View Full Version : Tipper - adrenal tumor/breathing issues
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03-03-2013, 08:11 AM
Hi Mel:
Hope this finds you well aand your broken heart starting to heal. Yes it is funny how these babies know everything going on. Sometimes Tipper is too smart for her own good, she has gotten into some mischief that way!!
03-03-2013, 08:13 AM
Yes you are correct that is the drug he told me about. I wonder if they have anything else that may help your baby?? Let me know what you find out. I kinda knew this condition was a Cushings thing.
molly muffin
03-03-2013, 08:45 AM
Well that was an interesting trip and it sounds like it was very productive too. So I think definitely worth while that you went, whether your vet agrees or not. You now know what to look out for and what can or cannot be done about any symptoms you may be concerned about. So, 3 months, then check again. Sounds like a plan and everyone knows on here, that we love a plan. :)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
03-03-2013, 08:53 AM
You are the best!!!. No matter how down I am when I read your postings they always lift me up. Thank you, and God Bless you and the babies.
03-04-2013, 10:08 AM
Glad to hear the good news about Tipper's eyes and there is nothing serious going on.
Big hugs
03-04-2013, 12:33 PM
Thanks, I need all the good news I can get with her. I am sure you feel the same with your baby. Tipper goes to her Laser treatment tomorrow at 1:30 and I will let everyone know how it went. God Bless You and the Scoora babies.
03-06-2013, 10:51 AM
Hi Everyone:
I took Tipper for her first laser therapy yesterday. The lady was extremely friendly and kind to my girl. The bad thing is she had to put Tipper's back legs thru range of motion and measure the range. So with that being said, Tipper fell up the steps for the first time today, and I can see she is having discomfort. She always lays flat with her rear legs out like a frog, but now has them tucked under for the first time. This kills me to have to make her do this, so it better work!!!. This is what the Laser tech told me. She is trained and certified in this. What happens is when you run a Laser on the body the cells that are not working or have been deystroyed by disease take in the light from the laser which energizes them. This starts them working again and renewing themselves. The cells that are working fine are not disturbed by the laser. She said that Tipper would be tired with sort of flu like symptoms that night. She did sleep better, don't know if it was because of the tiredness or this has started helping her. She said some animals get relief right away, and some take a few sessions. She has had success with Cush dogs. After she sees improvement, Tipper can stop the treatment and may need "touch ups" here and there to keep her strong. I can't complain, after all the expense I have gone thru so far this is the least expensive action we have taken. It is only 37.00 a treatment- which I really don't want to spend, but relative to everything else it is a bargain if it works. She gives a cheaper deal if you get a package of 5 treatments. Now comes the funny part. Part of the reason my love for Tipper is so deep is that she is crazy in a good way. She is intelligent, and obedient, but hates things that have motors running, ticking, or other wise making sounds. She has killed off many an alarm clock, tried to jump the counter to attack my can opener, ruined childrens play toys with motors, got caught with the cell phone taking it to destroy it because of the sound when someone calls on it- you get the idea already!! So this lady starts up the laser and Tipper does fine with the laser on her, but is trying to reach the machine as it beeps and kill it. The tech said "what is she trying to do, is she going to bite me?" I said she won't bite you, she wants to kill your machine as she does not like things that run and make any noise. She just gave me a real wierd look. I told her it's a Jack Russell thing, they are half crazy and do these nutty things that only make sense to them. I hope tomorrows visit does not make her legs worse before improvement starts. She goes 2x a week. I will post how it goes tomorrow. I am hopeful this will stabilize her muscle, and maybe regain some. I took her for her regular weekly blood pressure check this morning. It was great at 130, thank God. I will keep trying to keep this girl with me for as long as possible. God Bless All of Us and Our Babies.
03-06-2013, 11:50 AM
I bet that you were wondering how Tipper would react at least it was true to form, I ave this image of Tipper going after the wand which tickles me :)
Fingers crossed this does the trick and the discomfort is short term
Good news re BP as well, long may that continue.
molly muffin
03-06-2013, 09:30 PM
How did Tipper do through the day today?
That is so funny about her issue with machines that make noise. You have to say this for Tipper, she knows what she likes and she knows what she doesn't like. LOL
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
03-07-2013, 08:19 AM
Thanks for asking about Tipper. She did real good during the day yesterday. She went on 5 walks, yes I do mean 5. I was thrilled with that, but I am carrying her up the steps so she does not fall. I hope that issue is resolved from the follow up treatments, as she did not do that before. We go again this afternoon. I am going to ask her not to do range of motion with Tipper's back legs anymore due to what happened. She already has the measurements so I don't see it being necessary every time we go. Last night and the night after the first treatment Tipper slept better, and did not have all the muscle contractions she normally does. I don't know if it was the laser treatment, or a coincidence, but I will soon find out. That would be a God send if it stopped these twitches and tremors. I am cautiously optimistic. I will let you know how it goes today. God Bless Us All and All our Babies.
03-07-2013, 10:11 AM
That is good news about the contractions and sleeping hopefully that will continue
Hope Tipper doesnt go too mad on the wand today and that she isn't so sore after
Will look back for an update later
molly muffin
03-07-2013, 05:58 PM
So, how did it go today? Does the wand still exist in it's beginning form?
Wonderful about the sleeping and contractions. Hope that resolves completely.
I wonder if the muscles feel tired, it's extra work getting up stairs so maybe they just have that exhausted feel to them?
Can't wait to hear the latest adventure
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
03-08-2013, 08:34 AM
Hi Everyone:
Tipper went for her second treatment yesterday. She was more calm this time. The Dr.( who I thought was just a laser tech.) let her smell the wand, she wanted to bite it at first but since there was a cat, which Jack Russells hate, there before us she wanted to see if she could find the cat. She did real well during treatment. I think because she learned this was not going to hurt her. I told the Dr. about her falling up the steps and not wanting to climb them. She had previously told me that is usually a sign of a hip problem when they go up the steps with 2 legs at a time, sort of jumping up them. Tipper does have hip issues. The cat she was working on was 11 and had 3 treatments and was improving. Last night I pulled the covers off of Tipper, as she sleeps just like a person would, only right up against me. I watched for a good long time. Only some minor twitches. The muscles contractions have really subsided. She had only some minor twitching of her paws. Before her legs would jump up and her sides would ripple dozens of times a night keeping her awake and moving all around. She more or less stayed in one spot last night and appeared to rest better. I hope this continues to improve and the contractions go away all together. I am very thankful that I took her there. She does not have to have the range of motion measured again until the last treatment. I hope that does not undo all the good done with the laser. When people start manipulating her rear legs she has trouble, and I don't want this to happen again. Tipper was not as tired yesterday after the treatment. As bad as this disease has been I swear I don't know where she gets all the energy from, but Jack Russells are high energy dogs, that is why there are so many in rescues. She goes on 5-6 walks a day. People get JR's and then find out these dogs aren't couch potatoes and want interaction all the time, so they get rid of them. I am wondering about Scoop this morning and praying all went well with him. Wondering how Mel is doing also, my heart aches for her. God Bless Us All and All Our Babies.
03-08-2013, 10:28 AM
Hello, glad you posted was looking out or Tippers update. Good there was a cat to distract Tipper, pesky cats :)
I am pleased to hear she didn't feel as bad as last time, sounds like it could be working if the muscles aren't contracting so much which is awesome news.
I am ok thanks for asking, one day at a time. I am also wondering about Vicki and Scoop
molly muffin
03-08-2013, 11:05 AM
Yay, glad to hear the appointment went well. You're right, every Jack Russell I've ever known of has been high energy and they needs lots of walks. They are so cute and happy though. I love that about JR's.
I know, I wonder about Vicki and Scoop too. Hope we hear something soon.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
03-08-2013, 03:05 PM
Mel and Sharlene;
Thanks for checking up on Tipper. I am getting worried about Vicki and Scoop, I pray nothing is wrong, and hope we hear something soon. God Bless you both, and all the rest of us too!
03-08-2013, 03:20 PM
I echo your last post, really hope we hear from her soon
03-08-2013, 04:53 PM
i too am concerned.i have been private messaging with vicki since milo past,i know that scoop was having a rough couple days..... just send her one about a half hour ago.......patty (milo)meka xoxox ps just saw the results with tipper...glad to see today was a better treatment,looks promising !!! :)
03-09-2013, 08:39 AM
Tipper had another good night of sleep. I think the laser is working on the muscle contractions!! Hope we hear from Vicki soon, I am getting worried. It is not like her to stay out of contact. God Bless You.
03-09-2013, 08:47 AM
Hi Everyone;
Just an update. Tipper had another good night of rest. I must say I did not take her for the laser treatments because of the muscle contractions, but it is a wonderful thing that the treatments are helping with that too. She only had maybe 2 minor twitches that I saw last night. I actually had to wake her this morning. She wasn't moving all around the bed either. She went on 4 walks yesterday. When we got home she ran around the house 100 miles an hour like when she was a puppy. Then grabbed her ball and proceeded to play with it. I hope this helps her hips as that is the reason I think she is having trouble going up stairs. That is what the Dr. thinks also. i hope God Blesses her with this stamina for the rest of her days, and that she can continue on this even keel. This was only her second treatment, so I am a believer. I am so glad I decided to take her there. God Bless Us All and our Babies.
molly muffin
03-09-2013, 09:33 AM
Great to hear that Tipper is responding well and hopefully this Will help her hips, along with the cartilage supplement that you give her, she should be feeling pretty fine and dandy. 100mph Tipper! I can just see that! You're going to have to make an agility course for her to run through.:D:D
Squirt's Mom
03-09-2013, 09:34 AM
Hi Patti,
It sounds like the laser treatments are doing Tipper a world of good and that is simply wonderful! I so hope you continue to see improvement in her as the treatments progress. I am so happy for you both!
Leslie and the gang
03-09-2013, 09:40 AM
That is such good news to hear Tipper is getting some quality sleep since starting the treatment and haring around like she should be :)
I can tell how hard you are trying to help your girlie, so it must feel even better to see her get some relief
Long may it continue
QUOTE=goldengirl88;96772]Hi Everyone;
Just an update. Tipper had another good night of rest. I must say I did not take her for the laser treatments because of the muscle contractions, but it is a wonderful thing that the treatments are helping with that too. She only had maybe 2 minor twitches that I saw last night. I actually had to wake her this morning. She wasn't moving all around the bed either. She went on 4 walks yesterday. When we got home she ran around the house 100 miles an hour like when she was a puppy. Then grabbed her ball and proceeded to play with it. I hope this helps her hips as that is the reason I think she is having trouble going up stairs. That is what the Dr. thinks also. i hope God Blesses her with this stamina for the rest of her days, and that she can continue on this even keel. This was only her second treatment, so I am a believer. I am so glad I decided to take her there. God Bless Us All and our Babies.
03-09-2013, 11:08 AM
Thanks for your good wishes for my Tipper, I am going to do whatever it takes to keep her with me as long as I can. I have never been so closely bonded to a dog before, and I have had and loved many. She is just my once in a lifetime special dog.
Squirt's Mom
03-09-2013, 11:12 AM
I soooo understand that! Squirt is that dog for me. She is so much a part of my life and who I am today that I cannot imagine a day without her. Considering my age and the number of pets I have had over all those years, Squirt is truly a once-in-a-lifetime love.
03-09-2013, 12:05 PM
Your picture of squirt is one of the cutest I have seen. Just too adorable!!
Squirt's Mom
03-09-2013, 12:17 PM
awww...thanks! That's her lounging pose waiting for Mom to come rub her belly. :D
03-11-2013, 07:30 AM
How are you and Tipper today? Any more visits planned this week?
Check back later
03-11-2013, 11:50 AM
Tipper had the return of some muscle contractions last night. If the laser is helping them it may be because she hasn't had a treatment since Thursday. They only do them 2x a week. So she was all weekend without a treatment. I take her again tomorrow and I will mention this to the Dr. I can see her slipping in certain ways, she was a very strong dog before all this, and it is heartbreaking to watch her health, and phycial appearance decline. She used to wear a medium in a harness, she not wears an extra large because of the fat moving to her abdomen, and the lack of muscle there. So the harness gaps at her neck because it is for a much larger dog. I don't know how I can ever do without her. It will be my biggest challenge to date. This dog is my life, and I don't know as I can recover if I lose her. I hope I have your strength to get me thru. Thanks for keeping in touch, we love to hear from you and as always we say a prayer every night for you and precious Tia in heaven.
03-11-2013, 12:22 PM
I think you could not be doing anymore for your girlie to give her the best shot. You are awesome for Tipper, hopefully the sessions will give her more strength overtime so you won't see a decline over the weekend
Thank you for the prayers, I take it one day at a time and try and remind myself how lucky I am to have her brother after all he has been through
Together we are all stronger, this site is safe to share your fears but try not to dwell on them as Tipper is putting up a good fight with everything you are doing
I will help in anyway I can
03-11-2013, 01:40 PM
Thanks for the help. You are always boosting my spirits, which I need since I get down a lot. I am sure you know what a roller coaster ride this is. The highs are great, but the lows will kill you. I try my hardest to stay positive, but I admit I am still scared to death. You are very fortunate to have Tia's brother that is some comfort to oyu now. God Bless you and keep in touch with me always, I get strength from you!!
03-11-2013, 05:32 PM
Rollercoaster is one of the most appropriate words, ups and downs but we fight on each day for them. Tipper is just as lucky to have you as you are her.
Don't always feel that strong myself sometimes but is nice to hear my words help you.
Looking forward to hearing what antics she gets up to at her appointment tomorrow, let's hope there is a pesky cat to distract her
03-11-2013, 05:51 PM
Patti, Tipper is so lucky to have you. Just want you to know, you and Tipper are in my thoughts and prayers...
Hugs, Peace and Love,
Sharon, Norman and Millie
03-12-2013, 04:01 PM
Hi Everyone:
Firstly thank you Mel and Sharon I draw my strength from you.
Secondly I took Tipper for her third laser treatment. This time the Dr. used and accupuncture apparatus on the laser. When she got to Tipper's lower back Tipper would not sit still. I know something has been bothering her, maybe it is her lower back. Last night she didn't quite make it onto the bed. Every time she went with the laser at the end of her spine by her tail she tensed up and wanted to get away to stop it. That may be the problem with her going up stairs. I also noticed I can hear her moaning in her car seat sometimes if the ride lasts more than 15 minutes or so. Sitting in this seat must be putting pressure on her back and hurting her. She absolutely loves her car seat, and when she gets out of it to lay on the regular seat in the car I know there is a problem. I know these dogs get musculoskeletal problems from no muscle holding their under side up anymore, and it pulls on their back.
The Dr. suggested that if you dogs legs are weakening you should walk them in circles, and figure 8's. It makes the inside legs work harder, so switch directions to do both sides. She also said when they are standing like between you legs put your hands on them and push them gently from front to back motion, and side to side. It strengthens their legs up.
Mel you would had laughed and laughed. There was a tiny female dog there before us. She came out of the room with her owner and went to smell Tipper and Tipper being the alpha female she is lifted her lip up, and showed all her pretty teeth. Poor little thing she ran behind her owners legs. I think Tipper was telling her "Look I don't like coming here to begin with, so just butt out already!!" Tipper has never been mean, but she is a little more assertive since she got this disease, and was put on Vetoryl.The vet told me it does change their personalities. It just seems every week the problems keep mounting up and the hill gets harder to climb. I feel so awful putting her thru all this. She is a wonderful, and faithful dog, and I feel terrible sometimes putting her thru it all. I hope this helps what is going on with her. Prayers to all of you and to your babies.
03-12-2013, 04:27 PM
Hey Patti
I wonder if it's her hips? Boyce has a deformed one on his right side so when it's cold it makes him move more gingerly, he has chrondoitin and glucosamine in his food which does help his movement, I know you give Tipper a few bits but thought I would mention it
Bless her re the other dog, I like it when they show character, she clearly didn't fancy saying hello
Hopefully it will be short term uncomfort for a long term gain, you are trying to help her remember that, you aren't putting her through things, you are treating her conditions.
