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I hope everything is ok and the tornado just went away.
Patti, as you know Zoe had two surgeries, a minor surgery to remove a growth on her neck that burst open and would not stop bleeding and her vulva surgery to remove a tumor which was very extensive as the tumor was deeper than originally thought so they also had to remove part of her vulva.
On the first surgery I expressed my concern about her thin skin but the IMS thought she had healthy skin as well so she checked it carefully and decided there was enough healthy skin that her thin skin would not be an issue. Of course we then had a lot of break through bleeding after surgery but it was in a bad spot and Zoe was oblivious to it all.
The vulva surgery we were able to develop a plan that called for a spinal block so less anesthesia could be used. That worked brilliantly and we did the same thing for my mother when she broke her hip.
My point is if you have a detailed discussion with the team taking care of Tipper's surgery, they should be able to answer your concerns.
Of course, we always worry. I know how hard it is going through two surgeries with Zoe. I just had to keep the faith it would all be ok. The post op was worse than the fasting and the surgeries. So make sure you have all your post op bases covered.
thinking of you all
06-17-2014, 09:06 PM
hi patti, that sounds very scary, 7 miles, that is really close!
glad that tipper is doing fine so far.
hope there will be no damage at your house.
like you said, those pain clinic people do not know what pain can do to you.....
stay safe!
molly muffin
06-17-2014, 09:36 PM
Hope everything is okay where you and the babies are at! 7 miles is way to close for comfort!!
Stay safe
sharlene and molly muffin
06-18-2014, 07:26 AM
Good morning Patti.
Just wanted to check in on Tipper and see how things went yesterday. We had a bad storm too and of course I thought of her. Did you put a radio in the closet with her? The soft music and turning the night lights on helped Tia.
I know this weather isn't good for you either. I can tell when the rain is coming because my joints start hurting too. It's crazy how that happens. Take care of yourself and stop worrying about the neighbor so much. Tell his daughter you have so many things going on now that you just don't have enough hours in the day to take on anymore responsibilities. Hopefully she will understand. I know it's hard not to worry, but it's her father and it's her responsibility.
Keeping y'all in my prayers and sending love,
06-18-2014, 07:30 AM
Hi Everyone:
We are all safe. What a nite with tornado sirens going off everywhere. I have to give my Tipper all the credit in the world. I only gave her half a pill and she was very calm. Before I gave it to her she sat on the bed and listened to some rumbles. After a while she got up and walked, not her usual panic run, to the closet. She stayed there until I got everyone together when the siren went off. Oh what a job that is especially with cats. She remained calm. This morning it started rumbling and she is panting some, but by no means scared and in a panic, which is the complete opposite of her. She is laying on the bed as I type this listening to loud rumbles of thunder!!! I am not believing this!! I did give her half a pill a few minutes ago as this is to go on all day and we have to go in the car to the vets, and I had no idea she would be this calm!!!. I am floored. I think these pills have helped her realize she can go thru this and it won't hurt her. She needs Adeauan and I need to talk to my vet about her operation. Will post later, blessings
06-18-2014, 11:42 AM
I was thinking about you this morning as we had very heavy rain and the threat of thunderstorms, so I'm very pleased to hear that you are all safe, and very well done Tipper.
I hope the discussion with the vet goes well. I have to take Henry to the groomers.
06-18-2014, 03:56 PM
Hi Everyone:
Wow what a busy day. We had a horrible nite and woke up to more bad weather. On the way to the vets we had hail, and pounding rain, thunder and lightening. Tipper did not enjoy the ride to say the least. The vet did get to see her in this terrified state, so that was good. She is napping from a hard morning. The roads were like lakes, the worst I have seen here. So we discussed Tipper's operation and dental. I asked him because of her situation if they could take her first, so they put her on the schedule to be the first patient done. My IMS sent me an email last nite detailing the instructions from the anesthesiologist. Some went over them. I asked him about problems with Tipper's kidneys or liver and he said with what the anesthesiologist gave him to follow she will be fine. I asked about the healing since she will have 7 of these lumps removed. I voiced my concern about her thin skin. He said in because these heal from side to side that will not be an issue. I asked aboitnthe calcium deposit on her leg and he said get rid of it, get it all done now, you do not want to leave anything and have to do this again. He said he will check her epiglottis and soft palate while intubating her to see if they are causing these noises and her struggles with breathing. I asked him on a scale from 1-10 how confident is he Tipper will do well he said 11. He tried to tell me I do not have to worry as Tipper has been so well cared for, and even though she is compromised now, he would expect her to do better than some of his healthy dogs he has had would. He said she is in the best shape of any Cushing's dog they have had. That does not comfort me. The laser therapist told me yesterday that Tipper's leg muscles are still huge. Well all I could say to that is you should have seen her when she was well. I am sorry but all these things said don't help me not worry about her as they are not thinking about the two tumors she has. You can be in the best shape in the world and a tumor can end it all. Anyway I am feeling a little better now that we went over things. I did forget to ask about her knee on the rear leg, it has the largest of the lumps. I am worried about her licking it as that is one she will be able to reach and she cannot wear an e collar because of her trachea. If we cover it it may weep and not heal good. Any ideas will be appreciated. Maybe the stockings I got her?? The air would go thru them they are very light and airy. He said she will be getting a pain and antibiotic shot too. I will be there all day as I would never ever, ever leave her. So they may let me sit at her cage, and comfort her. I got her this far, and I am not letting anything happen to her. I have to make sure I tell them if they mess with her back legs after year of laser therapy, I will be furious. So she had her Adequan shot and he was looking in her eyes etc. He did not charge me for an office visit as he is probably going to slam me with this operation! The IMS also said Tipper does very well under anesthesia. We got home I cooked, did chores, got thru the mail, fed the babies, and I am exhausted. Tomorrow Elvis goes to the traveling vet so I have the sitter lined up. Then we can rest for the remainder of the week. Blessings
06-18-2014, 05:31 PM
So glad Tipper is doing well with storms now that is awesome! and I am so happy to hear the IMS thinks she will comes through with flying colors! Drs vets usually do not say such things unless they are certain. But I hear ya about still being concerned and worried I would be too because its not their babies. But keep telling yourself all the positive comments made abut Tipper being in good shape for surgery. I will be keeping Tipper and you in my prayers for a successful surgery and complete quick recovery for Tipper.
06-18-2014, 06:26 PM
Hi Everyone:
Well it is rumbling and pouring here with really bad wind blowing sideways like the straight line winds. I decided not to dose Tipper. She was doing ok again until Toby barked. If I did not know better I would say he is doing it on purpose to get back at her! Thanks Vicki Tipper is my universe so I am still worried. I caught that sentence about injectable antibiotics being hard on the kidneys. I never knew that and he is going to give her a shot of them after the operation, what about that??? Any opinions please. Tipper listened to quite a bit of rumbling and then went in the closet I turned the fan on and shut the door as much as possible and the tv is up. I think she will do ok with this one it seems more rain than thunder at the moment. I do not want to use these meds unless I have to. This is like a monsoon I have never seen it like this. Blessings
Hi Patti,
I cant answer that but I did remember to ask you are you giving Vetoryl the day of the surgery? We skipped Zoe's dose that day per her surgeon and IMS when she had the vulva surgery. Because she did so well, we were able to resume it the next day.
molly muffin
06-18-2014, 07:34 PM
hmm don't think I'd heard that about the injectable antibiotics. Interesting.
Glad she seems to be doing pretty good with the storms while at home now. I can see where she'd be rattled by one if in the car though.
I think Tipper will come through the surgery fine because they have a plan for her anthesia and that is good thing to have.
Hope your storms let up soon. We had a nasty one here yesterday, but not as bad right at my house. Up close to Judi though, about 15 minutes from her house they had a tornado that did a lot of damage. 100 homes condemned I've heard due to tornado damage. :(
Sharlene and molly muffin
06-18-2014, 08:10 PM
hi patti, when is tipper due for her surgery? maybe i missed it in your thread.
i think the ab shot just lasts for 24 hours and you will have to give pills for 3 or 4 days.
at least this is how it is done in my country.
i never had a dog with lumps, but i read a lot about it on this forum.
do you know why tipper has so much of them?
glad, that tipper is doing fine so far in those awful storms.
06-18-2014, 08:59 PM
Hi Everyone:
I was reading up on injectable antibiotics after Vicki mentioned they are hard on the kidneys I came upon all kinds of warnings for Cerenia. Many dogs died from it and it stayed in their system for ions. Many people putting warnings on Facebook etc. I think this was stroke of luck that I saw this. They want to give Tipper an antibiotic injection, and it is not happening. Just give me the pills, this scared the crap out of me. I am warning both these vets to never give it to Tipper. If you are going to be doing anything with your dog that involves injectable antibiotics, please read about this first if your Dr. Could possibly use it on your dog. Thundering like crazy, and sirens going off again. Tipper went out in pouring rain and thunder and peed!!!! This is blowing my mind. Yahoooo Tipper!!! Blessings
06-18-2014, 09:36 PM
Patti, I think it must be the antibiotic "Convenia" that you are worried about and not "Cerenia." Cerenia is an anti-nausea medication. Are you certain it is Convenia that your vet is planning to use? It is a long-lasting antibiotic, but there are other injectables that are used temporarily as a bridge because they offer quicker protection/coverage than do oral agents. I think there are times when injectables can be important tools, and I am puzzled by a blanket warning against them all, as a class. Have you read somewhere that all injectables are especially dangerous? Do you know which specific one your vet is planning to use, and why?
06-19-2014, 07:15 AM
Good morning Patti.
Tipper is doing fantastic! A little panting is ok and the fact that she will sit for a while before going into the closet is amazing. I'm impressed!
The rain finally stopped here, at least for a while. We had a hot beautiful day here in Alabama. Too bad I had to work!
Much love and prayers,
06-19-2014, 07:47 AM
Just a short post. Tipper does take cerenia for stomach upset and when typing that warning last nite I did in fact mean covenia but my brain typed cerenia as Mariannes said. Sorry if you were worried unnecessarily by my goofy brain thinking one thing and typing another. Blessings
06-19-2014, 08:40 AM
Hi Everyone:
I am impressed too Donna. This is a world's first that Tipper can sit and listen to thunder without going berserk. I am so happy that some how she is starting to deal with this better as we are to have it for another week. I have never seen so much rain, or heard so much thunder here ever. When she went out in the pouring rain to go potty, I was really crying tears of happiness inside, as that is something that never, ever, ever would have happened before, she would have just held it. It was actually thundering while she was peeing too, I can't hardly believe it. God is watching out for her and knows she can't take any more, or maybe all the cush babies are watching out for her whatever the case I am so grateful. I have to take Elvis tonite to the traveling vet. He won't be allowed any food after 12 noon as they put him under to do his nails, beak, and wings and check him over thoroughly. I hope it is not pouring as it is 25 miles in the dark and I don't want rain too. Now onto the Covenia. I am having the techs write on all the charts that I so not under any circumstances want this for any of my animals. It sacred the day lights out of me and I am glad I read all the warnings before they gave my Tipper a shot, if by chance they use it. My vet never keeps up on anything so it would not surprise me. Tipper is my rock star after last nite I am so amazed at her, I can't quit thinking about it, it was so great! Everywhere around here it is flooded many towns 5-8000 houses with water filling up in them. One whole town all the houses have water inside. It is raining now and not showing signs of letting up. After today we have the rest of the week off, or at least the animals do. I am so swollen and painful from all this rain, I could hardly get out of bed this morning. Actually this keyboard gets my fingers and hands going as they are really stiff. I am making Tipper a bed that can be removed from the front seat of my car. I ordered foam rubber that came. I have a board I am covering with a vinyl table cloth. I am putting 4 inches of heavy duty foam on top of that, and then her pillows. I have a leg to attach to go down to the floor in the front to support it. She always sat in her car seat like in her avatar. She is so uncomfortable in it now that she is sick that she lays on the seat on top of pillows, but can no longer see out. That is why I am making this so she can lay down on long trips to the hospital and be comfortable, and she can see out instead of laying there listening to what is going on around her. It will be so I can just pick it up and remove it if anyone needs to use the seat. Blessings
molly muffin
06-19-2014, 05:02 PM
Hi Patti,
wow that is a lot of water. You've just been getting it nonstop it seems. So glad that Tipper is doing good right now with all the rain.
