View Full Version : Tasha

Squirt's Mom
11-05-2012, 11:59 AM
I haven’t posted about Tasha before for several reasons, tho she does have an album here. Primarily, I didn’t expect to keep her when she first came and had even found her a home in NC. But right after finding her a home I learned she has breast cancer and decided not to put her through any more changes for the time she had left. But over this last week, I have decided to share her journey with our family here. There are several currently, and will be others to come, who are walking a path that holds no hope for recovery. We have babies who have been dealt a hand that is very difficult for us as parents to accept and live with. But thankfully, deeply thankful, our babies don’t know how to read those cards. It is our burden to bear alone. So I decided to share our journey today. I hope it will explain some of the changes you may have noticed in my participation here, and let those who are in the same place know you are not alone here either.

Tasha’s story as I understand it – (this is going to be long so bear with me)

Tasha is a tiny Boston Terrier, a 12 pounder, who’s first mom died of breast cancer last year. She had lived with her mom all her life. When her mom passed, the human kids took her to our vet and abandoned her there. She lived at the clinic for 3-4 months, going home with Doc and the techs from time to time. I met Tash while we were still living in the camper and told Doc that we would be moving into a house soon; if she hadn’t found a home by then I would be glad to foster her for them and try to find her a new home. About a month before we actually moved, a lady came into the clinic and said she would take Tasha. She did and Doc told me Tash had a home.

The first week we were in our new house (first of May), I had to take someone to the vet and the first thing they said when we walked in the door was, “Guess who’s back?” The lady had brought Tasha back saying she couldn’t get along with her dogs. (Tash gets along with everyone and everything! LOVES kids! :confused:) I took Tasha home with me that day. I knew she had pretty bad allergies so as we were checking out, I looked her over just for good measure and noticed lumps all over her belly. Doc said she probably had cysts from not being spayed.

Within 3 days, I noticed blood drops on the floor and furniture where she would lay and in looking her over, I realized her nipples were bleeding, one pretty freely. So I took her in to see Doc several times over the next few weeks. Xrays and blood work told the tale – she has breast cancer and it had already metastasized to her lungs and abdomen. She is riddled with masses. :( Doc had been told Tasha was 12 but she is closer to 14 or 15. Because of her age, the extent of the spread, and my financial situation, we decided not to put her through surgery to remove the mammary glands and other masses that might could be excised. Nor would she leave our home – she WAS home. Tasha has had some other xrays to check the growth, and the masses are growing and spreading. So we are working to keep her comfortable for as long as possible.

Tasha is a very happy little girl. She is just simply eat up with that Boston magic that makes this breed so very lovable. ;) When she first came, we would play fetch until my arm couldn’t toss another thing down the hall or across the room. She didn’t care; she would get a toy and toss it herself, rolling around the floor with it in her mouth, grinning from ear to ear. She never walked but bounced everywhere, her steps springing. If she had a long tail, she would have been doing the Tigger boing-boing! :p You didn’t pet Tash, you wrestled with her and let her rub and bounce on you. She has what I call a giggle belly – you go to rub her belly and she starts twisting and flopping, kicking her legs like crazy, with that goofy grin on her face. You are very lucky if you get a belly rub in! And she loves for you to try. When she woke in the mornings, she would drop her front down in play posture, tapping the floor with her front paws as she bounced. She used to do a sit-n-spin where she sat on her back just above her tail with her back legs in the air, using the front legs to spin herself around in a circle at an amazing speed. :p It was hilarious to see and gave her a great deal of joy. She would bound out of the spin and go racing through the house, that silly grin plastered across her face. When I would sit, she would fly into my lap, not to sit and be loved on, oh no…it was time to PLAY! It was like trying to hold onto a large fish flopping around.

