View Full Version : Tipper - adrenal tumor/breathing issues
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05-17-2013, 11:12 AM
What a terrible thing to say to you. I don't blame you one bit. I can take it if you want to talk about me, or make smart comments about me, but when you stoop so low as to start with my Tipper, I will cut you off in an instant. Nothing is more precious to me than the life of this dog. I know how cruel people can be. A few years ago my parrot Sweety Bird which I lived with and talked to for 38 years became ill with cancer. She eventually got to where I knew she started to suffer and I had to have her put to sleep. It killed me every day I woke up and she wasn't there to say helllo to me. I was devastated to say the least. I did everything I could for her, just as I am doing for Tipper. One day a neighbor stopped me as I was walking Tipper and said, I guess you have some money tied up in that bird?? I didn't answer and she said I would be taking the money and going on a vacation and spending it on myself before I schelled it out for a bird!! I kept walking because the things that were ready to come out of my mouth would not have been good. I don't go to anyones house here and ask what their business is and what they spend their money on, I could care less. I just want to know where people get off, getting into your personal business, especially when all you do is say hello and goodbye. Where is the entitlement coming from?? It's one thing not to care about animals lives, then it's another to hurt someone with your stupid comments, just stay away and say nothing! I think part of the problem in my neighborhood is a lot of the people are retired and have little to do. Because I am always busy at home, and don't like gossiping about people they are offended I do not want to be like them. Everyone on here knows what a full time job it is with a Cushings dog. I have a sickly cat, a bird and a Yorkie to care for. I don't have time, nor would I make time for their crap, but I am still cordial to all of them as I walk my dog. That is why I like animals, they are better to you and for you then some people! God Bless You and sweet Zoe.
Budsters Mom
05-17-2013, 06:30 PM
You Go Girl!!
I have had those comments said to me on several occasions. Some by so called family. What is said is hurtful and unsolicited! :mad:It is nobody's business what you choose to spend your money on! We are under enough stress just doing what we need to do for our babies every day and figuring out how we are going to pay for it all. They need to be supportive or keep quiet!:mad: I have had several dogs during my lifetime and have loved them all. Buddy, however is different. He is my soul dog. We connect in a way that transcends all relationships. When he passes, a big part of me (the best part) will go with him. I do not have the energy or time to listen to people who do not understand this! You are a wonderful mommy and we all love and support you and Tipper.:) The rest can go as far away from you as possible!
Love and Hugs,
Kathy and Buddy:cool:
05-17-2013, 07:07 PM
I've been having a few bad days lately so wasn't able to respond right away but read your whole post and was so overjoyed by all the good news!!!What a great report!And I'm glad that doctor came through for you.As a nurse,sometimes the best doctors don't always have the best bedside manner but they do amazing work and whoever is working for them,knows that they better give meticulous care or else!!
As far as your neighbors' conversation that you overheard...steam was coming from my ears reading it!:mad:.I no longer have any use for people who are so mean.People can be so opinionated and so cruel.My golden Kelsey got hit by a car when she was only 3 and as a result,suffered incontinence for the rest of her life.In the beginning it was difficult,but I found a great diaper for her in the house and she lived to be 13 1/2.She was my first dog and she had a wonderful life.The vet always commented on what a great job I did and how good her skin looked.When she passed,a co-worker commented"oh,I would have put her down immediately,its' all about quality of life".:eek:.To this day,I still feel disgust when I see her.Don't mess with my dogs!:D.She is a little older now and I so want to tell her that even if she has her mind,and her mobility is intact,if she ever should start to experience a little incontinence,well then,can I pull the plug?:mad:.I know it's mean,but I can't stand people's ignorance!I'm going thru that now with losing my Fella and it really hurts.:mad:On the other hand,can you imagine going thru life and never knowing that love that we feel for our babies?They will never understand what that feels like,how sad!!
Anyhow,just chiming in and wanted to say I'm so happy for you and Tipper!You're a great mom and I guess i'm still in the "angry' phase of grief when I say-hope your neighbor finds somebody else to do her errands!:).
Hugs to you and Tipper
Simba's Mom
05-17-2013, 11:57 PM
So thinking about the posts has given me an idea, why don't you collect a little of Tipper's poo and put it on your neighbors door step, oops did I just say be honest I did that once, just once....people can be so rude and say dumb stuff, just remember we are all animal lovers here and that would make for lots of poo lol.....take care
05-18-2013, 01:54 AM
Letti I have felt sad today and that made me smile! Pooping someones doorstep, don't mess with you ;)
Morning Patti
How's Miss Tipper today, is she talking to you now? Tia would go to bed all afternoon when she came back from her ACTH tests wouldn't really talk to me. Wish they could understand its to help them, I always told her but not sure she got it. Am sure Tipper will be back to herself today. Takes a while for people to feel normal so am sure it must be the same for dogs
I am so sorry you had to deal with those people on that already stressful day, it never ceases to amaze me how mean some people can be, what difference does it make to them. I always think their lives must be pretty non-existent if you and tipper is all they have to talk about. I was more annoyed that she has taken advantage of your kindness and taken your money then shown you no loyalty. Sometimes people just don't think so I hope she feels really awful now she deserves too!
I was so pleased to read how healthy they said she was and to know its only little in her head must be such a relief, now if she does something a little out of the ordinary that won't be your first thought. I did smile when I read she had a moment with the German Shepard I imagined her all wonky giving it large, she is clearly such a personality.
How are you doing today, has your lupus settled down?
Big hug to you kisses to Tipper the Ripper
05-18-2013, 08:40 AM
Mel,Kathy,Patty,& Letti:
Thank you all for your response. I have been quite sick over these neighbors who think for some reason they need to involve themselves in my business. You haven't heard the best one yet though! Yesterday I opened the door going out of my garage to find an envelope addressed to me. It was a letter from the lady with the cat that I have helped all the time. She proceeded to blame me for everything!!! First she said I should have never come to her house and spouted off to her like I did as I could have given her a heart attack or a stroke. She failed to mention how this got my Lupus going, a new rash all over my face, and since Sunday has made me ill. Then she proceeded to tell me I have a beautiful home and should be thankful for it and stop crying about my dog all the time. I could care less about this house, I would give it to anyone who could cure my Tipper!. I worked my you know what off for everything I have, nothing was handed to me and I have always been an overly grateful person. If I want to cry 24/7 that is my right, don't come around and don't call me if you don't like it. She never said anything about the zillions of things I have done for her. She has called my house at 6:00 in the morning for me to fix her smoke alarm. None of the other neighbors would put up with that. I thought I was angry before, well when I read this I could have gone to the moon. This letter was all about her, very self serving . When I have something to say to someone I do not write them notes. I am not in high school again. I talk to them face to face. The gull of this woman really kills me. Have to think if I will even acknowledge it.
Anyway Tipper is acting funny this morning, and it is because it is cloudy and you can feel the moisture in the air. Last night Tipper was doing that struggling to breathe again. I really need to get this on camera so I can show it to a Dr. Mel my Lupus was doing ok until the neighbors had to get me in a tizzy. Kathy I know exactly what you mean about Buddy being your soul dog. That is my Tipper, we are joined at the hip. I have had many dogs in my lifetime, she is undoubtedly the closest to me, and the most special of all of them. I feel like my life cannot go on without her. Last night as she lay there sleeping I watched her as I always do, and was just saddened by her appearance. Her head is so boney, all her muscles are going away, and her rib cage sticks out so prominently. She is just a shadow of the very muscular, tuff, never back down 17lb ball of fierceness she once was. I am so saddened to see her look this way, and sometimes wonder if she realizes what is happening to her. All the struggling, worrying, researching, fighting with Dr's etc. is all worth it when she wake me up in the morning with her kisses. She gets the biggest kick out of thinking she woke me up!! I just lay there with my eyes closed and listen to the cute things she does to try and get me up. She even sat on my head once. I pray God has mercy on her and lets her stay with me for a long time to come. Here's hoping for a good weekend for everyone. Blessings
molly muffin
05-18-2013, 11:10 AM
Hi Patti, HUGS to you and Tipper. Sounds like you need it today.
You're right, it is very high schoolish behavior and I don't know if you should address it or ignore it.
I'd probably just ignore it. Maybe tear it up and put in the garbage when you know she is looking across
the street.
Neighbors are busy bodies, especially when they have nothing better to do with their time.
Just do your own thing. Not all your friends will be like that one turned out to be. Keep the good ones who are understanding and supportive and just don't waste your time with the others. Life is too short and too precious for all this drama. (lord save us from the drama queens) :)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
05-18-2013, 11:33 AM
Big hug from me too
I vote ignore, rip it up outside I like that idea. Clearly she is probably expecting a reaction. Don't give her one, do it when you next take Miss Tipper for a walk!
I know she may have physically changed but just remember what the IMS said about how healthy she actually is
Squirt's Mom
05-18-2013, 11:49 AM
Can you imagine what an empty, sad life folks like your neighbor must live? How much they are missing out on with their narrow perspectives. Cuddling up to pics from a trip just ain't the same as cuddling up with a warm, fuzzy body. They can have their trips, beauty appointments, jet skis, new fashions, and all the rest - just give me the love of my babies and the world is dang near perfect!
05-18-2013, 01:50 PM
Everyone :
There was someones baby on here who passed away from tracheal disease. Does anyone remember who it was? Please let me know. Blessings
05-18-2013, 02:08 PM
With Tipper's breathing issues still ongoing even though the IMS said her trachea etc is working properly, I am still not convinced. I read up on it and it can be really tricky to diagnose tracheal problems under anesthesia. I heard bronchodilators can help, and there are some safe for heart murmurs. I am convinced if I do not get this issue resolved she will not make it. I don't know where to go from here.I am not for wanting to give her more, and dangerous drugs, but she needs to breathe. I am not sure what to do. She is still making noise when she drinks also. Any ideas would be appreciated.
Squirt's Mom
05-18-2013, 02:46 PM
If you are really concerned about the results of the test, then can you get her to an ER where they can hear her with fresh ears?
Squirt's Mom
05-18-2013, 02:51 PM
How long has she been on the Zantac? Has it had time to strengthen the muscles around the valve yet? To help the acid reflux damage? Is it possible that an infection has set up from the irritation and she needs an antibiotic? Could this be allergies?
(just navel gazing..... ;))
05-18-2013, 05:36 PM
rip up the letter and throw it away. I would do nothing more for this neighbor. Let her ask her gossiping group for help the next time that she needs it.
People like her are miserable and they're too self centered to understand why. Not your problem and it's not her business.
We get it, that's why we're all a part of this forum.
I'm so sorry that your Lupus is acting up. Honestly, don't dwell about your nosy neighbors. Understand that there are ignorant people who just don't understand and they never will. Their loss.
You have us :)
05-18-2013, 06:03 PM
I didn't start the Zantac yet as there were some side effects I am concerned about- heart rate increase etc. With her heart murmur that definetly scares me. I need to talk to the Vet on Monday about all this. If I take her to the ER they will hear nothing, like everyone else. She does this only when she lays down to sleep. It must be the position of her body on her side that is causing the trachea to close. I read also while researching this that drinking water agggravates this condition.It also said the membrane part of the trachea can then develope mucus. I have been telling everyone for ions about the whistling noise Tipper makes when drinking. Now when she is in the yard smelling, she snorts like a pig instead of just smelling like she normally used to do. When she lays straight she does not seem to have as much of a problem breathing. I just took her in my room to see if I could get her to lay down, and I left the light on. She layed on her side and started the chest heaving and wheezing. I got the video camera and starting taking her and it was dark and blurry, you can hardly see it. I need a quiet night vision camera. I wonder if the ones they put outside in trees would work? I think they are under 100.00 at Walmart. They could not hear the sound though. I am really needing to capture this so they can see for themselves that she is struggling to breathe. When she is up in the day and standing there is no problem. Only when she drinks, or lays on the floor on her side. It seems to be worse at night. I am still convinced it is her trachea no matter what anyone tells me. She has all the symptoms, and I read in many places today where Cushings does cause trachea problems. Some others that have babies with breathing problems may not even realize it could be the trachea. I will figure out a way to get this on tape so the Dr. can see it first hand. Hope Squirt is still doing well and eating good. God Bless You and Squirt
05-18-2013, 06:12 PM
Thanks for the insight. I am about to lose it from these nosy neighbors. I can't in my wildest dreams imagine myself getting in someone else's business. These people need to find someone else to bother. I hope Daisy is ok. She is probably so sick of the diarrehea, and you are too. You just feel helpless in some of these situations, but you always try to find a solution! Us Cush mommies never give up, we are a tenacious bunch! Do you think she ate something or it is the Trilostane? She is really having a time of it, and I hope she gets on an even keel with no more runs. Let's hope it is a one time occurance for now. God Bless you and Daisy
05-19-2013, 11:31 AM
Has anyone ever tried those salt lamps for thunderstorms etc. to calm your dog? I have been reading up on them and wondered if anyone had any experiences good or bad? Blessings
Squirt's Mom
05-19-2013, 12:18 PM
If you're talking about the ion salt lamps, I have two - one in the living room and one in the bedroom. They didn't help with Squirt's storm issues but I never heard of them being used for that. I use them because they are supposed to help purify the air.
molly muffin
05-19-2013, 12:59 PM
Purifying the air is all I have heard of them really being used for too. My daughter has one that she uses for that purpose.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
05-19-2013, 01:15 PM
Leslie and Sharlene:
I had heard about them purifying the air too, but read in a medical journal that the take the negative ions out of the air, which is part of the reason the animals know a storm is brewing. I will let you know if I find out anything further on them.
05-19-2013, 10:32 PM
Patti. it is the Trilostane. I asked dad not to give it to her with dinner last night and she didn't have any accidents overnight and had an almost formed stool this morning.
Nothing from the IMS vet yet which is unusual.
Do you have a cell phone with a camera built in? Most of the time, those cameras can also make short videos. I would see if your phone has that ability and then make videos of Tipper to show the vet.
molly muffin
05-20-2013, 12:54 AM
That is an interesting aspect to the salt lamps that I hadn't considered. De-ionizing the air. I'm not sure if it would be enough to cover up the strong senses that a dog has though. They practically anticipate the storms coming for a day before they get there it seems sometimes.
Sharlene and Molly muffin
Simba's Mom
05-20-2013, 12:58 AM
Poor Tipper, hope he gets his breathing under control, all these things with our pups, this is a horrible disease..sending you a great big hug too
05-20-2013, 08:19 AM
The problem with using the cell phone is it will not work in the dark. That is the only time I can capture this. Thanks for helping and glad to hear Daisy is better. The Trilostane really messes with her. Blessings
05-20-2013, 08:26 AM
Hi Everyone:
I am going to talk to my vet today about Tipper, and email the IMS and the Cardiac Dr. I must get to the bottom of this breathing problem. It is wearing her out struggling to breathe, and wearing me out staying up watching her. There a just too many signs pointing to tracheal problems. This is going to really adversely work on her heart form the strain if I don't do something. I am going to email them now. Hope all is well with everyone. Blessings
05-20-2013, 11:28 AM
Patti, I just read about Tipper's visit to the hospital. I am so glad to hear things went well you both of you. You are so lucky to not have to worry about Tipper's tumor. Wishing the two of you all the best and that her breathing issues get better.
