View Full Version : Tipper - adrenal tumor/breathing issues
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Truffa's Mom
07-09-2013, 03:41 AM
Hope you feel better, Patti. Big smooches to Miss Tipper.
As for the BP, please remember about the white collar- high blood pressure. All patients, humans and pets we get nervous when we go to the doctor, but our cush pups get even more anxious and that affects the measurement of their BP.
Hopefully Tipper's BP would be perfect.
When we went with Truffa to see the vet, I asked them to let me stay in the room for quite some time, I took a pillow for my baby so she could cuddle and relax , and be less anxious about being at the vet. If it weren't for that strategy they would have kept upping the dose of both the amlodipine and the benazepryl. I used L'Arginine to help naturally lowering the BP, and with that addition the dosage of both medications was very low and my baby's BP was always OK.
But for now l'll keep you and Tipper in my thoughts
07-09-2013, 06:20 AM
HI Patti
I agree with the others that white coat syndrome does play a big part in getting accurate BP measurements. Flynn has hypertension and has regular BP checks monthly. We have had real trouble getting it under control but now he is on amlodipine and benzapril it is finally good. I know you mentioned you were concerned about the effects of meds on Tipper's organs, but uncontrolled BP can be very dangerous and I am way more worried about that than medication side effects. In Flynn's case renal problems with protein in his urine and also eye problems, the vet could actually see congested veins at the back of his eyes when his BP was way up, both of these problems have settled significantly with medication.
I used to worry about how stress could alter his BP recordings and had words with the vet as I was unhappy with their suggestion of leaving him for a few hours (without me there). But apparently the vet protocols for checking BP do recommend this. My vet takes his BP at three different times over the period of a few hours and each time he does it.. he takes a set of 7 readings one after the other and then discard the highest and lowest and average the rest. Flynn has had his done today, when I picked him up the vet showed me how big the variance is between readings despite them being taken close together. The lowest was 100 and the highest up to 175, it is all to do with small changes like the dog moving etc so with his reasoning I have come to accept this is the best way to do it so we get an accurate reading. Imagine if the only one he took was the 175 one, when actually the rest of the time he is sitting at a quite satisfactory 130!! I hope your vet is doing something similar to rule out the risk of white coat syndrome to get an accurate reading. I think this is especially important in dogs with known BP problems to have reliable results.
The other thing I wanted to comment on was your renal stones, they are terribly painful as you have said. So I was glad to read you are feeling better. I work in Urology and was very surprised to read the recommendation to drink beer :eek::eek: We would never recommend that, or have I ever read that or heard it at conference as a treatment. Sometimes we are careful about how much water to advise people to drink, if the stone is too big the extra fluid can just force it down and it will get stuck even firmer causing more pain. Of course if it is small enough to flush through then drinking may help. I read you had a scan so I would have to think they were hoping you would pass it without intervention. But I cannot let that beer advice go unchallenged, especially as you would most likely be needing strong pain killers to help deal with the discomfort. Pain killers and alcohol do not mix and should be avoided!!! If you can tolerate them non steroidal anti inflammatories work well to help with pain and also to settle the inflammation the stone is causing in the kidney/ureters. I am pleased to see you will see a urologist soon for further advice. Sorry to hear the lithotripsy was painful for you, the stones are basically broken up (not dissolved) with that that treatment and you still have to pass the "gravel" which can be very uncomfortable and irritating to the urinary tract. Hope it does not flare up again before you get seen. :) Also, make sure you drink enough to stop more forming, especially important in the hot weather of your summer. :)
07-09-2013, 08:27 AM
Hi Everyone:
I have a urinary tract infection form this stone, I am on antibiotics, and woke this morning sweating like crazy, my pillow was wet. Tipper kept hovering around me as she can sense I am not well. I can feel the stone starting up again. I had to get up and pee every 3 minutes last night. That on top of the stone is not my idea of fun. As I type this Tipper is watching over me, I did manage to walk her once and then rain started. She has to go to the Laser Therapy today at 10:30. This is not going to be fun for me, as I am in pain and needing the bathroom often. It is about 25 miles away. I will get her there if it kills me. Then I will come home and take my first pain pill if this does not let up. Trish this is only the 3rd time Tipper has had high blood pressure out of 12 months, taking her pressure every week. I am assuming that is not bad??? I usually take her, and put the window in the car down and let her sit in the car on her pillow until they are ready to take it. Then I take her in. I am praying this one is low. I keep a graph of them and they have for the most part been 120-130. Let me know what you think. I know that high blood pressure destroys the kidneys, but if it is down this time I do not want to put her on another medicine. I will see what the vet says also. Anyone else have any experience with this? Tipper had an ok nite until the thunder started. It was the loudest crack of thunder I have ever heard. She was in a panic and just trembling and running in and out of the closet. She will not let you hold her. I am signing off as I so not feel well. I will post later. Cute to see Tipper being the mother hen watching over her mommy. Blessings
molly muffin
07-09-2013, 01:55 PM
Oh Patti, I do hope this stone passes quickly. Can't get rid of it soon enough and get you back on your feet.
Yes we had a doozy of storms here yesterday too. I think some of it came up from Ohio, while another part came over from Michigan area and they all met up right over the top of us and just let loose. We set records for rainfall and the thunder that accompanied it was horrendous!! The whole house would shake. Molly was terrified too. :(
Hope today goes okay. And take care of yourself!!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
07-09-2013, 04:00 PM
120-130 is absolutely fine, if they were considering starting meds I would want a longer period of monitoring like I suggested before they started them as they might just get one of the high outlier BPs if it is just a one-off. As they can fluctuate a lot.
UTI is not good combined with stones, get back to your Dr if it does not settle fast. If you are sweating with fever that is more serious and just having a UTI that makes you run back and forwards to the loo. It shows it is more systemic and is especially worrisome if you have a stone stuck anywhere. Just like our babies I hope the have cultured your urine to make sure you are on the right antibiotic, if not you need to insist on getting that done. If you are not feeling better I really would go back to get checked out. Hope you are feeling better by now. :)
Boriss McCall
07-09-2013, 05:39 PM
I hope you are feeling a better this afternoon. I hate that you are suffering so much. Please take care of yourself.
Sorry to hear you are suffering from a kidney stone - been there and they are awful. My poor daughter got them once or twice a year for a long time. Fortunately, she is not having them as frequently, but she found something that she swears helps to dissolve and pass them - Apple Cider Vinegar.
As for Tipper's blood pressure, do you know what the number was when it was high? Alivia has been on a low dose of Amlodopine for high blood pressure for years - long before Cushing's. Her BP is always elevated at the vet's but they allow for that, because she gets so nervous there, and don't get too concerned.
Hope you feel better soon! Try to relax...breathe.
07-10-2013, 12:43 AM
Oh Patti :(
This sounds so painful! I'm glad that Tipper is watching over you. They absolutely sense everything about us and know when something isn't right whether it's physical or emotional. I treasure that connection with Daisy, Gracie, and Annabelle Lee.
Feel better soon sweetie!
Simba's Mom
07-10-2013, 12:56 AM
Hey Patti, sorry to hear that you are down with a kidney stone, praying you pass it glad to hear that Tipper is keeping a watchful eye over you, what a sweetie, sending hugs and prayers...
07-10-2013, 07:01 AM
also sending you some healing energy patti,those stones are the worst ever,my husband has had them a few times in the know the deal drink drink drink ... sure hope today is kind to you !!! patty (milo)meka xoxox
07-10-2013, 08:26 AM
Hi Everyone:
Thanks for thinking of me. I drank a lot of fluid yesterday. This time I got a UTI with the stone as an added bonus, so I am in the bathroom every few minutes. Tipper has been right beside me watching everything I do. I could not take her this morning for her blood pressure because we had a storm as soon as we got up with lots of thunder and she is very upset. Her blood pressure would be thru the roof and I want a true reading, so I will go tomorrow morning instead. I really was anxious to find out if it went down too as it is making me nervous. She did ok last nite, but has developed a habit of going in the closet after we go to bed. I think she doesn't want to worry about if a storm catches her by surprise, so she just stays in there all nite. I feel really bad as I have tried the thundershirt, the pheromone spray, and the Comfort chews, none of which worked. The blanket she lays on in the corner behind my clothes was soaked this morning from her panting. She has to calm down now and get hydrated. If the darn closet was just not so hot, I tried a fan and she goes nuts if I turn it on in there. Tried putting it outside the closet door and aiming it in the closet, she won't tolerate that either. I am going to get her a cooling mat once Naomi lets me know if hers worked or not, and what kind it is. That is why I prefer winter for Tipper. She is at peace then, she can walk anytime as she loves the snow, and I don't have to worry about her overheating. Plus all the nosy neighbors are inside so that is a bonus! So for my girls sake I hope we have an early winter. Blessings
07-10-2013, 02:02 PM
Patti---I feel the same way!! Between the crazy heat and storms every afternoon I am wishing for the Fall and Winter to come already! I feel like it's been hot, humid and stormy for about a month now. Seems to drag everyone down, especially the dogs!! Not one cool morning in weeks....Hoping Tipper is doing okay though. Dogs do so much better in the cold- don't they?? Ugh we still have to get through the rest of July and August. Seems like Sept. is always hot too! Let's hear it for the wind chill factor!! :D
molly muffin
07-10-2013, 02:31 PM
Oh I am going to hate that wind chill factor come winter time for sure!
I watch for when the wind here shifts to the N or any combination with the north. That seems to break the humidity and the storms. We're expecting it to shift this afternoon from South to North, so YAY. Hopefully it shifts before the Ohio storm gets here. :)
Do you notice that too in Ohio Patti? That the north wind breaks the humidity? I'm not sure if it would work the same or not, since you have Erie and Huron lakes that could bring moisture too. :(
I hope you are feeling better today Patti
Hugs Sharlene and Molly Muffin
07-10-2013, 04:55 PM
So much fun right now as we are under a tornado warning! Tipper is having a nervous breakdown. I have tried everything to calm her. This started out this morning like this and now this. We can't catch a break. I think we do get cooler temps with the north wind. Have to go sit with Tipper. Blessings
molly muffin
07-10-2013, 05:19 PM
I just saw the radar down your way. It looks like some pretty rough storms over towards the Penn side of Ohio. :( Stay safe!!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
07-10-2013, 05:53 PM
Hello Everyone:
We are being deluged with rain and hail as I type this. Rolling thunder is the highlight added to just make my Tipper a nervous wreck. It has rained for 20 days straight, and the ground is so saturated it is ponding everywhere. This stuff needs to stop for the safety of my Tipper, she can't take another day of this. Blessings
Hi, Patti. Hope you are feeling a little better. We are having a lot of the same weather here - lots of flooding in my area today. Alivia, thankfully, is not bothered by thunder but Maxwell (also a JRT) is terrified. It breaks my heart. He will physically tremble uncontrollably, not eat ANYTHING, and refuses to go outside no matter what. So, I feel your pain. I have tried the Thundershirt - seems to help a bit if I get it on him BEFORE the storm starts, but also the added heat for a Cush dog isn't good. Also tried The Comfort Zone pheromones (both the spray and plug in) with no noticeable benefit. I think we have had so many storms the past few weeks that he is becoming a little desensitized to them. He still won't go out but he isn't shaking as much.
I bought two cooling mats for Alivia when she was panting and having Cush symptoms. One had beads in it and you had to soak it in water before using it, then do it again every time it dried out. Very messy. She wanted nothing to do with it. The second was more pricey and was like a water bed mat. It definitely feels cool to the touch and seems like it would be comfortable and work...if only I could get her to lay on it! I've even put it on my bed thinking when it's hot one of them would lay on it. Neither of them will try it. :o
Alivia's BP has been as high as 180 and her specialist didn't seem worried. She gets so stressed at the vet's so they expect it to be higher. Hopefully, that was what Tipper's was from. It seems the more they are at the vet's the more it stresses them out because they probably remember more about it (and not much of it good!).
Hang in there. I hope the storms end soon and you are feeling better, too.
Budsters Mom
07-10-2013, 09:23 PM
Here we need rain desperately in Southern California, and they flood you out there!:o It doesn't seem to be quite fair! I hope that you are feeling better. Poor Tipper, she has probably been living in that closet! Did Tipper's chicken arrive yet! Big hugs,
07-10-2013, 10:31 PM
I'd take some of your rain if I could! We've had a few showers today and last night after 2 weeks of straight heat and humidity.
I hope that things calm down there soon!
07-11-2013, 08:41 AM
Hi Everyone:
I just called to check on the chicken and it is still not in. They said it should be there by Saturday. I will be out of fish today so I need to scramble and think of what to do. I am ready to go find Noah and help him gather the animals to put on the Ark. My goodness it was nothing but rain and storms all day from morning on. I thought my poor girl was going to have a heart attack yesterday. She just had puddles of water where she had panted so much. I made sure after it was over she got hydrated. This has been truly awful for her. My vet called me last nite and said we are going forth with the Adequan shots for her, after speaking to the vet Leslie referred him to. I need something to work for her, she can't keep struggling for air every nite and not have this weaken her heart. I was actually surprised he made the call without me having to push him for several weeks to do it. He is now on vacation until the 22nd and he said we will start that day when he gets back. I hate to put her thru this pain as these hurt being that have to go into the muscle, but by some slim chance if it helps her like the other dogs this Dr. used it on, that is all I want for her is some relief. I pray I am doing the right thing here. After the storms stopped last night, she went on the floor beside my bed and passed out, didn't even move when I called her to go potty for the last time at night. She was physically and mentally worn out. The rolling thunder was the worst and it would get louder and louder each time. Thank God it is over, and our forecast is clear for a few days. She has had 2 walks already this morning, and is resting now, in peace and quiet for once. Any suggestions of what to give her for protein with no salt in would be appreciated, with the exception of eggs. The heat index is supposed to be really bad today so I am sure we will be in all day again. Sharlene I hope your weather has gotten better too. You have been having a time of it also. The vet told me not to take Tipper for her blood pressure today, to wait until tomorrow. He doesn't want any false readings, and wants to be sure she is calmed down from all this. So we will go tomorrow morning, and I will be glad as I am wanting to know if it is high, and if so get something for it. I was so worried if her blood pressure was up already, and that the storms would make it even worse , and possible push it over 200. I worry about strokes with her when these storms come. Also I want every ones opinion on the safest blood pressure drug to use in case Tipper needs to be put on one, the least side effects possible?? Hope we all have a good weekend. Blessings
07-11-2013, 08:47 AM
Glad to hear things will be calm for you and Tipper today. I hope she has a good blood pressure reading tomorrow.
07-11-2013, 08:55 AM
Know that every time you post I look at sweet Scoops avatar and pray for him. What a sweet face. Blessings
07-11-2013, 09:01 AM
Thank you Patti.
It's been a rough morning already.
molly muffin
07-11-2013, 05:01 PM
Yep, our weather has gotten better and no rain expected for a couple days. Humidity is even better!
Hope yours stays clear too.
Did you find alternative food for Tipper?
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
07-11-2013, 06:52 PM
No alternative food found yet. I looking for some ideas from anybody. Great weather today and no humidity, just the way Tipper likes it! Blessings
Harley PoMMom
07-11-2013, 08:53 PM
Chicken gizzards, beef liver, hamburger, turkey/chicken (dark meat has more fat than white meat) and cheese are some good sources of protein
Budsters Mom
07-11-2013, 09:08 PM
Hi Patti,
I'm not sure of the extent of Tipper's allergies. Please bear those in mind when you think of adding a different source of protein. ;) I hope that you're feeling better. I have been praying for you. Thank goodness the rain has stopped!:D Tipper can finally come out of the closet!:D Big hugs,
Simba's Mom
07-11-2013, 10:57 PM
Sending hugs and prayers for you and Tipper, sorry all the problems you are having with trying the foods etc....take care hon...
07-12-2013, 12:56 AM
great news for a break in the rain!
We're getting it now and more expected for the weekend.
Then another heat wave. Poo! I want Fall!
