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molly muffin
02-23-2014, 02:20 PM
Thinking of you today.
Sharlene and Molly muffin

02-23-2014, 02:57 PM
Hi Everyone:
I just called about Grace. The lady told me they are going to have her picture enlarged and put it on the wall with the grandchildren. That made me very happy, to know they are loving her. I was her protector from any more bad things happening to her, so I can breathe a sigh of relief. I miss her sweet face terribly.They have been taking pictures of her on their cell phones and sending them to all their friends. They said the whole family is coming to see her that they cannot believe she is so beautiful. Tipper has perked up a bit, but I haven't.
I am not feeling too well from all this. We are just having a very restful day. I made a pot of chicken noodle soup, and Tipper is showing me how she will destroy her toy because of no walk. I just cannot do it today. Blessings

02-23-2014, 09:50 PM
it will get better and I am so glad that the people don't mind keeping in touch with you. They must know how much you love Grace!

She has been given a second chance twice now. Patti, you did a wonderful thing for Grace and these people.


Squirt's Mom
02-24-2014, 06:53 AM
She has been given a second chance twice now. Patti, you did a wonderful thing for Grace and these people.

Ditto! Patti, you gave new life not only to Grace but to people who needed to give the love they carried in their hearts to Grace, a love that was in limbo. You breathed life into Grace and the couple who gave her a furever home. I could envision this couple out shopping for Grace and the excitement they were feeling; I wondered how long it had been since they felt so giddy with excitement. You gave them a child, Patti, a child to lavish all that love on that was sitting in their hearts just waiting for release.

I see the tears we shed over babies like this - the ones we take in, help, then let go to a furever home - sort of like a baptism. We have taken in their neglect and abuse, we have given them a glimpse of what life truly can be, of what love is, and then we hand them off with tears flowing. Those tears carry all of that abuse and neglect we took in away, just as baptism washes sin away. Our tears wash them "clean" and allow them to have a new life.

Namaste', dear Patti. The Divine in you has saved a life.

My sweet Ginger
02-24-2014, 07:55 AM
Here's my ditto to what Leslie, the gifted person said.:cool: It sounds like the outcome of Grace matter is a very positive one all around especially for Grace. I'm cautiously relieved about the fact that those couple might be willing to leave a door open for you to stay in contact in some fashion so you will be in the loop as it should give you a piece of mind so you can step in if anything should happen to her. (I hope not and chances are probably not) Can you gently approach them if that's a possibility with them as it could be also beneficial to them at some point in their lives for various reasons especially depending on how old and healthy they are. I can't see them refuse this if they put Grace's best interest and well being first because they must know how much you care about Grace by now. But for now I think we should all be happy for Grace that she's found her forever home and hope that this new chapter of her life will be filled with love and care she so deserves and craved for it seems like.
She's such a beautiful cat and also her luck was so incredible on that faithful day when she met you. I have no doubt she is a survivor. You've done something awfully good, Patti. ;)

02-24-2014, 09:30 AM
Hi Everyone:
I know I did the best thing for Grace, but her absence is killing me. I cannot face being in my office without her pawing at me and seeing her sweet face. Tipper was restless earlynthis morning, moving about the bed every few seconds. Either the cortisol is climbing in the early hours, or she is uncomfortable from something inside her making her feel that way. I guess we will see what the new numbers are next week. It is snowing here and very cold. We will not be going out walking. I don't feel well anyway. In some ways I wish I could go back to last week and Grace would still be here. Tipper is very sick of being inside. We do not have to go out until Wednesday to the vets. Tipper seems to be doing well on the 15mg in the morning. I am hoping this will be her dose for a while as I have so many different mgs of the trilostane I could start a small pharmacy. Blessings

02-24-2014, 10:14 AM
Hi Patti,
I'm sorry you're missing Grace, it's hard after you made such a connection with her. It sounds as though she's getting attention and love with these people...I know that doesn't exactly make your heart stop hurting though.
Are you doing an acth next week? I lost track of what dose you're doing now...15mg in the morning I know, but what's the evening dose now?
My vet was sick all last week so I haven't been able to speak to him about the triglycerides and fish oil. Hopefully this week I'll be able to get him on the phone for a few moments to discuss.
No snow here...suns out but temps dropping, took Trixie on a long walk along the river. Time for her breakfast and med.
Hope your day goes okay...I know it's going to be hard for you to face your office space.


molly muffin
02-24-2014, 04:12 PM
Sorry to hear you aren't feeling well. I know the office is a tough one for you. Can Tipper go in with you? or Toby? So you aren't alone in there maybe.

Sharlene and molly muffin

02-24-2014, 07:38 PM
hi patti, i am glad that grace found such a good home and that they like her so much and keep in touch with you.
more snow? just what you needed.
take good care of yourself and hopefully you and the doggies can have a decent walk tomorrow to clear the head!

02-24-2014, 09:08 PM
We're getting more snow too Patti, just when things are starting to thaw.
Daisy hasn't been herself the past few days. Hoping it was just a bug because she skipped a few meals just not in a row. No diarrhea or vomiting so I don't believe that it's related to her recent increase in Trilostane.

I'm so sorry that you and Tipper aren't feeling well and that you're really missing Grace. Time will heal and I am glad that Grace's newest family is keeping you updated. They sound like really nice people.

02-25-2014, 11:13 AM
Hi Everyone:
Tipper was a very restless again this morning. She is sleeping on a king sized pillow a lot and I am wondering if she is having something inside that has shifted and made her uncomfortable?? Tomorrow is vet day for her Adequan shot, this should be good since he never ever called Dechra. I am not going to say a word, I want him to speak first. I am still not feeling well and I made a huge pan of stuffed baby peppers, and will give some to my elderly neighbors. I got anemail from the people that have Grace. They sent me pictures and I balled my eyes out when I saw them. They said she is kind of sticking to one room where they put her stuff, and comes out when she feels like it. I was sad to hear that as I hope she is not missing me and depressed. I paid a huge amount of attention to her. These people are nice people, but not obsessed with their pets like me, so I don't think they think it is any big deal, like I would. God help me for saying this,but I wish I had never taken her away. I hope she does not think I did not want her. I have to take Elvis Thursday nite for his nails and beak trim and it is supposed to be below 0 so I will have to make sure he is really covered up good. Blessings

Squirt's Mom
02-25-2014, 11:30 AM
This response to her new surroundings is not surprising. She has been through so much in such a short time...and no telling how she was treated before she came to you. She will learn her new home and family in her own time and way. She will find comfort there and begin to bloom into the Grace she always should have been. Because of you, she now knows what it is to be cared for and loved; she will reach out to her new family for the same. Hold tight to the fact that this couple took steps to help welcome her into their home and hearts before she arrived. You might share with them the things you did with her, the things you learned she likes, the things they can now start to do that will provide Grace with a sense of continuity.

