have my Simba, but I feel he is suffering.....I don't want to make the choice, why should we have to, this sucks....
molly muffin
07-11-2013, 11:21 PM
HUGS Lettie. You are a good mamma to Simba. I thought his water intake was down, he wasn't panting as much and his belly looked better. The muscle weakness is a problem though I'm sure. It takes forever to get better and sometimes it doesn't. Has he been checked for arthritis? (this can show on an xray) if so the injections might help him. So might acupuncture, etc.
It is perfectly normal to have down days and feel discouraged and overwhelmed with all of this. That is why you have us :) :) :) :)
Hang in there. You are doing fine. You've had some tough couple of weeks remember. So don't let it get you down.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
07-12-2013, 12:01 AM
Lettie, hello. I haven't been in the forum in a long time but rad your comments about the muscle weakness. My Rummer has been on treatment for Cushings since she was diagnosed in 2011 and while the symptoms she exhibits have gotten better the one that has taken time is the muscle weakness in her hind legs. Hers is compounded because she has developed some arthritis. So it is important if you have not, to make sure your pup's muscle weakness is not being compounded by arthritis. To make things a bit more uncomfortable, she has lost some muscle mass in her hind legs so she has a semi "bony butt", so im always keeping an eye on her to make sure she has cushioning surfaces to lay down and that she is not jumping all over the plae because someone forgot to tell her she is 11 yrs. old now! :) Rummer is on an arthritis and also muscle relaxer medicine which I have on hand to give only when necessary. It takes time to know when she needs it but I have come to learn the signs.
Just remember that this will be a marathon, a test of endurance but you have a lot of people in this forum to support you! Sending big hugs and Wheatie kisses from Rummer!
07-12-2013, 12:16 AM
Awww Letti--It was a bumpy ride the last couple of weeks with the medications going back and forth. Meanwhile the symptoms are lessening and that's good news.
How was Simba doing today?
I'm sorry you feel down...I totally get it though. This disease really stinks. We just hate to see our little pups feeling off, I know it drives me crazy if I think Trixie is even a little bit uncomfortable. I hope Simba has a nice restful sleep and you too! Things always seem better in the morning!! :)
Budsters Mom
07-12-2013, 12:21 AM
Oh Letti,
You are such a wonderful mama to Simba. You have been through some really rough patches the last few weeks, that does not mean that it's not going to get better. ;)You know our king better than anyone. You are so connected to Simba that you will know without a doubt when it's time. Simba will convey that message to you, like Buddy did to me. It could be soon, then again, it may not be for years. Follow your heart Letti. It will guide you.:) I wish I could be there tonight to hug you in person.
Yes, I am still grieving over Buddy and struggling with it all. Making others smile and helping out here, is my way of giving back for all the help I have received during Buddy's journey. Everyone rallied around me when I needed someone the most. We are here for you too. Xxxxx
07-12-2013, 12:50 AM
we all have those days :(
Daisy's pot belly looks HUGE today but I think that she might have stolen the cats food.
Simba will tell you when it's time. Daisy has arthritis but it wasn't noticeable until we started the Trilo and I had no idea that she had it until a vet mentioned this when she yelped during a recent visit. I give her 1/2 a chewable tablet of Glucosamine Chondroitin with MSM and it really does help.
07-12-2013, 04:01 AM
Hi Letti
Life has thrown a curve ball to you and Simba recently so it is going to take a while to get back on the straight and narrow again, he will be readjusting to the med changes. Ups and downs are a way of life around here and Simba is sure due an UP period! So finger's crossed once his tummy settles after the worm episode and the drugs get straightened out he will slowly starting to feel better. Big hug for you both xxx x
07-12-2013, 09:22 AM
You have had it rough with Sim the last month or so. Please give it a little longer to get on the uphill swing. It will work out, pray on it and ask God for mercy for Sim. I just know it is going to get better. Keep the faith. Blessings
Squirt's Mom
07-12-2013, 09:45 AM
We are all here for you, Letti, standing by yours and Simba's side always.
Leslie and the gang
07-12-2013, 11:28 AM
sending prayers,healing energy and lots of xoxox patty(milo)meka xoxox
07-12-2013, 12:52 PM
I saw the wormzilla. What a positively horrid thing to be in your dog. Are you absolutely positive it came out of the dog? I cannot believe gastric juices and acid did not digest it, it defies logic. The wormzilla is about as long as poor Sim!! Did you ask the vet about any siblings?? I hope you and SIm are having a better day and get on the uphill swing. Blessings
Boriss McCall
07-12-2013, 04:52 PM
awe Letti.. so sorry you are feeling down. I know we all go thru days/weeks like that. We I am scared or down I don't know what I would do without this group to help me pull myself together.
I hope you are feeling better & you have a good weekend with Simba.
Roxee's Dad
07-12-2013, 05:10 PM
I'm here too, sending positive energy and prayers your way.
07-13-2013, 08:46 AM
Hold steady, I know it is so exasperating at times and you want your baby not to have to be miserable. A little more time may do the trick and bring Sim around. Get your warrior face on, and fight for that baby Letti!!! God Bless You and SIm
Squirt's Mom
07-13-2013, 09:33 AM
Just dropping in to check on ya'll.
Leslie and the gang
Budsters Mom
07-13-2013, 01:55 PM
Hi Letti,
Just popping in with lots of love to check on you and the king. I hope things are going better.xxxxxx
Budsters Mom
07-13-2013, 11:46 PM
Please let us know how you are doing and what we can do to help. We are here for you and the king. Xxxxx
Simba's Mom
07-14-2013, 01:46 AM
Simba is doing ok considering he has bad poos, if not better by Monday, I will be calling the vet....the IMS never called me back so that's out, but I do have faith in my vet, he really does care for my Sim.....his tummy has gone down, and he gets tested in a week for his cortisol levels, that's one appt. I am really looking forward to.....The sparkle has gone out of Simba's eyes, he is so restless, seems like he can't get comfortable...his walks are no longer and steps are a thing of the past, his back legs just don't corporate..I really have been thinking about his quality of life, as much as it hurts I have to do what's best for him, but not giving up just yet either, I still have some fight left in me as long as he does, thanks for checking in you gals are so wonderful.....
