View Full Version : Tipper - adrenal tumor/breathing issues
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Me too with Zoe so I totally understand.
Patti, everyday I see Keesh's face in the morning I thank God for another day with him. I don't know either how much longer I have, after all he's almost 14 and that's really good for a dog his size, at least I think so.
I am pretty much finished with trying to find out what is wrong with him. He is comfortable, loved, fed and completely spoiled, so I know I've done everything I could for him and just letting him live out whatever days, weeks or possibly months he has left without being prodded anymore is my goal.
I know that I could spend much more if need be, but at this point in his life I'm just not going to. I've had to accept the fact there are fewer days with him ahead then there are behind us and enjoying each and every day that I have left with him. When everything seems to be going ok, there are subtle reminders that come out of the blue that he isn't the boy I used to have anymore.
Even writing this it brings tears to my eyes, knowing what lies ahead, but I have to accept it and there just isn't any other choice.
You have done way more then most anybody else ever could or would, so please take comfort in that knowing Tipper has had the best life a dog could ever wish for and a Mommy who went to the ends of the earth for her.
09-05-2013, 03:56 PM
I like your philosophy. I like to think the same thing. You know the words from a Little House in the Prairie, said it best when the dying widow of three children on an episode said, "Remember me with smiles and laughter, for that is how I will remember you all. If you can only remember me with tears, then don't remember me at all."
So enjoy your dog(s) while we have them, they are angels from heaven!
There's another saying to, but it pertains to people with a "woe is me" attitude.
Valerie Harper dying of brain cancer said "Don't go to the funeral until the day of the funeral- live this day " - good attitude.
Simba's Mom
09-05-2013, 11:34 PM
Sending hugs and prayers!!!
Budsters Mom
09-06-2013, 01:02 AM
I have been there, done that, with Buddy, and it was all about him. You will do what's right by Tipper when the time comes. In the meantime, be thankful for every precious minute you have with her. Once you have your plan, try to let as much stress go as possible and spend that time loving on her. You know her best. You know when she's had enough. That's the time to stop pushing. I won't kid you. It is not easy. It is damn hard! :o you can do it though Patti. We have all seen how strong you are.
Sending much love your way,
09-06-2013, 01:12 AM
every one of us feels the same way and would do exactly what you're doing.
Prayers for Tipper and you. I am so glad that you had a "spa" day :)
09-06-2013, 07:29 AM
Hi Everyone:
Well last nite was bad. Tipper moved around the bed all nite. I am also hearing that congested throaty noise coming out of her again. I know she is not being controlled on this dosage, and I have to do something about it now, before it causes her more problems. I am going to call Dechra and possibly set up an early ACTH to see where her numbers are. I know her best, and I can tell the split 10/10mg is not working for her. I am exhausted as she kept me awake all nite and got up at 5:30am with sort of a stomach ache starting. I am going to call the vets after I talk to Dechra and see if it is too early to test her she has been on the split for 10 days, but on the lower dose of 20 mg 21 days ago. This cortisol has done such terrible things to her body I am afraid to let this go any longer, so I must get on it immediately. It is only 42 here this morning so Tipper is enjoying that. We are due for storms on Saturday unfortunately. I am exhausted mentally and physically from this disease. I will however persevere. Blessings
09-06-2013, 10:43 AM
Hi Everyone:
Well I just spoke to Dechra. They agree with me that we need an ACTH done again before doing anything to see where her number is. I have it scheduled for Monday. God I am going to be broke. I had a lot of heavy bills this month car insurance etc., and I am struggling. I wish in a way I was still working so I had no money worries, but in another way I don't because I would never leave Tipper. Some of these bills are just going to have to wait. Her health is more important to me than stupid bills. I just gave her some Benadryl to see if it helps with the congested sounds I am hearing from her. She is starting to stick her tongue out a lot again and swallowing a lot so there is some kind of drainage going on. She has not done this for a while. If her cortisol is up though you would think the opposite if it were allergies or something similar. I must have spent way over 3500.00 on ACTH and blood panels so far this past year, not counting urine tests ultra sounds, ct scans, xrays, drugs, and supplements etc. Oh well like the AMEX commercial says "priceless." Blessings
09-06-2013, 06:25 PM
Hi Patti,
I just posted on my own thread that I was thinking of you this morning when I heard our morning temp was 57 degrees!! I see you had much cooler weather than that. Perfect for our pups. Trixie was not even panting for most of our walk. The cool weather will really make a difference for these dogs!
I'm sorry to hear that 10/10mg dosing isn't cutting it for control. I know that feeling when you just "know" that the cortisol is running too high. We are also going to have to to an acth in the next 2 weeks. I am completely unsure right now about where Trixie is. She seems well controlled until about 2-3 hours before the next dose is due. We'll have to see what the numbers say. I can totally relate to worrying about the expense. It's terrible that this important acth has to be so expensive, it really makes me angry but it has to be done.
I hope Tipper does not have another restless night...maybe the nice walk in the cool air will help her have a decent night's sleep.
09-07-2013, 08:12 AM
Hi Everyone:
Well Tipper had another restless nite last nite. I know she is not controlled. I just hate making her do another ACTH when she just had one. They are so hard on her, and I am trying to limit her stress level. I will not change her dosage with out one though. She wanted food all nite and kept begging me. That is what I find to be one of the hardest things to deal with. You feel so bad for them, but you cannot keep feeding them. It is an awful thing. She was also up at 4:30am, and has been drinking a lot of water. Tipper shows signs quickly when uncontrolled. I am anxious to see where we go from here since they say 30 is too much anymore for her, and 20 is not enough. The problem is they want her on Vetoryl not a compounded Trilostane. So I don't know what will happen next, but I know one thing for sure I want this under control now. This has already affected her so badly I don't want any more damage from this cortisol. I just had to order Tipper more chicken. Can you believe she went through 15 lbs already?? Hope all the babies have a good weekend. Blessings
Hi Patti.. haven't been around much in the last few days on here. Sorry that Tipper is still having issues.
Tipper is going through chicken and Keesh is going through steak. What we lose at the vets, seems it costs just as much to feed them.
Sure hope that you can get some results on Monday. What a rollercoaster for you. So sorry.
Budsters Mom
09-07-2013, 12:24 PM
What a roller coaster ride. Sometimes all you can do is hang on for dear life!:eek: I'm proud of you Patti. You are dealing with the little fires as they pop up, handling what you are able to control at any given time. That's all any of us can do. Please make time for yourself too. If I had a big bathtub like yours, I would be in it much more often!:D xxxxx
09-07-2013, 01:21 PM
Hi Everyone:
Well we will just add a few more bumps on the roller coaster ride. The vet's office called and said because there is going to be workers doing something at the vets Monday that Tipper has to be shifted to Tuesday. Exactly at the time of her laser appointment, which I will now have to change on Monday as they are closed. Tipper has been crying a little today, something she has never ever done. I know she wants food so she is making these little crying noises that aren't too loud, but she knows her mother can hear them!! We were having a good old time on the front porch until the neighbor started his mower and weed wacker, Tipper wanted in immediately. It's funny, she has heard those sounds a million times and never had a problem with them until this year. This disease has changed my fun loving, playful, happy girl into a scared of everything dog. She is still with me and for that I am thankful. I have been having a prayer emailed to me everyday to start the morning off. Reading it makes me feel better for a while. If any are interested you can sign up at you can ask to have a prayer for someone or have a candle lit. I asked for a prayer for my Tipper. They will email you a morning prayer. Have a good weekend all. Blessings
09-07-2013, 04:33 PM
Hi Patti,
I'm sorry your appts have to be changed now. I know when you prepare yourself for taking the dog to the vet and getting things done it's hard when things have to be rescheduled. So will you now try do an acth on Tuesday?
Trixie has been pretty hungry lately too. You know I try to use low cal, low fat small treats that I can give one by one and she thinks she's getting a lot. I have Charlie Bear you know them...they look like big lentils. Hardly any calories or fat but since they're small I sit with a handful and dole them out to her. I do it with kibble too. Maybe something like that for Tipper will satisfy her when she's wimpering for food.
I am using both Vetoryl and compounded Trilostane to make up our dose..maybe this will work for you if you need an in between dose like we are, the majority of the dose being Vetoryl.
Just glad it's nice and cool for Tipper and all our dogs on the East Coast today where there is Fall weather. I can see what a huge difference it makes for Trixie to walk outside and not get over heated. Hope it stays for awhile! Hope Tipper has a good night.
09-07-2013, 06:06 PM
I am going to do the ACTH on Tuesday. I wanted to get this over with, but oh well!! As I am typing the sky is growing black and it is ready to rain. Oh my poor girl is so sick of this and she has not been herself the last couple days. Not wanting to chase cats off the porch, not even barking at dogs on t.v. which is a favorite of hers. She seems really depressed. I hate to take her for testing when she is like this. She has really lost her playfulness. It makes me cry when I think of it. She is just worrying about food, and resting most of the time. This is not my dog, it is like another dog is inside her body. I am so sad about all this I hate seeing her like this. We did play ball for a while today, but she lost interest in it. Before all this she would play it 24/7. I am trying to enjoy every second with her as I still hear that clock ticking. It is so much better for these babies in the cool air. They are free to enjoy themselves without over heating and panting. Glad Trixie is enjoying herself and taking advantage of the cool days. Take care of yourself and Trixie. Blessings
09-07-2013, 08:06 PM
Patti, Moo & I are praying for you and Tipper.
Going to watch Cedar Cove on Hallmark channel, great story with great scenery in Washington State. Comes on again in a couple hours if you missed it now. Actually tonight it's on three hours later, check your guide. ;-)
09-07-2013, 11:16 PM
they sure know how to make us feel badly don't they!
Praying for a solution soon.
09-08-2013, 02:04 AM
Patti, Sorry to hear about what's going on with everything with Tipper.
Prayers and hugs for you and Tipper.
09-08-2013, 08:12 AM
Hi Everyone:
Well we were supposed to get storms last nite, but I held off on the Benadryl. Good thing as they never came. It looks pretty ominous out there this morning though. Tipper has already walked once. I am not pushing her to go again. She seems tired and unwilling. Her behavior is changing so much it is scaring me. I keep looking at her thinking this cannot be my dog. God help her. I will fight every day I get up for her. Last nite she was wanting more food again. It is so hard not to give it to her. I can see the physical and mental decline in her, and it is heart wrenching. I need to talk to my Vet about forming an emergency plan again. I cannot think of having no help in an emergency. It is just not acceptable. I could not be any closer to Tipper than if we shared the same DNA, and I am very frightened for her. I think we are going to get some rain as it is black outside. I better go and get the Benadryl ready. Blessings
09-08-2013, 08:16 AM
Just wanted to let you know Tipper and I miss you, and hope you and Boyce are well. Blessings
Oh Patti, I can relate to what you are saying. I had to cut back on Zoe's food intake and stop her Vetory for 1/2 days and all she did was stand in the kitchen waiting for food and I sure did not like the look in her eyes. It was different from her normal begging.:(
I understand why Dechra does not want you to use compounded but you may end up having to not listen to them and use a combo like Barabra is now and I did in the early days.
Hugs sweetie and I have to tell you, I was so hungry for a piece of your apple pie I cant even begin to tell you the craving that set of:D
My mother used to make the most amazing pie crust and I could just see you in your kitchen baking those pies and thinking they probably taste like my mom's and OMG I had to stop myself from heading to the store. I think the reason I didnt go buy one is that I knew it would not taste as good as yours or my mom's;););)
Squirt's Mom
09-08-2013, 11:19 AM
I was trying to figure out how to ship one of those pies! :D
09-08-2013, 11:24 AM
I know it is so hard to look in those eyes when they want food. I bake whenever I start missing my family. I remember being in the kitchen with my grandmother and helping her bake pies. She gave me the best pie crust recipe. The pies did turn out really good, gave some away. It makes me feel like I still have family when I bake. It brings back memories of in my grandmothers kitchen in happy times. So whenever I get real upset I bake, it brings a calm over me I can't explain. Tipper is sleeping a lot more than usual and it is really worrying me. Hope Zoe continues to improve, that is all we strive for. Blessings
09-08-2013, 11:27 AM
I would definitely ship you a pie after all the help you have given me over the last year. Glad all the doggies are doing good on the food. That is a draw back though all the pooh. Blessings
molly muffin
09-08-2013, 01:55 PM
Checking in on your and Tipper. Poor thing, it sure doesn't sound like she is herself or feeling like herself.
Hopefully she will start to feel better. Tuesday will be a rough days, those ACTH tests usually are, as the cortisol gets out of whack for that initial 24 - 48 hour time period.
Hope you don't get any storms today.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Budsters Mom
09-08-2013, 06:24 PM
Hey Patti, business first. I heard you were taking pie orders. I'll take two!:D:D:D
Tipper does sound a little off, poor thing. Yes, those ACTH days are stressful for EVERYONE! I'm glad you are getting it done before considering another dosage adjustment. I know it's frustrating. They need the meds, but they cause other issues. It is so hard to know what to do. Go with you gut Patti. You have been doing a great job so far!:p
We are in a continuous drought here, with NEVER enough water. We got maybe a 1/2 inch of rain in Jan. or Feb., then none since. You are being bombarded with storms that terrify poor Tipper. It does not seem to be quite fair. Rosie has NEVER seen rain and she is 4/12 months old. Bizarre!:rolleyes:
Hang in there Patti and work on those pie orders when you feel stressed!;) :D:D There are priorities after all! xxxxx
09-08-2013, 11:01 PM
Patti, It just breaks my heart to read your posts about Tipper.
I'm sorry things are not going well.
Hugs and prayers to both of you.
Thinking about you and Tipper. Hoping tomorrow isn't too stressful and you get some concrete answers as to what is going on.
09-09-2013, 07:43 AM
Hi Everyone:
I though another storm was on the horizon yesterday and we never got it thank God. Tipper had an ok nite. It seems she is dealing with a lot of drainage or something going on that she has not had to deal with for a while. She keeps swallowing and sticking her tongue out again. This appears to have started when she went on this lower dosage, and is uncontrolled. It has some connection, as she has not had this for a while. I am going to find the meds the IMS had me get to see if it will dry up whatever this is. For the most part she is doing better since all the Adequan shots with her trachea. Not a lot of struggling to breathe so it did help her, and Leslie was right again. I can't explain it she is just not herself. She seems very distant, and depressed. I have been trying to spend time playing with her with her toys and ball etc. but she loses interest after about 10 minutes. Before she would go all day long. Her reluctance to walk more than one time is also alarming me. I know something is not right with her as this dog lives to walk. She had me up again before dawn, but I don't care as long as long as I can see her and she is alright. She has just lost her zest and vitality. I am just heartbroken watching her decline, but I will get up every morning and help her try to win this battle. I will never give up on her. Blessings
Squirt's Mom
09-09-2013, 08:32 AM
My babies and I are so sensitive to weather it's unreal - of course, they could be reacting to my reactions but I really believe they themselves do feel differently according to the weather. On days it's hot and humid, we are all miserable; Sophie has a hard time breathing with her smush face at these times and Brick has more confusion. When it's cooler and dryer, we all feel so much better; more energy, more alert, more active. My body aches with barometric variations and Squirt seems to have the same reaction. When the pressure outside is going up, the pressure in Brick's head seems to increase and he is more uncoordinated, urinates more, and is off his feed. The weather seems to take our various and assorted conditions/limitations and exacerbate them. Maybe something like this is effecting Tipper, too, and she will feel better in another day or so. I sure hope so anyway. :)
09-09-2013, 11:42 AM
Hi Patti,
Another cool morning here too and it is just so great to have Trixie out and enjoying the park. I hear this will be the last cool day for awhile, warming up and humid tomorrow, temps into the 90's on Wednesday. UGH. The heat really is the worst for the Cush dogs. I do not look forward to the hot weather again.
