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04-05-2014, 07:08 PM
I don't think low cortisol is Make inflammation, but it might uncover inflammation, or not help to reduce it, just as it does in arthritis. A dog with arthritis, feels better with a big higher cortisol. Lower it and bham, they have a hard time getting around. It doesn't Cause the arthritis, it just no longer covers it, or even perhaps help in the reduction of any inflammation.

So, it's a bunch of theory thrown out and feel free to discard, but I'm all about the logic and common sense as that will often clarify issues for me, when I'm finding things perplexing.

Sharlene and molly muffin

that is exactly the way it went with my flynn.the arthritis was already present, but covered by the high levels of cortisol. one pill of vetoryl and bham indeed!!

04-05-2014, 07:30 PM
My only thought is though, Tipper never had the tremors until she started Vetoryl. So there would have been no medical reason that I am aware of that she would have inflammation of her nerves. I know about the arthritis as when Tipper's cortisol lowered it flared up. That is part of the reason she started laser therapy. She walked three times today and it was cold out so she is already wanting to go to sleep. I turned on the electric blanket for her. Elvis is screaming form his cage so I must cover him before Tipper gets up. Blessings

04-05-2014, 08:18 PM
do you have snow again? glad that you were able to walk though!
so elvis off to bed and tipper too.
nice, that you've got an update on grace.
hope you will have a chance to sleep in till -lets say- 10 a.m.??
i am going to visit my aunt tomorrow, and do her garden.
in return she will cook me a nice meal and spoil the doggies....
it is a pity she does live so far away. driving is not my hobby.....[small country, lots of traffic]
but i don't have to work this monday morning!
i still have to find the guts to upgrade this old pc....stress!

Squirt's Mom
04-06-2014, 07:36 AM
My only thought is though, Tipper never had the tremors until she started Vetoryl.

In my simple mind, there is your answer right there ^^^. ;)

04-06-2014, 09:03 AM
Hi Everyone:
Tipper just walked although it is cold with heavy frost on the ground. Leslie I always go back to the Vetoryl as the cause too, but I guess what I am wanting to find out is why exactly the Vetoryl does to cause this?? What is the mechanism causing this?? It has just gotten so bad . It went from a leg tremor now to full body tremors shaking her violently at times. I thought if I could figure out how the Vetoryl causes this that maybe the Neurologist could prescribe a med that would counteract it. It is increasingly hard to watch. I can tell Tipper is due for Adequan as she is exhibiting tracheal issues again. It is to go into the 60s here today, I hope so as the dogs can be out more. I am going to have to see about permission to get Deloras cat a new home somehow. Asking her is not going to
work as she thinks she is coming home, and would say she wants her cat back! I do not want to call the son, so I have a dilemma here that is not by my choice. Blessings

04-07-2014, 08:43 AM
Hi Everyone:
We are waiting for rain, which I pray does not bring thunder. It is in the 30s and Tipper has walked twice. I was noticing when she has been walked many times and really worn out, she doesn't seem to start with the tremors as much when first going to sleep. No what that piece means to the puzzle, I am not sure yet. I am going to keep a record of her walks and tremor activity to see how they could be connected in the reduction of this. Hope Tipper does not get wound up today from the weather. She has her ACTH again for like the 18th time on Wednesday. I hate doing this to her it really stresses me out. Blessings

04-07-2014, 06:28 PM
it is april 8 already overhere, so i should not be on the internet with my w-xp pc. but since i didn't visit the forum yesterday i wanted to look at the new messages.
i hope you and tipper are alright.
i hope the test results will be ok wednesday and you can postpone her next test for a long time.

04-08-2014, 12:51 AM
Good luck on Wednesday Patti!
It's been raining all night here.

04-08-2014, 09:15 AM
Hi Everyone:
Well it's been raining for two days so quite a bit of pounding and no dog walking. Tipper went in the closet when it starting raining real hard, but she was not shaking or anything like when it thunders. We are supposed to get that next week. Some tremors thru the nite last nite. I am wanting to see if there is any connection between the days she walks a lot and exercises these muscles, and the days she doesn't, how that affects these tremors. I will watch tonite as she did not walk and see if they are better or worse. Don't know what that will prove, but maybe one step closer to figuring this out. Tomorrow is ACTH day and I am already feeling guilty she has to do this so soon, I think it is number 17 or 18 as I
lost count. This is brutal and I get sick on the day of this testing as I know how hard on her this is. I wish there was some easier way. I guess everyone wishes there was. I watch The Housewives shows and Monday nite one of the women had there Yorkie killed by a large dog next door and she found her dog hanging out of the other dogs mouth. This girl was devasted and had the Yorkie for 7 years. I don't know what is wrong with me, but it is continually on my mind. Every time I think of it it makes me cry. This women was just lot without her baby, and I guess I see a little of me in that, and it really scares me. If I had know that was going to happen, I would have skipped that episode.I pray my baby lives a long life. I know what crushing devastation many forum members have been going thru, and it terrifies me. Blessings

04-08-2014, 10:06 AM
Hi Patti. Just wishing you good luck with Tippers test. I know how hard it is on us, sometimes more so then the actual pups. Hope all goes well.
It was half snow, half rain this morning and cold, but off we go to the swim therapy we missed yesterday. I read your updates everyday, just want you know.

My sweet Ginger
04-08-2014, 10:43 AM
Oh poor Tipper! That makes me cringe, just the thought of it.:( I really wish there were easier ways to do this. And the ridiculously expensive cost? You are just amazing, Patti and Tipper is one lucky pup. I don't understand why the cost varies so much tho.
I hate everything what they have to go through to survive with this disease.
I will pray she will get good numbers tomorrow. Hugs. Song.

04-08-2014, 02:13 PM
I know just what you mean about test days Patti. I just can't stand bringing Trixie to the vet and most especially if I have to leave her for any amount of time. I am not looking forward to out next test though I know it's important that we get one. Tipper has had a lot of testing, but at least she is probably used to the drill and though she most likely doesn't care for it-who would?--at least she is probably not too fearful, I hope! Just hate when they look at you in fear...Tipper is usually so good at the vet...she's a brave pup.
I'm always hoping for the time at the vet to go by quickly so it will be over and can get her out. I hope today and tomorrow move quickly for you and Tipper and that the test will go smoothly.
Hoping you get that pre number to a good spot. Seems like Tipper's cushings symptoms have been good though, right? No evidence of going too low since the last test?
We started out today in a heavy fog and drizzle...Trixie didn't care and as usual was ready to go but I didnt care for the rain spitting in my face so we didn't go far. The sun has just broken through here...sky is that kind of bright white overcast color and it's warming up so as soon as I can straighten up here we'll go walk along the river to the nearby park. Trixie is bored and giving me the whites of her eyes so I'm going to get moving.
Hoping your bad weather is over and that Tipper and Toby can go outside.


04-08-2014, 03:33 PM
Hi Everyone:
I just had a shocker. I went into my bank account to see all these charges on my debit card. This happened to me last year at another bank. I had to go sign papers in front of a notary, and they make you file a police report. The deputy told me that say you go to Walmart. These crooks have special cards that they scan after your transaction as they are in line behind you and it records the last 10 or 15 transactions and debit numbers. It looks just like a credit card, and they buy some cheap item and when they scan this card it just says to the cashier not approved, but it has already recorded all those numbers that were ahead of them. Then they just use a real card and pay for the cheap item and leave the store undetected. I think I am going back to writing checks this is an pain in the @#$. So now I have to wait to have any money available to me, and my debit card is canceled. I ordered something on line and had to get on and change the account number. This causes so much trouble. It cleared up here and the sun has been out so Tipper and Toby and I walked three times. I am going to try and take Deloras cat to see her at the end of the week if I can get the dog sitter. I just had to stop and buy litter for her cat and food. Her son is such a cheap deadbeat that he would never think of getting some and sending it over. The cat is doing well with my neighbor, too bad he will not consider keeping her. What ever happened to elderly wanting company? I just feel like canceling Tipper's ACTH tomorrow. I just get nauseated on the way there knowing what she has to go thru. Blessings

Squirt's Mom
04-08-2014, 03:39 PM
A couple of years ago I was almost talked into getting a debit card. I went on a trip and saw a sign in two of the hotels I stayed in stating they would not accept debit cards. When I asked why, both places said they were too easy to gain access to and commit fraud with so they simply did not take them. Needless to say, I stuck to my guns and did not get a debit card!

My sweet Ginger
04-08-2014, 04:46 PM
Patti,just out of curiosity, how long is Tippy's walk each time?
Good for Tipper and Toby and for you too. I should take Flora out more often now the weather is warmer. She's so plump.:o

molly muffin
04-08-2014, 04:49 PM
Oh that is awful Patti. :( Such a bother it is to get it all sorted out too.

I think you will definitely feel better if you know that Tippers numbers are in a good place and you don't need to get ACTH so often from now on. It does seem like she has been very stable on this dose with her thyroid under control. So that makes me think the thyroid might have had something to do with the way her cortisol was reacting. It's all connected in the body after all.

Hope the rain stops. We had some overnight last night and this morning, but now, blessed sunshine!!!! :)

Sharlene and molly muffin

04-08-2014, 05:22 PM
We walk about 40 minutes each time we go. Tipper was used to walking miles every day before she got sick. I think that has been her saving grace, that she was in such good shape when this all started. That is or should I say was Tipper's very favorite thing to do. Before this started she had leg muscles liked the Hulk!. She loves to be outside, I just hope she doesn't act like last summer when she did not want out on the front porch. She always ran to go on the porch, but last year was scared to go out much. I think it may be the noise as that has affected her badly. It might be the lawn mowers etc. It is not hot so this is the best time to go so maybe Flora would enjoy it. Blessings

04-08-2014, 05:47 PM
i think you are right about our dogs surviving the cushing's because they were in such a good shape before. ian loves his walks too,
especially hiking in the forest. his sister is more of a water doggie. swimming in the river is her favorite thing.
i hope everything will be ok with your creditcard.
w7 did not work on this pc, so i am still on xp, and i am not doing banking business or shopping online anymore. too afraid something will go wrong.
i ordered a vista dvd because my pc should be able to handle this one.
i am getting so stressed from this all.
good luck tomorrow at the vets practice and hoping for excellent numbers.

My sweet Ginger
04-08-2014, 05:59 PM
Wow, that's a lot of walking if you do it a few times a day and little Toby can keep up with you and mighty fast Tipper? Go Toby! You must be in such good shape yourself walking that much regularly.;)

Flora and I used walk once around the block ( once was all she wants to do and not a yard more or she'd put her butt to the ground and won't budge:mad:) on good weather days but she doesn't go beyond the end of our driveway anymore after she was assaulted by a huge dog on one of our regular walks last summer. I tested her not too long ago thinking she must've forgotten that incident by now but this little princess still remembers and I couldn't get her out of the driveway.:o I have to drive her to somewhere so it won't be that easy for me anymore unless she somehow forgets about it.:rolleyes:

04-08-2014, 06:40 PM
For some reason if I take Tipper somewhere else to walk she is freaked out. It seems like she is scared about things unfamiliar to her. She will hardly walk for looking around her. Her personality has changed so much since all this happened. One thing that has not changed and never will, this little dog would defend me with her life. Blessings

04-09-2014, 08:31 AM
Hi Everyone:
Well my girl was up again while it was still dark out! That's ok as long as she gets up and I see that sweet face all is good. She had some tremors last nite, but not a lot, and she had a lot of exercise, so I will keep a record of this and see if there is any connection to that and the tremors. I have all her supplements and Vetprylk into her already as we will be leaving for the vets for her testing. God I hate doing this to her! I spoke to Delora last nite. She said her brother is coming from North Carolina in about2 weeks to see her. He could stay at her house. I plan to have a good talk with him about all this with her son. Maybe he can go to the social worker at the nursing home and help some how. I need to get this cat situation handled. I don't know how much longer my neighbor will keep her cat?? I hope Tipper has some good numbers as I swear I am not doing this to her before three months again. This poor thing I feel really bad for her. Blessings

My sweet Ginger
04-09-2014, 11:36 AM
Hi, Patti,
I just wanted to wish you and Tipper for good results on her ACTH test today so she can have a break from it for a while. I feel your pain for Tipper for what she must go through to fight this.
What our babies have to endure to get better is sooo unfair and dangerous to them I so wish we have more advanced medical treatments available already for this cruel disease but since we don't at the moment I hope the experts are working their hardest to find a cure very soon. Hugs. Song.

04-09-2014, 01:30 PM
Hi Everyone:
Thank you all for thinking of my girl today. She has had so many of these tests that it is just brutal doing this to her. We are all done and the Dr. told me Tipper is the best dog he has ever taken blood from. He said she just sits there very stoic and never moves one bit. I said well this is like the 18th time so I guess she knows the drill. He said that doesn't matter that he gets dogs that come in every week that are terrible acting, have to be muzzled etc. Well I do find out the answer to them question that has been bugging me. Why Tipper's ears were flapped down her whole life and as of a year ago they stand straight up and will not bend over like they did. The vet said when they get older things calcify in their ears and harden more or less. So now the mystery is finally solved!! It is about 55 out and beautiful so we are heading outside. Blessings

04-09-2014, 06:15 PM
glad that the testing is over! have a nice walk with her and toby and try to relax till you get the results on friday.
maybe dolora's brother will take the cat? it is difficult to make the right choice for her. maybe the same rescue that replaced grace?

04-10-2014, 08:48 AM
Hi Everyone:
I am certainly glad that the test is over with. Tipper has already walked and the sun is out and going in the 50s. Maybe some rain later on, but starting out good. I am always thankful when the doggies get out and have fun. I am anticipating Tipper's results today or tomorrow. I hate waiting for things its one of my quirks, especially when it involves Tipper. I hope her numbers are good. I think I can read her signs good enough to tell if she is going low,instead of all this brutal testing every few weeks I want to let her go for 3 months. I will really have to watch her. Maybe like Sharlene said that with her thyroid controlled now her number will be more stable on this dose. I talked with Delora last nite. She is really failing and confused. She said her brother would be here the 23 or 24 th of April, I am hoping she lasts that long. I am taking her cat to see her later in the week. I have been trying to start my spring cleaning, which is usually done by now, but do not have the energy for some reason. I may attempt my bathroom this afternoon and go from there. I hope the vet calls soon with Tipper's numbers. Some tremors last nite, but not a lot. She did walk three times yesterday so I am keeping track of the pattern. Blessings

04-10-2014, 10:07 AM
When Keesh had his last ACTH test by the latest vet, she actually did the blood draw from his neck. I freaked, but it didn't seem to bother him at all. I asked her why the neck... she said it gives a better reading. Beats me, but that's what she did. Glad it's over for Tipper now, and sure hope the readings are good ones.

04-10-2014, 10:42 AM
Tipper's is always done in the neck, and I can't stand to watch it as it just kills me knowing she has to do this. Can you imagine that in your own neck?? Just brutal! I so wish there was another way. Blessings

My sweet Ginger
04-10-2014, 11:01 AM
My vet or her technicians always draw blood from Ginger's jugular vein saying her veins on her legs are too small and didn't mention that they give better readings:rolleyes: and I do feel awful for her each time.:(
They take her away from me and bring her back when she's done and in a way I think it's better for me as I don't think I can stand watching her being manipulated by them.:o She's done 5 times so far and I pray not too many more for her from now on.

04-10-2014, 12:15 PM
Hi Everyone:
I just called and got Tipper's numbers. The make me a bit nervous I have to admit. Her last pre was 0.9 and post was 5.5. Now she has a pretty of 1.3 and a post of 3.5. What are your thoughts on these numbers?? I know the pre is just barely low as I spoke to Dechra after getting the results and the cut off is still 1.5 so that is one thing that is one thing that remains unchanged. It makes me a little nervous since her pre is low and the post is down to 3.5. Dechra feels the pattern with her shows she should be OK. No wonder she is not begging for food all the time!!!. I knew she was down there but not this low. They feel that since she takes all this in the morning that if she would go low it would probably be within a 6 hour window, and not while sleeping as that is what scares me. I don'twant this happening, if it ever does in the nite. If I ever have to deal with this I want it in the day. They think I should stay the course with the 20 Vetoryl and the 7 trilostane. They said they feel comfortable with her not being retested for 3 months. It worries me and I do not want to put her thru it as I want a longer period for her to recover from all this, but it scares me at the same time. I think this is the best balance I am going to get for her. I also discussed her tremoring and they said to keep track of her exercising and when she doesn't to see if the lower cortisol is giving her problems somehow when her muscles are tired. I don't see that as the case as when she could not get out this winter it was still happening regularly. I thought if anything the exercise would help??Blessings

04-10-2014, 01:10 PM
You know I can't help you at all with the readings, but I'm glad it's done and it's all over at least for a little while.

