View Full Version : milo my doxie age 6 - milo is now at peace
11-26-2012, 03:24 PM
milo was diagnosed with cushings (pituatary gland) early this spring.started with vetoryl 20 mg,eventually upping the dose several times.he is now taking 40 was helping for a little while and now my 2o lb baby boy is starting with excessive drinking,urinating often(no accidents) and now tremors have begun and his hindquarters are wasting away and back legs weak.he has the potbelly and hair is brittle and his skin dry and leathery.we are going to the vet wed to probably redo the atch testing (which i don't like) .also give him fish oil daily with his kibbles.... i am happy i found this site at 4 am this morning,while milo was shaking next to me.any advice or recommendations would surely be appreciated...look forward to comments..thank you !!! :confused:
Harley PoMMom
11-26-2012, 04:01 PM
Hi and welcome to you and Milo,
It would really help us to provide you with more meaningful feedback if you could round up copies of all tests that were done on Milo and post any abnormalities listed here, especially the tests for Cushing's such as the ACTH stimulation tests and/or LDDS test.
Regarding the excessive drinking/urinating, have non-adrenal illnesses been ruled out such as diabetes or an UTI?
I believe we have seen other cush-pups have tremors while taking Vetoryl/Trilostane and I think shaking/shivering are listed as a side effect.
So glad you found us and remember we will help in any way we can so do not hesitate to ask any and all questions.
Love and hugs,
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Boriss McCall
11-26-2012, 05:19 PM
Hi Welcome to the group!
Hopefully we can help you figure out answers for Milo & give you some comfort. Glad you don't have to go it alone anymore.
molly muffin
11-26-2012, 05:45 PM
Hello and welcome to you and Milo.
It does help to have test results so as to know what might be off or not. Definitely would think an ACTH and maybe a full chem blood panel should be done to figure out what is going on with Milo. Could be something unrelated to the cushings, or could be that the cortisol is not controlled.
Tremors is something quite a few members using Vertroyl has mentioned, so don't think that is abnormal.
How about lethargic, eating and poop? How are those? No vomiting?
Just a bit more information. When are you going back to the doctors? Sounds like you both need a good nights sleep too.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Hi and Welcome,
Good things can happen at 4am:);) You found us!!!!!:D
I would be really interested in seeing Milo's stims (ACTH tests) since starting Trilostane. Most dogs are controlled between 1-3 mgs per pound but we have a few (my Zoe for one) who need to go much higher. You will get the best results in my opinion, with a stim under 5 ug/dl. Zoe has not been at that level for too long during the last year and one half; she has other health issues going on so I leave her higher sometimes. Her hair and coat and potty belly never improved because of that and some dogs just never get their hair back.
As for the continued drinking and peeing, how much did it improve and for how long?
The more you can tell us the better. Deep breaths, you are no longer alone. We all understand.
11-27-2012, 07:46 AM
good morning addy !!! thank you so much for you response to my post,still trying to figure how to go about on here (technically challenged)but i look forward to any assistance from this forum.milo is going tomorrow for that test,if i can hold out.milo was diagnosed in jan,started with 30 mg of march he was up to 40 mg.july went up to 60 auguset we split the dose 30mg am and 30mg the end of sept he was taking 40 mg am and 40 mg pm.btw throughout he has been on weeks of cephalexin 250 mg 2xday for horrible skin irritations(collorets might be the term)...hasn't been on cephalexin in 6 weeks and just last friday we had to start again because that red round scaly stinky irritation came back under his right armpit spreading oto his seems the first few weeks when they upped the dosage he would appear to look a little better and the drinking and peeing would calm down.i watch him so closely and the minute i see this starting up again i immediately call my vet,who has been so wonderful.trying to keep this short and to the point addy.stay inhaling...thank you !!!
11-27-2012, 08:02 AM
I just wanted to make a comment on the dosage and make sure. You are giving a total of 80 mgs daily, right? That is a high dose to give a dog the size of a doxie.
Is he still having tremors?
Here is a link on the recommended dosage (you will have to scroll down a bit to see the dosage chart) -
When you go to the vet can you ask for copies of all the ACTH tests that Milo has had? They are rightfully yours, so dont feel funny asking for them. What we need to know is where his cortisol has been since January and what happened to his cortisol after each dose change. We want to make sure his cortisol is not going too low since he is on a hefty dose.
The ACTH test will have a number listed for the pre with ug/dl following the number and then a post number.
Can you tell me if the dose changes were based on his cortisol still being high or because of symptoms?
Glad you are breathing now;):):D
11-27-2012, 08:25 AM
yes indeed the dosage is very high but according to his lab work it is his cortisol that keeps changing so far as i know.i will be seeing the vet and i will get all the info that you all are asking vet is truly trying with the assistance of others to right this situation....thank you everyone.i am still trying to figure out how to use this forum....
11-27-2012, 08:40 AM
thank you harleymom for your imput.milo will be seeing the vet shortly and i will have those answers for you.i am not sure if you got my first post,i am having a hard time figuring out this site...stay tuned and thanks again:)
11-27-2012, 09:25 AM
thank you amy for your support.we are going to the vet for some tests and hopefully we can get milo feeling better soon,breaks my heart to see my little guy so miserable.stay tuned and look forward to further chats
11-27-2012, 09:28 AM
last two days the tremors have increased,but still eating,drinking and pooping...going to the vet,stay tuned and thank you...
11-27-2012, 04:23 PM
do we know anything about cushings being hereditary.not knowing anything back then i can remember milo and mekas' dad being rather thin.the breeder told me he was over worked during mating....hmmm ... at the time she had two litters 4 weeks apart....
molly muffin
11-27-2012, 04:37 PM
Hi. I haven't heard anything about hereditary or if there have been any studies on that. I checked the Canine/Feline Hereditary (DNA) testing lab website and it isn't listed there, so I am sort of doubtful that it is hereditary.
Well, poor dad, he probably was exhausted! LOL
Hope you get some good results today. How did it go at the vet? Get a copy of those lab results? We're all dying of curiosity as to what the numbers are that has caused the dosage to go up so much.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
11-27-2012, 04:46 PM
we are seeing the vet tomorrow at 1 (the wait is just awful)so we should have some answers soon.i am thankful and grateful that i found this site and look forward to sharing good news,thank you all for you love,concern and support :) milo and patty
molly muffin
11-27-2012, 05:07 PM
Oh my gosh Patty, I thought you posted tomorrow, yesterday and then I was all messed up, thinking it was today.
Well, drat. I hate waiting too. How about a good movie or something to pass the time. :)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
11-27-2012, 05:19 PM
Oh and make sure you have Milo's electrolytes checked out as well. Some dogs do have a bit of the tremors when they first start the medication, but if it persists I would be worried a bit about the cortisol levels dropping way too low. Make sure you talk to your vet about what to do if this happens - for sure stop the meds and talk to your vet about having some prednisone on hand to give Milo.
And if you are having an ACTH test, please make sure you give the Vetoryl about 4-5 hours before the test. Any longer and the test may be skewed a bit. You do not have to fast Milo for this test.
Also, get the test results of all the tests. The front staff should be able to have these photocopied for you - let them know as soon as you come in the office and I am sure they will have them ready for you when you leave.
Are we driving you nuts yet?:D:D We cluck a lot like mother hens:D:D:D
I hope the night is uneventful and things go well tomorrow.
Any questions that come to mind, ask away!!!!!!!
11-27-2012, 09:17 PM
feeling all the love and support and will go in like gang busters (as my vet would expect nothing less) milo is very quiet and not much for moving around tonite,he appears more swollen both sides below his ribcage and his spine looks rounded up a bit,not sure if its from discomfort or his kidneys or bladder are just notfeeling right...btw he had the scan some time ago of his adrenals and they were clear and thats when that guy said it was pituitary...gonna have a glass of wine now to try to thankful to all of you ..stay tuned :eek:
11-27-2012, 09:21 PM
thank you looking fwd to a somewhat quiet evening of napping watching over my boy milo....ttyl xoxox milo and patty
11-27-2012, 09:57 PM
i wish there was a chat thing kinda like facebook so i could navigate is how i keep in touch with family all over this beautiful planet,still trying to get around on here but i am truly feeling the love and support just gotta look around for it on here.thank you;)
11-28-2012, 07:24 AM
Don't know if you've had the chance to look through our FAQs section, but maybe it will help you a little bit with your navigation questions:
Good luck to you and Milo!
11-28-2012, 04:27 PM
thank you mariann i did go there and it was very helpful,we went to see our favorite vet today to repeat acth testing,blood work and i collected urine before administering the vetoryl and collected it again 2.5 hrs later.happy to report milo doesn't have diabetes added !!! dr. is also checking liver enzymes,should have the results tomorrow,stay tuned......thank you all for the imput ...milo and patty
molly muffin
11-28-2012, 06:47 PM
Crossing the fingers and toes for really great results tomorrow!
At least the going part is over with. Not just a teeny tiny wait. :)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
11-29-2012, 07:44 PM
well his acth test came up high,i think it was 8.9 ,still waiting for the rest of the results to come in,hopefully tomorrow.his urine analysis came back no vet said she spoke to a neurologist that does a fairly new procedure(sad to say i can't remember its name,kinda lost my hearing when she was talking about it.......needle........)suppose to hopefully destroy the tumor and perhaps not need any more meds,however i heard the number 30%.....she wants me to have a consult with this dr.another thought was to bump his vetoryl to 90= 30 mg 3x i type this between tears i just don't know what to do.guess we will know more tomorrow.milo is presently laying besides me with his hind tremors and 3 more collorets since last week have added themselves to this awful mess....any help...please !!! :(
11-29-2012, 07:49 PM
ps he also lost 2 lbs and potbelly was not too bad yesterday but today was more puffy... what do you think would cause this. also his skin inside hid front legs and armpits are turning thick black,crusty and smelly even after a bath it doesn't seem to improve.also on cephalaxin for the skin irritations 250mg 2xday
molly muffin
11-29-2012, 07:54 PM
Did you get copies of all of his test results, all the ACTH's? Is 8.9 the post cortisol result? That isn't horrible. Not where we want to be, but we do have some on here with their cortisol at that point. Of course, milo is taking a pretty high dose of vetroyl too. Not all dogs get control with vetroyl and it is a possibility to switch to the lysoderm too and that might have better results for milo. If so you would take a break from the vetroyl, get it out of his system completely, about 30 days, then start the lysoderm load phase.