07-14-2013, 06:33 AM
Hey Letti: It is so frustrating. I spend most of my time trying to help my little dog just like you and it seems to no avail. My husband has gone this morning (5:00 a.m.) to see if he can find a turkey breast to cook for CoCo. Since ID has turkey as first ingredient, Addy suggested a little turkey as a treat might help. I can see that this ID food does not work since it has rice and corn in it. I know he would do better on just a few ingredient dog food, but they are all bad for a dog that has a sensitive stomach. CoCo is so thin that I do not know what to feed him. Really hard to transition to another food when they are so thin and weak. His little back legs almost buckle on him, but dachshunds are so stoic that he keeps trying. Hope we find something to help our furbabies. Love, JoAnne
07-14-2013, 07:37 AM
It sounds like Sims cortisol is still not controlled according to what my vet told me. He said the restlessness is from the cortisol. Maybe he will have to have his dose changed? I never let Tipper go up steps anymore, even though I think she can, and she thinks she can. I am afraid of her falling again, and I am trying to be proactive and eliminate the possibility of her injuring herself. You just think to yourself sometimes how healthy your dog was before all this. It is a shame so many are afflicted with this disease. Keep praying for Sim he may just surprise you and turn this thing around. I am praying for you both. God Bless You and Simba
Budsters Mom
07-14-2013, 10:58 PM
Hi Letti,
Just dropping in to give you a great big hug and a belly Rub for the king. Praying that his tummy settles and he starts to feel better. Xxxx
Simba's Mom
07-15-2013, 12:13 AM
You are all so sweet, tonite Sim had a hard time even standing outside to go bathroom, he seems so weak, his tummy is gurgling but he needs his meds too, I'm so conflicted on what to do, I did take today off his meds just to give his tummy a break, but that didn't seem to help either.....I asked him tonite to let me know when it's time, I will not let him suffer, I love him too much....and then he just wanted to be held, lately he can't get close enough to me, he's very independent so that is very different, but nice too....I have to hold on another week, to see if his meds will turn it around, anxious for his ACTH test.....I decided when its time I will hold him till he falls asleep then give the vet his paw, that's all the vet may have and talk him through to rainbow bridge...I will try not to cry, but don't think that will happen, this hurts already but I have to be strong....please pray that Simba will turn around and get out of this, I need my little king yet, so not ready to let him go....thank you
Budsters Mom
07-15-2013, 12:51 AM
I am here for you Letti. You are braver than you think you are. You will do what's right for our king when it's time. It is okay to cry. Simba knows how much you love him. I am crying just reading this. This is so soon after Buddy. My heart hurts for you. We are here to support you in every way possible. I wish I could be there to hug you in person.xxxxxx
07-15-2013, 12:55 AM
OMG Letti,
I'm praying that the meds help Simba soon so that you don't have to make that decision. Praying for you both!
If it isn't to be and it is time for Simba to cross the bridge, we are ALL here for you just as you have been here for us sweetie.
07-15-2013, 04:10 AM
So sorry to read this, I hope this next week will give Simba some time to sort out all the ups and downs from all the different meds he has been on. I really wish it will come right for him, glad you are getting some good cuddles in with the boy! Big hugs for you xx
07-15-2013, 05:16 AM
Oh Lettie I am already crying for you. CoCo Is really weak too, but does not realize it and still tries to run up and down the ramp. His stool turned around yesterday for some reason and he had two good stools yesterday and one at 2 a.m. this mornng. I don't know if it is the ID food or if it is because I took him off all his medicine and then started everything back yesterday. He takes Trilostane, a thyroid medicine, Metronidazole and the vet prescribed Centrine to stop the diarrhea. Something helped hiim, but I am not sure what. I did stop feeding him the prescription ID food so frequently like Addy suggested. Everyone said the ID food would work and I am just hoping that is what has happened. Maybe your vet could try an antibiotic and the ID food. Since CoCo had worms I am wondering if he had some kind of bacterial infection and the antibiotic stopped it. I don't really know what today will bring for CoCo. I just wish there was something you could do for your baby. CoCo will be 12 in September if he makes it. This seems to be a doxie disease. So sorry. Love, JoAnne
Lettie, I am so sorry to read your postings about sweet Simba.
Sending love and hugs.
Budsters Mom
07-15-2013, 07:54 PM
Hi Letti,
Just thinking about you and the king and thought I would send lots of love and prayers. I hope you both are having a better day. :)xxxx
07-15-2013, 09:46 PM
Letti, I've been away on vacation so am not up to speed on your case but I have to ask - when was the last time you had an acth test and what were the results? Stumbling around and diarrhea are HUGE signs that cortisol is too low (drug overdose from the trilostane). If you haven't had one recently I highly recommend you do two things: stop giving the trilo and get her in for an acth test. Stopping the trilo should give her relief within a day. If she's in real bad shape as you think she's dying that's when you need to give her a prednisone. If you don't have some then take her to the vet's and have him inject her and check the electrolytes out. If this is Greek to you just write it all down :)
We've seen many times where a dog on trilo that seems to be doing fine all of a sudden goes low ... don't know why but it happens enough that we believe there is a cumulative affect and many have had to lower doses despite being on it for years.
molly muffin
07-15-2013, 10:09 PM
Hi Letti. I'm so sorry to hear that Simba is still not doing good?
I don't know, Simba has been up and down with Trilostane and Prednison, that it is hard to tell what is going on at this point and how he is reacting to the trilostane now. If he did in fact end up going lower cortisol level, then the symptoms you're seeing now could be a part of that. The thing is that anything can change in a matter of days, so no telling what is going on now.
If it were me, I'd probably get another ACTH test. At the very least get a baseline, but full preferable.
How many times does he get fed a day and what is he eating? Do you think that could be it?