Did the specialist say anything? Could you give her some 'courage juice' (I have no idea what this actually is) to help take the edge off? Or maybe being poked with small needles isn't her thing, what did the woman say it would do?
molly muffin
03-12-2013, 06:55 PM
Hi ya Patti. Also could be her disc just like us humans can get. When was her last xray? Molly too has a deformed right rear joint area. It makes her sometimes limp when she gets up, and affects her jumping sometimes too. If it's bothering her she jut won't jump. We know this is due to the joint and not cushings since it started way before anyone had any thought of cushing in her life. I think it was when she was spayed at around 1 year that they mentioned it to us.
Mel is right. You aren't putting her through anything that isn't helping her and I am sure that she is grateful that she feels better afterwards too.
You're doing great!
Shalene and Molly Muffin
03-13-2013, 09:32 AM
Mel and Sharlene:
Thanks for your help as always. I get my strength from you, otherwise I am afraid I could not go on with all this. I haven't had any Xrays of Tipper's lower back, so maybe we will have to do that. If it is a disc there really isn't anything they can do about it, especially with the condition she is in right? I do give her GlycoflexIII. I am wondering if spending the money on Xrays will accomplish anything. Sharlene you probably know what to do since your baby had a disc problem. What did they do to treat hers? Just took Tipper for her Blood Pressure it was 140, so she is good today. Tomorrow we go back to therapy. She got out of her car seat on the way to the Vets and laid on the seat of the car, so whatever this is is bothering her a lot.
Mel I hope your heart is healing, Tipper and I pray for you and sweet Tia and her brother every night. God Bless Us All we surely need it! I pray for God to heal all the babies on here, and take this misery away.
03-13-2013, 11:24 AM
I am so sorry that Tipper seems to be so uncomfortable. One thing the x-rays might tell you is whether she has a condition that actually might be aggravated by the manipulation she's getting at the therapist's instead of being helped. It may be the case that the laser and the pushing on her legs is helping some things, but it may be making another problem worse. I felt kinda worried when you wrote about how she was shifting around and trying to avoid the laser the other day. :o
You are certainly the best judge as to how she's reacting to the therapy overall. But some kinds of orthopedic problems can be made even worse by forced movement. If that problem seems to be gettimg worse rather than better, you might ask the therapist to ease off a bit in that area.
03-13-2013, 11:40 AM
Thank you good for the good ideas. I am going to ask the Dr. about all this. God Bless
molly muffin
03-13-2013, 02:17 PM
No molly doesn't have disc issues, she has a malformed joint issue. I think the treatment for disc is usually anti-inflamatorys and pain meds. It can really only be confirmed I think with an xray, or at least a very experienced vet checking it.
Marianne has an excellent point though, manipulation can aggravate a problem area. We don't let molly be forcefully moved at all on her problem joint area.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
03-14-2013, 11:53 AM
Hey Patti
Did Tipper have an appointment today? Was it any better? Did you ask about her discomfort with the needle extension?
Did she get up to any naughtiness?
Hope you are ok too
molly muffin
03-14-2013, 05:48 PM
checking in on you and tipper. :)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Canine massage does help so much just like it does for us, and maybe if you get a tempur pedic pillow? or small section of foam to add to her car seat? and water therapy is also great no impact. I chose to have ramp by bed for shysie and will eventually ask hubby to make smaller one for couch.
LOL i love the attitude.....i know shysie tends to show her i am not so pleased about this attitude her self at times. I will try and capture it on video and show it.
i hope you are doing well and tipper to. keep us all updated!
03-15-2013, 11:58 AM
Mel, Stormee, Sharlene:
Thanks for checking on my precious girl. Yesterday I removed the car seat out of the car and put a pillow on the seat. Although Tipper was not liking the fact that she could not see out like in her car seat, she seemed more comfortable on the pillow. I talked the problem over with the Dr. before she started Tipper's laser treatment. She told me she was only going to go so far down her spine, and if Tipper tensed up like the last time she would not do the lower back. Tipper didn't tense up according to her, so she did laser the lower back and use the accumouncture on it. Her last treatment is Tuesday. I want to let her go for a week or two after that and see how she acts, and if she wants to climb the stairs. The only problem is she races up them, you cannot stop her once she starts. I was going to try and hold onto the top of her harness in case she fell I would have her- don't know as I am quick enough. I want to see after a week or two with no treatment if this truly made an improvement for her. If so I may continue on, just depends. The Dr. asked if she could take Tipper's picture next week, as she thinks my girl is so cute. She wants to let people see that Tipper had laser treatments in some type of advertising. So I will make sure she is brushed up and kerchief on so she is looking good.Tipper does not like pictures so she may stick her lip up and flash her the teeth. Has anyone noticed their dog being very impatient, and very excitable since taking this drug??? Tipper has no patience and gets very annoyed if I take too long to put her harness on or things like that. She was never like that. Also when she knows we are going somewhere she goes nuts and you can't even hold her to get the harness on. She has absolutely never done that. She seemed tired last night from her treatment.
I had a conversation with Paul Newman's Vet a few days ago.He contacted me when I first started to use the Newmans Own- I thought it was someone playing a prank on me when he called and said he was Pauls Newmans Vet. I thought sure and I am Mother Theresa! He and I have conversed thru the years before Paul died. I told him how my Vet wants to push that garbage food from Hills on Tipper, cause he said Newmans Own had too much fat, and Tipper weighed less before all this Cushings stuff. Well Dr. Brown told me Newman's Own is lower in fat than most of the foods on the market today. He told me in order to get Tipper back to her original weight to use cooked lentils, and green beans, carrots, legumes, brocolli etc in place of some of the dogfood to fill her up. I have been doing this for a week now. We will see what the scale says next Wednesday. You don't have to soak the lentils, just cover in water and cook.The lentils are really hearty and seem to stay with her. She seems to be fuller, and likes the food prepared like this. I was only giving her a cup of dogfood a day with some white meat chicken- she is 17.9 lbs. So now I cut her down to 3/4 a cup of dogfood with the white meat chicken, and lentils etc. Tipper eats 3 small meals a day. I measure the food in a measuring cup in the morning and when she eats her meals all come out of that cup. That also helps keep their metabolism going and burning calories, and helps them get thru the day not being hungry, if you split up the food into smaller meals. He said if your dog gets too much gas from this, that dogs can have Beano it will not hurt them. Tipper only used to weigh 16.7 lbs. For the sake of her legs and joints I need to get this pound off as Dr. Brown said that is like 10lbs on a person. He is a remarkable Vet and very kind man who has given me good advise thru the years. Also I feed her this food because it is human grade organic chicken etc., has no grains which Cush. dogs should not have, and has never been recalled. So we shall see what the dreaded scale says next week. I hope you all have a great weekend with your wonderful babies, and that Scoop gets better and starts eating well again. God Bless Us All and Our Babies.
molly muffin
03-15-2013, 07:05 PM
Hi Patti,
You say you get inspiration from the forum, and I think that is wonderful, but I wonder if you even know how inspiring you are to others yourself.
You have a vet that you keep in line, you have consulted with Dr. Petersen, you regularly consult with Dechra, you get nutrition advice from Paul Newmans vet, you tirelessly continue to look for anything that might help Tipper to live a full long life, even with this disease, you do laser therapy and acupuncture.
You my dear are an inspiration to many others on this forum too and to many who read the forum but aren't members. Any who come looking for information and hope, can read your thread and feel that there is hope in this battle.
Thank you Patti and Tipper.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
03-15-2013, 10:49 PM
Thank you Patti.
Well said Sharlene. I totally agree with you.
03-16-2013, 03:29 AM
Sharlene seems to have a way with words....
Hopefully the things you have learnt for your sweet girl will help the other babies out there
Re the impatience, not that I know of. Could be a sign she is eager to get going so she feels better? Wish these pups could talk. I think I will teach my next dog a bit of sign language for basic things as I would sure like to know what they need when they get like that
Fingers crossed that she has lost half a pound :D
You guys have an awesome weekend
03-16-2013, 09:13 AM
Sharlene, Mel and Vicki:
Sharlene thank you as always for your uplifting spirit. Boy Mel said it all Sharlene, you do have a way with words. I am not any extraordinary person, I am just a regular person that will do anything to keep my girl. I don't have any family left and she is what I cling to. I need her more than she will ever need me. She has been at my side faithfully since I got sick with Lupus. It is my turn to show her all the kindness and compassion I can since she needs me now. If there is a tiny glimmer of hope that something may help her, I cannot rest until I try it. It is just a shame that all of these tests and treatments are so expensive. It makes it hard for the average person to afford to help an animal they love. It isn't fair to worry about paying bills or treating your baby with the money. Maybe we should all start a fund to help people to treat their animals initially. That is when the cost is the greatest. No one should be put in a situation of not being able to treat their dog because of lack of funds. I know my being sick and Tipper being sick is a real strain on a fixed income. I have gone without things I need, to help her.
Last night Tipper was very restless, like she could not get comfortable. I am like Mel in wishing that she could talk and tell me what to do, and what hurts her. I would really like to know the mystery behind the throaty garbling,and sticking her tongue out like her mouth is sticky. I would like to know the mechanism causing this. We got snow this morning in the North East and it is clinging to the trees looking beautiful. Tipper will be happy as she loves the snow. I have a snow suit for her like toddlers wear, and I put it on her so she can still enjoy the snow but not get wet. I hope we all have a good weekend, and that Scoop gets some relief from all of his troubles. God Bless Us All as we surely need it.
03-17-2013, 04:51 PM
Hey Patti
Did you and Tipper have fun in the snow?
How are you both doing today?
03-17-2013, 11:18 PM
Thanks Patti for always thinking of Scoop and sending prayers his way.
I hope you and Tipper had a good weekend.
Big hugs.
03-18-2013, 06:18 AM
My 9 yr old min poodle started making noises when she breathed and snored about 5 weeks before she died. I asked the vet about it also but he did not feel it necessarily had to do with the Cushings. She was so bloated and gained so much weight that that is what I attributed the snoring from. I wondered if the labored breathing could have been from her enlarged liver pushing up on the lungs. Hang in there. Keep a close watchful eye on your pup and follow the doctors instructions. You are doing everything you can!:)
03-18-2013, 09:21 AM
We are doing well thanks for checking up on us. Tipper has been very restless the last few nights. It seems she has some type of discomfort. The Dr.'s assured me 2 times that Tipper's liver in not enlarged. I just don't understand why her girth has gained so many inches then? I think whatever this issue is, is what is making her move around all night in an effort to get comfortable. When she stands it is not as pronounced, but when she lays down it really is, her ribs stick out a lot. She was such a muscular dog before this happened, can this all be fat deposits? I feel so bad for her she just keeps moving around and neither one of us get much sleep.
Hope you are doing well. How is the weather there today. We are getting sleet and freezing rain now. We got about 5 inches of snow on Saturday. I just want Spring weather so my Tipper can go out, she loves the outdoors, but she loves the snow also. She played a while last night in it, I should have taken the camera out and forgot. I just have to watch because she always wants to rub her ears in it, and then she has an ear infection from it. She acted just like a puppy. If only I could take her back to that time, in hind sight I would surely change the way she was treated for allergies, and she would never get this dreaded disease. It seems like all those years just went by so fast. Sending prayers to you, that God may heal your heart.
03-18-2013, 09:52 AM
Hey Patti
Could she just be hot? I know it's winter but you both generate heat when next to each other maybe she needs to cool down sometimes. Just a thought
You can't think like that you will drive yourself batty, you treated those conditions the best way at that time and you needed to do that as they were bothering her
I wish we all didn't have to deal with this blinking condition in the first place but that's the same as cancer and many other horrible things, sooner they get to the bottom of figuring out the why we can look to move forward in prevention I guess that is a time thing.
Big hug for you and a kiss for Miss Tipper
03-18-2013, 10:23 AM
Hi Patti, That's great that Tipper loves to go out and play in the snow. On Sat. we got a coating on the grass and the trees looked beautiful but that's melted now. We are supposed to get some later today mixed with sleet.
Mel could be right about Tipper being too warm. We think Scoop gets too warm when he is laying next to someone on the recliner. He wants to get down and just lay on the floor. When I pick him up sometimes his belly feels very warm. He is always kicking his cover off. There are plenty of times Scoop seems like he just can't settle and he moves around a lot.
I agree. I don't know where these last 12 years with Scoop went to. Went by too quickly.
Hope you and Tipper have a good day.
Zoe moves around a lot too, she wont sleep in her bed in our room, she wants to strecth out, no curve to her pine, but to lay flat and she gets warm too, so she only stays in her bed maybe 15 minutes.
Her tummy has also gotten larger, I attribute it to muscle loss.
You are doing a wonderful job caring for Tipper.
03-18-2013, 02:01 PM
It is not so much Tipper's tummy either, it is around her rib cage where she is huge. I bet 4-5 inches bigger in circumference than before all this happened. Her belly is slightly larger, maybe 2 inches more around than she was. It worries me that her girth is so large around the ribcage. Does Zoe have that also? I think it must be fat pushing on her organs or something. When she had her chest Xray, I am sure anything would have shown around the ribs. I am going to have to get the Vet to pull the xray and check it out for me, as I never specifically asked him that question since we were concentrating on other issues we saw. I just worry that I am not catching something that is wrong!!! Thank you for the help,and God Bless you and Zoe.
No, not on her sides, I can feel her ribs, it is all Cush tummy hanging down, low belly look. Like an old horse with a sway back look and belly sort of. Has gotten worse the last few months. I wished she would not of had to have surgery and I could have changed her dose in early January like I wanted to. I feel like I lost all this time with her again for her cortisol not being where it needs to be. we can never get past that.
You do wonders for Tipper really. You totally amaze me. I think it is just wonderful. I know you love her so.
03-19-2013, 09:05 AM
Thanks for the help, every bit and piece of information you get along this road certainly helps your knowledge of this disease. I know what you mean about catching it earlier. I begged my Vet to test Tipper earlier and told him I knew she had this. He thought he knew everything at that point, so she could have been treated for the high cortisol earlier if he had listened to me.
Sweet Zoe seems to be doing well under your vigilant care. If the Vets only knew half as much as the people on here, we would be in good shape!! Prayers to you both.
03-19-2013, 09:32 AM
Hi everyone:
Well today is the last of Tipper's laser treatments. I was up most of the night thinking about the fact that I wanted to talk to her laser Dr. and tell her not to measure Tipper's progress by putting her hind legs thru range of motion. The first time when she did this is when Tipper couldn't walk well when we got home and the first time ever she fell on the way up the steps. I know some of you had cautioned me that this manipulation can do more harm than good. I figured that since she is in touch with my Vet as he was the referral, that she would want to show him any progress made.
So I made an executive decision this morning and called my Vet, he wasn't in so I got the other Vet. I told him my dilemma and that I did not want to go to this last appointment, and get into a sticky wicket with the Dr. If this helps Tipper a lot, I may want to continue treatment every once and a while, and do not want a bad attitude from this laser Dr. I asked my Vet to call or fax her a request that Tipper not be measured, and that we will check her progress from a clinical stand point. I am not going to put my Tipper thru all these treatments only to have her walking worse than when she got there, and undo all the good that the laser did. I will ask the Dr. before she even starts Tipper's laser treatment if she was contacted by my Vet, just to make sure we are on the same page. You can't leave anything up to chance with this Cush pups. The Cushings is bad enough to deal with, I don't need a lame dog on top of all this!
I did however have a revelation last night as I lay there awake. I realized that I have not seen Tipper in a sitting position very often. She is either standing or laying. She will sit on occasion on the back of the sofa, as it is really padded. I am concluding that it must be her hips, and that long trip we took in the car seat was too much on her hips. That is why she wants to lay on the seat now. It is funny it was as plain as the nose on my face, but because I am looking for so many other things I failed to connect the dots on this one. I must talk to the Vet about her blood pressure being taken also. They shave and use her rear leg. I need to make sure the tech. is not injuring her by moving her rear leg in a bad position to do BPs. Also I thought that exam table they use is stainless steel, so I will be taking a pillow from now on for her to lay on, I'll just throw the cover in the wash when I get home so as not to transfer anything from the Vet's table home. If your hips are bad and hurting, and you are her age to lay on a hard table for 10 minutes would not feel too good. I will let everyone know how the appointment goes. I am grateful for every day I have with my girl as I feel we are on borrowed time, and it scares me. God Bless All of Us., and all our babies.
molly muffin
03-19-2013, 06:00 PM
Hi Patti, looking forward to hearing how everything went today.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Hope everything went okay. Zoe does not sit much any more either. I remember reading an article by Patricia McConnell (dog trainer). She had an elderly dog. She said she thought at her age, her dog should not have to do the "sit command" and because her elderly dog did not liker to sit anymore, she never asked her to. :):)
I thought of that article as soon as I read your thread.