If the tumor isn't a macro (growing out of control) and there doesn't seem to be any specific symptoms suggesting that it is, then perhaps this is an option too.
I don't know what the needle procedure is to get rid of a pituary tumor, although my specialist here said that there are some who are doing a couple different procedures in the states so maybe some of the others here know something about it. We have some who read those medical journals and paper just to keep track of all the latest studies, so we'll hold out hope that they know.
Now it's okay. There are options as I just mentioned to you. WE will figure this out and you have a really great group here that will stand with you no matter what. Okay? feeling better yet? give that little guy a nice belly rub and a scritch behind the ears. He's been through a lot. The journey isn't over yet, not by a long shot. So, let it all out, and then we regroup and go forward.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
molly muffin
11-29-2012, 07:57 PM
Also what about an ultrasound? Was this mentioned? Take a look at those adrenal glands, liver, see what's what? I don't remember if you said, was an LDDS done also? Is his urine diluted?
molly muffin
11-29-2012, 08:05 PM
Did they take skin scrappings to check the crusty areas?
I know tons of questions. :)
11-29-2012, 08:09 PM
sharlene you are a love !!! and yes milo did have an ultrasound that ruled out adrenal gland involvment,also LDDS was the first testing that we did.which is why we followed up with the ultrasound.his urine does not appear diluted and i brought it yesterday before vetoryl administered and a catch 2 hrs later after vetoryl was administered.impatiently waiting for tomorrows results...i will also get the results in writing to share with all of you.hopeflly brainstorming this together we can help my little boy,he is just 6 this past september.thankfully his litter mate sister meka is fine and tending to him like his mom,she is so sweet........gtg get a tissue to clear up these tears ...
11-29-2012, 09:05 PM
yes but that was awhile back when he had his first outbreak,maybe 6 months ago and if i can remember it might have been yeast and put him on that cephalaxin for weeks.. it happened many times throughout the summer turning into black crusts that would basically get pulled out and the hair came with it,eventually all growing back.happened at his armpits,inner front legs,under his lower jaw and around his anus.hasn't happened now maybe 2 months and saw i red spot which is now 3 and the inner left front leg is black crusted over slightly taht can almost get pulled off,but i won't.sounds gross sorry but i am trying to give specifics...
Have they done a skin scraping? Has anyone talked about mites? Calcinoisis cutis? I am hoping others will come along to chime in because I wonder if the skin problems can raise his cortisol? Gosh, that does is getting really high. Maybe Vetoryl is not the right drug for Milo.
Hang in there, sweetie.
11-29-2012, 10:06 PM
thank you addy and they have scrapped those sites in the past and everything came up - assuming it was the cushings that is the trigger after several wks of cephalaxin it clears,usually keep him on a wk more just in case then we take him off which this time lasted 2 months without any skin irritations.past friday one appeared in its usual spot right chest and i started him again on cephalaxin 250mg2xday,and today i found three more sites,so frustrating,we will brainstorm the vets and i and wait for the rest of the tests to see our next step,so damn frustrating and heartbreaking,my baby .... :(
Additional adverse reactions were observed in 93 dogs. The most common of these included diarrhea (31 dogs), lethargy (30 dogs), inappetence/anorexia (27 dogs), vomiting (28 dogs), musculoskeletal signs (lameness, worsening of degenerative joint disease) (25 dogs), urinary tract infection (UTI)/hematuria (17 dogs), shaking/shivering (10 dogs), otitis externa (8 dogs), respiratory signs (coughing, congestion) (7 dogs), and skin/coat abnormality (seborrhea, pruritus) (8 dogs
I know it is so hard to see them sick. The shivering could be a side effect but skin/coat abnormalities are also possible side effects, see quote above.
At 90 mgs, and Milo's weight at 20 pounds, you are at 4.5 mgs per pound, so when we look at it that way, it is not so scary.;)
Aside from the shivering and the skin problems, how is Milo doing now?
11-30-2012, 08:57 AM
thank you addy,waiting for the rest of his tests today,hopefully we will have more to work with,today he appears to be veryquiet,lethargic,his eating is slow but finishes.still with the drinking and peeing.thankfully not vomiting or having diarrhea.and his belly still bloated.he also had yet another colloret(red round spots that turn borwnish and peel that stink)he still looks excited when there is food...will post when i get results.....:confused:
molly muffin
11-30-2012, 06:40 PM
Don't forget past test results for comparison! It's easiest if typing it out to type if on notepad or word and then copy it into the forum. (this I know from experience!)
12-01-2012, 09:44 AM
hello everyone !!! i just got the results from milos' tests -
total protein 9.0
albumin 5.2
globulin 3.8
A/G ratio 1.4
AST 88
ALT 754
alk Phosphaase 1420
GGTP 382
total bilirubi 0.1
urea Nitrogen 15
Creatinine 0.5
BUN/Creatinine 30
Phosphorus 6.6
glucose 113
calcium 10.6
magnesium 2.3
sodium 170
potassium 4.2
Na/Kratio 40
chloride 117
cholesterol 406
triglyceridee 658
amylase 860
lipase 2990
CPK 179.
Total T4 is 2.1
........can anyone please help me to interprete these results,most reads are HIGH so what should we do for poor milo....waiting for a call back from vet....she 1st suggested to up him to 90 mg of vetoryl 30mg 3xday.i called vetoryl yesterday and spoke to a doctor who called my vet.hope to have answers today .......:( :( :(
12-01-2012, 09:45 AM
i will get previous records so that we can compare...
12-01-2012, 09:52 AM
I have just merged your latest posts with your original thread so that we have all of Milo's information in one place. Can you please repost only the abnormal values and please include the normal reference ranges?
12-01-2012, 10:06 AM
here goes
protein 9.0 (high) ref.range 5.0-7.4
albumin(high)5.2 ref.range 2.7-4.4
globulin(high)3.8 ref range 1.6-3.6
AST(SGOT)86(high)ref.range 15-66
Alk Phosphatase 1420(high)ref.range5-131
GGTP 362(high)
BUN/Creatinine Ratio30(high) ref.range4-27
Phosphorus 6.6(high) ref.range2.5-6.0
Sodium 170(high)ref.range139-154
Cholesterol 406(high)92-324
Triglycerides 658(high) 29-29
Lipace 2990 (high) 77-695
molly muffin
12-01-2012, 12:22 PM
Hi Patty,
I went through a few websites looking for information about test results. We have some people on here who are Very knowledge about these things mean, but what I did is took the results that are abnormal and then went looking on various websites for the 'why'. I've written out what I found for you.
My first suggestion is going to be to get a consult to an IMS. (Internal Medicine Specialist) I'm seeing alot of results that could be high due to pancreatic issues (even if you aren't seeing the symptoms), deydration, and two that could be associated with diabetes mellitus.
protein 9.0 (high) ref.range 5.0-7.4 (Protein, this reflects hydrations status and provides information about liver, intestine, kidney and infection)
albumin(high)5.2 ref.range 2.7-4.4 (produced by the liver, high levels can be indicative of dehydration)
globulin(high)3.8 ref range 1.6-3.6 (this could be indicative of stress, dehydration, allergies, liver, heart, arthristis and diabetic problems)
AST(SGOT)86(high)ref.range 15-66 (increased levels can be indicatvie of liver, heart or skeletal muscle damage
ALT(SGPT)754(high) (indicatvie of problem with liver, we see this sometimes in cushings dogs, and anything else that is
causing some problems to the liver)
Alk Phosphatase 1420(high)ref.range5-131 (indicative of liver problems and cushings)
GGTP 362(high) (indicative of liver problems or corticosterioid excess)
BUN/Creatinine Ratio 30(high) ref.range4-27 (this is associated with kidney function. high levels could be caused by kidney, liver, heart, urethral obstruction, dydration, intestinal issues.
Phosphorus 6.6(high) ref.range2.5-6.0
Sodium 170(high)ref.range139-154 (electrolyte helps to indicate hydration status)
Cholesterol 406(high)92-324 (this could be raised due to hypothyroidism, liver problems, cushings, diabetes mellitus, panreatitis, kidney)
Triglycerides 658(high) 29-29 (another form of fat. elecvations could be caused by insufficient fasting prior to to testing, hypothyroidism and diabetes mellitus)
Lipace 2990 (high) 77-695 I think this is actually Lipase an enzyme that maybe be indicative
of a bout of pancreatitis.
I hope this helps you to understand what you are seeing on the test results a little bit better.
Squirt's Mom
12-01-2012, 12:35 PM
Hi Patty,
I can't interpret the labs very well at all but from what I see I would want the pancreas, liver and kidneys looked into. An abdominal ultrasound would be very nice to have. ;) The elevated protein in the blood could be several things and if they suspect diabetes, a urine test will tell a more complete picture. My Trinket came back with elevated blood glucose but the urine test was negative which meant she didn't have diabetes, something else had caused an elevation in the BG.
Keep breathing, sweetie. Sometimes that's all we can do, and it's enough at those times. ;) You are experiencing what I call twitching. Hyper-alert for any and everything, the least little thing sends us into orbit on waves of panic, nothing makes sense, everything sounds absolutely horrible, our minds won't focus, the tears won't stop...yup, twitching. I do it allll the time. ;):o Remind me to tell you the booby story one day when you need a good laugh. :rolleyes::D
You are doing a great job. Keep your chin up, keep talking and asking, and before you know it, you will be a pro at this.