Budsters Mom
05-20-2013, 11:36 AM
Hi Patti,
Breathing issues are always scary. :eek: I'm so sorry that Tipper continues to have to struggle for every breath. Sending love, hugs, and prayers to you both. We are here for you Patti,
Kathy and Buddy:cool:
Harley PoMMom
05-20-2013, 01:37 PM
Hi Patti,
I've gone ahead and changed your Thread title as you wanted. ;)
I do hope that the IMS and the Cardiac Dr will be able to figure out Tipper's breathing issues.
Sending huge and loving hugs, Lori
05-20-2013, 02:21 PM
Just wanted you to know am thinking of you both.
I really hoped that the last visit had got to the bottom of it, hoping you get a reply soon
Big hug, kisses to Tipper
05-20-2013, 06:20 PM
Hi Mel:
My IMS' assistant just called me and said in order to find out what is wrong with Tipper she needs me to video tape it so she can see it. This will be a real challenge since she only does it at night. Hopefully I can get a night camera and get her while she is sleeping. I think I will have to do audio also so she can hear how she struggles to breathe. I have to get on this before something bad happens. Hopefully this will solve the mystery for the Dr. I just can't understand why she cannot go by the clinical signs I am telling her???Hope you are having a good day. Blessings
05-20-2013, 07:19 PM
is there a way to light up the area where Tipper sleeps? Then you would be able to use the cell and catch the sound as well.
Good luck honey. I hope that they can figure this out soon.
05-20-2013, 09:16 PM
Hi Patti
Just wanted to check in and hope that you are able to capture Tipper's breathing struggles on video so that the doctor can see for herself.Hugs and prayers to you and Tipper.Hope doc can get to the bottom of this
05-21-2013, 08:09 AM
Hi Everyone:
I am taking Tipper to a laser appointment this morning. I have to get a new memory card for my video camera. I was thinking about it and the one I have in the camera has all video of Tipper the past few months and I am not lending that to anyone. So I will get a new one and attempt to take video of Tipper sleeping. I am going to try and have her go to sleep with the light on, which will be a job, as she won't lay down if the lights are on! This is the only way I can capture it besides a nite vision camera and most of them do not have sound. Last night her breathing was bad again. We are supposed to have storms coming on Wednesday, so that will throw a monkey wrench into things also. I am going to get this done, I have to her life depends on finding out what this is. God Bless Everyone and stay safe in this weather. Watch out for the babies in this humidity.
05-21-2013, 01:01 PM
I guess because she can't see what you are describing with the information she has available. You know your girl so hopefully this will enlighten the IMS so you can get to the bottom of it once and for all
I really hope the little minx will go to sleep with the lights on for you!
Did she meet any friends at Laser? That go ok?
Big hug, kisses for Sweet Tipper
Budsters Mom
05-21-2013, 08:20 PM
Could you turn the lights back on after she's asleep? Or maybe have a light on in a nearby room or hallway, adding just enough light her to see the video tape. If you have the camera ready, that could work. Unless, she's a really light sleeper. I hope they can figure out Tipper's breathing problems really soon. That is so scary when they make those noises.
Big hugs,
Kathy and Buddy:cool:
05-22-2013, 09:17 AM
Hi Everyone:
I had somewhat of a successful attempt at video taping Tipper last night. I left the light on until she couldn't take it any longer. I did get some footage, but it is really close as she would not lay down with the light on until I sat beside her. I would like some from a little further away and will attempt that tonight. I had to leave the tv on so she would not hear the sound of the camera, also her noises really weren't picked up on the audio. I will keep trying, I am determined to show this to the Dr. so they don't think I am exagerating it or anything. I just took Tipper to the vets for her blood pressure. She has not been herself the last 2 days. Her blood pressure was really up at 170. The heat and humidity are bothering her so she has to stay in, which she really gets bored with doing. She has been leaving the bed after a few hours and going in my closet every night even though there are no storms yet. I think she feels she doesn't have to worry if she just stays in there. The only problem in the closet it very hot, and she runs out if I put a fan in it. Is any of this stuff ever easy? That's what I want to know!! We let everyone know how I make out with the video. Blessings
05-22-2013, 09:24 AM
good morning patty !!! just checking in on you two.hoping that tipper will be feeling better. patty(milo)meka xoxox
05-22-2013, 02:21 PM
Patti, once she's asleep, shut the tv off too and continuing taping? Good luck!
Budsters Mom
05-23-2013, 12:10 AM
Yes if you turn off the TV, you will be able to hear her breathing sounds better on the videotape. I am so sorry that Tipper is returning to the hot closet, even when there isn't a storm brewing.:( I don't know really know if it gets any easier, but we are all with you and I hope that helps.:)
Kathy and Buddy:cool:
Simba's Mom
05-23-2013, 12:42 AM
Hey Patti, sending you prayers for you and for your precious Tipper...hopefully soon you will get him on video and the vet will be able to help you with Tipper's breathing, hang in there, here for you!!!
05-23-2013, 08:04 AM
Hi Everyone:
Thanks for the suggestions, but if I turn the tv off Tipper immediately jumps up. I got some more on tape yesterday. I am going to take the sdhc card to Walmart and make a disc, as when I moved I misplaced my software and usb cable for my camera and therefore cannot make my own. I can only make this a few minutes long as the Dr cannot sit there for a half hour and watch this. Tipper has not been acting herself the last two days, I just can't explain it, but she is not doing so hot for some reason. That hospital trip really took its toll on her. She has been going to bed early as I guess she is tired from all this, and waking me up at 6:00 am. Oh well that's ok, as long as I see her happy face in the morning that is all that matters to me so I will just handle the early hours. It is amazing but after going thru this with her, I feel 10 years older. I think this disease is equally hard on the care givers. It can sure wear you down. The mental part of it is the worst. The best thing though is all the Cush moms just keep on going! God Bless You All and all your babies.
05-23-2013, 02:03 PM
Just nipping into say I will be thinking of you both while I am away
Will try and check in if I can, will be back Tuesday morning your time.
Big hug, kisses to Tipper
05-23-2013, 02:58 PM
Patti, I hope that you had success capturing Tipper on video. Praying for answers for you too and that it's something easily resolved.
05-24-2013, 08:09 AM
Hi Mel and Valerie:
I got a few more minutes on the video last night, but Tipper was real edgy as we has rain. Got up this morning to low 40's temps so this is Tipper's kind of weather. Hoping it does not rain all day so she can get out in the cool and enjoy it. Last night my battery in my smoke alarm went and it started the loud chirping sound. Tipper almost had a nervous breakdown from it. By the time I got it changed she was panting and shaking so bad she could not stop. Don't get me wrong I am thankful for the Vetoryl saving her life, but the side effects on her have been a lot to handle at times. In her good old days when she was well she would have jumped at the ceiling trying to kill the alarm, and was able to jump straight up to 6 feet. This drug has really changed her personality, and has made her frightened of every sound. I just feel bad that she has to deal with being scared out of her mind with noises that she normally wouldn't even care about. One thing everyone knows about Jack Russells is they fear nothing, so this is really hard on her. She still does her springy Jack Russell jumps at times before I can get to her to make her stop, but they are a far cry from the ones she did before. I am attempting to spring clean as I take Tipper in the room I am working on, so I can watch her. I take breaks and play ball and talk to her in between cleaning. Someone has to do it and I can ill afford to pay someone so I am elected for the job. Before she got sick I would take 1 week in March and do it all. Firstly, I am too exhausted any more to do it all in 1 week, and secondly I cannot take a week away from her. You do what you have to do in this situation. At least I am still doing it and it will eventually get done. Hope you all have a good weekend. Blessings
Budsters Mom
05-24-2013, 10:40 PM
I hope you both are able to have a much calmer night. Darn smoke alarm. I had that same problem a few weeks ago. One of the smoke alarms started chirping in the middle of the night and I couldn't figure out which one it was. It would stop and start again. It was maddening!:eek: I am glad that you were able to get a little bit more video. I hadn't heard of Vetoryl making dogs more scared or timid. That is so unfair that both of you have to be put through that all the time.
Kathy and Buddy:cool:
05-24-2013, 11:52 PM
how long has Tipper been on Vetoryl? So far, I don't see any change in Daisy's personality.
Hoping for a more peaceful night. We have had a few days of thunder storms lately.
05-25-2013, 08:22 AM
Kathy and Valerie:
Tipper seems herself today. She got up at 5:30am rearing to go. She has been on Vetoryl since last August. My only regret is the muscle contractions she gets at night, and they are worse than they were, and the personality change. She needs this drug to live so I am thankful for that. Her initial symptoms were so bad that she could never go untreated as she would have been really miserable. This drug has allowed me to keep her going, and that is wonderful. I had to go out last night and cover all my plants that came up as we had frost. I am leaving them covered as it takes me an hour or so to do it, and it is a lot of work. We are supposed to get a frost again tonight. Tipper is loving the colder weather and wanting to walk all the time. As she lay there sleeping last night I couldn't help but cry over the condition of her body. She was so muscular and strong, and now she is so boney and losing muscle. I am not uderstanding why she continues to lose muscle, as her cortisol is controlled?? I was under the understanding that if the cortisol was controlled that would stop the muscle wasting?? Can anyone speak to that?? I walk her as much as she will go, and if I didn't her back legs muscles would probably be gone as they are getting down there. I don't know what else to do to keep her muscle that she has. Evidentally just the walking is not doing it? If anyone has any ideas please let me know. Blessings
Budsters Mom
05-25-2013, 03:33 PM
I am so glad that Tipper had a better night and is feeling more herself today.:) I don't know much about the muscle wasting thing with Cushings. Buddy used to be very muscular, and now he isn't. He is wobbly when he runs and can't always get in the doorway by himself. We have a ramp that he used to run up and down to get to his window for guard duty. He no longer can get up and down the ramp by himself anymore, so we've had to take it down. I put the ADA ramp up when he no longer could jump up into the window. Now the only place he can see to guard is looking out the front doors, weather permitting. :( His muscles have definitely wasted away and it's very plain to see.:( His lizard hunting has not suffered. He now make short sprints. He can still catch those suckers. He just wears out sooner and has to come in to rest. I can't walk him much in the neighborhood the way that I would like because of seasonal allergies. Invariably he will start wheezing due to something or another and I'll have to carry him home. Yes Patti, It is heartbreaking seeing their muscles go and not be able to do much about it. Maybe someone will know more that can help us both.:) Our angels are Brillant, aren't they?
Love and hugs to you and Tipper,
Kathy and Buddy:cool:
05-25-2013, 03:44 PM
Daisy has lost muscle mass too. I walk with her whenever she wants to and play, etc. I don't know if there is anything else that we can do. Exercise is the only way that I know of to retain muscle.
Maybe the vet can recommend a supplement?
05-25-2013, 05:59 PM
I always go into Buddy's pictures and look at all his outfits, he is just too cute. My favorite in the Count Budola. The pose he made in this picture is awesome. We had the wind pick up here like 40 miles and hour and I am glad I left all the covers on my plants as it is going to frost again. I wish I could keep Tipper forever. There are certain dogs you have that you just cannot ever think of being without. Blessings
Harley PoMMom
05-25-2013, 06:17 PM
L-glutamine is one supplement that I have read that may help with muscle wasting, google it and see what you think. ;)
05-26-2013, 08:05 AM
Hi Everyone:
One of my vets had told me about the L Glutamine for muscle wasting. I did not give it to Tipper for one reason. It said if your dog has ever had seizures do not give it to them. I still am not sure what Tipper did those few times she went in circles and fell down so that is my reluctance. I think I will ask the IMS and see what she thinks. If Tipper loses her ability to walk she is done for. That is her favorite thing in life and it will kill her if she can't walk. She slept fairly well last night. It seems she is not having as much of the labored breathing as before. I am taking the SDCH to Walmart this wek and getting the disc for the Dr. I hope she is able to figure this out from the small amount of video I could take. Just a quiet day here today, we had frost again last night. I t will be in the 60's today so I need to get Tipper out a lot before the afternoon sun. Blessings
Budsters Mom
05-26-2013, 02:18 PM
I am thrilled to hear that Tipper had a better night! Breathing better is always a great thing! :)I guess that L glutamine isn't for Buddy either, because of head tremors.:(. I am glad that you got the video done and will be making a copy of it soon. Enjoy you chance to get out and walk today and have a wonderful holiday weekend.:)
Kathy and Buddy:cool:
Simba's Mom
05-28-2013, 12:28 AM
Sending hugs and prayers for you and Tipper, glad he still loves the walks, hope the video gives the vet some answers you need too, take care.....
05-28-2013, 08:21 AM
Hi Everyone:
Well I had a disappointing day at Walmart yesterday.I took the SDHC card and the girl told me that they do not have the capabilities to use all SDHC cards! I told her it is 25 miles one way from my house and that I called and they told me they can do this. She said they gave you the wrong information. I was livid to say the least. There is a computer store near where Tipper goes to the vet Wednesday. I will take it there, they are my last hope. If nothing else I wwill have to amil the SDHC card to the Vet and see if she can find something to put it in and watch it. My old computer had a place on the tower to put many different size cards in it. This new one does not have that. Oh well back tothe drawing board. Tipper was in the closet last night as it rained almost all night. She is up and about and we did get one walk in this morning in between rain. It's funny last nite she she went in the closet. Today it is actually raining harder and she is walking around the house with me!. I think it all depends on her cortisol level on the day or time it happens, as to how badly she reacts. Last night it was barely sprinkling and she would not stay in the yard and go potty. Today she will go out to potty when it is pouring down rain, go figure! She has to go for her weekly blood pressure on Wednesday, I noticed a lump on her leg I need to have the vet look at it. She has had a number of fatty cysts taken off thru the years, so I am hoping that is what it is, and we will just leave it alone unless he can so a local on it. Hope everyone is doing well after the long weekend. I watched a documentary on CNN yesterday on the man that was awarded the Medal Of Honor in Afghanistan. His bravery, and valor was amazing, as he saved many soldiers lives. It was really scary to watch, but shows us all that we need to appreciate the freedoms in our country, as it doesn't come without huge sacrafice. God Bless All our Service People, and God Bless Us and Our Babies.
Budsters Mom
05-28-2013, 01:24 PM
I am so sorry about your picture card. That is so frustrating! :( I hope the other place can get that copied for you. I videoed Buddy's tremors. I am going to play them directly from my IPod at the vet today. Can you play your picture card on your camera for the docs to view. I would think that would be the easiest way. Just a thought.;)
Always the best,
Kathy and Buddy:cool:
05-28-2013, 01:28 PM
Just nipping into say hi, how are my girls?
Typical they dragged you there only not to be able, no one seems to care about service anymore!