03-20-2013, 07:45 AM
Just wondering how Tipper got on with her last appointment, hope you are both ok?
03-20-2013, 09:46 AM
Sharlene, Mel, Addy and Everyone:
Went to Tipper's appointment yesterday. I immediately asked the Dr. if she got the fax from my Vet. of course she said she hadn't. So I basically told her that due to the fact that Tipper couldn't walk right and fell up the steps the last time she put her thru range of motion I did not want it done anymore. I said what is the sense of going thru all these laser treatments and then undoing all the good by basically causing problems with her hips?? She agreed with me and said she would not do them. I told her I would rather go by the cllinical indicators from now on. She said once the animal has the series of 5 treatments, the body knows what to do when it receives any more light. So she said what she normally does is a single treatment every 4-6 weeks. I told her Tipper showed some improvement, so I would continue until she is 75-80% better. She also explained that Tipper is not sitting very much now, because of her hips. She said when older dogs do that it is usually the hips making them uncomfortable. The Dr. then took Tipper's pictures for the advertising- of course Tipper proudly wore her Steeler Kerchief and did sit still for the pictures.
Funny thing though, I had been worried about Tipper's blood pressure. Although not high she was at the higher end of normal at 160. Since she has started these treatments she has been 130 and 140. My guess is that it reduced inflammation, which raises blood pressure, and that is a good thing. Any other suggestions/ideas?? We went for her blood pressure today and it was 140, and believe it or not Tipper lost 3 ounces!!! YEA!!!! So the lentils replacing some of the dog food did work, and we will stay the course with them.
As Tipper was on the scale getting weighed a lady came in with two cats- Tipper's arch enemies. Tipper dove off the scale and wanted to mix it up with the kitties. The lady laughed and said "I guess she has no use for cats." Everyone has always called Tipper the Jack Russell terrorist, because she has to be the boss of everything going on, and if she dislikes something she will make sure everyone knows about it. You better not come near this house, me or my car or she will let you have it with both barrels. I had a repairman at my home one time. He said he loved dogs and watched Cesar Milan, and can make friends with any dog. He told me to just let Tipper go and she would be ok with him. I ran into the garage to get a drop cloth for him, and when I came in he was yelling for me and Tipper had him backed into a corner, just sitting there waiting for him to move. It was too funny. When I showed her he was ok to be in the house she left him alone, but sat and kept an eye on every move he made. I have never have to be afraid to walk anywhere as long as I have Tipper with me. A man a few streets over got attacked by a small bear when he went outside to get in his car. All the neighbors are afraid now except me. Tipper does not care how big something is she will defend you. That is one of her endearing qualities, she would give her life to defend me.
The last few nights she has been making that throaty noise a lot and sounding gurgly. I noticed she has had a lot of mucus in her one eye also. This disease is so bad, and it's a pity no one really can answer your qustions on how it causes all these issues. You are basically just guessing what they are. Well Tipper gets a well deserved break until next Wed. blood pressure day. God Bless All Of Us and our babies. Good to hear from you Mel, I was wondering if you were doing ok, as I hadn't seen you posting for a day or so.
03-21-2013, 06:18 AM
Tipper reminds me of Daisy Mae. No fear at all!
We were in a park in Cos Cob when this HUGE Burmese mountain dog came trotting toward us off leash. In a shot, Daisy was barking and the next thing I know she's hanging from the dog's ear!!!!
I was mortified but the owner assured me that all was good. She clearly knew that her dog shouldn't have been loose and no blood so....
To this day, I can't get the image of Daisy hanging from that poor dog's ear out of my head:-)
Good luck with your tests!
03-21-2013, 09:07 AM
I think these little dogs have a complex similar to the human little man syndrome that Napolean suffered from. They are xtra rough and tuff to make up for their size!!
Boriss McCall
03-21-2013, 11:21 AM
Morning! Glad the doctor was understanding & decided it was not in Tipper's best interests to do the range of motion test. Sounds like things are going good. :)
03-21-2013, 12:04 PM
Hi everyone:
I just made Tipper an appointment to see my Vet Wed. when she gets her blood pressure checked.
For the last week she has had breathing difficulties, snoring, gurgling and congestive throat sounds more than she has been doing since getting Cushings.
This is definitley caused by Cushings as I have researched this over and over, and there are so many dogs with Cushings that also have these symptoms. In fact someone on here told me a few days ago that their dog started doing this 2 weeks before it died. That made me so upset I kept searching to see if I could find the mechanism causing this. I couldn't find anything so I am going to the Vet and asking him to consult with an IMS. I absolutely feel if I do not get something done with this problem she will not be here long. I did see on some other cases that other dogs got a growth in their throat, and some in their nose. There were a lot with breathing difficulty. The problem is this is not easily visible, and requires anesthesia and a scoping. I don't want to chance that, but don't know what else to do. It is not her lungs, we checked them already. It is in her throat or nose. I think the congestion is coming from the throat, and that is why the licking and swallowing all the time that she does. It is some kind of drainage or mucus. If anyone can shed some light on this I could really use the advise. I can hardly sleep at night when she does this. She does not do it when awake, and standing or sitting, only laying down. God Bless Us All and our sweet babies.
03-21-2013, 12:21 PM
Sorry you are having to deal with something else, I think you are doing the right thing speaking with the vets and IMS to check it out
Not sure if this helps but i wanted to share that Tia had no breathing difficulties at all throughout her last months.
Hoping someone can come in and offer some insight soon, big hug from me
03-21-2013, 01:18 PM
Thank you, I hope someone can give me some insight into this. I am glad to hear from you, and hope you are well. I think of you and pray for you and Tia every day. God Bless You
03-21-2013, 11:57 PM
Patti, it is possible that she has a salivary mucuole. They can be on the neck, in their mouth; anywhere they have salivary glands and might not be visible from the outside.
Daisy's is visible, it's a large lump on the side of her neck and doesn't seem to hurt. She swallows a lot and makes odd noises if she lays down which I think means that it is pressing on some things.
I've read that Cushing's dogs tend to get these.
Simba's Mom
03-22-2013, 12:34 AM
Sending hugs to you and Tipper, this disease is so bad...Simba used to snore really bad but lately it's getting better, I hope the meds are working I guess, you just never know....hang in there hon
03-22-2013, 08:55 AM
That is one of the things I was looking into, but instead I was leaning towards the pharyngeal mucocele. Since she already has trachea issues I thought it could be this particular mucocele. I am going to ask the Vet about this. If it is in her throat I think she has to have anesthesia and a scope. This is so scary I do not know what to do. I do know she is always swallowing, especially in the morning, she sticks her tongue out like a snake over and over again, and keeps swallowing like she has some fluid or mucus in her throat. What kind of symptoms does your dog have and what are they going to do about it? Prayers to You and your baby.
03-22-2013, 09:02 AM
Thanks for stopping by. I am just soooo tired of all these issues from this disease. It just makes me ill thinking what my poor girl has had to endure. I know she is aware of things happening to her, as when I leave a room she comes running to find me immediately. She knows if she has a problem that I will always help her. I just feel terrible for all that she has had to endure. She is such a wonderful dog she doesn't deserve any of this. If I could be granted just one miracle from God it would certainly be that all the poor unfortunate dogs suffering from this disease would be cured. This disease not only robs you of your wonderful companion, it also takes its toll on the caregivers as well. I feel like in this short time I have aged 10 years. I don't care though, as I will forge on for my precious Tipper's sake. God Help Us All and our babies as well.
03-22-2013, 09:13 AM
If it's not one thing it's another. it just seems to wear you down, so I know how my poor Tipper feels. Wednesday will not come soon enough for me to get the Vets insight into this. We are buried under 9 inches of snow right now that came last night. I am so glad I do not have to take Tipper any place today as our roads are really bad. How are you doing with everything. I pray every day that God will heal your heart. This disease is so destructive on the soul. Some how, somewhere, someone has to start researching this disease and find a cause and cure. Too many dogs are being stricken with this. We need a permanent cure, not just putting a bandaid on the disease with drugs. It would seem there is no incentive for anyone to study this, and I don't understand that. This has caused such tremendous heartache for so many, it needs to be irradicated. The research maybe too late for our babies, but could help prevent future cases. I am going to start looking into where you go with this idea and who can help to get something organized to do something about this disease. Knowing that my Tipper could lose her life to this infuriates me to no end. God Bless Us All and all our babies.
03-23-2013, 07:27 AM
Hey Patti
Just checking to see how you and Tipper are today? hope some of that snow has cleared up, we had a lot this morning, Boyce loved it
Big hug
03-23-2013, 08:20 AM
Patti, I agree with everything you said. They need to work on finding a cure. This thing is horrible. It does take a toll on us mommies. I feel like I have aged so, so much too. My heart is so broken I can't stand it. I feel like I am going to need some professional help sooner or later.
Scoop does that same thing you were saying about the sticking his tongue out and like he's licking his upper lip or nose and then swallows. He did it quite a lot, now not quite as much. It is like he has a snotty nose or mucus. Then he would open his mouth like he is gaging. He does this other thing that seems like he has a snotty nose. Almost sounds like he is trying to blow his nose.
You are such a great mom to your Tipper. Hugs to you both.
03-23-2013, 09:31 AM
Hi Everyone:
I may not be able to post too much depending what happens next week. I am searching for hospitals that do not have negative reviews against them. It seems to be an impossible task. Tipper may be facing surgery for a pharyngeal mucosele. I am going to discuss this with my Vet on Monday, as I am not going to the emergency room not knowing the surgeon etc. I hate to wait any longer because this can close off her airway. I am positive this is her breathing problem. It goes along with tracheal issues, and windpipe damage. The funny noises when she drinks, the labored breathing. the sticking out of her tongue trying to clear her throat, and the excessive swallowing I am sure are from this. I reasearched this until I was nearly blind from reading. They need to put her under and run a scope in her throat to determine this. I talked to the Dr. at Dechra and he said as long a her blood work etc was ok and she is stabile with the Cushings to go ahead. I need to move on this, but be cautious as this is a delicate operation if she needs it done. This can close off her airway at any given time. I am trying to contain myself until Monday to get things arranged thru my Vet. I need him for referrals etc. Other wise he is pretty much useless. I have complained to him about her breathing for months, just like with the Cushings when he ignored me, and she did have it. I am the one who made him test her and told him she had it. Oh well that is in the past now, I cannot change it. This is a salivary gland in her throat that becomes full of fluid when damaged and grows. It has to be taken care of or it will close her throat off. I am so terrified I cannot even articulate it. I am scared this operation could be the last time I see her, and if I do not do it, she may suffocate from this gland. I am going to spend all weekend doing things with her. Then get the Vet moving on Monday. I am hopeful we can find a hospital with an excellent rating, and excellent surgeon. I am sure the cost of operating will exhaust what I have saved for her treatments etc. and I am worried where I will go from there. I may not be able to answer all of you all the time so please be patient as this is a lot for me to digest. Please I am asking all of you to pray for my precious Tipper. Thank you and God Bless You all and your babies.
03-23-2013, 09:36 AM
Please know I will be thinking of you during this most stressful time. Please pray for my precious Tipper. God Bless you.
03-23-2013, 10:43 AM
I will also be thinking of you both. Hope you have lots of fun this weekend together.
I have asked Tia to look out for her too
Fingers crossed whatever it is doesn't require the surgery but if it does I will be with you both in spirit willing tipper on, she still sounds
Like she has lots of fight left so surely that's half the battle.
Remember to try and take care of yourself through all of this
Big hug
03-23-2013, 10:52 AM
Cornell in Stamford CT is phenominal!!! If you can get Tipper there. I would come down and wait with you.
What really gets me is all of the money spent on useless studies that no one cares about (mostly government run), when it could be helping millions of pets.
03-23-2013, 12:25 PM
That is so sweet of you, but we live in Ohio. We are too far away. I am just so consumed with worry that I cannot hardly think. I am trying to keep her close to home as possible, as the trip would be too much of a hardship on her. Thank You for always thinking of us, I appreciate all you are trying to help us with. God Bless You
Harley PoMMom
03-23-2013, 03:03 PM
This place has good reviews according to yelp but I don't know if this place is near to you or not: Medvet Associates Ltd I see from their website they have 3 locations in Ohio; Worthington, Fairfax, and Moraine.
Yelp's review:
Keeping you and Tipper in my thoughts and prayers.
Love and hugs,
Simba's Mom
03-23-2013, 03:20 PM
Praying for you and Tipper, i get so sad when these poor innocent pups suffer...and then the toll it takes on the moms and dads too...Keep being that awesome voice for your Tipper, you are a great Mom...hugs to you!!!
03-23-2013, 03:31 PM
Thank you for those kind words, I am so in need of them right now. I think I have used a box of kleenex today alone. If I could take this suffering from her I would do it in a nano second. You all give me strength to go on. God Bless You, and please pray for my precious Tipper.
Simba's Mom
03-23-2013, 03:44 PM
When I get really down, I try my best to just sit and play with Simba, and spoil him with belly hubby is no help either, but he never was a dog person so what do I expect...I was in this alone until I found this awesome site, truly these cush parents are the best, and having a great vet helps too, mine is awesome....Here for you!!!
molly muffin
03-23-2013, 07:23 PM
Hi Patti and Tipper.
I hope you are both having a very good weekend and enjoying yourselves.
Okay, Patti, I know this is hard, but you have to back up, take some deep breaths and try to be calm. Tipper is going to read your emotions too. They are smart and can pick up on anything going on with us, which is usually worry about them. Also, for your own sanity, you need to try to find your zen (as my oldest tells me) :)
We don't know for sure Yet if it is this. It might be, but perhaps not. So, lets find out and then do whatever it is that needs to be done. I am hoping that it is Not a mucocele of any sort and that it will be something much easier to treat or deal with rather than surgery.
You do of course know Tipper best, so I'm not discounting what you think is going on at all. Just hoping for something else. *hugs* I hate to see you so upset, even when I know that it is impossible for you to Not be upset. What a predicament.
Thinking of you and Tipper!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Sweetie, big hugs and love and prayers being sent your way. I hope and pray Tipper does not need surgery but we will cross that bridge when and if we come to it. We will all cross it together, okay?
((((((((((((((((((HUGS FOR YOU AND TIPPER))))))))))))))))))))))
03-23-2013, 08:57 PM
aww patti i too just wanted to send my thoughts,prayers and healing thoughts your way for you and your sad when we can't get results and answers immediately.i will be watching for your story...just remember you are not alone in this with you tipper,we are all here anxiously waiting...wishing you some peace...patty(milo)meka xoxox
03-23-2013, 11:00 PM
Letti is right. I was down the other day and Daisy was totally in the mood to play which hasn't happened for quite some time. We had a blast for the ten minutes that we played and life was normal for both of us:)
We do what we can and that is all that can be asked of us <3
03-23-2013, 11:28 PM
Hi Patti
This group has shares in Kleenex, you use all you need... Sharlene has boxes of them out the back! I have diagnosed Flynn with a lot of things off the internet, some were right, some were wrong. So please do not get yourself in a panic over this. Are there not many vets where you live? Just wondering as you wrote this one is not much good, can you not get another who is more helpful to you and your Pup? But I do think a trip to a specialist is needed.
I know Flynn had some of those symptoms like sticking out his tongue, lip smacking, swallowing. Turned out he had a bit of gastritis and some losec setteld it down. It could be something like that? My advice would be to to pull back your stress level a bit and not jump to any conclusions but get a good vet/IMS to check things out for you and Tipper, then take it from there AND stop reading the internet for a while, and enjoy the day with your baby not spending it freaking yourself out on the computer... I know sometimes I have to do this as it does your head in sometimes (well it did mine!)
