View Full Version : Tipper - adrenal tumor/breathing issues
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04-18-2013, 10:05 AM
Thanks for the info Patti.
I hope Tipper has a good day today and it is restful for you both.
Love and hugs.
04-18-2013, 12:03 PM
Hi Everyone:
Gave Tipper 1/4 Pepcid AC last night. She seemed to do better during the night. She slept ok, and nothing eventful happened. I gave her another 1/4 tablet this morning, so we have had no reflux episodes so far the last 2 days. I went to take her out on the front porch today which she loves, it is gated and she can run free. She was acting all kind of paranoid and did not even want to stay out for more than a minute. That is very unlike her. I noticed the pacing, paranoia, and strange behavior start again when I started her back on the Vetoryl. I hope this stops as that is where I spend time with her in the summer, and I so want her to enjoy herself. The wind is just starting up so we are in for a storm this afternoon. That will completely ruin her day. After talking to Dechra I am not going to put her on the 20 and 30 mg on alternative days until after her procedure. Dechra said if she does fine on the days with 20 and no symptoms return maybe she can go back down to 20 permanently. We'll see after the hospital stuff is over with. Hope everyone has a good day. Blessings
04-18-2013, 02:33 PM
Tipper might be sensing that another storm is coming. Could be why she's acting strange of late.
Happy that the Pepcid is working for her!!!
04-18-2013, 03:19 PM
I think you are right. She is so worried about the weather she soes nothing but sit there and listen to the wind. I saw this paranoid behavior when she first started on the Vetoryl in August. It kind of went away for the most part. Now it is back with a vengence so I know it is realated to the meds, and the weather is just adding to it. Hope this does not ruin the whole night for her. How is Daisy doing today? Hope all is well. Blessings
04-18-2013, 05:28 PM
Those storms need to blow away, scaring you little girl is not good
Hope you both have a better afternoon
Big hug, kiss for Tipper
04-19-2013, 08:00 AM
Hi Mel:
Well, here we go again this morning. Very gusty winds and the sky is black, so anytime now Tipper will be in the closet trembling. If it would just not thunder she would be able to handle it, but the thunder is what really pushes her over the edge. I gave her 1/4 Pepcid Ac last night and first thing this morning. She had 2 episodes of reflux this morning. I try to give her a small amount of coconut oil after it happens to sooth her throat. I will be glad to get a solution to this form IMS as I know her throat probably feels awful. Thank you for checking on my girl, I am getting more anxiety about her IMS appointment as it gets closer to the date. Blessings
Simba's Mom
04-19-2013, 11:31 PM
I hope you and Tipper gets some rest with all the storms, when Sim is scared I sometimes put his vest on, seems to help for some's so hard to know what to do for your scared pup..take care of you too and Sim told me to tell u to tell Tipper thats its ok, God is moving the doghouses in Heaven, and thats where the noise is coming from :)
Budsters Mom
04-20-2013, 12:42 AM
Buddy is terrified of thunder also! I have what is called a "thunder shirt" for him. It wraps snugly around him and is soothing. They can be purchased online and are available in some pet stores. Taking him in the bathroom with the fan on, and sitting quietly until the thunderstorm ends works for Buddy. He is able to calm down within 10 or 15 minutes once he can no longer hear the thunder. :)
Kathy and Buddy:)
04-20-2013, 12:45 AM
Moving dog houses in Heaven...that is adorable :)
Patti, this is crazy weather! Would Tipper be more comfortable in bed with you? Poor baby. I'm fortunate that not much scares Daisy.
She's still doing really well! Does the fur fall out before the newer, healthier coat comes in? She seems to be losing a little more fur, but there are no other signs of skin infection.
04-20-2013, 12:54 AM
Thinking of you both.
Hope you got some sleep and that you managed to get her out of the closet for some of the night
How are you doing? Have your symptoms calmed down yet?
We will all be with you in spirit for the IMS visit.
Big hug to you and a kiss for your girlie
04-20-2013, 01:25 AM
Me again, I was looking at info on melatonin for Vicki and I came across this article
It say it can be used to help with storms. If you are going to get more maybe you could look into giving her a small dose, could ask the IMS when you go.
I have been reading and it does say you should get it prescribed to ensure dosage and timing are correct. Just wanted to add that as I know it's easily accessible over there and I didn't want to cause sweet tipper any issues
04-20-2013, 08:26 AM
Lettie, Kathy, Mel, Valerie:
I told Tipper about the dog houses being moved around in heaven, she just stared at me like what do you mean! She usually sleeps in bed with me until a storm then she runs for the walk in closet as it is dark and she can hide in the corner behind the clothes. This is the only place she feel safe. She will not let you try to move her or she snips at you from being scared. I have a thundershirt for her for several years now. It never worked on her before, I may try it again. The only problem with it is my closet is hot and stuffy, and with a thunderhirt on top of panting and shaking, I am worried about her over heating. If I put a fan in there she runs out, she does not want the fan on. I try to turn the tv in my bedroom up real loud to try and muffle some of the noise. Well this morning Tipper and I are real happy, it is snowing here so that means no noise today, yahoo!!! Tipper even wanted to go on a walk later last evening. She had walked many times after the storm passed. She is still doing excellent with her walking thank God. She at least gets enjoyment out of that. She had 2 episodes of reflux yesterday even though I gave her 2 1/4 tablet doses of pepcid. Also I noticed in the early morning hours she is starting to get real loud rumbling gut noise like gas pains or something. Just started when I got her back on the Pepcid , so there must be some connection. She has been sleeping with less difficulty on the Pepcid, it must be stopping the acid from leaking thru her valve when she lays down. I will ask the IMS all this as I have a list a mile long to ask, I plan on getting my moneys worth out of this visit! I hope everyones babies are doing well today and having a good weekend. Mel do you work on the weekends too? I know you have a different schedule since you work from home. Hope you have time to get out and go for a walk with your boy. God Bless Us All and our babies.
04-20-2013, 08:40 AM
Snow makes me think of my Tia, maybe she decided to pay you a visit to help sweet Tipper feel better :)
No to the working weekends unless I get called out. I seem to wake up super early now for no reason
Glad the Pepcid is helping her, good idea re the list of questions, they are blinking expensive so you should get your money's worth and surely these lot like details!
So pleased its not storming, Boyce hates them too so I know how hard it can be to help them when they are like that
Big hug, kiss to sweet tipper
molly muffin
04-20-2013, 09:42 AM
Hi Patti, I have a hard time with Molly and storms too, especially if there is thunder, but even if it starts raining hard and she can hear it hit the windows she goes into panic mode.
If it's during the day, she has to be right under my feet. I do mean that literally. If it is at night, she wants On the bed with us, but can't settle usually. I think she does best under the bed. I made her a bed inside a suitcase under the bed. If we are downstairs then she does better beside us. It is hard to see so scared though because she shakes so bad. She doesn't seem to want anything on her, like the thunder shirt. Maybe she feels hotter with the panting and cortisol going crazy in her system.
I do sympathize with you and trying to figure out anything that will make Tipper less scared during the storms.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Squirt's Mom
04-20-2013, 09:58 AM
Hi Patti,
We lived in a camper for a few years and a few years ago it got struck by lightening while Squirt was inside alone. Ever since she has become increasing afraid of storms - even high winds and heavy rain set her off. I bought a Thundershirt for her and it helped for a bit but it makes it very difficult for her to move. A friend told me about the TTouch Body Wrap as an alternative and it works much better for Squirt than the Shirt does - and it does not interfere with her ancient body movements. ;) I use an ACE bandage that is about 3" wide and has a Velcro end. Here is how to put it on -
One of the tricks to handling storm fear with either the wrap or the Shirt is to start using it when there is no need for it so the pup associates it with happy, calm times. Wrap them or put the Shirt on then go to the park, or for a walk, something they enjoy while wearing the wrap/Shirt. Once they are comfortable in the wrap/Shirt, you then make sure it is put on long before the storm actually begins - which means you have to watch the weather predictions like a hawk. If it is supposed to storm this afternoon, you wrap or put the shirt on in the morning - hours before the activity starts so they immediately associate the wearing of it with those good times they have experienced earlier while wearing it. I have a narrower ACE bandage that I use on Brick but Sophie will not tolerate either the Shirt nor the wrap. She basically attacks it until either she has ripped it off or I take it off. She has the mildest reaction to storms of the three so I let her be as the wrap/Shirt makes her more upset.
I also use the melatonin for Squirt as well as Brick and Sophie. In addition to the melatonin, I use the dried herbs Passionflower and Skullcap made into a tea. Squirt gets 2ml, Sophie gets 4ml, and Brick gets 1ml.
None of these things stops the fear completely but they do help a great deal. Brick will still come out of his box and pace a bit but he doesn't shake or whine like he used to and is able to sleep through all but the worst of them. Sophie rests until there is a boom then she charges at nothing and barks her head off. Squirt still trembles a bit and wants to be right next to me but she doesn't vibrate the bed, breath so hard she near hyperventilates, whine or cry, or try to run away from it. They are all much calmer.
All this requires me to be on my toes. I watch the weather very closely and anytime it looks like rain or they are predicting storms I put the wraps on, give melatonin, and make the tea so it can cool hours in advance so everything is ready. Tipper may need a safe place like the closet as well. I would make sure she has a place in there that she is comfortable with and might enjoy even when the weather is calm. Put things there that she loves and let something of yours be there that has your scent on it. I have a blanket on the bed that Squirt has slept on all her life and she wants on that blanket when the weather gets bad. That blanket is her safe place. ;)
It is heart wrenching to see them so scared and we feel so helpless to do anything for them. I so hope you can find something that will help sweet Tipper.
Leslie and the gang
Boriss McCall
04-20-2013, 10:46 AM
Morning Patti,
Hope Tipper is feeling good today. These spring storms don't help much. I have a bulldog that gets scared. but, luckily she is not sick with anything & she just wants me to hold her big old self during the storms. It's funny watching a 60 pound dog try to curl up into the size of a 5 pound dog in my lap. :p
04-20-2013, 11:49 AM
I am going to ask the IMS about the herbs and melatonin. It sounds like it may work for her. I am all for herbs as opposed to drugs. I am going to start doing the wrap on her. My God poor Squirt being in a camper hit by lightening is horrible. I get so scared when Tipper gets worked up that she will have a heart attack. I felt her chest and her heart rate is off the scales during a storm. We just had a brief white out from snow and it started to lay on the ground!! This is some wierd weather. I am getting more anxious as the days pass about Tipper going to the hospital. I want to help her, but cannot seriously take any more bad news about her health. Hope Squirt does well off the Proin, that is a shame that happened, but again it's not your fault. We shoulder all the responsibility every time something goes wrong. God Bless
Squirt's Mom
04-20-2013, 12:11 PM
If you decide to try the herbs, here is a great source for them. They are a reputable herbal source used by many all over the world because their products are so pure and carefully harvested, dried, and stored. The name is Mountain Rose Herbs -
I'll be more than happy to tell you how to use the herbs in a tea - it is very simple. ;)
Thank you for the encouragement - I need it.
Leslie and the gang
04-21-2013, 03:56 AM
How are my girls doing this morning? Did you both get a better night?
I think the herbs and melatonin are a good idea as it must be horrible for them to be so scared. Think I will also look into it for Boyce for fireworks time as we get more of those than storms!
Big big, kisses to Tipper
04-21-2013, 08:32 AM
We had a pretty calm night. Tipper slept fairly well. She is still doing all the hard swallowing though. I am sure her throat has damage from the acid reflux. I am wondering if anyone had any experience with Sucralfate?? If so has your dog had any adverse reactions to it?? I know it can make your electrolytes especially potassium out of balance. I am sure Tipper will have to get something to coat her throat and stomach, and I want to use something with the least amount of side effects. If anyone if familiar with this please respond to me. Mel Tipper walked so many times yesterday because there were no storms. I wish they would just stay away, and she would be fine. She had me worn out yesterday. For having Cushings she still continues to want to walk many many times a day. I think she is walking over a mile a day now. In the grand scheme of things that really doesn't mean much, as I know one thing can come along and wipe that out. It is like living on the edge of your seat all the time. Just a caution to everyone: DOGFOOD RECALL ON INNOVA, CALIFORNIA NATURAL,EVO, HEALTHWISE, AND KARMA. Blessings to all.
Squirt's Mom
04-21-2013, 08:40 AM
Just an FYI for everyone - we have a thread in Everything Else on recalls for pet products. Here is the link -
We try to keep up with the recalls and post info when we get it so keep an eye on EE for updates and new recalls listed.
Hi Patti,
Hannah is currently taking sucralfate because the vet thinks she may have an ulcer. She took it for a week about a week ago as well. It seemed to help. Her stool was dark, which could have been from blood and
it got better after a few days. Now she is back on it for at least a couple of weeks because we don't think it fully healed. The main thing I read was that it can cause constipation. She was okay, and I was worried that could be a problem for het. The most difficult thing for me is spreading it out from her othermedications because it coats the stomach and will prevent absorption of other drugs. I spread it out at least one hour, and two if possible, from other meds. Does the vet want you to try it?
Julie & Hannah
04-21-2013, 12:12 PM
Thanks for the reply. I think Tipper will be on it once the IMS sees her as I know she probably has damage form the acid reflux. I think hers is in the throat. She is having a hard time swallowing, and seems to have acid creeping up at night. I am sure she will have to be put on something until it is healed. I assume they are going to take a biopsy while in there with the scope, and I will be a total basket case until it comes back. I don't think this is something they stay on right?? Did your baby have acid reflux? Blessings
04-21-2013, 03:50 PM
So pleased you had a good night and that she is full of get up and go.
As she has always been an active girl, the storms probably annoy her cause she can't go out either, exercise is so good for their mood as well as their health IMO.
I hope upon hope that nothing comes along. I hate that you can never have peace of mind with this disease, I am praying for a good IMS visit.
Look forward to tomorrows update.
Big hug, kisses to Tipper and a belly rub ;)
Ps never used the medicine which is why I never responded x x
We had a pretty calm night. Tipper slept fairly well. She is still doing all the hard swallowing though. I am sure her throat has damage from the acid reflux. I am wondering if anyone had any experience with Sucralfate?? If so has your dog had any adverse reactions to it?? I know it can make your electrolytes especially potassium out of balance. I am sure Tipper will have to get something to coat her throat and stomach, and I want to use something with the least amount of side effects. If anyone if familiar with this please respond to me. Mel Tipper walked so many times yesterday because there were no storms. I wish they would just stay away, and she would be fine. She had me worn out yesterday. For having Cushings she still continues to want to walk many many times a day. I think she is walking over a mile a day now. In the grand scheme of things that really doesn't mean much, as I know one thing can come along and wipe that out. It is like living on the edge of your seat all the time. Just a caution to everyone: DOGFOOD RECALL ON INNOVA, CALIFORNIA NATURAL,EVO, HEALTHWISE, AND KARMA. Blessings to all.
Hi Patti,
Hannah does not have acid refulx. The vet thinks she has an ulcer due to suddenly darker stools. The sucralfate is not supposed to be long-term, no. But for now we are trying 2-4 weeks. I have a month's worth if I need it. But we will check in periodically to see how she's doing, and I monitor her stools daily, of course.
I hope Tipper's appointment goes well. I know how stressful and worrisome it is whenever they have anything done. When is the appointment?