Leslie and the gang
12-01-2012, 12:49 PM
thank you leslie,i am about twitched out.milo had a urinanalysis wed and diabetes was ruled out.gonna bmp his vetoryl from 80 mg (40 am 40 pm) to 90mg 3x stay tuned :eek:...i am so very thankful to this forum for all the support,trying to hang in there...patty
12-01-2012, 12:56 PM
thank you sharlene.... well we know he isn't diabetic,did urinanalysis.his liver appears to be heavier.he is sleeping mostly(this is when tremors are worse,now having them in his front legs and neck in addition to hind quarters).gonna be a long weekend ....
12-02-2012, 10:52 AM
it's just me again.had milo to the vet this morning at 8,after a night of twitching and shivering.i called vetoryl on friday and spoke to dr.andy fox at length who then put in a call to my vet.after reviewing all of milos' labs since jan. they decided he needed to be bumped up to 90 i type he is next to me fast asleep with his sister meka and he is not shivering !!! maybe the magic number will be 90 mg for him spread out 30 30 30 ....i also got all of his past testings but don't want to overwelm all of you with them,but can post if it will help with the brainstorming...thank you all for your support and concern...i am to call the vet monday and let her know whats doing.if he maintains he is to go back in 2-3 wks...
12-02-2012, 11:21 AM
want to share where i purchase milos' vetoryl in case it wasn't seen before.smartpac 1-888-752-5171,free shipping on all orders over $40....10 mg of 30 pills=$44.95;30 mg of 30 pills=$57.95; 60mg of 30 pills is $69.95;120 mg of 30 pills $, reliable service .
molly muffin
12-02-2012, 03:54 PM
hi, the best way to post Milo's lab results is by tying it on on notepad first, Date, abnormals (high/low) with reference range. That makes it easy to keep in order.
I'm so glad that Milo isn't shaking now. I have never heard of a 3 daily dosing, I wonder if that is new or just not something that has been happened alot. I hope some of the others on here have encountered that scenario and can comment about it.
Usually right about 12 days after a dose change is about right to have another ACTH test to see where the cortisol levels are at, unless you notice any change suggesting an imminent crisis. So, be on the watch for that. I'm sure that you know this though having gone through it all so many times before the with the dosage increases.
It's great that Diabetics have been ruled out. It's always good to rule stuff out so you can concentrate on anything else. I'd go ahead and ask the vet about the high levels on the other lab results and about the pancreatic issues.
Crossing fingers that this does it.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Terri's angel Corky was on 3 time dosing. I believe she did exhaustive research prior. She had a hard time with it because of her schedule as I remember.
Crossing fingers for you and Milo. I am glad the shaking stopped.
12-03-2012, 11:29 AM
well...milo did have the shakes this morning,but 45 minutes after his morning meds then 2 1/2 hrs after he is extremely lifeless,not drinking or peeing much,also very weak in the hind legs,he had a hard time getting up from a seated position which he never had.liver is really popping out and in my gut i feel he may be dehydrated...i am so scared.going to give his next dose at 1pm (unless i call my vet) :( :( :( .any thoughts please let me know !!!
12-03-2012, 11:51 AM
just put a call in to our vet....... praying for patience and my baby...
We're here, let us know. If you feel Milo is not right, dont give the 1pm dose if the vet has not called back.
molly muffin
12-03-2012, 01:16 PM
Definitely call your vet and no I would not give the dose at 1pm until you hear back. If you need to get some water into Milo, try using a syringe. Whatever it takes. Some of the previous test results showed dehydration could be an issue already and if he goes into a crisis, he would need to be most likely up onto an IV if he becomes too dehydrated. If he starts to throw up or can't move, take him to an ER vet Immediately!
12-03-2012, 01:27 PM
thank you ladies...since my post he drank a bowl of water,maybe an hr ago he had another good drink and just now he had another good one.maybe i look for every little sign,but i swear his liver looks less swollen.....hmm...will keep ya posted...
It's okay, better safe than sorry and no one knows Milo better then you. We do tend to twitch but we all have a darn good reason why;)
molly muffin
12-03-2012, 01:41 PM
Good that he is drinking plenty of water! Watch to see if he eats, gets sick, or gets too lethargic or diarrhea.
Any of those could be signs that he needs to see a vet pronto or to to an animal ER.
Using an ER is not a horrible thing, you should have your file now on Milo and they can be immensely helpful when needed, plus they have specialist on staff. Believe me, Molly and me have had couple trips to our own ER.
12-03-2012, 01:48 PM
well as silly as it is to get excited,he had a normal bm drank some more water,peed like a race horse and is now teasing meka,,,,,,maybe his body is getting use to the new dose..thank you all !!!:o
Well take that as good news, but keep your eye on him!!!!;)
molly muffin
12-03-2012, 11:53 PM
Okay, so here we are at the end of the day. How is Milo doing? What did the vet say? Did you give all 3 doses?
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
12-04-2012, 06:09 AM
I too have been watching how this 90 mgs will be affecting him.
If at any time you feel him slipping lower (increased shivering, weakness, stumbling, lethargic, vomiting) stop the medicine.
12-04-2012, 07:36 AM
well yesterday was up and down.he was mesirable till about 130.did give him his 1pm dose.afternoon was ok.had been out a few times appearing ok did drink several times,dinner was good(although the last few days he has been eating rather slowly but does finish and akes a good drink).slept on/off till 10,noticed he was shivering on/off.slept rather deeply i was up at 5 watching him and did not observe shivering.up at 630,his hind legs are weak but did make it to the pad for his business and ate and drank...he has been resting on my lap now in a deep sleep with very llittle shivering although it appears his head and neck are now having a little on/ vet has a call into dr.bruyette who is out of town till thurs and another specialist whos name escapes me.thank you all for you love support and concern i am TRULY feeling it....
12-04-2012, 08:06 PM
today was an interesting one,relatively speaking milo still had some shaking going on but didn't appear as miserable,still drank,ate and went out a few times on those weak hind legs....looking fwd to an uneventful evening,he is already in his bed....will let you all know how we are tomorrow !!!:confused:
molly muffin
12-04-2012, 08:20 PM
Well today doesn't seem too bad, just keep an eye on milo and hopefully all will continue to go well. :)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
12-04-2012, 09:45 PM
thank you sharlene......`
12-05-2012, 07:57 AM
well the night was good.however when he awoke he really had bad shivers.i thought maybe because his last dose was at 7pm and maybe his body needed i gave him his breakfast at 630 am with the meds.he continued to shiver for an hour,stopped for maybe a half hour,and now is next to me with them again,they seem to be primarily in his legs,he appears uncomfortable,but its a hard read to me.also seems like it is happening more when he is at rest.thinking it is a side affect of the vetoryl,is this probable ??? help please...
Additional adverse reactions were observed in 93 dogs. The most common of these included diarrhea (31 dogs), lethargy (30 dogs), inappetence/anorexia (27 dogs), vomiting (28 dogs), musculoskeletal signs (lameness, worsening of degenerative joint disease) (25 dogs), urinary tract infection (UTI)/hematuria (17 dogs), shaking/shivering (10 dogs), otitis externa (8 dogs), respiratory signs (coughing, congestion) (7 dogs), and skin/coat abnormality (seborrhea, pruritus) (8 dogs).
According to this study 10 dogs experienced shaking/shivering so it is possible. I cant say probable but it certainly is suspect.
12-05-2012, 08:16 AM
thank you addy....i want my milo back,i just am so scared,thankfully he doesn't have vomiting,diarrhea....his appetite is ok and drinking ok although today i will try to get more fluid into him...those eyes just say "fix me"....hopefully the day will get better for him(and me)...again so thankful for this forum xoxox
molly muffin
12-05-2012, 08:56 AM
Several members whose pups are on vetroyl have mentioned shaking. With a high dose like milo is on, it could possibly be more shaking due to the meds.
12-05-2012, 09:05 AM
morning sharlene...from all of the info i read on vetoryl i do see shaking is a side effect.i am hopeful that these will subside in time but it is so hard to vet has 2 calls out to specialists and waiting for their replies.yesterday was a good day,today not so much....praying the day gets better for milo ...:confused:
Boriss McCall
12-05-2012, 10:05 AM
Poor little Milo. I know when they look up at you with those big eyes it is heart breaking. I hope today he starts feeling better. Hang in there...
12-05-2012, 10:23 AM
thank you amy for your kind words,you know how difficult these times are,hoping his day improves,stay tuned ...
molly muffin
12-05-2012, 03:00 PM
I definitely think that a specialist needs to be consulted about Milo. Hope that happens for you.
12-05-2012, 10:29 PM
ok this is the 3rd time i am trying to post his test not a tech goes :1/6/12 CORTISOL SERIAL 3(DEX) cortisol sample 1 10.0,cortisol sample 2 dex 3.6 ,cortisol sample 3 dex 15.5. 2/28/12 cortisol serial 2 (ACTH) cortisol sample 1 5.9(high),cortisol sample 2 14.0.3/30/12 cortisol serial 2(ACTH) cortisol sample 3.0,cortisol sample 2 5.8(low).post trilostane indicated optimal control.7/12/12 cortisol serial 2 (ACTH) cortisol sample 1 6.4(high),cortisol sample 2 11.4,t4 1.1.11/29/12 cortisol serial 2(ACTH) cortisol sample 1 8.6(high) cortisol sample 2 9.0.tests show trilostane indicate optimal control.clueless here...milo is on day 5 of vetoryl 90 mg (3xday at 30mg).his shivers are increased and subside about 6 hrs after a dose.still drinking,peeing and pooping diarrhea or vomiting.sleeps more and deeply.will call vet tomorrow afternoon she is waiting to hear back from 2 specialists.sorry this is winded but i know you understand ...:confused: :(
12-05-2012, 10:45 PM
1/3/12 ALT 300 Alk Phosphatase 463 colesterol 374 T4 1.2 1/24 ALT374 " " 550 " 354 ACTH 7.4 11/30 "754 " " 1420 " 406 T4 2.1 AST 86 ,GGTP 362(HIGH) LIpace 2990.......................don't understand much of it although i am researching like crazy,maybe someone here can guide me so i can have all ears opened tomorrow when i speak to the vet.thank you so much all !!!! patty and milo xoxox
12-06-2012, 06:55 AM
ok this is the 3rd time i am trying to post his test not a tech goes :
cortisol sample 1 10.0,
cortisol sample 2 dex 3.6 ,
cortisol sample 3 dex 15.5.