Do you have some way to anchor that with the seatbelt or something? I was just thinking of Flynn going flying when that kid on the bike came out in front of Trish's car. That would be so scary, so definitely need a good way to make it secure.
No I won't be having any of that antibiotic for molly either. Not that anyone has ever suggested it but if so, now we know.
Good luck tonight with Elvis
Sharlene and molly muffin
06-19-2014, 07:31 PM
Hi Everyone:
Just got back with Elvis and my Tipper was crying for me. Elvis gave us all a scare tonite. After he put Elvis under, and was working on him, the assistant went to hold Elvis so the Dr. could do his beak, and that's when the Dr. normally shuts the gas off. When he did Elvis did not breath, the Dr. grabbed him and knew just what to do and then he breathed. He let out a big yell, and we all laughed as we were all nervous seeing that. He was a bit groggy this time, but got out of it soon after. The Dr. keeps you there, then does a final check of them before you can leave. He talked on the way home, and I gave him a treat since he had been fasted since 12 noon. He loves graham crackers so I gave him a piece with peanut butter. He's all ok now resting in his cage. That's done for 6 months. Tipper and Toby are now passed out after they got their attention. Its been a long day, and I am turning in early tonite. Blessings
Harley PoMMom
06-19-2014, 08:02 PM
What a scare for you! Glad to hear that Elvis is doing fine now.
Hugs, Lori
molly muffin
06-19-2014, 08:53 PM
Eeeek That would be scary. Good thing Elvis didn't know what was going on, or he'd be having something to say about the whole thing. hahahah
Sharlene and molly muffin
06-20-2014, 07:26 AM
What we go through for our babies! But we love them and will do most anything for them. I'm so happy for you and Tipper. Most people would just look at you like you were crazy when you cried because Tipper went out to pee in the rain, but to those of us that have (had) babies that are deathly afraid of storms, it's a BIG accomplishment (Dang I'm crying for her!!).
Please stay safe in the bad weather. I know how quickly the rain can turn into floods.
Sending love and prayers,
06-20-2014, 09:06 AM
Hi Everyone:
Thank you for thinking of Elvis. That sure scared the daylights out of me. I think the assistant that holds the bird in a towel had him wrapped up too tight. The vet kept watching his eyes and tapping him and when he did not breath my stomach hit the floor. He really took a deep breath and gasped and everyone was happy. Even though he has been a little brat the last few weeks biting etc. I know and the Dr. confirmed it is his hormones and mating season is around the corner. He lost some needed weight and was in real good shape other wise. Well so glad I do not have to do it again for 6 months. Tipper was in the closet last nite again so I have resigned myself to her sleeping there for the rest of the summer. When winter comes she knows there will be no storms hopefully and she will ease up. She is having a little trouble with that back leg. I hope she did not hit it on anything last nite while I was gone with Elvis. The dogs have walked and it is to get hot so they will be in for the day. Tipper is doing ok with all her meds, and I am dreading the ACTH coming up in July. She is doing well and not bugging me for food, so I know she is low on cortisol, she just seems to be one of those dogs that do better low. It does make me nervous though I have to admit I am always watching for signs. Blessings
06-20-2014, 09:08 AM
Thank you for thinking of my girl. That is a really major accomplishment for her going potty in a storm with thunder going off! Hope you have calm, good weather this weekend. Our weather in the states seems to be going really haywire. Everyone is commenting on all these storms. Blessings
06-20-2014, 12:28 PM
Wow, Patti! I see what you mean about Elvis!! So happy that he's OK now! That would have been a heart stopping moment for anyone! :eek:
Sorry, you are having so many storms and rain! :( It's supposed to rain here today as well! Tipper seems to be doing great! I know what you mean about her not going out when it's raining and especially thundering.....Eli never did before either. He would never get wet! Now, for some reason..he'll go out in the rain. (That is when I can get him now, out the door!) LOL
I'm hoping for you that we get some of your rain..surely NOT all of it though!! We could send some over to Iris! ;)
I also use a seat belt harness for Eli in the car when we're out. He can sit and laydown..but you probably have one already. He goes crazy when I pull that out, because he knows he gets to go along..but when it's this hot I hate taking him anywhere. :( Sometimes though, I'll just take him for a short ride to look around and back home again. :D
06-20-2014, 01:04 PM
Yes I have one of those seat belt halters for Tipper to I try to keep her as safe as possible and this helps a lot even though she is well behaved in the car or anywhere for that matter things can happen. I have her bed in the car really secures also. It will be good for her when we have to go to the hospital as that is a long ride for her. Hope it is not too bad a the dentist today.
06-20-2014, 08:59 PM
Hi Everyone:
I did not imagine this morning that I would be saying this, but it is raining!!! Tipper went outside and a drop hit her on the head and she went into a panic. After going outside the other nite in a storm, I know her cortisol must be lower tonite. She started quivering and pulling out of her harness, but she is in bed right now sleeping. Well I guess I can add ESP to her list of attributes as as soon as I finished typing the previous sentence, she got up and went in the closet!! I have been trying to trim those furry feet of hers, and she's not having it. She looks like a mini Clydesdale with those feet. Elvis is fine today and even acting like his sweet self. Tipper is doing very well with her hunger, there are no issues at nite like when she would just beg non stop for food. I am thankful as that is very hard to deal with, and hard on the dog. I am hoping she can stay on this current dose, and that her blood work is good. I am thankful she is as good as she is with having two tumors. Hoping for sunshine when we wake up!
06-20-2014, 09:20 PM
rain...really? ha, ha!
the farmers overhere are in need of some [a lot] so, send some this way!
hope there will be sunshine next morning. so all of you can take a sun bath.
i missed the news, so i will watch it online to hear what our weather forecast is.
today was 20C. so, very good for walking cush doggies..
sleep well all of you!
Chloe's Mom
06-21-2014, 03:05 AM
Wow Patti - I'm just catching up on Tipper's thread. Here in NC, we have had more storms than I can count, but nothing like what you've had. Luckily, Chloe isn't scared of storms - when it thunders, she barks back at the thunder! That really was a scare with Elvis, so I'm glad everything turned out OK.
Sounds like Tipper is doing pretty well, so that is always a blessing. Keep doing what you're doing, because it seems to be working!:D
06-21-2014, 07:44 AM
Good morning Patti.
We had another storm yesterday afternoon. Sammy had the two outside and there was a really loud thunder. He said Tank jumped and ran for the house. Scared the heck out of him, but not Tanzee. I told him not to act like it is a big deal. I don't want to start that with him.
I'm keeping all the flood victims in my prayers. It's a horrible situation to be in. I even dreamed about it last night. Just terrible.
Hope everyone has a good weekend. Sending love and prayers.
06-21-2014, 08:24 AM
Hi Everyone:
Yes, I know what you mean Donna I make sure when Toby barks at the thunder not to even recognize it, but it does stir Tipper up more. From going out in a storm and going potty to getting in a panic from a raindrop falling on her head and going into panic mode Tipper had really run the gamut the last couple days. I think her cortisol might have been low. Yes I do not want another dog scared of storms, that would be maddening with what I have gone thru with Tipper. Toby will go out on the porch when it is storming really bad and he could care less thank God. Tipper had a good nite and the rain here has stopped so they got to walk. I am having a time with this pain stabbing me in my chest this morning, so it is starting out slow. I cannot wait to get to this pain clinic and see if they can give me a nerve block. That will be heavenly! I am thankful for all these days Tipper is doing well, it has made me live in my little bubble again. The next ultra sound is slowly creeping up on us though. I hope everyone has a good weekend with their babies and everything is good. Blessings
I sympathize with the storms and I am so happy the medication is helping Tipper. We have had rain every day for so long, we cant even cut our grass, our yard is flooded and so wet.
Hopefully, you will get some relief from the nerve pain. It tires us out living with chronic pain.
06-21-2014, 11:44 AM
Mother Nature is not being kind this year - I can't believe the terrible weather we've had, from ice storms to flooding and tornados - there just doesn't seem to be any respite. I just pray for everyone affected.
Patti, is it possible that something else happened at the same time as the raindrop which scared Tipper, especially since she had been doing so well? It could also have been where it landed?
06-21-2014, 01:47 PM
Dear Patti
Another thing you might try for Tipper is a thunder wrap,Amazon has them cheaper than PetSmart or Petco. I use it on Arial. It is supposed to help with fear and anxiety. You could always go to the store and try one on then purchase on line. And there are all sorts of natural remedies, Rescue Me for Dogs.
Hugs Sonja and Apollo
06-21-2014, 02:45 PM
I am not sure if it's where the raindrop landed or not. I think she was expecting to go out and not be scared as it was sunny when she came in. I think it was the element of surprise. She was not expecting rain, and it put her back in that bad place. She may have been running lower on cortisol too?? The dogs have walked three times and it is getting dark again. Tipper is taking a nap, and I am taking a break with her. Toby is out cold. I have always given Tipper a nap just like a child since she was a puppy. JRTs have endless amounts of energy, and she would wear me out, so I would lay down with her every day and nap. She has never forgotten it and does it to this day. Toby is glad to lay down and take a nap too. We have no appointments until Wednesday so I can have a break from running. Iam taking Tipper to see Delora tomorrow. She just loves Tipper to do tricks for her. It will brighten up her day, and next time I will take Toby. Hope this is just a lite rain and that the thunder doesn't start. Blessings
06-21-2014, 06:36 PM
Hi Everyone:
It cooled off so I took the dogs out for bubble blowing. I hope the storm passed us as it looks ok now. We have a lot of little gnats outside in the grass. That is why I prefer Tipper on the porch, Toby uses Front line and I do not use anything on Tipper. I know Front line is for fleas, but nothing goes near Toby when he has that on. I had spoken before about the grey cast to Tippers hair. Today I noticed the inside of her ears, the lower portion has turned black. It used to be pink, I wonder if that is the Vetoryl. Has anyone else experienced their dogs hair color change while using Vetoryl? I kinda think it's the drug. Tipper is still wheezing, and had mucous in her eye again today, I am guessing on the days the pollen is bad. Tomorrow after I visit Delora, is bath time for these babies. Just trimmed all the kitty nails, so they are good to go too. Toby needs a haircut, but after the last scalping, I don't know. Blessings
06-21-2014, 09:01 PM
In case it helps I found the following suggestion for keeping Summer nasties at bay:
Add 1 cup of water to a spray bottle, then 2 cups of distilled white vinegar, then two spoonfuls of vegetable or almond oil.
