View Full Version : My Kira... Her life after Cushing's (SiberianHusky)
10-09-2012, 06:31 AM
(Kira is now 12 1/2 years old.)
October 5, 2012
(9:00 pm)
Kira started acting really strange
She is laying in the doorway of a room and she won’t get up!
I’ve been worried about her for a week and a half. And tonight I’m starting to make a list. She has degenerative disc disease of her spine for two years now.
She is walking really stiff.
Her back arched like a cat.
When she laid down in the front room she laid on her chest and not flat like she normally does.
She was drooling when panting.
She’s breathing fast and shallow and looking pretty misrable!
She felt hot to the touch so I took her temp... while I was doing that I could see her heart suddenly pounding in her chest! God and I’m remembering Mira. I felt it. I never can feel her heart beating but I sure could then and it was racing!
There was confusion about her temperature, beings my old style thermometer shows only celious. So I called SCVSH and they weren’t sure about the reading either. It was registering 39.7. Which I now know is 103. They told me that was high and I should come in, so I did around 9:30 pm.
I thought maybe she was having a heart attack. Or possibly a dozen other things. It was confusing because she just had a CBC two days earlier that came back as good as perfect.
They took her right away. They know Kira there. In fact, all I said was “Kira and rehab” and they knew who she was. They never asked for my name or the last name. Then next thing I know the emergency vet is walking around with that same clipboard that’s over an inch thick with info on Kira.!
They took her to the back right away and put me in an examining room. I’m texting Stormee and my mom for support. Maybe about ten minutes later the emergency vet comes in the room and tells me didn’t find anything wrong but that she did have a fever, and her heart rate was elevated. She wasn’t overly concerned, so I relaxed as we discussed what happened. When she came back the next time she said she could give Kira a pain shot and just send her home or we could do x-rays and see what might be going on. We did the x-rays. I got to tell you they do amazing things with x-rays these day. We got some very clear pictures. She could make out all the vital origins and could tell me every one of them looked normal! Heart included. Except for her spine of course. Which is likely the problem.
So about midnight they release Kira and I see her for the first time. She is hardly walking. As I stand in the reception room waiting for a cd of the x-rays Kira’s rear legs are shaking and start to give out. I knelt down to her and hugged her I was crying. When I got her out the door, she just stops. So I decided to carry her to the car. All 54 pounds of her. I get her in the car but she won’t lie down. I certainly couldn’t go driving off with her standing. I’m texting with Stromee telling her what I’m seeing and Kira’s rear end collapses. I know this is what we are headed for. Nothing can stop it. I’m in tears.
I don’t want to leave, I’m not sure Kira is ok. This place is twenty minutes away. I didn’t want to get home and get all scared and go right back. Stormee suggests I don’t and she tells me she will stay with me. It’s 2 am where she is. I’m telling Stormee her breathing rate, which was fast and shallow. Pain. She won’t drink water. Kira never turns down water. We are still in fear for her heart. (Me and Stormee are, the vet wasn’t but agreed it was racing.) But I can’t feel it beating now. Which is good cus normally I can’t feel her heart beating. So the panic lessens a little.
I started to report a few good things to Stormee. I remember one was a deep breath. It was only one but it meant a lot. That made us both happy. The pain injection must be working. In fact, she’s starting to look pretty calm. Stormee sends me a picture of her Shysie she just took. I’ve already sent her five of kira in the back of the car! I promise Stromee I’ll be with her all day Monday and Monday night when she stays at the hotel. Shysie gets that black cancerous looking thing on her lip removed Monday. It’s scary.
Kira is still breathing fast but seems very calm. She lying against the side of the car with her nose poked into the carpet and starting to pant with her mouth closed. We sort of laugh at that. The pain shot is kicking in. I wait another 15 minutes and let her rest before I subject her to the bumpy ride home. Stormee says she’s not going to bed until we are home and settled. I leave the SCVSH parking lot at 1 am… It’s 3 am where Stormee lives!
I was going to ask Bud to carry her in when I got home but he was in bed. Ok I’ll carry Kira in. But when I got back out to the car, Kira is standing up and looking sturdy enough! Ok then, I’ll let her go in on her own. She makes it pretty good. Still walking around when I got in after closing everything up. The pain shot is working. Bud is looking at her. She is in her safe zone now and will stay there for at least three days.
