View Full Version : Tater Tot -because she didn't have enough problems? - Tater Tot has passed
10-29-2012, 04:57 PM
Hey! I'm new, my baby was just diagnosed three weeks ago with Cushings. She's being treated by Dr. Dave Bruyette at VCA West Los Angeles. I just found this a while ago when I was researching, finding out everything I could about Cushings and after today I just decided I need some support from other people who understand.
Tater Tot is an 8-10 year old chihuahua rescued by the St. Louis Senior Dog Project. She was found in a home with her sister and the body of her former, elderly owner. She was 7.6lbs and most of her teeth needed to be pulled. She'd never been out and about to get exercise and ate as much as she wanted resulting in pancreatitis.
I adopted her from the rescue in 2007 when I was looking for a little purse dog to spoil because I was in a bad emotional place and needed someone to take care of and love on. I found her online and she was so sad, and wanted a mommy and forever home, so I took her in thinking "this dog is in such bad shape, what am I getting myself in to?"
Tater has turned out to be the little love of my life. She never fails to make me smile. She's now a service animal, and travels everywhere with me for my job and works on set. She lost the weight she needed to lose to be healthy and now weighs an adorable 4.5lbs (she lost a whole chihuahua!)
- Tater began peeing all around the house just before I moved to Los Angeles in 2009. We had just gotten a cat to keep her company and we attributed thee peeing to some kind of insecurity and marking. However it continued and got more and more ridiculous.
- In 2012 she began having very red, itchy skin. She started licking it constantly, pulling out all the hair on her paws. The hair on her belly and neck began to fall out as well. I took her to the vet and they told me she had yeast and bacteria and put her on some ear drops and referred me to a dermatologist at VCA West Los Angeles. We saw Dr. Reiter who treated Tater for demedex. In fact she has so much demedex there were massive amounts found in her poop. She was put on Ivermectin and 25mg of Fluconazole 2x's daily along with bubble baths 2x's a week. The demedex cleared up great but continued to come back so Dr. Reiter consulted Dr. David Bruyette who thought she should do some blood tests for Cushings. She thought perhaps her immune system had been compromised.
- Tater got the suppression test done while in St. Louis with her original doctor Dr. Randazzo at Webster Groves Animal Hospital. The test was kind of inconclusive and Dr. Randazzo sent it over to Dr. Bruyette to review. He concluded that she probably had Cushings and we should do an MRI of her brain to be sure. However, her MRI showed no tumor. After finding out she'd been in the hospital often for pancreatitis among other things, receiving many doses of steroids, and hearing her other symptoms (wetting the house, losing hair, demedex, ferocious appetite, drinking lots and lots of water...) we decided to try her on Trilostane. She had her follow up and stimulation test 2 weeks ago and everything was great.
So currently Tater is on Trilostane and was feeling much better for the past three weeks until this burst of pancreatitis came up. She's so weak and can hardly walk without falling over, but still eats and drinks water just not so excitedly. My poor things shakes non-stop. The vet explained to me that because she has less steroids in her body now that she's being treated, she probably feels even worse than usual from this episode. She has two bad knees and it's likely she can feel pain in those now which she never has before either. God am I worried about my baby! Her electrolytes have been checked twice both by the emergency doctor and Dr. Bruyette, and are perfectly fine.
Did I mention she's blind as well? Tater is blind as well. :cool:
Jenny & Judi in MN
10-29-2012, 05:29 PM
what a cutie pie! I'm not one of the experts but I have heard that the higher cortisol does buffer the dogs from feeling arthritis and stuff so that makes sense.
I'm sorry she is having so many problems. My Jenny is blind from cataracts due to diabetes. It is amazing how well the dogs handle it isn't it?
What does Dr. B recommend to stop the pancreatitis from happening so often?
just wanted to say welcome. Judi
Boriss McCall
10-29-2012, 05:55 PM
Hi Welcome to the group. Tater Tot is adorable!!!
I am sorry your baby is suffering. I have not had to deal with pancreatitis. I don't have answers just a welcome. :)
She is super cute. I hope she will find some relief soon. I know others who have been in your shoes will stop with help.
10-29-2012, 07:38 PM
Hi, I'm in a bit of a rush so this will be short - first off TT is adorable!
Glynda is going to loveeeeeeee her.
Please tell us what dose of trilo you are on and confirm weight of 7-8 lbs.