To make a repellent that will also deter fleas, mix in a few spoonfuls of lemon juice, citrus oil, or peppermint oil. Spray onto the pet's dry coat, staying away from sensitive areas including eyes, nose, mouth, and genitals.
Apply once per day if dog just going out to do it's business.....
06-22-2014, 08:20 AM
Hi Everyone:
Hey that sounds like a great idea and natural too, to keep critters away from Tipper. Maybe it will keep her from licking her legs so much now!! I am going to get those ingredients and make up some.
I will have to check Tipper's skin with it first to make sure she is not allergic. Maybe I can even use it on Toby as I do not like chemicals at all. It was quiet here last nite and Tipper did her usual went to the closet. I have walked the dogs and it is heating up already so the temp. is probably going to be up there today. I will be taking Tipper to see Delora this morning. Lot's of germs in there and with Tipper's immune system compromised I will just hold her on my lap the whole time. Delora just loves her and it will make her day to see her. I never put Tipper down on any floors anywhere, especially the vets. I will bathe the dogs anyway when I get home. Tipper slept in a whole 15 minutes this morning!! We are almost at the end of June, how the time flies. The people that have Gracie sent me beautiful pictures of her with a harness on sunbathing on their deck. My God she is so beautiful, every time I see her pictures it makes me cry. Blessings
06-22-2014, 09:15 AM
Good morning Patti.
At least you know Gracie is loved and well taken care of and that should give you some peace of mind. It's hard not to worry though.
I'm writing that recipe down too. I think with the peppermint or citrus oil they will smell nice too! It was 94° here yesterday and the yellow flies and gnat are already bad. Sammy keeps our grass cut really low. Once a week in the summer months. He says it keeps critters and snakes away. I hate going out because those dang gnats bite me on my head. Hey, I just might spray myself too!
It was a beautiful day yesterday, but late afternoon we had thunder, no rain, just thunder. Tank jumped a few times and I told Sammy not to say a word.
Take care.
06-22-2014, 12:07 PM
Hi Everyone:
I just got back from seeing Delora. It makes you feel good to make an elderly lady's day. She was so happy to see Tipper. She told me yesterday someone brought 4 small dogs and let them loose to run and go see the residents. I cannot do that with Tipper although everyone wanted to per her and wanted me to let her down. I told them she is not well and I have to be careful of where she goes. So I will do the baths now and everyone will be cleaned up. It is nice and sunny so I will let them on the porch for a while to dry in the air since it is really warm. Donna I thought the same thing when I read those ingredients as the citrus and peppermint I bet does smell good on them. Have a good Sunday everyone. Blessings
06-22-2014, 01:25 PM
I love places that let you bring your pets! It's good for everyone and gives the pets something new to experience.
06-23-2014, 03:44 PM
Hi Everyone:
It is threatening to storm and I was trying to catch up from this morning. I am having to watch the sky and the weather with Tipper. The dogs both walked this morning because it is really hot and humid so they are in for the day. I hope I do not have to medicate Tipper. I am going to go over a few more things next week with my vet about her operation that I thought of. I have so me socks I bought her that are really tights so I am glad I have them to go over her legs, and to keep her from scratching. We are still working on the perpetual haircut. She slept in the closet again last nite, so I have resigned myself to knowing she will do it until winter. Now today she heard some lawn mowers, but they did not seem to bother her, I am assuming the cortisol was higher. I am having to go to the bank so I will post later. Blessings
06-23-2014, 05:11 PM
Wow thundering like you would not believe! Tipper sat here until this big loud rumble shook the house and she ran in the closet. This is supposed to go on all nite and tomorrow too. I am so thankful she has these meds as I don't know what I would have done with day after day of storms. She is just resting in the closet, no panic so that is good. Hope everyone stays safe in yet more bad weather. Blessings
06-23-2014, 05:40 PM
Wow - it seems like there is no respite from the storms. Is it usual for this time of year?
It's so kind of you to take Tipper to visit Delora. Our UK neighbour developed dementia so we used to take Hamish to visit her every morning and evening (so we could see how she was doing) and she used to give him a treat (we'd take bags of charcoal bones for her to give to him). She often forgot our names, but never Hamish's, and we'd often have to remind her where the bones were, but she was always so pleased to see him.
06-23-2014, 06:21 PM
I have never really seen it like this ever. The thunder was so loud and so much lightening. Toby did start to bark, but decided to nap instead. Yes my old neighbor Delora has it hard, so I just try to do nice things for her if I can. She loves my dogs, especially Tipper. It probably made her whole day. Tipper is still in the closet, I am not wanting to look in there and get her going, so I just wait and hope all is good. It poured just sheets of rain, you could not see out the windows. What are charcoal bones I never heard that before? Blessings
molly muffin
06-23-2014, 08:01 PM
Thinking of you and Tipper. Glad these meds are helping her. Even with these bad storms she seems to be reacting better.
It's true, people will remember animals sometimes when they won't remember anything else. My dad had Alzheimers and he didn't recognize my face, but he remember his cat Stompers name and would ask about him.
It's a good thing to take Tipper to visit her.
Yes I know, I couldn't resist I'm peeking in, after working over time today.
Sharlene and molly muffin
06-23-2014, 08:47 PM
Just dog bones that include charcoal, which is supposed to help with gas :D
These are the ones we now get for Henry (although they are on hold for the next few weeks)
06-23-2014, 09:15 PM
Tipper does get gas at times from the Fromm's. She never got it as much with her other food. Well we had one heck of a storm, and it just started up again. Tipper went out twice and went potty. She was not shaking, no panting, and was not crazy nervous so this is a good thing. She even came out of the closet on the bed for a while, but now went back to go to sleep. I am so grateful that she can be calm during this. I am worried when this wears off in the nite and the storm is still going. This is just such an improvement that I think she is feeling more confident she can handle the noise. It will also be going on tomorrow. Oh well good day to clean. Blessings
06-23-2014, 09:23 PM
Way to go Tipper :D :D :D
06-24-2014, 07:36 AM
Good morning Patti.
We are having those dang storms too. If the thunder starts off rumbling, Tank is ok, but if it's a very loud one he jumps and barks. We don't say anything though. I certainly don't want a repeat of Tia and storms.
I'm so happy Tipper is adjusting to the storms. I think her safe place (the closet) is helping her too.
Have a great day.
06-24-2014, 07:59 AM
Hi Patti,
I am happy to hear Tipper is handling storms better, that's wonderful! I hope she continues to improve with them.
06-24-2014, 08:19 AM
Hi Everyone:
Well I just gave Tipper the one pill around 4pm yesterday and she seemed to do well with that for hours. She finally laid her head down in the closet and slept. The storm lasted a long time and there was another tornado, but it was not close to us thank goodness. We had terrible wind, and it rained all night, but finally in the early morning hours the thunder quit. It is dark here and the dogs have walked. Part way thru the walk the rain started, but just really fine, Tipper was ok and kept walking. It is supposed to get stormy again tonite when a front comes in. I may have to give her another pill. Last nite when the thunder kept booming I could hear Elvis moving about in his cage. Then we had a real loud boom and he started singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star! It was too funny until he kept repeating it over and over. I think he was nervous as I cover him at nite and he could probably see the flashes of light through his cover from the lightening. Our power went out, so thank God I invested in the generator. We had power and no one else did. It makes me feel bad sometimes especially in the winter, but I was already warned by the installer not to run any extension cords to the neighbors as it would cause trouble for me. I received this huge packet from the pain clinic they want every bit of information except my first grade teachers name. This will take eternity to fill out. There are warnings highlighted on the front about what happens to you if it is not filled out properly, if you are 15 minutes late, if you expect pain pills on the first visit, so on and so forth. it was a real turn off to me, and who is the judge of filled out properly?? I am beginning to sense a place that keeps you coming back for a steady income. That is exactly what I do not want. I also do not even want to take pills and normally refuse them. So I already do not have high expectations of this place and may decide to go to Pittsburgh. I don't want to put someone's daughter thru college, I just want a nerve block. If that is not possible where this is at then so be it I will have to live with it. Tipper is snoring away after her walk, so I am going to try and get something accomplished in here today. Blessings
06-24-2014, 02:32 PM
Hi Everyone:
I have been mulling this over for a few weeks and want to throw it out there. One of the reasons I have not chosen to remove Tipper's adrenal tumor was because
she also has a pituitary tumor and would still not be cured. Because her numbers and doses have run the gamut. Since she had the ct scan and they said her tumor on her pituitary was not able to be seen and so must be extremely small. I have been wondering if even though her testing pointed to pituitary, if it is possible she does not even have one there? Could it be possible I am just dealing with an adrenal tumor, and it is secreting. Is this why she has been tricky to manage? This thought has been going on with me and no one has ever told me they even saw the pituitary tumor on the scan. Could it be because there is none?? I think I will be sending a letter to the IMS asking about this. I need to know the answer in the event July's ultra sound shows more growth. I guess I am just wondering if it is probable she was misdiagnosed?? We had a lite rain start earlier and it is dark out, I am holding off on meds for Tipper. Blessings
06-24-2014, 03:38 PM
Hi Patti,
If imaging shows that the opposing adrenal gland is either normal in size or enlarged, that would be a very good indication that Tipper has PDH. If she does not have PDH and it is an adrenal tumor that is secreting cortisol, the opposing adrenal gland would be smaller or even atrophied.
06-24-2014, 03:59 PM
Thank you Glynda. The other adrenal is a lot smaller! I am wondering if this is all she has had all this time?? I am emailing the IMS and want clarification if anyone at all has ever seen a pituitary tumor of any size on her. If this is the case she would then be cured if we got rid of this adrenal tumor, so that that does change how things were being looked at before. If no one knows the answer though then we would need and MRI to confirm that there is none. Lots of things to consider as nothing is ever as simple as it seems with this disease. Thank you for you help and I hope you are doing well. We are in for more tornado weather warnings are already coming out. Blessings
06-24-2014, 06:46 PM
Hi Everyone:
Well it is thundering and ready to storm. I have had to give Tipper meds again! This weather just will not give her a break. We are to get bad wind and rain. It looks like swampland outside already. I have emailed Tipper's IMS and asked her the questions in my previous post. I asked her if she had any ideas to help figure it out that are not invasive or costly. It is pouring sheets of rain right now thunder and lightening, the whole deal. I am so sick of this! Tipper went into the closet. She is not in a panic though so I think the meds had time to work. The place that had the tornado last not got no warning their system was not working. It took out 10 houses! Poor people, this year is relentless for storms. Blessings
The weather is crazy. Today I was at working sitting out in the sun for lunch and 20 minutes away at our house, hubby said it was pouring rain.
The radar showed a storm cell only over our village, go figure.
Patti- are you thinking of possible adrenal surgery?
molly muffin
06-24-2014, 08:27 PM
Patti, thinking of you and Tipper. Is the other adrenal smaller because it is a normal size compared to the one with the tumor, or is it smaller than normal That would be a key I'd think.