Hugs for you two xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
03-24-2013, 05:44 PM
I have to make this short. I took Tipper to the emergency hospital in Pittsburgh this morning. I had to literally hold her head up a certain way all last night so she could breathe. I requested the owner of this huge hospital to see Tipper, as I am petrified of Dr.'s that I do not know anything about. He had absolutely no bedside manner at all, but was truthful, and helpful. He said if he scoped her now she would have to have another with the surgeon and he did not want to put her out 2x. He said he will coordinate it for me, and he thoroughly examined her. He said it may be miserable, but to take her home and I would get a call in 48 hours to take her in. She is to see an IMS and the soft tissue surgeon. They will work on her together. They will give me an estimate when they call me. He felt she was stabile enough to go a few days until the surgeon could work on her. The sad things I saw there i will not go into detail now. I will post more tomorrow as we have both been up for 48 hrs and that long drive exhausted us both. Please pray for my girl, she needs all the prayers she can get at this point. God Bless Us All and all our babies.
molly muffin
03-24-2013, 05:52 PM
Omg Patti! I so really really hoped that it wasn't what you were thinking it would be.
They are sure she'll be okay for the next 48 hours? Why 48 and not 24? Are they going to do the procedure on Tuesday?
We'll all be here. I hope you can get some rest between now and then.
Deep breaths and big hugs.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
I am so sorry to hear all of this. I hope Tipper will be okay. Thinking of you both.
Julie & Hannah
Squirt's Mom
03-24-2013, 05:58 PM
Hi Patti,
What an awful nite for you both! :( And scary as well! I so hope they can fix her right up with no problems whatsoever and your sweet girl is feeling much, much better very soon. You are a great listened to your gut and acted when she needed you.
Sending prayers and healing white light flying your way,
Leslie and the gang
Oh my gosh Patti, so sorry to read this! How scary for you. Did they say whether or not they suspect it is a mucocele?? Thinking of you and sending many prayers for you and Tipper. I hope you can get a bit of rest.
Big hugs,
Tina and Jasper
03-24-2013, 06:13 PM
Sending lots of love, positive vibes and prayers for you both. Sorry that you have had to deal with all this. I so hoped it would not be something
Hope they get the plan sorted out for you soon
Big hug for you and a kiss for Tipper.
Okay then, we are right here with you ready to go the next step. Right here with you and Tipper. Your gut is usually right.
03-24-2013, 08:32 PM
OMG Patti I'm so sorry that Tipper's condition worsened! At this point, I could deal with no bedside manner as long as they make Tipper well!
If I remember correctly, you said that this hospital is a good one so you're in the right direction now. Crossing my fingers to infinity! Please get some rest and I know that you'll keep us posted!
Numerous hugs for you and Tipper!!!!!!
03-25-2013, 12:45 AM
Patti, So sorry to hear Tipper is having this problem. Saying prayers for your baby girl Tipper. Hope you are getting some rest. Let us know how she is doing.
Hugs to both of you.
molly muffin
03-25-2013, 07:59 AM
Checking this morning Patti before I go to work. Hope you were able to get some rest. How are you and Tipper this morning?
Thinking of you,
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Hi Patti,
They showed some awful snowstorm heading to Ohio yesterday, I hope it did not end up at your house.
Thinking of you and Tipper and I want you to know we are with you, you are not alone.
03-25-2013, 08:38 AM
Patti, Saying prayers that Tipper is fine.
Sending big hugs to you both.
Just checking in on you and Tipper. I hope you both got some rest and you're both doing okay.
Julie & Hannah
03-25-2013, 10:21 AM
To All The Wonderful Family On Here:
We have been hit by yet another terrible storm, and so has Pittsburgh. I don't know how I will get Tipper to Pittsburgh when they call as the roads are treacherous. I will have to think of something.
Here is the rest of the emergency room visit info. As I said, I at least had my wits about me to ask for the owner( DR.). I did get him. Unfortunately, I never let anyone take Tipper in a room without me, and since this was a first time for me there, I did not know the protocol. The tech comes and triages the animal without you, gets the Dr. in the room and comes to get you. When I got to the room, the Dr. was putting Tipper's back legs thru range of motion for some reason and I yelped please stop. He said I am done and he proceeded to go over her whole body. Yes I know you guessed it, Tipper is now limping. I could just scream. I do not know why he had to check that when she was there for her breathing. I needed help so I kept my mouth shut, which is very unusual for me. My baby needs to breathe and the was my main focus. So after examining her he said he would get the surgeon, and IMS for her.
What I really need to vent about is my lousey no good Vet that I always tell everyone about. When we got into the treatment of Tipper's cushings I made an agreement with him if he gave me his cell phone number I would never abuse the privilige, and only call in a life threatening emergency, since we are in the country and have no emergency vet hospital. Well the Saturday night that I had to hold Tipper's head up all night, I was so nervous to call him during the nite so I unwillingly waited until 8:30 am. as not to get screamed at. When I called he did not answer. I left a voice mail telling him I need him to call me I have a bad situation with Tipper. An hour later after I had already started to Pittsburgh he called and very matter of factly said ' oh what's up with Tippers." I explained it to him and he said" are you taking her to Pittsburgh?" I told him I was and he said " well let me know what happens." He never even offered me any type of assistance whatsoever. Never even told me what to do, gave me 0000 help!!!!! I swear he makes me want to throw up, I despise him so much. All he cares about is money. At the hospital I asked the Dr. to take care of any referrals, as my Vet was a lousey no goood_______. Yes you can fill in the blanks! He said that mystified him why a Vet would be like this. This Vet has still not even called me to see if Tipper is even alive, and it is Monday morning. I have to go get her xrays as the surgeon wants to see and compare them in the hospital, so I had better not run into him or he is toast. I cannot even imagine being a Vet and not caring about my patients, especially helpless animals that cannot speak up for themselves. I will only use him for tests, and RX'S as I will never trust him. I wish I could just burn that bridge, but I am in the country, so I will tolerate his ineptness for the sake of my baby. I may still look around again in hopes of finding a real Vet.
I was so nervous for Tipper when I got there and went inside I asked if I could keep her in the car with me until they took her for vitals, as she is so terrified of any Vet office after all this. I know these visits raise anxiety, cortisol, and endorphins, so I wanted to keep her calm. They were so nice, the triage tech. came out to the car and took her vitals in the car. She said I will come to get you when we triage her more. She did, the only problem was Tipper jumped in my lap and I grabbed her, and got out of the car to hold her, and closed the door with my keys inside. You know the feeling as the door is closing and you realize what you did and cannot take it back.
When we came out it was freezing, and is up on a hill with the wind blowing, and Tippers coat was in the car. A man saw me in distress and holding Tipper in my coat and came to the rescue. He told me to go inside. He got my door open, and got my keys, and came in and I gave him the biggest hug. His cat was waiting to be seen, and I said what can I do for you, he said "nothing you have enough troubles, I am glad to help you. I don't know what I would have done, as my spare set of keys was in my purse inside the car. I would have had to wait and call AAA. The really bad thing about going to an emergency hospital on a Sunday, is all the grief, and anguish you witness. So many animals in distress, and grieving owners that I wanted to ask the Vet for a tranquilizer for myself. It was mentally like being in hell watching all this transpire. I can appreciate how people love their animals like children, as I know the feeling. Of course everyone always thinks Tipper is cute and looks like a puppy. When I tell them her age they are shocked. If I would tell them mine they would be in disbelief and think I am older as this has aged me 10 years I swear!
So now I have called about getting Tipper's xrays, and of course they have to call the Vet to get his ok!! Somehow I have to wait until the roads get better and go get them. I am watching my girl like a hawk. I went thru any emergency steps I would have to undergo in the event Tipper stopped breathing with the Vet before I left the hospital. I do know dog CPR, but have never performed it in an emergency situation on a real live dog.
All of you who have posted your concern, I am so grateful for having you help me thru all this. It means everything to me to have the support of you all.
Tipper was very restless last night again, and just kept moving around every few seconds, but we did however get some rest. I will let you all know what is going on a we progress thru this. God Help Us All and all of our precious babies.
I feel so badly for you and Tipper having such stress and worry. we are all here for you Patti, right by your side and holding you close and Tipper too.
When Zoe was first diagnosed with Cushigns, we stopped back at our original vet, who was terrfied at the thought of treating Cushings and really did not want to see us. He felt Zoe's salivary glands and thought they were swollen lymph nodes so he asperated them. Turned out they were her salivary glands, and they have always felt enlarged ever since.
03-25-2013, 06:12 PM
Oh Patti, it seems to be one thing after another. Thank god that chap could get your keys, the stress of it all is too much sometimes
I really hope that snow clears soon so you can get the info you need. I can't imagine how on edge you must be feeling with all this, I hope you are trying to look after yourself as best you can
Sending big hugs and kisses for Tipper
03-25-2013, 07:27 PM
wow is all i can say patti i feel so badly for you two !!! hoping you both get a restful,peaceful evening.....and i also think you have the patience of all the saints above,idk what i would do or say to that heartless vet !!! you just keep being the best mom ever to your baby tipper !!! patty(milo)meka xoxox
molly muffin
03-25-2013, 08:23 PM
Don't you be bothered with that vet of yours right now. Time enough to deal with him, once Tipper is back in good form again. *hugs*
What a really nice guy to get your keys out of the car. Isn't it nice to have a reaffirmation that there are some really good people out there. :)
We're right here with you and Tipper.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Simba's Mom
03-25-2013, 10:10 PM
Wow, I'm so sorry you don't have a good vet, and what a wild nite for you at the er. So glad that nice man helped you with your keys, sounds like angels are watching over you and Tipper!! Hang in there hon, we are here for you!!!
03-26-2013, 06:36 AM
Crikey, what an awful time for you and Tipper. So sorry to hear about your bad night. Hope you get more answers this week when you get the call back, hopefully the weather will start cooperating. :)
03-26-2013, 08:23 AM
Hi Patti
Just wondering how you and Tipper are getting on? Hope that the snow has cleared enough for you to make the trip today (guessing today as its been 48 hours?). Hope to hear from you soon
With you both in spirit all the way
Big hug
molly muffin
03-26-2013, 05:56 PM
Checking in on you and hoping that everything is going okay.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
03-27-2013, 12:54 PM
What a bad couple days!! Trying to regroup. The hospital changed course and now they want Tipper to get scoped by an IMS. They cannot do it until April 11th. I am so upset with all this, especially the wait, as something could happen before then. This IMS does not have the years experience that I feel are required on a case like Tipper's. My Vet suggested one that has 40 years experience, but when I contacted her she is not taking any new patients. The other Dr.s in her practice are newer also and couldn't see her until the middle of April. I have to weigh my options. Beside the Pharyngeal Mucocele possibility, I have also researched the Macro Tumor possibility, as Tipper has exhibited some of those symptoms in the past. I know this can cause problems swallowing, etc. so I am also suspect of this. If I can't get another IMS I will be forced to use the one at the hospital. Not that I have anything against her, it is just her lack of years doing this scares me. A Dr. with more experience may have seen this before. If this is coming from a macro tumor it could paralyze her throat. I am just in agony at any of these possibilities. I never really wanted to know if Tipper had a macro tumor, as the thought of it would give me a nervous breakdown knowing she didn't have long to live. I may have to face my worst fear if they find nothing in the throat or nose. That will certainly scale down the possible causes. That is why they gave me a price on an MRI or CT Scan. I may have to be told the answer to this even though I don't want to know. My head is reeling, but I am trying to remain calm for her sake. I will let everyone know as I go along what is happening. Please if anyone has any ideas or their dog had any problems like this please post it for me. God Bless Us All We Surely Need IT. Please pray for my Tipper.
03-27-2013, 12:59 PM
Mel, Sharlene, Addy, Vicki and everyone:
Thanks for thinking and inquiring about my girl. Please pray for her. You know you start to do funny things when you are faced with the mortality of your baby. I am taking one day at a time. God Bless You All.
03-27-2013, 03:34 PM
Hi Patti
How frustrating and scary for you both that the hospital changed the plan, why did they do that?
I can appreciate your need to get the very best to take care of your girl to limit any further complications. I hope you can find another option you are comfortable with
I am beside you in spirit holding your hand all the way as I am sure Vicki, Sharlene, Addy, Trish and Sharon are to name but a few. I hope you can feel the love and strength I send your way through this post
Hope you get a clear direction soon
Big hug for you and a sloppy kiss for Tipper
03-27-2013, 05:00 PM
Our Chi snores now too. We never really noticed this untill she was diagnosed aboyt one year ago. If I reposition her, she does seem to stop. My wife was blaming it on my snoring, but for once it truley was the dogs fault!
We also noticed she passes gas more now, maybe her diet. We have been trying to get her weight down a little. I do think the weight and the snoring may go hand and hand. She is 10 lbs, used to weigh around 7-8.
Simba's Mom
03-27-2013, 05:41 PM
Sending hugs for you and Tipper, how things can change in a day, sorry to hear about the surgeon problems, nothing but the best will do for our babies! We are here for you right beside you all the way!!!
03-27-2013, 07:24 PM
did you tell the group that is not taking new patients how serious Tipper's condition is? I can't imagine that they wouldn't make an exception.
Honestly, if you could get to Cornell in Stamford CT there are a few good hotels in the area and I'm in the next town over.
I don't blame you for being frustrated and scared:( I'm so sorry that you're having so many issues and that no one seems to have the qualifications necessary.
Another option would be to ask if the new person would be willing to consult with someone more experienced in regard to Tipper's case. Have you reached out to Dr. Peterson? I think that he's in New Bedford, NY.
03-27-2013, 07:53 PM
dr.peterson maintains 2 offices.yes 1 in bedford ny and 1 in nyc.they are very kind (have been to me in the past) patti you can probably put a call in for an appt. after you fax info to him.he will review hopefully tippers i also made an appt with him prior to him reviewing milos info and he had reviewed milos.prior to his appt.sorry to say my milo past before he got to met dr.peterson....we are all here for you !!! patty (milo)meka xoxox
molly muffin
03-27-2013, 07:53 PM
Patti, you know my prayers are with you. I am sure that you are finding this whole ordeal so very, very frustrating. Delays are just not in our vocabulary. I hope that you can find someone that you feel comfortable with who can do the scoping sooner rather than later. I'm sure you will be worrying yourself silly every day.
So, remember, deep breaths and one day at a time. I am absolutely positive that there is no one better in the world to take care of Tipper than you and that there is no one who can do more for her than you do. So, based on that. I have a great deal of confidence that Tipper will come through this.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
03-28-2013, 01:35 PM
Patti, you had asked me some questions. See Scoop's thread.
Hope you and Tipper are having a good day.
Prayers and big hugs.
03-29-2013, 12:29 AM
Jeepers, what a pain in the butt all this to-ing and fro-ing is for you guys. I would be taking my dog back if these alarming symptoms remained and demand they do something NOW. I am also wondering if a CT/MRI would be the way to go, at least you would get some answers and know what you are dealing with. I can see their point in getting an IMS to do the scope, they need to work out the diagnosis before jumping into any potential surgery. If surgery is required it needs to be planned appropriately and any other medical conditions stablised so it is safe for Tipper. Sometimes all this uncertainty just messes with your head. You need to be able to plan for the future and keep it as calm as possible so Tipper (and you) are not any more stressed than need be. I hope Tipper's breating is settled down and you are getting some rest to fight whatever lies ahead.
03-29-2013, 03:40 AM
Hey Patti
Just posting to let you know I am thinking and praying for you and your sweet Tipper. Hope you are ok and have got somewhere with these vets
Hope to hear from you soon
Big hug
Squirt's Mom
03-29-2013, 08:22 AM
Just checking in on you and Tipper, Patti. Let us know how things are going when you can, sweetie,
Leslie and the gang
03-29-2013, 08:27 AM
Patti, How's Tipper doing? Everything OK?
Prayers for your Tipper.