Hope you figure it out soon
Big hug, kisses to Tipper
05-28-2013, 06:18 PM
Mel and Kathy:
Mel we missed you terribly, but hope you ahd a wonderful time? Where did you go to? The beach part sounded so soothing. I hope you are all refreshed!! Kathy I can't play the video from an Ipad or my camera for the Dr. as I would have to drive to Pgh to do it. I need to get a disc made so I can either mail or email it to her. I am going out this week to get the right DVD to burn it on as I found my CD and USB for my camera today yeah!!! SO I can burn one this week hopefully if all goes well. I viewed the footage on my computer and it all came out well- you can hear all the noises she makes trying to breathe, and you can see how labored her breathing is. I just need to get it to the Dr. and am hopeful after seeing this she will realize what I have been trying to describe to her to no avail. I am praying for Buddy to have a good and productive visit at the vets. God Bless
Budsters Mom
05-29-2013, 01:53 PM
I am so sorry that it all has to be so hard!!:(
05-29-2013, 03:26 PM
We went to a beach up north near Skegness, it was a nice break for all of us. Boyce loves being on holiday so I think it was good for him too
Did you manage to get the video on the computer now you found the software? How is Tipper today? And how are you, have all your symptoms calmed down now?
Big hug and kisses for Miss Tipper
Patti, do you have air conditioning? We have been putting the air conditioing on in the house even though it is not that hot out and I have noticed Zoe is not making those arf gag kind of sounds, it is hard to explain, makes me think of Tipper though and Zoe seems to be breathing much better with the air conditioning on.
I wanted to stop by to mention it to you.:)
05-30-2013, 08:04 AM
Mel, Kathy and Addy:
Tipper had been breathing ok for the last few nights until last night. She started with the chest heaving and wheezing again. I am going to get the DVD disc tomorrow as I need to have someone with Tipper while I run to the store, and can't get anyone until tomorrow. I hope it all burns to the disc ok. If not I am sending the Dr. the SDHC card and she can figure it out! I do have air conditioning and I do have it on for Tipper. It seems this year she needs it on more than last and the temperature needs to be cooler also. I know with her heart and this Cushings that is what is doing it. She has already walked this morning, as it is really humid and will be 90. She won't be having any more walks today. I would take her at night, but she is tired and takes a nap early in the evening. I am not sure if she would get up and go or not, I may try it if it is cooler. I wet her head down, and put that cool pack in her vest before we go. It does seem to help, although nothing helps when it is humid as that is when I really have to watch her and I as we both have breathing difficulty. When I went to the vets yesterday I was told there was a tornado a few miles from me. We did have tornado warnings on the t.v. Tuesday night. There were actually 2 close to us. We were sleeping early for once and never heard any warning as the t.v. was off! I thank God I have air conditioning as Tipper would not be able to stand it if I didn't. I am still house cleaning and have 3 more rooms to go. So I am going to do one of them today. Tipper stays in the room with me when I am working and I take breaks and play with her. This dog makes my very existence possible, I don't know where I would be without her. God Bless Us All and all our babies.
05-30-2013, 10:32 AM
When our Lulu was hot, we kept air-conditioning on, and at night, if we could turn off (SE Michigan) and keep windows open, Lulu had her fan, that we would keep in the window or on the floor aimed at her. That helped a lot. We also have a ceiling fan we keep on all year around.
I really miss having her retrieve her doughnut from the pond. She would shake herself off and then roll on her back and you just knew that she felt 10 to 15 degrees cooler. Good luck.
Budsters Mom
05-30-2013, 11:47 AM
I am so sorry that you and Tipper are struggling so much still. Have you tried spraying her tummy and bottom of paws when she feels hot. That helps cool Buddy when the temp starts to rise. Running the AC helps also, but you already do that! It helps Buddy breathe better because it shuts out so many environmental allergies.
Sending many hugs,
05-31-2013, 01:46 PM
Hi Everyone:
I just burned a DVD for Tipper's Dr. and put it in the mail. It isn't a great video, but under the circumstances under which I had to film it -it came out good enough to see the breathing problem. Also got some of the muscle contractions for her to see. I will anxiously await hearing from her on what to do. I also asked her about the L Glutamine for muscle wasting and if it was safe on Cush dogs because they are prone to seizures, and it says if you dog has them do not use it. I am concerned that Tipper's cortisol has been under control for some time now, but she continues to lose muscle mass. I hope she is able to figure out what is causing this breathing problem. It's a real hot one here today and the humidity is awful so Tipper only walked once this morning while it was cool. We are inside for the duration with the air cranked up. Hope everyone has a blessed day.
hugs to you and Tipper, Patti.
06-01-2013, 07:31 AM
We are online together!
How are my girls?? Everything ok?
06-01-2013, 11:18 AM
Hi Mel:
You all rested up from vacation? I am eagerly awaiting hearing from Tipper's Dr. after she gets the DVD and sees how she struggles to breathe at night. I pray she can come up with a solution. Had 2 tornadoes within 6 miles of my house a few days ago and it looks like another storm is brewing. Tipper has been in and out of the closet so she knows it is coming. Blessings
06-01-2013, 11:57 PM
Came back to lots of work but am glad we took the break. Boyce loves his holidays so I think it did him good too
At least the vet can see what you are talking about now, that's the good thing about technology. It's very hard to describe things to them and sometimes I swear they think we are making it up so I do hope it clicks and she gets it. Must be hard each night wondering how sweet Tipper is going to be
Those storms freak me out from here, can't imagine one so close. They are just so powerful. I hope you get no more it's so devastating for everyone involved
Hoping you both get a restful night tonight.
Big hug, kisses to Tipper the Ripper
Simba's Mom
06-02-2013, 12:44 AM
Sending hugs and prayer to you and Tipper, hope the dvd gets the vet to find some answers for you!
Budsters Mom
06-02-2013, 01:40 AM
Enough tornadoes already!!! I don't blame Tipper. I'd probably hide in the closet too! :eek: I hope the docs get the video soon and they are able to figure a plan of action that will help you both. The waiting and uncertainty is so hard! Tell Tipper that I'll just have to send Buddy over there to kick those storms butts! He is fearless, you know!:D
06-02-2013, 07:46 AM
Hi Everyone:
We had a wild nite here last nite. What a storm, I thought Tipper was going to have a heart attack. The 50-60 mile an hour wind, and the unrelenting pounding rain went almost all nite long. Tipper stayed in the closet and panted so bad that I knew she was getting dehydrated. She won't drink anything during one of these episodes, as I have tried to coax her. By this morning she was spent. She is up and about and there is a huge dark sky looming for another storm. I don't think she can handle 2 back to back. I think her cortisol must be pretty low, and she has no cushion. She already got her walk in just in case it starts up again outside. I had to change the temperature on my air conditioning. I had it on 76 and that is just not cool enough for her. When I take her out to potty, just from a few minutes outside in the heat and humidity, she is panting like crazy until we get back inside. It may have to do with the heart murmur also. Hope you all have a good Sunday. Blessings
molly muffin
06-02-2013, 09:39 AM
Molly gets pretty freaky when we have storms too and no matter what the air conditioner is set out, she'll pant and tremble. I'm lucky that if it's an office day for me, that I can just send an email and work from home. That helps as I don't like to leave her when she is like that.
She pants when it's warm outside, even if we don't go very far on her walk.
The reason I mention it is because we know Molly's cortisol and reserve is very high and she is still doing those things.
Did Tipper go back on vetoryl and is the dose the same or did you lower it?
Hope the Doc can figure out here breathing issues. You never did start Tipper on the medicine the IMS had recommended for the acid reflux did you? I was thinking I remember you had some concerns with that. Is there another drug that would be an option and do the same thing?
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
06-02-2013, 09:54 AM
Tipper is back on the same dosage of Vetoryl she was on. I only kept her off for 4 days. I am assuming that her cortisol level is way down there as she just had an ACTH on May 9th- 2.9 pre and 3.1 post. So it may have gone down some more. When she starts shaking during a storm and can't stop I figure from the last experience she is low and has no reserve cushion to handle a storm. She is on the antacid it has been helping her. I pray to God this is nothing major affecting her breathing. I hope she does not have to go on Bronchodilators as they can be really bad. It is a shame these babies already have enough to put up with without the added stress of storms. God Bless
Budsters Mom
06-02-2013, 10:36 AM
Buddy is on his way over to shelter Tipper from those nasty storms.:D I told him about Tipper's fear. His response for "Hey if there's snacks, I'm in! :D We don't have storms to speak of here. We all wander around confused if it rains a little bit, wondering what the heck that stuff is?:confused: Don't get me started on the white stuff that they show on the weather Channel. Some people call it snow! We can see it from our local mountains, but I think it's a mirage.:D;) I sure hope those doc get busy and figure out what that breathing stuff is all about! Take care of you too!:)
Praying for you an Tipper,
06-02-2013, 04:01 PM
I can't imagine what they would be like scary for human let alone doggies
Hoping they don't turn up at all, I saw on the news about the one that hit yesterday it's so devastating for everyone.
I was religious about giving T her tablets but maybe because of the storms if you know they are coming could you skip a dose? Thinking out loud so ask the vet but I remember you saying she was a bit better with the storm once when she was off them
Did you ask about the melatonin? It's good you have a/c you can put on for her.
we brought a unit for Tia too and she was so grateful. I called it the cooli and would say to her shall I put it on and she would look at me and the get on her bed and go straight to sleep when it was on. I think the fan noise must be more annoying to them than the hum. House used to feel like a freezer and would have to cover Boyce sometimes as he hates to be cold but you do what you have to dont you
Sending you a hug and some kisses to Tipper
06-03-2013, 08:21 AM
Hi Mel and Kathy:
Tipper had an ok nite- no storms to report, but it is real overcast here today. Last night Tipper really had the bad breathing episodes. Sometimes what I noticed starts this is she takes a real deep breath, then she doesn't breathe for what seems eternity, then she starts with the chest heaving and wheezing. Sort of like sleep apnea in people. This does not happen every time she sleeps. This is so hard to pinpoint what is causing this it is driving me crazy. Things would be great if she never had to sleep, as during the day when she is up this does not happen. That is why I go back to that flap on the trachea. I still feel when she lays on her side it somehow doesn't function right and stay partially closed blocking her airway. I hope the Dr. got the DVD by today and calls me soon. I am worried about the stress on her heart, and how much longer she can endure this. We walked already today. We are not walking the distance we did, as she used to walk miles. Since the weather turned hot and humid, we are limited to the morning and we cannot walk that far during that time. I need to really keep it up as that is the only thing I feel that has saved her rear legs from getting weak. Yesterday she was licking her front legs, which she doesn't normally do excessively. I noticed her actually pulling the hairs out. I don't know what that is all about, but it has to hurt. Mel I am going to ask the Dr. about the melatonin when she calls, as Tipper has never shaken like this ever. Kathy Tipper said to tell Buddy to hurry and get here as she feels a storm coming on. Blessings
Simba's Mom
06-03-2013, 09:44 PM
Aw Tipper, I hope the vet gets back to you soon, how scary for you...sending hugs and prayers...
Budsters Mom
06-04-2013, 02:18 AM
Does Tipper have allergies? Quite often they will chew on their feet if you are itchy due to allergies. Just a thought:confused: Poor Tipper and mom, those breathing issues can sure wear out both of you, and fast! Those docs better get busy watching that video! Maybe we should send them some popcorn to entice them to watch.;) They can have a movie afternoon!;) Feel better Tipper!:)
06-04-2013, 06:55 AM
just checking in on you and tipper and I am saddened to see that she is having difficulty with breathing.i am hoping that you hear from the vet today,sending you both xoxox...patty(milo)meka xoxox
06-04-2013, 07:59 AM
Last nite Tipper had another bad breathing nite. I am hopeful that today the Dr. will contact me and have a game plan. I don't know how Tipper has any energy during the day, as the labored breathing has to wear her out. I can usually get things under control if it has something to do with test results, but her struggles to breathe, that is a different story. I am afraid this could be something I cannot control. I am going to call the Dr.'s office and offer them popcorn as Kathy suggested if they haven't watched the DVD! It is enough already and we need to move on this. During the day it is a different story with Tipper. She is ok, unless she lays down. Can't the educated talking heads here figure that out? If I was schooled in Anatomy and Physiology of dogs I would be saying to myself, what mechanism in the respiratory system could be affected by laying down, duh??? There can't be that many variables. I will never forgive myself if something happens to my girl because of this. I have to get this solved, and treated somehow. We had frost on the ground this morning if you can believe it!!. Hope it did not kill all my plants. Oh well, time for Tipper's second walk! God Bless
06-04-2013, 08:25 AM
Hi Patti
I'm so sorry Tipper had a bad night-it must be totally exhausting and so scary for the both of you!I really do hope you hear from the vet today.You WOULD think they would be banging their heads together trying to fig this one out.You're doing the best that you can for Tipper and she knows that.Hope you are both having a better day and you get some news soon.Hugs to you and Tipper
06-04-2013, 02:07 PM
Hi Everyone:
I just called the Dr. and asked if she got the DVD. They told me she did but was unable to open it at the hospital so she would take it home and get back to me the early part of next week. I am not real happy with that time delay, but what can you do. These Dr.'s do what they want to, when they want to! Well at least she got it, that is half the battle. Now if she is just able to open it up. Blessings
Budsters Mom
06-04-2013, 02:34 PM
NEXT WEEK!! It takes a week to carry a DVD home and watch it for a few minutes!!!!! What a croc!:eek: :( I am less than patient with incompetence these days! You did so much work to make that happen and they can't take a few minutes to view it! I do not believe that a DVD will not open on a hospital computer. Having vented, they did at least get it, and you know they have it. I am so sorry Patti. I know how worried you are.
Many hugs,
06-04-2013, 10:15 PM
Depending upon the program used to create the DVD, it's possible. I don't understand why it will take her days to get back to you though.
06-05-2013, 02:44 PM
Valerie and Everyone:
I guess the Dr. is going to take her good old time. They are so important that that want to be able to tell you when they have time to talk to you, they don't want you telling them to hurry. I am soooo sick of all this. I am just a person trying my best to help my dog, why can't they cooperate? I have bent over backwards, and I am tired of waiting.
Had to go to Pgh. to my Dr. today so I have to get caught up on things. Will post tomorrow. Blessings
06-05-2013, 06:19 PM
Nipping in to give you a big hug. Hope your appointment went ok today
I know it's hard, hang in there
Kisses to Tipper
Budsters Mom
06-05-2013, 07:13 PM
Oh Patti,
I think those docs need a swift kick in the pants! Either that, or they just don't realize how worried you are about Tipper. They probably do care. Maybe they're overwhelmed. Still not an excuse. Tipper should be first priority, every one knows that!:D
Renee & the Furkids
06-06-2013, 12:06 AM
I wish I had some advice or something for you, it has to be so stressful and heart-wrenching. But I just wanted to send you {{hugs}} and good vibes.
06-06-2013, 09:44 AM
Mel,Kathy, Renee:
I had to go to Pgh. yesterday for my Lupus to see my Dr. Had someone sit with Tipper. I make them call me every half hour and tell me what she is doing, and only go on the day my vet is in. That way in an emergency, Tipper can be taken right to the Vet by the sitter. It may sound like over kill, but I have gotten her this far with no incidents, and I plan on keeping it that way. So when the sitter watches her she knows what I expect from her. I tell her to just literally watch Tipper and do nothing else. It is raining here so not Tipper's favorite day, as she got no walk. We went to the vet for blood pressure today, she was 120 which was great, but gained like 5 ounces. We have to get a handle on that immediately because of the trachea issue. I was hoping that maybe the Dr. would see how badly Tipper struggles to breathe and call me this week instead of next, but I guess that isn't happening. I guess this will be an all day rain from the looks of it, so I need to get caught up on household chores, since I was out yesterday. Thanks everyone for checking on Tipper the Ripper. Blessings
Simba's Mom
06-06-2013, 11:20 AM
Praying for you and Tipper hope that vet calls you soon....