Sharlene and molly muffin
06-24-2014, 08:27 PM
I am not sure, but if this next Ultra sound shows growth, I need to really think long and hard about this. If Tipper has no pdh then this would in fact cure her. I am just scared of losing my girl, and because no one has ever told me that they saw a tumor on her pituitary on her ct scan, I guess I am questioning the diagnosis. I was leaning towards just watching this adrenal tumor with the ultra sound. If I find out Tipper does not have pdh I am really going to be upset asci could have done this operation 2 years ago when she was younger and had less issues. My mind is jumbled. It's hard for people with families and relatives to understand my plight, but Tipper is all I have and I am worried since this tumor grew for the first time. When you tell me it is getting the size of a walnut, I am worried. I just need to know for sure what I am dealing with. Blessings
06-25-2014, 08:26 AM
Hi Everyone:
I emailed my IMS and will be waiting for a response from her. I had to end up pilling Tipper and was fortunate enough to get it in her so it could start working before the storm really got going. It was all the thunder and lightening again, and it rained all nite and is still coming down. My babies have to be in standing water to go potty as the whole yard is like a lake. I am not taking Tipper for her BP today as it would be a waste of time with this weather. She did well on with her pill. She even went out when it slowed down to go potty. This dog has been thru so much I have to give her credit she had dealt with a lot. It seems one thing after another sometimes. She is ok this morning with the rain as long as there is no thunder. Toby did bark a few times last nite when the lightening struck something. Elvis was quiet thankfully and did not start his nervous singing in the middle of the nite. We are to get a break for about 2 days and then storms again and 90 degree weather. I am hoping I do not get water in my garage which sometimes happens with too much water coming down too fast. I do not need that clean up as I am barely making it through the house to clean. Blessings
06-25-2014, 10:12 AM
Hi Everyone:
I forgot to answer your question Sharlene. I do not know if the right adrenal is smaller just because the left is enlarged, or if it has become smaller than it would normally be, as I did think of that and am not sure, but a great question. It is just pouring Tipper is panting a little off and on as I think she is uneasy, but by no means frantic so I think she can manage. I just keep talking to her like nothing is wrong. Water is just running down our street like a river. The yard is a lake and my fountain is overflowed. I have never seen such weather, and so much rain. A lot of my plants that should have had buds and flowered did not, and I am not sure if it has been all the water or the rough winter. At any rate I am cleaning the house up little by little. Blessings
I understand how you are thinking- list of questions one would have to think about and discuss if you are considering a surgery if Tipper did not have a pituitary tumor:
Part I - Questions to ask when considering if surgery is an option for your dog’s adrenal tumour:
1. What type of tumour do you suspect, ?functional, ?non-functional, pheochromocytoma, benign, metastatic
2. Expected life span for my dog in a normal situation. If your dog is close to, at or past his expected lifespan for his breed is surgery going to be of any benefit?
3. Prognosis for my dog if we treated medically i.e. with Cushings medications. AND if we do not proceed with surgery how long do you think it would be before the tumour started adversely affecting his quality of life?
4. If he is miserable now, does the benefit of potentially risky surgery outweigh his current quality of life?
5. Are there any other health problems that could impact on a positive surgical outcome, for example: if your dog is overweight or has heart, BP, liver, kidney or lung conditions
6. Is there any sign of tumour spread – imaging should be done, including ultrasound and on advice of specialists either CT or MRI to check whether there is local invasion around the tumour, into blood vessels including vena cava or spread further away in the body to lungs etc
7. Surgeon recommendations – would he/she do it for their own dog?
8. Psychological impact for the owner: It is important to understand this is risky surgery, sadly current guidelines indicate 1:5 dogs do not make it, and some recommendations are not even that high. Can you accept it if your dogs dies during or in the postoperative recovery period surgery? This is where it is important to weigh up whether the benefit of your dog being fully cured is worth the risk of possibly losing him.
9. Financially – can you afford it? Find out estimate of costs.
10. Hopefully this will not happen, but if your dog collapses, e.g his heart stops either during his surgery or afterwards what emergency measures should be undertaken, do you want your dog to have CPR, how far are you (the owner) willing to go for your dog to be saved in such circumstances
Part II - Surgery has been recommended as treatment for your dogs adrenal tumour, here are a few suggestions on what questions you should ask your surgeon:
1. Are you board certified? How many operations of this type have you done? What complications have you experienced? What were the outcomes?
2. Please explain to me how you will do the surgery, which part would likely give you the most trouble? Will you be doing the actual surgery or a resident in a teaching situation? If so, is their close supervision?
3. Will there be a specialist anaesthetist available for the surgery?
4. If it hasn’t been done, do we need a CT/MRI scan to look at the tumour more closely to check for vena cava involvement or any other tumour spread?
5. What are the risks associated with this surgery, including
• Bleeding (including trauma to blood vessels or other organs during surgery)
• clots
• Blood pressure or heart problems such as arrhythmias
• pancreatitis
• pneumonia
• kidney failure
• infection
• wound problems
• bowel problems
• anaesthetic risks
• adrenal insufficiency or electrolyte abnormalities
• death (sorry but you have to ask that risk too)
6. If we proceed with surgery does my dog need preoperative treatment with Cushing’s meds, antihypertensive if high blood pressure is a problem – phenoxybenzamine recommended preoperatively for dogs with pheochromocytoma, anticoagulants or anything else?
7. How will you treat to prevent clots postoperatively?
8. What would you do if you found anything else during the surgery i.e. nodules in other organs e.g. spleen, opposite adrenal, liver, kidney. Would you remove them and what are the risks associated when doing additional abdominal surgery together with adrenalectomy
9. How long will it take and when will you contact me so I know all is OK, when can I visit after surgery?
10. How will the postoperative period go, how long would you anticipate he would need to stay in hospital? How will we manage pain?
11. What monitoring would be needed, e.g. heart monitoring, oxygen levels in the postoperative period
12. If your dog has an adrenocortical tumour affecting cortisol production will he need to be on steroids following surgery and for how long?
13. If there are problems when I take him home, who do I contact? Hopefully the surgical team until all is stable.
Patti, we all know how much Tipper means to you, we know she is your life and why. Question 8 in Part one is very important. Only you can answer that.
As for confirming the pituitary tumor, for some reason I thought it has been confirmed, I must be mistaken then.
06-25-2014, 01:24 PM
Thank you Glynda. The other adrenal is a lot smaller! I am wondering if this is all she has had all this time?? I am emailing the IMS and want clarification if anyone at all has ever seen a pituitary tumor of any size on her. If this is the case she would then be cured if we got rid of this adrenal tumor, so that that does change how things were being looked at before. If no one knows the answer though then we would need and MRI to confirm that there is none. Lots of things to consider as nothing is ever as simple as it seems with this disease. Thank you for you help and I hope you are doing well. We are in for more tornado weather warnings are already coming out. Blessings
wow this is something you definitely need to find out for sure. Keep us posted..prayer sgoing your way for Tipper and you.
06-25-2014, 01:48 PM
The PDH was confirmed through her testing only. Knowing that Dr. Peterson looked at all her testing and said it was PDH I asked the IMS when Tipper's CT scan was done if she had a macro tumor, because of some of some of her symptoms. She told me Tipper did not have a macro or the radiologist would have told her, but she never said whether they saw a tumor there period? I was assuming since she said it was not a macro that they saw it and it was tiny. After the neurologist put her scan up during my appointment to look at Tipper's brain because of her tremors I saw nothing, and he said her brain was fine and he said maybe her tumor was small and not picked up on the CT?? So what I am saying is all I have is the testing to confirm this, I have no MRI that says she even has this. I am wanting a definitive answer from the IMS as to was it too small to see, or could it be there is none and it has been an adrenal tumor all along? I am guessing only am MRI will give me the answer I want. I do not know how to answer 8. because if this thing grows which becomes more dangerous?? Blessings
06-25-2014, 06:57 PM
Hi Everyone:
Well it's dark and acting kind of funny so I guess we are in for another round. I don't think I will give Tipper a pill, too iffy. Had a friend from Pittsburgh call me and we may meet for coffee next time I go to the Dr. If Tipper is ok. We were able to go out on the porch for a while, and Tipper went out once when it was raining!! Tipper never went on the porch during rain. By the time this season is over she should be storm proof. My fax is not working so I have to take a look at it tomorrow when Tipper is occupied as she will want to get in on the act and tear it up! I am taking Toby to see Delora this week. She is very lonely and her son said he arranged for someone to visit her every day, well no one has been there for three days. I am looking forward to a dry day tomorrow. Tipper did not like missing her walk. Blessings
06-25-2014, 08:04 PM
hi patti, it is the opposite overhere....still no rain.
we could use some of your rain and send some dry weather in return......
after your frigid winter you could use some nice weather with sunshine.
it will be interesting to hear what your ims has to say about tipper.
that pain clinic cetainly knows how to occupy you.
is this the only one near you?
hope you will have some dry and quiet days till the new storms arrive....
06-25-2014, 11:00 PM
Patti, it really sounds as if Tipper is learning that the rain poses no real threat to her.
That is wonderful!
06-26-2014, 08:56 AM
Hi Everyone;
Yes sometimes I think that Valerie, but then some days maybe when her cortisol takes a dip she reverts back to the old stuff. Last nite I gave no meds as I was not 100% sure we were getting the storm and I am glad I did not give her any as it passed us by. She still slept in the closet though. I am not noticing the swallowing a lot the last week or so. It has really slowed down. So I am wondering if all the rain got rid of some of the pollen and it really was allergies as she is not doing it as much. Of course she is sleeping in the closet so I cannot hear her at nite either, but during the day she is not doing it a lot. I also noticed there was no goopy white mucous in her eyes either. Maybe this rain did one good thing? Also I cut out her antihistamine the last few days as she cannot take it with valium and I did not know if I was going to have to resort to the valium. I am not giving her any today to see if she starts that swallowing or mucous, as if the allergy stuff is past for the season I do not want to be giving her pills she does not absolutely need, as she is on enough stuff. I have noticed her trachea acting up outside a lot when she is smelling to go potty she is snorting like a pig and at times starts into honking. She gets Adequan next Wednesday so that is good. I will go over the antibiotic situation with my vet then so if he wants her to start oral before the operation I can get them and have them on hand. The dogs have already walked once as it is cool and was a little foggy this morning, Tipper likes the cool air. Yesterday I mentioned about her panting sometimes in the house, and I thought is was just because of the rain and it made her a little nervous. Today I saw her when we first came back into the house pant a little, and I felt it seemed stuffy in the house and kind of clammy. I think when she does not have air flow, and the temp rises just little she has become so sensitive to heat that it makes her start panting. I noticed this in my room last nite it got a little stuffy and she panted a bit, so I am not leaning towards the Cushings being uncontrolled at this juncture. Today should be a good day for the dogs if it stays cooler and no rain. Blessings
06-26-2014, 08:36 PM
Hi Everyone:
Tipper and Toby had a wonderful day. We did bubbles, sat in the back yard and played ball. Even Elvis came out on the porch for a while!. I found a long ribbon and had the kitties running thru the house chasing it. My Tipper really enjoyed her day. I hope for another of the same tomorrow before the rain comes back. They are all tired and Tipper is laying on the floor close to the closet! She never lays on the floor in my room. She was ok today except for the snorting and honking at times in the yard. These little gnats in the grass are awful biting at your ankles and feet. It was so nice to let them enjoy a day with no rain! Blessings
I am so sorry I rarely write on your thread, but I read it as often as I can to follow Tipper's progress. Between Lola, my job, I have no time left whatsoever!