Yes, doing the acth is priority for getting a handle on where Tipper's number is. I know you can tell she's not controlled. It will be good to know just where she is when you get the results.
I'm so sorry to hear Tipper is just not her usual self. Maybe between the hunger and the other feelings she has from not being under control have her a little off. Hopefully the test will shed some light on all of this.
Hope she has an ok day today...maybe she'll perk up this afternoon.
Boriss McCall
09-09-2013, 11:56 AM
Poor Tipper.. I know when Boriss is not under full control he always acts a little depressed. Doesn't care about anything except his next meal. I hate to see them like that too. It is very frustrating.
09-09-2013, 12:42 PM
I have never seen Tipper this bad. I am so worried that I cannot focus on anything. I cannot wait to get this ACTH done tomorrow. I will have to wait for Wednesday or Thursday then for results. I know she is not controlled, it is just a question of how bad it has gone up. I kept telling them this dose is not enough for her. How has Boriss and Pearl been doing? Hope all is well in your household. It seems like when they are miserable nothing goes right in the household. I pray Tipper gets straightened out, as I am worried about this tumor. Blessings
09-09-2013, 03:28 PM
Praying for you and Tipper, Patti!
09-09-2013, 03:57 PM
Sending positive vibes to you and Tipper.
Boriss McCall
09-09-2013, 06:05 PM
I know EXACTLY how you are feeling. When Boriss goes thru those terrible hunger spells it just kills me. He had one last night. He kept crying out from in the kitchen wanting more food.
I will be getting him tested next month. He only does it every know & then. For him I honestly can't tell if it is cushing's or him being spoiled. I will find out next month.
I hate that Tipper is feeling miserable. Which I know it turn makes you feel miserable. What to do with these babies & this disease.. :(
Pearl is doing okay. I think we will be gearing up to have her knee surgery in the fall/winter. I dread that.. The recovery will be hard.
I hope you get some answers this week for Tipper.
09-10-2013, 09:21 AM
Hi Everyone;
Well I got the bright idea yesterday to give Tipper her second dose of Vetoryl after her last mini meal of the day which is 2:00pm. I though that way she would have the benefit of 20 mg at a time for a short while until the first does quit working. Only one time is not enough to see if it makes a difference so I will try it again today. Tipper goes for her test at 10:30. I got urine off of her this morning and I am going to have another blood panel as I want to see where her ALT and ALK Phos are. The bad part is this will all have to be repeated in a month. Maybe I should hold off on the blood panel until then, and give the new supplement and Ursodil time to work on her??? Maybe that is what I will do. I think that may show better results on the mentioned values. I gave Tipper and allergy pill yesterday that the IMS told me about. It did seem to help a bit with the swallowing and sticking the tongue out she has been doing. Lord it would be so nice to know what the cause of all this is instead of guessing. My body today feels like I was in a fight. I am sore all over and tired. Last nite I soaked in the tub, as Tipper closely monitored me standing on her hind legs looking in. She is so afraid of something happening when I get in water. My God I love her what would I ever do without her?? I started to give her a haircut yesterday. This will be a week long work in progress as she will only sit a few minutes at a time. She has not patience any more at all. I have to bribe her with dog food nuggets to let me get some hair cut off. I am worried about putting her on the scale today. I have had to give her some xtra nuggets here an there because of the hunger, and they do add up. I am going to get the blood pressure today too so she does not have to go back tomorrow, and get her glands cleaned also. I have to take her to laser therapy Thursday. I am tired and the day has not even really started for us yet. It is always a busy week for her with appointments, but I am doing the only thing I know how to do, and that is keep trying to defeat this disease. Hope you all have a good day with your babies. Blessings
09-10-2013, 12:52 PM
Patti--Good luck today!! Hope all goes smoothly for Tipper and that getting this acth today will help figure out how to be keep her controlled.
You said Tipper's last mini meal is at 2pm? Is that the last time she eats for the day? I'm just curious-what time does she get her vetoryl doses? Is she on one dose a day, or two?
09-10-2013, 02:14 PM
hi Everyone:
Well my vet was not busy today thank goodness. Tipper was on time and got in and out on schedule. She was very upset, panting and out of control today. It is hot and she is feeling it. Gave her some food and water in the car as usual. Turned the air up and she layed down until we got home. She is resting now, and due to eat her mini meal here soon. She gained 4 ounces from the xtra nuggets from the hunger of being uncontrolled. We have to get it off like now because of her legs. I have to get her straightened out so the vet will be in tomorrow if the results come in so he can call Dechra. I need to get on this immediately, she is really stressed from this uncontrolled period. God help us both, please pray for my girl. I checked my flow chart and this is the 12th ACTH in the last 12 months, that is a lot to expect from her. Blessings
09-10-2013, 03:08 PM
Glad you're back Patti...yes, that is a lot of acth tests...but you had no choice..they had to be done. I saw you posted on my I see Tipper gets a snack later in the evening. I was just wondering about it since Tipper is hungry...sounds like the schedule works out well for covering her awake time with mini meals and snacks.
I hope she has a restful afternoon. I know it's difficult to see her uncontrolled...your results should be in soon and then you will be able to make adjustments. Hope they come in tomorrow so you don't have to wait too much longer to figure things out.
09-10-2013, 05:43 PM
The vet tech told me the samples went out pronto on Fedex and the results should be in tomorrow. Thank God I hate waiting!!!
Hope for good news tomorrow Patti and make it fast news too, right?
I hope you dont have to play the waiting game.
molly muffin
09-10-2013, 09:28 PM
Hot and humid here today too. YUCK. Way to hot to be out in it. We have the AC cranked.
Glad it looks like you'll get the results tomorrow. Can you Just have an ALT and ALP test done and not the whole panel? Might save some dollars? I've done that with Molly.
Crossing fingers that tomorrow is a good day. Remember that the ACTH test messes with them and they can be off for a bit afterwards.
I wish you weren't dealing with all of this Patti and that Tipper had just done fine with no enlarged areas on the ultrasound ever to have shown up. What a long journey it has been over the past year. I continue to have high hopes that things will work out and somehow, control and a good balance will be found.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
09-10-2013, 11:52 PM
The heat and humidity came back with a vengeance today.
Daisy did not like it but we survived.
Good luck Patti!
09-11-2013, 08:50 AM
Hi Everyone:
Thank you all for looking in on my Tipper. I am hopeful the vet will not make me wait until the end of the day for results. I need him to be in touch with Dechra and formulate a plan, so he needs to get on this early. I hate having to push, push, push, but I have to for my girls sake. Tipper was really exhausted yesterday, but was really restless at night from the testing. She did get some sleep though. I am thinking along these lines with the Vetoryl since the 20mg isn't enough and the 30 is too much. What about a 10mg dose at 6am, another at 2pm and another at 8pm. She would get the cumulative effects of the 30mg, but not all at once, since it dissipates in 12 hours, but the coverage would be consistent. The other possibility is 20 mg Vetoryl and 5 mg compounded although this is not what they want. I need to have preplanned scenarios to fax to my vet as I told you he can be clueless when it comes to this stuff. I need him to have something to suggest to Dechra so if anyone has any other ideas please let me know. We woke up to a horrible fog, heat and humidity that is off the charts. Tipper and Toby are not walking today at all. It is too dangerous for dogs especially Tipper. Yesterday it was 96 and the dew point was in the 60's. Not too comfortable for Cush dogs. So I will have to be their entertainment today. I guess I will start calling the vets office to get him moving. Sharlene you always know the right things to say to make someone feel better, God Bless you for that. I need all the support I can get lately as this has turned my world upside down. Valerie, if you want to see which cat is going to be the dominate one, you put them in a room with a box they can jump up on. The cat that jumps on the box will be the dominate one. It should be fascinating to watch them!. Blessings
09-11-2013, 08:56 AM
Annie the newcomer is the dominant most of the time. Sometimes Gracie will chase her as she has had enough :) and I can't blame her.
It's humid here too. Daisy went out, but then came right back in. No interest in walking either which is best.
I think that the addition of the compounded 5mg might be your best bet to be sure that Tipper doesn't get too much. The IMS said that while the affects wear off over time, Cortisol levels change throughout the day which complicates dosing.
09-11-2013, 12:13 PM
Hoping you get Tipper's test results soon. It won't be long now that you can change up the dose and get Tipper controlled and feeling better. Crossing my fingers that you can have this all worked out by this afternoon.
Awfully hot and humid here too...already almost 80 degrees at 8am. We did only a short walk to the closest (but not so great) park this morning. Didn't want to get Trixie over heated. Cool weather back on the horizon for the weekend!!
09-11-2013, 01:50 PM
Called the vet's twice, we are waiting and waiting and getting sick of waiting already. He always thinks no one else has anything to do but him. he won't be in the rest of the week so I have to get this taken care of today. Watch by the time he calls Dechra they will be gone for the day, and I will probably let him have it. This is just frustrating when you get no cooperation. Thinking of all the 9/11 survivors,the ones that weren't as lucky, and watched the names being read. God Bless them all.
Squirt's Mom
09-11-2013, 01:51 PM
I cranked the AC down last nite hoping that would help Squirt feel a bit more relaxed....felt good to me, too! It is still hot and humid here today but we are supposed to start getting cooler temps with lower humidity this weekend. I can hardly wait!
I hope you and Tipper have a good day. It means a lot to me that you think of us at night.
Sitting here anxiously awaiting Tipper's results too. I'll ck back later on today.
09-11-2013, 02:50 PM
Praying for both of you Patti.
09-11-2013, 04:30 PM
Does this vet really know what he does to me????? I am still waiting!!!
09-11-2013, 05:27 PM
could anyone at the vet even tell you if the test work is back from the lab?
09-11-2013, 05:48 PM
the vet is probably waiting on the lab. You'll have those results. As hard as it is, please try to relax sweetie. I'm sure that Tipper senses your stress.
09-11-2013, 06:58 PM
Sorry, but the vet has had the results since this morning when I called the vet tech. That______ went home and never called me!! I am irate right now. I spend more money at his practice than anyone else would ever think of doing. Tomorrow I will definitely give him a big chunk of my mind, and it won't be the first time. I am sure he knows by not calling me what is coming, it is a storm called hurricane Patti, hope he survives it. He knows what this dog means to me so please don't make excuses for the ___. He has this coming as you don't mess with my Tipper or I will hunt you down and take your first born. Blessings
molly muffin
09-11-2013, 07:06 PM
Oh my gosh. I can't believe they had the results and didn't call to tell you what they were!!! That is awful!!
Go Patti!!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
yup, sounds familiar, I've been in that exact place and I would not want to be that vet tomorrow;););)
You go girl!!!!!
I dont know what they think, I have never been able to figure it out. I would think they would know that it may not matter to certain clients, but when they know they have an involved Mom who is very active in their pup's care, you would think they would thinkk daaaa
I should call no matter how busy I get.:mad::mad::mad:
Budsters Mom
09-11-2013, 08:44 PM
I would not want to get in the way of hurricane Patti! Go get him girl!:D xxxx
GIRRRRRRRRLLLLLLLLL!!!!!! you get'em. Your words you shared on how you feel sound like words I have spoken at least a time or two....a dozen. lol
i dont understand why the doctors do that.........they know animals sense our emotion, I realize some animals are not overly sensitive to our emotion though do have great compassion and want to comfort us, one of mine is very sensitive to others emotions, she will either smother you to nuture you or hide, so with doctors knowing animals can be influenced on so many different levels from our from feelings, WHY would the doctor do this to you and your baby????? grrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Maybe there is valid reason, though i know i would have difficult time understanding that. I know this is NOT the time to laugh out loud, but how you expressed yourself made me laugh out loud and i read it to my husband who then asked if we were related. lol
I would likely have my ninja out fit on and paint on my face, with a Ariel view of area i needed to
there isnt much that can stand in the way of a pet momma. and we are pet mommas united. This doctor is meddling with forces far beyond what his mind could understand when it comes to pet mommas.
Squirt's Mom
09-12-2013, 08:17 AM
Hurricane Patti is gaining strength inland! High winds and flying crap expected in the morning hours, possibly waning in the afternoon hours but no guarantee. These storms are unpredictable and fierce when they are given impetus. The K9C Weather Service says this storm has the capacity to leave shattered egos in its wake. All those in the path of Hurricane Patti need to take cover immediately...or leave the state. :p
09-12-2013, 08:33 AM
You are too funny, I laughed myself silly reading this. You sure have a way with words. Hoping you had a good nite and Squirt had the same. Blessings
09-12-2013, 08:40 AM
Hi Everyone:
The saga continues. I called the vet's office first thing this morning only to find out my vet will not be in until Monday. I will go ballistic by then. I am driving down there to see the vet on duty. My Tipper is not doing well and I have had enough ___! Someone better be prepared to give me answers and get my girl a prescription for 5mg Trilostane. You can only push me so far, and then you are going to get the anger of a mom that truly loves her girl. I will post later, I have my war face on now and I'm heading to the vets, hope who ever is on duty is ready for this. Blessings
Go get em Patti and "git er done" - how frustrating, and annoying. I'm still waiting myself, had to call my vet then the IMS and seems nothing has been done so far.
09-12-2013, 12:27 PM
Good luck Patti!
09-12-2013, 01:20 PM
That really stinks Patti!! Can't someone at least let you know the results so you're not waiting til Monday!! Then you can call Dechra yourself and see what they recommend. Wow...can't believe your vet is such a meany!! Is there another vet there who you can speak to for now??
Sorry you are going through this frustration!! :mad:
09-12-2013, 01:22 PM
Hi Everyone;
I have to quickly post and take Tipper to laser therapy. I had to get someone to watch her while I went to the vets. I got there and asked the girl to call the Dr. on his cell phone. She said "is it important?" and I said "very."
She called him and told him I needed him to come to the office. I sat there and waited quite a while, my anger boiling over. The girl tried to make small chit chat with me and I was not having it. Finally he arrived, and said " Patti where is Tipper I thought this was an emergency?"