I know how hard this can be. I still miss many of my fosters deeply and some I wish I had not let go of simply because I came to love them so deeply. But each one is in a great home with a family that loves them as much or more than I. I continue to believe this is what you have done for Grace - given her a gift she would never have had without you.

Leslie and the gang

02-25-2014, 03:12 PM
I did already tell them what I know she likes etc. I told them everything I could to make her transition easy. I was a little upset that they said they were trying out different canned foods with her. I had her on Fromm's low cal and she had already lost about 1/2 pound, I stressed this to them that to get and stay healthy she needs a good diet, and control of it. The canned food in the pet stores I would not feed to anything, it is garbage and sprayed with fat.She still needs to lose a pound more. Maine Coons are predisposed to cardiomyopathy and she must get that weight down. I guess I am not liking someone making bad decisions that will affect her life, after I told them the vet stressed weight loss to me. I told her the day I saved her on the way home that I would make sure she lived a good life from then on. I know they mean well, but this is hard after what Ihave been thru with her. Hope you are feeling better. I know all about that prednisone making your heart pound at nite. Not a good feeling! Blessings

02-25-2014, 03:50 PM

Awww, Tipper isn't sleeping again. Poo. I'm glad that she has her appointment tomorrow. Hoping that helps. Hugs.

I agree with your concern over changing Grace's food. I wonder what their reasoning is? Is the From expensive and hard to get?

It's not unusual for a cat to be wary in a new setting. Our Annabelle Lee sat on top of a shoe rack and hissed and made all kinds of racket. She sounded downright evil!

Seaghost found an opening underneath the bathtub and hid there for almost two weeks straight.

Gracie was a kitten when we adopted her and she adjusted immediately.

Seaghost is still skittish but the other two flop themselves wherever they want.

02-25-2014, 06:09 PM
Tipper is sleeping, it's just in the early morning hours like 4 to 6am she starts moving all over the bed every few seconds in another position. It is so hard watching this as I know she is not resting well. I think the people are changing food with Grace because they think she is not getting enough to eat. Grace would eat 24/7 if you let her.I think she was so unhappy in her previous home that she ate and ate to compensate for being unhappy, and bored. I hope they do not ruin the diet I had her on, and it just makes me upset that there is nothing I can do to stop it, this is why I wish I still had her. I knew above all she was safe and loved, and she did too. Blessings

02-25-2014, 09:55 PM

ah, early morning jitters for Tipper.
I hope that the higher nighttime dose resolves this.

Wow! I sure hope that these people know enough to watch Grace's weight.
I get to mad at dad when he deviates from the plan because he's a sucker for Daisy's "poor me" stare.

If you have recommendations in writing from the vet, I would email them to the couple.

Get some rest dear.

02-25-2014, 11:08 PM
patti, i think you must give grace some more time to adjust. i have had many rescue cats and the all need some/a long time to feel at home in their new place.
they choose a safe spot and explore their new world from there. that is a real cat thing. one step at a time.
you did it with graces interest at heart. she could not stay forever in that one room on her own. that would not be fair.
luckily they stay in touch with you and even send pictures.
hopefully the canned food is just a little extra treat and they will watch her weight too. she will get more exercise too if she has a whole house of her own now.
i used to recue ponies, dogs, cats, rodents and even fish. and replacing them was difficult sometimes, but i knew i could not keep them all.
hope you will get some rest now and good luck at the vet tomorrow!

02-26-2014, 11:55 AM
Hi Everyone:
Well the vet seemed to have difficulty knowing how to approach me. He stayed on the back for the longest time. Finally he said hi and began telling me about this big endocrinology conference he went to, acting like it was on Tipper's behalf that he went!! That really got me boiling as he never even mentioned her dosage and calling Dechra, he acted like it was non existent. I said very little as I was in explosion mode. Finally he said how are things on her dosage? I said well I had to change it as she was low. He just asked what I changed it to and wrote it down??? I kept my mouth shut and made no comments. He said how is Tipper on the thyroid meds? I said much better, and asked if he got the fax from Jean Dodds and he said yes. I said well???? He said you were right, got up and left the room and came back with Tipper's Adequan shot. He is a real piece of work. Tipper's bp was down better today, she was still moving around in the bed this morning, and panting this morning. We will see what the ACTH says next week. I feel like her pre may be OK but that her post is higher than desireable for her, that is why the symptoms. I feel a little better today, but not great. Very cold today with snow today, and the roads were very slick. We are to be going to 3 degrees tonite and more snow in the morning. We do not have to go out until Tipper's laser therapy Tuesday so we are OK. Tipper is really depressed from not walking enough, and is letting me know about it. I am dreading the storms spring brings though. I wish we could just have storms with no thunder and all would be fine in Tippers world. Blessings

02-26-2014, 05:49 PM
Hi Everyone:
Tipper had her Adequan shot today and he put it in her left leg, the one she tore the ACL in. Well she is limping. Don't know what that is about, but do know her muscle is wasted away more in this hind leg. The people that have Gracie sent me pictures of her with her new cat tree looking out the front window. I miss her so when I see the pictures I just want to reach out and touch her again. I am going to lay down and rest with Tipper, I just don't feel great. Blessings

molly muffin
02-26-2014, 06:40 PM
Yes, definitely lay down with tipper and remember to take care of yourself. You have been running on reserves of energy that you just don't have for much too long.
Oh that wasn't a good idea to put a needle into that leg. See if it is better tomorrow, and in the meantime don't let her jump around on that leg.

Hope you feel better.
Sharlene and Molly muffin

02-26-2014, 07:23 PM
i hope you and tipper had a nice nap and are feeling a bit better now.
hope her leg will be fine tomorrow.
hope there is no flu wandering in your area.
sleep well tonight.