04-10-2014, 01:13 PM
Dear Patti
Thank you for your kind words. You have enough on your plate. When you are dealing with this disease,it can zap your energy,the constant tests,blood tests,symptoms, drug adjustments, and what it is doing to your baby.
Apollo had slight mouth tremors on Trilostane. He was on such a low dosage. His cortisol would get too low and then we'd take him off to raise it. It is a juggling act. But we added in thyroid medicine, milk thistle, antibiotics for the skin infections,etc.,can not remember half the supplements he took. Apollo did live to be one month short of 14.aI agree waiting 3 months would make me nervous too. I would take care of him again in a heartbeat. I relished every day I had with him. Monitor Tipper and if you notice changes than contact the vet.Each case is different. What bothers me the most is there have not been more advances in treating this horrible disease. Tipper is just so cute.
Hugs Sonja and Angel Apollo

04-10-2014, 02:49 PM
Hi Everyone:
Well Tipper my rock star has walked 4 times today. I think her back legs are a little tired. I want to see if more exercise will help these tremors. Sonja thank you for the help, I can always use some wisdom as sometimes I think I will go crazy from this disease. I am sad there are no advances with this disease too. Tipper is snoring away so she is definitely tired out. Toby kept up, for such a little dog he can really walk. I assume Yorkies are not known for being walking partners with those little legs, but he matches us step for step. I am going to get my vet to order me 2 mg, 6 mg, and 7 mg trilostane. I have most other doses. Then if I need to go up or down like 2 mgs I can do that without waiting for the meds. I could tell Tipper's cortisolmwas low today as we have lots of wind gusts going on and she was a little apprehensive about the situation and was acting a bit scared of it. Well they are done walking for the day, so it won't bother her anymore. She had her Adequan shot yesterday too so hopefully the trachea will calm down and not cause he'd discomfort. Even though Dechra said stay the course, I feel like I want to drop down 1 mg. I am not comfortable with her pre being low, it just makes me nervous. I need to think on it, as I don't want the post climbing and causing symptoms. She has been on just about every dose but 26 mg. Maybe that is the magic number that will get the pre number OK without a rise in the post?? I hate this it is just like a chess game. Blessings

molly muffin
04-10-2014, 05:09 PM
The numbers as they are seem to be pretty good, she has come up from the lower pre number of .9 so that is an improvement, and the post is where it should be. So, you'll have to keep an eye on her, test sooner if need be, otherwise wait and give her and you a break.
So sorry to hear that Delora is failing. :(

We have the wind here too and suppose to get showers this evening. Yea, I hear the word snow for a maybe next week sometime. If it happens, cruddy as that is, at least it will melt during the day.

Sounds like you wore the gang out with the walks today. Hope it leads to a peaceful night. I think the same thing, that the more walks, the more tired, maybe the less tremors. Either way, you will know more for certain after you have kept records of it for awhile.

Sharlene and molly muffin

04-10-2014, 06:58 PM
those numbers sound good! and 4 walks today..not bad at all!
i feel a migraine coming up, so i took my meds and off to bed now.
hope you and tipper have a good night sleep.

04-10-2014, 07:36 PM
Patti. Tipper seems to be doing well aside from the tremors.
Daisy couldn't do 4 walks in one day. No way. Someday I hope that she will although she's definitely stronger since the dose increase.

04-11-2014, 09:17 AM
Hi Everyone:
Well last nite Tipper had bad tremors and she had walked four times. I am anxious to see if it is all the exercise having some connection to these tremors. I can really tell her cortisol is lower as she went romthe closet last nite during the heavy rain. She was not panting or shaking, she just felt more secure in the closet. She will have to have Melatonin and the dap collar Monday is supposed to be real stormy. It is raining hard now and she is just laying there listening to it. She is good until the thunder starts, then forget it. It is getting closer to the ultra sound at the hospital, and I am already nervous thinking about it. If I never get anything else the rest of my life I will be content just with good reports on Tipper. In the end that is all that matters to me. I just think it is so torturous having to do this every three months but we have no choice. Dechra told me yesterday from Tipper having so many ACTH tests that they think it drives her cortisol up a bit when she is tested. It seem her post is much better when she is more relaxed. That is why they said no testing for three months. We shall see how she gets along on this dose, she does not have much wiggle room before going low, so this does make me nervous. Blessings

04-11-2014, 12:35 PM
Hopefully this dose will be ideal for now. It seems that Daisy's symptoms act up for a few days after an ACTH test so Tipper's might too.

Keeping my fingers crossed.

04-11-2014, 05:06 PM
Sounds like Tipper has been enjoying all her outside time..and Toby too. I see lots of very peppy Yorkies in the park everyday and a couple of them are actually running alongside their jogging owners so I'm not surprised Toby keeps up with you and Tipper when you're walking.

Tippers numbers sound really good to me...her pre came up from last time to a good spot. When she had the .9 last test she hadn't shown any signs of going too low and now the post is up so even though we always have to remain cautious it sounds like she's doing really well on this dose. Seems like she's in a really good place judging by her behavior...Cushings symptoms are controlled but she still has energy and appetite...I think you should be happy with these results. You always watch her carefully and you would immediately see if anything seemed amiss.

We are supposed to have thunder storms on Tuesday as it moves East from where you are. I notice Trixie much less nervous about the noises from the rain now that her cortisol is lower. When she was not controlled she would hide and shake like crazy...she would even go under the table when it was raining with no thunder. I hope it stays like this, I hated to see her shaking in fear during storms.
Glad for Tipper that she can have a break from the tests at least for a little while. Hope she continues to feel good and that the tremors ease up.


04-11-2014, 05:36 PM
Hi Patti,
How are you and Tipper doing today?


04-12-2014, 12:02 PM
Tipper is doing pretty good, but I can tell her cortisol is lower as every time someone starts a mower or something she is jumpy. We are supposed to have storms Monday nite and I am concerned about that too.For the most part she is doing well, and able to get her exercise in now that the weather is better. It seems Lola is in a good spot too. I just hope Tipper's pre number doesn't go any lower. Blessings

04-12-2014, 12:12 PM
Hi Everyone:
Well I did make myself start the spring cleaning. I have my bathroom and bedroom done. I have been taking breaks and walking the dogs in between cleaning. I have a zillion rooms left to do! Oh well at least I made myself start that is the hard part. Tipper walked three times yesterday and had some tremors, not a lot like the nite before. I can tell her cortisol is lower as every time someone starts a mowers or something she runs away from the noise. I hope this does not ruin her summer and that she will come and sit on the front porch. The lower cortisol is better for her symptoms, but no good for her being afraid of noise. It is sunny, beautiful and in the 60s, so that is Tipper's kind of day.I cleaned all the bedding in the dogs crates and put it all back real nice and here came Tipper the ripper and tore all of hers out onto the floor and left it and walked away. Blessings

04-12-2014, 03:12 PM
is the gras already growing so the neighbors have to mow their lawn?
outdoor season is coming so lots of noise outside. overhere too.
sad that it affects tipper so much.
where do you find the strength an motivation to do the spring cleaning?
my house could use some spring cleaning, but i am not in the mood.
my dogs do the same with their bedding. they want to do it themselves.
glad that the weather is ok, so you can walk in the sunshine!

04-13-2014, 08:21 AM
It is to be 70 today so we will be out as tomorrow is storms and the next day is snow!! Tipper walked four times yesterday. She was up and walking around last nite, it was supposed to rain and maybe she could sense the pressure change. I have no energy to really do this spring cleaning, and could hardly get put of bed this morning. I am just about to start another room. Nomthey are not knowing here yet, they are just getting the mowers ready for summer and starting them up. Blessings

04-13-2014, 08:29 AM
Hi Everyone:
Tipper was up wandering around last nite. I think she was sensing the rain we were to get, and didn't. It will be 70 so she is definitely going to be walking. I could not tell if she was having tremors as she was not in the bed much last nite. She insisted on going in her crate and digging and rearranging her blankets, much to Toby's disdain. It's three in the morning and Tipper is digging in her crate and Toby is barking at her. Typical nite in this household. I am going to the
livingroom and clean it today. Even though I could barely get out of bed this morning, I am wanting to get this cleaning finished before the really nice weather starts! This will be a major accomplishment the way I feel. Blessings

04-13-2014, 01:04 PM
Hi Patti,
Sorry your pups were up in the middle of the night. Those changes in the weather are definitely noticed by the dogs.
Trixie is the exact opposite as Tipper..now with lower cortisol she is much less jumpy about noises and especially the rain.
It's been great dog walking weather...glad you have gotten out with the dogs so much, I know they love it.
Trixie had 2 long walks yesterday--morning was off leash in Central Park and afternoon along the East River which she also loves. The weather brought out everyone so there were so may dogs which Trixie really appreciates.. she just loves sniffing after every dog. She had a ball.
She's resting right now. Last night and today I hear tummy gurgles from her which always gets me really worried...she seems fine had normal poops and has her usual huge appetite. I just wish I knew why sometimes those tummy noises are more prevalent. She did drink a bit more after all the walking and warmer temps so maybe it's just the fluids in there making noise...I hope so.
Hope you enjoy the day and don't work too hard on the spring cleaning...save it for the rainy days. ;)


molly muffin
04-13-2014, 01:34 PM
Save cleaning for the snow/rain day coming up! Great idea Barbara. :) It's too pretty out to clean today. LOL

Little rascals, up all night.

Sharlene and molly muffin

04-13-2014, 04:45 PM
hope the doggies will allow you to have a good night sleep after all this cleaning you have done....
i only did the laundry today and a bit of gardening.
do you have a big garden? i am glad i don't have a lawn to mow.

04-14-2014, 11:02 AM
Hi Everyone:
I could not wait until the snowy day to spring clean as I had already started. If I stop I will never go back to it and finish it I hate it that much. I did manage two walks for Tipper yesterday in between cleaning. I finished the living room and I am moving into the dining room today. I was ready to take the cat up to see Delora yesterday and called her, but she said no don't bring it for some reason. Maybe she told that wonderful son of hers I was going to bring it and he said no. She is really upset they moved her to another room, he son told the staff she was too isolated. What a joke! He had he isolated the whole time she lived by me!! Tipper was having a very hard time breathing last nite. She really struggled and wheezed. The dew point was 51 and it got to almost 80 degrees. I have to go out
and rremove the cover off the central air in case I need to turn it on for her next week when it warms up. I can see a definite difference in her heat tolerance even from last year to now. I did turn on the ceiling fan, but had to shut it off as it gives me an earache to sleep with air flowing over me. We are awaiting the storm right now. I gave her a Melatonin and she has her dap collar on, and scratching at it already. She is panting off and on and I am not sure if it is the humidity or the pending storm making her nervous. It said on the weather to expect a lot of thunder, so this will be a challenge keeping her from getting crazy. She moved about the room last nite so I was not able to see if she had tremors or not. I hope to God we just get rain and no thunder for her sake . I will have to get her cool harness out and ready for the warmer weather. I fooled around trying to upload video from this table and don't have a manual to see what I am doing wrong. I looked online but found no help. I have to work at this as I want others to see it as it is not like any other ones posted. Blessings

04-14-2014, 05:47 PM
Hi Everyone:
We are awaiting the thunder any time now. Tipper was really Crazy when the heavy rain started, so I do not see this dap collar helping her when it thunders. I am already stressed thinking of her panting and crazy from this. I need to get a permanent fix some how for this. I am desperate, and even looked into doggy ear plugs!! There is a head gear type that is supposed to work, but making her leave something like that on??? Well that should be a picnic! Blessings

04-14-2014, 06:03 PM
so sorry for tipper having all this anxiety problems with the thunderstorms coming your way.
the only thing left is giving her a mild dose of real tranquilizers.
just for the heavy storms with lots of thunder.
ian has problems with the heat too. we had summer temp. last week. humidity does not help either.
maybe just put cotton balls in her ears?
distract her with a meaty bone to chew on?
i hope you will find a solution for this.
was she afraid of this before the cushing's too?

molly muffin
04-14-2014, 06:04 PM
hmm, while I can get a chuckle out of imaging Tipper in head gear, I don't think the reality would work very well. It IS Tipper after all. LOL

Hopefully the thunder won't be too bad this time. I know there is always a next though.

Sharlene and molly muffin

04-14-2014, 06:55 PM
Yes Tipper was afraidmof it before, but with little cortisol levels she goes off the walls and there is not enough to manage her stress. God please no thunder! She is taking turns laying on the bed and on the floor close to the closet. I can tell she is on high alert. This is pitiful to have to keep this up. It is warm in here today and I am worried about her breathing if she goes in the closet as it will be too not for her in there, and she was struggling last nite too. I will turn the air on if I have to, but the temperature will plummet tonite with snow at 4 am, and we don't need air on during that! She can handle the rain so please let it just be rain

04-14-2014, 07:51 PM
i hope this will work out just fine for you and tipper. what a stress!
is it over yet? snow at least does not make noise.

04-15-2014, 08:42 AM
Hi Everyone:
Well it was a bad nite here last nite. Tipper was so upset from all the wind and the rain all day. When she finally tried to lay down and sleep when it was quiet, she has the worst tremors yet. Part of me wanted to film, it but the common sense side of me just wanted to stop it. It was rocking her whole body. It seems she is not doing the smaller ones any more, they are bad and really rock her abdomen, it actually rocks he back and forth it is so strong. I always notice a deep different pattern in her breathing before it starts. So it sleeted, hailed, and is snowing now. Both of us were up most of the nite. I did sleep a bit, and woke up to being drenched in sweat, and not feeling well. If I forget any of my meds this happens. I was so stressed for Tipper I forgot one of my pills so I took it, but by that time it was 4am and I could not sleep. Tipper seems to be doing a faster shallow breathing the last 2 days that has me worried. This morning she did not poop. I gave her her Vetoryl and she wanted to go out again. She had a real loose poop, which worried me cause she had her Vetoryl. She never has loose stool. I am wondering if it was all the stress of yesterday and last nite?? I will see how she is today, and if she is OK she willnot get Vetoryl again until she poops because she is pretty low with her numbers right now and as I said before that has me concerned. She is acting good, ate OK and seems alert, so it could be the stress of yesterday. We have laser therapy today, and I am still feeling sick and do not want to go, but I will do it for her. I finished my dining room yesterday so I am moving along with the spring cleaning. Today will be rest day, as I am not feeling like working. I am barely making it walking around, so no work. I will stay with my girl and make sure she is alright. I talked to Delora and she told me hospice has been wanting to see her son. She is just miserable,and really depressed. I think my neighbor wants the cat to go to another home and neither one of us can find anybody willling to take her. Blessings

04-15-2014, 04:05 PM
Hi Patti,
I am so sorry that Tipper is having issues at night, and that you are not feeling well! I hope you get some rest today.


molly muffin
04-15-2014, 04:47 PM
It definitely could have been stressed related loose stool. She was upset for a long time yesterday. So, cross fingers that is all it is and that she is normal at end of day or tomorrow morning.

Snow should all melt tomorrow or Thursday. :)

Sharlene and molly muffin

04-15-2014, 05:39 PM
Thank Nadia and Sharlene. I hope it was just stress that caused this in Tipper. She never has loose stool. She is eating well, went to laser therapy with no problem, and is alert and running thru the house. I hope she poops early in the morning tomorrow so I can see if it is ok to know if I will dose her or not. I must get this video up for you all to see. We have blood pressure in the morning so if anything is wrong I will have the vet available to see. It is really cold out and still snowing. It is covering all the trees and bushes and looks pretty, but it is too cold for Tipper to walk. With her stool like this I really just want her to rest. Blessings

04-15-2014, 09:53 PM
i am sorry that it was such a hard night for both of you.
at least snow falling does not make a lot of noise.
hope you both will be able to rest for the remains of the day.
lots of loose stools here as a result of a doggie virus in this village.
i had to beg for old newspapers because i ran out of them.
they are never sick, but this time it is a very contagious virus.
they want to walk though.
hope it is just stress related with tipper.

04-16-2014, 01:20 PM
Hi Patti, it never seems to end for our pups does it. Thinking about you.

molly muffin
04-16-2014, 02:06 PM
I hope everything is okay with you and Tipper! Some things I count on and one is that you log in every morning and check how everyone is doing and give us the Tipper update. That didn't happen this morning, so you know me, worry wart.
Whats up?