I said " it is", but Tipper is not here." 'I am the one with the emergency." He said "I don't understand." I said" then let me explain it to you so you do understand." I said " I am not playing games with you anymore, I am done." I told him I knew he had these test results yesterday morning at 8am, and how dare he let me wait and carry my phone and paperwork around with me all day thru the house waiting for him to call. I said " Do I pay you on time?" and he said" yes always." I said then I am demanding the same respect from you, and want the results I paid you for the day they come in, not the next day. I proceeded to say how Tipper has been bad this week, and she is in a fragile state, and who does he think he is having her as a patient and not even caring about her enough to get this straightened out so she can get on the proper medication dose asap??? I told him I have busted my butt to keep her going and all I get from him is no cooperation what so ever. I said "look I am very ill from all this if you cannot deliver what I expect then it is time to part ways. There were people in the waiting room listening to this and I was very loud on purpose. I told him I know enough about this now to handle things myself and all I need is testing and RX's, and any flunky can do that. He said "I did not realize you would be this upset over waiting a day." I said when my dog is sick, and needs something don't mess with me, I thought you learned that before?" I said "This dog is my world, and I won't stand for this kind of shoddy care." He said I know how much you love this dog, but I can't personally involve my self in every case." I said ' I am not asking you to love my dog and be involved emotionally with her, I am asking for what I pay you for and giving me test results in a timely manner does not require you getting emotionally involved with my dog." He said I will make sure to get you the results as soon as I humanly can." I said the next time there is a problem, I won't be coming in here and calling you to meet me, I will be seeking help else where for the sake of my dog, and for my own sanity as I have put up with enough here and you better understand that. " He then reluctantly went over her results with me. She is pre 3.0 and post 7.0 so she doubled the numbers from before on both. He said he talked to Dechra yesterday about the situation. Dr. Fox is in agreement with me about 10 mg morning 10 mg evening, the next day 20 mg morning and 10 evening. So it will be every other day she gets 30mg total. The only caution was she must have her next ACTH on the 30mg day. I am still going to keep trying the 10 and 10 split. Yesterday was the second day I overlapped the dosage gave one at 7am and the next at 2:30 when she eats again. It seemed to help with the hunger, and I want to make sure it will work before jumping to the 30mg. I am hoping I can hold her where she is with the 20, as that also keeps the tumor from growing as it has some cortisol. I am trying for the healthiest way for her, without more harm from the cortisol. Please give me some opinions on if you think these last cortisol numbers are ok or not. Maybe they are too high???? Feedback please from our Vetoryl people. Have to run to laser therapy, I have a headache from telling this vet off and not sleeping all nite. Blessings
09-12-2013, 01:46 PM
SO.....Let me get this straight..he did have the test results, he did look at them and he did call Dechra to consult with them about Tipper---ALL this happened yesterday, but then he didn't see fit to call and let you in on anything?? It makes no sense! He said he didn't think you would mind waiting a day but really you would be waiting until he came back on Monday? That's not A day, that's 4 more days. I don't get it, why didn't he just call you after he reviewed the results yesterday????
Ok...water under the bridge I guess.
As for the it's one day 20mg and the next day 30mg, alternating each day? If the drug is cycling out of the system every 12 hours does it help to have one day higher than the other? I'm just asking because I don't know?
Why wouldn't you increase each day's dose? maybe going to 26 or 28 each day from 20? Giving 12 or 14mg at each dose?
Is the thinking that too small an increase would not make a difference?
Are you comfortable going up 10mg in one day all in one dose?
I am not expert enough to know, I'm just asking. Seems like a more balanced approach would control Tipper more consistently. Getting a jolt of 20mg-double from what she's used to, once every other day seems daring to me.... I really don't mean to doubt what you and the Dr. feel would be right, I'm just wondering about why it would be best. I hope whatever the new dosing is that Tipper gets controlled and feels better...that's all I wish for her and for you too Patti.
just adding that Trixie had an acth in April that was Pre: 3.2 Post: 7.2 (very close to your current result)
In May she had Pre: 8.0 and Post: 10.4
so that was a big increase for one month. We raised to 28mg a day in 2 doses.
July acth was Pre: 2.9 and Post 4.1. Good numbers but still symptoms. Stayed on 14mg 2x a day and now symptoms pretty much gone...we'll do another acth in a few weeks unless she shows signs of too low.
Squirt's Mom
09-12-2013, 02:02 PM
Way to tell him, Mom! :cool:
Since you are seeing signs to accompany the 7.0 post number, that tells me she does need the increase. Dechra says a post of 9.1 is ok as long as all signs are controlled - Tipper's are not so the post of 7.0 is not ok for her.
One of our members, Corky, had an adrenal tumor and he had a hard time staying regulated through the day and night so they went to a 3x a day dosing schedule. Just something to put on the back burner should you need to consider it at some point. ;)
Of course Patti, I can't give you any advice, but I will say this.
Next time I EVER get into a sticky situation with anyone... can I bring you with me? That was great what you said to him, and I feel he deserved it. I want you on MY TEAM !!!!
09-12-2013, 04:17 PM
Hi Everyone:
We are back from laser therapy, got in a torrential down pour none the less. Tipper is in the closet as it is coming down in buckets. Yes I too am wondering about this every other day dosage. I am thinking it over. I am probably going to have to get 5mg of Trilostane from Diamondback. I just cannot have this willy nilly crap, up and down, that cannot be good either. Even though I have mixed emotions on the compounding, I may have to do it. I cannot have her feeling like this. Today at laser therapy she just wanted the Dr. to let her alone and was getting quite annoyed at her. She was panting a lot, and shaking. Could be how she is feeling and could be the weather. She has not been real good the last five days and I am extremely worried about her. I think I am going to call the vets and have them call him to get an RX for the 5mg.
09-12-2013, 04:42 PM
Back Again!
Well I just made an executive decision to get 5mg compounded and go with that strategy. I called Diamondback and gave all my info and credit cards, and the vet that is currently in at my vets is to get me an RX and get it to them today. She will be on 25mg then which I will probably do in one ,as her previous dose was 30mg 1 dose. I just do not want to be flopping around with her dosages especially the way she is feeling. Tipper shows very strong symptoms right away when uncontrolled. They said if the vet gets a move on I can get it in 4-5 days. This vet better not fool around any more, cause he has not seen me when I get really angry, and where Tipper is involved- he better look out as I made myself crystal clear to him today as to what I expect. It's only right especially with what I have paid him. I could have blown a gasket waiting in his office today for him. Any more miss steps and things will be flying in his office, and in his direction. I am exhausted from no sleep and all this crap that I should never have to go thru. it is just like a battle and it does not have to be like that, just do your ____ job! Hope all of the babies are doing ok in these storms. Blessings
molly muffin
09-12-2013, 04:54 PM
Sometimes you just have to make a decision and go with it. :)
I think you are doing excellent. I think a balance is good for them with cortisol, but I also think with an adrenal tumor that is is hard to get that balance because it might be more active at different times of the day. That is hard to know when it would be happening and only by really being able to tell by her actions might you know, which I'm sure you would, since you know her so well.
You're doing great
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
09-12-2013, 05:47 PM
Patti...I too am doing a vetoryl/trilostane combo. I get my 4mg caps from Diamondback too. It's been going fine...they definitely have been working. So most part brand name and part generic. It must be up to par because Trixie is finally getting back to normal.
I hope the 25mg will do the trick for Tipper.
We had one storm pass a few hours ago...Trixie hid in the bathroom. The skies are darkening right now so looks like we've got more coming. Hope your weather is cleared up by now!
Junior's Mom
09-12-2013, 08:11 PM
Patti, Tipper is lucky to have you for her mom. I hope things get better for her soon. Just so I understand, she was on 10mg twice a day, and now you are switching her to 25mg once a day? Are you gradually increasing her, or changing it right up? Junior has been getting 5mg compounded without any problems. Diamondback seems pretty well liked on here, so I wouldn't worry about the compounding.
09-13-2013, 01:14 AM
Patti, Daisy has been on compounded Trilo since day one. She's doing well as you know.
09-13-2013, 08:55 AM
Hi Everyone:
Well I guess my vet did understand my feelings after all. I called into his office to have the vet on duty order Trilostane at 5mg for Tipper. They must have called him at home immediately. He called me and said ' I thought we decided to follow Dr. Fox's approval of the 30mg every other day?" I said " well after giving it much thought Tipper was on 30mg, and her pre number got low from it, and 20mg is not enough, so 25mg is in the middle and that is what I want to try." It should not overdose her as she has had the 30 and didn't, so I am praying this will go smoothly and that this will even her out, and not drop her too low as I am going for the once a day dosing of 3 pills. My vet is against compounding, I don't really like it either, but for Tipper's health I need to get this done already, and that may or may not be the solution. If not then I will try the every other day 30mg. I am trying to balance not having this tumor grow with keeping her symptoms at bay. He knows I never do anything without researching it and thinking it through, so he said he would call it in last nite. He said since I am with her 24/7 and know her so well ,I will know in a day or two if it works. If it doesn't at least I tried that avenue first. If not I will be buying 3 boxes of 10mg Vetoryl a month, very expensive way to treat. The other way I have to buy 2 boxes of 10mg Vetoryl and 5mg of compounded capsules, so it is expensive either way, there is nothing I can do about it. It poured here on and off all nite. Tipper was in and out of the closet. I saw her chewing at her back foot thins morning. When I got close to her she was like sucking on it. I looked at it and sure enough there are 2 small calcium deposits about the size of a pin head. She has it bleeding from sucking and biting it. I may have to wrap it, but she is an expert at unwrapping anything. Any ideas on this are welcome. I am going to put some Panalog on it, since that won't hurt her if she licks it. I will have to show it to the vet Wednesday when she gets her booster for Adequan. It has been raining this morning also, and she needs to walk, she has not walked in 2 days because of the humidity. I need to get this xtra weight off her she picked up during this uncontrolled spell. I pray this week of being uncontrolled has not done any further damage to her already. I got a beautiful Rosary yesterday that was blessed and prayed on by Father Madigan of Oblates. They say a prayer for Tipper. God help all of us and our babies.
09-13-2013, 03:05 PM
Patti, I have no experience with calcium deposits so I can't offer advice. Others will chime in shortly I'm sure :)
I agree that 25mg is the way to go. It can't hurt, right?
09-13-2013, 03:37 PM
Hi Everyone:
Well I guess my vet did understand my feelings after all. I called into his office to have the vet on duty order Trilostane at 5mg for Tipper. They must have called him at home immediately. He called me and said ' I thought we decided to follow Dr. Fox's approval of the 30mg every other day?" I said " well after giving it much thought Tipper was on 30mg, and her pre number got low from it, and 20mg is not enough, so 25mg is in the middle and that is what I want to try." It should not overdose her as she has had the 30 and didn't, so I am praying this will go smoothly and that this will even her out, and not drop her too low as I am going for the once a day dosing of 3 pills. My vet is against compounding, I don't really like it either, but for Tipper's health I need to get this done already, and that may or may not be the solution. If not then I will try the every other day 30mg. I am trying to balance not having this tumor grow with keeping her symptoms at bay. He knows I never do anything without researching it and thinking it through, so he said he would call it in last nite. He said since I am with her 24/7 and know her so well ,I will know in a day or two if it works. If it doesn't at least I tried that avenue first. If not I will be buying 3 boxes of 10mg Vetoryl a month, very expensive way to treat. The other way I have to buy 2 boxes of 10mg Vetoryl and 5mg of compounded capsules, so it is expensive either way, there is nothing I can do about it. It poured here on and off all nite. Tipper was in and out of the closet. I saw her chewing at her back foot thins morning. When I got close to her she was like sucking on it. I looked at it and sure enough there are 2 small calcium deposits about the size of a pin head. She has it bleeding from sucking and biting it. I may have to wrap it, but she is an expert at unwrapping anything. Any ideas on this are welcome. I am going to put some Panalog on it, since that won't hurt her if she licks it. I will have to show it to the vet Wednesday when she gets her booster for Adequan. It has been raining this morning also, and she needs to walk, she has not walked in 2 days because of the humidity. I need to get this xtra weight off her she picked up during this uncontrolled spell. I pray this week of being uncontrolled has not done any further damage to her already. I got a beautiful Rosary yesterday that was blessed and prayed on by Father Madigan of Oblates. They say a prayer for Tipper. God help all of us and our babies.
Hi Patti I was wondering...Lillo was given the tablets in 5mg...what they did was the pharmacy split the tablets so there was twice the amount. it cost 45 euros (around $60). That would work out for your dose you talk about at $150 per month @25mg and $180 @30mg. Wow thats a lot! Is it the same price in america as Europe?
Simba's Mom
09-13-2013, 10:36 PM
Sending hugs and prayers for you and Tipper..
09-13-2013, 11:23 PM
Hope Tipper is having a good night now that the storms are gone and the cool weather is here. Did you already get your compounded capsules and start on the 25mg?
I hope it gets Tipper controlled and feeling good! :)
Budsters Mom
09-14-2013, 12:33 AM
I hope his new meds adjustment helps sweet Tipper feel a little better. There should be a break in the storms soon. Xxxxx
09-14-2013, 12:36 AM
I hope the new dose will be just what Tipper needs.
09-14-2013, 07:59 AM
Hi Everyone:
I guess it did the job lighting a fire under my vet. He ordered the 5mg trilostane from Diamondback. They sent me an email saying it shipped. I am hoping this will be what Tipper needs to feel better. She has had a miserable week, and I am very concerned about her. I noticed where the vet tech shaves her leg on the bottom, to get a good blood pressure that the 2 small calcium deposits are close to the shaved area. I am wondering if that irritated them as she is chewing and sucking on them and they are bleeding. Any suggestions on how to get this leg chewing stopped. I would use bitter apple, but it will burn now that it is bleeding. I had put some Panalog on, but she has since licked it off. Yesterday afternoon Tipper had a really bad vestibular episode. It was the worst one to date and lasted the longest. I tried to hold her so she did not fall, but she was not having it and was growling. It scares her to death. This time I though the head tilt was not going to go away. She has had 2 walks already this morning so that will help get the xtra weight off she gained from being uncontrolled this past week. I took her out to potty last nite and there sat a homing pigeon, very beautiful one in fact. He is there again this morning, maybe injured or tired and resting. I took some food out for him, and he came to me. I will keep and eye on him and if necessary take him for help to the Naturalist over at the lake by where I live. A few years ago I found a sick beaver on shore that must have been hit by a boat and took him there, and they helped him. Not so sure they will be thrilled with a pigeon as they are considered by many as a nuisance. Hope everyone has a good weekend with their babies. Blessings
Squirt's Mom
09-14-2013, 08:21 AM
The only thing I can think of to help her stop gnawing the leg is a cone or a wrap. But the idea of a wrap bothers me as I think air getting to areas is often very important for healing. Are you thinking this could be CC? Any possibility she got a bite from something that is itchy? Do you see any other white spots anywhere?
You're a good gal to save beavers and pigeons. Most folk would simply walk away and let them die. What a blessing you are to those Souls around you.
Leslie and the gang
09-14-2013, 08:35 AM
No other white spots around it but it may be CC as that is one of the only things we have not had a problem with!! I am going to have the vet look at it. I don't want to cone her because of her trachea, even though I have a soft one I don't want to put anything around her neck. I know if I wrap it she will rip it off. Maybe a Betadyne soak or do you think it would burn her too bad?
Squirt's Mom
09-14-2013, 08:39 AM
I got some stuff from our vet in TN when I had Crys because she was always getting torn up one way or the other. They gave a blue sudsy liquid and a very thick brown goo. I was to clean the area with the blue stuff then coat it with the brown stuff. Names for this "stuff" would be nice, huh? :D I'll find them and let you know. There is also a great product called Vetericyn that is for wound care that I think you can get at places like PetCo. I know you can order it online.
09-14-2013, 09:55 AM
Just wanted to say hi and that I'm praying for you and Tipper.
Donna and Angel Tia
09-14-2013, 10:53 AM
Thank you, she needs all the prayers she can get. She has never been this bad. Hopefully I can turn this around. I wish I never heard of this disease. I hope your heart is on the mend, I know it would nearly kill me if something happened to my Tipper, so I know what you are going thru. God Bless You.
09-14-2013, 03:25 PM
Hi Patti,
I hope that the skin irritation is getting better and not worse. I hate the collars and some dogs are really spooked by them...mine definitely is. When she was spayed she freaked out with the collar..I ended up making her the equivalent of a sausage casing out of an old shirt was just loose enough to not touch the stitches and it kept her unable to get at it. Maybe you can put something on Tipper to keep her from gnawing on it....loose enough to let air in but covered enough to keep her away from it. Maybe some kind of dog clothes, Trixie hates any apparel on her body but some dogs don't mind it. It's hard when they are constantly licking and biting at themselves.
I order 4mg compounded capsules from Diamondback. I add it to a 10mg of Vetoryl to get the 14mg that I give twice a day. I hope your new dosing plan will be the trick to get Tipper controlled. I got their shipment pretty quickly I think. Hope yours comes really soon!
