View Full Version : Shysie - Melanoma and Indolent corneal laceration
Monday October 29th Shysie will see her surgeon (same one that performed her adrenalectomy) to have area on her upper lip (part between nose and mouth) removed. We do not know any more at this point.
They will also take chest x-rays to confirm nothing has spread. And if the lymph nodes are enlarged will be removed.
she will also be rechecked with her CBC, Chem Pan, urine, and ultrasound as follow up with her Internal Medicine doctor.
This all started about this same time last year........when i very very first posted on this site.
anyone have knowledge or guidance on how to be the best advocate i can be for her in this matter?
09-26-2012, 11:51 PM
I don't have specific experience with canine melanoma, but I do have experience with treating canine lymphoma, along with my background as a hematology technologist in a hospital lab.
First question, I assume that this area has had a previous biopsy that confirmed the melanoma? If so, what you need to check on, once surgery is done is did they get clean margins around the area that was removed, meaning no cancer cells. If the margins are clean, x-rays, & labwork indicate that there has been no spread, IMO, the next step is to seek a consult with an vet oncologist. Shysie's surgeon & IMS can give you some guidance, but if indications are that the melanoma has spread, & you want to consider treatment, it's imperative you seek the opinion of an oncologist. My lymphoma boy was diagnosed by his IMS. I, initially, was not going to treat as he was 13 years old, had Cushing's, & a number of other medical problems, but felt that I had to get the opinion of an oncologist to have all the information necessary to make the best informed decision I could on his behalf. To make a long story short, if I had not chosen to pursue chemotherapy, I would have lost Barkley in 4-6 weeks, chemo gave him another 20 months. Please keep in mind that this is for lymphoma, melanoma treatment is probably very different. The last thing I will say is that when any of Shysie's vet team gives you average survival with or without further treatment, this is just the statistics they have seen in their practice. Barkley's oncologist told me 6-8 months with the type of chemo he received, he got 20 months.
Thank you so much for your reply and information. We dont know what type of melanoma this is yet...........the surgeron and oncologist both feel certain that biospy or aspiration is additional steps to not take and go straight for removal. Reason.....because of her history with pancreas....and sedation....the risk is to great to place that stress on her as she just had adrenalectomy surgery last November. This could be simple and removed, or this could get complicated and very heart breaking. I mentioned this area a year ago with no doctors being overtly concerned....though understand we nearly lost her last October with a horrifically violent pancreatic attack then shortly after her adrenalectomy surgery, then off and on with conflicting issues with diet with bouts of angry potty and vomiting. We have just worked through all of that....and now she has her next battle. i do know they will be doing ultrasound, chest cavity x-ray and labs as well as urine. What i do not with all the in and out of doctors appointments, and no one saw this and brought it up..........except me again. I should have pushed harder even with all the other things happening. I have asked that they do very detailed check of her body and even between each little toe, and maybe even teeth cleaned as that is needed horribly bad to ensure her gums have no signs of this as well. It is the beast of the beast that can attached and attack in all areas of body. I am hoping and praying for the best....but my nerves are preparing for worse and my heart fights off the feeling of fear. I wont know much till results of her surgery...but am getting notes, questions, etc all in order now so i am well prepared for what may lay ahead of us as we take this journey together. Thank you so much again for your input. I am even asking if perhaps they should do MRI to ensure brain and heart etc are all okay. I want to know for sure she is seen and inspected inside and out to ensure her well being so that we may both live and love and embrace each and every second with out a worry for while....if not forever. lol. Seriously with the adrenalectomy surgery they clearly saw nearly her entire insides. Could have never made it through without the love, prayers and fluttering wings of all the angels guiding us.
09-27-2012, 08:07 AM
Stormee, I am sorry that I don't have any helpful info about canine melanoma, but I've got my wings on and I am flapping them as hard as I can!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Please keep us updated with everything you find out, OK? I am so sorry that you are facing another issue with your sweet baby girl, but I have all fingers and toes crossed that the surgery will take care of the problem for good.
Sending many hugs,
Squirt's Mom
09-27-2012, 08:14 AM
Aw, Stormee,
I had so hoped this would pass ya'll by. :( Please keep in touch and let us know what is happening, what you learn, and how our sweet girl is doing. Your angels are right by your side the whole way through, honey.
Hang in there!
you all seriously dont know how much this means to me. Leslie, did you sense something was happening? well........i do know this much.....we are standing before a door and when that door opens it is a maze of zillion doors. This can go from simple removal so to speak to extreme complicated journey. She will not take one step alone. And I know I wont either. She is beautiful, strong, amazing. She has my entire heart and support, and i know that helps her feel strong. (which all of you angels i know have your hands full keeping me grounded) i am taking notes and details and tracking things, and will keep things added in this thread, may even type out some notes i have, and will continue to keep this up till its resolved that way if another pet parent stumbles upon this there will be thread that might be helpful. Wonder how many internal cancers have actually started with a melanoma not discovered.
