View Full Version : Tipper - adrenal tumor/breathing issues
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05-13-2014, 11:51 AM
Hi Everyone:
I am home!!! Thanks for watching over me. Last nite was the worst nite ever since we lived here.. The thunder was relentless. Huge booms that shook the house and get booming and shaking the house for what seemed like hours. I had given Tipper some storm meds before bed. The first low rumbles she slept through, and then they increased in intensity and got louder. Toby barked at one loud one, woke up Tipper unfortunately, and she ran to the closet. It did this all nite long until I got up at 345am! I did not want to go to the closet because Tipper would!d get anxious, so I got ready in the bathroom, left the lights out in my room and left her in the closet. The sitter came last nite and was in the spade bedroom. I just quietly left, but was afraid that something happened to Tipper, so as soon as I knew they were up , I called home to check her. I hope this did no damage to her eyes! We are supposed to get it again today. I saw my Dr. And he is referring me to a pain management Dr.near me. The bad part is my mammogram is due again, and there is no way I can do it I would be screaming. When my Drmy Dr. Listened to my chest, just him touching me there made me want to scream. I also have to go for an echo cardiogram. I am a so tired from all this traveling. I took my boots and camera and went to the cemetery where my best friend is. Would you believe I drove there and the huge gates were locked, so I could not get in to see where she was, I was very upset about this all he way
home, as I needed to see where she was laid to rest. This cemetery is usually open so I don't know why it was locked, most don't even have gates. I hope my Tipper never has to suffer through a note like last nite ever again. I am praying it does not start today as she will have a nervous breakdown. Blessings
05-13-2014, 05:52 PM
Oh geez here we go again, the weather said these storms will be here until Thursday. We are to get one after 800pm . I have some meds ready for Tipper God I hope she does nt have another nite like last nite. My neighbor told me that is the worst thunder he ever heard here. I have made the final arrangements for Deloras cat with the lady getting her, so she will be gone tomorrow. I have been crying about it, as Delora said to me last nite, I miss my cat and I know she is happy if she is with you. I feel like I am betraying her trust, but I feel it is necessary because I do not want her to be hurt by anything else, as her son has done enough. I have a hard time sending an animal to another home, and this is very sad for me. I took some nice pictures of her and blew one up on the computer for Delora to put on her wall.God help us. Blessings
molly muffin
05-13-2014, 06:06 PM
Oh geezz, seems the storms will never stop doesn't it. That is scary the ones you had last night. That kind of thunder gives one the heebeejeebees. I have a friend out in the dessert in California, who told me they are having the worst wind/dust storms she's ever seen in her 20 years of living out there.
Hopefully Tipper and you will be okay and not stress too much with the herbs. You have to be careful not to project your fears for her, as she will know you are worried and scared. I know you know that but calm is important for both of you.
That is a good idea about the picture for Delora. I'm sure she misses her cat very much.
Sharlene and molly muffin
05-13-2014, 08:06 PM
that weather sounds terrible......but unfortunately you can not do anything about it.
can't your vet make an exception for this terrible days and give her some real seditives?
normally one would not be happy about it, but you really wish she would be hard of hearing or even deaf in her old age.................maybe that would help her.
and like sharlene said, stay calm or at least act to stay calm, dogs will copy that behavior.
i don't think it will do delora any good to know that her cat is replaced.
i know you have found her a good home, and fooling delora is the best thing you can do.
i once inherited a cat from a client whom i worked with for 10 years.
she was everything to him, but she was too afraid of my dogs, so i had to replace her too [to a very good home]. i never told him and he died thinking she was with me for the rest of her life.
it gave him the peace he needed, and so it will comfort delora.
so you and i did not have an other choice.
05-13-2014, 09:56 PM
I agree, Delora's cat is in a good home and that is most important. Why worry her to tell her that she isn't with you? That would do no good.
I'm so sorry about the storms and how they scare Tipper. That would upset me too. I wonder if she senses your stress as well and that heightens her fear?
Please take care of yourself too Patti. We can't control everything. If we could, Cushings wouldn't exist. Hugs.
05-13-2014, 11:33 PM
Hi Patti,
I just saw this article by Dr. Karen Becker on facebook and thought you might find something you haven't tried for Tipper's anxiety during thunderstorms.
05-14-2014, 09:00 AM
Hi Everyone:
Well that last two days Tipper has been panting and I am attributing it to the storms making her cortisol shoot up. She seems fine right now event though it is hot and humid. They are to be gone tomorrow so thank the Lord for that. She has walked this morning and did fine. We were to have thunder last nite so I gave her meds before bed time. She was sleeping nicely on the bed when Toby decided to bark at something. She got up and never looked to see what it was and ran straight to the closet. I was so mad at him she was doing really well. I am having to make an appointment with a pain management place today as it may take me a while to get in with a specialist. Delora's cat leaves today at 3pm. I tried to no avail to get my neighbor to keep her, as it makes me cry thinking of doing this to her, but he would not do it. I am hoping the lady gives her a wonderful home as she will be scared for a while with no familiar faces. I still miss Grace, she was wonderful. I need to catch up on things here today, and Tipper's chicken order is in so I need to go and pick it up. I hate even the thought of getting back in the car. I am going to tell the pain Dr. about my knee and see if he can help with that too. Blessings
05-14-2014, 06:23 PM
Hi Everyone:
Can you believe another storm and thunder!!! I medicated Tipper she ran in the closet. We just cannot keep this up. I am really getting concerned for her and her eyes. Toby could care less what it is doing! I am going to see if she will come out for food.
molly muffin
05-14-2014, 07:02 PM
We're having thunder here now and molly is having the shakes and restless.
Sometimes she is under my feet and chair, other times she is pacing around. We haven't had That much thunder but just a couple is enough to set her off. First time really this year that we've had the thunder. I am currently, ignoring her, other than to talk to her in a patient voice, continue on my normal routine. She can go behind the couch if she wants, the tv is on loudly in the living room so I might go in there in a bit. I think she will settle if I don't react to the thunder or to her shaking. (I read the article that Glynda posted) and I'm definitely not saying, it's okay, it's okay as that reenforces the fear. (according to the article). So, I'm giving it all a whirl and will let you know how things go. If she just does this for a bit and then settles down, I'm going to call it a win.
Hope that you and Tipper get through the storms okay.
sharlene and molly muffin
05-14-2014, 08:05 PM
Hi Everyone:
I got her out of the closet with treats. She is shaking like she's going to have a breakdown. I think the meds are helping her to cope some what. I just keep talking and walking around and acting like nothing is wrong. If it goes away soon she will be ok. I am worried about damage from this however. She is panting again really a lot. I am ignoring her and talking to Toby. As long as Toby does not bark and start her up we are ok. She is laying on the bed listening to the rumbles of thunder, which is a huge improvement, she has never done this. I hope it just calms down and she falls asleep. Blessings
05-14-2014, 08:51 PM
i am so glad that my dogs are like toby and don't mind thunderstorms.
they sometimes bark a few times when the thunder is really hard and there is a lot of lightning, but since i am fascinated by it [mad, i know] and i am the pack leader, they copy my behavior.
same as fireworks etc. they even want to catch it.............
i did wrong by comforting my first dog and she got very scared of anything.
i bought a very stable shepherd who was not scared of anything and she began to copy his behavior.
i've learned a lot from this.
did you like the woman that collected delora's cat? i hope so. that would be one thing less to worry about.
hope toby will keep his mouth shut tonight, so you and tipper will have a quiet night.
molly muffin
05-14-2014, 08:59 PM
It worked for Molly. I talked to her exactly as I do normally. Kind of silly. Aww who loves Molly and rubbed her ears in a playful manner. Nothing to acknowledge her fear. She stopped shaking and she rolled over on her back belly up and went to sleep.
Cross fingers. It probably wouldn't work if too bad but I will try.
Hugs sharlene and Molly muffin
05-14-2014, 09:04 PM
I'm sorry to read about Tipper's storm fear. Pansy was very sound-reactive (I once tried clicker training and 'charging' the clicker only taught her to be afraid of taking treats from me) and 4th of July was the worst time of year for us. Here's what I tried over the years, in case there's anything on here you haven't yet:
-soothing her
-ignoring her fear/behaving as if nothing unusual was happening
-crating her in a dark room with a blanket over the crate
-crating her in a bright room
-putting a loud stereo on to drown out the noise (this probably had the best results of anything I tried, but may not be practical for long overnight storms)
-rescue remedy
I wanted so badly to help her but nothing really cut her panic significantly - she would just pace, pant, and shake like a leaf regardless of my behavior. I also tried having people over to shift the focus from her, no difference. Once I had to lift the bed off her - boxers don't really fit under the bed but somehow she wedged herself in there. The vet did prescribe some doggie valium at one point but as her health was already declining I was afraid to use it. The only silver lining in her health problems was that the hearing loss significantly reduced her ability to hear the fireworks, so our last 4th of July was relatively drama-free.
I really hope you can find something that makes this less stressful for both of you.
05-14-2014, 09:08 PM
i am happy it worked for molly! you can support them, but never reward their fears.
after my first dog, i always act like a stable pack leader and it really worked. they do copy my behavior.
so no more frantic doggies.
05-15-2014, 07:37 AM
Hi Everyone:
I got Tipper out of the closet and she laid on the bed listening to the low rumbles. She was ok with that and has never been. I just keep talking aloud as I would in the day time and did not change my voice tone. She was doing good and Toby started to bark. Up she went and in the closet. In and out running and looking at me in a panic mode and panting with water dripping off her. This went on for most of the nite. I have been up all nite. She is worn out this morning and I am afraid of what this has done to her eyes. There is little you can do to stop Toby from barking at thunder so it was a heck of a nite again. I believe Tipper must have inherited this as before 8-9 years old this never happened and there was never an incident that scared her into this. The article that Glynda sent me said it can be inherited. I just saw the news and it said maybe three four more days of this! She will never make it thru that. I am going to make the herb mixture over today and make it stronger as the vet said and maybe that will knock her out a while. This is terrible to live like this and people wonder why I like winter????? I called the lady that took Delora's cat last nite. She said the cat is running all over the house and down the basement, something she was not allowed to do at Delora's. She said she was going to rename her precious and thought she was so adorable. Hope all goes well there and she has a great home. This woman has money and a beautiful home so she will have it good. I hope all of you saw the cat on TV that beat up the dog that was attacking the little boy at the cats house. It was miraculous. the dog pulled the 4 year old off his bike and was biting him, and the cat came out of no where and flew in the air at the dog, the shocked dog ran, and the cat ran after him chasing him away. It was caught on the families surveillance camera!! The boy got stitches and the dog must be destroyed. I have to go get Tipper's chicken they have it ready so I can run in and out of the store as she will be with me. I will post later unless I fall asleep first! Blessings
05-15-2014, 12:04 PM
Hi Everyone:
Tipper is taking a much deserved nap. I have the stronger herbs brewed and ready as more bad weather is to come soon. I forgot during all these storms when I went to take her potty the other nite she had a vestibular episode. I swear
this baby cannot catch a break. I can hear low faint rumbles of thunder.Normally this would be enough to send her tto the closet but she is handling it for now. I went and got her chicken. Hope it lasts for a year for what it costs! It is getting very dark here so I guess we are getting another round soon. I am resting today as this has worn me down too with mlittle sleep. I keep thinking of poor Deloras car and praying it forgives me for having to do this. My neighbor man is so happy she is gone I could just slap him one. I just don't get some people, so now he sits there alone again, just seems stupid to me! I am waiting to get a call back from the pain Dr. I sure hope he can do a nerve block on this, I need this gone like yesterday. Tipper has been panting off and on, but I think it is her nerves and the cortisol soaring when she gets frightened. She just woke up to a rumble and her little ears are rotating like an antannae so she is on alert again. Blessings
molly muffin
05-15-2014, 04:07 PM
Sorry to hear that Tipper didn't make it through the night with the herbs. Hopefully stronger will do the trick.
I'm sure Delora's cat will love being spoiled and having a big home to roam around in. As long as she is loved and treated well, she will likely be very happy.
Hope the storms aren't bad. We're just having rain, no thunder and molly isn't phased by the rain it seems.
Sharlene and molly muffin
05-15-2014, 06:28 PM
Could it be Tipper senses your anxiety and ''reacts'' by being even more scared?
I've found ignoring ''bad/unwanted'' behavior does more wonders than ''caring''(<rewarding with attention) for it...
05-15-2014, 09:02 PM
i've had an -epileptic!- dog like this too, so i was very worried about her health during storms/fireworks etc..
a "dogwhisperer"' has given me very useful tips by then and i will tell you what those tips are;
-stay in bed during the storms. show normal behavior during the night. if you set an example she will follow it.
when you -as the packleader- go out of bed and pacing too and paying attention to her, you are confirming her fear.
storm-packleader on high alert-dog on high alert- and you are reinforcing each others fears.
open the closet, so she can seek comfort there, but try to totally ignore her fear.
we do not realize it at first, but by paying extra attention to them [even talking] during this state of anxiety-and even observing them is also paying attention-we show them that we are worried about them and the dogs know there is something wrong.
what they need is a very stable pack leader to show them there is nothing to be afraid of.
i know this is very difficult to do, but it really worked in the end with my dog.
at least no more panicking.
05-15-2014, 10:51 PM
Hi Patti,
Trying to catch up on posts tonight. Had to get my daughter home from college so the last couple of days I didn't have a minute to log on. I was thinking of you when I've seen the weather these last few days. I'm so sorry Tipper has had to deal with the thunder and lightning. I spoke to my friend in Pittsburgh today and she said it was pouring like crazy. We're getting that tomorrow. I really hope Tipper does okay and that if you do get some bad storms that they pass quickly. Sounds like you all need a good night's sleep tonight.
05-16-2014, 08:51 AM
Hi Everyone:
Well the hard rain started last nite and Tipper started. She is associating the rain now with the thunder. I just ignore her and go about my business. This kills me inside though watching her struggle and be so petrified. I never show her my emotions as I know she will feed off of them. I am however very concerned what this is doing to her. I ordered the Bach Remedy as I previously mentioned and hope it comes soon. Since the Cush dogs are not to have alcohol, I finally found the new formula that has none. I will test it on her skin first as I do not need an allergic reaction since it is mostly flower ingredients. She is sleeping now and walked already this morning. It is dark and drizzling. I am getting ready to build an Ark and have a few sets of animals already to go on it! I did not sleep well last nite as Tipper wondered about and panted, ripped the covers out of her crate, and kept jumping on and off the bed. This is really wearing us both down. I just want some sunny cooler weather for her to calm down with. This has been the worst spring ever for her. I pray this has not affected her eyes, or anything else. She seems controlled on this dosage so I am trying not to take her for testing for a while as she has had enough. Blessings
Angelique (Maya's Mommy)
05-16-2014, 11:27 AM
I haven't gone through all the posts on your thread since it's pretty much a novel but I was wondering if you had heard of a Thundershirt. They are about $40 and use acupressure to calm down doggies that are afraid of thunder. It helped my friends dog immensely and also the Bach Flower Rescue Remedy is very effective. I give that to my pups before vet visits and grooming. Hope your doggie is doing well today. Blessings to you both.
05-16-2014, 11:38 AM
Yes we have two thundershirts here, they do not help her. I am going to try the Bach Remedy as soon as it comes. Thank you for offering your help she has been really crazy from storms for four days. Blessings
05-16-2014, 09:05 PM
how is the weather forecast for the next days?
is it any better?
seems like the weather is off everywhere.
we get tropical temp. next week with very sticky nights, and it is only may!
also a warning for thunderstorms because of that.
maybe you should drink something from tippers herbal drink too to have a good night sleep........
05-17-2014, 08:12 AM
Hi Everyone:
Well go figure as soon as I turn the furnace off and put the sir on for Tipper we get freezing temperatures. I saw on the news it snowed some where this morning. It is sprinkling out today and over cast with some showers expected, but not thunder thank God. Tipper is getting a much deserved break. She even walked in the sprinkles this morning without becoming rattled. I am hoping the Bach Remedy is here by Monday so I can see if she is allergic to it. She has been having trachea issues so I am glad I switched to every two weeks on the Adequan as she will get one Wednesday and she needs it. I don't think it will ever be possible to stop it the way her trachea is so she will have to take them forever. She has been snorting a lot like a pig and having some honking episodes too. She did sleep ok last nite and was up a few times trying to clear her throat. I talked to the lady again that has Delora's cat. She is in a much better position to care for this cat than Delora ever was. This woman has money and will be able to afford a vet if something happens. The cat has a whole huge ranch house to run in the basement and everything. She also has a big bay window in the living room to watch the birds which is her favorite thing to do. She will be better off as this lady seems to be in decent health and ahs a daughter living a few streets over that can care for the cat if something should come up. I feel good about her situation now, even though I am sad at never seeing her again. It makes me realize how bad off Delora really is. I called her last nite and she said they are making her stay in bed because she almost fainted a few times and started throwing up. I must got to see her as I don't think she has long to be her, and I will take her the picture of her cat I made on the computer for her. She still thinks she is coming home so she keeps trying to get herself stronger in therapy. She asked me about the cat and I have a hard time lying about it , but have to do what is best for her. Blessings
05-17-2014, 06:56 PM
Hi everyone:
A lazy day for the doggies, they walked three times. We did have rain but no thunder. Everything was going well, and I decided to melt some caramel in the microwave for a recipe. I was not paying attention and it burns easily. I never smelled anything so bad, and it set the smoke alarms off at which point Tipper almost has a breakdown. I had to open all the windows and it is freezing here today. It took so long to get the smoke out, you can still smell the odor even though I used spray from so on it. This poor baby cannot get a break! It was cold in the house so I had to turn the furnace back on after all this cleaning!! I know one thing no more caramel in the microwave. These cooler temperatures are much better for Tipper. I hope she has a good sleep tonite and does not get up
and roam around. I am going to call Delora. Blessings
molly muffin
05-17-2014, 07:18 PM
Cold here today too so we are in and out with the garden stuff, which molly thinks is a real hoot!
Now I need to run to the store. *again!
Yikes, yep, have to watch those microwave melts, they go fast. Butter too as I use it to melt butter to pour over popcorn! LOL
Hope the smell clears out soon!
Sharlene and molly muffin
05-17-2014, 09:16 PM
glad, that delora's cat has found such a great home. that must be a relief.
i am sorry, that you had to clean the kitchen again.
my dogs do like the cooler weather too and so do i.
hope you will have a lazy sunday and a good night sleep.
05-17-2014, 10:37 PM
we had rain all last night and sun today. I went to the dachshund race and forgot that there was also a bobbing for hotdogs contest and a costume parade!