Tash is deaf as a door knob and has lost sight in one eye but that doesn’t bother her in the least. She has learned a couple of signs – ones for come, stay, go back – and does very well with them. When she first came, we didn’t have a fence yet and she got away from me a few times. Every time she would go across the street and down three houses, up on the porch there, and stand at the front door staring. I have learned there is an elderly man living there who is dying of cancer and I think she smells things that remind her of her mom coming from that house so she went there hoping her mom would open the door. :( I was always glad she went straight there because she couldn’t hear me and didn’t look behind her so she could see her signs. With the fence up, she is safe and has learned to enjoy being outside a bit more than she did. I think she was always leash walked to do her business and didn’t have a yard to play in as she didn’t know what to do with her freedom from the leash at first.

When she first came home, I took her off the Science Diet she had been eating, feeding her more fresh foods, and started her on some OTC allergy meds. Her allergies improved dramatically and she no longer required the shots she had to take for them. She still needs some help from the OTC allergy meds from time to time but not daily like she did – the pred is helping there as well. Our main battle today is her respiration. Her breathing has gotten pretty bad, lots of wheezing, coughing, hacking up stuff, waking at nite coughing and hacking. Walking up the ramp to the porch is an effort most days. She was started on Hydrocodone cough syrup and Temeril-P this past Thurs., adding it to the Lasix and pred she now takes daily. And there is no doubt in my mind if she was tested, she would be diagnosed with PDH – Tash probably has Iatrogenic Cushing’s; she has strong cush signs. She eats some kibble, duck based, but mostly she eats fish, veggies and fruits. She gets Turmeric in her food daily and Aloe Vera about twice a week – these herbs are supposed to help control tumors, shrinking them. As seems to always be the case when it comes to nutrition, there is controversy about diets for cancer pups but I have chosen to follow the thinking that mammal tissue isn’t best for them so I primarily use fish, veggies and fruit.

The ensuing months have brought many changes to this sweet little girl. First she lost weight, about 2 lbs, but is now gaining. Of course, we are indulging. If she wants a bite of something, she gets it; if she likes it, she gets 5 or 6 bites! ;) Her energy level has fallen off a great deal. Tasha can no longer play fetch, jumping requires effort, and sleep is her primary “activity” these days. Her steps are more cautious, seldom springing. The other day she wanted to play so I rolled a toy across the floor about 2’. After a couple of rolls which she would walk over to get then bring back to do again, she wheezed over to it in a shambling walk, picked it up and took it to bed where she fell asleep with it in her mouth. This is the extent of her “play” with toys now. She carries toys around with her from sleeping spot to sleeping spot. She always wants to be loved on and it is much easier to get a belly rub in now as the giggle belly takes a lot of energy and she can’t always give it.

This last Thurs. when I took her in for Doc for a quality of life eval and to hear how she was struggling to breath, I didn’t think she would be coming back home. And this wasn’t the first time I had taken her in thinking that only to bring her back with me once again. She started vomiting about 4-5 weeks ago and couldn’t stop. This, or stopping eating, was among the signs I have been told to watch for that would signal the end. She wanted to eat, had a strong appetite, just couldn’t keep anything in. Doc said since she wanted to eat we would try to help her do that first and sent us home with four Cerenia tablets. If that didn’t help, we were to come back. Two pills down and the vomiting stopped and hasn’t happened again. On four other occasions I have watched her struggle and seem to decline by the hour, deciding that I would make “the call” the following morning only to be awakened by her prancing down the hall, once again having rallied. She dearly loves Doc and the staff at the clinic so when we go see them, she gets very excited and doesn’t look or act as if she is the least bit sick – other than her breathing. When we were there Thurs., Doc said if she didn’t calm down she was going to have a heart attack – which is my fear…that she will fall over because she gets so excited about something and can’t get enough oxygen to supply her needs, causing a burden her heart can’t take. :( Our instructions Thurs. were to give her until today to improve; if she didn’t, we were to come back and do what had to be done. By Sat. morning I had seen no improvement but by that night, she didn’t require the cough syrup and by last nite was breathing better. So we have been granted another reprieve.

So this is Tasha’s story and where we are today.