One other thing I thought of regarding the storm fear: have you heard of D.A.P. (dog appeasing pheromone) spray? They also make a plug-in. I have the spray and I spray it on a bandanna and tie it around Hannah's neck. She doesn't have storm anxiety, but I use it when we go to the vet or groomer and it really seems to calm her. My other dog, Izzy, has terrible storm anxiety. The D.A.P. doesn't seem to do much for her. She has a thundershirt, which helps a little. I also have Xanax for her and it also reduces the anxiety, especially if I give it a little before the storm starts.
Julie & Hannah
04-22-2013, 08:13 AM
Tipper's appointment is on Friday. I am so anxious about it. How do you give the Sucralfate? I am assuming it is a liquid?? If it tastes bad Tipper won't drink it. Did you ahve any trouble with the Vetoryl being absorbed? Any trouble with electrolytes after using it? Thank you for all your help. I am going to get that spray you are talking about as years ago I had a cat I used it on and it worked for him. Hope your baby is doing well today. Blessings
04-22-2013, 08:25 AM
Hi Everyone:
In a way I cannot wait until Friday. Last night I thought Tipper would not be able to go until Friday. What a bad night! She was all over the bed every few seconds. At times I thought she was not going to be able to swallow. She was having a very difficult time. There is something very wrong with her throat and Friday seems an eternity right now. I am giving her small amounts of Manuka honey and coconut oil to soothe her throat. I don't know what else to do. Last night I gave her a small drink from a syringe and she could hardly swallow it. I need to get her seen and get this taken care of. I am sure her throat is raw from acid reflux. Since I have her back on the Pepcid she still gets maybe 2 episodes daily. This is making me a nervous wreck. I have the Cushings under control and now this. I feel so sorry for her when she stares at me like she is telling me what is hurting. I know just a regular sore throat is painful and she has been suffering this for over a month. I am wondering if I should ask my Vet to start Sucralfate today. I am afraid to wait until Friday, what do you think???
I don't see how it could hurt her. Anyone have any advise please let me know. Thank You and Blessings to all.
04-22-2013, 08:37 AM
Sorry you didn't have a great night.
Would your normal vet just have a chat to you about your concerns with these episodes and if there was anything non prescribed you could do? Just asking as the IMS might want to go in a different direction and we wouldn't want to do anything that could set you back on that appointment. Or could you call the IMS and ask them if they think it's a good idea before speaking to your vet? Maybe they could bring the app forward?
Big hug, kisses for Tipper
Squirt's Mom
04-22-2013, 08:50 AM
If Tipper's distress is getting worse, I would call the vet, probably whoever is going to be looking into what this problem could be, and let them know how she was acting last nite. Ask if there is anything you can do to help her between now and Fri - or if they think she needs to be seen before Fri. Don't hesitate to express your concerns - we are a huge part of the diagnostic processes our babies go through because we see how they are in their normal environment VS the vets seeing them in the clinic where our pups often act as if nothing is wrong at all and they just want to go home or become so stressed what the vets see is exaggerated. So let someone involved in Tipper's case know what is going on.
And let us know what they have to say.
Leslie and the gang
04-22-2013, 09:07 AM
Patti, Sorry to hear Tipper had a bad night. Hope things will be better today.
Big hugs to you and Tipper
04-22-2013, 10:20 AM
Hi Everyone:
I called the IMS and my regular Vet. The IMS said sucralfate was fine to be given today before being seen on Friday. I am waiting for my Vet to come in this afternoon and get her some. It comes in pill and liquid form. I am sure she needs the liquid form to help her throat as the pill would only do the stomach. This medicine adheres to lesions and ulcers caused by acid and heals them. I hope he has some in the office, if not a trip to the drug store will be in order. She cannot suffer anymore, so I am going to insist he give it to her. I have to do it while he is in today as she can be allergic and have a reaction to any new medication. Please pray for my Tipper she is having such a hard time swallowing. Blessings
04-22-2013, 10:27 AM
Glad you spoke to both, hope you don't have to chase that blinking vet and they call you
Praying for you both
Boriss McCall
04-22-2013, 10:34 AM
Poor Tipper... I have reflux disease & it can be very unpleasant. Hopefully the meds will help.
04-22-2013, 12:40 PM
Praying for you and Tipper. I hope the meds help with no allergic reaction!!
I hope this helps Tipper, Patti. I am so sorry you are having such worry with your little girl. You do such a great job and Tipper knows it:):)
love and many hugs
I hope you get the sucralfate and it gives Tipper some relief. I have the pill form, but Hannah is easy to pill. I just put a tiny dab of canned food on it. The vet said that was fine. I do know you have to give it separate from other meds because it can prevent absorption. Hannah is not on any meds for Cushing's, but does take a lot of other medications/supplements (Atopica, Hydroxyzine, Denamarin, Pepcid, Cosequin, and a probiotic) . The vet gave me directions for how to split it up. I give it at least an hour away from other meds-preferably two hours, and an hour before she eats. Be sure you ask about that. I sure do hope you see Tipper feeling better soon. I think it works pretty quickly.
Thinking of you and Tipper!
Julie & Hannah
04-22-2013, 05:13 PM
Hello Patti
Did you hear back from the vets? How you both doing?
You hanging in there?
molly muffin
04-22-2013, 06:11 PM
Hi Patti,
Checking in to see how things are going with Tipper and if you were able to get the Sucralfate from your vet.
I really hope this will giver her some relief till you can get to the IMS on Friday.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Simba's Mom
04-22-2013, 06:23 PM
praying for you and Tipper, sending hugs too!!
04-23-2013, 05:08 AM
How are you both today?
Got to go out to work today (boo) but I wanted you to know I was thinking of you before I did
Hope you got the stuff from the vets and had a better night
Big hug, kisses to Tipper
04-23-2013, 07:38 AM
Good Luck to you and Tipper for the tests and appointment with IMS later this week, hope the reflux problem is settling. Flynn has that occasionally and I give him Losec (vet prescribed) and it seems to help. Have a good day xx
04-23-2013, 07:45 AM
Hi Everyone:
Tippper has some real issues with her throat. It is starting to scare me if she has a growth of some kind. Gave her 2 doses of the Sucralfate, seemed to help a little not too much, maybe it needs time. She is still swallowing hard like something is in her throat. I can hear her throat is not clear if that makles sense. I am scared what they will find on Friday, God help us. I am praying they do not find as tumor. I have to go today for my colonoscopy. I have been up all night doing the prep. This time they made me drink 64 ounces of Gatoraid. It finally made me throw up. I will thro up if I see a Gatoraid bottle in the store, that's how much I like it. That is what my Dad died from colon cancer, so I have to be checked all the time. Afraid to leave Tipper with a sitter, it is scaring ,me to leave her. I will post when I get home as I am going to Pittsburgh to my Dr. there. The sitter has a car here and will run Tipper to the Vet if any signs of trouble. God Bless Us All, please pray for my sweet Tipper.
04-23-2013, 07:56 AM
Sorry you had to go out to work today. Hope you have a nice day. Thanks for checking on Tipper the Ripper. Blessings
04-23-2013, 10:05 AM
Patti, Prayers for Tipper. I hope things are just fine with Tipper today while you are at the doctor. Hope you get good results from your colonoscopy.
My dad died from colon cancer, too.
Hugs to you and Tipper.
mine as well,:(
I hope everything goes ok, Patti. We will all be thinking of you and saying prayers.
molly muffin
04-23-2013, 03:56 PM
Checking in to see how things went today Patti. Hope Tipper was fine while you were away.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
04-23-2013, 04:37 PM
Another check in...
Hope your both ok, update when you can
Big hug, kisses for Tipper the Ripper :D
Boriss McCall
04-23-2013, 05:52 PM
hope you are doing okay today. I can only imagine how much you hate gatorade right now. ;)
Hi Patti-
Just checking in on you and Tipper. I hope you're both doing okay.
Julie & Hannah
04-23-2013, 10:23 PM
How are things going today Patti? Good luck on Friday!!!
molly muffin
04-23-2013, 10:58 PM
Hi Patti,
I hope you and Tipper are both okay. You know us worry warts. :)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
04-24-2013, 09:42 AM
Mel,Sharlene, Amy, Vicki,Addy, Valerie,Julie:
Well all went well yesterday, no problems with the old colon. I was more worried about my Tipper to tell the truth. I told the Dr. no more Gatoraid, he said why didn't you drink something else? I told him I called his office and the nurse said it had to be gatoraid. He said I could use gingerale, or crystal lite. I could strangle that nurse! So anyway the protocol in the hospital is that you have to have someone drive you home. I have no one to drive me 3 hours so I made my girlfriend from Pgh. come to the hospital to pretend she was taking me home. They would not even let me get the gown on before seeing her. She showed up and they let me get my procedure. Afterwards, she went to her car and I went to mine. I have had this done 5 times now, so I know the drill. I am wide awake and within my faculties, or would never drive it. It was the only creative way to get out of there to come home. You have to do what you have to do sometimes. Tipper was ok I make the sitter call me every half hour to tell me what she is doing. She is still having severe difficulty swallowing so I am anxious and scared for Friday. We just got back from the Vets now as Tipper had to have her blood pressure which was high today 160 and her electrolytes checked for Friday. I am scared to death they will find something on Friday that cannot be fixed. God Bless You all and please say a prayer for my Tipper.
molly muffin
04-24-2013, 10:09 AM
Thanks for the update Patti. We were worried about both of you.
I pray to god that nothing is found on Friday that can't be easily corrected. We need some smooth sailing for you two for awhile. Tipper is doing so good other than the swallowing/breathing issues, and I would love to see that continue for you both. I feel that when Tippers doing better that you will be too. This stress is just not good.
Hang in there! We're all anxiously awaiting Friday.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
04-24-2013, 10:16 AM
Patti, Glad to hear things went well with you and Tipper was Ok while you were away. Hoping and praying for some good news on Friday for Tipper.
04-24-2013, 10:18 AM
I was getting worried too so glad you are ok.
Praying for Miss Tipper and you for Friday.
Still doing blinking spreadsheets hence the brief note
Be back to check on you later
Big hug, kisses for Tipper the Ripper
Glad to hear you are okay and I hope Friday goes well.
We are all trying to banish the evil spirit illnesses from our forum pups. I currently have a garlic necklace on and plan to do a special dance around the coffee table while chanting:D;) I took an old slipper of my granddaughter's which had a cookie monster head attached to them and taped the word Cushings to it and will stick pins in before bed:D:D:D:D
I hope you never have to drink Gaterade again. Did I spell that right?
04-24-2013, 09:16 PM
Patti I'm so glad that you're appointment went well and now praying for Tipper too!
04-24-2013, 10:27 PM
Good luck with Tipper on Friday.Just wanted you to know you are in my thoughts and prayers!
Simba's Mom
04-24-2013, 10:38 PM
Praying for you and Tipper and sending hugs too, so glad that you have your Tipper to help you thru the tummy stuff!!
04-25-2013, 04:31 AM
Morning, how are my girls?
Did you get a better night? How are you holding up?
Big hug, kisses for Tipper
04-25-2013, 08:02 AM
I hope Simba's temperature has come down. A regular people thermometer does work. Did you find out what is causing the fever? Could there be an infection? GOd Bless you Both
04-25-2013, 08:04 AM
Hi Mel:
Good to hear fom you. I am such a nervous wreck I will be up all night. When the hospital called to confirm Tipper's appointment, I wanted to cancel it. I am scared to death for her. Please keep her in your prayers as I need your strength. God Bless you.
04-25-2013, 08:09 AM
I am right here with you giving you all the positive mojo I can
I know it's so scary, you need to know but you don't want to know, I pray for you both.
Does the medicine seem to have helped the last couple of nights?
04-25-2013, 08:12 AM
Hi Everyone:
Well tomorrow morning is Tipper's procedure. I am a nervous wreck. I know I will not sleep a wink. This will be the longest hour of my life, waiting for her to wake up from anesthesia. I have prayed a million times over for nothing serious to be wrong with her, but I am scared to death. I am getting everything ready- the car with her bed I make up for her since she can no longer sit that long in her car seat, some food, camera, files etc. It is all ready to go a 6:00am. It will be extremely hard to go 3 hours with her not eating, but I simply cannot afford a motel on top of all this other stuff it will be 3000.00. This will either be the best or worst day of my life. I have prayed for a miracle for her, and now it will be God's will. Please everyone pray for her tomorrow morning, I need you all with me in spirit, to make it thru this. Yesterday was my birthday, and all I wished for was for my Tipper not to have any more problems that cannot be corrected easily. God Bless Us All.
04-25-2013, 08:18 AM
You should have mentioned it was your birthday!
Happy belated birthday for yesterday. I hope you and your girlie did something nice together
I will definitely be with you what time is her appointment, so I know to think of her as there is five hours difference between us....
Oh Patti, Happy Birthday. We will all be with you tomorrow. I'll light a candle for Tipper too.
Squirt's Mom
04-25-2013, 08:53 AM
We are all right by your side, Patti, today, tomorrow, always. Candles are burning all over the place for you both, prayers rising. You are not alone, honey, never alone.
Spend some special times with Tipper today. If she's up to a special walk or ride somewhere she really likes, go. If there is something she really likes to eat, give her some. If she has a favorite toy, play with her. Do some things today that bring you both joy and try to stay focused on those good things just for today....said the kettle to the pot. ;)
:):) Happy Birthday, Patti! :):)
04-25-2013, 10:45 AM
Happy Belated Birthday Patti <3
Praying that everything goes well for Tipper today! xoxo
Daisy is at Cornell as I type this getting her first ACTH test since starting Trilostane. Hoping that the results confirm that she's doing well on the low dose and that we can continue at that dose.
Harley PoMMom
04-25-2013, 03:24 PM
Happy belated birthday Patti!
I will definitely be keeping you and Tipper in my thoughts and prayers, wishing you both the best of luck.
Love and hugs, Lori
Boriss McCall
04-25-2013, 05:30 PM
Happy Birthday!! Good luck tomorrow. We will all be waiting & praying. ;)
molly muffin
04-25-2013, 06:09 PM
Happy belated birthday Patti!
You know that we will be right there by your side in spirit!!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
04-25-2013, 06:48 PM
Thinking of you, hope your doing ok?
Simba's Mom
04-25-2013, 10:39 PM
Happy belated birthday, prayers for you and Tipper!
Truffa's Mom
04-26-2013, 12:28 AM
Happy Belated Birthday Patti, I'll be sending fairies and little angels to make you and the pretty Tipper rest very well tonight to get ready for the procedure on Friday. I'll have you both in my prayers.
04-26-2013, 04:01 AM
2 hours till we leave, am up and ready to go!
Thinking lots of positive thoughts for you and Miss Tipper
We are all right by your side, hope you can feel us there.
Big hug to you
Kisses and bellies rubs for Tipper the Ripper. Be strong girlie. Paws up
04-26-2013, 05:02 AM
Hi Patti
Happy birthday for the other day, I hope your pressie will be a good report on Tipper today, will be thinking of you and sending all my best wishes your way. Good Luck xx
Squirt's Mom
04-26-2013, 08:03 AM
Mornin' Patti,
I hope you and Tipper got some rest last night. We are all with you today and praying for the best outcome. I've lit a candle for ya'll this morning. Let us know what you learn when you can....remember, you are not alone, honey.