Hugs to you both.
03-29-2013, 11:52 AM
Hi everyone:
I am just trying to figure all this stuff out with Tipper. She was not as bad last night , but still labored breathing and mucus or something in the throat. She keep trying to clear her throat, and sticks her tongue out real far. She moves around the bed every few minutes/seconds as she is trying to breathe better. It keeps her and me awake most of the night. I am just exhausted from all this, as I am sure she is also .I get up every morning no matter how I feel knowing she needs me. I am hoping, and praying that whatever they find is not something that cannot be treated easily. The mountain is starting to get higher to climb. Since this started with her all my savings have gone out the window for testing, treatments etc. I am sure everyone on here knows the feeling.I am scared if she needs an operation how I will fund it at this point. It will cost 3000.00 for all the procedures, and MRI on the 11th alone. I am also scared that an MRI will tell if she has a macro, and I swear I could not handle that now, I will just crumble to pieces. I've never really wanted to know how long she has left as that would just kill me. I so much appreciate all of you checking on her all the time. God Bless Us ALl and all our babies.
03-29-2013, 11:59 AM
Vicki,Mel, Leslie, Trish, Valerie, Addie,Sharlene, Lettie:
I draw my strength from all of you, and your kind support of my precious girl. You know I went thru this with my father watching him succomb to cancer day by day. This ranks right up there with that. In fact it brings those haunting memories back to me every day I deal with this. This dog is my world, and I am desperately clinging on to any hope that I can keep her going. I pray every night for all of us on this forum, we need a miracle from God for all these suffering babies, and for our own sanity. Who knows Easter is coming and I still believe in miracles. I hope all of you have a great Easter. I will be home with my girl spending time with her. God Bless Us ALL and all the babies we care for.
Oh Patti, I do know what you mean and I am sorry it is so hard for you and Tipper right now.
molly muffin
03-29-2013, 05:55 PM
Hi Patti, thinking of you and Tipper this weekend. Hopefully they can figure out what is going on. I hate this disease too. The toll it takes in so many ways is just awful. I hope that Tipper can find a comfy rest spot tonight that allows her to breath okay.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
03-29-2013, 06:05 PM
Sharlene and Mel:
Wishing you both a Happy Easter and may all of us experience a miracle form God. I know I could sure use one about now. God Bless You Both.
03-29-2013, 06:54 PM
Happy Easter to all of you and your furbabies!
Please read my most recent thread about our visit to Cornell today.
I urge you to consider
going there and they do take the Care Credit card which can at least break up the cost of the tests etc so that they're more manageable.
While we did not get the news that we hoped for, Dr. Morgan appears to really know her stuff! She found a few other possible issues on the ultrasound, but nothing that takes precedence over getting Daisy's Cushing's in check.
My sincere thanks to each and every one of you for the hope, knowledge, strength, and tears that we've shared! I felt quite prepared for our visit today and understood everything that Dr. Morgan discussed. Without all of you, this visit and the results would've been much, MUCH more frightening!
Simba's Mom
03-29-2013, 09:14 PM
Hey Patti, wishing the miracle you so hope for with Tipper, and keeping you in my prayers...Simba is sending a get well hug too!! Have a blessed Easter!!
03-29-2013, 10:08 PM
Patti, Wishing you and Tipper a Happy Easter.
I sure agree with you about those miracles.
Bo's Mom
03-29-2013, 10:15 PM
Praying for Tipper tonight and many days/nights to come. I know how hard it is watching our babies suffer through this dreadful disease. I lost my Angel close to two months ago to what they thought was a macro. Watching him go day by day and not knowing what was going to happen next was just dreadful.
I pray for strength for you and your family as you get the diagnosis and for many happy days ahead for Tipper.
03-30-2013, 09:00 PM
Belinda Rose, I know exactly how you felt. It is so heartbreaking. None of us should have to deal with something like that.
Just wanted to stop in and let you know that I am thinking of you and Tipper. While I have not posted a lot to you, I am following along and I try to stay caught up with all that is going on with your baby. I know what you mean about her being your whole world, I feel the same way about my Jasper, and to some degree now, his sister Shelby. I don't have children, so I suppose that is part of it for me. I am so sorry you have so much to worry about with Tipper, and I am praying for a miracle for her also. You and Tipper are always in our prayers. I hope you are having a peaceful Easter.
Love and hugs,
Tina and Jasper
04-01-2013, 11:26 AM
Hi Everyone:
Tipper and I had a quiet Easter. Hope everyone enjoyed their Easter. I am just going over and over Tipper's problems when we are awake at night. I am so scared to have them put her under to check her nose and throat. I don't know something keeps telling me not to do it. The last 2 days her mucus problem seems to be better. I found a natural recipe to make and give her to clear mucus. Maybe I am just foolishly thinking it is better I don't know. I am scared of these diagnostic test procedures as sometimes they can bring on problems of their own. We are kind of in a holding pattern for lack of a better description. She does not go until the 11th so I have time to make decisions on what to do. I am so tired of putting her thru all this. I do know that she needs to be able to breathe better, so I am torn on what to do. I keep praying for an answer to all this. If only I could take her back to when she was a puppy. In retrospect I would never have left them give her prednisone for the allergy problems. That is water under the bridge now, so little can be done, but to deal with these new issues. The decision of what to do everytime you are faced with new issues, is gut wrenching to say the least. You always second guess if you are doing the right thing. I have a major rash all over my face from my Lupus acting up due to nerves. I am trying to keep a grip on this, and stay calm. Too bad you cannot turn your mind off from thinking about all this for a while. We will get thru this challenge some how. Thank you all for reading Tipper's thread and caring about my wonderful girl. It so helps me to get thru my days. I am so fortunate to have found this great family on here, that lets you ramble on about your fears, and always extends support no matter what. I appreciate each and everyone of you. God Bless Us All and all our babies. May we all get a miracle, and get rid of this incidious disease.
Simba's Mom
04-01-2013, 04:50 PM
Hey Patti, sure thinking about you and Tipper, this dreaded disease affects us and our pups so much, everyday is different it seems. I ask myself everyday if I'm doing the right thing by Simba. Somedays are good some not so good, I sometimes feel like I'm losing the battle with cushings and that it's taken my sweet Sim away from me. He sleeps a lot and when he is awake he's restless like he can't get comfortable. So I sure understand your thoughts, I think we all do, sending hugs as prayers,and remember to take care of you too.....
Hi Patti,
Just wanted to let you know I'm still thinking of Tipper and you. I'm glad you think she is doing a little better. I can totally related to the difficulty of every decision and worrying about if you make the right choice. It can be absolutely agonizing. You just have to remind yourself that every decision you make is in her best interest and then go with it and not look back. I know that's easier to say than it is to do, as I constantly worry about decisions I make. I think way too much about everything, including my sweet Hannah. You are right, this site is wonderful, and the best thing is knowing that we are all here for each other.
Sending you and Tipper lots of positive thoughts!
Julie & Hannah
04-01-2013, 06:18 PM
also popping in patti to check on you two.i sure hope that tipper can find some comfort and for you some peace of mind.the worry is just horrific.we are all very blessed here to be able to be here for each was a God send when i came upon this site .xoxox to all the furbabies and their caregivers...patty(milo)mekaxoxox
molly muffin
04-01-2013, 06:24 PM
Hugs Patti. yes we do all understand. How can a person not worry, but you do have to take care of yourself too. Lupus and stress do Not mix. I don't know what to tell you to make the stress go away, other than when you think of something, write it here, get it out and then go from there. Maybe that will help to release a little bit of the worry. A worry shared is not as heavy as a worry carried alone.
Are you still using the humidifier too?
Hang in there and yes, you do have time to see if the remedy you are trying will help long term.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
04-01-2013, 10:18 PM
is Benadryl an option for Tipper's allergies? I'm guessing that there is a tapering period and you can't just stop (the same as it is with humans).
Please, please take care of yourself too! Tipper can sense your nervousness. When I'm upset, the cat and dog stare at me until I stop crying:) It's kind of funny in a way.
Feel better soon and I'm hoping that Tipper truly is feeling better too.
04-02-2013, 09:27 AM
Sharlene, Patty, Valerie, Lettie, and Julie:
Thanks for checking in on us. I talked to my Vet about the mucus thing with Tipper. We decided to try Benadryl, as it will dry up mucus. She didn't seem to be bothered with it that night. I do not want to have to give it to her every day for mucus, as she has allergies that come back in the summer, and I will need it for those. I don't want to diminish the effectiveness of it by constantly using it, cause she can swell up real bad with allergies. Especially now that the cortisol is low. So now I need to find out the source of the mucus, as I have heard others on here talk about maybe their dog has this too. It has to be a Cushings thing. She never had it before. So Tipper was a lot less restless when given the Benadryl. Could also be that it makes them sleepy too. Nothing is ever cut and dry with this. So I am going to the IMS appointment with the idea of finding the source of mucus etc. in the least invasive way. My Vet did agree that these diagnostic tests can bring on problems of their own. Tipper did not even stick her tongue out repeatedly like she always does in the morning, so I know it is connected to the mucus thing. Maybe I am better doing the CT or MRI and not the scope. Just don't know at this point and will have to talk to the Dr. Thank you all for caring. God Bless you All and all your babies.
04-02-2013, 01:47 PM
if they can see the cause in an MRI or CT scan than I would ask for those to be done instead.
Good luck sweetie!
04-02-2013, 02:59 PM
Hi Patti
Good news that Tipper seems to have improved with the mucus. Let's hope that what you are doing continues to work
It is so hard at times with everything going on to know which way to turn, keep your chin up and try not to second guess yourself to much.
I do hope that your own lupus symptoms clear up soon as that must also be tough to handle.
Hoping and praying things get better for you both every day
Big hug for you a kiss for sweet Tipper
molly muffin
04-02-2013, 06:07 PM
Hi Patti, Glad to hear that the Benadryl is helping with the mucus. I know it sucks to have to use it for this with allergy season coming up.
You're doing great!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
04-03-2013, 10:47 AM
Hi Patti, Glad that Benadryl seems to be helping Tipper. Hope she is feeling better.
Prayers and hugs to you and Tipper.
04-04-2013, 09:50 AM
Hi Everyone:
Had to go to my Dr. yesterday in Pittsburgh because of my Lupus, so I was busy all day and did not get to post. I think I told everyone I have been using Lentils in Tippers food to help her lose weight. No I may have a complicated issue. The last week Tipper has been exhibiting hunger issues before it is time to eat, and begging for food. I am not sure if it is the diet or she is having a rise in cortisol. She does not get tested until May. When I called the Vet at Dechra to go over Tipper being put under for her procedures on the 11th, he said it was ok as long as her cortisol was under control. Now I don't know what to do. I am going tocall them and tell them what is going on. I may have to delay the procedure and have her tested. I do not want to do anything that would jeopardize her safety. I am trying to get control of this awful rash on my face. The Dr. said it is stress induced. Duh!! Wonder what could be causing that??? I will let everyone know what I am going to do. I am wondering where is my Mel at??? I haven't heard from her and miss my connection wioth her. Hope all is well Mel. I am going to call Dechra now. God Bless Us All and all our babies.
04-04-2013, 12:36 PM
Am here, sent you an email too :D
Big hug
04-04-2013, 01:25 PM
hoping that you and Tipper feel better!
molly muffin
04-04-2013, 10:33 PM
Patti, I'm so sorry that your Lupus has flared up. I hope that can get better.
Thinking of you and Tipper.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Simba's Mom
04-04-2013, 11:20 PM
Praying for you and Tipper too!!
04-05-2013, 08:20 AM
Hi Everyone:
Well I called Dechra yesterday and explained the dilemma of Tipper being hungry and me not knowing if it is the cut back on food, or the cortisol rising. They told me I must test her before she can be put under, which I knew. I called the Vet and made arrangements to take her Monday at 11:00 for an ACTH. We need to get it back by Wednesday as I may have to cancel her IMS appt. depending on the results. I need to make sure she is safe above all other things. This is another added expense I did not count on so, I guess I better get out some crackers to eat this month! I do believe it is the cushings as she is drinking more water. I will let you all know her numbers when we get them on Wednesday. It is a shame this happened as the hospital called and said they could take her Monday instead. Told them I couldn't come, as she needed to be retested to see her cortisol level. Just when you think things are on an even keel a curve ball comes at you. I have dealt with a lot of medical issues during my time, with family members etc. but never anything as horrible as this disease can be. I hope Tipper's cortisol is not out of control, and that we can find out her breathing problem. She had mucus in both eyes this morning as I did not do the Benedryl last night. God Bless Us All and all our babies.
04-06-2013, 01:13 AM
I'm glad that you got the right answer in time to reschedule Tipper's appointment! Try to relax and enjoy the weekend.
04-06-2013, 03:01 AM
Hey Patti
Sorry you have hit another bump, best to be safe, fingers crossed the results are in before the 11th
I do think the vetoryl causes some congestion as I saw it myself with Tia. This disease is so complicated so I think you are doing the best for Tipper by checking it out, let's hope it doesn't cost as much so you can dine on more than crackers this month
Hope you both have a relaxing fun weekend
Big hug, kiss for sweet tipper
04-06-2013, 08:12 AM
good morning patti !!! i just wanted to pop in to wish you and tipper a peaceful,easy weekend.... patty(milo)meka xoxox
04-06-2013, 08:37 AM
Hi Everyone:
Just a little update. Tipper was not real great yesterday. She paced a lot and was forcing me to feed her early by moaning, and getting into mischief to get my attention. I am sure her cortisol is rising as this is the same behavior she exhibited before when her cortisol was still to high. I t makes me a nervous wreck as she wants food all the time and I can't give it to her, she is the kind of persistant dog that will not let things go. She will keep on bugging you until she gets her food. It was an exhausting day to say the least. She was doing so well now this had to come up. Last night she was very restless also, was having trouble breathing, and wanted to get up at 5:00a.m. I know it is the cortisol, as when we finally got it under control all this had stopped. I noticed her starting all the licking etc too. If she has to go onto 40mg I guess I will be buying a 30 and a 10mg. I just do not want to have it compounded. So that will double the cost per month. It seems like you can never win even the tiny battles with this disease, it always roars back with a vengence. I have done nothing but cry, as I can see my girl get sucked in further and further by this disease every day. I will be on pins and needles waiting to here her results from the lab, although I am resigned to the fact that the cortisol is rising. Tipper has to go for a laser therapy treatment on Tuesday. She has to have touch ups every 4-6 weeks to keep up her initial therapy. I am going to get a bag packed up, in case she still is going to the hospital on Thursday so I am ready and don't forget anything. God Bless Us All, and all the babies we so willingly care for.
Patti, did Dechra say where they wanted Tipper's numbers to be prior to surgery?
Zoe was 7.1 or 7.2 and our surgeon and IMS okayed her for surgery but she had a spinal block as well so they did not need to use a lot of anesthesia, which is a different situation from Tipper.
I was concerned about Zoe having enough cortisol to handle the stress of surgery so we did not give her her Vetoryl the morning of surgery but we did resume it that night. I saw a definite spike in her cortisol after surgery and it took almost two months to come back down.
I am concerned for you and Tipper if you would have to increase Tipper's dose and then do surgery at the same time. I did that with Zoe last summer and that was just a minor surgery and I did not know which end was up.:o:o
I'm just a worry wart is all:o:o
04-06-2013, 01:03 PM
Dechra didn't give me any numbers for Tipper. When I get them Wednesday I will call them asap. I will also post them as I am wanting your opinion before proceeding with anything. If nothing else I will call Wednesday and postpone the hospital procedure. I am beyond a nervous wreck at this point. God Bless You and your baby.
04-06-2013, 02:13 PM
Oh Patti,
this is not good news.
I know what you mean about Tipper being persistent! That is why Daisy's middle name is "monster". She bangs the food dish around when you're not fast enough with the food. I ignore her. Dachshunds gain weight easily and she doesn't need to add back problems to her list.
I know how aggravating this is. I'm sorry that all of us are going through this.
Take care sweetie.