I’m confused. What happened? That pain shot seemed to fix everything. Even the next day she seems right as rain. But that night things go bad again… I’ll post that soon….
I hope today sheds some light on what has been happening with dear sweet baby. Its interesting how she did better when the one medicine wasnt given...wonder if perhaps the doctor should elevate the dosage? You should be very proud of yourself sweetheart. You were watchful and understood what your furbaby was saying, you knew there was fever without taking it, you knew her heart was racing before your touch, you did everything you could to confirm what you thought, and offered great clinical report to doctors.
that nite kira stopped outside, you were crying, knelt down and hugged her.....i think she knew you needed that hug and she needed one to....perhaps why she have watchful your gut. Listen with your eyes. hope to hear how today goes at doctors. Sending love and hugs and kisses to snout and tummy rubs for girls.
all your girls here in texas..............sending you (((((((((((((((((((((HUGS))))))))))))))))) and wiggles.
Squirt's Mom
10-09-2012, 11:14 AM
How is Kira doing today? I hope she is much better! Let us hear from you when you can.
10-09-2012, 06:59 PM
Thank you for the kind words Stormee. So sweet of you to notice all that. I think your words discribed where we are right now with all this too. So I'll forgo the detailed expalination. Except to say I suspect her meds were the problem. They had me double them and I had fever and panting problem again the next night. But not the lameness. I stopped them for 24 hrs and she got noticably better, AND was walking fine. I didn't see any pain at all. But Dr Ringwald keeps saying dont stop the meds!!!
Well do I, or don't I? I let Kira deside last night. The 2am alarm went off and Kira dashes to kitchen for pills. Ok Kira, I gave it to her. Same thing this morning, so I gave it to her.
I was going to not give them to her and show Dr. Ringwald how she is. But I hate to go against her wishes too.
But now I'm most dismayed! I missed her appointment today! Damn it all!!! I over slept.
She was to have message therapy and acupunture today... We go tomorrow instead. Sheesh
But as you can see there doesn't seem to be any grave danger. This is likely just a small blip in the progession of the inevitable. And i just may stop the meds complelty for a while anyway. I don't like this over heating problem! Her temp went up to 104 the next night! If we get pain agian like we did on Friday I may press the prednisone thing. Her orgains seem to be in great shape to handle it. But maybe an ultrasound first... Well see.
You know dogs learn by assosiation. I know this is true. So when Kira tells me I don't want those over and over! (this being the pills) I pay attention. Why wouldn't she notice that everytime I give these pill pockets then she doesn't feel well? It's just like picking up a leash. The leash represents something good. Pill pockets represents something bad sometimes. And it's not like she has to have these meds to live! I have stopped her pain meds before. This same Etogesic before becasue she told me to. She was fine for 6 months. Then we had pain again so I started again. You certainly wouldn't want to do that with meds for a current infection or heart meds or such. Our situation is differant.
Kira resting in her safe zone.... watching me. She knows shes the center of my life. I won't put her thru surgery again. We can't stop the lamness progression.
10-11-2012, 08:19 PM
Hi Janis,
Havent seen any posts lately. How is Kira doing. Hope all well.
Tight hugs and love
10-11-2012, 08:57 PM
Oh thank you for asking! I've been knee deep in Kira worries. We had an ultrasound done and praise God the worst she has is a liver cyst. The trouble is she's likely going to loose the ability to walk long before the rest of her gives out. She could have back surgery. But she's 12 1/2 and already has had three major surgeries. The fur on her belly never grew back from the US she had done last December. I won't put her thru it. I won't have her die all torn to peaces. But I don't want her to have all these HIGH FEVER/HEART RACING episodes she has now. I think it's from the current pain meds. The Etogesic which does the most good and Gabapenton which I don't think does much. The vets think all she needs is Pepsid. Which I'm doing but I'm afraid to give her the meds again. So I stopped completely and she doesn't seen to be that much pain. I mean she flops over on her back looking content as hell. She gave a GAINT doggie shake at the water bowl last night and I can't imagine that a dog in great pain would do that. Yet she isn't as active as she could be either.
Well as you can see I'm more or less just stuck in a delema right now. There is nothing horribly serious happening. Well there is but she won't loose the ability to walk tomorrow. The fact that it might happen... Well I can think of nothing more horrible to happen to her. The thought upsets me more then I can say.
10-14-2012, 06:17 AM
I started giving Kira prednisone today. Partly because she won't eat. She isn't doing overly well.
how is this evening going for momma and the girls?