Note it is common that dogs on trilo get the shakes. I never used it so don't know if it's permanent or not. It could be from pain as a result of the cortisol going down and unmasking arthritis etc. I don't know. What disturbed me was the fact she can hardly stand up = that reeks of overdose to me. Have you had an acth test done? If not I would get one asap. Also do you have prednisone on hand? I'd give a dose to see if you can get relief (within hours) - Bruyette is very familiar with cushings btw.
Be back later! Kim
Harley PoMMom
10-29-2012, 08:29 PM
Hi and welcome to you and Tater Tot!
So sorry for the reasons that brought you here but glad you found us.
Dr Bruyette is considered to be extremely knowledgeable in the area of canine cushing's so I am very relieved to hear that Tater Tot is seeing him.
Pancreatitis can be very painful and a dog that is going through a pancreatic episode should be on pain meds, is Tater Tot taking any pain medication?
If you could post the results of all tests that were done on Tater Tot that would help us a great deal. You only need to post any abnormalities that are listed with the reference ranges and units of an example; ALT 120 U/L (10-100). We are especially interested in the results of any Cushing tests that were done, such as the LDDS and ACTH stimulation.
Please know we will help in any way we can so do not hesitate to ask any and all questions.
Love and hugs,
Hello!!!!! you have found an amazing place for support and all kinds of experiences and knowledge. From here on out you and your baby will never take one step without being surrounded by all the angels in this group. They have stood by me, carried me, counseled me, helped understand and find strength, which in turn helped my little girl. For her arthritis she is taking anything? I use cosequinn sprinkle capsules, and have heard great things about the adequinn injections. I hear they are miracles. Has her pancreas calmed down for her? hopefully no angry pooh or tummy rejection of meals. What do you feed her? what a doll!!!!! look forward to hearing your updates!
10-29-2012, 11:39 PM
Hey all! Thanks for the warm welcome.
I'll see about getting Tater's results, she's on a pretty low dose of Trilo, I'm thinking 5 once a day? I know they had to make the capsules and have them sent to me because she is so tiny.
Her weight currently is 4.5lbs, she's lost all that extra weight she had.
It's confirmed that she couldn't stand very well because her blood sugar got extremely low from not eating while she had the belly ache. She is in the hospital right now on pain meds and iv fluids.
In the past she hasn't needed any pain medicine aside from these really bad flare ups, but without the cortisol it looks like she will need some. not sure yet what they are giving her.
Thanks again for the welcome! She does very well being blind, she's a little fighter!
molly muffin
10-29-2012, 11:46 PM
Hello and welcome. Tater Tot is such a little cutie. :) We have another member with a little blind baby too. Stick around, you'll have lots to talk about. :)
We have some members who have just gone through a pancreatic attack, not a good place to be. Bland diet, rice, boiled chicken etc, small meals several times a day. Not too much as Tater is only just under 5lbs now.
Wouldn't be doing the Trilostane during this and yea, and ACTH to check the cortisol level is needed.
You'll get a lot of support here from others going through many of the same things you are. It's nice to have company, even if the reason isn't opitmal.
10-30-2012, 11:28 AM
Just a quick update on Tater Tot. She had a vomiting spell at the hospital last night around midnight. The doctor hasn't called yet today but it isn't looking fantastic :( I'm so worried, she's never had an attack this bad before.
10-30-2012, 11:34 AM
I'm sorry that I am just now welcoming you, and especially when things are so worrisome for you and little Tater. I'm so sorry!
Just as the others have said, though, she is in excellent hands under Dr. Bruyette's care. So I will keep all fingers and toes crossed that your next update tells us that you're seeing some improvement.
Sending tons of hugs to you and also healing wishes to your sweet little girl,
Squirt's Mom
10-30-2012, 12:12 PM
Hi and welcome to you and Tater Tot,
I am so sorry to hear she is in the hospital vomiting. Please let us know what you learn as you can. Has pancreatitis been looked into? I'm just positive Dr B would consider that, tho. ;)
I am one of the moms with blind babies - two around 5 lbs each. Brick is blind from Hydrocephalus - he's my miracle baby at about 14 years old and born with the condition according to our vet. Trinket is blind from glaucoma. Her eyes were removed just before I adopted her; Brick still has his eyes. It is simply amazing to me how will these little blind ones manage their world! When our vet first met Trink, he watched her for a bit then said, "Well, I think she can see a little bit." To which I replied, "She ain't got no eyeballs, Doc!" :p She operates like a little bat - I swear she uses sonar pings to get around! :D Brick is very tactilly oriented, operating by the feel under his feet. Neither one is the least bit fazed by their dark worlds; they are happy and content.