Hoping that you find suitable food for Tipper soon.
Are you feeling any better?
07-12-2013, 09:42 AM
Hello Everyone:
This is a four star morning. Tipper got to walk, no rain, her blood pressure is back to normal, and she lost weight since I cut out the chicken injected with saline. Tipper and I are doing the happy dance. On another note I received a bill owing 1074.00 from a medical lab. had my name , social, and address. Never heard of the Dr., and never had this lab work done. What a mess, I called and told them this is not mine, they are sending it to collections. They will investigate it they said. Someone better get back to me with an explanation real fast as I don't need charged for some ones medical bills. Tipper did ok last nite breathing off and on struggles as usual. I tried to make an appointment with my vet for when he comes back from vacation for Tipper's adequan shots. The girl insisted I let the vet tech do it. I told her no way the Dr. said he will personally do it and I want the Dr. She gave me a really hard time. Just wait till he gets back, as I am fuming. This is what he told me to do and I relayed that to this girl. This is intramuscular and if you hit a blood vessel, or nerve she could have even bigger issues. Absolutely no vet tech, if he wants my money this is how it will be. To boot this receptionist knows I do not let anyone handle Tipper but the Dr. so I think she is being really unreasonable. When I am paying him as much as I have and still do, it's my way where my dog is concerned and I don't care who likes it. This girl is in for a rude awakening when I come in to see the Dr. Thru the years I probably put one of his kids thru college paying for all my babies. Hope the chicken comes in tomorrow. Gave her some chicken gizzards like suggested. Oh well I will handle that on the 22nd, today we celebrate as Tipper is doing better on the pressure and weight. I would give her some small piece of steak, but they are starting to pump sodium solution into it too. It's all about weight, and greed. Salt makes the chicken hold more water, more water means the more money for the chicken they will get. Have a good day all. Blessings
07-12-2013, 11:31 AM
happy to read that your tipper is having a good day !!! enjoy !!! patty(milo)meka xoxox
Boriss McCall
07-12-2013, 04:53 PM
yay for a good day!!! That is what we all live for. ;)
Budsters Mom
07-12-2013, 05:17 PM
Awesome news Patti! I am thrilled for both of you!:D:):D xxxxx
So glad getting rid of the saline chicken was a postive change.
We live for good days, keep them coming Tipper, you mom needs a few more;)
07-12-2013, 10:01 PM
Glad to hear Tipper's weight and BP are better.
Keep up the good work.
07-12-2013, 10:12 PM
Great news Patti!
As for the $1074 doctor bill, I would call the lab and the doctor.
07-13-2013, 12:10 PM
Hi Everyone:
Just got a call from the store and the chicken is in. Yahoooo!!! Well at least I was excited until the price almost knocked me over. 4.50 a lb. Wow that is some steep chicken!! She needs it so what can I do. The vet would take 68.00 from me in the blink of an eye so it all becomes relative. I am excited for my Tipper that I don't have to worry about this salt and her heart. Going to get it now. Blessings
Budsters Mom
07-13-2013, 01:56 PM
Wow Tipper, you are going to eat great tonight!:D I'm so glad the chicken is finally in. Big hugs,
07-13-2013, 05:13 PM
Hi Everyone:
Well Tipper the Ripper got her chicken and ate good. I told her on the way home she was going to have to get a job, as her tastes are really running into some serious money. I told her we could tie her to a store front in this one horse town, and give her a little cup to sell pencils. or a lemonade stand maybe. She better get a job as a doggie actor or something! I want to call the place where this chicken comes from and ask how much it is if I buy it there. I am curious how much this IGA is gouging me. With all the vet bills the last thing I want to do is pay almost 5.00 a lb for chicken. It should cook itself for that much! It is dark outside and they said 20% chance of rain. Storms for Tues, Wed, Thurs. tipper will just lose it if this starts again I swear I am putting her in the car and driving away some where for a few days. Have a good weekend everybody. Blessings
That's funny about you telling Tipper she needs to get a job. I saw a Jack Russell Terrier on a television show awhile back that painted and his paintings actually sold for a lot of money!! I told my two JRTs they were slackers and needed to learn how to paint or something! :D
I am getting tired of all these storms, too! Crazy weather!!
07-14-2013, 07:59 AM
Hi Everyone:
Not too bad of a nite for Tipper, some episodes of struggling. It is really hot and humid here already, and Tipper did not want to go on her second walk which is highly unusual. I hope it is just the heat index and nothing brewing up with her. It could be her luxating patella is acting up, you just never know with all the issues they have. I will monitor her closely and see if I can figure out what the problem is. I tasted Tipper's chicken yesterday. Wow what a difference in flavor from the chicken I am used to! It has a wonderful flavor, and you can definitely tell there is no salt. I am so glad I was able to find her some. What would we all do without the use of computers etc.? I would go crazy as we live in the country, and anything we need usually begins with an internet search, and followed by a purchase. I would never be able to get all the stuff I need for Tipper here. There isn't even a pet store for 40 miles. Tipper sure did enjoy her chicken though. Have a good weekend everyone. Blessings
Squirt's Mom
07-14-2013, 08:10 AM
I'm in the process of transitioning all mine over to kibble for a while to see if the chicken is causing our digestive upsets lately. I hope this chicken helps Tipper feel better!
07-14-2013, 11:22 AM
Thank you I hope she feels better also. Let me know if the elimination of the chicken from the diets helps your babies. Blessings
07-14-2013, 06:18 PM
Hi Everyone:
Where the H is Mel??? I didn't think she was going to be gone for what seems like a gazillion years! I miss her checking in on Tipper. I hope she is having a wonderful time, she deserves it.
07-14-2013, 07:15 PM
Patti, Glad to hear Tipper has her chicken. Hope she is enjoying it.
Hope you and Tipper had a good weekend.
Budsters Mom
07-14-2013, 10:56 PM
Hi Patti,
I am glad to hear that Tipper loved her chicken, yum! You sure have a great mom to do that for you Tipper!:D Thankfully she didn't struggle to breath too much last night.:) I can't imagine living so far away from everything.
Mel is on a well deserved vacation. I miss her too!:o xxxxx
Simba's Mom
07-15-2013, 12:17 AM
So glad you found the chicken and that Tipper likes it, keep up the good work Tipper.....sending hugs and prayers
07-15-2013, 01:02 AM
Chicken! Finally :)
The humidity does a job on Daisy too. I'm sure that Tipper doesn't like this either.
Daisy had luxating patella surgery in 2005.
07-15-2013, 04:00 AM
Mel is away for two weeks so she will be back this weekend, hopefully all nice and refreshed! I miss her chats at night too! :) Glad you got the chicken for Tipper, yum yum!
07-15-2013, 07:38 AM
Hi Everyone:
I have to go to the urologist this morning so this will be short. It is already almost 74 here and the humidity is really bad. Tipper was reluctant to walk, but finally agreed. We walked really slow, and with the cold pack on. Tipper always lays like a frog and yesterday she had her hind legs curled underneath her, which is a sign to me her knee is bothering her. I am hoping that is the only reason she is reluctant to walk. I have always felt if she is still continuing her walk, I don't need to worry as much. When she doesn't want to I get really paranoid as I have heard people on here say when their dogs got really bad they did not want to do any exercise anymore. I pray this is only temporary, as walking has been Tipper's favorite thing since she was a puppy. Early this morning around 5:00 am Tipper started with a case of the hiccups. I jostled her around a little and they went away only to come back again minutes later. This seemed odd as she has never done this. I thought maybe struggling to breathe she took in too much air. She did have some struggling last night and heavy snoring. Have to get ready and get going, I always put out Tipper's Prednisone and Benadryl for the sitter and don't want to forget. Blessings
07-15-2013, 01:39 PM
Hi Patti,
I hope that your appointment goes well today!
This heat sucks the life out of Daisy. She will not walk in it except to go outside and do her business. Once she's done, the short walk back into the house is extremely slow. I know that it's the heat because she perks back up once we're inside. It's like she's two different dogs!
07-15-2013, 03:11 PM
Hello Everyone:
Got back from the dreaded Urologist. He said I may have to have surgery. I told him that is not an option as I will not leave my dog. She has never been away from me at night, and I won't leave her no matter what. So we discussed some options. I am going to be taking meds and going for blood and xrays etc. I told him it better be a one shot deal and get it all done the same day or forget it. I am not going to leave my dog so don't even suggest it please. Tipper did end up walking twice today, thank goodness. Valerie the heat is sucking Tipper's energy too, this is miserable, and people want to know why I like winter!!!!! Hope everyone is keeping cool, it is to be in the 90's all week here. Blessings
07-15-2013, 03:40 PM
Please go to Tipper's new album. I told her the other day this chicken is expensive and she needs to get a job. Low and behold she got dressed up today and informed me she is going on a casting call. She is trying out for the movie "Beach Babes and Their Dogs." She is hoping to get the part as there will be another film shot after this on Snow Bunnies and Their Dogs, and she is wanting to wear her Pittsburgh Steeler Gear for that one! Blessings
Budsters Mom
07-15-2013, 03:41 PM
Hi Patti,
I totally understand why you don't want to be away from Tipper even for one night. I know how worried you would be.:o Tipper needs you to be as strong and healthy as possible. Is there anyone that could stay and help you out for a few days, so you could get the surgery? What about your pet sitter? I know that money is an issue, maybe you could work something out with her/him. I am worried about you Patti. Please take care of yourself. Praying for you and sweet Tipper.xxxxxx
07-15-2013, 03:56 PM
Please go to Tipper's new album. I told her the other day this chicken is expensive and she needs to get a job. Low and behold she got dressed up today and informed me she is going on a casting call. She is trying out for the movie "Beach Babes and Their Dogs." She is hoping to get the part as there will be another film shot after this on Snow Bunnies and Their Dogs, and she is wanting to wear her Pittsburgh Steeler Gear for that one! Blessings
Hi Patti,
Are you in the Pittsburgh area? That's where I live:D
07-15-2013, 07:01 PM
I lived in Pittsburgh my whole life, only moved away a few years ago. I love Pittsburgh my home town, and we love our Steelers. I have a whole Steelers family room with all Steeler stuff. What part of Pittsburgh to you live in and who is your baby's Dr.? Blessings
molly muffin
07-15-2013, 09:38 PM
Oh Patty, do remember to try and take care of your health too. Remember that Tipper needs you to be healthy.
Tippers pictures are cute. Beach babe indeed.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
07-15-2013, 11:53 PM
one of my friends had a procedure done where the sat her in a tub of water and bombarded her with ultrasound waves to break up the kidney stone. She was quite pregnant so surgery was not an option.
Might be worth asking about.
As for the heat, we are back to 90+ degrees here in CT and I just installed the 3rd window air conditioner because 2 A/Cs and 2 constantly running ceiling fans were not cutting it.
You know it's bad when the dog and cats are laying sprawled out on the floors trying to keep cool inside the house. UGH!
I am absolutely amazed that Tipper went for one walk today, let alone two.
Daisy gave me that look "Are you HIGH?!?!" I'm not going anywhere.
07-16-2013, 08:10 AM
Hi Everyone:
Tipper did not want to walk this morning which I already said worries me. She sat on my bed for about a half an hour after breakfast, and then finally decided to go. I think it is a combo of the heat/humidity and her luxating patella. She stayed in for the rest of the day yesterday, and was bored and naughty, but I will take bored and naughty any day. Valerie I have already had the Lithotripsy once before, in the water. I had a black and blue mark on my back the size of a hand . This stone is not big enough to do that with, so they would have to go in surgically and remove it. I am doing the meds first, so as soon as my drug company gets them to me I will start on them. I have a mail order pharmacy, which stinks in an emergency and you need it like now. If I go to a regular pharmacy they penalize me 60.00 per RX. That is outrageous and I will not pay it. If you try to pay cash for the RX they have your insurance in the computer and tell you by law they have to use your insurance. So instead of me paying say 5.00 cash for an RX, they want me to pay 60.00, and that is not happening. Tipper is on the floor beside me of course and I can hear her wheezing. I saw or heard somewhere about someone with throat problems- it was a person. They rubbed Eucalyptus on the outside of the throat and it helped. It has many healing properties. I have some, but I am scared to rub it on Tipper because of the smell, and her breathing problem. Also she is allergic to everything. I am curious and would like to try it though. This is a one walk day today, as it is already in the upper 70's this morning. Blessings
Budsters Mom
07-17-2013, 12:24 AM
Patti, Sending you love, strength and healing energy. Try not go push yourself or Tipper to walk if it's really too hot. Hear exhaustion is dangerous and can cause more damage than missing an occasional walk. Take care of yourself Patti!big hugs,
07-17-2013, 02:31 AM
how ridiculous these pharmacies and drug companies are!!! That makes me MAD!
I don't blame you for wondering about the Eucalyptus. With Tipper's allergies, I would be concerned. Another use for Eucalyptus is to put in behind the shower head and the steam and smell of the plant helps with breathing problems.
I hope that the meds help you avoid surgery!
07-17-2013, 04:24 AM
What surgery are they planning, ureteroscopy and laser? If the stone is small they can usually just go up the ureter and grab it or break it up with a laser which pass easily as gravel, most of them are day stay procedures. If it is small they do not usually need to do an incision. I am presuming they think it is a uric acid stone if they think meds will help dissolve it, something like Ural?? Or maybe they have given you an alpha blocker to help relax the tissue in the urinary tract to help expel it.
If you do manage to pass it Patti, try and catch it (listen for a splash/tinkle!) or even pee into a container so you can strain it. As a recurrent stone former it would be really helpful for it to be analysed so they make recommendations for you on diet etc to help prevent any new ones forming. I can tell you it is much better to be in for one day/night than have it get stuck and infected, as urosepsis from stones is extremely dangerous!!
07-17-2013, 09:07 AM
He Everyone:
I am still shaken to the core about Simba. I pray for Letti that she can get thru this. We got another good blood pressure this morning and a little more weight loss, so we will stay with the lentils. I am so glad as I have been watching her weight nugget by nugget. It is so hot and miserable here already this morning. Only one walk for Tipper, she is in for the remainder of the day. I am very concerned and have been for some time about Tipper's girth. Wen I have to lift her up the steps I hear her moan, like it is hurting her. I had thought of a full body ultra sound, as I am really worried about tumors etc. now that Letti's Sim had them also it makes me very nervous. I am not sure, but maybe that could have been part of poor Scoop's problem also. I know Addy said maybe you there are things you do not want to know, and I am with her on that. My concern is if there is something small and can be taken out I would want to know. Then again is she in any shape to remove things?? I know my last dog that died from cancer had to have her spleen removed and she died shortly after having it done. I am scared not to know, but would be more afraid to remove something. I would like some opinions on what others think about this please. It has been months since her last ultrasound to check her adrenals. Also I am wanting an opinion on whether Denamarin is better than Hepato Support (Milk Thistle) for the liver or can you give both?? Thank you all for your help in advance. Blessings
07-17-2013, 11:32 AM
Also I am wanting an opinion on whether Denamarin is better than Hepato Support (Milk Thistle) for the liver or can you give both??
Patti, Scarlett took Denamarin, which contains a standardized extract of milk thistle seeds, and SAMe. Her liver values went down towards normal, and she felt great for a month. Then, her neurological symptoms from GME overwhelmed her. I was impressed with how well the Denamrin worked for her. I do not think they can be used together.
Squirt's Mom
07-17-2013, 11:50 AM
I have a friend who's baby has liver cancer and she is on both. Animals studies with MT have found no toxicity even at very high doses and no warnings are issued concerning pregnancy, nursing, etc - it is a very safe herb. Now there are those like Squirt who seem to have a allergy to it but as long as the pup can handle the herb, I would feel fine using Milk Thistle with Denamarin.
However, Hepto Support is not just Milk Thistle - it contains quite a few other things so I would ask the vet or an herbalist about using this product along with Milk Thistle. There may be one of the other ingredients that wouldn't work well with the Denamarin.