Squirt's Mom
10-16-2012, 08:10 AM
Hi Janis,
How is Kira today? Has the pred helped? I hope it brings her some relief.
10-16-2012, 10:20 PM
In House Blood Test
Result & Ref. Range
GGT 18 0-7
TBIL 3.9 0.0-0.9
CHOL 364 110-320
LIPA 2612 200-1800
ALT 3330 10-100 This is so HIGH it's off the chart!
ALKP 5083 23-212 This is so HIGH it's off the chart!
Squirt's Mom
10-17-2012, 08:28 AM
Hi Janis,
What did her doc say about these levels? Is she showing any signs, changes in behavior ect, other than the weakness in her back legs? Do you see any yellowing in the whites of her eyes, in her ears, or her gums?
How is her appetite? Are her BMs ok...good color and form?
I know so very little about lab work or how to read it but from a little bit of reading about what these elevated values may mean it looks like something is going on with the liver or gall bladder or both perhaps. It looks like more complete blood work, an ultrasound as well as a bile acid test might be in order.
Please let us know where you go from here and what you learn, sweetie. I am praying so very hard this doesn't mean anything serious for Kira.
10-17-2012, 03:51 PM
Hopefully I have some incouraging news. Dr Rossi suspected it was something she ate. It's a good thing I record my conversations with vets because I went back and listened again. She asked if we had a Saga Palm and I told her no. But that was wrong because we do and it's possible Kira got into it. Our Neeka has been ill recently too. Not with the same blood result though. Anyway hopefully Kira's blood be normal again in two weeks. She is taking a gazilion pills and we are stoping the prednisone.
We are still dealing with possible liver cancer too. She found a nodual way deep in her liver that can't be tested. So we are concerned about that too. If it is possible that it is cancer and could be removed I would do it if Kira seemed strong enough. She's a tough girl. So all is not lost yet.
Squirt's Mom
10-17-2012, 04:11 PM
10-18-2012, 12:14 AM
Ok sometimes we worriers get lucky. Well I guess this is lucky.
After being prodded by Stormee to look at this palm better. I found one of the palm seeds on the ground. And as gross as this seems I had taking pictures of Kira's vomit. I thought there was a peice of a carrot in it. But when I looked closer it looks Identical to the seed I found. Size, texure, and color! In the mean time Dr. Rossi's office confirmed that the picture I sent was a Sago Palm. No changes were made in Kira's meds which consists of fist fulls of pills. Kira is doing well so far.
Now how to get husband to let me get this plant out to the front yard. It is really beautiful. He just say don't let the dogs over there ever!! Men!
10-18-2012, 01:33 AM
Hi Janis.
Sago Palms are very expensive and they can easily be replanted. If you remove it, put it in a large pot and sell it or you can advertise on Craigslist that if you buy it, you have to dig it out. It will help you pay for Kira's vet bill. If you don't care about the money, you can call landscapers in your area and ask them if they are interested. Most are very interested in large Sago Palms. They will come remove it for free and maybe even replace it with another non toxic plant.
10-18-2012, 02:19 AM
Wow thanks for that info! That palm was here when we moved in to this house 32 years ago. I guess I should post a pick of it so everyone else knows. Gee if I plant it out front someone will likely steel it. What a shame. It's already cost me $2,000 in vet bills in the last week. Or at least a good bit of that.
You know I wonder if it killed my Mira. After all she died of a trashed liver. What a dreadful thought that is! She had access to it all of her short seven years.
That plant has got to go!!!
There are many plants that can harm are dogs and I don't know one from another. I didn't even know sugarless gum was bad until a couple days ago!
10-18-2012, 07:24 AM
Hi Janis,
I don't have any helpful info about treating Kira for her poisoning, but just want you to know I've been reading along and am very much hoping that she is feeling better! What a scary situation!!!!!!!!!!!
Please give both your girls some big hugs for me, OK?
10-18-2012, 07:35 AM
Our Sago Palm taken a couple years ago. Complete with the tip of dogs tail to the left. YIKES!
Our Current Sago Palm Crop!!!
Fallen Sago Palm Seed I found yesterday (they dry up and turn orange)
If you wish to see the picture of one in her vomit use the link below.