04-08-2013, 08:12 AM
You are right I did have a consultation with Dr. Peterson. I just want to say right up front it was not cheap. I called his clinic in New York and left a message. His secretary called me back and we got the ball rolling. Be fore warned he will not do any consult or talk to your Vet without the fee being paid in advance. It cost me 400.00. I am now not so sure the money was spent wisely as I got much better help on here. When you are scared to death you do anything in an attempt to save your dog. My personal opinion is an IMS would be just as good, unless there are a lot of problems. Hope this helps. God Bless Us All and all our babies.
(Administrative note from Marianne: I've also placed a copy of this reply in Nicole/Chester's thread)
04-08-2013, 08:23 AM
So glad to hear from you. Glad you are making it alright. I barely slept a wink last night thinking of putting Tipper thru this ACTH today. It breaks my heart to have her go thru all this. I am going to call Dechra and set up a time on Wednesday to go over Tipper's results, and get some guidance. I need to know if her cortisol level will be ok to go under, and if she should have her pill that day etc. If not I will be calling and cancelling with the hospital for Thursday and rescheduling. I have gotten to the point I am so depressed I cannot stop crying. It is just overcoming me all day long. I have no family for support they are all passed on. I am alone in this and very afraid for my baby. All I have is the support of the wonderful friends I have made on here. I am so scared the diagnostic tests will cause other problems for her, or they will tell me something really bad. I am trying to be strong for her. I am going to have to find some type of work I can do from home as this disease has taken all my savings and then some. I need to be able to pay for Tipper's bills, and it is becoming extremely hard to do with my income. If anyone knows of any work at home that you can do please let me know. I will not leave her, so I must work from home. Sorry to ramble on, I am so tired I am just not well today, but I will go on for my precious baby. God Bless Us All and all our babies.
04-08-2013, 08:33 AM
Patti, Thinking of you and Tipper. Praying all goes well for both of you. Believe me. I know exactly how you are feeling. It is so hard.
Hugs to you both.
04-08-2013, 08:44 AM
aww patti i so understand what you are going through right now.we try everything humanly possible to help fix our babies.the last year with milo was exhausting and very taxing.i wish you some peace and quiet with your tipper and also pray that you can find some work to help you out with those bills,this is truly an expensive crap disease...sending you love,light and xoxox patty(milo)meka
Squirt's Mom
04-08-2013, 09:28 AM
Hi Patti,
I so understand your fears and pray all goes well today, that Tipper does well, and you have some answers and a plan soon. You will be surrounded today by your family here, lending you our strength, faith and hope.
Finances at my house are precarious to say the least. For several years I have often passed up refilling my own meds and going to the doc so I could pay for vets visits and dog meds. Where we live, there is a utility program for those under a certain income level that will pay your bill if you can't. When you participate, your utility bills are rounded up and the differences go into this fund every time you pay your bill. I have had to let them pay my bill twice - and it is humiliating but I am grateful this program exists. I also qualify for a program that exempts you from having to pay personal property taxes. You might check into programs like this in your area that might help with your bills.
For over a year I have tried to find something I could do from home to bring in a little income but it can't be reported income or I lose programs through SS that help with prescriptions and doctor bills that I cannot do without; I haven't found a single viable option yet. So, I have set up a page on Facebook where I am selling treasures that I have collected over the years, my own things, my grandmother's, aunts, mother's as well as some of my daughter's things - which is killing me. I have been blessed with a modicum of creative talent and will be adding ceramic pieces I am painting to this page to sell as well. Until this Monday, I was seriously considering selling my truck since keeping it insured and maintained is almost beyond my ability and takes funds my babies need. But the thought of having an emergency and not being able to get to the vet quickly made me decide to keep it for now.
I've talked with our PG vet and he understands my situation. He can look at the size of Squirt's file alone and know it's not that I don't want to spend money on them, it's that I no longer can afford to as I once could. He has said he would allow me to work off payments if necessary. Doc has been very good to us.
I don't know what your skill sets are but take a look at them then start looking into areas where those skills would be valued and see if someone might need an extra hand with something you can do on your computer, or phone, etc. If there is a university or such near by, post a flyer that you will type papers for a fee or help with research, etc. If you are like me, you will lose all pride and beg on your knees if needed.
Keep your chin up! I hope it helps a little bit to know you aren't alone in this struggle either.
Let us know how today goes and remember we are right by your side.
Leslie and the gang
04-08-2013, 09:55 AM
I am blessed and comforted by your words. I will do whatever I have to to keep my Tipper going. I to thought about selling my car. How would I get her some where in an emergency though? I will figure something out if it kills me. I will let you know if I come upon anything to do from home. It is so sad that we have to deal with all the ramifications of this disease, and then worry about money too. This disease is merciless. I am waiting for the IMS to call about Tipper's appointment- I called them and explained the situation, and waiting for Dechra to call me back. Hope I can get her results tomorrow then I can formulate a plan easier. The IMS jsut called and said to fax over Tipper's results as soon as I get them and she will also give an opinion on whether or not to keep the appointment. God Bless You and your precious babies.
04-08-2013, 10:01 AM
Hey Patti
Just wanted to know I am with you in spirit right by your side holding your hand today. Am supposed to be working but couldn't let this conversation pass by without you knowing this
Fingers crossed for decent ACTH results so you don't have to worry about that. If not for the strength and guidance from all those professionals to do the right thing for sweet tipper
Big hug, love
04-08-2013, 10:33 AM
there are organizations that may help with vet bills.
Please read the information on the following links:
Praying for you and Tipper.
I'm unemployed (soon to run out of benefits) and have exhausted what little I had. I know exactly the position that you're in sweetie.
Since I've been taking care of my father, I have yet to be approved or reimbursed from the VA too so I don't know what we're going to do after this.
04-08-2013, 01:49 PM
Hi Everyone:
I just came back with Tipper from the ACTH. We did an early detection blood panel, and a urine also. The Vet came in special as Tipper needed these results by Wednesday. I so appreciate him doing that for me, not something he would normally do. It seems he had some empathy for me today. He said aren't you well and I said my Lupus was acting up, and I can't sleep. I asked him if I could pay half her bill now and half on the 17th and he said yes. That will help me out as I have to pay the hospital everything when she goes. Tipper was very upset and just really dragged out, & panting, when I got her. These tests are really taking a toll on her. She has just about had enough. I guess we will have to tweak the meds if the cortisol comes back high. I guess after the hospital procedure we will get on that problem as Addy said she will need a little extra cortisol for her procedure, and I don't want her goin into Addisons. I still have 2 boxes of 10 mg Vetoryl left from her previous dose, so she will probably go to 40. So I have 30's now. At least I won't have to buy any for a month or so. I am trying to pull money from anywhere I can to make it work for my girl. I just hate to tweak meds as that means another ACTH in a month. I don't know how many more tests she can do. Her body is so misshapen from the cortisol wasting her muscle. It is heartbreaking to see knowing how muscular and strong she was. I am praying for that miracle for her. She has done all that I have asked of her with much grace. She is such a wonderful and intelligent girl, I must forge on for her sake. God Bless You All and all your babies.
04-08-2013, 01:58 PM
Mel and Valerie;
Thank you gals so much, I am relying on your strength. I am applying to all websites for financial aid. The problem is a lot of them have no funds. Must have applied to 30 or so, some do not even respond. I will resort to selling any and all valuables I can to make it somehow. I will not let my Tipper down. At least the Vet gave me a break today and let me pay half now and half later. You girls aregetting me thru this thank you so much. I am glad to here Daisy has the snap back in her step. She is such a cutie. God Bless you Both. Mel you work from home? Are they hiring anyone? I need funds badly!!
04-08-2013, 02:19 PM
I wish I could help I work for a company which let me work from home. I work in IT and have been at this place for 15 years so it's a perk
As you and tipper walk a mile a day maybe leaflet drops could be a good idea as you could combine her exercise with it then you wouldnt have to leave her
If you ping me your location via private email I will do some searching for you if that would help.
04-08-2013, 02:21 PM
i love how we are all here not only helping with our pups but also helping others with other situations....very nice of you mel.ty :) patty(milo)meka xoxox
Simba's Mom
04-08-2013, 06:03 PM
Sending hugs to you and Tipper too!
molly muffin
04-08-2013, 06:10 PM
Hi Patti,
My heart just breaks for you and Tipper. I know though that you can both come through this, one way or another. Hopefully the ACTH will come back within a good range for here to have the hospital do their procedure.
I am wondering if the MRI wouldn't be more expensive or not to get done. Maybe you can talk to them about cost and then talk about payment plans or something?
Try contacting real estate agents about maybe doing leaflet drops for them. I always see those in my mailbox. Or maybe you could take calls for them?
Pizza places also seem to have people that take orders from their homes now. That is a possibility too, call service, you could be a real estate agent or doctors office call service and you'd just need pager numbers to get old of them, or maybe set up appointments for them.
I'm throwing out ideas as I think of them so no structure here.
HUGS! right here with you Patti
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Hi Patti ,
Just wanted to tell you I'm thinking of you and Tipper.
04-09-2013, 12:35 AM
I'm so glad that I could give you a place to start! Crossing my fingers that someone can help.
Ironically, I went to a local restaurant where I know the employees quite well and tried to sell a few pieces of my jewelry. No luck, it seems that I'm not the only one in financial trouble.
Be VERY careful if you decide to sell anything to strangers and make sure that you know the value of your items. A general rule for jewelry is to expect to receive one third of what the item is worth in the current market.
Of course I'm hoping that you get true value, but PLEASE don't accept less than 1/3rd. Local pawn shops might be a way to go as well.
I truly hate they we're having to do this, but we'll do what we can for our furlets.
04-09-2013, 07:57 AM
Hi Everyone:
Last night we got a small storm. Since Tipper has been on the Vetoryl noises really spook her. She ran into my closet and hid as it was thundering. As if she didn't have enough yesterday with all the testing. I hate to make her go back out today, but it is her "tune -up" day at the laser Dr.'s. She only has to do a treatment once every 4-6 weeks now. She does need it since the ER Dr. screwed up her leg putting it thru range of motion. She was totally exhausted last night, so I hate to do this to her, but it will help her. Her blood pressure has been wonderful since the laser treatments. Thank you all for the help with finding some work. I live in a rural town in Northeast Ohio and the unemployment rate here is ridiculous. This is a town where the Amish drive thru with their buggys. This would not even be a problem in Pittsburgh my home town. My old job was very mentally and physically demanding. They would take me back in a minute, but with my health I cannot do that anymore. I was an Account Executive, which probably has as much stress as a brain surgeon. I got a call one day form Social Security about some jobs you can do from home that will not interfere with your fixed income. I think I saved the voice mail, and maybe I will give them a call. I hope Tipper and I can have a restful day as I am beat from all this. Wishing all the babies a good day. God Bless Us All.
Squirt's Mom
04-09-2013, 09:00 AM
Hi Patti,
We lived in a camper for a while and lightening struck in during a storm while Squirt was inside by herself. She has been terrified of storms since and getting progressively worse as time passes. At first, an extra dose of melatonin would help but that lost its effectiveness after a while. I bought a Thundershirt for her and a friend told me about the TTouch Body Wrap which I use that most of the time now. The Thundershirt helps but it makes it harder for her to move. I use an ACE bandage that has the velcro end for fastening; the bandage is about 3" wide. Here is a link to the TTouch Body Wrap -
The Thundershirt can be bought online or in stores like PetCo, PetSmart, etc.
As time progressed, she needed more than the melatonin even tho she was getting up to 18 mg a day sometimes so I started using Passionflower tea as well and that combination is helping for now and she doesn't need as much melatonin with the tea. She gets 2ml of the tea. I use powdered Passionflower from Mountain Rose Herbs, 1/2 tsp of powder to 1 cup of boiling water; let it steep for about 20 min. (If you use the dried flowers you would use more of them than the powder.) Then I draw 2ml up in a syringe and squirt it down her throat or mix in her food. Passionflower has the added benefit for her of offering some pain control. Skullcap is another one I have on hand that would help and it will be added if needed - made into a tea the same way. The teas are only good for a maximum of 24 hours in the fridge.
So, that's how we "treat" thunderstorms. ;)
Leslie and the gang
04-09-2013, 09:50 AM
Patti, poor Tipper! I don't thunder, but lightning scares me. Daisy is fine - ignores it all like it's simply an interruption.
I hope that Social Security can find you work!
04-09-2013, 10:22 AM
Hi Gals;
Thanks for the thunder info. Tipper started a few years ago to be frightened of storms and thunder. For no apparent reason it just started. The Cushings has kicked it up a notch into whole other stratosphere. I did purchase her a Thundershirt a few years ago and it just simply did not work for her. I am going to try the herbal remedy Leslie. It seems I have had good luck with herbs using them for Tipper. It looks like another storm is on the horizon soon. Well we will be in the car going for her treatment, so maybe she won't get so bad. Blessings to all.
04-09-2013, 01:34 PM
Hello Again Everyone:
I just got Tipper's blood, urine, and ACTH results. Her pre on the ACTH is low it is 1.1 and the post is 2.3. I need Addy's advise about this as this is my first experience with this problem. Her appointment is Thursday for the Hospital. I faxed the IMS the results and she said Tipper should still keep come . I am wanting to know what everyone else thinks is safe due to this change??? Her bloodwork and urine results were good. I am such a nervous wreck I do not want to do the wrong thing. I hate to say this also, but sometimes these places don't want you to cancel appointments, because of money lost. I don't want this to be the case here, as I have no previous experience with this IMS. This is a reality and these things do happen, so I am not sure what to do. I am waiting to hear from Dechra also on this. I am scared to have her put under now. Blessings to all.
04-09-2013, 02:08 PM
I'm so new to this that I wouldn't advise you. I'm sure that one of the more senior members will pop online soon.
We have a hospital that gets paid by the number of human patients that they see and IT IS THE WORST place to go! I witnessed an UCI nurse make a huge mistake that almost cost my father his life so, I fully understand your fear!
I would hope that these people have enough of a conscience to not treat Tipper if they don't feel that it is safe.
Crossing my fingers!
Squirt's Mom
04-09-2013, 02:10 PM
The pre number doesn't mean alot in Cushing's - it is the post number only that matters as it tells whether the meds are working or not. Tipper's post number is perfect! :)
04-10-2013, 07:50 AM
Hi Everyone:
Tipper got up this morning acting funny, and when I gave her her food she did not want to eat. Due to the low cortisol results I got yesterday I know it is that. I did not give any Vetoryl and won't. My question is she did not throw up or anything, do I just let her go or do I need to give her the prednissone? I am under the understanding of not giving it unless you absolutely have to is that correct?? She wants to go for her walk which is a good sign. I don't think there is any immediate danger right now- just don't know. Blessings
Squirt's Mom
04-10-2013, 08:25 AM
Patti, I don't read her ACTH as being low - the post number is right where it should be and the pre number is nothing to worry about.
A post of 2.3 is not a bad number.:) Wait to see what Dechra advises. Whom did you speak to at the hospital? Is it possible to speak to the attending surgeon? IMO, if you cannot have a conversation voicing your concern about Tipper having enough cortisol to cope with the surgery and how will that be addressed, that is a problem and you press until you get an answer that feels right to you.
You call them right back and tell them "Since we are suppressing Tipper's cortisol with Vetoryl, I am concerned she will not be able to produce enough cortisol to cope with the stress of the surgery". How do we address my concerns?". That is the same statement/question you should use with Dechra.
How long is the surgery? What is the recovery time? Will she be staying overnight at the hospital? What day is the surgery scheduled for?
Patti, every dog is different, every surgery is different. I am not a surgeon nor a vet. I can only do what I feel is best for my dog, based on my history with my dog. In my dog's case, I believe her higher cortisol helped her with her surgery, but she seems to do better symptom wise with higher numbers, some dogs do, some dogs dont.
If Tipper is not eating this morning, how often has that happened after she has had an ACTH test? Is this the first time? How is she "acting funny" beside's not wanting to eat?