07-17-2013, 11:55 AM
As usual you come to my rescue when needed. I am going to have to put Dr. in front of your name! Well on second thought no not a good idea since you know more than they do!! Thank you again. Hope Squirt is doing better. Is the walking ok? It is terrible when these babies hurt, it makes us miserable too. Blessings
07-17-2013, 12:10 PM
That prescription stuff makes me crazy mad too!! This is what's wrong with the whole healthcare mess! It's ridiculous what goes on with insurance and the costs of simple medications. It's like when your in the hospital and they charge $25 for a tylenol. I don't get it.
My dermatologist prescribed a type of hydrocortisone ointment and she gave me a coupon and said this makes it "free" at the pharmacy. I didn't have to pay anything but the papers that came with it in the bag said "your insurance co has saved you $478!! So somewhere the retail price of this "free" tube was $478??? What?? I'm pretty certain my drug coverage did not pay that much for anything! It was just for an allergic reaction, nothing serious. It's insane...all mumbo jumbo so we can't understand what's going on.
Anyway...Trixie is on Denamarin for her very high (and scary) liver numbers. Before diagnosis she started it and right away it lowered the numbers quite a bit. Trixie hasn't had any adverse side effects from taking it. I recently bought it online at for $38 with free shipping. That was for the non chewable tabs. It was the best price I could find but maybe someone knows something better...if they do I hope they'll post. I shopped around and $38 was the lowest I found.
Hope Tipper is enjoying the a/c and keeping cool.
07-17-2013, 01:19 PM
I will check and see if it is cheaper anywhere. Tipper's alk phos was always really good at 35 then it went to 150 in a month. I know that is really low compared to some of the values I have seen in the 1000's, but I like to get things right away before they get worse. She has been on Hepato Support, but I thought this may be better. I will let you know as I see the vet on Monday and we will go over all this. Blessings
molly muffin
07-17-2013, 11:26 PM
Molly is taking the Hepato support, but I know my vet said one or the other. I opted for this one, but it did take a long time to see a difference in the numbers. If at some point it stops helping with the liver values, in my case the ALT in addition to the ALkp, then we'll think about switching. Here in Canada it isn't Denamarin though, it is another one. I can't remember what it is called but I did put it on my thread when my vets office got it in. (for anyone in Canada reading this).
Leslie definitely knows her stuff. :)
Trish is a wonder isn't she. Full of all kinds of useful information. :) I hope you get rid of that nasty stone soon!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
07-18-2013, 02:01 AM
Originally Posted by goldengirl88 View Post
Hi Trish:
Thanks for all the help on the kidney stone. Yes the meds are to help me pass the stone. I think Flovent if I am not mistaken. Glad you told me about the laser I can't imagine a normal surgery. The stone is too small to do Lithotripsy, so I am on these meds for a week. May have to use meds to dissolve it if that does not work. Getting an xray and blood work after a week on the meds. They gave me a strainer and container to go in on the potty. I have been straining my urine, I saw what looked like 2 small tiny crystals, so tiny I could not get them into a specimen bottle. Either they were others in there or maybe pieces of the other one. It is hard to believe something this small can cause so much misery. It has been 15 years since my last one so I am lucky. He said he will find out, but is guessing uric acid crystals. Worried about taking this drug when it comes as he said it can affect your heart. Do you know anything about that?? Thank you for your help and I hope Flynn continues to do well. We are suffering in the heat and humidity we are in the mid to upper 90's. Blessings
Hi Patty
I do not know that drug, I wonder if you mean Flomaxtra? If so, it does not affect the heart as such but it can in some patients drop your blood pressure. There really is not too much problem with it though. IF it is that drug it won't dissolve it but may help pass it. He might be guessing uric acid, the big thing we notice with those stones is that they do not show up on plain xray but you can see them on ultrasound. Hopefully you will get rid of it on your own!
Stop worrying about what can go wrong and start getting excited about what can go right!
07-18-2013, 09:21 AM
Hi Everyone:
The heat and humidity is unreal already. Tipper did one walk. That is it for the day. Not too bad of a nite for her, we were supposed to get a storm and you could feel it in the air so she went in the closet and stayed. I have been opening the door up wider for ventilation so it is not so hot in there. Yesterday she seemed to be bothered by her back legs being a little weak. I noticed her hesitant on jumping on the sofa, and just barely making it on the bed. We are still on the Lentils as it is helping her lose the weight I want off her. It will make it easier on her legs too. I am going to play ball with her today as she is really getting bored inside. When she was well we spent most of our time outside. I am looking forward to next week it is to drop down into the 80's. At least that will be some relief. I wet her down good with a wash cloth, and put her ice pack on and only walk her a before 7:00am. Hope everyone is able to have a good day and stay cool. Blessings
07-18-2013, 09:51 AM
Patti, How are you doing today? I may not write much but think of everyone and hope all is well.
07-18-2013, 12:32 PM
I posted on your thread how we are doing also. It is a day by day thing with us and this breathing problem. That is what I need to take care of to keep my Tipper with me. My vet will be back on Monday and we will start the shots of Adequan. I am nervous as I know they are painful, and don't want to cause her pain, she has had enough crap. On the other hand if there is a glimmer of hope this could help her trachea I need to explore it. I feel bad as she has lost muscle mass in her legs where she gets the shots and I know it will bother her for a while. She has to get 2 a week, 8 total. I hope she understands and can endure this. I love her so much I am having a hard time with this. I can watch anything, and don't let my Tipper alone with anyone, but I don't know if I can watch this as simple as it sounds. I guess I have had enough too, but forge on for my girl. I have prayed to God asking him to guide me so we will see come Monday. Stay strong my friend, I know it is easy for others to say, but I know where you are at. Blessings
07-18-2013, 12:36 PM
Awwww. Painful shots:-( Maybe she'll respond well and will only need a few.
07-18-2013, 01:12 PM
No, unfortunately you have to have the series of 8 to do any good. Leslie was so kind to put me in touch with this vet, and it will be by the grace of God if it works. Blessings
Squirt's Mom
07-18-2013, 01:32 PM
The shots went very quickly for Josie. Dr. Smith would pull up a small area, give the injection, and give the spot a quick rub in just a few seconds. Josie didn't have time to try to bite him after their first encounter! :p She thought she was a Grizzly Bear and he's a smart man. ;) She didn't yip with the shot nor show any signs of tenderness in the injection areas after so I hope Tipper doesn't either. Wishing her the best of luck with them!
07-19-2013, 08:47 AM
He Everyone:
Last nite and this morning Tipper is making those congested noises again in her throat. She hasn't done this for quite a while. A lot of swallowing going on too, and sticking her tongue out repeatedly. Opening her mouth real wide like she is trying to clear her throat. Only one walk this morning. I wet her down, put on her ice pack and she was ok walking real slow. Today is to be the hottest of them all so we are in for the day. I am having an off morning here. I just found out my insurance will not cover any of the lab work here, or the xrays I need for this stone. I have to go to Pgh. and when I go to my PCP I will go get this done August 8th. I cannot afford all these bills with Tipper like she is so I have to do it this way so it will all be paid. This insurance is a pain in the rear!! Just feeling real blue and down this morning. All the babies that have passed lately have made me so aware of my Tipper's mortality. It has just been a very hard few weeks hearing the pain others are going thru. I truly hurt for all these cush moms. I am going to try and stay busy with Tipper today, as to not think about all this. Hope everyone stays cool with their babies today and has a good weekend. Thanks to our Canadian friends for the cool front coming in tomorrow. We can't wait for some cooler weather and lower humidity. Blessings
Try to keep your chin up. It's hard I know. I'm still working on trying to stabilize Keesh, and the worry is enormous. One minute he seems to be his regular self and then the next you wonder what's going on. Sometimes I feel like just giving up and let the disease takes its course but we continue on, hope against hope we can make them feel better. I'll be thinking about you today, and all the others here that are struggling with love to keep their babies well.
BTW - you are welcome for the cold front coming - LOL - us Canadians try to please.
07-19-2013, 10:22 AM
Hi Patti,
This all does have a way getting one down. The worrying, the expenses and worst of all seeing your pup not up to par, and the sad news from the board these last few weeks. Add to that this awful heat and then your own health can you not feel a little blue! I just keep telling myself-one day at a time. ;)
Another awful day of HEAT :eek:..already so hot that Trixie only got a short time outside. Pulled me like mad to head to the park because she doesn't get why we're not going. Totally too much inside time for all of us...dogs especially, but until this heat breaks there's no choice. Plus I'm keeping my shades partially drawn because I face South and the sun pours the dim light makes me feel off too! Can't wait for this to be over.
Try not to let it all get to you...(I have to listen to my own advice too) things have a way of working out! Hope Tipper stays cool and comfortable today! :p
07-19-2013, 01:00 PM
we all have these days and the uncertainty makes it worse.
Someone needs to find a cure..ASAP!
Budsters Mom
07-19-2013, 09:08 PM
We all have blue days Patti:o I'm sorry that your insurance is playing hard ball. What good is it, if you can't use it when needed? That and a rough night for our girl, no wonder you're blue. You are entitled!i hope tonight is restful or both of you. Big hugs,xxxxxx
07-20-2013, 10:41 AM
Hi Everyone:
Tipper had one of her most miserable nites last nite. All it did was storm and rolling thunder. She panted so bad all nite it was awful to watch. I put a fan in front of the closet to cool her off. She did not object this time. It went on all nite long. She was worn out this morning and then it started again. I pray for an early winter for her sake, and for her health. This cannot be good for her heart. I did everything, but nothing would calm her. It finally stopped and we walked. She is ok now, and hydrated and ate. She is still walking around panting though. I am anxious about Monday and the shots. I am afraid since she has to have them 2x a week, when she goes for her blood pressure she will think shots and it will falsely read high. I am taking this hour by hour. My Tipper has been the best thing in my life, and I constantly am thinking why this had to happen to her. Why couldn't she just live her life out to old age? I could accept old age and death from it easier than this.Everyone on here carries that burden, so all of you know where I am coming from. Hope everyone had a cool, and calm weekend with the babies. Blessings
Squirt's Mom
07-20-2013, 11:15 AM
Patti, have you ever talked to the vet about some Xanax for Tipper during storms? It would have to be a last resort for me but if there were no other viable options, I would have some on hand and gladly use it if it would help calm my baby during those times. There is another sedative used in pups that you probably do not want that goes by the name of ACE....let me see if I can find the actual name...hang on....
~~~~ la dee da dee dum ~~~
AH! here it is - Acepromazine (Promace ®) We've seen some fairly bad side efffects in pups here who took this drug so I avoid it. But there are other choices...
07-20-2013, 04:56 PM
Put some soundproofing around the closet so she cannot hear the storms? I hate to think of her cowering in a cupboard... what if you have the fan on her, the TV up loud so that blocks out the sound?
She won't think shots hurt.... that's you thinking that!! :D:D I don't think those injections hurt them at all. Honestly after seeing Flynn go through all his surgeries and he has had a million injections of various sorts and he barely flinches.
I give Flynn his arthritis ones at home now but I have also given him anticoagulant, pain killers and Cerenia and they are fine... I always have a tasty snack ready for him soon as its done. Never let him see the needle, Bang, needle goes in and out and there you go ... all done, GOOD BOY!! Don't stress about it and it will be all done in an instant!
Budsters Mom
07-21-2013, 12:37 AM
Patti, we all pray that our fur babies are healthy and live out their time to old age. That is not the cards we were dealt. Until the time buddy got so sick and I found out that he had Cushing's, I had never heard of it before. If I could turn back the time where I was so blind and Buddy was healthy, I would in a second.:o This forum is here as a savings grace. A place to go out of desperation for support when there is no where else to turn. It has been a lifesaver for me:)
As for sweet Tipper. It saddens me that she spent so much time terrified in the closet. If it were me, I would definitely ask the vet about a safe medication to calm her. Something that would not interfere with her breathing.
Please remember to take care of yourself too. Passing that stone is not easy. Big hugs,
07-21-2013, 08:00 AM
Hi Everyone:
No rain and no storms last nite. Tipper fell asleep in the bed, then got up and went in the closet. I think she feels safe in there in case a storm comes while she is sleeping she will not be caught off guard. I am trying to find something to work for her, I am working on it every day. Tomorrow Tipper gets her shot, so I hope all goes well. I want to get her ears checked, her anal glands cleaned and she has some new lumps I need checked out. I think they are the small fatty cysts that she has always gotten, but want to make sure. I am going to ask about the Denamarin also. Today was so foggy from all the humidity that you can hardly see. Tipper walked 2x already as the heat is rising. I hate to take her so early in the morning because the mosquitoes are out. It has to be that way because of the heat. There is a big problem in this state with West Nile virus, so I don't need Tipper having any more problems. I am constantly looking down at her to make sure no mosquitoes are around her. God I am sick of summer, where is the snow when you need it??? It just makes all these things so much easier for my girl. Tipper has seemed really congested in her throat, and has a hard time swallowing. I think her cortisol is very low and not providing any anti-inflammatory help for her throat. The severe reaction to the storms probably stems form the low cortisol also.Hope every one has a good day with their babies. Blessings
I sure wish the storms would ease up for you and Tipper. We missed that last round but I saw them heading your way on the weather map. Some dogs can sense storms coming, they can feel the drop in bariatric pressure. Maybe Leslie's suggestion is something to consider.
I totally understand your thoughts on our pups getting old and passing away when their time comes. I have proably thought it myself a million times.
molly muffin
07-21-2013, 10:08 AM
Hey Patti, gee, I'd hoped you would get some of the northern air and get rid of those storms for awhile. :(
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Budsters Mom
07-21-2013, 02:22 PM
Sending love, prayers and healing energy to you both on this fine Sunday. Xxxxx
07-21-2013, 05:51 PM
I have been keeping up on Rosebud's album, how cute and adorable. I love the feeling of a new puppy, it can't be beat. So glad you are finding comfort with Rosie. Just saw the news and we are in for storms the next 2 days. I am going to talk to the vet about this tomorrow. My Tipper cannot take any more storms. Blessings
Budsters Mom
07-21-2013, 07:29 PM
I know Patti. Tipper's storm phobia is not just a little fear. Storms terrify her! :eek:I am glad that you're looking in to something that will help. Every time I hear there's going to be a storm in your area I feel for you both. You are still passing that stone. Take care of you too! Many hugs and blessings.xxxx
Simba's Mom
07-21-2013, 09:31 PM
So sorry there are more storms coming your way, poor Tipper, I would get some calming meds for him too, take care..
07-22-2013, 07:34 AM
Hi Everyone:
Well the much anticipated and dreaded day is here. We will be leaving soon to go to the vets office. We are due for more storms today and tomorrow. I hope it starts while we are in the vets office and he can see Tipper's sheer terror. Yesterday and last nite were bad. I could hear the congestion in Tipper's throat again. She hasn't sounded this bad in weeks. Last nite the struggle to breathe and wheezing noise was terrible. I am thinking it is the low cortisol. It cuts inflammation when it is higher, and I think that is the problem with the trachea. She is doing hard swallowing today like it hurts her, and is really hard to do. She has already walked today, good thing as it is to be hot and humid. I am feeling guilty taking her for this shot. I hate to see her scared, and trembling, it makes me sick to my stomach. I am taking some dog food nuggets along for treats when she is done. Please pray for her that this works on her trachea as I am running out of options. When I look back at this last part of her life, it is so unfair that she has had to go thru all this in her old age. She has been the best dog I have ever had, and I hate to see her go thru all this. Blessings
Hi Patti
I hope the shot helps Tipper and that the vet has some ideas about helping her cope with the storms.
I'll be thinking of you both today.
Squirt's Mom
07-22-2013, 08:34 AM
Hang in there, Patti. Remember that Tipper will pick up on your emotions so if you are frightened, she will be as well. Try to relax in order to help her relax.
I hope the doc has some viable ideas to help with the storm phobia and pray the shots help her throat - just remember they do not work right away, it takes time. Let us know what the doc says and how things go. We are right beside you, honey.