At least it is cool out now! It was jacket weather here this's since warmed up some, but I'm not complaining. Trixie had a great walk. I see the difference in her right away when it's cool outside.
Hope Tipper has a good day and night tonight.
09-14-2013, 11:23 PM
Patti, awww poor Tipper.
On the plus side, I'm so happy that the vet seems to have gotten his butt in gear!!!!
Budsters Mom
09-15-2013, 12:56 AM
Hi Patti,
You might think about using some sort of soft e-collar on Tipper despite her trachea issues. As long as she keeps sucking and chewing on her leg, it won't be able to heal. The more she chews, the higher risk of infection. I know you'll get it figured out. Xxxx
there is this sticky guaze sticks to itself, not to the skin or fur, makes a wonderful wrap, they have it in wrap and gauze, allows good ventilation . However....i always tend to worry about if they would get wrap off when not attended...and depending on size, baby leggins work well too, the footless ones.
09-15-2013, 08:04 AM
Hi Everyone:
Tipper had a decent nite last nite. It would seem the cooler weather is better for her to sleep, even though I have central air. The cool weather has done so much good for her. She had a lot of muscle contractions last nite, and I worry if this is a pheo working on her while she sleeps. She is not as restless when it is cool, and seems to stay in one spot longer and get more sleep. She is up before dawn though, and that is ok as long as she is with me she can get up at 2am and I don't care. I have to run out and get my flu shot so I have to get someone to watch her until I get back. I hope the 5mg trilostane comes by Monday so I can tell the vet when I see him Wednesday if it worked. I am working on some ingredients for a birthday cake for Tipper. She will be 12 on October 4th and I want something nice for her that won't make her sick. It needs to be real low fat, so I am thinking applesauce or bananas in the batter instead of oil and maybe yogurt icing. If any one has any low fat recipe please let me know, as I would appreciate it. I wish with all my heart this was her 2nd or 3rd birthday- oh how I would do things differently. I can only pray that she would reach the age her breed usually lives to 17-18, but I am scared that will not happen. I keep hoping as that is all I have left. Blessings to all and all the babies.
09-15-2013, 06:29 PM
Hi Everyone:
Well Tipper has been acting really depressed and tired today. I don't know what to make of it yet, I will see when morning comes. It could be the 3 walks she did today, as she has not been doing that many because of the heat. She could just be tuckered out. I hope so as I am worried about her after this week that she has been off from not being controlled. I have said this many times over, but this disease has aged me 10 years. I am dragging today and that is not normal for me to be sooooo tired. I hope I am not coming down with anything. Mel where are you??? I miss you and Tipper is sending kisses and hugs to you and Boyce. My first experience with Diamondback is kind of a bust. They charged my bank card twice in one day for the same thing. I will have to deal with that tomorrow. Loving the cool weather, and wanting more like it. I pray the 5mg comes tomorrow. Blessings
09-16-2013, 08:12 AM
Hi Everyone:
Another decent nite for Tipper. She slept right next to me and never left the bed. Not too many breathing noises either so I consider that good. She has walked already this morning, and does not seem as out of it as she was yesterday. I am praying the 5mg comes today, it should especially since they charged me twice for it!!! We had a gentle rain shower last nite, it never bothered her. Today is nice and cool again thank goodness. I am thinking of taping a baby sock over Tipper's foot as the spot she is chewing is by the ankle area, and that would cover it. That way the air can get in thru the sock. I am betting my money on Tipper tearing it off in minutes, but it is worth a try. I may take it to the vets on Wednesday and see what they come up with. Blessings
Squirt's Mom
09-16-2013, 08:37 AM
Persistent licking and gnawing can result in a condition called Lick Granuloma. Here is some info on it and some ideas on how to handle it. e#.Ujb7Iz9HZk0
09-16-2013, 11:57 AM
Leslie you rock girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!
Junior's Mom
09-16-2013, 07:53 PM
Patti, I purchased a pair of kids tights, and made a cut in the butt. This way I was able to get them on Junior's legs, and the waistband slipped over his head to hold them in place. Just a suggestion.
09-16-2013, 11:20 PM
Hi Patti,
Glad Tipper had another good one last night--not restless and good breathing. I hope she has the same tonight. I think this beautiful cool weather is the best for Cush dogs. Trixie has not been panting at all. We can walk more and for Trixie the more she's out walking the better she seems.
Did you receive your 5mgs from Diamondback? I hope they come soon so you can get Tipper started on the new dose..keeping my fingers crossed. :D
09-16-2013, 11:47 PM
This is the best weather for them :) Daisy hasn't been dragging like she does when it's humid.
09-17-2013, 12:43 PM
Hi Everyone:
This is a late post today as I had to take Tipper to the eye Dr. in Pgh. Well at least he had good news for me.
Eye Pressure- Great
Tear levels -great
No cataracts
The hemorrhages are almost gone- he said he can't believe it.
The mineral deposits have not increased.
She needs to go back in December for a recheck. He said the storms she is afraid of could have caused her blood pressure to spike when we had so many the one week. He said it could be the cause.
Tipper had another good nite last nite. The cooler weather is just better for her all aound. She has had many episodes of the muscle contractions, and skin rippling that scare me. I am scared every time it happens that it is a pheo causing it. Last nite she did it a lot. I was going to walk her, but she can't see too well from her eyes dilated, so we will have to go later. I got the 5mg Trilostane yesterday. I waited and gave her 25mg dosage this morning. She did well, no problems so far. I am praying this is the dosage solution. So we are both going to rest today I am beat, from not sleeping well, and we are both tired from being in the car for 5 hours. It is still real cool here now so maybe we will go out on the porch. Blessings
09-17-2013, 01:40 PM
It sounds like Tipper is doing better than you suspected :-) Get some rest dear.
09-17-2013, 01:44 PM
Glad to hear you got good news!!:D
09-17-2013, 02:57 PM
Thanks everyone I have prayed a million prayers for Tipper as my vet told me a lot of these dogs go blind. It totally made me sick, as Tipper has a good quality of life right now. Losing her sight would be a disaster for her as she lives to walk, she always loved to walk. I was so happy when the Dr. told me her eyes were getting better I had to go in the ladies room and cry, I was so happy for her. Her eyes are still huge and have that green cast to them from the drugs they use. We needed some good news as all we seem to get is bad lately. I am heating up some homemade vegetable soup for supper as I don't feel like cooking. Crystal I hope your baby's eye get better real soon, that is a worry. Do you think sand blew in it?? Valerie I hope your dad has learned his lesson, as I feel really bad for you having to deal with all this. Blessings
Squirt's Mom
09-17-2013, 03:20 PM
I am so glad you got some good news finally and have reason to cry for joy. It's past due, honey! I hope things are starting the upswing for Tipper and you will see more and more improvements each day.
Leslie and the gang
09-17-2013, 04:17 PM
Thanks everyone I have prayed a million prayers for Tipper as my vet told me a lot of these dogs go blind. It totally made me sick, as Tipper has a good quality of life right now. Losing her sight would be a disaster for her as she lives to walk, she always loved to walk. I was so happy when the Dr. told me her eyes were getting better I had to go in the ladies room and cry, I was so happy for her. Her eyes are still huge and have that green cast to them from the drugs they use. We needed some good news as all we seem to get is bad lately. I am heating up some homemade vegetable soup for supper as I don't feel like cooking. Crystal I hope your baby's eye get better real soon, that is a worry. Do you think sand blew in it?? Valerie I hope your dad has learned his lesson, as I feel really bad for you having to deal with all this. Blessings
Thanks Patti,
I don't think it was sand because it started looking red on the drive down to the beach. We arrived on Sunday, and took her to the vet Tuesday.
SO glad you got good news!!!! Crying from happiness is a GOOD thing.
09-17-2013, 09:17 PM
So glad you got good news about Tipper's eyes. Hopefully things will start to look up for Tipper.
Simba's Mom
09-17-2013, 10:30 PM
Yay, good news once, hugs and prayers..
molly muffin
09-17-2013, 10:40 PM
That is wonderful news about Tippers eye's being so much better. Obviously her BP has been better too. You Did have some doozy storms for awhile that might have elevated her BP. Also all the vets visits, etc. in general.
Remember that when we are calm and happy, they are calm and happy. They feed off our emotions. You have been really stressed out lately with everything going on with her. I'm sure she can feel that and it would worry her that all is not right in her domain. Not sure how Tipper is about stuff like that, if she is upset if you are upset or not, but if I am upset, Molly wants to be near me, whether it has anything to do with her or not, doesn't matter, she feels a part of it, like she should fix it. (although my golden was even more so like that than Molly is, so each dog is different).
It all seems to be related to each other in some way doesn't it.
Hang in there Patti, today is a good day. :)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Hey Patti... glad to read about some good news with Tipper.
Hope you are taking care of yourself too.
09-18-2013, 07:53 AM
Hi Everyone:
We are off first thing to the vet for blood pressure and the Adequan shot booster. I cannot say enough good things about this Adequan, or Leslie for helping me all the time. This Adequan has helped her trachea greatly. I no longer lay there at nite listening to see if she can breathe. She still makes some nasal noises, but not the throaty noises that scared me to death. Last nite she had another good nite. Too bad I didn't. I could feel myself getting sick when we got home from Pgh. I was tired and chalked it up to that. I got up this morning with a sore throat and head cold with a runny nose. Not feeling well at all, but the show must go on. I could be dying and I will not miss her appointments for anything. I am so thankful for the blessing about her eyes being better, it is just wonderful. The Dr. said he has never seen a turn around like this with hemorrhages. I am amazed and thankful to God as I prayed a million times for this. Tipper was quiet for the most part last nite and has already walked. This is definitely Cush dog weather, but I hear we have a 85 day coming with severe storms on Friday. I hope this does not ruin what is repaired in her eyes again. Will post later when we get back. Tipper's turn around with her eyes has renewed my faith that maybe she can somehow beat this tumor. I am praying on it daily. Blessings
09-18-2013, 08:49 AM
Glad Tipper had a good night!!!! My Bells sounded very congested last night. This happens about once every two months where it sounds like she has fluid in her lungs. I've expressed concern to the vet, but everytime I take her in, she is breathing fine. I think she does this to make me look bad.:D I just hate it when it happens because it scares me to death.
Squirt's Mom
09-18-2013, 09:35 AM
I am so glad the Adequan has helped! My poor little Josie never had a chance so I'm very happy to know it has helped Tipper and will let Dr. Smith know. Hope you both have a good day and that you are feeling better very soon. Please take care of yourself....said the pot to the kettle. :p
09-18-2013, 12:11 PM
Hi Everyone:
We are back from the vets. Good news on this visit also. Tipper blood pressure was 135 and she lost a few ounces, can't ask for better than that. She got her Adequan booster and took it like the rock star she is. Yes Leslie please let Dr. Smith know it has helped Tipper really a lot, and tell him I am so grateful for him speaking to my vet, Also pass along that now that Tipper has gotten relief from it, my vet is going to approach several other people whose dogs have this problem, and tell them how it helped Tipper. So the information you gave me Leslie is going to help many more dogs, and for that I am sure you will be pleased. Also my vet told me that he was thrilled about Tipper's eye report and that not many dogs have this reversed in their eyes, and that I should thank god for this blessing. He said most go blind, and Tipper is extremely lucky to have this go away. He said this is a major hurdle crossed, and that it made his day!! I told him what the Dr. said about Tipper's eyes and the storms. He said get the Benadryl ready and give her a good dose for Friday as we are to get a bad one. I am truly blessed today that God heard my prayers for my girl. I feel so lousy and feel like I have the flu. My flu shot I got did not even take effect yet, it takes 2 weeks. Just my luck. I cannot stop my nose from running. So the babies and I are going to lay down and take a rest. Blessings
(Sigh) - Huge sigh of relief for you. I am thrilled that things are working out. There is a god, and he answered your prayers for Tipper.
It's about time you got a break.. now take care of yourself, get better so you can enjoy the "new" Tipper.
molly muffin
09-18-2013, 07:44 PM
So glad that you had more good news today about Tipper. Now just get some rest and take care of yourself too.
Darn I hope you don't get the storms on Friday. :(
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Boriss McCall
09-18-2013, 07:59 PM
so glad things are going good for Tipper. I hope you start feeling better soon. Hopefully tonight will be the night you both get really good sleep. :)
09-18-2013, 10:05 PM
Patti, Hope you feel better real soon.
Take care.
09-18-2013, 11:47 PM
Hi Patti,
Couldn't be more pleased to read the great news!! All good reports for Tipper! Yay!! The blood pressure and eyes...all good news. So happy that the Adequan has helped Tipper so much.
This cool weather has had such a great effect on Trixie too...what a difference it makes. Even though she was in the a/c during the hot summer days it is somehow different now that it's cool and the other morning it was actually cold! Trixie seems so much more comfortable now.
Hope you will feel better soon Patti...get some rest so you can get rid of that sore throat. You should feel relieved with the good vet visits and able to some decent sleep! Great job getting Tipper in such good shape!
09-19-2013, 12:12 AM
Awesome, awesome!!!!
Wonderful news Patti!
09-19-2013, 06:53 AM
Hi Everyone:
This may be the only reply today. I am sooooo sick I cannot believe it. Hit me like a ton of bricks, and I was up all nite, coughing and having nasal congestion. I have to watch what meds I take because of my regular stuff. I got up took care of all the troops for breakfast, and cleaned the kitchen. They are all good now, I will walk Tipper once, Toby will have to wait until later or they will be scraping me up off the sidewalk. This is definitely the full blown flu that I have not had for 15 years. I had my electric blanket on, which I never use as I am always hot. Tipper thought I flipped my lid when she got in bed. I have a mask on, as yes dogs can get the flu from you for real, and I don't need her getting sick with this. I have to stay away from Elvis, he thinks I am mad at him. Their respiratory systems are very delicate. Too bad my flu shot had not kicked in yet. Blessings
Squirt's Mom
09-19-2013, 08:26 AM
Oh, me. You're starting the season early, honey. :( Take care of yourself first and foremost - you can't end up in the hospital. ;) I have friends who swear by Ginger tea for flu but I can't stand the taste of Ginger so I can't vouch for it. If you can take it, it might be worth a shot.
Again, please, please put yourself first for now.
Leslie and the gang
09-19-2013, 10:03 AM
Patti, glad to know Tipper is doing better. I know that adequan helped our Lulu when she first started taking it. Glad she is breathing better.
09-19-2013, 10:24 AM
Oh no Patti!!! Try and rest as much as possible and LOTS of fluids!!! So sorry you are sick!!!:(
Ah Patti. What a bummer. Please get plenty of rest and get better very soon.
molly muffin
09-19-2013, 05:03 PM
Hugs Patti, take care of yourself!! Sharlene and Molly Muffin
09-19-2013, 09:21 PM
Hoping you'll start to feel better really soon!!
09-19-2013, 11:18 PM
Now it's time for Tipper to take care of you. Feel better Patti!