Zoe's surgeon told me her policy is to not give the drug ( Veotryl or Lysodren) the day of the surgery and she may even give prednisone that day as well. Because Zoe's numbers were already higher, I was satisfied with that answer and because she did so well durring surgery, I resumed her Vetoryl that night. But she did not have a lot of anesthesia as she also was able to have a spinal block for her surgery becuase of the location. Our plan was to get her home as fast as possible to reduce the amount of stress without putting her in a compromising position.
I was lucky that all worked out. So I am asking you to ask the suregon what is the plan to make sure Tipper has enough coprtisol to help her with the surgery and you have to be satisfied with their answer based on your history with Tipper and how she handles things
I'll check in later and I am sure others will be by to voice their opinion as well.
04-10-2013, 09:17 AM
Good luck to you and Tipper!
I'm not the test expert so I'll leave that to the others.
Hugs and xxxx
04-10-2013, 09:21 AM
Hi Everyone:
I just talked to my Vet. He said he has a call into Dechra to the Dr. He will discuss Tipper's situation with Dr. Fertig and get back to me. He said no Vetoryl, and watch for the vomiting and lethargic behavior. Theresa also called from Dechra and told me that her cortisol is low, but not in the Addison danger area at the time. Tipper is always ravenous and never skips a meal, and I mean never. She got up just acting real slow walking around, and she did not wake me to eat which is really odd for her. She was not going to get out of bed, and then I coaxed her to get out. Made her food and she turned her nose up at it. Theresa told me not to try and encourage her to eat, just as long as she is drinking, and let the cortisol start rising on it's own. Tipper will walk if all her legs are broken, so the fact that she walked this morning does not mean to me that her cortisol is ok. She will walk when very ill out of force of habit. Just now as I am typing this a few dogs are barking outside at the refuse workers. Normally Tipper would not let other dogs bark without her responding, and she is not reaponding to it, she is just laying there. She is just slower, laying down, and not moving around a lot as she usually does. Not lethargic as of yet. The Vet is in today thank God, so if I need him in a hurry he is 20 minutes away. This is the first she has acted like this so her cortisol may have gone down even further since the test on Monday, and that would explain this as her results could actually be lower than documented from the test. I will be stuck to her like Velcro today. As far as the appointment with the IMS I am cancelling it. She cannot travel 3 hours in this condition, I would not even attempt it. That will have to go on the back burner as this is todays priority. I am not going to risk her safety for anyone. I am having my Vet look into the procedures of this IMS Addy. I will not take her for an appointment there until she gives us some answers. I guard Tipper with my life and that will never change no matter who tries to convince me to do something I don't feel good about, I won't do it. I will post as the day goes on how she is doing. Jack Russells are one of the most active and high energy breeds, even when sick, so I know my girl like the back of my hand and she is not well. I usually go with my gut feeling and am usually right so that is what I am going to do. Bless You All and thank you for the help, I can always count on you gals.
04-10-2013, 09:27 AM
Big hug from me and a kiss to sweet Tipper
Hoping she will be bouncing around like her old self later.
Will be keeping an eye, am working hence the brief post
04-10-2013, 12:34 PM
It sounds like you're heading in the right direction now with the veterinary care and I'm happy that Tipper's vet is consulting with Dechra.
Sending positive thoughts!
When in doubt withhold the pill is our motto, so if Tipper was off enough for you to be concerned then I'm glad you withheld the pill today. I'm still not clear why Dechra thinks her 2.3 is low as that is not in their literature that I could find. I do know in Dr. Peterson's December blog, he said he prefers that post number to be no lower than 2ug/dl.
Also, keep in mind, that because Zoe's cortisol was higher at 7.2, I also lost control of her cortisol for a good six weeks following surgery.
I know you always do what is best for Tipper and guard her with your life. I was originally concerned about talk of having to change Tipper's dose and having surgery shortly there after. I also think though, it is wise to discuss extra issues we face with our Cush pups and surgery. Often times, the vets dont bring it up unless we ask and because of my experience with Zoe last summer with just minor surgery, I learned to make sure a plan was in place to address her ability to cope with all the stress surgery and a possible hospital stay can cause.
I'm sure Tipper will be feeling better soon.
molly muffin
04-10-2013, 01:43 PM
Hope Tipper starts feeling better and is more herself as the day goes on. I do think it was a good idea to postpone any sort of treatment/surgery until she is herself.
I think one always has to remember that the numbers are guidelines and not all dogs are optimal at the same numbers. It could be that Tipper does better with a little bit higher of a number, although I wouldn't thing too much higher as you mentioned that symptoms were still there when the number was over 5 on the post draw.
Normally after an ACTH test, the cushing symtoms seem to go up, not downward for a day or even two. So, I am wondering what is actually going on with Tipper. Is her cortisol dropping for some other reason? Is this something else? It's very hard to say. When was her last dose change and what was the last ACTH test result?
I'll look through your thread if I get a chance. I have to get back to work though now. :(
hugs, hang in there patti!
sharlene and Molly mufin
04-10-2013, 02:31 PM
Dechra seems to be concerned about her pre number dropping below 1.4. especially now that she is experiencing other symptoms of low cortisol. Could it be that between the test on Monday and now on Wednesday she dropped further, but not into Addisons? That is my guess at this point. Dechra seems to think she should go from 30mg maybe to 20. They are to call me when they get this all sorted out with my Vet. I will post what they finally recommend, and will let all of you advise me since I trust all of you more than any of them! Blessings to All.
molly muffin
04-10-2013, 03:11 PM
Just a quick reminder of where we are at with dosage and results for Tipper:
Vetoryl dosage and ACTH test results history:
11/23/2012 10mg AM 10mg PM
PRE 1.4
POST 8.7
11/28/2012 moved to 20MG AM 10MG PM
PRE 1.5
POST 5.4
02/08/2013 20MG AM 10MG PM
PRE 2.0
POST 3.5
04/09/2013 20MG AM 10MG PM
PRE 1.1
POST 2.3
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
04-10-2013, 05:58 PM
Tipper has been on one dose of 30 mg Vetoryl sometime now.I will find the exact date she started on this particular dosage- I believe from recollection about 2 months or longer. My Vet called and said he and Dr. Fertig talked this over and I did right to stop the Vetoryl. Dr. Fertig suggested that Tipper stay off it until Sunday. Then I am to resume her 30mg dosage, which scares me. I thought she may have to go down to 20mg. but Dr. Fertig said usually in the early stages of the Vetoryl dosing they may do it but since she has been on this for a while he thinks to go back with that dose. What does everyone think of this reasoning?? Also we thought of something that may have been a factor. The storms we are having and had last night. This is the first storm since last year when she started on this drug, and I was told that this drug can make them frightened of noise. So what my Vet said is she has always been fearful of them, but her cortisol was much higher and she was more able to deal with the stress. Now that her cortisol is down, maybe she is not able to handle the stress as much. This does make sense to me, although I am still leary of what exactly is going on. She is safe for now so that is my concern. I am to watch her and see how she acts the next few days, he said if she is acting funny to bring her in and get her electrolytes and temperature taken. I will monitor her closely as she sticks right with me until the thunder and then she runs in my closet. Lord I think I need me a big old tranquilizer! That is one reason I have never opted to quell my anxiety with them, as I would be eating them like M&Ms with all this going on. My Tipper needs me so I need to be alert, and at the ready for any emergency. Does all this make sense to anyone?? God Bless Us All.
04-10-2013, 05:59 PM
Thanks for thinking of us, we need all the positive energy we can get. Hope Daisy is having a good day today. Blessings to you both.
04-10-2013, 06:48 PM
Thanks Patti,
Daisy agreed to take a short walk with me today :)
Very happy to see that!
Isn't it amazing what Cortisol can and can't affect? Sounds reasonable to me too.
I'm wondering too if it is not low cortisol that you are seeing but something else going on. It is hard to know sometimes. Gosh when Zoe had the eye ulcer with all that eye pressure and she not able to open her eyes and when she did they rolled back in her head, I was shoving prednisone down her throat and running to the car with her.:eek::eek::eek:
I think we are in for storms all week, they hit us and then head on to you.
Hang in there Patti. Lets wait to see how Tipper does the next few days. I'm not sure what I think about keeping her dose the same right now when you start the meds again.:o
Simba's Mom
04-10-2013, 07:48 PM
Hoping that Tipper does well with the meds, this disease is so scary, I wish they would find a cure other then surgery...
04-11-2013, 08:26 AM
Thanks for always popping in and checking up on my girl as I know you are busy working. Hope your heart is starting to heal. Tipper and I are sending good vibes your way. God Bless you and your baby.
04-11-2013, 08:47 AM
Hi Everyone:
Well we had a horrible storm last night, and the thunder was ridiculous. Tipper stayed in the closet all night. Luckily I took her out during a break in the activity and she went potty. Otherwise she will hold it and refuse to go out. She seemed better this morning, but ate only some of her food, which is very unlike her. Dr. Fertig from Dechra said to withhold the Vetoryl until Sunday. I hope the cortisol doesn't build up that much and cause her other problems, and then when we resume the meds have a hard time getting her level down again. What are chances of that? Has anyone else had that experience that had to take their dog off meds for a short period? How did this afffect your dogs numbers? I hope this is not going to ruin the calm period we were experiencing before this glitch. I am very troubled by the number of new members that are added to our roster daily. It seems so many more dogs are being diagnosed with this. I can't imagine this combined with undiagnosed numbers, and people that don't know about this forum. This is a huge growing problem. As so many people love their pets like family members we need to seek out a way to get research and find a cure for this. When you are dealing with a disease that affects like their kidneys or eyes or something, it is easier to deal with, but this disease affects everything making it nearly impossible to conquer. I am thankful to God for Tipper handeling this as well as she has, as she is such a blessing to me. The Dr.'s all agreed that her excellent physical shape before this started has given her an edge with all this. She did also do her walk this morning. She was ready to go and I wanted to get it out of the way since I can see we are to get more storms today and she will be in. All the Dr.'s told me that the more physical activity she keeps up with the better off she will be. I thank my luck stars that she is still ready to go walking everyday. I think mentally it is good for her also. I will continue to monitor her and note any weird behavior for when I talk to the Dr. next time. Oh I wanted to mention that last night and this morning since she has had no Vetoryl it seems the muscus thing is more pronounced. I will definitely be telling them this. Blessing to all.
04-11-2013, 09:28 AM
Patti, I don't know what the effects will be for withholding the Vetoryl but I want to say that I hope everything will be just fine for Tipper.
Hope you and Tipper have a good day today and no more storms.
Simba's Mom
04-11-2013, 01:15 PM
Sending hugs to you and Tipper, poor little pup hiding in the closet, they are so human aren't they? Take care of you too!!
04-11-2013, 01:23 PM
hopefully the weather has calmed and you and Tipper can get some much needed rest!
04-11-2013, 05:48 PM
Hey Patti
Hoping those storms miss you both tonight, closet is not fun especially when she is used to the bed! Does she seem a bit better this afternoon?
I also hope you are feeling better in yourself and that your lupus symptoms have settled down?
I know what you mean about the new posts, breaks my heart a little. I just pray for good updates for everyone with no issues
My heart is still broken in bits but grateful to still have my little man, I tell myself it could be worse and it could, I know I did the best I could for my Tia I just wish it would have been enough
No more sadness in your thread, positive thoughts only. Hope to hear good news for you both soon
Big hug, kiss for Tipper
04-11-2013, 06:15 PM
Me too Mel,
on the plus side - I must have been doing something right since the IMS doc advised me not to change Daisy's food or supplements at this time :)
So, the feelings that I had in regard to what could I have done differently have subsided somewhat.
We don't know what we would do without all of you! I'm no longer the scared to death, lost cushpup mom <3.
We have each other and hope, and among other things I am grateful for is the fact that Cushings in itself is not a painful disease and there are options!
I can't stress enough to the "newbies" how important it is to find and IMS specialist to work in conjunction with your regular vet, regardless of how much confidence you have in them.
Here's to an uneventful weekend!
Patti, was it you that sent this rain to us in CT? LOL
04-12-2013, 08:59 AM
Hi Everyone:
Thank you for all your well wishes for Tipper as the rain continues. I tried to send this rain your way Valerie, but don't think it worked out too well! It did rain during the night and Tipper did manage a little better with it. I was awake most of the night, and was observing Tipper now that she is off the Vetoryl. She did continue to have some muscle tremors. The odd thing is the constant moving around every few seconds that she had been doing stopped. I am just wondering if the Vetoryl is causing some kind of a reaction in her nerve endings, and she has a bad sensation and moves every few seconds. There is something to this as she has stopped doing that. Also I did notice a bit more of the congestion sounds in the throat, and more, and louder snoring. It is raining as I am typing this and she seems a little better with it. I think my Vet may have been right for once on something. She had such little cortisol that the stress from the storm did her in. He said her body was accustomed to a higher level which dealt with the stress better. That is a very disconcerting feeling knowing that the storm season has just really begun. She does have a thundershirt, but it has never worked on her. I am not even sure with her temperment change that she would let me put it on her. Also this morning instead of jumping on me at 5:00 a.m. for food she just layed there. That is very unlike her since the Cushings. She will knock you over like a bowling pin to get at her food. She was not ravenous and ate normally not like the usual 100 miles an hour. You would think without the Vetoryl she would have a totally different reaction. I am really scratching my head on this one. I dread when Sunday comes and I must start up her Vetoryl again. I am not sure what kind of a reaction it will bring, and that scares me. I am taking it easy today as I am mentally and physically worn out. The medicine the Dr. gave me for the rash on my face is giving me terrible headaches, so I have to take Excedrin to counteract it. It is almost gone so I am glad of that. Stress can do really bad things to your body. The things we do for our little loved ones is never ending! God Bless you all and all your babies.
04-12-2013, 09:14 AM
always something patti with these kids !!! so sorry the tipster is not feeling well.i still wonder about those awful tremors milo had when he was on the vetoryl,i truly think the medicine was the cause...btw we are getting rain here all day in ny so valerie is getting it too.hoping that this day turns around for you guys...and stress is a very bad thing,as a massage therapist i would say that is the number one reason people come in for...maybe it would be a good idea to go get one soon......take care ! patty(milo)meka xoxox
Squirt's Mom
04-12-2013, 09:40 AM
I often wonder how many of us parents are going to end up with the human Cushing's, or Addison's, simply from all the stress we live with concerning our cush babies! :D;)
04-12-2013, 11:14 AM
With Lupus I have had my share of prednisone in the past, so the Cushings someday could be reality for me. I can't imagine how a human would feel, but at least they have the advantage of speech, and can tell poeple what is wrong, where our poor babies can't. God Bless
We never knew Zoe was afraid of thuderstorms until we dropped her cortisol but then her hearing went so she was better about them, though I thought they were supposed to sense the bariactric pressure dropping. The other day when the storms were really bad and our yard was so flooded, the rain stopped for a bit and neither of my pups wanted to go outside. They both took a few whiffs of the air, and turned right aroung to go back inside:rolleyes:
04-12-2013, 01:57 PM
Daisy does that too and I have to bribe her with sweet talk to go out. On the plus side, she's out and does what she needs to in a flash!
04-13-2013, 04:17 AM
Hey Patti
How you both doing today? Hopefully you both had a better night?
04-13-2013, 08:15 AM
Hi Mel, Valerie, and Everyone:
Tipper has a pretty good day yesterday, considering the rain etc. I am noticing acid reflux and that congestive sound form her throat, like trying to clear mucus. She seemed to have some tummy distress yeaterday and threw up her lunch, but all the other meals were fine. I read in someones thread about their dog having mucus in its stool- and lots of it. I am perplexed as to where this mucus is coming from? If I could find the answer to that it would help in getting to the bottom of Tipper's problem. I noticed for the last few days her swallowing hard, and trying to clear her throat by sticking her tongue out. I am hoping the IMS can connect the dots for me. Now I am in a situation on what to do again. Since Tipper has been off the Vetoryl for a few days now and goes back on it tomorrow, how am I going to know her number before she sees the IMS. She was just tested days ago, so I can't put her through that again. Then she will have to be retested in a month to see if her level is ok. I don't know what to do. Knowing her numbers last Monday of per 1.1 and post 2.3. I am wondering if these 4 days off would have made her climb to a number unacceptable to be put under?? What does everyone think I should do?? It is terrible to think of 2 ACTH tests in one week, I can't do that to her. She has been very snorty and gurgly sounding this morning, sort of like when someone has a cold so I have to get to the bottom of this mucus, and breathing problem. I may give her some benedril later to see if that helps again. I feel something bad coming if I do not get this problem solved asap. Hope everyone is doing well,and having a quiet weekend with the babies. God Bless Us All.