Sharlene and molly muffin

04-16-2014, 02:30 PM
Patti to get the best from the dap collar it has to be left on at all times that way it builds up in the system. On and off won't work as well remember it has a time limit of 30 days where you need to renew it. Woody used to scratch his neck with it on but I would take it off for a little while but he wore it everyday, it worked for him

04-16-2014, 04:14 PM
Hi Everyone:
Sharlene you are too funny, a worry wart like me. We had blood pressure this morning. It was good and the weight was down a little which is also good. This morning Tipper had a normal poop!!! So Sharlene you were right she just had too much stress the day before because of the weather. When we got home I walked the dogs and immediately went in the family room to tackle it. If I quit, I hate cleaning so bad I will never go back and finish it. That is why the late post, as I just finished the whole room. Tomorrow I will tackle the kitchen, which I have been dreading. I left a message at my vets asking for 2mg, 6 mg, and 7 mg trilostane to be called in Diamondback for Tipper. That way I have my own little drug store and when I need to switch doses, I have just about every one, and won't have to wait for the vet who never does what he is supposed to do. He probably read my note and I bet he was cussing me out. It would be too much to ask for, for him to not make a big deal out of it. This will be fight 2000 probably! Tipper walked twice in between my cleaning, so she is snoring right now. She had some bad tremors again last nite, and was up and about quite a lot too. A border collie came over to greetmher when she was getting off the scale at the vets and she really showed her teeth at him and he backed up. The owner said oh you dog is so funny! I said if I let her down on the floor I think you would describe her differently!! He laughed and said oh she can't be that mean! That's my little Tipper the Ripper, she invented Alpha Dog!! Blessings

molly muffin
04-16-2014, 06:09 PM
Well very glad to hear that it was the BP and spring cleaning mayhem that was keeping you busy today.

yay for a good BP for Tipper.

Funny, this morning I was outside, getting ready to leave and saw a guy walking his dog at a nice brisk pace up the sidewalk. Not sure where they live as I don't recall seeing them around before, but I swear that dog looked like Tipper. I said to myself, and there goes a little Tipper dog for sure. LOL

Sharlene and molly muffin

04-17-2014, 12:26 AM
Patti, good reports Tipper! Keep it up. :)

I hate cleaning too so when I start, I also don't stop.

04-17-2014, 11:11 AM
Hi Everyone:
I am getting a late start on the dreaded kitchen cleaning! Tipper slept in her crate a lot last nite and so I was not able to check on the tremors. Her poop is still OK and she remains on her Vetoryl. Very cold here this morning, but warming up and the sun is out. My neighbor asked if we could take Deloras cat to a shelter?? Are you kidding me?? I said no way,a and he left it alone. I need to get a fix for that situation. My first priority is getting Tipper's video posted. I have already started to go over and over in my head about Tipper's appt. next week at the hospital. I am going in to do battle with the kitchen, and I need to call and see if my vet called in Tipper's RX to Diamondback. Blessings

04-17-2014, 05:23 PM
Hi Everyone:
Well my vet did call in the three requests I asked for from Diamondback. The only problem was he messed them up. So I got it all straightened out. Seriously can he do simple tasks??? I had to pay some bills today, walk the dogs, and clean the kitchen, so I have just finished everything but the floor. Tomorrow I must run to the store, so I need the dog sitter to watch Tipper as I won't be gone long. Tipper is still doing a lot of swallowing and sounds like she is taking a drink, it has to be some type of mucous or fluid, but from where?? She is resting now while I have a heating pad on my knee, from up and down the ladder. Looks like a good week coming up. At least I will be done with this cleaning when the nice weather starts!! The doggies have walked three times and I am tired. A break tomorrow to run to the store, then back at it. Hope no tremors tonite.

04-17-2014, 08:34 PM
i hope your knee will get better soon. all that cleaning and 3 walks....
can't you take a one day break to recover?
glad to read that the weather is improving.
and that your vet ordered the trilostane!

04-17-2014, 11:29 PM
Hi Patti,
I hope your knee heals fast. Try and keep positive thoughts for next week, although I know how hard it is not to worry. Hugs to Tipper!

molly muffin
04-18-2014, 12:26 AM
Hi Patti!
I hope that knee clears up in no time at all. Can you take ibprophen? That is what helps my knee the most when it starts acting up. All it takes is a wrong step to twitch it a bit. A ladder or on your knees cleaning sure can make you pay later.

hmmm, Tipper isn't due for another shot for her trachea is she? For some reason I'm thinking it was 2 weeks back she had the last shot. Seems there would be something with some properties to reduce mucus. tumeric maybe? Leslie might know.

well, I'm tired. Brain tired I think. :)

Oh and in answer to your question about 18 months for the adrenal tumor to show up. It wasn't there on the last ultrasound.

Sharlene and Molly muffin

04-18-2014, 09:08 AM
Hi Everyone:
Well Tipper has some bad tremors last nite. I am still not convinced they are not myoclonic seizures that I mentioned months ago. I have been researching them.It turns out they start when the dog first goes to sleep, and Tipper's do. They affeect the face with twitching, which she does. They can start in one placeaand get worse which they do. They can be caused by medication, which is the Vetoryl. They cannot be cured once they start and that is why when she was off the Vetoryl for several days they continued. They can sometimes be controlled with meds, which I don't think I want to get into now. There are too many pieces to the puzzle that fit here. I am going to pursue this with the neurologist and her IMS next week. They can stop breathing, and lose consciousness. She does do a funny deep breathing before this starts as I have mentioned. I am going to show the IMS the newest video of her doing this. I wish I had one of the really bad ones on there for her to see, I will try to get one before next week. I am having a break in the work today, and running to the store when the dog sitter gets here. We are supposed to get to 70 on Sunday. Blessings

04-18-2014, 12:03 PM

Please watch this video to the end these are mild tremors only no bad ones. It is the second video.

04-18-2014, 12:51 PM
Dear Patti
The tremors could be a host of issues. Apollo got mouth tremors when he was on Trilostane. Maybe contact Dechra the company that makes Trilostane. The have a place for emailing them ,a vet will email you back. And the other suggestions are ask your vet and research the internet. Wish I could be of some more help.
Hugs Sonja and Angel Apollo

04-18-2014, 03:51 PM
Hi Everyone:
I finally got the video on my thread so please look at it to the end. These are mild tremors only, not the real big ones. I am going to try and get one of the bad ones on here as soon as I can. If you watch closely you will see her eye and face twitching along with her tail. If you have any ideas on this please share them. Sorry about the bad videographer, but it was the first time I used this table to take video. Blessings. Thank you Sonja!

molly muffin
04-18-2014, 04:26 PM
Hi Patti,

I really don't know much about seizures, but I did just read a bit on myoclonic seizures. They seem more of a localized muscular response, rather than a tremor type. So a jerk, hard fast, in videos I looked at they seemed abrupt spasm.
Tremors sort of, to me, appear to be more ripple than a jerk. You likely know more about them than I do. So this is just how it seemed to me.

Sharlene and molly muffin

molly muffin
04-18-2014, 04:45 PM
I would try to video tape the worst ones, I know that is hard to do with Tipper and show the best vids that show it clearly to the neuro vet and IMS.

Sharlene and molly muffin

04-18-2014, 05:05 PM
The only reason I haven't is it is so bad I try to get her awake to stop it, instead of getting the video. It is very hard to watch, but I must do it.

04-18-2014, 07:25 PM
These are so mild they could be anything from dreaming to feeling cold...

Don't remember where i read it, but dogs with health problems tend to feel colder...I always covered Husko with a blanket when he fell asleep and it seemed to help him sleep better...

Could be as simple as that(?)

04-18-2014, 08:14 PM
ian has the same muscle spasms when he is fast asleep. as in sws sleep.
he can even make barking noises and growl.
his legs are making walking movements sometimes.
he is re-living the things he experienced during daytime.
to me tippers video does not worry me, but maybe the one with the bad tremors will.
to me it looks as she is dreaming.
hope the specialist will have an answer for you.

04-18-2014, 09:13 PM
Awww..Tipper is so sweet snoozing away. Now you said these were the mild ones and Trixie does do something similar and did so even before Cushings..but she only does these mild type of tics and movements and not all the time, just once in awhile. She sometimes looks like she's almost going to run in her sleep, but nothing more than this type of thing and it's usually while she's sleeping here in the living room while we're watching TV, not when she's sleeping in the bedroom so much. I always thought she was dreaming and I always just reach over and pet her back to kind of wake her out of it.
I imagine the stronger ones that Tipper has are more alarming than this.


04-19-2014, 08:07 AM
Hi Everyone:
Tipper had a good nite not to may tremors. I am waiting to get a bad one on video. It is nice and sunny already today and Tipper has walked once. I am resting today and tomorrow. Tipper had that congested sound last nite and woke up with a lot of mucous again in her eyes. I am going to play with and enjoy my babies this weekend. The people that have Grace sent me an email with them all dressed up as Easter bunnies Grace looked so cute. I am happy they love her, but miss her terribly. She was just lime Tipper, that once in a lifetime companion. In case I forgot anyone I am wishing you all a blessed Easter.

Squirt's Mom
04-19-2014, 08:09 AM
Like what others have said, I didn't see anything that looked like the seizures I have seen in dogs...but then, Sophie's aren't the "usual" so I am no judge nor expert. But most of what I could tell in that video looked like dreaming to me until close to the end. Then it was the torso that got my attention. Her rib cage seemed to lift as if she were going to get up. Squirt moves a lot like that now trying to get up when on her side. But it's due to aging bones and muscles, not a seizure in her case. ;) So based solely on this video, I don't see anything that would worry me or make me think "seizure". Squirt's legs move like that very, very often when she is asleep, day or night. I couldn't see any face movement in the video. I hope you can get one of the bad ones you see.

With Tasha there was no question she was seizing - it was what I guess most of us think of when we think "seizure" and she was affected by them for hours after, sometimes not recovering before another hit. Squirt was debilitated after hers for several months - tho I wonder if hers wasn't a stroke instead but Doc said seizure. I know from doing a tiny bit of research on seizures for Soph, tho, that they can vary widely and often no cause is ever known. The type she apparently has are called "focal seizures".

04-19-2014, 09:40 AM
Good morning Patti. I've been think about you and Tipper lately.

I read all the symptoms of the Cushings and the side effects of the meds and think back on Tia's little life. As bad as it was losing her, I'm thankful that she didn't have to go through all this any longer than she did. I miss her terribly though.

Happy Easter to you and Tipper.

Much love,

04-19-2014, 11:03 AM
I know what you mean Donna, sometimes I think why am I letting this go on, only to get worse, but I love her so, and her quality of life is good.

04-19-2014, 11:11 AM
Hi Everyone:
Thanks for the feedback on the video. I am not concerned with any foot or leg movement. I am only concerned with the end of the video. She always does this deep breathing before this all starts. Then her torso kind of ripples and twists, and when she gets the bad ones her stomach goes in and out like she is giving birth, her face and eyes start to twitch real and. When this starts it can move her up off the bed from the rocking of her abdomen. One of the other reasons I suspected the myoclonic seizures was I watch TV in bed at nite. Could the flickering of the light from the TV be setting this off?? After documenting her exercise for a while now I am thinking it is not connected to this in any way. The
doggies have walked thred times and are resting. I did break my resting day and clean the kitchen and laundry floor. That is about all I will do till Monday. Watch out for that Easter Bunny!!

molly muffin
04-19-2014, 12:54 PM
Hope you have a good Easter weekend Patti.

Sharlene and molly muffin

04-19-2014, 01:10 PM
Patti, I could not get my lap top to play the video so sorry I cant give you any feed back. As long as you feel Tipper is still enaged with a quality of life, you keep going, sweetie. We all know how much she means to you.

I do want to wish you and yours a Happy Easter.

Big hugs

04-19-2014, 10:09 PM
i wish you a quiet and sunny eastern [with a few good walks of course]
we do have 2 days of eastern overhere. so monday is a holiday too.

04-20-2014, 11:56 AM
Happy Easter to you Patti..and to all your babies...Tipper and Toby, Elvis and of course the kitties...can't remember everyone's name. I hope you all enjoy the beautiful spring day! It's quiet cool here but that's better for Trixie anyway.

Barbara :)

molly muffin
04-20-2014, 09:43 PM
Happy Easter Patti, Tipper, Tobey and gang. :) I hope you have had a wonderful day and that Tipper got through the night okay.
I wish I could give you better input and know more about seizures, but I think you know more than me on this. I just hope that whatever it is, that you and your IMS and neuro team can figure it out.

Sharlene and molly muffin

04-21-2014, 08:41 AM
Hi Everyone:
Tipper did well last nite, but was up roaming around and she kept me awake, so I
am dragging a bit. My neighbor called yesterday and wanted me to com and eat with him and his daughter. It was a lovely thought, and would have been nice to get out, but I will not leave my Tipper alone ever. He understood and it was nice of him not to say it's only a dog to me as many do. Earlynthis morning at 2:30
am my ice maker got jammed and was making all kinds of noise. I had to get up and fix it. There was a piece of ice not letting the tray dump, so I managed to get the hunk of ice out and it went quiet then. The dogs were growling at it and Elvis got nervous and started talking from under his cover. I got in bed and Elvis wanted to continue singing tiny Bubbles. That is his favorite song. So we all covered our ears and fell asleep until 5:00am when Tipper the ripper got up for the day! Needless to say I am a bit sluggish today. Getting some shorts out of the closet and ready for some nice weather to stay. Hope you all had a wonderful Easter/Passover. Blessings

04-21-2014, 10:17 AM
Tell me about taking the Melatonin at the wrong time of day. I have not seen this.

It is a hormone mostly produced when we sleep at night...
It only makes sense to give it at night, giving it in the morning would probably cause a hormonal imbalance.

As far as dosing per the link above...i would start low
(should also say that out of all the things i have suggested here, i did not have the chance to give melatonin to Husko)

04-21-2014, 02:56 PM
Hi Everyone:
Well Tipper will not be tested Wednesday. The IMS assistant called and said she had a death in the family. We had to reschedule for next Wednesday, and they coordinated the eye Dr. and canceled the previous appointment. I told her to leave enough time for the US because if the IMS is late in traffic I do not want the eye Dr. ripping into me like last time. She said they would be responsible for that. She also said she has experience with the eye Drs. Temper and laughed. I understand, but am disappointed as I want this over with. Last nite I just layer there thinking about it and worrying, no we have another week of this!!. Then I got the order from Diamondback and again, it was a double order, split in half and two shipping charges. That really burns me. The time before it was a double
order too. So this time she told me to keep it and they would give me credit on
my card for it. I cant afford one order yet alone two! You will love this one Sharlene, Tipper is holding her front paw up and not walking on it. I guess Trixie and Molly called her today and passed the word to make your mom worry! She is doing it off and on, not all the time. I think she jumped off the bed and hurt herself again when I was in the bathroom. Normally she just follows me into the
bathroom. I guess that's it, I cant use the bathroom anymore!! This is really narrowing things down! Blessings

molly muffin
04-21-2014, 05:14 PM
Oh my God Patty I can't believe all these dogs are having their issues with the front leg that is just crazy. Molly did hers jumping up that seems like most the time it happens jumping down which makes sense. I'm sorry you have to wait to get the testing done till next week I know it's a real worry whenever I could think about is what's going on inside of them. Yes I can see how not be over to go the bathroom would be very limiting and your lifestyle.

Sharlene and Molly muffin

04-22-2014, 09:39 AM
Hi Everyone:
Tipper was in and out of the closet last nite, as it rained and she was anticipating thunder. She was uncomfortable, but by no means frantic like when it gets bad out. Also she is having breathing issues at nite, I can hear her making noises again, and more struggling to get air. Sometimes it sounds like the noise is coming from her nose, and sometimes her throat. She did have a bad episode last nite with her trachea collapsing. She immediately panics and goes crazy knowing she cannot get air, I guess anyone would! She vets Adequan next week so as much as I do not want to do it, she may need two shots a month instead of one. We are having a lazy day as it is raining still and dreary out. I am not feeling my best so I will rest and maybe clean the laundry room this afternoon. Blessings

molly muffin
04-22-2014, 04:40 PM
Oh how scary when the trachea problems occur. :(

Rest is good. Taking it slow is good. :)

Sharlene and molly muffin

04-22-2014, 06:35 PM
Hi Everyone:
I finished the laundry room today even though I was going to rest. So one more room done. I cooked a roast beef dinner and took some to my elderly neighbor. It is his favorite, he loves mashed potatoes and gravy. Tipper was acting nervous today as it kept raining, but it has stopped and she is on alert to see if it starts. She is more nervous of course when her cortisol is lower. I am glad she gets Adequan next week, she is having a lot of noise going on from the trachea. I am tired and plan on resting the remainder of the nite with my babies. Tomorrow is blood pressure for Tipper so we will be up and out early. The temperature dropped and it will be 36 tonite. I heard it was snowing in Ontario! Blessings

molly muffin
04-22-2014, 06:49 PM
Snowing in Ontario??!!!:eek::eek:
Not here thank goodness!! Judi? I haven't seen her saying anything about it and I'm pretty sure she would if it dares to snow up at her place again. Maybe they meant west or northern Ontario. I don't put anything past Thunder Bay or Sault Saint Marie area.

Good for you to enjoy a nice peaceful night with the furbabies.