Leslie and the gang
04-26-2013, 12:33 PM
Hope you are both holding up ok. Sending some more positive mojo
Hope everything is okay. Just checking in
molly muffin
04-26-2013, 02:55 PM
Thinking of you both
04-26-2013, 05:14 PM
Hi Everyone:
What a day. Tipper in the car fasting with no food and water is not a fun trip. She was very ansy the whole time and kept whinning to me for food and water. I felt really bad it was starting to make me sick I felt so bad.On arrival I told the receptionist I would rather wait in the car with Tipper as she gets anxiety from being at the vets all the time. After they took me in they said the Dr. would be in right away. I guess 1/2 hour meant right away. I had to hold Tipper up in my arms for the whole time as her anxiety got the best of her. The Dr. came in and quickly introduced herself told me what she was going to do and what she thought. She said firstly Tipper does not have Tracheal Disease. I said well my Vet said she does, she said well he is wrong so get that out of your head. Then she asked me a few questions about her Cushings. I told her I had Dr. Peterson for a consult and he said the usage of prednisone probably predisposed Tipper to the Cushings. She said no you are wrong he would never say that. I said why would I come here and lie about what a specialist told me about my dog? She made not attempt to answer. I asked where the anesthesiologist was and she said there isn't one today so I will do it. I told her no I want an anesthesiologist. She very smartly said ok you will have to reschedule an appointment. First of all when I made this appointment they told me one would be there along with a heart Dr. as Tipper's heart is supposedly slightly enlarged. Secondly, she didn't even want to hear about Tipper's history, or see any of her 1 foot thick file and bloodwork, tests etc. I said I need to think all this over and can I see the heart Dr? She left and sent the heart Dr. in to see me. The heart Dr. was a completely different type of caring, kind, and concerned Dr. She gave Tipper an echocardiogram, and a test to see if her heart muscle is working properly. She told me Tipper has some leakeage of her Mitral Valve that is minor. Her valve has thickened with age,and it happens in smaller dogs she told me. It is only leaking a small amount from thickening form age. She said Tipper probably would get no symptoms for 3-5 years from it, if at all. She said because her heart muscle was so strong and working very well she is lucky. It is because she has always had a lot of exercise and it kept her heart in excellent shape. Also she said that Tipper's heart is not enlarged and is normal size!! Do you really know who to believe at this point??? I then paid the 700.00 bill and left. I would never, never ever let a Vet work on my dog without an anesthesiologist there. Also no IMS no matter how big her ego is or how much she thinks she knows will do any procedure on my Tipper without going over her tests, bloodwork, and extensive history. I was so peed off you have no idea, I was boiling. She is lucky I did not send her out of the room with a black eye. How dare someone have the nerve to treat my Tipper with no regard for her safety whatsoever. The first thing I said to her was Tipper's safety is paramount to anything else. She spent maybe 10 minutes with me and was wanting to get out of the room and move on with things. This is totally unacceptable to me. I am just exhausted from all of this today, not to mention my poor Tipper fasting, no water, no Vetoryl all morning. So I have decided that all of these idiots with the big educations, and the big egos can forget my business. I researched a drug that dries up mucus, etc. and asked my vet about it last week if Tipper could have it. I needed to know if it raised or lowered her blood pressure, or interacted with the Vetoryl. He said no it was safe. I stopped at the drugstore and got some and when she got done eating dinner I gave her 1/2 tablet. I wanted to do it while the Vets are in in case she has a reaction, as she can be allergic to things. Well she has had it for about 2 hours now and so far so good. I want to see if this helps with the sticky noise I hear in her mouth when she is sticking her tongue out. I am wondering since she now snores because of the Cushings if she has post nasal drip, and if it is thick and clogging her throat?????That could be why she is opening her mouth real wide to try and clear her throat. Since this drug will not hurt her, it is worth a try to prevent her having to go to another Dr. Who knows it could work. I have never been so disgusted with a Dr. I am writing the owner of the hospital, and telling him she was not even worth the 150.00 she charged me for her half baked consult, and I want a partial refund. I am not going to put up with this kind of treatment. So I know about Tipper's heart now which is important and if she needs anesthesia for something I know she can withstand it. The rest of the throat mystery is still unsolved unfortunately. Hopefully this drug will help her and end all of this worrying. This is the worst money I have ever thrown away while treating Tipper.
This next thing will really get to you. As I was sitting in the waiting room while Tipper got her echo a couple came in and sat near me with a small Scotty dog. They told me they were from Penn State and had come far. I told them I know how far it is as my dad went to school there. I said what is wrong with your dog, and they said he has Cushings disease and our Vet does not know how to treat it. What are chances of this I ask you????? I almost fell out of my chair. I told them my Tipper had it too. There are so many dogs coming down with this it needs to be researched. I am going to ask my Vet when you want someone to start a researh project for dogs how you go about it. I swear if it's the last thing I do I will get one started or die trying. I don't mean to ramble on so I will add anything I forgot to this tomorrow as I am exhausted, and need to rest for a while. God Bless You All and all your precious babies.
04-26-2013, 05:32 PM
Oh Patti, I am so sorry they let you both down. How frustrating to go that distance and then to come away 700 bucks down and none the wiser. I am mad for you both
I don't understand why they would be in that career and not care enough to look through all the info to ensure they know everything before starting. I too would have walked out
Go for the whole refund as you specifically asked for the anesthesiologist to be there, they weren't so she never did or told you anything to warrant the fee
Squirt's Mom
04-26-2013, 05:37 PM
omg....what an awful ordeal for both of you! You have been so concerned about this and then to be treated in such a way. I don't blame you one bit for wanting that money back or for telling the hospital the way she made you feel. She sounds a lot like Squirt's first IMS. gggrrrrrrrr
I hope the OTC med does wonders for Tipper tonite and you both get some good solid sleep. Let us know how things went in the morning. Sweet dreams to you both!
Leslie and the gang
molly muffin
04-26-2013, 05:50 PM
Well Really!!! I am completely disgusted on yours and Tippers behalf. This is completely unacceptable that they would not have an anesthesiologist there when one was specifically requested and assurance were made.
I'm glad that you did get some answers about Tippers heart and that is reassuring at least, but that IMS is just out to lunch. Really, some people are in the wrong business.
Oh that poor little dog. He was probably going to be seen by the same IMS too. :( How heart breaking.
One of the absolute main things that bothers me with cushings, is that vets Don't always know what they are doing and won't admit it. Instead they just treat willy nilly and go on about their day as if they have not in fact caused more harm than good. :( That is frustrating and heart breaking and just maddening.
I hope that what you found will work for Tipper. There has to be a smart, compassionate IMS around somewhere! arggghhhh
Okay, you get some rest. I am sure you and Tipper are both exhausted. Maybe the little guy you met will find us on the forum and we can help his parents. I sure hope so.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
04-26-2013, 10:57 PM
That is beyond disgusting and I also think that you should report this vet to the veterinary association! I'm hoping that the couple didn't have an appointment with the same specialist.
I can't believe what gall she had!!!!!
Get some rest sweetheart. I hope that the meds work and Tippers"s heart being strong is good news!
Truffa's Mom
04-27-2013, 01:48 AM
OMG this is truly disgusting, unbelievable. You should complain to the clinic to everyone you can, today you saved Tipper from this idiot/ monster, but we all have experienced how intimidating this "almighty vets" can be, when we go scared and vulnerable with our babies into their offices and believe we can trust them with our pets:confused:....until one day we wake up.
How on earth can she dismiss Tipper's history? Negate Cushings? And perform herself anhestesia? Cush dogs need an anhestesiologist ALWAYS, because they need to monitor very closely their Blood Pressure, the whole experience is appalling.
I'm so sorry that you and Tipper had to endure this whole day, plus all the anxiety of the appointment. Hope you and Tipper have a deep and relaxing sleep.
04-27-2013, 01:50 AM
I am so very thankful for Dr. Morgan at Cornell. I wish that you were nearby. I would gladly keep you company while you and Tipper wait.
Praying that the meds help her!
04-27-2013, 03:44 AM
Hope you are ok and that you both managed to get some rest last night?
Thinking of you, hugs to you and kisses for Tipper
04-27-2013, 04:38 AM
Love a duck.... this is terrible, I do not like her bedside manner at all. There is no need to pay $150 for a whole lot of nothing. Good to hear Tipper's heart is beating away nicely though. I am glad the cardiologist lived up to expectations.
I have forgotten what procedure Tipper was having, was it endoscopy to see what is the problem in her throat? What type of anaesthetic is needed for this? I would have thought very light anaesthetic as it is pretty quick? If that was the case I think doing it without an anaesthetist would be fine as it is a simple procedure and risks involved would be very low. It does not sound like she outlined risks of procedure/anaesthetic so you could make informed decision, or maybe you did which is why you decided not to have the test done. Your stress levels must be through the roof, poor Tipper still not knowing what the problem is.
Hope you managed to get some rest after that horrible day, I would complain too, you and Tipper deserve better treatment than that.
04-27-2013, 08:30 AM
Hi Everyone:
Well Tipper and I both slept last nite. She got up early though at 6:15 and wanted me up. She is so cute the way she sticks her face in mine and waits to see my eyes open. I cannot resist getting up when she does this.
The over the counter meds I gave her seemed to help -about 50% better. I think I am on to something here. I hope if I give them to her for a few days this will completely go away. Can we actually be that lucky??? She did attempt to clear her throat, but not too much of a sticky sound, and very little throat clearing!! I am wondering if she has post nasal drip, but the viscosity of it is so thick that when it starts to go down her throat, it kind of blocks her airway from being so thick?? The reason I am thinking this is, I mentioned her eyes with the white mucus in the morning and they are all connected. I just gave her another pill so we will see what happens tonight after she gets the bedtime dose.
We have both recovered from yesterday. You know I feel sorry for people that do not know any better and trust the sole judgement of these so called professionals. That is where a lot of trouble starts if you do not arm yourself with information. Some of these vets would rather do the wrong thing than admit they do not know what to do.
Many of my neighbors called to see how Tipper made out. I was worn out after explaining it so many times. Some did not understand my decision on not letting that idiot do the procedure, they just don't get it. My Tipper is safe and that is all I care about. I am not taking her anywhere else until I see if this drug works on her. If it doesn't, I want a full history on the next person I take her to before going and want to talk to some previous people that have taken their pet there.
Tipper was elated that we are not going anywhere and that she is back to her routine, and getting her breakfast and walking. The heart Dr. told me what a lovely Jack Russell she was during the echo, and that she is more behaved than any other Jacks she has seen. She said keep on being vigilant with her and she can possibly live her life out. I can only hope and pray that is true. Tipper and I are just so glad yesterday is over and we will go on from here. I think I may take her over to the farm to watch the llamas today, she so enjoys that, and deserves it!! I will however compose a letter to the owner of the hospital later and let him know about this Dr. and how we were treated. God Bless you All and all your babies.
I totally understand. It was like when Zoe had her neck growth rupture last summer and I was assured the surgeon would do the procedure and then when we went to pick Zoe up we found out the IMS did it:eek:
Boy was I ticked off:eek: They tell us one thing when we call and schedule things and then have no regard to how we feel when they change it . I guess because they "are just dogs":eek::mad: They should have explained it to you.
So I totally understand how ticked off you are. With this last surgery, I grilled the surgeon about would there be any reason she would not do the surgery on the scheduled day, would someone else end up doing it. I think I grilled her and pressed her for a good ten minutes this last time so she knew I would accept no one else and if she was not availabe the surgery would be cancelled. End of story;)
04-27-2013, 08:53 AM
Thanks Everyone for all your comments on our horrible day yesterday, I am in the process of formulating a letter to the owner of the hospital. God Bless Patti
04-27-2013, 02:28 PM
I'm ELATED that the new med is working! Could be that Tipper's allergies have gotten that bad really. My father is suffering big time and we're waiting for the doc to prescribe a prescription for the first time in his life. Daisy's eyes are weepy for the same reason so I have to keep an eye on that.
I'm glad that the heart specialist was the opposite of the other.
Simba's Mom
04-27-2013, 04:07 PM
Oh my goodness what a terrible day you had, I'm shocked at how they treated you and your precious Tipper. Forsure write a letter, thats bad and the vet is a, glad that Tipper is doing well now!!! sending hugs!!
04-28-2013, 08:57 AM
Hi Everyone:
I wasn't able to judge if Tipper was having any trouble swallowing last night as she went in the closet. It was supposed to rain and I guess she sensed the change in barometric pressure. I am bummed that I was unable to see if this is helping her. I will have to check tonight. Otherwise she had a good day with plenty of walks. I got her a harness with an ice pack that goes in the bottom of it where her heart is. Dogs with heart disease have a hard time cooling their body core. I only walk her in the morning and evening when the sun is down. When it warms up I will start using the pack- you put it in the freezer. We are due for some more rain today so I better get all her walks in before hand. God Bless Us All and our babies.
04-29-2013, 09:07 AM
Hi Everyone:
Well Tipper went in the closet again last night, so I was unable to monitor her as far as the mucus drug goes. I will try again tonight. I have however noticed a downturn in her health, I can't exactly explain it, but I can see changes that are not for the good. Hope everyone has a good day with their baby. Blessings
04-29-2013, 12:54 PM
Oh Patti,
I'm so sorry.
04-29-2013, 02:45 PM
Hello you
It has been a tough few days and the trip and storms probably haven't helped. Hoping she will bounce back to her old self soon
Thinking of you both
Big hug, kisses for Tipper
molly muffin
04-29-2013, 05:58 PM
I too hope Tipper will bounce back. It's been a real trial for both of you lately. This journey has not been an easy one.
Time might be one answer, reevaluate supplements etc too. Also, her levels did start to go low on the vetoryl, did you lower that when you started her back on it?
Big Hugs,
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
04-30-2013, 09:00 AM
Sharlene, Mel, Valerie, and Everyone:
I was anticipating monitoring Tipper last night, but again she went to the closet. I think it has become a safe haven for her in so much as she knows she doesn't have to keep waking up and worrying if it is going to storm and she is safe. Unfortunately I could not listen to her breathing, or swallowing again. I will just try again tonight. The other part that makes this tuff is she gets these pill in the morning and at bed time. So they are starting to wear off when she lays down and it is not giving me a true indication if it's working or not. That is why I need to keep her in bed for a few hours until the bed time dose starts to work. From what I have seen it appears she is not sticking her tongue out as much, and I don't hear that sticky sound when she is trying to clear her throat. I talked to my Vet yesterday about my experience at the IMS. He was kind of shocked a vet would act like this. He did tell me that he has another Jack Russell that is having throat and swallowing issues and they are taking the dog to Pgh to the same hospital in the next 2 weeks to get scoped. He said to hold off until he learns how it went with this dog, and how this dog recuperated afterwards. I am getting scared if I don't find out what this is that it is taking such a toll on Tipper that she may have a real emergency situation. Oh I got a fax from the nasty IMS that saw Tipper yesterday with a complete estimate on this whole procedure. Now instead of a couple thousand we are talking between 3-4. This is so wrong, how can the average person living on a fixed income afford this?? The really bad part is that I used so much of my savings on Tipper's diagnosis and testing, and treatment. Then this comes up out of the blue. I am really scraping the bottom of the barrel for money. I think I may have to get some work from home. I didn't want to do that, as I wanted to spend whatever time Tipper has left being with her exclusively. This disease really has robbed so many people of quality time with their beloved babies. No one ever said life was fair, but this disease can really put you over the edge even when you are trying anything to keep it from progressing. I try to take video of Tipper all the time, especially if she barks as I always want to be able to hear her voice and see her. God Bless You All and all your babies.
04-30-2013, 09:22 AM
Patti-God bless you and Tipper. Never in my wildest nightmares did I think I would be dealing with something this incredibly hard physically, mentally, emotionally and financially. Why can't someone figure this horrible thing out and be able to help our precious babies. I'm sorry to hear you may have to look for work from home. I hope things get better for Tipper and you. Hugs
04-30-2013, 02:35 PM
Hey Patti
Bless her, I wish these storms would disappear for you as its horrible she is scared, you want them near you when they are like that but they don't want to be. Boyce is the same he goes to our bathroom and I cant get him out till he is ready which can be hours.