Budsters Mom
06-06-2013, 01:11 PM
It's not overkill, Patti! You are covering your bases and being a wonderful mother to Tipper. :) Buddy would love to catch a few of his playmates to share with Tipper. :)Unfortunately, traveling with Buddy and lizards would rob me of the little sanity that I have left!:eek: It is a nice thought though.:) I hope you get the answers you are seeking very soon.
06-06-2013, 11:34 PM
these vets will sit on their butts and take their sweet time if we don't enlighten them as to the importance of what they do for us and our pets.
Hoping for good news.
06-07-2013, 07:50 AM
Hi Everyone:
Tipper had an ok nite last nite. Her breathing was not as bad as it usually is. I cannot understand for the life of me how this happens some nites and not others. It is such a mystery that I need to solve it and move past this already. It was a relatively quiet evening and that's the way I like it. It is misting outside, but Tipper walked in it anyway. This dog just loves to walk, if that is ever taken away from her she will not do well. I am optimistic this Dr. is going to call me early next week with some type of easy solution to a non life threatening problem. Oh well, I am living in my bubble surrounded by my state of denial for the weekend as that is the only way I can get thru these few days. This is wearing on my mind already and I want to know what this is. I wish this Dr. would show me a little mercy once and a while for the fact that I try to be diligent and help as much as I can possibly can to solve these problems. You would think they would appreciate a person who bends over backwards to help their animal when there are so many abused and neglected ones out there. Oh well I will help Tipper no matter what, it is in my DNA, I know no other way to be. If the Dr. does not call by Monday then I am going to probably give her a pep talk again on how important this dogs life is to me. Hope you all have a good day with your babies. Blessing
Budsters Mom
06-07-2013, 12:56 PM
We all live in out little bubbles surrounded by denial at times.;) My bubble is equipped with all the modern conveniences, as I spend quite a bit if time in there! LOL Hang in there Patti. I know it's hard!
06-07-2013, 01:49 PM
I wonder if it's weather related and somehow stress/cortisol...?
Was it stormy/windy or calm yesterday?
Big hug, kisses to Tipper the Ripper
06-08-2013, 07:58 AM
Hi Mel:
Tipper is sending you and Boyce kisses and hugs, she just got done walking, it is real dark out looks like rain, but they said we aren't supposed to get any. Have a good day. Blessings
06-08-2013, 08:10 AM
Tipper had another decent nite without too much of a struggle to breathe. I still think it is associated with the flap on the trachea, and sometimes it sticks partially closed. If she could just breathe normally, we really would not have too many other issues. I have been reading some posts on the skin condition associated with this disease and it has reinforced my conclusion that Tipper has had this Cushings for a few years. I remember she had a few bumps on her leg a few years ago that were hard. They eventually went away, and the vet said they were probably calcium deposits. So she must have had this back then. I felt a small bump on the inside of her leg a few days ago. Feels like a small round hard ball much smaller than the eraser on a pencil. I bet it is a calcium deposit.
Tipper's personality has changed so much, she is very impatient and not wanting to put up with too much. I think it is all the trips to the vet, all the med dispensing and the Vetoryl. I few times I was doing something with her and she growled at me and tried to snip me. This really made me cry, even though I know she did not mean it. She has never ever done that before. I have to bribe her with one nugget of dog food at a time in order to trim her hair, she will not put up with standing on the grooming table and getting trimmed. I put her on the bathroom vanity, start trimming and give her a nugget, then trim some more. She only lasts maybe 5 minutes, so I have to keep doing it all day long in increments, so she is half trimmed and half not. I am trying to keep her weight down and this does not help! I bet my nosy neighbors are really thinking I am off my rocker when they see her walking half clipped. I am eagerly awaiting to hear form the Dr. early next week, and very scared about what she will tell me. Hope you all have a good day with your babies. Blessings
Budsters Mom
06-08-2013, 05:26 PM
If those are the same neighbors that were talking behind your back, I sure wouldn't give them a moment's thought. ;):(I am so sorry that Tipper's personality has changed. Could she be in pain? Sometimes dogs in pain don't want to be touched and will snap if they are feeling unwell. Tipper loves you so much. She's probably just feeling out if sorts.
06-09-2013, 12:15 AM
Daisy gets grumpy too and I tell her "no" firmly. She usually backs off then and allows me to do what I want. I swear they test us like children do to see what they can get away with!
06-09-2013, 07:48 AM
Valerie and Kathy:
Yes those are the same neighbors that talk behind my back!. Valerie, you do not tell a Jack Russell NO and expect them to listen, as they will get right in your face. They are a breed you do not want to challenge. One time when Tipper was a puppy, she was doing something wrong and would not stop and I got a newspaper and hit it against my leg to make her listen. Never did that again, she came at me with a vengeance, even being a puppy. This breed will not accept you trying to dominate them in any situation.I did not know at the time, you do not challenge them or forcefully try to correct them. She gets going if you even raise your voice at her. With this personality change etc. I know she would bite me if I told her no. If anyone comes in my house and happens to raise their voice- look out she will be after them. There are 3 quirks Jack Russells have. Tipper is especially tuned into these: round objects- she will break them, try to kill them, and will not leave them alone unless destroyed. She is a blast at a party with balloons. She can break over 100 in a minute. She does not like things that are mechanical that make any type of noise. She has killed 2 alarm clocks, and almost landed on top of my kitchen counter when I used a portable electric can opener. Toy cars that run, small radios, cell phones all get her going. Lastly they will attack a dog like a german shepherd without any fear whatsoever, they are a fearless breed. Tipper is a loyal protector so you better not just walk up to me if she does not know you. Sounds funny, but these are some of the things that make her so endearing to me. Si I guess I will just let her be her grumpy self for now. After all I think if I went thru all the things she has, I would probably act worse than she does. With all that being said she had a pretty good nit again last nite. She started into some breathing issues and stopped after a few minutes. It is dark out again so it looks and feels like rain. I can't wait to talk to this Dr. as I want to go over the melatonin with her also and the L Glutamine. I have 1 bedroom and 2 bathrooms to houseclean yet. It has never taken me this long. It has been about 3 weeks since I started. I usually do this all in one week, but with Tipper like this I spend time with her and do the cleaning when I can. I did the laundry room yesterday and she sat there with me, and I threw the ball to her in between cleaning. We are about 70% done with the haircut. It looks like I had my eyes closed when I clipped her as some places are long and some short. Oh well it will eventually be all even! I don't care what she looks like as long as I still have her with me. God Bless You all and all your babies.
molly muffin
06-09-2013, 09:34 AM
So glad to hear that Patti had a good night. Those count for a lot. It will be interesting to hear what the vet thinks might be going on.
You're a very good momma to Tipper. :)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Budsters Mom
06-09-2013, 12:38 PM
Yay for good nights !!!!:D I have noticed when it's cloudy, damp, or raining, Tippers breathing at night seems to be better. Is that true? If it is, it could be caused by environmental allergies. Are the windows open at night when you sleep?:confused: Buddy always sleeps better when it's rainy or cloudy, because the are is cleaner with less allergens floating around. just a thought.....
06-10-2013, 08:18 AM
Hi Everyone:
Well the good nites were short lived. Tipper was struggling again last nite. I hope this Dr. intends on calling me today as I am tired of waiting already. We had a shower this morning and Tipper got her walk in already. I am carrying the phone around so I do not miss the Dr. She said she would call the early part of the week. I hope it is today as I have had it already with this waiting. The lump I found on the inside of Tipper's leg seems to have increased in size. I can feel it, but she won't let me look at it and it is on the inside of her leg. Last nite while she was snoring I got a flashlight and lifted her leg, to look at it. Well she woke up immediately, and looked at me like I was nuts.So much for that idea as I did not get to see it. I am going to have to ask the Dr. on Wednesday when she gets her blood pressure to look at it. Blessings
06-10-2013, 09:29 AM
Sorry the good nights were short lived. Hoping the vet calls today and the vet visit this week brings good news.
Budsters Mom
06-10-2013, 12:53 PM
Too many bad nights already!:( It is so hard on both of you!:( I hope the docs come through today and give you a call. I often check little bumps and lumps on Buddy during the night with a flashlight. I even check his gums to see if they're pink when he isn't feeling well. ;) He no longer thinks I'm nuts. He knows I'm nuts!:D
06-10-2013, 12:58 PM
We are all a bit nuts.
Tipper is too smart for her own good!
Fingers crossed the vets call today
Big hugs and kisses back from me and Boycie Boy
06-10-2013, 08:34 PM
Hi Patti
Just wanted to check in and say hello and hope you heard back from the vet.Hope Tipper is having a better day-you are both in my thoughts and hope the vet has some answers for you.
molly muffin
06-10-2013, 08:40 PM
Anything from the vet today?
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Truffa's Mom
06-10-2013, 09:14 PM
Hi Patti, I've been meaning to write you more often, but things around this house are a little hectic, although I keep following all your ups and downs with pretty Tipper.
I had a little bit of time and I will be able to email you some advice on Homeopathics for Tipper to help her with her breathing.
The other thing is about the Glutamine or L-Glutamine, here are the precautions about it from the book "The Dog Cancer survival Guide"
"Glutamine is a potent Supplement and not safe for all dogs. It’s been shown to elevate blood sugar levels in humans, and it could do the same in diabetic dogs, which would mean that insulin needs would rise. Do not use Glutamine or L-Glutamine if your dog has a seizure disorder, or is on anti-seizure medications such as potassium bromide, phenobarbital or gabapentin. Do not use if your dog has brain cancer, because it can feed its growth. Do not use if your dog is lactulose for severe liver disease. Your vet will be able to look at your dog’s entire health profile and help you decide whether glutamine will have any unwanted side effects. He can also adjust doses of other medications if necessary."
Lots of choco kisses from my home to yours.
06-11-2013, 10:43 AM
Morning how are my girls today? You having a lie in? Or out walking before the rain hits?
I do hope that vet spoke to yesterday, update us all when you can...
Big hug, kisses to Tipper
Budsters Mom
06-11-2013, 11:18 AM
Hi Patti,
Sending you and Tipper tons of love as you re waiting for word today.:)
06-12-2013, 07:45 AM
God Bless you for sending this to me. I am not going to give it to Tipper after reading this. You have helped me greatly and I so appreciate it.
06-12-2013, 08:00 AM
Mel,Kathy, Patty,Sharlene:
As I sit here typing this I could not feel any more frustration. I have still not heard from the Dr. If I call, that will certainly give her rise to start with the attitude that she is a goddess and I should be glad to know her. I am going to wait until the end of today. I know I will be pacing and praying all day. Just how much do they think you can take of this crap?? Last nite was a mixed bag. Sometime struggling to breathe, sometimes not so bad. I saw on the national news that tonite we are to get severe weather with possible tornadoes, and it is to stay over us for quite a while. Just what we need at this time. I was to take Tipper to the vet this morning for a blood pressure check. I changed it, and instead made an appointment for 11:30. I am increasingly worried about the lump I found inside her leg. When I touched it she got really upset like it hurt badly. That is not the same reaction from other bumps she has gotten in the past, as she has had many fatty cysts removed. I am worried about what it is so, I scheduled an appt. for the vet to have a look. It is on the inside of her back leg and she gets really ticked off if I even try to look at it without touching her. This dog is too smart for her own good sometimes. Watch the Dr. I have been waiting for call me while I am in the vets office!! I am getting my animal carriers ready this afternoon in case of a tornado warning. I cannot trust Tipper to not pull out of a harness in extreme weather, so I must secure her in a carrier if we have to evacuate. I have to get my cats etc. secured also. Maybe with some luck, when we all wake up we'll be in Kansas with Toto, and this Cushings will have all been a bad dream, or should I say nightmare. Blessings
I havent posted in awhile to you but I always read your updates, just have a lot on my plate and not much time.
I hope you have good news about the lump. I know how scary it is waiting to find out what it may be. Hopefully the vet can aspirate it and send the cells out to be examined. I'm hoping it is nothing and you wont even have to do that.
Thinking of you and Tipper
06-12-2013, 12:28 PM
Tornados again, they are so scary. Pray they do not materialise anywhere
Hope you are holding up alright as waiting to hear from these people used to drive me nuts too. It's so frustrating.
Thinking of you both, hugs to you and kisses to Tipper
Budsters Mom
06-12-2013, 12:43 PM
Tornadoes again, enough already!! :mad: I am sorry to admit this, but I wouldn't be anywhere near as patient with those docs as you are!! I would be very respectful and polite, but insistent! The squeaky wheels DOES Get the grease. I think that's why I hear from my vets so quickly. They know that I'm not going to let up on them until I have answers and plan. Hopefully you'll hear something today. :o Hoping the storms are mild with no tornadoes.
06-12-2013, 01:22 PM
Update for everyone:
Just back from the Vets office. Glad I decided to have him look at Tipper's lump. He said it is a spider or insect bite that actually looks like it is getting infected. I have meds at home to put on it, and he put some on there as I told him how growly she has become. He said that is understandable with all she has gone thru at Dr.'s offices. Then I asked him to check her right ear as she has been scratching at it and looking at me. From past experience, this dog can convey things to me without speaking. So she was telling me her ear was hurting,and when she gives me that stare I know something is wrong that needs to get it checked. Well she has gram negative bacteria, and I do not have the meds for that so that was 40.00. So we left with another 100.00 spent, but knowing what was wrong is priceless isn't it?? We'll just eat crackers until the end of the month. Tomorrow I have to take Tipper for her laser therapy. In the midst of waiting for this overpaid Dr. to call me I overlooked her appt. so they called and asked where I was. You feel like an idiot when you do that. We rescheduled for tomorrow. I only feel worse when I take her somewhere and the appt. is not until the next day. Have you ever done that?? You really feel dumb then! So I know the lump is not cancer and that is always my worry. Tipper will after all be 12 on October 4th God willing. In August she will have been on Vetoryl for a year now, it doesn't seem like that long ago she started on it. I think because everything becomes a blur when you are flying by the seat of your pants, and scared to death of all the things happening to your poor baby. I wish I could hold time still and live in this moment with her forever, it is going by too fast and scaring me as I hear the clock ticking. No call from the Dr. yet, I am waiting as she called me around 6:30 the last time. If not I will be on the phone, first thing in the morning. God Bless Us All and all our babies.
Simba's Mom
06-12-2013, 06:09 PM
Oh Dorthy, grab Toto and run, I wish this all was a nightmare..
Tipper is so smart rubbing his ear and all, I think they do their best to let us know whats wrong......take care and praying for you and Tipper!
So glad his lump is ok too......
molly muffin
06-12-2013, 09:16 PM
Hope those storms miss you!!!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
06-12-2013, 10:02 PM
I think because everything becomes a blur when you are flying by the seat of your pants, and scared to death of all the things happening to your poor baby. I wish I could hold time still and live in this moment with her forever, it is going by too fast and scaring me as I hear the clock ticking. .