Sharlene and molly muffin

04-22-2014, 08:43 PM
i am back after 3 days without internet. my pc was at the pc doctor.
it is fixed now, but i am not too happy with vista so far. i miss my w-xp.........
i am sorry that you will have to wait another week for tipper's us.
hope you have finished your spring cleaning?

04-22-2014, 11:03 PM
Don't tell me Tipper also has hurt her leg again! What's going on with these pups? I hope she's okay and having a good night. So, so nice of you to take care of your elderly neighbors like you do...you should have a lot of good Karma built up. Hey, that reminds me of Karma the cat on the fund raising site! I wish there was some follow-up on that cat I would love to know how that little sweetie is doing.
Going to get pretty chilly here overnight and tomorrow, bet you had some of that today.


04-22-2014, 11:38 PM
Patti, hopefully rest will do all of you some good and Tipper's paw will improve. Rained here all day and thankfully,Daisy isn't bothered by it.

04-23-2014, 10:04 AM
Hi Everyone:
We got back form getting bp and weight. Well the bp was excellent, and the weight was up a tad, bit she drank a lot of water yesterday for some reason. Tipper was all about the room last nite so I was not able to see any tremors. It is raining here some will try to walk if it let's up. I am slowing down today, may clean the cat room later on, but not feeling it right now. I am going to post later as I want to get my Elvis put for a while and give Tipper some supplements. Blessings

04-23-2014, 11:59 AM
Hi Patti..well great news on the blood pressure!! yay for Tipper. I know the BP is always a bit of a worry so I'm glad you know she's doing great with that.
Was a beautiful cool morning here but we only walked a little bit..even though there was NO limp. I wrote about it on my thread. It's cloudy now and supposed to get really windy. Trixe is marching around with a toy in her mouth trying very hard to get me to chase her. :)
Hope you have a good day.


04-23-2014, 03:49 PM
wonderful news! Patti so glad her bp was good :)

04-23-2014, 06:57 PM
Hi Everyone:
Well the rain stopped so the doggies were able to get two walks in. Tipper drank more water than usual yesterday, and I am wondering if she retained some as she had a few extra ounces on the scale today. I need to talk to the vet Tuesday when Tipper gets Adequan, and tell him she needs it more often and that she is having lots of tracheal issues lately. I wish our hospital appointment was behind
us but uunfortunately it is not. I cannot help but worry. I didn't do a lot today, I am not feeling well and have little energy. Toby really misses playing with Tipper since they have been separated, so today he was sticking his paw thru the gate
and trying to kiss her. Tipper wasn't having it, so Toby kept looking at me like make her make up with me. He is very sweet and kisses everyone, but is Leary of strangers. My elderly neighbor brought me some throw away plates and some foil. I said thanks, but what's this for. He said in case you make me any more dinners, you won't have to use your plates!! I think he must of liked that roast beef dinner! I was so tired last nite I almost fell asleep without giving Tipper her Soloxine. Blessings

molly muffin
04-23-2014, 08:55 PM
I'm happy to hear that Tippers BP was good as I know that is a worry.

Nice they were able to get a couple walks in today too.

Awww, poor Toby, he just wants to be friends and there is this dog in the very same house and no play time. Poor guy. He must wonder why she doesn't like him.

Hope you get to feeling better.

Sharlene and molly muffin

04-23-2014, 09:08 PM
smart neighbor, hint; he wants more dinners made by you....
i hope you will be feeling better tomorrow.
it is 22C and humid and sticky nights. not good for cush doggies.
glad that tippers bp was ok.

04-24-2014, 12:00 AM
Patti, you do so much for your neighbors, I think that it's about time that they give back to you :)

Great news on Tipper's BP! Poor Toby just doesn't understand why there's no play time with Tipper. Why do you think her attitude has changed toward him?

04-24-2014, 08:37 AM
Hi Everyone:
Valerie Tipper never really liked him, but tolerated him. Jack Russell's only care about themselves, they are very selfish. Since she has gotten further into this disease, she has little patience, even with me. Everything must be in a hurry according to what Tipper wants. She gets angry when I take too long putting her harness or coat on. So she just has little tolerance for Toby's little antics and barking at her which really sets her off. Bad combo as Yorkies keep yapping and will not stop, then Tipper snaps.
Tipper had some tremors last nite, but the main worry was the trachea. For the first time ever she hacked twice and I heard her like trying to clear mucous from her throat. Tipper never hacks or coughs and this was odd. Then this morning she had a big blob of mucous in her one eye. They are all connected so what is the source of this mucous is what I cannot figure out. I guess the stickiness of the mucous could add to the collapse problems of the trachea by blocking her airway. She kept swallowing all nite long I could hear her make hard swallows. The antihistimine the IMS recommended I stopped using as it said do not use if you have seizures and the neurologist could not give me a definite answer. On Wednesapday I will ask if it is safe to use for her, also she is on a new medication so I need to know it mis OK with that too. She was very restless last nite and up at 5 am again. I am very tired as I had to wrestle with that stupid ice maker at 2 am. It started all kind of racket. From now on of I remember I will check it out before retiring for the nite. Delora is sick because the room they put her in is freezing cold and her blood is thin, and they come to give her a shower at 2 am and think nothing of letting her sit in there with a wet head. Needless to sy her immune system is compromised and she got sick and had to go on antibiotics. Her brother will be here Friday from North Carolina to see her, and she is happy for that. Blessings

molly muffin
04-24-2014, 03:19 PM
Sorry to hear that Delora is sick on top of everything else. It will be good for her to see her brother.

You have a lot of items to cover off with the specialists next week. Hopefully you'll have some more answers.

Sharlene and molly muffin

04-24-2014, 03:56 PM
Hi Everyone:
Sorry I am just not up to it today. I called the vet this morning and asked if Tipper could have the antihistamine the IMS said to give Tipper for mucous would be OK with the Soloxine. They said yes so I gave her a half of one. She walked three times today so she did lay down and rest. She did not seem to be making all the breathing noise of last nite. I will give her another before bed time and see if it helps her tonite. The IMS said it would dry up mucous so we will see. Blessings

04-24-2014, 04:30 PM
Did you say the nursing home staff gives Delora a shower at 2am? That sounds weird and unlikely. If she has even a little dementia she will probably be very mixed up with the time of the day..that's very common especially with people who are institutionalized.
Hard to imagine the overnight staff ever gives showers unless a patient has an accident.


04-24-2014, 05:18 PM
They really do it, as my next door neighbors daughter is a nurse that used to work there, and she did it is because of being short staffed, and it is not as busy then. I still think it is a horrible thing to do to her at that hour. Poor thing gets bronchitis real easy too. Blessings

04-24-2014, 06:19 PM
i hope the antihistamine will do the trick with tipper's breathing issues.
speaking of which, i have to go and take mine.
does it bother her when walking, or is it just at night?
mucous bothers me also when lying down.
hope you are able to rest in between walks and cleaning the house.

04-24-2014, 06:30 PM
Hi Everyone:
Sorry I am just not up to it today. I called the vet this morning and asked if Tipper could have the antihistamine the IMS said to give Tipper for mucous would be OK with the Soloxine. They said yes so I gave her a half of one. She walked three times today so she did lay down and rest. She did not seem to be making all the breathing noise of last nite. I will give her another before bed time and see if it helps her tonite. The IMS said it would dry up mucous so we will see. Blessings
Glad to hear the antihistamine seems to be helping Tipper, I hope it continues. HUGS

04-24-2014, 06:41 PM
Thank you I hope it helps. She's napping now and does not sound congested, and she is not doing all the swallowing hard like she was. I am wanting to know where this mucous is coming from as she never had this before Cushing's???

04-25-2014, 11:01 AM
Hi Everyone:
I just wanted to mention I heard something on tv as I was cooking yesterday, but did not catch it all. It was an advertisement for some drug. I caught the caution part of it and it said something about if you notice muscle tremors once they start they will continue. That made me think about Tipper's situation and maybe the Vetoryl causing this, but when taken off for a few days the tremors continued. This must be something permanent that this causes, and they will always be present?? Anyway I am trying to get this housecleaning done and am in the guest bathroom. Not feeling great so I picked the smallest of the rooms to do today. I have walked Tipper as it is supposed to rain. Next week almost all week is storms so I need to get something for Tipper. I noticed last nite there was no congested sound, and no continual hard swallowing on Tipper's part. Maybe the mucous is coming from the sinuses?/ I know I read that Cushings narrows their nasal passages and could be a contributing factor in their snoring. She is not making a lot of throaty sounds thank goodness. It seems to have helped her. I wonder if there is any harm in her staying on them? I will have to ask the IMS this will be question number 500!! I guess that's why they make the big bucks?? Blessings

molly muffin
04-25-2014, 06:00 PM
So glad to hear that Tipper has a better night and I would assume that you had a better one too if she did.

Well, Dechra does say that tremors can be one of the side effects of vetroyl, but nothing about whether they are permanent or not. Might be a good question to ask them, if the tremors continue if medicine isn't given.

ugh, storms. Raining here now, but not a thunderstorm, just normal spring showers. (so far)

Sharlene and molly muffin

04-25-2014, 08:55 PM
my mocous is coming from the sinuses too, so it sounds familiar to me.
antihistamins do help, but there is still mucous coming down.
especially when lying down.
hope there wil be no thunderstorms next week for tipper's sake.
it is hot and humid overhere, so we did have some thunderstorms.
cush dogs do not handle this type of weather very well.

04-25-2014, 11:27 PM
Patti, I'm so glad that the antihistamines are helping Tipper.
That's crazy that they give Delora a shower at 2am.

04-26-2014, 08:16 AM
Hi Everyone:
I take Tipper for Adequan Tuesday and it won't be too soon for me. Even with the pills I have been giving Tipper for this mucous last nite she was doing all that hard swallowing again. Also on Tuesday I just have. Talk to the vet and get something done for Tipper concerning these storms. I can see when it rains she is already gearing herself up for something bad. We simply cannot go on like this since she cannot wear the dap collar all the time without scratching her neck raw. I have tried the diffusers , you name it we tried it. She must have something safe to get thru this.she was restless last nite and up at 5 am again. We are to have bad storms all next week and I am really scared for her safety. We go to the hospital on Wednesday so she will be in the car, which she knows she cannot get out, and seems to handle it better than in the house. She just lays down on the seat and does not look up. I pray this all goes well. We are going to walk as it going to be nice out today. Blessings

04-26-2014, 05:47 PM
i hope you can find something that will help tipper with her anxiety during the storms.
i think stress is worse than a mild tranquilizer.
i hope you had some nice walks with the doggies.
we walked along the riverside because it is so hot and humid overhere.

04-26-2014, 05:57 PM
It was cold here today with a very strong wind. Tipper likes it cold. She has already walked and is napping. My elderly neighbor is sick of Deloras cat, and wants it to go. I can't finfpd anyone, and don't know what to do. It is frustrating as I don't want any harm to come to her. I am laying on the bed with Tipper as I cleaned today and I am tired. Have you gotten any new ideas to fool Ian? You don't work on the weekend do you? Hope you have a good weekend. Ian would think Tipper was disgusting if he heard her loud snoring now! Blessings

04-26-2014, 06:30 PM
hi patti, my dogs like it cold too and so do i.
this hot and humid thing is not my kind of weather.
i come along a lot of pets during my work that are not in the right place, but i can't save them all.
i took some [i do have 2 rescue pet mice overhere right now] but i can not save them all.
maybe graces'rescue center can take the cat if he really does not want it. a pet shouldn't be a burden on someone.
i sometimes work on saturday, if i can earn some extra money.
but after 5 days of work i am beat. always taking care of other peoples problems, and never a vacation because no work, no money.
hope you and the dogs had some nice walks in the sunshine!

04-26-2014, 06:55 PM
Patti, Have you ever tried the anxiety wrap or thundershirt? They are for all types of anxiety. I have donated many thunderhsirts to rescue organizations and it has helped many of them over come their anxiety to different things. It does not work for all dogs but 80% of them.

04-27-2014, 09:05 AM
He Everyone:
Well last nite I was so tired I was a bad mom and did not monitor the tremor activity. Tipper has been sleeping in different places I guess according to how she feels or her mood? I disinfected mynwhole office for the second time yesterday, and that is a job!! I was really beat when done. Now the animals can go into that room at the end of May and I will have no worries.I know my Lucky is dying to get in there and see if there is a cat in there. It will be funny to see his reaction the first time back in there. So I have 2 bedrooms and the cat room left and I am done!! My Dr.called and set up an appointment for me at the cardiologist for May 5th. So I will have to have a sitter for Tipper as I will be in there all morning. Tipper's appointment is this Wednesday and I am already a nervous wreck about it. Vicki, I have two different types of thundershirts for Tipper, unfortunately she is in the 20% that it does not work on. She is one tuff little case here!! She never makes things easy! I am taking the day off cleaning and make some home made lasagna. I will give some to my neighbor in an attempt to soften him up over the in for yum! Tuesday is Adequan day, and I will be so happy as Tipper really needs it. It is beautiful out and the doggies have already had one walk, so they will be out today. I cleaned the front porch a bit yesterday too, so I can get the furniture out and the doggie gate up. I hope Tipper is not afraid tomgomout this summer and sit on the porch we she used to love it until she started being afraid of the noise. Blessings.

04-27-2014, 06:23 PM
i hope you and tipper will spend a lot of time on the porch this summer.
is there some shade overthere?
lots of strength with the cleaning.
maybe it is time to move to a smaller house, so you don't have to clean so much. [better for your health?]
my house is so small, i think it fits 10 times in your place. easy to clean though.
only 3 more nights till wednesday and hoping for good results for tipper.

04-28-2014, 08:34 AM
Hi Everyone:
Well this is to be storm week so I am not leaving the vets, or IMS without something for Tipper. If they could see how terrified she gets they would understand why we cannot go on without something to calm her. She is so allergic to everything, I will be scared to death to five it to her. The bad part is it depresses your breathing and thatnisnbad with her situation, and maybe why her vet has said no to it. She was up at 5 am and I am so tired this lack of sleep and stress is getting my Lupus going. I am going to try and bathe Tipper by Wednesday. She is used to having a bath more often than she has been, and I don't like stinky and dirty with my animals. She is on alert right now as she hears my neighbor mowing. Now the mower even bothers her. It is so hard with this noise always affecting her. I am wanting to put the porch furniture out today, and hope that she isn't going to act like last year and not come on the porch. She used to love it, it's a real shame. I just want to get past Wednesday and past my cardiology appointment. Blessings

04-28-2014, 01:43 PM
Was thinking of you while listening to the weather forecast. We have had beautiful days here and the temps have remained quite cool which is great for Trixie. The bad weather moves into our area tomorrow and Wednesday.
We will get rain but not too much in the way of terrible storms. I know someone asked you about the thundershirt. Have you ever tried it. I know some people say they work. Clothes make Trixie so freaked out that I don't think it would help us, though now that Trixie's controlled she is much less jumpy and hasn't reacted too badly to the heavy rain, though noises from the strong wind still send her under the kitchen table.
Hope you get something from the vet that might help Tipper. I hope she'll go back to enjoying time on the porch this year.


04-28-2014, 03:42 PM
Hi Everyone:
It is black out, and I see rain drops. I watched the weather and they said bad storms were coming toward us, just great. I will have to do whatever it takes to keep this dog calm. We may have to sit in the car in the garage with the radio blasting to try and cover up the thunder! I put the porch furniture on the porch. I invited Tipper out as I have the doggie gate up, she would not come out. I hope this is not how the summer is going to be for her. It just kills me to see her like this. She was such a care free happy dog before all this. She always wanted to be outside, and never wanted to come in. Toby could care less, he barks at the thunder. Blessings

Squirt's Mom
04-28-2014, 04:02 PM
Pray you remain safe, Patti!

04-28-2014, 05:39 PM
So far just rain and darkness, praying my Tipper doss not get rattled.

04-28-2014, 07:26 PM
hoping Tipper gets through tonight without getting too shaken. Maybe you won't get too much thunder and lightening...crossing my fingers it stays quiet for you.


molly muffin
04-28-2014, 08:04 PM
Hoping it is just rain and not too bad of storms. I know how you worry with Tipper's reaction to bad storms.

Wed will be a long day it sounds like. I guess they always are when you have to go to the specialist.

I think just rain coming out way. Hope anyhow and then hope it isn't too much rain. :)

Take care! hugs,
Sharlene and molly muffin

04-28-2014, 10:50 PM
hope the weather was not too bad today after all.
i can not believe the vet or specialist do not want to give you something to help tipper relax.
not unconcious, but just as much as needed to calm her.
you can not go on like this. it will affect your health too.
maybe you can video it to show them how bad tipper's reaction is on the thunderstorms?

04-28-2014, 11:14 PM
Patti check this out, its the anti anxiety shirt I mentioned above, if it doesn't work they give you a full refund.

04-29-2014, 12:12 AM
Patti check this out, its the anti anxiety shirt I mentioned above, if it doesn't work they give you a full refund.