Maybe the other JR can give your vet an indicator of what it could be with tipper, it's hard as they can be so different sometimes. It's so confusing when they say one thing and the IMS says another. I hope for a miracle for everyone all the time
What has changed on the quote? Seems a bit of a jump. It's not fair that it costs so much to do all these procedures. Surely it can't cost them that much..
Hope she is having a good day today and that you don't get storms tonight
Big hug, kisses for Tipper
04-30-2013, 04:02 PM
Yes quite a big jump in the quote. I think the more they see you love you dog, the higher the bill as they know you will do anything to save their lives. It has just become a big business, and the animals don't even get any consideration any more. I am so sacred I see changes in Tipper that scare me. The other person on here George, his dog passed so suddenly and it scares me to death. I took her today for her laser treatmant and she did not even want to sit still for that. She is not normally bad there, and not wanting to sit down. She won't go out on our front porch or in the back yard and she loves it outside. It is breaking my heart to see her like this. She shakes at the slightest noise from anything. Before she got Cushings in the summer we stayed out all day as she did not want to come in. I am scared I will not have her long if this continues. I have just been crying everytime something wierd happens, and so worried about her throat issues. I have been down in one of those deep dark holes for a few days now since the trip to Pittsburgh. I 'll get out of it I just have to keep busy. I hope you are doing well, I wish you lived near me you are a good friend. God Bless you and your baby.
04-30-2013, 04:11 PM
Oh sweetheart, you build yourself up for these appointments praying for the best but secretly thinking the worst. So to be insulted and then get no real answer to the questions you wanted answering is frustrating.
I know that every little thing is noticed as you don't know if it means anything and that can take its toll on you
I read George's post too, it was a horrible thing to happen, I think you have to try as hard as it is to put those thoughts to the back of your mind. One day or one hour at a time, you know your girl and you would move heaven and earth to do what you could for her, none of us know what is around the corner but you can't anticipate that
Am sure those storms have probably got a lot to do with her behaviour. When they keep on happening I think the pups expect it, Boyce is the same with fireworks, he is like it for about 4 weeks even when there aren't any. He hears a loud noise and goes running
We are all here to help you through those dark days as we all have felt them ourselves. I am right here with you. Feel that big hug I am sending
Kisses to Tipper
Simba's Mom
04-30-2013, 05:58 PM
Hey Patti, I'm sending you a big hug to comfort you will all your worries about Tipper, it's so hard isn't it? Every little thing we notice in our pups, they can't even age like normal pups, too much going on with their bodies...praying that Tipper settles down and gets calmer for you and that she's not scared of things...take care, here for you!
molly muffin
04-30-2013, 06:01 PM
Hi Patti, while I was reading your thread I was struck by something, and that is cortisol is a natural mechanizm of the body in reaction to anything, a storm, a sound, a smell, it goes up and down all day long in reaction to outside stimuli. When we are treating dogs for high cortisol levels, we bring that level down and the medicine basically keeps it in balance, so it doesn't shoot up and down in a normal reactive mode now.
That is why when some dogs say do something that they might enjoy alot or something that scares them, often people will let the cortisol come up a bit, so that buffer is there to help them.
Tippers last levels are at the lowest that we've seen during her testing and it could be that this level doesn't allow for her to be able to process things as she is use to, as her body is use to. Just something to think about. Not every dog is great at the same levels. Some have controlled symptoms at post 9, some at post 3, some do really well at an intermediate level. I'm just thinking, I might be inclined to let Tippers come up a point or so and see how she does.
It is possible since this other JR has the same type of throat issues that this is something completely unrelated to the cushings. I wonder if any other JR's have had this.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Squirt's Mom
05-01-2013, 08:10 AM
Hi Patti,
Sharlene is on to something here I think. Squirt has had only one very small dose of Lyso since last Mon and she handled a storm better than she has in ages last week. We have storms starting today and going for the next four days so we will see how she does. I'm not seeing signs in Squirt other than an increase in appetite - but that is a more normal level, not the cush appetite.
Another thing I am noticing about her without the Lyso - her night time lip smacking has stopped and her nose isn't running like it used to from time to time. So now I'm wondering if lowering the cortisol increases production of mucous and saliva...or are these signs all related to allergies allowed to surface with treatment. :confused: We need more research on this disease and the treatments! I'm with you all the way there.
I hope sweet Tipper is feeling a bit better with the allergy med and that you get a chance to observe her to see how it is working. ;)
Keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers,
Leslie and the gang
05-01-2013, 09:46 AM
Mel, Leslie, Sharlene, Lettie:
I think Leslie has unknowingly unlocked another clue for me about Tippe, and a lot of other dogs on here. I know Sharlene is right about the low cortisol and storms, Tipper's cortisol may be even lower than it was before as I have not had a new ACTH yet it will be due shortly. The vet thinks that is what made her stop eating because the cortisol was too low, and the storm started and she could not handle it at her cortisol level.
Leslie you said something that made me really think on it. I know there is a connection between Tipper's mucus or post nasal drip and this Cushings. She never had this before. She never snored before either. Most of the posst on here talk about dogs smacking their lips,snoring, and runny noses. These are symptoms of what Tipper has as the IMS did tell me that. So there is a common thread with all these dogs and nose, breathing, and tongue licking and smacking. This Cushings causes something to go wrong inside their nasal area. I read where someones dog developed a polyp like tumor in the nasal cavity. The post nasal drip etc. is said to be a sign of airway disease, so this is all connected somehow. Leslie when you said about Squirts runny nose that put me onto it. You dog is on Lysodren and mine on Vetoryl so it can't be the drugs it has to be the Cushings. The nasal thing is what is causing Tipper to struggle breathing at night. Also if you read Georges post about his dog passing away, and blood came from it's nose, that ties in with it too. I must get to the bottom of this because I feel it could either help or save some dogs on here. Anyone that goes to an IMS please question them about this issue as we need as much information to figure this out as we can get. The other Jack Russell doesn't have the same issues as Tipper Sharlene, sorry if I confused everyone with my post. The other Jack has some breathing issues, don't know if it has Cushings. Also what I found out a while back when Tipper started getting sick was that Tipper's sister died of liver disease. Could it have been high liver values from Cushings and the Vet just like my vet was so inexperienced with Cushings that he thought it was liver disease. So this could be hereditary?? So maybe she did not die from liver disease alone?? Anyone who has a dog with these symptoms please let me know what they are doing and when it started. I am going to call my Vet since I had Tipper's sisters records sent to my vet and ask him to check her Alk Phos levels on the records. He told me to increase the drug I am giving Tipper for the mucus/post nasal drip to 1 full tablet at bedtime. I observed her last night for a while, then she left the bed, which is unlike her. She has always slept up against me all night. She did not do the throat clearing or tongue sticking out as much, and I could not hear that sticky noise. So maybe this is helping her, but the dosage is not high enough. I will let you know what happens tonight with the increased dosage I hope it completely stops it. It would be a God send not to have to put her thru a procedure to determine what this is. If it is mucus, the Cushings must do something to their sinuses that causes it. God Bless You All and your babies.
05-01-2013, 02:13 PM
Patti, it does sound like Charlene is onto something!
Hope that Tipper feels better soon! It's so scary watching them not being their usual selves.
05-01-2013, 03:32 PM
Hello you
Maybe it's worth discussing the theory with the vet and adjusting her doseage through storm season... It could be the medicine is affecting the way her body would usually handle the effects of a storm
Hope you are feeling a bit better today?
Big hug, kisses to Tipper the Ripper (hope she feels like that soon!)
05-01-2013, 10:00 PM
Hi Patti
Just wanted to say thank you for all your love and support.The shock of losing Fella has lessened somewhat and I've finally been able to start reading your threads.My heart is with you and Tipper!.Its awful to worry about them so much and feel so helpless.And all we want is the very best for them and I hate that we have the added worry of trying to fig out how we can afford the treatment!Big hug to both you and Tipper and hope the storms have passed.
Budsters Mom
05-01-2013, 10:48 PM
Hi Patty,:)
I read your post on the runny noses. I found it very interesting. Buddy has had a lot of issues with his allergies since his cortisol level dropped after starting Trilostane. He gets the runny nose, sneezing and wheezing thing. After reading about Tipper's issues, I wonder if some of Buddy's so called allergy symptoms could be Cushings related. Yes, Buddy does have many allergies, but this could be a new twist on it.
Sending a big wind your way to blow those big,bad storms away!
Many hugs to you and Tipper,
Kathy and Buddy:cool:
Squirt's Mom
05-02-2013, 09:00 AM
Hope you and Tipper had a good nite. Marcela's baby, Nina, is in the hospital...say a prayer for them this morning, 'k?
05-02-2013, 09:09 AM
Tipper and I are both praying for Marcella's baby. I hope all goes well. Tipper was not well last night and she is not real great this morning either. Please read the post to Valerie and Daisy and you will see. God Bless You and Squirt, and May God Bless Marcella and her baby at this difficult time.
05-02-2013, 09:12 AM
Pray for Tipper she is not well today, and it is scaring me. Please read the post I made to Valerie and Daisy. GOd Bless you for all your support, I need it. Blessings
Squirt's Mom
05-02-2013, 10:25 AM
Hi Sweetie,
I know you are distraught so I'm copying your post to Valerie here on Tipper's thread so you don't have to retype this. I want to be sure everyone who is watching Tipper's story reads this post -
...The hospital wants to schedule the procedure with Tipper with another IMS. Tipper is not getting better with the drug I have been giving her for post nasal drip, so I guess that is not the answer. I am really scared now. I stupidly thought this would be the answer. I am so scared they will come back and tell me the best thing to do would be to put her down. I would be hysterical at that point. I have been crying since they called this morning, going back and forth on what to do. I am so petrified something will happen to her during this procedure. How much more of her can I really ask?? She has done everything so far like a real trooper, but this is much more involved. I am just sick inside at the thought of either more bad news or having to say goodbye to my baby girl way before I am ready to. I am torn on what to do, out of not want ing to let go of her. God Help Us Both.
I have never had a vet fail to tell me if they thought what they wanted to do would be more than my baby could withstand - they always spoke up. I feel like Tipper's vet knows how very special she is to you and would tell you if they thought she couldn't take this procedure but if it will help you, ask the vet what they would do if Tipper were theirs - would they do this or not? It's so easy for us moms to see the worst in everything while the vets see something else entirely...and sometimes we have no choice but to trust their expertise and instincts. So ask what they would do in your shoes.
Patti, learn a lesson from me - don't waste one precious second worrying about the next second. Don't lose time with Tipper that can never be reclaimed. I wasted almost a whole month with Squirt fretting over what was to come and I missed so many opportunities to just sit with her, touching her and talking to her. We can never get that month back and she doesn't have that many months left that we can afford to lose a single one. So lay a blanket in the closet floor next to Tipper and talk to her. Touch her with your loving, familiar touch. Tell her your fears, your hopes, promise her you will always do the best for her no matter the cost to you. Don't let your agony shut Tipper out like I did with Squirt. Our baby girls need us to be by their sides now more than ever. We don't have to be strong, we just have to be honest with them and with ourselves.
We are right beside you, sweetie. You are never alone.
Many hugs and gentle belly rubs,
Leslie and the gang
Budsters Mom
05-02-2013, 11:25 AM
My dear Mel,
Yes, it's scary! :eek: I am so sorry:( I will putting my prayers into hyper-drive for you and very special baby girl.
Many hugs and much love,
Kathy and Buddy:cool:
05-02-2013, 12:02 PM
I have been sending you positive mojo all day I just didn't get chance to tell you so cause of work
I am so sorry to read this latest development I had hoped you were onto something with the OTC stuff
It is so difficult to know which way to turn in these situations, did you manage to speak to the vet to get their input like Leslie suggested?
Please know that whatever you decide I am here for you as are all the others and we all hope for the very best outcome for your girl. Let us know when you can how you are both doing
Big hug, kisses to Tipper
Budsters Mom
05-02-2013, 12:25 PM
I'm sorry Patti,:(
I accidentally called you Mel in my last message. I did know you name and do feel so sad for you and your precious Baby. Pease forgive my blunder.
Much love and prayers,
Kathy and Buddy:cool:
molly muffin
05-02-2013, 07:31 PM
Hi Patti, thinking of you and Tipper. What is going on with Tipper today? You said she isn't well.
What exactly is it that they want to do for 7000 dollars? That was the cost of a complete surgery at the university hospital with over night and after care, so I'm a bit bewildered by the pricing. And it went up after your last visit. Did they answer you at all concerning your email about the first IMS?
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
05-03-2013, 05:36 AM
Hey, how are my girls doing. You have been on my mind since you posted yesterday. Hope you are both ok?
Sending more prayers, positive mojo, hugs and lots and lots of love, hope you can feel it....
Let us know when you can
molly muffin
05-03-2013, 08:58 AM
How are you and Tipper doing?! Worried about you.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Squirt's Mom
05-03-2013, 09:42 AM
Keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers, sweetie. Let us hear from you when you can.
05-03-2013, 12:20 PM
Mel,Sharlene, Leslie, Kathy:
What I meant by Tipper not being good was she was having trouble breathing again, drinking water and panting at times. At night her chest was really heaving up and down and I could hear the wheezing as she tried to breath. Her respiration seemed very rapid also. She has just not been acting the same, she is distant, not coming around, and still not wanting to stay out on the porch that she love. She gets her ACTH testing on the 8th. As I stated before the hospital tenatively scheduled her for this procedure on the 14th. I am going to the Vets office on the 8th as my cat is sick and Tipper gets her Acth so I will discuss what to do in detail with him. I did not send any complaint letters to the hospital about Tipper's experience with the IMS as I thought about it and maybe shouldn't burn that bridge in case of any emergency that could not be handled here. They have several other IMS'in that hospital, so I don't have to ever see the nasty one. I am going to have to amke a decision on what to do here asap. I know if I don't get to the bottom of what is going on with her she may so go on too much longer. The breathing problem, and throat issues are mounting up and have to be dealt with as much as I want to stick my head in the sand and ignore them. She will be getting a Ct scan also so they said they will know the size of her tumor. That is what has me petrified. If they come and tell me she has a macro I will meltdown on the spot. My other two fears are if they find something and I am out of money to treat it, then I just threw away 3000-4000 on finding out what it is, or if this procedure puts her in a weakened condition and she starts to go down hill because of it. I am back and forth on this. I did notice this morning again mucus in her eyes, and her nose running like so many others have said. Could it be the pills are just not taking away all the post nasal drip. I would hate to waste all the money I have left only to find post nasal drip. Could you please give me some opinions??? I am as a loss. At least the appointment is almost 2 weeks away and I can cancel it. Leslie thank you for copying and transferring that post to Valerie. I was not paying attention so I screwed it up. Please pray for my Tipper. Iam praying to God to tell me what is the best thing to do. I am very frightened to do the wrong thing and make matters worse. God Bless All of you for your constant help and support. Sharelene the procedure is closer to 4000.00 now form 2000. These places just rob you. I still need moeny left for her ACTH and meds, this is a crime what they are charging. Blessings
05-03-2013, 02:25 PM
here is the link to Care Credit online.
My father used this same company to pay for his dentures. He had 12 months to pay without interest. You have to find out what is causing this for Tipper please. Poor thing doesn't sound at all comfortable and you are an emotional wreck sweetie.
If you have the names of the other IMS docs who work at this hospital, look up their names and customer views online so that you can pick one who others have liked. Neither you or Tipper need another bad experience.