Please let us know if we can help in any way. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your sweet girl at this time.
Leslie and the gang
Bo's Mom
10-30-2012, 07:28 PM
Welcome to you and Tater Tot....I love that name!!! Too cute for such a cutie pie.
Squirt's Mom
10-31-2012, 09:19 AM
How is Tater doing? We would love to hear from you when you can.
Leslie and the gang
11-09-2012, 06:44 AM
Tater Tot is continuing to worsen. She spent three days in the hospital with Pancreatitis, came home reasonably well but not herself, and now she just woke up up with another bout of vomiting. I'm really freaking out, she's never been like this and it all started when she started the Trilonstane. She's weak, and her back legs collapse when she's just standing still, let alone walking. She's still incredibly sucked up and skinny even though she's eating and drinking and she's making whimpering sounds when she breathes but appears mostly perky. I don't know what to do but our expenses are exhausted completely and she's no better off than she was before. Please help. My heart is completely shattered. She isn't the same, and I feel like I'm watching her slowly die a painful death.
11-09-2012, 07:11 AM
Is Tater still on the trilostane or have you ceased giving it? I would focus on the pancreatitus and forget about cushings right now. What meds are you giving?
Some of us have had wonderful luck with an herb called Slippery Elm Bark (SEB) for stomach issues including pancreatitus. I researched it and found lots of vets called it their special 'weapon' when dealing with these issues. That said - given the seriousness of TT's situation I'd consult with Bruyette's crew to make sure you have their blessing.
The more you can share med wise the better. Hopefully others will chime in. Count me as a cush angel fluttering over you and dear Tater sending love, strength and healing thoughts. Kim
11-09-2012, 07:17 AM
I want to "second" what Kim has said -- I am so sorry that Tater is doing so poorly, and I would definitely talk to Dr. Bruyette before changing anything right now. Normally in a situation like this, we advise folks to consult with an expert ASAP. I'm so glad you've already got Dr. B on board to help sort things out.
But that doesn't change the fact that you've got all of us to walk alongside you! I can only imagine how sick and scared you are feeling. So please know you are never alone, and PLEASE keep us updated as to what Dr. B recommends.
Jenny & Judi in MN
11-09-2012, 09:24 AM
from everything I've read the pancreatitis is just brutal on these little guys. hang in there
11-09-2012, 03:01 PM
I just emailed back and forth with Dr. B and he said to take her off the Trilostane for now because it could be causing her to vomit and in turn, get pancreatitis and severe dehydration.
It's strange because she takes her Trilosane at about 10 or 11am and vomits at around 3am. I don't know if the medication is tapering out and making her sick, maybe a twice a day dose is in her future. She didn't have a bout of pancreatitis for two years, and then along came Trilonestane :(
Currently Tater is still being treated for the Demedex infection with Flagostane (I spelled that wrong), and Ivermectin. She is also on Clavamax for the pancreatitis and Cerena as needed for vomit. She also has a pain medicine I've only given her twice.
She's never been on so many medications, and has never had a reaction to one. This is all so heartbreaking.
Boriss McCall
11-09-2012, 03:11 PM
hopefully when you take her off the Trilostane you will see a difference (no vomit). sounds like she might be getting a bit too much.
Boriss McCall
11-09-2012, 03:12 PM
Poor little girl.. I hope she starts feeling better soon.:(
molly muffin
11-09-2012, 08:12 PM
Poor little Tater Tot. I hope so much that she starts to feel better and gets back some of her pep. It hurts pretty bad to see our babies in any kind of distress. We all sympathize with that a great deal.
Are you doing the boiled chicken and a bit of rice, small little meals several times a day? That is pretty much our go to standard when dealing with pancreatitis. That is so scary just in and of itself.
Know that our thoughts and our hearts are all with you and Tater Tot.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
11-18-2012, 08:34 AM
How's little Tater doing? Hoping for a positive update!
molly muffin
11-20-2012, 09:15 PM
I hope Tator Tot is on the road to recovery by now. Only positive thoughts here.
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