07-22-2013, 08:41 AM
Patti, I hope everything goes well today at the vet's. I hope the shots will help Tipper's throat.
07-22-2013, 11:15 AM
Hi Everyone:
I had a strange experience at the vets today. First Tipper had to wait so long. They told me he would take her right away so instead of waiting in the car I took her in. Well that was a mistake as she was crazy by the time he did take her. He was very cold like to me, and I felt some kind of tension. He gave her the shot, she never moved, cleaned her glands, never said two words to me when I tried to explain to him she seemed worse the last two days he smiled and petted her walked out of the room and never came back!. I never got to ask him anything about the storms. When I went to the desk to pay, she told me to bring her back Thursday instead of Wednesday when my vet is there. I questioned her on this, she said the other Dr. would be there. Not sure why he had attitude with me, or why he does not want to give these shots to her, but I am not real happy right now. I just cannot figure this out. I am going to have to call the vets and ask what the problem is as the more I think of it the more annoyed I get. Why did he keep me waiting until he came back form vacation only to have another Dr. do this??? I am baffled and angry. I am going to call there and will post later as I am getting myself upset. No wonder I don't like him!!! This is just one of a long line of disappointments with him. Thanks for the support everyone, I'm getting on the phone to solve this mystery. Blessings
07-22-2013, 11:32 AM
Hi Everyone:
Just called and talked to the Dr.'s assistant. She told me it's his first day back from vacation and he's a little out of sorts. Well whoop de do, like that's my problem. She said it's not you so don't worry, so he must be treating everyone like crap today. Well at least one thing Leslie he did not gouge me for the Adequan as I thought he was going to do. He only charged me 20.00. He must really be off track then!!! Normally he would charge me 100.00 for something that was 20.00. He must be slipping. Leslie I think your Dr. said they started working on his dogs around the 3rd shot. I remain hopeful as my girl really needs help. The dumb technician had her arm under Tipper's neck, which I told them never to do, and I had to tell her to get it off, she was choking her. Small wonder I don't leave her with anyone ever. You can't turn your back for a second with these babies, as nobody cares the way we do to watch every little thing going on. All I can say is he better shape up by next Monday, or he and I will have it out again. He knows I don't beat around the bush and will flat out tell him off. The things you have to do to get your poor sick baby help are disgusting. I am at least thankful my girl has had no reaction so far to the shot, and would probably have done so by now. Blessings
07-22-2013, 01:30 PM
This vet visit sounded really weird!! Did he even greet you when he came in? I think it's really strange that he didn't talk, that's just plain odd! A little out of sorts? So're still conducting office hours and seeing patients so how does he not talk?? Really weird!
Well...I guess maybe the weirdness could be worth saving $80 on the medication you needed, because that must have been a pleasant surprise...usually you have to over pay at the vet! :rolleyes:
We're supposed to have some thunder bumpers here today too...hate to see Trixie get all stressed out by it! Hopefully it miss us right here!
Hope Tipper is resting and doing okay after the stressful vet appt.
07-22-2013, 02:11 PM
is there another vet that you can go to? This guy sounds like a real jerk.
I'm so happy that Tipper didn't react badly to the shots! I hope that they work soon!
07-22-2013, 02:44 PM
He is a real jerk, but the best of what is around where I live. That is why I put up with his crap, otherwise I would kick him to the curb. If he were in Pittsburgh, he would not last at all. He is one of few vets around, so he feels he can do whatever he wants and you don't have too many options. It is very exasperating for me to put up with him since Tipper became ill, I only do it for her sake. It's bad enough on your nerves when you dog is ill, but then this on top of it is too much. Blessings
Simba's Mom
07-22-2013, 03:29 PM
So sorry, goodness these vets need to have a heart, like we enjoy going there with our sick pups, and our sick pups don't like it either....sending hugs and prayers...
molly muffin
07-22-2013, 03:38 PM
I don't even know what to say other than Wow. What a bad experience. I can't even imagine having to put up with a vet that displays that sort of attitude. How sucky that you are stuck with him. :(
Hang in there ,you're doing wonderful.
Budsters Mom
07-22-2013, 04:16 PM
I hate the way that you and Tipper are being treated. It sucks that you have to put up with kind of treatment.:o I hope the shots help. Big hugs,xxxxxx
07-22-2013, 04:44 PM
Hello you
Sorry you have been having such a hard time, I hope you are feeling better now or improving?
That vet would drive me wild, I really hope that the shots help her
Sending you lots of love and a hug to you and kisses to Tipper the Ripper
07-22-2013, 09:41 PM
Patti, You are such a love for all your posts on Scoop's thread. I hope you are having a good night.
Sorry to hear about your problems with the vet.
I saw on Buddy's thread that you mentioned about a bracelet that you can put some fur in it. Can you tell me about it? I have some fur that the nurse at the hospital clipped from Scoop. I want to make sure it gets preserved. Thanks.
07-23-2013, 12:35 AM
as long as you still feel that he's giving Tipper the best care.
I wish that you had another option nearby.
Hugs to you and Tipper.
07-23-2013, 08:25 AM
Hi Everyone:
It is wonderful to get on here and see Mel is back. Hope your first day back isn't so awful Mel. Yesterday with the vet really got to me, so we need a good day today. Tipper went on one walk, but is reluctant to go again. It could be her back legs, that her knee is out. She was really making congestive sounds from her throat the last few days. Today especially, and those tracheal noises, snorting etc. I am praying these shots work for her. I feel her cortisol is low and not providing any anti-inflammatory help for her throat. I guess we will know in another 2 weeks when she gets tested. We are due for storms tonight and thunder. This is so hard on her . I have the fan ready, sprayed her blanket with the pheromone spray, and have the calming treats ready. I am going to give her a few as the day progresses. The problem with them is she does not really like them, they smell real bad, and she backs away as soon as she smells them. She has to be hungry to eat them. Valerie, it's not that my vet is giving Tipper good treatment. It is that he does what I tell him to do basically, so I know we are doing the right thing. I would not trust him ever to make decisions for her. That is why I always research and come here before going to his office. He has too many practices, I think 7-8 at last count, and too many irons in the fire. He is getting burned out, and not even thinking what he is doing anymore. He has 2 daughters in Nebraska, and Kansas. I probably put one through college. He is very involved and going with them all the time, and never in but 1 day a week. He has so many patients he can't remember what was going on with Tipper the last time he saw her. I know I can help Tipper by being knowledgeable on all her issues, so I use that to get him to do whatever needs done. Believe me I would never trust him. This is the best way to handle the situation, as the other vets here are worse than him if you can believe it. I try to be nice, and just ignore his crap for the sake of my Tipper. She is getting the best care possible, and that is only because I do all the work on any issues she has. I am not tooting my own horn, but it is just that I love her more than anything on this earth, and care deeply enough to make sure everything is right for her. That way I don't have to trust anyone but me. That is why I am feverishly working on this tracheal issue now. I know it has to be fixed in order for her to go on. My whole day is spent on getting Tipper thru another day, and conquering any problems she has. I basically have no time for myself as I have other critters that need me too. I am not complaining as I will gladly use every day I have to help her. Some cooperation from the vet would be nice though. I often wonder why he does not appreciate an owner that will give anything and everything she has to help her dog?? At times he has told me, no one would go to the lengths you have gone for this dog. That does not impress me though, it angers me. I think it is way past time to sell your practices when the animals in your care are nothing but cash cows to you. Blessings
molly muffin
07-23-2013, 11:42 PM
It sounds like your vet is just not as interested maybe as he use to be. Forgotten the why of going into this field. With that many practices, it's easy to see how he could lose focus on what is important. Kind of sad that it has come to this for him and he probably doesn't even notice.
Tipper is lucky to have you, just as all your "critters" are lucky to have you. I know that you will always Know what is going on at any given time and set any ole vet straight right away that doesn't "get" the full picture.
Wish you'd get a better vet into the area though. *sigh*
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Budsters Mom
07-24-2013, 05:27 AM
We all do the best we can with the cards we are dealt. Yes, your vet does sound like a jerk, but you're riding him to ensure proper care for our sweet girl. I am more concerned about you though. Have you passed that stone yet? Is anyone around who could help you out? Big hugs, xxxx
07-24-2013, 08:28 AM
Hi Everyone:
Well I still have not passed the stone. I see some evidence of blood and some crystals that are very tiny and gritty. I will get this taken care of when I go home on the 8th. Tipper had a decent nite. We had some thunder early evening, then just some rain later and she did ok with that. I am so elated this morning it is cool and no humidity. Tipper can walk as much as she wants as there is no sun either. Hope her legs hold out today as she put on a few ounces again. I think it is because she has not been walking as much as she usually does. She did have some episodes last nite of the congested gurgling like sounds at times. Tomorrow is shot #2 and Leslies vet told my vet it usually takes 3 to start working. I have prayed to God every nite for these shots to work for her. There are not too many options left now, but I will find more if need be. I wish for her sake the weather would stay like this until winter. She is so calm now and much happier. Blessings
07-24-2013, 02:53 PM
Patti--Today's weather was a welcome change wasn't it!!? Got Trixie out to the park early and she was so happy, and what a relief to walk and not feel like the dog is too hot to make it home. We walked about 2 miles and it always makes for a better day when Trixie gets that exercise.
Sorry about your stone problem and hope you aren't experiencing pain. Hoping Tipper's shots will make a difference really soon!!
07-24-2013, 03:32 PM
your weather today was ours yesterday. Humid again and Daisy wasn't thrilled.
I'll bet that Tipper slept like a baby :)
I'm hoping that your symptoms mean that the stone is breaking up? I've never had one so I don't know what to expect. Feel better soon!
07-24-2013, 03:40 PM
Hi Everyone:
The relief from this oppressive heat and humidity is great. Tipper walked 4 times today, yes I did say 4. So glad as she is much happier when she can walk. The exercise helps keep her weight down too. I just have to be careful of these darn mosquitoes. There is so much west nile in this state. She is a much happier dog today, and for that I am thankful. No I don't have too much pain from the stone thank goodness. Sorry you got the humidity again Valerie, as I know you said Daisy does not take it well. Hopefully we will have an early fall, and it will be cooler. Blessings
07-24-2013, 03:52 PM
does Tipper have arthritis? Daisy does and the exercise helps with that.
I see a huge difference when she can't go for a walk.
07-25-2013, 07:49 AM
Hi Everyone:
I don't have too long this morning I have to get ready and try not to let Tipper see we are going somewhere. She gets really excited now, and today is blood pressure, then the 2nd shot. God I pray this works for her. She is so congested sounding at nite. She did stay in the bed for the most part last nite. I was glad to have her sleep next to me again. I try to not let her see me get ready, I close her out of my room so she can't see me. I don't want any false high blood pressures from her excitement. I wish we did not have to travel so far. Today looks like another nice day, but I heard rain Saturday and the humidity will return. Valerie, I am sure at Tipper's age she does have arthritis. She will be 12 in October. It just seems like yesterday she was a puppy. God I wish we could go back to that time. Blessings
07-25-2013, 10:18 AM
Hi Everyone:
A big welcome back to you Mel!! We dearly missed you. Hope you had a wonderful time. Just got back from the vets with Tipper the Ripper. Her blood pressure was good, her weight was down, and she never winced for her second shot. I think I take it worse than she does. Nice day and I am going out on the porch with Tipper. Have a good day everyone. Blessings
07-25-2013, 10:38 AM
Hello you
What good news for today's post, I am so pleased. Now we need those shots to kick in to make things better for sweet Tipper
I wish I was still in holiday truth be told but am glad to have the internet back, I missed you all while I was away
Big hug, kisses to Tipper the Ripper
Budsters Mom
07-25-2013, 12:37 PM
Great news from Tipper's appt. today! Enjoy your nice day. Xxxx
So glad to hear all went well today and Tipper is happy. I'm sure the shots hurt us worse then them sometimes. Have a wonderful day with your baby.
07-25-2013, 06:06 PM
Awww, I'm glad that the shots don't bother her.
I'm the same way Patti, I have to look away or leave the room when the needles come out. Such a chicken :)
How are you feeling?
07-26-2013, 08:16 AM
Hi Everyone:
Another cool morning here and Tipper had 2 walks already. Still the congestion noises as she tries to sleep. We will see Monday for shot #3 then it should kick in. Well I took the time yesterday to email Dr. Bruyette about Tipper and about how to get research started on this disease. He did answer me, but said he was flying at the moment and would get back to me. I asked him for some suggestions to help Tipper, and about how to start research on this disease so others will not have to suffer thru this. I will let everyone know what he says. If he gives me a way to get this project started I am going to need everyone's co-operation. We may need to raise funds etc. so I will need help. He is one of the few Vets left with a heart to help animals, so I am hopeful he will have good advise. Valerie, I am not usually squeamish about procedures in the vets office because I hold Tipper for everything. I can take any medical procedure they dish out at me, but when it comes to Tipper and getting shots into her muscle, that got to me for some reason. She never even flinches so I am over it. She has always been a real tuff little cookie, and I think that is most of the reason I have her with me today. Jack Russell's can withstand a tremendous amount of pain and never show it. She has never cried out or winced at the vets except for the time he dug in her ear, she let out a yelp so I know that he hit her eardrum. I am praying these shots work. Mel I know you are busy so Tipper the Ripper is sending you hugs and sloppy kisses. Blessings
07-26-2013, 02:20 PM
Hoping these shots do the trick for Tipper! It was nice and cool here this morning too. It is so nice to be able to walk for awhile and not worry about the heat!
I think things are warming up here but it was nice while it lasted! :p
Budsters Mom
07-26-2013, 02:22 PM
Yay, for cooler weather! Dr. B was very helpful and honest with me. That was exactly what I needed at the time.:) you are still passing that stone. Keep drinking lots of water!!! Big hugs to you both!
07-26-2013, 05:11 PM
Hi Everyone:
I just got the email form Dr. Bruyette. He gave me a few suggestions for Tipper, but I was disappointed in his lack of direction for the research. He only said that it is very expensive, and that studies need to be done on the hows and whys of the formation of these tumors. I wish he could be more specific on where they are doing research on this. I am going to email him back as this answer is just not sufficient enough to do anything with. I am all for someone doing a research project on this, and helping to get it funded somehow. I am not afraid of hard work so I will help with what ever it takes. This disease is awful, and I want to know my baby did not suffer from this in vain. I think about this every nite, and all the others that will come after us if this is not stopped. I may have to leave tomorrow with Tipper as it is supposed to storm, and she just can't handle any more. Hope everyone has a good weekend. Lets put our heads together and get something started to stop Cushings. Blessings
07-26-2013, 07:41 PM
Patti, Did Dr. Bruyette say if anyone is doing any research on the hows and whys of the formation of these tumors? You would think someone would be even if it is with humans. Dr. B is doing the study on shrinking the tumors but I can imagine the expense of studying the hows and whys are probably outrageous.
I wish I had some ideas about this but I don't. If you come up with something and I can be of any help please let me know.
I feel just like you do. There are too many of our babies suffering because of this horrible disease.
Hugs to you and Tipper.