Never think any journey for you or Shysie would be made alone.
For every door, we enter as one, even if there are a million.
Keep strong as you do.
Love and prayers
An amazing door has opened for Shysie and her care. She will be receiving her surgery Monday...THIS MONDAY october 8th. Which means we could know results by October 12th. This is nearly a month sooner. 21 days sooner than expected. So there was this massive gust of wind...............but what it actually was an angel at very close distance and we felt her wing gently brush our cheeks.... :) So we will leave here at 5- 5:30am and have her to doctors by 7am. They will take her chest x rays to check on her heart and lungs, and if her lymph nodes show anything they will remove those at this time as well. Please if you all have time......every single angel if you can be in flight with us we would sure welcome and love it.
molly muffin
10-04-2012, 07:22 AM
That is wonderful!!! What fabulous news. Getting things out early is important and I hope that everything shows to be okay for Shysie's heart and lungs and lymph nodes.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Squirt's Mom
10-04-2012, 08:26 AM
Will preen the wings, and polish the halo toda....wait, those aren't mine! :p
I, too, am glad this is happening sooner rather than later and am grateful to your close distance angel.
okay.....tomorrow morning, everyone ready???? driving in my car today i wonder if people thought i was in labor and doing breathing techniques trying to keep nerves under car windows are not tinted and saw some concerned faces watching me....(could have fainted)
prayers prayers prayers that this is BENIGN. IF it cant be, then CONTAINED and this surgery resolves it. Shysie is my baby girl,my every breath my every heart beat... my sweet everything!!!! I know she has the top Master Physician, our Lord, and He is working through the doctors that are caring for her. He knows how much I love her, He loves her too just as much!!! To my chest I want to hold her, and shelter her and protect her....but to my knees i am, and my arms are holding her out to Him, trusting Him that this be in His will to have this be Benign and contained, that her beautiful health fully restored, inside and out, mind and body for us to share so many many many MANY more long wonderful years together.
Angels we leave 5-5:30ish in morning. Will be there by 7am. Not sure what time they will take her for surgery, and wont hear results till end of week. BUT while we are there, and until i can get to computer, Janis will be helping keep everyone updated. And as the days pass in soon as i hear, if i cant get to puter, i will let her know and hopefully she can get word on here for that too. Truly beautiful inside and out she is.
Okay!!!! so stretch out your wings and be ready for flight!!!! scared and trembling, but trying to act so strong and brave I go.
love to all.......wiggles from Shysie (who by the way scratched her little eye last nite, been putting ointment in it)sigh..........where is that box of wine????
Squirt's Mom
10-08-2012, 08:17 AM
Hey Skye,
I'm right there with you and Shysie! I couldn't get back on the site last nite or for a while this morning, but my thoughts have been with you and will remain with you both. I eagerly await word from Janis that they got it all with clean margins if it is anything major...hopefully the word will be she just had a weird wart or something.
10-08-2012, 08:47 AM
Ok I'm here. After a major scare with my Kira this weekend and trip to the ER! To which Stormee held my hand through the entire time. So fair is fair as it worked out. Lol. Im pooped but my Kira is fine at the moment so now we worry about little Shysie. In getting this thing off pronto!!! And the family back home in one piece. I expect to hear something very soon.
10-08-2012, 09:10 AM
Ok we have made a connection.
"Shit just dropped phone and now its busted up son of a bitch I am so dumb.
all they said was OH!! That has GOT to come off. Thanks to u were here now "
I'd say she's a bit nervous though. Lol. I asked her what the doctors said. They are doing chest X-rays now.
10-08-2012, 01:46 PM
It's done. She thinks b9 but not sure. There is an issue with her eyes too. I'll let Stormee explain that better. For the moment all is well.
Squirt's Mom
10-08-2012, 02:43 PM
Good! Thanks for letting us know, Janis!
okay!!!! hello!!!!! have Shysie with me at hotel. her and her sister Shaddix. Normally they do not release but she stresses so badly without me....and i without her, they allowed her to stay with me tonite as long as i stayed close. (takes over 2 hours to get here and course the concern with pancreas flaring up from surgery) they felt she would rest better if with me.