There is a way to share the Facebook album with people who are not FB members. I'll post the link once I remember how to do this again.
I cried when I got to the car though, I was thinking of how much fun Daisy would've had before Cushings if she'd been able to go with me today.
Where did you get the harness with ice pack? That would be a great thing for Daisy to have.
I'm glad that Delora's cat is liking her new home. One less thing for you to worry about, you can't take on everyone's problems my dear. I am sorry that Delora is declining and her son is still a huge piece of human waste.
05-17-2014, 10:46 PM
Wish I could channel some of the sun we've been getting here these days to all of you...
Nothing calms a dog down like a sleep under the sun...
05-18-2014, 08:11 AM
Hi Everyone:
Yes we all need sunshine we are all Vitamin D deprived right now! Tipper and Toby have already walked it is very cold and frost on the ground. I am going to spend time with my doggies today and maybe take them to see the Llamas. Tipper always enjoys that and I always wonder if she got loose what she would do with them? She is so snorty and making so many trachea noises the last week, she is really bad this morning. last nite she started licking her one leg for what seemed to be an hour, then started to pull the hair out. I have to get her interested in something else to get her to stop, so it was play ball time. She slept ok, but still roaming to some extent at nite. We only have one appointment next week at the vet for Adequan and blood pressure, probably anal glands cleaned. So that will be good as I am not wanting to go anywhere soon after all the trips in the car lately. I hope the Bach Remedy gets here soon as it is to rain Thursday and I would like to try it out first to make sure she is not allergic to it. Still have some of the burnt caramel smell in the house, yuck!! WE have had some beautiful Baltimore Orioles on our grape jelly feeder this morning, they are stunningly vivid. Blessings
05-18-2014, 08:21 PM
nice, that you had a sunny day today.
more to come, i hope?
hope you were able to do a lot of walking today.
and take a sunday nap.
it is bedtime for me, so i have to shut down the computer.
05-18-2014, 09:26 PM
Does Tipper have allergies? Pulling hair out makes me think of allergies.
Happy for the sun! We have that here too.
molly muffin
05-19-2014, 12:15 AM
I hope you and Tipper had a good day and relaxed a bit.
Sharlene and molly muffin
05-19-2014, 08:15 AM
Hi Everyone:
Well Tipper had an ok nite, moved about the bedroom a lot and had some tremors. Those darn things are so hard to watch. I am going to make so jelly today. yesterday I made some homemade candybars that have about 7 layers to them and I have to finish them today with a chocolate coating. The dogs have already walked once. We have frost on the ground. I put some ferns out and may have to keep them undercover for a while due to this. Tipper is still making a lot of tracheal noise so she gets Adequan Wednesday thank goodness. She seems so much more relaxed in the cooler weather, it is just better for her all the way around with her heart and breathing issues. I am going to see Delora tomorrow afternoon, have to get the sitter for Tipper. I talked to her last nite and she is on her last stand. I want to see her and say my silent goodbyes while she is still here and knows me. I have helped her tirelessly the past 7 years so this is very hard for me to see such a sweet old lady go thru this. I always ask everyone what they are going to come back as, but I do not want to upset her, so I will just ask what her favorite critter in nature is, so when I see it in my mind that will be a sign from her. I am so glad all this got settled about the cat before this happened. Tipper takes pills and supplements and so I set the timer on my IPhone to remind me, and she knows when she hears that sound she needs to get a pill, it is funny how she jumps up and runs to me to get it! That is because it is wrapped in chicken of course! Blessings
05-19-2014, 09:56 AM
Hi Patti,
Thinking of you and Tipper.
Take care.
05-19-2014, 07:13 PM
that is funny and smart; her reaction on the i-phone-bleeb.
anything for a treat!
i keep struggling hiding ian's pills.....
05-19-2014, 07:41 PM
Hi Patti, sorry to hear Tipper is pulling her hair out, it could be a few things, allergies, fleas, or dry skin, if she is bathed too often. Is it a hot spot?
05-20-2014, 08:31 AM
Hi Everyone:
Yes Tipper did have allergies in the past, that is where her Cushings came from all the steroids used on her. She never ever pulled her hair out before Cushings, and never licked her legs like this, and she will lick her one toy for what seems like forever. I think it is a Cushings thing. Luckily she only pulls the hair out once in a great while. We are in for storms this afternoon and the Bach Remedy will not be here until the 30th so I will use what I have. I am convinced it is the static shocks she gets before the storm that set her off. I am rubbing a dryer sheet on her today and giving her the herbs, and a bigger dose. She was up and down last nite with a lot of breathing noise going on. She is doing fairly well with the exception of the tremors, and the growth on the tumor. If it weren't for all these storms she would be ok. She actually came out on the porch again yesterday which really shocked me, but she does not stay out long, about 10 minutes at a time. That is progress compared to last summer. I am a nervous wreck as I tried to call Delora all day yesterday to let her know I was coming to see her today. She never answered the phone. I will see today is she was sent to the hospital or if anything else happened. It is not normal to not be able to contact her all day. I pray I am not to late to see her one last time. I framed the picture of her cat to take to her, and wanted to take her some candy which she dearly loves. I cannot stay long as the storms will come and Tipper will cry for me even though the sitter will be here. The IPhone is going off so Tipper is coming to me for her meds, she is just too funny right on cue! Pray for Delora please.
Hi Patti.. here's hoping Delora was socializing possibly somewhere when you called.
You are a dear friend and neighbour that's for sure, not to mention how great you are here on the forum.
Hope your storms aren't too bad, we are to get them as well for the next couple of days.
05-20-2014, 02:20 PM
Hi Everyone:
Thanks Judi, I try to be a helpful neighbor. Just came from seeing Delora. She is so weak she does not even want to talk on the phone. She was going in and out of sleep while I was there. She lost weight, has eaten nothing in three days. I gave her the picture of her cat, she was happy with that. While I was talking to her, she said I need to get out if here. She said see those birds outside they are free. I said which bird would you be if you could fly out of here. She said a cardinal. So I will think of her whenever I see a cardinal. She does not have long and she just looks so helpless. I think she is realizing she is dying, and I think she is going to be totally bedridden soon. My neighbor came over when I got back and said that's the best candy I ever ate in my life. I knew he was hinting, so I invited him in and gave him some more. He went home smiling, thinking he he really fooled me into more candy! I gave Tipper a lot more of her herbs and fed her. It is ready to start raining any minute here so I hope this works. We are all going to take a much needed rest. I am truly sad for Delora. Blessings
molly muffin
05-20-2014, 06:32 PM
Delora's situation is a very sad one for sure. I'm glad you got to see her as any time could be the last one and what a special treat for her to have her cat's photo too. Something to focus on and hold to her heart.
It sounds like Delora is maybe ready to be free too.
That is great that Tipper went out on the porch. :) Hopefully the storms won't be too much for her and the herbs will help I don't think there is anything that will just make the nerves go away. I think all you can do is to try to tamp them down a bit and which ever works best for her to do that is what you'll have to use.
Molly doesn't like fireworks or thunder, she is an equal opportunity sound nerve wrecker.
sharlene and molly muffin
05-20-2014, 07:48 PM
it is very hot and humid overhere with thunder etc. and it will be for the rest of the week.
so don't move overhere! not tipper's kind of weather.
slow walks for the siblings.........................
05-21-2014, 05:48 PM
Hi Everyone:
Well it has been thunder showers off and on all day. I gave Tipper her herbs and she is in the closet. I took her to the vets and no bp as it was a waste of time with the weather. She had her Adequan shot. After we got home I decided to bale homemade yeast rolls. They are a lot of work. I am keeping busy as I am very nervous over Deloras condition and Tipper being crazy from these storms. I
gave her the herbs and she is in the closet. I had to turn the heat off and the air on it got so hot. I am tired so I will take a rest tomorrow. I gave the neighbors some rolls so they are all happy and running to get some butter and jelly while they are hot! We have laser therapy next Tuesday so that is our next appointment. I need to get out there and clean my kitties room, it is the only room I did not spring clean. I found a Chinese Herbalist about 15 miles from here, but when I talked to the vet about it today he was not in favor of it because of all the studies he has been reading on things grown in certain regions of China, how the ground is full of lead and metals. He said you cannot be sure they are safe, and how domyoun know what region to buy them from?? I am giving it some thought. Well Elvis is singing Tiny Bubbles so that is my cue to get him out for his evening look at the bird feeders outside so he can see what the birdy friends are doing. Blessings
05-21-2014, 06:58 PM
Patti call the pharmacy I gave you a link to and ask them about your concerns. They might grow what they need here, the pharmacy is in Florida
05-21-2014, 07:11 PM
OK thanks I hope so.
molly muffin
05-21-2014, 07:23 PM
Very dad that Delora couldn't even speak to you today. :( She seems to be failing very quickly.
Glad that Tipper got her shot as hopefully she'll feel much better.
Yum, you are quite the baker and cook. I'm impressed just reading about those candy bars. Wow. And yeast rolls too. Nothing better than rolls hot out of the oven. :)
Hope no storms tonight.
Sharlene and molly muffin
05-21-2014, 07:29 PM
also Patti that pharmacy can only be used by vets and you cant buy it any place else and there have been studies done about stasis breaker, that's why I said you need to get herbs from a high quality source, not on amazon and places like that. Let me know what the pharmacy tells you.
05-22-2014, 12:22 AM
Hi Patti,
I'm just catching up on your posts. Between the homemade candy and the yeast rolls I'm drooling after reading your thread!!
I'm sorry poor Tipper is subjected to all these thunder storms. I hope the herbs will help tonight and tomorrow. We're supposed to maybe get some tomorrow and Friday.
Trixie licks her front legs too..not constantly but often. The schnauzer I had growing up named Misty was a big paw licker, Trixie's not as bad as Misty was.
Poor Delora, sorry to hear things have only gotten worse for her. It was really nice of you to bring her a framed photo of her cat..I bet she will love having that picture next to her bed.
So jealous that you had a Baltimore Oriole at your feeder! I saw one many years ago, not too close up though. Would love to see one again. There are many bird watching groups in Central Park everyday now. This is when there are many birds migrating North and they stop here in Central Park on the way. One of the choice spots is where Trixie and I walk so I keep my eyes peeled for something interesting.
Hope you don't get too many loud storms!
05-22-2014, 12:32 AM
Oh Patti,
your neighbors must all adore you :)
Delora sounds like her time is near and that she's not afraid. That is a blessing! So sweet that you brought her a picture of the cat.
We're expecting rain again too. Poor Tipper. I hope that the herbs do help her and that the pharmacy can steer you away from the bad places to get them.
05-22-2014, 08:39 AM
Hi Patti,
I was wondering what the Back Remedy is that you gave Tipper?
A neighbor of mine told me about Rescue Remedy that she used years ago. She seemed to be happy with it. I was looking on Amazon to get some for Archie.
You are such a good neighbor and friend to everyone.
Prayers for you, Tipper and Delora.
05-22-2014, 09:13 AM
Hi Everyone:
Really bad storms last nite with rolling thunder. Tipper is really struggling in this weather. It went on all nite long we were both up. I had given the herbs and closed the door as much as possible on the closet, and put the fan on and the tv up. She was ok sleeping on the bed with the low rumbling as she sleeps so soundly now. She would never do that before, she would be up like a shot at the first small noise. So Toby had to bark and wake her up and then it was closet time from there on. It is also dark today and rain is expected. This will be a bad year for mosquitoes if this keeps up. I just don't know how much more Tipper can take. This has certainly become her nemesis. I am going to give her some more herbs here shortly as it does not hurt her and I do know what is coming in the next few hours. Every thing would be ok for her if this would just stop. We did walk already two times this morning as we are all up before dawn here. Blessings
05-22-2014, 12:48 PM
Hi Everyone:
The Bach's remedy just came. I gave some to Tipper it said about four drops on a treat. So the weather is looking like rain off and on it changes. I made sure to test her to see if she was allergic. I have to read and see how many times you can give this. at first I thought she was going to have a reaction, she kept making funny noises with her tongue and opening her mouth. Maybe it is foul tasting, just don't know, all I care about is does it work?? We will see! Blessings
05-22-2014, 01:21 PM
Patti, I hope this brings you both some relief. Hoping for good things!
05-22-2014, 03:38 PM
Thank you for thinking of us Margery. We are certainly facing challenges with this weather. Hope you are well, and your heart is healing. Blessings
05-22-2014, 04:09 PM
Hi Everyone:
Well I did something I never do and broke my own rule. I bought Tipper the Bach Remedy, that is used so widely for anxiety etc.without fully researching it. Now that I have the bottle with all the ingredients listed I have found it contains clematis vitalba which is not safe for use according to many medical sites I looked at. I never break this rule especially with my Tipper. I am just so distraught with her struggling to get thru these storms that I ignored my own rule. I will not give her any more. I will go back to Leslie's potion which I know to be safe and make a stronger batch. Just because it's natural doesn't mean it's safe. I am thoroughly disgusted with myself for doing this. Never again!! It got real cool here now a cold front blew in and strong winds with it. Blessings
molly muffin
05-22-2014, 06:33 PM
Did it seem to have any effect on Tipper when you used it?
I hadn't heard that there is a problem with clematis vitalba and dogs. Then again, I've never researched it either.
Sharlene and molly muffin
05-22-2014, 07:22 PM
i hope for your and tipper's sake this weather will finally STOP!!
i've never used any herbs on my dogs so i only read about this on several forums.
maybe the cooler weather will help.
hope you both sleep well tonight.
05-22-2014, 07:40 PM
wow! That's scary! At least you found out before using it multiple times and Tipper seems to be ok.
We're getting rain too.
05-22-2014, 08:08 PM
Hi Everyone :
No the Bach's seemingly had no affect on her, but I noticed her panting after I had given it to her. I forgot to mention about our tornado siren going off in the middle of the nite! I hope we have a calm week for Tipper's sake as this is wearing her down. I can see a difference in her stamina. Poor Delora is throwing up and still not eating going on a week now. When there is absolutely no hope, you should not have to suffer like this, it is criminal. Tipper is napping by me and
has so much breathing noise going on. She was having tremors earlier. I pray she has a good uninterrupted sleep tonite. Blessings
05-23-2014, 12:19 AM
Hi Patti,
Glad to read that the Bach remedy did not seem to do any harm at least. Maybe that panting Tipper had was for the approaching weather or wind??
Last night was a stormy one here. We had some strong lightening, such bright flashes and often but funny enough not too much thunder, just some rumbling. Trixie wanted off our bed and went to hide in the bathroom and then later on a 2nd round of storms at 4am she took shelter under the kitchen table. She was stressed...very drippy nose, but no panting and no shaking. Much better than last year when she shook like a leaf in the wind but this thunder was not the big loud boomer type so maybe her reaction was subdued because it wasn't too noisy.
Hoping Tipper is okay tonight. More storms in our forecast for tomorrow, I hope you're not getting them.
05-23-2014, 08:29 AM
Hi Everyone:
Tipper had a pretty good nite as there was no storms or rain. We had that cold front come yesterday and she was enjoying the cooler temperatures. It is starting to heat back up today though. I am going to get busy and brew her some stronger herbs today as Tuesday is to bring some bad weather. I saw tornadoes down south last nite, and hail in Pennsylvania as big as tennis balls that ruined many cars. This weather has gotten so extreme it has to be tied into global warming. Delora is getting weaker by the day, it is wearing on me heavily. I had so much death in my family to deal with, that it really affects me like post traumatic stress. I am going to concentrate on cleaning the cat room today. I made up my mind it has to get done. There is a garage sale in my whole development on Saturday so I will have to keep the dogs in my room with the blinds down as I do not want Toby barking and setting off Tipper. I have some things I could sell, may give them to the neighbors to sell for me as it is impossible with Tipper sick. Have some pool equipment and cleaning tools etc. to get rid of. That is one thing I do not miss when I hear of everyone getting their pools ready. I loved to swim in my pool, but hated the maintenance of it. I think the people that bought my house may have filled it in!! I am going to walk the dogs again while it is still cool. Blessings
05-23-2014, 10:40 AM
Hi Everyone:
Well there's a big dark area in the west right now. I just brewed some herbs for Tipper and gave her some already. The garage sales started today and I thought it was tomorrow. Toby is all revved up and barking so I had to keep him away from the front of the house. I hope this weather does not bring thunder. I never made it to the cat room yet, got delayed several times as Tipper wanted to play ball, then Toby wanted attention, then Elvis wanted out, and Lucky wanted to eat. He threw up and had real gushy stool this morning, so don't know what that is about, but I am not feeding him for a while. Never a dull moment here with the mini zoo! I found the two sites that talk about the clematis being unsafe for use they are and so if you were thinking of buying this just look it over first. It is also called travelers joy and old mans beard. Blessings
05-23-2014, 06:13 PM
Hi Everyone:
We have not gotten the rain yet. The dogs are tired and Tipper is on her pillow already. I just received an email from the people that have Gracie with such cute pictures of her looking out the window at the birds. She is so beautiful, they just love her. I called the lady that has Deloras cat and she is taking it to the vets for a check up, says it sleeps on her lap at nite just like it did with Delora. I talked to
Delora and she still is jot eating? I am wondering where the hospice people are?
Maybe her son does not want them?? It is so cool here it is only 49 degrees! Tipper loves it. I hope for her sake it is a quiet nite. I have been laughing at some of the auto corrects on here. I have that happen all the time and somehow it always substitutes the funniest words. Hope everyone has a good weekend with their babies. Blessings
molly muffin
05-23-2014, 06:34 PM
Hope you don't have any storms tonight. I'm sure they are all tired out from the garage sale going on. Some of my friends on our street are putting stuff out for garage sales tomorrow. Hope we have good weather. It looks like it'll be sunny, so that is good.
Yep, those auto corrects can be quite entertaining to go back and read.
Sharlene and molly muffin
I love auto corrects, they are so funny. Sure am glad Tipper had a cooler day.
