09-14-2012, 06:32 AM
Hi to all, I have been reading through the posts in the forum and can relae to many of the symptoms that my little fleabags seems to be exhibiting. She was at the vet Tuesday for a seniors blood and urnie screen as she was being a bit more lazy than normal. Knuckling on her feet / walking into walls and just generally acting as though she were intoxicated. :eek:
She has the typical pot bellied look, that the vet seemed to blow off as a saddle back, she looks depressed.:confused:
She always hoovers the floor but we just thought this was a handy trait as we have 2 small kids so makes the sweeping/ cleaning easier.:p Last week end she began to get muscle tremors, was extremely lethargic, appeared week in the back end and began panting excessively and drinking lots of water. By Tuesday night she had had a seizure, wednesday barely moving except to get up to eat and drink and wee and poo. By thursday evening looked a little brighter and today, aside for the slight muscle tremors that seem to shudder through her body every 20 mins or so is nearly back to her normal lazy self! :)
I called the vet today to chase up results, hoewver the vet has been overwhlemed with Tick cases and has not got back to me yet. I will keep chasing, however my questions for the forum is: Can the build up of the cortisol be the cause for her sudden downturn? Can it cause seizures in dogs if it builds too high?
I really did think I was going to loose her this week and she has proven her self to be quite a tough little cookie.
The pot belly gives me the feelings its Cushings, however I also wonder if, in her food hunt, she has eaten something that she should not have and perhaps poisoned herself in the process :(
I should mention she is a staffy cross, weight is 26.5kg and is 14 years old. She has always been the best dog, and like all of you is the love of my life.
I realise that we have no real diagnosis for this disease, though all the symptoms seem to point to it, and any thoughts advice you can offer would be great.
If it is cushings is there any sort of special diet I should have her on so that I can help her get the levels lower .
Thank you all in advance.:)
She has the typical pot bellied look, that the vet seemed to blow off as a saddle back, she looks depressed.:confused:
She always hoovers the floor but we just thought this was a handy trait as we have 2 small kids so makes the sweeping/ cleaning easier.:p Last week end she began to get muscle tremors, was extremely lethargic, appeared week in the back end and began panting excessively and drinking lots of water. By Tuesday night she had had a seizure, wednesday barely moving except to get up to eat and drink and wee and poo. By thursday evening looked a little brighter and today, aside for the slight muscle tremors that seem to shudder through her body every 20 mins or so is nearly back to her normal lazy self! :)
I called the vet today to chase up results, hoewver the vet has been overwhlemed with Tick cases and has not got back to me yet. I will keep chasing, however my questions for the forum is: Can the build up of the cortisol be the cause for her sudden downturn? Can it cause seizures in dogs if it builds too high?
I really did think I was going to loose her this week and she has proven her self to be quite a tough little cookie.
The pot belly gives me the feelings its Cushings, however I also wonder if, in her food hunt, she has eaten something that she should not have and perhaps poisoned herself in the process :(
I should mention she is a staffy cross, weight is 26.5kg and is 14 years old. She has always been the best dog, and like all of you is the love of my life.
I realise that we have no real diagnosis for this disease, though all the symptoms seem to point to it, and any thoughts advice you can offer would be great.
If it is cushings is there any sort of special diet I should have her on so that I can help her get the levels lower .
Thank you all in advance.:)