2/28/12 cortisol serial 2 (ACTH)
cortisol sample 1 5.9(high),
cortisol sample 2 14.0.
3/30/12 cortisol serial 2(ACTH)
cortisol sample 3.0,
cortisol sample 2 5.8(low).
post trilostane indicated optimal control.
7/12/12 cortisol serial 2 (ACTH)
cortisol sample 1 6.4(high),
cortisol sample 2 11.4,
t4 1.1.
11/29/12 cortisol serial 2(ACTH)
cortisol sample 1 8.6(high)
cortisol sample 2 9.0.
tests show trilostane indicate optimal control.
clueless here...milo is on day 5 of vetoryl 90 mg (3xday at 30mg).
his shivers are increased and subside about 6 hrs after a dose.
still drinking,peeing and pooping diarrhea or vomiting.sleeps more and deeply.will call vet tomorrow afternoon she is waiting to hear back from 2 specialists.sorry this is winded but i know you understand ...:confused: :(
Hi again, I have just a sec, but wanted to comment. I have taken the liberty of adding spaces here.
This looks like a LDDS test with the three numbers. I am assuming this was part of the diagnosis of Cushing's and not for monitoring. It it consistent with a diagnosis.
cortisol sample 1 10.0,
cortisol sample 2 dex 3.6 ,
cortisol sample 3 dex 15.5.
From the last ACTH test (11/29) I would say that a post 9 is within accepted range - although on the high side of acceptable, but I am not sure why the resting (or base is high).
It looks like on the March ACTH testing - all ranges are really good at showing control. Did your vet increase or decrease the dose then?
Have these ACTH tests been performed at 4-6 hours after giving the Trilostane?
12-06-2012, 07:37 AM
march 2,his vetoryl was upped to 40mg,july 14 60mg,august 19 60mg(30 am 30 pm),around mid september 80 mg(40 am 40 pm)dec 1 90 mg (30mg 3xday).ACTH tests were done within 5 hrs after vetoryl.thank you terry for making this clear to read.milo is still shivering..... :(
shivers are increased and subside about 6 hrs after a dose
normally, Trilostane peaks after a few hours and then starts to leave the body but I am not sure what happens with 3 x a day dosing, logically, I would assume that after six hours, the Trilostane is starting to leave the body and his tremors are stopping so it is a side effect of the drug but I am no way an expert and could be totally wrong about this.
Anyone have any thoughts? Marianne?
I am wondering if there is something else going on with Milo. Has he had a complete super chem panel done (blood work) lately?
molly muffin
12-06-2012, 06:33 PM
I agree with Addy that something seems strange. To have that high of dosage and still have that high of resting cortisol, could indicate that cortisol is being made in the body due to some other reasons that a Pituitary screwing with the signals to the adrenal glands. I'd be interested in some of our more knowledgeable members kicking in here. It is rather worrisome to not know for poor little Milo.
What did the specialist say today? How about getting an appointment to see a specialist? That is what we ended up doing and a Lot of our members here, see both a regular vet and a specialist.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
12-06-2012, 07:34 PM
once again sharlene THANKYOU.. the vet put 2 calls 1st to dr.peterson here in nyc,2nd dr.bruyette california 2x.they have not returned her calls as yet.talked to another endocrinologist here in westchester ny and hopefully will have better answers tomorrow.she thinks the shivers is from the starting tomorrow we will do 80mg 40 am/40pm and see if that will lessen .any other ideas our there please !!! patty and milo :(
12-06-2012, 10:48 PM
ok so milo has had the shivers alllllll day.thinking i am not gonna give him an 11pm dose of 20(to round down to 80 rather than 90 for the day) anythoughts on this....can't take watching this and he just looks so miserable.btw he is still drinking eating pooping vomiting or diarrhea or fever...what to do ???
molly muffin
12-06-2012, 11:08 PM
if you think something feels off and milo shivering all day could definitely make one think something was off, then it doesn't hurt to not give them a dose.
Try skipping and see how he does. See if he stops shivering by skipping the dose.
12-06-2012, 11:09 PM
Hi Patty,
I'm sorry I have not yet had a chance to review your whole thread carefully. But I don't think you will harm Milo by holding his evening dose if he has been looking unwell to you. It sounds as though you are awaiting more feedback from the specialist/s tomorrow. In the meantime, it is safer to underdose than to overdose if you are in doubt as to how your dog is tolerating the trilostane.
12-06-2012, 11:28 PM
thank you marianne for your sick of seeing him sick,but i am hopeful that we can right his situation...i am truly grateful for all that we get here(better then seeing the vet sometimes)praying my litl man gets a good nights rest...xoxoxo thankful to be here,you are so helpful and calming when i am at my most nutsy place....
12-07-2012, 05:35 AM
How is Milo this morning - what kind of night did you both have?
I too agree, if Milo is looking ill to you, shivering more etc. please stop the medicine.
How is his drinking? One thing could be aggravating the situation is he may be dehydrated which causes an electrolyte imbalance.
PS - we have all been there (in that nutsy place) going through Cushing's etc with our pups... :D
12-07-2012, 07:48 AM
the night was good,i skipped his 11pm dose,had little shivers this morning and shot out of his bed like a pppy and ran down the stairs before i could pick him up.guessing his hormones are wacky.had breakfast and 40 mg vetoryl.right this sec he is not shivering,but was ...he has been drinking fine,still sleepy.sstay tuned..thank you terry xoxox
12-07-2012, 10:10 AM
Patty-I was reading your thread. Alot of things you said about Milo sounds like my Scoop. The trembling(whenever I ask a vet about it they say it could a number of things), muscle loss/weak hind legs, weight loss, spots underarms. Scoop has calcinosis cutis on his back and the vet thinks under his arms is cc also but it looks different and it just keeps getting bigger. The vet says because of rubbing. On 11/29 at 8:44PM you had in your post that the vet told you about a neurologist that does a fairly new procedure...needle... supposed to hopefully destroy the tumor. Have you discussed that any more with your vet? Do you know who the neurologist is? Scoop's tumor is large and I am so, so scared. The neurologist Scoop saw said his tumor isn't that large and the only thing you can do about it is radiation. To me approx. 8mmx3mm is large. So I was wondering if there is anything new going on out there. It would be wonderful if there is.
Thank you.
Vicki-Scoop and Raleigh's mom
Boriss McCall
12-07-2012, 10:30 AM
I wish they could do some sort of injection to reduce the size of the tumor. That would be so GREAT! I hope someone is out there working on that treatment. :)
Hope Milo is feeling better this morning.
12-07-2012, 11:21 AM
sorry to report the damn shivers are back,he is miserable,but still drinking peeing and pooping.wth......his skin actually is better but the potbelly and hair still same...... thank you vicki,i will find out more about that and get back to you on that...
molly muffin
12-07-2012, 11:47 AM
so when you give him the vetroyl the shakes come back really bad it sounds like?
Has your vet heard back from the specialist yet?
12-07-2012, 07:39 PM
with milo still shaking today i put a call into dechra- makers of vetoryl.i had spoken to a last no answer but machine says to call the safety call which i did.amazingly they took milos story down talked with the vets and they suggested to .go to the vet and have his electrolytes and blood work,but to not stop the med because this may cause an adverse my surprise his numbers are better :
ALT 673U/L last week 754
ALKP1114U/L " " 1420
GGT 232U/L " " 362
electrolytes good:
TBIL 0.3mg/gl
CHOL 242mg/dl
Na 157mmol/L
K 4.4mmol/L
Na/K 36
CI 117mmol/L
Osm Calc 309mmol/L
putting a call into Dr.Mark Peterson tomorrow and see about having an ultrasound to check vet also gave him just a wee shot to help him relax and ge a good sleep and hopefully lesson his shakes which it did for a little least he is sleeping soundly quietly vibrating next to me....thank you all for you support !!!
12-07-2012, 07:45 PM
hey vicki !!! it is called is radiation to the pituitary tumor directly that will not touch surrounding is not available everywhere but maybe someone by you can assist in helping you locate a facility that does.the neuorologist that was recommended to me is Dr.Richard Joseph Animal Specialty in westschester ny 914-457-4000.maybe you can put a call in and get some help,i will be watching out for your posts.good luck...patty and milo xoxox
molly muffin
12-07-2012, 08:54 PM
Glad you have a call in to Dr. Peterson about getting an ultrasound, also that he seems to be sleeping peacefully. I'm sure Vicki will be checking in and interested to see your comment about the cyberknife. Ugh, what a word for it. It's scary, they should call it something else. LOL
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
12-07-2012, 09:07 PM
so good to hear from you has been a rough couple of days for many of us here,but i am so happy and forever grateful for finding all of my milo lays next to me sound asleep with some shivering -of course i am panicked a bit that he hasn't eaten,hasn't had meds at 7,no drinking or no brain wants to wake him but my heart says let him be for a bit.....hmmm
12-08-2012, 03:30 AM
I hope Milo is feeling better. It has been awhile ,but. I think Apollo had some tremors when he started Trilostane. I'd have to go back on my thread.