I hope that this can be figured out Lettie. Give Simba a little belly scritch for me. :)
We're all here for you.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
07-15-2013, 10:32 PM
Oh I'm so sorry that Simba is not feeling well Letti. He's had so much upheaval lately between his trilostane and the prednisone. You know him better than anyone and can tell he isn't himself but that worm that came out of him---could that have anything to do with his tummy issues?? Has he had his stool tested? Trixie had a bacterial infection last year that made her so sick...bad diarrhea and the loudest tummy gurgles ever. Any chance Simba has a gastro upset that's not related to the meds??
I hope Simba makes a turn around and starts to feel better. So hard for you to see him feeling poorly....I hope you don't have to make any difficult decisions just yet. Sending positive thoughts for Simba.
Hi Letti, I too am so sorry that Simba isn't feeling well. I read back for the past couple of weeks, and it looks like his poops haven't been good at all since that earthworm incident, is that right? For the life of me, I cannot understand how that thing could have come out like that, intact and not digested. That makes no sense! :eek:
I agree with Kim, I am wondering about his cortisol level. It sounds like you are planning a stim in a week, so it must be coming due. Maybe it should be checked sooner. And I think I read that you restarted the Trilostane on 7/4? I am wondering of that is enough time for him to get low? How is his appetite, and what food is he eating? Sorry for so many questions, just trying to throw things out there regarding what could be causing the loose stools. Could he maybe need an antibiotic?
Don't give up yet Letti. You have been through so much the past few weeks, I know it is discouraging. We are all here with you and pulling for Sim. How has he been today? I am keeping you both in my prayers.
Tina and Jasper
Simba's Mom
07-15-2013, 11:53 PM
Thanks everyone, taking Sim to the vet tomorrow, I will feel better if he gets checked out, he just isn't himself at all.....your are the best!!!!!
07-15-2013, 11:55 PM
hoping the vet visit goes well and it's something easily remedied. Snuggles to Sim.
molly muffin
07-16-2013, 12:22 AM
Way to go Letti. Hoping for a good report or something simple to take care of.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
07-16-2013, 05:13 AM
Thinking of you and Sim this morning Lettie. I hope the vet can help him. I will be looking for your update and hoping that the vet gives you some useful information. Maybe the worm just really upset his system. I think that is what upset CoCo along with the Cushings and thyroid disease. When his thyroid medicine is not right he is really sick, just moves around with his head down. Love, JoAnne
07-16-2013, 07:41 AM
I am praying for you that Sim gets a good report from the vet, and that he has some answers for you. Keeping our fingers and paws crossed for you two. Eagerly awaiting the results also. Blessings
Squirt's Mom
07-16-2013, 07:42 AM
I just hope you're not taking him back to the vet who tried to kill him with pred because they didn't know how to read an ACTH. :o It looks to me, this is when Sim started having real problems and hasn't been able to get his feet back under him since then the "earthworm" diagnosis with no further investigation so I would not trust that vet to "check him out" - nope, not at all. The "checking out" should have happened immediately after passing that whatever it was but they didn't deem that important. Simba deserves someone who cares enough to look, listen, and learn. ;) In fact, I think I would be looking for fresh eyes to see him asap.
Please let us know how things are going, honey. We are right by your side fighting for Simba with you.
Leslie and the gang
07-16-2013, 08:07 AM
Letti, if you are able to schedule an ACTH for today, I would still give Simba his trilostane this morning along with breakfast. Also, make sure the vet performs the test 4-6 hours after he has taken the trilostane. If the vet wants to perform other blood tests for which Simba is fasted, they need to be done at a different time. He needs to eat food with his trilo in order for the ACTH to be accurate.
Simba's Mom
07-16-2013, 01:25 PM
Simba is gone....
07-16-2013, 01:37 PM
I am so shocked I don't know what to say. My God I hope you are ok. You don't have to say any details, my heart is breaking for you. I am just beside myself that another baby is gone. I am praying for you. I know your heart is shattered in a million pieces. I hope you find comfort knowing the others were waiting to help him over the bridge. This is hard on everyone losing three in a short time. God Bless you Letti, you were strong and did all you could do and more. Blessings
Squirt's Mom
07-16-2013, 01:52 PM
Oh, god, Letti, this is not what I expected to read. I am so so sorry, honey. Please know we are all here for you if you want to talk. We know how very much you love your sweet Simba and how hard you tried to help him. Words just fail me right now...
Our deepest sympathies,
Leslie, Squirt, Trinket, Brick, Sophie and our Angels, Ruby, Crystal, Tasha and Josie
molly muffin
07-16-2013, 01:57 PM
Oh Lettie, my heart is just breaking for you and our King, Simba.
Not what I was expecting either. I'm just really, really sorry and sort of in shock.
Tears are flowing.
Big hugs,
Sharlene and Molly muffin
07-16-2013, 02:27 PM
I'm so very sorry to hear about the loss of your dear Simba.
07-16-2013, 02:41 PM
So sorry Lettie. I am thinking of you. Simba is at peace and no more pain. I am hoping for you to have peace. It is so hard to lose our precious pups. Just remember you did everything you possibly could to help Simba. Love, JoAnne
Budsters Mom
07-16-2013, 03:00 PM
Dearest Letti,
Our king has been welcomed at the rainbow bridge by Buddy, Scoop, Tia and all our other fur baby angels. He is now running free of pain. He will always know how much you loved him and will always be with you in your heart. Right now, this is of little consolation.:o I know that your heart has been broken. We are here for you. Please keep talking to us. Say anything you need to say, scream, cry, because we all understand and love you. I wish I could be there to hug and sit with you. Xxxxxxxxx
07-16-2013, 03:19 PM
I am so sorry and shocked!
I was fully expecting you to come home with meds and news of some kind of infection etc.
I am glad that Sim wasn't feeling badly for a long time though. I know that you wouldn't have wanted that for him as much as this hurts :(
We're all here for you, as you have been for us.
Roxee's Dad
07-16-2013, 03:36 PM
Dear Letti,
I am so very sorry. My heart hurts for you and your loss of your beloved Simba.
Rest in peace sweet boy, you are our newest and brightest star in the sky....