04-14-2013, 08:08 AM
Hey Patti
I think the mucus you are referring to was on skys thread and it was from Shysies bottom :eek: She has some dodgy chicken which caused that
Could they just do a resting cortisol check rather than the full simulation? Tia went off her medicine once for 7 days and she had full blown symptoms back but every dog is different as we well know
How you both doing today? Does she seem any better?
Big hug to you and a kiss to sweep Tipper
04-14-2013, 08:26 AM
Hi Mel:
I'll have to see about what you said. Thank you for always thinking of us and all the help you offer. Hope all is going well for you, don't work too hard. Blessings
04-14-2013, 08:39 AM
Hi Everyone:
Well I had to start Tipper back on her Vetoryl today.Oddly I did not see any symptoms return during the 4 days she was off of it. it would seem the pressing issue now is the breathing and throat problems. Compounding the problem is acid reflux. She is getting it a lot lately. I am sure with her throat already experiencing problems this could burn or be painful. I am wondering if the meds, and supplements are making her stomach a little acidy? Yesterday I gave her 1/4 of a Pepcid AC. I used to use them on her a few years back, but it seemed instead of helping they would give her a stomach ache. I believe she was taking half a table though. Maybe this was too much for her?? Does anyone else have any experience with this issue?? I am going to give her a 1/4 tablet today. I wanted to wait an hour or so after she had her Vetoryl. Does anyone using these know if they give them with food or not?? The last few days I can hear Tipper swallowing real hard, and that trying to clear her throat by sticking her tongue out still. I am very worried about what is causing this. Her appt. is the 26th with the IMS.We are supposed to get 60's weather today so maybe we can go out on the porch and sit for a while. The simple things I can do with her now, bring me much happiness. If you have any other remedies for acidy stomach please let me know. Thank you in advance. Blessings to all and all your babies.
04-14-2013, 12:51 PM
I'm wondering if the sticking out of the tongue and clearing her throat could be related more to the acid reflux than the Cushings? I ask because I have acid reflux and sometimes feel like swallowing hard clears my throat too. Sometimes it hurts, sometimes it doesn't. Drinking water helps too.
I've read some on Cushings in humans, of course I'm hoping that you don't ever get it, but if you do - there are more treatment options for humans than dogs. The biggest factor being that our body parts are much larger than theirs.
Yes, get out and enjoy the sun! We'll be doing the same thing today :)
I've never used pepcid for Daisy, but if Tipper can tolerate and likes canned pumkin, that would be something to try as it coats the stomach and has helped Daisy quite a bit.
Hoping that you enjoy the day!
Most members were giving the Pepcid about an hour before the meal with Vetoryl, on an empty stomach.
I tried that with Zoe and after a week or so on the Pepcid, she started spitting up in the middle of the night ( that was when she was on once day Vetoryl dosing) Zoe nevers spits up or vomits. So then I tried giving it in the afternoon on an empty stomach, same thing happened.
I have not tried it since.
molly muffin
04-14-2013, 01:14 PM
Hi Patti,
I just read this on one website:
Plain yogurt, which contains acidophilus is known to be a soothing remedy for upset tummies in both humans and dogs. A tablespoon either served alone or mixed with bland rice will help aid in a digestion into
Read more:
04-14-2013, 03:12 PM
Thanks for the tip I am definitely going to try that as I eat greek yogurt and she can eat some of mine. Blessings
04-14-2013, 03:15 PM
I know the Vets say to use pumpkin to keep them going regular. How do you keep the pumpkin from going bad once you open a can? I guess you could put it into small quantities and freeze it?? How much do you usually give Daisy? Thanks for the help. Blessings
Harley PoMMom
04-14-2013, 03:15 PM
My boy, Harley, got an upset tummy from the pepcid ac so I started him on slippery elm bark (SEB), SEB is great stuff.
04-14-2013, 09:39 PM
I coat the bottom of her food dish (two teaspoons I think) and put dry food on top of it.
If you buy the small Libby's cans in the baking aisle, I put the rest in a Tupperware containing in the fridge and it lasts for the week.
Yogurt was mentioned to me as well, but I was told to find all natural yogurt (not Greek). Since then, I've heard conflicting information about whether or not dogs can really tolerate it so I stuck with the pumpkin.
I hope that she feels better soon!
04-14-2013, 10:46 PM
we have added pumpkin usually in kongs for many years for our pups as treats for many years,sure is a helpful aid for keeping their poop regular....patty(milo)meka xoxox
Simba's Mom
04-14-2013, 10:52 PM
Hey Patti and Tipper too, hope things get back to smooth sailing for you both, this disease is so's so nice to have this site and when you have problems, there is always someone to help...sending hugs and tummy rubs....take care
04-15-2013, 09:15 AM
Hi Everyone:
This is the second day of Tipper back on the Vetoryl and all seems ok. I have been laying awake observing her at night for a few nights now. Valerie I think you may have turned the light bulb on in my head. When you had acid reflux did your mouth get real dry? I noticed when Tipper wakes up at night she is trying to swallow, and I can hear that the soft tissure in her mouth and throat are very dry and sticky sounding, and she can hardly swallow. I am fairly sure now that acid reflux is the problem. She has had it for years, sometimes going away and coming back. When she was a puppy she had an ear infection that would not go away and my Vet then put her on a strong antibiotic. At her recheck the Vet said she needed another round. Little did I know this would do permanent damage to her stomach, as she developed acid reflux from it. It has become worse the last few months, I assume because of the Vetoryl in her stomach even though it is taken with food. Also the supplements she gets. I am afraid she probably has damage to her esophagus from all this and that is the cause of her problems. I am going to have to get the IMS to investigate this theory, and see if there is anything to soothe and heal her throat. I know I use Manuka Honey and Slippery Elm Bark, but after this many years she may require a medication to put this in check. I don't want to have her cortisol under control and lose her to something like this now, we have gone too far to slide back. Sometimes it seems funny you catch onto some things right away and other elude your thoughts, even though they are very evident. I am sure glad you brought that up. I think that is why she is more comfortable laying straight out, and can't stay on her sides, as the acid must creep up when she lays that way. It is supposed to get to 70 here today, so maybe she and I can go out on the porch. Later we are to get storms so that will ruin her day. Letti thank you for your kind encouragement it is always nice to hear from you and Simba. God Bless Us All.
04-15-2013, 09:23 AM
I forgot this little tidbit when doing Tipper's daily update. My neighbor, who is by no means well off, has a Cocker Spaniel that developed bladder stones. She could not afford the Xrays,and normally if I had it would give it to her to help the dog, but I don't.
She went back to the vet as the dog started to pass blood. The vet said she did not need the xrays she could feel a walnut sized stone in her bladder. The Vet said it would be 500.00 to remove it. Little did my neighbor know that my Vet wouldn't have even considered it for under 1500.00. So she told the vet she could not afford 500.00. The vet pondered it for a while and said ok I'll do it for 300.00!!!! I am in shock as none of these vets bargain with you now days. It is truly a miracle and her dog will be saved!! Thank God I still believe in miracles.
Budsters Mom
04-15-2013, 11:47 AM
What a great story about your friend's dog! Thanks for sharing!:)
How is Tipper doing today?
Kathy and Buddy:)
04-15-2013, 06:01 PM
Hey Patti
Let's hope Val has got you onto something so Tipper doesn't need any type of surgery, that would be good news
Hoping those storms pass you right by tonight.
Big hug for you and a kiss for Tipper
04-15-2013, 06:10 PM
Hi Mel:
You are like Tipper's sweet guardian angel always checking in on her. It's funny some of these things you pick right up on and others seem to stump you. I am hopeful it is acid reflux without too much damage. I am not sure what they do, I know there is something they can do if they catch it early, but she has had this for years. I am going to use a syringe on the night stand and give her some water if I hear her get up and her mouth is sticky and she can't swallow good. I got the yogurt, and gave her some already. I am going to try a little of her coconut oil before bedtime. It may help coat her throat during the night. God Bless You for the help and strength you give us all.
04-15-2013, 06:13 PM
Glad you enjoyed the story. It is nice to know that there is help for some people who need it for their animals, and someone is there to give it when needed. Blessings
04-15-2013, 08:57 PM
Patti, What a great story about your neighbor's vet helping her out like that so her dog can get better. I took a urine sample to the vet today to check Scoop's protein. I almost fell over when I was told it was $110.00, for a urine test!! So glad the vet helped out your neghbor.
I hope Tipper is having a good day and has a restfull night.
Hugs to you and Tipper.
04-15-2013, 10:25 PM
Patti, if honey is safe for dogs - I know that it also coats my throat.
Has the pumpkin helped at all?
04-16-2013, 08:33 AM
Manuka Honey is excellent for dogs. It has many medicinal purposes from burns to ulcers etc. She has been getting it for a few years now. I have to go out and get the pumpkin Thursday as I never leave her alone, and have to go for my drivers license renewal, and have someone to sit with her. I do everything in one trip because of the gas, and so I don't have to leave her again. I have tried the yogurt. She was ok yesterday I gave 1/4 pepcid ac and some yogurt and honey. It seems at night is the time when she gets the sticky mouth etc. This morning though after she ate and had her Vetoryl she had some reflux, but I hadn't given her any pepcid or anything. I try to wait for about an hour after the Vetoryl as I don't want to mix the two. Sometimes she scares me as it seems she cannot swallow. I will be glad to go to the IMS and get her some help next week. I am so scared to find out what this is, as she does not need any other complications. It is one of those nedd to know, but don't want any more bad news deals. I just don't think I can handle any more bad news as I am struggling to keep going now. It is thundering here now and she ran in the closet. This is not going to be a good summer for her if these storms continue. Winter is so much easier on her to handle. God Bless You All
04-16-2013, 11:50 AM
Believe it or not I found a can of pumpkin in my cupboard. Yahoo!!! I am going to give her some for her supper. I will let you know if it helps. Blessings
I used to fill up ice cub trays with pumpkin, freeze them then as soon as the cubes were frozen, pop them out into freezer bags and put back in the freezer. Then when I needed one for Zoe, I just took it out of the baggie and let it defrost. It did get a bit more watery this way, but worked just fine for her.:):)
04-16-2013, 02:01 PM
I will be very interested in hearing what the IMS has to say about Tipper's swallowing. I wonder if it's the same thing Scoop does. I have asked about it and nobody seems to have an answer. I even showed the vet a video of Scoop doing it. I just wonder if it's the same thing.
Thinking of you and Tipper. Hope you are having a good day.
04-16-2013, 02:12 PM
I put the pumpkin in her food. She gobbles it all down:)
Prayers for you both and I hope that the IMS finds the problem. I'm also wondering if allergies could be affecting her throat?
Better to know what you're dealing with so that you can treat it properly.
04-16-2013, 03:29 PM
Hello to you and Sweet Tipper
Handy you found some pumpkin so you could start right away, hope it makes a difference for her
One of the girls can clarify this for us, but I think Pepcid works best before food. Am sure I read that somewhere, it lines their stomach I believe or our vet might have mentioned it I forget. I could be wrong though so hopefully someone who has used it can say
What is it with this weather? Is it usual for you to have storms? We tend to get them more in the autumn/fall
I am hoping and praying for your IMS visit, we will all be with you in spirit
Big hug, kiss to Tipper
04-17-2013, 09:42 AM
Just came from the Vets office. Tipper's blood pressure was 130 so that is good and her weight is down too. I talked to the Vet about her issues this morning. These storms are so bad, and with her cortisol being on the lower end the Vet suggested maybe 20mg- I have 10 mg capsules left, one day and the next 30 mg. So she would alternate every other day between 20 and 30. I need to check with Dechra first to make sure that is ok. This would bring her cortisol up a tad which may help her deal better with the storms. She was so terrified yesterday morning I was going to put the thundershirt on her and she wouldn't let me. It has never helped her in the past, but maybe with the lower cortisol it would. Thanks for checking on us, I am a nervous wreck about her IMS next week. God Bless you and keep you safe Mel.
04-17-2013, 09:56 AM
Hi Everyne:
This is Tipper's disertation for the morning!! Just came from the Vet and as referenced in the preceeding posting we may adjust her meds because of the storm severity here now, and her cortisol on the lower end. Wondering if anyone has any ideas on that good or bad? I had a good discussion with him about all her issues. He said if it is the acid reflux erroding her esophogus, there is medication for it, but the medication changes the absorption of other meds in the system. I guess that will have to get worked out. She is having a very hard time swallowing at night. I did give her some water with a syringe, but have to be careful as she didn't take it down well and I am afraid of her aspirating it. In a way I can't wait until the 26th to get her some help, but in another way do not want to go and hear any other devastating news. I am wondering about the pumpkin Valerie. I had heard before it was used to keep dogs regular, but have never heard of it for acid reflux. I am curious did the IMS tell you that? I gave her some yesterday, didn't really notice anything different yet.
I decided at the Vets today after talking to him and reminding him we now do not know Tipper's cortisol level after she started back on the Vetoryl, to recheck her electrolytes the Wednesday before the IMS procedure. He said if we retested her cortisol again she would need another in a month and that would be 3 ACTH'S in one month and that is way too much for her to endure. So I opted for the electrolytes. That will give some indication if she is in a safe state to proceed. All I can say is God help us, this has been extremely hard on her, and it is wearing on us both. The rest of today will be a happy day of play,and lots of attention to my girl. Blessings
04-17-2013, 10:20 AM
Patti, How does that work with the electrolytes? If they are in a good range then the cortisol isn't too low? I keep worrying about Scoop's going too low. The vet says watch for the signs, lethargy, vomiting, diarrhea. He already has those. I wondered if something else could give a heads up about it.
Hope you and Tipper have a happy, peaceful day.
04-17-2013, 12:26 PM
My Vet told me when the potassium is high and the sodium is low you are in the Cushings range, and I guess the cortisol is rising higher and not stable. If the electrolytes change a certain way I guess by going the other way it can be indicitive of Addisons. So where Tipper's were ok a week ago. I think this is how he explained it to me, my brain is fried by now so double check it. Hope you are well and Scoop is enjoying some time outside in the nice weather. Blessings to you both
Hi Patti,
I am sure the others will chime in but I will admit the dosing the vet is suggesting gives me cause for concern. Hopefully Dechra will be the source to confirm how this may work for Tipper.
Have you tried melatonin? I would have to recheck all of Tipper's medications to make sure, but it can also help with thunderstorms.
sending love and hugs
Simba's Mom
04-17-2013, 02:28 PM
Sending hugs and prayers to you and Tipper, so many things going on, hope it settles down, take care!
04-17-2013, 02:53 PM
Patti, the IMS didn't mention the pumpkin but I was thinking of the consistency and that maybe it would help to calm the acid. It can't hurt to try.
I hope that you get a swift response from Dechra and I would ask them about the melatonin.
Also, plain Pedialyte is good for electrolytes but I would confirm how much to use with the vet. Stay away from the flovored versions because of the sugar.
Good luck sweetie!
04-17-2013, 06:38 PM
The Vet told me no Pedialite because it could skew Tipper's test results. She seems to be doing ok this time with the Pepcid AC. I have only been giving here 1/4 tablet as I think when we previously gave her 1/2 it was too much for her to handle. I am going to give her one before bedtime to see it that helps. The Vet said I could be right about the way she lays. If on her side she has problems, and that is always how she used to sleep. I thought maybe on her side acid is creeping thru her valve. He said that is highly possible. She will then lay straight out and that seems to help her, it must stop the acid leakage or something to do with it. I never gave her Pepcid before bedtime so maybe it will help stop this. Glad Daisy is doing so well. God Bless
molly muffin
04-17-2013, 06:44 PM
Thinking of you guys. Hope those thunderstorms aren't around you tomorrow.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
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