View Full Version : Hello and Thank you

10-19-2012, 06:28 PM
Hello to everyone
I had to finally introduce myself. You are all angels who have helped me so much in the last two years through my tears and trials You have given me th knowlege to guide my Halo through her 2.5 year battle with Cushings. She is doing well right now. I am the very proud mom of Halo(13.5 year old westie) Gizmo ( a 13 year old papillon) and Trinket (6-7 year old Papillon who we rescued after she was saved from being a breeder at a puppy mill).

Halo is doing well right now so I don't have any questions but to all of you who struggle with allergies I would like to pass along some info. When Halo was just two she developed horrible allergies and had mutiple skin issues. The red paws from chewing hair falling out and constant itching. We went the route of having her allergy tested and put on allergy shots which she hated and it did help a little. Our Gizmo went through a life threating situation and was at an emergency clinic That was in 2003. During our visits to see her we met another westie owner. She told us about the westie diet. You can find it at Westie rescue of CA. web site. We started Halo on it and saw a difference in just 2.5 weeks with complete resolution within 6 weeks. It cost about $120 to order the items ( some will last 6 months and the rest will last a year. No more painful shots and expensive derm vet visits. But more than anything Halo's allergies were gone and she was one happy dog and her coat was beautiful.

I have kept her on that diet through her diagnosis of Cushings and think they have hlped her in that journey on the vetroyl.

Thank you again to all you beautiful people for kindess and love for people and their pets. You are all angels that will be close to my heart. I hope this can help you the way you have unknowing help me.

Rita and her girls

10-19-2012, 06:53 PM

Well I a sure am glad you posted :). Please feel free to let us know more about what has been happening these several years with your cushpup. Is she doing good on Vetoryl?

I do have a quick question, was Halo on steroids during the diagnosis? So she is off any allergy med, right?


10-19-2012, 07:07 PM
Hi Terry

Halo was never on steroids but that was the next step. Then we found the Westie Diet. She was on allergy shots for about a year. That was in 2003 and hasn't had one since.

Halo is doing very well on the Vetroyl. The only problem right now is that she had a bladder infection treated her and then it came back Our vet has mentioned the possibily of bladder cancer of which Westies are at a higher risk. We treated her again and it cured it again now we are taking a wait and see approach. Praying for the best

Take care

10-19-2012, 08:02 PM
:D:D:D:D Glad you came out of the closet after 2 1/2 yrs of reading here! Lord I couldn't keep my mouth shut for that long. But then you probably know that. ;) Welcome!!!! Kim

10-19-2012, 08:06 PM
Hi Rita and a belated welcome to you, Halo and the rest of your furry crew.

I'm so glad that you've stuck with us for all this time and I'm ecstatic that you stepped out of the shadows to introduce yourself and share the Westie Diet. I checked it out and wow, it has amazing reviews. I wish I'd known about this sooner. I'm a small dog rescuer and we've rescued a lot of little white fluffy dogs, probably poodle, maltese and westie mixes, with horrible skin problems. These poor dogs are miserable and unfortunately, there are a good number of pet owners who dump their dog at the shelter rather than have to deal with the constant itching, biting and medical bills. We have been successful in bringing them relief most of the time but there have been a few who were so severe that we finally had to put them on steroids. These two sweeties were adopted by families who had dealt with skin problems and were willing to take them into their hearts and homes. I'm going to go back through our records and contact these people and give them the url to the Westie Rescue website. For those members who are interested, I've included the URL below.


My two Maltese chew their back feet and one of them has had chronic rust face for most of his life. I'm wondering if this diet can help them and I plan on finding out.

I wouldn't feel right if I didn't at least ask you one question so here goes. When was Halo's last acth stimulation test and can you post the results? Most of the time we grill the newbies but I have a feeling that you are a seasoned veteran who can probably teach us a thing or two. Soooo, just consider this a quiz. :D


10-19-2012, 08:26 PM
Thanks Rita!
I will check out the Westie diet. My little Daisy has been miserable with itchiness and is getting scabs and red spots. She has been on Vetoryl almost 2 months now, and my vet was talking steroids. So glad you posted!

molly muffin
10-19-2012, 08:28 PM
OMG, this is wonderful thing to find out about. I wonder if it works for other breeds than Westie's.
So many dogs go through this and the people are just at wits end to try and help them. Literally spending hundreds and hundreds of dollars.

Oh gee, and yes, hello and welcome to the light! ROFL Well, you know...the forum in writing. LOL


10-19-2012, 08:47 PM
I printed out the diet and it says "The Westie Diet--Not Only For Westies!!!!".

10-19-2012, 09:54 PM
Thank you you Glynda, Kim, Joann and Sharlene for your very warm welcome but knew it is what all of you are all about. I feel good if I can help just one person after all the help you have given. Halo is 31 lbs and was on 24 mgs of Vetroly for 1 3/4 years and did very well but slowly the symptoms started to come back Her Acth test was pre 4.7 post 6.2 which was creeping up from the last one so we went to 29 mgs once a day. She responed really well and all the symtoms resolved themselves and no negatives. We are due to do another next month. My vet is really good at trusting me and juding how she is doing. I know when somthing is not right. The one think you all taught me is to follow my heart no matter what the vet says and I think that is what has made our journey so successful.

Again thank you for your welcome and please let me know how the westie diet works for you

Take care