09-20-2013, 08:02 AM
Hi Everyone:
Well I am upright this morning. Yesterday was bad. I am hoping I can be up for a while today as Tipper was bored out of her mind yesterday. She was bulldozing pillows on my bed, digging thru covers and all that bored and have to do something stuff. The critters here are so spoiled they want what they want now. I forgot about the mask I kept on all day yesterday, and Elvis went to bite me, I took off the mask and he was fine. Birds are even more sensitive to changes than cats. I walked Tipper already, don't know how as I am feeling so congested. Tipper was up for the day at 4:30am. That will sure teach me not to get sick and lay down! As long as she is ok I don't care. At least that horrible headache, and body aches are gone. I threw some stuff in the slow cooker this morning and that will have to do for supper. My neighbor sent me some vegetable soup, and that tasted so good on my sore throat. We are supposed to get that dreaded storm today with lots of lightening,thunder and wind. I have to get the Benadryl ready. Hope everyone has a good weekend with their babies. Blessings
Squirt's Mom
09-20-2013, 08:44 AM
You asked about some sort of adrenal support for Tipper....with the presence of the tumor, I would be leery of doing much anything without direction from the vets. If you are thinking of something along the lines of herbs, I would get with a Holistic vet and discuss options. ;)
molly muffin
09-20-2013, 07:07 PM
I hope those dreaded thunderstorms missed you today.
So glad to hear that you are up and about and feeling a bit better today. I know it's hard with a house full of critters, but you need to rest enough that your body can continue to beat this thing.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
09-20-2013, 09:16 PM
a teaspoon of honey and lemon is really good for coating your throat.
I hope that the storms missed you!
09-20-2013, 10:12 PM
Patti, Glad you are feeling a bit better. Hope you continue to improve. Take care of yourself.
09-21-2013, 08:06 AM
Hi Everyone:
I am up and about at least for the morning hours. it rained last nite and is raining now real heavy, but the thunder never came thank God. Tipper is ok with it raining. I guess no walking today if this keep up. We were supposed to get a cold front coming in, but it is so hot in here I am waiting for the air to kick on, Tipper is hot also. I still have a fever off and on. I am not doing any big things today. I may bake Tipper's birthday cake and freeze it. I have a recipe that calls for bananas and no oil so I want to use them before they go bad. It is a low fat cake, and I am going to frost it with greek yogurt. I will only give her a small piece, and one to Toby. I am praying that I am needing to bake her another cake next year. I can hardly believe my little baby puppy with the million dollar face will be 12. I really can't believe what has happened to her either. She slept last nite fairly well, but there was some breathing noise, and going in the closet. I think because the weather has gotten warmer and humid again. She does so much better when it is cool. Talk about being hot, my head is soaking wet, not a good sign! I just keep getting this fever off and on. I am quite sure by Monday it will be gone. Hope everyone has a good weekend with their babies. Blessings
Budsters Mom
09-21-2013, 10:53 AM
Hi Patti,
It sounds like your zoo is holding it's own for now. :) Your body has been warning you for months that enough is enough! I should not have to say this, but no more walking with a fever!!!!!!:eek::eek: You must stop and take care of yourself. You are going to end up with pneumonia! That means, maybe a walk or two will have to be missed. Right now get your tush into bed, rest and drink lots of fluids. That is an order missy! ;) We worry about you too! Xxxxx
09-21-2013, 12:53 PM
I am resting in between doing a few small things around here. I baked Tipper's birthday cake and will freeze it. I am doing some laundry simply because the cat threw up on the bathroom rug, and just kept walking all over the other rugs and getting it on them! It is raining out so we will not be walking, so Tipper and I will play ball in the house then maybe all of us will watch a movie or something where I can rest. We seem to get all the rain you need out there Kathy! Blessings
Budsters Mom
09-21-2013, 04:14 PM
Okay Patti, as long as you are resting, I feel better.:)
Yes, the drought situation in southern CA. Rosie has NEVER seen rain. She was born on April 20th (5 months ago). It hasn't rained here since March and that was barely measurable!:eek::eek: xxxx
09-21-2013, 10:20 PM
Hi Patti,
Hang in there I think cooler weather is coming in after the rain. Are you seeing positive results with Tippers new dose? Hope you'll be feeling better soon...take it easy and drink plenty of liquids! ;)
it has finally stopped raining in this part........i was out traveling all around in that yesterday...........ugh.......scary. only couple of loud thunder booms.
My husband has caught some sort of ick cold type thing.......hope it doesnt turn into anything more and hope even more I DONT catch it. I have wiping the house down with clorex wipes, spraying everything, misting everything, using my elbows and feet instead of hands, lol, i am not paranoid am i??? warm tea is good for you, and a good soak in tub with eucalyptus salt would be good for you. Sending positive thoughts for you and all your babies. rest lets the body heal........
09-22-2013, 08:50 AM
Hi Everyone:
Tipper has a decent nite last nite. It poured here all day really heavy rain. Because there was no thunder Tipper was fine. She even went out on the front porch while it was raining and she has never done that. Not too much noise sleeping last nite, but all the skin rippling, leg jumping etc. is very much scaring me. She only does this when sleeping, never when awake. I am worried this tumor becomes active while she is sleeping and that is where all this is coming from, although I have heard others mention their babies doing this after starting Vetoryl. It is very dark and overcast here today. I just hope the cool weather keeps on coming as she can really enjoy herself when it is cool. I am going to attempt to clean 2 rooms today. I can't stand dust on furniture, and things have gotten out of hand here this week. If I can't do it I will yet I will just quit, and rest. Tipper has stayed with me 24/7 since I got sick. She is always next to me and wants to be touching me with some part of her body. It is such a cute and endearing thing that she has always done. I start waxing Tipper's paws with paw wax in October. It keeps her feet form cracking and smelling in the cold weather, it is actually called paw wax. They use it on sled dogs. It dries really quickly, and I am glad as Tipper is always licking something on her. She is so much better on the 25mg. Barbara. I noticed an immediate difference in her the first day. No more continually begging for food, and that is such a relief as we all know. I am working on getting this weight back off her she gained during the uncontrolled period. It is harder to get off this time for some reason. I am having to give her xtra chicken as I need to get 3 pills down her in the morning instead of the 1 we were used too. So that adds up too. Giving 3 pills is a pain in the you know what. Then after that she has to have her Gallbladder pill. Then her supplements, so that takes a lot of tiny pieces of cut up chicken to get all this down her. I use the real lean chicken breast, I am afraid with all she takes cheese would be too much fat, and she will not eat no fat cream cheese or anything no fat, she hates it. One smell and she walks away. Hope everyone has a good day with their babies. Blessings
molly muffin
09-22-2013, 11:07 AM
Cooler weather here today and tomorrow. Hope you are getting some too. :)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Simba's Mom
09-22-2013, 11:22 PM
Sending hugs and prayers
09-23-2013, 08:35 AM
Hi Everyone:
Another decent nite for Tipper. I have noticed her seeming depressed lately, and kind of distant. She slept well for the most part last nite, I think it is the cooler weather. Got her vaporizer ready for when the heat comes on. Glad I bought extra filters last year so I was all ready with it this year. I used the Dermapaw on the spot where Tipper is chewing and licking. I put it on before bed time. That is one thing we have not had too much of an issue with is the skin. I continue to give her the vitamin e every day, so it must be helping. Her breathing at nite is soooo much better after the Adequan that I thank my luck stars that Leslie told me about it. It was a major worry every nite we went to bed. Now she can at least sleep without struggling for air. She does still make some noises, but not at all like before. My nerves are a little better knowing I don't have to lay there and worry about her not being able to breathe. All I can say is thank God for the cooler weather. It has made such a difference. I hope there are no more storms, and that way Tipper's eyes should be ok. I was glad to see fall come, so it would be easier on Tipper, but sad about it also as it means more time is flying by for my girl. Blessings
So glad to hear Tipper is doing a bit better especially with the sleeping. Bet you are sleeping better too, I hope so anyway.
09-24-2013, 12:25 AM
Hi Patti,
So happy to read that the better nights continue for Tipper and that her breathing is so improved.
I agree this cooler weather makes all the difference for Cushings dogs. Trixie is so much better now that the heat has subsided and she can be outside more enjoying the great weather which always seems to help make for better days and nights.
It's great that you noticed some positive change right away with the new dose. Seeing some of Trixie's symptoms coming back just a little I feel like she should go from 14mg twice a day to 15mg. Which would bring her from 28 to 30mg. Of course I'll wait until we do an acth but I'm thinking she isn't as controlled as she could be, and bringing her up 2mg shouldn't cause a problem.
Well I hope another good night is in store for Tipper. I feel a very cool breeze coming in my window right now...I'll have to close it a little because it's getting cold in here!! Yay for the cold weather!
09-24-2013, 12:30 AM
Good news Patti! I hope that you are also getting some rest. How are you feeling?
Budsters Mom
09-24-2013, 12:40 AM
Yes Patti,
Time does fly by with our precious babies. That is why it's important to cherish every moment. I hope you are feeling better too. :) xxxx
09-24-2013, 08:12 AM
Hi Everyone:
Another decent nite for Tipper. I am curious if anyone else has noticed the twitching and muscle contractions in their dog?? Tipper really had a lot last nite. I usually wake her when they get bad, and it stops. She even slept under the covers last nite. I had to put her down vest on this morning as it is 34 and foggy. She has never had a lot of hair especially on her belly, and now even less. I notice she is sensitive to both hot and cold extremes. I am curious if anyone with a dog who has a heart murmur has used Hawthorne? If so please let me know how it worked out. I spoke with Tipper's cardiologist yesterday and she wants to see her in November for a chest XRay to check her heart, and if this disease progressed any. If so she may have to go on the Ace Inhibitors which Dechra says is a very touchy situation while on Vetoryl. That is why I am looking into Hawthorne. It is reputed to really help the function of a dogs heart and regulate blood pressure. I am taking the yorkie Toby for a trim this morning, before the cold weather sets in. Just to get him trimmed up a bit, and cleaned up. Yeah for the cold weather!!! Keep it coming Tipper loves it. Blessings
Squirt's Mom
09-24-2013, 09:33 AM
Hi Patti,
In reading on Hawthorn in my books, I don't find anything that cautions against use in cases of CHF. In fact, Gregory Tilford and Mary Wulff say Hawthorn is used in CHF with success. The cautions I did find are -
1) concerning cats with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.
2) not recommended for patients with slow heart beats or hypotension, or who are sedate
3) it can effect other heart meds, making them stronger, usually resulting in lower doses needed of those meds
I have asked on the Animal Herbalist group on FB to see if anyone there has heard of it being contraindicated for CHF and will let you know if anyone responds.
09-24-2013, 09:51 AM
Thank you as always. I will wait and see if you find anything else. What is the Queen up to? is it real cold there this morning? Blessings
Squirt's Mom
09-24-2013, 10:26 AM
The comments so far support what I found - same info. Where did you read that it was contraindicated for CHF? Cat Lane has this to say -
"I use hawthorn all the time, preventively and with DCM, heart murmur and renal disease.! It may be contraindicated with some drugs used for CHF, it may potentiate digitalis, for example. Is this dog on enalapril, vetmedin or any of the standard drugs? Furosemide?
The cautions regarding useage with various cardiac drugs are pretty standard, but otherwise this is a very safe herb.
I use hawthorn as part of a comprehensive whole that starts with diet, fatty acids, coQ10, taurine and so on. There's a lot of other options to consider in putting together a protocol for CHF.
I put my partner's 15 1/2 year old Lab on hawthorn 6 years ago, among other things, she still has great energy, pulses, no sign of disease. Can't say it's any one thing nor does one example prove a point, but I feel very safe and positive using hawthorn as part of a geriatric health protocol."
So far, she's the only one to respond.
Squirt's Mom
09-24-2013, 11:42 AM
I don't see anything in the Cardio Strength that should be an issue with the Hawthorn, but double check with your vet first. ;)
The dosing according to Dr.s Wynne and Fougere is as follows -
Dried herb - 25-300 mg/kg given TID
Infusions and decoctions - 5-30 grams per cup of water, with 1/4-1/2 per 10kg (20lbs) cup of tea given TID
Tincture - 1:2 or 1:3 ratio; 0.5-1.5ml per 10kg 20lbs) given TID and diluted or combined with other herbs. Higher doses may be appropriate if the herb is used singly and is not combined in a formula.
Dogs typically find glycerite tinctures more palatable than alcohol tinctures and Mountain Rose Herbs has a glycerite tincture of Hawthorn.
Alcohol tinctures can be used and I use the boiling water to ameliorate the alcohol content a bit with the steam escaping...but you also lose part of the active oils that way.
If you prefer to use the dry herb, MRH has that as well and I trust their sources.
You'll want the leaf and flowers.
Again - be sure to run all of this by your vet before starting her on it. ;)
Hi Patty.... about the muscle twitching. Keesh really sleeps much sounder now then when younger, plus he's a little deaf. I have noticed while sleeping he is much more active. Legs twitching, body moving but he doesn't wake up. When younger I thought it was cute and he was dreaming, I still think that but he's in a much deeper sleep. Could this be the same with Tipper?
Glad you are enjoying the cooler weather. I hate it knowing winter is on the way. I'm a warm weather person, and why I was not blessed to be born in a warm climate is beyond me.
09-25-2013, 09:39 AM
I would say it could be her sleep pattern, but with this adrenal tumor I am leary, and concerned it is that. She has never twitched and had skin rippling until I put her on the Vetoryl. Her one eyebrow goes crazy and her eye twitches, and I have never seen this in her before. Her breathing at the time of this also changes and gets more rapid and louder. I can only pray it is her sleep pattern, but I am scared it is something else. She is doing wonderful in the cool weather. You sound like you should live in Florida!! Canada is so beautiful though, I am sure you would miss it. Blessings
09-25-2013, 09:54 AM
Hi Everyone:
Tipper had another good nite last nite. After talking it over with the Dr. and Leslie I am going to start Tipper on Hawthorne for her heart. We went to the vets and got her blood pressure and weight done this morning. I cannot get this weight back off her, but the blood pressure was really good. I have had 2 friends in the last two weeks call here. The one I have known for 20 some years. Neither one even asked if Tipper was still alive. Why is it that people want to think you have mental problems if you truly love your dog??? They always act like there is something wrong with me for taking the best care I can of Tipper. It really sets me off, and I forget about it until the next person does it to me. So many people in this country regard pets as disposable items and it sickens me. I wish more people in the US would start regarding pets as family like it should be. I am already depressed enough thank you about my dogs disease, I don't need so called friends trying to make me feel bad about helping my dog. I don't call anyone else trying to make them feel bad about their life. The one friend several years ago had her dog pass away, and she was a basket case. She called me immediately and I did consul her. Do people just forget these things or are they selfish? This has me on a rant now, so I need to compartmentalize it. I have been through so much with this dog that I really don't give a____ who likes it! It is very cool, and we had frost and fog this morning again. This is Tipper weather! Last nite for the second nite Tipper was a little hungrier than usual. I have to keep an eye on this, she may still need bumped up a notch or two. Blessings
Budsters Mom
09-25-2013, 08:54 PM
I am passing on the advice I was given when Buddy was so I'll. I was told to toughen up and not let others get to me. It is nobody's business how you choose to care for your fur babies or what you choose to spend your money on. Others do not have to understand. It is not your problem. It is theirs. You have enough on your plate to worry about such trivial matters. Big hugs,
09-26-2013, 07:55 AM
Thank you, it just gets to me when people especially ones that I know well, are so rude about my Tipper. Blessings
09-26-2013, 08:02 AM
Hi Everyone:
Another decent nite for Tipper. I am so glad those breathing struggles are behind us now. Tipper is really acting a lot better in the cooler weather. I am struggling to get this weight off her. If I could just get 8 ounces off it would put her back where she needs to be. She has no appointments until Wednesday the 3rd. What a relief for her it will be not to have to go to any vet for a few days. It is really frosty out there this morning, had to put Tipper's vest on her again. She loves smelling in the cool air, and is so much more relaxed. Blessings
Budsters Mom
09-26-2013, 03:31 PM
Great update Patti!:) I am thrilled that Tipper is getting a little break from vet visits and I'm glad the cooler weather is helping. I hope you are feeling better also. xxxx
09-26-2013, 05:46 PM
yes!! Yay for this Fall weather. Trixie too, is doing really well without warm temps to contend with, we're loving the morning chill.
