View Full Version : New Member! Rudy the Jack Rat!

09-24-2012, 02:28 PM
Hi everyone!: Our little Jack Rat, Rudy, has recently been diagnosed with Cushing's disease. We had to order the vetoryl today. I was distressed to see how much it costs! and all the lab work is so expensive. However we can't wait to get him started on it.

Question: Why is it so expensive and is there an alternative medication? Also does Vetoryl have side effects?

09-24-2012, 03:12 PM
Hi there and welcome to the board ! Never a good reason for any of us to have to be here, but at least we have each other to talk to and get info.

Im not one of the experts, but thought I would share Konas experiece with the meds. Kona, was diagnosed this summer. I was worried about the meds with her because she has such a sensitive tummy I have a hard time ever changing diets so I thought for sure the meds would upset her. She has now been on vetoryl for a little over a month and has absolutely no effects, except for good ones. No side effects, no upset tummy, some of the cushings is starting to subside, but its early so Im hoping for more good news.

I will tell you they will ask for any test results you may have so they can help guide you in the right direction. Also there are only 2 meds for cushings, the vetoryl and lysodren (sp?) no alternatives for this horrible condition.
Im sure more info will be coming to you from others very soon!
Hugs, Kona and deb

Steph n' Ella
09-24-2012, 03:52 PM
Make sure you get copies of all those expensive tests you had done (blood work-esp. liver enzyme levels, urinalysis, ultrasound findings, LDDS, or ACTH stim tests)! They are yours, since you paid for them! Post the results here and get opinions from those who have seen test results from tons of Cush-pups...and all the false alarms. Also, having the copies of your dog's testing are good to have on hand incase you ever need to go to the emergency vet or if you decide to go to a specialist.

Cushings is a slow progressing disease so don't rush into treatment unless you are 100% sure of the diagnosis.

Others will be by to help explain the difference in the medications. Also, there are some good cost saving ideas if your lil pup really does have Cushings.

molly muffin
09-24-2012, 06:28 PM
Hello and welcome. So, how much vetoryl do you give a day?

Yep, we do like to see all the numbers from ACTH, LDDS, etc and anything abnormal on bookwork, urinalysis. It helps to be able to determine whats going on with our little ones.

Vetoryl is the brand name of Trilostane and it's made by one company. Trilostane however can be obtained from compounding pet pharmacies, usually for a lower price than the brand name.

Some of our members who have gone this route can tell you more about it, such as what pharmacy they use, etc. There might be one even that your vet can recommend to you as an option. So check into that.

So glad you found us. :)

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

09-25-2012, 07:05 AM
Hi and welcome from me too.

Here is a link that describes more of the recommended dosage and side effects of Trilo. http://www.dechra-us.com/files//dechraUSA/downloads/Client%20Literature/38965_Technical_Brochure.pdf

When you can post the results of the tests that diagnosed Cushing's.


09-25-2012, 11:55 PM
Thank you all for your replies! I've been around dogs for most of my adult life and my wife also. We have been near many dogs over the years and I was actually a Collie breeder at one time. Neither of us have ever had a dog that required meds other than heart worm preventative, etc. So we are gaining new experience.

I don't have all the test results at my finger tips as yet but we'll be looking into that soon. Rudy will be starting out at 10mg. We are hoping he will respond quickly.

Rudy is a great little guy and we are happy that his problems are treatable. He's only 8 years old and we are hoping he will be around for awhile. Of course the quality of his life is most important to us at this point. We hope he can lead a fairly normal life.