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your babies
06-27-2014, 08:23 AM
Hi Everyone:
Well we had so much fun yesterday that I could hardly get out of bed! Tipper was up early and ready to begin her day with some enthusiasm. Surprising what no rain can do!! We have already walked and the temperature is cool, but lots of mosquitoes and dew on the ground attracting them. I make sure to walk them on the road only and I am always looking down to make sure no mosquitoes are near them. I don't need more issues with Tipper. I got an answer from the IMS on the question about Tipper's pituitary tumor. It was what I was expecting from her, but wanting a different one. She said the way to deal with this is to remove the adrenal. That seems to be all she is concerned with instead of answering the questions I asked. So she never answered whether a pituitary tumor was in fact seen. I am back to where I was. She did say however that because they can be really small they can be missed on the CT scan. Big deal, I figured that out myself. Oh well I will have to get thru this at Tipper's next ultra sound. I will be wanting a CD copy of the san if she says it grew for my vet to confirm this as everything is about removing it and I don't like that approach. I did not give Tipper antihistamine again yesterday and she is fine, I did not hear any congestion, or see any goop in her eyes. So either what she was allergic too is done or the rain calmed it down. I hope it does not start back up again. She appears to still be doing well on this dosage so I am hopeful her ACTH will be good and we don't need to change doses again. I am hoping to have another good day with my babies as mostly all my work is done and we can just have fun. I have to makes some bubble mix as we are nearly out. They enjoy just the simple things the most. Tipper found a ball of Toby's that had a squeaker left in it and was trying to kill it this morning and within a minute she had it done for. I tried to get it off her as poor Toby was crying, but she wasn't giving it up, she hates squeakers and ruins them all. Afterwards I swear she had a smile on her face! I will get Toby another one. I keep them up when Tipper is out, and just forgot that one so it is a goner. Blessings
I am so glad you had fun yesterday and I hope the fun can continue. Zoe would do the same thing with Koko's squeaky toys. Koko just likes to carry things in his mouth, Zoe always had to chew, chew chew.
I am so glad the bubbles keep everyone entertained and think it is a wonderful idea. More bubbles:):):):):);)
I also wanted to thank you Patti for all the time you take checking in on members. I read your post on Lola's thread, so thank you again.
06-27-2014, 09:58 AM
An awesome way to start the day. Have a great weekend.
Much love,
06-27-2014, 10:43 AM
Hi Everyone:
Yes it's good to have two great days in a row. Tipper is so happy it is not raining she has a whole different attitude these two days. I noticed when I take her out potty we go thru the garage. When she gets out on the landing on top of the steps, she looks out the windows of my garage doors to make sure nothing is going on outside before she proceeds down the steps. Thanks you Addy I do try to help as best I can especially with a lot of you working I know you can't always be here. My dog would not be here if not for this forum so I will always be grateful for it, and the wonderful people who truly care. I am making a chocolate pie with a peanut butter crust! I am going to give some to my neighbor man and take Delora a piece, if it is good that is. I have never tried this before so we'll see how it comes out. I am also doing a search for Smart bulbs. They are light bulbs that you use outside like your porch lite. They turn off 30 minutes after being turned on. When I used to go to work at 4:30am and it was dark I could see going outside etc. and it would shut itself off when I left. I kept the cardboard it was sold in and am trying to find the company. It saves a lot when things shut off. I know we have smart bulbs now for my IPhone, but I like these as you don't even have to think about it, it just shuts off. Thanks for looking in on us Donna I appreciate it. It is just so good to have Tipper not worried about the weather it sure takes a load off my mind! Blessings
06-27-2014, 06:08 PM
Patti I am sorry haven't been on for a while, changed PC's had busy busy time with my mum, my husband and Teddy all un-well as well as me..... Anyway LESS of that, how are you and Tipper doing ????
06-27-2014, 06:41 PM
I am so sorry to hear you are all not doing well. I think of you and dear, sweet Teddy often. I pray that things turn around for all of you. It makes me sad to think your whole family is having such a bad time. I knew something was wrong as you always answer my posts. Tipper and I are doing the best we can to keep going forward. God Bless you all and hugs and kisses to Teddy.
06-27-2014, 07:13 PM
Thanks Patti, Teddy has been down again, up and down, we don't know if it is the beginning of the end or not, My husbands heart is not good, all 4 valves are leaking slightly and one muscle is enlarged due to the heart being over worked, they have told him to loose weight, I am ill with my 21 illnesses, and my mum is in a care home with dementia as you know, and I see her weekly, and I am helping her through it, it is awful, she doesn't recognize people and can't make sense of anything, I didn't go last week I was too ill, and then my son was made redundant after 13 years in his job, so it has all been going on, one thing after the other, It has been like this for 3 years, but we keep going. You have to Patti, Teddy needs up too bless him.
Kisses to you and Tipper xxx
06-27-2014, 08:29 PM
glad that tipper has had 2 dry days in a row!
hope there will be more of those days.
the dogs are begging to go out for the last time tonight, so i wish you all a good night sleep!
06-28-2014, 08:45 AM
Hi Everyone:
Well we had a good nite here with no problems and Tipper went in the closet and slept. It is a nice morning, but already steamy hot and lots of dew and mosquitoes out. The dogs have walked and Tipper is resting and I am washing linens and doing some small stuff. It is too hot and humid for Tipper to go back out so I will play some games with her inside today. It is a shame that it is going to be July and all we have had is rain. Some of my plants never did bloom. I am washing linens because Tipper did something yesterday she has never ever done in her life. I keep Elvis covered with a cage cover. Sometimes before I fold it up and put it away for the day, I lay it on the end of the love seat. I saw Lucky sit on it a few times to smell Elvis's scent. Well yesterday when I was not looking Tipper got on the loveseat and must have smelled Lucky on from sitting on Elvis's cover, and she peed on it!!! She hates Lucky, but has never done anything like this. Last nite I went to put the cover on Elvis and it was soaked and I thought what the heck? I smelled it and it was pee. I was so upset with Tipper and she sat in front of me while I asked her did you do this? She turned her head to the side and would not make eye contact, then she marched off to the bedroom and turned her back on me like it wasn't me I don't know what you are talking about. This morning when she saw it is the laundry she looked at me and just looked the other way again like she knew nothing about it!!. I cannot believe she did this. I don't think she can believe she did either!! What a stinker. So I decided to wash linens too while doing this cover. Better be the last time for this crap! I knew it was not Toby as he is too little to get up on the furniture. Good thing because he goes in the yard and pees everywhere Tipper peed? So if he would have smelled it he might have peed on top of hers!! Better be the last time, as Tipper has never peed in the house, ever. Even when she drank gallons of water she always went out. Ok that my little excitement for the day. Blessings
06-28-2014, 09:17 AM
They do strange things some times! I'm so glad Tipper has had some good calm days. The bottom fell out here last night around 10:30 and Tanzee freaked out. She was in the bed shaking all over. Made me think of my Tia... I tried not to make a big deal out of it and she finally came and laid beside me under the covers. I'm hoping this will be the last.
Have a good weekend.
06-28-2014, 10:03 AM
That has to be making you a nervous wreck as you do not want another dog scared like that. You know I read somewhere that it can be from there breeding too! It is not necessarily an episode of something that would scare them. I pray this does not continue as I know what you have been thru. Blessings
06-28-2014, 01:13 PM
Dear Patti
Just checking in on you and Tipper. When they are made they sure let us know:eek:
Hugs Sonja and Angel Apollo
Thank you for comforting so many.
06-28-2014, 08:10 PM
Hi Everyone:
Tipper and Toby had a good day, not too much outside though as it is like 90
outside now. Tipper really can't even stay out longer than going potty or she really pants. Thank God for air conditioning or she would be really having a tough time. She has not been on her antihistamine for days and she is not making any congested noises, or swallowing all the time like she was. It had to be allergies, and whatever it was is not affecting her right now. That is one less pill I have to give her. Although she is eating the same amount of food every day she seems heavier this week, I need to get her weighed on Wednesday when she gets Adequan. I guess I am living in my bubble again, and praying we can go on like this forever. It is nice not having any appointments to run to for a few days.
We just did indoor things today and will have to be in most of next week as it willbe 90s and above,
Sonja thank you for checking in on my girl, I appreciate all the help you give me.
06-29-2014, 08:34 AM
Hi Everyone:
We woke up to a slow steady rain. Tipper is fine with that, and even walked when it stopped for a while. So many mosquitoes out in this wet weather though, I am always looking down at my dogs to make sure there are none around them. At least we got one walk in even if it does rain all day. Just as I typed that the sun came peeking thru! Well I do an exam on these critters every week and found a small lump a little bigger than an eraser on Toby on top of his hind quarter. Tried to get a good look at it, but he is like a live wire constantly moving. I hope this is not going to start with him now!! I will have to get my vet to take a look at it and see what he thinks. Never a dull moment here. It is very hot and humid here so we may not be out the rest of the day. I will have to entertain Tipper inside. I spoke with Delora and no one has come to visit her for a week since her son went on vacation. All the grandchildren never showed up! Not surprising since they never came to her house in 7 years! I will take Toby tomorrow and go visit with her. I will have to have the dog sitter for Tipper, maybe I can get some shopping done quickly that I need to do also. I will have to bring Toby home and drop him off first. Tipper's eyes were good this morning no mucous so I am happy she can breathe easier and that gunk is not in her eyes. She is letting me trim her feet a little at a time if I hold her paw in my hand and promise her a treat, really a piece of her kibble! Hope everyone has a good Sunday with their babies. Blessings
06-29-2014, 09:26 AM
Good morning Patti.
It is hot has heck here too. 94 yesterday, but no more rain. Thank goodness. Glad Tipper is doing so good.
I think it was more the fire works because Tanzee had to be forced to go outside yesterday to do her business. Then like clock work the crazy neighbor got the fire works out again last night. Fire works are ok, but these are commercial grade fire works. They can shake our house and he is three houses downs from us. A lady in the neighborhood walked over and asked him to stop because she has a 2 month old baby that is trying to sleep. He cussed her and as she turned to leave her lit another one. That's when Sammy blew a fuse. They got into it and told Sammy to come on in his yard and he's beat his a**. Sammy stood in the road and called him out where it would be "legal for them both", but the guy just stood in his yard and cussed Sammy. We don't live in the City limits, so the cops wouldn't even come out. We have a state trooper that lives behind us and a deputy sheriff that lives down the street and neither one would come say anything to this guy.
Well, enough of "my crazy life"!!! Have a good day.
06-29-2014, 10:27 AM
Poor excuse for a neighbor. How awful when he is being told it is disturbing a baby. keep Sammy away from this nut case. You hear these wackos with guns on the news and since he is so cowardly standing in his yard cussing at people, I would not put something like this past him. Too bad the Sheriff did not step up and help when it was needed, that's how conflicts arise. You can only take so much. I would be crazy too if someone was doing something to my Tipper that was making her go into a panic. Those commercial fire works are only for licensed individuals, does he have a license to set them off. Maybe that is the way to stop him? Poor Tanzee and poor you it must be like a nightmare all over again with a dog in a panic state. I hope it stops and that you get better weather. This is no weather for dogs yet alone Cush dogs!! Blessings
06-29-2014, 06:56 PM
Hi Everyone:
Well my Tipper is in the closet. I kept watching the weather and finally l looked at the sky and got her meds in her I hope in time. It was about 20 minutes after I gave it to her the thunder and lightening started. it did not help that Toby started to bark again. She had a really good day, and kept bringing her ball to me and playing, so she just basically stayed in side away from the heat. I tried to get a good look at that lump on Toby's back side but could not really see anything. I swear it feels like the ones Tipper gets, I sure hope not. Tipper must have had 20 removed so far during the years if not more. With the 8-9 she has now that is a lot. She is really prone to them on her neck for some reason. It is thundering away so I am glad I gave Tipper the valium as I was not going to until I watched the weather and saw the storms coming at us. Hope everyone stays safe as I see some nasty weather in places. Blessings
06-29-2014, 08:51 PM
migraine last night, so no forum visits for me.
i never had a dog with lumps, so i don't know anything about it.
it is a pity that the storms are back after a few dry days.
still no rain over here.
dark, hot and humid, but no rain................