Patti--maybe Tipper is a little more hungry because she's outside getting more walking time? Between the cool air and exercise she's got a big appetite?
I just accept that some people will not get the love that we have for our dogs. You can't count on people like that to understand the depth of your feelings because they just don't, they're the types that say "it's just a dog"....ugh, what a thing to say!
I think most people with pets do believe they are a member of the family and treat them as's certainly much better for dogs now than it was many years ago when they were tied up in yards and sleeping outside. I know some people still do this but I believe they're in the minority. When you're in other countries you realize that dogs & cats here have it really good in comparison.
That's why this board is so great...we all get it!! You don't have to explain why you do what you do for your pets. We don't question the efforts made and what a priority they are in our lives. How about some people who think it's crazy to spend money on your dog's health but they spend plenty on things that aren't living and boats and cars, things like that. It makes you scratch your head sometimes, why should anyone question how much you love your dog? I just tell people the dog means so much to our family and we'll do everything we can for her...if they don't get that then they're the one with the problem!! :D
09-26-2013, 11:11 PM
Patti, Glad to hear Tipper is feeling better. I hope you are too.
09-26-2013, 11:42 PM
Good news Patti! I hope that you are catching up on some much needed sleep!
09-27-2013, 07:53 AM
Hi Everyone;
Well another decent nite for Tipper. A little more noise than she has been making, but still a good nite. I noticed Tipper not wanting to walk as much as she did. I think she is progressing further into this disease and it scares me. She will be 12 on the 4th and I pray she is here to celebrate 13. I could not possibly be so closely tied to anyone or anything else but her. The joy that she brings me is immeasurable. She is still a little hungry at nite, I am worried that we may have to go a few notches higher on the Trilostane. It is not real bad like it was, but she will annoy you until she gets the food. I think part of Tipper not wanting to walk so much may be do to the weight gain and pressure added onto her legs and sagging body. I am desperately trying to get this weight down. Tipper went out on the front porch a couple times yesterday to lay in the sun. She has always enjoyed that, but the hot weather prohibited it all summer. Now in the cool weather she feels free to do whatever. I put away a lot of my porch furniture yesterday. I am not one for waiting until the last minute. With things on a day by day basis with Tipper, I don't want to have to worry about getting all this done. I do a little every day, and when the rainy weather of October comes I am already finished. Yes I hate to say it , but I will be glad to see snow. I think it will be so much better for Tipper that I look forward to it. Too bad we cannot stay in the fall months all year! I got some balloons for Tipper's birthday. Tipper can break 100 balloons in under a minute. She started doing it at peoples birthday parties, and it continued on. One day I filled a room with them and she went nuts. Most Jack Russells do not like round objects. There isn't a ball that Tipper hasn't destroyed, even the neighbor kids fell prey to her. She knows the sound of you blowing up balloons and goes nuts looking for them, it's like she transforms into a crazy dog like you have never seen, all she concentrates on is breaking them. I haven't given her any since she became ill, as I though it would be too much for her, so I will give her a few on her birthday. People used to blow up balloons just so they could watch her break them. She is my biggest blessing in life, I pray she stays with me. Blessings
09-27-2013, 08:09 AM
I just have to start this again. WHERE IS MEL????????Has anyone heard from her?? Tipper and I miss her terribly. Blessings
09-27-2013, 08:30 AM
Sorry, I am ok. Nothing bad has happened. I have just been very caught up with work because of the merger and changes. I have been reading just not posting.
I can just imagine her with the balloons, that will be a great treat for her birthday esp if she hasn't been able to do that for a while :D
I am hoping work will settle down soon. Sending you a big hug and Tipper the Ripper some kisses
09-27-2013, 08:34 AM
Thanks for posting we missed you, and I am glad to know you are ok. Blessings
Squirt's Mom
09-27-2013, 09:11 AM
Ok, I require videos of the balloon busting party! :p
09-27-2013, 11:33 AM
No problem I will take video and stills as I am excited she is reaching this milestone, yet sad. Blessings
molly muffin
09-27-2013, 07:01 PM
That sounds like so much fun Patti! Tipper bursting balloons. I can't wait to see the video too.
Mel, glad to see you're doing okay. YUCK on the merger. I know what you mean. Our company has gone through it with acquisitions and it's just horrid amount of work for everyone. Hope things calm down soon.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
09-28-2013, 01:26 AM
What is it with Jack Russells and balloons? I have seen that on TV. A Jack Russell holds the Guinness Record for popping a lot of balloons in record time, just like you describe with Tipper!! It was so funny and the dog was just loving it :D
Trixie loves to attack paper bags and shred them up. If its bad weather and she hasn't had long walks I let her at it with some brown paper grocery bags to use up some energy.
Since being diagnosed I don't do it as much because she gets really crazy and worked up, then she pants a lot and drinks a I don't like to add more of that to our day. She knows the bags are in the pantry so sometimes she just stands by the door and growls for a bag. So funny.
Glad Tipper has had good nights and is enjoying lounging in the sun again now that she can do it in the cool air. :)
09-28-2013, 07:23 AM
When Tipper was well she could put that dog on t.v. to shame. I have had people help me blow up balloons and let her break them so I know how many she can break. The difference is that dogs balloons were fastened to a board where Tipper's a lose and that is harder to do. I though about calling the Guiness Book and getting her verified, but never did it as she could beat that dog hands down. We even watched that dog together when it was on t.v. I wish I would had videoed her doing that when she was younger. At least I will get some video for her birthday, but I am not giving her that many as I am afraid of her getting too worked up since she has not had any balloons for a while. I don't want to have her panting and make her sick, as she gets wild when she sees them. That is funny about Trixie and the bags. I guess all these breeds have there little quirks. Tipper was hungry again last nite, and up at 5:30 this morning again. I am getting a feeling the 25mg is not working and we may have to go to 27-28. This is all so expensive, why can't they make this affordable??. Blessings
09-28-2013, 07:44 AM
Hi Everyone:
Another good nite for Tipper, but with some throaty noises. She is actually sleeping better and not wandering around the room at nite. She was however hungry again last nite. I am not sure if it is a habit now or she is uncontrolled. The numbers on the 16th will tell the story. My neighbor said to me this morning " I was waving at you on Wednesday morning to ask you something and you just put your hand up and ignored me." I said " that is because I have to take my dog to the vet's every Wednesday morning and I was in a hurry." She said " I bet that ruins your whole day." I said " no, that makes my day knowing my dog is alright," and kept walking as I was ready to implode. People can be so rude about my dog I am really sick of it. Just stop commenting about her altogether and I will be fine with that. I am so blessed every day she is with me as I am acutely aware of others who started on this forum around the time Tipper and I did that are no longer with us, so I consider us really lucky. Tipper had some excess energy yesterday and she tore out all her toys and was shaking them and throwing them in the air. It is funny, she taught Toby how to catch a ball. HE watches everything she does with fascination. He was watching her with the toys and sure enough he started shaking his toys too, it was cute to watch him imitate her. I am looking forward to her balloon bursting as I know Toby will be watching what she does. Blessings
"Tipper The Teacher" - sooo cute. Glad things seem to be well with you and Tipper.
Budsters Mom
09-28-2013, 04:50 PM
I can just see Tipper frantically popping balloons while Toby itches to join him. Elvis will be squawking in the background while Chance and Lucky scramble to escape. Great fun overall!:o
I'm glad that Tipper has been resting better at night. That gives you some rest too. I hope you are feeling better. Xxxx
09-28-2013, 05:29 PM
Toby has never seen Tipper do this, and it is too bad they are separated, as I know Toby will cry and want to join in. Tipper would never share her balloons with Toby. She is so keyed up when she sees them I am curious if she would stop to go after him?? That is not going to happen so I will have to ponder that one. Sometimes I tease Toby and hold Elvis and give Elvis Toby's ball. Toby goes ballistic he is so stingy, and selfish!! He tries to get it off of Elvis, but the beak wins that one. If you threw a steak on the floor I don't think Tipper would go after it she gets so intense on those balloons. It's like she is on a mission to kill every last one. I am only giving her a few, as I am scared of her working herself up with this Cushings, and don't want any problems because of it . We'll see how it goes, I may keep a few xtras if she doesn't get crazy I'll let her have them. I only want her to enjoy herself, and in no way want my girl hurt over birthday balloons. Blessings
Budsters Mom
09-28-2013, 09:52 PM
Maybe you could give Toby a few balloons in a different room so he doesn't feel left out??? Xxxx
09-29-2013, 08:17 AM
That's a good idea, as long as Tipper does not get distracted, and try to tear the gate down to get at Toby's balloons. I would not put it past her.
09-29-2013, 08:24 AM
Hi Everyone:
fairly good nite again for Tipper. Lots of snoring noises, but no struggling to breathe. Tipper has been going to sleep early. Therefore she wants to get up at 5:00 am now. This morning I had to get up at 4:45 as she started with gastro symptoms and really loud noises that I know hurt. I took her out and she went potty, and I gave her some chicken. It takes about 20 minutes after she gets food for it to stop, and she is in agony the whole time waiting for it to subside. I am going to have to make an effort to keep her awake longer at nite and feed her snack a little later. She has already walked and is resting by my feet. She is so round, I must get this weight off her somehow. I am going to take her for a car ride today. I realized the only time she gets in the car now is to go to the vets, and she used to like a car ride, so I don't want her to think that is the only time she is getting in the car is for something bad that she hates. I hope everyone has a good day with their babies. Blessings
molly muffin
09-29-2013, 11:01 AM
Oh a car ride sounds like a good thing to do. :) What about a stop at a park along the way or some place new for her to have a walk at. Fun things, new smells.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
09-29-2013, 04:50 PM
Hi Everyone:
All I can say is it's not even 5oclock and Tipper is hungry. She was never like this on the 30mg. I am thinking she is still uncontrolled. She is going around the floor where it meets the wall looking for crumbs! How she thinks these things up I will never know. When she has gastro symptoms and cannot get outside to eat grass she goes along the edge of the carpet and eats fuzz. I think she is trying to throw up and figures the fuzz will do it. She is being one naughty girl bulldozing things while I am typing this. I don't think I need an ACTH test to tell me what is going on here. Blessings
molly muffin
09-29-2013, 11:02 PM
Hi Patti,
Was it on 30mg that Tipper's pre number went to .07 and she was having panic attacks during the storms?
I can't remember for use but it's a fine balance sometimes.
sharlene and molly muffin
09-30-2013, 09:45 AM
Hi Everyone:
Last nite Tipper was really hungry again, and would not let me alone before her bed time snack. I have to get her weight down she is like a barrel. Sharlene her pre number did go low on the 30 you are right. I am nor sure what to do now. Should I give her 20 in the morning and 5 around 3-4pm or do I go up to 7mg or 8mg on the trilostane part of the dosage instead? I know she is not controlled and I am seriously concerned about damage control here. It seems the last time she was uncontrolled a few weeks ago and now I hear her start with this congestive noises, and sticking her tongue out over and over again. There is some connection between her boing uncontrolled and these things she exhibits. She gets her ACTH on the 16th, but that is a good 2 weeks away, and I am concerned about the damage this cortisol is doing on top of what she already has. I need some opinions here on the best route to take. I am wondering if 20mg Vetoryl in the morning and 10 mg trilostane in the evening would still make her pre number go low since they are not all taken at once?? I am stumped and need some help please. She did sleep ok last nite, but was very noisy and congestive sounding. Also I am wondering what to so about Tipper's ultra sound in October. It will tell if the tumor has grown on her adrenal gland, but if she is not able to have it removed what good does it do to get one? It will just get me even more upset and depressed. She has too many issues to survive this operation so should I put her thru this, and also spend money on an ultra sound I could use the money for her treatment?? I am not sure where to go with this???? Some opinions would help. It is dark here, and supposed to rain, so I hope Tipper does not get upset. Blessings
Squirt's Mom
09-30-2013, 10:01 AM
I think I would try to get a more even distribution of the Trilo over a 24 hour period. Instead of a big dose in the morning and small dose in the evenings, try to give the same amount both times.
As for the US - that is up to you. I fully understand the quandary over the expense when there is no action you plan to take based on the info it could provide. However, it would let you know how rapidly the tumor is growing and could explain why the Trilo dose is needing to be tweaked so often now. As the tumor grows, she will probably need more and more of the Trilo to control the signs. One of our members, Corky, went to a three times a day dosing (he also had an adrenal tumor that was not operable).
Keep your chin up, Mom. You are doing a fine job!
Leslie and the gang
09-30-2013, 12:48 PM
I was wondering the same as Leslie...why not an even dosing for Tipper? Splitting the dose evenly morning and evening I think would help. When is Tipper's last big meal? Maybe you can shift her meals slightly later.
I think the even dose is going to help with control...doesn't sound like she's getting enough in the evening to get her through the night.
Squirt's Mom
09-30-2013, 01:17 PM
Since her current dose is 30 mg a day, right?, ideally you would split that 15mg am and 15 mg pm - but that would also mean using a compounded Trilo to get the 15mg. You might ask the vet about 10mg 3X a day to avoid the compounding, or go up to 20 2X a day, but that may be too much, I just don't know.
09-30-2013, 03:15 PM
Hi Everyone:
No Tipper was on 30 mg Vetoryl and that is when it made her pre number drop to low at .7 and they said she needs to be on a lower dose, that after a while on the same dose a smaller dose will work. So we tried the 20mg Vetoryl and it was not enough so we got 5 mg trilostane compounded. So her current dose is 25mg 20 of which is Vetoryl and 5 of Trilostane compounded. So it is hard to split 25. Maybe I should do 15 day and 10 at nite?? I would have to give her the second dose earlier than 12 hours though as that is when she gets hungry is between 6-8. She does get a snack at 6pm. She will start looking for her snack at 5-5:30. So I need to have the second dose in her and working before that. She gets her am dose at 7am, and I will have to give her the pm dose at like 4-430 instead of 7 pm. It should be ok as she is already taking 25 at a time, and overlapping it really will do nothing to her except work before she gets hungry. She has already had 30 mg before also. That is the only way of splitting it , unless I would give her 20 and 5 as I don't know if 15 will hold her all day??? I need to get this worked out so maybe I will call Dechra. Blessings
09-30-2013, 05:11 PM
Hi Everyone:
I called Dechra and went over the scenarios with them. They want me to try 20mg Vetoryl morning and at 4-430 the 5mg Trilo. They want just enough to take the edge off her hunger. If that does not work I have to go to 15/10 split which they think is not as good. She will have to be on either one or the other for three consecutive days before her next ACTH test. It will be easier on me only giving her 2 pills in the morning. It is so expensive to do all these different combinations, but I am not a quitter and I will go on until this is right. I have been trying to live in my bubble and tell myself everything is going ok. That seems to be the only way I can get thru this, as I am worried about this tumor growing. I would give anything or everything in the world I have, if my girl could be healed. Blessings
Budsters Mom
09-30-2013, 05:49 PM
Hi Patti,
I have definitely lived in my bubble many times during my life. It is equipped with all the latest technical toys.;):D what I have figured out over the years, is that I have to emerge from it eventually and face the challenge/challenges at hand. If your bubble is what you need to get you through, then stay in it for now. Every once in a while, poke your head out and take stock of where you are, where you realistically can expect to be and how you plan on getting there. Small doses of reality a little at a time. I admire the way that you keep plugging on despite all obstacles. Tipper is very blessed to have you. Xxxxx
molly muffin
09-30-2013, 07:47 PM
I think a split would be good to try. You have the 20 and the 5 now, so wouldn't hurt to get it a go and see if it changes anything.