This is exactly how I felt from the time Scarlett was erroneously diagnosed with Cushing's in 2009, and then for the next three and a half years dealing with all the things she did have. I always wished a good day would be "an endless loop" played over and over, as I did not want our story to end. God bless you and Tipper.
Budsters Mom
06-12-2013, 11:14 PM
Yes Patti,
We all hear the clock ticking. A macro-tumor causes the clock to spin like a top, barely slowing long enough to catch your breath. It is not about being brave. It's doing what you have to at any given time. I hope the storms missed you and all is okay.:)Those docs will call, just keep pushing for answers. I hope you both have a quiet, free breathing night.
06-13-2013, 08:41 AM
Hi Everyone:
I was up all nite as we had tornadoes swirling around close to us. What a wicked nite. Tipper became so terrified she was trying to dig a hole in the floor to get down low. It was awful. I do have a weather radio, but it scares the daylights out of Tipper when it goes off, so I just left the t.v. on and watched it. Yesterday as the vet was getting some gunk out of Tipper's ear to put under the microscope, she yelped. I hope he did no hurt her eardrum. I gave her the eardrops at 6:00 and the meds for her bite. I wanted to get it all done as we have another storm on the horizon, and she will hide in the closet. I got no call from the Dr. Should I be surprised?? I am going to call after I type this so when I hear anything I will post an update. I told my vet yesterday that I also burned another DVD for him to see breathing problem. he never said a word, not even like well I would be glad to see this or anything. Never even asked me where it was! He really cares doesn't he?? He is kind and gentle to the animals, that is the best thing I can say for him. Well here goes the phone call and probably a battle along with it. Blessings
06-13-2013, 08:48 AM
morning sorry tipper has to endure anxiety along with all the other stuff going on :( i sure do hope that vet is available for a chat... thinking of you both...patty (milo)meka xoxox
06-13-2013, 09:11 AM
Hi everyone:
partial update- I just called the Dr. and was told she gave the DVD to the neurologist and surgeon to view. I suppose now she realizes I am not crazy about this breathing issue, and feels it may be something they may know more about. I am glad she was able to view it, but scared now of what I am going to be told by these Dr.'s. She said she will call by the end of the week. God help my Tipper that is all I can say. Blessings
Budsters Mom
06-13-2013, 11:56 AM
This is actually good news because you now know that it is viewable. :) She passed it on to those who know more. That's good too! Three docs viewing is much better than one! ;)I know the waiting is almost unbearable, but we'll all wait it out together.
Love and Hugs to you and Tipper:D
molly muffin
06-13-2013, 06:50 PM
Well it's a baby step but at least it is forward. So the next question is, will she call you and talk to you after everyone has had their looksee or what?
Hope you can get some answers.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Simba's Mom
06-14-2013, 12:11 AM
Sounds like a team is working for Tipper, hope you get answers soon!!! Sending hugs and prayers...
06-14-2013, 01:12 AM
More heads are better than one Patti. Hoping that you and Tipper stay safe!!!
06-14-2013, 08:02 AM
Hi Everyone:
I am anxiously awaiting a call from the Dr.. I was not able to sleep well last night as Tipper really struggled again. It is probably not a good thing, but sometimes I shake her to make her stop it. She will go right back to doing it when she falls back to sleep though. I am so scared of what they are going to tell me, as we have had too many set backs. I know that when it involves your breathing it is no small issue, so that is why I am so worried. I am afraid of them not being able to help her. It is a shame that during the day she is normal, at night is the only problem. She has such a good quality of life in the daytime, that it is hard to think this could take her life. I feel if I could just get a handle on this issue she may have a chance to live longer, and it is killing me not knowing what to do for her. I am hoping between 3 Dr.'s this can be figured out. I am glad I finally got the video of her and that they are able to see this first hand. Please pray for my girl that something can be done about this. Blessings
06-14-2013, 09:32 AM
Thinking of you and Tipper and hoping that you will hear something good soon.
06-14-2013, 12:02 PM
Hi Everyone:
Waiting, waiting, and waiting. The Dr. said she would call by today, I am cleaning things that don't even need cleaned in order to stay busy as I am a nervous wreck. I have been wondering if this could be related to Tipper's heart murmur??? I could be mistaken, but I think the only time that would cause this breathing difficulty is if she had congestive heart failure. Is anyone familiar with this? She only has a minor leak in her mitral valve, the cardiologist said she should have no problems for 3-5 years, so I don't know what to think. I looked up the ear drops my Vet sold me on Wednesday, sure enough I could have gotten them online for 12.95 and he charged me 40.00. He is despicable!! I know he has to make money, but over three times what they cost online, and those people are making money on the 12.95!! Hope to get an answer on Tipper's problem, and praying it is fixable. Blessings
Budsters Mom
06-14-2013, 12:20 PM
It's hard not to imagine the worst, particularly when worried. Try not to get ahead of yourself. You don't know anything yet. :p if you need something to clean, my house needs some attention! :DLOL
Hugs to you and a belly rub for Tipper,
06-15-2013, 08:39 AM
Hi Everyone:
Drum roll please, the Dr. did not call me but, opted to send me an email. Is it so I would not ask questions and use up her precious time? To say I am disappointed would be an understatement. Well here goes; All of these Dr.'s think that Tipper has a variant in her breathing pattern. Since it does not occur during excitement. or activity an underlying pathology problem in unlikely. The short people version is she just breathes like that sometimes and it is not caused by any underlying disease. Well I already knew that and have long been suspect of her trachea partially closing and restricting her air. My own vet even told me before I took her to the hospital he could see tracheal problems on the xray, and he is a dufuss. She said I could have a lung biopsy which could be dangerous, she would have to be hospitalized, and it would cost 3500.00. Oh yeah, I just have that in my spare change jar! She said that very likely it would show nothing. Even on the xray at my vets Tipper had little to no calcifications in her lungs that other older dogs usually get, and cause breathing problems. She has always exercised so I am therefore also ruling out a lung disease. It would show up while she is doing other things, and doesn't. I don't know why these Dr.'s are so resistant to this tracheal possibility, but I am sending her an email- well actually a fax as you are not allowed to email them there is no address and it just comes back to you. I am going to go over these issues one by one, and want her to answer them. She gave me no answers of the questions I asked her. I know this dog like the back of my hand and there is no one going to try to tell me this breathing is normal by any means. She never ever did this before Cushings. If for instance it was a variance in breathing patterns, why would she be wheezing, and me being able to hear her airway restricted? That does not even make sense to me. I am going to take the other disc I burned to a young Dr. at my vets practice and ask him to view it and see what he thinks. I will not let go of this, as I am smart enough to know there is a problem here. I will forge on until someone figures this out. My vet tried to get me an appointment with a Dr. in Akron one time, she has 40 years experience with Cushings, I may see if he can forward the disc to her and see what she says. She was not taking any more patients.This is very frustrating to say the least and we are wasting precious time my Tipper doesn't have to spare. Where my dog is concerned- I know her best, and I will not stop until this is solved, and she gets some relief from this. This reminds me of my Lupus diagnosis. I kept telling Dr. after Dr. that something was wrong. One even suggested that maybe it was mental!! Finally they sent me to the Cleveland Clinic where a very smart female Dr. actually listened to me, tested me, and found out it was Lupus. The key factor was she listened and actually heard what I was saying, and went off of those findings. These Dr.'s are not listening to what I am telling them. Probably because I have no DACVM after my name. I am so upset that this continues on. She had an ok nite last nite breathing. Some good, some struggling. This tracheal flap moves, when eating and breathing and I know sure as God made green apples this is the problem. That is why it is not present all the time, and she does not do it when standing, as it doesn't get stuck so to speak until laying on her side the flap then does not go back into place. This dog is smart and I think the wide opening of her mouth, and the sticking out of her tongue are her way of trying to clear her throat when this membrane partially sticks shut. I could just scream right about now, but I am going to take that energy and type her a letter. Hope all of your babies have a good weekend. Blessings
06-15-2013, 09:09 AM
Is there another IMS that you could change to? This is ridiculous that she keeps putting you off like this.
Simba's Mom
06-15-2013, 01:46 PM
Oh Patti,how frustrating, praying for you and sending hugs too... You are a great Mom to Tipper, hang in there hon we are here for you!
Budsters Mom
06-15-2013, 04:50 PM
Well those docs are being on much help are they?:( I'm not as concerned about the facts as she sees them. What concerns me the most is her emailing instead of calling. She didn't give you the opportunity to ask questions and get clarification. Questions that you have been waiting for answers to. This is all so frustrating! I am so sorry.:o Go ahead and scream! Beat up on some pillows if that will help too! Maybe go kick those mean neighbors next-door!;):o I'd feel better after that!:D
Sending you tons go love and hugs,
06-16-2013, 08:08 AM
Hi everyone:
I am just exhausted mentally from all of this. I did not sleep well last night thinking about all of the things that the Dr. said. I don't understand her reasoning. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck then it must be a duck. Tipper just has too many signs of tracheal problems to ignore, which I did list for her. I do not understand their reluctance to look into this. The one doctor had told me a while back that some dogs with tracheal problems they put on muscle relaxants, and it helps that flap to open and close right. In the letter that I faxed the doctor I asked her why she cannot try Tipper on the muscle relaxants. If they would not do any harm or be dangerous, I think trying them would at least let us know if that is the problem. If I know her she will probably get very angry because I wrote back to her and told her that I am absolutely positive there is something wrong with Tippers trachea. This will probably set her off because she thinks that she knows everything. She can tend to get very angry if you question anything she says. I just simply don't care anymore and I know there's something wrong and I have to do something about it. I'm going to have a heart-to-heart talk with my Vet and see if he will give me some time and listen to what I say. He knows from dealing with me that I won't let something go until I get it solved, especially when it concerns my dog. After all I kept telling him there was something wrong with my dog last year, and I felt she had Cushing's disease, and he would not listen to me then. Finally when I convinced him to test her she did have Cushing's disease and I think he was taken back that he didn't listen to me. So maybe I can get somewhere with him and maybe if he thinks it's safe we could try the muscle relaxants. The only problem being I would only want her to take them at night because I wouldn't want her to be on them all the time as they do make you tired. So that would sort of put me in a jackpot situation since there are no Vets in at night and Tipper can become allergic to anything you give her in minutes. I guess for the first dosage I would just have to try her out in the daytime while the Vet still had hours in case anything happened. I just resent the fact that I've spent so much money and time trying to help Tipper and it's just an uphill battle with these doctors. After all it's not like she has all the time in the world to spare until we get this solved. It's one thing to have a Vet that works along with you, and then another thing to have a Vet that just won't listen to anything you say or anything you try to do,it is just the battle. It's bad enough that you have to fight this disease but when you don't get cooperation from your Vet that really makes it difficult. In the letter that I faxed the doctor I told her that this is just like a mother with a child no one knows their child better than the mother and I know Tipper like the back of my hand. I wonder if my vet would let Tipper have the muscle relaxant, and it worked what the doctor would have to say about that? Well we are supposed to have a really rainy and stormy day today, so I'm going to get off here and do some things with Tipper before she decides she wants to go in the closet. I'm using my new Dragon program to dictate this, so you do no typing you just speak all the words into the headset. If there are any mistakes please understand why as it is still getting used to my voice recognition, and how I pronounce words. Hope everyone has a good Sunday with their babies. Blessings
Budsters Mom
06-16-2013, 01:43 PM
Do me a favor today. Leave all of this medical stuff for an hour or so and take a walk or a hot bath or do something totally different. We'll still be here when you return.;) I get the frustration and the stress thing. I have moments when I am obsessed and cannot think of anything else. When this happens, my brain goes into overload and it does not work effectively. It's hard to pull yourself away, but really try for a little while. It does help! :)
Love and hugs to you both,
06-17-2013, 08:13 AM
Hi Everyone:
Tipper had a fairly good nite with the breathing. In my journal I am keeping track of anything that happens on the good and bad breathing days, like rain etc. I need to narrow down any environmental factors also, that could play into this. It is a bright sunny day, and Tipper already walked as the humidity is up high. A few more days and we may be finished with the hair trim. Not bad for the almost 2 weeks that it took. Yesterday Tipper stayed out on the front porch with me for quite a while. The neighbor was even mowing the grass, and she didn't get scared from the noise this time. Maybe her Cortisol is a tad higher than usual. I can't wait to see the scathing reply I get back from the Dr. for questioning her findings, or should I say non-findings. I seriously wish Tipper wanted to sleep a little longer in the morning. This getting up at 5:30 is brutal after a while. I guess it is good in one way, as she can get her walking done before the heat and sun get going. Hope everyone has a good day. God Bless
Squirt's Mom
06-17-2013, 10:45 AM
Hi Patti,
You and Tipper have really been on my mind the last few weeks. I got a new little foster Chihuahua who has serious breathing issues. She had pneumonia when I got her and possible collapsing trachea. Her breathing was downright terrifying! The sounds were unbelievable. She would have frequent episodes of literally trying to climb to heights for air - instinct makes us reach up for air as if we were under water. So pitiful to see. Further testing has sadly shown the trachea is severely compressed due to a large mass in her chest pressing against it - it is inoperable. :(:(:( My gut is telling me we got to her much, much too late to help this mass in any way shrink to provide her some comfort...but we are trying. Her vet is giving her Adequan shots to strengthen the tracheal rings in the hopes they can then push back against the mass, opening her airway a bit more. Josie's xray plainly shows a clear tube from her mouth almost to the point where it splits into the lungs - there it disappears. You can see where the mass has pushed the tube way over to the side and has compressed it to almost nothing - it was a very, very thin line at the largest points no wider than a pencil lead. :( If what you are seeing in Tipper is in any way like what Josie goes through, my heart goes out to you both. It is heartrending to watch and hear.
I hope you soon find someone who will listen to you and can offer some help for sweet Tipper.
Leslie and the gang
Budsters Mom
06-17-2013, 11:29 AM
I am glad to hear that Tipper's breathing was a little better last night.:) I hope you were able to get at least a few minutes respite from all of this yesterday. Sending you strength for your journey ahead.
Budsters Mom
06-17-2013, 10:10 PM
Patty I was just thinking. Have you tried putting a cool spray humidifier in the room where Tipper sleeps? Having a little more cool moisture in the room might help Tipper breathe better?