Dr. said without question it had to come off. It is likely a benign melanoma....BUT it is dangerously close to lip line which borders it to be the maligent melanoma. She said we DONT want that. her description wasnt in those words but more stressed.....than the simple word dont. They went over her tiny little body snout and to tail and top to bottom, and felt certain that was the only area to remove. So i am hanging to the words likely benign. They did take her lymph nodes. They didnt aspirate, were not taking chances, and I am glad. Chest x-ray was good, (was shaking so badly and trembling, i dropped my phone, amazing how many pieces bounce off those, said some colorful whispers, ) Keep them prayers pouring out angels, i think Shysie sensed all of you fluttering your wings caring for us by the way she was looking at me and around me, i said yes sweetheart you have an entire fleet of angels surrounding all of us in feverent prayer and care. Shysie said this one beautiful angel with beautiful coat, warm eyes, and wings that are warm, gentle safe and secure and the angel said her name was Mira who comforted her during her entire visit today at Gulf Coast, ensuring her that all was going to be okay and she would be back in her mommas arms soon. ....So my husband and I called it Miras care. Her mom is pretty special too.....(we love you Janis, her legacy goes on) The doctor did seem fairly concerned about her eyes....i thought she scratched her eye outdoors....she said no. That both eyes have bilateral lacerations in them, and she is a bit concerned as to why both eyes have that, she doesnt provide eye care, and suggested a doctor who does, and strongly suggested that be checked because she felt there could be some real issues result if prolonged long. So i am hoping tonites recovery is full and successful in greatness, that the tumor is benign that lymph nodes are free and clear, and that this issue with eyes is fixed. Just in case you all didnt know.....we love you angels. we need you, and were grateful your here.
10-08-2012, 07:02 PM
Stormee (and Janis, too!), thanks so much for these updates!! Please keep them coming as we continue to send healing hugs to you all!
we are here with you sending prayers and hope. You will need a good opthalmologist for her eyes when we get that far. It will be fine.
Sorry I missed the ride there.
love you bunches and holding close
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh sharing some photos. i cant seem to post them in album on profile. hope its okay i share this way.
10-09-2012, 05:03 AM
Sorry angels I was most remiss today. My Kira's current condition has just exhosted me and I fear I passed out for a good part of today. And I had angel inform me I better get on here and report on Kira. lol I will do that. Anyway... When I woke it was only to find that Stormee had written this sweet thing about my Mira. Gosh. If you haven't seen the pictures of Shysie I can tell you her snoot looks great and the scary black thing is gone! I am hopful that it is gone for good. Shysies eyes are a concern. I think they have been for some time. But I have yet to hear her mommy complain about her walking into walls so hopefully that will be ok too. Zack was a total doll as normal through all this. He managed to work and be attentive too. I offered to buy him a pizza but he didn't do it!!! Then there was a discusion about my Neeka spending her afternoon chasing down a fly in the room. The fly eventually died of course. And Stormees Shaddix being such a good girl in the hotel room all alone this morning. Oh well I hope I was a useful distraction today. :p
Squirt's Mom
10-09-2012, 11:15 AM
How is our Shysie this morning? I hope everyone had a restful night and she will be headed home very soon.
we did all sleep so very well. wow that was the nicest rest in quite a while. Hoping that great news will follow soon from her surgery then i bet we sleep for 12 hours in total bliss. she was little slow at eating her breakfast but i think her nose is sore and well as her throat. She did nearly eat all of it, so that was good. She is having good healthy poohs which i am thrilled about as those get checked each and every time, lol, and she has not vomited so i am so grateful her pancreas is staying calm after her surgery. I posted link (page 2 of this thread) showing some pictures of her last nite, i couldnt get album to post on here. She is quite the strong little proud of her.
Proud of you as well:D:D:):);)
Keep us posted, going to look at the pictures.
hello everyone...........
Well.....first pancreaticitis October 2011, Adrenalectomy November 2011, finding diet that doesnt cause angry potty or vomit December 2011, spring through summer balancing and recovery from countless labs, cystos, ultrasounds, and meeting with IMS to make sure everything is functioning properly.
August through end of September were bliss!!!!
Then October mass on lip area under nose removed with surgery, as well as the lymph nodes on left side. Will know end of week what it is, we are praying for benign at the very least containment, fear is melanoma. doctors took precautions just incase.
NOW as we wait to hear results we are told she also has a Indolent Corneal Ulcer and it will need surgery. They gave us antibiotic ointment to use for two weeks, which doctor requires prior to surgery, and said 5% after using ointment alone recover. So we are hoping and praying that she is able to heal on her own.
What are others experiences and or knowledge on these?
here is some information on the doctor.....would you feel comfortable with this or seek other professional?