Apollo was on 10 mg. and weighed about 10 lbs. The hardest part of this disease is trying to be on constant alert. You watch every move, every change, every lab result with fear. Remeber to take care of yourself, during all of this. Try not to be so wrapped up in the fear and uncertainty , that you miss the good times with Milo. Disspite what this disease is, there still are moments to cherish.
Hugs Sonja and Angel Apollo. Never stop hoping or trying.
Hugs Sonja and Angel Apollo
12-09-2012, 01:46 AM
Patty-Thanks, I appreciate you getting that information. I have heard of the cyberknife. I'm thinking the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia might be the one with that. So many questions! The neurologist that Scoop saw for his MRI told me the only thing that can be done for the tumor is radiation. He said it is very expensive and it would have to be done several times a week for 3 or 4 weeks. That also means anethesia(sp?) that many times. I should call and get info and find out the cost but between Scoop's ultrasound and MRI, ear surgery, third eyelid flap, opthamologist visits, all his meds, Cushing's testing, and things with his diabetes, my credit card sure has had a workout. Sure wish I could hit the lottery. I don't think my husband would go for it. I want so bad to help my Scoop. It hurts so much. I guess I was hoping for a break through of some sort. Go in once and done. It's so hard to see my Scoop now and remember last year when he was just fine, at least it seemed he was. He has changed so much since July.
Amy-I so agree with you. I hope there is research being done. I am so scared for my Scoop. I just don't think he is going to get better.
Vicki-Scoop and Raleigh's mom
12-09-2012, 09:17 AM
i went back on your thread to read up on your scoop,my word your baby has been through soooo much.... it is just so scary,frustrating and above all exspensive to be the best parents to our fur babies.sending you prayers,tight hugs and happy that we can all be of help,support and comfort here... patty and milo(and meka his litter mate,she is like his mom instead of his sister:) )
molly muffin
12-09-2012, 09:24 AM
How is milo doing?
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
12-09-2012, 08:27 PM
thank you for asking's a hard read.the shaking is still going on,and he didn't finish last nights dinner,todays breakfast,and tonites dinner either.however he is still drinking lots ofwater was really slow at dinner tonight and left some behind.gave them baths just to freshen them up,and seems to be deep sleeping more.who knows...he is just not my regular guy...waiting to hear back from dr.petersons' office tomorrow for an appt. love the love and support here,thanks to all of you xoxox
12-09-2012, 09:21 PM
If Milo isn't eating normally and this has gone on for a couple days I would be concerned that the cortisol has gone too low and the dose is too much. Do you have prednisone on hand in case of emergency? I'm concerned these specialists aren't responding. If nothing happens early tomorrow I think I'd be trying to create a little sense of urgency with a vet somewhere... not to scare you but sometimes they get caught up in other matters and the squeaky wheel gets the grease. So do what you gotta do for dear Milo. We are here to support you and send love and best wishes, Kim
molly muffin
12-09-2012, 11:18 PM
Exactly what Kim said! Does Milo normally eat all his meals? If he does, and now is suddenly not eating or even stopping and walking away, that can be a sign of his cortisol going to low like Kim said. It happens, even on Trilostane even though some vets say it won't. It does. So just remember to always error on the side of caution.
Sharlene and the Molly Muffin.
12-10-2012, 09:10 PM
hi there ladies !!! it has been an exhausting 3-4 days and milo seemed to hit a low today so ,of course, here we go to the phone to our vet.she suggested we make appts to specialist,which i did.dr.peterson we will be seeing dec.24 at 1,,,and she also recommended a vet ...we call, dr.richard joseph tomorrow here at 10 i will take him manana with all his info faxed to the clinic and hopefully come up with a i type he is not shaking,wth,the day was just horrific with his shakes,not wanting to walk,and groaning also didn't eat and drink like he usually does.any thoughts..btw as i type he is still for the moment...
molly muffin
12-10-2012, 09:28 PM
You aren't still giving him the Trilostane with these the not eating, groaning, not walking are you? If so, don't until you can see the different vet tomorrow. Okay, I just don't think that this vetroyl is working for Milo. He seems to have really bad symptoms when he takes it and acts better when he doesn't.
Hang in there
12-11-2012, 06:42 AM
I agree, there is something going on here - and I would not give any more Trilo until it is sorted out and these symptoms (possible reactions) stop.
Milo is not eating AND now not drinking normally, not wanting to walk and groans (could be in pain) so please stop the medicine.
There is clearly something very distressing here.
I know you have an appt this morning, please keep us posted on what this vet says and recommends.
I sure hope they can sort things out for little Milo today. Please let us know what happens. I am so sorry you are having such a hard time.
12-11-2012, 12:40 PM
well when we got up this morning after a quiet night,milo did have some i did give him his meds.he didn't shake for about 2 took him at 9 to his neurologist appt at 10.of course he was shaking but i also think it was his nerves.basically went over all his labs and talked about the cyberknife procedure and all that is involved.(nearly $5000 :eek:)also took his temp,pressure and cbc.after we got back in the car he went fast to sleep,awoke when we got home.had kibbles and a big drink(had a nice drink in the car before we came home)now sleeping by my side with no shakes.hmmm...btw his temp was 100,bp was a tad high,but they weren't concerned thought it was stress related.....will see how this day goes.thank you all for keeping an eye on us...patty and milo xoxox
12-11-2012, 04:09 PM
Hi Patty
Sounds like she is feeling a bit better, are you going ahead with the procedure? Hope the rest of the day goes good
Trish xx
Boriss McCall
12-11-2012, 04:14 PM
Does this procedure shrink the tumor like radiation or kill it?
12-11-2012, 06:38 PM
thank you amy for checking on us.well it can go either way,they hope to get rid of the tumor,however there is a chance it could come back.there are no guarantees with this procedure so i am sitting on this option for now(plus its like $5000).we have an appt with dr.peterson on 12/24,he is an endocronologist so i would like his imput before we do anything invasive..hoping is vetoryl will right this situation...patty and milo
12-11-2012, 06:40 PM
hi trish,milo seems to be a wee bit better today (maybe the new vet visit knocked the shakes out of him :). right now he just ate all his dinner and a good drink...will wait to see what this evening brings,i hope nothing.thanks for watching us...patty and milo
12-12-2012, 12:49 AM
Patty-Did the neurologist give you any details about the Cyberknife besides the $5000 cost? Like how many visits it would take? What are the chances of getting rid of the tumor as opposed to shrinking it? I sure wish I was rich! You're lucky to be able to see Dr. Peterson. Is his practice close to where you live?
Vicki-Scoop and Raleigh's mom
checking in on you and Milo, how is everything?
12-12-2012, 10:10 PM
i so appreciate the check in.early today he was ok,not too much shaking.since dinner he hasn't stopped,4 hours now.sound asleep next to me now and they are a little less and his sister meka keeps licking his paws.i hate this roller coaster,i wanna get off.saw the neurologist yesterday and he explained the cyper knife surgery...not thinking of that till we see dr.peterson on the 24th....
12-12-2012, 10:21 PM
i did get all the details to the cyberknife surgery(told him it was a bad name)they would do ct and mri first and then according to what they see the make a plan.goes back and has the radiation possibly 3x. with a stay at the hospital probably the first time.can't guarantee the total tumor removal,or if it might come back again.... just don't feel comfortable just yet to take that risk.he did call this morning to let me know that milos cbc was fine and wants to hear from me after our visit to dr.peterson (whom he has worked with in the past)
12-13-2012, 01:18 AM
How's Milo doing? Thank you for the information. Sounds like with cyberknife there aren't as many treatments needed as regular radiation. I was told by a neurologist with radiation it would be several treatments a week and it would be 3-4 weeks. Sounds like Milo has some good doctors on his side.
Vicki-Scoop and Raleigh's mom
12-14-2012, 01:37 PM
well here we are still not so good.his shaking is on and off still,just followed up a call that i made to the dr petersons' office if there are any cancellations because the 24th is so far milo is eating slowly but he did eat breakfast and had a good drink a few times however he is more lethargic and doesn't want to walk around.laying next to me right now not himself at all.i am hoping dr peterson is reviewing his records today and maybe he will have some feedback,,,,,waiting anxiuosly ........... any advise,i am afraid to stop the vetoryl for fear that he may become worse :( patty and milo
Moderator's Note: I have merged your update on Milo into Milo's original thread. We, normally, like to keep all posts on a pup in a single thread so other members can refer back to the pup's history, if needed.
12-14-2012, 03:53 PM
dr.petersons' office called me after reviewing his records and suggests we stop the vetoryl.wait a few days and see how he does.i called our vet and told her and she agreed with that.will call her on monday to give her an update.shaking has not stopped! i am hoping things will get better for my little man...thanks you all for your support...xoxox patty and milo
12-14-2012, 04:01 PM
I am glad to hear the Vetoryl has been stopped for now.
I may have missed it, but when was the last time you gave a dose to Milo? It may take a few days for the shaking episodes to stop.
12-14-2012, 04:05 PM
i gave him 40mg with breakfast at 630 am
12-14-2012, 04:08 PM
Awwww hope the trembling stops it is quite upsetting to see. Fingers crossed it will settle with the drug stopping.
Pats for Milo and hugs for you xx
12-14-2012, 04:09 PM
thank you trish !!! xoxox
12-14-2012, 04:17 PM
Thanks for updating me Patty.
Let us know if the trembling stops by tomorrow.
12-14-2012, 04:18 PM
i sure will ~~~ xoxox
Patty, how is Milo doing today after stopping the Vetoryl? I hope the little guy is feeling better.