06-30-2014, 07:53 AM
Hi Everyone:
Well the meds did the job for Tipper last nite. The only thing with giving them is I noticed she gets a real dry mouth and will not take a drink. There is nothing else I can do. This allows her to remain calm and that is all I wanted. This morning it is dark and foggy, sort of looks like London. We already walked and the bugs that are out make it miserable. They were biting my legs as I had shorts on, I could wear long pants, but I would be dying the whole time from the heat. In the early part of winter I still wear shorts. Just don't like to wear jeans all the time. Toby kept barking at the thunder rumbling last nite as Tipper was sleeping on the bed, until he started. I am caught up on most of my stuff so today is a rest day as this arthritis is in full swing. Blessings
I am so glad the meds help Tipper It is awesome really. We had horrible thunder and lightening in the middle of the night but no rain. I imagine we will have the same bugs as we finally had 85 degrees, it has been only in the high 60's. Everything here is so flooded, breeding ground for mosquitos.:eek::eek::eek::eek:
Hope you all have a wonderful day chasing bubbles:):):)
06-30-2014, 09:54 AM
Good morning Patti.
So happy Tipper is doing good. Tia also got dry mouth when taking her "storm meds" too. Her tongue ways stuck out a bit and would get really hard, so I would just wet it a little bit.
No fire works last night!! I hope he at least waits until the fourth to do it again. We can take the babies and leave the house for a while if he does it that night.
Take care.
06-30-2014, 12:08 PM
Oh what a terrible man if he continues to upset everyone. I will do that with Tipper then I knew her mouth seemed all dry and she has a hard time with her tongue like you said. I will have to ask the vet what about that drug causes that. It is dark here to day and we are to have storms all week. That is a good idea to take everyone away on the fourth, I would not give him the satisfaction of upsetting my dogs. Some people. Blessings
06-30-2014, 01:45 PM
Hi Everyone:
Well I just took Tipper outside and she put the brakes on and would not go out the door. I assume the barometric pressure is changing and she can feel we are in for a storm. There are so many bugs and gnats etc. from all this wet weather, they attack my legs as soon as I go outside. The top of my front porch in closed off and I saw some bees going in a hole, lots of bees. I looked up in there and they have a nest. I do not want them ruining the wood up there, so I plugged the hole shut. Now we will not be able to go on the porch for a while as they are all out there swarming and angry as they cannot get in to go to their hive. I definitely do not want Tipper stung as she is so allergic to everything, so she will not be out there until they make up their minds to relocate. I guess the queen is stuck up there in the nest, and I do not want to kill her, but that is all I can do. Tipper is having some heavy, noisy breathing today. I wonder if it is the humidity? It is very hot and humid out so I expect some thunder and lightening with this next storm. I just called and ordered more meds for Tipper as I do not want to run out and be caught with nothing. All I can say is I am so glad for air conditioning as Tipper could not make it without. Hope Sharlene is seeing some whales!! Blessings
06-30-2014, 07:27 PM
Hi Everyone:
Well Tipper is puzzling me today. She was acting kind of afraid of something, then went in the closet and stayed for a while. I thought maybe she was sensing the impending storm, it passed us, so don't know what the problem was. She was also doing some panting, don't know if it is nervous panting or when the air shuts off and she feels stuffy. She is also drinking more water than usual. Something's make me feel she is low, and then others that she is high. She is definitely giving me mixed signals. She has her ACTH soon so that will tell the tale. It is too stinking hot out for her, maybe that's what all this is about. Both dogs are passed out already. I could not go see Delora so I called to tell her I would come tomorrow, and the poor thing is having trouble hearing anything. I was screaming into the phone and she could not hear me. This will make things bad for her as I try to call her once a day as I know how lonely she is. I cannot run over there more than once a week because I must have someone watch Tipper. I will not be able to call her if she cannot hear. I feel bad for her, and I have always helped her out. Too bad she only had the one child, and he turned out to be her biggest nemesis. Blessings
06-30-2014, 08:38 PM
Hi Patti how are you doing, poor Delora, but as you say it isn't easy seeing her when you need someone to sit with Tipper, all these strorms sound awful. It is humid here but no storms, Teddy is doing OK. Like your dear sweet Tipper, they are both such fighters aren't they.
Hugs and Kisses to you both xxx
06-30-2014, 08:44 PM
i hope all the storms will pass you and that the temp. will drop.
maybe tipper misses her walks during the day and that makes her restless and makes her panting?
do you ever walk during night time?
i love it. but i was a bat in my former life i guess....
watch out for the bees when they are angry!
p.s. this is my 555th post!
07-01-2014, 08:28 AM
Do you have a lottery over there? If you do you should go play that number.
07-01-2014, 08:41 AM
Hi Everyone:
Don't know as I will make it today to see Delora if the weather turns bad before noon I will not go as I need the sitter here with Tipper, but never would I leave when a storm is coming. We are to get tornado weather according to the weatherman last nite. It is coming across from the west. I need to time Tipper's pill right. She seems on alert and ansy this morning maybe it is closer than thought. It is getting a little stuffy in the house so maybe that is why the panting. I am trying not to runt he air conditioner 24/7 as the bill will be astronomical, but need to keep her comfortable. She is so much more intolerant of the heat than last year even. I did walk them, but the humidity and heat is up to 90 something so she was not too comfy walking this morning. Tomorrow is Adequan day and blood pressure so that will take up the morning. I have to go do battle with that stupid ice maker again! Blessings
07-01-2014, 12:29 PM
Daisy was the same way with the heat and worse with humidity.
I'm sure that Tipper's problem.
You're very brave dealing with bees! I'm afraid of them.
I wonder why Deplorable is losing her hearing? Poor lady. Does her son even visit her?
Chloe's Mom
07-01-2014, 12:33 PM
Oh Patti,
We will cross all fingers and paws that you don't get tornado weather today. Poor Tipper - my stomach is in knots for her just thinking about it. Stay safe and we're hoping that Tipper rests comfortably through the storm with her pill and you by her side.
07-01-2014, 01:00 PM
Hi Everyone:
Well the village idiots here finally put up a notice that they are trying out the tornado siren instead of scaring everyone to death. Too bad the brains decided to try it on a day we are to have tornadoes!!! You have to love the real brains in this town. We I went to see Delora, and she was just sitting all alone in her room in the rocking chair looking out the window. She could barely hear me, her ears are bad again, I was yelling across the room so she could hear me. Then her granddaughter shows up the one that was supposed to be coming every day for a week and a half now. She gave me a real sour look and so I gave her one right back. I spoke to her little girl and said hello, but got no reply. The son has just poisoned all of their minds having them think all the neighbors from here are bad. I told Delora I was going to leave them alone and go so I told Delora goodbye and said nothing to the granddaughter. When I came out the weather was looking bad, I think this is to come around 5 o'clock so I need to get my animal carriers ready before hand. I am hoping we do not have tornadoes again. This year has been very scary. Blessings
07-01-2014, 01:09 PM
Patti...are you sure you don't live in KY? :eek:
07-01-2014, 01:31 PM
Hi Everyone:
Well we had a good nite here with no problems and Tipper went in the closet and slept. It is a nice morning, but already steamy hot and lots of dew and mosquitoes out. The dogs have walked and Tipper is resting and I am washing linens and doing some small stuff. It is too hot and humid for Tipper to go back out so I will play some games with her inside today. It is a shame that it is going to be July and all we have had is rain. Some of my plants never did bloom. I am washing linens because Tipper did something yesterday she has never ever done in her life. I keep Elvis covered with a cage cover. Sometimes before I fold it up and put it away for the day, I lay it on the end of the love seat. I saw Lucky sit on it a few times to smell Elvis's scent. Well yesterday when I was not looking Tipper got on the loveseat and must have smelled Lucky on from sitting on Elvis's cover, and she peed on it!!! She hates Lucky, but has never done anything like this. Last nite I went to put the cover on Elvis and it was soaked and I thought what the heck? I smelled it and it was pee. I was so upset with Tipper and she sat in front of me while I asked her did you do this? She turned her head to the side and would not make eye contact, then she marched off to the bedroom and turned her back on me like it wasn't me I don't know what you are talking about. This morning when she saw it is the laundry she looked at me and just looked the other way again like she knew nothing about it!!. I cannot believe she did this. I don't think she can believe she did either!! What a stinker. So I decided to wash linens too while doing this cover. Better be the last time for this crap! I knew it was not Toby as he is too little to get up on the furniture. Good thing because he goes in the yard and pees everywhere Tipper peed? So if he would have smelled it he might have peed on top of hers!! Better be the last time, as Tipper has never peed in the house, ever. Even when she drank gallons of water she always went out. Ok that my little excitement for the day. Blessings
Haha! Aren't they the ones!? :eek: :D I took Eli out and a firecracker went off....and he headed right for the door, before peeing. He wouldn't budge for me! :( Then one of my neighbors that he likes in a wheelchair talked to him, and told me to shorten his leash.....and he walked out in the grass.....and peed with no problem. LOL Eli also does the same thing as Tipper..he sits on the porch first to checks things out....before he heads for the grass. LOL
07-01-2014, 07:33 PM
Hi Everyone:
Pretty quiet here tonite, I am hoping this terrible storm passes us. According to the latest weather it could miss us, maybe just some showers possibly. Tipper has been acting strange all day and panting a lot. Don't know what to think. I will see what she is like tomorrow. We have to be at the vets in the morning. I am not giving Tipper any meds for tonite, so I hope I am not sorry. I just don't want to keep giving them to her and risk adverse affects. I see the hurricanes are starting up so anyone in Florida stay safe. Blessings
molly muffin
07-01-2014, 07:58 PM
Well goodness, I come back and you are Still having awful weather! We were suppose to get it today but looks like it all passed us by, so I'm good with that as I had to leave molly home while we were out after picking her up at the vets this morning.
Oh poor Delora, she has a rough road with the family it sounds like. Good of you to visit with her.
Hope Tipper does okay tonight and whatever is causing her to be off, is just a passing thing. Do you think she is feeling the pressure changes with the storms?
Sharlene and molly muffin
07-01-2014, 08:35 PM
Do you think she is feeling the pressure changes with the storms?
i thought about that too.
hope the tornado weather passes you.
sounds scary.
we don't have tornado's over here.
but there is a heat wave coming our way, and it still has not rained yet.
have a safe trip tomorrow!
07-02-2014, 05:03 AM
Hi Patti how is Tipper & did you get a bad storm
07-02-2014, 05:45 AM
How is Tipper doing this morning?
molly muffin
07-02-2014, 08:08 AM
Hi Patti, just checking in to see if things are right now with Tipper this morning and hope she isn't still acting funny. Off to the vet this morning aren't you?