02-27-2014, 08:49 AM
Hi Everyone:
I am feeling a bit better today. Tipper is still limping on that leg, but not as much.I wish I would have been quicker yesterday, but he already had the needle in before I could stop him. It is very cold here, and going to be worse tomorrow. We are expecting a big storm on the weekend. In have to take Elvis out tonite for his trim. I am going to have to make sure the car is warm, and he is covered very, well as the Dr.does wet them a bit. In the course of cleaning the room where Grace was I researched and found a wonderful cleaner from England. It is called Milton. You do not even have to rinse it off of things. It sterilizes things! You can get it on Amazon. They use it to sterilize baby things. It works on most surfaces also. In the mean time I am using diluted clorox. I will go over everything again once it comes to ensure everything is germ free. I will then wait 2 months before allowing any animals in there. They should all be safe then. Tipper is beyond stir crazy from this weather. I am going to have to research something holistic to use for spring when the storms start. She will never make it thru another season of thunder etc.The vet told me yesterday no tranquil!izers for Tipper, especially with her breathing problems, as I have known it is a bad solution, but really need something to get her thru this. I need to find something that absolutely works. I am afraid of her blood pressure making bleeders in her eyes again. We have enough issues to deal with already. I am really missing sweet Grace today. Blessings

02-27-2014, 11:27 AM
Hi Everyone:
About an hour ago I looked outside and it was a complete white out. It has been coming down like crazy since then. I bet we have 5 inches of new snow. This was not even mentioned in the forecast! Then we have a storm coming this weekend. I hope the roads are clear when I have to take Elvis at 4:30. I do not need any problems with him in the car. I am going to watch the weather at noon.The wind has really started to blow really bad too. Oh well another nice day here! I really need to clean this house and for once do not have the energy.I found some calming collars online does anyone have any experience with them?l also saw some made with herbs in. If you have used either please let me know if they work or not, as I am tired of wasting money. Toby stuck his head down in a pile of snow before I could stop him, I hope he does not start with ear problems like Tipper does when she does that. Blessings

02-27-2014, 12:28 PM
Patti--I just hung up the phone with my friend from Pittsburgh and while we were talking she said it was snowing like crazy..a white out! Then I just logged on and read the same exact thing from you. Small world!!
It's cold here today but not terrible yet..the crazy cold like you have is coming this way tonight and for the weekend, and another storm due here Sunday night into Monday.
Trixie was demanding this morning and pulled me all the way to the park. I had the foresight to make her wear a fleece, good thing we were out for over an hour. Glad we got in a good walk because with the forecast temps in the single digits starting tomorrow we will not be on any long walks...probably for a few days now.
Hope Tipper's leg is doing okay and be safe out in that snow when you take Elvis, that is if you end up going!


02-27-2014, 01:56 PM
Patti I have used the DAP calming collars on Woody, the rescue recommend them to help settle them into new home, it worked for Woody he wore them on and off for years I also used the DAP room spray, it worked well for car journeys just spray in room and on dogs bed and it worked as well. Maybe something you could look into

02-27-2014, 02:13 PM
Oh no Patti!
Be safe today and if you have to reschedule Elvis' nail trim, please do so.
I hope that we don't get this storm. Some snow has melted, but most of it is still around. They said that we've had seven feet so far. Crazy!

Glad Tipper's leg is better. Maybe Toby won't have an ear problem. I imagined him sticking his head in the snow. We had a solid black miniature poodle when I was younger. Somewhere there is a picture taken after she stuck her head in the snow. So much stuck to her fur that she looked headless :-)

02-27-2014, 03:19 PM
Hi Everyone:
I have the car in the garage as we are having 50 mph winds. I got out a big garbage bag to put over top of Elvis's carrier, then a heavy towel. I will take it off. In the car and house when I get there. I just don't want the wind blowing that cold air on him, and plastic will stop it. It snowed quite a bit, I have no idea what the roads are like. I have a sitter for Tipper, and I am ready to go.I am reading a very interesting book by Martin Goldstein on healing your pet holistically. I found some interesting information I will post when not on this tablet that may be helpful to some of us. Elvis is tearing through his cage like he is mad, he cannot have any food 4 hours before he gets put out, and he wants food right now and he is not happy. He is yelling come on, come on, it is to funny. Whenever I want him to do something, I always say come on Elvis so he is copying me. The dogs do not even want outside today it is so nasty. With luck the traveling Dr. will be on time and we can get home quickly. Blessings

02-27-2014, 03:24 PM
I can just imagine Elvis freaking out.
Be safe! Let us know when you come back home please.

Squirt's Mom
02-27-2014, 03:52 PM
geez...please be careful out there! Judi posted a pic on FB of a 96 car pileup on I-400 from this storm. Let us hear from you the second you are back home, 'k?

molly muffin
02-27-2014, 04:05 PM
Ick, horrid weather out there from the sounds of it. Be careful in those white outs, pull over if needed. We haven't had any here today, but in the snow belt area the highway is now closed in both directions due to a 96 car pile up during a sudden white out this morning. Yikes! So stay safe!

Wind is blowing fierce here too and bloody cold. I don't think we're suppose to get snow here, but you never know sometimes.

I haven't used any of those things with molly and I told you about the one I read at the vets office. I guess it's not working though? The pheromone spray.

Got to run, I'm sleepy, as just took some cold sinus for my ear to see if it will help but that stuff just makes me sleepy. Trying to get through post before I go crash for a bit.

Sharlene and molly muffin

02-27-2014, 06:22 PM
hi patti, i hope you had a safe ride to the vet and back. that weather sounds terrible! last winter we had tons of snow, this winter not one snowflake [yet].
if you can't find anything natural which works for tipper, maybe a low dose of tranquilizers just to prevent her from panicking. high bp and a panick attack does sound worse than a mild sedation.
maybe a high dose of melatonine?
lots of cotton wool in her ears, and a bone to chew on?
but first get rid of all the snow.

02-27-2014, 07:46 PM
Hi Everyone:
We are home and Tipper is demanding my attention. I will post tomorrow. The Dr.was late due to the weather.