Enjoy your weekend and I hope no storms are headed your way and thank you Patti for always thinking about me and Zoe.:)
05-24-2014, 08:26 AM
Hi Everyone:
Well no storms last nite and Tipper slept fairly well. It seems she is making a noise when breathing like her epiglottis is blocking her throat and when she inhales and I can hear it like clicking for lack of a better term when she exhales. You know how people use a little Vicks on the end of there nose when they get stuffy. When she makes the nasal noises and struggles to breathe I though if I put some on a Kleenex and held it near her nose if the would help her? I cannot put any on her she is so allergic to stuff so I would never do that . I just wonder if the menthol would open up her nose more? This morning she was suffering form acid reflux. Her food was coming up repeatedly in her mouth. I hate to have to give her an acid reducer as she ahs so much crap to take now, but if it continues I have to I am afraid of her choking one of these times. It is mostly only in the morning when she eats breakfast I have not noticed it at any other time. It is cold with frost on the ground and Tipper loves this weather. I need to keep them both busy today as there are garage sales gong on again. The furnace is coming on and probably making dirty everything I cleaned! I guess everyone ahs a long weekend for Memorial day so enjoy the weekend everyone. Blessings
05-24-2014, 05:16 PM
Hi Everyone:
Well the garage sales are over for the day so I took Tipper on the front porch. She liked the breeze and stayed out for twenty minutes!! That is a record for her now. Someone started a blower and she did not seem to get rattled. I have a bottle of bubble maker and I made bubbles for her and she was chasing them, and started to jump so we had to stop, but she was enjoying herself. Toby doesn't come out when she is out there, so I put her inside where I could see her and then left him play with them. They both had fun, so now we are resting. Tipper has been doing pretty good with her hunger, we have not had any problems on this dose, so I hope it continues. I am afraid to look and see when she is due for an ACTH as she has had way too many. I hope she continues to do well and we don't have to change doses again. I am going to rest now for the rest of the day. Blessings
molly muffin
05-24-2014, 05:58 PM
Glad to hear that you all had a good day. Bubbles sound like fun. Maybe I should get some for molly. I bet she'd have a blast with them.
We have had a lovely day here too. Sunshine and perfect temps around 24C. We've done a lot of yard work today, so good to feel like we are making progress.
Sharlene and Molly muffin
05-24-2014, 07:22 PM
Always nice to read about doggies playing!
05-25-2014, 08:16 AM
due to a technical failure, no internet last night.
playful dogs are fun to watch indeed.
we do play football.
how is the weather today?
no more thunderstorms?
05-25-2014, 08:23 AM
Hi Everyone;
I am getting increasingly worried about this swallowing at nite that Tipper does. She gets up out of her sleep and starts swallowing a lot and it sounds like she has a mouth full of water, I can hear her swallow it. It does not sound like the sticky mucous sound. She has so much going on with that trachea that it is scary not to be able to figure this out. She slept ok last nite after moving about several times. I noticed her breathing was more labored and her sides were really heaving, and she had that whistling noise like her airway was compromised. I was going to try the Vicks on the Kleenex in front of her nose, but she got up and went in her crate. I was going to follow her and try it so I opened the jar and she came out of her crate with her nose in the air smelling and went back in. She could smell the Vicks from me just cracking the jar open, so she was watching me and would not let me put anything by her nose that smelled as awful as that! I am having some arthritis pain this morning in my knee and hands, just not feeling like doing too much today, I hate when I wake up and already feel bad before I even get out of bed. I already walked the dogs and need to get moving a bit and get this knee going. I think there is still garage sales today, so I will keep the doggies busy with something. Blessings
05-25-2014, 06:15 PM
Hi Everyone:
Tipper went on the porch again today for a short while. She has been doing that swallowing a lot today, and a while ago she had a bad honking episode. I kept rubbing her throat, and it lasted longer this time than any other time. It is so scary when she cannot breathe, for her and me. I did not realize it became warm in the house today, as I had the heating pad on the pain in my chest. Tipper started panting, and right away I thought oh no cortisol rising. As soon as it cooled off from the air she stopped. She has been doing good at nite and not hungry thank goodness. My elderly neighbor came over to show me his daughters lab, Tipper went crazy. He didn't realize this when he decided to bring the dog over as he is old, so I just hurried him off since Tipper does not need riled up. It got very hot here today and no sign if rain so I hope Tipper sleeps well. Blessings
Hi Patti,
What do you think it is Tipper is swallowing? I know with my sinus problems and allergies I alternate from having thick mucous stuff to sometimes having this liquid stuff just pouring down my throat, it is gross. I wonder if that is what is happening to Tipper?
Zoe always breathed better with the air on, even when the house was not that hot to us. As soon as we would put the air on she would breathe so much better.
Sorry your arthritis is acting up. I noticed since I have been bending over so much to do gardening, my hips hurt. Never had that before:rolleyes: I must be getting old.
Koko went to his first street festival and was the star of the show:)
I hope you have a restful quiet night.
molly muffin
05-25-2014, 07:32 PM
I wonder if the heat was bothering her enough to cause her to pant if it was also bothering her throat? (mucus)
Well I'm sure it was a beautiful lab. But yea, can't see Tipper being thrilled at another dog around you.
Do many or any of your neighbors have dogs themselves?
Hope you have a good night. We had a lovely day here today.
Sharlene and molly muffin
05-25-2014, 08:03 PM
I think it sounds like what you are saying some type of liquid going down her throat. I have been giving her two Benadryl one morning one evening. When she sticks her tongue out and keeps doing that and opening her mouth, I think that is the sticky mucous, I can hear her tongue moving in her mouth and it sounds sticky. But when she does the swallowing repeatedly it is lime she has a mouth full of water. If this is not her sinuses where else would this be coming from and what could it be?? It really worries me. There are some other neighbors here who have small dogs, but not too many, Tipper was just at the TV because National Geographic was shoeing the wild dogs of Africa and she is barking at them and charging the TV. When they go off the screen she looks beside the TV to see if they are there, which I thought was pretty smart on her part. She does sleep better with the air on. Addy did you ever ask the Dr. what the fluid is? Is there anything you take to make it go away?? I feel sorry for her it is either the swallowing, or the storms, or her breathing that keeps her from resting well, that is why I try to get her to lay down in the late afternoon an d rest a while. She is doing the tongue sticking out, and I can head the stickiness in her mouth as I type this. Wish I could get this managed. Blessings
05-26-2014, 08:18 AM
Hi Everyone:
We sure as anything after I got the previous post typed yesterday I went to take Tipper to potty and she had a vestibular episode. It was not as bad as some of them have been, but really???It scares me for two reasons. I am afraid that her head could stay like that as it has with some dogs, and that the list of things going on with her is getting so long. This baby cannot catch a break. She did rest some last nite but was up moving about with that swallowing and sticking her tongue out. She is not sleeping all thru the nite as it is always something waking her up and disturbing her rest. I have walked the dogs this morning already this morning as it is to be a hot one and I can feel the humidity rising. Tomorrow is laser therapy, so much for the break in appointments. The time seems to go so quickly when you get older. These months and weeks have just flown by. That's ok as Tipper does better in winter anyway. Hope you are all enjoying a day off form the rat race. Blessings
Hi Patti,
I dont know that I can help solve Tipper mucus problem other than to tell you what happens to me and maybe we can think about how that might apply to Tipper. Everything comes from my sinuses. I try to keep the thick mucus at bay with a nasal steroid spray, heat applied to my face for five minutes and extra strength Mucinex and an occasional decongestant. I cannot take any kind of antihistamine as it dries everything out too much then blocks up my sinuses. When my sinuses are blocked up I tend to have to breathe out of my mouth and I breathe harder and am more short of breath.
What happens to Tipper when you do not give Benadryl?
Is it possible Tipper now has a sinus infection? I get chronic sinus infections and the allergy spray I use can also cause them.
So that is why I wonder could she have a sinus infection? Benadryl does not help all dogs and you may have to try a different antihistamine as long as it is compatible with Vetoryl and as long as it is not making her sinuses worse.
05-26-2014, 10:20 AM
Maybe I will have to go back to the other antihistamine the IMS prescribed?? Does this happen more at nite to you? She does not seem as affected when she is not laying down. What do they need to do to see if she has a sinus infection, as I am sure they need something to culture?? Thank you this may be what is bothering her. I wish they had something like the Mucinex for dogs, because I know Delora used to get it really bad and said the Mucinex helped break up the mucous. Blessings
05-26-2014, 11:55 AM
Oh Patti I am sorry to hear about Tippers vestibular episode and her congestion. I hope both resolve quickly. Have you had a chest Xray done lately for Tipper?
I hope and pray her issues clear up fast!
When my daughter's pom was having sinus issues because of bad teeth, they flushed his nose with a saline spray and put him on antibiotics. The antibioitcs helped the teeth and helped his sinus issue as well. When they flushed his nose green junk came out.
We will have to research this or you can speak with your vet about it.
05-26-2014, 01:00 PM
Hi Patti, I'm so sorry that Tipper and you are not doing so well. :( I only know for a sinus infection I always have to take an antibiotic, if that's what is wrong with Tipper. I know with me whenever I have a sinus infection my sinus' drain backwards and always screw up my already defunct lungs. :(
I hope today is a better day for you both! :)
As for your comment; " The time seems to go so quickly when you get older. These months and weeks have just flown by." ....tell me about it!! :eek: :( .....Ain't it the truth!! WAY too fast for my liking!! :mad: Eli and I seem to do better when it's warmer. ..I can breathe at least in the warmer weather....Eli does pretty good too. In the winter months I have to have the manager take Eli on longer walks for me. I can't breathe in the cold air. :(
Hugs, Jo Ann and Eli
05-26-2014, 04:37 PM
Hi Patti, From what I could read....and saw a video on a Youtube...about a yellow lab having vestibular episode there is no known cause or cure for it. Which sucks. It seems that some older dogs just get it. You just have to wait until it's over, I guess, like a seizure. The dog in the video was 13.5 yrs old..but healthy otherwise. The dog in the video the owner said took a few days for his dog to get over it. I followed the video and the man's dog got over it the 3 mo can follow it.
Here's the video.
Hugs, Jo Ann and Eli
05-26-2014, 09:44 PM
i really hope there will be no thunderstorm tomorrow in your area.
we do have the same weather overhere.
does tipper still need laser therapy now her back leg is better?
i do suffer from the same mucous thing as tipper does and have not found anything that works 100%.
hot and humid does not help indeed.
i hope you both have a quiet night with lots of sleep.
05-26-2014, 09:57 PM
Patti, do you think a room humidifier would help Tipper?
The reason I asked about a chest Xray earlier, was to make sure her lungs are clear.
05-27-2014, 08:34 AM
Hi Patti, I hope you and Tipper had a good night. Although, I'm worried you've not posted anything yet. You're usually here before me. I hope all is OK with you all. The weather here this week is going to be nasty thunder storms all off and on all week. :( I hope they're not up your way. They don't really bother us...I just think we need more sunshine. :D
I'm hoping for a good day for you and Tipper and the other babies today!
Hugs, Jo Ann and Eli
05-27-2014, 08:48 AM
Hi Everyone:
Everything is ok we just got a late start, and I wanted to walk the dogs as the humidity is rising. Gee I do not think a humidifier would help in the air conditioning as it removes the humidity from the air. I may opt for a chest Xray and see if we can get some kind of culture to see if she has a sinus infection. It has to be something to do with the environment as it was not his bad in the winter time. She may have allergies working on her and sinus problems. I think this mucous etc. could be why her breath is not so good anymore. I will get her teeth checked too as she used to have them cleaned every year and because of the Cushings she has not had that done. I brush her teeth every day though. She slept ok last nite and when the rain started she ran in the closet. It was just lite rain and no thunder yet. It is supposed to get worse as the day goes on, so I will be giving herbs again. We have laser therapy so that will break it up a bit. She has been having a little uneasiness with that back leg this week so she needs this laser time. I changes her antihistamine form the Benadryl back to the one the IMS told me to use Chlorpheneramine. So I will see if this helps, maybe it needs to be a stronger dosage?? I think I will email the IMS and ask her, and tell her what is going on with Tipper. I like to keep in touch with her medical team anyway. She ahs more specialists than most people, but I love her and that's the bottom and only line. Blessings
Angelique (Maya's Mommy)
05-27-2014, 09:21 AM
Patti & Tipper
I am sorry to read that Tipper is having breathing problems. I know all to well what it is like to hear your pup struggle to breathe. Maya gets what I call snot explosions and snot will come flying out of her nose and she will be congested for hours. Benadryl does not work. I use Reiki and work with her for as long as she lets me and sometimes I can get it clear and sometimes I can't. Sending healing energy your way for both you and Tipper.
Thank you for your post and trying to get me to be less scared of Trilostane. I have always been more Holistic minded and will try less toxic choices before I go that route. Please remember that Maya is only 6. Other than the ALP and the LDDS she seems her normal self to me. If this is a slow progressing disease then I will monitor her until it gets to the point that the benefits of treatment outweigh the risks of treatment. Until we do the ultrasound I just don't know where she is in the progression of Cushings.
I haven't been reading threads for the last two days. I just don't have any tears left and it makes it hard to be optimistic. I find myself checking join dates and dog ages and how long they managed the disease. Reading about moments of hope that lead to despair and the desperation is heart wrenching. I just need to stay calm and wait for Fri.
I hope Tipper Is doing better today. You are in my thoughts.
~ Angelique Maya & Griffy
05-27-2014, 09:49 AM
Hi Patti! There you are! :D Glad to hear you and Tipper are OK as can be expected. I know you are doing all you can to help her. Yes, a humidifier..a doctor told me to get one once. (although, I never did)....but that could help as well. And calling or emailing the IMS is sure a great start today!! :)
Eli is still hanging in. No new problems. He's eating us out of house and home though! :eek: When he's not sleeping, he's laying by his food dish! :rolleyes:
Hugs, Jo Ann and Eli
05-27-2014, 06:38 PM
Hi Everyone:
Well it is very hot out and Tipper is passed out on the bed. We are home from laser therapy. Tipper kept squirming around today like she was uncomfortable somewhere. I hope this resolves it. I saw storms down south, and some tornado warnings. We are to get a storm late tonite. Tomorrow we have blood pressure. I want to see the vet about the Chinese herbs, and if Tipper could have a sinus infection. I tried to no avail to get an appointment at this pain clinic for this chest pain. I have a referral from my Dr. but they won't accept it, they want their own referral form filled out by my Dr. What a bunch of crap, I guess they don't need new patients as they were very difficult. I hope my Dr. does it quickly as I have the heating pad on it now, it has been a real bear! I made my appointment for blood work and echo cardiogram June 5th so I will get the dog sitter. It is only about 12 miles away, so not too bad. I can't believe it will be coming time for Tipper's ACTH already in June. I so hate doing that to her, it really gets to me. I am having trouble even moving my left arm around from this pain, so I think I will lay down with Tipper. Blessings
molly muffin
05-27-2014, 06:58 PM
Awww Patti, I hope that you and Tipper both get to feeling better soon. It's just so hard dealing with everything you and Tipper have going on at the same time.
I'm no help on the mucus breathing situation obviously, but it makes sense to have her sinsus checked out.
Had a down pour here, lasted 5 minutes, all gone now. :) Suppose to be clear tonight, which is good. I hate night thunderstorms with molly and if hubs is gone, then it's double hard to deal with. Sorta like you do all the time. :)
Hang in there!
sharlene and molly muffin
Hey Patti, Lori just posted to someone today about Dechra's literature stating that congestion is a side affect of Vetoryl.
05-27-2014, 07:27 PM
i am sorry that you are in so much pain and that the pain dr does not co-operate well. all because of the paperwork?
it is hot and humid overhere too.
that does not help with my sinus problems too.
hope you both will feel so much better tomorrow!
05-28-2014, 09:14 AM
I saw that but I am wondering if it is that or the sinuses? I will have to get her checked out next week to make sure she has no sinus infection, if she does not it may be the Vetoryl. Tipper is experiencing a lot of side effects from the Vetoryl if it is in fact the cause. Thank you
05-28-2014, 09:49 AM
Morning Patti! I hate hearing you and Tipper aren't doing doing so well. :( It was the same thing here in KY trying to get some relief when I broke a rib coughing. I couldn't believe a real GP doctor in this little creepy town couldn't write a RX for a lousy pain pill! :mad: It drove me nuts! That's when I had to drive the 40 miles to a specialist to get anything....and then he referred me to the pain clinic in the same building. No paper work there. :D I lucked out..but boy I was doubled over like for awhile until I got that far. They sure can make a person mad....and drive you nuts!! :eek:
I'm sorry Tipper is not feeling well either..I hope today is a better day. They did call for storms in the "viewing" area....they just happened to be above us! :rolleyes: So, we didn't get any rain at all! Just partly cloudy!
Praying for a better day for you and Tipper!
Hugs, Jo Ann and Eli
05-28-2014, 12:21 PM
Hi Everyone:
Well the vet was not in so I could not ask anything about the Chinese herbs, or the sinuses. I will have to do it on her appointment next week. Tipper had her blood pressure which was a waste because she was already worked up knowing a storm is on the way. I wish I could just calm her somehow. She was up and down last nite too as you could feel rain in the air, making her nervous. We have no more appointments until next week so I can catch a break here. I am not feeling it today! I am making beef stew so I can lay off the cooking a few days. I need to get Tipper's next Ultra Sound scheduled today. Her next ACTH is July 9th so that still gives her a break from it. I really don't want to do it then either, but her pre is probably going to be low so I have to. She had her anal glands cleaned today too as they were getting full and bothering her. I hope if this storm comes there is no thunder. Last nite as I watched the weather channel it said storms tomorrow nite with thunder, she knows what storm means and she got up and ran in the closet. I never say that word around her an d always had to stop Delora from saying it around Tipper. Blessings
05-28-2014, 03:04 PM
Hi Patti,
I was thinking about your today because my friend from Pittsburgh called me and said they had huge storms there last night. Her husband was flying out from there but all flights were halted due to the severity of the lightning in the area.
Since you didn't mention it in your post I'm thinking this storm bypassed your area...I hope so!!
We are having a cool and cloudy day and it is my preference as Trixie really cannot take too much heat anymore. Yesterday was so hot...we were out for a walk early. She was not in any distress but I can see the heat gets to her much more quickly than it used to. Once we got inside I blasted the a/c for her and she cooled right down. I can't take the heat anymore either!
I hope you can figure out something with Tipper's swallowing issue. Is she licking her paws a lot? Just wondering if she licking a lot of pollen off her paws from the outside. I hear it's especially bad this year. Was she bothered by this same thing in the winter? Wish I knew a solution...I know you do too. I hope the vet can come up with a reason for this or that whatever herbs you try will help out.
05-28-2014, 07:14 PM
Hi Everyone:
No storm so far. Tipper is easing up with the nervousness. It is sure hot for only being the end of May! I guess that indicates what we have coming. Tipper stayed on the porch for about 20 minutes as I made bubbles for her. All of this is so worth while just to see her mind at ease, and having a fun time. We used to do
things outside all day long. I love to see her happy and care free. She had a bad honking episode this afternoon, but she did not panic this time. I took her in the shade in the yard, while I planted all my window box plants. I had to hurry as she just can't take the heat, even in the shade. Toby does not like the heat either so he was panting up a storm. Well I finished that job, so now the frost will probably come and I have to cover all of them!! Blessings
05-28-2014, 09:30 PM
no storm so far, that sounds good!
my dogs and i don't like the heat too.
hope you were able to walk the dogs today.
and have a thunder free night.