07-27-2013, 08:49 AM
Hi Everyone:
Tipper had an ok nite, not too much trouble breathing, some congested noise still. I had been noticing Tipper walking funny on her front paw, and turning it under when she lays down which I can't remember ever seeing her do. She has been licking a lot too in that area. When we went out to potty for the last time she walked real funny and held her leg up for me to pick her up. That is rare as she never wants you to help her. I picked her up and carried her inside , and right away she jumped down on my bed. I am afraid to look at it as I had an episode with her yesterday that was very out of character for her. I was in the kitchen and bent down to pet her head, she yipped real loud, and came after me to bite, then turned on my Yorkie and attacked him. I have been thru so much already that although she is extremely powerful I am not afraid of her.I had to pull her off of him and separated them immediately. The yorkie is ok, and I don't know where this came from. She got up on my leg as I petted her head, and maybe it hurt her foot. This is so unlike her. I think she also hurts from the shots, which I am careful not to touch that area. You know how your muscle feels if you have ever had a flu shot? Well I am sure she feel the worse as she has little muscle left on her hind legs. She goes for another shot on Monday and I will have the vet look at her foot. Several times before, there was too much hair in between her pads on her foot and they shaved it out and found a hard ball that the hair had formed that was pressing into her foot. She walks a lot so this could be the reason as dirt gets in there. Last time she even had a small cut from it between the pads and I am sure that really hurts. At any rate I don't want her to start acting out with me as I think she knows I am the only one taking her to the vets where she gets hurt and she is getting angry at me for doing it. I will let the vet deal with it on Monday. That is the reason she is not wanting to walk more than once I think. Hope you all have a nice uneventful weekend with your babies. Blessings
07-27-2013, 08:52 AM
Dr. Bruyette did not give me specifics so I am going to email him back again, and I will let you know what he says. Blessings
Squirt's Mom
07-27-2013, 09:04 AM
Squirt has Hobbit feet, very hairy all over, and she gets those hair balls between her pads that hurt when she walks. Kinda like walking with a rock in your shoe I would think. I try to keep that hair cut out and combed so it doesn't ball up....and she hates her feet messed with! :D
By the sounds of things Tipper is just hurting a little and if he's even remotely like me when I'm in pain, I have absolutely no patience and am extremely short tempered.
Hoping on Monday it's all resolved and hope you have a great weekend too.
Budsters Mom
07-27-2013, 07:04 PM
Dogs have been known to nip/bite when they are not feeling well and they are touched. Be very careful when you touch Tipper. I would take the last incidence as a warning and would take it seriously. I am sorry if this is scaring you, but it is time to take precautions for your safety and that of your other animals. Consider keeping your dogs separated at least for now/if not indefinitely. Tipper is unstable. Your little Yorkie needs protection. As far as visitors to the house, I would keep them from touching/bothering Tipper also. Possibly removing Tipper to another room, would be a solution. I have a friend who had a very sweet, loving, dog. The dog became Ill and wasn't feeling at all himself. Things did not end well from my friend or her dog. Please take Tipper's warning seriously. I don't want something to happen to you or someone else. Many hugs,
07-27-2013, 07:21 PM
Yes the poor little Yorkie... how many pets do you have? I remember when Flynn was young if he was sleeping on my bed which he used to do back then and I moved my foot or something he would growl.. I was like right you little bugger and push him right off and he soon learnt not to growl at me or the cats for that matter. Even though Elle is a pain giving him a swipe every now and then, I will not let him retaliate at all... EVER as he might just start thinking it is ok for him to nip at her and he could do real damage. I know it does not seem fair, but that's the breaks I have to protect Mum's cat... don't worry I do give her a telling off if she swipes at him to protect him as well. But he knows it is up to me to be the protector not for him to take matters into his own paws... that is unacceptable. Even if he was sick I would tell him off for what Tipper has done. I hope it is something as simple as a sore paw, I would be having a good look at that as it could just be something simple you could fix at home like matted fur. Tell her to behave and have a good look!!
Squirt's Mom
07-28-2013, 07:15 AM
Oh, I hate that happened! :( I've had it happen both ways - the ill dog as the attacker and the ill dog as the victim, more often the latter in my case. Is it possible that your Yorkie has been getting a bit less attention than Tipper? It would certainly be expected under the circumstances but it may also be giving Tipper the idea that the others in the house have no value and therefore deserve no respect. Kind of an extreme case of jealousy - "You're breathing on my mom!" :D
Looking forward to your report this morning, hoping you both had a decent night's rest.
Leslie and the gang
07-28-2013, 07:28 AM
Oh Patti, I am so sorry that this happened, too. But I have to agree with Kathy that I do not think it is safe for Tipper and your Yorkie to be alone together at any time until you can get things sorted out. For such a wee one, all it would take is one sharp "shake" that is instinctive to a JRT for there to be a tragic outcome :(. Since you say that this behavior is out of character for Tipper, there must be something going on for which we do not yet have an explanation. But that means that another attack may be impossible to anticipate.
I repeat I am so sorry that you have this new added worry. But I do think you need to take extra precautions right now to keep everybody safe. :o
07-28-2013, 08:18 AM
Hi Everyone:
Yes Leslie you are right Jack Russells do not have any value of other animals, the only animal Tipper actually recognizes is a horse. I did scold Tipper and she knows she did wrong. She has never shrieked or yipped out in pain ever. I was only stroking her face and head and she has no pain there. The only thing I can figure out is she got up on my leg with her front paws and the foot that was hurting her started hurting as she touched my leg. They can displace aggression onto anything when hurting or annoyed, and she chose Toby as he had the nerve to look at her when she yipped and was close by. I think Tipper was trying to take it out on me for all the vet trips. I think that has been bottled up inside her even though she knows I am trying to help her. I think Trish asked how many critters I have. Well I have the Yorkie, and he is not small by any means- 12 lbs, 2 cats, and a parrot Elvis. You can see them all in my album. I rescued the Yorkie as they were going to do away with him because his ears would not stand up, don't you love people. I do not mention anything about Toby on here out of respect for Kathy, as she lost Buddy and I don't want to draw attention to my Yorkie. I have a lot of empathy for her as she is having a hard time with things. Toby is sweet and cute as a button though. Lucky is my rescue cat that was abandoned in a house when the owners were foreclosed on. I saw the story on the computer, and went and got him. He had been in the house for almost 2 weeks with no food and water with a dog. It's a small wonder the dog did not kill and eat him. A neighbor heard cries coming out of the house and the police came. He is on medicine for liver problems that probably started then, and is fortunate I got him as some would not spend the money on a rescue cat since the medicine is expensive. It cost me 800.00 to keep him as I had to have every test under the sun run on him to make sure he had nothing he could give to my own cat I had. So I often laugh and say he is my free rescue cat. My other cat is 13 years old and is a domestic short hair. Elvis the parrot loves Toby my Yorkie and feeds him and they kiss, and my cat Chance is so gentle with him, they love each other. Tipper does not like Elvis so they stay away from each other. I live in a gated community. There are gates all over the house so Toby is safe. I am not worried about Tipper with me as she is just warning me, she would never attack me sick or not, but she will let you know she means business. I do know my dog, even though in the back of your minds you are probably saying she is crazy the dog is sick and she can't trust it. She will not go beyond the warning point ever unless you are a stranger, and then look out. She is the most loyal protective dog, and my vet said she is the best natured Jack Russell he had ever had in all his years of practice. I think it was the paw thing as when she touched it on my leg it hurt her. I am careful with her always, and will continue to do so. She had a better nite breathing last nite even though right before bedtime some thunder and lightening, and then it was just rain. She was ok with the rain. She wanted 2 walks this morning so whatever was bothering her let up. I will have the vet check those feet and clip them tomorrow when she gets her shot. I think she is ticked off about these shots too. Blessings
I'm sorry this happened and I just want to add, all dogs have a bite threshold and sometimes we dont know what can push them over the edge. Smetimes we say the incident came out of nowhere when it has been building for quite some time and the pup was starting to be pushed for a few days or a week prior to the incident. So it could very well be something has been bothering Tipper for a few days and this incident pushed her past her bite threshhold.
If we learn to watch their body language, we learn a lot. When people come to our house, we tell everyone, dont talk to Zoe, ignore her 100% and if I see her body language starting to give me the least bit of a signal she is not handling things, she is put on a leash.
Tipper has been so stressed from the storms and if she is having some kind of pain, I think Marianne is totally right, it might not take much to push her past her bite threshhold again.
Hugs and love Pattie.
07-28-2013, 08:51 AM
I totally agree so I am being xtra careful with her. Blessings
Budsters Mom
07-28-2013, 11:04 AM
It is fine to talk about Toby. It doesn't bother me at all!:) I know there are many, many, healthy Yorkies out there playing and romping. That makes me feel warm inside. It doesn't make me feel sad about Buddy. I can manage that one quite easily on my own.;) I had wondered why you rarely mentioned him. I appreciate you thought and consideration, but it is really unnecessary, so talk away. :)
My concern right now is focusing on Tipper's instability. We love our babies so much, that it's easy to miss the messages they are trying to send us. The communication is there, often in their eyes or body language. However, it is not always something we want to hear/see.
Please protect yourself and your other animals while you sort all of this out. Something tragic can occur in an instant. You say that Tipper would never bite you, but you really don't know for sure. All bets are off when they are out of sorts and attacks do happen. Please respect her space while watching for clues and move slowly around her. TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF!!! Xxxxxx
07-28-2013, 11:54 PM
Awww Patti,
that is so scary and sad! Daisy has snapped at me in the past, but it was because I accidentally startled her while she was sleeping. No excuse. she did get scolded.
Best to be safe and please keep the other animals safe. You have enough going on.
Simba's Mom
07-28-2013, 11:56 PM
oh shoot, Tipper must have some pain, poor thing, sending hugs and prayers...
07-29-2013, 07:45 AM
Hi Everyone:
Tipper reluctantly went walking this morning. She was not going to go at all, and changed her mind. This is very much not her, and anything out of the ordinary scares the crap out of me. I am taking her this morning for the 3rd shot, and I am going to get them to clean the hair between her pads, as it could be that. She struggled to breathe last nite a lot. I have the 2 dogs separated at all times now, and actually take Tipper thru the house on her leash. I am being very cautious. I sure hope this third shot helps her as she started this behavior after starting on the shots. I am wondering if that is the pain from them making her not herself? I will post after the vet visit and we'll see if there is any problem with the feet. Blessings
Squirt's Mom
07-29-2013, 08:33 AM
Hi Patti,
I really don't think the shots hurt that much. Now if the vet is going back to the same spot for the injection over and over, then yes it could get sore there. So ask him to vary the injection site if at all possible to prevent the soreness. Other than that, they just don't feel pain on the same level we do so I don't think the shots would cause her enough pain to change her personality. If that were the case, you would see other signs of strong pain. ;) She may be experiencing pain elsewhere but I really doubt it is from the shots.
I figure it's more along the lines of feeling badly for so long that is effecting her personality. Just like us, when they don't feel well they can get cranky....and when that "not feeling well" goes on for a while, we and they get even more cranky. So I hope the shots help and she is feeling better soon.
Leslie and the gang
Sincerely hope it is her feet and nothing else. Good luck today and I'll be waiting for your update.
07-29-2013, 09:30 AM
Patti, Hope everything goes well at the vet today.
07-29-2013, 11:24 AM
Hi Everyone:
Just back from the vets, of course he had to be 40 minutes late and make my poor Tipper get miserable waiting. I sat in the car with her. He didn't even offer an apology, so I said " glad you could make it." He really burns me. So the technician does the clipping and we got to Tipper's right foot and it took all the strength I had to hold her. She did not want that foot touched no way no how. It took three of us to hold her still. There was a ball up in there of fur, so that was the problem. Unfortunately the tech. nicked her and now it is really sore. I held her and told them to do all feet at once. I keep a spread sheet on all Tipper's weight, blood pressure, nail clipping, anal gland cleaning, so now I can add trimming the feet to it. I can see at a glance when she had what done to her. I will just get the feet clipped on a regularly scheduled basis from now on. I told the Dr. what happened with Tipper attacking Toby, he said she has had so much done at the vets she just probably has a lot of pent up anger and took it out on him as she has no great love for him. He said it is highly likely she hurt her foot from the ball in between her pads when she got up on my leg, and just misplaced the anger. He said he would be surprised if she had pain with the laser therapy she gets, plus the shots for her joints. He said don't fault her for this, but just be careful. He said he would be surprised if she ever did it again as she has a wonderful personality, and had to be in really a lot of pain, as she never cries out or bites. Leslie, I know you will get a kick out of this one, I made a diagram of Tipper's back legs and I make the vets mark on it where she gets the injection, so it does not cause her any more problems. They reluctantly mark it, and I know they are thinking I am about as anal as you can get with my dog. I don't care, as long as she is safe and not hurting too bad for their egos. So shot number 3 is done. I am so glad I found out what was wrong with her foot, that is definitely why she would not walk. Mystery solved! Blessings to all
So glad to hear it went well and that is was the paw. Think maybe I should be going to your vet. No luck here that's for sure.
07-29-2013, 06:20 PM
No you really would not want my Vet he is terrible. I have to keep 3 steps ahead of him to make sure Tipper gets exactly what she needs. It wears me down at times, and I get sick of the conflicts with him, but he is the best of the crap around here. As long as my girl is safe, and her cortisol is controlled I will keep the battle going with him. I have to do it for her sake. If she were not sick, I would be out of there like a rocket! I can hardly stomach the sight of him anymore after all he has tried to pull on me. Keep going it is going to pay off when you get that vet that cares. Blessings
molly muffin
07-29-2013, 06:40 PM
I guess the vet is right it could be pent up anger, not feeling well, her foot hurts, and here comes this little bundle of Toby to just aggravate her some more. Hopefully it will never, ever happen again.
Glad they figured out what was wrong with her foot.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Budsters Mom
07-29-2013, 07:15 PM
Patti, you know that I care about you and Tipper the Ripper.:) I am so sorry that she is out of sorts and I know this pains you deeply.:o Toby was very lucky that he survived that attack physically unscatched. It had to do a number on him emotionally. I feel sorry for the little guy. It can't EVER happen again!:eek::eek:Toby may not be as lucky the next time. He is counting on you to protect him. I am relieved to hear that you have separated the dogs and are moving Tipper through the house on a leash. I hope you are also protecting yourself, as we are all a bunch of worry warts.:o Big hugs,
07-29-2013, 08:47 PM
Leslie, I know you will get a kick out of this one, I made a diagram of Tipper's back legs and I make the vets mark on it where she gets the injection, so it does not cause her any more problems. They reluctantly mark it, and I know they are thinking I am about as anal as you can get with my dog. I don't care, as long as she is safe and not hurting too bad for their egos. So shot number 3 is done.
My first post here on your thread - been so wrapped up in my Poor Pitiful Pia's problems - it's time to branch out and learn more about the wonderful people who are here for me. So if I'm covering territory already discussed in the past, please accept my apology.
Until I moved to California 2 years ago, I was a neonatal and peds ICU nurse. I want you to know that we documented on our medical administration record the specific site every time we gave an injection. We would NEVER give an injection in the same spot twice. Good for you for making that diagram for Tipper's injections.
A thought - have you ever considered giving Tipper the Adequan injections at home and saving yourselves a trip to the vet and all the angst and tension that go along with the visit? I've taught 7 and 8 year olds how to give themselves insulin injections, and it is just not hard at all. If your vet or vet tech would be willing to show you how to do it, it could save Tipper from a lot of anxiety. I gave Pia injections of buprenorphine after she had jaw surgery, and now I'm giving her B12 injections every week. She couldn't care less when I do it, and it's so nice to not have to load her into the car, sit in the waiting room, wait for the vet, get the shot, and then pay that bill.
Tipper's nighttime breathing problems - does she have any cardiac issues? My other dog, Maggie, a Boston Terrier, was having breathing issues at night, panting, seemed short of breath, work herself up choking. The vet heard a heart murmur and so we had a cardiac echo which showing some mitral valve regurg. He started her on a chewable tablet (and she actually does like it and chews it up) called Vetmedin. It helped her immediately, and she's still on it with quiet nights a year and a half later.
It's hard to have a bonehead for a vet, especially when it's the best of the boneheads around. We struggle with vet care where we live because we are in the boonies, and if I hadn't gotten completely fed up and taken Pia to UC Davis when I did, she's probably be dead. I'm fortunate that I have the time to make those 220 mile round trips over the mountain and a car that gets nearly 40 miles to the gallon. Truthfully, I'm not even completely sold on the vets at Davis. For the most part, they're residents who don't have the life experience of a long-time vet, but they do have the experts as teachers and they consult with them regularly, but I have to keep those residents on their toes because this is my Pia, and nobody messes with her!