02-28-2014, 09:52 AM
Hi Everyone:
Last nite was awful. For the most part the roads were passable. But there is a road we had to use that has flat farm land on each side of it. The wind in that area made 6 inch deep drifts across the road, making it really scary to drive thru. It did not help any that I had an crazy driver behind me wanting to pass me on it doing about 60 and started fish tailing after passing me. When we got there the Dr. Was not there he was 45 minutes late because of the weather. There were many birds waiting to get done. One was a screamer that was really in getting Elvis nervous. Thank God I am always the first appointment, and we got out of there asap. Tipper was crying when I got home. She does not like me away from her since she got sick and I am with her 24/7. She never ever cried before, I know it scares her as she knows when something happens to her I always fix it. I am on the tablet that causes a lot of misspelled words so bare with me. These are the important things I found from the book I read that the Dr.wrote on natural healing

Ar Ease by Crystal Star he uses for inflammatiion
Superoxide Dismutase is a natural enzyme made by the cells he uses this to fight free radicals, it comes in tablet or liquid for bladder infections he uses lots of vitamin C
Pancreatic issues he uses 100mg vitamin e every day. He said dogs can have an attack by eating any part of an dead animal outside.
Phosphatidyl serine is the most interestingly to me. It is used to suppress cortisol out put, and received very good reviews.
He uses ozonated olive oil for any ear infections, it has no side effects and is a natural antibiotic killing bacteria.
Heartsease/Hawthorn capsules by Crystal Star were used for the heart. One reviewer who used this said they no longer use Analipril and lasix.
He uses vitamin k instead of lasix
For liver issues he uses milk thistle in the morning and Tang Kuei in the evening one tablet of each.
For inflammatory bowel he uses Acetylator from Vetri Science

I am not promoting you use any of these without researching them. Some have no side effects, and a lot had good reviews. You can purchase the majority on Amazon and many other sources. Please do not just buy these without thoroughly researching them, but some appear to be benign like the olive oil and could be quite helpful.
Tipper is getting annoyed with me on this tablet so I will post anything else later.Blessings

02-28-2014, 12:50 PM
Wow Patti,

That is alot of interesting information. I am also curious about the stuff to lower Cortisol.
I'm glad that you're home safe!

Squirt's Mom
02-28-2014, 01:11 PM
Squirt took the PS-100 (Phosphatidylserine) for a couple of years. Not to help with cortisol but because I read an article in her IMS's office about the positive effects it had been shown for brain health. She stayed on it until her seizure in March then was off for a while and back on until a couple of months ago when I stopped everything. Some has been added back but not the PS-100 - I'm not sure of the taste and do not want to put her off her feed again.

I wish I could say I could tell a difference in her cognition on it and off of it but I can't. The dementia seems to have started while she was taking it. :(

molly muffin
02-28-2014, 03:29 PM
Interesting stuff there Patti. Knowledge is always helpful.
What is it with crazy drivers in bad weather. Glad you made it there and back okay.

I can understand Tipper not wanting you to be away from her. Molly is less than thrilled any time I leave too since I was staying home with her every day while her back was hurt. Now she acts miffed when I leave. LOL she'll adapt I'm sure.

Crazy winter for sure. They say it'll be a late spring where we are too. Hopefully that isn't true for you too.

Sharlene and molly muffin

02-28-2014, 05:49 PM
Hi Everyone:
Tipper had a decent day, we played ball and I attempted to do another hair cut on her. Had to feed her treats so when she chewed I knew she could not bite me, and would snip while she ate. Now I probably have to starve her tomorrow!! She is still a work in progress, but I got at the feet this time and she never lets me touch those. She is choppy for now until we finish, it will take 2 weeks probably, but she already looks better. She was starting to look ragged. I am not feeling well today so I am going to lay down early with the dogs. You know what they say about sleeping with the dogs! Blessings

02-28-2014, 06:15 PM
Hi Patti,
Thanks for the Vitamin E info. I read the whole page about diet for pancreatitis. I am going to bring Trixie over to the vet to have this wart..I hope it's a wart, checked out and I will discuss the whole triglyceride, pancreatic stuff with him in person. I will not just give any of it on my own. I'm so afraid of fats/oils even if they are the healthy ones. Now I find myself worried about this growth on her back paw. It doesn't bother her a bit but it must get checked out. I read that vitamin e or castor oil put on topically is good for "old dog warts"

I was doing the same thing as you today!! The hospital shaved Trixie's front legs and belly, but the rest of her is so overgrown..it's not the best look! I do not want to take Trixie to the groomer right now. It's too cold for her to get shaved down and I want her front legs to grow in a little first too. She needed some of that overgrown fur trimmed so I was working on her. The face came out great, got the schnauzer eyebrows trimmed down and the beard. The rest of the job is harder, I tried to clean up the back legs, too much fur there...anyway she looks a little choppy, but it's ok, at least a slight improvement for now.
Glad Tipper had a good day! You were brave for taking Elvis yesterday! Glad you made it to and from safely!


03-01-2014, 08:35 AM
Hi Everyone:
Tipper was hungry last nite even after the treats I gave her to cut her hair! Then early this morning she started moving around the bed again. I think the cortisol is rising on this split dosage, and she does not do well when it is higher. I guess we are waiting for the latest storm to hit us. It is to get to 40 today so Tipper will be able to walk if it does. Funny how a walk changes her attitude. I feel sorry she has been in the house so much she is not used to that and is really bored. Her leg really came along good with that laser therapy. Thank God we have that here as there is not too much around us. God I hate this tablet, it goes back and corrects words, and then they are spelled wrong!! It is easier for me to use when she is in my room resting. I have not allowed any animals in the office as I read corona can live in carpet for 2 months. It does not cross species, and Tipper would never get it, but could transfer it on her paws to other rooms,so I am not taking any chances. Otherwise I would have sent Grace away for nothing. So I must use the tablet for now as Tipper cries and barks if I go in the office and shut the door. I am going to work on her hair a little more today. Blessings

03-01-2014, 10:15 AM
Patti, I bet you can turn off the "auto-correct" on your tablet. I hate that function, too. On my iPad, I can turn it off by going to "Settings," then "General," and then "Keyboard." I'll bet all tablets have a similar page of options. ;)

03-01-2014, 02:57 PM
You are always saving me from some problem. I just wanted to say how much I appreciate it, thank you. Blessings

03-01-2014, 06:28 PM
Hi Everyone:
This is a great day for my Tipper, she walked twice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She is so happy it is like she is smiling. She and Toby had a great time. It was about 40 so we took advantage of it. It is so nice to see my girl happy, it's been a long time. Blessings

03-01-2014, 08:14 PM
i am very tired today, so i wish everyone a quiet sunday and some nice walks with the doggies.

03-01-2014, 09:07 PM
Hi Everyone:
This is a great day for my Tipper, she walked twice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She is so happy it is like she is smiling. She and Toby had a great time. It was about 40 so we took advantage of it. It is so nice to see my girl happy, it's been a long time. Blessings

That's great! Pattie, So glad Tipper got her walks :) Nothing makes me smile more inside than seeing a happy pup!