05-28-2014, 09:49 PM
Now that I think of it, Daisy has been off Triostane for a week and she doesn't sound congested anymore! I didn't relate the 2 things but now I sure do!
molly muffin
05-28-2014, 10:37 PM
We weren't hot today at all, in fact chilly. Maybe we can blow some down your way. :) :)
Good to hear that the gang was able to get outside for a bit today. Molly likes to supervise my planting too. :) Until it gets to warm for her, then she'll abandon me in a heart beat and head for the door.
It does make you wonder, all this congestion while on the vetroyl, if it isn't a side effect after all and not sinus infection or anything.
Have a good night
sharlene and molly muffin
05-29-2014, 07:52 AM
Hi Everyone:
I am busy so I will post later on your threads, but Tipper had a bad nite. Real stickiness in her mouth continually swallowing all nite long. I am wanting to get in her mouth today and see what I can see?? This is getting to the point where she is not sleeping because of this. I waited to email the IMS so I will be doing that shortly and I want to email the cardiologist about that heart issue with Becky's dog passing, that is worrisome to me. I will be on when I get all this done. Blessings
05-29-2014, 12:21 PM
since Daisy has been off of the Trilo for a week now, I can't believe the symptoms that I'm no longer seeing! She wasn't nearly as bad as Tipper, but definitely sounded congested all of the time and I thought it was allergy related.
Is it possible to try another Cushings med? Worth asking about.
05-29-2014, 12:41 PM
Please do me a favor and question the Dr. about that when you talk to them. I am wanting to know if maybe this is from the Vetoryl also. Was Daisy doing anything like Tipper with the clearing the throat and sounding funny, sticky noises in her mouth like her tongue sticking to something? When Tipper would sallow it sounds like she has a mouth full of water!
05-29-2014, 12:49 PM
Hi Everyone;
I needed to walk the dogs, run to the store, and type my letters to the IMS and to the Cardiologist. I am wanting some answers here as this is getting scary with Tipper. She was up a lot of the nite, and when she did attempt to sleep it woke her up with the swallowing and trying to clear her throat. I need to know what this is and get it stopped like yesterday already. This is nerve racking and keeps me awake also. She has also had several honking episodes. I am wondering if she could have a tooth problem, but an infection would have come up in her blood work?? This is really getting to me. Then on top of all this I cannot fax, or email to that stupid hospital in Pgh again. I took it to town to UPS and they could not email it either. Instead of expanding their hospital they need to upgrade that crappy phone system they have. Out of towners cannot even call there sometimes!! I am tired and not feeling well, Tipper got me up at 5am. Some how I will get thru this day too. Blessings
molly muffin
05-29-2014, 02:39 PM
Oh so sorry Tipper had such a bad night. :(
Was there ever any difference in her swallowing, sticky mouth and her cortisol levels? Like when they were a bit higher did she do that less? Lower more? or lower less?
Just wondering about that.
Hope you get some answers.
Sharlene and molly muffin
05-29-2014, 02:58 PM
I never really noticed, but that is a good question. I am going to have to make an effort to be aware of that. Thank you for thinking of that.
05-29-2014, 04:05 PM
She was what I would call smacking her lips, sounding congested (I mistakingly attributed this to the mucocele on her neck and/or allergies).
I didn't put it together until noticing a HUGE change since Daisy has been off of the Trilo for exactly a week now and after reading your recent posts it hit me that she's not doing ANY of this now! I'm also noticing that her eyes are no longer producing a lot of "goop". I felt like I was cleaning them all of the time and this is what made me think allergies coupled with the fact that she's so low to the ground.
Since Cornell didn't find any bacteria present either, I can't say that this was a symptom of her recent illness either so it HAS to be the trilostane!
I most certainly will be discussing this with Dr. Forman.
05-29-2014, 04:59 PM
Dr. Forman said that he sees congestion in a lot of Cushingoid dogs but it is almost always due to an underlying bacterial infection which they are prone to. Daisy is on Clavamox and that could also account for the symptoms disappearing. Might be worth a talk with your vet.
Clavamox has to be given with food. I mix it in with Daisy's canned food.
The last few months of her life, Zoe had congestion and goopy eyes. She had never had goopy eyes even with all the severe eye problems.
I did not think about that until Val just mentioned the goopy eyes. I remember wondering why Zoe had such goopy eyes when she never had that.
05-29-2014, 05:19 PM
was Zoe on Trilostane or Vetoryl? If not, then Patti, I would lean toward a bacterial infection. They found some in Daisy's urine but it didn't grow at the lab. Weird. Apparently, some grow with air and that is the most common but there are some that don't.
05-29-2014, 05:32 PM
I wonder why none of this shows up on her blood work?? She does have the goopy eyes it comes and goes. I must investigate this further as I am really at my wits end with this.
05-30-2014, 08:28 AM
Hi Everyone:
As I was saying I am going to have the vet see if Tipper has a sinus infection Wednesday. She is making a lot of breathing noises now, this is scary as you are in the dark about the cause. I need to get this handled. I just wonder why an infection would have not shown up in her blood work though. I have to go back over it again. Last nite she was moving about the bedroom again. neither of us sleeps well with this going on. I am going to call the vet that subs for my vet today and ask that he look over Tipper's blood work the last few times and see if he thinks it indicates any type of infection to him. Yesterday it was cool as it is this morning. We went out on the porch and I made bubbles for Tipper. She still wants to jump at them and fly thru the air like she used too though, so I have to watch her and keep her down. She does get angry when the bubbles drift off the porch and sit on the grass where she cannot get them. She was actually trying to climb thru the porch railing to get at them! I am waiting on a call from the pain clinic as I am miserable with this pain. I am going to call them if they do not call me. The humidity is coming back next week so we will have to walk early. I wish it could just stay in the high 60's with no humidity. Blessings
05-30-2014, 11:40 AM
I hope that they find the cause for Tipper. Daisy is St congestion free and I am still amazed.
Humidity bothers me also. Another reason why I wanted to live near the water and we got the house in West Haven. It's two streets away from Long Island Sound. The beach has a boardwalk so I plan on taking Daisy walking there.
Good luck with the pain clinic!!!
05-30-2014, 11:42 AM
Hi Everyone:
Well I called the substitute vet, who I do like and seems competent enough. He told me that on Tipper's blood work nothing is showing infection, so he also said that there can be times when a sinus infection would not show up in the blood work. He said the greater 5 of the time it will not show up. So we discussed the options since you would have to really sedate a dog to go up their nose and get a good sample, and may not get the right spot either. Then we discussed X Rays, but it is hard to do the sinuses he said he would have to sedate her. So that left those two things out. Then I asked if we could do a trial antibiotic that was safe, and see if the problem is eliminated. He said that is the most conservative, safest way to go with her. She does get an acidy stomach though and this will bother her probably. Any ideas on minimizing that will be helpful from you all. She also cannot have the mox antibiotics as she had an allergic reaction to one, even though he said those were the safest. He said he would research it and come up with something safe and compatible to her current meds, that would do the job. So I will go and pick them up in a while and give this a whirl. If it does not work then there are two possibilities left. Either allergies or trilostane side effects. I used to love a good mystery, and solving it. Not since Cushings! Blessings
05-30-2014, 11:46 AM
Daisy is on Clavamox for infection and Pepcid AC for acid. She also gets Carafate which coats the stomach. The Carafate is dissolved in a syringe with water.
05-30-2014, 05:46 PM
Hi Everyone:
Well the vets called and said to come and get Tipper's RX and when I got there they had a sign up saying closed be back at 3:30. I was so disgusted, why did they not tell me this??? Well I had to go back and get the lousy 7 pills of Simplicef for 30.00 what a rip off!!! Any way does anyone have an bad info or experience with this drug. I have started researching it and have seen nothing bad. She will only be taking it a short while, but she must her safety is paramount to this experiment. I will not be giving her this until tomorrow after she has eaten, as I never give a new med unless the vet is in in case she has a reaction to it. Tipper was never so happy when she saw the vets and we turned around and left!! She has been ok inside the house today. The vet told me the pollen is really bad this year, and a fellow sitting there with his dog said it keeps getting goop in it's eyes! So we will see what this is. I may have to give her some Greek Yogurt after this course of drugs. I just hope it does not start her stomach going as antibiotics caused her acid reflux in the beginning. I have worked like crazy today. The neighbor brought me sweet potatoes, and Elvis loves them so I cooked up a bunch and processed them for him and they will go in the freezer, have some left to do yet. I made a corned beef and cabbage, made Elvis some couscous he loves it. Various other things and two trips to the vets, so I am tired. I am taking Tipper out on the porch as Toby was just out, and make her some bubbles. Blessings Patti
molly muffin
05-30-2014, 07:57 PM
I don't know anything about that med Patti. The only thing I saw was Not to give with anti acids.
Hope this helps or at least eliminates possibilities.
I wonder what kind of treatment Valerie's doctor is thinking of trying with Daisy.
Sharlene and molly muffin
05-30-2014, 08:10 PM
Patti, my Peg has been given Simplicef for treatment of UTIs and she has not had any problem with it (and it has cured the UTIs :)).
05-30-2014, 08:37 PM
Hi Everyone:
Thank you for the help, as I said I will start her in the morning in case of any reaction. The dogs each went out separately on the porch and played with bubbles and they really enjoyed it. Toby still wants to play with Tipper and he just wants to rough house you can tell. Poor fellow, he gives her kisses thru the gate, and tries to make up to her. It's a shame cause he is lone!y, but Tipper cannot be trusted anymore. It is nice and cool with the air on and Tipper and Toby are knocked out. I have been researching about Tipper's tremors. I found
several references to vitamin B12. I read that if it is low it can cause tremors, and some medications can cause problems with it . I am wondering if Vetoryl could cause this. I looked in all the vetoryl studies on dogs, but found nothing on vitamin B12 deficiency from it's use. I need to ask my vet about this. I am still trying to get these tremors stopped, but need to know what the mechanism is that causes it. Could it maybe be this?? It's worth looking into since so little is known about these tremors. Blessings
05-30-2014, 11:12 PM
before Cushings, the only meds that Daisy ever needed she received after luxatng patella surgery and as a pup when she came home with us and had kennel cough. This one is not familiar to me at all. Sorry.
I'm curious to see what the vet says about the B12 and tremors.
05-31-2014, 08:55 AM
Hi Everyone:
Well I gave Tipper her antibiotic dose today so we will see what happens. She has already walked because we are to have a hot day today. With her supplements and pills I have to set a timer on the IPhone to remind me when she gets what, and as I said before it is so cute how she runs to tell me when it goes off and waits for her pill. I have talks about her obsession of wanting to kill anything with a motor. Yesterday I had to use the food processor. She was jumping as high as the counter to get at it and bite it. I had to grab her and put her in another room. She must be felling ok if she is willing to jump, or else the obsession overrides any pain she has. She stayed out on the porch for about a half an hour and that is a good improvement over last year form her being afraid of noises. Yesterday I was so busy it was almost 2 hours past her feeding time and she never made a fuss. I realized I had forgotten and fed them. I know her cortisol must be pretty low not to be hounding me for her food, so I better be extra vigilant as she does not get her ACTH until July. I am hoping no problems come up. I just have a feeling she will be off the Vetoryl for a weeks and restarted at a different dose again, because that has been the pattern to date. I really pray we do not have to as that means another ACTH 2 weeks after the one scheduled for July. It is just too hard on her and it stresses the &%$ out of me. Hoping everyone has a good weekend with their babies, Well no reaction so far from the antibiotic, so I am grateful for that. Blessings
05-31-2014, 07:43 PM
let's hope the ab will do the trick with tipper's breathing issues.
seems like tipper is doing ok on this vetoryl dosage.
as long as she is jumping and playing and walking.
no more thunderstorms i hope?
Angelique (Maya's Mommy)
05-31-2014, 08:38 PM
Hi Patti & Tipper
Just checking in on you and was happy to read your baby is trying to eat the food processor. You are so lucky she likes to take meds. Maya will not. Doesn't matter what I hid it in she will find it and spit it out. I have to put it down her throat and usually get a few teeth marks in the process. Griffin on the other hand will gobble down anything. I hope the antibiotics help Tipper to breathe easier. You are both in my thoughts. ~Angelique & Maya
05-31-2014, 09:38 PM
Hi Patti! I'm glad you got some antibiotics for Tippers and at least she feels like playing. Eli won't even play anymore. My Vet sometimes gives Eli something for his stomach as well. I have to look at my thread to see what it is though.
Eli tremors as well. Iris said her Flynn had tremors also, but the Vetoryl stopped that. I know when Eli had the few days on Vetoryl, he had stopped all the trembling too. Or, maybe he got Essential Tremors from me!! :eek::eek::p:D:rolleyes:
I wish Eli played more, he worries me. Poor little guy seems he got so old over night. :( I hope you both have a happy weekend though. Did you ever hear from that pain clinic?? I go on Tuesday myself. <sigh>
06-01-2014, 08:42 AM
Hi Everyone:
Well day two of the antibiotic so we will see what goes on here in about a week, The IMS emailed me back and basically said this much: I thoroughly examined Tipper inside and out when she has that scope done, there was nothing seen that could cause her problems, or put her in danger, so be glad of that! Well I never said I was ungrateful number one, and secondly that does not help the mystery of this congestion she is having right now??? She said it would not be the Vetoryl, so like I said these Dr.s always think they know everything, when in fact it is clearly stated that it can be a side effect of it. So I guess I am on my own as usual, and will need to crack this case without her help! I have not heard back from the Cardiologist on the question I asked about what happened to Beckys dogs heart. I am still waiting! Tipper slept ok, but was up and moving around the room a lot. I am worrying about these storms from Monday to Thursday that are to be coming. I will have to leave town! Tipper will not be able to handle four days of thunder. I need to think of something to do for her. I am going to give the dogs a bath if it gets real warm outside to day. Tipper has a grey look to her hair since being sick. She has always been snow white, I think it is the Vetoryl as like with people taking drugs and it leaves a marker in your hair. Blessings
06-01-2014, 08:54 AM
Just wanted to say you and Tipper are in my prayers.
Hi Patti,
I am so sorry you are having all these problems with Tipper. I know I have been away for a long time, not always a good thing.
Lola used to do that swallowing A LOT especially at night, actually now that I think about it, it was worse before she was diagnosed. She still does it, I researched it and found so many different things, some of which made sense and some didn't. What I thought made perfect sense is that dogs usually do that when they have acid reflux of upset stomach, so it could be caused indirectly by Vetoryl. did you try giving Tipper some Pepcid AC? it may help.
Lola is doing better overall Cushing's-wise, but the knee injury is not giving up, she is limping again and seems to be in pain. I gave her half a tablet of Tramadol this morning.
Her tests are due in two weeks, so I will wait until then to have her seen by an Orthopedic surgeon for another evaluation.
06-01-2014, 12:29 PM
Glad to hear from you. Thank you for thinking of us. Yes Tipper is having quite a time. She does get acid reflux, I do treat it off and on as she does not have it all the time. I think this is connected somehow to her sinuses or trachea maybe a sore throat from post nasal drip? I am sorry to hear Lola is having leg troubles. Tipper does off and on too, but I think hers is because I have never been able to completely stop her from jumping on things, and from doing the Jack Russell pogo jump. I think sometimes she re-injures it so that may be what Lola is doing. I take Tipper for Laser therapy still every three weeks. I am being bled dry by all of this, but I continue on for her sake. I hope Lola gets better. I think Tipper may have a low pre number again from how she is acting so I am watching her closely. I really don't want her to have to had another ACTH until July as she has had way too many, then if the dosage changes another one already! Blessings
06-01-2014, 08:07 PM
Hi Everyone:
Well Tipper had fun chasing bubbles on the porch. It got too hot and humid so we had to come in. She does love her bubbles! She had a good day and played with her ball and her toys. She seemed a bit better today. She is still doing good with the food, no begging!! Both dogs had a bath, and are smelling and looking good. Elvis had his shower, and the cats well ,they are the cats! So all in all a good day for Tipper. Hoping for another one tomorrow! Blessings
molly muffin
06-01-2014, 08:48 PM
Sounds like a very good day Patti. It's nice to have those once in awhile, eh :)
Sharlene and molly muffin
06-01-2014, 09:09 PM
Happy to read this!
Please enjoy days like this!
Treating a disease when no happy moments exist is a disease not worth fighting against...
06-01-2014, 10:38 PM
Hi Patti! Just checking on you and Tipper. Sounds like you had a good weekend for the most part. :D Eli is starting to run me up and down to pee every couple of hours. I'm starting to think it's about that time you and Marianne said. ....I thought he might go a couple of months, at least drug free. I guess not.
I hope the AB are working for Tipper. I hope that will be the "cure" for her immediate ills for now anyway. :D
06-02-2014, 08:46 AM
Hi Everyone:
Yes I love the good days Tipper has. She was mischievous yesterday, getting into all her toys and dragging them all over, throwing ones up in the air, and wrestling with others. I did notice however when bathing her she was moaning a bit as I washed her. Her skin is so paper thin, don't know if that is the reason, could be as instead of massaging muscle, skin, and fat, it is just thin skin on top of bone. Maybe rubbing hurts in that situation even though I was very gentle with her. I think back when she loved a bath. Now she dreads it. I happened to look at a picture of her in my old house on the back of the sofa looking out the window was her favorite spot. From seeing her so boney now she looked fat to me in the picture even though she weighed almost 2 pounds less than now. It was obviously all the muscle etc. making it appear this way to me since it has been so long since I have seen her like that in person. It did upset me greatly seeing how she once was so muscular and strong. We are on day three of the antibiotic. I do not know if it is working as she senses the impending storms coming and got off the bed, went into her crate, then decided to sleep in the closet after all. So I could not hear her breathing or noises she makes. I am hoping this storm stuff for four days passes us. We got to the vet Wednesday for Adequan and blood pressure, if it is storming maybe her will give her something there? Other than these storms she is outwardly doing good, still going on the porch, and generally enjoying her day. I try to put out of my mind what is going on inside her and I am living in my denial bubble for a while. I am sure you have all been there. Delora is having a blood transfusion this week, I guess due to all the bleeding she has done for 7 months now. She does not understand why, so she was not able to explain to me what is going on. She is never told the truth, that is the biggest problem. I am going to be giving Tipper some herbs today when this storm gets closer. I had the dogs in the yard last nite, some of my beautiful Rose Azaleas did not make it thru this brutal winter, so I have to dig them out. Always stuff around here that needs done! Blessings
06-02-2014, 03:51 PM
Hi Everyone:
Well the storms blew in and thundered like crazy. I had given Tipper herbs and she ran to the closet. I turned the TV up and put the fan in the closet and shut the door as far as possible. It has been over for almost an hour and she is not coming out. I do not hear her panting, so I think she is staying in there in case it starts again. Thank God for this walk in closet. I have so much stuff in it it should be sound proof! The sun is out now, but no telling what this weather will do. I am just acting normal and talking to Toby to see if she will come out. Toby went out during the storm, he wanted on the porch. He is not bothered by anything, that would be horrible with two being scared! I whizzed around here and cleaned the house today to get it out of the way. I had a friend call and said she may drop in with her dad for Fathers Day. I really hope not, that is an extremely bad day for me always, and really would rather be alone on that day. Wish she would just come another day. Blessings
06-02-2014, 06:43 PM
i hope the storm is over now.
as long as she is feeling safe in the closet, i think it helps her survive the storms.
just let her decide when she feels safe enough to come out of the closet.
and when she does do not pay extra attention to her.
act as normal as possible. give her the idea that a storm is just a part of the daily routine.
maybe you can postpone your vet visit a few days till the storms are over.
driving in a storm and a vet visit sounds like double stress for you and tipper.
but maybe the storms will miss your area this time. that would be great!