Our days together are numbered, no question about it. I find myself in a place where I don’t know what to do or think most of the time. Is it right to keep her going via meds? Is it wrong to let her go while she still finds some joy? Do I ask her to hang on until she has nothing left at all? Doc said Thurs. it would be so hard to put one down who is as happy as Tash in spite of being so very sick and he is absolutely right. When she has those times she seems to rally, the thoughts come that maybe, just maybe, what we saw on the films is wrong – a glitch perhaps – and she is really ok, just old and lumpy; it’s the allergies making her respiration so bad….on and on. I have guilt at times for thinking she has had enough and preparing to let her go only to find drugs that help or have her tell me, “not yet.” I have guilt at times for making her hold on a little longer, for pumping more drugs into her just to keep her here. I have a great deal of anger at times toward that lady who took her then brought her back…and toward the family that abandoned her in the first place…and toward the injustice that this sweet girl has been asked to cope with such upheaval and illness in her old age…and toward the helplessness I feel so much of the time. And then there are those times when I see some of the old Tash in her and my own joy bounds upward just to be with there with her.

Hour to hour our world changes; sometimes for the good, sometimes not. With every perk up, my heart sings and squeezes hope until it screams; with every sign of decline, my heart shatters and hope flies out the window. I know what this roller coaster journey is doing to me - and Tash has only been with me 6 months. I read your stories here, your similar journeys, and I want to talk to you, I try to talk to you, but I can’t. I know that for every minute I have curled up and given in to tears, you have done the same for hours on end. I hold my secret fears and know you hold yours too. I know beyond question that the emotions I am feeling are magnified in you a thousand-fold and it simply overwhelms me. I may not always be able to speak to you on your threads but my heart is always with you.

This is a path I don’t wish on anyone but we aren’t always given the option. For those of us who find ourselves in this Valley now, my hands are joined with yours and we will walk on together toward the Light that does shine ahead.


Squirt's Mom
11-05-2012, 12:39 PM

11-05-2012, 01:20 PM
Oh Leslie,

I am so glad you told us about Tasha. You cant hold all that inside you. Tasha was dealt a bad hand when her mom died but Fate intervened and she now has known your absolute love for six months and will know it forever.

Tasha sounds incredible. I am so glad she has you and I know this is very hard on you. I tell myself, I am at peace now with Zoe as I know she wont be with me as long as I hoped. I tell myself I'll be ready when the time comes but I know I wont be. How can we ever be? I cant say to you "you will know" I dont think it resonates, just kind of empty words we say when we dont know what else to do to stop the terrible pain in our hearts.

Dear friend, know that we all walk this path togther, when one falls, we all fall and we all are here to catch each other and try to help mend the broken hearts.

We are here for you and Tasha and dont worry about not being able to talk or write becuase we all know sometimes the words just cant come out and that is okay, Leslie, it really is okay.

Love you.

11-05-2012, 02:02 PM
Dear sweet Leslie :)

I cannot think of anyone more compassionate then you and I admire you a great deal for it....

Sas :)

molly muffin
11-05-2012, 07:30 PM
Leslie "Really, Really, BIG Hugs"

Thank you, gosh, thank you for so much. For giving Tasha a home, and joy, and laughter, for taking care of her when she doesn't feel well and for playing with her when she does. For remembering that even a sick dog, is still a dog in need of love and companionship. That dog whose tail can still wag, that still fights and struggles is a dog worth fighting for too. That is what you are doing every day, just like so many others here, you are fighting for her to have another wiggle belly moment, to carry her toy in her mouth one more time. That is a fight worth having.

I think it is absolutely right that Tasha have her own page and her story out there for everyone to read and share in the amazement of her life.

I do think that you will know when that time comes, but you know that already. The time just hasn't come Yet. It might, it will, at some point, but maybe today isn't the day.