I've also heard good things about this!

Squirt's Mom
04-29-2014, 08:08 AM
The Thundershirt helped Squirt but it is so stiff she can't move in it any more. So Sophie wears the TS and Squirt get the TTouch Body Wrap.


04-29-2014, 08:37 AM
Hi Everyone:
We have to get ready to go to the vets. There definitely won't be a blood pressure check today!! It is just pouring, dark, and very strong wind. This will be a real fun ride in the car with her a nervous wreck. I have purchased everything on the market for her, and nothing works. I am going to tell the vet he has to givekme something today. I will look at the other thunder shirts when I get back, but have tried two already with no success. I wish I could take on this anxiety for
her as I would in a minute. I just absolutely hate seeing her reduced to a bundle of frayed nerves. She shakes so bad it is hard to watch. She will not let you try to comfort or hold her , she will snap at you. Then there is happy go lucky Toby barking at the thunder and running on the porch watching the storm!! Tipper and I were up most of the nite. I am hoping this Adequan helps her as she is really tracheal issues and still something like mucous making her hack a few times to clear her throat. I hope it does not storm like this in the morning as we leave her around 530 am, and that will be a bugger driving all that way with her a nervous wreck. Blessings

Squirt's Mom
04-29-2014, 08:42 AM
The key to both the TS and the body wrap is to get them used to wearing it when everything is calm. No rain, no wind, just nice days. This way the dog learns to associate the shirt / wrap with calm times. If you put them on only when the storm are coming, then the dog learns to get nervous when we put them on and they will not work. You MUST get them used to wearing the TS / wrap on nice days. ;)

04-29-2014, 09:27 AM
You might also look into and ask your vet about rescue remedy if the anxiety wraps do not work.

Good luck! Patti hope all goes well at the vets.

molly muffin
04-29-2014, 09:52 AM
Hoping that the shot really helps Tipper out today. I'm sure she is a bundle of nerves and you too. :(

Sharlene and molly muffin

04-29-2014, 01:15 PM
HI Everyone:
Round number 5000 with the vet. I let him win this one as I knew he was right. As much as I need help for Tipper, I know how allergic she is, and I do know Valium is not good for dogs. I will discuss this with my IMS tomorrow. I may ask for some from her, form just the most dire of circumstances. I am going to see about L Tryptophan and Valerian . I have already asked Leslie about it. It is all that I have not tried on her. She is resting on the bed by me, but the vet got to see her about 40% cranked up. She was beside herself riding in the car thru this, at times trying to dig a hole in the seat to get down further. I have extensively researched this. Before a storm even starts a dog receives painful shocks from static build up. Besides the pressure change they can tell the change in humidity and dew point levels. A dog with severe thunderstorm phobia, only gets progressively worse. It raises their blood pressure, metabolic rate, and heart rate. None of these things are good for Tipper because of her heart, and vessels in her eyes. There is one other thing I did not try, it is a garment with metal in it called Storm Defender. It keeps them from getting the static shock. I also found out these storms make arthritic dogs hurt more. The reason a dog runs in the bathroom or goes behind the toilet is they are looking for something to stop the static shock happening. God help us, if I have to I will get some kind of sound proofing material for my closet, or rig up a box covers in it that she can go in that has a fan for air flow. I just cannot do this anymore, we are both stressed out from this. The vet agreed that Tipper needs Adequan every two weeks from now on because of her trachea. I truly hope each and everyone of us stays safe during this unpredictable weather. Blessings

04-29-2014, 04:01 PM
Glad you both got home safe and sound! I hope you find something that is safe for Tipper to take for her anxiety. Poor baby it's heart breaking to see them so frightened.

Did you have tests done today? If so which ones? and when will results be in?

04-29-2014, 04:32 PM
No tests done today Vicki, only Adequan shot done. Tomorrow is her ultra sound to check her tumor, and the eye Dr. will be doing her eye check up. We go thru this every three months. It is absolutely nerve wracking, and gut wrenching. I know you have been down this path before. It is just very hard to do this every three months, but it must be done. We will be gone very early because of traffic and weather. So I will need all the angels to watch over my girl tomorrow so she has a good outcome. Blessings

04-29-2014, 05:10 PM
I know how hard and worrisome having those tests to check tumors are. I will be praying hard that the tumor has not grown and that it even shrunk!

You are both in my thoughts and prayers for good results!

04-29-2014, 05:38 PM
i wish you lots of strenght and luck tonight and tomorrow.
are there more storms coming up?
hope the specialist can give you something to help tipper survive those storms.

molly muffin
04-29-2014, 06:04 PM
I'll wish you good luck for tomorrow now, since I expect you'll hope to have an early night, what with the early start in the morning.

Maybe the IMS will have some idea to help calm Tipper during storms, or even the eye doc.

Sharlene and molly muffin

04-29-2014, 06:29 PM
Hi Everyone:
Tipper is resting. I just gave her Melatonin as the weather just said get ready for thunder tonite. I don't even know what to say, I am just nervous for Tipper. I hope we are gone tomorrow when it happens. I have to try to get some rest tonite if I have to drive in the dark and in the rain, oh what fun! Please just pray for my girl. Blessings

04-29-2014, 09:45 PM
How's the melatonin working so far?
didn't notice you started it.

I think I will have to build my Tipper a sound proof room!! We will be gone early to the hospital. Send positive thoughts for my baby.

Don't think it will help...dogs have much better hearing and i think it is very hard to cancel the low frequency noises.
Have you tried calming music for dogs?
btw...pls tell me you don't pet him when he is scared...that only encourages fearful behavior.

Squirt's Mom
04-30-2014, 06:16 AM
Riding with you today, praying for the best with our sweet girl. Please be careful on the road....and don't forget to take care of YOU.

Leslie and the gang

04-30-2014, 01:54 PM
Hi Everyone:
Well this is not the news I wanted to report. Tipper's tumor has increased almost one centimeter. The IMS actually made a comparison to her last numbers, and used the wrong ones, which made it seem a much smaller increase where as she said she was not worried. I of course am worried and just got home and emailed Dr. Bruyette. He already answered my first email, and said to get a CT scan done of her abdomen to see if she is a good for surgery. The surgeon at this hospital can from Dr. Bruyettes hospital. I asked him how many of these surgeries she has done and the outcomes. He has not answered that part yet, which scares me. This was a nasty trip nothing but blinding rain and partial darkness when we started out. Tipper was not wanting to be in the car and was really having anxiety. I felt so bad for her. At least no traffic from accidents. I am just kind of sick right now. I called my regular vet, and the IMS about the descrepency and we will see who calls back. Tipper and I are resting on the bed. She has some conjunctivitis from seasonal allergies in her eyes, so I had to stop at the pharmacy and get her eye drops. That is why there is the mucous in her eyes in the morning a lot of the time. He said her eyes are good with no changes from the previous visit. We talked about the storms and broken blood vessels, and I told him the vet and the IMS would not give her anything, so it is probably best as that tells me something. I need to work on that problem quickly.It is still pouring here and Tipper is sleeping. Early this morning at 1am the ice maker started up again, I had to get up and fix it. I could not go back to sleep and Tipper was up at 4am. I am tired and very upset so I am going to rest and post later. The roads are horrendous with pending everywhere. Glad we are back and out of that mess. I simply will not let this disease take my baby. Blessings

Squirt's Mom
04-30-2014, 02:06 PM
I am so sorry the tumor is growing so fast. :( We know the meds will not make adrenal tumors go away but always hope they can hold it at bay for a little while at least. Please let us know what the docs think and what direction you are thinking of going based on their feedback. The growing tumor may account for some of the behavioral changes in her, too.

Leslie and the gang

molly muffin
04-30-2014, 02:16 PM
Well, excuse me for saying, but dang it that is not what any of us where hoping for and I am just positive you are feeling sick to your stomach at the news. I sincerely feel just awful for this news. :( Was the last ultrasound 3 months ago?

I am glad you all made it home safe and sound. I wish it were a better day.

Okay, so here is a question for you.. What prognosis without surgery? Do they feel that it is a functional tumor? Has it invaded the vena cava? Do they think it could be a pheo?

Get some rest Patti and regroup. Do something none related and clear the mind. This hopefully will help to give you clarity of thought when you come back to it. I've had to do this myself several times, it feels impossible to do but if you can, it Does help. It doesn't have to be for very long, but it does have to be entirely clearing.

Sending you hugs and prayers
Sharlene and molly muffin

Harley PoMMom
04-30-2014, 03:04 PM
Oh Patti, I am so sorry to hear that Tipper's tumor has grown :( and will be keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers.

I have heard that when a dog is afraid of a certain noise, like thunder and/or rain storm, that the noise should be taped and replayed back when the dog is not stressed and is doing something that the dog enjoys, starting with a very low sound and building the sound up until it is at the normal volume of a thunderstorm etc..and only turning the volume up when the dog gets used to that sound and shows no distress.

Hugs, Lori

04-30-2014, 03:11 PM
Oh Patti!
Not good news but hopefully it is something that can be dealt with and hasn't become too invasive.

Tipper and you will be in my prayers!

04-30-2014, 03:56 PM
Oh Patti I am so sorry to hear that Tipper's tumor has grown ;( Have they given you any idea what type of tumor it is? from what you posted it does not seem that it metastasized which is great and I have about the same questions as Sharlenes has, is it invading the vena cava? What size is it now? Do they think it is benign, a pheo, functioning or non?
Leslie has a good point maybe the behavior changes are due to the tumor growing?
I am sure you are devastated, I hope they have some answers for you so you can make a decision about having surgery or not that you feel comfortable. with.

04-30-2014, 04:05 PM
Hi Patti,

I'll keep you and Tipper in our prayers as well! I know that's not good news about Tipper's tumor at all. I guess all we can do right now is stay healthy ourselves to fight for our babies. Get some rest. <sigh>

04-30-2014, 05:52 PM
Hi Everyone:
I did not get to talk with the IMS today, the hospital was crazy with emergencies etc. She has never given me an opinion on what type of tumor this is only to say after seeing it repeatedly that pheos look different. I am not making a long post as I am too upset right now. I will however go back to my first feeling of this being a pheo because of the things Tipper does ikn her sleep etc. When I was researching tremors, they came up as a symptom of pheos. I have worried about this for a long time and many do not feel it is a pheo. The IMS said that nothing had metastasized anywhere I think the last two time she said that. Also she said
from an ultrasonic view the vena cava was not invaded. The fact that she made a paper error of the size of the tumor in January led her to believe this increase was miniscule. But, when I found the US from January that is not the case, she used the wrong number meaning the increase was much more than miniscule. Dr. Bruyette said to get a CT scan of the abdomen. Do not even know what that would cost. My mind is going on me, it has been a long day. I do know this Tipper is going to be 13 in October, she has tracheal issues, a heart murmur, vestibular disease, & Cushing's. The Dr.s that see her think she is in great shape. I could never live with myself, if my girl lost her life getting this tumor out, but I know what can happen from here and part of me says get rid of it. Do I have the right to put her through this when she has already had so much?? How much time would this buy her, is it worth the misery she would go thru? I have to watch this money and do not want to throw it away on a surgeon I am not confident in, and that is why I asked Dr. Bruyette about this surgeon, as she can from his hospital. I am wondering if this is why Tipper's tremors were getting worse, because this tumor was growing? My vet never even called me, I should not feel let down, because I should expect it! Blessings

molly muffin
04-30-2014, 06:19 PM
Of course you are a wreck Patti. I think that is perfectly normal reaction to this news.
I think you have to have as many facts as possible and cannot even think of making a decision without them.
Money is an issue and so are all the factors involved in Tippers health.

hugs and love
Sharlene and molly muffin

04-30-2014, 06:33 PM
Hi Everyone:
The hospital called and apologized for the mistake in the numbers. The report I looked at in January was typed in wrong by the IMS so Tipper's tumor increase was miniscule. That does give me some relief, but I am still worried. I wish this mistake had not happened as it made me awfully sick, and does change things. They want me to talk to a surgeon. I said unless it is someone who has done this procedure oodles of times forget it, as it will be a waste of money. If I am going to spend the money, it needs to be on a surgeon I would use. Blessings

04-30-2014, 06:43 PM
I'm sorry if am being dense...is it too large or not? (the tumor)

04-30-2014, 06:56 PM
So glad they called and straightened this out and the increase was small! Maybe think about the urine test that I just had Snuggles and Brando take at least it is not invasive. I am not sure which is better a CT Scan or MRI but it would show a lot more than an US, on the 4D US it didn't show vena cava invasion on Snuggles tumor but on the MRI with contrast it did, but they do need to be put under anesthesia for it.

Having a consult with a surgeon experienced in adrenal gland tumors might help you get more information to help you decide what to do. I know exactly how you are feeling its a horrible choice, to operate or not. My thoughts and prayers are with you and Tipper.

04-30-2014, 07:16 PM
glad to read that the increase was not as bad as you thought it was.
maybe an operation is not necessary right now?
what a tough decission.
it seams she has so much energy, and loves to make long walks.
take a rest, and i hope those doctors will email you back soon.
did they give you anything to calm down tipper during the thunderstorms?

molly muffin
04-30-2014, 07:29 PM
Hi Patti, I am very glad to hear that the increase was very small. So, that at least gives you some breathing room to find out information and think about things without as much pressure as it would be if it had increased a great deal.

It still isn't easy and I know you are still very worried, but it's better than it was earlier today.

Sharlene and molly muffin

Squirt's Mom
05-01-2014, 07:02 AM
OH, sweetie! I am so glad, for once, to know a mistake was made and the tumor has NOT grown like first thought. ~~whew~~ That was my first reaction on reading that post. The second was GET IT OUT NOW before it does grow too large and this option is lost! :D This would be my reaction were this Squirt and there was any way I could pull it off financially. ;) A great deal of this response of mine comes from dealing with the tumors I have so far. Squirt's spleen tumor had to come out; it was too late for Tasha; then poor little Grace's "benign" tumors suddenly growing so massive; plus several others who have been here a very short time due to cancers. Tumors now scare the crap outta me and I want them REMOVED. :o I do realize this is not always an option but it is still an option for our Tipper. So find that surgeon you feel comfortable with, talk to them in depth, then make the decision you can best live with regardless of the eventual outcome.

But first, please take a day or two to rest and try to relax every now and then. Let your mind rest a bit so it is fresh and ready to tackle this issue without as many emotions clouding your thoughts (as if that is really possible to any degree ;)). Your health is not the best and getting worse with all this stress - you cannot help Tipper if you are going downhill physically and mentally. So please take a minute for yourself, honey.

Leslie and the gang

05-01-2014, 07:46 AM
Hi Everyone:
Please excuse me if I do not post on your threads today. This has made my Lupus in overdrive and I am not well today. When I got out of bed, I felt like I could vomit, and then did. I will give them credit at the hospital they owned up to the mistake, but it did little good for me. To make sure they were not covering something up I went to Tipper's file and got all her ultra sounds immediately. When I looked at the numbers the hospital was correct in that the IMS wrote the last number down wrong. This is a terrible mistake to make as if it were not for me catching it I could have made a different decision. I know she has a tuff job and is under a lot of pressure, but making a mistake on a tumor measurement is bad, especially when it is my Tipper. So that being said I am going to let go of that. Thank God I keep a meticulous file on Tipper and that I always recheck whatever anyone tells me. So the tumor did increase by .31 centimeters, but was smaller on the other measurement so could it have moved around making one measurement smaller than before and one larger? That does make sense to me. I still may opt for the ct scan to know where we stand. Dr Bruyette did get back to me and told me if this surgeon is the same one that trained with him, I have no worries and can trust her. That makes me feel a little better if I have to go that way. I have decided for now that I will go and talk to the surgeon, if she has done many of these operations but I will not take Tipper to the appointment as they want. She has had enough and I am putting my foot down. If I decide to go that route I will certainly take her there for the surgeon to evaluate her. For now she does not need the stress any more. Vicki I will ask the surgeon which I should have the ct or the MRI. I know the MRI is the gold standard for everything so it will probably be that. I must know all information before deciding what to do, I must protect my girl at all costs. I will fight to the death to keep this disease from taking her. I will post later, and I want to thank each and everyone of you for you concerns as I cannot do this without your help. I felt you all with me yesterday and it did bring a sense of comfort to me. Blessings

My sweet Ginger
05-01-2014, 08:30 AM
Dear Patti,

I'm praying for you and Tipper and it pains me to think what you must be going through right now. Tipper may not realize how lucky she is to have you as her mom but to me she is one of the luckiest pups I know. I know you by now that you will some how, some way make the best possible decision for Tipper after weighing everything in like what you've been doing it for a long time. As what Leslie said try to take care of yourself as Tipper needs your fighting spirit and energy to tackle whatever lies ahead, right by her side.