06-02-2014, 07:10 PM
I know two stressors are not good. I may cancel after seeing the weather report
tomorrow. If it changes I will go as Tipper needs her Adequan. Blessings
06-02-2014, 07:15 PM
Hi Everyone:
Well Tipper came out of the closet, so I said let's get your teeth brushed as she likes the poultry flavored toothpaste! She was ready so we brushed her teeth! I just acted normal like nothing was wrong. She is resting on my bed now snoring. I hate to say it but, it is threatening to start again. All I can do now is put the fan on and the TV up. I have been praying for these storms to go away. Please all pray for Daisy Mae.
molly muffin
06-02-2014, 07:41 PM
We are all pulling hard for Daisy Mae. She is a fighter and I do hope she can beat this thing.
Hope the storms aren't too bad, or not at all would be even better. She must be calmed down if she was ready for a tooth brushing. :)
Sharlene and molly muffin
06-03-2014, 07:52 AM
I think about Tipper when it rains here too. I know she gets panicky just as bad as Tia did. Sounds like the herbs are working though and the walk-in closet is a great idea too. Take care.
Much love and prayers,
06-03-2014, 08:39 AM
Hi Everyone:
Donna thank you for all the moral support you give me for Tipper. This is hard as you know with her being scared all the time. Last nite was one of Tipper's worst nites. It was a bad storm. We were both up all nite, and I acted like nothing was wrong. I turned ont he tv and listened for Tipper as she was panting her head off and scared to death. I ignored her and I am so sorry I did at one point the panting got so bad I thought she would have a heart attack. She will never go out potty when it is storming, but she need out and I did not realize it. I took her out and diarrhea just squirted out of her, she could not stop going even though she was scared to death outside. My poor girl really had the worst time. Then she had poop on her put and snapped at me for trying to clean it. She was so upset it was horrible to watch. The herbs I think are becoming ineffective on her or not lasting long enough. She held that diarrhea for a half an hour and never went in this house. She is an amazing dog, but I am needing some way to help her. I inquired about a sound proof kennel that has air circulation that she could sleep in and not hear all this, it is clear so she can see out. the company is in the UK but they have yet to answer my email inquiring about it. I am desperate. I gave her no Vetoryl this morning for two reasons. One she is sick, and two I want her cortisol to come up a tad to help her with this stress. These storms may be here until Thursday. I may ask the vet to give her a valium and sit in front of his office in the car for an hour or so to see if she has a reaction. This needs addressed she cannot go on like this or it will kill her I am sure her heart cannot take this wither blood pressure skyrocketing, and then her eyes. I am scared of that too. Please God let it be calm today. I can barely stay upright today, I cleaned the house yesterday and was up all nite and I am exhausted. Tipper did eat this morning and did walk for me. If she has no more diarrhea and we have no more storms before morning I will give her the Vetoryl in the morning. I am sure her cortisol is up after last nite. Please pray for her that these storms go away and she can be calm. Thank God for one thing Toby did not start barking at the thunder, he was too tired. Blessings
Angelique (Maya's Mommy)
06-03-2014, 10:40 AM
Hi Patti & Tipper
Poor baby girl having thunder and diarrhea all at the same time. Have you tried the Rescue Remedy yet? It is exhausting to be up all night worried about your pup. Do try to take care of yourself as well as Tipper. You are in my thought today. Hugs Angelique
06-03-2014, 01:31 PM
Thank you for thinking of us Angelique. We are now having another round of storms. The thunder will not let up. I just gave Tipper herbs and she is in the closet. This poor baby, my heart aches to see her like this, and I am worried what
all this is doing to her. I hope it goes away soon! Blessings
molly muffin
06-03-2014, 02:09 PM
That sounds quite awful Patti! Poor Tipper, she must have been so upset to get the runs. Stress for sure.
I do hope that these storms stop. You've just been swamped lately. :(
thinking of you both
Sharlene and molly muffin
06-03-2014, 05:03 PM
Hi Everyone:
Well the storm is done for now. I gave Tipper a good dose of herbs and she stayed in the closet. I just saw the weather report saying that we are going to get tornadic weather coming from the west with real bad winds tomorrow afternoon. Tipper did just go out on the porch with me for awhile and we did bubbles, but she is panting already from no Vetoryl this morning. It is to get cooler tomorrow. My vet may have to step up and do something here as she goes in the morning.I can't believe how strong Tipper's symptoms are. Every time I have stopped her Vetoryl she starts with the symptoms so quickly. I just saw a bulletin on the weather saying out west is having really bad weather and tornadoes coming this way! Great! Blessings
06-03-2014, 08:40 PM
i am sorry for you and tipper that the weather is so bad lately.
we are getting temperatures up to 30 C [85-90 F].
these are causing thunderstorms too.
i agree you need something stronger than herbs to control tipper's fear.
if the storms permit you to drive safe tomorrow, you can ask the vet for it.
the effects of extreme stress are worse than a tranquilizer i guess!
this can not go on for tipper [and you of course]
06-04-2014, 08:13 AM
Hi Everyone:
Just a short post as I have to take Tipper for her Adequan shortly. Tipper is developing the habit of sleeping in the closet. I don't exactly like it, but I think she is gun shy because of all the storms we have had day after day, she feels she does not want to get caught out of the closet and it starts thundering. So last nite was at least peaceful. I am going to go over this with the vet again today. Hope he has time to discuss the Chinese Herbs!! I have to get him in a good mood. Blessings
06-04-2014, 01:03 PM
Hi Everyone:
WE are back from the vets with no blood pressure done as Tipper got riled up at Toby before we left the house and she was nervous in the car because the weather is ready to get bad and she can sense it. I di however talk the vet into valium. If that is good or bad remains to be seen today. I was going to give her one and sit in his office which he thought was a real good idea. Then I thought if I do this and then the storm comes this afternoon, she cannot have another one. So I opted out of that. His other office is open later if need be, as she could have an allergic reaction. I told him what happened the other nite and said I can't watch this anymore, this anxiety with everything else she has going on is going to kill her and I have worked so hard to keep her here. He finally gave in, but was hesitant as I am too. There is just simply nothing else left, I have tried it all, and there is no other options. I pray to God I am not sorry for giving this to her if I have to. She got her Adequan and we discussed my theory of the vitamin b12 and the tremors. He said it could be possible as the dogs get older they have less of it, he said he will research it- probably 4 years form now! Then I started to ask him about the Chinese herbs, he said I am not ready for that argument today, do that next week please!! Crap!! You can only go so far with him and he explodes. He also said several of the fatty cysts Tipper has have to come off. I said if you put her under than I would want he teeth cleaned and get it all as I will not do it again. The one by her ear is bad, she must have at least 7, 4 of which are bad . Has anyone had anything removed like this? I am wondering if these will heal ok, as I am not wanting to start any skin issues as she has enough going on now. So please some opinions on this please. There would be my vet and another vet working on her at the same time, so I am fairly comfortable that with two vets they could handle an emergency situation if one should arise. The other vet is younger an d I like him, he is very innovative and intelligent. I think it will be in July as she is due for blood work and ACTH then and we could use the blood work to make sure all is well before putting her to sleep. Does anyone think it is possible to do the ACTH then too, as she would not be stressed out from it, or would that not ne possible when she is under?? God I hate Cushings, our lives were so much easier and simplified before all this. I have to go though I know I do. Blessings
06-04-2014, 05:57 PM
Hi Everyone;
Well this storm was supposed to blow in here around 4pm. It really cooled down though and I saw on the weather that cooler temps came in and we may not get the storm, just rain-YAHOO. The next threat is Sunday. So we will be ok for a few days- Yipeee I do not want to have to use these pills and will wait until the last minute to do it, but it gives me a certain security knowing she won't be crazy and making herself sick over the storms anymore. It is a low dose 2mg of valium, so I hope it works and does not give her reaction problems. Lucky is pretending he is stalking the birds while I type this. He chatters his teeth at them, but one bird in particular I noticed he makes a different sound at. I am disappointed we did not get to go over the herbs at Tipper's appointment, but he is just hard to deal with so next week I will hit him with the print outs I made. I have to up and out of here early and be at the hospital for my echo tomorrow so the dog sitter is employed once again. I am hoping to get some feed back on Tipper's lumps having to come off and what you all have seen as far as healing on Cush dogs??? I hope my Tipper has a good nite. Toby already fell asleep as it looks dark out and he must think it's nite time. I just saw the lower part of the state is going to get the bad weather so I hope we are safe. Blessings
molly muffin
06-04-2014, 06:00 PM
Hi Patti, did you get the storms today? Did you try the valium? if so how was Tipper? Hope no allergic reaction and it helped her if needed.
I have never heard of an ACTH while they were under anesthesia. I don't think I would do it, simply because I don't think I'd want to risk anything else while they were also under anesthesia and they do have to inject that agent into them, which dumps cortisol into their body, however much that may be. I just don't like that risk. I'd do the ACTH before the removal of lipomas so you know where her cortisol is at.
I think if they have uncontrolled cushings, then it can take longer to heal, but with controlled cushings I'd hope that it would heal better. Since you always have to worry about infections with cushings, I think as long as you get it cleaned out and any antibiotic ointment or antibiotics that they want to have her on, even if they start before, which often they do with teeth cleaning It should be okay.
If I remember correctly Tipper doesn't have an enlarged liver, so that should be one less thing to worry about. Of course the vets have to be aware of her heart murmur nd monitor her closely, but I expect they have dealt with that before?
Sharlene and molly muffin
molly muffin
06-04-2014, 06:03 PM
Oh I think we were typing at the same time.
I do remember a dog recently if that had a lump removed prior to starting treatment and was okay. I just can't remember if it was here on the forum or on the facebook page. It did work out okay for them though. I think it was near her back rear end area.
Oh and of course Zoe had a tumor removed from her privates area and she healed up okay. Addy can probably address that better as she was there. :)
Sharlene and molly muffin
06-04-2014, 06:12 PM
Good thing you said that, my head must be in the sand as I have been saying she seems to be low on cortisol to me and I am watching her closely, so that makes sense to do it before cutting. I do not want any skin problems. I know she cannot have as much fluid, I have to pull out the instructions from the Cardiologist that wrote out if she had her teeth cleaned and see what it says. It is very specific. I will post it when I get to her file. I would not risk the ACTH during the tooth cleaning as you are right about the dumping of the cortisol and she does get really strange afterwards, so I will nix that thought, I was just trying to think of a way to save her pain and agony, but forget that. I have not given her the valium yet, and for right now have no plans on it from the weather report. It will have to be absolutely showing me a bad storm is coming for sure before I give it to her . I don't want her drugged up all the time, that is the pitfall of this method, you could give it for no reason, so I am waiting until I am 100% sure were are going to have problems. Blessings
molly muffin
06-04-2014, 06:18 PM
I think pre antibiotics too would be helpful with a cushings dog.
06-04-2014, 08:25 PM
no more storms till sunday?
that would be nice.....
at least you have the valium now, but remember it does not work properly as the dog is already on a higher stress level.
so you have to give it as the dog is still ok. and it will take some time to work too. if tipper is all worked up already it does not work.
otherwise you will have to give a much higher dose is my experience with valium.
valium leaves a dogs system way quicker than it does in humans.
dosage for a dog is 0.5-2mg/kilo. so 2 mg will not do a lot with tipper's anxiety level i am afraid of.
at least you don't have to be afraid with such a low dose. [dogs need much higher dosage than humans].
i used stesolid [rectiole] and oral pills for my dog.
my dog weighed 10 kg and got 10 mg. [sometimes even 20 mg]
epileptic dogs do get even more during/after seizures.
so don't wait till the last minute because then it won't work.
but of course i hope there will be no thunderstorms again.
p.s. is tipper still having diarhea or has it stopped yet?
06-04-2014, 09:10 PM
o, and any word from the pain clinic yet? i hope so.
06-04-2014, 11:58 PM
Hi sweetie,
Daisy is starting the tongue thing now and I wonder if it could be related to a gastrointestinal issue too with Tipper?
So many questions but it would be worth looking into. Daisy has been off the Trilo long enough to think that at least this is unrelated. She still hasn't had the congestion though so that I think is still possibly related to the Trilostane.
Hope this helps. Hugs.
06-05-2014, 07:45 AM
When Tipper is in the closet, try a radio with soft music, maybe classical if you can find it. That and leaving the lights on did help Tia. I did use Acepromazine, but she was a zombie when she took that and I hated seeing her in that state so, that was my last resort if things got really bad. The sound proof kennel sounds like an awesome idea. I've never heard of that, but I hope you can find one.
I'm praying for much better weather for you and Tipper. It breaks my heart that y'all are having to go through this with everything else that's going on.
Take care and I'm sending love and prayers.
06-05-2014, 11:51 AM
oh Patti my heart is breaking for Tipper, poor baby!
I did some googling and I like these suggestions, hopefully one will help
Change environment: By changing the environment of the animal during the storm or noise, the anxiety level can be reduced. Changing the environment may reduce the volume level of the sound or help make the pet less aware of it.
Increase vigorous exercise: The pet should receive vigorous exercise daily, and more so on a day when the fear-producing noise is likely to occur. The exercise will help to tire the animal, both mentally and physically, and may make her less responsive to the noise. In addition, exercise has the effect of increasing natural serotonin levels, which can act as a sedative.
Reduce or block the noise level: "White noise," such as running a fan or air conditioner may aid in blocking out some of the fear-producing noise. Playing a TV or radio can have a similar effect. Allowing the pet access to the basement or a room without outside walls or windows may decrease the noise level. Closing the windows and curtains can also help reduce the noise. Some owners have placed foam earplugs or cotton balls in their pets' ears.
Sheltie in a crateCreate a safe haven: Some pets feel more comfortable in a small space such as a crate or a small room like a bathroom (run the fan and leave the lights on). Some pets seek out the safety of the bathtub or shower during a storm. (Some have hypothesized that a pet may feel less static electricity if on tile or porcelain.) If the pet is comfortable in a crate, the crate can be covered with a blanket to add to the feeling of security. The door to the crate should be left open and the pet should not be confined to the crate, which could dramatically increase the stress level. Some pets, especially cats, may find that a closet or area under the bed makes a good retreat.
Project a calm attitude: Pets are very aware of the mental state of their owners. If you are worried or nervous, this will add to the pet's fear. Your pet will look to you for direction, so keep an "upbeat" and "in charge" attitude.
06-05-2014, 12:53 PM
Hi Everyone:
Thank you all for your help with Tipper. The storm missed us last nite and I was so happy for her we had a mini celebration with treats. She did however sleep in the closet again. She is not going to let some storm catch her by surprise! I do put a fan on for her and white noise. I still have not heard about the sound proof kennel?? Do they answer emails? Well I did not give Tipper the Chlorpheneramine antihistamine as valium reacts with it. So I did notice the tongue going in and out and her getting up swallowing and swallowing, so she did get her dose this morning. God I just would give anything to know the real true cause of this so I could stop it for her. It is very distressing sitting there watching her do this and it waking her up all nite long. Valerie are you saying Daisy is doing this now too? I am wondering what the connection is then? I went for the echocardiogram and sure as anything the first place she stuck that probe and pushed hard was where I have that problem area from the mammogram. She was just too nice of a girl so I restrained myself from slapping her! God did that cause me more pain! So she said the cardiologist would have it to my Dr. by Monday. So I guess she figures I'll make it thru the weekend. I am calling the pain clinic right now Iris as I can hardly tolerate this. I can hardly lift up my left arm. They better be ready to give me an appointment as I am in the don't mess with me mood since that pain session this morning tweaked my last nerve. Looks like it is going to be ok until Sunday then a storm, so I am taking the dogs to play with bubbles after I call the clinic. Blessings
06-05-2014, 03:14 PM
Hi Patti so sorry you got hurt again :( I was searching for tht soundproof kennel and I found it but in my search I found something you might try. They sell sound proof blankets and it was about 35.00 maybe if you put it over her crate on 3 sides and keep the front door of her crate un blanketed, to give her enough air, it would block out enough sound that it wouldn't scare her.
06-05-2014, 04:07 PM
Hi Patti This is site I was talking about
and this is there guide
I am trying to find the link to the 35.00 sound proof blanket
molly muffin
06-05-2014, 05:11 PM
Oh my gosh, to be hurt again in the same area :( What did the pain clinic say? Where they able to give you and appt?
Hoping the storms miss you this weekend and you can having a relaxing few days at least. You're all due.
Interesting, sound proof crates and sound proof blankets. That blanket idea might work and be adaptable for different areas. It probably isn't going to let any air in either, but as long as one side is open should be okay. Hope you can get it and it works!
sharlene and molly muffin
06-05-2014, 07:02 PM
Hi Everyone:
Tipper and Toby loved their little turns out on the porch today, it is cooler and they both like it that way. I called the Pain Clinic. They say they have no referral for me, so I told them I called my Dr. and it was sent. I feel so bad from this pain I will deal with it in the morning. I like these temps could do this all year. God now I keep thinking about how Tipper must feel with them pressing that probe into her!!!! This should be another good nite for her to sleep. Delora seems to be hanging in there after her transfusion, but very weak, and bleeding terribly. I try to cheer her up, that's about all I can do at this point. Thank God for no storms.