I hope those injections of Adequan kick in for Tipper. I love the nickname "Tipper the Ripper"!
07-29-2013, 10:48 PM
I want to smack your vet but I'm glad that Tipper's paw was easily fixed!
Hopefully there won't be another biting incident.
Watch Toby too please because I'm sure that he's afraid of Tipper now and I would hate for him to expect another bite and go after her. You just never know.
Simba's Mom
07-29-2013, 11:05 PM
Take care Patti, and way to go with the diagram, you go girl.....Tipper has a great Mom!!!
07-30-2013, 08:34 AM
I thank you so much for taking the time to give me all this information. I am going to look onto the Vetmedin. Tipper does have a heart murmur with some slight leakage. Had her to the hospital to a Cardiologist. She said this should not be causing Tipper any problems as the breathing issue, but then again I don't trust anyone fully. She does take Cardio Strength, but I am going to look into what you used. I could give Tipper the shots at home. I know how to do them. I had a parrot that had cancer. She developed a bad bacterial infection. She had to have 2 shots a day for a month to get rid of the infection, and I had to do it. It is really tricky on a bird, and they do want to bite you. With Tipper's unpredictability lately, I do not want to anger her any more at me. I would rather she hate the vet, as he deserves it! That is the reason I opted not to give them to her. I have no one to hold her still either, and don't want to chance hitting a blood vessel or nerve and really having problems. It takes three people at the vets to hold her to do the injection. Thank you so much for all the help as I know you have your hands full with Pia. Hope she is doing better. Blessings
07-30-2013, 08:45 AM
Hi Everyone:
Not so bad with the breathing last nite for Tipper. I don't want to jinx anything and say the shots are helping, but she seems a tad better in so much as fewer congestion sounds. She was fairly quiet last nite. I am keeping her and Toby separated at all times. Toby is upset by it, but I must keep him safe. He is such a sweet dog, even though Tipper wanted to rip his head off, he comes to the gate and tries to make up to her and kiss her thru the gate. His real name is Sweet as Chocolate Toby Boy, on his papers, and he lives up to that name every day. The only problem with Yorkies and the reason why a lot are seriously injured by other dogs is that they will not back down, and continue to yap at the other dog inciting the other dog to really go after them. Toby is no different he is a yapper, I never had such a yappy dog before, and everything I have tried to stop him from doing it has failed. I am having to take Tipper to her Laser therapy today. She has had so much at the vets I hate to do it to her, but I must continue with the maintenance sessions for her to keep on benefiting from it. I can't get a thing done in my house, as I am always running to appointments. Oh well it will be there when I get back! Hope and Blessings to you all.
Junior's Mom
07-30-2013, 08:56 AM
Patti, I sympathise with you, and all you are going through with Tipper. When dogs start to fight, it can become a vicious circle, which we the parents unwittingly make worse. A one-time incident freaks us out, we get nervous from then on when the animals are near one another, and they sense that, and thus believe there is a problem, when rarely is it something to worry about.
Separating them when you can't be around is a good idea, until you are confident there is no more trouble. But separating them all the time will make the situation worse. In order to get to the heart of the matter, you need to remain calm, and watch them closely to see what is starting the situation. Never pay attention to either of them unless they are calm, never let them tell you what to do-ie feed them, pet them etc. You must be the calm assertive leader. Keeping Tipper on a leash is a good idea, even if it is just trailing on the ground behind her. Remember, the majority of the time, the dogs are over it immediately, but we make the trouble last. I wish you luck.
07-30-2013, 08:56 AM
I just remembered that you cannot give heart medication with Vetoryl. I did not realize the Vetmedin was an RX to help the heart pump blood and return it without stressing the heart. That is the one thing they told me cannot be taken. The cardio strength I give her is just a supplement. I will still question Dechra on this specific drug. Did the dog you gave it to have Cushings? Thank you for the help. Blessings
07-30-2013, 09:06 AM
Patti, Glad to hear Tipper's breathing was better last night. Hope all goes well with the therapy today.
07-30-2013, 12:13 PM
Hi Patti - I didn't know you couldn't give cardiac meds with trilostane, and my dog who takes Vetmedin probably has Cushings, but she's 15, blind, nearly deaf, and has seizures in addition to her cardiac issues. She's a pretty perky little Boston Terrier despite all that. If I had to chose between cardiac meds and Cushings meds, the cardiac meds, for her, would win because she really suffered at night, gasping for air before we started the Vetmedin. If I took Maggie off the Vetmedin, she'd probably leave us much more quickly from that than from untreated Cushings.
Maggie drinks and pees a lot, but not nearly as much as Pia. She is also a foodie. A couple weeks ago, I had a Subway sandwich and set it on the coffee table while I took Pia outside. My blind, old girl managed to find it and was happily munching on it when I came inside. It was so darned funny that it was easy to forgive her on the spot. If only I could transfer some of that appetite to Pia!
I sure hope it's the shots that are helping Tipper. She deserves some consistent success!
07-30-2013, 12:25 PM
Hi Patti,
How is Tipper doing today? Still noticing a problem with that paw? LOve hearing about your whole menagerie. So nice how all the critters get along! Hoping everything is okay and that Tipper is feeling fine.
07-30-2013, 01:33 PM
Hi Barbara:
I just got Tipper back home from the Laser therapy. This is the first time she did not tremble real bad. She is starting to learn she does not get hurt at this Vets. She is glad to be back home. She has so many appointments I have to put them on my computer to keep track of them. So we have off tomorrow. We go for shots and blood pressure on Thursday. This running wears me out, and has to make Tipper tired, but she never shows it. I pray to God these shots help her. How has Trixie been doing? She should be getting her ACTH soon? I hope that gets things all straightened out for you. We are getting the heat back again, so Tipper can only be out in the morning. Has Trixie been walking? Blessings
07-30-2013, 01:53 PM
I'm so glad that Tipper is realizing that this is the "good vet's office" and thta you both had a better night.
Daisy acts very calm and runs the whole place when we see the IMS vet, odd that is the only place where she doesn't shake at all.
Budsters Mom
07-30-2013, 03:33 PM
Patti, I do not agree with Junior's mom. Tipper and Toby absolutely need to be separated ALL of the time. The attack happened when you were home. Tipper has snapped at you before. This is not the first time. Yes, Yorkies are known to be yappers and Buddy always had a lot to say. It's odd, but I miss that now. My friend's very sweet dog, ill dog, attacked and later was removed from the home by animal control. The dog ended up being euthanized. My friend never forgave herself. She knew her dog was unstable, but hadn't taken the necessary precautions. You must protect yourself, visitors to you home and all your precious animals. Big hugs,
07-30-2013, 06:25 PM
They continue to be separated, it is just safer for them both that way. Blessings
Budsters Mom
07-30-2013, 06:54 PM
Thanks for letting me know Patti. :p This situation has me worried as it is. I don't want anything to happen to any of you. Big hugs,
07-31-2013, 08:29 AM
Hi Everyone:
Not too good of a nite for Tipper. She had a lot of struggling to breathe. It is worse when she first goes to sleep. Today the heat and humidity have returned with a vengeance. So she will not be out after morning. I am hoping to bathe her today. She used to like it, but lately she doesn't. I think she is just plain uncomfortable with her body condition, and the weight of her belly hanging down with no muscle support is bothering her back etc. I am sure the laser helps her with that. She was just such a muscular dog that I am sure she is not understanding what is happening to her body. Just think if all your ab muscles were gone. We would probably be having problems from it too. Well I am off her to get the bath ready for both dogs. It has been really hard to keep them separated, and Toby is so upset with the setup. It just has to be that way. Blessings
07-31-2013, 08:41 AM
Patti, Sorry to hear Tipper did not have a very good night. I hope she will enjoy her bath today.
Hugs to you and Tipper and Toby.
07-31-2013, 08:46 AM
Patti, I just read you're post on Scoop's thread and I wanted to tell I'm sorry you're having Lupus symptoms today. Hope you feel better.
07-31-2013, 02:22 PM
I'm sorry Tipper had a lousy night. It's starting to get a little warm here today too. I just switched from open windows to a/c. Trixie needs to be a cool as possible. I'm sorry Tipper doesn't enjoy her bath like she used to, this disease really stinks.
I just read your posts on Keesh's thread and I'm so excited about Lambert Pharmacy. The price on Vetoryl there is the best I've seen so far! Last month I used Dr Foster/Smith @$47 a box which I thought was pretty good but Lambert is way better at $39.90 I'll be ordering from them next week...I need 2 boxes of ten mgs just to get through a month. :(
At least I'll be saving about $20 this time!
Thanks for posting about Lambert!! :D
Ahh, just read about Tipper having a bad night. They sure keep us occupied don't they? Hopefully a bath will make him feel better. Hugs going out to you, big time.
07-31-2013, 06:00 PM
Remember if you buy 2 boxes from Nancy she will ship them free. I love that place they are really cheaper than any where I have found, they are an accredited pharmacy by the board, which is hard to do, and have a veterinary pharmacist right there. They sell lots of other things I found cheaper there too I am just ecstatic for you about Trixies numbers. Keep up the good work and she will continue to do well. Blessings
07-31-2013, 09:17 PM
Thanks Patti-- When I place my order, I'll ask for Nancy.
Hoping Tipper has a better night tonight!! Sending positive thoughts your way!
Simba's Mom
07-31-2013, 10:37 PM
Aw Tipper, hope he starts liking his bath again, sending hugs!
Budsters Mom
07-31-2013, 10:58 PM
Toby is so upset because Yorkies have a need to be right in the middle of things. He does not understand your need to protect him above all else, he just feels left out. Try to give him as much attention as possible under the circumstances, but please don't put them together. Poor, little, sweet boy.:o
No wonder Tipper is lashing out, poor thing. She has to be exhausted just struggling to breathe at times.
Please take care of yourself too Patti. I know it's hard, but you have five animals counting on you. Sending strength, prayers, hugs and healing energy your way. :) xxxx
08-01-2013, 08:05 AM
Hi Everyone:
Not too great of a nite for Tipper. She really has congested sounds, and hard swallowing, I could hear her get up during the nite swallowing, and swallowing. I have got to some how figure this out and help her, I am desperate. Last nite we had light rain, it did not bother her. She has already walked this morning so we are going to get ready for the vet trip here soon. Today will be the 4th shot and blood pressure and weight. I think she gained some. This is maddening as I feed her the exact same thing every day. I would like to get a lb off of her. Tipper did not enjoy her bath yesterday like she always did prior to Cushings. She is nice and clean anyway. She used to love her baths almost jumping in the utility sink. After I wet her down and saw the deterioration of her back leg muscles and the thin skin on her body it made me break down. I cannot believe this is my strong muscular Jack Russell. This is heart breaking to say the least. What this disease does is criminal. Well I got my IPhone 5 yesterday, but have not had time to get is set up with all that goes on here. I would not have gotten it because of the price point, but since I have employee benefits still, I got it for practically nothing. Gone are the good old days when both my phones and bills were paid by my work. Oh well you just have to adjust and tighten the old belt. Well we have to get ready and I have to trick Tipper as I don't want her pressure rising. Blessings
08-01-2013, 11:24 AM
Oh Patti, I read your letter to my wife Linda (Moo) and we both are saying prayers for you. I hope the best for Tipper. She has been a great companion to you. I know our Lulu was, and we have been so blessed with our terrier mix Stanley, (picture in my latest album) that we have been able to cope better. Great you can get your IPhone yet, we are due to have an upgrade with our Droids, not sure if I will stay with or try an Iphone, but at least they are working still. and yes the bills are awful. I am still trying to get full-time work. I have managed to get a little computing at home from my current contract employer, but it isn't enough, and I don't know if we will make it much longer.
08-01-2013, 12:17 PM
I am so sorry you cannot find work. That is a terrible situation to be in. I pray soon something will some your way. I know it has been hard adjusting for me on a fixed income now. Especially with all these vet bills that come at you from every direction. I will pray you find some work. Blessings
08-01-2013, 12:56 PM
Sorry to hear Tipper had a lousy night. Hoping today's trip to the vet goes well and that Tipper is not too stressed from the trip!
08-01-2013, 03:53 PM
Hi Everyone:
Just a short one this time. Tipper did well at the vets today. Her blood pressure was good and her weight was down. She got her shot like a trooper, so no problems today. She is however laying at my feet as I type this wheezing very loudly as she tries to sleep. God please let me find a solution to this before it takes my girl. Blessings
08-01-2013, 07:54 PM
Patti, Glad to hear Tipper's vet visit went well but sorry to hear about the wheezing. I'm sorry I don't have any advise to give you but just know that I think of you and Tipper and hope and pray things get better.
Budsters Mom
08-01-2013, 10:55 PM
Hi Patti,
I am relieved to hear that Tipper's appointment went well this morning. :)Did the vet say anything about her breathing issues or is he just ignoring it? It seems to only happen when she sleeps. It that correct? Hugs to all of you. Belly rubs for Tipper and Toby. I feel sorry for him too. Xxxx
08-02-2013, 08:16 AM
Hi Everyone:
It would seem that now during the day when Tipper lays down she is wheezing also. It only happens when she lays down. When she is standing she is ok. She did not want to go on a second walk today and that has me worried. Could be her foot, and then again could be something else. I am increasingly worried about this breathing. The vet never said a word about it yesterday as he was the substitute vet. Tipper drank more water the last few days so I am glad the ACTH is next Wednesday. I am going to try and get her moving again, I don't like this not wanting to walk. Tipper loves to walk she would walk miles f you kept going, so this scares me. Blessings
Squirt's Mom
08-02-2013, 08:27 AM
Has Tipper had an ultrasound? It's odd to me that the sounds are only when she lays down. Josie wheezed and honked all the time. Now when she lay on her side so that the mass was pressing more, she made more noises but she was never silent, never had normal breathing sounds. Is it possible the liver or something could be enlarged, pressing on the lungs causing her troubles? Just rambling, pulling thoughts out of the morass of my mind. :p I keep coming back to the scope she had that didn't find anything. :confused:
08-02-2013, 08:33 AM
Wanted to post as I forgot something. When I was at the laser session with Tipper the Dr. told me that a good way to help these dogs that have had muscle loss in the hind legs is to sit on a chair and let them put their front paws up on you. Rock them back and forth to strengthen that leg muscle. Do this several times a day, and keep doing it forever. I had also previously mentioned walking in circles and figure 8's. Blessings
08-02-2013, 08:41 AM
Patti, I read your post on Lett's thread. Please let me and the others know what Dr. Bruyette says. I will be very interested.
Thank you for always thinking of Scoop and me.
I know Tipper is a sweetheart. Your love for her and how you going to the ends of the earth for her shows how special she is. This disease can do horrible things to some and I'm sure that doesn't help her mood sometimes. Sometimes I wish Scoop would have been able to meet the others, before he passed away, who are battling the same situation he was in. Hope you and Tipper have a good day. Love and hugs.
08-02-2013, 01:21 PM
I posted on your thread as Dr. Bruyette just answered me. I truly hope I can get Tipper's breathing problem straightened out, or I feel she will not be with me long. Blessings
08-02-2013, 02:19 PM
Do you think it would it make any difference if Tipper's head was raised when she's sleeping? Like a incline pillow so no pressure would be placed on the chest and trachea? Easier said then done to get a dog to sleep on a new pillow but when this is only happening when lying down leads me to think that there is pressure somewhere causing this labored breathing.
If the head and chest were gently angled up it might take the pressure off the top half? I'm thinking an incline wedge pillow with only a slight lift? Maybe it's worth a try?