If you want to know for sure, then you would need to have the ultrasound, about how fast the tumor is growing. If you want to just try and manage the symptoms and react with the dosage changes as needed, then you could go that route also. This is one of those decisions that you'll need to make. I don't think that there is a perfect answer to that question. There are just variables that you need to think about.
I think that what you want is the best quality of life possible for her for as long as she will have, however long that is and we of course all hope that is a very long time.
I don't know if this is necessarily a weight issue, or if it because the adrenal tumor pushes other things out and then with the muscles not being as strong, it makes the stomach look bigger. Just something to think about.
How did the car drive go yesterday? Did Tipper enjoy getting out and about and not ending up at a vets office? do you take Toby and her both for the drive?
Hang in there,
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
09-30-2013, 08:45 PM
The 5mg booster might just do the trick. You're thinking she's not all that controlled so once you get the number from your acth you can re-think the dose. If you need to go up you could do an even number and try and even split if the current plan doesn't help. I get 10mg Vetoryl and 4 compounded Trilostane and give 14mg twice a day, the even split seems to work pretty well for us. I hope you see some positive change when you try 5mg in the you start that tomorrow?
10-01-2013, 07:54 AM
Hi Everyone:
Tipper was a little restless last nite before bed time, but she slept fairly well. Still the congestive noise though. and I noticed mucus in her one eye this morning. I had noticed that before when she started this swallowing etc. that she had mucus. I am going to give her one of the allergy pills the IMS told me to use. This is a bad time for allergies with everything falling off the trees etc. I started the 20mg in the morning split today. I will give her the 5mg at 4:00pm and see how it goes.
Sharlene when you said her tumor could be pressing on things and pushing her side out I am not understanding that. Are you saying that these tumors get that large? As I don't know that much about them. Tipper's tumor with was only around 2 centimeters which is much smaller than an eraser on pencil, would it grow that big and that fast in 2 months? This is really scaring me now. I am going to have her Ultra Sound on the 15th. I decided rather that have my vet find someone, I will take her back to the hospital as they have the high resolution scanner. I have called and asked that they put the images on a disk from both scans so that my vet can see them also. That way there will be no funny business going on about the measurements of each scan. Tipper has not been as active as she usually is for about two weeks now. I am deeply concerned about the progression of this disease. She will be 12 on Friday, and I thinks the odds of her making 13 are very questionable form what I am seeing. It will be God's will from now on, and I pray she can be with me a long time even though I have my doubts. I will continue on at full speed to try and defeat this disease. Blessings
molly muffin
10-01-2013, 08:14 PM
Oh Patti, I'm sorry, I wasn't trying to scare you, about that it has grown, just that things sort of move around. Livers that are enlarged tend to push out sometimes. I can't remember if Tippers is enlarged or not, but because they have the muscle weakness and fat redistribution, things just end up looking different and sometimes that is the stomach particularly.
So I rather meant in general not specifically. Like the stomach is weaker, so it doesn't hold everything in place as well as it does normally. This doesn't hurt them, but it makes them look over weight.
Tippers adrenal tumor appears to be relatively small size.
This is all very scary. I agree totally, still Tipper is an amazing dog and has done pretty well over all.
Hang in there and again, so sorry, I didn't mean to scare you so much as to reassure you that it could just be muscle weakness that is contributing to the belly.
Sharlene and molly muffin
Budsters Mom
10-01-2013, 08:50 PM
Buddy's liver was immense. It was so large that it had grown over all his other organs, leaving little room for anything else. His GP vet suspected a tumor. He was sent for an ultra-sound at a emergency vet hospital because they had a high resolution machine and an specialist to interpret the data. My point being that his his little body adapted to accommodate his immense liver and he lived comfortably (for the most part) with it. His suspected pituitary macro-tumor is what finally did him in, not his liver problem. sometimes organs are shifted around accommodate various growths and masses. We have no idea if Tipper's tumor has grown. Having the US done is totally up to you. However, that would be one way to evaluate whether Tipper's tumor has grown and how much. We are not trying to scare you. We just don't know. Xxxxx
Hi Patti... hoping Tipper had a better night last night and not so restless. How was her hunger last night? Did that split dose work? Did the allergy pill help?
Keeping you in my thoughts daily, you are such a trooper for Tipper.
10-02-2013, 11:56 AM
Hi Everyone:
I think the thing I cannot understand is that both the vet and the IMS told me Tipper's liver is not enlarged. I guess I have to attribute her barrel chested appearance to all the muscle gone. I am sure things have shifted around as she is uncomfortable certain ways she lays down. Sharlene I did get scared, but I understand what you meant, so no harm done. I am going to have Tipper's ultra sound as I decided I need to know what this tumor is doing. I am taking her to the hospital to the high resolution US. I have asked that they burn two discs for me, so my vet can view the tumor and give me his measurements also, and he has a friend that does US and I want him to show him the discs and ask him to measure also. I want solid concrete numbers and opinions. I need to know what I am dealing with. Tipper just does not have the appearance of being heavier she is almost up a pound from her usual weight. It came on during the 2 weeks of being uncontrolled. I am trying a little at a time to cut her back even more. yesterday I started the split dose 20/5mg. She was not as bad as the previous days with hunger at nite. I gave her the second dose early at 4:00pm. The only thing I noticed was she was very restless at nite moving all around, and I know what that means. I may have to go to the 27mg or 28 if it continues. I am starting her on the Hawthorne for her heart murmur as soon as it arrives. I have been giving her massages very lightly before bed time to try and relax her. She had quite a few muscle contractions last nite soon after falling asleep. I am giving her the allergy pills and she does not seem to be swallowing what sounds like fluid all the time, it seems to have helped in that regard. There is a definite difference between a regular dry swallow and what she has been doing, I can hear fluid like she drank water when she swallows. It may be some form of post nasal drip or mucus and that is why the sticking the tongue out and licking is happening again. I am either researching something to help her or praying for her in any spare time I get, which is not too much. I got her balloons yesterday and some things for her birthday. I started to cry in the store buying the items. I am so scared I will not get another birthday with her, it just creeps up on me at times. The cashier said " oh are you getting this for your grandchild?" I said " no it's for my dog." She said " I thought you were getting emotional about a grandchilds birthday?" I said " No, but my dog is like a child to me and she is very ill." She said I wish I could be at that party." I am not one for crying in public places, the emotion of all this just swept over me. I pray I can be blessed enough that she lives for another birthday. I made a deal with God and told him if she has her 13 birthday I will be the best person I can for the rest of my life, and help others as much as possible. I hope he takes the deal I offered. I am a little worried about the balloons and her heart, as she gets crazy when she sees them, if she get really nuts I may have to grab her and stop her. Hoping the split dosage gets better tonite, and continues. Blessings
10-02-2013, 11:56 AM
Hoping you and Tipper had a good night last night.
10-02-2013, 11:57 AM
I wanted to send you a special note of thanks because you always keep me going. I get strength from you, and appreciate you help always. Blessings
Squirt's Mom
10-02-2013, 12:02 PM
From page 166 of Tipper's thread here -
The dosing according to Dr.s Wynne and Fougere is as follows -
Dried herb - 25-300 mg/kg given TID
Infusions and decoctions - 5-30 grams per cup of water, with 1/4-1/2 per 10kg (20lbs) cup of tea given TID
Tincture - 1:2 or 1:3 ratio; 0.5-1.5ml per 10kg 20lbs) given TID and diluted or combined with other herbs. Higher doses may be appropriate if the herb is used singly and is not combined in a formula.
If you got the glycerite - that is still considered a tincture so the dosing would be the same. Gycerites are typically not as potent as alcohol tinctures so if you give a bit more, that shouldn't be a problem. But always start with the low end and go up over time if needed. Also, herbs work best when cycled - a few weeks on, then a few days off, then back on....;)
Now to see what I can find on the Rhodiola!
Squirt's Mom
10-02-2013, 12:07 PM
First hit! LOL I don't remember this but here it is! (It's a wonder I remember how to dress myself most days! :D)
Squirt's Mom
10-02-2013, 12:12 PM
Cardiac benefit
Rhodiola capsules decrease the oxygen consumption of myocardium and oxygen consumption index in anesthetic dogs, decrease the coronary artery resistance, but have no marked effect on the coronary artery blood flow. The capsules also have the function of decreasing blood pressure and slowing heart rate. However, rhodiola use in cardiac patients has not been tested and for the time being the benefit of rhodiola in those with heart disease is not known. I personally would not recommend rhodiola to heart patients since it may have stimulating properties.
Squirt's Mom
10-02-2013, 12:13 PM
Rhodiola Rosea L. is an herb that is known to create a sense of balance and harmony which makes it more difficult for the separation anxiety to set in.
Squirt's Mom
10-02-2013, 12:17 PM
There doesn't seem to be much I can find about this herb with dogs online or in my texts so I'll ask the experts and see if they have anything to offer.
10-02-2013, 12:44 PM
Patti--Just wondering if there's a possibility that the restlessness at night could be from the allergy pills? I know often antihistamines can cause drowsiness but they can also cause insomnia and restlessness too, it can go either way. Maybe it's a little of both cortisol and the allergy pills causing Tipper to be antsy over night. Just a thought.
Yes--this warm streak is a big pain. I am just about to close all my windows and put on the a/c.
The sun is streaming in and my place is heating up! I am also anxious for a cold front to return. Here in NY we are forecast for this warmth through the weekend. :mad:
Hope Tipper has a good day!
Budsters Mom
10-02-2013, 03:29 PM
You are most welcome Patti.:)
Since you are concerned about Tipper getting too excited when she sees the balloons, how about giving her only a couple and see what happens. You can always blow up more depending on how it goes. Please remember that Toby would like to be included, though separate. I'm sure he would like a few balloons too, in a different room of course.;) xxxx
10-02-2013, 05:09 PM
Hi Everyone:
I think you could be onto something Barbara, it may be the meds. Kathy I forgot, I wanted to tell you when you said Rosie was making noises about her teeth and I think you said Buddy never did. Well the terriers are one of, if not the toughest breed there is so Buddy would have never cried over that. It makes me realize how bad off he was as the end to cry in pain, as terriers seldom if ever do that. You really did do the best thing for your precious baby, now I hope sometime you heart will heal. You know when Tipper went after Toby as scared as he was he came right back at her, which only served to infuriate Tipper. These terriers are a crazy bunch. Blessings
10-03-2013, 07:56 AM
Hi Everyone:
Well Tipper and I slept fairly well as it was cooler last nite and we were both tired. She was up before dawn so she has already walked. She did not move around the bed last nite too much and was in one place for the most part. It was her second day of the split dose. I am hoping that this is the answer. It was too warm yesterday for her outside on the porch so she wanted in right away. She was not real hungry last nite either. I took her for her blood pressure and weight yesterday morning. The BP was up a tad I think because she was worked up getting into the car. It was not high though at 140, but her normal is 130. After all this watching everything I give her and walking her more she gained 1 ounce. Can you believe it? I am really frustrated with the weight! Well I got her cake out of the freezer as tomorrow is her big day. It brings a lot of joy and sadness at the same time. Blessings
Well Yay !! - Both had a good nights sleep. That's wonderful news.
Maybe things are settling down Patti for both you and I... here's hoping we have at least a few good days. I think we deserve it.
Squirt's Mom
10-03-2013, 01:49 PM
Link I was given on Rhodiola for you -
And a comment from our nutritional consultant/herbalist -
I don't think of rhodiola as a first line go-to herb for dogs with cardiovascular issues but I have used it, always after a core protocol is in place (especially for anti-arrhythmic action). Rhodiola is a cooling adaptogen and very safe; it has multiple benefits and I might think to add it in cases of, say. CHF. I am using it in tandem with controlled protein diet for some cases of ADD, with very promising results.
10-03-2013, 09:53 PM
Well I don't want to jinx anything but it sounds like the split might be having some positive effects already. If you get another 2 nights like this I think you can call it a success.
I wouldn't worry about the blood pressure because Tipper has had so many vet visits recently so I'm sure she was a little stressed when she was in the car, and that could account for it. Besides it's still good even at 140!
Can't wait to hear how she enjoys her birthday balloons! She deserves a good popping session after all she's been through lately! :D
I was just on the phone with my friend from Pittsburgh and she said they were having a lightening storm...I hope you not getting it Patti!!
Hoping Tipper has another good night with a restful sleep. She's got to have a good snooze so she has plenty of energy for her big day tomorrow! :D
10-04-2013, 01:38 AM
Daisy also does much better when she has the Trilogy twice a day. This could be the key:'(Her IMS won't prescribe is any other way.
10-04-2013, 07:51 AM
Hi Everyone:
Today my girl is 12. I can hardly believe it, it seems like yesterday I was training her as a puppy. The years have flown by. I am going to do all things that Tipper wants to do today, since it is her day. I hope I can do her video and pictures without crying, as I woke up this morning and it just started. Tipper had another good nite. I have made another change in her routine also. I am saving more of her dog food allowance for her snack at bedtime. I think that helps fill her up more and she is less inclined to want food. She was ok with the food last nite, no real hunger issues. I think maybe this split is working on her Barbara like you said I will see in a few more days. We did get the lightening storm yesterday Barbara, Tipper of course ran in the closet. It did not last long thank goodness. It is a shame, but I have told no one but my friends on here that I am having a birthday party for Tipper. So many people disapprove of things I do with her now, so I don't need anything negative today. I am happy she made it this far, but sad that the journey is getting shorter for us. I pray that she is here to celebrate 13. Blessings
Squirt's Mom
10-04-2013, 08:12 AM
Happy 12th Birthday, Tipper!
Hope you have lots of cake and balloons to pop and neat new toys to play with!
And NEXT year we will do this all over again!
The Happiest of Birthdays Tipper
Happy Birthday Tipper !! Have fun with Mommy today.
Mommy have lots of fun with Tipper.... a great day for sure :)
10-04-2013, 09:43 AM
happy birthday tipper!!!!!!!
Patti, I wish you the most wonderful day with your girl!
Love and hugs,
Tina and Jasper xo
10-04-2013, 02:46 PM
Happy birthday Tipper!
Budsters Mom
10-04-2013, 03:27 PM
Well Patti, you Made it!! Congratulations!! Photos please!!:):):p
Happy 12th Birthday Tipper!! xxxx
molly muffin
10-04-2013, 05:48 PM
I agree lets do it again next year :D
10-04-2013, 06:32 PM
Hi Everyone:
I want to thank each and every one of you for Tipper's birthday wishes. They are heart felt and appreciated as this has been a tough day for me, and for her. Things just did not go to well after I took the balloons out. I put about 6 in the corner of the kitchen. I have a really thick rug there and thought it would help so she did not hurt herself. I got the video camera ready, and when she saw the balloons she looked at them for a second then looked at me and dove on them like a crazy banchee. The balloons went everywhere and she was so fast I could not get her on the camera breaking them. I had to put the camera down and pull her away as she was making breathing noises very loudly and it scared me. I had to get her a wet towel and calm her down she ran through the house looking for any that may have escaped in order to kill them. She was crazy for about a half and hour. I will never do it again as long as she is living. When she was well it was fun, but this could have ended up badly. I have not even had a chance to view the video and see if I got anything on video while running behind her. She was so worked up I had to take her hat off and party TUTU and pearls, and take her in my room to lay down. I only got 1 photo of her with her TUTU on and pearls. I did get her cake though. If I would have had some help, it could have been much easier to do. I did not want to get criticized for a doggy party by anyone so I did not tell anybody. I did post the pictures on her birthday album, and will show video if I have any! I will be disappointed if I don't, but I have her and that's all that matters. I have cried all day knowing she is 12 . It has become very real to me that she is declining, and I am scared. On a high note, she and Toby loved the cake. It was low fat, no oil, with banana, and wheat flour. Greek yogurt for icing. Lucky my cat loves sweets, so I gave him some icing. So you can at least see her one picture I got to take. Blessings
Harley PoMMom
10-04-2013, 06:46 PM
Oh my goodness, I'm glad I didn't miss wishing sweet Tipper
Happy Birthday!!