HUGS Leslie, again, you are an amazing person. I really hope that you know how very, very appreciated you are and how loved and cared for by your friends here and all around you. There isn't any of us who wouldn't stand beside you, hold your hand or do whatever we could to help you get through this. I know it hurts, and it is painful and heartbreaking and just so unfair. Remember though, that Tasha has shared something just as precious with you, she shared who she is, the dog she used to be, the dog she will be and the dog she is. She gave to you unconditionally, because you gave to her unconditionally. It is a gift, shared between you that nothing, not even life, can ever take away.

Now I think I'm just really going to have a good long bawl.

Sharlene and molly muffin

Casey's Mom
11-06-2012, 08:58 PM
Sweetheart, you are an angel. I am so sorry for what you are going through Leslie and it is so very tough to make decisions for Tasha. I believe that she is going to tell you when it is time.

Love and many hugs,

Squirt's Mom
11-10-2012, 11:59 AM
Hi ya'll,

The Temiryl-P has helped. She started with 3 tablets a day for 3 days, then one a day for three days, then one every other day. The second day of taking one tablet, she started coughing just a little bit again but it's NOTHING like it was before. :) And she hasn't need the cough syrup for a week tonite. :cool:

She misses Tank, one of my fosters who was UBER hyper, because he played with her. He would bounce around her in a circle while she turned to keep him in view, then Tank would stop, reach out with one paw and gently tap her on the back. Tash would go ballistic, lunging at him with a fierce face and voice sending him tearing away. Then she would lay down with her butt wiggling waiting for him to come back and do it again! :p He helped keep her active. I've noticed a nite or two that Cappi, the current foster, wasn't in bed with us and got up to find her curled up on the couch with Tash. Sweet to see....;)

Someone gave us a package of Nylabones and Tash got the clear one. She walked around for days with that bone in her cheeks, making them stick out on both sides. Talk about a goofy grin! :p:D:p The second she laid it down, Cappi snatched it and took it off to her hiding spot under the bed. So now they play "hide the bone". I'll get it out and give it to Tash who walks around like, "neener neener neener" til Cappi gets it and under the bed it goes again. I know it's there 'cause Tash will sit and stare at the bed as if she can will it to appear again. :p

She's tuckered out for the morning and napping on one of the dog beds in the bedroom at the moment. This is one of the hardest things to see - her tiring so easily. Her energy level has dropped dramatically in the last 6 months but the joy in her remains so we will keep fighting, as so many here are. I take those rare moments when she feels pretty good like I would a sack of gold - they are treasures to be hoarded, taken out and polished to hold against that day when there are no more good moments.

Leslie and Tasha

Bo's Mom
11-10-2012, 02:06 PM
((((((HUGS)))))) for you and Tasha. I will be thinking and praying for you all.

11-10-2012, 02:42 PM
I am so sorry to hear all of this. Tasha seems like a fighter. I know making that decision is one of the hardest things to do. We do hold on to the good days, minutes, or hours they have. We want to do what's best for them, but it is still sooooo hard. I truly am sorry for your pain.

Big Hugs,


11-10-2012, 04:17 PM
Hi Leslie
I would like to send you and Tasha a big hug, I hope she is having a great day and finds her own sneaky hidey hole for her bone!!

molly muffin
11-10-2012, 06:29 PM
Awwww Tasha. You know it is so admirable the way she tries to hard. That dog is one fiesty little fighter. Even if she does need more rest time, she just keeps trying.
You're doing such an excellent job of mommying Leslie. Big Hugs!

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

11-12-2012, 01:41 PM
Oh Leslie,

Tasha is a fighter and it sounds like she is not ready to leave you.

I have always said if Zoe ever refuses food I'll know she is in BIG trouble!!!! But do we ever really know? We follow our hearts, and yours, my friend is a huge heart and has not steered you wrong...........

I am sorry for the roller coaster ride you are having. Mayke sure you take care of YOU:):)

We forget to do that. Dang, you should of seen me almost turn blue while they took Zoe's blood pressure:rolleyes::rolleyes::o:D;):eek:

love ya

11-13-2012, 08:08 AM
Love to you and yours...

Sas and Mhina :)

Squirt's Mom
11-29-2012, 10:07 AM
Hi ya'll,

Tash is back on the Temaril-P. Her respiration was getting almost as bad as it was when she took this the first time a couple of weeks ago so I called to see what else could be done to help her. Doc B is out this week so we just refilled the Temaril-P and if this didn't help like it did last time, then we would come in to see him when he gets back.

I gotta say this stuff is magical for Tasha! Two pills yesterday and one this morning has already brought positive changes. How long we can keep using this, I don't know but as long as it helps, she will get it.

She is sleeping more and more but otherwise still her sweet, loving self. She has decided that she doesn't like the cough syrup after all and that had become a bit of a fight at nite this last week when she was needing it. Everything else I can put in her bowl and she gobbles right up. :p

When Tank, a black and tan foster, was here I would find dark-haired dust bunnies around. He has been gone a couple of weeks now and the floors have been cleaned often during that time. A few days ago a dark dust bunny followed me down the hall and I wondered how I had missed that much of Tank's hair - not his. Tash is shedding like crazy! With all the pred in her system that's not surprising but that dark dust bunny sure was!

Leslie and Tasha

molly muffin
11-29-2012, 05:37 PM
That is like Tash's miracle drug. So glad it immediately helped her. I suppose as long as it is helping her, you can keep giving it.

Dust bunnies have a will of their own. I'll swear to it!

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

Squirt's Mom
11-30-2012, 09:32 AM
Tasha has started losing some of her house training. The peeing I put off to the pred but the BMs seemed to start in the middle of the nite when she had been able to hold it prior til morning. So I started crating her at night and that went just fine until last nite.

Tash is a very quiet dog, she just never vocalizes. I kept hearing this weird sound coming from the crate and dashed over to see what was wrong. Nothing but she was restless. So I let her out for a while longer, we went outside one more time then back in the crate. The whine/howl/whimpers started again so I let her out. Carpets aren't worth upsetting her.

This morning I had trouble waking her. She's usually up and waiting to go out with the rest of the gang. Since waking, she seems confused and has gotten stuck in corners and at the wrong side of the doors several times. Her back legs are trembling, seem weak and to be causing some pain as she is limping. So I gave her some of her Vetprophyn and she showed none of her usual interest in the "treat". She has gone to the water bowl several times and stands with her head down but not drinking. She hasn't settled since I woke her but has walked the house from one end to the other until she gets stuck. For a few weeks she has slowly been losing the ability to jump on her couch so I have been lifting her.

I just went to the LR and found her with her head pressed against the couch her back end weaving so I put her on her couch and covered her with her blanket. Doc is out til Mon. and I really hope we don't need anyone before he gets back but if this continues today, I am going to have to call and take my chances with the doc on call for the clinic - one of the techs told me when I called about the refill that it would be best to wait for Doc B if at all possible and I trust her assessment of the visiting doc so we will wait if we can.

Could this have moved into her brain and just suddenly start showing signs? Wouldn't there have been other signs? As usual, when it comes to my own, I cannot think at all.

11-30-2012, 12:54 PM
Les, it could be that the cancer has metastacized but it could also be the liver shutting down. Toxins, mainly ammonia, accumulate in the blood and cause neurological problems. Poor baby has been through so much. I hope she can recover from this latest set back. :(

Squirt's Mom
11-30-2012, 01:18 PM
I'm calling. She is just so not herself. :(

11-30-2012, 01:22 PM
Dearest Leslie,

I hope you can get Tasha in today, and will be awaiting your update after. In the meantime, please know we are pulling for your girl and praying and hoping for her recovery.

we love you...

Xo Jeanette and my Girl.

Squirt's Mom
11-30-2012, 01:27 PM
We are to be there a little before 2 today.

11-30-2012, 01:43 PM

I hope she can pull out of this as she has done before. Thinking about you.



Squirt's Mom
11-30-2012, 04:04 PM
We are both back home. She was given a shot of dex, we are to double the Lasix, continue pred daily and continue the Temaryl-P. And to check in with them Mon. to let them know how she is then. Bless her sweet little heart.

Squirt's Mom
11-30-2012, 04:26 PM
We may not have til Mon....she just seized. :(

Squirt's Mom
11-30-2012, 04:42 PM
The doc she saw today says the shot he gave her should help so we will give her the rest of today and if this happens again, she will go back in the morning.

She's had enough, by all the gods, she's had enough. Tonite we will pig out on anything she desires that I can provide and face the morning as it comes.

11-30-2012, 05:23 PM
Oh Leslie, dang, oh Leslie.

molly muffin
11-30-2012, 07:16 PM
Oh Leslie :( Poor little Tasha.
Try to have a good evening together and tomorrow will bring whatever it brings.
We are all here for you and Tasha, you know we are. If you need anything, anything at all, just let us know.
If you need someone to sit with you through it, send me your number privately and I'll call you.
I hope that she can make it till Monday. For her, for you and for your doctor who I am positive would want to see her.

Hugs and love,

Squirt's Mom
12-01-2012, 10:34 AM

Tasha hasn't had another seizure that I noticed. I slept on the floor by her last nite so I would hopefully know if she did. She slept most of the nite, only wanting out once, which is surprising considering the amount of pred in her system as of yesterday.

She can't get on her couch by herself any longer so I "built" her some steps so she can get up there. Why it took this long to figure that out vs picking her up, I'll never know. Picking her up is uncomfortable for her with the tumors on her belly and it always makes the nipples bleed more so I don't lift her unless it is unavoidable.

She is more alert this morning than yesterday and even bounced a second ago. It is so very hard to look at her sweet face and know what is happening to her, to know these are her last days. But that seizure tells me it is time to let her go before things get really bad...and I'm afraid that would happen quickly. :( So, I plan to call the vet this afternoon and make "the appointment" for Monday with Doc B rather than a strange doc she doesn't know. They love her as much as I do and I think they are struggling with releasing her as much as me; so we keep fighting a losing battle. One more drug, one more increase, but the progression continues unabated and Tasha deserves being spared what will come next.

Somewhere inside of me, I was hiding the hope that this wasn't really cancer, just an old dog with mammary cysts. But yesterday one of the techs asked me if Doc B had confirmed cancer and I said that was my understanding. The other tech in the exam room and the doctor we saw yesterday both said - no question it is cancer that has metastasized. Hearing them say that out loud with such conviction hit hard, those comments stripped away the denial I had been hiding. Then the seizure clinched it. The hope is gone, reality is here in all it's horror.

If you could see her you would understand the difficulty with this decision. She usually acts like a happy old dog, loving, funny, and oh so sweet. But she is tired, I can see it in her eyes. She is ready to see her first mom and all her friends across the Bridge, her Soul longs to be free. So this weekend Tasha is the Queen of our house, whatever she wants she will get and as much as she wants. Monday we will say our goodbyes.

Please keep her in your prayers that she has a decent weekend and peaceful final Journey.

Leslie and Tasha

molly muffin
12-01-2012, 10:59 AM
Leslie, I am so sorry that this time has come. We will all be thinking of you and Tasha through this weekend.
There is so much to say and yet nothing that can be said to make it go away. :(

Hugs my friend,

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

12-01-2012, 11:04 AM

I am praying for you and Tasha. You are such an amazing person. My heart is breaking and there are tears in my eyes. It is awful to have to let go. I am so glad Tasha had such a good person to see her through this horrible illness. Enjoy your last days together. Tasha is grateful for all you have done for her.

Big hugs,

Ro and Chey

Squirt's Mom
12-01-2012, 11:57 AM
We have an appointment for 10am Monday. :(

12-01-2012, 04:28 PM
Oh Leslie, I am so very sorry. I saw this on FB. My heart is with you and this sweet little girl. I know this weekend she will spend her final days surrounded by love.


12-01-2012, 04:52 PM
Leslie, I join all your other friends here in sending you strength and lots of love to you both. Let her eat whatever she wants, love her, cuddle, take lots of photos and thank her for all the memories. In the meantime, if Tasha could talk she'd tell you thanks for being the best mom on the entire planet. No doubt about it. We are here and if you need anything - let us know. Love, Kim

12-01-2012, 06:15 PM
sending you xoxox at this time.so sorry that you guys are going through this.there aren't any perfect words to type to lessen your broken hearts,but know that prayers,love and light are being sent your way...

12-01-2012, 06:58 PM
So sorry, Leslie but so very thankful she has had this time with you.

Bo's Mom
12-01-2012, 06:59 PM
It is through lots of tears that I send you the strength and prayers and tons and tons of hugs. I absolutely hurt for you and please know we are all here for you.

We know you love and were loved. We know you care and were cared for. We are holding you in our hearts in the coming days and pray for you.

12-02-2012, 03:27 AM
Dear Leslie - so so sad but what a lucky girl Tasha is to have you looking after her and keeping her comfortable. Send strength to you and loads of hugs. I am sure she will be so very happy to meet her Mom and friends again xxx

12-02-2012, 08:05 AM
Dear Leslie,

I am so sad to read this, my heart goes out to you. I too am sending prayers and love to you and little Tasha. We are all here for you.

Love and hugs,

Tina and Jasper

12-02-2012, 08:48 AM
Leslie, me too. :o


Harley PoMMom
12-02-2012, 06:43 PM
Sending you, Tasha, and all of your sweet babes huge loving hugs. Will be keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers, Lori

12-03-2012, 06:28 AM
Thinking of you and your precious Tasha...:(

Tight hugs

Jeanette & Princess

12-03-2012, 07:52 AM

Thinking of you and your sweet baby, and sending prayers and strength.

Love and hugs,

Tina and Jasper

12-03-2012, 08:11 AM
Thinking about you today. Please give Tasha a little kiss from me.

Big hugs,


molly muffin
12-03-2012, 08:16 AM
Leslie, thinking of you and Tasha today. Hugs Sharlene

12-03-2012, 12:02 PM
Leslie - I am sending you all my prayers and thoughts today. XO


Squirt's Mom
12-03-2012, 12:27 PM
Thank you all so very much.

My angel has flown.

molly muffin
12-03-2012, 01:13 PM
{{{{{ hugs}}}}}

sharlene and molly muffin

12-03-2012, 01:24 PM

12-03-2012, 01:25 PM
I am so sorry, sweetheat. Dont talk now.... when you can.

12-03-2012, 01:44 PM
Sending loads of hugs to you Leslie xxxxxxxxxxxxx fly free sweet Tasha xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

12-03-2012, 03:09 PM
Sending love, Kim

12-03-2012, 03:43 PM
Oh, Leslie......big hugs. You were such a good Momma to her. I know your heart is broken right now, but you were the best thing that ever happened to Tasha. Fly home sweet angel.

Sending strength and healing your way.


12-03-2012, 08:57 PM
Stopping in to blow you a kiss good night, tuck you in bed, dry your tears, give you a hug and to tell you I think you are one hell of a woman. I am so sorry about Tasha but I am so very glad she found her way to you.

I wish I could think of something beautiful to write, the way you do when you are comforting others. I cant write when I hurt inside though so just know I care.

12-04-2012, 06:12 AM
((((hugs)))) Leslie

12-04-2012, 07:43 AM
Ohhh Leslie...I am so sorry. But also so very proud of you. When Tasha's forever home sadly enough didn't turn out to be "forever" after all, due to tragic circumstances, Tasha's life changed and it so easily could have been for the worst. And actually, she was heading in a bad direction...and then you came along. You gave her a wonderful last period on this earth and I know that her first mom will be so very grateful for it. You, again, gave so unselfishly all of you for a little doggy and the spirit of her first mom...you are one of a kind!

Sas and Mhina.

12-04-2012, 02:38 PM
Dear sweet Leslie, my heart goes out to you. Little Tasha was so lucky to have someone like you to love her and look after her during the last months of her precious little life. May God bless you, Leslie...Know that you are in my thoughts and prayers....
Love and hugs, Leah

Boriss McCall
12-04-2012, 06:20 PM

You are such a good person for taking care of sweet baby Tasha. I just read today about everything ya'll have been going thru together.
My heart breaks for you.

Your description of a Boston Terrier is so right on. They are the funniest sweetest things. I am so glad that Tasha found you & got to experience so much joy in your home even in sickness.
I will always hold a special place in my heart for Boston's. People just don't know until they have lived with one. They are goof balls..

I am so sorry that your having to have a broken heart. It is the most horrible feeling. I wish your cush family could take away that feeling for you. :( Just know we are all here.

12-04-2012, 11:23 PM

I am so sorry to hear about sweet little Tasha. I always forget to check this section. I am so sorry I didn't read about it sooner. I am very glad that Tasha spent the end of her life with you. She certainly was a lucky little dog, and I have no doubt she knew it. I'm bawling after reading her whole story and thinking about how much you must hurt. But I am so glad she is free and healthy again.

Know that you're in my thoughts.


12-05-2012, 12:17 AM
Dearest Leslie, my heart goes out to you at this difficult time. I wish there was something I could say to take away the pain and make you feel better like you always do for all of us. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

Love and healing hugs,


12-06-2012, 02:00 PM
I am so sorry for your loss. Your Tasha's story made me cry, but I am so happy that she had you to give her so much love for the last while of her life. You are so amazing Leslie. I just can not find the words to describe what kind of person I see you as. I hope your heart hurts a little less everyday..
love and hugs Lynda

Casey's Mom
12-06-2012, 02:37 PM
Leslie I am so sorry to hear of Tasha's passing but I am so glad you were her mom and gave her such a great life at the end. You are an angel my dear. (((hugs)))

Squirt's Mom
12-22-2012, 07:04 PM
Hi ya'll,

Thank you all for the calls, emails, PMs and posts! It means a lot.

Things are ok…not great, but ok. Tasha’s couch is uncovered now and this is the first time I’ve seen the fabric since May; it was hard to walk into the LR for a while but I quickly covered it with Christmas stuff and that helped the transition. It’s now fully exposed and most of the time that’s ok. I picked up her nests this week but the box that elevated her food bowl remains as does her dog bed under the Christmas tree in my bedroom where she last drug it. Her meds were moved from the counter to a cabinet and that sight often chokes me up. I have been back to the vet three times now and managed ok…even in the same exam room the last time. I don’t cry every day anymore and was able to tell about Tash eating peanut butter and laugh about it yesterday. Her silence still gets to me at times, especially at nite and I still wake, thinking I need to check on her. But the hardest thing I am dealing with is projecting…I can’t stop thinking Squirt and Brick are next and I literally cannot draw breath. As a result I am being an uber HAMMIE with ALL of them and spoiling them terribly bad. But that’s ok…they deserve it! They all got kind of left out the last few months.

I hope to be back in a bit…it’s been longer than I had thought already but it’s not quite time yet. You all remain in my thoughts and prayers daily. My family here is always counted as one of my greatest blessings of all time.

Much love and many hugs,

12-22-2012, 07:25 PM
you cross my mind more than you know............my heart holds you closer than you can feel.

molly muffin
12-22-2012, 08:05 PM
I agree with Skye, I think of you often, that your take on someones problem might be different and wonder about it. I know crazy! LOL

Time, it all takes time and grieving is a process that has it's own clock. No way to rush it, no way to postpone it, it will come when it wants and it will go away the same way. We'll be here, whenever you are ready and only you can know when that is. Take care though and know we miss you.

hugs, Sharlene and Molly Muffin