10-18-2012, 08:00 AM
Janis, have you let your vet know that you do have a sago palm after all and that you found a seed in Kira's vomit? It may not change her treatment since you are already supporting her liver, but I'd still tell your vet ASAP, regardless.
10-18-2012, 08:05 AM
Thank you! Kira is doing very good for a 12 1/2 year old girl who has really been thru so much these last years.
She is currently taking:
Ursodiol 300mg
Metrondazole 250mg
Cephalexin 500mg
Denamarin 425mg
Prednisone 5mg (tappering down slowly to stop to be safe-she had only been taking this for a couple days before the liver values hit the roof!)
Pepsid ac
She seems to be responding to this combination very well. The pred has got her eating like a pig which is really good cus she was getting very thin... She lost a lot of weight in the last three weeks. I am hopefull.
10-18-2012, 08:41 AM
Marianne... yes I did... I called and left a message twice. Once to make sure she had gotten the picture of the tree and that this could have been possible. Then again about 30 minutes later when it dawned on me that might not have been a carret in her vomit. I told her I was 100% certain is was a Sago Palm Seed. Rossi's tech called me soon after that and said they had been passing that picture around until they could find someone who could confirm that is was. And they said it was. She also told me what the results were for the blood they sent out. I don't even recall what it was cus I already know Kira ate this thing. It's going to be bad and it will get better so to me that reading is moot. I also know Kira is improving. Sheesh... I hate roller roasters..
I want to mention that Dr. Ringwald at SCVSH who see's Kira almost every week, spoted this in Kira even before I left their parking lot. She called my cell phone and told me Kira was Jaundace and I need to come back and see an IM. I asked her how she knew and she siad the whites of her eyes were yellow. WELL you cant hardly see the whites of Kira's eyes! I would have never thought to look at that. So Doc Ringwald saves the day again. As she does so often for Kira. Kira just prances away from that place!
10-18-2012, 08:47 AM
Boy, I hate this roller coaster right along with you! :(
I'll keep checking back for your updates, Janis. I'm so sorry, but so thankful that Kira seems to be doing better.
10-20-2012, 06:42 AM
So far so good. No major Disasters. She will continue to get fist fulls of pills for two weeks before she's tested again. We are cutting back on the pred so I expect the bright eyed hungry Kira I'm seeing now to go away soon. I hope she doesn't get all painful again.
molly muffin
10-20-2012, 10:24 AM
Hoping that Kira can stay at an even keel.
You're doing great and have really been through the ringer in the last year or so.
10-22-2012, 08:23 AM
In House Blood Test
Result & Ref. Range
GGT 18 0-7
TBIL 3.9 0.0-0.9
CHOL 364 110-320
LIPA 2612 200-1800
ALT 3330 10-100 This is so HIGH it's off the chart!
ALKP 5083 23-212 This is so HIGH it's off the chart!
I'm adding on to the above previously posted blood test, the results that was sent out from this same blood sample. (Gee hope that makes since)
CBC Antech
Result & Ref. Range
WBC 22.8 4.0-15.5 (HIGH)
Neutrophils 19380 2080-10600 (HIGH)
Monocytes 1368 0-840 (HIGH)
Any comments?
11-07-2012, 04:16 AM
Hi all... Kira had another in house blood test last week and she appears to be getting better. She seems better. Trouble is with her liver so out of whack I'm not able to give her any usefull pain medication. I increased her Gabapenton but that doesn't do a whole lot. I took her for a walk the other day and her left rear leg was faltering several times. Hopefully the next up coming tests will give us an all clear to hopefully start giving her the Etogesic again. My poor sweet heart.
Neeka seems to be having trouble too. We aren't sure if it was the sago palm tree or the unexpected flee infestation. (We haven't had flees around here in like 20 years!) She started having diahrea and it's not going away. But it's not an urgent type thing either. She not straining or anything and is only going once a day. They said there was alot of bateria in her poop however but no worms. Her urnine was bad but now is better. I suspect she also had a go with that palm tree too but reacted to it differantly then Kira.
Stupid palm tree!
Squirt's Mom
11-07-2012, 08:16 AM
Hi Janis,
I'm glad to hear that Kira is doing better and hope the trend continues. geez...I'm really glad that tree is GONE! You hubby done good! ;)
Have you tried any plain pumpkin with Neeka? Or Slippery Elm? Both work wonders. ;)
Let us know how she and Neeka are progressing and I sincerely hope the worst is over for both of them.