03-01-2014, 11:58 PM
So glad your pups got outside, and twice! Maybe you'll get some more outside time in tomorrow before the storm blows in. Hope that after the exercise and fresh air that Tipper has a good night's sleep!!


03-02-2014, 01:20 AM
So glad that your furlets finally got to stretch their legs Patti!

03-02-2014, 08:47 AM
Hi Everyone:
There is nothing better than a happy Cush dog. Tipper slept OK with some episodes early on. She is miffed this morning however, as she thought she would be walking and it is too cold. I hope it warms up some before the storm and we can go. She is back to being bored. She is drinking more, and wanting food so I am wondering what kind of numbers we will see on the ACTH next week?? She just had one two weeks ago, I feel sorry for her having to go thru this again, and then if the dosage has to be changed another one in 2 weeks. This is so hard on her, I often question if it is worth it?? Not to mention the cost. Who can afford 1000.00 and up a month on vet bills? I need a haircut really bad, but forget that as I will be squeezing by this month because of all her bills. So she is worth it though, but it has been very hard coming up with this money. All of this exhausted my savings long ago. The constant need for dosage tweaks has made this really expensive, she will be on her 15th ACTH I think. Blessings

03-02-2014, 11:30 AM
Hi Everyone:
I just realized this is the first winter Tipper has not been out in her snowsuit. She had so many ups and downs and not feeling wells that I was afraid to attempt it. I may put it on her in the house as I have no pictures of her in it. Toby has not had his on either.I am going back to my cleaning, I am having a break with the doggies, and playing ball. Poor Delora has been sick the last two days and told me she feel real weak in her legs and is having trouble walking. I think she is going down hill and I hope she makes it until summer. I give her all my papers and magazines so she has something to do, as she is very sedentary. God Bless her, she has it bad. Blessings

03-02-2014, 07:39 PM
hopefully tippers dosage is ok, so she doesn't need another test. i can imagine that it is very stressful for her. [and for your poor wallet!]
is she on 25 mg now?
hope you were able to walk this afternoon with the dogs.
we had a cold day today.

03-03-2014, 08:22 AM
Hi Everyone:
Tipper is looking out of the window and very unhappy. She wants out of this house in the worst way. She had a lot of her episodes last nite, when falling asleep and during the nite. She seems to have so much more pep now that her thyroid meds have kicked in. I am still shipping the hair here and there when she will let me. It is not a good sign when your dog shows it teeth when seeing scissors! Well the storm missed us for once. We still have below zero temperatures though.I am making some chili today for myself and the two elderly neighbors. I am praying for some good numbers on Tipper's stim on Wednesday. Blessings

molly muffin
03-03-2014, 04:56 PM
Crossing fingers for good numbers for Tipper Patti.

We're expecting more snow tomorrow. The temps are ridiculously cold still. So, not impressed by the temperatures. I can handle winter, but these temps have been record setting in many ways.

brrrrr, hugs
Sharlene and Molly muffin

03-03-2014, 06:57 PM
i hope tippers test will show good numbers too!
it is march 4 already overhere , so today is ian's 13th birthday.
sorry tipper, no cake. but dried chicken rolls with very small fish [2a3cm/1 inch] inside. it is a natural snack. ian loves them. and his sister too. even the cat eats them.
but pills first...grrrr!
and tipper, be a nice girl and let mom cut your hair......ian wants a picture...........

03-03-2014, 07:14 PM
Hi Patti,
I hope Tipper has good numbers on her test.
Thinking of you and Tipper.

03-04-2014, 08:04 AM
Hoping Tipper's cortisol is at good place for her now.:)

03-04-2014, 09:31 AM
Hi Everyone:
It is below zero today so no walking which is thoroughly disgusting Tipper. We have laser therapy today so we have to go out. Tipper really had a lot of her episodes last nite. They were really bad ones happening one after the other. She was really shaking and it still scares me. We are snipping the hair a few minutes at a time. Tipper used to stand still on a grooming table for an hour at a time and never move, since she got sick it has really in changed her. She has no patience whatsoever now. She is with me and that is all that matters. I cleaned up her toys and put them in an toy basket, and she was watching me pick them all up. After I was done she waited until I went in the kitchen, looked to see if I was busy, and proceeded to empty the basket all over the floor. She was so proud of herself, and Toby kept looking at me like is she going to get in trouble for that?
I just left them there until she went to bed and put them back. This morning she just looked at the basket and looked at me and left them alone. Besides the licking returning she now pulls the hair on her front legs out with her teeth. Does anyone's else's dog do this? It has to hurt, and she has never done this before. I can't wait until tomorrow it is to warm up and she can get this energy out. I have a feeling the ACTH tomorrow will show unacceptable cortisol numbers. Blessings

molly muffin
03-04-2014, 10:02 PM
How did the laser therapy go? Hope the roads were okay for driving. We got more snow today, but not as much as previously. Molly had a good time in it again.

Friday above freezing who hooo!!! good times! okay, it's only one day and probably for just a couple hours, but I will take it!!

Sharlene and molly muffin

03-04-2014, 10:07 PM
Praying and thinking of Tipper and you for good results!

03-04-2014, 10:19 PM
have a safe trip tomorrow, and hoping for good numbers too!

03-05-2014, 01:24 AM
Hoping all goes well for Tippers test. I know you will be very anxious to see the numbers. I know you're sensing the cortisol is on the rise..just hope the numbers won't cause too much change in your dosing.


Sophies Mom
03-05-2014, 01:35 AM
Hope Tippers numbers come back good! Thinking of you!

03-05-2014, 02:40 AM
Crossing my fingers for good results for Tipper!

03-05-2014, 08:24 AM
I sent you a visitors message.
Good luck to Tipper today.

03-05-2014, 08:51 AM
Hi Everyone:
Tipper is really acting strange and scaring me this morning. She is crying all the time now when I am out of her sight. This is a very tuff dog that never cried, so I am bewildered over this. She is very smart and I am wondering if she is afraid something will happen to her when I am not right there with her to help her. She also seems to be scared of noise this morning, which usually means lower cortisol which is not fitting with the pattern she is presenting lately with the hunger, and drinking more. This has me stumped, and I hate that she has an ACTH today at 11am , and she is acting funny. That makes me not want to take her, but her 2 weeks is up and she has to get tested. She was also having a lot of shaking last note in the middle of the nite. I have to run to the hospital while she is being tested, which I never do, but have to get my blood tested as I am on Citrate of Potassium to dissolve this kidney stone and they need to see if I have too high of a level. I will be a nervous wreck leaving her, and try to hurry the hospital up. Blessings

03-05-2014, 09:01 AM
Patti, Please take care on your travels today.
Wishing you and Tipper the best.