05-04-2013, 08:40 AM
Hi Everyone:
I decided while laying awake again last night that I am going to try Akron Animal Hospital for an IMS and see if I get anywhere there. I am just going to talk to someone over the phone as that is another 2 1/2 hour trip. I want to see how much experience they have with this sort of thing. Tipper slept ok last night, not too much labored breathing. It seemed she did not have to much of the throaty issue either. I am wondering if the drug for post nasal is just not working all the way for her. I may go back to the Benedril tonight and see if that works better for a few nights. Then at least I will have a better idea if that is the problem. I had only tried it 1 night, I will try again for a few nights starting tonight as it makes her sleepy too. She did drink more water yesterday and pant some, but it was starting to get hot here. Leslie I know it is hot in Arkansas I hope you have a way of cooling your babies down, and everyone else in the hot climates I hope you do too. These Cush dogs no longer have the ability to cool themselves in their core like they used to so I hope everyone takes extra precautions. I have a cooling pack in Tipper's harness when she walks. It is lightweight so as not to weigh her down too much. I thought of going to the store and getting one, but they were all to heavy for her to carry. I got this one on Amazon, the harness has a pouch right under their core area to cool them. I will post on what I find out about Akron that is my last hope that is close enough to get to for us. God Bless Us All and all our babies
Squirt's Mom
05-04-2013, 08:53 AM
Typically we are getting rather warm by now but this year is weird. We set an historical record yesterday for our state - the northern part of the state got up to 5" of snow! First recordable snow in May in Ark in history! Our temps are running about 20 degrees below normal this week. I love it as do all my babies except Brick - he doesn't handle cold very well. Squirt won't stay out very long when it gets really hot; she does he business and come right back to the AC. This house has floor vents and she has claimed the ones in my closet and bathroom as HERS! :D She'd sit on them last summer! :p
Our walks are typically in the field and woods near the house and only Sophie has to be on a lead - the others stick close by and in Squirt's case can't run fast enough to escape anyway. ;) I've taken them out to events in the area, tho, when it was quite warm and that harness would be nice for them then. We went to a kite flying event last summer and after saying hello to everyone, all three wanted in the truck with the AC on. LOL Needless to say, we went home shortly after.
I hope you and Tipper have a good day. Do let us know what they have to say in Akron and how you feel about that conversation.
Leslie and the gang
05-04-2013, 09:08 AM
Hi Patti,
I know I have not posted often, but I have been following everything that has been going on for you and sweet Tipper. I do understand the possible importance of proceeding with the diagnostics associated with her throat and her breathing. But I am wondering whether you really want to also put the expense into a CT scan unless you think you would actually proceed with radiation treatment in the event the pituitary tumor is indeed enlarging. It's true that you'd know the size of the tumor for sure, and so maybe that would make the testing valuable to you. But it is also a lot of money that perhaps you rather spend in other ways as far as keeping Tipper as comfortable as possible. Just a thought to throw out there. I know that the uncertainty of all of this can be so very hard to shoulder. :o
05-04-2013, 10:23 AM
I was told the Ct scan was to guide them with any throat or nasal issues, but that it could also show her tumor size. They were not strictly doing it to see the tumor. I just gave her some Benedril so we will see if that works better and if it is truly psot nasal drip that is thick. Thank you for keeping up with my precious Tipper's story. This has been a rough road for us, and I am trying as so many others are to keep her as long as possible. God Bless You
Budsters Mom
05-04-2013, 06:41 PM
Hi Patti,
Sending mega hugs, prayers, and lots of love to you and Tipper.:)
Kathy and Buddy:cool:
Simba's Mom
05-04-2013, 08:05 PM
Sure have been thinking about you and Tipper, sending hugs!
05-05-2013, 07:58 AM
Good Morning Everyone:
Thank you all for keeping Tipper in your thoughts. Yesterday was an ok day, and last night Tipper was a little restless. It makes me nervous as when she pants sometimes I don't know if it is the heat or the Cushings! She gets another ACTH on Wednesday and I guess we will see then. I had been noticing Tipper biting at her foot, but she would not let me touch it. I can see a red bump above her toenail, and now she is constantly lisking it. Her personality has changed so much that if I try to look at it she will bite me, she has never done this before. I guess I will have to wait until Wednesday and have the vet look at it and treat it. She needs something on the foot to make her stop licking it. I cannot put an E collar on her, as I cannot restrict her neck. I need the vet to wrap it up in something indistructable for a few days so it heals. She has not had any of the skin issues like many of the babies have, so I wonder if this could be one?? Last night when I tried to give her the Benedryl she fought me. She is getting sick of all this crap, I think she has had enough. I only has the liquid so I could not get it in her. I will get the pills asap and try them in food it is easier thatn fighting with her. Even though she is sick she is still very powerful, and she gets angry very fast now. It is a darn shame the things these poor babies have to go through. I did take her to the llama farm again yesterday, she loves watching them, and they came up close to her and stood there and she loved it. Any little bit of enjoyment I can give her I try to. My one neighbor called me yesterday and said "I never see you too much out on your porch, why don't you come up and vist me?" I said "Tipper has not been well and I have to stay with her as she is having many issues." She said " Are you going to let that dog ruin your summer?" I said "any time I spend with her makes my summer, it doesn't ruin it!" That really burned me up when she said that, why bother calling someone only to upset them? If you don't like the fact I spend all my time with my dog, just leave me alone that is all I ask. Some people just will never get it. The connection I have with this dog is stronger than any bond I have with people. Hope all of us have a quiet weekend. Blessings
Squirt's Mom
05-05-2013, 08:54 AM
It's sad to me that most folks don't get it. There were some gals I went to high school with who reconnected a few years ago and we started spending time together, having a ball. But if one of my babies wasn't doing well, I stayed home with them instead of going places with the girls. Some didn't understand and I learned several of them were ridiculing me for worrying about "dumb dogs" instead of out spending money I couldn't spare to be part of their activities. When Tasha died, only 2 of them said anything to me, offering condolences. The others glossed over her passing and my grief, choosing to make fun of me instead both in group conversations and in public on Facebook (one of them posted that I had chosen a "dead dog LOLOLOL" over lunch with them :() - even tho I had been there for all of them through various crisis' in their lives. Guess what? I have no need for those "friends" any longer. ;)
Some folks just don't have the capacity to feel the depth of love we do for our babies - we are the lucky ones! :)
Tipper's toe is a bit worrying to me and I think I would be taking her in Mon to have it looked at. If this is an infection it might cause a delay in the testing on the throat so I would want to start getting it addressed as soon as possible just in case. ;) I know that would mean an extra trip and stress for Tipper but giving an infection two more days to get hold would be scary to me. But then, I'm a nervous nelly! :D Would she let you soak the foot in Betadine or some such?
Leslie and the gang
The Betadine iodine may help it and you dont need to rinse it off and it does not hurt them if they lick the paw afterward.
I give Zoe treats and tell her how lucky she is to get a spa day while she is in the soak and then she does not mind it.;)
05-05-2013, 11:36 AM
Leslie and Addy:
I am going to soak Tipper's foot in the Betadine. Leslie I was really sick at my stomach when you told me about your so called girl friends. I have had similar things done to me because of Tipper. What cruel, stupid, people we sometimes associate ourselves with!! I would take my dog over so called friends any day, as you see what they can do to you. People can be so mean and hurtful, and not to mention no empathy whatsoever. I only involve myself now with people that understand my situation with Tipper. In the end the so called friends are the ones who miss out, and will never know the love of a wonderful companion and true friend. Tipper is my world and whoever does not like it can stay away. She has dedicated her life to being my loyal and loving companion, and I owe it to her to be with her in her time of need.
I would give everything I have if Tipper could be made well again. Material things mean nothing to me anymore. The love of my precious Tipper means more to than anything. I pray to God to have mercy on her and to give her a miracle every day. There is absolutely nothing on this earth that I cherish more than her companionship. God Bless Us All and all the babies we so diligently care for.
05-05-2013, 12:41 PM
Just popping in to give you a hug a kiss or two for sweet Tipper
Hope the foot soak helps and that she will stay still for it!
Thinking of you
05-05-2013, 05:03 PM
You are an angel about always checking on my Tipper. God Bless You.
05-05-2013, 05:05 PM
Leslie and Addy:
I did soak Tipper's foot in Betadine. She gave me some grief over it, but I got it done. Seems that she left it alone for a while. Maybe that soothed it. I will have to call my Vet tomorrow morning and tell him. Blessings
I hope it helps, Patti. Make sure the water is warmish not cold. Zoe hated her bath, but I made sure the water was warm not coldish, then we plopped her in the sink I sudsed her all up and she had to stand for ten minutes like that so hubby fed her chichen, tiny pea size pieces every 45 seconds to a minute and now she loves her bath:D My girl is so easy to bribe;)
molly muffin
05-05-2013, 05:39 PM
True friends, do Not make fun of yor for spending time with your dog who needs you, whether they understand it or not. They support you because, even if they don't understand, they are your friend and they want what is best for you and what makes you happy. Then they make concessions and come to visit you, if you want, or give a call to check on you. That is friendship. I don't know what this other thing is they call 'friendship', but it isn't very nice.
Glad that Tipper let you soak her foot and hopefully that will help. How often are you suppose to do that?
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Simba's Mom
05-06-2013, 12:28 AM
Hope Tippers foot gets better too, it's always something with our fur babies......and so glad we have friends on this site that understand our love for our pups, helps so much....take care
05-06-2013, 01:57 AM
How dare these people ridicule anyone for loving a pet! They'll never know what they've missed and will end up with likeminded, shallow people. It's their loss.
It sounds like Tipper's foot might be on the mend? Could she have a cracked nail? Too small to see?
05-06-2013, 06:13 AM
How are you and sweet Tipper today? Glad she let you get her foot done, hope that's looking better today
Big hug, kisses for your girlie
05-06-2013, 09:11 AM
Good Morning Everyone:
Tipper had a decent night. She has not licked at her foot very much. She will not let me even look at it as she growls when you get anywhere near it. I called the vet. Of course he is not in today, like what else is new? I am soaking her foot about 3 times a day now. It seems to have relieved it temporarily. Didn't have too much of the throaty issues last night, but this morning she is doing a lot of hard swallowing again. I am not not even going to consider taking her to Akron after I talked with them. They really made me uneasy and didn't sound all that great either. I have no choice if I want this done, but to go to Pgh. and get another IMS. There is now where else around here. I am going to think on it as I have over a week to deceide, so I am going to think long and hard on it. Don't work too hard Mel take some time to enjoy the beautiful weather. God Bless Us All and all the babies we love.
05-06-2013, 04:49 PM
Just thinking out loud and Leslie is defo the one who would know this but could slippery elm be used for Tipper, just wondering if that would calm down her stomach or the acid which is making her swallow?
Free day off today as its bank holiday. May day not sure really why but i will take it.
Me and Boyce went out 3 times as the sun was shining so he is sparko now on my bed. Cheeky little man
Hope Tipper's foot continues to feel better and that the vet gets back to you tomorrow
Big hug, kisses to your girlie
05-07-2013, 06:34 AM
Hi Patti
Hope the sore paw is feeling better for Tipper, sounds like the soaks are doing the trick! Honestly I wish all our pups would just do one thing at a time, it is just exhasuting sometimes isn't it. Hope you are keeping well yourself.
Trish :)
05-07-2013, 09:04 AM
Hi Mel, and Trish:
Last night was not a good one for Tipper. I thought we would end up in an emergency somewhere. She was doing this rapid shallow breathing, it was scaring the crap out of me. I got little sleep, and she was up at 6:15 am. I am not sure why she is doing this. I read somewhere about that dogs blow off carbon dioxide when doing this, I cannot find where I read this. Anyway it is scary when she does it , like she is going to have a heart attack. I think this has pushed me one step further in going to an IMS in Pgh. to find out about all this, even though I am not wanting to go back to that place there is nowhere else. Mel I am already giving her Slippery Elm, it seemed to help for a while, but as soon as she eats something some of it can come right up in her mouth. I no longer let her climb the garage steps into the house, because of her back legs becoming weakened before. They could probably handle it now after all her laser treatments, but I just don't want to try. So I pick her up and put her on the landing. Last night when I picked her up she vomited a little food. I think it was my fault when I lifted her it made pressure under her ribs, and it kind of forced out some food. It is something all the time, it is like we cannot get thru a day now without any issues. As I looked at her eating her breakfast this morning I can see the toll this has taken on her. She looks so much older thatn she did a few months ago. The saving grace is that I still have her with me, so I am not complaining, it is just so hard now. It is to the point where I am afraid to take a shower, I have to keep opening the shower door, and calling to see if she is ok. I am up a lot in the night as I am scared she is going to quit breathing. During the day she seems to be a lot better, I am wondering why this is so much worse at night. Her foot seems to be better after soaking it, but I have caught her chewing it several times. I will have the Vet address it tomorrow. God Bless Us All and All Our Babies.
05-07-2013, 09:20 AM
So sorry to read what you are going through with your Tipper. My heart goes out to both of you. I also know how stressful all this can be and the toll it can take on you. I'm not very good at taking my own advice, but try to take care of yourself so you can continue to take care of Tipper.
Dodie & Molly
I hope the foot soak continues to help our little girl. I am using it on Zoe's feet too.
Go with your gut, if you have bad vibes about the place, don't go there.
I think this whole process ages them sometimes as well as us. Find one good thing each day with Tipper, hold it close to your heart.
05-07-2013, 01:57 PM
Oh Patty that's rubbish I had hoped she was improving after yesterday's update
Wish I knew what else to suggest to help, can be so frustrating and upsetting to watch and not know what to do for the best.
Maybe you should try giving her a little something to eat before bed? If its excess acid that might help. At least her foot is improving so that won't be bothering her
Sending you a massive hug, kisses to Tipper
05-07-2013, 02:55 PM
this rapid breathing may also have to do with the fact that cushpups have a difficult time regulating their body core temperature. Daisy did this once in the beginning before we started Trilostane and it was so frightening that I stayed awake that whole night checking on her!
Hoping that you find the right IMS for both of you and that they can help soon!
05-08-2013, 07:09 AM
Hi Patti
Was just reading about what's been going on with Tipper past few days.The both of you are in my thoughts and prayers and good luck today at your appt.It's so frustrating and we feel so helpless when our babies are sick.Tipper is so lucky to have a mom like you.
I was sick to my stomach when I read Leslie's "friends" comments and yours regarding people not only not"getting" it but also being cruel.I've been through similar situations,people making sarcastic comments on FB,etc.I still struggle with the fact that no one in my family even called me,no acknowledgement whatsover,to offer support when learning that I lost my Fella.:mad:.
The insensitivity,selfishnishness and cruelty never ceases to amaze me but it is quite telling of who they are as a person.On the other hand,I've never met a dog lover I didn't like!:).Knowing and loving Tipper as you do,is a blessing that they will never understand.
Loved your llama story.I happened to see the horse farm on the Tufts property and took Fella over to see them.His reaction was priceless and it's those memories that keep me smiling today.:).Hope Tipper had a better night and good luck to you both today!