06-05-2014, 07:27 PM
I'm sorry if i got this wrong, but , do you think you have some heart problem?
When was the last time you got some real resting sleep?
Is this anxiety draining your body strength?
...please feel better!
Not for me or anyone else ,but for Tipper and yourself!
06-05-2014, 09:29 PM
what a slow working machine this pain clinic is, i can not believe this!
no storms sounds good for you and tipper.
hope the cardiologist has good news for you.
we are getting a heat wave......i am not happy about it!
hope ian will survive this.
as you mentioned earlier cool is the best for our cush-doggies.
06-06-2014, 07:55 AM
I'm praying for some relief for you. I had a knee replacement in 2007 and a revision of the same knee in 2010. Rainy or cold weather does a number on me. I can hardly walk went it flairs up!
So glad the babies got to go out today. Wish they could go out together so it would be easier on you.
Sending love,
06-06-2014, 08:22 AM
Hi Everyone:
Well it was cool last nite in the 40's. Tipper went in the closet and slept again. I think it makes her feel secure, and think she will continue to do this. I wish she wouldn't as I cannot see what is happening with her like tremors etc. and that makes me nervous. If I go to the closet I have to go in to see her because it is deep and she goes in the corner under my clothes. I would wake her if I did so I just stay out and try to sleep. I am so used to her beside me now that I cannot sleep. I have been putting a pillow there where she slept so I do not wake up knowing she is not there. The dogs have already walked once. Donna I wish they could be together but because Tipper went after little Toby I can't trust her with him and I have to protect him as even though she is sick, she is one powerhouse dog when she gets going. Like I always tell everyone, Tipper starts fights cause she knows she can finish them. So we live in a gated community for now, gates at nearly every door to prevent mishaps. The one rescue cat that I have that Tipper does not like has taken to standing on the other side of the gate from her and taunting Tipper. He would never do it again if she got at him! I am feeling the pain from yesterday so I am calling this morning to see where my referral is. Iris said that Tipper's dose of valium may be too low to help her, so I may have to change it after trying this dose. After all it does no good if it does not work. I will try the lower one first to make sure she is not allergic. I just wanted to say don't worry that I am making Tipper nervous by me being nervous. I never let her know what is going on inside me, as I know it would panic her and she would feed off of it. I just act like normal and go about my business. On here is the only place I let that stress out and talk about it. Unbelievably I can remain calm and function in the worst of emergencies, as I have had been challenged with many in the last 20 years. I am going to look into the blanket that Vicki suggested. The porch railing etc. is just covered with spider webs, really thick ones that are beautiful, but the dogs always manage to stick their heads in one and get it all over them, so I am going out there to clean up the webs. Blessings
06-06-2014, 09:22 AM
Patti I still cant find that blanket for 35.00 but if you google search the words w/o quotes
"acoustic blanket" it brings up a lot of products at reasonable prices.
here is a video on how to choose the best one
he recommends for best sound absorption, Producer's choice sound blankets
06-06-2014, 06:14 PM
Hi Everyone:
Well it was bubbles for all today even the cats had some! Tipper started shaking today when my neighbor started his mower up. That never bothered her before. I think she is ahs just had it with noise period. I had to take her in my room where it was not too loud, she panted though. She has developed a full blown phobia with all these storms etc. It is beautiful out and on the cooler side so the temps definitely suit the dogs. Lucky just swatted me for the first time ever as I was typing this. I think he wants more attention, he is my needy rescue cat and has always been really attached to me. I think he is fed up with Tipper getting so much attention. I will have to paly with him longer tonite. No one can find my referral to the pain clinic and I am losing patience. The next phone call is not going to go well if I don't get some answers. Hope everyone ahs a good weekend with their babies. Blessings
06-06-2014, 08:30 PM
Hi Patti,
I am catching up again on everyone's news. I can't seem to get on everyday lately. I am with you on this nice cool weather. I just love it and it's so much better for Trixie. I see she just can't take the heat for very long anymore. Today there was such a nice cool breeze blowing the whole time we walked. Tomorrow it's supposed to be warmer, up in the 80's. Hopefully when we go to the park at 8am it was still be on the cool side.
Sorry that poor Tipper is sensitive to the sound of the mower now...hate to hear she's panting and nervous from these noises. It's interesting that she feels safe in the closet...I guess the enclosed space where it's more quiet feels secure to her. I know what you mean about not being able to sleep when she's in there though. Trixie will go into the bathroom when it's storming. Lately she is a lot less nervous about the storms but she still jumps off the bed and goes to curl up on the bathroom rug...and when she's in there I can't sleep. I keep getting up and checking on her. We're used to her being in the bed and when she isn't it just feel right.
Looks like no storms around for the weekend at least...hope the same by you. Also hope you get that appt. at the pain clinic..terrible you have to wait!
molly muffin
06-06-2014, 08:54 PM
Oh I bet the crew loved playing with the bubbles. They sure do love those kinds of things.
Awww, poor Tipper, now even the mower bothers her. :( That is sad, it must feel so stressful to her all the time.
Lucky needs some lovin. :) Where do they sleep at night? The cats and Toby? I am guessing they can't be in the bedroom with you.
Sharlene and molly muffin
06-07-2014, 08:28 AM
Tia got like that too. Every little noise scared her and she would jump and run. It broke my heart.
Have you tried putting a night light in the closet so that when Tipper goes in there, you can peek in and see her but not wake her? Just a thought.
Keeping you all in my prayers.
06-07-2014, 08:32 AM
Hi Everyone:
Well the dogs have already walked twice before we are to get hot temps. So at least they got their exercise in already. Tipper has ben wanting up at 5:30 am and it is a little too early for me. I am looking out my office window as I type this at a Bluejay he is so beautiful but so mean to the other birds chasing them away from the feeder. When I put Elvis by the window to see them, he is ok with all the birds except the Bluejay. I don't know if it is his size or attitude that threatens Elvis, but Elvis always turns away from him and won't look at him! Tipper got off the bed and slept in the closet again. This is going to be an all summer thing I am afraid. I do not like not being able to see and hear her, in the event of trouble, but I have to let her be comfortable and feel secure to sleep. I am taking the babies to see the llamas today while it is cool out. I hope everyone has a good weekend with the babies. I am doing a special prayer for Daisy at 12:00 noon so if anyone wants to join in we will be all thinking of her together. Blessings
molly muffin
06-07-2014, 11:17 AM
That sounds like a good day planned for Tipper and Toby. I'm sure they'll love getting out to see the lhamas.
Sharlene and molly muffin
06-07-2014, 12:07 PM
Thank you Patti that is so sweet of you!
Still waiting on blood tests to hopefully rule out Hypoparathyroidism.
Elvis is a good judge of character, blue jays are as nasty as they are beautiful. It's sad that they behave the way that they do.
Cornell is busy as always on the weekends since they are only one of three 24/7 veterinary practices on the state of CT.
06-07-2014, 05:57 PM
Hi Everyone:
The doggies got to see the llamas today. We couldn't stay long as it was really
heating up and where you have to park along the road the sun was facing us. It got too hot and both dogs started to pant. We passed the ice cream place we used to stop at for a frozen treat for Tipper and Toby, when Tipper was well. I am to afraid to give her some now. I put yogurt in her Kong and freeze it so that will have to do. She has not seemed as congested on the antibiotic, so possibly she did have a sinus infection?? My elderly neighbor, the one who watched Deloras cat is sick again. I took him some supper to eat and his daughter is coming to take him to the Dr. He has had this whatever it is three times now in the last few months. Tomorrow is storm day so Tipper will not be happy. The dogs are both napping. Tipper was up at 5am! I think we all need a little rest. Blessings
06-07-2014, 07:32 PM
Hi Everyone:
Well Addy is going to be really disappointed. Sorry it was not California Chrome, what a shame. Tipper is having a lick a thon, which I hope stops soon. My neighbors daughter just called, he is being hospitalized for internal bleeding. My neighbors are dropping like flies, this is horrible. When and if he is released, she asked if I could get him. Hmmm this will require employing the dog sitter again as I cannot take Tipper and not Toby. Watch just my luck it will be the day I get an appointment at the pain clinic!! If that miracle ever happens! His grandson is at his house, and has nothing to eat, so I took him to McDonalds and he will wait
there for his mom. I hope this turns out OK he is a nice old man. Blessings
06-07-2014, 10:14 PM
Patti, your neighbor's daughter needs to take a day off to get him home. I'm sorry but to inconvenience you so that you have to get a dog sitter is not right. They are taking advantage of your good nature dear.
I wouldn't want the responsibility of picking him up because what if he fell outside on the way to your car or something? His daughter must make the time.
Daisy loves bubbles too! :)
06-08-2014, 08:49 AM
Tia used to sleep in the bed with me too, but for some reason she got to where she wanted down when we'd put her there at night. I put her bed under our bed on my side and that's where she slept the last year. Broke my heart cause she always slept by my legs and I couldn't understand why she just all of a sudden stopped.
Hey, I'm with Valerie on this neighbor thing, the daughter should take of her of her own father. If he were to fall, how would you be able to get him up without hurting yourself? It's just not right to inconvenience you even if he is a sweet old man.
Anyway, glad the pups had fun seeing the llamas. Take care and I'm thinking about you all.
Sending love,
06-08-2014, 08:55 AM
Hi Everyone:
Yes I have to admit Valerie, I did not want to be in the position to go and get her dad, but she is just starting a new job on Monday and , will not be able to take off work. I will see what I can work out with the dogs. I never leave Tipper so if all else fails both would have to go. maybe they will get him a mini bus home as he is a veteran and at the VA hospital and they have transportation sometimes. last nite his daughter called and said he is losing blood somewhere and may need exploratory surgery on his abdomen. So I think he will be there a few days if not more. Tipper got up last nite and went in the closet again. I have been unable to observe her sleeping a lot, but what I have seen looks like she is not making congested sounds so I am wondering what was going on that this antibiotic helped?? We are to get that storm today so I am watching the weather and sky to dose her before this starts. I hope she is not allergic or my vet will be getting an emergency call on his cell phone. If he doesn't answer that I found his home phone in an old phone directory, he does not list it now. I keep it for emergencies only, as one time when I took her to the hospital for an emergency he would not pick up on the cell phone, so I am wise to that trick. It is cool here, but is supposed to heat up this afternoon. I have some laundry and cleaning to take care of and so not feel like it. I am going to play ball with Tipper for a while as she seems to have good energy today. She really has few problems with the exception of these storms. She ahs been very calm the last few days, so I don't want to ruin it today with thunder. She is just getting to where she is not on high alert all day. I am anticipating a low pre number when she gets her ACTH test in July. I can tell she is down there with the cortisol. Her legs are still feeling good though thanks to the laser therapy as she has been trying to do her Jack Russell jumps, but I get to her and stop her. If they were bothering her from the low cortisol she would not be doing that, but her laser therapy has really saved her. Where her back is bowed down she no longer tenses up when I massage her there so I know it has helped her there too. Sounds like a nutty question, but I am wondering if it would ever revitalize her cells in her trachea?? I am going to ask as I am not embarrassed of sounding crazy when it may help my dog?? Donna I am going to try the nite lite as you suggested.
My sweet Ginger
06-08-2014, 09:15 AM
Patti, a simple discharge could turn into a much more complicated matter if anything should happen to him and you will be left to deal with them at least initially and you already have way too much going on around you. A meal here and there or popping in to check in on him when you can are a different story all together. I wouldn't feel comfortable with doing it and that's not to say I'm an uncaring person. It's just plain wrong. To me it's his daughter's responsibility and not one of his nice neighbor's.
I just read your latest post and I still think his daughter somehow find a way to bring him home.
06-08-2014, 09:38 AM
Nothing you could ask, when it comes to your babies, would make you sound crazy! That's our job, to take care of them. And it's the doctor's job to listen to us about our babies so they can take care of them too.
Please do try the night lights for Tipper. I'm one that has to have complete darkness when I sleep. I've painted the phone, tv lights and the DirecTV box lights, all black. Covered the smoke alarm with black tape, cover the coffee pot with a towel at night, anything with lights! My husband said I'm crazy!! But, because Tia got so worked up with storms and lighting, my house was lit up like an airport runway. It was a transition, but I did anything for her comfort.
Take care,
06-08-2014, 11:05 AM
Hi Everyone:
Please keep your fingers crossed for Tipper. I timed the pill exactly right. One half an hour it takes effect. I gave it to her a half an hour ago and the thunder just started. She laid on the bed for a while, got up and went to her closet. I put the fan on and shut the door as much as I can. I am hoping if she were going to have a reaction, it would have been by now, as I don't like her where I cannot observe her. The weather said heavy thunder,heavy rain and wind. Then later on the same thing. I may need to give her another pill if it starts up again in six hours, since the mg is so low would that be ok? Pouring heavy rain now and wind as I type this. She sometimes comes running in and out of the closet panting and nervous, she seems to be laying down from what I can tell. Hope to God this works!! Blessings
06-08-2014, 01:57 PM
I gave Tipper the Valium at 10:30 and at 11:00 the storm hit. She laid on the bed and heard several rumbles without any reaction. As it got louder she just got up and walked didn't even run to the closet. She went in the closet and stayed a while, no panting or anything!!!!! Then she came out and was just acting normal and I just talked to her normally. Then the second round came and it was loud with some cracks. She stayed in the closet and never came out running around in and out like she does. It was time for her to eat so I put her food in the closet. I looked in and she had eaten it and was resting in the corner, and she looked up at me very calmly and laid her head back down. I have the fan on and it is supposed to do this all nite, so I wonder if later she can have another one or not?? I forgot to ask the vet how often she can have them cause I was so excited to get them. She even came into the living room for a while. I am so happy for not having to suffer thru this that I can't believe it. I knew this low mg would probably help her at first because she is very sensitive to medications. All I can say is THANK YOU GOD for answering my prayers. I am beyond ecstatic. Blessings
molly muffin
06-08-2014, 04:04 PM
That's really wonderful Patti. I'm so glad that it helped her. I think you'll have to and I know this is a bit of trial and error, but you need to know how long, how many milligrams last with Tipper. You want to only have to give her the lowest dosage that she needs. Since every dog is different, the medication can affect them differently. Just like with vetroyl, some take less, some take more.
Still, that being said, it might be that you have a solution finally. I hope the storms aren't too bad or too often.
Sharlene and molly muffin
06-08-2014, 05:27 PM
Thank you Sharlene. It is raining and Tipper went potty and had a treat. She may not sleep well tonite because of resting for several hours, but that is ok. I am just thankful she was not a nervous wreck. I think the 2mg is good for her for now. I don't want her zonked out for hours, and this seemed to be just right for now. I hate to resort to this, but she can't go thru this anymore. It is dark and still raining. Blessings
06-08-2014, 06:45 PM
Oh, Patti - I am so happy for you both that this worked so well! This is such great news, it made my day.
06-08-2014, 07:31 PM
Patti, I am so grateful, too, that this seems to be helping Tipper. I know you may have to fine tune things, but this sounds like such a good start -- at last!
06-08-2014, 10:46 PM
Awesome news Patti! I am as thrilled as you are.
I just checked Tia's Valium bottle (no, I can't seem to throw her meds away just yet) and it said "every 12 hours".
Good night.
06-09-2014, 08:49 AM
Hi Everyone:
Glad yesterday is over as today is to be nice weather but getting humid and hot. Thanks you Donna for thinking of my girl and getting me that information. How many mg did Tia take and did it help her finally? I'll tell you what one time a few years ago the Dr.'s though I had cancer, I was so relieved when they came and told me I didn't. That pales in comparison to the relief I got yesterday from Tipper finally being able to deal with this a storm. You really don't know how bad it is until you experience it, and it had gone on too long as far as I am concerned. As I thought though Tipper was up last nite and making the sound like she was swallowing water. She did not have the Clorpheneramine as it cannot be given with valium. So that could be the reason. I am not hearing the real congested sounds after the antibiotic now either so was that indeed an infection not picked up?? If so I am going to ask for more of the AB in the event it would ever get bad again I have some here. The lumps Tipper had to have removed have really grown in size over the last few months. I am wondering if the Trilostane could have any affect on that, and would like some feedback please. I hope her numbers are not too low so she can get this all taken care of in the summer. We are to have bad storms Tuesday thru Thursday so I am going to need to be vigilant and watch the weather. I still must watch Tipper each and every time I would give valium as maybe 10 years ago she was taking amoxicillin for something and restarted a week later as she was not better. The second time I started it she had an allergic reaction, but not the first week!! So at any given time she can react to something. I hope we never have to go higher than the 2mg. but that seems unrealistic. She did not sleep well last nite and was up and about because she slept some when I dosed her I knew that was going to happen, so I am very exhausted from little sleep. I will just go to bed early tonite. Tipper did drink a little more water than normal last nite, so is that due to the valium?? I hope not the Cushings. My neighbors daughter just called me and asked that I check her dads Dr.'s today as she is sick as a dog in bed for her first day of work!! She gave the Dr.s permission to talk to me. I can do that much just call and give her updates on her voice mail. He is bleeding from somewhere and they cannot find where so they are going into the colon this morning. I absolutely hate that diagnostic tool!! Have had it many times it is necessary, but yucky to do. Toby is now the king of bubbles. Because I restrict Tipper from jumping she cannot get the bubbles drifting up high, but Toby has stepped up and jumps and can get most of them before they get away, he is really quick. I am going to get some chores done and call the pain clinic. Blessings
06-09-2014, 09:03 PM
Hi Patti,
So happy to read that the new dose helped to keep Tipper from being spooked by the storms! What a relief that there's something that worked to keep her from all the usual distress which is not good for her...really happy for you, especially with thunder storm season here.
When you mentioned lumps do mean lipomas? Trixie has one and it feels a little smaller lately. From what I read they often can develop with age. I also assumed that the uneven distribution of fat caused by Cushings must have something to do with getting them, at least I would think that's a possibility.
I've added a 4mg capsule back into Trixie's dose in the it's been about 3 days and no more panting or rapid breathing. So glad I had some on hand.
Looks like a lot of unsettled weather here this week....we had no good walk today as it was raining and Trixie is really acting down in the dumps without any decent exercise..maybe tomorrow will dry enough for a morning walk, she is so used to that walk.
Hope both you and Tipper have a better night's sleep tonight.
06-10-2014, 07:46 AM
Good morning Patti.
The bottle said to give Tia 1 mg of Valium, but I only gave her 1/2 mg because a whole one made her so groggy she couldn't even hold her head up. She never had a reaction to it though. I'm so glad it's helping Tipper. I worry about her.