He completed residency this year 2012 (not alot of experience?)
he prepares his own anesthetic for each client so its custom (is this weird?)
says he has never had a patient die, treats each patient like his own dog, out patient surgery,
I am still trying to find out if heart, lungs blood pressure is monitored (some places do not do that) and I did confirm that i could hire an anesthesiologist to assist as in many places doctors do that themselves as well. I am also still trying to find out experience of nurse in the recovery area, if they to are degreed, certified or on the job training.
Doctor said corner of eye is stitched while healing takes place and lense is placed over eye. Both removed when healing complete. Success rate of surgery is 95% 70% if it is done not under anesthetic.
I will absolutely wait at least two weeks if we need surgery.....she just had surgery...........want her to fully recover..............she has had a difficult 11 months...........she is a trooper. Amazing. She is my every breath my every heart beat. I need to know i am doing the very very very best i can to provide her the best possible care.
10-10-2012, 10:14 PM
One of the best internal medicine specialists my dogs had was an intern. She was smart, compassionate and appeared to be up to date on the latest studies. If she hadn't moved out of state, my dogs would still be seeing her. The most important question I have is "is this guy doing a veterinary opthalmology internship"? I wouldn't even consider letting him do the procedures if he isn't. One of my little rescues had severe corneal ulcers in both eyes. The specialist did a debridement and a grid keratotomy with good results. She will be on cyclosporin drops and BNP ointment for the rest of her life but by golly, they saved her vision. A topical anesthetic is used so general anesthesia is not necessary. Having somebody concoct a topical anesthetic is a lot less concerning if done by an eye specialist who knows what he's doing.
10-10-2012, 10:29 PM
My Annie had a corneal ulcer. I'm not sure what the term indolent means. I recall there were different stages and Annie's worsened I suspect because of her tumor. Surgery was never an option for her they said.
We went to an IMS whose specialty was opthamology. This is a must. It started with a small indentation in the eye. She was on multiple drops for the rest of her life. If they can save her eye and get rid of the ulcer that would be wonderful. Please learn all you can and share with us. KIm
This is about the doctor...his internship was not ophthalmology...his residency was
Dr. Smith graduated with honors from Delaware Valley College in Pennsylvania with a Bachelor of Science degree in animal science. He earned his Doctorate of Veterinary Medicine from Auburn University in 2008. Following graduation, he completed an internship in small animal medicine and surgery at Texas A&M University, College of Veterinary Medicine. He has a special interest in reptile medicine and exotic medicine. Dr. Smith completed the residency program at Eye Care for Animals in 2012.
10-11-2012, 03:34 PM
Eye Care for Animals are the best in their field so this intern probably got some excellent training. His other credentials are pretty impressive too. I found Dr. Smith under Eye Care for Animals as an intern as well as an associate doctor so it sounds like he is area of interest is opthamology and is probably working on getting his board certification. If you are not comfortable with him there are board certified opthamologists at every location so don't be afraid to request that they do Shysie's procedure.
Squirt's Mom
10-11-2012, 05:06 PM
Hi Skye,
I merged Shysies two threads here in Everything Else into one thread and changed the title to reflect both issues. It will be easier to keep up with everything in one place. ;)
I heard back on Shysies mass that was removed...........ITS BENIGN!!!!!!!! PRAISE YOU GOD AND THANK YOU FOR THIS BEAUTIFUL BLESSING!!!!! I am so happy I am crying and snotting all over her little body and just kissing it snout to tail, she can tell i am very excited and happy....she is just wiggling so happy with me. It was a "melanocytoma" and lymph nodes were "reactive" I am not sure i understand what reactive lymph nodes means though. any input would be great!
10-11-2012, 08:17 PM
OMG! Im crying along with you, happy tears. God is great!
Bless you Shysie and mom too.
Tightest hugs and love,
Jeanette and my Princess
molly muffin
10-11-2012, 09:15 PM
OMG! That is wonderful news!!!!!! Yipppeeeeeeee! Beats me what it means either, but I'll take it if it's good news. :)
hugggggsss and belly rubs,
Sharlene and Molly muffin
Squirt's Mom
10-12-2012, 08:09 AM
:D:D Woohoo, Shysie!!! :D:D
Thank you all soooooooooooooooo much!!!!!!!!!!! She is wiggling that little bottom thanking you as well. she is very very excited, LOL!!!!! little knub tail just a going. LOL
I am not positive......but I believe her eye might be better......I have been keeping house dim, blinds pulled, out of direct sunlight outside, all toys had to be placed away for couple of weeks while her incision I am encouraging sleepy snuggly time ALOT. Hoping this will help in healing. She holds her eye open all the way now just not all the time. Still early, been rubbing my hands up and down her little body praying, i think i may have made her skin sore by doing that, lol, but she is okay if i stay with same direction as her coat.
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