05-08-2013, 01:29 PM
I am so glad you have some good memories with your baby. I cannot believe your family, they should truly be ashamed of themselves. If you don't have compassion for lesser forms of life, what kind of person are you?? We call ourselves a civilized society, yet what is so civil about how some people view animals, and think they have no worth. These kind of people are the ones missing out on a whole lot as far as I am concerned. I made up my mind when someone initiates a conversation with me, and is rude in any way about my precious Tipper, I am going to call them on it, on the spot. I am sick of rude, selfish people that want to make fun of others who dearly love their animals. It is so wrong, and so hurtful!!! I hope your heart is healing as I know how lost you must feel. God Bless You and Little Fella in Heaven
05-08-2013, 02:06 PM
Good Afternoon Everyone:
Just got back from the Vets with my rescue cat Lucky and Tipper. What a ride. Tipper hates Lucky and wants to kill him, Lucky can't stand Tipper because of it. So, Lucky meowed as loud as he could, and Tipper growled and barked at the meows and tried to get in the back seat at Lucky's carrier to straighten him out! Oh lordy I must be insane taking these two together! Never thought I would be so glad to get to the Vets. Well Lucky needed an early detection profile and an exam. Tipper needed the ATCH and early detection profile, and exam also. The Vet looked at Tipper's foot under magnification, and said it is nothing, that it was just red from her licking it. Ok we got that out of the way!! Then we talked about Tipper's problem with her throat and nose. I asked him if the other Jack Russell he told me about had been scoped and how it went. He said yes and all in was was Rhinitis. Which is simply an inflammation of the nasal lining. I told my Vet I researched it and found Cushings causes a narrowing of the nasal passages. I told him when I told the IMS this she said that is not true!!. Well it turns out she is wrong. The inflammation of the nasal lining causes chronic rhinosinuitis. I was right after all. So we discussed the procedure Tipper would have to under go. He said I could spend close to 4000.00 only to find out it is rhinosinuitis. The other Jack Russell was put under, scoped, biopsy done and this is what they came up with. This cost them a lot of money to find this out. This dogs is something caused by environmental changes, not like with Tippers Cushings. The treatment is inhaled steriods, or chemo drugs. The I got a brainstorm. Since this conditon does cause fluid also from cell changes in the nasal membrane, could that be what is going down Tipper's throat?? I asked the Vet if it could be thick and he said it can get as thick as pus!! Bingo an enlightening moment for me!!. I said can you call Dechra and see if Tipper had an inhalent of steriods what this would do? Also is it safe to try this on her? He said we would have to get the steroid, and a special animal mask as you cannot put this straight into her nose. He is going to get it all set up and try to try this out on her tomorrow afternoon. If it works that is her problem, and could save her and me the anguish of going to Pgh and doing the whole procedure on Tuesday the 14th. I kept praying and asking God what is the right thing to do here as I don't want to endanger my dogs life at this hospital, but know she needs to get this addressed or she won't go on much longer. I know he directed me to ask my Vet all this stuff and I feel this is definitely worth trying, and could be a solution without harming my baby. The Vet agrees with me and thinks I may have finally found the true problem. He said he can't believe the IMS told me that is not true. He went online in a website only for Vets and printed it out for me, so it is definitely true, and it does cause snoring, narrowing of the nasal lining from inflammation, and mucus. I have all the info in front of me. So all of you telling me your dog is snoring, licking lips, lip smacking, hard swallowing this may be what is going on. The full name for it is lymphocytic plasmactic rhinitis. If your dog displays any of the symptoms that Tipper has please get this checked out. I cannot wait until tomorrow to try this on her. I am doing it at the Vets office in case anything goes wrong. Then I will proceed with it for a couple days and see if it helps at night. If so I will cancel the appointment in Pgh. Last night Tipper was ok, not too much of the rapid breathing. This is why the drugs for post nasal drip I am giving Tipper are not truly working. You have to get rid of the inflammation to get rid of the mucus this causes. This can go into the sinuses too. Please everyone pray to God this is what is wrong and we can get it corrected. My poor Tipper has suffered enough already with this. Keep your fingers crossed for her that we have found the problem. God Bless You All and All your babies
05-08-2013, 02:08 PM
Hope we found the solution. Please watch over my Tipper like you always do. Blessings
Budsters Mom
05-08-2013, 02:20 PM
Hi Patti:)
Thinking of you and Tipper. Hope you both are having a better day. It sounds like you babies can be quite the challenge. I can just see the vet ride! You have to laugh, or cry!:D
Love and hugs you, Tipper and Lucky,
Kathy and Buddy:cool:
05-08-2013, 02:38 PM
What a car ride that must have been. I am chuckling at how hellish it must have been for you as Boyce is not a fan of cats so am imagining her behaviour to be similar.
Hope that this is the problem.
Quite Mad at the IMS for you when she blatantly didnt check it and dismissed you outright, especially as your vet got it up in minutes!
Will be waiting for the next update, totally by your side in spirit as always
Big hug, kisses for sweet Tipper the cat tormentor
05-08-2013, 02:57 PM
My Vet got the ok from Dechra to give Tipper the inhalent. Wish us luck as we are going back at 4:00 to do the first treatment. He fashioned a mask for her from a water bottle!! Will update after we are home. God please let this be the answer to my prayers!!
Squirt's Mom
05-08-2013, 03:09 PM
Oh, I so hope this is the answer! Let us know how it works for her! Fingers and paws crossed here!
05-08-2013, 03:37 PM
That is good news.
Lets us know when you can xxxx
Boriss McCall
05-08-2013, 04:05 PM
I am so glad you are getting to the bottom of your answers. i hope the treatment works & you & Tipper can enjoy life. ;)
molly muffin
05-08-2013, 06:05 PM
This is absolutely a positive thing to try. I hope to god this solves her issues and she can get back to just being Tipper. :) I just know it is going to work. I think the other Jack Russel led the way for you and why spend the money if this is going to be the treatment that was advised anyhow. Best to try it before moving forward with the other.
That IMS has a lot to answer for. Unbelievable that this is the Expert that has been treating cushings babies from all over. I'm thoroughly disgusted on your behalf, Tippers behalf and probably many others who have gone through there and got her.
hugs to you!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
05-08-2013, 06:25 PM
Just a quick post. Tipper got her first treatment at the Vets and we are home. When we pulled into the parking lot she looked at me like you've got to be kidding me, two times in one day! They decided to give her the one that you squirt up the nose instead of the inhalent. I have to do it before she goes to bed so this should be good!!! She sat there real nice for him and did it,but he even said when you get her home it's gonna be a different story! I am so hopeful this will work for her. He said we should see improvement in about 3 days. Thank you God that's all I can say. The only draw back is since this is a steroid I have to watch and make sure her cortisol doesn't start to rise. Please keep your fingers and paws crossed for her,and I thank all of you for your support.
05-08-2013, 06:28 PM
Can't say I blame her. She is smart your girl!
Might help her a bit Patti given all those storms coming and she was a bit lower last time
Got everything crossed here.
Big hug
Simba's Mom
05-08-2013, 09:11 PM
Fingers and paws crossed here, praying this is the answer for your Tipper!!
05-08-2013, 09:39 PM
Just read your posts-that is great news!!I was laughing at the car ride and can just imagine Tipper's "you gotta be kidding me,twice in one day!" look.:).Fingers and paws crossed that this works for Tipper.Great thinking on your part and can't believe you were so misinformed by the IMS!:mad:.Hope you have an easy time of it tonight.So happy for you and Tipper!
And,yes,I am thoroughly disgusted by people who belittle us for loving our animals so much!It's not that my family dislikes dogs but they have no appreciateion or understanding of the love we share or the loss we feel.Don't care,they are still on my poop list and I wish instead of a smile symbol,I could have just inserted a pile of poop symbol like they have on facebook!:eek:.
So glad you got good news-all it takes is just a glimmer of hope to make our whole world seem right again!
05-09-2013, 09:08 AM
Hi Everyone:
I am so excited I can hardly type this post. Last night I gave Tipper her second nasal dose. She sat right there and let me do it with no fuss whatsoever! That in and of itself told me something. That she knows this is helping her and she wants it ! We went to bed afterwards and she settled in. I listened all night to her off and on to see if there was any improvement. My God I heard her take a deep breath that she has not been able to do for months and no wheezing. It was like if you had a cold and stuffed up nose, and your nose cleared. It was amazing to see her lay on her side an breathe and not struggle to do it. Also I heard her swallowing a lot, not the hard swallowing she had been doing, but swallowing of lots of fluid. I think I am right in what this is, and I pray she contiinues to improve. I am thankful for the improvement she has made so far. There must have been a lot of mucus, because she keeps swallowing constantly. This morning when I called her to come brush her teeth I thought while I have her up on the vanity I will give her the morning dose. She sat there so calm and stoic, and just let me do it. She is so intelligent I know she realizes this is helping her breathe, or she would never sit there and let me do this. Last night she slept all night and barely moved around. Is that what all the moving was about?? I am wondering, if previously she was trying to lay in a position to stop the mucus and be able to breathe better?? I kept telling everyone about how she constantly moved around the bed all night. I just pray this does not start making her cortisol rise, as one of the side effects on the medicine says it can cause Cushings Disease!! My Vet was aware of this and said Dechra said to just watch her closely. I don't think it is possible for me to watch her more closely than I do now, I never leave her and I am home 24/7. I am just so happy she was able to breathe without the struggle and wheezing going on. I hope God continues to bless her. This is truly a happy day for us both. God Bless You all and all your babies.
05-09-2013, 09:36 AM
so wonderful to read this patti,may tipper continue with her healthy breathing !!!woohoo !!! :) patty(milo)meka xoxox
05-09-2013, 09:36 AM
this sure sounds like Tipper's problem!!!!!
That IMS should lose her job. I would sent a letter to the hospital along with proof of her mistake since she was so quick to dismiss you.
How awesome that the solution was so simple!!!!!!
Squirt's Mom
05-09-2013, 10:11 AM
Oh Patti! This sounds so good! :cool::cool::):cool::cool: I can so relate to the joy of seeing them sleeping with more ease! Last nite I slept, really slept, for the first time since Squirt had the seizure. Hopefully this med will have Tipper up and at 'em again very soon!
The use of steroids is of concern to a cush parent, no question about it. BUT I know of several folks whose pups are on both Lysodren and Pred per instruction from Dr. Peterson. So while it isn't optimal, it is sometimes necessary. I know you will keep your hawk eye on her. ;) With luck, she won't need this pred every day once the problem is better controlled. I am wishing you all the best with this!
Leslie and the gang
Boriss McCall
05-09-2013, 10:18 AM
That is awesome! good job Tipper & mom.
molly muffin
05-09-2013, 04:39 PM
Oh I do hope that this is the long term answer to Tippers breathing issues. Once the inflammation goes down do you then stop the meds unless it starts to be a problem again? How long does it take the inflammation to go down, did the vet say?
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Simba's Mom
05-10-2013, 01:40 AM
So thankful that Tipper is breathing easier, and that you both are sleeping better, we love happy posts! ;)
Patti I am so happy to read your post. I hope this continues to help Tipper.
05-10-2013, 08:12 AM
Hi Everyone:
Well last night was not as good as the night before. When I gave Tipper her nasal meds. I think not enough came out of the dispenser for the one nostril. She did nopt breathe as well last night. I will try again tonight and try to make sure she gets it all. I forgot to mention to you that for the nasal drug my Vet charged me 50.00. I went to search it online and it was 13.00 at Costco and 15.00 at Walmart. Sometimes he really takes the joy out of things for me when I know he is taking advantage of me financially, knowing how much I love this dog. It really is so nasty of him. I don't trust any Vets after this experience with Cushings. I will never whole heartedly put my trust in one again. Anyway he said she should show improvement by 3-4 days, which would be by Saturday. I have until Monday to cancel her hospital appt. I still hear something when she is swallowing, and cannot figure it out as there are so many things in the back of the throat, and inside the throat itself that could cause this nosie I hear. I may have to put her thru this procedure after all if this drug does not come thru by Sunday. I am waiting for the vets office to open so I can get Tipper's results from her blood work and ACTH and Lucky's bloodwork. It is raining here today and when Tipper got up it didn't seem to bother her, so I am wondering if her cortisol is going up?? Hope everyone has a good weekend. God Bless
molly muffin
05-10-2013, 01:52 PM
Hi Patti,
You can always reschedule the procedure if you'd like to give you more time to see how this is working for her over all. I think you should only do what you feel comfortable with and what You determine is best for Tipper.
That stinker of a vet. I'd tell him 50 bucks, from now on just give me a prescription for anything I need and I'll get it somewhere else. Highway robbery it is. Hmmmpphhhhhh
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Squirt's Mom
05-10-2013, 02:37 PM
Squirt hasn't had any treatment in 3 weeks now and she slept right through a mild storm last night that 2 months ago would have had her in near panic. But I see no cush signs in her...and I am watching closely. ;)
05-11-2013, 05:37 AM
Hi there
Did you get the blood results back?
How did you both sleep last night? Hope you are both ok??
Big hug, kisses to Miss Tipper
05-11-2013, 08:56 AM
Hi Everyone:
Well I got Tippers results back and her cortisol did climb as I thought, but is not real high-yet.
on 2/8 pre 2.0 on 4/9 pre 1.1 on 5/9 pre 2.9
on 2/8 post 3.5 on 4/9 post2.3 on 5/9 post 3.1
My two other concerns are as follows:
Alk Phosphatase 2/8 36 4/9 153 5/9 178 (this continues to climb)
Albumin 2/8- 3.3 4/9-4.1 5/9- 4.0 (on borderline not high yet)
Bun 2/8- 7 4/9- 19 5/9- 26 ( this is also climbing- borderiline not high yet)
I was awake last night and kept listening to Tipper. I am convinced that the nose and throat issues are two separate ones. I believe the nasal one to be caused by Cushings narrowing her nasal passages.
The one with the throat I believe to be her larynx after much research and many nights listening to her. In older dogs sometimes the flap is damaged or stops working. It makes all the noise I kept saying about Tipper doing. If this is true only an operation thru the side of the neck to pin one side of the flap back will help her. Since she has always had acid reflux since she was younger from a vet giving her a strong antibiotic she may not be able to have this done, as she could aspirate food or water in her lungs when it comes up there would be no flap on one side to stop it. She would have to have a trachieotomy with a stoma out her neck permanently. I am so scared of all this I am a nervous wreck. I know now from all the research, this has to be her problem. Here again I will be in a bad position as the procedure to detect this is a scope, Ct Scan, etc. and that will take all my money I have left for her. I will have nothing for an operation. If this is truly the problem, which I would bet my house on, if she does not get help, she could smother and go into cardiac arrest. She is already doing the rapid shallow breathing.This is also the hard swallowing she is doing. If she didn't have the acid reflux it would be so much easier. I am waiting for a new Dr. to contact me from that hospital. It is my only other option. So the test results seem to be the least of my problems now. Mel thanks for asking about us, we are kind of really down right now. God Bless You All and All Your Babies. Hope everyone has a Happy Mothers Day.
05-11-2013, 09:38 AM
Sorry to hear you are feeling down right now. That is the trouble with all this information at your finger tips it can add to the stress you are feeling
I would advise you to keep an open mind, keep the appointment. Do you need to perform both the scope and ct? Ask the IMS whether one or the other would best determine the issue
I know it's tough but hang in there, you are doing everything you can
Big hug, kisses to Tipper
Budsters Mom
05-11-2013, 05:19 PM
Hi Patti,
I am so sorry to hear that you're still having to deal with so many issues with Tipper. There is so much information available via the Internet regarding every issue imaginable. Unfortunately the sites often contradict each other leaving the reader even more confused.
Regarding vet prices for meds, yes it's highway robbery!:eek: I always get script and take it to either Walmart or Costco for Buddy's prescriptions. For his Trilostane, I get that online from diamondback pharmacy.
You are doing everything in your power to help Tipper. That's all any of us can do.