You still haven't heard from the pain clinic? What in the the world is the hold up?? Doctors these day act like they are God, but don't care if they help you or not. It's a shame.
Gotta get ready for work. Sending love and prayers.
06-10-2014, 09:14 AM
Hi Everyone:
Yes it is dark and the threat of rain looms in the air. The dogs have already walked so they got some exercise. Last nite it was getting dark out and you could feel the dampness and Tipper panted a bit. She was drinking a little more water than usual the last 2 days also. I have to keep an eye on that. She did sleep for a while in bed, and the congestive noise came back!! So now I am leaning toward allergies. She slept the most part of the nite in the closet again, that has become her safe haven, and I don't blame her after all she ahs been through this season already. She also slept in a half an hour which was a treat until Toby started barking for us to get up, that little stinker!! Tipper did have white matter in her eyes this morning too, so it must be allergies and no more antibiotics then. I cut her hair on her butt yesterday, I held treats in one hand and the scissors in the other. She get so nasty about her butt being wiped and you can't let her in the house when she has poop on her! So I am hoping that helps the situation. I am not wanting to dose her for just rain so I am trying to keep track of the weather report and look out the window. This is still not as nerve wracking as before, so for that I am thankful. Donna Tipper takes 2mg whole. That seemed to put her in a good place where she did not have anxiety, but yet was not zonked out. It did make her a little tired and the down side is that she did take a nap later and then was up that nite quite a lot. It is still better that her being a nervous wreck, trying to dig thru the floor, running in and out of the closet and having her blood pressure affect her eyes and heart. I just wish the vet would have listened to me sooner and she would not have suffered like she has been. So with that under control I can say we are fortunate indeed that she is doing well otherwise. Now our next hurdle will be to get her ACTH, dental, and lumps removed without causing any harm to her. Then if her tumor has not changed we will be truly blessed. Could we be so fortunate? I pray we are. I am anxious to see a blood report on her too. I am now looking for the special instructions in my file from the cardiologist to be done in order that Tipper has no problems with her heart for this dental. I need to go over this with both Dr.s before her surgery to make sure there are no mistakes. Blessings
06-10-2014, 10:54 AM
Finally, something that helps Tipper get through the storms. That's great Patti.
06-10-2014, 11:08 AM
Great news, Patti!! :D I'm soooooo happy for Tipper and you!! Now, you can all get some rest! I know you worry about her so, and I know how scared she gets. This really seems to be the answer!! I have no clue why some doctors just don't seem to listen when people talk!! :( ...There's just no excuse for it! What's up with the pain clinic? If I didn't know better I'd have thought you lived in around me!! :eek:
06-10-2014, 08:48 PM
Hi Everyone:
So glad I did not dose Tipper. When it is just going to rain, I think she can handle that. It has not started, but Tipper knows and went in her closet. I am turning in early as I cleaned this whole house and I am tired. Called the pain clinic, no referral yet, so they say. I am calling my Dr. tomorrow and tell him, he will get things done. Tomorrow morning is blood pressure , we are supposed to have very bad storms with possible tornadoes. I have to plan her meds well for this. Blessings
06-10-2014, 09:07 PM
hi patti, i am shocked that you still do not have an apointment at the pain clinic!
but glad that the valium did help tipper survive the storm.
do you think the bp will be accurate when there are storms and tornado's?
i hope you will think about your safety too.
driving in a storm/tornado...brrr!
molly muffin
06-10-2014, 09:13 PM
Maybe tomorrow will not turn out as bad as they think. I'll have my fingers crossed. Glad you are getting some rest tonight Hopefully anyway.
We're suppose to have storms and possible thunderstorms here tomorrow and thursday. I might work from home on Thursday if still predicting thunder though. I have to get up early anyway to get over and vote so will check weather when I get back and see. I don't like to be away from molly if there is thunder or lightening. She would freak.
Sharlene and molly muffin
06-11-2014, 07:27 AM
Good morning Patti.
So happy that Tipper didn't have to take any meds. I thought about her last night because it stormed here, all night. How much does she weigh? Tia was 14 pounds and 1mg did her in. She would literally fall over when she tried to stand, so I gave her half.
Take care,
Angelique (Maya's Mommy)
06-11-2014, 09:30 AM
Hi Patti
Thinking about you & Tipper. Was happy to read that the Valium helped her deal with the storms easier. The less stress for her the better. Hopefully no more storms coming your way.
Hugs Angelique Maya & Griffy Wiffy
06-11-2014, 10:12 AM
Hi Everyone:
This afternoon will definitely be a med day. WE are to get really bad weather and tornadoes that are coming from south of us. I need to make sure I time these meds just right so she gets the protection she needs as this is to go on for a while this evening and into the early morning. Donna I am so glad I have these. Tipper weighs about 18 lbs and takes 2mgs. She can still function well on that but it just makes her very calm and still and she just lays her head down. It does make me nervous that each time I give these she could have a reaction. Angelique this has been a long time coming as the vet was so opposed to giving her anything. She has suffered with this for weeks now. I am thankful it helps her get thru this weather. I took her this morning for her blood pressure check. It was fine so now we are going to have an easy day. I worked hard yesterday and am still tired, and need to call the pain clinic again!! I am tiring of it and am ready blow a gasket with them. Blessings
Chloe's Mom
06-11-2014, 11:50 AM
Patti, we're crossing all fingers and paws here that Tipper makes it through the storms with the calming meds. My husky has some storm fear, but nothing as bad as your poor Tipper. Hugs to you both and take a restful day for yourself since you cleaned like crazy yesterday!
06-11-2014, 05:34 PM
Read your news in Huskos' thread...AWESOME it is working!
Hope it continues to do so!!! (fingers crossed!)
06-11-2014, 06:38 PM
Hi Everyone:
I wanted to wait to medicate Tipper until later. She was sitting on the bed, heard some rumbles of thunder and did nothing until Toby started barking at the thunder. I gave her a pill and she went in the closet. It is rumbling a lot so this should be working on her soon. She is not running in and out or acting crazy, I
hear no panting so I think she is ok for now. Don't know what I will do if this lasts all nite. I saw the forecast, all storms for over a week except this weekend. I will need more pills!!! Blessings
molly muffin
06-11-2014, 07:10 PM
They were calling for thunderstorms here today, but nothing happened, just some rain. Hoping that holds true for you too.
Have you noticed how long a 2mg Valium works for Tipper? Maybe it holds long enough you won't need to use that many.
Sharlene and molly muffin
06-11-2014, 08:05 PM
glad that tipper is not panicking anymore and that she has found a safe haven in the closet.
hope the dr. has given you enough pills, and that the weekend will be storm-free!.
molly muffin
06-11-2014, 10:44 PM
Looks like we didn't miss the storms tonight after all. We've had thunder and lightening. Molly is doing okay on the couch though with hubs, so that is good. Not much thunder now, just rain, so hope that is the end of that. :)
Hope you too escape the worst tonight.
Sharlene and molly muffin
06-12-2014, 08:22 AM
Hi Everyone:
Well we had the thunder and lightening too. I checked Tipper twice after I gave her the valium and she was just calmly resting in the closet on her pad in the corner. I think she went to sleep and was ok until around 4 am she came into bed. I don't have a good gauge on how long this is lasting her, as I fell asleep. It must be doing pretty good or she would be panting running in and out of the closet and over the bed to let me know she was stressed out. She did none of that so I am assuming she falls asleep and is calm. It is black as nite here now. We are awaiting another storm. I am waiting to see how much of this she can take. I actually think that giving her this valium helped boost her confidence because yesterday she sat on the bed listening to the rumbles of thunder and did not panic until Toby started barking. I think she is learning thru being calm with this drug, that this is not going to hurt her. At least that is what it seems to me right now, it could change who knows. The dogs have already walked so if it starts at least they got some exercise. My elderly neighbor is very nervous about what I going on with him. They are unable to find where his bleeding is coming from. He has had an upper and lower GI and today he gets scans. They have him on a liquid diet and he is so hungry he said. He is having to stay in bed too as they are afraid of him falling. Good thing I found a home for Delora's cat before all this happened. Delora is still hanging in there she is a tough old bird! Today is just laundry and that's all as I am not feeling well. My Dr. straightened everything out with the pain clinic they should be calling me by tomorrow than goodness. It has only been like three weeks!! Yesterday I made a taco casserole and it was so much better than fighting with individual tacos!! It makes a 9x13 pan so enough for quite a few people. If you can believe it my cat wanted some. Of course I put the brakes on that idea with the seasoning and onions he was not getting any. We are having a lot of mosquitoes with all this damp weather, so I am constantly looking down at the dogs to try and makes sure none get on them when we walk. Blessings
molly muffin
06-12-2014, 01:43 PM
Oh that sounds really good Patti, Taco casserole. Would you mind sharing the recipe in our recipe thread under anything else?
You always make such great sounding food. :) I get hungry. LOL
We had the thunder and lightening last night too. Not fun this one stressed molly out a bit.
Glad to hear your doctor has this mess straightened out with the pain clinic.
Sharlene and molly muffin
06-12-2014, 03:08 PM
Hi Everyone:
It cooled off here and I took Tipper on the porch for bubbles and she was chasing them and all of a sudden a down pour. It got her rattled and she wanted to climb up my leg. So I left her in and she went to the closet. I did not medicate her as they are not sure what is going to go on yet, and it is just rain and she can handle that. She is not panting or anything , just in the closet. If we are just in for rain I will not be giving her anything. We are just having an easy day today. Hope the thunder misses us and she will be ok. No wonder this poor dog is afraid to go outside! This has been going on for two months now! I felt a lump of calcium on the back of her leg just about as big as the eraser on a pencil. Do you think I should get the vet to get rid of it when he does her other lumps or leave it alone?? I want to get everything that needs done accomplished as I am not putting her to sleep again unless for emergency sake. The Taco Casserole recipe is posted in the recipe section now.Blessings
06-12-2014, 03:14 PM
Patti, if the lump doesn't crack or bother her. I would leave it alone. If Tipper starts to mess with it, than I would have it removed.
I wonder in time when you do use the Valium, Tipper will remember how calm she felt and realize that there is no reason to be afraid of the storms?
The most that Daisy would do is pop her head up if there was an exceptionally loud crack of thunder. We were SO lucky with her. Not afraid of anything, very smart, unending affection, and the sweetest most tolerant disposition.
I pray that her personality transcends into the next doxie who joins our family. Not for quite some time though. I <3 you Daisy Mae "monster" Howe - Momma
06-12-2014, 03:20 PM
I am totally sick of this weather it is just storm after storm!
06-12-2014, 07:10 PM
i hope that your pain clinic problem will be resolved tomorrow and that the storms are over!
do you have enough valium in case you need it?
it is still hot here, but not as humid anymore.
06-12-2014, 08:29 PM
Hi Everyone:
We are supposed to be having a storm, I have not given Tipper anything. I am letting her alone, she is laying on the floor by my bed, which she never does. Sheknows the weather is iffy and she has her head up smelling the air, and the ears are at alert. We are going to ride this one out with no meds. I just hope for no crashing thunder in the middle of the nite.Blessings
06-12-2014, 08:38 PM
I'm hoping that is a good sign and that maybe the Valium was enough to show her that she doesn't need to be so afraid?
Crossing my fingers.
06-12-2014, 10:34 PM
Well, maybe Tipper's catching on....that the bad noises are outside and not inside..........and she's safe inside. Like Valerie said. That would be great! I know Eli is like that......well, except for his garbage and food bowl phobia. I suppose I'll have to buy him new food bowls the next shopping trip. :D
The one thing I'm really dreading is July 4th!! These nuts have firecrackers going for a month or more!! Eli's really freaks out then outside! :eek:
You're STILL waiting for that pain clinic?? DANG!! That's not good! :(
06-13-2014, 07:47 AM
Hi Patti,
Been thinking about you and Tipper as it's STORMING here. The thunder is as bad as the lightening and Tanzee slept through it all. Tank jumps up and barks when it thunders, but not little girl!
No pain clinic yet I see. What the heck is taking so long? Doctor just kill me...
Have a good day.
06-13-2014, 08:28 AM
Hi Everyone:
Well last nite we just got rain. This afternoon we are in for heavy rain and storms. I am glad I gave Tipper no meds last nite. Donna I am getting worried if I do have to continue with these meds that sometimes they can have a reverse affect and cause them more anxiety!! I hope we do not get to that point as I will be out of tricks up my sleeve. My Toby barks at the thunder too, and then that is what really gets Tipper going. Toby has the biggest mouth for a small dog! JoAnn Tipper is never rattled by fireworks, she knows the difference. This year since she has become afraid of mower noise etc. it may be different!! It is a pity to see them so terrified of a noise you know will not hurt them. When Tipper was small I used to take her outside and point up in the sky and tell her look at the airplane. To this day if I say its an airplane she looks up in the sky. Yesterday a transport helicopter went over head while she was going potty and she got rattled. I told her look up at the sky its a plane, and she was ok after seeing it. She also did something she has not done in a while. My old neighbors used to get the biggest kick out of her smelling flowers. I would pick her one when she was small and tell her to smell it. Now she walks up to them and takes a deep breath it is so cute. I am glad all these things are embedded in my memory. If I get no call by 12:00 noon form the pain clinic I am calling some poor unfortunate person who answers as I am beyond fed up with them. I am starting to question if I even want to go to a place that does not know what pain means as in now. I hope this storm missed us, but want the cold front to come in. We walked already and the dogs had their cold packs in their harnesses. I had to go slow as my breathing is bad in humidity and Tipper has to walk very slow because of her heart. So if it starts storming at least they got some exercise. My elderly neighbor is having a time at the hospital. He still does not know what is wrong with him, and I think he is afraid to ask. I told him he is never going to get out of there if he does not ask what is going on. He wants to come home so I told him to ask the Dr. when he comes in today, what the diagnosis is and what the treatment is for it, and can he go home? I feel bad for old people that wont' stand up for themselves, it makes it very difficult. I have arrange for another neighbor man to take his car up to him and drive him home in it when he is discharged. I will help him with phone calls if he needs help at home, or cook him something, but that is it, I have enough stress right here. Blessings
06-13-2014, 11:05 AM
Probably too many people need the services they offer but their not big enough to handle it. I hope they call you soon.
06-13-2014, 11:43 AM
Hi Patti! You sure have your hands full. Lucky for me, as I've said Eli isn't afraid of the storms, probably the only thing these days that he isn't afraid of. Now, if he was outside it might be a different story. He doesn't even seem to mind getting wet to go out to pee, oddly. Before he got sick...he wouldn't go out in the rain at all. ..He's always been afraid of gun shots and the firecrackers. So, that was nothing new for him. He didn't used to be afraid of anything, except for that. He doesn't even bark. When other dogs bark at him, he just looks at them, wondering what the heck is wrong with them! LOL .....He is funny! ....He has barked though, on occasion, if he hears something odd in the hall....and that's really rare. Funny too.....Eli has always loved smelling flowers too. He's funny doing that. Too cute! He has his days. :D
But, today I have to say...he's being a butt! :(
Isn't there any other place you can go to a pain clinic? That place doesn't really seem to have their act together. imo
06-13-2014, 06:45 PM
Hi Everyone:
Well I think we may be safe, and could we possibly be so lucky that the storm missed us?? The temperature dropped to the 50s what a difference. Tipper is loving this weather. Both dogs enjoyed bubbles on the porch today. It was windy and carried them all over the street, my neighbors were wondering where they were coming from!! Tipper and Toby are napping, and Elvis is busy destroying his new toy. My neighbor comes home tomorrow so my other neighbor will be picking him up. I may have to go to the grocery store for him. That is no problem
as I need some things too. Yikes gas is 4.00 a gallon here!! Hope that is short lived! I am hoping for a quiet not for Tipper. She had gunk in her eyes again this morning so this must be allergies. I am resting with the doggies. Blessings
molly muffin
06-13-2014, 11:51 PM
Hi Patti,
So did the neighbor man find out what was wrong with him since he is able to come home?
Did the pain clinic call you or you them? Horrible how long it is all taking to get an appointment.
i had a mammogram this morning and was on pins and needles because of our experience, but it didn't hurt at all, the lady was very good with that machine. She has done mine before so that was good.
It does sound like Tipper has handled the recent storms fairly well. She must feel comfy in that closet.
Thanks for the recipe!
Sharlene and molly muffin
06-14-2014, 08:24 AM
Hi Everyone:
Well the storm missed us thank goodness. Tipper fell asleep on the bed and woke up looking around and went in the closet. That is her go to place now, it makes me nervous that she is not with me though. My neighbor man comes home this afternoon. He had a colonoscopy they found a bad vein and repaired it and he is anemic. I will send him some food later and his daughter will come tomorrow for Fathers Day. It is my least favorite day as I truly miss my dad. The pain clinic never called so Monday morning I am calling bright and early, and I will have an appointment. This has been enough fooling around with very uncaring people I might add, so don't know why I even want to go there except there is no others around here. Tipper loves the cooler weather that blew in here. I hope it stays like this. I saw the weather and almost every day next week is thunderstorms. We have to live around these horrible storms! I know several of us were talking about leaving our babies with others and you don't trust anyone, so I just wanted to say I don't either so I have a nanny cam. I see nothing wrong with my dog sitter other than laziness to get away from the tv. I know you would never think I could trust anyone with my Tipper and I don't. God help the person who even thought of doing something wrong to her. The sitter does have her with them at all times and is nice to her and Toby. I know some people do not condone snooping, but this is Tipper so all bets are off where she is concerned. I am making some potato salad for the weekend so I don't have to mess with food too much. I will send some food over to my elderly neighbor as he told me he had not gone shopping. When you first get out of the hospital who feels like running to the grocery store?? I will get him what he needs this week when I go. Blessings
06-14-2014, 09:54 AM
Good morning Patti.
I can't believe the pain clinic hasn't called you. Have you talked to your doctor's office to see if they even sent a referral over? Could be your doctor. My doctor that I've used for about 17 years just closed his office in April. Left all us patients high and dry. I got a letter last week that said when you find another doctor they will forward my records. Did not even recommend anyone, just said to go fine your own doctor. I was pissed. Seems the doctors these days are just in practice for the money.
Tipper reminds me so much of Tia. She tolerated all noises except thunder storms. Strange little creatures they are! And I think it is awesome that you have nanny cam for you babies. All pet parents should have one. I don't trust anyone with my babies either. I was keeping my daughters 5 pound BLIND shih tzu for a few months when she moved once and our youngest son had some friends over and they were being mean to her and making fun of her. I was so hurt and furious with my on child for allowing this to happen. He and all the boys got their asses chewed out and shamed beyond belief.