06-18-2013, 07:06 AM
HI Patty, I know how frustrating it can be contacting vets. Believe me I have had my own trouble to over the past few months, I now get my local vet to liase with the IMS as I never heard back from her after my last email. But she did answer him. So maybe you could lobby him to ask her your questions too. Your IMS sounds like when she gets into action she is very good so I hope you hear from her soon and I am pleased to hear Tipper is having quite a lot of good nights. :)
06-18-2013, 08:22 AM
Kathy & Trish:
I heard from the IMS. She was not nasty this time!. She did consult with the cardiologist about Tipper's heart murmur, and the Cardio Dr. said it is so miniscule that it would not be causing this breathing problem. She said feel free to seek out a second opinion. So I am basically back to square one. Tipper had an ok nite and the breathing was not too bad. That is about 3 nites now that she did ok. I noticed yesterday when trimming her hair that the fat around her neck that was sort of hanging there before is pretty much gone now. However that does not mean the fat inside pressing on her trachea is. These dogs are muscular in stature, and she had neck muscles like steel before all this. The Cushings turned it into fat, and now that is even going away. This disease is the pits. I can feel all Tipper's bones now especially when I lift her. Yesterday when lifting her she made a groaning noise, I am wondering with no muscle or fat left on these bones if that is hurting her when lifting her. Maybe I will have to think of an alternative method that is easier for her. Anyway I will consult with my Vet and see if he can possibly help me. The IMS cautioned me on the muscle relaxers as they are narcotic, and Tipper is allergic to so many things. I just don't know which way to turn. It is very humid today here and threatening to storm, so I better take Tipper for another walk while I can. I am going to get out the cool air vaporizer Kathy and try it- it can't hurt and maybe will help. It did seem to give her relief in the winter time. Thank you for the help God Bless Us All and all our babies.
06-18-2013, 08:29 AM
Just checking in to say hello and catch up with you and Tipper.I'm so sorry you are going thru this as it must be just heartbreaking to see Tipper struggle so much and get very little support from your vet.Hopefully the vaporizer will ease the symptoms.Thoughts and prayers sent your way.
Budsters Mom
06-18-2013, 11:49 AM
Well, at least the doc wasn't nasty. ;)A second opinion is probably a great idea. It is obvious that she has hit a brick wall and can no longer help. It's possible that she just doesn't know. Fresh eyes and perspective may be exactly what Tipper needs.
Sending mass hugs to both of you!
Simba's Mom
06-19-2013, 12:15 AM
Sending hugs and prayers to you and Tipper!!
06-19-2013, 12:34 AM
Kathy might be on to something since Tipper does better in the Winter.
I'm glad that the murmur is not the likely cause of her breathing problems.
Hoping that things improve soon!
06-19-2013, 09:16 AM
Hi Everyone:
I think the problem with the IMs is that her ego is so big that she just cannot and will not admit she may be wrong. I just got back from the Vets. He was not in yet as I figured, so I typed him a note with all the reasons I think this IMS is wrong and gave him the second copy of the DVD and asked him to review it, and have the younger Dr. I like in his practice look at it and give me both opinions. Wow if my old English teacher saw these run on sentences!!He will probably throw it in his car if I know him and never look at it!! I am hoping against all odds that is not the case. Last nite Tipper's breathing was not too bad again, that is a few nites in a row. I wish this would keep going. There were times when she did start into the chest heaving and wheezing, but it was not constant like other times. I will keep at this until I solve it, my Tipper deserves to lay down and sleep without struggling to breathe. If I could just get this under control I could deal with the daily Cushings stuff on a better level, and not be scared to death that every time she lays down she is going to stop breathing. It is a nice day here for my girl to walk and enjoy the outdoors so I am signing off. God Bless
Squirt's Mom
06-19-2013, 09:31 AM
Hi Patti,
I don't know if this will help Tipper or not but I've been noticing some strange positions Josie will get into that seem to help her breath with a bit more ease. So, I have started rolling up small blankets and using some small support pillows I have for her to use. She has them on the bed and on the floor as well as in her crate. Josie will lay with her snout elevated, or lift her upper torso onto a pillow, or drape one of her front paws over a rolled blanket or pillow edge to elevate it - and it seems to help her. She has episodes when her air seems to be totally cut off; when this happens, she looks for one of her pillows/blankets and props in the way she needs to get relief.
You had said her neck didn't seem to have as much fat as before and that may well be helping. Josie weighed 4.6 lbs when she got here and we are working on getting about a pound off of her to help her breath better even tho she isn't really overweight. The less fat she is carrying in her body the less the organs are going to press on each other and that mass, making it easier for her breath to come.
I so hope someone will listen to you and try to find what is causing Tipper's distress. I know how horrible it is for you to watch and can imagine how scared she feels when it happens. :(
Leslie and the gang
06-19-2013, 04:09 PM
Funny you should suggest that. Tipper gets into funny positions also. I have one of those squish pillows I bought in the dollar store. I sometimes prop her head up on it when she is sleeping and struggling to breathe. Sometimes I notice she lays on the bed pillow and puts her head down off the front hanging over the edge. I did notice also at times she arches her neck while on her side, like a coyote would do if it were howling. It must move something that helps her get air. My greatest fear is that if they do not figure this out, her air could close off and she would smother to death. I would die a million deaths. It is a shame as she is so good during the day, but when she lays down it starts. Is the mass that your baby has cancer, or they do not know what it is? You are a goddess taking in these babies and loving them. They give so much back in return. I wish others could understand how you can love an animal as much or more than a human. I am trying to get some money saved up again in case I need it for Tipper. I exhausted what I had left when she went to the hospital in Pgh. The heartfelt, and kind words you had for Patty really tugged at my heart strings. She is so lost without her dear baby, that I know her pain, and wish I could make it go away for her. It is a shame that you meet such wonderful people on here, and make friends in spite of this terrible disease we all have to deal with. Hope your baby does well, and God Bless you and all the babies you so graciously help.
Budsters Mom
06-19-2013, 08:45 PM
I would keep plugging until I found an answer too. What a wonderful advocate you are for our sweet Tipper:) Hugs to you both.:D
06-20-2013, 07:32 AM
Hi Everyone:
Tipper had an ok nite last nite. Not too many struggling episodes. I was telling Leslie that on Tipper's xrays from my Vet her said her huge neck muscles had been turned to fat by Cushings. The fat inside was pressing on her trachea. Tipper has become vey boney as I have been saying. I noticed the fat hanging on her neck is gone, so I guess that is the Cushings at work also. I am wondering if it also removed some of the fat inside around her trachea and that is why she is having better breathing??? Could be something to that. It was cool again yesterday, but will be heating up today so I have to get Tippers walking done. Blessings
06-20-2013, 01:53 PM
That could very well be what's happened and if so, good for Tipper :)
06-21-2013, 07:34 AM
Hi Everyone:
Not too bad of a nite for Tipper, some struggling, but for the most part she did ok. It was cool here last nite, and that helps I am sure. Have to get all our walks in early as it is going to be a hot one. Waiting to hear from the Vet about the DVD I gave him. Had a car problem, took it to a garage near by and he said he fixed it. Paid him took the car home and it started all over. Took the car to a guy that is an expert on these cars, he fixed it right away and said it had nothing to do with what the other garage said was wrong. Don't know what to do about that, or to just do nothing. These people that are out to rob you are disgusting. Long live Tony Soprano!!
Squirt's Mom
06-21-2013, 10:27 AM
I took a car in for an estimate to get it worked on a long time ago. When I came home and told my hubby how much it was, he hit the roof and took the car back to the shop. He came home with an estimate $200 cheaper! That irked me no end and hubby, too. We took the car to someone else and found out the shop we first went to was owned by a fellow from the stone age and he probably gave me that high estimate simply because I was a woman out on the roads instead of home, cooking and cleaning with a babe on my hip! :mad:
06-21-2013, 10:56 PM
Oh I HATE when that happens! Move into the 21st century already:(
This reminds me of when i bought my second new car. I haggled for 3 1/2 hours! I think that they caved just to get me out of there :)
Budsters Mom
06-21-2013, 11:44 PM
Hi Patti,
Glad to hear that Tipper had an okay night,:) I just had to have my car fixed too.:o We really are at the mercy of the repairman. :o I am not as nice as you when I feel I've been taken advantage of. I would confront repairman who blew it and demand a refund, remaining calm and in control. If the refund was denied, I would file a formal complaint with BBB. See, I'm not as nice as you are!;)
Hugs to you and lady Tipper,
06-22-2013, 07:26 AM
Hi Everyone:
I don't want to jinx the situation, but Tipper did ok again last night. I think it is a miracle, after the way she had been struggling. I think it is directly connected to the fat on her neck going away. Whatever it is I thank God she is having some good nites. Some how I think God realized she needed help badly, as I pray for all the babies on here every nite. I hope it continues on this way. Has anyone heard from Mel? I miss hearing from her, but maybe she is busy with work. Mel I's sending out an SOS for you! It is going to be very hot and humid today so Tipper will be inside all day. Just wondering if my Vet will even bother calling me about the DVD next week? I get so aggravated, and disappointed in people that is why I prefer animal friends to humans. Hope everyone has a good weekend. Blessings
06-22-2013, 08:22 AM
Hey there
I have indeed been very busy with work but have been checking daily for yours and everyones posts when I can.
Am so pleased to hear Tippers breathing has started to normalise, disappointing your vet hasn't got back to you but not surprising! Main thing is she is better which is all that really matters.
How are you doing?
Big hug, kisses to Tipper the Ripper
Budsters Mom
06-22-2013, 02:19 PM
So glad that Tipper is doing well, regardless of the reason!;):D
Big hugs,
06-22-2013, 06:31 PM
What great news to read about Tipper having better nights, so pleased for you! Keep it up Tipper!! :)
molly muffin
06-22-2013, 11:18 PM
Crossing fingers for many more Good nights!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
06-22-2013, 11:35 PM
Great news Patti!!!!!
Simba's Mom
06-23-2013, 05:58 AM
So thankful that Tipper is doing better at nights, praying the easier breathing continues, sending hugs too....
06-23-2013, 08:10 AM
Hi Everyone:
Tipper had a couple episodes last nite with the breathing troubles, but for the most part had a good nite. I think she is experiencing a miracle. This was so bad I had been telling everyone I did not think she could go on like this much longer. I prayed a million times a day for this to go away. I don't care why it's gone- I just hope it stays gone! It is really baffling though, that now she just has some episodes of it. I still think it has to do with the neck fat. That has been the only change in her. She is not whistling as much when she drinks either, so that it a sign to me that changes have occurred in her trachea situation. She is already done walking for the day as the humidity is really bad, we woke up to a misty fog so I know it was going to get sticky. God Bless my girl. Blessings
molly muffin
06-23-2013, 10:24 AM
Miracles are always welcome. :) It very well good be that with the neck fat going down there isn't as much pressure on the trachea and things are improving. That is good!
sharlene and molly muffin
06-23-2013, 09:49 PM
glad to read this patti...hoping tipper has another quiet night and the next and so on and so on .... :) patty(milo)meka xoxox
Budsters Mom
06-23-2013, 10:52 PM
Such fantastic news Patti!:D Yes, miracles come in all shapes and sizes. I am thrilled that Tipper is breathing better and you're able to relax a little.
06-24-2013, 08:45 AM
Hi Everyone:
Tipper had another ok nite. She did have some episodes of real heavy breathing, but for the most part it was ok. When I got up this morning to take her potty she started to go into the circling behavior when I attempted to harness her. She would not stop this time, I could not call her out of it so,I picked her up and could feel her body wanting to continue moving as I held her. I put her on the bed, and she kept wagging her tail 100 miles an hour and moving about in a weird way. She knew she was not stable, so she did not attempt to jump onto the floor. I put her down on the floor and she still seemed to not be able to stand still. This is the longest this has ever lasted. It scares me when she does this. I watched a dog with this problem on YouTube and he did exactly the same thing Tipper does. I just hate when things happen to her that are out of my control. It is believed this has something to do with their inner ear? I am not quite sure what brings this on. They say some dogs never get rid of it and some cannot stop doing it repeatedly all day long. I pray we never get to that point. Dear God when I think of the totality of all Tipper's issues it scares me, she never had all this stuff going on. I am just thankful she doing as well as she is, and pray she continues on for many years. I will gladly deal with all this, just to have her with me. Blessings
06-24-2013, 08:52 AM
Hi Mel:
Tipper the Ripper is sending you some hugs and kisses, and says don't work too hard. She is resting after her morning walk, as it is getting real hot and humid fast. Hope you have a good day, hugs to Boyce, and tell him to stay cool. Blessings
Budsters Mom
06-24-2013, 01:31 PM
Has Tipper's breathing, congestion type issues been better since you been cooking the SEB? You mentioned that you had been sprinkling it dry on the food before. The reason that I'm asking, is that Buddy's allergy symptoms seem to be a little bit better each day since I started the SEB. Buddy said to tell Tipper that there hasn't been any lizards around lately. There has been a lot of birds though!;) Other than that circling thing, things are going pretty well for you, so I'm glad.;):)
06-25-2013, 08:02 AM
Hi everyone:
Tipper had another ok nite. Something has changed this breathing and whatever it is I am so thankful. She had a few episodes last nite, but nothing like it was before. Kathy I stopped giving the SEB to Tipper in her food, and tried the soup. She appeared to have gas really bad that nite so I cut it out. She is still doing ok on that front. Tomorrow we go for blood pressure, and weight. I know her weight is up because I have been appeasing her with dried plain cheerios- only 3-5, so back to the carrots and green beans. I can feel she gained when I lift her. Because she gets bored so easily it is hard to keep her out of trouble since she has to stay in so much from the heat. She is not used to this, and it is making her naughty. We don't call her Tipper the Ripper for nothing! She is not due for an ACTH until August, and that makes me nervous to wait 3 months. She gets urine and a blood panel at the same time, and I am worried about her ALK Phos as it had increased some the last few times. You have to have eyes in the back of your head and be looking in every direction with this disease, as you never know what it will throw at you. I just pray her breathing continues to improve. We are supposed to have rain and storms for the next 8 days straight, so Tipper will be out of sorts. I am ordering some Comfort Zone Spray to spray on the spot in the closet where she goes in an effort to calm her down. God Bless Us All and all our babies.
Budsters Mom
06-25-2013, 08:55 PM
I am so sorry that more storms are on the way.:o Poor Tipper, they frighten her so. Have you thought of ordering a cool mat for Tipper. It would really help her stay cooler while in the closet. Naomi was talking about them. She has one for each of her boys. Just a thought.... I am glad to hear that Tipper's breathing is still kind of under control and she continues to have pretty good nights. That is awesome.
Budsters Mom
06-26-2013, 04:08 PM
Hi Patti,
I'm just popping in to see how Tipper did last night.:)
Budsters Mom
06-26-2013, 05:56 PM
I just read about Tipper's night on my thread. I am so sorry that she spent last night in the closet. Those dang storms!:) Give her a belly rub for Buddy and I and tell her that we're sorry. :(I hope tonight is better for both of you.
Big hugs,
06-27-2013, 01:52 AM
Poor Tipper with those storms.
I have no advice on this matter because Daisy could care less about the rain as long as she doesn't have to go out in it.
So happy that the breathing is better! Maybe it is the loss of fat in her neck?
06-27-2013, 07:24 AM
Hi Everyone:
I wrote such a dissertation on Kathy's thread I was spent for the day yesterday. Ok so here we go again-mostly a nite of struggling to breathe again has returned. It was bad, but not to the point like it had been. I gave Tipper a Pepcid AC this morning as it is raining again, and that seems to give her stomach acid from being nervous. Ordered the Comfort Zone to calm her down when it gets here. I want to try the cool pads to lay on, but there are so many I don't know which ones work. Anybody with any experience? Tipper already had her walk before the rain started so she won't be too ansy this morning. Blessings
Budsters Mom
06-27-2013, 02:58 PM
Hi Patti,
Naomi is "Soggy Doggy" on the forum. Her thread is called, "Introducing Fraser." She uses cool mats for her boys. I'm not sure what kind she uses. You might want to send her a PM or ask her on Frasier's thread. ;) So sorry that Tipper had such a difficult night. It could be tied into the storms, don't you think?
