View Full Version : 10 y/o Pomeranian - Just starting trilostane

11-22-2012, 01:22 AM
I found this website through my vet who has diagnosed my 10 year old Pomeranian with Cushings. Troy, my Pom has been put on Trilostane. I am concerned about the medication. Has anyone else used Trilostane for their dog and did they respond well to it?



11-22-2012, 07:56 AM
Hello and welcome! I noticed you had posted this reply on another thread, and have taken the liberty of placing a copy here so as to begin a brand new thread that belongs to you and your dog alone. This way, it will be easier for our members to reply to you directly. :)

First off, it will help us a lot if you will tell us more about your dog's entire health history, what symptoms led your vet to suspect Cushing's, and what diagnostic tests were performed. How much does your dog weigh, and what dose of trilostane is he/she taking?

Sorry for so many questions, but your answers will help guide us as far as meaningful feedback and suggestions. I am very glad you've found us, and look forward to reading more about your baby.


11-22-2012, 09:09 AM

I am so glad Marianne started a thread for you. Please do not feel shy in using it, we may ask a ton of questions, but we dont bite;)

To answer your question, my Zoe has been on Trilostane(name brand Vetoryl) for a year and one half. She has other health issues as well but yesterday she "helped" in the kitchen for hours, woke up at 5am and asked to go for her mini walk and is now barking and hoping for some of my muffin (she loves peanut butter):):):)

We look forward to hearing more about Pom. My daughter has a 14 year old Pom, we just love him, Poms are so cute:cool::D

molly muffin
11-23-2012, 09:54 PM
Hello and welcome. :)

Yes, many here use vetroyl. The brand name for Trilostane. It is very tricky to get the right dosage, but many have had good results with it. The main thing is to make sure that the diagnosis is correct as many other things mimic cushings and can cause false positives on the tests.
Important things to consider are what tests were done, what were the results, what symptoms did you go in with and what is now being exhibited.
What is the weight and dosage being given?
Next and most important to know when starting vetroyl is that an ACTH test will be needed within 12 - 14 days. Have prednisone on hand in case of a crisis. A crisis will be when negative signs are shown, such as lethargy, vomiting, diarrhea, or even not eating when they are normally scarfing food down. At that point, stop the vetroyl and do not give the next dose, use the prednisone if needed, contact vet, or go to ER for immediate treatment so as to not end up in an Addisons crisis.
I know that is a lot of imformation when you are just starting out, but learning all you can and discussing things is a great way to start.
Do feel free to ask any questions you might have as we have a lot of members with the experience and those who can read tests with a great deal of accuracy, not to mention know the studies done, backwards and forwards. There isn't a better place to find out about cushings on the net that I ever found than here.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin