View Full Version : Meet Kaibo :) 9 y/o toy poodle - Myotonia, Diabetes, adrenalectomy; now PDH and CC

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11-24-2013, 01:58 PM
That is a good point Sharlene! I never thought of that. When he started being really in pain from the knee, I got thinking about the Cushing's and the tumour. I realized that we hadn't seen this pain response because he had so much cortisol in his little body. As his body normalized after the surgery, that would mean that his cortisol levels decreased to normal (as was seen in the ACTH stimulation test post surgery) so that is why we started to see him in so much pain from the knee. No vet ever said that but it seemed logical to me. And now, he is on pain meds but that certainly doesn't mean that they are controlling the pain so the cortisol could very well be up and yes, that could be causing trouble with the insulin dose. Interesting.

As for how many insulin choices there are, it seems like there are many. We are on the 3rd one and now into human insulins. We almost put him back on the Caninsulin last week but his curve wasn't that bad according to the vet so we are still trying the glargine (Lantus). One person on the diabetes forum suggested the next one we try be NPH, which it seems like many of the pooches on the diabetes forum seem to be on and respond well to. Anyway, I do have blood test results back but can't post now. They are looking good! I just popped in to finally respond to Sharlene and post his new curve results from yesterday. I'm just cutting and pasting my response on the K9 diabetes forum. Hope all is well with you and your dogs. Molly had to spend time at the vet this week…so strange to take the old girl in instead of Kaibo! She had an anal gland abscess rupture. It wasn't fun for either of us this week! Poor girl. I am happy to report she is really energetic and happy now though!

Here is the update for Kaibo. After the last curve, the vet said to increase him to 7 units. I was nervous because we had only had him on the 6 units for 2 days prior to the curve. So I mentioned that to her and she said to keep him at 6 units for the week. We still noticed he was high during spot checks but drinking and peeing has decreased. So, we did a curve yesterday, November 23rd. Here are the results:

5:20 am 29.3; ate food; 6 units of Lantus (glargine) insulin
7:20 am 24.0
8:45 am 29.0
10:30 am 22.9
12:00 pm 21.4
*we went out for lunch at this point; when we returned, Kaibo had gotten in to my lunch bag from Friday (ya, when will I learn to pick it up and put it away!!) and ate my uneaten lunch (crazy day on Friday) of chicken fingers, fries, and he really liked the garlic aioli dip!
2:30 pm 17.3 (after eating all of that stuff!)
3:45 pm 21.4
4:45 pm 22.3
6:10 pm 25.9; ate supper; 6 units

We increased him to 7 units this morning and hope that is what the vet would be saying anyway!

He was groomed on Friday and his coat is really sparse. But overall, he is looking healthier and perkier than he did on the Levimir (detimir). So, hoping that coat will fill out again soon. He doesn't have the Cushing's belly (and he shouldn't but I still worry) so I am contributing the poor coat, hair loss, and the dry, flaky skin to the diabetes not being controlled. Does that seem like it might be the case?

11-24-2013, 02:25 PM
It could be that is the case as long as you know there are not other issues with the skin going on. Zoe had yeast and bacteria, along with oily and dry patches of skin and really bad flaking. She does not have diabetes. I did have to treat her skin issues which subsequently improved her coat and skin, helped the flaking too. The yeast and bacteria just made her a mess and she lost almost all her hair. The yeast feeds on the dandruff too.

So now, because of our experience which was chalked up to "Vetoryl is affecting her intermediate hormones" and "we should switch to Lysodren" I always mention it to members, check your dog's skin. Your vet can do a scraping and look under a microscope.

11-24-2013, 02:55 PM
Thanks Addy! I'll keep in it mind. He has had dandruff for a long time, most of his life. His skin has improved since the surgery but it is getting dry and flaky again in the last month or so. I will definitely keep this in mind!!! Knowledge is power ;)

11-24-2013, 04:04 PM
Zoe's yeast and bacteria were just enough to cause problems that a medicated shampoo fixed. We did not have to resort to oral medication. It was truly amazing how flushing out that crud from her skin helped her and boy it got a whole lot worse before it got better and she started off with just the dry flaky skin.;):)

11-24-2013, 09:44 PM
Hi Nikki :)

Crikey I wish poor Kaibo's diabetes would get sorted out!! Hopefully once you get on an even keel there his skin problems will settle too, but Addy's suggestions are sensible, yeast infections are notorious in diabetes patients so it would be good if they did a scraping of his skin to try and narrow down that problem and get some treatment. But getting his sugars down will go a long way to helping that too.

His poor little knee giving him ongoing bother too, sure makes sense if his cortisol is now lower that he is feeling more pain. Poor little sausage. Is he still doing any hospital visiting?? I was also wondering if they are planning on retesting acth or ldds to see if they are still ok?

Kaibo has had enough bother this year, hopefully he will be right by year's end and next year will be plain sailing!! :)

11-25-2013, 01:24 AM
We stopped the hospital visits about a month ago when we were supposed to put him on crate rest. He has rested but the crate part hasn't happened. Anyway, I emailed them last week to see if they wanted us to visit tomorrow but didn't hear back from them. If they reply tomorrow we will go. We meet with the surgeon about his knee the first week of December or something…I better check…and wow that is coming up fast! We certainly hope that his diabetes gets controlled soon. It is getting rather frustrating. I thought Cushing's disease was difficult! :roll eyes:

11-26-2013, 10:22 PM
I just posted a picture of Kaibo. Both sides of his belly. The bulge on his right side is getting bigger. I've had him in several times to the vet. We even did an ultrasound on it. No one is worried about it (except me and our groomer). Blood tests don't show anything strange so....??? It's being attributed to weak abdominal muscles. Sigh.

P.s. I posted some other gems too!

molly muffin
11-26-2013, 11:31 PM
Love the pictures. :)

yes I can see what you mean about one side sort of bulging out. So, what weak abdominals, are they suggesting sit ups?? ;)

He's so cute though. Bulge and all.

Are you guys still celebrating the Grey Cup out there? :D

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

11-26-2013, 11:55 PM
YES!!!! We are still celebrating! There's still a lot of green around town! We've got that Rider Pride ;)

11-29-2013, 01:19 AM
Happy thanksgiving to everyone who is celebrating! I was at school for over 13 hours today :(. Interview time. Just wanted to say hi. Enjoy the turkey.

11-29-2013, 01:27 AM
ohhhh arghh that does not sound fun, hopefully you were feeling better to deal with that long day!! I am wondering if it is an incisional hernia following his surgery? I think if they have ultrasounded it can't be anything nasty. Flynn has a bulge on one side and it has proven to be a lipoma, a bigger kind of flatter one, that makes him look a little lopsided so that could be another option?/

11-29-2013, 02:48 AM
13 hours! No fun at all.
Thank you for the holiday wishes.

11-29-2013, 09:27 AM
Whatever the lump is it is definitely getting bigger. I was reading last night about knee surgery. Came across an interesting site that warns against rushing to surgery. And that the clicking noise I hear might not be helped with surgery. That some of the swelling might be part if the healing. Now I'm kind of confused. I want what's best for him. We don't like seeing him sit and his leg sticks out. We don't like seeing him struggle to stand up. We don't like seeing him collapse when playing. He's so weak. Unsteady. And I don't like that he's on pain meds all the time. Ahhhhh.

Website I read last night: http://www.tiggerpoz.com/id11.html.

I was feeling much better but still not 100%. Good thing I took that day off. I slept from 10pm Tuesday night until 5pm Wednesday night. Just up to feed Molly and Kaibo and let them out to do their business. Wow. Anyway have to get ready for the second round of interviews. :(

12-01-2013, 03:05 AM
I've been at my computer for hours researching various things. I have been looking up causes for hair loss in dogs…well still finding mainly Cushing's and diabetes. I was trying to find more info on the yeast or bacterial infection that someone posted on here a while back. I forget who at the moment, started typing before looking back. LOL. I have also been wondering about Kaibo's knee. The surgeon who did the adrenalectomy stated she felt his knee was solid and recommended crate rest before surgery. Since then, we have limited his activity level and have seen very little change, if any. We have recently had our regular vet examine him and do a complete blood work up. She also indicated his knee was solid but the clicking sound we hear from time to time could be a meniscus tear. I was reading bit on that recently as well. Now, the thing is that she also did x-rays and his knees and hips look healthy, which is good to hear. So at this point, I am quite confused about where we should go with Kaibo. He is uncomfortable. He is often lame on his hind right leg. We don't want this to continue and must do something about it. What is unsettling to me right now, is that the diabetes is still uncontrolled. He has hind end weakness where he will sometimes fall over when a dog normally shouldn't collapse. He has muscle wasting. You can visibly see differences between his left and right leg. Strangely, the right one is thicker in spots. Oh, this is so hard to explain and I know it is no longer Cushing's related but I also know you are all so knowledgeable and experienced. I just wanted to get my feelings out and thoughts out and I don't know if any of it makes sense or even if any of it matters. LOL. And, really, actually, I came to finally post his blood test results! :roll eyes: Can you say tangent???

Here are the results, just a copy from an email the vet sent:
Albumin 3.7 (2.5-4.4) g/dL
ALP 398 * (20-150) U/L (so much better than before!)
ALT 118 * (10-118) U/L
Amylase 291 (200-1200) U/L
Total Bilirubin 0.3 (0.1-0.6) mg/dL
BUN (Urea) 15 (7-25) mg/dL
Calcium 10.9 (8.6-11.8) mg/dL
Phosphorus 3.5 (2.9-6.6) mg/dL
Creatinine 0.2 * (0.3-1.4) mg/dL (can be due to low muscle mass; Kaibo's creatinine was always near the lower end of the range; we worry when it's high, but low is fine!)
Glucose 246 * (60-110) mg/dL = 13.6 mmol/L
Sodium 153 (138-160) mmol/L
Potassium 4.0 (3.7-5.8) mmol/L
Total Protein 8.0 (5.4-8.2) g/dL
Globulin 4.3 (2.3-5.2) g/dL (they are normal; you will see on the CBC interpretation that we'll send later that the pathologist thought they might be high due to the rouleaux they saw on the CBC, but no worries here!)

T4 2.3 (1.1-4.0) ug/dL
Cholesterol 508 * (125-270) mg/dL

I have yet to look back to see what they were prior to his surgery!! But, I do believe most of the values are a lot lower…or at least I hope so! Will post the other info right away.

Ok….the CBC results were scanned and emailed to me. I will post them in the photos. Let me know if you can see them.

12-01-2013, 03:18 AM
Can't see any results in his pics yet. Good they are all getting better!

What about seeing an orthopaedic surgeon to get specialist input on his little leg?

12-01-2013, 03:25 AM
I started a new album. It should be there now but might be blurry or too small. Let me know.

Also, funny you should mention the orthopaedic specialist. I just finished emailing her. She had seen him August 2012 (although I don't know she saw him at the time; she saw him after the resident examined him) and emailed me some additional information when I questioned it (the resident wanted to go into surgery immediately!). I gave her the short history of what has happened since and my concerns now. I am hopeful that she will see me this week!!! Fingers crossed!

12-01-2013, 03:54 AM
Yep I can see it now. Its weird because when I double click the pic it increases in size, cannot seem to do that on my own pics :confused: Anyway I can only just read it in the bigger size, they look pretty good, red cells a little low, how long after his surgery were they done?

12-01-2013, 04:13 AM
Surgery was July 25. These blood tests were November 13th or 14th. I can't get them to enlarge on my own page either but others have said they can enlarge mine. Weird. Ok. Way past my bed time. Mind is too busy. Have Kaibo resting on my chest now so starting to relax and get sleepy :).

12-01-2013, 11:31 PM
Here's another question. How long should I be able to feel his sutures under his skin. Like internally. Does that make sense? Where they cut him open, I can still feel bumps and see bumps. Is that scar tissue? Will it ever go away?

I heard back from the orthopaedic specialist via email today. She is very busy and likely unable to see us. However, she said that the surgeon we are seeing is also an ortho specialist. Who knew? I thought she was just the amazing adrenal gland remover who saved Kaibo's life! :D So we will stick with our meeting with her. Even though we are prepared for the surgery (and to stay home for Christmas) it is still a bit unnerving. Especially with how they do it. Surgical consult/appointment, surgery the following day. Yikes. Anyway, have been wasting too much time looking up diabetic diets for dogs and other assorted Kaibo things. Time to get to business of planning lessons for my little firsties for the week. 15 more school days. I think I can, I think I can. Man, this is the worst class I've ever had. The break is going to be so awesome, especially if I don't have to travel anywhere :)

12-02-2013, 02:06 AM
Another comment from me….here's his curve results from today
Curve results from Sunday, December 1, 2013
5:40 am 20.3; 1/2 cup Horizon Amicus Senior and Weight Loss formula; 7 units of glargine
6:45 am 25.2
7:45 am 25.8
9:00 am 25.0
10:15 am 25.4
11:30 am 20.9
1:10 pm 17.8
3:00 pm 19.1
5:20 pm 10.3 *We took Kaibo for a walk between 4pm and 5:15 pm; not sure how long we were walking 30 to 40 minutes likely

We did not test him right before he ate; he ate around 6:30 as both him and I fell asleep. I don't think Brett tested him before he fed him. OOPS!!!

12-03-2013, 12:04 AM
I took Kaibo for a visit to the hospital tonight. He was in great spirits and happy to see "his" kids. They were really sweet and made him a card and cookies for me :) We will get a couple more visits in before he has knee surgery….if we go that route…which is seems like we will be. Sigh :(

12-03-2013, 12:45 AM
He's made it through worse.

I have an acquaintance whose dog was facing knee surgery. They fashioned a sling and did their own physical therapy by supporting that part of her so that it could strengthen the surrounding muscle without bearing too much weight.

Not sure if this is an option with Kaibo. Worth asking about.

12-03-2013, 02:00 AM
I can feel the sutures under Flynn's skin, but they usually dissolve after a few weeks. Some can take a bit longer though. Sometimes a bit of scar tissue can appear around them so maybe that is what you are feeling. He did take a wee while to heal up if I remember correctly!!

Very cool you got to the hospital, sounds like the kids were very pleased to see him :D:D

When's the specialist appointment? I guess it will be good to get it done while you are home over the holidays to supervise him. xx

12-03-2013, 03:18 AM
I have made that specialist appointment and changed it a few times! The receptionist freaked me out a bit last time saying I might not get surgery close to the December 20 guideline I wanted if I didn't book the appointment the last week of December. I wanted to book the consult then have the surgery the following week. They don't like doing that though. They like to have the consult, then the surgery follows the next day. So, it is now booked for December 18th. Surgery would be the next day. My last day of work before break is December 20. I thinking might change it back to the 11th but keep the 18th appointment. Although they'd likely notice the other appointment and cancel it. Lol. I'm just so nervous. I don't know why. It's a knee not an adrenal gland! I do know why....that bulge on his belly and his uncontrolled diabetes. Worries me. I don't know why I can't just find comfort in the fact his blood work is so much better and nothing seems off. Overall, he's happy and looks healthy if you look past the funny walk and the thin hair. Anyway, way past my bed time. The grade 1s will test my nerves even more if I'm overtired. Lol.

Oh as for physical therapy, this injury is old. From at least August 2012. We just tried conservative management for over a month with limited improvement. I'd love to find a way to not do the surgery. The only thing I didn't explore is a brace. Guess I should. I think if it's not improving and he's in pain it might be worth the risk to do the surgery. The risk is there that it won't really improve him. In a way, the adrenalectomy was an easier choice. Well, as I said, I better get some sleep. Bye for now.

12-04-2013, 05:52 AM
Hmmm trickybwith the holidays, hope you can get the timing right Nikki. Any surgery gives us the jips so you have every right to be nervous xxx

12-06-2013, 12:29 AM
Well gang, here's the latest. I took Kaibo in for a chiropractor treatment today. He is visibly crooked so I thought it was time and maybe it would help with the lameness, hind end, trouble getting up and down, etc. First of all, the vet instantly noticed his coat was much thinner and not as nice. Then she started feeling him and she didn't say anything, but that's when I started blabbing about how he is scheduled for knee surgery on December 19 and I wasn't exactly sold on the fact that it was what he needed. We started talking a bit and she examined him. She noted his muscle wasting and how he has virtually no quad muscle left on his right leg. I told her he has been walking different, looks crooked, etc. I think I really noticed these things after his grooming because our groomer cut him so short. Anyway, she got the other vet (the one who usually sees/treats Kaibo) and they started examining him. They both went back to look at his x-rays. Came back and tested his reflexes and so on. They are now questioning whether or not he has a back injury/nerve damage. They had him walk around the clinic (end of the day and we were the last in there). Finally someone watched him walk, not just in the small examination room. So, they were talking vet talk but I caught some of it. In the end, they said I should try to see the surgeon next week for a CT scan or MRI. funny, in a way, because last week I thought to myself I would ask for an MRI as it seems like the only thing we haven't done for him. They talked about how it might be between L6 and L7. Then they asked if had an epidural when he had his surgery. I said I couldn't really remember. One of the vets said that if he did it would have been in the area they are questioning. Then they started asking about his penis coming out (remember, after surgery we were having trouble and we never had before). Seems to me they might be wondering if his issues are related to the surgery now. I wonder. I am glad I asked because something just isn't sitting right with me, especially after the surgeon and our vet keep saying his knee feels solid and then the x-rays show that his knees are in great shape. However, I feel sick because of all of this and especially because he is now very sore. He is in worse shape than ever. he can't walk and now it is his left side that he is dragging too. I am honestly devastated. Confused. Scared. I know you will understand and be by my side as we go through this journey. It just doesn't seem fair. Why must he go through one more thing like this. Is it the answer to everything? I don't know. He did have knee issues before the surgery. I have no answers anymore.

12-06-2013, 04:55 AM
Well, I am pleased those things that have been worrying you are now getting addressed. Hopefully the specialist next week can shed some light on what's happening to Kaibo. Poor wee thing with the weakness though. I hope the two vets you saw today are writing to the specialist too so their views can be included in the assessment next week including their recommendations for imaging.

I know this must be scary for you Nikki, but you are quite right we will be walking alongside and waiting to hear what this all means and how we are going to fix it!!!

Have you got something for pain you can give him, did the vets make any recommendations? I sure hope they did not manipulate his back while it was so sore like this? Maybe it is a little nerve got caught during surgery, or the positioning during the operation hurt his back? Happens in humans on the odd occasion. Just think we are a step closer to getting some answers for our wee man next week. Hope you guys got some sleep, the worry is a killer when you still have to get through the next day xxxxxx

Squirt's Mom
12-06-2013, 09:12 AM
awwww, Nikki, I can only imagine how upsetting this is after all he has been through and now this. :( We are right here by your side and will be along. I hope an answer is found soon and they can offer this sweet boy of ours some relief.

Leslie and the gang

molly muffin
12-06-2013, 03:47 PM
Oh man, talk about trying to figure out a mystery eh.

Okay, so take it in steps and first step, before going down the pathway of what could be an unneeded surgery is to figure out what is really wrong. You Felt that it wasn't really the knee, so your instinct says it could be something else. Now time to find out for sure, and if it takes an MRI, then that is what will be needed I suppose.
Once you know for sure then you can make a decision based upon what you Know. Back, nerve damage or knee.
I always think that if you have any doubts, then it's best to verify first.
Sorry it is yet one more problem in a long year of issues, but I have faith that this will be figured out.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

12-08-2013, 04:14 PM
Hi everyone. Kaibo has been resting at home all weekend. He had a busy Friday. Brett took the day off to be with him and I am so grateful for that. I started by emailing the regular vet clinic first thing in the morning. I told them that the pain meds he usually is on had little effect and he was basically unable to walk/move all night. I told them Brett was off work to be with him. So, they called Brett to take him in for further examination. They took X-rays and called Brett and told him to take him to the vet college immediately and that his surgeon would be waiting for him. Many hours and the exact same X-rays from the morning later we were told that Kaibo's left hip was partially dislocated but there was no apparent reason for this. Well, what about the chiropractic treatment? I know she didn't do much but I do know she manipulated him somewhat. After all, I went in to the clinic with a dog who could walk and play and was very happy and left with a dog that couldn't walk. Seriously. What happened? I know both vets were looking into a neurological link, testing his reflexes and such. I am trying hard not to blame myself for this. I mean, we don't know if this would have happened at home or wherever, was it just a matter of time? Anyway, there was a lot of information to sort through. I'll do my best to explain. This is all information from his surgeon.

-she does not think he has a cruciate tear, he may have had one in August of 2012 when he was diagnosed but it has healed or was a misdiagnosis
-the belly bulge that bothers me so is his liver and spleen "just sitting there"; his liver continues to be enlarged (yet his enzymes have come way, way down since the surgery); she is racking this up to the Cushing's. That the muscles became weaker and even though the tumour is out, they haven't bounced back. I'm not sure what the long term status of this will be…will they get stronger and pull the liver/spleen back in. I don't know. It is still a bit unsettling.
-he is a mystery; there is no reason for him to be in the state his is right now; normally a partially dislocated hip would be from a car accident or hip displasia. Although poodles are prone to hip displasia he has no evidence that this has been going on. His hip joint and bones look perfect.
-surgeon has ruled out neurological issues and does not feel an MRI is warranted at this time
-seems to me, it keeps coming back to muscle issues and they are blaming the Cushing's. Saying that the Cushing's made the muscles weaker and that over time he has compensated for his knee (there still has to have been something going on there or he wouldn't have been walking the way he was, sitting with it turned out, having it pull outward, etc);
-somehow the muscles have pulled so hard that his hip came out?
-I find it all interesting that in October (and beyond) I noticed clicking in his hip, so did the rehab vet, this was brushed off by everyone and now, here we are not with a knee issue but a hip issue…on the left side…all concerns before were for the right side.

I really don't know what to think of all of this. I'm confused and scared. He was sent home with a fentanyl patch and told to rest for the weekend. The hope is that he would improve over the weekend. That has not been the case. He has pulled himself a few times and dragged his hind end behind him. Walking would be described as very stiff,short steps. He can't sustain it for long, nor do we let him. My heart is broken. So many what ifs and I know I can't go back. Early October at rehab, the rehab vet said, get him for surgery now, his hip is coming out. We started him on pain meds then. Saw the surgeon the next week, she examined him and said there is no movement in his hip or knee. That if anything we should put him on conservative management for a month and meet again. That basically brings us to now. Surgeon kept asking what has happened between then and now. Well, rest. Did that play a part in making his muscles weaker. Of course it would. No? He was groomed and trimmed very short which allowed me to see how crooked he was. That led to the chiropractic appointment and now this. I always have his best interest in mind and I really thought I was doing the right thing. I know I had no way of knowing this would happen. I'm absolutely sick at the thought of what he has gone through and what he is going through now. My heart is broken once again. I know we will get through it but I honestly just can't understand why he has been dealt such a shitty hand. I think back on all we have done together and now question the fly ball, the agility. And, I know, I can't go back. I do know this.

I'm so sorry for the long post. Where does this leave my little man? Well, we take him back in tomorrow morning and leave him for the day. The plan is to examine him. The surgeon has already indicated that she will bring several other specialists in to see him since she is absolutely baffled by the findings. She is also going to call the vets at the clinic and talk to them about his appointment on Thursday. She is going to have the rehab vet see him and talk to her about what she was doing with him, what she found, etc as she admits she has little knowledge of what that vet does at the college. I know that she cares deeply for him. It was clear in my conversation with her. She will not do anything that is unnecessary and she will do what is best for Kaibo. I know it. I have to find comfort in the fact that there will be a whole team of people trying to find out what is wrong with him tomorrow. I know, of course, that he has a whole team of people right here praying for him and sending good thoughts to him. For that I am thankful. I am hoping for a Christmas miracle. That my pup can be my pup again and this will be the end of his troubles once and for all. He does not deserve any more pain. I will post this now with tears in my eyes and love in my heart. Thanks to you all.

12-08-2013, 04:40 PM
As you know, Kaibo has become a part of all of our families and it is so sad to hear this news. Easy to say but don't beat yourself up as you have always done the right thing for him. I wish I could offer advice but this is beyond my expertise/experience.

Since there are soooo many people involved in this and so much has gone on with him over the last couple years I would type up a brief outline of everything with dates, treatments etc so that the committee looking at him have the entire picture. Just to be safe that is what I would do.

Please know we will all be praying for our dear sweet guy as well as you and your hubby. Do keep us posted. Kim

12-08-2013, 04:44 PM
Ah Nicki... I'm sorry to read this about Kaibo. What a trooper though he is and has been.

I sure hope you get some final answers next week, get these issues resolved once and for all.

As hard as we try and think we are doing what's best for our pups, in hindsight we really have. I know I feel guilty at times about what I put Keesh through, but I also blame the vet profession too.

You did what you thought best, and it will all be resolved.

I'll be thinking of you and Kaibo tomorrow. Keep the faith !!

molly muffin
12-08-2013, 07:15 PM
Oh dear, so sorry to hear this. It just doesn't sound right somehow does it, that it progress to this.

I know I have seen the wheely things that help dogs with their rear legs, when they can't walk, or are injured, not to put too much weight stress on the area. This might be an option for Kaibo until they can get it figured out.

They do need to figure this out though, and saying that it was the cushings or muscle wasting, but that is handy, but I don't know for sure if it is "right". There has to be some reason that he was walking funny on that leg, maybe the tear last August, but hard to say. But it is just like people in a way. If you have a person with a bad hip, bad knee, they walk different to compensate for that, if this continues over time, then eventually damage will be done right. (my sister is actually going through something like this currently, as she had to have her hip replaced, but it was bad for a year or two at least. She compensated by walking differently to lessen the pain and now even though she has a new hip, is perfectly fine, she'll need orthotics, because she did damage during the time before she went in to see the doctor and get the hip replaced. Does that makes sense?

So, they need to get their act together tomorrow, figure this out and then they need to tell you exactly what is wrong, what can be done for it, and what the prognosis is for going forward. Will he be able to walk normally again, will he be able to be pain free with whatever treatment they come up with, then they need to do it, whatever it may be, Now.

I know you will come through this because you Have Always done what is in Kaibos best interest. So whatever is going on, I know that you will make sure they figure this out.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

12-08-2013, 11:54 PM
I am so sorry that Kaibo, you and your family are having to face this - I will be thinking of you and praying for a Christmas miracle.

It must be so hard to have so many different people involved, and each with their own opinion. As Sharlene says it might be worth providing them with a brief history so that they have the full picture.

You truly are the most amazing advocate for Kaibo and you all deserve a happy ending to this.

12-09-2013, 12:14 AM
WOW! This is crazy! Kaibo was doing so well.
I'm glad that the specialists are consulting with each other and hopefully they can figure this out.

I wonder if the epidural did some temporary damage like inflammation at the injection point?

Squirt's Mom
12-09-2013, 10:08 AM
oooo damage from the epidural....good thought, Valerie. I had three epidurals when my daughter was being born - not sure why but it took 3 to get one to work - and my back has never been the same since. I also have some disk damage in that same area, from other causes, and my legs will lose feeling, the left one dragging at times. Friends have tried to get me to go to a chiropractor but they scare me to pieces since one of my dad's surgeons told him if he had gone to one like he had planned, he would have ended up paralyzed, no question in the surgeon's mind about it. I wonder if some physical therapy would help Kaibo?

We are right here with you, Nikki. Please don't blame yourself - you did NOT cause the troubles Kaibo is having.

Leslie and the gang

12-10-2013, 02:46 AM
Hope Kaibo has been feeling better today Nikki. Gosh the poor boy and poor you too. Sounds very stressful and I hope they have some answers soon for him. It does sound like something happened when they manipulated him, I hope the specialists get to the bottom of that. This is always my fear when I hear of these kinds of treatments. But it seems fairly clear cut, he could walk in but not out. I agree with you, its not your fault at all, they are the professionals after all.

Really good news they do not think it is neurological :)

I am hoping you got good news with him at the vet's today and they can finally get him on the right track xxxxxx

12-10-2013, 04:26 AM
Leslie, that's terrible! Child birth should be a happy occassion without mistakes.
My father has had several botched surgeries and I had sinus surgery that was incomplete.

Nothing surprises me anymore.

Nicki, I would definitely strongly steer the vets toward the possibility of damage (hopefully temporary) from the epidural and insist that they work based on that since they've ruled out a neurological cause. I hope this helps!

12-10-2013, 07:26 AM
Apparently he did not have an epidural :(. This is so confusing. I'm so tired. I'll write more later. Kaibo just got up for water, for, bathroom so I'm up really early. Need some sleep to tackle the 6 year olds. They are so exhausting these days. Basically, we were told there is no apparent reason for his hips to be luxating and to rest him for a month. Not the ideal news. Nothing is explained and I'm not sure why/if they tried to put his hip back in place. And if it isn't in place why would you want to try to have scar tissue form. It makes no sense. I read some articles last night and to just leave it isn't the norm. Then again, this type of injury isn't the norm unless the dog has been hit by a car. Anyway, I must rest. There's a little update for you.

Posted a few new pictures.

12-10-2013, 04:37 PM
Oh boy, I wouldn't Fe comfortable either unless I had some definite answers. No epidural, I am at a loss.

Hopefully the rest does the trick.

12-12-2013, 05:57 AM
Hi Nikki

I am hoping Kaibo is feeling a little better, did they give you some pain relief for him? You sound exhausted with all your facing at the moment, not long till your break now and you can all rest up together xxx

12-12-2013, 09:54 AM
Hi. I am exhausted and at a loss over what to do. It's horrible watching him in the state he is in. They gave him a pain patch but that's worn off. Have to take it off. He's on metacam and a small dose of tramadol. I'm contemplating taking him out of province to a specialist clinic in Calgary. Western Vet Specialists. I wonder if anyone on here has experience with them. Their website seems like they would be rather impressive. My mom lives there so we would have a place to stay. I think I'll call today and see if certain vets are around over the holidays. There are a few that stood out. They seem to have some endocrine specialists too. I'd love to get the diabetes dealt with once and for all. Thanks for checking in. It's been a rather blah week. I'm on a short fuse with my students too which is so not fair for the little gaffers.

12-12-2013, 05:00 PM
I don't have any personal experience of the vets however would suggest you try googling reviews of them - when we travel I always try to identify a local vet who will see us in case of an emergency, and use the reviews to help.

Maybe someone's who new to the case may be able to see something that people who are involved, and may already have set ideas, could be missing.

Good luck

12-13-2013, 02:20 AM
Yes. That's what I'm thinking. Maybe fresh eyes would see the whole picture. On the other hand, the surgeon said there needs to be fewer people involved. That being said, he hasn't been for physio in over 2 months. Other than that, it's just our regular clinic vet and her partner...the vet who did Chiro on him. I'm still annoyed that they haven't called to check on him this week. Wow. Anyway, I guess because I want to do what's best for him I'm seriously thinking about taking him to Alberta. I want an answer. I am not satisfied with being told he's a mystery, this might be tied to the Cushing's, and let him rest/have a partially dislocated hip for a month and see if it gets better. Why didn't they try to put it back in? Brett is sending an email with all of our questions tomorrow. I'm going to include whether or not he should be on muscle relaxants as someone posted on Tipper's page when the topic of gait was brought up recently. I'd love feedback from anyone whose dog has experienced a change in gait. The people who commented on Tipper's page the other day described exact or very similar changes that we saw in Kaibo in the last few months.

12-13-2013, 04:23 AM
I think that sounds a good idea Nikki. I did that with Flynn's latest surgery and am so pleased I did. I found another set of eyes really valuable. Our previous pet hospital had all the vet students and residents supervised by the specialists but the new one is a fully private practice and specialists only. More expensive for sure but I have been so impressed with them. So hope you have some success with getting a 2nd opinion, the only thing it will hurt is your wallet! I do not know anything about these orthopaedic issues Kaibo is having so not much help there. I so hope he is comfortable and getting some good rest. How is his poops and peeing going, must be hard when he is not mobile. Big hugs for you all xxxx

12-13-2013, 05:19 AM
Ah geez !! I was hoping to read on here that there was a solution. I'm so sorry Kaibo is going through this.

I sure hope this gets resolved soon. It's so hard I know to watch them when you KNOW that something can probably be done.

Hope Alberta works for you..

Squirt's Mom
12-13-2013, 09:46 AM
Have you considered an orthopedic specialist? I wish you were closer to Arkansas in the US - there is a fabulous surgeon in No. ARK that folk come from all over to see. He did the last surgery on Squirt's knee and we met folk in the waiting room from, if memory holds, 3 different states who had brought their baby to see Dr. Dew.

I don't blame you, Nikki. I would want answers asap and some plan to help that sweet boy feel better NOW. He has been through enough and it's time for him to enjoy life again....and you, too. ;)

12-19-2013, 01:44 AM
Hi there. Just a quick note. I'm trying to get through the last week of school before my break. I wish I had better news about Kaibo. He did start walking a bit better Saturday night. It was great to see. However, he is still really struggling to walk. He's adapted a way to stand up. He's often pretty unstable. Now his knee seems to be luxating....what happened to the pins that were supposed to be holding it in place? Ugh. Anyway, we have an appointment with a specialist in Calgary December 24th. She told us to bring him first thing in the morning fasted with the idea of surgery that day. Whoa. That was too much for me to wrap my head around. The Dr. Saw the X-rays and from what she saw she must think he needs surgery right away according to the receptionist. Anyway, I'm so much more out of sorts about this than any of the Cushing's stuff. I don't understand why this happened. The vets can't explain it either. We are seeing a vet who specializes in hips, soft tissue, and neurological issues. I still wonder what she will say. Look her up if you want. Dr. Schiller at Western Vet Clinic in Calgary, Alberta. I posted a new picture. His belly hair is growing in. His belly is also growing. Lol.

12-19-2013, 04:25 AM
Well hopefully this specialist can explain it better, totally out of my area of knowledge too so I am not much help on bony things! I think I might possibly be tempted with the surgery though, depending on what she says as this cannot go on for poor Kaibo. I do know that is one part of your leg/foot is sore the other muscles and that overcompensate and they can then get sore in turn. Be keen to hear what she says and I just hope they can help poor Kaibo feel better soon. xxxx

molly muffin
12-21-2013, 11:16 PM
Hi Nikki, I see you online :) are you getting ready to drive over to Calgary? How is Kaibo? I do hope this fresh set of eyes will be just what is needed and that maybe this specialist will be able to get Kaibo back on track.

Thinking of you, Kaibo and Brett
Sharlene and Molly Muffin

12-22-2013, 12:36 AM
Hi! Yes we are getting ready to head to Calgary. Well, I'm kind of being lazy now but have lots to do before we leave! A few things have happened since I last checked in. Kaibo has been walking. It's not all that pretty but he's moving. He's so sweet. Last night he dug a ball out of his toy box (we buried them so he couldn't find them!). Tonight he tossed it around a bit and tapped it around with his paw. It made me smile and dream of the day he will play ball again. He is still pretty unstable and will fall down often. His right knee (the one we were going to do surgery on December 19) seems way worse. The day he went yo the vet college the surgeon said it was luxated. Weeks before, it was solid and couldn't be moved! I certainly hope we find out why he's falling apart and so rapidly. You can see his hip going in and out sometimes. It's so sad but also nice to see him moving more on his own. We got the referral to the place in Calgary (I don't know if I said for sure or not....last week of school and worrying about Kaibo fried my brain!). We meet Dr. Schiller at 8:30am on December 24. We are to take him in fasted and ready for surgery should we decide. I think we will need more info before we jump in. Our family vet (not the one who does chiropractic stuff...I'm not sure I'll talk to her again!) is available December 24 for us to call her or the specialist vet to call. Primarily we want the orthopaedic stuff dealt with but it would be so great if the diabetes is dealt with too. Hoping to see an internal medicine specialist too. I called the college and got all of his X-rays and ultrasounds on disk to take with us. Our vet sent a letter outlining his history. So, I'm hopeful that things will fall into place and we will find out what's happening with Kaibo. He doesn't deserve this. I've told my principal that I might not be back for school January 6th. I spent time at school today cleaning. Going back tomorrow to finish cleaning (maybe find the top of my desk) and leave some things out for a sub if needed. We will take things a day at a time. I can't see us not going through with surgery at this point even though we haven't met the surgeon or heard what she has to say yet. Anyway, I hope for a Christmas miracle and for my baby to finally feel better. This has to be the last thing he needs to go through. He's had his share...as so many of the pups on here do. I'm still curious about other Cushing's dogs and ortho problems. Thanks for checking on us. I'll be posting lots in the days to come I am sure. I'm going to post a video of him and share it. He was mad at me today. I took my mitten away from him (he loves mittens!). He rarely barks so he was really ticked off at me! I'll share the link when I get it uploaded!

12-22-2013, 12:37 AM
Holy cow...I totally already posted about our appointment. Oops! I guess I should have re-read before posting. Oh well.

12-22-2013, 02:27 AM
One video. Kaibo helps me wrap. Let me know if you see it. Not sure if I posted correctly.


12-22-2013, 02:31 AM
Second video. He's mad at me got taking a mitten away from him.


12-22-2013, 03:28 AM
I can see them Nikki, love the little barks! Those poor legs do look shaky though!! Looked like he was being a great help with the wrapping haha, love the rip ... spit :D Be hoping for good news at the appointment on Tueday! xx

12-22-2013, 03:34 AM
I can see them too. Love how something simple as a box can keep them amused he was loving that :D

12-22-2013, 03:45 AM
I had to let him have it. He seemed so happy and he's been so bored. I think he thinks any box is a BarkBox now. Also, there was some chocolate in the same bag as the box for awhile. He loves his chocolate. Anyway, he had a scent on something and thought it was in the box. So cute. Love him so much.

12-22-2013, 03:47 AM
Hey Nikki!! Your up late! Is that doggy chocolate he is eating? I freak out if Flynn gets any chocolate, even tiny bits on the ground!

12-22-2013, 08:59 AM
He actually didn't eat chocolate...this time. He has in the past (a $600 box of chocolates by the time he was done with them...and the ICU) so he has a real taste for chocolate now. He can sniff it out like nobody's business. So I think he was drawn to that box as it was in the same bag as some chocolate I bought for stocking stuffers. He also alerted to scent on the wallet. Things that were in the bag with the chocolate. Originally I thought he alerted to the scent of summer sausage in a Hickory Farms box but he ignored that and kept going after the wallet I bought and the box to put it in. Lol. He's so smart. I've always thought he'd be a great drug sniffing dog,

molly muffin
12-22-2013, 02:31 PM
I can see the vids too. So cute. Loved him tearing up the box, he seemed to really enjoy that.

Awww, the boy needs a mitten of his own me thinks. :)

sharlene and molly muffin

Bo's Mom
12-22-2013, 05:14 PM
How cute...Kaibo reminds me of my little Latte(poodle).

12-23-2013, 11:41 PM
Calling all angels. I know you are out there we are on our way to Calgary. Kaibo is traveling alright. Very clingy to me even though he's getting overheated. I don't know what tomorrow holds for us. I hope we find out what is causing his orthopaedic problems and how to fix them. I hope that we clearly see the signs if decisions need to be made. I just can't see him with life in his eyes and heart and pain in his little body. He wants to play and walk and run. I hope we can get him back there. Did you know, Christmas Day will be 5 months since his adrenal surgery? You helped us through last time. Let's do it again. Thanks and best wishes to all of you and your pups.

With love and gratitude,
Nikki and Kaibo.

12-24-2013, 04:52 AM
Hi Nikki
Me and Flynn are along for the ride!! It's Christmas time so all of the angels have super powers too so I am sure we will get some answers to help little Kaibo! I will be checking in tomorrow night to read about what they say... GOOD LUCK TOMORROW!!!! xx

12-24-2013, 07:36 AM
Hi there! Still here and following on the journey. Sending love for this trip and the holidays. KIm

molly muffin
12-24-2013, 08:36 AM
Hi Nikki,
Merry Christmas Eve. I hope that you had a safe journey to Calgary and that today you get some answers.
This was the right call to make. I know it kills you and Brent to see Kaibo in any kind of pain. It would me too.
We're right here with you.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin

Squirt's Mom
12-24-2013, 08:45 AM
Right beside you, Nikki. I hope they can help our sweet Kaibo get back in the groove so he can do the things he wants so badly to do.

Waiting anxiously to hear what they have to say there in Calgary.

Leslie and the gang

12-24-2013, 01:27 PM
Quick update: Kaibo is complicated. Sigh. Tell us something we didn't know. Lol. More later. Waiting for the vet to come back. She's consulting with internal medicine.

12-24-2013, 03:03 PM
Crossing our fingers Nikki!

molly muffin
12-24-2013, 04:21 PM
Quick update: Kaibo is complicated. Sigh. Tell us something we didn't know. Lol. More later. Waiting for the vet to come back. She's consulting with internal medicine.

Well, yes he is. :) That is why you are there LOL If it was easy, you wouldn't be.

Waiting to hear what they have to say. Hope it is all positive!

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

12-24-2013, 10:48 PM
Just dropped by to see if there was any news from your appointment. We're really hoping for a Christmas miracle for Kaibo.

12-25-2013, 03:30 AM
Hi. I know I've had all day to write and thanks for checking in. I just wasn't too sure what to write. I'm not exactly happy with what we were told. Happy we came here and for the additional insight but pretty devastated that we can't "fix" him right now. I was fully prepared for him to have surgery today. I'm thrilled he will be with me for Christmas morning cuddles and so he can tear open his Bark Box but still overall devastated that there is no easy solution or explanation for him. Because I'm getting pretty emotional again, I'll just write the highlights.

Our regular vet sent a very thorough timeline of Kaibo's history. They were impressed. Nice.

After thorough investigation, the surgeon indicated that she feels he needs surgery on both hips. They are luxating differently. One goes down (the right) and the left is stuck up out of the socket. It seems to stay in that location always but the right slides in and out. The reason we didn't have surgery today...his uncontrolled diabetes. She feels that if we did it today he would be at increased risk for complications. She also feels strongly that his issues may have a lot to do with the diabetes being uncontrolled for so long. He's lost so much muscle mass. She talked with IMS and she agreed that surgery was not best and we needed to get to the root of the diabetes not being controlled. Recommended we get back to Saskatoon and book in with IMS - do an abdominal ultrasound, LDDS, and get someone on the case who can deal with his diabetes. After it is well regulated we can look at the surgery. She offered three options but as time goes on the type of surgery probably changes. For awhile I felt optimistic that we could have her put him under and do a closed reduction that I had read about. His left was never a problem until that Chiro appointment. So we though if maybe we got that in he would be closer to what he was like before. No luck. She can't do it. Too much time has passed. So we were left with that. Oh and that rehab wouldn't help him rebuild muscle and that he should be walking as much as he likes.

Now, I could go on about the thoughts I've had today but I'm tired and I'd rather be typing this on my computer vs. the iPad. So I will leave it there for now. No Christmas miracle. I'm having a very hard time dealing with all of this. I honestly think the Cushing's was easier to deal with. Anyway, tomorrow I will take lots of pictures of him opening his Bark Box!

Merry Christmas everyone.

Hugs from Kaibo and I!

12-25-2013, 03:34 AM
Hi sweetie,
I know that this isn't what you were hoping for, but you have options which just means a delay until the diabetes is controlled.

Looking forward to pictures.

Merry Christmas!

12-25-2013, 05:10 AM
Hi Nikki

Sorry you did not get the news you wanted to hear for Kaibo, but at least they have given you a diagnosis and a plan to work towards. I hope you can get someone that will deal properly with the diabetes and get that sorted. Poor little fellow, but at least he has a Bark Box to look forward too and you have lots of Christmas snuggles!! Have a fantastic day you guys and then take a deep breath and get ready for the next stage! xxx

12-25-2013, 11:03 AM
So very sorry that it wasn't the outcome you were hoping for - it's so hard when you think something will help and it can't be done, however it does sound like the vet took everything into consideration and has given you a plan.
Hugs from Henry and I

Squirt's Mom
12-25-2013, 11:24 AM
Put all of this out of your mind just for today if you can and enjoy that sweet boy. His Spirit is still strong, he has the love of a wonderful family to aid him so he already has the most valuable things he could have. Tomorrow we can cry but today we Celebrate! :)

I hope he loves his Bark Box and can't wait to see the pics!
Blessings to you all, Nikki!
Leslie and the gang

12-25-2013, 11:39 AM
Merry Christmas and much love. I agree - spend today hugging him and getting lots of photos as you spoil him rotten. Even though you didn't get the answer expected you did make some progress so the trip was worthwhile. Wishing you all the best as always! Kim

12-25-2013, 01:12 PM
Thanks for the well wishes, love, and support. We haven't opened presents yet but will soon. Just spent some good cuddle time on the bed. Kaibo seems to be having some gastrointestinal issues :(. Started last night but we hoped it would go away over night. Lots of heavy panting last night but it came and went. We will keep an eye on him. He seems to be in pretty good spirits.

12-26-2013, 01:23 AM
Kaibo's Christmas videos.





I'll post some pictures now too. We hope you all had a good day.

molly muffin
12-26-2013, 01:50 AM
Love the videos and pictures.
My molly was going nuts, barking along with the video. LOL

I hope you had a good day and you were able to just put everything aside and enjoy for a little while.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

12-26-2013, 02:03 AM
I just finished with the pictures! We did have a good day. It was nice to see him with his BarkBox. A little concerned about the gastrointestinal issues but he seems ok. If still upset tomorrow we will take him to a clinic. I'm wondering if it's a pancreatitis flare up but no vomiting. He has panted on and off. He just chewed his bully stick again so we hope that is a good sign! He walked around a bit outside. It's so much warmer here! I think he likes it. Still hard to see him struggle to move around. I'm not sure I will get used to it ever.

molly muffin
12-26-2013, 02:18 AM
ohhh, you added more pics!! :)

Someone is really tired out from all the festivities. :)

sharlene and Molly muffin

12-26-2013, 02:53 AM
Haha Flynn was lying down snoozing but his head shot up at the first sound of that barking!! :D Love the video's Nikki, Kaibo was on a mission to get to the bottom of his bark box!! So pleased you have had a nice day xx

12-26-2013, 02:58 AM
Pics are adorable too, looks like a fun doggy time was had by all! x

12-26-2013, 03:07 AM
Ok. Really confused about Kaibo now. He's had bloody stools since last night. But he hasn't vomited. He was breathing rapidly a couple of times but that stopped quickly. He has been eating fine. Whites of his eyes clear. Gums pink. Obviously I know blood in stool isn't good. It's fresh blood, not dark like it could be from tramadol. A bit of mucous in poop. Soft poops but a little more formed tonight. I can't say if he's lethargic or not, he keeps pretty still these days. I think we should take him in somewhere but it's midnight and not sure where to go. I guess we could go back to the clinic we were at the other day. I'm so torn. He seems fine now. Can this wait until the morning! Ugh. Why is this happening? Poor gaffer. I'll keep you posted.

12-26-2013, 03:11 AM
Is it fresh blood when he poops, or darker coloured? Mixed in the poop or coating outside? Panting could be pain? How many times has be been? Tummy soft or tight? So many questions I could ask Nikki. He hasn't eaten anything funny that he shouldn't?

Why don't you ring the pet hospital and ask for their advice?

12-26-2013, 03:16 AM
Sorry I must have read your post to fast and I see you mentioned the blood is bright, so that usually coming from colon. Has he had this before... Flynn has had the occasional bit of blood coating his poop but we know that was associated with IBD. I think if it was me and he is also off-colour with the panting I would ring for advice and then take him in. I hope he is just a bit off in different surroundings... let me know what happens as will be here off and on another couple of hours xx

12-26-2013, 03:41 AM
He's panted a couple of times today but nothing recently. His tummy is soft. Breathing is back to normal. He's stretched out on his back sound asleep. I've been reading since our last post on various things and checking on other clinics in Calgary that might be closer to where we are. Will call a clinic if things change but for now he seems normal. Always a mystery this boy. We didn't notice him eating anything he shouldn't eat. He got a few extra treats today. Could the fasting testers be causing havoc? Hmmm. We think mostly the blood is on outside of stool but some is mixed in but bright red.

12-26-2013, 03:54 AM
Pleased to hear he is resting comfortably!
How many times has he pooped?? Did they give him anything, drugs etc at the IMS yesterday? He hasn't started any new meds that could be upsetting him?

12-26-2013, 03:57 AM
They didn't give him anything at the specialist yesterday. He has pooped about four times today.

12-26-2013, 04:07 AM
Well hopefully it will clear in the morning, but I would take him to be checked at some stage. Maybe a touch of colitis? Has he had that before?

12-26-2013, 08:29 AM
Daisy had a bought like that for two days after her most recent ACTH test. Could be from the tests.

Squirt's Mom
12-26-2013, 10:28 AM
That does sound like Colitis with the bright fresh blood present. If it continues, I would have someone see him today. It could be a reaction to all the stress of the last few months. ;) Stress, and turkey, triggers Trink's colitis.

The pics are great! You and your mom have some beautiful poodles and it looked like all had a great time!

12-26-2013, 09:09 PM
He's doing really well today! Much perkier. We even went for a short walk. It was nice. Emotional but nice. More later.

molly muffin
12-26-2013, 09:24 PM
We went through a period of blood in molly's stools, colitis and she also ended up going on Metronidazole which helped.

I know that it is super scary though to see blood any time.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

12-30-2013, 05:26 AM
How is Kaibo doing Nikki? Has that bloody poop settled down?? Hope the young boy is feeling better, he deserves a much better New Year about time things started going right for our Kaibo!! Have you gone home yet? Hopefully hear from you soon xx

12-31-2013, 01:22 PM
Hi. Thanks for thinking of us. As I write this post I'm confused and scared and angry. We took Kaibo to the emergency service last night. The call we got this morning was not good. There is lots of free fluid in his abdomen around his heart and lungs specifically. The X-rays show large masses on his lungs. They mentioned anything from cancer to pneumonia. As we left things they were doing a needle aspiration of the fluid and a CT scan. I've been crying since the phone call. Why? I just don't understand. Please pray for him.

molly muffin
12-31-2013, 01:31 PM
Oh no! I'm so sorry, how on earth did this come on out of nowhere. :(
Beyond shocked. I always worried about his leg, not his heart or lungs. :(
When was his last ultrasound? There wasn't anything then right?
Maybe it is pneaumonia and can be treated with some good antibiotics and he'll be alright.
Holding out hope and sending you big hugs and lots of love.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin

12-31-2013, 01:38 PM
Oh my! You got it - tons of prayers being sent for you, hubby and dear sweet Kaibo. Hang in there and do keep us posted. Hugs, Kim

Budsters Mom
12-31-2013, 01:50 PM
Of course, many prayers headed your way. We are waiting with you in spirit. Xxxxx

12-31-2013, 02:15 PM
Thank you so much. I can feel the love and support starting to surround us and our brave little man. It truly has come out of nowhere. I don't know what else to say. The vet called a few minutes ago. The aspiration went well and didn't look like what she expected. She said it is probably better than what she thought. It was quite pus filled. She put a rush on it and told them she wants the results by 3pm. Three more hours. He is on fluids and she is starting him on another antibiotic. She said whatever it is his body is trying hard to fight it. We can go see him so I'm going to shower and get ready. I'm not sure if I want to disturb him as she said he was resting comfortably. Again, thank you. I feel now as I did the day of his surgery. Stronger. Filled with hope and love. I can't do this on my own. I'm so broken. Hugs to all of you.

With gratitude,
Nikki and Kaibo

Jenny & Judi in MN
12-31-2013, 02:20 PM
hugs to you and Kaibo

12-31-2013, 02:23 PM
You are not alone dear friend. We are fluttering all over the place.

molly muffin
12-31-2013, 02:32 PM
You are never alone, we are all pulling hard for Kaibo. It sounds like an infection and if so, he can fight it. I know he can. Question to ask them is where did it come from, cause, prognosis for recovery, time frame.

hugs to you!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin

12-31-2013, 04:06 PM
Oh no, poor little Kaibo. What on earth is going on with him, so sorry to read this Nikki. Wondering if it is anything to do with that bloody poop the other day? I sure hope you will be getting some answers today and a way to move forward. Sounds like he is doing OK if they are reporting resting comfortably. A big hug coming your and Kaibo's way and sending my very vest wishes he recovers really quickly. xxxxxxx

12-31-2013, 08:47 PM
Hi everyone. I was able to visit Kaibo briefly tonight. it was only a short time but I cherished every moment. I held his paw just like I always do. I gave him a little pep talk. He was so cozy under a warm blanket and he had a heating pad next to him because he was cold after the CT scan.

So, we have more information. It isn't good but it isn't cancer so obviously that is good! So he has lots of pus and fluid in his abdomen, especially around his heart and lungs. When he was under they did scope his esophagus but found everything was good. The CT scan shows a foreign object in his lung, they are thinking a chunk of bone. I too wonder if the bloody poops last week had anything to do with this. They asked if we noticed a change in his breathing and I said I did yesterday and last week when he was having the bloody poops but it seemed to clear up when his poop got better. So anyway, the mass they saw on the x-ray was the bone in his lung and his body was trying to protect it or something so build up some tissue around it. I don't remember all of that explanation. Anyway, the vet said it is simply just bad luck. No kidding. The boy has been through so much. Someone asked today (and my mom asked last week) how I can continue to go on with all of this and deal with it. The truth is I haven't been dealing with the change of events since his hips started having issues very well. I am very uncertain how I can go back to work next week, but I digress. So, this is the plan. Kaibo is having surgery tomorrow to remove part of his lung. It sounds like some of the tissue has been damaged and they will remove that part of the lung plus the bone that is lodged in there. All of that will get sent to the pathologist to look at. Otherwise, they said everything else in his abdomen looks good but they were still reviewing the CT scan when I talked with the vet earlier in the day. While they are in the chest getting the lung out, they will remove all of the pus/fluid in his chest cavity. Then rinse it with sterile saline. He will have a chest tube in and will have to stay in the ICU for a few more days yet. I am relieved it is not cancer. This morning all I could do was cry, no, no, this can't be right. Oh, it also sounds like his blood work is pretty good overall. I'd like to get my hands on it and will eventually.

Tonight I joked on Facebook that Kaibo is starting off the new year right, surrounded by women who adore him and pamper him and on a fentanyl drip. He's one happy guy I think. But, he did manage to moan and put on a show while we were there. Oh I wish I could have stayed longer. I wish I could be there all night. He is my companion. My heart. I don't know what I would do without him. I am going to take time off next week, although I don't know how. Well, I do, I will take sick days and if they come back at me for it then so be it. Kaibo is more important than anything. I'm nervous about him having surgery obviously but I know it is what needs to be done. They were impressed that we knew something was wrong with him and got him in quickly. They said that it helped that he wasn't in a real emergency situation and they were able to sort everything out today slowly. Anyway, I will stop there for now. I wish you all a Happy New Year. Please keep up the good thoughts and prayers for my boy. As I said before, I can't do this on my own. In fact, last night I said to Brett, I hope Kaibo still has some fight in him because I don't. I do now. I do. And, that is thanks to all of you. Cheers!

With gratitude,
Nikki and Kaibo (Brett and Molly too!!)

Bo's Mom
12-31-2013, 09:10 PM
Happy New Year!!! Prayers for a quick recovery for Kaibo.

12-31-2013, 09:11 PM
Omg Nikki!
Thank God it's not cancer and you knowing Kaibo well enough to recognize that something was wrong.

Praying for a fast recovery!

Budsters Mom
12-31-2013, 10:38 PM
Continued healing thoughts and prayers headed your way. Xxxxx

12-31-2013, 10:58 PM
Thank you! I'm posting some pictures from the ICU tonight. He is so sweet. The surgical resident just called to discuss the procedure. I told her good luck and she said not to worry everyone loves Kaibo here. Then she went on to say how she played with him after his adrenal surgery and how sweet he is. I know everyone loves him there. There were at least 8 ladies working in ICU tonight that I know dote on him. He's such a ladies man. Lol. What a way to bring in the new year for him! A bunch of ladies and a fentanyl drip. Living the life.

12-31-2013, 11:37 PM
Oh no - so very sorry to hear about Kaibo, however it's good that you were able to see that something was wrong and act quickly. Lots of prayers and hugs and get well soon wishes for Kaibo

Roxee's Dad
01-01-2014, 12:44 AM
prayers and healing thought for Kaibo... He sounds like not only a ladies man but a pretty tough little guy... He will pull through with flying colors and a few ladies too.

01-01-2014, 04:40 AM
OMG well there is one for the books, :eek: I would never have thought of a bone in a lung!! Thank god you took her in so fast Nikki. It is a relief it is not any cancer too :) But poor little Kaibo, going in to get a bit of his lung removed. I wonder if he chewed a bit of bone and it hurt his bowel too, as well as causing the lung problem. I hope the fluids and antibiotics help overnight and put him in the best possible condition for his surgery tomorrow.

When Flynn had his surgery last month they had to go through his diaphragm, he had a chest drain for a couple of days after his surgery. If you want to see what it looks like have a look in his album, you can see it in the one where he is lying on the lawn on his red mat.





01-01-2014, 04:42 AM
PS .... Nikki - when you find out what time he is going in please let us know so we can concentrate on sending all the good vibes at the best possible time!!! It's a long way from Canada to NZ so I need to know in advance!! xxx

01-01-2014, 11:22 AM
Sorry I just read this now. So his surgery is scheduled for 10am Saskatchewan time. That is in 45 minutes. They think it will take up to two hours. The only report we got this morning was that his breathing was a bit more laboured but they were going to proceed as planned. I want to see him before the surgery but we didn't ask if we could and now they will be getting him ready. So I am hugging his blanket and thinking all of the positive thoughts I can. Molly is tolerating me as I intrude on her space. She is certainly not much for cuddles or being touched most days (unless she is initiating said cuddles herself). We need full power Cushing's love today. Thanks :)

Nikki and Kaibo.

01-01-2014, 11:27 AM
Tons of love being beamed this very moment!!!


01-01-2014, 11:36 AM
God Bless you both, we are praying for you and Kaibo, and will do so all day. Blessings

molly muffin
01-01-2014, 01:02 PM
Checking in on your and Kaibo this morning. I agree, Kaibo has come through a lot and he can come through this too. Of course everyone loves him, how could they not! :)

That is so bizarre, bone in the lung, definitely not the norm.

Thinking of you and Kaibo and Brent today and sending every positive vibe possible.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

01-01-2014, 04:02 PM
OMG. Why don't they call already???? They phoned and said they were starting later but that was at 10:40. I even went to yoga. Sure that I would come home to good news. Nothing yet.

01-01-2014, 04:02 PM
Ohhh the surgery must be over by now, hope it all went well for our little guy Nikki. He is one tough poodle :) so I am hoping we get good news on the outcome soon. Your nerves must be totally shot with all you gusy have been through lately. Pleased you are taking time off work, if your bosses have a problem with that you send them to speak to all of us! :p xxxxx

01-01-2014, 04:02 PM
Posted at same time!! What time is it there now?

Budsters Mom
01-01-2014, 04:33 PM
We're all here waiting with you Nikki. Xxxxxx

01-01-2014, 04:41 PM
I,m in, sending all the positive thoughts your and Kaibo,s way

molly muffin
01-01-2014, 04:45 PM
Call them Waiting when your nerves are on edge is not good.

We're right here with you
Sharlene and molly muffin

01-01-2014, 04:48 PM
Yep, call them! Fingers and Flynn's paws crossed for good Kaibo news x

01-01-2014, 05:07 PM
Finally a call! It is 3pm here now. The surgery was bumpy for him. He was battling the ventilator. His wee heart stopped for about 30 seconds but the did CPR. I couldn't believe those words. I'm numb. Then they said the lungs looked better than they thought they would and they couldn't find an obvious foreign object. Oh my word! There was some damaged tissue so they removed a lobe of his lung. It will be sent for tests. This is still just all so unbelievable. She said something about a lot of pus and cleaning that up. We get to see him in an hour for 5 minutes and if he continues to improve longer tonight. She said he's doing way better than they expected now considering the bumpy ride. Oh my. I must go now. I can't wait to hold his paw and kiss his little head. I'm feeling kind of numb right now trying to process this.

01-01-2014, 05:12 PM
Well he is through it Nikki and that is all that counts right now, gosh that does sound like it was challenging for them. I bet you are feeling numb now, it gave me goosebumps just reading it. But he got through that the little fighter now we just need to find out what the heck is happening with him, so hope they get more answers with the tests they do on it.

Give him a wee paw squeeze from me and Flynn... xxx

Budsters Mom
01-01-2014, 05:35 PM
I'm so glad that he made it through. It sounds like he's quite the little fighter. He proves that time and time again. You go Kaibo! Stay strong Nikki! Xxxx

01-01-2014, 05:43 PM
So glad to read this, what a fighter he really his,:)

molly muffin
01-01-2014, 05:49 PM
I am quite happy to read that he has come through surgery, fighting all the way.

Sending out warm, positive hopes and thoughts to you and Kaibo.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin

01-01-2014, 08:19 PM
I posted a picture of him from our visit. He didn't like the nasal tubes. He tried to lift his head when we were there. Got a bit excited but calmed down once I started petting him. We hope to see him again later tonight.

molly muffin
01-01-2014, 08:31 PM
Oh poor baby. Where they able to tell you any more about what is going on with him?

It would be hard to not just want to camp out right there at the hospital. Stay strong Nikki.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

01-01-2014, 10:15 PM
Hi. We talked with the surgeon a bit ago. I had her go over everything again. Poor little dude. Sounds like they acted really quickly and the supervising vet reached in to help his little heart. They think for about 30 seconds she was doing the work for him. They can't explain any reason why it happened. He sure does like to be a mystery. I wish he would stop! So she talked about the lung again and how they didn't see the bone they thought was in there. There was an abscess and it is possible there is something inside that (maybe even cancer but histology will show that in time). They removed the lobe. I still haven't asked how much of the lung is left. Anyway, she said when they opened him lots of pus came rushing out so surgery was the best choice as they wouldn't have been able to get all that out with just chest tubes. So that was comforting I guess. So, as of then, he was recovering as expected for a dog who just had chest surgery and better for a dog that went through what he did with the blood pressure and heart stopping and such. We are allowed to go see him for about 15 minutes at 9pm. An hour away. And yes, I do just want to camp out there. But they won't allow it :mad: They warned me about how much shaving they did. I guess they shaved him yesterday for the chest tubes and then didn't do them so he's really naked now. She said if you don't have a sweater for him, you better get one. LOL. I said but his hair was just growing back. Sigh. I'll take him wearing a sweater and having no hair over not having him here at all so it is all good. I guess the little guy stood up when they asked him if he wanted to go for a walk! :rolleyes: Because they are still treating him for pneumonia they think he will be in longer than most dogs would be after chest surgery, which should be 2 to 3 days. I will be taking time off for sure next week. Although still not sure how to approach it with my admin. If it was a human child, would they just use sick days? Anyway, it will work out and it is the least of my worries. Well, I think that is the highlights. He is doing better than they expected by the sound of it. She just kept saying how sweet he is, what a good personality he has, and how strong he is. :p He is all of those things. He's still not out of the woods yet so we hope for continued improvement and that there are no complications.

01-01-2014, 10:24 PM
Whew.. what a roller coaster ride your year has been! We continue to root on your little guy and will pray for quick healing (and hair regrowth)... and I'm sure he will look dapper in a sweater. That is so weird about the pus - and it happened so quickly. Good thing you were on top of things as always. Give him hugs from all of us. KIm

01-01-2014, 10:33 PM
I am glad Kaibo is doing well, and I will be praying for continuous improvement.


Junior's Mom
01-01-2014, 10:41 PM
He is an amazing little guy, as is his Mom. Only positive thoughts coming your way.

Budsters Mom
01-01-2014, 11:03 PM
Well, Kaibo has joined Flynn as another wonder dog! He is like the Energizer Bunny. He keeps going and going and going. I am so glad he does. You are an amazing fur mom Nikki. Kaibo knows how much he is loved. Please keep us posted. xxxxx

01-02-2014, 12:27 AM
How frightening!
Keeping you both in my prayers!

01-02-2014, 12:42 AM
We were spoiled tonight! The ICU girls let us stay for an hour. He is hooked up to so many things and pretty out of it. He got excited when we got there and his breathing changed but they said it was ok. So we just sat with him. I held his paw. He put his head on Brett's hand and fell asleep. Just when we were leaving a baby cow was born in the large animal side. I heard a cry when we left and went back to see if it was Kaibo but it wasn't. Whew. So hard to leave. They did say he sat up after we left. He was probably thinking what the heck? Where did they go! Poor dude. I wanted to go back in but I didn't. We will see him tomorrow. I can't wait! Thanks again everyone for stopping by and for all of your thoughts and prayers. We couldn't do it without you!

01-02-2014, 12:53 AM
Awesome :-)
More improvement to come and he'll be home before you know it.

01-02-2014, 06:52 AM
Hi Nikki

Stopping by for a catchup, sounds like Kaibo is holding his own which I am very relieved to read!! So pleased you got to visit with him a couple of times. Don't you just want to scoop them up and take them home after surgery when they are so spaced on the drugs and feeling sorry for themselves (with good reason!!). It is so hard leaving them after surgery hooked up to those machines. But from my experiences the nurses are fantastic, so caring and they take such good care of our babies. I did the same when I was leaving and heard a cry, I went back to check if it was Flynn and no they said!! I hope it is not cancer spread just a real nasty infection had it burst out the lung?? Wondering if this has anything to do with the bulge you have talked about, what they said was his liver? But we can worry about that later once the wee man is home again where he belongs. Will be checking in tomorrow for an update and more good news. Hope you and Brett get some sleep tonight, so sweet of Brett holding his little head on his hand while Kaibo went to sleep. xxxxxx

01-02-2014, 07:05 PM
Hi Nikki

Have you seen Kaibo this morning, looking for an update :). Hope all is going well and he has improved overnight! I know I am impatient, sorry about that but post when you can as we are worrying about him and you!! xxxx

molly muffin
01-02-2014, 07:35 PM
Nikki, Hoping everything is okay with Kaibo. It's no 5:34pm your time and having a bit of a worry here. :) Mother hen and all that.

Sending strength and positive vibes yours and Kaibos way
Sharlene and Molly Muffin

01-02-2014, 10:00 PM
Oh my! Sorry to make you worry. It was a busy day! I slept until they called with the morning update. Kaibo had a pretty good night. They took his catheter out and he was whimpering later in evening so they took him outside for a pee (with his little oxygen tank...how cute would that be??). He had a big one so they were happy with that! He still was refusing to eat so I mentioned how in the summer he enjoyed the baby food (warmed up no less) and especially liked it with some of his kibble added in. They transferred him back to the IMS service today but assured us they would be working very closely and keeping a close eye on Kaibo too. They tried to take the oxygen down but he was being lazy about breathing so they kept him on the oxygen and aren't too worried about it since it is probably painful to take breaths even though he's got some good pain meds on board. So, we went to see him this morning and had about 15 minutes to visit. He was very alert and perked up as soon as he saw us. His breathing seemed much better so we were pleased with that. We tried to get him to eat. He still refused his dog food but had a bit of the warmed up baby food. Later in the day they added his kibbles in with the baby food and I guess he was eating that nicely. Finally the boy listened to me, I told him they were putting a feeding tube in if he didn't start eating and he wouldn't like it ;) After we left we went to do some Christmas returns and had lunch with my friend who was in the city from out of town. When we got home, I was tired so had a nap and then it was time to go back and see Kaibo!

Oh my! He stood up as soon as he saw us. He gave Brett some kisses and then he nuzzled in to me and didn't leave! I could tell he wanted me to hold him so I finally got the courage up (I'm so nervous about hurting him and about all of those lines hooked up to him) and picked him up. He settled in nicely and even dozed off a few times while I was holding him. He is such a sweet boy. They flushed his chest out today and sent some of the fluid off to be examined. The chest tube will stay in for now. I told them we are in no rush. We aren't taking him home until he is good and ready and no sense taking something like that out then having to put it in if fluid starts accumulating again. So, overall, I am thrilled with how is today compared to yesterday. But then again, he was so groggy yesterday and well, he had a pretty big fight for his life yesterday so I would be tired too! It was sad leaving as I put him down in his bed and he just came right back to me to cuddle. I might sneak in later as I have a soccer game at 10:30 pm . Thinking of stopping in before I go to the game for a little cuddle. Anyway, overall he is doing well :)

01-02-2014, 10:11 PM
So pleased to hear that he's doing well and starting to eat. Prayers that he'll continue to recover.

molly muffin
01-02-2014, 10:14 PM
Yay Nikki, thanks for the progress report. We were on pins and needles around here. You know how we worry and this was a pretty big surgery and then the fight for his life and the breathing, well, we just become a bunch of clucking hens don't we. :)
Things sound like they are coming along nicely and I agree, best to make sure that chest is clear and he is really good to go before bringing him home.
I know it is so hard to walk out and leave them. hmm, doggie monitor in the recovery room? Doubt they would go for that either. LOL
Glad you were able to do something very normal like lunch and returns today. That is important too.
I am guessing you are having this awful cold weather too? Stay warm!

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

01-02-2014, 10:16 PM
What a great update! Sounds like he is in very good hands!

01-02-2014, 11:18 PM
Awww Nikki,

he misses you too and wants to cuddle. The pain meds must be doing their jobs since he's asking for cuddles. How sweet!

Best to be safe and leave the tube in for now. To be sure that whatever caused the fluid and puss has been resolved, I agree.

Budsters Mom
01-02-2014, 11:25 PM
What a great report! I love that he dozed in your arms. xxxxx

01-03-2014, 02:33 AM
Well, I tried to go visit him before my soccer game for a quick bed time cuddle but they had 2 emergencies. The vet tech did tell me that he had a nice meal tonight and went outside to pee and that he was sleeping soundly when I rang. So, that made me happy and it was best I didn't disturb him if he was sleeping even with the emergencies going on.

I am hopeful that we will get some of the histopathology reports back soon to find out what is going on. For now, it doesn't matter, we will focus on continued improvement. It doesn't sound like the infection/pneumonia is really clearing up that well but it has only been a few days. Who knows how long it was brewing before we took him in on Monday. Anyway, will try to post some new pictures. I will check in again tomorrow :)

Did I mention that he has an eye infection? They were trying so hard to avoid it. We did note that his eyes were really gunky yesterday but they said they put lots of stuff in there during surgery and they kept putting it on because he sleeps with his eyes open (it is so freaky sometimes). But then this morning they said they started treating his left eye. It was a bit green when we saw him but they caught it early so things should be ok :)

01-03-2014, 03:19 AM
Awwww, an eye infection? Geez Kaibo, you're putting mom through the ringer.
Glad he's sleeping and eating.

01-03-2014, 03:41 AM
That was weird, I was just about to press "submit reply" when my laptop totally shut itself down :eek: Hope its not about to blow up!

Anyway, where was I! I was saying that was a pretty good report, apart from the eye infection! What's up with that young man!! You have enough bugs in your little body. Hopefully now most of the pus has been cleared out that the antibiotics will have a better chance of doing their thing!

Sorry you did not get a chance to see him tonight Nikki, sounds like they were real busy, but pleased to hear the report he is eating and peeing well, that's good news!

Hopefully better news tomorrow that his little lungs are clearing up, fingers crossed for his results when they come through xxxxx

01-03-2014, 12:16 PM
Weird is right! I hope there is nothing wrong with your computer! Quick update. Kaibo is off oxygen and breathing well on his own. They are still flushing his chest and it is getting clearer. Will probably take chest tube out Saturday. He's eating well and blood glucose is good at 4 units of Caninsulin. They are moving him from his crib into a bed. I think that's too bad because the crib looks comfy and he's right there for everyone to pet as they go by. Lol. But it means he's getting stronger. He might get to come home on Monday. I have to go now and get ready quickly if I want to see him this morning. Bye for now.

molly muffin
01-03-2014, 03:43 PM
Well, drat on the eye infection, but glad they caught it early.

It's good that he is improving steadily, even if it does mean bye bye to the crib. :(

He'll be home in no time. Nice that the BG is controlled right now too. That certainly helps for fighting off the other things.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

01-03-2014, 05:11 PM
Yes that is good the blood glucose is good. Perhaps it has been so hard to stablise with this infection, do they have any idea how long it has been there it would have really been making it hard to stabilise?!

Yay good morning report, with the oxygen coming off!! And progression out of that crib is also such a good thing!! I am so pleased and hope your visit goes well... give the little man a paw squeeze from us xxxx

01-04-2014, 02:56 AM
Ok, good news all around!

01-04-2014, 05:09 AM
Hey Nikki

Just catching up, sorry to read that Kaibo has had to deal with all these issues recently

Did you get to catch up with him yesterday? Hope he is getting stronger and feeling better and that you are doing as ok as you can be

Big hug


01-04-2014, 11:50 AM
Hi! So the little man keeps getting stronger! We did see him twice yesterday. He was able to leave the ICU to visit us for the first time. It was nice. Yesterday they took the oxygen off him but left his nasal tubes in just in case. This morning they took his nasal tubes out! They are still flushing his chest tube but less stuff is coming out each time and the fluid is looking better. Chest tube will come out tomorrow is all goes well. They will keep him longer without the chest tube and X-ray to make sure it's clear before they send him home. They are switching him from IV to oral antibiotics today and weaning him off the fentanyl drip starting today. So, overall good report. We are just getting ready to go see him this morning.

One sad item was his walking yesterday. He was walking knuckles down, dragging his feet. No way! Ugh. Just a reminder that he still needs to go through more pain and surgery for his hind end. I don't know why he can't catch a break. I really want to get to the bottom of that!

As for Trish wondering about his lump that they said was his liver for so long, I'm also wondering about its role in all this. Last night I couldn't feel the bump as pronounced as it was before surgery. But he was laying on his left side. Every night I basically held it with my hand to fall asleep so I'm familiar with the lump! So I'll check it when he is on his right side sometime after they get the chest tube out.

His skin is a dry, thin, flaky mess. I think I'll ask for the skin scraping. Why not. Our bill is pretty huge anyway. Lol. Someone had mentioned the possibility of a yeast infection being part of his hair loss problem. With him being so severely shaved its easy to see bumps and marks on his skin. At any rate, I'll ask about it today.

Anyway, time to go. I'll check back later.

molly muffin
01-04-2014, 12:35 PM
hmm, if that lump is smaller, it came on after his adrenal surgery right? That would be weird, and really make you wonder what was going on there.

Hope Kaibo continues to just get better and better. Poor little guy though, all of this and still has the rear end leg problem to deal with. You're right this is all so unfair!
You'll get through it though. Together we are all stronger than alone! :)

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

01-04-2014, 03:14 PM
We had a lovely visit. He is so sweet. We had a lot of people stop in to see him including the surgeon. It was all I could do to not grab her and hug her tightly. I definitely expressed my gratitude. I said I heard he gave you a little scare. She said not just a little scare. Lol. She said he's an amazing little guy and very tough. You've got that right. She said "cardiac arrest no big deal for him". Well I know she had a big role in helping him out so I mean what do you say about that? How can you thank someone enough for that? I'm sure glad I had the CPR orders for him. Anyway a day of celebration and love for our man. She said next we will get his hips fixed! Indeed. I'll post some pics. He has his Mr. Happy shirt on today :)

Oh and the lump is still there. It was wishful thinking I think. It's been ultra sounded so much. IMS said today it's his spleen.

01-04-2014, 04:03 PM
WOW is all I can say. So what the heck did they say caused this horrible infection? I am just amazed at how strong Kaibo is. He just knows he is deeply loved and wants to hang around you guys is what I'm thinking. Hugs Kim

Budsters Mom
01-04-2014, 04:16 PM
Such a touching story Nikki. :p I will admit to being very worried about Kaibo. I am thrilled that he's so strong and wants so much to stay with you and your hubby. Kaibo seems to attract miracles. I think I need to hang around that little boy.;) xxxxx

01-05-2014, 09:49 PM
Kaibo is ok. His chest tube came out today. We visited with him briefly this morning before my soccer game. Here to visit him now but waiting. Lots of emergencies tonight. I was trying so hard to be planned for school tomorrow and for a sub for Tuesday and Wednesday. Ugh. I'm so tired too. Been staying up late and sleeping in a bit on the holidays. I'm always a night owl. I've been trying to upload pictures but no luck on my phone or iPad. Anyway we haven't had a report for how the rest of the day went but hope to soon.

molly muffin
01-05-2014, 10:01 PM
Happy to hear Kaibo is ok. When will histology reports be in?

I know how it is. I am much more a night owl too. Hate early morning anything! LOL


01-06-2014, 12:25 AM
Well, we are hoping those histology reports will be in early this week. With the holiday and such I think there is more of a delay than usual. We did speak with the internal medicine specialist tonight. She said he is doing well and there was no fluid on the ultrasound when she did it (not sure if that was afternoon or evening before we saw him). We are still aiming for him to come home tomorrow. I did request that he is seen by surgery about his hips/legs so we can get a plan before he leaves there tomorrow. He is very, very lame now. He can barely move his right leg at all now and he is knuckle walking. She feels that is not neurological but rather just because of being in bed all week and getting even weaker and possibly pain. She noted that he was doing much better when on the fentanyl so perhaps we will put a patch on him to help him until such time as the hips can be fixed. She said a good 3 weeks more on the antibiotics and then she will release him over to surgery. I'm not overly eager to put him under again but it has to be done eventually as not being able to walk about when he wants is no quality of life. Our power was out so we took Molly with us as it was getting really cold in our house (it is -29 degrees Celcius here; -48 with the windchill). The dr. laughed when she met Molly and said, you walk just like your brother. Ha ha. They do. That's why I wished I had a dog that walked normally so I could remember when Kaibo started walking so stiff legged. :D Anyway, now I am home, the power is on, and I must work hard to get the sub plans done for Tuesday and Wednesday so I can collect Kaibo shortly after work tomorrow. So exciting!

P.S. Kathy, I"m sure Kaibo wouldn't mind the company :)

Budsters Mom
01-06-2014, 12:47 AM
Yes, he needs to have the next surgery for a better quality of life. That is what we want for our babies most of all, but let us all breathe a sigh of relief for now. Whew! This latest episode really scared me and I wasn't even there.:eek: I can only imagine what you've been dealing with. I am glad that you are taking a couple days off to stay with Kaibo when get returns home. You need to be together right now. Sending more healing energy and hugs your way. xxxxx

01-06-2014, 01:09 AM
Kaibo is amazing! He's coming home tomorrow already. That's awesome!!!!!

01-06-2014, 01:30 AM
How exciting getting your boy home tomorrow, so pleased to hear that good news Nikki :D:D I have fingers crossed you get good results. Seems such a strange thing to have happened it will be interesting to see the cause. I wonder how long it had been brewing for.

Glad you are insisting on that surgical consult too... it is about time Kaibo had a run of good luck for a change as he has had enough struggle lately. Good you are getting him patches to keep him comfortable!!

I will be looking forward to hearing he is home tomorrow night, Go Kaibo!! xx

molly muffin
01-06-2014, 06:36 PM
Checking to see how Kaibo is today. :) Did he get to come home? Any results back yet? I know, probably not on a monday and with the holidays but never hurts to hope. :)

Man it is cold our there! Glad you were able to bring molly with you when the power went out. It's freaky how cold it is right now.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

01-06-2014, 09:26 PM
move overhere, it is still "'spring in the winter"' temperatures !!
hope kaibo did well today at home.

01-06-2014, 10:24 PM
Hoping the little guy came home today - he's truly amazing and deserves lots of good things.

01-06-2014, 10:43 PM
He's HOME!!!! What a blur this has all been. We did get the pathology report back. The have no idea what was in his lung! Perfect. Lol. They think there might not have been anything and this was purely bacterial in nature. If that's the case how long has it been brewing!? Weird. I guess it doesn't matter now. Ultimately, it's not cancer or anything terrible like that. As for the surgical consult for the hips, not much happened there. They think rehab would be a bad idea (as did Calgary vet) as it could do more damage. I wondered about why. How can he gain muscle to have the hip surgery? I just don't understand. I even asked about laser and massage. I guess dogs body is different than humans in that regard. You know. If I want more muscle I have to work out. Anyway, there will be no hip surgery anytime soon. They've decided to keep him on antibiotics for 8 weeks! Then we will reevaluate his hips and what is going on. The Calgary vet mentioned nerve damage from diabetes. I better head over to K9 diabetes to find out about that. Is it reversible? They said his hip joints look good on the X-rays and now the CT scan. It still blows my mind that there is nothing that can be done besides chopping the head of the femur off. If it's not bone related why can't it be fixed any other way? Hmmm. Confusing. I have been having a really hard time wrapping my head around all of this hip business and how he deteriorated so quickly. Anyway, focusing on now. He is home. I'm getting cuddles. He has two eye drops and antibiotics. No fentanyl patch (for now). Tramadol. He's on 4 units insulin and new food for now. Brett is taking him back in on Friday for his eyes to be checked and ultrasound to check for fluid in his chest. We forgot to ask about getting his stitches out but we can find out on Friday.

P.S. Where do you live "flynnandian"?

01-07-2014, 04:35 AM
AWESOME :D:D:D on so many counts 1) no cancer :D:D 2) he's home :D:D:D

Only bad bit is the hip situation, I do not understand it all either.

My question for tonight is about the diabetes, are his numbers under better control now? I hope so as normal sugars is going to help with healing. So they do not know where this infection came from? It sounds like a majorly infected lung with it leaking all that pus... I wonder how long it had been there and was it due to him perhaps inhaling something, the diabetes or what? Blinking Kaibo sure is a mystery pup, but we will take the NO CANCER news and CELEBRATE that!! I was so happy to read that Nikki :D:D

Hoping Friday's checkup shows no reaccumulation in his little chest and his eyes are good!!

Ohhh it must feel so good to have him home and feeling better, I cannot believe this horrible week you have had but look how you have all come through it. :D When the time is right, the hip thing will hopefully be dealt with too. YOur all amazing, Kaibo for being a super dog and you for being a super Mom!! I hope you all have a lovely relaxing night and an excellent sleep xxxx

01-08-2014, 03:57 AM
How did Kaibo's first day at home go? Hope he is comfortable and you are all catching up on your sleep!! Love to hear how our little man is doing xxx

01-09-2014, 12:40 AM
Kaibo has been home for 2 days now. I am so happy I took the time off to be with him. He is doing so well! He wears a shirt all the time so he hasn't been nagging at his incision. It looks good. He's eating well. He was a bit restless last night so we aren't sure what that was about. He is having a terrible time walking and moving on his own. It is heart breaking…as I've said time and time again. He was breathing a bit weird at times yesterday and I started to panic but then I realized he was just so sound asleep! So there was nothing to worry about. Tomorrow I am working and so is Brett. I have 2 amazing friends that are going to watch him for a few hours each and make sure he gets his eye drops, goes outside, gets water. I don't think he would move much and I'm sure he is fine but until they look at his belly again with the ultrasound on Friday and we know what is going on I'm not taking chances. Brett's mom said she would stay next week if we want her to and we might take her up on the offer. So that is the update for now.

Oh, I did a bit of reading on diabetic neruopathy and I'm interested in reading more. I'm not sure it will help but so far I've seen that they treat with vitamin b12 and getting the diabetes under control and over time the hind end weakness dissipates. It would be a long shot and I'm not sure which vet would listen to me on this one but who knows. I also was part of a "webinar" tonight about helping dogs with pain and recovery. They recommended some homeopathic remedies that I might try. Why not? Well, I will read up on them first of course. The items recommended were Amica Montana C30 and Hypericum Perforatum C30.

01-09-2014, 03:35 AM
Hi Nikki

Glad he is doing good, apart from the hip issues. Wow what great friends you have to sit with him tomorrow as I know you were worried about having to take more time off work at the beginning of the school year. Sounds good with your MIL coming to stay as well, sweet of her to come look after her Granddoggie!

You going to ask them on Friday about the B12? Be interesting to hear what they say about that, hope his blood sugars are behaving. xxxx

molly muffin
01-09-2014, 04:37 PM
Yay for MIL's and good friends. :)
Poor guy. That is interesting about the B12. Maybe the specialist might be the one who would consider it? If you have any studies on it, then print them out to take with you. hmm, was this in humans or canines? We'd be interested in anything you have found to read too, so feel free to add links! :)

Bo's Mom
01-09-2014, 11:16 PM
Keep up the healing, Kaibo!!! So glad you are getting better.

01-10-2014, 02:41 AM
Since I won't be at the appointment tomorrow I just sent an email to the DR about the b12. I will post one link here now but I really, really need to get to bed! I did read a bit on the K9 Diabetes site tonight a fairly new thread on neuropathy. So, more reading on the weekend. Need to balance that with my teaching stuff ;)

Just posting this here for now it isn't much but wanted to not lose it for myself as I just skimmed it.

This is from the K9 Diabetes site and I think it is a human study but interesting to me. His cholesterol has been high all along, even since adrenalectomy, and he is so hard to control that insulin resistance has come up a few times. This article concludes that folate and B12 therapy help with insulin resistance. Hmmm. B12 is looking more and more interesting. http://www.eje-online.org/content/151/4/483.abstract

01-10-2014, 05:26 PM
Hope today's appointment went well for Brent and Kaibo... were they pleased with him? Interested to hear the outcome of the B12 links. Be checking in later to hear what they said. xxxx

molly muffin
01-10-2014, 09:01 PM
Crossing fingers here too!!!

01-11-2014, 12:17 AM
Hi! YES! They were very pleased with him. No fluid in his chest! They took his stitches out and his staples from his chest tube. His little eye is doing well but not healed yet so he is on his drops for another week. We will take him back next Friday for another check up. They will do X-rays then as well. He has list more weight so they increased his food which I'm sure he will be thrilled with! He was 4.6kg when admitted on December 30 and he was 4.2 kg today. I guess the IMS hadn't read my email yet but Brett brought it up to the student who relayed the message. By the next time Brett saw Kaibo they had already given him a B12 shot. They will repeat that in a week as well and let us do it at home after that. I know it's a long shot but if it isn't going to hurt him why not. I want to follow my gut on this one. You never know what will happen. Kaibo has never played by the rules. I guess that's it. He is resting comfortably and breathing easily. He seems a bit down in the dumps especially when he's trying to walk. He looks so pissed off and frustrated but who can blame him. Overall, I am amazed. He is such a fighter. I had a moment on Tuesday where he was cuddling on my chest and I felt his heart beating. I thought about how it had stopped and how I might not have had any more cuddles. I am grateful for everyone who helped him through. Holding him in my arms has never been more special.

01-11-2014, 01:32 AM
I'm so glad that he's doing so well! Obviously feeling better and raring to go except for those darn hips. Who can blame him for being annoyed? I certainly would be.

Daisy played for a bot today which hasn't happened in a long time :)

01-11-2014, 06:59 PM
Great report Nikki!! Good for you on the B12, they obviously do not think it is a silly idea by starting it already :)

You know, I think this close to his surgery I am not surprised he is down in the dumps just due to post op recovery and that little Kaibo has the darn leg problem to deal with. I wish your weather was nicer and you could go sit outside with him on a blanket for a while, but crikey we do not want him getting frostbite to add to his woes!! :p

Well, he can have some extra tasty food, that is one good thing for him... actually there were many good things, sutures out, no fluid found, eye better so I am real pleased to hear that progress is being made. What do they think caused all this lung infection? Have they given any answers to that one? Complication from diabetes?? Sure is a mystery isn't he. But I am real glad to read this news today! xxxx :)

molly muffin
01-11-2014, 08:14 PM
Hi Nikki,

Great report on Kaibo's continued recovery. I agree with Trish, the B12 was obviously taken seriously and I hope that it helps with the diabetes control. That will help with getting to where they want to be to look into taking care of the leg too.
Fabulous that the fluid is gone. No idea where it came from or the original cause of it?

01-15-2014, 09:36 AM
No further info on what caused this. They were unable to find any foreign matter in the slides they made for the histopathology. They still say it was some sort of foreign object though. I hope to get my own copies of the reports Friday. We will do a curve on Saturday. He is still on 4 units of Caninsulin. Seems to be doing okay on it but still running high on spot checks. He goes in again on Friday. They will X-ray and check his eye. Maybe a fructosamine test if we want it. Got discharge notes finally. They say there was an area of suspicion on his vertebrae but not impacting spinal cord. Also suggests MRI for further diagnostics when dealing with his hips down the road. Did say his left hip is dislocated. My heart breaks daily as I see him move about. He was on the move more yesterday MIL said. He's getting restless I think. Anyway have to get to work. Have a good day. Hope to catch up on some of your pups this weekend.

01-17-2014, 06:00 PM
Hi Nikki

I always like getting the written reports too as there are usually some points I have forgotten from the discussions! Hope the tests today come back good again, plus the curve on the weekend.

That whole hip situation breaks my heart too, so unfair after all he has been through. How long do you have to wait again before they decide what to do for that to fix it finally? xxxx

01-19-2014, 10:32 PM
Great to hear that Kaibo is home but can't blame the poor lad for being restless - just wish there'd be some good news about his hips.

At least the vets are listening to your suggestions and acting on them, and it also sounds like several of them are in agreement which has to count for something.

01-19-2014, 11:08 PM
Hi. Good report on Friday for Kman! His eye ulcer is cleared up so no more eye drops. His X-rays came back and his chest is clear! The pneumonia and effusion have completely resolved but he is to be on antibiotics for 6 more weeks. I have to say he seems stronger on his right leg. Now, whether or not the vitamin B12 is helping that we probably won't know. He doesn't use his left leg at all but that is the one that's permanently dislocated with the femur being in an upward position out of the socket (his left leg appears shorter now). So, he's motoring around pretty well when he wants to. I don't like watching it but I'm always impressed at how he adapts to his situation! His incision is looking good. The surgeon had a look at him Friday too and I was able to talk to her a bit. I think it's safe to say that Kaibo has a special place in her heart now! No real word on when we can pursue fixing the hips. The IMS said we should do the LDDS test after he is done antibiotics and before the hip surgery. I quickly looked over the bunches of notes and lab stuff from his surgery. There is mineralization on L5 and L6 with some mild to moderate compression on the spinal cord. So that's new. What else stood out? Hmmm. I'll have to get back to you on that! Curve yesterday was not that great. Pretty high, lowest was 23.7. So, we requested an increase to 6 units but we were told only 1 unit increase. We expected an increase in food but were told he may do better on a maintenance formula with added fibre and to change slowly. So waiting for clarification on that. Is maintenance formula just any adult dog food? But then we have to watch fat content for pancreatitis and so on. Someone asked me if we have considered raw. Not my first choice but I know some dogs do well. At any rate who knew the dog who has been affectionately called "chunky monkey" all of his life is now a bag of bones that we are trying to get some pounds on him! He's happy!! He's never lost his ravenous appetite although his eating did slow down in the first weeks post adrenalectomy. He still inhales his food (which freaks me out even more now that we've had this mystery foreign object in his lung). Did I ever mention he is missing a tooth and I've often wondered if that is what was in his lung?

01-19-2014, 11:17 PM
Good report overall.
That tooth could very well be what was in his lung since he inhales his food. Daisy does the same and it freaks me out too. She's choked a few times, not recently, but it scared me to death when it did happen. Fyi _ doggie Heimlich manuever is too hold them with head tilted down while palpitating between the shoulder blades.

01-21-2014, 07:13 AM
You would think if a tooth got stuck in there they would have found it when they operated :confused: Delighted to read the good news Nikki! What do they say about the spinal cord compression, that could be affecting mobility too, although not the dislocation, jeez nothing is simple for Kaibo is it! Do they think it will settle conservatively? I would be watching for any neuro problems and bladder and bowel dysfunction to check it wasn't getting any worse. Does it often take this long to sort diabetes, he has been so high for so long. I guess it is a fine line giving him enough vs too much and we don't want him going to low. You guys sure have your ups and downs and Kaibo just keeps trucking along, so tough he is! xxxxx

molly muffin
01-21-2014, 10:49 PM
Hi, checking in to see how Kaibo is doing. I do hope that they can do something to get that hip back into the socket for good. That seems horrible for the poor guy, who is trying to so hard.

How are you doing?

sharlene and molly muffin

01-30-2014, 05:10 AM
HI Nikki

How is Kaibo doing? Have not heard anything for a while so hope that means he is doing well and continuing to recover! Love to hear how the wee man is doing. xx

02-03-2014, 10:05 PM
Hello. Thanks for thinking of us and sorry I have been MIA. I've been having my ups and downs over the past month. My class is very difficult and most days I am struggling to keep my teaching life and personal life somewhat in order. A lot of days have been difficult as I have often been feeling guilty about Kaibo. I do know I can't feel that way but I'm sure you all can relate. It doesn't serve anyone well to feel guilty but well sometimes I do. I have been trying to spend more time on me - trying to make an effort to make it to yoga and to get on the treadmill and trying to be more organized at/for school. My mother in law stayed with us for 2 weeks to help care for Kaibo after we stayed with him the first week. Brett has been able to come home daily to let him out to pee as his diabetes is still so uncontrolled. We don't know if he can make the day without peeing on the floor yet. We will find out this week because Brett can't come to check on him Thursday or Friday as he will be out of town for work.

As for Kaibo, he is doing so well. It is wild to think of all he has been through and how resilient and amazing he is. The little gaffer has come up with a new way of moving about and is quite strong. He wants to play ball every day. Last night he went to his toy box over and over and pulled out toys one after the other. So cute. His coat is super soft and he is slowly growing hair back. I haven't been able to post pictures on here on my iPad or on the computer for a long time now. So, feel free to search us out on Instagram. I'm "poodle mom" (no space) and usually hashtag #kaibo or #kman. I'm not sure when I posted last but his last x-rays were all clear of the pneumonia and his eye infection had cleared up. He still has a few weeks remaining on his antibiotics. As for the vitamin B12, it is hard to say if it has helped or not. He certainly started moving around better after getting the shots but then again, he was getting stronger (or should have been) with each day he recovered. But it wasn't until after the shot that he started moving around more easily. He doesn't use his left leg at all anymore, except sometimes to balance on when standing. But walking, he doesn't use it. He does a little hop around on 3 legs. It is getting easier to watch but as I have said before the hardest part for me is watching him struggle to move. That being said, after having a few sad days, I realized that he should be an inspiration to me. To never give up. To continue to give despite difficult times and painful times. I showed a picture of him recently to a co-worker and she said, "He looks so happy." And he does. That spark is back behind his eyes. All he wants to do is run and I can't wait until we can give that back to him. I don't know when and it would be great if it could happen for my February break but that is too soon, he is still on antibiotics. It can't happen at Easter as Brett and I are going to Aruba. We sacrifice a lot for him but not the trip! :cool: We did a curve on Sunday and waiting to hear back from the vet about increasing his dose. He is now in the low 20s most of the time but still much to high in my books. He is happily eating more food and is much more content now. Doesn't seem as much like a bag of bones as he has been that is for sure. Anyway, I better get going. Check out some of our pictures on Instagram if you want. I haven't really been on the forum much to check in on your pups…sorry for that.

02-03-2014, 10:12 PM
I'm so glad that Kaibo is doing well! I was nervous since we haven't heard from you.
How sweet that your MIL came to help out.

molly muffin
02-03-2014, 10:36 PM
Hi Nicki, great to hear from you and how wonderful that you are taking some time for yourself and to get life back together. :)
You don't realize at the time I think, how disruptive it is to have a furbaby who is in need of constant attention and worry. It really does a number on any kind of "regular" life. So kudos to you for doing that. Good of you to continue with the trip and go to Aruba too. Sometimes you just need those moments in your life to remember what it should be like and what you really have to work every day to have.
Kaibo, the darling, sounds like he is adjusting just fine. Someone mentioned to me the other day that really they can and do adapt to leg issues much easier than us people do.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

02-05-2014, 05:05 PM
Hi Nikki

So pleased to hear Kaibo is feeling more his old self, damn that diabetes and his leg problems though. Without those he would be doing awesome!! I don't understand why it has taken so long for them to get his diabetes under control, it has been months now?!? :mad: Must be so frustrating for you, he can't be getting enough insulin or something. Hope the next curve is better xxxxx

02-06-2014, 01:14 AM
I don't understand it either. It seems ridiculous that 9 months have gone by and he isn't controlled! We have tried three different insulins and now we are just dealing with the college. So now his IMS has suggested that we switch again. I emailed her tonight with some questions because I really don't want to switch again unless she feels the new insulin will be successful. I know she can't guarantee but I want to know what is different between the insulins. Anyway, hoping to hear back from her soon. I did a quick post on the diabetes forum asking if people have had success with the one option they are giving me…and insulin called PZI. The other option is NPH which seems pretty popular on the diabetes forum. But yes, he definitely would be up to his mischievous self if it weren't for the hips and the diabetes!

02-18-2014, 02:51 AM
Hello and sorry again for not keeping in touch. Kaibo continues to do well. His hair is growing back where they shaved him yet he seems to be losing hair on his ears and on his bony joint areas (like my fancy term?). Like what is up with that?? He still wears shirts and I have bought him a new wardrobe from Baxter Boo! The best shirts so far are "I have issues" (one was too small so I kept it for Molly…she has issues too luckily they are psychological in nature :D) and "local celebrity" because with all of his therapy dog work and all of his "issues" let's face it, many people in Saskatoon know Kaibo! :cool: He is loving getting regular food (horizon amicus) in addition to fibre response food (media-cal vet food). He is definitely getting some weight back on him and doesn't look like such a bag of bones. I'm taking him in to the vet on Wednesday to get a fructosamine test. He is still on antibiotics for a bit yet. When he is finished he will have another big visit - ultrasound and blood work. After that we will start looking into the other tests we need to do…Cushing's test in particular. Then move on to getting that hip fixed (or those hips…who knows). He is using the right leg like a champ…he motors around on 3 legs like you wouldn't believe! So part of me wonders if the B12 has helped that right leg out. As I said, who knows. We may have to take another trip down to Calgary to find out for sure. I have no idea when we will do the hip surgery. It isn't easy watching him move around as he does but I have to say I am getting used to it. I couldn't imagine making him wait until the end of June before and now it might be a possibility. He is so happy and playful (well, he still seems pretty bored at times). He has that light in his eyes again. He wants to play ball a lot - we roll it for him a bit and he will get it; or we throw it up and he will catch it. Today was a rough one for me as it was finally a nice warm (for January) day here. I wanted to go for a walk so badly…..so it is things like that and days like this that make me feel so bad for him. Anyway, no sense on dwelling on that at the moment. We have to take things as they come and I can't predict the future. Although, if I am going to be honest (and I always am on here), there really is a nervous/scared/selfish part of me that says wait until school is out to do the surgery. yes, I can be home and help him recover which is obviously best but that isn't it. I am so fearful of him going under anesthetic again. I know I can't dwell on the "what ifs" but what if his little heart can't take it again. Oh my word….then I have to teach and go on with life? I know I can't think that way but as I said, I'm being honest at the moment and that is my fear. Fear is such a crazy thing, isn't it? Anyway, enough about that. I'll add in here the curve from yesterday and what I just posted on K9 diabetes. I really do hope all is well with you and your pups. I haven't been on here for ages. Maybe tomorrow. I am off and trying to take some breathes and relax a bit but there is still so much Olypmics to watch :roll eyes:


Curve results for Sunday, February 16
7units Caninsulin; food: fibre response (wet and some dry) and Horizon Amicus small breed

6:15 am 18.0; had food and insulin (327)
7:30 am 26.0 (473)
8:30 am 24.8 (451)
9:30 am 16.4 (298)
10:30 am 17.7 (322)
11:30 am 16.6 (302)
12:30 pm 25.3 (460)
13:42 pm 23.3 (424)
14:48pm 20.8 (379)
16:00 pm 21.4 (389)
17:17 pm 22.7 (413)
18:25 pm 19.8 (360) (food and insulin)

So increasing to 7 units (I did that on my own and probably was too big of a jump at once - from 5.5 units; didn't make the vet happy when I told her but Kaibo was a lot happier and perkier since I did it) hasn't created a very nice curve. I didn't save all of the graphs I made for the vet in January (I'm not sure why because it was quite time consuming!) to see what his curves were like before his surgery in January/last time on Caninsulin. However, I don't recall him being on the lower end when fasting…he was always super high in the morning and before supper. Not sure what has changed there or why. And yes, Natalie, dogs don't give a hoot about "should", especially Kaibo who doesn't play by the rules…EVER!!!

We meet with the vet on Wednesday for a fructosamine test. I'm sure we will discuss this and what we talked about 2 weeks ago. Either changing his insulin to PZI (she mentioned NPH also but feels he might do better on PZI) or decrease the Caninsulin dose and add a fast acting as well. She is concerned about mixing up the vials and syringes but I think we will be quite careful with this. Only issue would be when we are on vacation and someone else is looking after Kaibo and administering the medication. Any feedback appreciated.

p.s. he is still on antibiotics…that shouldn't affect his blood glucose, should it? Also, he still seems to be losing hair (now on his ears)…..what??????

02-18-2014, 04:23 AM
Hi Nikki! :)

Darn that diabetes :mad: Hope the k9 diabetes group can help you with that, because it seems his doctors are letting it go uncontrolled for so long :mad: Amazing how they adapt to a bung leg, he sounds fairly chipper even with all going on with him. But that's our boy :D

I can understand your fear, it is always so hard to hand their care over for surgery. Such a scary time for you too, but imagine how he is going to be when his legs are back in proper alignment. Does he do physio like swimming or anything to help stop muscle wasting?

Love to see some pics of Kaibo in his new threads! :D Lovely to see your post and hear he is holding his own xxx

Harley PoMMom
02-18-2014, 11:22 AM
p.s. he is still on antibiotics…that shouldn't affect his blood glucose, should it?

Not sure about the antibiotics, but I believe an infection can raise blood glucose levels.

02-21-2014, 12:31 AM
Hi everyone! Kaibo had a re-check appointment yesterday. It went well but my heart sunk as I read his discharge notes today. "We can consider another LDDS to test for hyperadrenocorticism. His pot-bellied appearance and thinning hair coat are suggestive of recurrence of this condition." I was very sad to read this. I mean, I know his skin and hair are an issue and concern. I don't see any other Cushing's symptoms like he had before especially with the excessive hunger and panting. It isn't like he is gaining excessive weight or anything although his belly does look different than it did in December. He has gained .2kg since January 17 - around the time we added a "regular" food back into his diet. He now weighs 4.4kg. Anyway, I knew that we were going to re-test for Cushing's after his antibiotics are finished and before we explore further into the hip surgery. I just can't imagine that he still has Cushing's disease. That certainly would just not be fair for my little guy. Seriously, what more can go wrong? I know I can't worry about it now and will have to deal with the results as they come in. But honestly, it was a heartbreaking thing to see on paper once again.

His fructosamine has gone down 50 points with the increase in insulin. We haven't increased it since his curve. We discussed yesterday adding a short acting insulin and decreasing his Caninsulin dose. So, we are going to do that but decided to start tomorrow night or on the weekend so we are home and can monitor him. The IMS resident that we have been seeing is going to try to get a company to provide her with a monitoring device that will monitor his BG for 72 hours (I think that is what she said) to get a very accurate curve reading. I'm interested in this option to be sure.

I am going to call her tomorrow to discuss the Vitamin B12 again. She said that if we thought it was helping we could perhaps increase the frequency (we are now on a once a month dose). I do feel it is helping. He seems to be moving around on 4 legs at times and is definitely strong as he can hop/boost himself along on his front legs. His right hind leg, that he uses mostly appears to be getting larger, indicating more muscle mass (in my opinion). When I massage him, there definitely feels like there is more meat on his bones anyway. They did note decreased proprioception on his right leg so I am worried that the spine is being compressed….and he is still very crooked but I am nervous to take him to the chiropractic vet again for obvious reasons. Anyway, that's a quick update. I must go as I have a presentation to do tomorrow and I haven't gotten any of it ready to go! Oops! Good thing it is a short one!

02-21-2014, 02:45 AM
Can it be that what they see is residual left over from before surgery?

02-21-2014, 02:57 AM
No. His belly virtually disappeared after the surgery. He also lost a lot of weight following surgery too. I'm referring to the July adrenalectomy surgery. He was still thin in January. He is still thin now but gaining weight. He does unfortunately have a pretty round belly these days. Since we added "regular" food into his diet. The only other thing I could think of is that he is having a bit of pancreatitis flare up. I don't know. Just feeling kind of shattered at the moment.

02-21-2014, 03:01 AM
Hmmm. Maybe the diabetes has a role in his weight gain as well as the regular food? It's all guesses and hoping that the vet is wrong about Cushings coming back.

Hopefully the stim will show otherwise. I'll keep my fingers crossed!

Harley PoMMom
02-21-2014, 11:51 AM
The pot-bellied appearance can also be attributed to the diabetes. Here's a quote from Dr Peterson's blog:
And yes, diabetic dogs can get marked hepatomegaly secondary to fat accumulation in the liver. That can lead to a mild-moderate "pot bellied" appearance.

That article has a lot of great information, so here's the link to it: Q & A: Diagnosing Cushing's Disease in Dogs with Diabetes Mellitus (http://endocrinevet.blogspot.com/2012/01/q-diagnosing-cushings-disease-in-dogs.html)

02-21-2014, 07:27 PM
Thank you for the link! I'll read it now!

03-14-2014, 11:54 PM
Hi. So today we got the results of Kaibo's LDDS test. Well kind of got them. Whatever they were (I'll get the info soon) they were suspicious. I kind of blocked out what the vet was saying. I was just filled with disbelief. I think there is no way he has Cushing's still. I was positive. I still am. Anyway, he's having an ACTH stim test on Tuesday. I can't see how it would be positive. He has none of the symptoms he had before. He sleeps all night now...not up about 4 times a night for food. He doesn't drink much now that we have him on the two types of insulin and pretty well regulated. No panting. Energetic all the time despite mobility issues. Pot belly is gone...I think he was having a little pancreatitis flare up last time (he is having another now...quick trip to the vet today for ultrasound...free because I think she felt bad about her news today !). It just doesn't add up. But, I guess we will know for sure this time next week. After that we can determine when his hip surgery will be. Part of me wants to do it after Aruba at Easter. Part of me wants to wait until July after school is done. I'm so scared about the anesthetic. Benefits to either option. Do it soon he will be rehabbed by summer. Do it later I'm home with him and can give him all the care he needs. Soon...less impact on his other legs that are picking up the slack. Anyway, he's gaining weight...now 4.7 kg vs. 4.3 kg two weeks ago and 4.1 kg a month ago. On Monday the vet said he's the healthiest she's ever seen him. She was so impressed at how he's moving around. How happy he is. Etc. well that's all for now.

Harley PoMMom
03-15-2014, 12:27 AM
Hi Nikki,

If the LDDS test was performed while Kaibo was having a pancreatitis episode than those results could be a false positive, and since he is not showing any clinical Cushing's symptoms I wouldn't worry too much about those LDDS test results.

So glad to hear that Kaibo is doing well and that he has gained some weight!!!

Please do keep us posted! ;)

Hugs, Lori

03-15-2014, 08:19 AM
Hi Nikki

Lovely to see your post and to hear how perky Kaibo is... but not so lovely to see the odd LDDS result :eek: could the diabetes still be affecting that?? That would be most unfair to have anything like that pop up again. But I agree with Lori, if he is not acting like a cushings dog it could well be a false positive. How frustrating :mad: I really hope his hip surgery will be soon xx

molly muffin
03-15-2014, 12:44 PM
LDDS can be incorrect if something else is going on, so I think I'd want to be very sure and there would need to be cushings symptoms before I went down any road of treatment.

I'm glad that he actually seems to be doing rather well though, putting on some weight, looking good, being perky.

Sharlene and Molly muffin

03-19-2014, 11:58 PM
Well...the results are in. The ACTH test was NOT consistent with Cushing's. We are relieved. Happy we can move forward with fixing his hips and focusing on his diabetes. When we will do the surgery is still undetermined.

molly muffin
03-20-2014, 12:00 AM
That is great! You didn't think it would be, he wasn't acting the same and you were right!

Momma always knows. LOL

How is Kaibo doing?

Sharlene and molly muffin

03-20-2014, 01:52 AM
Wonderful news!

03-20-2014, 02:36 AM
I'm guessing the diabetes played a part in that false positive result on the LDDS test. Of course last night he started panting for no reason so I thought oh boy, maybe….so really relieved to have another ACTH stim showing he doesn't have Cushing's anymore. The first one was after his adrenalectomy. I honestly didn't think we would have to do anymore Cushing's tests after that. Anyway, glad we did it. I think the vets are just trying so hard to figure out why he has been so difficult to regulate with the diabetes that they wanted to cover this possibility. At any rate, his recent weight gain is showing that we are moving in the right direction. He is now on 2 different insulins and that seems to have made a huge difference. His hair is growing back from his big surgery in January (I still haven't posted pictures because I can't for some reason!); he was so naked after that surgery! So, it is growing back…slowly and patchy. Lots of thin areas that weren't thin before. I still wonder what is up with that but Brett says well he's been through a lot in the last year so give it some time. His energy level is outstanding and if he could move well he would be a force to be reckoned with. I wonder now when we will do the surgery and what his mobility will be like after the FHO surgery is done. I doubt he will ever walk perfectly again but if we can have 4 legs walking regularly again that would be great. He does walk on 4 legs at times now. Very stiff legged. Looks a bit awkward. I wonder how much of his mobility (if you remember he basically had none after his surgery in January) has to do with adding the vitamin B12 for possible diabetic neuropathy. We will never know I guess. It was something I pushed because of a gut feeling and when it comes to Kaibo I'm usually right! Anyway, I'm just rambling and I should be getting lessons ready for the grade ones for tomorrow and Friday. Hope all is well with you. I will try to catch up on your babies sometime soon!

03-20-2014, 04:38 AM
Hi Nikki
So pleased to hear the ACTH is normal!! What great news, phew we can cross that off the list of worries. Kaibo sounds like he is doing real well, also so pleased the glucose is coming under control. About time Kaibo has a few good news stories!! Awesome, he is going to be such a new dog when he gets his hip fixed! x

04-17-2014, 07:54 PM
Nikki!!! good lord it is nearly a month since a Kaibo update!! Love to hear how the little guy is doing! xx

05-10-2014, 01:51 AM
Hi Trish and gang. Now it has been almost 2 months since my last post I think. Yikes. Things have been crazy. Busy. Good. Bad. Best way to start is that Kaibo had really started to show improvement with the diabetes after we added a 2nd insulin. We weren't getting perfect numbers or even under the teens but it was better. His symptoms improved. He seemed to be growing hair! Best part was he was gaining weight and staying at a steady weight. He filled out around his back end and hips so that was lovely to see. Just before Easter we did a curve that was nice but the vet decided to decrease his fast acting insulin and increase his Caninsulin. So here we are back at 8 units of Caninsulin (where he was last time and went all bonkers…probably Symogi) and .5 Humulin R. Well, off we go on our trip to Aruba and when we get back we curve him only to be disappointed with values back up in high 20s and even one over 30mmol/l. What the??? So on Thursday we had a long meeting with the vet - not his usual IMS person as she is "off clinics" for 9 weeks or something but her supervisor who has researched diabetes (mostly in cats) for a very long time. Long story short, we are testing his thyroid function on Monday. Today I come home and there is pee on the rug. What?? OMG. What is going on? So now I've been reading all night again and I keep coming back to a conversation with the resident IMS about a full adrenal panel…sent to Tennessee?? Does that sound right? Because, honestly, everyone keeps bringing up Cushing's still despite the last ACTH stim test. Is it back? Is it on the other adrenal? Is it in the pituitary? Why can't we control his diabetes???? That is the big question to me. I am continuously baffled by his hair and skin. It seemed like his hair was growing back nicely but still thin and sparse but way softer than before and looking at the tonnes of Instagram and iPhone pictures I take I could see it filling in on his belly where it hasn't been in ages (due to the Cushing's). Now, I think in the last 3 weeks, it is thinning again, receding, etc. Brett thinks I'm crazy but I know. His skin is also back to being thin looking and wrinkly on his belly. Flaky. Anyway, that's the diabetes. I don't know what I hope for next week. Thyroid issues seem like a likely factor but if not then what? We will change his insulin. What choice do we have? I think I will ask for the full adrenal panel. Is there any other test I should ask for as far as thyroid? I was reading about TSH. I don't know. At any rate, before our trip in April we were given the go ahead to do his hip surgery because they considered him stable enough to recover….remember, the Calgary specialist vet said there was no point in doing the surgery unless the diabetes was controlled. Which leads me to his hips….

As for his hips, he was happy and very playful and managing well on three legs. Bouncing around like a puppy. Then, one day, things changed. We notice him walking on 4 legs more and more. It happened over a few days, then we realized what had happened. His right hip was now dislocated. It wasn't confirmed by a vet but I knew it. So seeing this I became sad once again. How can we make him live like this? We can't wait until I'm done teaching to do the surgery. So, we made an appointment for the day after we returned home from our trip with the surgeon. A visit led to leaving him for x-rays which led to a longer visit after to discuss the findings. Not news to me, the right hip was confirmed to be dislocated. We were talking with the surgeon who saved him in January. She is lovely and seems to have a special bond with him (I guess that is to be expected when you pump a dog's heart for him!). Like us, she is very concerned about him going under anesthetic again. In the end, she convinced us that doing one hip at a time was best to limit his time under anesthetic. We will move forward with the FHO procedure on both legs. She said if she does it herself (i.e. not a teaching scenario as it is at the vet college) she can be in and out in 30 to 45 minutes. So we will do the right hip first and depending on how he responds the left hip will follow 2 to 4 weeks after. Therefore, we will try to have essentially one recovery period. I'm sure it will extend into September and I will be back to work but I think it will be easier for me to leave him with my mom or mother in law (who have both offered to come and help us look after him) on that end of the surgery as opposed to right after it happens. So yes, we have decided to wait until July to do the surgery. July 3 to be exact. Well, that is if we can deal with the diabetes by then. Now it is a pretty tight timeline for me so I am stressed about it but I'm going to be stressed no matter what and I'm not rushing him in if he isn't ready. I don't even know how I'm going to get through the next surgery knowing what happened last time. I know I will get through. I know he will get through. It always just seems so unbearable then you look back and realize how strong you are. How strong he is. Wow…I'm having a night. Anyway, that's the update on my little super dog. I sincerely hope your pups are doing well. I have not read any posts for a long time. I just haven't had the energy to do so. I've been focusing on getting through the rest of the school year. It is coming to an end quickly and I have a busy two months ahead. Then I can breathe. Well, not really. Then I can focus on Kaibo and only Kaibo.

molly muffin
05-10-2014, 02:15 AM
Great to hear from you, but sad that Kaibo has had set backs. um, whey did the vet change him from what was working back to what wasn't working?

Just before Easter we did a curve that was nice but the vet decided to decrease his fast acting insulin and increase his Caninsulin. So here we are back at 8 units of Caninsulin (where he was last time and went all bonkers…probably Symogi) and .5 Humulin R. Well, off we go on our trip to Aruba and when we get back we curve him only to be disappointed with values back up in high 20s and even one over 30mmol/l. What the???
Not sure I understand that, as it didn't work before, so no idea why they would think it would work now. I'd go back to what did work for him and see if you can't get stable before the surgery. That will be better for Kaibo and for you. (stress).

I had the Tennessee test done on my dog, just recently, like in the last few weeks. Almost all the hormones came back as positive, you need at minimum 2 hormones elevated and cortisol not to be elevated to be atypical, which some vets don't even acknowledge as a condition. Treatment is lignans and melatonin which at least is a benign treatment. I think if the ACTH is negative, then the chances are pretty good that Kaibo doesn't have conventional cushings at this point.
Some dogs from what I understand are very hard to get regulated with anything going on and I think with the hip problems, his body probably naturally produces some higher cortisol to control the pain and discomfort. That is one thought.

I'd worry for now about getting his diabetes back to where it was, so he can have the surgery safely. At least with the least amount of risk .

Sharlene and molly muffin

05-10-2014, 02:36 AM
I'm with you Sharlene, I questioned that decrease of the fast acting insulin as well as the increase back to 8 units of Caninsulin. The response seemed logical so we listened. (I'd have to go back into my email to find the response but something along the lines of the fast acting insulin dropping his BG too fast and how that could create issues). As of last night after the meeting we are back at 1 unit Humulin R given 1/2 hour before he eats and 8 units Caninsulin. He now weighs 4.8kg. Then today the big pee on the rug and increased water intake. I am ready to throw in the towel! So frustrated. That being said, I'm with you we must get him stable so the surgery can proceed. Before Easter I made it pretty clear that even though the curve wasn't perfect, he was stable getting down to 15 and staying around 19 during curve days I wasn't interested in changing insulin. Now I'm thinking that we have to but I guess not really. If we just go back to even 7 units of Caninsulin perhaps that will help stabilize or at least get him to where he was before Easter. I'd post the curves but I'm tired and sick at the moment.

Interesting that you had the adrenal panel done. I truly don't believe that he has Cushing's at this point. Yes we have the hair issue (but that is also a side effect of uncontrolled diabetes and hypothyroid). He doesn't wake up hourly for food although he still loves his food! He isn't drinking buckets of water (although an increase has happened in the last couple of days). He isn't panting excessively. My goal is to get him back to where he was so he can have the surgery. We can keep pursuing this after surgery if needed. And honestly, the surgery throws the diabetes off so much itself it takes weeks to get back to some sort of control anyway. They always decrease his insulin post-operatively.

Oh, and here's an interesting piece of info I got yesterday. The vet asked if Kaibo had been treated with mitotane again before having his adrenal gland out. We said no. She said a study JUST came out about treating dogs with diabetes and adrenal tumours prior to the adrenalectomy and that there was some indication that the diabetes could be reversed if the dog was treated with mitotane in advance in some cases. I remember after his adrenalectomy we almost thought it was reversed for almost a month. I wonder if he was treated with mitotane if it would have been. Too late now. We deal with what we have but interesting if there are any other pups coming along here in the future.

05-10-2014, 05:44 AM
That blardy diabetes, that has been more trouble than the adrenalectomy! Such a balancing act, hard to understand why they changed it up when he had been improving. I can feel your frustration Nikki. So you have 7 weeks to get it sorted before his hip surgery. So pleased to hear that has a date now. Amazing how well he adapted to the whole 3 leg walking, smart boy!

I am hopeless on that whole atypical thing and Sharlene has knowledge of that with Molly's recent testing. But agree with you how the hypothyroid, diabetes could easily lead to the odd accident. Hope once you get his sugars back down that turns around.

So nice to get a Kaibo update Nikki, you sound busy with end of year stuff, but do make sure you let us know the surgery is going ahead so I can send good vibes Kaibo's way for the big day! xxx

molly muffin
05-10-2014, 11:16 AM
I agree that Kaibo doesn't seem to have cushings symptoms and what he does have, symptom wise, could be attributed to thyroid and uncontrolled diabetes. I do rather think diabetes is harder than cushings.
I'd not heard that about a possible reversal if miotane is given prior to adrenal removal. Interesting.

Let us know how things are going when you get a chance. Summer break will be here soon, just hang in there!

Sharlene and molly muffin

06-22-2014, 01:46 AM
Hi Gang! I have been wondering about you all for some time now. I have been plugging away with school and with Kaibo. True to form, Kaibo has not been an easy patient as of late. Since I last posted, we have been doing a lot with his diabetes. We were at a point where we were to increase his Caninsulin again and add more of the fast acting, Humulin R. I could tell Kaibo was not feeling well and this course of treatment was not beneficial to him. I was very apprehensive about changing insulin a month and half out from his surgery date. After a lot of thinking and many discussions with the vet, we decided to change his insulin. We went back to detemir which the last time he was on, had nice low numbers (the lowest we have had) but really high at meal times. We also could not get an accurate dose for him due to his weight. At the time, we were told you can not dilute the detemir. Now, under the care of the IMS senior clinician, she has indicated that should we need an "odd" does (say 1.7 units) we will be able to dilute the insulin at the time of injection (i.e. you can't dilute a lot and use it over several days; just for immediate use). That made me feel more at ease and we went for the change. Within a couple of weeks, he became more alert, playful, energetic although the values were still high. We added the fast acting insulin to the night dose for a couple of weeks. Now, we have taken him off the fast acting and added an oral medication (pill) called acarbose. This drug slows down the absorption of glucose from food as it is being digested. We did that about 10 days ago and did a curve today. He is still very high at meal times but got down as low as 8mmol/l today…so awesome. There is still work to do but I feel more confident. I think the "new" vet (she has always been in the background as she has to approve what her resident does; the resident was off for several weeks writing tests and researching) feels our intense frustration with the diabetes. It was a year ago on May long weekend that he was diagnosed. We have never had good control and ultimately it is (I believe) the major cause/root of his hip issues. I am not sure whether or not the acarbose is actually helping but I guess she will tell us that after reviewing the curve.

Now here's the Kaibo story you have been waiting for (ha ha). So, about 10 days ago, we took him into the vet college to get a lump looked at. I had noticed it about a week prior but both of his vets were off (resident had been off long term; senior clinician off at a conference where the resident also was). So I chose to wait, as hard as it was, until they were back. There is no sense going to see someone else and go through all of his history. I got him in as soon as possible after they were back (now they are both back but we are still dealing with the senior clinician). I decided to ask them to do a curve (again my frustration is high over this diabetes and I question whether or not we are doing things "right") and to check out the lump. So they looked at is and ultra sounded it and said it was nothing to worry about and chalked it up to a reaction to a nylon suture from his adrenalectomy. Umm…what?? Almost a year later he's having a reaction to the nylon suture? Well, he's Kaibo, he does't play by the rules….we all agreed on that. They did aspirate it even though she wasn't going to but could not access the lab results at the time I was there. So, we came home. The next morning, I received several phone calls from the college. As soon as I could I phoned back. The little bugger had an infection going on. So we started antibiotics that night. He is as bright and alert and happy as ever. So, how long was this infection going on for? Is that why he was having issues with the insulin again? Is that why he seemed blah? I don't know. I never will. All I know is that he is doing better now.

Where does that leave us? I honestly can't say. I asked about postponing his surgery (before we knew of this infection) and the vet said we might have to. I don't want to put him under and go through the surgery if the diabetes isn't controlled. The specialist in Calgary said it wasn't worth it. She said that we might but that he also really needs the surgery. Now with the infection, I asked again then just said, don't answer we will deal with it after the antibiotics are done. She was going to discuss with surgery and they might have to go in and address the issue. Ugh!!! At any rate, the surgeon we chose to do his hip surgeries is no longer available July 3rd so we bumped it by a week anyway. As of right now, his surgery consult/pre-surgery work up is scheduled for July 9 with surgery on July 10.

I'm not going to lie. I had a major meltdown a couple nights ago. I came home to my boy. My old boy. My pre-diabetes, pre-Cushing's boy. Happy. Vibrant. Bright eyes. My boy. The thought popped into my brain, what if we don't do the surgery. He's mobile. It isn't pretty but he gets around. He's here. He's happy. I am so terrified of him going under anesthetic and going into cardiac arrest again. I can't bear the thought of losing him. So if we don't do surgery there is no risk. Am I being selfish for wanting him to be "normal" (his new normal; post fho surgery)? So much doubt and confusion and fear. Then I watch him outside. I think of how much he would love to run a little, to go for a walk like we used to. I tell myself it is the right decision. It is not selfish. I'm scared. I'm scared. There aren't many dogs who have gone into cardiac arrest and survived (from my understanding). He's special. I know. But how many of those dogs that have survived have to go into surgery again…twice!? Did I mention we are doing the right hip first then 2 to 4 weeks the left? The surgeon is recommending this…very aware of what happened last time (after all, she pumped his heart for him). She feels it is in his best interest to be under for as little time as possible, thus two surgeries. I'm not the expert so I have to take her advice on that one. So that's where I'm at and I knew I needed to come here for your support, for your listening, for your giant hearts that have helped me on so many occasions…even when I haven't been around for you as much as I would like.

p.s. his thyroid function test came back normal

06-22-2014, 03:59 AM
Hi Nikki

Lovely to hear from you, was wondering how you and Kaibo were getting on. Blardy diabetes, seems so long to have been battling that one so I hope this new regime gets on top of that and he can go forward with the surgery. I bet you want to see him going for walks, but the risks do weigh heavily after all he has been through. Sounds like the surgeon is on to it though, not wanting to keep him under for too long.

Happy to read he is feeling pretty perky though! That is great news,

What's up with that suture???? Could that have been causing that other problem he had with the lung infection?? Gawd he was so sick with that, nylon does not dissolve though, wonder if the general infection he had with the lung caused that to flare... who knows what came first or if they are totally unrelated?? But that sure won't have been helping his blood sugars settle if he has had that infection lurking away in there.

Gee, your wee man is sure overdue some good luck! xx

molly muffin
06-23-2014, 09:30 PM
oh my goodness, are they saying that a nylon suture was left in?

Oh yea Hi Nikki! :)

Did the IMS ever say exactly what they thought caused him to go into arrest last time? Do they think it was that he was under too long? If so it is probably a good plan for him not to be under for so long this time and carefully monitor in case he starts to go low.

How has this insulin plan worked? Is it helping to keep him more level other than meal times?

isn't that normal for them to spike when they eat?

Sharlene and molly muffin

06-23-2014, 10:27 PM
Yes I guess they are saying that. I didn't question it! All they said was they used nylon sutures because of his diabetes. I guess because healing takes longer. Other sutures might dissolve before he's healed? Or bacteria? Good idea to ask about the anesthesia. I chalked it up to him being too compromised due to the massive infection. But that's a very good question that I will ask. It was all a blur then. I asked twice for them to walk me through everything. I remember them saying something about him starting to fight the ventilator for no reason. Then things going badly.

Oh and hi back ;)

molly muffin
07-01-2014, 09:59 PM
Checking in on you and Kaibo and family.

Hope you are okay, I'm hearing about some pretty bad flooding over your way. Not sure if any of that is in your area or not, but stay safe!!! Aren't we coming into that surgery window you were talking about? School out?

Let us know!
Sharlene and molly muffin

07-02-2014, 07:13 AM
Yes, I would like to know too!! Have the blood sugars settled now the infection is hopefully under control with the antibiotics?? Hope the holidays go well for you and Kaibo! xx

07-02-2014, 01:11 PM
I would imagine an infection can wreak havoc on Kaibo's numbers.
As for the surgery, my question would be "is he in pain walking aroung like this?"

I know how frightened you are. I was a wreck before Daisy had luxating patella surgery. It had to be done though, couldn't let her walk around with a knee popping out. It was happening more frequently too.

07-02-2014, 08:14 PM
Hi. Yes, Sharlene, there is major flooding in parts of SK. Thankfully, I am not part of that area. It is more South of where I live. We did go to the lake yesterday and it is very, very wet there. The roads were washed out and closed in areas near the lake but not where we were heading to. It was great being at the lake. Mother in law thought Kaibo looked great. She said he has gained weight and he was moving around really well. He looks super healthy right now. He was groomed today for our family pictures tonight and the groomer (who last time said he was miserable and thought we should think about putting him down!!) said he looked amazing and was happy to see him walking around well. So it is nice to hear those things from people who don't see him every day.

He is going to see the vet tomorrow to check on the area where the lump was. I will do another curve on Friday (it was supposed to be today but too many appointments today and tomorrow). As for the insulin, we added the short acting back in an hour before meals. It doesn't seem to really be helping anything. He still swings up to the mid 30s at supper. Yes it is normal but not normal to go that high and then actually dangerous to go that high and drop really low quickly. It is still a worry but overall, he seems to be responding well to this new plan. It will all get thrown off after his surgery anyway. It will be like starting fresh :( So tomorrow we see his IMS vet (the resident again as the supervisor/senior clinician said it would be best to start going back to her; not a problem as she will still be involved). Next Wednesday is another surgery consult so I can ask last minute questions and they can do the pre-surgery work ups. I might ask tomorrow about him being on antibiotics before the surgery (in case there is lingering stuff from the lump??). I'm sure he will be on them post-surgery.

So, yes, we have decided to go forward with the surgery. It is still hard to decide especially with him being in such good shape now (except walking). I had a long talk with the IMS vet (Senior vet) about it. She says my concerns are fair and reasonable and while she can't guarantee anything, she does think he needs the surgery for his quality of life. If we did nothing, he would be facing some intense arthritis in a couple of years that would be really painful. It was good to know that she feels it is in his best interest. I just have to have faith now that he will make it through and this new strength and zest for life (well not new, but renewed…seriously, he is his old self again!!!) make him ready for surgery. Strong for surgery. Strong for recovery. At this point, I think I will be waiting at the college this time. I might change my mind but we will see. It is supposed to be under an hour. I'm getting teary thinking about it. Must only focus on now. We are having family pictures tonight!! I must focus on that! I haven't even decided what to wear! I only have 2 hours left.

I know I've mentioned before I can't post pictures anymore. Is it just me? I would love to update!! Anyway, I'll mention again you can check for Kaibo (and Molly) on Instagram "poodle mom" (no space) is my user name.

Last but not least…Kaibo is 7!!!!!!! He had his birthday on June 26th so one of the senior people can change his age if you like!! I'm so thankful for 7 years with him and can't wait for at least 7 more :)

p.s. school is out. I'm so thankful. This was the most difficult year behaviour wise and personally with Kaibo. There were many days I didn't think I would get through it at all.

molly muffin
07-02-2014, 11:25 PM
You should be able to post pictures! No one else has had any problems that I know of. You know we would love to see pics. I think I tried to look on Instagram once, but I might be doing the search wrong.

Glad the floods aren't in your area!

Oh good lord woman, go find some clothes, can't have the family pictures in the birthday suit!!! hahahahaha

I'd stay this time if it is under an hour I think. Just because your nerves will be on edge, but it does seem that he is ready for this and if it is going to make his life so much better in the years to come, then that is a strong point.

and now for the most important of all!


Sharlene and molly muffin

07-03-2014, 02:01 AM
Hi! I don't know what it is with the pictures. I can't post them. At first I thought it was just on the iPad so I came on to the computer and still nothing. I can create a new album but when I go to edit it the only options are to delete or to edit the title and description. There is no button for "add photos". Am I doing something wrong? Missing something? I've tried and tried!!!

Pictures were good. I hope there are some great shots! Even the photographer, who has never met the poodles in person, noted how well he was getting around compared to a video I posted awhile ago. I am taking this all as my sign. My sign that he is ready for this surgery. My sign that he is strong. My sign that he has so much more life in him that he needs to be able to move easier and do the things he once did…therapy dog visits, playing ball, climbing stairs, going for a walk in the beautiful summer sun.

07-03-2014, 04:21 AM
Hi Nikki

I am just wondering if there is a maximum number, not sure how many you have in there?? Maybe one of the mods/admins will know that answer as I have no idea :confused: Good to hear the decision is made to go through with the surgery, IMS has good point about future arthritis if it is left untreated. Reassuring to hear her recommendations to proceed.

Paw's crossed the appointments go well in the next week. Hope that infection has settled down again. xx

07-03-2014, 05:14 PM
Hmmm. Maybe.

Well good news and bad news today. Everyone who saw Kaibo was impressed with how healthy and happy he is looking. The surgeon who did his adrenal surgery saw him and said he looked like a different dog. He's walking around well. People were surprised about that. He's gained .5 kg. now at 5.6 kg. bad news is there still looks like there is a pocket of infection there and bacteria on the slides. Waiting for confirmation. Not sure what this means for surgery. But we will discuss again next Wednesday which is his surgery consult. Why does he have to be so difficult? Anyway overall really happy today even though he'll likely be back on antibiotics.

molly muffin
07-03-2014, 06:48 PM
Wow! Really? Still with the infection?!

That is great that everyone is so impressed by Kaibo's improvements. He is a little trooper isn't he :)

Hopefully the surgeon can tell you more about any risks to him having surgery and the infection still there. That would be one of my main questions, especially considering past experiences.

Hang in there!!
Sharlene and molly muffin

07-07-2014, 01:03 AM
Hi. Well, we haven't heard back about the infection. I got a call Friday from his IMS and she said that the lab disagreed about her seeing bacteria so waiting for the culture to come back. She said she would call as soon as she got the results but no call yet so I am going with the old "no news is good news" motto. The lump hasn't returned and he is looking really, really healthy so I am hoping no infection. The IMS does want to consult with the surgeon to see what to do about it as we can't keep having it happen. You can feel a little suture under the skin where the lump was. Well, I assume it is the suture since it is a pokey little thing.

Today we took Kaibo and Molly to Pets in the Park to see some of his old agility and flyball friends. I wanted him to get out to an event that we usually go to every year. He is always a hit and today was no different. He had several admirers. He loved seeing his BFF Zen who was looking sharp in a pink tutu :cool: He hasn't seen her in at least a year I imagine. Zen's mom looked after him a few times in January after his lung surgery so she was amazed at him now (last time he was 4.1kg and not walking at all; today 5.6kg and moving like a champ). It made my heart happy to hear people comment about his health, bright eyes, and perky personality.

I'm trying to focus on all of the positive thoughts and his strength (and hair growing back!!!) as we get closer to surgery date. Thursday. OMG. So close now. I will be calling on you all this week for prayers, positive vibes…whatever it is you do…we need it. I hope lots of people stop by this week and hold us in your thoughts. I'll keep you posted on how everything is going. Wednesday is the meeting with the surgeon. I just emailed the IMS specialist with his curve result from Thursday (not bad actually) and questions. That's all of now. I'm off to organize some teaching stuff. Brett put a book case together for me so I have to go fill it up and throw stuff out. Something to keep my mind off things…although I don't want to spend any time away from Kaibo at the moment. But for now, he will be fine hanging out with Brett. Hope you all had a good weekend.


molly muffin
07-07-2014, 05:45 PM
Hi Nikki,

That would be great if there was no infection, but really they rather need to take that suture out or the chances are that the infection will reoccur and we don't want that.

Fabulous that you got out to the park and had a great time. Of course Kaibo was a hit, how could he not be :) :) :)

Crossing all fingers for a super report from IMS and Surgeon!

Sharlene and molly muffin

07-07-2014, 06:30 PM
Well it was confirmed today no infection!! Yay Kaibo!

molly muffin
07-07-2014, 06:33 PM
Awesome news!!!
Sharlene and molly muffin

07-09-2014, 06:44 AM
Great to hear no infection! That's awesome right before his surgery. Well I will have everything crossed and sending a million good vibes to Kaibo for a speedy recovery and NO complications, you hear that little man!!! :D I hope this will go smoothly and he is going to be prancing around soon! xxx

07-10-2014, 02:51 PM
Ok folks. He's in surgery. Everything is going well right now. No shenanigans with the anesthetic at this time :)

molly muffin
07-10-2014, 03:54 PM
We'll be keeping an eye out for progress reports! Did you decide to stay and wait out the surgery?

Come on Kaibo! You Can do this!!
Sharlene and molly muffin

Harley PoMMom
07-10-2014, 04:06 PM
Sending tons of positive energy, and keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers. Please do keep us updated.

Hugs, Lori

07-10-2014, 10:36 PM
Hi. Well. What can I say? Kaibo was such a good boy today that I almost feel embarrassed by the ugly cry when we dropped him off. That was a tough one. I. Was a mess. The surgeon even gave me hugs! Anyway, we went to see him a few hours ago but I just had a huge nap outside and posting now. Before we arrived we had a report that he was acting like this was no big deal and that he couldn't figure out what all of the fuss was about. He was really groggy when we saw him. Also really giving us the cold shoulder. Fair enough. Although he rarely gives up the opportunity for kisses. Lol. The surgeon came and talked to us and told us to take him for a walk. I knew she wanted him to walk right away but not right away. Ha ha. So we went outside with her and what do you know that little trooper was walking and using his right leg. So crazy! We stayed with him a bit and definitely would have stayed longer but thought it was best to send him back to ICU. He should be home tomorrow!

As far as surgery goes she said it was very un eventful with respect to the anesthesia (thank you, Kaibo!). The head of his femur was really messed up and almost no cartilage left. She said he should be much more comfortable now. Thank goodness! I really hope when all is said and done he will be off pain meds and perhaps that will help the diabetes. I can't imagine the pain he's been in (despite pain meds since October). Anyway, that's it for now. I'll update again soon.

molly muffin
07-10-2014, 11:30 PM
Beyond thrilled to hear such good news! You need your rest!! You are probably more in need than Kaibo even. You poor dear! Now take some time to chill out and Kaibo will be home tomorrow and he'll be better than ever. You'll see. That little guy just has the most amazing spirit!

big hugs
Sharlene and molly muffin

07-11-2014, 12:43 AM
Kaibo is on his way to becoming a bionic dog :)
Great news an walking already! Awesome!

molly muffin
07-11-2014, 10:38 PM
How's Kaibo today?

sharlene and molly muffin

07-12-2014, 12:45 AM
Yay, that is awesome news that he did so well :D. Out walking so soon and you can already see the improvement! What a relief, so pleased it went well Nikki. Hope to hear he is back home again today, nothing like your own bed when your recovering. He will need to catch up on his rest after being in ICU. Bet it was a bit noisy in there! Give him a pat from us, and a tasty snack too!! Has he got a Bark Box to enjoy in his recovery?? :) xxx

07-12-2014, 01:28 AM
Hi. We have had a great day! We got a phone call from the surgeon around 9am. We thought it would just be an update and arranging for a later time to pick him up but she said he could go home right away! So we picked him up at 10am and wow!!! I saw his IMS and asked if she had checked on him a few times and she said of course (she was helping the surgeon with his diabetes). She said she saw him after surgery but she couldn't tell if he had had it or not. We heard that from a few people actually! He acted like it was no big deal. I guess after January this is a piece of cake. I'm very excited but know that there is still one more hip to go and I know I will be a mess that day too! Anyway, he is doing great.

I posted a video on Instagram before his surgery and walking today. He is doing really well, even better walking than yesterday. Because his knee has been turned out for so long (probably more comfortable), the surgeon did some attaching of muscles here and there to try to help rotate it back in. Rehab and such will also help that. He seems so much more comfortable that at times he is using his right more than his left already. He is even laying on the right side often and is having no trouble getting up. I really can't believe it.

Brett was home today and they came outside while I planted some plants in my new flower bed. Kaibo was thrilled to be outside. So was Molly she figured it was great fun to be out in the front yard for a change and thought it would be great to go exploring. She was super cute. We always talk about how she walks funny and we have never done anything about it. For all we know she has hip issues too but she's happy and doesn't care…plus she is 4 pounds compared to 12. Really I'm just amazed at Kaibo. If he didn't have a bandage on his hip you wouldn't know anything had happened. Obviously, we need to do the rehab to get him walking as normal as possible. People who saw him on Sunday at pets in the park have commented on the video that he is definitely walking better already and seems more comfortable.

Because of his speedy recovery so far, the surgeon has said he should come in for the left hip in 2 weeks so that surgery is scheduled for July 29th. This way rehab can be more beneficial and done mostly overlapping. We can cancel if anything happens but I really feel it needs to be done sooner rather than later. Also, it will be great to have them both done by the end of July so I still have one month that I can do rehab with him, be home with him, etc. Just looking at him now it just seems like he must have been in so much more pain than he let on. She said (sorry if I mentioned this before) that his femur was really in rough shape, very worn down from the bone on bone movement. She sent it to pathology since they say this is really still so atypical and she wants to make sure they aren't missing anything else. So, that will take almost a month as they have to get all the calcium out of the bone or something like that.

His first rehab appointment is scheduled for next Thursday but I might try to get him in on Tuesday as well. She will do laser treatments on his incision and lots of stretching, etc. No water treadmill yet (his favourite although he likes to act like it is torture if I am there!).

Anyway, Kaibo is doing well. Although being a bit cheeky tonight as he won't let me put ice packs on him. He's eating like a champ, his blood glucose has been good. Oh, and on that note, really hoping that after both surgeries and after he is off of pain meds we might have better luck with diabetes. I imagine the pain he has been in has been driving cortisol up…making it hard to control the BG? hard for hair to regrow? dry nose? flaky skin? all of the above? I hope so :) Thank you, thank you, thank you to all of you for your support, thoughts, and kind words.


07-12-2014, 01:31 AM
P.S. Yes, ICU must have been noisy but I heard that he was out of the kennel a lot being cuddled by various staff members….life is good if you are Kaibo ;) He's kind of a big deal. :cool:

07-12-2014, 01:31 AM
That is amazing Nikki!
I can't believe how well Kaibo is doing and another surgery in just two weeks.
The time will be gone before you know it.