Sharlene and molly muffin
Good luck at the vets!!!!!
07-02-2014, 08:29 AM
Really! Good luck at the Vet's today! I hope you all had a good night! It stormed for a short period here and then moved on. a "cold" front is moving down from Canada (Thank you, Sharlene!) It's only supposed to be about 74 today and in the 80's the rest of this week! Woo hoo!! :D Maybe, it'll be nice for you too!
molly muffin
07-02-2014, 08:32 AM
You're welcome Jo Ann :) Hope that everyone gets some cool weather!! :)
Sharlene and molly muffin
07-02-2014, 12:28 PM
Hi Everyone:
Well I had quite the scare last nite. One of the rare nites I was sleeping good too! The tornado weather was supposed to pass us, but around 10pm we got a cell that drifted our way and brought lightening and thunder. At least the thunder was not real loud. I had not medicated Tipper as I thought it passed, she did stay in the closet, and no running in or out. I would not look in on her, but if she was in a panic she would run out to let me know and she didn't so I think she is handling this as well as can be expected. Then at 2am I wake up to the sound of vomiting. It scared me badly as I said Tipper has been giving mixed messages the last few days. I thought she went low from the stress of the storm and vomited. I jumped up only to trip across my cat Chance. He had come in my room to scare the day lights out of me and vomit a hairball!! Oh lordy I was so glad it was not Tipper. So after the cleanup I laid back down and was up the rest of the morning until I got out of bed. I am so tired and dragging today. At the vets I brought up about Tipper panting and drinking more water, and he also said because of all the variables going on it is hard to say if it is the humidity, storms or cortisol going up. Next week she gets her blood work, ACTH and Urine, so we will know for sure. Until then I am keeping a close eye on her. She panted a lot at the vets today too, probably stress induced. We also discussed the antibiotics with Tipper. He agreed she will never have Covenia and he may stop using as he said he heard a few things about it too. I said I prefer the antibiotics be oral since Cushings dogs kidneys are already under stress, and he said he thought that is an excellent idea. She will have the same antibiotic she had two weeks ago Simplicef I think the spelling is right. He said that is excellent to give her we know she has not a had a reaction to it and that is a big plus with her. So he was not put off by my research, but agreed with it, so that makes me feel at ease that she will not be getting the injections. He said it made perfect sense to him. He noted it on her chart also, and that she is never to have Covenia. I will remind them though right before her procedure to make 100% sure. I told him about the lump on Toby's back side and he said he would look at it. I said if I did not know any better I'd say these things are catchy and he laughed and said he has been hanging out with Tipper too long. Tipper must have had at least 30 removed so far when she was well. She has a real problem with them. He even had a dermatologist come to his office for certain patients and she saw Tipper and said they are not to be worried about, and could be from her parents. Today is another possible rain day it is dark and cloudy. They gave me a refill on Tipper's valium, and the vet said he is glad he gave it because the with the weather like it had been she could have really had some physical repercussions by now. I watch and I wait and I look at the sky, the computer, and the tv. That is all I can do in order not to be giving these to her when not absolutely necessary. So soon I will find out if Tipper's number has crept up. If it has I am really in between a rock and a hard place as she cannot have 30mg and she is on 27 now. So I may be giving her 28 or 29 if it comes down to it. We will see what happens. Blessings
Harley PoMMom
07-02-2014, 05:55 PM
Cats and their hairballs!!!:eek::eek::D Alex, my bad cat :p is always cleaning himself, he is such a clean freak!! After I pet him he has to lick that area clean of all my human cooties!!!
Hope you get a more restful sleep tonite.
Hugs, Lori
07-02-2014, 06:17 PM
So not a bad day at the vets for a change Patti. I'm so glad that he's finally listening to you.
Lori, cat cleaning off human cooties. Too funny.
07-02-2014, 07:05 PM
It's not bad enough that this cat cleans himself 24/7 he then goes and grooms Lucky. He must think Lucky is a slob! Normally he runs to my white, well used to be white rug in the livingroom and vomits there. I am not kidding, he could be all the way on the other side of the house and he runs to that rug. I keep some of it covered with a sheet at nite. It's either that or it will be ruined. Cat vomit has so much acid it just about ruins everything it gets on. It just got very dark and we had a heavy shower. Tipper went to my closet , I hope no thunder. Blessings
molly muffin
07-02-2014, 10:28 PM
Hi Patti, it sounds like things went well at the vets today. A good discussion with the vet even! Wow, you're on a roll.
Ugh, cat hair balls. There is no describing that sound they make, it would wake the devil himself I'm sure! hahahha
Sharlene and molly muffin
07-03-2014, 05:27 AM
Oh Patti what a to do, as we say here, you have been having, hope these awful storms will soon pass and you will get some peace from them. x
07-03-2014, 08:47 AM
Hi Everyone:
Well in case you have a cat prone to hairballs the vet told me use probiotics it helps. Than you Diane we are having a time with the weather and it is so dark right now and ready to come down. Last nite Tipper was on the bed sleeping and a hard rain started she waited a while and then went in the closet. It is humid again today and rain is not far off. I hope no thunder. Tipper has a habit now of running with abandon and not looking what she is about to hit into. Especially when she backs up, she does this continuously. She came running out of my room to eat breakfast and hit herself on the gate, which scared Elvis to death and he flapped feathers etc. all over the room!!. I am more worried about her hurting herself that anything. It is just the JRT that is how they are, they just fear nothing. Well except noise now!! Tipper has never been upset with fireworks and I bet money on it this year she gets worked up as everything has bothered her when it comes to noise. My neighbor makes fun of how she slinks around in the yard when it looks like it is going to rain. Until you have a dog afraid of noise you just can't understand how bad it is . I just smile when she says Tipper you are a big scaredy cat. I need a nice day without a lot of heat to tie both dogs in the garage where they can see me on the driveway and wash my car it is filthy. It has to be cool though for Tipper to sit in the garage. I hope this is not a storm with thunder and lightening coming I better check it out. Blessings
07-03-2014, 09:16 AM
Good morning Patti.
So glad the vet visit went well. The weather is so hot and muggy here too that I hate to even go outside. Tank and Tan do their business and run to the back door. They can't take much of it either.
The crazy fire works neighbor set off one last night. I guess just to let us know he's still there. Jackass! I can only imagine what the 4th is going to be like. We were going to take the boat out and watch them at the beach, but I'm not leaving the babies home alone. I think we'll take them with us on the boat. We'll be watching the fire works. but they will be in the distance and not too loud.
Hope the weather stays calm for Tipper. Have a good day.
07-03-2014, 11:27 AM
Hi Everyone:
I just finished my previous post and Tipper started into a vestibular episode. Worse than the others and again I tried to hold her, and her body was forcing her in circles. God all this stuff is inundating. This was the worst one so far and I was scared her head would not straighten up but it did. Her eyes were ok as I was watching them they were not going back and forth rapidly just normal. Thank God that is over with. Then I medicated her as I could see the storm coming, good thing as it poured again and wind thunder, but the thunder was only twice. She stayed in my office with me out in the open. She seemed a little on guard but not a panic. She went out potty afterwards too! She is drinking more and panting off and on today again. I will happy to see her numbers next week, I do not want any uncontrolled periods. She has enough damage from all this. I will try to clean up my office while she is in here with me. Blessings
Boriss McCall
07-03-2014, 01:39 PM
HI! hope the rain stops for Tipper. I will be crossing my fingers for good numbers. I know you will feel so much better when you get those.
07-03-2014, 03:27 PM
Hi Everyone:
I am keeping my Tipper close to me today and loving her, I am so upset about sweet Abby it is really a hard pill to swallow for Meg she is a wonderful girl. All I can do is pray for a miracle. Blessings
molly muffin
07-03-2014, 06:16 PM
Hope the storms aren't too bad and so glad to hear that Tipper came right from the episode. :( I wonder what set it off or if it just happens whenever.
Donna great idea on that boat ride with the furkids. I'm sure they'll be happier being with you anyway. :) Funky neighbors just are so annoying!
Sharlene and molly muffin
07-03-2014, 07:18 PM
Hi Everyone:
Got the cool breeze from our friends up north, so thank you from Tipper. It is threatening to rain for the 3rd time today. Tipper is snoozing and Toby is wiped out. I have Lucky who wants to type so if you see anything weird it was him. I had Tipper on the porch for a while and she enjoyed the cooler weather. Toby played with the bubbles and the cats enjoyed their ribbons I ran through the house and they chased it on the floor. Elvis was out and enjoying himself talking to the birds at the feeder. Tipper is drinking more, and panting a little, tonite she licked her legs real bad and has not done that in a while, and was as bit hungry. So I am hoping it is not what I am thinking that is creeping up! I guess I will put it away in Addy's drawer until next week when I know for sure. Blessings
07-03-2014, 08:12 PM
hopefully the fireworks will not bother tipper today.
maybe she is a bit stressed from not walking because of the heat outside.
those dreaded tests....., in my case i am happy that ignorance is bliss with ian.
as long as he is doing well of course.
hope you all can have a good night sleep.
molly muffin
07-03-2014, 08:27 PM
You're welcome Patti. We have the cooler weather here too. It's rather nice and even chilly this evening!
We huffed and puffed your way and towards the Netherlands for Iris. Not sure if I had enough oomph to get it that far though!!
Sharlene and molly muffin
07-04-2014, 08:08 AM
Hi Everyone:
Well it's a cool foggy start to the morning here. Tipper really like these temps. She is still licking her legs today so I would say we have a rise in cortisol. She fell asleep on the bed until the middle of the nite and got up and went in the closet. She was also doing that rapid shallow breathing that worries me. She got me up at 5:30 this morning as I gave her that pill yesterday and she must have slept too much. I called Delora and she could hear me this time. She said they think she has pneumonia and she has to have another transfusion. She said her son never called her yet! I am going to clean Tipper's hair up a bit and maybe if it is warm enough bathe the dogs. I just am hoping that I am not going to have to raise Tipper's dosage as she will have to be on 30mg and that makes her pre number go low. I may take the doggies for a ride later in the car. Blessings
Happy Fourth of July Patti!!!!
I hope this weekend brings your three dry days,no storms!!!!
Hopefully, Tipper's numbers wont be too far off. Maybe it is the weather and grass bothering her. We can hope:):):):):):):)
It is a cool morning here as well. Nice doggy walking weather!!!
07-04-2014, 10:13 AM
Happy July 4th!
So sorry Tipper had a vestibular episode. Tia never has those, I don't think. I'm going to Google them cause I'm not sure what they are. But, thankfully it's over.
I don't think Sharlene huffed and puffed enough, cause it's hot as heck here this morning! We haven't had a rain storm in over a week. But the crazy neighbor set off his fire works last night and sent Tanzee into a frenzy. It went on for over an hour. She was up and down, shaking uncontrollably and panting. Yep, tonight we will take them with us away from the house.
You and the kids try to have a good weekend.