Simba's Mom
07-16-2013, 07:51 PM
Simba went at 1030 this am to rainbow bridge, I held him in my arms and talked to him the whole time, he fell asleep and started snoring, it made me smile for an instant and then I gave him to the vet to give him the final shot....they did another ultrasound today and found a tumor in the spleen, and the tumor on his adrenal glad was huge so I made the decision to let him go....last nite he was in bad shape he was in pain, I had to let him go.....I'm beyond sad, the house is so quiet....this actually sucks big time, I wish it was a dream...thanks for the words of heart hurts so bad, my husband would've never let me take sim to a IMS, that's what he needed and I couldn't do it,, I really failed my little king.....and now it's too late...
07-16-2013, 07:58 PM
I am so, so sorry. Hate to hear that Simba was in bad pain and in bad made the hard choice but right decision. My heart breaks for you Letti....I'm glad you held him and he peacefully went to sleep. No more suffering.
I'm thinking of you....
Oh Lettie, I am so, so very sorry to read this all and my heart goes out to you. I'm in shock, I think and words fail me right now.
Please know how sorry I am.
07-16-2013, 08:53 PM
Oh Letti, I am so very sorry to hear about the passing of your sweet Simba. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
Bo's Mom
07-16-2013, 08:57 PM
I'm so sorry to read about Simba. I have lit a candle in his memory and asking my Angel Bo to spread his wings wide and show him all the best places to hang out. Many hugs and blessings to you.
07-16-2013, 10:06 PM
Letti, I send my deepest condolences on your loss of Simba. Our newest angel is running free of pain. RIP dear Simba RIP. Kim
07-16-2013, 10:36 PM
Oh dear, I am so very very sorry to read this. My heart is with you. We are all here for you.
Dear Letti,
I am absolutely stunned and heartbroken to read this news about Simba. I am just so very sorry. Please know you did not fail your boy. You loved him with all your heart and you can be sure he knew that. Big hugs and many prayers for you and your little King.
Tina and Jasper
Budsters Mom
07-17-2013, 12:09 AM
Dear Letti,
You did not fail Simba! You loved and cherished him. He was blessed to have you for his Mama. We all do what we are able. I could've looked into shrinking Buddy's macro-tumor with radiation. Not only did I not have the money for that, I did not want to put him through it. We all have limitations as to what we are able to do for our babies. That doesn't mean we fail them. Please do not think you failed Simba. I have definitely been going through the would have, could have, should haves in my mind concerning Buddy. The reality is that I did everything In my power to help Buddy, just as you did for Simba. I am sending you tons of love and strength. We are here for you Letti, just like everyone was here for me and still are. Xxxxxxx
Simba's Mom
07-17-2013, 12:57 AM
When will sleep come, my tears keep flowing, how am I going to get thru this?
Budsters Mom
07-17-2013, 01:17 AM
You will get through this Letti! You have all of us. I was exactly where you are now two weeks ago tonight. The angels got me through it and we will do the same for you. Please let us help you. I lived through it and you will too. You are still in shock. Be gentle with yourself. Try to rest, but don't push yourself to sleep. It will come. Exhaustion does eventually take over. Do you have anything of Simbas that you can hold on to like a special blanket or stuffed animal. Buddy had a special cuddle blanket and stuffed frog since he was a puppy. I am keeping them close to me. They are mine now, on my bed to cuddle when I am missing Buddy. They will not go to Rosie. That has helped me. Maybe holding on to something of Simbas could help you also? Please keep coming back and talking. It helps. Big hugs,xxxx
07-17-2013, 02:13 AM
I'd worry if you didn't cry. It's part of the grieving process and it's healthy to let the tears flow.
We're here for you, always!
Time really does heal wounds.
In the beginning, you'll have more bad days than good and then the opposite will happen. I promise, I've been where you are more times than I can count having lived with pets ALL of my life.
As much as it hurts, the memories - I would not trade ever.
07-17-2013, 04:56 AM
Hi Letti
So sorry to read this news about Simba, I think it has taken all of us by surprise and we will all miss him but you the most. I hope you manage to get some sleep tonight knowing your baby is out of discomfort, he has been up against it for quite a while so I bet he is enjoying romping freely at the rainbow bridge, he is in good company with all the other babies who have crossed over just recently. I am usually around during your night time so if you are awake come in for a talk or a scream or a big old hug xxxx
Squirt's Mom
07-17-2013, 07:23 AM
Checking on you this morning, Letti. I know you probably didn't sleep much at all, if any, last nite with your heart so full of pain. Sweetie you made the right decision for Simba. It sounds like they had missed some critical problems with your sweet boy for much too long and he was suffering, probably passed the point where surgery would have helped. I am just floored they missed so much. :(
It seems you may have been dealing with more than we realized all along and I am just so so sorry. It is so difficult to watch one we love as much as we do our babies get sick, to try so hard to give them the best we can, and when family members don't understand things are 10 times harder.
Simba understands all, tho. He knows you did all in your power to help him and when he was in such pain, you gave him the greatest gift of all - freedom from his pain. Simba loves you, always will, and he will be waiting for you to fly into your arms once again one day.
We are here for you, Letti.
Leslie and the gang
07-17-2013, 09:17 AM
please don't think that you have failed Simba. You did everything that you possibly could to help him and no one can ask for more. You loved him and you cared for him and when the time came you helped him out of his pain.
Take Care
07-17-2013, 01:25 PM
My heart is very heavy with the sad news of Simba and I am just checking in again to make sure you are alright. We are all here for you, no matter how you feel and what you want to get it out, we will listen to anything, even if you just want to scream it is ok. We aren't here to judge how you handle this, but to soothe your broken heart, encourage you to go on, and let you know we love you both, and pray for you both. Blessings
Boriss McCall
07-17-2013, 01:28 PM
I am so sorry for your loss. Simba was great dog. You did not fail your boy. You loved him so much & you were an amazing mama to your baby.