Tina and Jasper
12-15-2012, 12:22 PM
well he appears to be less shaken this morning.and now since noon i don't really see much...still sleepy but he is drinking eating and you know what so i am so thankful and happy today....finally !!! xoxox patty and milo;)
12-15-2012, 04:05 PM
sounds good Patty!!!
12-15-2012, 08:59 PM
Sending prayers for Milo, you and your family. Wishing you peace and mercy. With love, (((hugs))) and puppy licks and snuggles.
Norman - doxie and Sharon
12-16-2012, 12:06 AM
well let me just say today your thoughts,prayers,and light have made it a good day today!!!milo has almost no shivers and has had a good day of eating,drinking etc,,,he has been sleeping at my side with his sister meka for over an hour,,,i am so happy for this !!! am very grateful to all of you here...much love and forever thankful for your support !!! patty and milo
12-16-2012, 12:36 AM
So glad to hear that Milo had a good day.
Vicki-Scoop and Raleigh's mom
molly muffin
12-16-2012, 10:13 PM
Glad to hear that Milo is having less shaking. Hope that continues!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
12-17-2012, 07:18 PM
it is with a very heavy heart i type these milo is at peace..he awoke at 3am to pee and drink and then wanted to go on the couch where i joined him.we layed together till 6 when he woke up to pee and take the biggest, longest drink ever and went under our bed,which he has done before.michael awoke at 7 and milo did not follow for the first time.we let him sleep till 8:30 while i also layed back in the bed to listen to his snores.i tried waking him at 8:30 at he was not responding to his name at all.i pulled him gently from underneath and carried him into the living room where we called the vet.rush him in and gets some dex.not much happens so we are sent to cornell university/veterinary specialists in stamford ct..they rush him in do tests and the dr.came out to tell us he is in a coma that the tumor must have gotten larger and probably has swelling around the brain.lots of details....we did what was best for my furbaby boy.i want to take this opportunity to thank each and everyone of you for your kindness,love,support and understanding which i will forever be so grateful.i will be back to follow up on all of you...wishing you all many blessings....patty and milo xoxox:)
12-17-2012, 07:25 PM
Patty, I am totally in shock and so very saddened to hear this. I know it is little consolation but I'm glad you took him off the trilo and his last few days were more comfortable. Milo is our newest angel and the brightest star tonight. Know without any doubt that you were a fabulous mom and did every single thing you could. May wonderful memories of healthy and happy days sustain you as you heal. Sending huge hugs. Kim
12-17-2012, 07:37 PM
I have followed Milo's journey and am so saddened that he is gone. You couldn't have have done anything better. It breaks your heart, but as you said, you did what is best for Milo. It will take a long time, but you will find peace in knowing that you did the right thing. You will second guess yourself a million times, but will return to the best answer and your heart will start to heal. Until then, sending you hugs and healing prayers.
~Mary Ann
molly muffin
12-17-2012, 07:51 PM
Oh Patty! Hugs! I agree with Kim, totally shocked that this happened so suddenly and unexpectedly. Poor little Milo. No more shaking at least and he spent his precious awake time, laying with you, which I'm sure made him so happy. You did everything possible for milo, just remember that in the days ahead.
Patty, I am soooo sorry. :( My heart cries with you.
Oh my gosh, Patty, I am so sorry. We have followed Milo's journey and I am so deeply sorry.
Know that you did all you could for him.
Rest in peace, brave boy, fly high and free, we love you.
Harley PoMMom
12-17-2012, 09:29 PM
Oh Patty,
I am so sorry for the loss of sweet Milo and am holding you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.
Godspeed sweet Milo
12-17-2012, 09:34 PM
I am so sorry for you loss... prayers for mercy and peace to you and the rest of your family. (((hugs)))
12-18-2012, 02:57 AM
Oh my gosh, what a shock to read this. I am sooo sorry, by crikey you did all your could for sweet Milo. Sounds like you both comforted each other for the night and then off he went to dreamland and the rainbow bridge not a bad way to go, with so little suffering for him. So hard for you though. Sending you such big hugs at this time *
You were so strong for him xxxxxxx
12-18-2012, 05:01 AM
Patty:So sorry for your loss. You are a wonderful mom. You did the best for Milo and not you, that is a testament of how much you loved him. He is resting in peace now, no more sickness. My heart breaks for you. Hugs, JoAnne, a doxie Mom
12-18-2012, 06:32 AM
Dear Patty,
I, too, am in shock upon reading about Milo. I cannot tell you how sorry I am. Please know that you both shall always remain part of our family, and we will never forget your brave, sweet boy.
12-18-2012, 07:15 AM
Oh Patty,
I truly cannot believe what I was reading - I am so very sorry. What a terrible shock to you and your family - it is a shock to me as well.
My heart is with you. Please stay with us.
12-18-2012, 08:08 AM
I'm so very sorry for your loss of Milo. At least, he did not struggle and feel pain at the end. May the poor, little guy rest in peace.
Bonnie and Angel Criss Ann
Boriss McCall
12-18-2012, 08:21 AM
I am so sorry to read this about little Milo. It breaks my heart for you. It is so hard to believe. :( so sorry..
Oh Patty, I am also so shocked to read this. My heart goes out to you, I am so so sorry. You and your family are in my prayers. Rest in peace sweet Milo.
Huge hugs,
12-18-2012, 11:06 AM
Dear Patty and Angel Milo
I am so sorry for the loss of you baby. Words can not comfort you at this time. Know you did the best. Your Angel will be looking over you.
Cry, feel, let it out. My thoughts are with you.
Hugs Sonja and Angel Apollo
12-18-2012, 03:27 PM
thank you all,so nice to read your comments xoxox patty
12-18-2012, 10:08 PM
Patty, I am so terribly sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
Godspeed sweet Milo
(((Consoling Hugs)))
12-19-2012, 12:23 AM
Patty-I am so, so sorry to hear about the loss of your sweet Milo. I can not express how deeply saddened I am to hear this. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Vicki-Scoop and Raleigh's mom
12-19-2012, 05:42 AM
thank you vicky for your kind words.the last 2 days have just been so difficult without milo,all i do is cry.thankfully i have his sister meka next to me for comfort,think she is also missing him.she is staying very close to me and watching my every move.i actually went into work yesterday to do a 1/2 hr massage for a client who also lost her 15 yr old puppy.i have these little battery operated tealites that i never use and while i was working 1 was flickering.after she left i went over to it and picked it up and it went out in my hands.i know it sounds crazy but maybe it was a sign from milo.hoping today will be a better day.patty(milo)and meka xoxox
Oh Patty, I am sure you are crying all the time, you are mourning the loss of a dear family member and it is very hard. You know, the last time I took my Zoe to the groomer, her groomer brought her out to me and said "come on old girl". I kind of looked at her and thought to myself, I never call her "old girl" she is my "little girl". My point is Milo was your little boy and we think we are not supposed to lose "little boys and girls and I think that is why it so hard.
Please stick around and talk to us. You are family and we are here for you.
12-19-2012, 08:35 AM
Patty, I sent you a private message (PM) asking about perhaps linking a photo of Milo to his memorial line on our special "In Loving Memory" forum. There is no rush at all for you to reply to my message, but I just want to make sure that you've seen it. :o
Continuing hugs,
12-19-2012, 09:00 AM
thanks marianne...if i knew how to do that i would.technically challenged here.i will see if i can get michael to do it for me.looking forward to a less stressed day patty(milo)meka
12-19-2012, 10:19 AM
Oh Patty, I hope you have an easier day today, too! But just so you'll know, you don't have to do the photo "linking" yourself. We'll take care of that for you. All you have to do is tell us what photo you'd like us to use (or send us a new one, which Michael can help you with). Just to make sure you are reading my message, go to the top right of any page after you've logged in. In the green box where you see "Welcome, milosmom" you'll see underlined the words "Private Messages." Just click on those words and your private mailbox will come up and you can read any and all messages that are waiting for you there.
Talk to you later!
12-19-2012, 09:39 PM
addy i will certainly be sticking around to see how all the other furbabies are doing.would be nice if we all lived closer and could meet up in a park...still have meka snuggling next to me.i truly think she feels sad.and worries for me.i know i was brought to this site for a reason and i'm sticking to it.patty xoxox
molly muffin
12-19-2012, 09:59 PM
If you want to stick around, then by golly (my dad's word) we'll keep you!! :)
Give Meka an extra ear rub for me and molly
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
12-19-2012, 10:06 PM
thank you sharlene !!! patty (milo)meka xoxox;)
12-20-2012, 12:58 AM
My heart goes out to you. I know how difficult this is. I know that Milo was extremely loved and had an amazing life. Hold the memories close.
Hugs to you.
Nikki and Kaibo
12-20-2012, 05:42 AM
Sure, you better stick around :D
12-20-2012, 09:35 AM
good to hear from you terry !!! :)
Boriss McCall
12-20-2012, 09:44 AM
Glad you are sticking around. I am sure Meka is doing her own version of grieving right along with you for little Milo. My baby Boriss lost his life long pal Cleo in July & he definitely went thru a period of grief. Like Meka he comforted & worried for me while I was sad.
12-20-2012, 11:03 PM
Patty I am so sorry to hear about Milo. Meka will always have a guardian angel watching over her, but I know she will miss Milo for a while.
12-21-2012, 07:35 AM
Hi Patty,
Here is a good link (to other links) that talks about pets grieving - and this one
My continued (((hugs)))
12-21-2012, 12:11 PM
thank you tiffany...meka truly is greiving.she is staying very close and a lot quieter then she usually is.meka always carries a ball in her mouth wherever she goes and plays chase with it.not so much right now.i am sure as time passes the days will be happier.patty and meka xoxox
12-21-2012, 12:12 PM
very helpful terry thank you !!! patty and meka xoxox
Bo's Mom
12-21-2012, 06:01 PM
I am so sorry to hear about Milo. I was going through threads and saw this. My thoughts and prayers are sent to you and your family as you go through the days to come. Milo will be shining brightly in the sky as one of Heaven's newest Angels.