03-05-2014, 10:14 AM
Good luck today Patti. Sorry to hear Tipper is crying!! Any chance she's really hungry...crying for food. I know she's been wanting food and if her cortisol is running higher...perhaps this might be a reason??

Well...hoping whatever is bothering Tipper is resolved.


03-05-2014, 03:06 PM
Hi Everyone:
Thank you Vicki and Barbara we are now home. I ran and got my blood work done while Tipper had her ACTH. That is an first for me leaving her, as I always watch everything is done right. Tipper was really hyped up this time when she was done. She is usually really thirsty and she would not even drink. She was panting and breathing rapidly. She has since settled down. This is I think number 15 for the ACTH tests. Tipper has really persevered. She is a rock star when I think of all she has been through. She lost half a pound too, her and I celebrated that with a low fat doggie treat!!! When I think of how the vet tried to blame it on me for Tipper gaining weight, and I was counting her dog food nuggets, I could just scream. So her results should be back by Friday. Then next Wednesday is her thyroid testing. I made up my mind that if I have to adjust her current dosage, I will not subject her to yet another ACTH in two weeks again. I know that is the protocol, but she has about had it, and that needs to also be considered. I believe her cortisolnis too high right now so we are at a 15/10 split right now, so I will do a 17/10 split if needed which I am sure it is. The vet never came out to see me, but I should expect as much as I am basically the one driving this bus. Tipper is resting on my bed, and wants me with her so I am on the tablet which I am not fond of, but serves it's purpose. I will call the other vet that is in on Friday and get the numbers from the test. I am still not feeling too well somI am taking a break to be with the babies the rest of the day. Blessings

molly muffin
03-05-2014, 04:19 PM
Thyroid levels can also change behavior, so that might play a part in her actions. It could be that she isn't really use to you being out of her sight since you've been dealing with all the many issues lately.

Take care of yourself too and I really hope that test give you both answers.

Sharlene and molly muffin

03-05-2014, 09:27 PM
hoping for good test results for the both of you! i agree with you that tipper deserves a break from the vet. all that stress!
hopefully you can reward her with a nice walk tomorrow.
sleep well.

03-05-2014, 09:48 PM

I am glad that you're resting. We know our dogs the best, so you're probably right about Tipper's cortisol. Could be a combination of that and thyroid.

I guess that it's our turn to be under the weather here. I have little energy today and can hear wheezing in my lungs. Hoping to feel better tomorrow!

03-06-2014, 09:04 AM
Hi Everyone:
I woke up last nite and could not sleep. Tipper was having quite a few tremors going on last nite. She is acting better today, and I am resting as I am still not feeling well so we are resting. I am inclined to think that the crying Tipper is doing is because I take her wherever I am in the house, and she is never away from me. This has been going on for months. I need to keep an eye on her and feel more comfortable when she is with me. This probably created the situation. That is OK as I feel better with her near me all the time any way.She is going to be out of Vetoryl so I will go and get it and take her, so she sees she does not have to go into the vets every time. She kept getting up last nite doing that swallowing a lot like she had something in her throat, I can hear her mouth is sticky when she does this. I know that the protocol for Vetroyl is to test after two weeks of dose changing, but I am not wanting to put her thru 3 ACTH tests in 6 weeks that is just too much to expect and to pay for. I am curious what others on here think they would do??? Well the IPhone just notified me it is time for Miss Tipper's thyroid meds so that is all for now. I forgot one thing though, I found out instead of treating dogs yeast infections in their ears with meds, they are now using cold lasers!! Blessings

03-06-2014, 10:35 AM
I think Tipper now has separation anxiety late in life. I know Keesh is somewhat the same, however with no real voice anymore he can't cry, but I still get the odd bark out of him..

Please take care of yourself. Your babies need you.

03-06-2014, 12:43 PM
Hi Patti,
Like you, I was up quite a bit last night. I'm also sitting here like a couch potato, waiting for my call from the vet and watching Trixie so she doesn't keep messing with her paw.
I think if you end up changing Tippers vetoryl dose that you would be okay waiting a bit for the acth. First of all I doubt you are going to change the dose drastically, and secondly you are more than attuned to Tippers behavior and the Cushings symptoms.
You are talking that you might have to go up 2mg or so? We did make changes up like that with Trixie along the way without a test 2 weeks later. We only did that with increments of 1 or 2 mgs when her symptoms were still very obviously prevalent.
I hope Tipper is feeling nice and secure today...no more crying. I'm sorry for you that she can't get out to walk when it's this cold.
Trixie and I did another hour this morning. It was not too windy and we stayed mostly in the sun..it was cold but it felt great. Hoping for warmer temps soon so Tipper can get outside again.


03-06-2014, 01:41 PM
Hi Patti, I feel so bad you dealing with so much! I am praying for good results tomorrow for Tipper. You need to rest and glad you are. Glad to hear Tipper is acting more like herself today too, you are both in my thoughts.

Sophies Mom
03-06-2014, 04:31 PM
Hi. My IMS said to come back in 3 to 4 weeks after dose changing. So I have going closer to 4 weeks if there isn't any problems. Those stim tests cost so much. Over here in NY they charge me $356 including the visit.

03-06-2014, 05:08 PM
I hope that you all get some rest today. Do you think that Tipper's anxiety will throw off her test results? I hope not.

03-06-2014, 05:37 PM
Hi Everyone:
Tipper had a real walk outside!!!! She was so happy she came in the house and started running 90 miles an hour all thru the house. I could not stop her. She then ran and got the balls and started throwing them in the air. She was so energized it was wonderful to see her act like herself. She is having a great day, and that is all I want, is for to enjoy her life. Valerie Tipper is so stressed from all the tests that it is no different than the other ones, so I don't know if it would skew the results. Let's face it every dog that gets an ACTH is stressed, so I don't know the answer to that one. I called today, but no results yet. The eye Dr.sent me a reminder that Tipper needs her check up, and I had to make her next Ultra Sound appointment with the IMS so I got them on the same day one after the other. It seems like we just went to do this, and It is so stressful I hate it. This time really flies between these tests unfortunately. So we go April 23 for both. It makes me such a wreck to sit and wait to hear her fate, I would rather have my finger nails ripped off. I am happy my girl had a good day, even Toby was acting crazy, must be the fresh air! Blessings

03-06-2014, 05:48 PM
The fresh air definitely energizes them.
Daisy perks up considerably when we go to the park etc,

We're expecting 40+ degrees this weekend and I can't wait!
It was 10 this morning.