07-17-2013, 04:41 PM
Been thinking of you all day Letti and thinking of Simba too. You can't ever think you failed him...we all know better. You loved him and did everything you could to keep him happy and comfortable. You did the best job possible!! Believe it because it's true. You gave Simba a great life!
Budsters Mom
07-17-2013, 05:54 PM
Hi Letti,
Please keep talking it helps. If you'd like to continue to PM me, that's okay too. Whatever works best for you. Big hugs my sweet,
Simba's Mom
07-17-2013, 07:23 PM
thanku everyone so much!
Budsters Mom
07-17-2013, 08:49 PM
molly muffin
07-17-2013, 11:34 PM
Hi Letti,
I just wanted to let you know that I am thinking of you. I know today was hard too. They are such a huge part of our lives and the silence later is devastating.
Sending you tons of hugs and love
Simba's Mom
07-18-2013, 12:39 AM
I can't be home alone, I'm so used to doing everything for then it just stopped....this is so hard, i feel so empty...
Budsters Mom
07-18-2013, 01:13 AM
I know Letti. I did everything for Buddy too. I felt just like you feel now, and still do sometimes. You will get through this one minute at a time. Be gentle with yourself and keep talking to us. It helps, it really does. Big hugs,
07-18-2013, 02:19 AM
this is going to sound strange but when I felt like you do I would clean like a mad woman! I would keep as busy as I could with breaks in between so that my mind had a break from the sadness. It helped me to feel like I was getting something accomplished.
HUGS sweetie.
Budsters Mom
07-18-2013, 02:30 AM
Cleaning is absolutely one if the last things I would want to do, EVER!
I do it, but NEVER want to! See Letti, we are all very different, but we all care about you very much! Big hugs,
07-18-2013, 02:32 AM
I didn't say that I LIKED it :)
It's a necessary EVIL.
Just a good way to redirect your mind for a bit and feel like you're doing something.
07-18-2013, 09:10 AM
I have been down this path several times with other animals. It is a distinct void, you feel empty inside. These Cush babies require so much of our time, that that is what we become accustomed to. It is a huge let down I am sure to not be doing all those things with Sim now. I think like Kathy said it is a minute by minute thing. This disease has hurt so many good people on here and taken their babies, it needs stamped out forever. I was happy with my girl until the point she got this dreaded disease. Now I try to be thankful for every second I have with her, but I am slowly dying inside watching this disease ever come her little by little. I get up every morning with the thought of battling this disease. I will do anything and everything within my power to try and stop it. It will never get my girl easily, as I will fight to the bitter end against it like you did. God Bless You Letti please stay with us we care about you.
Squirt's Mom
07-18-2013, 10:11 AM
When we are in the midst of such intense care giving, we know we get tired and frustrated and frightened at times but we aren't aware of just how much of our lives is totally devoted to care giving until there is no longer a need for that care. Then we find ourselves at loose ends, with empty hours stretching out in front of us, our hands empty, our minds turning to things that need to be done then remembering they don't. Everywhere we turn we see the signs of that time when our every waking moment, and many of the sleeping ones, were centered around caring for our loved one. We stopped doing the little things we used to enjoy and gave that time and energy to them until we forgot we used to have time of our own and no longer know what to do with it. So not only are we obviously grieving for the loss of our loved one, we are also grieving, often unaware, for the loss of our own purpose, our own lives.
Do what you need to do whether that is to lay in bed and cry for hours, beat the Oak tree in the front yard with a 2X4 screaming your head off, run around the block, clean house, rearrange furniture, or stare out a window. Grieve as you need for as long as you need. Simba understands and we understand whether anyone else does or not. One of these days you will find the pain a bit less, the sun a bit brighter, your heart a bit lighter...and then you will find that you have a new purpose in life. Maybe one you never even dreamed of for yourself but there it is nonetheless and it will be all yours. Another gift from your sweet boy.
Leslie and the gang
Budsters Mom
07-18-2013, 11:27 AM
Thead hijack....
Leslie - that was so spot on perfect! You always know exactly the right thing to say. You described me in your last message to Letti.
You words help so many of us. Thank you so much!:)
Letti- I am 16 days in since Buddy passed. My head is finally starting to clear as I'm surfacing from my deep fog of shock. I miss Buddy terribly, with the little reminders being the hardest. Yes, I cried until I was numb, because that's what I needed to do. Do whatever it is that soothes you and allows you to release all of that grief. Simba loves you so much. He wants his mommy to be happy. You will be, but it takes time. Big hugs to you my dear,
07-18-2013, 11:29 AM
Letti...Of course you're lonely, all the time spent with Simba, and all the care lately just ended and then there you are, the loss is so abrupt. I remember that heartache with the loss of my first schnauzer. It's so hard, you just miss them so badly.
Do whatever you need to get through the next couple of's just hard and not much will change that except time.
I'm with Valerie...I like to clean when I feel gets you moving and takes your mind off things. You'll have to find what works for is not for everyone that's for sure!
Thinking of you Letti!
Simba's Mom
07-18-2013, 12:38 PM
So yesterday I went for a ride and came home with a puppy, my son was over from Des Moines the day Sim crossed and he said "Mom, get another dog to love, there's so many out there that need a good home.." So he did some calling and found one....a black mini longhaired doxie male, but he was going to be shipped out the following I said no it's too soon.....I can't do that to Simba, so I cried the day away...felt guilty even thinking about another dog, and I just couldn't do that to my precious angel Simba.....So yesterday I ran a few errands, got out of the house, tucked my tears away and said suck it up Letti, Simba would want me to me happy....i got home and couldn't stand the empty house, so off to see if dog was still there, and guess what, lady said yes he's still here something told me to keep him one more day....yay, happy tears once, he brought him to me and he licked my nose, instant connection!!! The lady told me that lots came to see him, but no one took him, I think he was kept for me.....
07-18-2013, 12:46 PM
Sim would be thrilled that you have another to share your love with! He wouldn't want you to be alone.
No guilty feelings, it's meant to be :-)
Anxiously waiting for pictures!