12-21-2012, 08:14 PM
thank you for watching out for us....patty(milo)meka xoxox
12-21-2012, 11:14 PM
I am so sorry about Milo. You were such a good Mom. You did everything you could to help. My heart is breaking for you. Baby Milo is now at peace, but that doesn't take away your pain. Big hugs to you. I admire your strength through all the rough days.
Sending a big hug to you. So sorry.
Ro and Chey
12-22-2012, 04:36 AM
thank you ro and means so much to me to read all of the comments.i will be forever blessed to have found this forum,you all have been so loving at such a difficult time...will be watching for your posts and others...patty and meka xoxox
12-22-2012, 05:53 AM
Hi Patty, hope your feeling ok and I think it is just great you are sticking around here. Your thread title always reminds of my sister's old cat called Milo, when her kids were young... her brother was Otis :) She was such a happy cat, much like your boy :)
Trish xx
12-24-2012, 07:14 AM
Hi Patty,
I've just been to your photo album and see that you have added some beautiful pictures of both Milo and Meka. Would you like us to link one of those pictures to Milo's memorial line? If so, just tell us which one and we staffers will take care of the linking. What beautiful babies. I hope Meka is starting to do a little better now.
Sending continuing hugs,
12-24-2012, 07:34 AM
the picture with milo standing on the yellow quad would be a nice onf of him to put up on the memorial site.thank you marianne.... wishing you and yours a healthy and happy holiday...patty(milo)meka xoxox:)
molly muffin
12-24-2012, 09:19 PM
Merry Christmas Patty. Thinking of you and Meka and family and wishing you well.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Thinking of you today Patty and wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas.
Tina, Jasper and Shelby
12-25-2012, 02:05 PM
Hi Patty - a bittersweet day for you, hope you find something to be happy about for the holidays as I know you miss your Milo terribly, hugs for you xx
12-25-2012, 05:19 PM
Patty, just wanted to tell you that Milo's memorial photo link is all finished now. He looks so handsome and so regal in that picture. It is a wonderful image of your precious boy. I am guessing this may be a pretty rough day for you and your family. Know that we are thinking of you, and holding Milo safely in all our hearts.
12-26-2012, 05:00 AM
thank you marianne,it was truly a rough day for me without my milo.although i was surrounded by my family i just could not shake myself out of the funk for most of the day.even for the last 2 days my meka has not been engaging,she seems depressed.hoping that today things will begin to turn around for me.i am very blessed with all that i have truly...wishing you much peace,happiness and joy...patty and meka xoxox
12-26-2012, 06:01 AM
Thank you sharlene ....this truly has been a wonderful experience sharing with all of you here,truly feeling the love xoxox patty and meka
12-26-2012, 06:03 AM
so sweet of you trish..thank you so very much...xoxox patty and meka
12-26-2012, 06:03 AM
thank you time it will be better ...patty and meka xoxox
12-28-2012, 05:44 AM
Hi Patty
Hope you and Meka are hanging in there and getting comfort from each other, lovely to see your posting in support of others.. you are a star!
Trish and Flynn xx
Hi Patty,
Stopping by to deliver hugs and to let you know I am thinking of you.
12-28-2012, 09:17 PM
thank you ladies for your kind is the very first day that my tears were minimal and my meka was extremely clingy and needy,so you know i was melted by her.think she too is lonely and misses her brother.she laid on me with her head tucked under my chin(which she did as a new puppy)and just wanted to be...couldn't move for over an hour.think she needed to cuddle because she misses her cuddle buddy.we will be watching all of your stories...thank you so much for the love !!! always patty(milo)meka xoxox
molly muffin
12-29-2012, 12:48 AM
Awww Patty. I'm sure Meka needs plenty of extra cuddles right now and I am just as sure that you need her cuddles too. I'm glad that the tears aren't flowing as often now. It does give one an awful headache to cry that much you know. Milo wouldn't like his mom to have a grief headache. Remember that and take care of yourself too.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
12-29-2012, 08:43 AM
kind words sharlene thank you ... and howz by you ??? xoxox patty and meka
molly muffin
12-29-2012, 11:07 AM
We're good here Patty. Woke up to more snow coming down this morning, so we'll have to get the snow blower out again. Today is our day to go around to neighbors and deliver holiday cards and bottles of wine. It's a fun day. Last night was guy zombie night at our house and Molly had one of her doggie friends over and they played and played until they were both pooped out and ended up on the couch with us girls watching the Ernest Hemingway and Martha Gellhorn movie. (us girls skip the zombie stuff) Both dogs were out like a light, gentling snoring as happy as can be.
I hope you are having a good and relaxing weekend too.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
12-29-2012, 02:26 PM
sounds like you had fun. Glad to heat. Keep warm. You hug Molly for me.
Hugs Sonja and Angel Apollo
12-31-2012, 05:15 PM
Hi Patty, Meka and angel Milo! Hope you can have some fun on New Years and you and Meka are feeling a bit better, such a hard time and thinking of you and sending hugs xx
molly muffin
01-01-2013, 09:47 AM
Happy New Year Patty, Meka, (Angel Milo)
I hope this year brings you only good things and a peaceful heart.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
01-01-2013, 12:01 PM
thank you trish and sharlene for thinking of us as this new year begins.i am looking forward to a year filled with many blessings,peace,love,happiness and spoiling our litlle meka.i feel she still is missing milo,as i am.... i look forward to reading all of the stories here..wishing everyone much love,light and peace...patty (milo)meka xoxox :)
01-01-2013, 01:49 PM
dear Patty wishing you, Meka and Angel Milo a blessed new year. MILO IS looking down on you with. Love.
Hugs Sonja and Angel Apollo
Happy New Year Patty. Thinking of you, Meka and Angel Milo today, and wishing you many blessings in the coming year.
Tina and Jasper
01-02-2013, 11:23 AM
thank you tina !!! looking forward to the many blessings this year will bring us all ...patty (milo)meka xooxox
Boriss McCall
01-03-2013, 09:05 PM
Happy New Year to you & Meka. May this year bring all good things for you & your family. ;)
01-04-2013, 04:12 AM
thank you amy !!! wishing you and boriss a peaceful,fun loving new year.i am sure in time things will get better around here...patty and meka xoxox :)
01-06-2013, 04:54 PM
i want to thank my wonderful husband michael for posting some early pictures of my milo and his sister meka.tomorrow will be 3 weeks that i have not held,smelled or smooched my little much as i do miss him (and so does meka)i am hopeful these days ahead will become easier... cause God knows the tears are still flowing...missing you mi mi ...mommy,daddy and meka xoxox <3
Someone once said it hurts so bad because the joy was so great.
We are here for you whenever you need us.
i want to thank my wonderful husband michael for posting some early pictures of my milo and his sister meka.tomorrow will be 3 weeks that i have not held,smelled or smooched my little much as i do miss him (and so does meka)i am hopeful these days ahead will become easier... cause God knows the tears are still flowing...missing you mi mi ...mommy,daddy and meka xoxox <3
.....and so they should. Your tears testify to your love and tears that spring from love help bring healing and renewal. You must let your tears express the harsh reality of your 'loss' and let them begin to wash away the sadness and pain....
Hugs, Leah
Squirt's Mom
01-06-2013, 05:38 PM
"There is a sacredness in tears. They are not the mark of weakness, but of power. They speak more eloquently than ten thousand tongues. They are messengers of overwhelming grief…and unspeakable love."
Washington Irving
molly muffin
01-06-2013, 06:21 PM
Poignant words and oh so true.
Boriss McCall
01-06-2013, 08:15 PM
Oh my goodness!!! The pictures your husband posted are so adorable. Thank You for posting. I can see why you fell in love with both of your babies. I wish I could help you with the pain.
Lots of Hugs for you, your husband & little Meka
molly muffin
01-06-2013, 08:34 PM
I'll say thank you to Michael too. The pictures are just precious
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
01-15-2013, 07:24 PM
hey leah !!! yesterday made a month for us without my little man milo. today is the first day (so far) that the tears are dried up.we have his headstone now and are just waiting for better weather to place it at his resting place.i just wanted to stop by and say hi and let you you were thought of today.patty(milo)meka xoxox :) !!!
Hi Patty,
That is a milestone, sweetie and I hope the memories of Milo are turning sweeter and I am glad the tears are not flowing as much. I know it is so hard.
Hey, did I tell you my hubby is from NYC? I see you are in the Bronx.
People here in Wisconsin still think he talks funny;);) He has been here for 25 years but still has a bit of an East Coast accent;)
01-15-2013, 08:02 PM
just saw this after i sent you a message,yep i was born and breed in the bronx.still really nice where we are in throggs neck (by whitestone and throggs neck bridges) so we are surrounded on 3 sides by water...we have a place about 2 hrs north where we go to relax and chill out:D
01-16-2013, 02:11 AM
Hi Patty
Just stopping in for a catch up, gosh a month already. Those milestones must be so hard. Time sure does fly, I hope the sad memories will be replaced with happy ones soon, I too love your pics and Milo was such a cutie pie! It is so good to hear you were smiling! Take care of yourself, you are such a valuable member here on the board :):) Thanks for checking in on Flynn and me xxxxxxxxxx
Boriss McCall
01-16-2013, 09:36 AM
wow.. It is hard to believe a month has passed. I am glad your heart is feeling a little bit less pain. I know it is so hard.
You will have to post a picture of what I am sure is a beautiful resting place for little Milo's memorial.
Thanks for all the support you give the rest of us.
01-16-2013, 03:44 PM
Hi Milo's Mom. Glad to hear you are doing better at the 1 month milestone. Just wanted you to know that I'm thinking about you.
molly muffin
01-16-2013, 06:44 PM
One month, already. It seems like only yesterday in some ways.