03-06-2014, 07:03 PM
a walk, fresh air and a tennisball, what more does a dog want.
to make you people jealous; we expect temp. up to 17 degree celcius this weekend. this is not normal anymore.
extreme cold weather in your area, extreme warm overhere.
so glad tipper is feeling fine.

molly muffin
03-06-2014, 07:15 PM
holy cow!!! 17C!! I'd be in heaven if we were even close to that. We're celebrating Hoping to hit 3C.
Definitely not a normal year. :(

Sharlene and molly muffin

03-06-2014, 07:34 PM
I heard something about El Nino affecting us next year so the winter shouldn't be as bad.

03-07-2014, 11:14 AM
Hi Everyone:
Tipper has a decent nite. She has already walked this morning and is happy. I just got off the phone with the vets office. As I thought Tipper's cortisol is up. She had a pre number of 2.4 which was .9 before, and post of 9.3 which was 5 previously. I called Dechra and we hashed over the numbers she has been having. We know Tipper feels better with less clinical at 5 or under on her post. We also know that every time we get her post there that eventually the pre drops under 1.45. They feel Tipper's cortisol is really fluxuating during the day . She is sensitive to any hike in her post above 5. There is no happy medium here so they feel we have to look at the dosage she was best controlled on, which was 30 mg once daily, then down to 28 mg once daily which produced the low pre at .9 and the post of 5. They want me to discuss this with the vet, and see what he says!! I said good luck with that, as he never called you back the last time. I told them I cannot keep making this dog go thru testing every 2 weeks, and who can afford that? I am on my own again so I need some opinions. Tipper has done better in the past on once a day dosing. I have 7 and 8 mg trilostane on hand. Should I go to a 17 or 18 mg in the morning and 10 at nite or 27 mg once a day??? I need to get this 9.3 knocked down, but don't want the same situation where the pre goes low. I don't know if 1 mg is enough difference to make her not go low??
She just does better with lower cortisol. A normal dogs pre is OK at .5 to 5.5. They said she may have to run a low pre number in order to feel OK and not have clinicals. I am really burned out from trying to get these numbers to work.So that's it what would you do? If I give her one dose of 27 mg she will feel better, but I run the risk of her dropping low and never knowing if It is coming unless I test more which is not unacceptable as it would make her crazy. If I give her the split 17/10 she will still probably be symptomatic, and drinking a lot and hungry, but she would be safer with her numbers. This is like a catch 22. Please help if you have an opinion or idea I would be grateful. Blessings

03-07-2014, 01:04 PM
Just my thoughts when looking at all the different things you have tried. I am just wondering about the once a day dose. You said she does better on it, but you have had trouble with her at night, hunger and restlessness, so that's not good. When you do a split dose you never do an even split, do you? I think it's worth a try to do an even split dose. You could do a 14 twice a day. Won't an even dose regulate her better? She would be getting 14 in the morning and when it begins to wear off or her cortisol spikes another 14 to get her thru the rest of the night.
She's not very low right now..in fact she came up quite a bit, so I'm not sure why you are worried about the low pre. You will see the differences if she is starting to show signs of going low. She would never be getting a bigger dose all at once. I think a consistent dose may help her be more even over the 24 hours.
Did starting the thyroid medication have anything to do with these numbers? I don't know if it has any bearing but just wondering.
Hope you can figure something out to get these numbers to drop some.


03-07-2014, 02:47 PM
The reason I am worried about the pre number is it has a history of going low when she is getting enough Vetoryl to control her post. For some reason Dechra has not wanted her on an even split. This is just like a chess game! I will just have to give something a try here as my vet is clueless and depends on Dechra for guidance. Since he never takes the time to call them I am virtually alone in this as the vets usually don't get on the phone unless it is another vet calling. What a predicament! Blessings

03-07-2014, 07:09 PM
Hi Everyone:
Tipper is having a fit. She watched the weather forecast and they said snow tomorrow!! Can you believe it? I have to go out to get her Vetoryl too. She is very tired from her 2 walks as she is not used to that now. She is on my bed relaxing, and Toby is tired too, he is passed out already. I did some more on Tipper's hair cut. We are making real progress this time. Tipper did not get blood pressure done yesterday as there was a yapping dog in the kennel and she would have a false high reading. She must get one next week as her last two were high and that worries me. There were things going on though when they were taken. I am sending this snow up your way Sharlene, cause I know how much you like it!! Blessings

molly muffin
03-07-2014, 08:48 PM
errrhmmm, gee thanks Patti. :) We now have no water on our street due to a broken water main on the other side of the street from me.

I'm ready for spring. oh don't forget clocks change this weekend!

I don't know what the best call is for Tipper's vetroyl. Maybe just going up one or 2 mg will be enough to make a difference.
Strange they don't want her on an even split, since that makes sense to me too, but who knows what is in their minds.

Sharlene and molly muffin

03-07-2014, 09:11 PM
i am glad that you were able to walk the dogs twice.
i would try an even split of 14/14 too. ian gets his whole dose [30 mg] before he goes to bed at night. it works best this way for him.
it must cost you a fortune all these tests and tipper a heart attack i quess
my ian would have died from stress by now!.
more snow again? hope the forecast is wrong!
i am watching crufts right now. do you know this brittish dogshow?
it has a livestream all day on the internet.
i think sharlene prefers the dutch weather right now.....18C!!

03-08-2014, 07:03 AM
Hi Everyone:
Quick post this morning. I started Tipper on one morning dose of 27mg. One mg lower than the dose that caused her pre to go low. I woke up at 2am with the room spinning. I am having awful dizziness, barely got the critters fed and Tipper her meds. Feeling really bad, took an antivert and will see if that helps.