07-18-2013, 01:09 PM
I am crying very happy tears for you. Have you decided to name him yet? I hope your heart heals, and that this little one brings you much joy. You deserve it. Blessings
Squirt's Mom
07-18-2013, 01:21 PM
Oh, Letti! What a wonderful story! I can't wait to see pics and learn more about your new family member right along with you. Simba is down on his front paws, his tail wagging wildly with pride!
Bo's Mom
07-18-2013, 02:28 PM
What a wonderful story. We can't wait to be introduced to "our" newest family member. I hope you don't mind that we have now adopted your fur baby into our hearts. Many blessings to you and many happy days ahead for your new little guy.
Budsters Mom
07-18-2013, 02:58 PM
What a wonderful surprise! :Nothing like a puppy to help mend a broken heart. You have so much love to give Letti. Your new little boy has no idea how blessed he is that you have found each other. PHOTOS PLEASE! Henry, Rosebud and now your sweet little one has joined our family. I couldn't be happier for you!:D:):p:D:) Simba is now leading a cheer of barks for his brave mama.:) Big hugs for both of you!
07-18-2013, 03:50 PM
gosh...get out the tissues....:) I'm so happy for you! It was fate Letti, a sweet puppy who know one else wanted was waiting there for you. You saved that pup from being "shipped out"!! What great news! Can't wait to see him! :p
molly muffin
07-18-2013, 05:06 PM
That is so sweet Letti. :) Yes we will want to see pictures and then he'll need his own new thread, over in Everything Else, where we can admire him and ooh and ahhh. :)
Simba was a darling, that is for sure and he left a huge void in your life.
I'm so glad that you found another who needed a home and someone to love him. What have you named him?
Does your husband adore him too? LOL How old is he? Details we love the details.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
07-19-2013, 08:36 AM
Can't wait to se the photos of the new baby. Simba is smiling down on you both. God Bless
Simba's Mom
07-21-2013, 09:40 PM
I miss Simba so much, everything reminds me of him..all the what if's are still being played in my mind..and all the lasts, when I held him in my arms, when I kissed him goodbye and told him that I loved him....he was such a good dog and he didn't deserve all the stuff that he was going thru....I'm trying so hard to move on and be happy but I really did loose my best friend.....sending hugs and prayers to you all and your cush pups, thanku so much for the encouragement....
07-21-2013, 10:12 PM
Sometimes things are just meant to be, and your new puppy is very lucky to have found such a wonderful Mom. How wonderful that you saved that pup from being shipped out. I'm sure it would make Simba very proud to know that this little guy is going to have a wonderful life, and yes, we need pictures!!
Budsters Mom
07-21-2013, 11:23 PM
I feel exactly the same way about Buddy. I lost my best friend too. Just because we both have a new baby who needs us, does not lessen our love for our boys. They will always hold a special place in our hearts. Big hugs,
07-22-2013, 12:42 AM
There is enough room in our hearts for MANY companions.
Each of them unique and wonderful.
You're not replacing Sim, you're helping another in need.
I wish that Cushings didn't exist :( If I were ever to come into a large sum of money, I would totally set some aside to research this disease and why it is so prevalent.
07-22-2013, 07:21 AM
I know what you mean about your best friend. Tipper is my best friend also. They don't deserve what happens to them from this awful disease. I wish I never heard of Cushings, it has upset so many lives on here. God Bless you Letti and God Bless Simba.
07-22-2013, 05:14 PM
Hi Letti
I am so sorry to hear about Simba. I was unable to get on properly while I was away which is why I haven't posted sooner
Sending you a big big hug
Simba's Mom
07-22-2013, 08:54 PM
Thanku everyone, cushings has really taken a toll on my life, but I'm so glad that I decided to give Simba the meds for it....the good thing is it brought me closer to my "King of the Jungle", if controlled your pup can live a good quality of life for many years, I do believe that Simba's body took the meds too well, then trying to get back to normal was please if I can give you any advice, find a vet that knows about cushings, better yet an IMS if you can make it work...otherwise find a vet that works with other pups that have it so you know they have experience..., read the stories on this site, there is so much info on here, you gals on here are so smart you guys too :) ask questions, learn as much as you can about cushings, be a voice for your babies....My Simba fought almost a year, but I do believe he had it for awhile before he was diagnosed, and he had a lot more good days then bad...and finally love you baby with all your heart, cherish each and everyday, make so many good memories to hang on too, and never ever let anyone tell you it's just a dog.....sending hugs and prayers for you and your furbabies!! MISS YOU SO MUCH SIMBA!!!!!!!
07-22-2013, 08:59 PM
Letti, Glad to hear about the new puppy. Wishing you all the best with him.
07-23-2013, 08:33 AM
I second all your advise, and wish I could take away your pain. You did the very best you could, with the cards you were dealt. It will take a long time to get thru all this. I know how things keep replaying in your mind. Be strong as others that come after us will need your help for their journey. Can't wait to see pictures of the new baby. Blessings
07-23-2013, 10:26 PM
Thinking of you Letti! Can you imagine anyone saying "it's just a dog" on this board!?! :eek: We all know better. You gave Simba the very best life! He was the King!! ;)
Simba's Mom
07-23-2013, 10:57 PM
A week ago today Simba crossed the rainbow bridge, I miss him terribly, the first nite without him I got a little nudge by my foot at nite, he always slept by my feet :) I loved it even if it was in my head, he slept on my bed the last couple months, so glad I had life was consumed by the cushings, I constantly was looking for answers for my beautiful Simba..someday I hope there's a cure for this awful disease, and peace for all of us...even though Sim is gone, it's all still in my head, never has such a thing taken over my life...but I learned so much, and this site and you all helped so much, so thankful for you I saw a beautiful butterfly and walked right up to it and touched it before it flew away, hmmm maybe Sim sent it...I will keep looking for signs that hes ok, they say the more open you are to it, the more you will see, so I'm keeping my heart open......Love you Simba, miss you more then words can say, someday I will see you again running with no pain and barking at rabbits and squirrels, since your jungle is now in Heaven, you can bark to your hearts content and no one will get mad at you, take care precious angel...
molly muffin
07-23-2013, 11:08 PM
Hugs Letti. Cushings takes over your life it seems. Once it's there, it is all consuming. How to help our furbabies, what they need, tests and more tests and medicine and watching every little thing. It's hard to know what to do with yourself once it is no longer this huge focal point of every day life. I think that is something that everyone who has ever had it come into their lives can relate to.