05-01-2014, 02:07 PM
Hi Everyone:
Just a quick post. Dr. Bruyette just emailed me again and gave excellent references for the surgeon where Tipper goes. One thing he has not answered is if she has done any of these procedures, how many, and the outcome. Without those answers I am not seeing her. I hope I hear back from him. I have one thing going around in my mind and maybe one of you can answer for me. I know this is a question for the surgeon and IMS, but I want an unbiased answer so I am asking you. If this tumor is removed, it is on the left adrenal that only then leaves the right one, what are chances of a tumor then developing on one adrenal that will be overworked without the other? If that is a good possibility would I then be better off leaving the tumor on the left one, which is further away from the vena cava?? It has taken about a year for this tumor to grow .31 cm could she conceivably go on without this being removed at this rate? I need to ask the surgeon whoever it is how much time this operation would give her as opposed to leaving it in. I have trouble trusting a surgeon as their first rule is cut and remove and get it out, they are told that in training. I feel so bad and I have to go to the cardiologist Monday, I will be there all morning so I have to call the sitter for the babies. I do not really feel like another trip, I am really wanting to just rest, but I have to go and see if I have anything else I have to deal with. Blessings

05-01-2014, 02:42 PM
Hi Patti,
Been off the board for a few days so just read your news and got a sinking feeling until I came to the post that says the increase is NOT a big one but a very small change in size..so that is great news!

I think getting opinions on leaving it alone as opposed to operating is a good idea. It actually did not grow much over the course of a year, is that correct?

Maybe doing the CAT scan or MRI, if you are able to, will give a more definite report on location, size etc...and that could help you know what to do, you may end up with clear decision that you feel is right if you have better information.
Hoping Tipper is having a good day today.


05-01-2014, 04:03 PM
Hi Everyone:
I guess I am just posting as things happen. The owner of the hospital called me. He said the IMS told him of Tipper's situation, and that I would only consider the most experienced surgeon if I did opt for surgery. He said the Dr.explained try that this dog is everything in the world to me. He said he would offer himself for her surgery and would like to talk to me. I told him after next week as I need to see how my own cardio appointment goes. He told me to call when I was ready and he will see me. I was kind of taken by surprise and really did not ask him anything as I still want it know how many of these his has done. In a way if this is what I opt for I thought I would want a woman as they understand emotions more than a man does, and let's face it I am very emotional when it comes to Tipper and that won't ever change. Just wanted to put this out there as I do want all your opinions. Barbara thank you for telling me why you would do, it does help me to know this. Blessings

Squirt's Mom
05-01-2014, 04:15 PM
Sweetheart, you can't let something like the gender of the surgeon influence your decision. Some of the most empathetic docs I have known are male. The worst vets I have dealt with were all female. ;) Go talk to him next week. Sit down face to face and you will get a much better feel of who and what he is. Don't let YOUR emotions guide you. ;)

molly muffin
05-01-2014, 05:38 PM
Hi Pattie, sorry to hear your Lupus has flared. Stress is so bad for Lupus and you've had plenty lately.

I am guessing that Dr. Bruyette wouldn't know how many surgeries the female person has done and her statistics since leaving his facility. It is probably good though that they have referred you to their senior surgeon?

You'll need to make out a list of all the questions to ask him when you meet.

Get some rest.
Sharlene and molly muffin

05-01-2014, 05:46 PM
I agree with what Barbara said and I wouldn't worry to much that the surgeon is male, some female doctors I have seen are colder than any male doctor, but the main point of talking to the surgeon is to get facts. and with those facts you will decide what is best for Tipper, so IMO even if the surgeon is not as empathetic as you would like, as long as he gives you accurate facts and options, that is the main thing.

My advice is not to pre judge him based on his sex.

05-01-2014, 07:27 PM
so, you have a lot to think about. i agree with the other posters; gender has nothing to do with the skill of the surgeon.
go and meet him and ask him a whole list of questions.
0.3 cm is not much growth in a whole year.
but remember surgeons do want to operate, it is what they do to earn their money.
i hope the thunderstorms are over so you can relax and walk the dogs and have a good night sleep.

05-01-2014, 08:04 PM
Very difficult decision i must say...

Try to get some first...a tired body makes a tired mind (and vice versa)

Harley PoMMom
05-01-2014, 08:27 PM
Hi Patti,

I do agree with the others as gender should not play a part in deciding who will be Tipper's surgeon. Experience in this type of surgery would be the first important thing to me in picking a surgeon.

I do believe Trish's list of questions are excellent ones and I will include them here:
Part I - Questions to ask when considering if surgery is an option for your dog’s adrenal tumour:
1. What type of tumour do you suspect, ?functional, ?non-functional, pheochromocytoma, benign, metastatic
2. Expected life span for my dog in a normal situation. If your dog is close to, at or past his expected lifespan for his breed is surgery going to be of any benefit?
3. Prognosis for my dog if we treated medically i.e. with Cushings medications. AND if we do not proceed with surgery how long do you think it would be before the tumour started adversely affecting his quality of life?
4. If he is miserable now, does the benefit of potentially risky surgery outweigh his current quality of life?
5. Are there any other health problems that could impact on a positive surgical outcome, for example: if your dog is overweight or has heart, BP, liver, kidney or lung conditions
6. Is there any sign of tumour spread – imaging should be done, including ultrasound and on advice of specialists either CT or MRI to check whether there is local invasion around the tumour, into blood vessels including vena cava or spread further away in the body to lungs etc
7. Surgeon recommendations – would he/she do it for their own dog?
8. Psychological impact for the owner: It is important to understand this is risky surgery, sadly current guidelines indicate 1:5 dogs do not make it, and some recommendations are not even that high. Can you accept it if your dogs dies during or in the postoperative recovery period surgery? This is where it is important to weigh up whether the benefit of your dog being fully cured is worth the risk of possibly losing him.
9. Financially – can you afford it? Find out estimate of costs.
10. Hopefully this will not happen, but if your dog collapses, e.g his heart stops either during his surgery or afterwards what emergency measures should be undertaken, do you want your dog to have CPR, how far are you (the owner) willing to go for your dog to be saved in such circumstances

Part II - Surgery has been recommended as treatment for your dogs adrenal tumour, here are a few suggestions on what questions you should ask your surgeon:
1. Are you board certified? How many operations of this type have you done? What complications have you experienced? What were the outcomes?
2. Please explain to me how you will do the surgery, which part would likely give you the most trouble? Will you be doing the actual surgery or a resident in a teaching situation? If so, is their close supervision?
3. Will there be a specialist anaesthetist available for the surgery?
4. If it hasn’t been done, do we need a CT/MRI scan to look at the tumour more closely to check for vena cava involvement or any other tumour spread?
5. What are the risks associated with this surgery, including
• Bleeding (including trauma to blood vessels or other organs during surgery)
• clots
• Blood pressure or heart problems such as arrhythmias
• pancreatitis
• pneumonia
• kidney failure
• infection
• wound problems
• bowel problems
• anaesthetic risks
• adrenal insufficiency or electrolyte abnormalities
• death (sorry but you have to ask that risk too)
6. If we proceed with surgery does my dog need preoperative treatment with Cushing’s meds, antihypertensive if high blood pressure is a problem – phenoxybenzamine recommended preoperatively for dogs with pheochromocytoma, anticoagulants or anything else?
7. How will you treat to prevent clots postoperatively?
8. What would you do if you found anything else during the surgery i.e. nodules in other organs e.g. spleen, opposite adrenal, liver, kidney. Would you remove them and what are the risks associated when doing additional abdominal surgery together with adrenalectomy
9. How long will it take and when will you contact me so I know all is OK, when can I visit after surgery?
10. How will the postoperative period go, how long would you anticipate he would need to stay in hospital? How will we manage pain?
11. What monitoring would be needed, e.g. heart monitoring, oxygen levels in the postoperative period
12. If your dog has an adrenocortical tumour affecting cortisol production will he need to be on steroids following surgery and for how long?
13. If there are problems when I take him home, who do I contact? Hopefully the surgical team until all is stable.

I know whatever you do decide will be in Tipper's best interest as you and only you know Tipper best.

Hugs, Lori

05-01-2014, 08:55 PM
Hi Patti - I am checking in on your thread after having been absent a while.

I am so sorry about that mistake. What a terrible mistake to make, but at least it turned out for the better and not the worse.

I actually believe CT's are used more for the planning of surgery in removal of tumors, but I could be wrong.

I urge you to meet with the surgeon, without Tipper there (so you can focus 100% on them). Ask your questions and then go home and process.

You'll make the right choice, whatever it is.

05-02-2014, 02:58 AM
I've had bad and good femaie and male doctors so in my opinion, gender doesn't play a role at all. Qualifications and experience all the way. Hugs.

Since the tumor has only grown a small bit, is surgery necessary or is that what you'll be trying to determine once the surgeon examines Tipper?

I hope that you feel MUCH better soon.


05-02-2014, 12:22 PM
Hi Everyone:
Thank you all for your help.. Renee thank you for checking my thread I appreciate your input, and Vicki, and Leslie, Sharlene, Lori, Valerie, Iraklis, Iris, Barbara, and Lori thanks for posting the questions for the surgeon.
I have sent the IMS a list of questions since she was not able to talk to me the day of Tipper's ultra sound. When she answers I will post all of it as it could help someone else in this situation. Tipper has been drinking a lot of water the last two days, I am hoping the cortisol is not climbing. She had as bad episode of tremors when going to sleep last nite, I could not get to my tablet in time to video it! Just my luck! I am playing catch up, as wen I am away for a whole morning the work is still here waiting when I get back! I have food for the critters to do, and clean up etc. I need to get my stuff ready for Monday morning for the cardiologist appointment as I am usually there all morning. Then next week is my regular Dr. Appt in Pittsburgh again. The week after is when I am thinking I will go back to Pgh. and talk to the surgeon about Tipper so that is a lot of trips and a lot of stress. In the midst of all this I look out the window and see the sheriff at Deloras house. I saw my nosey neighbor run out and start asking him what was going on. Then he ran to the nursing home on a pretend visit to Delora hoping she would tell him what was going on. I called her and she told me her house was being taken over and will be sold. I am assuming the son either put a mortgage on it and did not pay, or did not pay the original mortgage note. The sheriff put the papers in the door. All Deloras clothes and personal belongings are still in there! They will pad lock the house too! She is so upset, she said her son told her not to tell anyone!! This poor woman has had enough, the social worker has been visiting her daily!! She said she misses her house and her cat, it is just pathetic what she has been thru, and I feel so bad for her, but there is nothing I can do. I must now concentrate my energy on Tipper's well being. I do know one thing, I will fight this disease with a vengeance. I will find some way to help my girl no matter what. I am hoping the IMS answers me in a timely manner as I am stressed about all this. This is definitely a good time for them check my heart as I am stressed to the max with this. I am not really worried about the gender of the Dr., just thought I would have preferred a female. All I want if I decide this is experience with a good record of outcome. I don't care if this Dr. owns the hospital, all I care about is his record. I did tell the tech for my IMS to not set me up with anyone except the most experienced surgeon you have with this particular procedure, so we shall see. Blessings

05-02-2014, 03:02 PM
wow...Patti, the Delora story never ceases to amaze. How is she doing with her cancer? Is she being treated at all? After reading what's gone on with her, her house, her son..I have to admit I'm so curious about what will happen next.
Does the neighbor still have the cat? What a shame this poor woman has had a lousy life the last number of months. It's a sad story.
I hope surgery will not be necessary for Tipper though if it is I think you should be confident with the Dr. Bruyette trained vet, especially as you think highly of Dr. B.
Has Tipper been out a lot after the rain storms...maybe the exercise has increased the water intake??


Squirt's Mom
05-02-2014, 03:03 PM
I'm gonna find this AH's church....

05-02-2014, 03:34 PM
Hi Everyone:
Leslie does have a way with words! I am going to call poor Delora, and see how she is. Barbara they are not treating her cancer with anything! She told me yesterday morning her bed was covered in blood and that is a first. Then she said it was all over the floor in her room. She also told me she heard someone out in the hall say to her son when are you going to pay this bill?? How about that one?? I can just see Leslie going to Sunday service, and choking him!! It isn't funny, but I have never seen such a terrible person. I am taking a break from catching up. Blessings

05-02-2014, 04:09 PM
He's a pastor at a church!? Seriously? That's her only family? Ugh...what a horrible situation. How old is she??

05-02-2014, 04:49 PM
She only has one son and he is a pastor ( from Hell). She is about 80 years old. I just talked with her. She said her son is taking the furniture out before they lock up the house so that should be interesting. When I called Delora the rude daughter in law answered her phone, she said who is this and I said Patti, she said this is Deloras daughter in law real smart like so I said and your point is??? She gave Delora the phone and said to her I'm leaving. They told Delora today that she has no more money left and that she will not even be getting 1 cent for a hair cut or anything. Delora is so upset, she feels like a prisoner she said. Got to go get my laundry out. Blessings

molly muffin
05-02-2014, 11:13 PM
Oh my god! that is elder abuse! how can they just be let to do this to her? Why hasn't any of the social services stepped in. :( That SOB of a son will have a meeting with his maker he won't like some day. I fully believe in karma and what goes around comes around, I hope his old age is just as lovely as he has made his mothers.

I hope the IMS replies to your questions soon, so you can at least have some facts to work with and maybe some options.

It is so hard to try and figure out when there doesn't seem to be any one perfect answer. I do think though that having the facts is better than not. You know what you are dealing with and that is what you need. You need something to so you can make a decision or several decisions as things may not be black and white and if not, look at the shades of grey. Whatever is best for Tipper and you.

sharlene and molly muffin

05-03-2014, 09:31 AM
Hi Everyone:
I am getting all Tipper's pills and stuff together for the dog sitter for Monday. I am making some chicken noodle soup so when I get home I do not have to cook. I will give some to the neighbor man. Tipper has been tired and not her spunky self the last two days. I hope they did not hurt her doing that US, sometimes they press so hard to get good view. I will be gone all Monday morning so I hope there is nothing going on that needs addressed as I have enough with Tipper's problems. It will probably take a few days for the IMS to answer me, as her schedule is really busy. I sort of expect a wait every time I send her something. At least I have time to think this through, dependent on her answers then I will have a better picture. You can never catch a breath it seems with this Cushing's. Whatever it takes I will gladly do for her, I need her as much as she needs me. Blessings

05-03-2014, 03:55 PM
Oh my God rolling thunder alert!!! Tipper is in the closet.

molly muffin
05-03-2014, 06:01 PM
Yikes, hope you both do okay through the Thunder. I'm looking outside and it's rather rainy here today but no thunder so far.

Sharlene and molly muffin

05-03-2014, 06:29 PM
Hi Everyone:
Well I had given Tipper the herb concoction suggested by Leslie about 2 hours before the storm hit. When it started she sat on the bed then layed down and was dealing with the hard pounding rain and some low rumbles of thunder. Then all of a sudden loud cracking rolling thunder, one right after the other, she went to the closet. I got a small fan and put it on low and sat it in the doorway with the door ajar. It is very hot in there and she must have air. The small sound of the fan, and my TV were on. I could not check her as she would really start up seeing me, so I left her alone. At the end of the storm, we got 50 mile an hour wind for like 10 minutes, it was the craziest thing then it all stopped. Normally she stays in the closet and will not come back out sometimes all nite. She came out in about a half an hour, got on the bed, was on storm watch for about 10 minutes then went and layed on her pillow on the bed. This mixture did not completely put her at ease, but somehow it calmed her down and did help. This is a major breakthrough!!. Thanks to Dr. Leslie another happy patient!! She is very calm right now, was a little edgy when we went out to go potty, but this stuff gets 4 paws up from us!! It's nice to have brilliant friends! So it is getting light and dark again so we may have another round coming. I got so stressed when I heard the thunder, it made my face beet red. Blessings

05-03-2014, 06:47 PM
now i am curious what you have given tipper to relax.
maybe others can benefit from it too.
so far, so good!
maybe you should use it too.....to prevent high bp.
good luck with your appointment on monday.

05-04-2014, 03:31 AM
That is wonderful! I'm so glad that you found something that finally helps Tipper deal with the storms.

Write a letter to the editor of the newspaper where that loser son is a pastor in detail about Delora and her story. Refer to him as a "local pastor" and name the church. I bet that everyone else will be on that nursing home for not treating her and her son will be bombarded with bad karma from his parisioners.

05-04-2014, 07:16 AM
I am so glad you found something to help Tipper get through storms, that is wonderful!