Big hugs to you both.
Simba's Mom
06-27-2013, 03:01 PM
Sending hugs and prayers for you and Tipper, hope those nites get better with breathing easier...
06-28-2013, 12:59 AM
we have storms here in CT too this week. Hope Tipper feels better soon!
06-28-2013, 07:59 AM
He Everyone:
Not a good nite for Tipper. She really had struggles to breathe. On Wednesday I had called my vets office inquiring about him seeing the DVD I left for him. Nobody ever called back. He was in at 9:00 am and out at 3:30. He works like one day a week. Nice hours huh? I am so sick of this struggle to get someone to listen to me about this breathing. He has had over a week to view the DVD. He probably threw it in his car like I said before and never looked at it. We are supposed to get more rain again. The town close to where I live was flooded yesterday we got so much rain. Ohio is level and the ground is clay, it just lays on the grass in ponds. From living in Pennsylvania my whole life this is something I am unaccustomed to. They don't even put drainage in here! They dig big ditches. This state is back in the cave man era as far as being up on anything. I am waiting to see a dinosaur walking past my house! Pa was so different and up on everything. Well Tipper had her first walk of the day and we better get going again before rain sets in. Blessings
Budsters Mom
06-28-2013, 05:46 PM
Hi Patti,
I am so sorry that Tipper had another bad night. It does seem like her breathing is worse when she is stressed. :confused:The storms definitely stress her, that's for sure. I hate that there's been so much rain that she has to hide in the closet.:( Why don't you send some of It here! We desperately need it!:p Yes, you should've heard something from your vet by now. Even if he doesn't know anything. At least he could tell you that.:rolleyes: Is there any way you could post part of Tipper's video for us to view? Maybe post it on YouTube and provide a link here? Maybe somebody on the forum might have some ideas. Just a thought....
Big hugs,
06-29-2013, 06:01 AM
It is weird it is so up and down like that, have to wonder if it is something enviromental or stress like Kathy suggested. Hope you get to the bottom of it soon :)
06-29-2013, 08:48 AM
He everyone:
Before about 2 weeks ago the breathing thing was not up and down, it was constant every day. I don't know what happened to change the pattern. I am still suspicious of the fat gone from Tipper's neck, and think that is the reason. Last night was really bad. Very quick shallow breathing, but not as much wheezing. I kept trying to put things under her head and change her position to see if that would lessen it, but it didn't. She got tired of me doing it and growled in her sleep. The very rapid breathing was scaring me so that I kept nudging her to make her quit doing it. She would go right back into it unfortunately. She had an episode of light honking a bit ago, and I rubbed her throat. Any other time she will not let you touch under her neck. Then when she just got a drink, the whistling noise started again. She hasn't done this for a while. So something made this trachea start up again. I will see if I can post her DVD so everyone can see it, and understand what I am talking about. We woke up late this morning 6:30, and it was raining. Tipper is not happy as she wants to walk. Maybe it will clear up and she can still go. Blessings
06-29-2013, 09:26 AM
Hi Mel:
Tipper is giving you a shout out, as she told me you must be working awfully hard, and need some kisses sent to you from her. God Bless you and Boyce
Budsters Mom
06-29-2013, 12:51 PM
Hi Patti,
Poor Tipper can't seem to catch a break. I noticed that Naomi talked about the cool mats on Fraser's thread. You might want to check that out if you haven't already.;) Sending you both tons of hugs and healing energy.:)
Simba's Mom
06-29-2013, 03:53 PM
Oh shoot, sending hugs and prayers for you and for Tipper's breathing!
molly muffin
06-29-2013, 06:10 PM
That is hard to have Tipper go back to the rough breathing. Maybe it will subside again. I wonder if all the rain hasn't stirred up something that has irritated the trachea
sharlene and molly muffin
Hi, Patti.
Haven't been here for awhile and was trying to catch up on Tipper. Saw she had some procedures in Pittsburgh - was it Pittsburgh Specialty Veterinary on Camp Horn Road? They are great. Ali's dentist and dermatologist are there. Her IMS is at another hospital because she started seeing her before that place opened. Had I have know you were in our area, I would have tried to stop by for moral support!
Tipper sounds so much like my Alivia. Vets always comment on how well behaved she is. :) Sorry she has been having breathing issues. Is it only at night? I apologize if I missed something on your thread. I am sure you already thought of this, but any chance there is something she is allergic to?
I posted an Alivia update - she is doing well! Awhile back the vet was amazed at how well she was doing and wanted to do an ultrasound to look at her tumor. I didn't want to do it because I will not risk surgery on her at her age and there was no point in me knowing the size of it. But based on her lack of symptoms, it has been extremely slow growing...if it's grown at all. So, I get that you didn't want to know, but glad you got good news on that! :)
06-30-2013, 08:36 AM
Mary Beth:
So glad to hear from you, I missed you. I wish I could have met you at the hospital! I was so envious when I read you met Shorty at the Pet Expo. I think he is hilarious, and a good advocate for his beloved Pit Bulls. Was he alone or were the other crew members there? I just can't get this breathing issue with Tipper cleared up, and am still working on it. At the hospital everyone though Tipper was a puppy. Even with what the Cushings has done to her she still looks good for her age too. Glad Alivia is doing well, and that makes your life a lot happier I know. It is a terrible thing to have your beloved dog all of a sudden get sucked into this horrible disease. So happy to hear from you,a nd I hope Alivia continues to do so well. Blessings
06-30-2013, 08:57 AM
Hi Everyone:
Another rough nite of breathing for Tipper. Not as bad as the nite before, but none the less troubling. I spent a good portion of the nite nudging her to make her stop. Sometimes she will take a real deep breath and then won't breathe again for what seems to be a minute, but in fact is seconds. Like sleep apnea ion people. It's so scary when she does this, I always worry she is going to stop breathing altogether. So neither one of us got much sleep. We are supposed to have rain and storms until next Friday. Oh Yeah!!! I got a post card from the eye Dr. that saw her 6 months ago. I will make an appt. for August to see if the calcium deposits have gotten worse. He is in the animal hospital in Pittsburgh where Tipper's IMS is. I am going to have him look in her ear to make sure my vet did not injure her eardrum when getting that sample of gunk out of her ear- she yelped for the first time in her life. She has an ACTH, Blood Panel, and urine coming up in August. I am suspicious of her cortisol level at times. She has been panting off and on the last week, but it could be her anxiety from the weather. You just never know, and I am so paranoid of the smallest of symptoms returning. I do not want her losing any more muscle. If she could not go for walks that would be the end of her quality of life as I see it.The Comfort Zone spray should be coming tomorrow I hope. I am hopeful it will calm her down and give her some relief in the coming week of storms. She used to go hide in the kitty litter box, which is in an enclosed cabinet, when it stormed. I think the cat pheromones comforted her as strange as it sounds. So I have to make sure the doors are closed in litter box areas. I don't want her in the litter box with those germs, and get sick from that yet. My cats have an enclosed cat room that was an enclosed porch where they are all day so they have access to their boxes in that room. Tipper cannot get in there, as she hates my rescue cat Lucky, and would like to kill him if she could get at him. It's all a system of checks and balances, in this gated animal kingdom! Blessings
Budsters Mom
06-30-2013, 09:54 AM
More storms Patti! Poor Tipper can't catch a break!:( I'm sorry that Tipper had another difficult night and neither of you got much sleep.:o Those middle of the nights are the worst!:( I have been thinking a lot about the quality of life lately. It's about them being able to do what they've always done without pain. I hope you guys are able to get some rest today before the storms hit. big hugs,
06-30-2013, 04:30 PM
Hello. Just popping in as I haven't posted for a bit, sorry to hear that Miss Tipper is having some issues again. I wish those blinking vets would do what you pay them for and figure it out for you. I know it must be scary
Sending you a tight hug and some big kisses for Tipper the Ripper
07-01-2013, 08:59 AM
It's a shame to say, but if I would be stupid enough to put my faith in these Vets, my Tipper would not be here today. I am sick at my stomach knowing that I have to take her to these uncaring, money hungry individuals that could care less about my precious girl. Thank God I have the fortitude to get into it with them and make them do what they need to do, or it wouldn't get done. It has just worn me out mentally checking their every move, and making sure they are not doing anything wrong to my girl. I will do anything for her though, so that is what makes me get thru it. I will never ever in my life trust a vet after all this. I know how they all operate now, and unfortunately it is to the sound of a cash register, not the desperate cries of a loving and caring pet owner. Thank you for checking in on my girl, I so appreciate you and the kindness you show us. Blessings
Budsters Mom
07-01-2013, 09:41 AM
I hope you are able to get the video clip sent and they're able to get it posted. Fingers toes and paws crossed;) I hope Tipper had a good night and you were able to get some rest. Is it still storming there? It makes me sad to think that Tipper is so scared that she ends up hiding out in a hot closet all night.:( Sending you strength, healing energy and courage for what lies ahead. big hugs,
07-01-2013, 11:39 AM
Hi Everyone:
Not a bad nite for Tipper. She had some episodes, but for the most part was breathing ok. She had another small honking episode this morning. I know it is her trachea, I am positive. What to do now I am not sure. I know I could keep her with me for quite a while and manage the Cushings, if I could just solve this darn breathing problem. This is making me nuts!! I am however thankful to God that she has some good nites, as before it was bad every nite. I am hoping against all odds that on Wednesday my Vet will say he watched the DVD. I am usually excellent at problem solving, and putting out fires, but this has me stumped. It is raining ever so lightly right now, and I am hoping it does not storm. Tipper is pretty good with the light rain, it is the heavy rain and especially the thunder that get her going. I guess the stuff I ordered will be here today and I will definitely use it. Blessings
07-01-2013, 05:37 PM
I am glad you will be seeing him Wednesday less easy to dodge you! Take your copy along, that way if he hasn't seen it you can show him in your appointment!
I will be thinking of you both
Big hug, kisses to sweet Tipper
07-02-2013, 08:35 AM
Hi Everyone:
Tipper had an ok nite some bad some good. After reading the forum this morning about poor Scoop I am just broken from all this. So I have to stay off for a few hours and get myself together. I always said to myself that I didn't want to sit down and read Scoop had passed, that that would put me in a bad place. For some reason clinging on to hope for him, and praying for a miracle for him kept me from facing the inevitable for Tipper. That has all been dashed now, and I am devastated for dear Vicki. She gave it her all to the end, and for that she can be proud. Blessings to all. Please everyone say a prayer for Vicki and Scoop this morning.
Squirt's Mom
07-02-2013, 09:05 AM
Hi Patti,
Did you ever talk to Tipper's vet about the Adequan shots? I could tell they did help Josie a bit - but hers was a different case than Tippers and the shots just couldn't help with that mass in her chest. The honking sounds you mention do sound like the trachea is collapsing and the Adequan is supposed to help strengthen those rings so that doesn't happen. It is sure worth talking about.
Don't lose hope, honey. I think the emotions you expressed are ones we all feel any time we lose one of our babies here. Cry for Vicki, cry for yourself, and know you do not cry alone. Tears are raining throughout this morning for us all.
Leslie and the gang
I think Leslie said it all, Sweetie. Sending hugs and hopes that someone will listen to you about Tipper.
07-02-2013, 02:40 PM
Leslie and Addy:
You two always seem to be there to pick me up when I fall down, or stumble. Thank God for both of you, as you both help me tremendously. Blessings
Hi Pattie,
Stopping by here too, to make sure you are okay. I know it has been a hard day.
07-02-2013, 07:26 PM
Me too. Sending you an extra squeeze and kisses to Tipper the Ripper.
Good luck with your appointment tomorrow I will be watching out for news.
molly muffin
07-02-2013, 08:34 PM
Sending you and Tipper lots of hugs Patti.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
07-02-2013, 09:13 PM
checking in on you and Tipper.
Each cushpup responds so differently. We can't give up hope.
07-03-2013, 08:53 AM
I can't post too long as Tipper is having a really bad day, panting an awful lot, the vet was not there when I took her in for her blood pressure. They told me they were going to tell the vet as soon as he came in that her pressure is dangerously high. She is panting, and uneasy ,and I have been really controlling her food and she gained weight. I think she may be retaining fluid. After yesterdays events I am just sick to my stomach. Pray for my girl that this passes and she is ok. Blessings
07-03-2013, 08:55 AM
Right here holding your hand. Praying for you both.
07-03-2013, 09:17 AM
Still with you, hoping that vet gets in soon so you don't have to wait
Squirt's Mom
07-03-2013, 09:46 AM
Please let us know when the vet talks to you and what they have to say. We are with you both, honey.
I'm here too, Patti, please let us know what happens at the vets.
molly muffin
07-03-2013, 10:48 AM
Right here too Patti.
Hope Tipper is going to be okay. Maybe a BP med to bring it down into normal range? Is the vet calling you back?
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
07-03-2013, 12:21 PM
Thank you for helping me thru the tuff times. The vet said the girls told him I looked very shaken up so he vet called me finally. I told him 2 dogs in our group had passed within hours of one another, and it has me really down. He looked over Tipper's BP's for the last 7 months, done every week for that time period. He said she has had 3 very high ones. He does not want to put her on BP meds unless absolutely necessary. They can do things to their organs that are not good. He said to calm her down with the spray I got, and stay with her and let her lie down as much as possible. He said her weight could be a fluke. He said to wait until next week to do it again, if it is high again then we will take action. I do understand the reasoning, but it is heck on the old nerves. I don't want her having a stroke. I am so shaken from Buddy passing that anything can and will get me crying. I am being calm for her. She walked this morning and it was humid, I am wondering if that did it. We had the cool pack on, and walked slow, but you never know. With her breathing problems it could have stressed her body. Also he said he did view the DVD and his opinion is the same as the IMS. He said in older dogs the elasticity is not good in their lungs like when they were young. It takes a lot more effort to push the air in and out. During rem sleep she is doing this heavy breathing which is sometimes done by older dogs. That is why I see it a lot when she first lays down.The wheezing is the part that could be tracheal. He said get some more weight off her if possible. He said he is not worried about this deviation in her breathing. He said the Adequan shots have not been successful in dogs with tracheal disease, as it is a different kind of cartilage than what this drug binds to in the body, like joint cartilage, and is therefore not helpful for that. He has had great results for back and other problems. I am also worried because Tipper is allergic to everything, and that scares me. Has anyone on here had any luck with these shots and trachea problems that would conflict with what the vet has said? If so let me know asap and I will push him on this. If I can get this wheezing cleared up maybe she can breathe better. I will be on a quest for that, as Marcella has given me some good ideas of herbal treatments. Blessings
07-03-2013, 05:35 PM
Hello you
Just checking in to see how you both are now?
Hoping she has settled down and your nerves have too, it's even more heightened after such a sad day yesterday.
Sending you a hug and Tipper the Ripper massive kisses of the slobbery kind as they are the best!