Simba shows himself every day, just as ever one of our angel's does.
It's there with ever kiss that you give Meeko, with ever memory that is treasured and held close in your heart.
Hugs Letti.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
07-24-2013, 09:02 AM
I so believe we will see our babies again. They will be there to greet us when we pass. We will see them once again free of pain and disease. You look for those signs Letti, as I know Sim will send them down to you. I agree about this disease consuming your life. I eat, sleep and breathe this disease. I wake each morning thinking how I can battle this disease and save my girls life. I hate the day this disease ever came into our lives. Pray on it Letti and God will send you a sign from Sim. Blessings
07-24-2013, 03:42 PM
I think so too and it makes me smile because I'll have my own personal zoo :)
Simba's Mom
07-27-2013, 11:17 PM
I so miss my Simba, so many things remind me of him...Love u Sim
Budsters Mom
07-27-2013, 11:56 PM
I miss our king of the jungle too! Big hugs,
07-28-2013, 08:38 AM
You will probably have things that remind you of Sim forever. Hopefully the pain of his loss will lessen as time goes by. I pray for you and Sim. Blessings
07-29-2013, 09:44 AM
Letti, Thanks for posting on Scoop's thread. The pain is deep and I know you are feeling it too. Like you said about Simba. So many things remind me of Scoop.
Big Hugs
Budsters Mom
08-01-2013, 12:09 AM
I bet Buddy, Simba, and Scoop all all best buds. Chasing critters and hanging out together.:) xxxxxx
Simba's Mom
08-01-2013, 12:10 AM
Aw yeah, I bet so too, it helps to know that they are together! thanks for that reminder!!!
08-01-2013, 07:50 AM
I bet Buddy is teaching Simba and Scoop how to catch Lizards!!
Simba's Mom
08-01-2013, 03:04 PM
yeah I bet so too, alright all you moms of angels, what would your angel teach Simba? Simba would teach all your babies what it takes to be King of the Jungle!!!
Squirt's Mom
08-01-2013, 03:26 PM
Crys will teach him how to hug and hunt bumblebees. Tasha will teach him how to be very still and hide by pretending to be a flower. Josie will teach him how to make everyone think he's 10 feet long.
Budsters Mom
08-01-2013, 05:06 PM
Buddy is going to teach them all to smile, so that the new arrivals feel welcome.:) Then, he'll continue his lizard hunting seminar.:D xxxxx
Harley PoMMom
08-01-2013, 05:39 PM
My boy, Harley, was frisbee fanatic, so I image him teaching sweet Simba how to catch a frisbee in the air.
08-01-2013, 08:04 PM
Kathy, You brought a smile to my face when you said I bet Buddy, Simba and Scoop are all best buds. Chasing critters and hanging out together. I could just picture the 3 of them together walking side by side, maybe looking for some of their other friends or going to get some treats or hunting lizards.
Simba's Mom
08-01-2013, 08:16 PM
Sounds awesome everyone, but there are more angels out there, Simba needs to learn alot!!!
08-01-2013, 08:33 PM
When Scoop was younger he used to love to play ball. When his dad, Molly(my daughter, she was the one who chose Scoop when we were looking for a dog) or I(Mom) would throw the ball in the air and he would catch it. Scoop and his dad played ball a lot together. His dad would hide the ball under a pillow or on top of the couch, under the couch, etc and Scoop would look for it, moving the pillows or putting his head under the couch looking for the ball. He could teach Simba and the others how to play catch. He also loved smelling flowers. He could teach Simba and the others to appreciate all the beautiful things. Scoop was so sweet and loving and inquisitive. His dad would always say Scoop was a good little helper. Whenever his dad was doing something, Scoop would go check it out and his dad would ask if he was there to help. Then when he was done he would say Scoop was a good little helper. Scoop will always be there to help any of the others in any way he can.
Another thing that popped into my head. Someone called Scoop a "little love bug". From little on up he loved giving kisses. IF there would ever be any need for help in that area, Scoop could help out there too. There probably wouldn't be much need for a teacher for that but just in case, ask Scoop.
08-02-2013, 08:21 AM
Just emailed Dr. Bruyette again. We will see what he says about specifics. Read your post about sweet Scoop. It made me cry as I always take Tipper in the yard and show her my flowers and let her smell them. One day while I had her out and was looking else where I caught her going up to one and smelling it. Tipper can be really sweet. That is the side I mostly see of her, but she can be a ferocious protector when she needs to be. God Bless you Vicki, I think of you every day many times a day. Letti sorry for hijacking your thread, I wasn't thinking again.
08-02-2013, 08:32 AM
There were times when we lived in Allentown(over 10 years ago) and had a small yard and Scoop would smell the flowers while he was peeing. Makes me smile to think of him doing that.
08-03-2013, 09:27 AM
Yes the good old days with our beloved babies, before Cushings was ever heard in my house. Blessings
Simba's Mom
08-03-2013, 03:20 PM
Did I tell you that Simba had a bucket list, one of the last things he did was ride on the mower with me, just once and a few weeks before he left.....he loved it, he sat tall and proud and I didn't care what my neighbors thought....Miss you my sweetheart!!!
08-03-2013, 04:58 PM
That is such a cute story. Let the neighbors think what they want, mine don't know how to mind their business, so they watch everything I do. I quit worrying about it long ago, I only worry about my girl now. I know how much you miss Sim. I wish I could change things for you as I feel your pain. Blessings
08-03-2013, 05:35 PM
Oh yes Patti. The good old days. Never even heard of Cushing's back then.
Letti, That is so cute. I can picture Simba on the mower.
