View Full Version : milo my doxie age 6 - milo is now at peace
molly muffin
03-31-2013, 10:41 AM
Happy Easter Patty
I couldn't agree more a cure for this would be wonderful.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
04-17-2013, 09:30 PM
well today is milos' 4 month anniversary over the rainbow bridge.i still miss him so much and have lots of photos of him around and his bed still on my side of the bed.meka actually laid in it this evening for a little well as,on his pillow in the living room today...i still miss him like crazy but don't miss this stupid disease.the tears are no longer daily so life goes on... sending many xoxox to all of you here with your furbabies,forever grateful and thankful for this forum for keeping me strong,supported and focused.i will still be keeping my eye on you peeps and your kids !!! patty(milo)meka xoxox
molly muffin
04-17-2013, 11:41 PM
Thinking of you patty and mil and meka.
Super big hugs to you. Time passes but the love remains in our hearts. You never stop missing them, but the pain isn't always as sharp and cutting. It's there, but it changes to something that seems to throb every so often, a catch of the breath, a hichup as the tears start to come again. Not in a torrential downpour of pain, but in a longing for what was and wish were again.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
04-17-2013, 11:49 PM
I firmly believe that we will see our babies again in the afterlife as much as they are missed now.
Thank you so much for your continued support and love despite still going through the grieving process <3. It really means a lot!
I know that I'll have my own zoo in Heaven when my time comes!
04-18-2013, 08:40 AM
Patty, Sending you love and big hugs. Thanks for being here.
05-02-2013, 07:23 PM
Hi Patty
Just wanted to say thank you for all your kindness and support you showed to Fella and I.Losing him was just such a shock and still hard to believe.This site has been amazing as has all of you.I'm trying to reach out to everyone and just say thanks for being there for me and continuing to be there.I just began to read some of your thread and realize you have just recently lost your baby Milo and although belated,you are both in my thoughts and prayers.Grateful everyday that Fella found all of you for me before he passed!:)
05-02-2013, 07:46 PM
Hi Patty, sending (((hugs))) your way. So many little things our pupps do or did bring back the memories, my hope is that you find comfort in the joy and love Milo brought to you and Meka. Our love for them will never leave our hearts. Thinking of you. Thank you for being here for us.
Peace, Love, Mercy and Comfort,
Sharon, Norman and Millie
reading your posts, and posts from others, tears are just streaming down my beautiful all of you are, pet parents united, showing to each other what our babies show to us.
05-03-2013, 02:27 AM
Hi Patty - gee we have a lot of Patty's these days :D:D Popping in to say a big HI!! Hope your doing good and big hugs to you :D xx
05-06-2013, 01:35 PM
hi there everyone !!! i have not abandoned all of you,michael took me to italy and just got back last night.long story ... i wasn't going with the other 11 friends(i hate flying)unfortunately 1 of the ladies became very ill and could not make it so several hours before take off he asked me to way for me so i didn't have too much time to panic ! needless to say it was wonderful and another friend lived at my house with her yorkie for 2 mantra "everything happens for a reason".i have not read up on anything here just yet and i hope i can read happy,hopeful stories.i will be in touch soon....i did miss chatting with all of you !!! now it's time for that damn laundry:)...patty(milo)meka xoxox
Boriss McCall
05-06-2013, 05:05 PM
welcome back! What an exciting trip. I love those last minute pick up & go kind of things. so exciting!!
molly muffin
05-06-2013, 05:49 PM
Oh that is soooo exciting!!! Do tell us all about it! We went to Italy and France and Monaco a few year ago. Divine! I'd go again in a heart beat!
That was so nice of your friend to stay and then you didn't have to worry about Anything! Perfect! You go girl!