Sending lots of hugs and prayers your way,
Kathy and Buddy:cool:
05-11-2013, 11:37 PM
if the new doc thinks that Tipper can handle the scope, I would once and for all find out what is going on with her throat as scary as it is.
It might not be what you're thinking, but it's best for both of you to know what you're dealing with as well as the correct treatment options.
Crossing my fingers!
Simba's Mom
05-12-2013, 01:36 AM
Praying for you Patti and Tipper too, what a lot to go through and then not knowing for sure what up with Tipper, goodness, sendings hugs too....
05-12-2013, 08:39 AM
Hi Everyone:
I didn't sleep well last night and as Tuesday approaches I have so much anxiety. I have the hives I am so nervous. I have been crying all morning. The Dr. called me last night and went over everything. There is no guarantee when doing something like this that at her age she will even get up form anesthesia. I am just sick at the thoughts of this being something I cannot afford to help her with. I have never felt so helpless before. It is up to God now, and I will have to accept his will. I keep hearing her swallowing very hard and everytime I see her struggling with it, I just cry. I can barely look at her now without crying. I am so scared for her, and for me. She was restless again last night, the nasal spray from my Vet is only helping her nasal passages. The throat is another issue. I have left all my work go, and I will concentrate all my time today and tomorrow with her. It is a wonderful thing to have something you love so very much, but it can hurt terribly when you are in a situation like this. I am trying to stay positive, and not cry around her. She goes in Tuesday morning at 8:30 so we will be up and ready to go at 6:00. They said if she goes home it will not be until around 6:00 p.m. That is going to be a long gut wrenching day for me, as I will not leave there. I am taking some clothes in case I would have to stay overnight. I can just sleep in the car. I will not leave where she is. She has never been any where overnight without me. Please pray for my precious girl. I hope you all have a great day today for mothers day, hug your babies for me. Blessings
molly muffin
05-12-2013, 08:43 AM
Oh Patti, I am sending you a great big hug. I cannot imagine anything going wrong, it is just unacceptable and it Shouldn't go wrong. They are just going to scope right? And have an anesthetist there for her?
Do they have to do both the scope and the CT to figure out what is going on? Do they do any kind of payment plans? Did you look into care credit?
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
05-12-2013, 09:03 AM
Hello you
Another big Hug from me too. I know it's tough the waiting and wondering till Tuesday. At least you can wait there so you can take her home as soon as she is able
I will totally be with you and sweet tipper and won't worry if you don't manage to post Tuesday night as it sounds like you both are going to have a long day
Kisses to Tipper
Budsters Mom
05-12-2013, 09:41 AM
Hi Patti:)
Thinking of you and Tipper as Tuesday approaches. :p The docs should be made to wait once in a while, so they know what it feels like. Praying that all goes well and you finally have some answers.
Hugs hugs and more hugs to you both,
Kathy and Buddy:cool:
05-12-2013, 11:54 AM
Sharlene, Kathy and Mel, and Letti:
Thanks for keeping my Tipper in your thoughts. Sharlene they have to scope her throat, do a rhinosocopy, and they said the CT scan is a must. Her nose will bleed real bad when first done, I am worried about her compromised breathing already, and then with a nose bleed on top of that it scares me. She can have a nose bleed for a few days afterwards. I am just worried about driving home late it will be dark and having to assist her if her nose starts bleeding or if she vomits. I will have to find a place to pull off the road real quick, and that won't be fun in the dark. I have already packed paper towels, regular towels etc. and am using an old blanket on the seat instead of her usual one. I am taking her some soft food, chicken and rice. I am prepared ahead of time so I don't forget anything. I have enough to pay this bill, if she has to have anything else I will be in a real mess to get money. God help us that if there is anything wrong it can be fixed easily. All I ask is that I can have a few more years with her. If there was someone or something that could heal her and take all this misery away I would give them everything I own just to have her be well again. God Bless You All and all your babies
I'm so sorry you're struggling so much. I can totally understand how difficult it is to make these decisions. You have put a lot of thought into the trip and what you'll need. I will definitely be keeping you and Tipper in my thoughts and prayers. I hope the procedure will go well and they'll be able to give Tipper some relief, and it will all be worth it.
Sending you big hugs...
Julie & Hannah
Patti, I too am so sorry for all that you are going through with Tipper. You both have been in my prayers, and I will continue to keep you there. I understand how difficult and overwhelming this all is. I have been thinking about you so much as Tuesday gets closer.
I know others have mentioned it, but have you looked into Care Credit? My vets office actually suggested it to me a while back when I was facing so much expense with Jasper's care. The vet that you are seeing would need to be one that participates, and the vet decides on what level they participate at. My vet participates at the 6 month level meaning that I have 6 months of interest free time to pay off the bill. I know some can even allow a year or more depending on what the vet or health care provider chooses. You can use it for yourself as well at a participating dentist or Dr. You do have to be a little careful, as I think the interest rate is pretty hefty if you don't pay it off during the interest free period.
I applied on line, and was approved instantly. Here is the website:
Please check into it Patti and see if it might be something that you would be interested in. It might help decrease the stress of the financial aspect of all that is going on. And to me, less stress in any area would be a godsend!
You and Tipper are always in my thoughts and prayers.
Love and hugs,
Tina and Jasper
05-12-2013, 01:53 PM
Thank you for all the support, and for praying for my precious girl. I had already looked in the care credit, and they could only give me 500.00 since my income is so low now. I am using it for the appointment I am taking her to. If I was still working it would be different I could afford this with no problem. When I got Lupus I had to quit a really good job. I have to live on a small disability income now. I called Care Credit and asked them to please raise my amount and they said because of my income they can't. I thank you for the help and support and appreciate all the things you are trying to help me with. Please continue to pray for my precious girl. Blessings
Bo's Mom
05-12-2013, 02:55 PM
Prayers for Tipper as Tuesday gets closer. We will all be here for you and Tipper and saying prayers and sending virtual will not be alone.
05-12-2013, 03:40 PM
Belinda Rose:
God Bless You and thank you for thinking of my precious Tipper. This is very scary for me, I am afraid for her to be put under in her present state. It is so comforting to have wonderful people such as yourself pray for my girl. I am truly blessed to have found all you people, as I wouldn't know what to do without you. Blessings
05-12-2013, 03:53 PM
Who is looking for side effects of Sucralfate?? I was giving it to Tipper. I lost track of the thread, I know Leslie had replied to it.
Squirt's Mom
05-12-2013, 05:21 PM
Julie and Hannah's thread.
05-13-2013, 08:27 AM
I haven't checked in for a while so I am sorry to hear about all this with the hospital appointment tomorrow. Keeping you and Tipper in my thoughts and prayers that everything will be just fine.
Hugs to you and Tipper
05-13-2013, 11:34 AM
How are you both today? Did you sleep alright?
Hanging in there for tomorrow?
Big hug, kisses to Miss Tipper
05-13-2013, 12:52 PM
Thanks for checking in on us. It is really cold here today and we are staying in, and getting ready for tomorrow. Part of me wants to cancel and never take her, the other part of me wants to help her even though the outcome may be bad for me. I have prayed all night that they find nothing else major wrong that cannot be corrected. I just wish I could trade places with someone else tomorrow. Please think of my dear baby. Blessings
05-13-2013, 05:36 PM
Sending you some hugs. Will be thinking of you both. So hope it's something easily correctable.
Big hug, kisses to Tipper.
Paws up girlie. No shenanigans tomorrow Miss
molly muffin
05-13-2013, 05:38 PM
hi Patti,
Just wanted you to know that I'm thinking of you and Tipper as you get ready for your appointment tomorrow.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Squirt's Mom
05-13-2013, 05:39 PM
Keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers for the trip tomorrow. I'll light a candle tonite and in the morning. Try to enjoy your evening and trust you are doing the right thing.
Leslie and the gang
05-13-2013, 07:00 PM
Praying that you finally receive the answers and help that you need for Tipper!
Hoping that the solution is as easy as the nose drops :)
That is still amazing to me but I'm happy that it's working for her.
I just want to let you know that I am thinking of you and Tipper and I will be keeping you both in my prayers tomorrow. Safe travels.
Tina and Jasper
05-14-2013, 03:29 AM
Thinking of you both.....
Hope you can post later
Just want you to know I'm thinking of you and Tipper today, and hoping for the very best.
Julie & Hannah
Bo's Mom
05-14-2013, 07:13 AM
Hugs and prayers!!
Squirt's Mom
05-14-2013, 09:19 AM
With you all the way today, Patti! Sending many hugs, prayers and healing white light your way. Please let us know how the day went when you can and when you start to get worried or nervous just remember you are surrounded by your Cush Angels.
Boriss McCall
05-14-2013, 11:41 AM
thinking of you both today.;)
Budsters Mom
05-14-2013, 12:36 PM
We are here with you Patti, every step of your journey. Sending love, prayers and healing energy to everyone who touches your and Tipper's life.
Kathy and Buddy:cool:
05-14-2013, 04:00 PM
Still thinking of you....
molly muffin
05-14-2013, 06:38 PM
Thinking of you and Tipper Patti!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
05-14-2013, 11:50 PM
Hi Patti
Just getting caught up and prayers and thoughts are with you and Tipper.Hope you got good news today.
Love and hugs to you both
05-15-2013, 03:01 AM
Hey Patti
Hope you and miss Tipper are ok and were just too exhausted to post yesterday. Hope all is ok
Big hug
Kisses to Tipper
Squirt's Mom
05-15-2013, 07:42 AM
Hi Patti,
You ok, honey? How is our girl? Any answers, solutions? Let us hear from you when you can. We are all on pins and needles, hoping, hoping, hoping....
Leslie and the gang
05-15-2013, 07:53 AM
Hi Everyone:
I have a lot of thing to share about Tipper's hospital procedure yesterday. We got home too late to post, and I have to take her and get her some meds right now. I will post this lengthy story when we get back. Blessings
Oh Patti, so relieved to see your brief post! I will be checking in from work to see how everything went. I am so hoping that you got some good news!
Tina and Jasper
Squirt's Mom
05-15-2013, 08:20 AM
~~whew~~ me, too, Tina! :) I'll be patient now...well, I'll try anyway. :D
05-15-2013, 12:21 PM
Glad you posted was getting anxious...
Big hug
Glad you're both home. I was worried! Looking forward to hearing from you!
Julie & Hannah
05-15-2013, 12:51 PM
wishing you a restful,peaceful snuggly day !!! patty(milo)meka xoxox
05-15-2013, 01:06 PM
picking up meds. This sound like you have a solution? I can't wait to hear all about it! We've been worrying :)
molly muffin
05-15-2013, 03:39 PM
I'm so glad you and Tipper are back home and can't wait to hear how it went and what was said. Meds does sound like something was determined, so we'll be looking forward to hearing all about it.
We all worried constantly till we heard from you!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
05-15-2013, 05:23 PM
Lining up with everyone else and waiting with baited breath for the update, so hoping it is good news from you and Tipper and that the day went well and you finally have some answers and a plan :)
Budsters Mom
05-15-2013, 05:34 PM
Yes, me too! I'm anxious for results also! So many mother hens waiting for word on one of their adopted chicks.:o I truly hope that you got the answers you were seeking.:o
Kathy and Buddy:cool:
05-15-2013, 06:39 PM
Sorry to make you wait I came home with a terrible headache and feel sick to my stomach. I promise first thing in the morning I will post the whole thing. Tipper is ok for now thank God.
05-15-2013, 06:44 PM
That's ok as long as you are both ok we can wait a bit longer :)
Hope you feel a bit better soon, take care of yourself too
So pleased she got through the procedures ok
Big hug, kisses to Tipper,
molly muffin
05-15-2013, 06:58 PM
Oh sorry you have a headache Patti. :( Glad that Tipper is okay for now. Not sure about that "for now". hmmm... patience not being my strongest good trait it will be hard I'm sure, but I'll behave myself "for now" :) Hope that made you smile just a tiny bit.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
05-15-2013, 08:59 PM
Get some rest Patti, I hope that it went well!
Simba's Mom
05-16-2013, 01:36 AM
Praying for you and Tipper, no fun being sick....
Bo's Mom
05-16-2013, 07:25 AM
Hope you are feeling better because your little girl is going to need you at 100 percent. She's going to be running and playing soon and no time for
Seriously, please feel better and let us know when you are up to it how things are going...much cyber hugs and belly rubs for Tipper today and always.
Thinking of you and Tipper and sending love
05-16-2013, 10:39 AM
Hi Everyone:
Sorry to keep you waiting, but I was really sick. Just everything is catching up to me. This will be a long post so here goes. I need to start off where the story begins. On Sunday my neighbor lady called me. She is alone, and always needs help of some sort, so I am her life line to the world. When I go to the store etc. I always help her by getting stuff she needs, she has no car. Anyway she is talking to me and it is about 7:30 at night and she says someone is at my door, I have to see who it is and she put the phone down. I heard my neighbor across the street come in as she thought she hung the phone up and she didn't she just sat it down. I kept yelling for her to hang the phone up, as I could not use my phone or hang it up. She did not hear me and they kept talking. He said he came over to bring her a piece of pie. She starts eating the pie he brought her, and he sat down and said so what's going on with the dog across the street now? I was floored that a neighbor I say hi and goodbye to would come there to find out my business. She then proceeds to start telling him everything she knows about what is going on with my dog including where I take her to for laser treatments. After he gets all the information he says to her "you know she is making that dog suffer." They both then talked about me making the dog walk so much, and both laughed about it. I was burning. This man does not even know my dogs name, but knows that I am making her suffer?? After he found out what he wanted to know he left and went home. I help this woman on a daily basis. I paid for her cat to go to the Vets once because she did not have enough money, and I felt sorry for the cat it had a bladder infection. To say the least I cannot believe this. So this morning I just went to her house before posting this and told her I knew she was telling my business to the neighbors and talking about my dog. She tried to say it never happened which set me off like a rocket. I told her exactly what happened and how she did not hang up the phone. You know what she said to that? Why did you listen?? I said don't put this on me like I am the one who did something wrong here, don't blame me for what you two did, and try to turn this around on me. I told her how many times I yelled hang the phone up, to no avail, until I heard my name being used. I know she has probably already called the neighbor to tell him I know all this. I told her when she calls the neighbor to tell him I know all of this, to also tell him when he pays my bills and lives in my house then he can find out my business and I left there very angry. To tell me you are praying for my Tipper and do this and laugh about it to another neighbor, you better be kidding me. She better hope the neighbor will do all her errands for her because I am done. When you laugh about my Tipper, as much as her and I have struggled thru all this, I will just cut you off period.