Squirt's Mom
05-04-2014, 08:02 AM
Oh, YAY! I am so glad it helped a bit! :cool:

For those curious, the herbs are Passionflower (Passiflora incarnata) and Skullcap (Scutellaria lateriflora). The Latin names are important when you search as there are different varieties of these plants, of all plants, so the Latin allows us to be sure we have the correct herb for the intended purpose. ;) Do not, under any circumstances, gather Passionflower from the wild to use - there are 100's of varieties and some are very toxic...and they all look very much alike. Passionflower is a wild weed around here so most folks know what it is when they see it....just don't ingest any if you see them around you. Look, touch, smell, and enjoy - they are gorgeous! - just don't ingest any part of the plant. It takes a skilled botanist to tell them apart. ;)

This combo is what I have been using with mine for storms and it has been effective. The Passionflower is also part of Squirt's night time CCD protocol - helping her keep those terrors and the anxiety at bay. ;)

A reliable source for these and other herbs in the US is Mountain Rose Herbs in Eugene, OR. A four oz package lasts us quite a while!

05-04-2014, 08:42 AM
Hope you are feeling better, and that that tooth is fixed. Yes this is the only success I have had with Tipper. Is there any problem with using this too much? Like if you give it before a storm and it never comes? How much should I be dosing her? She weighs 18 lbs. Thank you as nothing else ever helped her. Blessings

05-04-2014, 09:16 AM
Hi Everyone:
Tipper and Toby have walked and I have all my stuff together for 4 am to leave here. I have to go to the pet store afterwards to get some food for the cats and then right home. It makes me nervous leaving Tipper even though she has a sitter. It is dark here and looks like we are in for some more storms. I will give Tipper some of the new storm meds with her lunch in case it comes. I did not notice any tremors last nite as she slept away from me on the bed. I hope there is no rain tomorrow while I am gone. It was cold here again this morning and not to be out of the 50s next week. I am anxiously awaiting the answers to my questions I sent the IMS. I hope she gets to them soon, I hate waiting for stuff. I just turned the weather on and it shows rain tomorrow nite, hope they are right and I am home. I have started on the long process of cutting Tippers hair. I noticed certain areas I trimmed her white hair Haas a very cast to it. I noticed that a while back just looking at her. People used to remark how white she was, and now there is a very grey cast to her hair. She has no problem with it growing
though. It does grow real fast on the top of her neck for some reason. Blessings

Squirt's Mom
05-04-2014, 10:04 AM
I never give it more often than every 6-8 hours...and then only on those days when the storming is just about constant. Sophie is the only one who will need that much during storms - she is my worst. She weighs around 20 lbs and gets 2-3ml depending on the severity of her reaction. Squirt (12lbs) gets 1ml usually every 12 hours on bad days, Brick (4lbs) gets .30ml every 12 hours. Most of the time, one dose is enough for all of them. It's only during constant storming that they get more. I don't look for complete resolution of their phobia, just a lessening of the reactions to the storms. Sophie will still bark and sometimes run toward the doors and windows - but she doesn't throw herself against them. Brick may still pace a bit, but it's not a frantic, crashing-into-things pacing. Squirt may still be on alert, but she's not shaking, whining or hiding. ;)

The tea shouldn't cause any problems other than making her a bit sleepy if given and not needed but I try not to give them anything until I'm pretty sure it will be needed. I am sure you are like me and watch the weather reports and go out to stare at the sky often when storms are in the area. I try to get them dosed at least an hour before things get going. The herbs will make things like melatonin and other sedative meds more potent so if you use anything like that as well, cut the tea dose back. You will be able to tell fairly quickly how much is the effective dose for Tipper.

05-04-2014, 10:30 AM
Thanks Leslie, yes I am a nut at watching the sky and weather reports. I cannot look up at the sky when Tipper is with me as she knows why I am doing it and will get rattled. I am waiting to see what happens today the weather said rain, and it is dark, but I am holding off for a while. The things you have to do in this weather!! That is why I prefer winter even though it was bad, Tipper has peace of mind then and not worried about storms. Hope you are well, how did it go with the tooth? Blessings

05-04-2014, 02:35 PM
Well low and behold thunder again, oh give me a break please!!! Well I went to the refrigerator and got out our storm meds and put some in a dish with a few pieces of dog food. The is a great way to get her to drink it. She has heard the low rumbles a few times, but maybe not loud enough to alarm her yet. Normally it would only take one small sound of it to get her crazy. I have gone to my room with her and she is laying on her pillow on the bed. I am anxious to see her reaction this time. I am hoping this continues to help her. I just cannot thank Leslie enough, the woman is a genius!! I will caution anyone who is going to use this first, if you have an allergic dog like Tipper, when you get the mixture brewed, take some on a cloth and put on your dogs belly where there is no hair. Wait dfor about 2 hours and see if there is any reaction. I am so glad Tipper did not react to it. Blessings

05-04-2014, 03:49 PM
Wonderful!! I hope it continues to calm her, Leslie is great! I agree :)

05-04-2014, 03:58 PM
Patti I have just read your posts, I am so sorry about everything. Your Lupus Tippers tumor and Delora's situation.

Have you seen your cardiologist yet?
Any desicisions on whether to have an op on Tipper

you have so much all at once, you need a break..... I am thinking of you all.

Much Love Diana & Teddy xxx

molly muffin
05-04-2014, 07:23 PM
Hope the herbal combination continues to help Tipper out. That would be a relief for both of you.

good luck tomorrow. I hope you get positive news on your own behalf

Sharlene and molly muffin

05-04-2014, 07:38 PM
i was just about writing the same thing as sharlene did.
i hope you are sound asleep by now, and have a safe trip to the doctor.
and no more thunderstorms!

05-05-2014, 02:59 PM
Hi Everyone:
I just got home and I am exhausted. I will know my test results in a few days. I will have to go back for an echo cardiogram. This Dr.s office has the nicest aquarium see up with coral, starfish, sea anenomies, tangs,and this little creepy crawler guy that look like his two little eyes were glues on,the creeps, and swims. It is very relaxing to watch in between stuff. At a certain point they let you go eat and come back. The food there is horrible, so I got some toast and coffee.I had to run to the pet store for Fromm's. Then came straight home. Good thing as it is getting black out.Tipper was screaming, and crying for me like I left her for a year! She started to do the Jack Russell jumps and I had to grab her in mid air to stop her.Tipper has so much mucous, I need to consult Leslie on what I can give her in addition to Chlorine her a mine, it is not doing enough. Last nite I was awake all nite. Never slept a bit, as every time I have to be up like at 4am I cannot fall asleep, so I was observing Tipper having tremors, and she got up 6 times because of mucous, licking and sticking her tongue out to clear her throat. She needs her rest so this has to get under control. Surprisingly she allows me to put her eye drops in!!!. Saline solution up her nose would help, but that will never happen, so I need another solution so if anyone knows one I would appreciate it. Thank you all for thinking of me today. I am going to lay on the bed with Tipper as my legs hurt from being in the car so much. I will post later on or tomorrow. Blessings

05-05-2014, 06:15 PM
Glad you got back safe and sound :)and you are in my prayers for good test results.

Did Tipper have tremors last night or just her trying to clear the mucous which I hope she gets rid of altogether very soon.

That's amazing she let you put drops in here eyes ..Good girl! Tipper.

Rest well Patti HUGS to Tipper and you {{{{hugs}}}}}

molly muffin
05-05-2014, 07:02 PM
Glad you are back home safe and sound.

It is funny, in that I was just thinking about dogs and time. I read somewhere once, that dogs can't tell length of time. So, even if you just run out to the store and back, to them it is like you have been gone forever and if you have been gone forever, then it is still like you have been just out and about.

I hope your reports all come back good. drat about the mucus. Does benedryl help with that?

Sharlene and molly muffin

05-05-2014, 07:18 PM
i hope you can catch some sleep tonight and have a quiet day tomorrow.
how is the weather? hope you can have some walks in the sun tomorrow.

05-05-2014, 07:27 PM
Hi Patti,

Just wanted you to know I am thinking of you and Tipper. Dont tell my Zoe she could not tell time- just like Tipper- they have a built in alarm clock I think.

I do hope you get some rest tonight and that Tipper does as well. Could you put Tipper in the bathroom and run the shower so she could breathe warm steam? They say allergies will be really bad this year so it could be contributing to Tipper's discomfort. My nose has been running all day- out of nowhere.

hugs to you both

molly muffin
05-05-2014, 08:23 PM
True Dat Addy. I know Molly knows exactly when it is time for her walks and her dinner. :) She is at the door before me.

:) Sharlene and molly muffin

05-05-2014, 09:23 PM

Chris and I are on our way to Warren, Ohio this week to visit his family.
Are you anywhere near there?

05-06-2014, 05:49 AM
Hi Patti hope you and Tipper got some rest, and you are both feeling brighter today, x

Squirt's Mom
05-06-2014, 08:46 AM
About the extracts - you want to know what the solvent is that made the extract first. If it is an alcohol extract, I would not use that with dogs. If it is a glycerite extract, that should be fine. I haven't used a glycerite of either of these so I can't compare the effects between that and the infusion (tea) to say which worked better for us. I am trying to get the formula worked out to start some glycerites so when they are done and I have had opportunity to use them, I will have a better idea of which works better or if they work about the same. I do know, using the dried herbs will be less expensive than the extracts....more hassle for us but not as costly. ;)

About the mucous....did there seem to an increase in this after using the herbs? Watch her when there has been no need to give them and see if there is any possibility the herbs are playing a role in her mucous production. She may be sensitive to one or both of them instead of allergic, or be having a mild allergic reaction after all, presenting as increased mucous. ;)

05-06-2014, 08:46 AM
Hi Everyone:
I don't feel like it but Tipper has laser therapy today. I used Benadryl on her this morning, she sounds like she is gurgling and blowing bubbles at nite she is making real congested sounds. Her current and I his time is not handling it. I am wondering what else they have to clear up mucous?? I will research it. This is waking her up many times a nite to try and clear her throat. With trachea problems and this mucous, she is struggling to breathe and that is not good on her heart. I don't remember a day since she started with Cushing's that I have not had to fight some battle!! It wears you down. She also has an Adequan shot tomorrow which I am glad, before her trachea starts up bad. I just can't get a break here, and need to finish this house cleaning. Maybe I will get on it tomorrow after the vets. The doggies have walked twice and it is going to be a nice day, but thunderstorms tomorrow!! I will be giving her storm meds. It's a shame,but Tipper is sleeping, probably from the Benadryl. She must really have allergies acting up under all this other stuff. Nothing from the IMS yet I am still waiting!! She may be off until Wednesday as she works a few days and is off a few. I am absolutely wiped out today as my knees are killing me from sitting in the car too much. Blessings

05-06-2014, 04:00 PM
Aww...poor Tipper with those allergies! Hope the benadryl helps her feel better. I would think that benadryl should help to dry up that mucous that's in her throat at night, doesn't it help at all with that?
Did you go for the laser therapy today. Hope you don't have to contend with thunder storms tomorrow...I see rain off and on her at the end of the week.
I'm waiting for the vet to call so I can pick-up Trixie from her acth test! Can't wait to get her out of there! Hope that tonight Tipper has a good night tonight and that you both get some good sleep.


molly muffin
05-06-2014, 04:33 PM
How did therapy go today? Sorry you are feeling so poorly yourself. This stuff takes a real toll on the human body too. It's all so stressful.

Sharlene and molly muffin

05-06-2014, 05:33 PM
Hi Everyone:
Tipper is taking a rest. Barbara yes the only reason I give her anything is to get rid of the mucous, it has to be post nasal drip. She keeps waking up many times a nite opening her mouth wide, and sticking her tongue out to clear her throat. She has never been a hacker, but has done so a couple of times. The eye Dr. Is the one that said it was seasonal allergies. She slept a little this afternoon and I heard no gurgling sounds, so if she is good tonite, then we will use the Benadryl instead. I noticed between the products a few differences so we shall see. Tipper needs no more problems for me to handle, we are both sick of problems. As I type this Deloras wonderful family is raiding her house again. It just makes me sick what all these people are capable of. Tomorrow is bp and Adequan shots. It is never ending, but the most important thing is it helps her, and that's all that matters at the end of the day. She was touchy today at laser therapy, I think her rear leg is bothering her a little so that will surely help it. The laser therapy has enabled her to continue to exercise, and I feel that is helping her to physically cope with all this muscle wasting etc. Blessings

05-06-2014, 10:19 PM
exercise is good for cush dogs indeed, to stay in shape.
i know it has helped ian a lot to get back in shape.
and it is good for me too!
have a safe trip tomorrow and good night.

05-06-2014, 10:29 PM
(((fingers crossed)))

05-07-2014, 11:53 AM
Hi Everyone:
Well we are back from the vets. His office was empty today and he was in a very good mood. So I took advantage of his free time to discuss Tipper's issues. First
we discussed Tippers tumor. He got out a ruler that has centimeters on it. He showed me by drawing the exact size that Tipper's tumor was, then showed me on top of that drawing the new measurements. It was so small the lines were practically on top of one another. He said it is so hard to put that mprobe in the exact position it was last time that this tumor could actually be the same size and this is just human error. When you see the drawings it really makes sense. He said if it ever got to 3.5 cm then we are talking get it out, or rapid growth at the next ultra sound. So I am going to wait and see what the next US shows, if it has increased substantially then I will talk to the surgeon. For now I am staying put. I did talk to him about the Artemix Iraklis used and he is interested in it. Then we discussed Tipper's storm mixture as he is into Eastern Medicine and herbal uses. He looked both herbs up and said there is absolutely no side effects to the herbs, and the passionflower could be made stronger if needed and she can have it up to 3 times a day. It will not interfere with any of her current meds. I also discussed then benadryl vs the chlorphenarmine. I will probably stay the course with Benadryl as it appears to have done a better job when she is sleeping. I have to get some in tablet form. With Tippers breathing issues, and tracheal issues it is hard to syringe things into her mouth, and I do not want anything getting aspirated into her lungs. I have always kept the liquid as in the event of an allergic reaction it is absorbed faster than a tablet. She can have 25 mg at a time so I will have to see what the tablets come in. I gave Tipper some of her storm meds before we left for the vets as it was raining and thunder is supposed to be starting. She is taking a nap in between walking. She usually never walks in between rain, and this surprised me. So we are ready for it, I feel better knowing we have something in our arsenal to deal with this. I am waiting for the IMS and my cardiologist to contact me as neither have. I may try to clean one of the remaining rooms left to spring clean, I will have to see how much energy I can muster up. Than goodness no more appointments until my Dr.s appointment in Pittsburgh next week. Blessings

05-07-2014, 04:12 PM
HI Patti,
I'm so glad that you are able to put surgery on the back burner for now. It's good to know that there was barely any change on the tumor! I would hate to hear that Tipper needed to have surgery now so I'm glad this is something you don't have to think about for the time being.
Hope the storms stay quiet..I know the rain is headed this way and due late tonight. Hoping Tipper has a quiet night and a good sleep.


05-07-2014, 04:18 PM
That's good news! Patti I am so happy that it grew so little and surgery is not to be considered at this point, I am sure you are so relieved! I am glad the benedryl is helping Tippers congestion and hope it takes care of it completely.
I hope you hear from the IMS soon but in the meantime..
Rest up and relax a bit now and smile :)

05-07-2014, 04:21 PM
That's good news!!

Ι have some PDF files on Artemisin/Artemether/Artesunate.

How should i send them to you?

molly muffin
05-07-2014, 05:16 PM
Hi Patti, glad you got some good news from your vet finally on something! LOL Great to know that the herb mixture is a winner and can be given more often If needed. Also that the worry for surgery can be put on the back burner hopefully for a long time, so long that in fact it never becomes an issue.

What is the size of Tippers tumor? I know you said it increased by only .31 which is very little indeed.
Mollys tumor is 1.30cm x 1.26cm. Do they think Tippers tumor is secreting cortisol too in addition to the pituitary tumor or do they think it is just perhaps a nodule non functioning on the gland?

It sure does take a wallop out of you doesn't it. Try to get some rest, enjoy the walks between rain and hopefully NO thunder. :)

Sharlene and molly muffin

05-07-2014, 05:50 PM
Hi Everyone:
Now I am back at the upset stage. The IMS just answered me and most of the answers were what I expected except this one. I asked her what were the chances of this tumor rupturing? She said you never know it could embolize, or rupture and I could lose my Tipper and could I live with that decision?? That made me sick at my stomach quite frankly. Also she said the Dr. that owns the hospital that would do the surgery has done at least 300 of these operations. I need some guidance here as I am right back to worrying now. The smaller the tumor the less chances of problems. She said if this tumor is active removing it could help control Tipper better. Blessings

05-07-2014, 08:02 PM
the woman with whom i share the vetoryl went to the veterinarian university in nl. with her cush dog to have a ct scan to determine if she needed an operation.
depending on how the dog is actualy doing, they do not operate under 2.5 a 3 cm. as long as the dog is doing fine.
surgeons always want to operate, that is their job.
i do not like the way they scare you like this or doing a guild trip on you for deciding not to operate tipper before you know the numbers of the next us. tippers tumor is groing very slowly so far.
she is feisty and can handle long walks, so she is in pretty good shape for her age and illness.
so i think your vet was right about the 3 a 3.5 cm. at least it is also the dutch scale. [this uni is famous for their cush knowledge!]
hope this facts can give you some hope that tipper does not need an operation right now.

molly muffin
05-07-2014, 09:59 PM
Well I am not impressed with that IMS's wording. I'll ask my IMS when I talk to her about this very same thing.