Budsters Mom
07-04-2013, 01:59 AM
Hi Patti,
Tipper has you and no one knows her better than that. You have given her the best life possible and she adores you for it. Buddy had tons of allergies too, but sorry I can't help you with the tracheal shot thing. I know that losing Buddy is playing heavily on your heart as it is for all of us. All we can do is try to plow on and do what we need to do to help the pups that are left. Buddy would want me to help the others and all of you. Big hugs,
07-04-2013, 02:07 AM
how frightening for you both!
I'm glad that the vet finally called and watched the DVD.
Praying that Tipper has some stress free nights. All of the scary storms are not helping.
07-04-2013, 08:09 AM
Hi Everyone:
Still shell shocked from this week. I got up not feeling well so I guess the Lupus is kicking in. Oh well I don't care as long as my girl got up and is ok. She had times last night of wheezing and struggling for air, but for the most part did ok. It is raining here again. Supposed to continue thru the weekend. I think it is over 2 weeks straight of rain, going on three. It did stop this morning so Tipper could get at least one walk in. I have to keep her exercise up, her rear legs muscles have really wasted away. This is the only way I know to keep her going. I am increasing the amount of lentils I give her in place of some of her dog food in an effort to get some weight off of her. It just stopped raining so we will walk again. Blessings
Squirt's Mom
07-04-2013, 08:30 AM
Hi Patti,
The vet treating Josie told us he had had a great deal of success using the Adequan for collapsing trachea in small breed dogs. Maybe your vet would call him and talk about this for Tipper?
Dr. Earl F. Smith, D.V.M
Shackleford Road Veterinary Clinic
304 N Shackleford Rd
Little Rock, AR 72211
(501) 224-6998 (Edited to correct phone number)
Keep your chin up and don't neglect caring for yourself along the way, honey.
Leslie and the gang
07-04-2013, 10:19 AM
I swear you are the angel on my shoulder looking out for us. I have just made a letter with all the info telling my vet I want him to contact this Dr. to find out the particulars. I will leave it for him on Wednesday when I go for Tipper's blood pressure. If by some chance you go to this Dr. in the next week or so, please let him know I have given this to my vet and he will call him. I want to know in my heart I have left no stone unturned when it comes to my girl, as I know for sure you do with yours. If there is the slightest chance it could help her, and there is minimal risk I want to do it. Have a happy fourth with all the babies. Hugs and kisses form Tipper the Ripper for all you do for her to help. Blessings
Squirt's Mom
07-04-2013, 10:35 AM
Ok....something about that phone # didn't look right so I tried it - it's not right! :o I copied that from a web site - DUH!
The correct number is - (501) 224-6998
And I will edit the OP.
Budsters Mom
07-04-2013, 10:49 AM
So hard to get Tipper out to walk when it's storming or so blasted muggy. Hard to be expected to get the weight off her without exercise? Poor Tipper can't eat lentils all the time! At least you vet is on top of the blood pressure thing. Big hugs to you both,
Budsters Mom
07-04-2013, 11:22 AM
I'm sorry that you are feeling unwell today. You have to take care of yourself so you can be strong for Tipper. I know how hard that can be when every single minute is zapped away by our baby's care. Big healing hugs to you.
I just wanted to pop in and let you know that I am thinking about you and Tipper. I don't always get posts entered to you, but I follow along on your thread all the time to keep up to date on Tipper. I think I read where fireworks don't bother her (hope I don't have that mixed up), so I am hoping you have a nice 4th. And hopefully you will get to feeling better yourself.
Tina and Jasper
07-04-2013, 01:35 PM
Hi Everyone:
I just found out why Tipper is holding water and not losing weight. The store where I get her chicken breast told me all the chicken sold now is pumped full of sodium and water, even fresh and organic chicken. Tipper eats a small amount mixed with 2 of her meals. I was sick when I heard this as she is to be restricted on sodium because of her heart also. I found a place that sell Gerber's Amish Chicken with nothing at all added to it. I need to find a retailer where I can go get some. I am now cooking her Walleye from the lake where we live caught by a friend and frozen by me, so I know it has no salt. Hormel sells a canned chicken with no salt added. I will see if I can get a few cans to hold her over until I am able to get the others. My God are all of the forces on the earth working against you when your dog has Cushings? I can't get a break from worry here. At least I solved that mystery, and it can be corrected now. I am mentally exhausted from all this all the time, it is 24/7, but I need to keep up for my girl. God Bless Us All on this 4th of July, and all our service men and women.
Simba's Mom
07-04-2013, 01:44 PM
Oh Patti, so sorry Tipper is having problems with food, your very right when you say that everything seems to go wrong when your dog has cushings....I wish I never heard of that word for all of us and our precious pups here and in Heaven....hang in there, sending hugs and prayers.....
Budsters Mom
07-04-2013, 01:50 PM
You don't really want a break from the worry Patti, you are just feeling overwhelmed and stressed. We worry about them until we lose them. Then a much worse stress sets in. Yes, it's dang hard caring for the needs of a Cush pup, but it's so much harder when you are no longer able to, and still want that.xxxxxx
07-04-2013, 06:53 PM
Patti, be careful about "white coat hypertension" Scarlett's regular vet was out of town and I let her be over-treated with Hydralazine (a drug I would suggest avoiding) supposedly to avoid a stroke. Her kidneys decompensated, as her pressure wan't really elevated, she was just nervous on the exam. It took two months of daily subq fluids and a three day hospitalization with iv fluids for her to get over that mistake of mine. Scarlett had good results with a low dose of Amlodipine to keep her pressure under control.
07-04-2013, 08:40 PM
Thank you for the help, I will make sure I take care of this. Hopefully when we go back her pressure will be down. I knew I read something on a thread about this, it must have been yours. Thank you again. Blessings
07-05-2013, 11:57 AM
Hi Everyone;
Tipper had an ok nite for the most part. She has never had a problem distinguishing fireworks from thunder so it went ok. It did start to rain however so in the closet she went. I composed a letter to my vet with the information Leslie gave me about the trachea and adequan shots. I am asking him to call this Vet and get the information. I will leave it Wednesday when she gets her pressure checked again. I am having a horrible time getting a retailer near me that sells the chicken with no salt. I need to get off here and work on it. Have a good weekend everyone. Blessings
Budsters Mom
07-05-2013, 01:41 PM
Hang in there Patti! You're doing a great job! :)Just remember to take care of yourself too. Tipper needs you to be healthy, calm and rested because she feeds off of your energy. I realize more than anyone how hard that is to actually accomplish. Big hugs my dear,
07-05-2013, 08:23 PM
Hey you
Just wanted to post a note before I left to let you know that although I won't be online I will still be thinking of you. I ask Tia all the time to keep Tipper safe and I don't have to be here to do that
I am hoping that vet sorts things out for you so I see some good reports when I get back. If I can get online I will. We are doing to a remote place on purpose (for me to avoid work and cell phone reception)
I do hope you feel better soon. Disgusting about the chicken as well I thought that when you posted! Hope you sourced some
Lots of love to you and kisses to Tipper the Ripper
07-06-2013, 08:36 AM
Mel, and Everyone:
Thanks for checking in on Tipper. I am waiting as I post for the market to call me and tell me they have my order of chicken for Tipper the Ripper. I found a market about 10 miles away where the butcher will work with me, and order this chicken in when I need it. I ordered 15 lbs of breast meat to start off with, in case I wouldn't be able to get more when needed for some reason. The butcher said he didn't know the price per lb until her made the order, so I could be really floored!. Oh well she needs it so what can I do? At Gerber Chicken the chicken is raised, killed , cleaned and packaged that is all they do to it. So no salt to hurt my Tipper!. This is the only place doing this with chicken, the others pump it all full of saline, so beware! Tipper has become so rounded like she swallowed a 6 inch ball. I was told on 2 prior occasions that her liver was not distended, I am wondering if it is now? I may talk to the IMS about a full body ultrasound. I am nervous as her ACTH will be coming in August and it is her alk phos I am worried about. The humidity is so thick here this morning it is 71%. Tipper did walk, but we inched along slowly. It looks like more rain on the way, what else is new? Hope everyone has a good weekend. Blessings
Simba's Mom
07-06-2013, 02:01 PM
Sending hugs and prayers to you and Tipper, hope the chicken works well for him and that you have a great weekend...I understand the barrel tummy issues, Simba has that too at the moment, scary for us Moms and uncomfortable for them, this dreaded disease.....
Budsters Mom
07-06-2013, 11:18 PM
Hi Patti,
I am so glad that you found somewhere to buy Tipper's Chicken. I totally understand. Buddy always ate much better than I did!:p. So sorry that rain is still hanging around.:o xxxxxxx
Squirt's Mom
07-07-2013, 07:38 AM
I have just about decided that it's chicken causing the diarrhea in my house. The three that eat it, Squirt, Trink and Brick, are having issues off and on..and have been for a while. I think Trink and Brick will go back to a fish based recipe and Squirt to the turkey based and see if that helps.
I've been steady losing weight over the last year and the only thing the docs and I can come up with is my mind - I think too much about where my food comes from, how it's processed and handled, the GMOs, cruelty to food animals, on and on and on til I simply can't eat anything. When I am able to eat, about half the time my gut gets torn up afterward. :eek::rolleyes: We be a malodorous bunch at times around here! :p
Hope Tipper had a decent night and you both were able to rest a bit better.
Leslie and the gang
07-07-2013, 08:04 AM
Hi Everyone:
I just wanted to mention you have to watch out for the fish and beef too. They put saline in the fish, and are going to start doing it in the beef. Of course some ocean fish have salt already. Last night Tipper had a bad nite. We had a storm with lots of thunder. She ran in and out of the closet panting and running up on the bed and down on the floor in circles. I had gotten the Composure in the mail to give her for stress. It did not seem to work. I even sprayed the pheromone spray, nothing seemed to work. We are supposed to have this weather for another week. This morning the humidity is so bad it looks like a fog in London. Tipper is growing ansy with the fish for food and I know is missing her chicken. I hope it comes the early part of the week, or I will have to go on a fishing trip to the lake, as my stash of fish is dwindling. Blessings
07-07-2013, 08:42 AM
Patti-Just wanted to say hi and say I hope things get better for Tipper.
I know you said a lot of prayers for my Scoop and I appreciate that.
It seems like they inject everything with sodium these days. My granddaughter has to read Omnivore's Dilemma for her summer college reading. I bought two copies at the used book store, one for her and one for me. I am only on chapter two and I already don't want to eat anything. You can believe what all has corn in it and antibiotics:eek::eek::eek::eek:
Patti, sometimes their fat gets redistributed too, muscles get weaker, changes their shapes.
When I had Zoe's ultra sound done in April, my husband told me could I handle knowing what they all might find. I compare it to her original ultrasound done in 2010. There was a lot of bad news. I'm not trying to talk you out of an ultra sound, sweetie, just want you to be prepared in that oft chance of them finding inconclusive things which are probably common in older dogs, especially Cush pups.
hugs and love
07-07-2013, 02:26 PM
Hi Everyone:
Just had a wonderful trip to the emergency room for a kidney stone. I started off feeling bad this morning, when the pain progressed in my back I immediately knew what it was. I have had several kidney stone attacks non of which were pleasant. I have not had one for many years, but once you have experienced this pain you will never forget it. Had the Lithotripsy done and it just killed my back. I had to get my sitter in a hurry for Tipper, and I did not want to go because of the weather and her being so scared. I had to drive myself. That was a wonderful 20 mile drive in agony. Anyway the pain is intense no matter the size of the stone, it can be as small as a grain of sand and kill you. So I had to get a male nurse of course. He has my arm so swollen up from putting in a catheter. I told him just get the drugs in and forget anything else. Finally put my drugs in and it took the edge off of my wanting to scream. Then got my scan. Had a wonderful ER Dr. and he said I need to get this dissolved asap. Said is was not quite large enough to do the Lithotripsy. He gave me pain meds and said to go home and get beer and drink it. I laughed and he said it was for real that it does help the stone pass. Well I don't drink so where do I get a beer in the middle of nowhere. Oh I could always ask the nosy neighbors, then they would really have something to talk about. I will figure it out. Anyway I told them I had to get out of there because of my dog, so they discharged me quick as a wink. I sent the sitter for the RX's and after I feed the babies I will lay down a bit. The drugs are starting to wear off and the pain is coming back. All I care about is if my girl is ok. Addy I do know what you mean about those scans, you can be really depressed about what they find. I am worried if it is something that has an easy fix that I would not know. I am torn and will think it out when I am feeling better. Blessings
Squirt's Mom
07-07-2013, 02:38 PM
Oh my goodness, honey! :eek: Find someone to be on standby to help you just in case. Let us know how you are when you can but take care of you and your sweet girl first and foremost.
Prayers and healing energies flying your way.
Leslie and the gang
07-07-2013, 02:46 PM
Hi Patti
I'm so sorry!Those kidney stones are so painful and you're right,even ones as small as a grain of sand.I hope you are as comfortable as possible and that the stone passes on its own so that you can find some relief.Sorry Tipper had such a bad night-the weather is just awful here too although we are not having any thunder,just humidity for 3 straight weeks now.I never heard of drinking a beer-that's funny.I think I'm going to take up drinking;).I hardly ever drink but as I was grocery shopping yesterday,the frozen pina coladas were calling out to me.:).I bought a few little packets of them and plan on having one as a treat tonight!:).Well,I hope you are feeling a bit better and the pain meds are doing their trick.Feel better!!-big hugs to you and Tipper.
molly muffin
07-07-2013, 03:25 PM
If a beer will help, then tomorrow, go pick up a couple, unless there is somewhere to get one today. Hold your nose, cause the taste might not agree with you and drink it till that stone passes. I wonder if it helps because it makes you feel like heading to the potty more often. No idea why it would, but knowing how painful it is, I'd give it a try :)
Yes, we are having rain and humidity and sometimes thunderstorms too. It has been a wet spring and summer so far. :(
hugs! Take care of yourself
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
07-08-2013, 08:31 AM
Hi Everyone:
I actually feel human this morning. I had a bad nite with pain. I am going to get an appointment with the urologist. Tipper did ok last nite with some episodes of struggling. It is still very hot and humid here, and we did have showers last nite. I am hoping they call about Tipper's chicken soon, I am running low on the fresh fish, and I know she is missing her chicken. We got one walk in this morning and the sun is out, so maybe no rain today!! I am anxiously awaiting Tipper's blood pressure reading on Wednesday. I am nervous she will have to go on moer drugs if it is not way down. Blessings
07-08-2013, 09:28 AM
Patti, I hope Tipper's blood pressure will be good when she has it checked.
I hope you will be feeling better soon with that kidney stone.
I sure hope you feel better soon. Saying prayers for Tipper's BP too.
Squirt's Mom
07-08-2013, 01:46 PM
**hIc**'nce yoo canna hab **HiC** beara i'sss hab..habbbbinnin onenrto fer ya **hIC**
Roxee's Dad
07-08-2013, 01:53 PM
LOL Leslie... Handing you a cup of black coffee.
Budsters Mom
07-08-2013, 03:08 PM
Hi Patti,
Sending you tons of love and healing energy! :pBelly rubs for Tipper the Ripper.:D
07-09-2013, 01:57 AM
kidney stones are the worst! Glad that you are feeling better.
Tipper, watch over mommy.
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