View Full Version : Bentley (6 1/2 y/o Yorkie)

10-19-2012, 04:53 PM
Hi Guys! Bentley and I are new to the forum.... I have found all your knowledge and information invaluable!

I just thought I'd take a minute to introduce myself instead of just "stalking" lol

My dog, Bentley, is a 6 1/2 yr old Yorkie that was recently diagnosed with Cushings and started his first dose of trilostane today so wish us luck!


10-19-2012, 05:34 PM
Hi Renee and welcome to you and Bentley.

If you've been stalking for a while then you know that we always ask for a diagnostic history so if you think you are going to escape...sorry. :D Please tell us what made you and/or your vet suspect that Bentley had cushing's? What tests were done by your vet to confirm a diagnosis and can you please post the results of those tests here. With respect to bloodwork, please just post the highs and lows and please include the normal reference ranges. Did your vet diagnose pituitary or adrenal dependent cushing's?

Can you tell us how much Bentley weighs and what dose of Trilostane was prescribed. His he getting once or twice daily dosing? Is he on any other medication and does he have any other medical issues? Did your vet counsel you on what signs to watch for that might indicate that Bentley's cortisol has dropped too low. Signs would be vomiting, diarrhea, not eating, extreme lethargy, wobbly on his feet. Dogs can experience some or all of the symptoms. Did your vet instruct you on what to do should Bentley start showing any of these symptoms? Did s/hegive you prednisone in case of emergency? Sorry for so many questions but the more you can tell us, the more appropriate feedback we can offer.

I'm sorry for the reasons that turned you into a stalker but I'm glad you found us and came out of the shadows. :D We want to help you and Bentley in any way we can and it will be a lot easier for us to do that if you fill us in with as much information as possible.


molly muffin
10-19-2012, 10:09 PM
Hello Renee and welcome to you and Bentley.

LOL funny but Glynda is right, it's important to get as much technical information into Bentley's thread. As the years go by it is incredibly helpful to be able to come back and look at them. It will also help all of those who pass through who may not come out of the shadows to say hello but only read and try to figure out what is going on with their own babies.

Hope that wasn't too much all at once.

We have some very knowledgeable people here. So feel free to ask any questions that might come up.
Good luck with starting the Trilostane. Are you starting low dose range? Some dogs react very quickly, and we never know who will be a fast reactor vs a slow one.

Sharlene and Molly muffin

molly muffin
11-09-2012, 09:22 PM
How is Bentley doing on the Trilostane?