(I'll just wipe the drool of envy off my chin real quick. hehehe)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
05-06-2013, 08:20 PM
thanks amy and sharlene just popping in as the jet lag is starting to kick in.i will catch up with you all love,wishes for peace and pain free days ahead to all of us here !!! patty(milo)meka xoxox
05-07-2013, 05:20 AM
Oh wow, whisked off to Italy at short notice. I am glad the worry about flying was taken away until just a few hrs prior... I wonder if your hubby planned it that way (not the part about your friend getting sick though, sorry to hear that). But how fabulous Patty, pics please!! I love Italy, I had a week in an old farmhouse in Umbria a few years back, near Perugia, Florence, Sienna such a glorius part of the world, mad drivers though!! Glad you had a good time xxx
05-17-2013, 01:11 AM
as you can see my clock for whatever the reason is still off,sleeping is not really necessary :) ... it was a most wonderful trip and we have so many memories and photos.i will get michael to post a few in time,since i haven't a my milo is 5 months over that rainbow bridge,i can't believe i am typing this !!! i truly do miss my mi mi terribly but i do believe he is with so many of our beloved furbabies and will be there wagging his tail and waiting with the others for all our others to pass over and be pain free and care free.i truly believe in my heart that we will all be reunited again in a most beautiful,peaceful,loving and happy place...patty(milo)meka xoxox
05-17-2013, 05:56 AM
It's not off if you live in New Zealand Patty :D:D:D Hope you get some sleep in the proper hours soon!! Looking forward to seeing some pics!!! Awww I am sure you will be reunited with Milo too, he is looking down on you and probably checked out Italy from above and was so happy to see his Mom and Dad having some fun and making memories... he is such a cutie!! xxxxx
05-17-2013, 08:25 AM
I am so glad you had a wonderful trip. You needed and deserved it. I didn't realize you lived in New Zealand. Have you always lived there? God Bless and thank you for checking in on Tipper.
05-21-2013, 10:15 PM
thanks trish i will try to get me husband michael to put up some pics can only hope because i surely don't know how to do this !and i truly felt milo was the one who allowed this to happen,remember i was never going on this trip with our friends particularly since he was not well!! i am so hoping that our furbabies will not suffer too much to this dreadful disease,hang in there all of the mommys and daddys... i will keep ALL of you in a special place in my heart and in my prayers xoxox patty(milo)meka xoxox
We would love to see photos and I am so glad you were able to get away. LOL the jet lag used to last 2 weeks for me, I would go to work in a fog:rolleyes::rolleyes:
We did Venice, Rome and Florence a long time ago. I loved the roof tops of Florence and the view of Venice from the airport, shimmering in the water, gosh, you take me back to a great place in time.:) Great memories and I hope you cherish yours for as long as I have cherished mine.
Thanks for popping in on my thread.
molly muffin
07-09-2013, 09:42 PM
How are you doing Patty? I see you commenting on the threads. You have such a generous heart. HUGS
I hope that you and Meka and hubby are having some good times this summer.
Thinking of you, hugs
Sharlene and Molly Muffiin
07-09-2013, 10:16 PM
oh so nice to hear from you sharlene !!! it has been too long.we have been goin up the country rather regularly this year for the first time.i told my clients they can get their massages on wed and thurs till the end of october :) ... luckily i have some wonderful peeps and are understanding how much it means to me to spend more time with michael meka and my mom.we love to watch the birds !!! sorry i haven't gotten michael to put pics of italy on but eventually i may get him to post a few. well i think my meka is almost use to not having her brother milo about but she has been very clingy since his passing.i am sending many hugs and kisses to all here and know that i do pop my head in here from time to time to check on all of you,forever in my heart for all the love,prayers and support i received here while milo was fighting this friggin disease... remember to take care as you take care of these pups... and how is our litl miss molly muffin doin ??? always patty (milo) meka xoxox
07-10-2013, 12:40 AM
Hi Patty!
I have not been to any of those places. It sounds like you had a much needed/deserved wonderful time :)
Looking forward to seeing pictures please!
07-10-2013, 06:59 AM
thank you valerie for checking in .hoping litl miss daisy is doing ok and not giving you too much to panic about.i check on you ladies frequently :) and hoping your dad is doing well also..... enjoy the day with your baby !!! patty (milo)meka xoxox
07-10-2013, 08:30 AM
I truly believe our babies will be waiting with their tails wagging when we join them in heaven. Five months time since you saw your baby last is an eternity. Blessings
Boriss McCall
07-10-2013, 09:48 AM
I can't wait to see your pictures. Also going to the country on a regular basis sounds like a relaxing dream. I would love to own a little cabin in the middle of nowhere to take my dogs on the weekends.
It took Boriss awhile to ease into the loss of his sister (or min-pin Cleo) last year. He was with her for 9 & 1/2 years. I think he got more clingy after that as well.
Glad you are enjoying life.
molly muffin
07-10-2013, 02:27 PM
Glad to hear that you are doing good Patty and getting out the city sometimes is a real plus. LOL Love the city, but love the breaks too.
It is a nightmare around here though getting to cottage country on the weekend, the traffic is horrendous. So years ago, we decided to put money into making our backyard into a comfortable, backyard getaway. The idea to be that you walk out the door and feel like you are on vacation. We've been pretty successful. If only I could figure out how to get a waiter to bring me drinks like at a resort I'd be set. ROFL!! I told hubby he is the cabana boy but he didn't seem to jump on that at all. He replied with why wasn't I waving palm leaves over his head and feeding him grapes. Yea right! hahahahah Molly loves it though, she runs and plays and thinks it's great, so that makes it all worth while. (she hates traveling)
Molly and me are doing A-okay. Thanks for asking. :)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
07-10-2013, 10:34 PM
Patti, were at 7.5mg twice a day for the Trilo and so far, she seems ok. She regained her pot belly, but not the excessive drinking or eating. Time will tell.