Glad the neighbor man is getting out of the hospital, and that you don't have to go get him. Some people are getting as bad as doctors in that they don't care what problems you've got going on. You are expected to drop everything and jump when they need something. Shame...
The weather here is beautiful and I'm praying for some continued beautiful weather for Tipper. When the neighbors are shooting fireworks off, when turned the tv up a little louder, made sure the ac was on, turned the fans on a stand on high and since we have hurricanes and the power goes out sometimes, we bought two window ac units that we can plug into the generator, we turn those on too. Just made more noise in the house so Tia couldn't really hear the fireworks. Oh the things we will do for our furchildren!!
Sending love and prayers,
06-14-2014, 11:24 AM
Hi Everyone:
Well the potato salad is over with so on to other things now. Donna the pain clinic never called me. By the time they do I probably will be so used to this pain I won't need them!! I am calling Monday anyway, first thing in the morning. Tipper and Toby are enjoying the day as they love it when it is cool out. I am going to play ball and do bubbles with them. I haven't even had an opportunity to get my summer clothes out fully. I have just sufficed with a few outfits so I think I will do that later while Tipper is not occupying the closet and wanting me to get out of her space. Yes I never leave my girl with anyone. My dad used to always be my dog sitter when he was here, and I had someone I could trust. Donna one time I used to have a toy poodle, and took her to a groomer who gave fantastic hair cuts in her home. After a few years of using her, one day I was early, and was walking up the sidewalk and heard her and her helper yelling at a dog. I stood still for a few minutes and heard them hitting this dog and daring it to bite them again!! I almost lost my mind. They got my dog, I threw the money on the counter and walked out without a word, as I would have decked someone. I looked at the dog they were grooming which was a tiny poodle and it made me want to vomit knowing I had subjected my baby to them. So seemingly the nicest people that you think are pet friendly are not! I trust no one, even at the vets with my Tipper. Lord help anyone that would harm a hair on her, they would not live to tell the story. That is awful those friends did that to that poor dog. I know when kids get in with others they can do things they normally would not do. There was a man awaiting sentencing near here for killing his dog with a hammer because he no longer wanted him. He is in jail over it right now. Still the laws let people off so easy. Wish we could force change. Blessings
06-14-2014, 01:23 PM
Hi Everyone:
Well Tipper wants outside to break up a Blue jay fight. Four blue jays against one starling! Tipper is watching out the window and her tail is going and that means she wants to mix it up a bit with them all. Poor starling has had enough just trying to get a bite to eat and got mobbed. Well I guess it was too good to be true sending my neighbor to get the other neighbor!!! The one going to pick up the other just called me and said he is going to have to stay there for a couple hours they are starting medicine in an IV. Now why did someone not say this before I sent him there. He sounded disgusted and sorry her went. This will no doubt take up his day which he had not planned and told me so!! Oh well I will make him a cake or something and he will have to get over it. I am glad it was not me, as Tipper would have had a fit waiting with me that long. So glad I did not go to get him! The dogs have played ball, and we are going to do bubbles soon. JoAnn you have to try bubbles with Eli I bet he would love them. Sharlene you have to get Molly some too. If the senior citizens do not make it home soon one may have to splurge for dinner! Blessings
06-14-2014, 05:14 PM
Hi Everyone:
Just had a bubble session with the dogs. They are loving this cooler weather. My neighbor called and he has still not left the hospital. The guy I sent to get him is probably furious with me, I do feel really bad. He has been there 7 hours now!!! Does anyone have any experience with their dog having the paper thin skin and surgery? I keep thinking how thin Tipper's skin is and I hope this surgery will not bring her any healing problems and start anything??? Blessings
06-14-2014, 07:34 PM
still no call from the pain clinic.....tell them you will send me, that will scare them!
i would be scared of surgery too.
is it really necessary? do they bother tipper?
i have no experience with them.
ian's skin recovered very fast from the 2 mean hotspots he has had, so i hope tipper's skin will heal fast too.
do you still get updates from grace and delora's cat?
hope you will have a lazy sunday.
06-15-2014, 08:13 AM
Hi Everyone:
My elderly neighbor finally made it home! My other neighbor I got to pick him up was steaming when they got home 8 hours later. He said he was hungry and tired and is never doing it again!! I feel bad as I am the one who set it up. Too bad my elderly neighbor told him to be there 8 hours before he was discharged!! I think I would have gotten disgusted waiting 8 hours for someone too. The dogs have walked already. I have really been trying to pay attention to any bugs going around them as the mosquitoes are carrying some new disease that is really bad. We do not go to early and I never let them out after dusk except to potty. Tipper does not need any more issues! She is white and they would probably go for her right away. I took over some food for my neighbor. He is kind of frail after a week in the hospital. I will shop next week for him when I go. Tipper went in the closet again, so I assume this will be an every nite thing. I cannot see the tremors and that is good and bad as I like to keep track of what is going on with her. It is getting close to mating season for Elvis and he has been strutting his feather and pinning his eyes. Not a good sign to put your hand in his cage. He was very lonely yesterday, but I was not taking him out and getting a bite. His hormones are going wacky now I guess and he is aggressive, so I will give him his space. Toby is so spoiled with the bubbles that I have to get some more or else just pour some dish soap in these. He barks at you until you blow bubbles for him. I am going to take them to the llamas today. I wish all the men on the forum a Happy Father's Day and all of you ladies with hubbies, and dads, hope they have a good day too. Spend time with your dad today if possible it is a blessing.
06-15-2014, 06:31 PM
Patti, you do so much for those around you. It's time for their families to step up. You have much to much going on and I worry that you'll overload.
Best to give Elvis his space, I agree since birds can really do damage and are stronger than they look.
I know that you're missing your father. He is watching over you.
06-15-2014, 07:37 PM
Hi Everyone:
The dogs were llama watching today. We could not stay long as it was too hot for Tipper. My elderly neighbor called me from the dollar store in town, and asked if I could help him get his car started. He said the key would not turn to start the car. I went up with Tipper and left the air on for her. I got in his car and turned the steering wheel back and forth, and the key turned and it started. He was so happy, I could tell he was still not feeling well so no big deal. The time on the porch was limited as Tipper was too hot today. They are both passed out in the air conditioning. It was nice not cooking too much. I seldom eat hot dogs, but Nathans is my favorite, so I grilled a few and gave some to my elderly neighbor. A lot of my neighbors are having cook outs with their dads. I sure miss my dad so much and just try to keep busy today. Tipper has laser therapy Tuesday and Wednesday is Adequan . I saw the weather and it is nothing but sforms for the next seven days!!! This should be a real challenge. Blessings
06-15-2014, 07:43 PM
hi patti, i miss my dad too.
a -not cooking- hot dog day is good.
lazy sunday.
our shops are closed on sunday.
7 days of storms? not good!
hope you hear from the pain clinic tomorrow!
i have to go to bed now, so sleep well.
06-16-2014, 08:23 AM
Hi Everyone:
Well the doggie have already walked as we are to get a storm and I wanted to get the exercise in. Has anyone else heard about those mosquitoes in the Caribbean? I am always on the look out for them near my dogs. God knows we do not need more issues. I am waiting until the pain clinic opens to call them. The doggies had a good weekend, but Tipper continues to go to the closet to sleep. It really makes me feel bad. I asked Sharlene this and now I will ask everyone the same thing. Because Tipper's fluids have to be restricted during her surgery does anyone think that is going to cause issues with her liver? If so do you think it will just be temporary? I know my cats have required extra fluid to get the anesthesia cleared out, as one was not feeling well afterward for some time. The more I think of this the less inclined I am to do it. I was watching Tipper yesterday on the porch for the few minutes she stayed out, and this disease has really ages her. The brown mask she used to have is so light now it is barely detectable compared to how it was. She looks like a grey haired old lady. He eyelashes etc. are even turning. It is really troubling to see these changes in her physical appearance. Well Tipper is at the window wanting to go at it with the Blue jays as they are fighting all the birds off the feeders again. I have to give them credit, they know how to survive. We are to get storms for seven days so this will be a real test with Tipper. Blessings
molly muffin
06-16-2014, 05:56 PM
The Caribbean virus is really nasty, not as bad as the one in the middle east, but still bad and the Caribbean one is mosquito born, but from what I understand, the type of mosquito that carries the virus isn't adaptable to our climates. However, people coming back from somewhere, that they caught it could maybe spread it to another person.
That is just what I've heard, I think they did a medical report on it as we have many people who got to the Caribbean in the winter time from Canada.
I'm kind of glad we didn't go this year since it was bad down there, with over 100,000 report to have it in Dominican Republic.
It is always hard to see our furbabies age. Any sign of them getting older or sickness is just sad to watch.
Hope the storms pass you by
Sharlene and molly muffin
06-16-2014, 07:29 PM
It is. I noticed that even Daisy's whiskers had turned white last week! I almost pulled one out thinking that it was cat fur or something else stuck to her face. Then I realized what is was. She just looked at me like "really mom? You don't recognize MY whiskers yet?"
06-16-2014, 07:41 PM
Hi Everyone:
Well guess who has an appointment with the pain clinic??? The bad part is that it is over a month away. Are these people kidding me?? It has looked bad outside several times today, and I have been watching the weather. I am so glad I have not even thought about dosing Tipper. We will just ride this one out as it is to continue until Sunday! Tomorrow is laser therapy, oh lord I have to buy another 5 sessions. It seems to get used up so fast. I am not complaining, I will walk on hot coals to keep my girlie going, it just gets so hard to manage. I noticed her one rear leg bothering her today, so it is good we go tomorrow.Wednesday she gets Adequan, and Thursday Elvis goes to the traveling vet to get his nails and wings clipped, and his beak removed, just kidding, but maybe not, he has been so mean this past week. He even got nasty when poor Toby went up to his cage to see him, and he loves Toby. So we have many appointments to go to this week. It is very hot like 85 and very humid. We are to have high 90s for the rest of the week. Tipper and Toby are passed out already! The cat was yowling last not and kept me awake for most of the note. I found fur from one on the floor in the living room upon getting up, so I guess they were fighting as they sometimes do. Lucky always starts it as my Chance is and has always been the most gentlecat I have ever had, so I know who the culprit is! At nite Chance likes to sit on the back of the sofa and watch what is going on in the neighborhood and for some reason it irks Lucky, so Lucky will sneak up behind him and swat him for no reason. I have caught him doing it many times. Chance just does not understand Lucky's nastiness. Chance never even strikes back at him he is so gentle, so Lucky just keeps it up until I stop it. Hope all stays quiet tonite. Blessings
06-16-2014, 08:25 PM
Hi Everyone:
Well guess who has an appointment with the pain clinic??? The bad part is that it is over a month away...................
really? .... you will have to wait 1 month.............ggrrrr!
hope the storms will be without thunder and lightning.
my ian is blue merle, so he is already sort of grey in his face his whole life.
the weather was cooler today, and ian found a football in the streets and was very happy!
just like before the cushing. he is feeling very well!
good luck with the trips in the bad weather.
molly muffin
06-16-2014, 08:50 PM
Patti, I was going to say on my thread and forgot. Liquids and anthesia are not a good combination. That is why they don't want her to have too much before going under for surgery. I'd think it would be worse if she had a bunch to drink before hand.
Sharlene and molly muffin
06-16-2014, 10:05 PM
Patti, I just want to check if you are asking about restricting fluids prior to the operation, or is the vet planning to do something different during the operation?
Hamish had 3 lumps removed when he was around 11 - one was a very small lump on his ear (and the reason for the op as he would scratch his ear and I was worried he might catch the lump and make it bleed) plus another small one and a fatty lump the size of a tennis ball on his chest. We had to withhold food and water from around 8pm the night before (he wasn't happy!) but he was allowed to eat / drink the evening of the operation (although he was rather groggy so not overly interested). I'm not sure if it will help as he was healthy at the time but it took around 2-3 weeks for everything to heal fully. About 2 months later he developed two more large fatty lumps in his groin area but they never bothered him so we just left them.
Sorry to hear about the wait for the pain clinic - did you ask them to call you if they got any cancellations? I have to book at least 3 months ahead to get an appointment with the podiatrist, but they do try to fit you in if they get cancellations.
06-17-2014, 06:57 AM
Patti, I am glad MC and Sharlene are asking about your concern about fluid restriction because I, too, have been hoping to clarify your specific worry. The pre-anesthetic "nothing by mouth" restriction is just to make sure that the stomach will be empty and nothing can be vomited up and aspirated. After the surgery, I think it is usually the restoration of kidney function, rather than liver, that is the bigger concern in direct relation to fluids. Changes in blood pressure and fluid volume can throw the kidneys "off," as it were. But if necessary, IV rehydration can be started. I know certain anesthetic agents can be hard on the liver, so that can be a concern. But is there something in particular about Tipper that has you especially worried about her liver in conjunction with the few hours that she would be fasted before the surgery?
06-17-2014, 08:17 AM
Hi Everyone:
Thank you for helping on my concerns with Tipper. I am worried about no water before hand, but my main concern is that the Cardiologist wants iv fluid restricted while Tipper is under to prevent congestive heart failure. I am worried that the restriction of this fluid will affect her liver as it did with my cat. My cat had to have extra fluids as this made him sick he would not eat and when tested his liver values were high. Since these dogs livers are already under stress I do not want to add to it. Marianne you said certain types of anesthesia will do this. They have used an anesthesia for older animals the last few times with Tipper. I may email the IMS and ask her to go over with the anesthesiologist the best one to use for Tipper, and hope that my vets have that particular one. I am worried about her kidneys also. This is very scary to me and I am all but ready to put the brakes on this. If anyone else has nay concerns or feels this is not a good idea please tell me as I am very worried and need your input desperately. I do not want to cause my dog any troubles and she has enough, and certainly do not want anything to happen to her. If you have any suggestions whatsoever that will help please post them. I do know about the aspiration end of this and fasting as Tipper gets acid reflux at times and she could definitely aspirate into her lungs so I always adhere to that rule. I am just worried about no water and her kidneys. Has anyone else gone through this? How did it work out , and did you do anything special to circumvent these potential problems? We had a quiet nite and Tipper went in the closet and slept. It is dark this morning and threatening. I will not dose her until I am really sure we are going to get a bad storm. Leslie told me this stuff can lose efficacy and have reverse affects on the dog, and I did read that also. I do not want to use it too much and have that happen as it is the only tool I have left. The dogs have already walked twice. My elderly neighbor called before 8am. He just wanted to tell me he is going to the store himself. He is so frugal he does not want to spend money on even a throw away cell phone that he can carry in case of an emergency with that car of his as it is older. This is a rural area and he would have to walk miles for help, but he will not listen. My arthritis is in high gear today. I could barely get out of bed and I am stiff as a board still and my hands are swollen up. It is all this moisture I am sure. Well today is laser therapy so I better get moving and get some things done. Blessings
06-17-2014, 11:16 AM
I hope everything goes well with Tipper's surgery. Sorry I don't know anything about the water concerns.
Thank you for thinking of Scoop, Archie and me. I wrote a response to you on Raleigh, Archie and Gus' thread.
06-17-2014, 02:14 PM
Hi Everyone:
I just wanted to say I faxed the IMS as letter asking her to consult with Tipper's anesthesiologist on the best anesthesia for Tipper knowing she will have limited
IV fluids, and my concern about her liver and kidneys having problems. Also if she should have any additional fluids afterwards. I will talk with my vet tomorrow, and make sure he knows the instruction will be coming from the IMS and ask due to Tipper's condition that she be first on the OR list because of her limited water intake. I also asked the IMS if Tipper is good enough for this to be done, and if she had any suggestions that would help keep her safe. I told her there will be two vets with her during the whole procedure. I just am not comfortable without an anesthesiologist, since my vet does not have one, I must compensate with two vets. My head will be totally Greg by the not before this procedure. When they intubate her I want them to pay attention to her epiglottis and soft palate if it is hanging down too far causing these swallowing and breathing issues. I will see what the IMS recommends for all this. We went to laser therapy, and Tipper is not even wanting outside as the heat and humidity are so oppressive. I came home to yet another call from my neighbors daughter, and this is getting old now real quick. Blessings
06-17-2014, 03:45 PM
Dear Patti
I have been so wrapped up in my own selfish grief that I have not tried to be there for others. I don't know how you answer almost every post. You and Addy and Sharlene,Molly's mom are such angels as many others. Thank you
Cushing's babies heat up very easily. Some thing's I did for Apollo was buy him a cooling pad to help with the heat, see below. I would also soak a scarf or small towel in cold water and wrap it around his neck and when in the car I would squirt him with cool water like a mist to cool him down.
Hugs Sonja and Angel Apollo
06-17-2014, 03:57 PM
Thank you Sonja I am so thankful for the help of this forum and all the caring people, I just try to give back and help others. It makes me happy if I can help someone else struggling with this overwhelming disease, as I once did. Blessings
06-17-2014, 05:28 PM
Hi Patti, Like Sonja are an Angel here! I know we all appreciate you! I'm sure Tipper will be OK. The Vets should know by now what they are doing with her. Like the others, I have no clue about the fluids either and the effects. Maybe, one of others will. Please try not to worry so much.....I know it's hard not to. You're in mine and Eli's prayers. :) You need to take care of yourself too. I'll light a new candle for Tipper to! :)
What's up with that pain clinic? Can't you go somewhere else? :mad: That makes me mad that they're dragging their feet with you.....when you are in so much pain! :(
Hang in...we're all here for you too!!
BTW....for Sonja...I did light a candle for little Angel Apollo too.....but, I'm sure it's gone by now.
06-17-2014, 06:40 PM
I saw a candle lit for Tipper...please tell me she's ok...
06-17-2014, 07:29 PM
Hi Everyone:
We just got a severe thunderstorm warning and I have been out on the porch several times. It is getting black out now. I decided to cut the pill in half in the slim chance this misses us. I have just dosed her. Hope this works out as they said this is a dangerous storm with hail. Blessings
06-17-2014, 07:40 PM
Hi Again Everyone:
I neglected to tell everyone yesterday that I went on the page for all the dogs that have passed where there pictures are, and posted my messages for all the babies there. I apologize for not doing it sooner, but I don't think I realized they were there, or did not want to look, one of the two not sure which. At any rate I am sorry as I know how important each and every one is to all of you, and wanted you to know it is important to me to recognize each and every one. Blessings
06-17-2014, 08:46 PM
Tornado on the ground 7 miles from us, it is going east supposedly which is away from us, our siren is going off. Thank God I gave Tipper meds she is OK and there is lots of thunder. I have all my babies together.
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