11-07-2012, 10:54 AM
Hi Leslie,
Pumpkin didn't work with Neek. And I couldn't try the Slip Elm because of the meds she was taking. I've been sneaking in some metrondozal that surprisingly didn't help much. She just took her last pill last night. I'm seriously considering the Slip Elm now. I'm hoping it was the meds that kept her off balance. These dogs have cost me a mere Fortune the last two months! And it's certainly not over for Kira yet.
Yeah Bud did do well in the end. I even saw him out there sifting thru the dirt with a make shift grate. Bless his butt. That palm tree could have killed our Mira. Or at least set her off. Thats a hard notion to live with. It was two years ago this month we lost her. The palm had likely just started shedding its crop then too. kira got sixk at the same time too. I'm in no hurry to let them over there yet. But it's their play ground. There are lizards and interesting things in those bushes!
11-20-2012, 08:30 PM
Janis, just checking in to see how you guys are doing. It's been a while since we've heard from you. Hope you're all OK!
11-21-2012, 01:06 AM
Hi Marriane thanks for asking.
Kira had an in house blood test about two weeks ago and Doc Rossi was very pleased with Kira's Liver values at the time. She thinks whatever she saw in the ultrasound was from the palm tree. She wants to run another test at the end of the month. Kira does seem better in that respect. As far as her lameness goes she is worse. She can only have Gabapenton for pain which doesn't help that much. No prednisone or Etogesic until the liver values normalize. I took her for a walk a couple nights ago and she clearly drug her rear leg behind her once. I'm beginning to wonder if we have come to the end of the usefulness of theropy. She's not going to get any stronger and working her failing legs might do more harm. Doc Ringwald hasn't said that but the last two times we went I told her to do whatever she thought would be good and all she did was acupuncture. And actually Kira did not seen better after even that. But I must keep in mind her lack of pain meds. I'm starting to think its time to start laying down carpet on our slick floors and making a specail harness with a handle. And stop walking the dogs together. We walk too fast with two year old Neeka.
Anyway... She is hanging in there. Her lameness deases continues to get worse but her general health is good. As in the words of Doc Rossi "Kira is amazing for her age." course she is only considering her end of it which does not include the lameness. All of which points to a healthly dog that can't walk. 8:::
12-21-2012, 06:20 AM
Hi Janis,
We've not seen you here for a while. Hoping all is well on your end and just dealing with the hustle and bustle of the holidays. Hope you, mom and the babies are ok.
Thinking of you always..
Tight hugs.
Jeanette and my girl
01-24-2013, 08:05 AM
Not much to report on Kira...
Other then I've been niglecting her horrobly lately. Not by choice though. Her rearend weekness continues to get worse. She wobbles and shakes sometimes. She can't lift her upper body to get into the car anymore. Her fur gets worse and worse. She looks like shes been combed with that egg better. My poor sweetheart.:(
Squirt's Mom
01-24-2013, 08:16 AM
Aw, Janis,
I hate to hear that our sweet Kira is not improving. :( Has she seen the vet? Did they have anything to offer that may help? I can't remember - did she ever start the pred? If not, this might be the time to revisit that option.
Keep in touch and let us know how she is doing and if there is anything we can do to help.
Leslie and the gang
01-25-2013, 09:15 AM
The rear end weakness will never get better. Can not get better without surgery. She's too old and been threw too many surgeries already. The fur on her belly won't ever grow back. I don't mind that, I like to kiss her belly. And being a husky it doesn't bother her in the slightest. She is better as far as her health goes. Or at least holding steady. I think she will loose the ability to walk before anything else. Maybe her hearing is not so good but she sees good.
Prednisone... She doesn't seem to be in pain and that is normally how this goes I guess. Doc Ringwald kept telling me pred wouldn't help in the end and I sort of see why now. When all those things in her spine give out walking will not be possible no matter what. She will have no feeling in the rear at all. That is if I understand it all correctly. I supose we could get lucky and shell never reach that point. Geez I love her to pieces.
01-25-2013, 09:19 AM
Hey Janis,
I've missed you and the girls, and appreciate getting this update even though I wish so much that Kira was feeling better.
Sending hugs to all three of you,
Squirt's Mom
01-25-2013, 09:29 AM
Have you seen this, Janis?
You can get one at -
Hi Janis,
Stopping by to give you a hug, wish Kira was feeling better.
Thinking of you and your girl.
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