10-19-2012, 06:28 PM
Hello to everyone
I had to finally introduce myself. You are all angels who have helped me so much in the last two years through my tears and trials You have given me th knowlege to guide my Halo through her 2.5 year battle with Cushings. She is doing well right now. I am the very proud mom of Halo(13.5 year old westie) Gizmo ( a 13 year old papillon) and Trinket (6-7 year old Papillon who we rescued after she was saved from being a breeder at a puppy mill).
Halo is doing well right now so I don't have any questions but to all of you who struggle with allergies I would like to pass along some info. When Halo was just two she developed horrible allergies and had mutiple skin issues. The red paws from chewing hair falling out and constant itching. We went the route of having her allergy tested and put on allergy shots which she hated and it did help a little. Our Gizmo went through a life threating situation and was at an emergency clinic That was in 2003. During our visits to see her we met another westie owner. She told us about the westie diet. You can find it at Westie rescue of CA. web site. We started Halo on it and saw a difference in just 2.5 weeks with complete resolution within 6 weeks. It cost about $120 to order the items ( some will last 6 months and the rest will last a year. No more painful shots and expensive derm vet visits. But more than anything Halo's allergies were gone and she was one happy dog and her coat was beautiful.
I have kept her on that diet through her diagnosis of Cushings and think they have hlped her in that journey on the vetroyl.
Thank you again to all you beautiful people for kindess and love for people and their pets. You are all angels that will be close to my heart. I hope this can help you the way you have unknowing help me.
Rita and her girls
I had to finally introduce myself. You are all angels who have helped me so much in the last two years through my tears and trials You have given me th knowlege to guide my Halo through her 2.5 year battle with Cushings. She is doing well right now. I am the very proud mom of Halo(13.5 year old westie) Gizmo ( a 13 year old papillon) and Trinket (6-7 year old Papillon who we rescued after she was saved from being a breeder at a puppy mill).
Halo is doing well right now so I don't have any questions but to all of you who struggle with allergies I would like to pass along some info. When Halo was just two she developed horrible allergies and had mutiple skin issues. The red paws from chewing hair falling out and constant itching. We went the route of having her allergy tested and put on allergy shots which she hated and it did help a little. Our Gizmo went through a life threating situation and was at an emergency clinic That was in 2003. During our visits to see her we met another westie owner. She told us about the westie diet. You can find it at Westie rescue of CA. web site. We started Halo on it and saw a difference in just 2.5 weeks with complete resolution within 6 weeks. It cost about $120 to order the items ( some will last 6 months and the rest will last a year. No more painful shots and expensive derm vet visits. But more than anything Halo's allergies were gone and she was one happy dog and her coat was beautiful.
I have kept her on that diet through her diagnosis of Cushings and think they have hlped her in that journey on the vetroyl.
Thank you again to all you beautiful people for kindess and love for people and their pets. You are all angels that will be close to my heart. I hope this can help you the way you have unknowing help me.
Rita and her girls