I'm glad you are doing better too. :) Easier to breath maybe than it was before.
hugs, xoxo
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Simba's Mom
01-16-2013, 10:55 PM
I just read your thread from day one, sorry to hear about your baby Milo, what a journey. He was very young to have cushings, and seemed to go downhill fast, so sorry for you! Sending hugs your way, and thank you for helping so many on this site. Take care
Love the pictures
Hi Patty, So glad you are starting to feel a little better. It feels good when those bitter tears are replaced with sweet memories...
Hugs, Leah :)
02-03-2013, 02:20 PM
hey maya how have you been ??? patty(milo)meka xoxox
02-03-2013, 04:18 PM
Hello Milo's mom ~
Just wanted to say again...I am sorry for your loss. I hope knowing Milo is at peace is a comfort...Still keeping you in thougt and prayer.
<3 and (((hugs))) to you.
Sharon and Norman
02-03-2013, 06:16 PM
so wonderful of you sharon to remember us,we are still missing milo big time but our meka is the one that needs all the love... she really misses her brother and so hard to watch her looking for him.she gets so much more attention now,not sure if she can process all this....watching out for your baby norman and yourself sharon.thank you for popping by...patty(milo)meka xoxox
02-03-2013, 08:32 PM
Dear Patty
Glad you are getting the support you need through us. Milo is watching over you with love
Hugs Sonja and Angel Apollo
02-03-2013, 08:33 PM
so wonderful of you sharon to remember us,we are still missing milo big time but our meka is the one that needs all the love... she really misses her brother and so hard to watch her looking for him.she gets so much more attention now,not sure if she can process all this....watching out for your baby norman and yourself sharon.thank you for popping by...patty(milo)meka xoxox
Patty, I can only imagine your loss...feels close to the heart with a doxie of my own and trying to prepare for the inevitable. I bet Meka misses Milo... I beleive pupps have their own communication and wonder where their family member is as well as sensing your loss as well.
Thank you for sharing your strength in your time of helps others like me prepare. I know it is part of life, for me it is tougher than losing my mom...but she could tell me how she didnt have any quality of life. Our pups can't we have to make that determination for them... God blessed us with our pupps and he will also give us the strength to get through.
Love, Sharon, Norman and Millie
02-04-2013, 03:14 AM
Hi Patty
I have not stopped in for a while, so wanted to pop in and give you and Meka big huggggggggggggggggs. Hope that pup perks up soon, poor thing missing her brother. I guess it just takes time for the both of you to start feeling better.
Trish xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
02-04-2013, 08:21 AM
thank you sonja,so nice to see you have you been ??? xoxox
02-04-2013, 08:22 AM
nice to read this sharon... xoxox
02-04-2013, 08:50 AM
hey trish !!! how is everything going with you guys ??? i see you on here all the time and i am forever thankful for all of your support,love and hugs for all of us here.i wish we had a chat room or something like that so we can chat away,how about sending some of that warm weather this way !!!! patty(milo)meka xoxox
molly muffin
02-04-2013, 05:34 PM
She can send some up this way too Patty!! LOL Hope you and Meka are having a swell day!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
02-04-2013, 07:15 PM
we are snuggling on the couch (of course meka is under a blanket,must be a doxie thing)can't wait for spring to kick in.our winter wasn't awful but i do rather the spring/summer time...nice to hear from you u doin ??? (bronx accent :) )patty(milo)meka xoxox
02-04-2013, 07:45 PM
Norman loves to snuggle under te covers as well. He will cover himself up except for his head/nose...maybe a doxie thing. :)
molly muffin
02-05-2013, 06:56 PM
Molly usually isn't interested in being under the covers unless there is a thunderstorm, then good luck getting her back out. LOL She does like to lay right up next to you though. She's not much of a lap dog either unless there is a treat involved.
We're doing good. Wish it Was spring.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Hi Patty,
I wanted to stop by and thank you for all the support for Zoe and Chewy. It means a lot.
I hope you and Meka are feeling better and memories of Milo are comforting you now. I am always so glad to see you on the forum so dont go anywhere, okay?:):):):):):)
I worry about my Koko if something happens to Zoe, he has never been alone. How is Meka doing? Is she okay?
Thanks again Patty:):):)
molly muffin
03-04-2013, 08:57 PM
Hi Patty, stopping by to say hello and hope that you and Meka are doing well. :) Sending you some big hugs too.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
03-04-2013, 09:37 PM
Hi Patty, How are you and Meka? Haven't heard from you in awhile. Hope everything is OK!
Big hugs
03-05-2013, 10:46 AM
hi there vicki... we were down in virginia beach watching our nephew graduate the police academy.just got home,meka was good during our trip,slept in the car almost the whole time.she didn't really want to play with their dog.she is still kind of withdrawn but loves the extra attention i think.i am keeping my eyes on you and scoop,as well as, the other pups here....regards to all of you here !!! patty(milo)meka xoxox :) <3
03-05-2013, 10:49 AM
thank you for checking in on us sharlene......i am keeping close eyes on you too and the others....had to play catch up after not being on here for several well !!! patty (milo) meka xoxox :)
molly muffin
03-05-2013, 08:19 PM
Always Patti! Hugs Sharlene and Molly Muffin
03-06-2013, 03:04 AM
Hope you had a great time away, lovely family celebration for your clever nephew, well done him!! Nice to see you back Patty..... hugs for you and Meka xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
03-06-2013, 08:16 AM
thank you is always so wonderful to be with the family !!! and how are you and your litl man flynn doing??? looks like we are going to get our final storm of the season here,so ready for spring !!! xoxox patty(milo)meka :)
03-06-2013, 09:42 AM
Hi Patty, Glad to hear you and Meka are fine. Looks like you got back before the snow. Talk soon.
Big hugs.
03-07-2013, 05:19 AM
Jeepers you will all be so happy to see the end of that last storm and have the newness of Spring appear. My favourite time of the year :D
Flynn is good thanks for asking, my thread has the latest on his kidney issues but I am hoping they are on the improve!
So nice Meka could go with you, she must be loving the attention but missing her buddy :( Big back scratches for Meka and hugs for you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
03-07-2013, 09:22 AM
thinking of all of you today as you go to see the vets... good luck to all of you and will be watching for your stories later today !!! patty(milo)meka xoxox :)
03-14-2013, 09:53 PM
sending peaceful,positive energy to all my friends here....looking forward to all your stories tomorrow...sweet dreams /or good mornin :)....will check on all of you in the morning !!! patty(milo)mekaxoxox
molly muffin
03-14-2013, 09:58 PM
I see you online Patti. :) I hope you are having a good day with meka. Sending you lots of love and hugs!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
stopping by to check in on you and your baby.........
03-16-2013, 04:23 AM
Hi Patti
Just stopping in to check on you and Meka to see how you are getting on?
03-16-2013, 09:47 AM
good morning mel we are doing good,getting ready to celebrate st.paddy's day here.cheers my dear enjoy the weekend !!! :) patty(milo)meka xoxox
molly muffin
03-16-2013, 11:09 AM
Ohhh St. Paddy celebrations are such fun! Enjoy! We'll have a lot going on here too. Hope it's good weather for the parade.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
03-16-2013, 12:53 PM
Hope you have a wonderful St. Patricks day.Hope you ahve been doing well. God Bless
03-16-2013, 08:44 PM
thank you ladies we are doing better with time passing,but will always hold milo in our hearts.the heartache has improved and we talk about him regularly.meka is getting way more attention now....and loving it.the weather today for the parade was kinda cold and snowy,but you never know.wishing you all a healthy,happy st. paddys'day,cheers :)...sending xoxox to all of you,always patty(milo)meka
03-17-2013, 03:24 AM
Sending you a big hug as you mentioned on Tia's thread it was 3 months today since you said bye to your little fella.
Hope that there is no snow and the sun shines on you all
Thinking of you today and sending hugs and love
Simba's Mom
03-17-2013, 03:00 PM
Sending hugs and prayers!
03-17-2013, 06:38 PM
thank you letti,it was a good day,we were celebrating st.paddys' day(which is my favorite holiday) so that was a blessing.thank you for checking in with us !!! :) patty(milo)meka xoxox
Bo's Mom
03-17-2013, 07:09 PM
03-17-2013, 08:45 PM
so sweet of you to check in belinda rose !!! xoxox patty and meka
03-24-2013, 03:01 AM
Hi Patty and Meka... how's things going for you guys?? Thinking of you today and sending big hugs all the way from the Southern Hemisphere!!
Trish xxx
03-24-2013, 08:54 AM
and a good mornin to ya trish !!! we are all doing rather well here.started walking meka daily rather then letting her just out in the yard.since milos' passing my husband seems to be sharing his food and giving her extra treats.... not good to have a chubby doxie.we are just waiting every so patiently for the spring to kick in. hope you and your litl man flynny are enjoying the day !!! patty(milo)meka xoxox
03-30-2013, 10:51 PM
just wanted to take this opportunity to wish everyone a happy easter and pray for a cure for this dreadful cushings disease.hoping we all have a quiet,happy day filled with love,family and friends and of course our furbabies...patty(milo)meka xoxox
03-30-2013, 11:30 PM
Right back at you Patty!
It was a perfect day for an outing!
We took Daisy to a local park. I'm so glad that you're husband is coming around and paying more attention to Meka:) I'm sure that Meka misses Milo too so the extra attention is good. Not the extra treats though. Sometimes guys can't help themselves. Chris looks at Daisy and tells me that "she needs a cookie". I,of course reply that she does not and they both pout.
I asked Chris tonight if we could always have pets as long as we are able to care for them. He said yes!
He would have another doxie now, but I won't add that stress to Daisy.
I'm also praying for a cure for Cushing's.
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