07-04-2014, 10:47 AM
Hi Everyone:
I took the dogs to see the llamas. It was in the sun where you have to park so we could not stay long a s Tipper was panting a lot. It is cool outside and there is a nice breeze, but Tipper cannot take the sun no matter what. It's a shame as she used to like to lay in it. I made myself a BLT and haven't had one for a long time. it tasted really good. The dogs are inside resting now, and we will go on the porch later in the afternoon when the sun goes behind the house. I made the dogs frozen Kongs with greek yogurt for a treat later. Donna that neighbor of yours is one of those people that I question why they are still walking around upright. That is so disgusting to do to your neighbors and hurt their babies and kids, real big man! That is too bad he had to do that and set Tanzee into a being nervous. If you want to see the dogs with vestibular disease look on youtube they have videos of what happens. It is terrible to watch, the first episode I thought was a seizure as I was unfamiliar with it. Some how when she had her first two ACTH tests it put her into them right after on both tests. I woke up last nite with sciatica pain, it had been bothering me for about a week now. I used to get it off and on but never at nite and every nite to boot. It could be a certain way I am laying and it never starts until early morning. This morning I could barely walk or move my leg, the pain just shoots right up your butt cheek. I know TMI!! I am trying a new dish out today, twice baked potato salad. I 'll see how it is. Sharlene did you make the taco casserole yet?? Might be good for the pool party. Blessings
molly muffin
07-04-2014, 12:03 PM
I haven't made it yet Patti, but I printed it out. Had it in mind for tonight actually, but then hubs said he wanted regular tacos instead, so that is what I'll make.
Good idea though for a pool party. Good thinking. You know mini BLTs on those slider type buns could be good too. hmmm.. Just thinking outside the box on that one I like to make a lot of small finger stuff, then just put out cold salads on hot summer days.
Hope the fireworks aren't too bad in your area tonight. It's horrible what Donna is going through with their neighbor!
Sharlene and molly muffin
07-04-2014, 01:20 PM
Sounds great good idea mini BLT's my kind of stuff!! Enjoy your weekend. Blessings
07-04-2014, 05:59 PM
We huffed and puffed your way and towards the Netherlands for Iris. Not sure if I had enough oomph to get it that far though!!
sorry sharlene, it did not reach us.
instead it is VERY hot and humid, of course no rain, it is not normal anymore!
i will send some dry weather to patti and want some cool and wet in return....
p.s what are BLT's?
molly muffin
07-04-2014, 06:35 PM
Sorry Iris. i did try. :(
BLT - bacon, lettuce, tomato, usually with mayo (miracle whip or mayonaise) on a bread, toasted.
Sharlene and molly muffin
07-05-2014, 10:36 AM
We had HLT's (ham) for dinner last night and I was just thinking this morning about frying up some bacon to make BLT's today!
It was quite when we got home last night, but that didn't last. He must have seen us and started up again at 10:30 to around midnight. Not a dang thing we can do about it either. Well, legally that is!! Tanzee was a nervous wreck. She wouldn't stay in the bed with us so she slept in the chair in our room. I guess I'm going to have to call the vet Monday for some of Tia's chill pills. It's a shame too. I cried cause it was just like having Tia there all over again.
It's already hot as heck this morning. My babies won't stay outside long. I know Tipper couldn't stand it either. I told Sammy I wanted one of the ceiling fans that has a mister attached to it to go on the back porch. Maybe that would cool things off a bit out there.
Well, gotta get to cleaning. Have a great weekend everyone.
Hi Patti,
I missed your post this morning. I hope you and the babies are ok. We actually made it through two days of no storms!!! Amazing feat!!!
Guess what? I took Koko to the kitchen cabinet hardware store. I just walked in with him and they did not say anything though one sales girl gave me a dirty look:rolleyes::D I just smiled sweetly back!!!:p:p:p
LOL, it was funny.
Hugs to you and Tipper.
My sweet Ginger
07-06-2014, 09:27 AM
Boy, Koko is getting around these days, isn't he? Patio dining, kitchen store... good for him and I bet he didn't give a hoot about the girl's dirty look as long as he is with his mama.:)
molly muffin
07-07-2014, 06:37 PM
Hi Patti, I just want to let you know that I hope that Tipper is doing okay and I know she is getting ready for her ACTH and her surgery. So, just know you are in our thoughts.
I agree Song, Koko is a regular little social butterfly! :) :)
Sharlene and molly muffin
My sweet Ginger
07-07-2014, 07:20 PM
Who knew? Lol.
Right? If we lived in France, I would take Koko everywhere, he is so good about it, who knew!!:D:D:D:D I'm always ready to test the boundaries:p I always told Zoe, well, we've been thrown out of better places than this!!!!:D:D:D:D:D:o
Hey Patti, seriously though, I know Tipper is getting ready for her acth test and her surgery, as Sharlene mentioned. I hope everything goes well.
We are all here thinking about you!!!
Budsters Mom
07-07-2014, 07:48 PM
Rosie has been to Lowe's, Home Depot, The Mall, Sprouts(Grocery Store) Vons, The bank, Petco, Petsmart, Patio Dining, Walmart, Target and a few other places.
Buddy used to go a lot. He was easy to sneak in. He was very quiet and still. The perfect gentlemen. Of course, we didn't look at lizards in pet stores. :D Rosie is much more opinionated and wiggly. She is pretty well behaved though.
Patti - Thinking of you and sweet Tipper and sending wellness thoughts your way.
07-07-2014, 09:33 PM
Praying for you and Tipper.
Hugs Sonja and Angel Apollo
07-07-2014, 09:40 PM
Just popping in to wish Tipper well with the ACTH test - hope all is OK.
Your neighbour sounds awful Donna - I never understand why people deliberately go out of their way to make things difficult for others.
This afternoon I watched two teenage girls dump a rubbish / trash bag in our neighbour's bushes. He popped over to ask about it - sounds like they were trying to hide the remains of a secret party as it was full of empty bottles and other party stuff!!
Henry said he wants to go more places - so far he's only managed Petsmart, Petco, True Value and Tractor Supply - he loves the hardware shops as the employees and customers always make a big fuss of him.
07-07-2014, 11:57 PM
Patti, thinking of you and your babies tonight as we're getting off and on thunderstorms. It was oppressively humid today. I didn't leave the house until after 4:30pm and only because I needed kitty litter.
Chloe's Mom
07-08-2014, 06:37 PM
Best of luck with Tipper's ACTH test tomorrow. I hope you'll come back and let us know how you and Tipper are doing. Please, pretty please???:D
07-08-2014, 08:56 PM
I'm hoping that your being MIA is because you are exhausted and resting from the trip to the vet and that nothing is wrong.
Hugs to you, Tipper and the gang.
Patti, it's so unlike you to be away for so long, is everything ok? I am worried about Tipper, please let us know how you guys are doing?
Chloe's Mom
07-10-2014, 12:29 PM
Hugs to you and Tipper. Please let us know how the ACTH test went and Tipper's results when they come in.:)
07-10-2014, 04:07 PM
Still catching up on everyone's posts. Hoping all is okay with Tipper and with you. Did Tipper already have the acth? Are you waiting on results now? Keeping my fingers crossed that you have good numbers.
Thinking of you--
Budsters Mom
07-13-2014, 01:12 AM
Starting to get a little worried Patti. :o It's been a while since we've heard from you. I hope all is okay. Hugs,
Chloe's Mom
07-13-2014, 09:28 AM
Starting to get a little worried Patti. :o It's been a while since we've heard from you. I hope all is okay. Hugs,
^^^yeah, me too. Please let us know how you and Tipper are doing???
07-13-2014, 05:51 PM
you can send her a pm and she will answer that.
07-14-2014, 08:00 AM
Keeping you up on top....don't want to lose you in the bog. You and Tipper are missed. :(
07-14-2014, 11:13 AM
I have followed Patti's posts a bit, and was wondering & did a search, so this might explain. She did post her email address, but I think was advised to take it off. Hope things are okay. :)
Chloe's Mom
07-15-2014, 07:12 PM
Thinking about you and Tipper. Please check in and let us know how you both are doing. :confused:
07-18-2014, 03:01 PM
Thinking of you gf! Hope Tipper's pancreatitis is resolved quickly with meds, and that there is no change in her tumor!
Huggs, my friend!
07-19-2014, 08:11 AM
Patti and Tipper come home! We miss you! :(
Chloe's Mom
07-20-2014, 12:28 PM
Patti and Tipper come home! We miss you! :(
molly muffin
07-20-2014, 10:35 PM
I hope that Tipper is recovery from the pancreatis. I know you must be very worried.
Take care,
Sharlene and molly muffin
07-21-2014, 09:08 PM
How are things going? This week is ultrasound, if i remember correctly! Please let us know how Tipper is doing!
Chloe's Mom
07-23-2014, 04:25 PM
How are things going? This week is ultrasound, if i remember correctly! Please let us know how Tipper is doing!
^^YES!!^^ Please let us know how Tipper's U/S came out. Hugs to you and Tipper. We miss you here.
07-23-2014, 04:28 PM
Keeping you in thought and prayer Patti. I hope all is well with you and Tipper.
07-26-2014, 10:21 PM
Thinking of you and Tipper.
Hope all is well.
Loving hugs to you both.
07-27-2014, 12:03 PM
Tipper's tumor has grown. Patti is trying to find a surgeon. Gall bladder is having issues too from sludge! Please keep them in your thoughts & prayers!
molly muffin
07-27-2014, 12:24 PM
Hi Patti,
I am going to post here on your thread what I sent you earlier, as someone reading Tippers thread, looking for their own answers to the same questions, might want to know where one goes from this point.
This is a link about laparoscopic adrenalectomy in dogs.
I understand that using miotane is no guarantee and that it is very risky to proceed to try and kill off the glands.
Do you know if the tumor is secreting? Have you discussed doing an endogenous ACTH, which is suppose to differentiate between which is causing the cushings. If that is possible once trilostane is started, I'm unsure on that point.
I think that you would have to find a surgeon who has done many of these via laparoscopic, find out if Tipper is even a candidate and then what the prognosis is for lifespan if everything goes okay.
The sludge is likely going to have to be addressed first, as that might be a hindrance to any surgery, so are they upping her medication or what for that?
Next I'd ask the IMS, about prognosis if you do nothing. How fast will the tumor continue to grow, what is life prognosis and then you have to consider what you are told about both and evaluate which will give Tipper the best chance for longevity.
I'll be honest Patti, because you already know this, but there is no easy answer here, there are only considerations and choices to be made for what will give Tipper the best chance for a good quality life, however long that may be.
I too worry that molly's tumor will grow and how fast and what to do if that occurs and if her sludge gets any worse. You are just several steps ahead of me on this journey. For now she is good, but no one knows what the future will hold.
hang in there
Sharlene and molly muffin
Chloe's Mom
07-27-2014, 10:39 PM
Thinking of you and Tipper. We miss you, and hope that you find the right course of treatment for your little bundle of love.
07-31-2014, 08:52 PM
I sent you a visitor's message.
08-02-2014, 10:38 PM
This thread is closed for any further posting as owner/member is no longer actively posting here.
08-04-2014, 10:00 AM
We Administrators have received some questions as to why Tipper's thread has been closed at this time. Our reasoning is that, due to Patti's decision to leave the forum for the time being, her thread was becoming a source of worrisome unverified speculation as to what is going on with her and Tipper. We know that many people are very concerned about them and want to wish them both the best. But for the protection of Patti's privacy and accuracy of information, we believe that future updates on Tipper's thread need to come from her personally should she choose to return.
In the meantime, all of Tipper's past history and experiences remain available for reading, as always.
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