They make them for cribs and the angle is very subtle....
something like this maybe--
Budsters Mom
08-02-2013, 03:01 PM
Tipper has to be cranky and exhausted. She isn't getting proper rest, poor thing. I don't want to go walking either when I'm tired. Leslie might be on to something. When did Tipper have her last ultra-sound? Xxxxx
08-03-2013, 09:24 AM
Hi Everyone:
Good suggestions about the angle in which Tipper's head and neck are. I have tried that many nites. The problem is she moves so much to get comfortable, and I have to keep lifting her head to put the pillow under and she gets mad and goes in the closet. At times it does help some, but I do believe this puts her trachea in a position where is kind of closes up part way when she lays, and that is why she is struggling for air. That is why I had the scope done, but so much for that. I am probably going to have an ultra sound after her next ACTH and blood work next Wednesday. Dependent on the results of the blood work I will probably opt to do one. They just got a newer high resolution machine which is good for showing everything. Do I really want to know or see a problem that I can do nothing about? That is the question I am asking myself. Last nite the breathing was not too bad, but we have a newly developed problem now. We have a maintenance man that takes care of common areas where we live. Yesterday I saw him in his little mule stopping all along the roads where we live and putting something on them. I was curious right away and went out and asked him what he was doing. He was spraying poison on all cracks everywhere on the road ways to kill weeds. Oh just great! And even greater, that they never even thought to consider the residents that live here and walk their animals on these roads. I thought I was going to have a stroke I was furious. If I had not seen him and walked my Tipper in that, and she constantly licks her feet I can only imagine what could have happened. I wanted to put my hands on his neck and strangle him!
We have a common bulletin board, why no notice this was going to be done???? I could just scream! I am still hot over this. It could have cost my Tipper her life. God what are these people thinking, or should I say not thinking? I will be composing a letter to the maintenance boss. So both dogs will go in the car and off this property to walk. Because Tipper has no flea protection on anymore, I am taking her about a 1/2 mile away where there is a warehouse and huge parking lot as she cannot do the grass. Ok I am doing better now that I vented. Tipper is laying by my feet struggling to breathe as I post this. I hope you and your babies have a good weekend. Blessings
Budsters Mom
08-04-2013, 02:03 AM
Regarding an ultrasound..... Only you can answer the question as to whether you really want to know if something is found that you can do nothing about. For me, I would definitely answer yes to that question. Knowledge is power, at least then I could make a plan of action, even if it was to do nothing and appreciate the time I had left with my baby. I wouldn't be so obsessed about trying to find a cure if there wasn't one. I knew Buddy was terminal and his days were limited. I opted to make him as comfortable as possible for as long as possible. Even though it was painful, it did help me to know. Xxxxx
08-04-2013, 03:04 AM
That's terrible about the weed spraying! Good thing you saw them and asked what was going on. Re: ultrasound Trust that you will know what to do when the time comes. I will be thinking about you and hoping that you find the answers you are looking for.
I'm sorry to hear about Tipper's breathing problems. I can't offer any advice. Hopefully next week you can get some answers and take it from there. Thinking of you both.
08-04-2013, 07:57 AM
Hi Everyone:
Well Tipper started off not having too bad of a nite, the breathing was not too bad. Then around 10:30 fireworks went of literally. We live less than 1000 yards of a lake. They had a festival there this weekend. So to cap it off they set off fireworks. Tipper is not afraid of them as she knows the difference between them and thunder. It just kept going for like and hour so she got disgusted and went in the closet. This dog just cannot catch a break. This morning when I took her for a walk she was panting the whole time. I am not sure if it was nervousness at walking at a different place or her heart. I am going to have to watch out for signs of problems. It is just that there are so many things going on at one time it is hard to pinpoint the cause, which is frustrating. I don't want to be taxing her heart, but don't know if that is the problem. I had not noticed her doing that around here when we walked. These Cush dogs do so many strange things it is hard to decipher what is going on. She is getting bored staying in the house, and is sure letting me know it. I am hoping for an early fall and she can walk better in cooler temps. Hope everyone is enjoying a good weekend with their babies. Blessings
Patti... is there a lake or something close by you could take Tipper too? I'm wondering if cooling off in knee deep water would make her feel better at least for a little bit and the change of scenery helps.
Keesh for the first time was panting this morning during his early morning walk, but I chalk that up to no meds cause he wouldn't eat.
I really hope you can get this breathing issue under control for both your sakes.
08-04-2013, 12:14 PM
Sometimes when Tipper gets nervous about her surroundings she pants. I think she may be nervous as to why we are walking where we are because we normally walk in our neighborhood and that is what she is used to. I am going to keep track of it in my doggie diary. I hope it is not her heart, she has enough going on right now. I feel if we could only conquer this breathing issue she may have a shot at a longer lifetime. I would take her to the lake, but there are so many Canadian geese there right now, that I am afraid of a bacterial infection from the goose droppings everywhere. Tipper really licks her feet a lot, and I don't want to deal with something else. It is rather cool here today so I don't think heat was a factor. We'll see how it goes tomorrow morning. Blessings
Simba's Mom
08-04-2013, 07:29 PM
Sending hugs Patti, praying Tipper's breathing improves...
How was last night and early today for the breathing?
08-05-2013, 10:16 AM
H I Everyone:
I just got back from the vets with Tipper. She got her fifth shot. I had asked the vet a week ago to switch her from Hepato Support to Denamarin. He suggested a better and newer form of liver support that many vets told him they were having success with called S-Adenosyl- 100. It came in today so I picked it up when I was there. I am going to start her on it tomorrow as it has to be given on an empty stomach. If anyone has any experience with it please let me know before then. I will have to watch her for allergic reactions. He charged me 60.00 for it, and I was floored that a supplement could cost so much. I should have known he was up to his old gouging tricks. I just looked it up and it was 18.99. So tomorrow when he is not in I am calling his assistant who orders the drugs and tell her I want a refund of 40.00. I have had it with this crap! I cannot afford to be putting out this kind of money, and shame on him. What goes around comes around, and it is definitely going to come around to him!. Tipper was ok breathing last nite, not too much struggling. She did lose some more weight today, about 3 ounces. She is almost back to her original weight, but for 1 ounce, so the lentils did help me get her there. Hope everyone has a good day with their babies. Blessings
Squirt's Mom
08-05-2013, 10:41 AM
Hi Patti,
S-Adenosyl-100 and Denamarin are similar supplements. Both are based on SAMe, both contain Milk Thistle active ingredients. Both have been used for some time to help the liver in both humans and animals. They are neither one really "new" on the scene but may be new to your vet. ;) The S-Adenosyl has a few more ingredients than the Denamarin. Here are some links about each so you can compare them -
I hope it helps Tipper and am glad to hear she had a better night last nite. Did you talk to him about an ultrasound?
Leslie and the gang
08-05-2013, 12:23 PM
I wanted to wait to see what her blood work shows Wednesday, and the ACTH numbers before making a decision. I think all this talk about sludge in the Gallbladder, tumors on the spleen, etc. has gotten me worried as to what is going on inside her from this disease. Was Squirt's tumor from the Cushings, or they didn't know? I guess I am also scared of what they might find and how I will be able to deal with it. I keep going back and forth with deciding to do it or not. The thing is many of these Cush dogs get Gallbladder problems. If she can be put on Ursidiol and it saves her life I want to know if she has sludge. I am just scared of finding out she has a tumor, as with her breathing I don't know if she would be able to withstand operation. I am really torn on what to do now. Blessings
Squirt's Mom
08-05-2013, 01:07 PM
No, Cushing's did not cause Squirt's tumor. As far as I know, Cushing's doesn't cause tumors is caused *by* tumors. A big difference. ;)
I know what you mean about knowing vs not knowing. In some areas, it is much better for me to not know. Politics - it is vastly better for me and all who have contact with me if I am willfully, blissfully ignorant about what is going on in in the world of politics. A lesson I had to learn the hard way recently. However, I don't think willful ignorance in all areas is a good thing.
If Squirt hadn't had the US and no one had ever told me about the tumor, she wouldn't be here today. There is no doubt in my mind about this, none. In the first place, I would have continued to pick her up and carry her as usual - something they told me right off not to do - there was a certain way she was to picked up and carried to put the least amount of strain on the organ as possible; I would have let her continue to run and jump and climb when she could; I wouldn't have known to watch for anything out of the ordinary. Then, I'm not sure I would have recognized there was a problem, a serious life-threatening, issue until it was too late. To compound that problem, I would have taken her to the GP vet who may not have been equipped to deal with a ruptured spleen in a manner that would save her life - not nearly as prepared as a hospital setting would be but I wouldn't have thought to take her there first. I worried and fretted about the US just as you are then one of the admins told me that it is always better to know than to not know...and that certainly proved true in Squirt's case.
I have thought of having another US done on her when I can afford it - IF that time ever comes. ;) But in our case, I won't take any measures beyond meds, herbs, supplements and diet to aid anything that might be found. And yet, there might be things that would be beneficial to a condition discovered via an US that I wouldn't know to try without one. So...if I could afford it I would more than likely have one done just so I could try to help if possible. It's scary to think about either way but I know you'll make the right decision for ya'll.
Leslie and the gang
molly muffin
08-05-2013, 08:41 PM
Hope Tipper is able to catch a break soon. Terrible about the poison being sprayed and no one even sending out a notice. Seems like it might be time to bring that to the notice of whomever manages your common areas.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
08-05-2013, 11:27 PM
I hope Tipper had a good day and has a good night as well! Hugs from Nikki and Kaibo.
08-06-2013, 08:35 AM
Hi Everyone:
I think after reading Leslie's post, and listening to her wisdom I am going to have the Ultra Sound on Tipper. Something Leslie said struck me. When I pick Tipper up sometimes she moans. I am wondering if there is something going on in there that I need to know about that hurts her when she is lifted??? She slept ok last nite, not too much struggling to breathe. Could the shots be kicking in?? I don't want to jinx it and say yes, I am silently praying to God they are. I have to go to Pittsburgh to my Dr. Thursday so she will be watched closely by the sitter. I can even see her with the Iphone, which will help my anxiety. I get nervous every time I go to the Dr. that something will happen without me here. I never leave her for anything else except groceries, and she is with someone then also. I have spent the last year in the house with her virtually going nowhere. I would not change a thing though, as she is my highest priority, and nothing else matters to me. If she could keep on going I would gladly spend the rest of my life in the house with her. She has three appts. at the vets this week. No wonder she hates to go there! Then on the 22nd it is to Pittsburgh to her eye Dr. to see if the calcium deposits are worse. Never a dull moment here. I just wish somehow this could all be managed without going to all these appts. I hate for the later part of her life to be so stress filled going to all these Dr.'s, but unfortunately you cannot have it both ways as she needs the help. Thank God I have somehow been able to hang on and afford all this. It is a daily struggle as we all know too well. I wish there were some solid programs with unlimited funding to help all these poor babies families that cannot pay for all this. Just like St. Judes does not charge for children, why is there not a place like that for animals since they are so highly revered in todays society?? Let's face it people love their pets like family members so why hasn't someone started something like this?? It would help so many making agonizing decisions because they cannot afford treatment for their beloved pet. Blessings
08-06-2013, 09:58 AM
There were times when Scoop was uncomfortable when I picked him up. Months ago he let out a yelp when I picked him up and there were times when he couldn't wait for me to put him down. He seemed uncomfortable. I remembering mentioning it to the vet or maybe both vets and it was just shrugged off as nothing. The ultra sounds and x-rays he had done towards the end only showed he had a bad gall bladder, pancreas, liver, etc. so maybe something like that was bothering him. I don't know. In my opinion an ultra sound won't hurt. Maybe it will give you a little peace of mind. Hope you and Tipper have nice, easy doctor appointments this month and everything goes well. Hugs
08-06-2013, 01:47 PM
Patti- I feel the same way so much of the time. Afraid to know what's really going on inside Trixie but wishing I knew. Her ultrasound was done last April so I would think if something really bad was there it would have shown up then...I hope. (Have to get that ultrasound report when I'm at the vet next time.)
Trixie's liver numbers have been so high all along...we'll do the blood test in a couple of weeks and I really hope that alk came down..the liver issue is always hanging over me causing worry. I'm anxious to get that blood work done but also scared at what it may show. :( Or maybe it will be good! Guess I have to believe it will be good...putting my hope in the power of positive thinking!! :D
I use Denamarin...I see the other Adenosyl has some added vitamins. Just got a new box of Denamarin..but will ask my vet if the added vitamins in the Adenosyl would be good for Trixie for the next order.
Meanwhile I am so happy that Tipper had a good night on Sunday and breathing was okay. That's a positive sign!! :) How was last night? Hope tonight is another good one for Tipper.
08-07-2013, 08:46 AM
Patti, Just wanted to make sure you saw the visitor message I left you.
08-07-2013, 09:05 AM
Hi Everyone:
Thanks for reminding me Vicki I got your message. Well today is the ACTH and blood work day. Tipper has already walked, but I am suspicious of her panting the whole time as I have previously mentioned. I will be anxious to see the numbers, and go from there investigating the panting. Could just be nervousness. I think I hate days like today equally as bad as my Tipper. I hate them sticking her with needles, she is so sick of all this. She has to go back Friday for her shot too, as I go to Pittsburgh tomorrow. Had some spells of not breathing so good last nite, but for the most part was descent. I was doing my urine collection this morning with my sterile cup on the end of the yardstick, and the one neighbor was looking at me like I was a nut. So as I reached down to get the cup off the yardstick so I would not spill it when walking Tipper peed on my hand. Oh the fun we have doing all this necessary stuff! I guess she was telling me she did not appreciate me sticking a cup under her little koochie when she is trying to pee. Hope she is not too upset when she sees the vets office and doesn't get too stressed from all the blood drawing. I hate making her do these tests, but what can you do? Blessings
08-07-2013, 09:29 AM
Patti, Hope all goes well with the ACTH today. You are quite busy the next few days. Take care of yourself, too.
Wishing you a good ACTH Day!:):):)
Boriss McCall
08-07-2013, 12:45 PM
Good luck today Patti & Tipper!
Budsters Mom
08-07-2013, 01:02 PM
Hoping for great numbers and a spunky Tipper! :) xxxx
08-07-2013, 01:06 PM
Crossing my fingers Patti!
08-07-2013, 05:06 PM
Thank you all for checking in on Tipper. She had a hard time today and was panting unbelievably on the way home. It was starting to rain and that was working on her besides the testing. She is resting now, and I have her laying on my bed. I will be up at 5am to Pgh. so I will be back on after I get rested up. This trip kills my joints being in the car that long. I hope to pick up Tipper's results Friday morning when I take her for shot #6. This dog is a rock star as far as I am concerned, she never cries or whines about anything. She would have made an excellent war dog. I pray that her blood work comes back good so say a prayer for my Tipper the Ripper. Blessings
08-07-2013, 05:13 PM
Glad to hear you are both resting now. Good luck with the results. We will be sending positive thoughts your way.
Nikki and Kaibo
08-07-2013, 05:18 PM
Prayers for Tipper and you. Hope your trip isn't so hard on you tomorrow and Tipper's blood work comes back good.
molly muffin
08-07-2013, 06:44 PM
Long day for both of you. Hope Friday brings good test results!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Simba's Mom
08-07-2013, 10:02 PM
Hugs and prayers, take care of yourself too!!
08-08-2013, 12:24 AM
Hi Patti,
Hope your trip to the doctor is an easy one and over as quickly as possible so you can get back home.
Sorry to hear Tipper had one of those days....they feel those storms in the air. Trixie also gets worked up just from the rain...I think she assumes with the rain will come thunder even if she doesn't hear any.
Trixie had some pretty rapid panting tonight too, right after she came in from her walk and before her 10pm dose "sunk in". After about 20 minutes she settled in and seems comfortable now, thank goodness.
Keeping fingers crossed for Tipper...hoping for good numbers when you get your results on Friday (and a good night's sleep tonight)!
Hi Patti.... just cking in on the forum now and getting caught up on Tipper.
Seems it's a bad day for some of our babies. Even Keesh had a couple of breathing episodes yesterday, but I'm going to chalk it up to the hydrotherapy session.