10-04-2013, 10:28 PM
I was not on the computer all day so I haven't yet wished Tipper.....
A HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D
Happy wishes to a grrrrrrreat Jack Russell Terrier!!! :p :p
Barbara & Trixie
10-04-2013, 10:39 PM
Patti--Sorry that Tipper got over excited today..that was probably scary. At least she got to enjoy some cake with Toby. I'm hoping she's doing fine tonight and will have a good night's sleep.
It's the Feast of St. Francis today so I'm sure Tipper has gotten an extra special blessing on her birthday!!
10-04-2013, 11:07 PM
Happy Birthday Tipper!
10-04-2013, 11:56 PM
Happy 12th birthday Tipper!
You know Patti, I've never, ever been one to go with the flow or ever worry about what somebody thinks. I've always done things that make me happy. Having a birthday party for Tipper is your business and no one has the right to criticize how or what you think, do, or feel for your babies.
I'm sorry that Tipper got too excited, but hey.... that's actually a good sign.
With the job you did on that cake, feel free at any time to send me one. My birthday is coming up soon... no wait... Keesh's is in 11 days-LOL
10-05-2013, 07:56 AM
Hi Everyone:
Tipper did get some much needed rest last nite. She was pretty well spent after the balloons. I went in on my bed and had her lay down, and gave her a massage and calmed her down. I still have not looked at the video. Tipper got up this morning and ran thru the house looking for any balloons that escaped. She has this on her brain now, and she will keep doing this for weeks probably. I am going to let the rest of her cake get hard and give it to the birds. I am having a hard enough time getting the weight off her now without adding cake to the mix. Kathy I did give Toby a balloon and he just sat there and looked at it like ok so what. He really enjoyed his cake though. I tasted it and it is surely a low fat doggy cake as it was yucky. It seems the split dose is working better for her although I noticed her water drinking has gone up. Saving more of her food allowance until bed time has helped also. I am hoping her ACTH comes out with good numbers. Blessings
10-06-2013, 08:52 AM
Hi Everyone:
Wow what a storm last nite! The loudest crack of thunder I have ever heard, and Tipper and I sat straight up in bed, she ran for the closet. What a terrible nite for her. It is so hot and muggy here this morning it is the worst it has been. Tipper walked very slowly this morning as the humidity and heat are bad for her heart. She will be in for the rest of the day. I already have the air cranked up, and she is relaxing. She seems to be doing ok so far on the 20/5 split, but is drinking more water than she usually does. I have been testing her eyes regularly to make sure she is still having good vision. I put a tiny speck of food on something that is the same color and see if she spots it. I put a small grain of rice on a greyish white floor and she saw it immediately. Then I put a cheerio on a beige carpet and she saw that, so I think she is still seeing well. I do also throw the cotton balls at her. We have to go for her Blood pressure on Tuesday next week as I have to go Wednesday to my Dr. and to my mammogram in Pittsburgh. There is nothing like the feeling of going home! I will have to have the doggy sitter. I am going to take Toby for a ride in the car by himself that day while I have a sitter, as I took Tipper already last week. I try to work things out so Toby does whatever Tipper does. Toby does walk with Tipper in the morning because I can control Tipper to stay away from him with the leash. The only problem is Toby wants to make up with her and play, but that is not possible. Made some home made spaghetti sauce yesterday with some fresh basil and oregano so I won't have to cook today! Blessings
10-06-2013, 02:42 PM
Awww. This crazy weather. We should be used to it, bit I can't stand the humidity either.
Tipper, Daisy and I agree with you!
These thunderstorms you are having are crazy. So sorry it scared the two of you. I'll check on the ginko baloba Patti... thanks for the suggestion.
Budsters Mom
10-06-2013, 11:24 PM
Hi Patti
I am glad that you're including Toby whenever possible. Poor little thing doesn't have a clue as to what is going on. Yes, it is still important to keep them separated, even though Toby is itching to play.
Enough with the storms already!:eek: I'm glad that Tipper got to walk this morning, although slow. A slow walk is better than no walk.:) xxxx
10-07-2013, 08:19 AM
Hi Everyone:
Another hard rain last night, it really came down. Tipper gets an acidic stomach when she gets nervous which starts her gastro symptoms in high gear. She had a stomach ache this morning around 4am. I could hear it rumbling, so out we went to go potty and get her fed. The food stops the gastro problems in about 20 minutes. Well we went back to bed and at 5am Elvis fell off of his perch, flapping, squawking, and blowing feathers all over the room. It happens to all birds, but thankfully not often. So I am kinda tired this morning. Tipper has already walked as it stopped coming down for a while. Toby has never heard Elvis fall off his perch so he started barking at him. It was something out of a comedy flick, you had to be here to appreciate it. Elvis was to go to the traveling Dr. for a wing and nail trim on the 24th, so the Dr. won't have too many flight feather to take out. This bird specialist goes all around the US and he has people that hold the clinic in their houses, even serving refreshments to the patrons. He actually puts the bird under, examines them, gets a weight, does their nails, beak and wings for 20.00. He comes from Illinois. I video taped him doing Elvis the last time. It is fascinating to watch. The people that sponsor the event get free care for all their birds. Tipper has not been herself the past few days. She has been very lazy and not wanting to do anything. It could have been the warm weather. It is cooling down now thank goodness. Our leaves are starting to fall. Tipper made it all the way thru the summer with no flea meds! She has not gotten any vaccinations either and the vets office has stopped bugging me for them. I decided that she was not going to get any more. I started to cut some of her food out in an effort to reduce her weight so today she may start with the hunger. Blessings
LOL - I can appreciate the Elvis episode. I laughed out loud.
I don't give Keesh any meds either that the vet tries to push, specifically vaccinations now.
Have a good day Patti.
10-07-2013, 04:32 PM
Poor Elvis. What a way to wake up! I'm glad that everyone is ok. I'm sure that the heat caused Tipper's laziness because Daisy acts the same way.
10-07-2013, 10:12 PM
Goodness Patti...Your gang had quite a night or should I say morning! 4am yikes!! One of our parakeets (when we had them) once fell from his perch and even that little one made quite a ruckus! I can only imagine when it happened with Elvis...and then Toby getting all into funny! :D
All that stormy weather blew right into New York today! It did come in and out of here pretty quickly. Trixie was under the kitchen table for about an hour or so...not too bad.
I do think the weather probably got to Tipper for sure. Glad the appetite is calming down with the split dose. Hope she's not too hungry after you cut back on the food a bit. Sounds like Tippers eyesight is excellent! That's good news.
Budsters Mom
10-08-2013, 02:16 AM
Hi Patti,
I had a parakeet named Petey for several years while I was growing up. He used to fall off his perch several times a week. I thought he was just a sound sleeper.:D There was no Google at the time to check these things out.;)
It sounds like your zoo had a little adventure. I'm glad that Elvis is okay. I can just seem Toby yapping like crazy. Buddy certainly would have! I hope Tipper is feeling more herself and the storms have moved on. Xxxx
10-08-2013, 09:47 AM
Hi Everyone:
Just got back from the vets. Tipper's pressure is still 140 and I need to get this weight off to get it down. She has not budged on her weight, it is unnerving. Last nite while Tipper slept I could hear her swallowing again like she just drank and had water to swallow. This has to be some kind of mucus or something. I gave her another antihistamine this morning to see if it stops. I have the dog sitter tomorrow so I will be nervous until I get home from Pittsburgh. it is getting dark here around 6:50PM. It is cool today and sunny. Tipper already walked twice today and three times yesterday. I have yet to review her video. Maybe next week when I get time I will sit down and look at it. I hope I got some of her antics. My vet away for about 2 weeks so another Dr. has to do Tippers ACTH test. I will be right there watching everything you can bet on it. She will get her blood profile also so I can see if any of the supplements helped her ALT and Alk Phos. I am nervous to see the results. Tipper also goes for her Ultra Sound on the 15 th of next week. That has me so nervous, if her tumor is worse I will be a basket case to drive home. I am trying to think and pray positive thoughts. Please say a prayer for her. Blessings
Positive thoughts always going your way Patti. Tipper's a trooper and so is her Momma.
10-08-2013, 03:51 PM
Patti, you don't even have to ask. Prayers are a given here. I hope that the tests show that Tipper is holding her own.
10-09-2013, 10:59 PM
Hi Patti, Thinking of you and Tipper and praying results of all of Tipper's tests will be good ones.
10-10-2013, 09:20 AM
Hi Everyone:
I had an exhausting day yesterday with the long trip in the car, it is not good on my joints. I could hardly get up and get out of the car when I got home. I also had to have a mammogram. I got a new nurse, nit my usual one. She really hurt me. I can take an enormous amount of pain and it made me call out to her to stop. My breast, back, and arm hurt me all the way home. When I looked in the mirror my breast was purple and I had a blood blister, the purple was as big as a hand print. I am having pains in my shoulder blade in my back, and cannot lift my left arm too high. I am calling my Dr. this morning and asking his advise. I do not want problems from this later in life. She just did not stop pressing the button and it just compressed my breast to nothing. This has never happened in 20 years. I am so sore I wish I did not have to take Tipper to laser today, but the show goes on as always. Tipper was so happy to see me. I stopped at the store and got the dogs a new toy, and the cats and Elvis. Tipper loves hers, it reminded me of the good old days when I would always bring her something home from the store and she would get excited. Tipper has been moving around the bed a lot at nite which means uncontrolled to me, so we shall see the numbers next week. There is a small blanket of frost on the ground this morning. Can't tell you how glad I am to see it for Tipper's sake. Hope the cool is here to stay. Yesterday morning I left here a 3:30 am. It was so foggy you could not see anything, I have to drive slow until I get out of the country roads because of deer. It was dark the whole time I was driving. Tipper seems to really be going into a deep sleep anymore where I cannot easily get her up. She continues to do the swallowing thing and stick her tongue out. The mystery of this really gets to me. I do not like things happening to her that I cannot correct since I don't know what the cause is. The hospital I went to is run by Catholic nuns so the chapel is beautiful there. It was far away from where I had my mammogram, and did not feel like walking the length of the hospital to get to it, but is was necessary for me to do. I went and prayed for everyone and their babies. They have a beautiful brass 30 ft. high chime that hangs from the ceiling and when you pray for someone or something, you ring the chime. I rang it so many times and so loud that you can hear it throughout the hospital. The people probably thought that girl needs some serious help as many times as I rang it. So just know all the babies are covered, I went right down the line like I do at home. I said a separate and special prayer for Woody and Tipper. I pray that God is listening and will have mercy on our babies. I can see Tipper declining every day and I am so scared. I am now going to rub some Ben Gay on my shoulder etc. as it is hurting me terribly. Blessings
Squirt's Mom
10-10-2013, 09:36 AM
Ugh....I had a similar experience once but I was teamed up on. I had never had one done at this hospital and was surprised when two girls came in but thought one must be training. When the first gal started smashing, she didn't stop and when I objected, the second girl actually got behind me and shoved her shoulder into my back, keeping me pressed against the machine. If I hadn't known I would rip my boob off, I would have jumped the one pushing me right then and there. As it was, all I could do was scream bloody murder and that's exactly what I did. People came running and that girl jumped to raise the machine and the one pushing me tried to leave the room but got caught by folks coming in. She had left a nice big red mark in the center of my shoulders as proof of what she did. THEN the hospital had the audacity to charge me for being abused by their staff and no test performed - NOT! A letter from an attorney friend at the time put a stop to that nonsense. I was black and blue for weeks after, sore as all get out. I hope you are soon better, honey. I feel for ya!
You can bet a man designed the mammogram, however if their cullions had the same treatment we go through, you can guarantee a mammogram machine would be re-designed within days. Sometimes I think they are going to mash us across the room. I feel for you Patti and Leslie, however Leslie I think I would have brought my knee up pretty quick behind me and shown that back presser just how high I can back kick. That is outrageous.
Thank you for the prayers Patti, that was really thoughtful of you.
Budsters Mom
10-10-2013, 03:35 PM
I know what happened Patti. Your nurse was thinking about squeezing some fresh grapefruit juice while doing your mammo. An honest mistake! After all, doesn't everyone mistake breasts for grapefruits?:D I had a similar experience once. After I screamed, my nurse realized that I was indeed connected to those things. :D I'm glad you are back home safe and sound. xxxxx
10-11-2013, 02:09 AM
Omg you guys! I have HUGE hooties and while mamagrams hurt like mad, you should not walk away bruised. Patti, a blood blister? Please call them and tell the person in charge what happened to you. Obviously, they did this wrong.
I hope that you feel better soon!
10-11-2013, 08:46 AM
Hi Everyone:
Thanks for listening to my mammo nightmare. Kathy you are too funny, but I think what the tech was thinking as she was smashing my boob as Gallagher smashing watermelons with a sledgehammer! Good grief I still can't lift my arm up all the way. The Dr. that oversees that dept. called me yesterday and we went over what happened. I told her my objective is not to get the tech in any trouble, but to find out if this will cause me problems later, and what to do about this pain everywhere. It feel like someone is putting a hot poker into my breast. She told me what to do and said if I come in she would examine me. Told her I am 2 1/2 hours away and that is not possible. She is going to call in a few days to see if it has subsided, if not I have to go back and see her. Tipper had a pretty good nite last nite. She is still moving around the bed so I am suspect of her not being . She is also more tired than she used to be. She is huge around the middle, and I am cutting her food as much as possible with out her starting to beg. I need to get this weight off. She is a small dog and cannot carry this. Her girth is unreal, she does not look like the same dog when you look down at her back her sides are way out and her belly is so low hanging. Yesterday I got the laser Dr. to do her back real good where it is swayed. I know it has to be bothering her especially carrying more weight. It is cool here this morning and she has already walked and wants to go again. I pray she is here for her 13th birthday. Blessings
10-11-2013, 10:22 AM
I hope you boob feels better soon, that's a nightmare. I,ve never had one and if its like you described I don,t want one either.
I,m glad Tipper had a good night, it is hard when there sick but you really do, do the best for Tipper. I know what you mean about needing to lose the weight I need to try and get it off Woody but its hard as I,m a sucker for his "I,m starving face" god these pups know how to play us x
molly muffin
10-11-2013, 06:36 PM
Gads Patti, I can't even imagine an ordeal like that. Screaming was the only way to go in that scenario. What the heck where they thinking??!!!! Did the supervisor have ANY explanation for how this could have happened and for them to be so inept?! shocking.
Hope you get to feeling better and don't have to go back.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
10-12-2013, 08:00 AM
Hi Everyone:
I am a little bit better today but my chest wall muscle is still really giving me trouble. Tipper had a good nite last nite but has a lot of the muscle tremors etc. It is cool and she has already walked. I am dreading Tuesday for her Ultra Scan. I will be a basket case if this tumor has grown larger. I am trying to be positive, but am seriously worried. We have to be there at 8:30 so we will be up early and gone. Tipper will have to eat her breakfast and take her meds in the car, as I do not want to be late. I hope God hears me praying for my girl. Blessings
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