07-10-2013, 11:53 PM
sooo very happy to hear from all of you ladies (i feel like i was neglecting all of you :) with our trips and keeping meka and my mom occupied who is now 84...the summer is just flying by and we aren't loving this weather so much,but not complaining... i may not show up here daily but i want you all to know how very honored and blessed i am to have you all in my life and how you have all help me thru the most horrific horrors with my milo...could not have done it without all the power here.... patty (milo)meka xoxox <3 always
07-11-2013, 03:52 PM
we get it. You've been here for us too. It works both ways dear :)
molly muffin
07-11-2013, 09:28 PM
We love you Patty! You don't have to be here every day either to know that you love us too. :)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
08-12-2013, 07:19 PM
well hello to all of you here!!! once again we have been up the country a meka gave us a scare on july 21st she thought it was a good idea to have a taste of a mushroom right outside our place in the country,that turned out to be toxic !!! we have been going there for over 35 years and have never had a pet do this.she ended up in hospital for 5 days = liver damage,lethargic,diarrhea and vomiting.her enzymes are coming down but is still going weekly for she is herself and look forward to this thurs appt.hoping her levels will be near normal !!! sooo need I say more about the nerves,guess milo wasn't ready to have her by his side just yet(thankfully).so my friends I am sending you all lots of love,light and healing energy and hope that all our pups here are maintaining.i will check in this week with all of you to catch up on the chit-chat......always patty (milo)meka xoxox ;)
08-12-2013, 09:26 PM
What a scare. So glad to hear Meka is feeling better.
Hope her blood work results are good.
08-12-2013, 10:50 PM
Meka! New rule, don't east anything unless mom gives it to you.
Very scary Patty!
Daisy ate bugs on several occasions which landed her at the vets for a few days. Thankfully, I know her well enough to see the difference between sniffing at something and about to take a bite.
molly muffin
08-12-2013, 11:03 PM
Oh my gosh, how very scary! Glad that Meka is doing better now and hopefully will be tip top in no time at all.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
08-13-2013, 12:50 PM
What a scare, sometimes I get the wild mushrooms in my yard. When I see them I destroy them as I could see one of mine doing something like that. Hope everything is ok now, you really didn't need this! Blessings
08-14-2013, 08:03 AM
thank you ladies for all the well wishes,it was truly a nightmare !!! she won't be on her own anymore up the country.she will be on a leash right by my ankle !!! after all these years going up there,none of my pups ever got into these damn mushrooms !!! I am grateful,thankful and overjoyed that it looks like she will recover.i am here with all of you in spirit daily even if I am not always on.sending out much love,support,affection and gratitude to all of you here.may our babies be comfortable and painfree...patty(milo)meka xoxox
12-23-2013, 03:02 PM
hello everyone !!! i just wanted to pop by and send each and every one of you best wishes for a happy healthy holiday !!! i am hoping that 2014 will bring us all much love,peace and happiness !!! i may not be here so much these days but know you are all forever in my heart and helped me through the most horrific time with my i will check in from time to time and check up on your fur babies. forever grateful for this site !!! patty and meka xoxox :)
molly muffin
12-23-2013, 03:48 PM
Happy Holidays! I hope this finds you and your family well too.
We never forget sweet milo.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
12-24-2013, 12:06 AM
Happy holidays.
12-24-2013, 02:35 PM
Merry Christmas everyone!
11-07-2014, 07:33 AM
i can't believe i am typing this !!! milos' sister meka has also been diagnosed with pituitary cushings !!! :mad:. it all began with the excessive drinking and peeing about a month ago.had her second acth test yesterday waiting on the info this morning... so heartbroken...i will check in from time to time to see you girls and guys again...btw the are litermates..... any suggestions would be appreciated.ty patty
Squirt's Mom
11-07-2014, 07:40 AM
Oh my word! So you just had to join the Second Time Around Gang, huh? :eek::p I swear, sometimes it looks like these pups know who has experience with this disease and seek us out! So many parents seem to end up with more than one cush pup and now you are part of that exclusive club...lucky you! :D
I can well imagine how distressing this is for all of you but take a deep breath - you know what the testing is, you know about the treatment choices, you have experience with treatment, and you are a superb mom. So Meka is in excellent hands. None of us ever want to have to deal with this disease again but from the pup's point of view, nothing could be better for them than an experienced Mom or Dad...and Meka certainly has that in spades. So you both are already way ahead in the game...just remember to breath. ;):D
Let us know what the tests show and of course get copies so we can ask you all those nosy questions.
