View Full Version : Michael Vick Owns a Dog!
10-11-2012, 07:58 PM
Are you kidding me? I thought part of the terms of his parole was that he was to have absolutely no pet ownership, not even a gerbil. He says that he wants to teach his children to love & respect all of God's creatures. Sorry, dude, after what you did, FORGET IT! Many of you I know are familiar with this story, but I had absolutely no understanding of just how bad this was until I read the following:
The Lost Dogs: Michael Vick's Dogs and Their Tale of Rescue and Redemption
I sincerely hope the powers that be do something about this.
molly muffin
10-11-2012, 09:17 PM
Good lord. :(
Squirt's Mom
10-12-2012, 07:49 AM
I saw that this morning! :eek::mad::mad::mad::mad::eek:
We have a friend who helped in the rescue of those that were still alive.......things she saw, and was told from witness accounts, to this day makes me lose sleep at the evil that dwells inside him.
HSUS supports him, he was given BET award that Subway, Nike and many others supported, (we no longer give those places our business not that they notice, but least we know)
His actions will not remain limited to the abuse of animals I am certain, and then maybe more will realize what they have allowed, awarded, gave fame and wealth to, the very pit of hell.
10-15-2012, 10:10 AM
I am sorry for the dog and why and how on earth did he convince the parole board this was acceptable. :mad: If he wants to teach his kids compassion, let them volunteer at shelters, organize drives to help abused animals. Let them see first hand and feel the agony by volunteering at the worst places, so they can see first hand exactly what their dad was part of and have him it explain it in front of dogs that have been abused the way he did.
molly muffin
10-15-2012, 01:22 PM
I think that is a great idea Terry and probably one that would teach the kids more about compassion than having one in the house will.
10-15-2012, 05:53 PM
I was under the impression that the pet ownership ban was permanent when I posted. After doing some more research on this, apparently, the ban on Vick owning a pet expired this past July. The question still remains, who in their "right mind" did not make this permanent!!!
10-16-2012, 12:20 PM
A U.S. District Court judge and football fan, Henry Hudson made it possible. Sorry but 23 months in jail does not make an evil person, who committed horrendous acts of torture on dogs, an upstanding citizen who miraculously now has great compassion and love for canines. It's total B.S.
This guy has been rewarded time and time again for his evil doings, starting with the judge whose contemptable attitude toward Vick at time of sentencing did not match the sentence. Then there is the NFL who allowed him to become a millionaire felon, courtesy of the millions of football fans who place the sport above morals. My husband was outraged and boycotted the sponsors of any games involving Vick. What? How about boycotting the NFL for their greed, all the while knowing the American public has a short memory? I mean, it was only dogs and he did his time and he said he's a sorry. Barf! I'm ashamed to say that my husband is a righteous hypocrite just like millions of other football fans. Did I mention that fans have a short memory? Gil couldn't tell you the name of the sponsors he boycotted the first year of Vicks return.
Squirt's Mom
10-16-2012, 01:42 PM
I don't watch pro ball any longer and never did go to games or buy NFL items.
I opted out of all the Democratic lists and sites I was on, backed out of campaigning in my area, when Obama congratulated the Eagles for hiring the p^!@k and told all of them why in lengthy emails....not that they care, I'm sure.
I haven't eaten at SubWay since they sponsored him and call them from time to time as well as stop in at local stores and let them know why. I've also been known to ask customers if they know what they are supporting by purchasing food from them. A few have turned around and left...most shrug.
I do my best on FB to remind people of his actions so we don't forget and to pass on info about dog fighting in general to those who don't know it is in our own back yards.
I am appalled at American sports idiocy in the first place - paying grown men millions and millions to play a game while our people are hungry, cold, and without shelter sleeping right outside the multi-million dollar stadiums? Really? And we start our children very early, teaching them how important sports are while music, art, and health programs are demolished. Hogwash. Vick is a prime example of how screwed up our priorities are.
10-18-2012, 06:37 PM
Hate the NFL, football, meathead football players, dog abusers and supporters of such.
xo Jeanette
Roxee's Dad
10-18-2012, 07:50 PM
I have boycotted Pro Football since the first Superbowl in AZ. The announcer during some down time mentioned that more than 50% of the players on the field were either felons or up on felony charges.... Haven't watched a football game since. I love football and like it or not, when you get paid that kind of money.... you accept a moral responsibility to be a role model.
And as for Vick.... nothing I can say here would express my feelings appropriately...
10-18-2012, 10:02 PM
John, if we had like buttons like facebook, I'd give you a big like.
10-19-2012, 07:39 AM
I find it very interesting that Nike has withdrawn their dollars from Lance Armstrong because of doping and he may very well be banned from the sport FOREVER, BUT keeps their sponsor dollars flowing to Vick....
Squirt's Mom
10-19-2012, 07:55 AM
My thoughts exactly, Terry.
molly muffin
10-19-2012, 06:39 PM
I'm guessing that the Lance Armstrong doping got more media coverage and it was a huge investigation it seems, than Vicks issues with dog abuse did. :( That says something about the way things work too doesn't it.
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