Thinking of you lots and hoping the test results are good
08-08-2013, 12:31 PM
Will be praying for you both. Cushing babies can get warmer easily,especially in the heat. You might just try wetting a towel in cool water and whipping Tipper with it. I often did that for Apollo,and had a little clip on fan by his bed to cool him down.
hugs Sonja and Angel Apollo
08-08-2013, 01:41 PM
Hi there
Noticed you haven't posted todays update. Hope everything is alright and it's just cause you havent had chance
Hoping for great numbers for Tipper the Ripper
Sorry I havent been about much, work has been very hectic and I am covering another project this week.
Big hug, kisses to Tipper
08-08-2013, 02:00 PM
Hi Everyone:
Just arrived back from Pittsburgh. I am so tired and so are the dogs. We have all been up since 4:30 am. We are currently having a storm and so much thunder that I am going to go to Tipper. I will post tomorrow after we go to the vets and get her tests. My knee locked up on me when I got to my Dr.'s office I can hardly walk. I will add it to the list of parts wearing out. Blessings
Budsters Mom
08-08-2013, 04:18 PM
I am worried about you Patti.:o Try to get some rest for at least few hours. I know it's hard with Tipper in the closet. You did put a fan in there, right? Then Tipper should be fine while you get a little rest. The pups should be tired too! Maybe your whole menagerie should take a nap.:)
Seriously Patty, you can't keep going the pace that you're going forever, not with Lupus and now this. What about your pet sitter? Could she help you out for a few hours here and there? I realize that $$$$ are an issue, but your health needs to be a priority too. Your babies need you to be healthy.;) Prayers for all. Xxxx
08-08-2013, 08:47 PM
Patti, Hope you have a good night and get some rest. Sorry to hear about your knee. Maybe with some rest tonight, it will feel better tomorrow. I also hope Tipper's test results will be good. Hugs
08-08-2013, 11:52 PM
Hope those storms blow through quickly and go away for the rest of the night so you all can get some sleep. Poor Tipper doesn't need all that stress.
We have storms all around and just 30 minutes north of the city they had huge thunder boomers and lost power. We have been spared right here in the city...just rain so far.
Good luck at the vet tomorrow. :)
Simba's Mom
08-08-2013, 11:56 PM
Sending hugs and prayers Patti, take care of your self too!
08-09-2013, 10:33 AM
Hi Everyone:
Just got back from the vets to post Tipper's numbers. Last nite was horrible here nothing but thunder. I put the fan in the closet with Tipper and that seemed to keep her cool at least. Heavy rain this morning as we went to the vets for the third time this week. The blood pressure was good, now the blood work was less than stellar so here we go:
Alk Phos
2-6-13 reading 36 10-150 UL normal range
4-9-13 153
5-9-13 178
8-9-13 201
10-7-12 65 5-107 UL Normal range
1-2-13 89
8-9-13 137
1-2-13 4.3 2.5-4.0 Normal range
2-6-13 3.3
4-9-13 4.1
5-9-13 4.0
8-9-13 4.3
10-10-12 97 10-110 Normal range
1-2-13 153
8-9-13 158
Urine was 1.018 5-9-13 1.036 8-9-13
They do not have any range for specific gravity on my urine tests can someone help me out with a normal range on an IDEX test? I need to work on getting these problems in line some how with the alk phos and alt especially. Any suggestions would be welcomed. Tipper is taking a much needed rest after shot #6 today. She is not making the loud wheezing noise as much since the shots, hopefully they are helping. Now my oldest American Shorthaired beautiful silver and black mackerel tabby is becoming real lethargic and not wanting to play. He has arthritis and takes supplements for it, it is in his hip so either laser and or Adequan shots may be in order, after an Early Detection Profile on next Monday. I can take him and save a trip when Tipper gets her shot. He could also go to laser with Tipper. I can't afford this, but he deserves treatment just as much, and maybe more than Tipper, after all he was here before her, and will be 13 in February. I will be eating sandwiches with peanut butter and jelly if this continues. I am going to make arrangements for Tipper's ultra sound today. Please say some prayers for my girl. Blessings
Of course I can't help you with the numbers but want to sympathize with you about the peanut butter and jelly sandwiches but in my case I may have to forego the jelly.
Sorry to hear about your tabby. It doesn't rain but it pours figuratively and relatively speaking judging by the rain you are getting too.
Definitely thinking about you..and glad Tippers breathing is better.
08-09-2013, 11:19 AM
Hi Everyone:
I am such an idiot, I posted and forgot to put the ACTH results so here we go:
Pre was 0.7
Post was 3.0
So she is down there pretty low.
What do you think of her pre number? Should I do anything about it? Blessings
08-09-2013, 01:19 PM
Does anyone think Tipper could have sludge in the Gallbladder causing the high ALP? Thanks
Squirt's Mom
08-09-2013, 01:29 PM
Hi Patti,
I saw these results earlier and started to comment but changed my mind. I tend to worry when others don't. :o
Based on the liver values that are rising, I would want that ultrasound done to get a look at the organ. They could be the result of the Cushing's and meds but I would want to look at bit closer just in case. I have no clue about the albumin or the reticuloycte and our lab expert is rarely around any more. :( An US should show any sludge as well.
As for the ACTH, I don't worry about the pre number but we use Lyso and I am not sure if the pre is more important with a Trilo pup so I can't really comment with confidence on this. The post is perfect, tho!
Hopefully someone with better insight will be along soon to help.
Leslie and the gang
Pre was 0.7
Post was 3.0
The ALK numbers arenot as high as we see in some of our pups.
Did you talk to Dechra about the low pre? They have not been wanting the pre lower than 1.45 ug/dl was my understanding.
•Usually a random urine specimen from an animal with normal renal function has specific gravity >1.030.
•Maximum reference range: 1.001-1.065.
Bu that is not from IDEXX
08-09-2013, 02:50 PM
Hi Everyone:
Thanks for the insight. I made Tipper's appt. for her ultrasound for the 16th at 9:00 am. I have a lump in my throat and almost began crying while waiting on the phone to schedule. This scares the crap out of me. I am worried with the alk phos climbing and the alt that she could possibly have a lot of sludge in her Gallbladder, or slight pancreatitis. I am also wondering if there are problems with the liver as Leslie suggested??? Well next Friday I will either be happy or crushed. I am so worn out from all this thought into every little thing, but I can't be any other way with this dog. She means the world to me and I have to keep going. I wrapped my knee up this morning to give it some support, and it was raining so we did not walk. It is too humid for her now or I would take her. She has been naughty Tipper today from no exercise. Taking down afghans and blankets on the back of chairs and putting them into piles and just bulldozing everything in the house practically. It's all relative and I don't care as long as she is with me with a good quality of life that's all that matters to me. I will die a million times over waiting for next Friday's results. I hope it is only sludge, or should I say I am praying it is nothing major. Blessings
08-09-2013, 07:59 PM
Patti....I probably shouldn't comment on test results because I don't know enough about the numbers..but seems the liver number isn't that high. I know it did come up from the last test but for a Cushing's dog it isn't so bad, is it??
Trixie is way up in the 4 digits on her liver number, I suppose I should be more worried about that myself. Is Tipper on Denamarin now? I know you want to see that number decrease but the number is not off the charts at all.
I feel terrible that you are so upset. The acth number is good. I know you have concerns on the pre number but at least her post is in a good range of control, isn't it?
Meanwhile Tipper is being sassy and taking the blankets down...she must be feeling okay if she is up to some mischief.
Try not to worry sounds like Tipper's results are good and her breathing has been better too. I hope you won't be too worried all weekend. Those storms should be clearing out soon...hopefully Tipper will have a good night sleep tonight.
molly muffin
08-09-2013, 10:20 PM
I know molly is higher liver values too. I hope that everything comes out okay on the ultrasound. I'm not sure that you will see anything really bad based on the numbers though.
I wouldn't worry yourself over it. It is what it is and whatever that might be, you will, as always, step up to the plate and make the best decisions possible based upon what you know.
I have plenty of faith in you. :)
Sharlene and molly muffin
08-09-2013, 11:32 PM
I can't comment on the numbers either, but it sounds like they're not horrible from what other's are saying.
Crossing my fingers Patti.
08-10-2013, 08:51 AM
Hi Everyone:
I hardly slept last nite. I know Tipper's numbers are not terribly high for a cush dog, but my plan is to not go there to begin with. I want to keep her numbers down where they were to prevent going into the higher ones. I want to get a grip on this now before it causes real problems. I would be in a state of panic if Tipper's numbers were in the high hundreds or thousands. I have always been like that, and I am very proactive with her. I want the ultrasound to make sure there is nothing going on I need to take action on. I am fairly certain that she may have Gallbladder sludge, and may have to get put on Ursidiol. The reason I say this is I have experience with that problem with my rescue cat. That is what Tipper's numbers are showing me. If so I need to get it handled before she develops real gallbladder issues and it has to come out. Then that could bring both numbers down unless her liver is enlarged. I have to do some research on the Albumin as I think my cats was high from the sludge also. I am sorry I can't help but get crazy when there are things going on with Tipper's blood work. I am scared to death of something happening to my baby, I just cannot do without her. I am trying to keep myself busy in the house with her so my mind does not wonder. A friend picked me several bags of apples and I made applesauce with them as they were cooking apples. A lot of work peeling and coring that many apples, but it made a huge amount of applesauce which I froze. I gave some applesauce to the friend for picking them. Today they are going to pick Elderberries at a farm. This is my favorite berry in the whole world and it makes wonderful jelly. I remember picking them and making jelly with my grandmother. The jelly is almost 5.00 for a pint now, so I plan to make my own. I haven't had an elderberry pie since my grandmother died some 30 years ago, so it will bring back a lot of good memories for me. I need to keep busy until next Friday for the ultrasound. All I want is for God to bless my girl with no more problems, please keep her in your thoughts. If nothing else I can eat applesauce and elderberries after I pay all these vet bills . Every time I put a little away for emergencies I have to use it. I wish I was still getting the type of income I was used to when working, cause this stinks. I find myself accounting for every little thing. Oh, and I did get a refund off the vets office for the 60.00 he charged me for 18.99 pills. Thank God I am not afraid to speak up or I would really be in trouble. Blessings
08-10-2013, 09:38 AM
Nothing to add except big hugs to you and Tipper you will be in our thoughts 🐶
molly muffin
08-10-2013, 09:45 AM
I know you worry Patti and that you are very proactive with Tipper and all your animals. You're a wonderful person.
I know you'll get this figured out. Don't bother to apologize for being proactive and great with Tipper. :) It's all good.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
08-10-2013, 06:39 PM
Thanks for understanding my obsession with Tipper. I love her so. I have to be on top of anything going on with her, or I would not feel too good about myself. I always think catching and stopping smaller things before they get out of control is the best way for me to go. I have been like that all of my life, and it has always worked for me. This dog is like a human with a soul to me, and I can relate to her better than any people I know. I always try my best to go to the nth degree for her, she counts on me and I would never let her down. She has been there for me many times when I was sick and I never forget it for one single day. She is undoubtedly the biggest blessing I could ever have. I am thinking 24/7 how I can somehow find a miracle to heal her. God Bless you and Molly.
08-10-2013, 07:06 PM
Patti, We understand, believe me we do. I don't know if this is the right word to use but I am envious of you that I wasn't more like you when it came to my Scoop. You are like superwoman when it comes to Tipper. I know I tried to do what I could for Scoop but I feel it wasn't enough and it hurts. I was afraid to do things without the vet because of Scoop's diabetes. I was always afraid of making things worse. I feel like I let him down. So you just keep on doing what you are doing for Tipper. She is a lucky little girl to have you for her mom.
Budsters Mom
08-10-2013, 10:15 PM
Patty, through it all, you're on top of it, when it comes to Tipper's care. I am amazed as to how much you up and able to accomplish by yourself, considering your current health issues. Be proud of yourself and don't care what anybody else thinks! Hugs,
08-11-2013, 04:14 AM
you were right to be cautious with Scoop's diabetes. Things can go terribly wrong when you're not careful. You have nothing to feel guilty over sweetie.
Patti, you're doing great with Tipper but please remember to take care of yourself too.
Just stepping in here to give you all the support I possibly can. You have been wonderful with Tipper and even during all this you have been a tremendous support for me as well.
I relate most times to dogs better then people too, and you are doing absolutely everything you can for her.
Hope both you and Tipper had a good evening.
08-11-2013, 09:10 AM
Thank you all for supporting me. I need you behind me, so I cannot take all the credit for my doings with Tipper. You all have steadily helped me thru this process, so everyone on here needs a pat on the back for paying it forward. Even some who are still devastated by the loss of their babies are on here every day supporting others. That is the sign of a truly caring individual with your best interests at heart. I always put it all out there and try my best with Tipper, because God only knows if anything should happen to her I want to know in my heart I never quit and that I went that xtra 500 miles for her. I am always quick to anticipate things and at times may seem ahead of myself, but that is how I have always approached life. At times I am reliving my dad's passing with this disease process with Tipper. I saw my wonderful dad slowly deteriorate every day, but gave it my all to the end. I took his xrays and medical information to every Dr. in Pittsburgh and the surrounding area that would see me, in hopes they could help him. I was looking for a miracle, and in the end there would be none. I have begged and pleaded with God since he could not give my dad a miracle to please use one on my Tipper. I have made so many deals with God I would have to write them in a book to keep them straight. Everyone approaches this disease differently, just how you have approached your life. No one on here should feel guilty and think they have not done all they could. I know better about the people on this forum. We are a tough group, we get up dust ourselves off and go for the nest hurdle. All we have gone thru will not be in vain. Our information and our babies legacies will help others that come after us. When you get up in the morning and put one foot in front of the other, and do what is in the best interests of your baby, there is no room to fault yourself. All I care about when I wake up is seeing my sweet girls face, that is my world. Vicki you also went to the nth degree for Scoop, you were willing to get him the radiation in hopes of helping him, you were doing the right thing, and I would have done it too. I highly considered this if I were to find out Tipper had a macro tumor. We aren't saints who perform miracles, but mere mortals who do the best we can with the situation presented to us. We have all done our best, each and every one of us, so lets celebrate ourselves having the strength to go on. We don't give ourselves enough credit. Leslie has been a huge inspiration and guiding force to me on here and I applaud her for always jumping in to help anyone. I also wanted to say before I am done rambling on that I have thoroughly researched Tipper's blood report. The high alk phos and high alt could be from cortisol damaging the liver even though controlled, or Gallbladder issues. The Albumin being high is only caused by one thing as I have researched the crap out of it. It is caused only by dehydration. Tipper is getting enough water so I am not sure why her albumin would be high, I need to look into it further. I don't think they give her water in the kennel when on testing day as I cannot see back there and will ask them. Maybe with all her panting going to the vets, and no water in the cage before testing could be spiking it up?? Hope you all have a blessed weekend with your babies.
Budsters Mom
08-11-2013, 11:20 PM
I know that Tipper and all of your animals are well taken care of, but I do worry about you.;) Please take care of yourself too. Xxxxx
08-12-2013, 07:39 AM
Hi Everyone:
Just a short post as I have to take Tipper and my cat to the vet this morning. I had to take food away from the cats last nite so my cat could get his blood work done. I don't sleep well as it is, but last nite was bad. All nite long cat yowling because they had no food, they ran back and forth doing this all nite. Needless to say I am tired. Yesterday I noticed Tipper having a hard time with her back legs. Then later on she did not want to go potty and seemed to be limping on that front leg again. Maybe it opened up where the vet tech nicked her with the clippers. At any rate I did not take her walking this morning. She is still looking at me wondering why. The paw seems to be ok this morning, but this is a reoccurring problem that needs looked at this morning. The vet can put it under hi magnifier and see what is what. I will post when we get back. Blessings
Sorry you had such a bad night. Last fall Zoe sprained a toe and she limped off and on until it healed. Who knew they could sprain toes?:o
Hope everything goes well at the vet.
08-12-2013, 08:27 AM
Sorry you had a bad night all fingers, toes and paws crossed here for you get visit :)
Aw Patti. You need to catch a break. I really hope today goes well, you can maybe get to bed a bit early and have a restful nights sleep.
Thinking of you.
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