So from Sunday to Tuesday morning when I took Tipper I had basically no sleep, and my face is full of this rash again from my nerves. Between what they did, and worrying about my Tipper I was a nervous wreck. Tuesday morning we made the 3 hour trek. Tipper was off the wall because of no food, and begging me the whole time. It was so hard for 3 hours on her. So we get there and I leave her in the car, and go tell them at the hospital we are there. The girl at the desk hands me a packet and asks me to please fill it out and bring it in when done. I go out to the car luckily for me and fill it out so I can be with Tipper. At the end of the paperwork is yet another estimate- the 3rd one so far, and it is higher again than the last one. I was so glad I was in my car, as I wanted to scream or cry, so I did both. I took it to her and said there is a problem. I said I went over the last estimate and they told me that as long as I had the money on the high end of the estimate that I was good to go. Now they give me an even higher one??? She said wait and I will call someone to talk to you. I had to leave Tipper in the car. They took me into a private room, as I think they knew I was about to explode or implode either one. Then my biggest nightmare comes true. The original IMS that was so rude and terrible to Tipper and I, comes in loaded for bear. I said excuse me but I don't understand why I am talking to you when I requested another Dr. because of your behavior with us on the previous visit. She said the other IMS is sick and I am here in place of her. She starts in yelling at me real loud about this is a hospital and this is just an estimate not etched in stone. I said I did not drive 3 hours and fast my dog to put up with this, and who gives someone 3 estimates?? I said are you going to make another one when she is on the operating table and run out and give me that one too?? She kept yelling at me and so finally I put her in her place. She then became more calm. She started explaining what happened on our last visit, and that she had been stretched to the limit at this hospital with emergencies, people calling off, etc. , etc. I said that should have had no bearing on what you said and how you treated us, you are supposed to be a professional. She then started talking normal to me and explaining things that went wrong on the last visit, and why she told me certain things that she did. I said I have empathy for you, but not enough to let you kill my dog. We talked it out. She said she was the most experienced IMS there, and she would not let anything happen to Tipper under any circumstances. We talked for maybe 40 minutes, and she had to go out of the room for a call. These Dr's all have assistants that follow them around. When she went out of the room her assistant said to me. I am sticking my neck out talking to you and telling you this , and she will kill me if she finds out, but she is the best Dr. in this hospital. She may get mean and nasty, but people actually request her because of her skills. She said you will never regret using her, and I would not tell you this knowing how much you love this dog, if it were not true. So the Dr. came back and I said ok I will let you do the procedure. I said I only have one question. Why didn't you want to see any of Tipper's records the last time I was here. Since she has issues with Cushings etc. don't you feel that is important??? She said didn't your Vet tell you I requested Tipper's whole file and took it home and read the whole thing? I said no nobody told me that and that was a large part of my hesitation. She said she understood. So I told her if I entrust Tipper to you I expect anyone that handles her to be told in advance about her rear legs being bad, and she cannot go on slippery floors etc.,. That she has been getting laser treatments, and if I bring her home and she can't walk what good is that?? She said trust me I will handle it. Well I went to the waiting room. Talked to 2 other people whose dogs have Cushings, one passed. I am amazed at the amount of dogs that are afflicted with his disease. The assistant came out and told me when Tipper went in for her CT scan. Then came back out and told me she was doing well under anesthesia. I told her I forgot to tell the Dr. when they see Tipper's pituitary tumor that not to tell me ths size as I would melt if it were Macro. I said I would rather not know anything. She said she would tell her. She came back then when they took her in for the scoping and told me the Dr. was starting her procedure. I immediately felt sick and headed for the restroom. It seemed like hours passed as I paced and prayed and cried and sat there emotionally drained. Finally the assistant came and said Tipper is out of the O.R. and she woke up. I just burst out crying knowing that my girl was still alive. She took me to a private room and said the Dr. will come and talk to you. She said oh by the way don't worry aboout Tipper's back legs as this Dr. is so anal about what she does that everyone in the hospital was instructed by her that they had better take precautions with Tippers legs or they would be answering to her. It seemed like an hour passed and finally the Dr. came in. Before she said anything she came and hugged me, told me not to cry that she had good things to tell me. As I still cried she came and hugged me and sat with me until I composed myself. That did show me something then and there. She said she did one of the most thorough checks on Tipper from her nose to her tail. She said I have to tell you it's a shame she developed Cushings as the inside of this dog is like looking at a 2-3 year old dog. She has been kept in excellent condition. She was shocked that as long as Tipper has had acid reflux, that she went into her stomach and she had no ulcers, and none in her esophagus. I told her I have used Manuka honey for years on her and she said it saved her from some real trouble. She had not one lesion. Also her larynx, and trachea are functioning normally. She said there was no need to biopsy anything in her nose or sinuses as they were perfect. She said this is one healthy resilient dog, with the exception of the Cushings and if she didn' have it she would have lived to be 20 no doubt in her mind. She said she may still surprise you at how long she lives, because of her condition. I told her I could only pray to God she does. She said she even went up over her soft pallete for me with a camera and found not mucus, no growths, no suspicious things of any kind. That is why no biopsy. So my greatest fear of her larynx, or trachea completely closing and cutting of her air and smothering her has greatly diminished. I have learned to much to discount it entirely as I came upon an article from a renowned Dr. stating that when a dog is under anesthesia it is extremely diffiicult for only 1 person to tell if the trachea is functioning properly, that you need 2 people, and the amount of anesthesia also can effect this determination. She does have some narrowing of the nasal passages, just as I had told her and she told me it wasn't possible. Well she consided that I was right. She said the sticky sound I hear in Tipper's mouth at night could be acid creeping up in her mouth while she sleeps. The noise snoring etc. may be the nasal passages, and her soft pallete vibrating. She changed the fomatadine I give her to Zantac. She said it had properties in it to strengthen the muscle around her valve to make it close tighter so no acid escapes. I got it yesterday. I am nervous to try it before I check out the side effects, and am worried about her reaction to it as she can be allergic to anything. She told me to get the generic. Went to Walmart and got it. It was only .97!!! Yahoo what a deal!!!!. So this Dr. told me whatever I need for this dog to call her and she will help me any way she can. She told me with all she did with Tipper it would have been over 4000.00, but that she cut me a break. She said she sees so many people with their dogs, and I am undoubtedly the most diligent and anal person with their dog she has ever seen . She said that is a compliment, not a bad comment. I then went to the car and got my purse. They said it would be about an hour for Tipper to go home as the anesthesiologist had stayed with Tipper the whole time at the insistance of the Dr.!! I got out the old check book and got ready to be floored, instead I was in shock when she gave me the bill. As I started reading over all the itemized charges I realized as I compared it to the estimates I had, that the Dr. only charged me for the O.R., the anesthesiologist, the drugs used etc. No hospital charges, no charges from her for anything she did at all!!Everything she did was free. I was overwhelmed and just broke down crying. She above all sent a message to me that she is a good Dr., and knows the extent of my love for this dog. The bill was very affordable to say the least. When I went up to the desk to pay it, the girl looked at me and said before you ask, no it is not a mistake. Those are the real charges! I could hardly maintain my composure. Before you knew it the assistant brought out my girl. She was groggy and her head was wobbly, but she saw a German Shepherd sitting beside me on the floor and she growled and lunged at him. The shepherd just laid down and everyone in the whole waiting room laughed and cheered for Tipper. It was unbelievable, my girl was still going to protect me even if she couldn't walk yet!! We had a good ride home, at which point I explained to her that the bad nasty Dr. was now our hero, that we are indebted to forever!! As we were almost home and it was late, I stopped at the drug store that has a drive thru. I asked the girl if she would do me a favor and go in the store and get me the nicest Thank You card she could find. She said she would and brought it out and I paid her thru the window and we went home. As Tipper ate and rested the very first thing I did was sit down write the Dr. and tell her how I could not even articulate my gratitude into words for what she had done. It is in the mail, and I am glad for once I had a second chance to judge someone. Now that you ask how could this post be much longer- well it is just a tiny bit. I saved the tear jerker for last. As you all know I have voiced my opinion on Tipper's Macro symptoms many times, and have been always very fearful of this being true. We all live with this in the back of our minds. As stated I told the assistant I did not want to know Tipper's tumor size, and it would always remain a mystery to me. The last thing the Dr. told me before I went out the door was. I want you to have some peace of mind so I am telling you against your wishes that your Tipper has a very small tumor, and it is not a Macro tumor. So everyone there are miracles, and I am luckier than the person who is about to win the biggest lottery in history. I am so blessed to know this I cannot tell you how I feel. My only regret is that everyone does not have the knowledge about their baby. Thank you all for your continued support, and for reading Tipper's very long story. God Bless You All and Please Still Pray For Everyone To have A Miracle.
A very thankful Patti and Tipper
Boriss McCall
05-16-2013, 10:58 AM
That is such great news!! i am sorry the day was such an emotional roller coaster for you. But, the best news is now you can be worry free. enjoy the time you have with Tipper & look forward to the future with no worries. ;)
Squirt's Mom
05-16-2013, 11:02 AM
Oh, Patti, the tears are just flowing. What a wonderful experience, what GREAT news. I am just so, so happy for you and Tipper both. I approached your long awaited post with much fear, then got very angry at your neighbors behaviors, then the more I read, the relief and joy overcame all else...and the tears started to fall. I am going to light a candle in gratitude this morning for ya'll. Now where are our "happy dancin' mama" and "group hug" icons?! This will have to do -
:cool::):D:cool::):D:cool::):D:cool::):D:cool::):D :cool::):D
Budsters Mom
05-16-2013, 11:49 AM
Your story gave me chills!! ;) I am so happy for you and Tipper. :):)
It gave me faith knowing there are talented, compassionate vets out there, even though they don't always appear to be.;)
Love and hugs to you both,
Kathy and Buddy:cool:
I'm SO HAPPY to hear the news of your visit!!!! :D:D:D:D:D
I'm sitting here at work (my students are at P.E.) crying, and of course my coworker walked in. Luckily we're good friends and she knows all about my "Cushing's site," so I told her it was because of that. At any rate, you had so much wonderful news! I'm so happy to hear you came to a new understanding with the doctor, and that she was so kind that she didn't charge you as much as she could have. And what awesome news you have, knowing that Tipper doesn't have a macro tumor or any nasty problems in her esophagus! I sure hope the new med will be the answer for her.
Julie & Hannah
05-16-2013, 12:46 PM
the prayers worked!!!! With the delay in your reply, honestly feared the worst - that you got terrible news or that something happened to Tipper.
Everyone has an off day and the stress of people calling out sick must be horrendous when you're dealing with emergencies all day long.
I'm so happy that you worked it out with the doctor and that she turned out to be GREAT! I'll bet that she'll be overly conscious of her demeanor with other patients now. She obviously had forgotten what it's like to be on the other side.
I'm ecstatic that she ignored your request to tell you the opposite of what you were thinking about the tumor!
Zantac works well. My father took it until he needed something a little stronger.
What do you use the manuka honey for and where do you get it?
Your neighbors obviously don't have enough to do since they have so much time to discuss your situation with each other. Suggest that they get part-time jobs and I wouldn't bust my butt for that woman again either.
Now, relax and get yourself back into good health.
Squirt's Mom
05-16-2013, 01:07 PM
I had to go to my home away from home this morning - PetCo! :p - and the young lady who checked me out is one who has seen me often lately and noticed how sad I have been, worrying over Squirt. This morning she noticed I look happier and ask after Squirt. I told her Squirt was much better AND that a friend just learned her baby was in much better health than we had feared so it was a GREAT DAY! :)
05-16-2013, 01:20 PM
I can't articulate how pleased I am this was the outcome. I too have tears flowing knowing she doesn't have a macro
Hope you are feeling a bit better today too
05-16-2013, 01:46 PM
Wonderful, wonderful news for you both!!!
Dodie & Molly
molly muffin
05-16-2013, 04:27 PM
This is wonderful news!!! Patti, I could jump for joy for you and Tipper.
wow, who would have EVER guessed in a million years, that the doctor who caused you so much heart ache before would turn out the be the hero of the day. What a turn around.
This is just awesome news Patti!!! HUGS to you and btw, manuka is suppose to be good for lupus breakouts too.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
05-16-2013, 05:56 PM
God Bless you all for the well wishes. I am truly blessed. Valerie I got the Manuka honey for Tipper years ago it has exceptional healing powers, and I thought she may get an ulcer from acid reflux. I order it from Amazon. The higher the number the better quality you are getting. it only comes from New Zeland. We are resting today as this traveling has kicked our butts. Thank you all again, after that long post we are going to take a nap!!
Bo's Mom
05-16-2013, 08:18 PM
I am just getting in from work and couldn't wait to check to see how Tipper was doing. I am so HAPPY that things are going great and you got some awesome news.
Rest up and feel better....
05-16-2013, 10:03 PM
Thanks Patti!
I may add this to Daisy's food to help with her gastric problems. She's been fine the past few days.
05-16-2013, 11:59 PM
That was an amazing story! The nastiness of your neighbor was made up for by the vet who turned out to be a good, good person and a good doctor as well.
So happy that you got such good news and also a break on the fees! Hope good news like that continues to come to you and Tipper!! :)
05-17-2013, 01:18 AM
oh patti so happy to read that your litl tipper is feeling better !!! we are all keeping close tabs on you just take care of yourself as well and i pray that today is an even better day..... will check back on you kids later today.... sending many blessings and healing energy... patty(milo)meka xoxox
05-17-2013, 05:58 AM
I could hear a collective sigh of relief when we all read your post!! So pleased you got good Tipper news :D Hope your catching up on your rest and feeling better! Amazing how your IMS turned it around like that, what a relief for you all
Trish :)
05-17-2013, 08:22 AM
Hi Everyone:
Just wanted to do my usual post for the morning. Before I forget please be careful about using the Manuka honey if your dog has diabetes. I don't give Tipper but the tip of a teaspoonful, and I always do it before she eats. Sometimes I have found this on Ebay also real cheap. I also wanted to mention to anyone using Vetoryl that I buy mine at Lambert Veterinary Supply. You will get a drug rep specifically assigned to you, and there is a pharmacy with a veterinary pharmacist on staff you can call. My drug rep Nancy gives me a great deal for 30 mg Vetoryl if I buy 2 boxes at a time there is no shipping and the Vetoryl is 54.00 a box. Since I do not want to pay shipping I get 2. It helps me also that I do not run out or go low with having the 2 boxes.
My nice neighbor that talked about me and Tipper has made no attempt to even apologize for what she did!. I am amazed at the amount of people in my neighborhood that see me walking Tipper that I always say hi to, that are resentful of the way I care for my dog. I never would give it a thought if I saw someone going out of their way to help their dog. I would think they were a pretty good person. I guess my thinking is in the minority in this development. I have adopted the I don't care what you think attitude, as this has cut me deeply. Knowing how Tipper and I have struggled it is certainly no laughing matter to me. I have a whole new mind set on neighbors now. Tipper is still jumpy and not sleeping well. I think she is anticipating rain or bad weather. I am starting her on the Zantac today after I get a chance to look up the side effects. I would like to video her sleeping and show the Dr. her muscle contractions that have worsened, and the bad breathing noises. The only problem is Tipper does not sleep in the day. When she goes in my room to sleep it has to be dark or she won't lay down. I would have to have some sort of night vision apparatus to video this stuff. I could put on a camo outfit and night vision gear and try to get it on video! She would probably wake up and think I was a crazed intruder and attack me!!!! The things we do to help our poor babies! I saw the tornadoes in Texas and prayed that no one on here was hurt or lost their home. I know Leslie you live in Arkansas and they can get some really bad ones too. We had one a few years back and it wiped out houses 3 streets away, I heard it go over our house, but it was way up high and all we got was some wind damage. I hope everyone has a peaceful and uneventful weekend. Blessings
Patti, sometimes, it may be these people feel quilty for some reason and that is what you are seeing in them, their own guilt. My neighbor had a very sick dog for two years, I was very supportive. She subsequently decided to let her girl go and had her euthanized durring one of the many stays in the ER the dog went through. She took it hard.
A few weeks ago she came over to chat and asked me "how long are you going to keep that thing going?" THAT THING she was refering to was my Zoe.
Hubby says she did not mean it that way. I say, I dont want her in my house ever again and if he chooses to speak to her he can damn well do it outside.
I will never forget that comment nor will I ever be able to look in her in the eyes again without remembering, even if she mispoke.
So it may be, she was feeling guilty about her own dog.
Whatever the reason, I dont care and dont you care either. Tipper is your dog, no one should judge you, no one.
hugs and love
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