I'm not inclined to do surgery just yet either. Trish's Flynn has a nodule on his remaining adrenal gland too and it hasn't grown or changed in over a year. Tippers has changed a very small bit, if at all.

I don't know what the answer is Patti. I wish I did. As you know, I'm in a similar situation and I don't know what to do either. Right now I am thinking two things, that it is small enough that I can wait and redo ultrasound in a couple months and see if it is changing and it is small enough that if I were going to operate, it is less risky to operate on a small tumor than a large one.

However I still can't accept the possibility of she might not make it out of the hospital and you have to be right in your head and your heart, that the decision to operate is the right decision for your baby. I'm not there yet. I might be and who know, I might not be, might not ever be, I just don't know, but I Do know, you don't go into surgery unless you are sure it is what is best, or if anything goes wrong, then the devastation would be unbearable.

So, that being said you cannot let any IMS or anyone guilt you into doing something that isn't right in both your head and your heart. If you determine that this is what you think is Tippers best chance, then you have to come to terms with it prior to doing any surgery and make sure you are at peace with the decision before going forward.

I don't say any of this to discourage you or point you in any specific direction, because I'm probably the least best person to choose for anyone being in the same boat myself. I do say these things because based upon the time that I have known you and the bond that I see between you and Tipper and how very heavily, your own health and well being is tied to hers, I would not want you to do anything for other than the right reason and if that decision is to do surgery, then I would want to know that you are absolutely okay with having made it.

You absolutely Have to be able to accept that you have made the best decisions possible and are okay with any consequences of those decisions going forward. You have done exactly that, every step of the way on this journey and I don't want you to stop doing so at this point. It really only matters, no matter what you decide, that you are at peace with whatever decision you make.

I'm leaning towards monitoring in 3 months redoing ultrasound at this point, based on size, location and my not being at peace with surgical decision right now.

I know this is long winded and I have probably said the same thing in a dozen different ways. So, I hope I haven't bored you to death or said anything to further upset you. Your health cannot withstand much more of this pressure Patti.

Sending you big hugs and strength.
Today you found something that helps Tippers thunder fears. That is a big baby step worth celebrating. For tonight, that is all there is. Another storm to be survived.
sharlene and molly muffin

05-07-2014, 11:53 PM
I would wait and see if the tumor grows or something else changes. I wouldn't rush into surgery. Hugs.

05-08-2014, 12:17 AM
I'm certainly no expert on this but a small, slow growing tumor does not sound like a tumor that would be poised for a rupture, and how often does this actually happen? Is that a common occurrence for a tumor like this? If it were something growing fast or very large..well maybe then it would be more of a possibility.
It seems to me surgery would pose the greater chance of difficulty for Tipper and much more of a risk than leaving this alone for a few months and seeing if it grows or changes in any way.
Trish's specialist just spoke with her about nodules and said that nodules can exist on any organ and sometimes they are just there..small growths that come with age and don't do anything, at least this is what I took from what she wrote..I may not have it exactly as written. Do you know for sure if this is even an active tumor..perhaps it's a benign nodule or growth.
I understand if you ask a vet or a doctor any "could this happen" question that you have to expect the answer will most likely be "it could happen"..because they can never say for certain that something won't happen. If you ask the same questions about the surgery you are going to get the same scary answers. It's a tough decision but the question is, right now which is the bigger risk?

My sweet Ginger
05-08-2014, 07:26 AM
Ditto, Barbara.
Patti, you should ask your IMS this question and see what her answer might be this time. What are the fatality rates between adrenalectomy (during and post surgery) and slow growing, small adrenal nodule ruptures and which poses a greater risk to a dog?

05-08-2014, 08:50 AM
Hi Everyone:
Thank you, Barbara, Song, and Sharlene for the input. Please read on Sharlene's thread what I think about this so I do not have to type it again. I am curious who thinks this is the best thing to do and why? Maybe thinking not the best thing, please tell me your opinion, it does matter to me. Tipper slept a lot yesterday and that made me nervous. She never does that, and it seems her rear leg may be bothering her a bit. I had to corner her this morning to get the Benadryl in. Last nite she would not let me do that or the drops. I must go to the store in a bit and get the tablets. It is too be 85 today and I probably will have to turn the air on for Tipper so I must get a new furnace filter in after all this housecleaning I did I surely do not want to blow dust around. I am going to tackle another room today so I will post later. Blessings

05-09-2014, 08:34 AM
Hi Everyone:
The sadness I feel today is just crippling. I was up most of the nite thinking and praying for Leslie and Squirt. Tipper did not sleep well, and was swallowing mucous a lot and clearing her throat. I gave her a tablet of Benadryl but it did not to help for some reason. I think this is the reason her breath started to smell.. I have to find out from the vet next week if there is anything else to get and rid of this mucous that is safe for her. The dogs have walked, and yesterday I had to turn the air on because it was 85 and Tipper started to pant. I am thinking about my trip to Pittsburgh Tuesday and really do not want to go. In have one more room cleaned, and 1 to go plus the cat room. I am so welled up with sadness today it is hard to function. I think I will stay the course with Tipper until the next ultra sound and see what it brings. I surely hate this disease, especially today. Blessings

05-09-2014, 09:04 AM
Patti, I had to make the same decision for Snuggles, high risk, high mortality surgery or wait and watch with a chance of it rupturing and he bleeding to death God Forbid.
and ofc you know what I chose wait and watch and monitor every 3 months with mri or us. Snuggles tumor is larger than Tipper's I believe and is growing faster than Tippers and is mildly invading the vena cava now.

From what I recall if the tumor is not pressing against the vena cava I don't think there is a chance for rupturing, but I could be wrong but I will get clarification on that for you, me and anyone else who needs to know.

I was told to check his gums and the second I see them paler pink than normal to bring him in immediately. That could be a sign of internal bleeding and ofc then we go right into surgery.

God willing Snugs is as good as he is today in June we will have another MRI and depending what that shows the size of the tumor and the invasion, I will have to make yet another decision.

05-09-2014, 09:24 AM
actually I just checked Snuggles tumor is the same size as Tippers 3.2cm,
is Tippers tumor in the left or right adrenal gland? If left it is further away from the vena cava I believe.
Also please remind me what type of tumor it is

05-09-2014, 09:46 AM
Tipper's tumor is on the left side, I think the one they worry about more is the right side which I think is nearer to the vena cava. What a way to have to live our lives!!. I feel like my Tipper is a ticking time bomb! Blessings

05-09-2014, 04:06 PM
Hi Everyone:
Well I held off on the storm meds for Tipper, and all of a sudden it came. I syringed it into her and she was mad. I hate to give it and the storm passes, then she conks out. I don't want her sleeping all the time. We did have thunder, and it is still rumbling a bit. I do not want to look in the closet and get her stirred up, so I am taking a rest on my bed and waiting to see if she comes out soon. I hope this worked on her. I gave her and Toby a bath today as it was so hot. I started on her hair cut again. Her hair grows really fast! Got a lot done today and will just do a little at a time like always. I did not clean today as I am just a mess over Squirt. I will be finished soon yeah!! Blessings

05-09-2014, 06:28 PM
Tipper came out of the closet on her own, not thoroughly convinced that all the noise was over, and seemed nervous, but not crazy like she gets. She went out potty,and is laying on her pillow sleeping now. We are to get this off and on all nite. These meds only last an hour or two I think that's what Leslie said. They do make her sleepy though. I do not want to give her more as I have no idea when the next round is going to come. I just went and checked the ice maker as it started making noise at 3am again and I has to get up and fix it. I have already checked it out soi am not having to get up again in the early morning to fix an ice jam. I hope the thunder stays away and we get just rain. I talked to Delora and she said her feet and ankles are really swelled up and that has never happened to her. They put compression stockings on her, she said they hurt, I told her maybe they are too small?? I know they feel funny, but should not be hurting her. She said she had three blankets on and is freezing. She said she is bleeding badly everywhere. I am surprised she made it this long. Her house is empty now I think. She keeps telling me she can't wait to get home and sit on her porch. Sad situation, makes me so upset to think of her in that horrible place.
Today has been a truly sad day for me, I just cannot shake this feeling. Leslie has had so much tragedy, my heart just aches for what she is going thru. God Bless Leslie and dear Squirt.

05-09-2014, 08:28 PM
we had a few thunderstorms today too.
at least the herbs do something good for tipper.
were you able to walk the dogs today?
i do know those stockings are not suppose to hurt, but they need to be tight to do their work.
it is not easy to put them on for us nurses.
maybe you can have a walk with delora in a wheel chair so she can catch some fresh air?
so sad that she will have to spend her remainig days this way!
hop you and tipper will have a quiet night without thunder.

05-09-2014, 11:25 PM
We're also getting those storms Patti.
I know, I feel horrible for Leslie.

molly muffin
05-10-2014, 12:22 AM
No storms here, yet anyhow. It has gotten warmer as the evening has gone hon though, so I am just hoping we don't get any and Molly (and us too) will have a quiet night.

Hope Tipper does okay and doesn't need any more herbs. They won't hurt her at least, so if you do get some bad thunder it will be okay. Maybe she'll sleep through the night.

Sharlene and molly muffin

05-10-2014, 08:39 AM
Hi Everyone:
Well Tipper walked twice already and it is humid and getting hot. We are to get storms all week so I will be a wreck going to Pittsburgh Tuesday and leaving her with a sitter. I will have to tell them to give her the herbs if it looks like a storm coming. Tipper was up a lot last nite and swallowing so much. I am hoping this is mucous we are dealing with and not something else that cannot be figured out by me. It scare me about her trachea and I always think it may be involved making her swallow so much. Both dogs look great from their baths yesterday. I am doing some odd jobs today nothing big as I am not feeling it. I am so down from yesterday, it is hard to pick back up knowing what our dear Leslie is going thru. I got a call from the cardiologist. I have a valve problem and have to have an echo cardiogram. They said the pain I am getting is more than likely form the botched mammogram, that it damaged muscle on my chest wall and ligaments. I am going to contact them and tell them I still am having trouble, and see if they can send me to a pain management Dr. who could possibly give me a nerve block?? Don't know if that is possible where this is located?? I am hoping they can and I can be rid of this constant pain all day long. Blessigns

molly muffin
05-10-2014, 10:40 AM
Oh Patti, so sorry you are still having problems from that awful mammogram experience. :( I hope they can give you something to help while things hopefully continue to heal.

I'd certainly be contacting the place that did it and letting them know the damage that continues to be an issue for you.

I hope they are wrong and you don't get the bad storms and especially not on a day you are away as we know you'll worry so much about that.

sharlene and molly muffin

05-10-2014, 10:53 AM
Sorry for the pain Patti, I hope it feels better quickly. I had something similar happen to me when I had a carotid artery test or some type of cardio test (not an echo), when they did my upper stomach area they pressed so hard into my ribs, my ribs were killing me for many months, it was painful to even breathe.

05-11-2014, 08:21 AM
Hi Everyone;
Vicki thanks for thinking of me. If I failed to wish you A Happy Mother's Day I am now everyone!! Tipper did not sleep well. It was the clearing of the throat and sticking her tongue out every 15 minutes it seemed like. When she got up this morning she had a big blob of mucous in her one eye. These drops were supposed to stop that, but maybe need time to work. It seems the Benadryl is not really helping now either. She is better in the day when she is not laying down a with most people that suffer from this. It was cool here this morning with light frost on the ground. It is to be cooler next week in the upper 50's and 60's. That will be ideal for Tipper. I talked to Delora last nite. She was very mixed up and for some reason not hearing things, worse than usual as she is hard of hearing to begin with. She sounded really bad, not like herself, and weak. A lady called me out of the blue yesterday from over an hour away and asked about Delora's cat. I made arrangements to take her to the ladies house next Wednesday. Her cat passed away and she is a senior so that is what this cat is used to. I went thru all the question with her. She is a lovely person. So I called my neighbor and he was happy I found the cat a home. I was a little annoyed at how happy he was. I can't get over his not taking to her after all this time, and it just kind of bugs me. If you were not an animal person I guess it would not bother you. So she will be gone too, and I am sad for her as I am used to seeing her on a daily basis. I have to run over and clean her litter box all the time as he will not do it!!!. It looks like a nice day as we have already walked and Tipper liked the cool air. My cats are enjoying being allowed in my office once again! Blessings

05-11-2014, 08:58 AM
Hi Patti, I was just checking in to how you and Tipper were doing. I hate hearing you aren't feeling well. I know that feeling! I broke a rib myself and could get any pain relief and......finally I had to go to a pain clinic as well. It did rain all day here yesterday, but for some reason the storms never bothered Eli...but the little tinkle of a piece of kibble on his food dish will send him right out of the room! I too hated so much to hear about Squirt. It's always so sad.

05-11-2014, 07:29 PM
Hi Everyone:
Hope you all had a nice Mother's Day. Tipper gave me my special present today she came out on the front porch for 15minutes. I was so happy for her, she was smelling all the porch furniture, and making sure no critters were under the furniture covers! I hope she sleeps better tonite although I saw where we are to get thunderstorms in the middle of the nite. Just great as I can't give her these herbs before she goes to bed as they do not last long. I hope it goes around us somehow. I cannot believe tomorrow I have to get up at 4AM to go to Pittsburgh. I hate the thoughts of another 5 hours in the car. I am going to my best friends grave after the Dr. if I can locate it, then home. Today was beautiful and not humid with a good breeze. Blessings

05-11-2014, 09:42 PM
test,test, the forum does not want me to post...........maybe now?

molly muffin
05-11-2014, 10:00 PM
Good luck tomorrow Patti. Drive safe.

We're suppose to get thunderstorms here too tomorrow.

Sharlene and molly muffin

05-12-2014, 08:38 AM
Hi Everyone:
It is black here and supposed to get thunderstorms any time. I think I jumped the gun and gave the meds to early. That is the problem with this method, you can't always get it right. Tipper was restless last nite and up and down as it rained a bit and some real low thunder in a distance. She has already walked once, so we got that over with before it starts. I called Delora for Mothers Day. Surprise that rotten son of hers did show up! I am having a case of the nerves about giving Delora's cat away. It just makes me feel bad inside. I would never tell her it is gone, as I do not want to add to her misery. I just hope since this is a senior citizen that nothing happens to her where the cat has to go somewhere else, as cats do not like change. She will be gone Wednesday. I tried to talk the neighbor into keeping her, but he wants no part of it. I cannot deal will shallow mindedness. I will miss her too as I have grown used to seeing her. I am not and I repeat not rescuing any more cats as no one wants them and it is hard on me. We will be in bed early tonite as I go to the Dr. at 4am. Have the sitter for Tipper so I hope no thunder. Tipper had a terrible tremor going all over her whole body yesterday during the day when she took a nap, I could not get to the camera in time to tape it and it was one that shook and rocked her. If this were something from a secreting tumor she would not be able to stop it I assume when I called her name?? If so it has to be the Vetoryl that has some permanent effects on the body. Blessings

05-12-2014, 10:20 AM
Hi Patti! I hope you had a safe trip tomorrow. I have to drive to Nashville for my doctors and amounts to 4 hours round trip. I'm always pooped by the time I get back with all the hwy traffic. I hope the doctor was able to help you with the problem you were having.

Eli has a tremor (or quivering) too. It comes and goes. I'm not saying it's the same as Tipper's though...But, I believe his is from the Cushing's. He never had it before until recently (but, before Vetoryl). He always seemed to jerk around when he was sleeping since I've had him. His paws were always jerking around. When he slept with me, I'd put my leg against him to hold him steady...that seemed to work. But, this tremor or quivering was something new and started with his left leg...and now is all over, but it's off and on.

I hope it works out anyway and you have a good trip. I also hope Tipper does well with the sitter. :)

05-12-2014, 07:42 PM
i hope you will have a safe trip tomorrow to your doctor and back.
our thunderstorms are over, so i hope yours will too.
i've had a dog with seizures and you can't stop them by calling their name or touching them.
waiting till dolores dies, to replace the cat, and the neighbor not wanting her, is no option, so you did right to let that lady come and get her.
so she has a chance to a good home.
maybe you can ask her if she has some back-up just in case?
is it an older cat too? hope she is a really nice woman and will like the cat.

molly muffin
05-12-2014, 08:03 PM
Hope the thunderstorms missed you. We haven't had more than a sprinkle here so far, so no thunder.

That is just sad about Delora. :(

have a safe trip tomorrow
Sharlene and molly muffin