Leslie and the gang
PS. I know Milo is watching over both of you with immense faith, pride and love.
11-07-2014, 10:59 AM
Patty--I, too, am a member of the "Second Time Around Gang", now in the loading phase with my beagle, Abbie. One big plus is that I put together Abbie's symptoms much sooner and asked for testing to start much earlier in the disease process than I was able to do with my first beagle, Maggie. I also headed right back here to brush up on treatment. As Leslie said, you are in the best position to help Meka. Hugs to you and Meka!
11-07-2014, 03:02 PM
thank you judy for a quick response!!! just back from the vet for results and they have up the veteroyl 10 mg to alternating days of 10,20,10,20... meka is 16 lbs so upping to 20 may be too much.stay tuned patty xoxox
11-07-2014, 03:06 PM
aww leslie you are so wonderful !!! i type this thru streaming tears of sadness,hope and heartfelt love...ty for being here...will update soon ...patty(milo)meka xoxox
molly muffin
11-07-2014, 05:02 PM
Patty!!! Omg! Just seeing this.
Leslie is right, you know the drill, have been there before. You'll do just fine.
We'll be right here with you, just like always, every step of the way.
Big Hugs!
11-07-2014, 05:06 PM
Hi Patty, well there were easier ways to get you back to talking with us as we have missed you around here... But really Meka, what you up to you little rascal!!!
You know cushings is not a death sentence Patty, once you over the initial shock of this you will get right back in the swing of things and everyone here will be around to hold your hand and get Meka on the right track. So dry those eyes and lets get a plan in place and then you feel much better.
So get copies of those results and publish them here for all the experts to review and what is up with that dosing... not sure we have those up and down doses on different days but again those that know more than me on cushings will be able to better comment once you get the number.
Big hugs for you, scratch for Meka and a big kiss going heavenwards to the beauty Milo xxxxxx
molly muffin
11-07-2014, 05:18 PM
Just curious Patty, what is the reasoning behind 10, 20, 10, 20 dosing? As normally the goal is to keep them as level as possible on a steady dose daily.
11-07-2014, 09:46 PM
Hi I'm Suzie and I just wanted to say welcome back. I'm fairly new here so I'm sure you have more experience with mothering a cush pup than I do. You must have been a pretty great Mom for the creator to have given you another one to care for. With Milo and Meka being littermates, it makes sense that there could be some genetics at play here. I know you will do great but I'm just sorry that you have to do it again. I've looked at Milo and Meka's pictures and they are precious. My cush baby is a 6 y/o doxie and she is doing very well on trilostane. I look forward to getting to know you and Meka and I'm just sorry I missed getting to know Milo. Hugs Patty for you and your baby girl!
11-07-2014, 11:00 PM
hi and welcome back. I'm new so didn't get a chance to know your Milo. I am sorry you have to do this again with Meka. We are all hear for you.
11-12-2014, 09:51 PM
I'll be praying for. This just so much to deal with. Meka hang in there for your Mom.
Sonja and Angel Apollo
11-13-2014, 12:18 AM
Wow Patty!
Unbelievable and at the same time....fate brought you two together. You have experience from Milo and Meka will benefit from your knowledge.
11-16-2014, 08:25 PM
hey valerie long time no chat ;) hoping all is good with you and your furbabies... so wonderful to hear from you,still dont know how to get around on this site thinking i need to create a new thread under meka,,,,, clueless anyway sure we will be chatting again for a while and i so appreciate you and all of the support and info here...stay tuned xoxoxo patty (milo)meka
11-16-2014, 08:44 PM
I don't post much but I do try to keep an eye on my friends here.
Daisy would've been gone much sooner if I hadn't found this forum.
I still think that we should meet in person some day.
Dad's been in and out of the hospital with pneumonia, heart, attack and had a pacemaker installed. Thankfully, things have been quiet for a few weeks.
11-17-2014, 07:35 PM
My heart goes out to you, your little girl has a mum who knows what is best for her!!!
11-20-2014, 08:40 PM
so very sweet and kind of you to respond..thank you !!! patty (milo)meka xoxox
11-20-2014, 08:43 PM
hey valerie once again we come back into each others just never know where life will take sorry dad has been thru rough times.i will say prayers that his life will continue to be pain free and glad you guys have each other.ttyl patty (milo)meka xoxox
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