Budsters Mom
08-03-2013, 09:14 PM
I love that Letti,
I can just see Simba sitting up straight and tall enjoying his ride. Supervising of course.:D xxxx
Hugs, Lettie. Hold those memories close, wrap them around you.
molly muffin
08-05-2013, 09:43 PM
What fun Letti! I bet Simba loved that!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
08-06-2013, 09:08 AM
Always hold these thoughts close to your heart and you will have Sim with you forever. Blessings
Budsters Mom
08-14-2013, 01:21 AM
Thinking if the King if the Jungle and sending love.:p:) xxxxxx
08-14-2013, 06:11 AM
Big hugs
08-21-2013, 10:59 PM
Letti, Just wanted to say Hi and I was thinking about you and Simba.
Simba's Mom
08-21-2013, 11:20 PM
Oh Kathy and Vicki, we sure understand how we are all feeling, thanks for checking in, hugs to you too!!! So many babies crossing the bridge lately, so sad, sending hugs to them too....and the ones still fighting this cushings disease, one day at a time....
08-22-2013, 07:43 AM
Sending you hugs and love for you, the new baby and as always for dear Sim. Blessings
Simba's Mom
08-22-2013, 08:17 AM
Thanku Patti, sending hugs to you and prayers too..
Simba's Mom
08-24-2013, 12:28 AM
Found this today, thought I would share....
Rainbow Bridge ~ Celebration of our beloved pets lives
This poem was shared on the page by one of our members today, and I wanted to pass it along to all of you.
I stood by your bed last night, I came to have a peep.
I could see that you were found it hard to sleep.
I whined to you softly as you brushed away a tear.
"It's me, I haven't left you...I'm well, I'm fine, I'm here."
I was close to you at breakfast, I watched you pour the tea.
You were thinking of the many times, your hands reached down to me.
I was with you at the shops today, your arms were getting sore.
I longed to take your parcels, I wish I could do more.
I was with you at my grave today, you tend it with such care.
I want to reassure you that I am not lying there.
I walked with you toward the house, as you fumbled for your key,
I gently put my paw on you. I smiled and said, "It's me."
You looked so very tired, and sank into a chair.
I tried so hard to let you know that I was standing there.
It's possible for me to be so near you every day.
To say to you with certainty, "I never went away."
You sat there very quietly, then smiled, I think you knew...
In the stillness of that evening, I was very close to you.
The day is over...I smile and watch you yawning
And say, "Goodnight, God bless, I'll see you in the morning."
And when the time is right for you to cross the brief divide,
I'll rush across to greet you and we will stand, side-by-side.
I have so many things to show you, there is so much for you to see.
Be patient, live your journey out...then come home to be with me.
-Author Unknown
08-25-2013, 01:12 PM
Sweet Letti:
This is beautiful and got the waterworks going for me. I think of you and sweet Sim often. God Bless You Both
Squirt's Mom
08-25-2013, 01:37 PM
That really is beautiful, Letti. Thanks for sharing.
molly muffin
08-25-2013, 04:55 PM
So lovely, such sweet sentiment.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
08-25-2013, 09:32 PM
Straight from the heart <3
Beautiful Letti!
Budsters Mom
08-25-2013, 10:52 PM
I read the poem last night and probably shouldn't have before bedtime. It started the tears all over again. It was beautiful! It cut to my very core. Xxxx
08-25-2013, 11:51 PM
I'm crying too Kathy.
08-26-2013, 04:05 PM
I can't even get through the whole touching.
08-27-2013, 01:01 PM
Thinking of you Letti. Blessings
Simba's Mom
08-27-2013, 10:14 PM
Last week was my birthday, I decided to do something special, so I went to the animal grave yard and talked to Simba, it was so good to see where he was a beautiful garden with flowers and trees, I felt at peace....this week has been hard for some reason, but I know he's not in pain and running free, it gives me comfort....Love you my King of the Jungle, miss you sooooo much too...
Budsters Mom
08-27-2013, 11:42 PM
Happy Belated Birthday Letti,
I am glad that Simba's grave is in such a beautiful garden. It is wonderful that you felt at peace and visiting brought you comfort. It will get easier Letti. We never get over losing them we just learn to live without them. You will too. Big hugs,
08-28-2013, 01:12 AM
isn't it great to know that their resting place is beautiful! I feel the same way when I visit my mother's grave site.
Happy belated birthday!
It sounds like you're beginning to heal sweetie. That's wonderful news!
08-28-2013, 09:19 PM
Happy belated birthday.
Glad to hear you felt some peace visiting the animal grave yard and talking to Simba.
Love and hugs.
molly muffin
08-28-2013, 09:54 PM
That sounds very lovely Letti. Sometimes a little peacefulness is good for the soul :)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
I just read that poem now. So touching.
I'm glad to hear that visiting the grave for whatever reason does bring some comfort. When I go to my parents graves, quite a distance from where I live, I actually am able to smile when standing there . Many memories rush through my head, and I leave the cemetery feeling ok. I'm so happy to hear you could feel peace as well.
Happy belated birthday to you.
08-29-2013, 09:43 AM
Thinking of you and Sim many times during the day, and saying a prayer for you both. Hope you are doing well. Blessings
Letti, I was reading about the puppy... I posted some pics on my thread re just what puppies can do. They are so much fun, frustrating and amazing all at the same time.
I sometimes miss the puppy days.
Budsters Mom
09-01-2013, 12:02 AM
I miss our king of the Jungle. Rest assured that he's happy hanging out with Buddy and Scoop. Probably terrorizing the lizard population!:D xxxxx
09-02-2013, 07:59 PM
Sorry I missed your birthday Letti, hope it was a lovely day and Meeko is lifting you up! Thanks for checking in on Flynny you are a sweetheart! xx
09-03-2013, 08:35 AM
Happy belated birthday, sorry I missed it. I hope you had a wonderful day Letti, I am sure Sim was wishing all good things for you too. Blessings
09-24-2013, 10:47 AM
Letti, Just wanted to say I'm thinking of you and Simba.
09-24-2013, 12:49 PM
Thinking of you and Sim today. Hope you are doing well with the new baby. Blessings
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