03-08-2014, 08:19 AM
Oh No! Patti, vertigo is horrible. I live with it for 48 years. I hope the antivert helps, it never really helps me though, but some people it does. You need to rest. Feel better quickly!

molly muffin
03-08-2014, 09:03 AM
Patti. This is not good. What did the doc say the last time? Is the meds breaking up that stone? You have not been feeling well for way over a week or more now. I don't like the sounds of this

Sharlene and Molly muffin

Squirt's Mom
03-08-2014, 09:07 AM
I'm with Sharlene. Please take care of yourself at least half as well as you do Tipper. ;)

03-08-2014, 03:24 PM
Hi Everyone:
The babies are all taken care of I was taking Tipper potty, and trying to stay upright and not move my head, and Tipper goes into a vestibular spell. Can you believe this. She started circling and I got he before she went down. She is OK now, it scares her and thank God her head never stays tilted like some dogs. I fed all the babies and did the dishes and Tipper and I are on the bed resting. I have an appointment first thing Tuesday morning with my Dr. In Pittsburgh, so I made arrangements for Tipper to be watched. Monday I have to go get her Vetoryl as I was unable today. I decided to tale Tipper for her blood pressure then instead of Wednesday when she gets her thyroid test as it is at 12 noon and there will be too many dogs there and she will get too keyed up. I need a true reading as the last two were high. It is snowing here and cold again. Tipper and Toby are bored again! I feel a little better after I took my pill, but not great. Blessings

03-08-2014, 09:44 PM
hi patti, is it possible that you are getting the flu? i hope not.
maybe your doctor can prescripe you something what really works against the dizziness.
i hope you can drive your car whilst being dizzy.
sounds like a buzy week for you.
a lazy sunday is what we on this forum recommend you.

03-09-2014, 12:33 AM
Oh no Patti!
There are enough of us here who are sick or injured. You're not allowed to be. xo

I'm glad that Tipper is recovering!

03-09-2014, 09:25 AM
Hi Everyone:
I am feeling better today, thank all of you for caring. Tipper is disgusted with the cold weather and new snow. Normally she would love it, but she knows she won't be walking until the temperature comes up. I am able to walk around today at least. Tipper seems better on the once daily dosing of 27mg. I think she must need an higher dose to knock that cortisol down and once it gets down from the higher dose it must stay at an acceptable level. She is seeming to do well, no crazy hunger at note, and the drinking is tapering off? I just need to really keep an eye on her to see if she is going low. I know when her numbers are lower and she hears a noise, it sacres her more as she doesn't have the higher cortisol to deal with it and panics. That make the spring storms really bad on her as to make her feel OK her cortisol must be at a low level. This causes problems when the thunder starts though. I ordered a dap collar for her, they said it must be tight to work, and she can't wear collars because of her tracheal issues, so I hope this
has something stretchy on it so I does not hurt her neck?? She is acting better on this dosage, if it would just not make her go low, everything would be OK. I contacted the people that have Grace. I told them to try some catnip with her, as I never did. They said they had gotten her some and she had a ball with it. They saidnat nite she jumps up on the bottom of the bed, and that is where she sleeps. I asked about her diet, but they ignored that question, which in itself is an answer. They said she is so lovable and sweet they cannot get over how nice she really is. I still miss her terribly, and spend little time in that room because of
it.I am glad she is being taken care of and loved, but still miss her and wish she was here. I hope to be up and about more today, but take it easy. Tomorrow we go for blood pressure in the morning. Blessings

03-09-2014, 02:54 PM
Hi Everyone:
Well the temperature went above 32 so I managed to drag myself around the block for Tipper's sake. She was so happy as the sun is out and it looks beautiful. She wanted to keep going, but I couldn't. It did make her happy though, and that is what I want to see. As long as she is doing well and she is happy I count my blessings. I need to get Toby a hair cut he looks like a shaggy mop. His hair grows so fast. The cats are in the cat room sunning themselves, and Elvis just had some green beans, so the critters are happy. I hate that ride in the dark at 4 am on Tuesday morning, but I need to see my Dr. The earlier I go then quicker I can get back. I just cut some more of Tipper's hair and I noticed something dark red by her koochie. I guess I will have to investigate, but going near that area could be dangerous! Blessings

03-09-2014, 08:55 PM
aha......, you have to wear thick gloves to look under her tail.
the vet can have a look as you are in for the bp tomorrow i quess.
she will bite him then instead of you.....
hopefully tipper can stay on 27 mg a day doing fine without all those tests.
glad that grace is much loved by her new owners. as long as her new food does not make her any fatter, so be it.
i once sold a pup to friends of mine who love this dog dearly, take good care for him except for the cheap food. lots of canned food brr.
i know they are all picky eaters, so is ian, but i stopped talking about the food subject.
last month he got an intestinal cancer operation. [because of the bad food?]
but he recovered very quick from it. i hope the specialist had a talk about the food choice with them after this event. but they will not tell me if he did.
take good care of yourself and sleep well.

03-10-2014, 11:11 AM
Hi Everyone:
Well today was a complete waste. There was a dog in the kennel barking his head off, so there was no way Tipper would have a normal blood pressure after hearing that. I did however get the Vetoryl she needed. She is acting real funny this morning, very subdued and distant for some reason. I am getting things in order for Tipper's sitter and getting all my stuff together to go to the Dr.tomorrow. I just hate that trip in the dark on these country roads. I have been meaning to ask this question of everyone and I keep forgetting. Tipper being a Jack Russell las ears that fold over in the front. They have been like that her whole life. Last year I noticed them standing up straight. They never go down anymore which is really odd after 12 years. What would cause this at this point in her life? When I put them down it's like they have to go right back up. Could this be some sort of nerve damage?? It is no big deal, but very perplexing. Blessings

molly muffin
03-10-2014, 04:40 PM
Sorry that Tipper couldn't get the BP reading today. Molly gets freaky if she hears other dogs barking too.

How is Tippers hearing? Don't they hold them up usually to capture sound better or when something interests them?

Good luck tomorrow. Drive safe. Hopefully the weather will be good for traveling.

Sharlene and molly muffin

molly muffin
03-10-2014, 04:45 PM
Oh I forgot I was going to ask how Tipper's attitude has been for the rest of the day?
Might she just be feeling off today?

Sharlene and Molly muffin

03-10-2014, 11:05 PM
i am sorry that your trip to the vet was a waste of time......grrr!!
i have no idea about her ears. i think that in case of nerve damage they would not be up again but hanging down instead.
have a safe trip to your doctor tomorrow and i hope he has good results of your bloodtest.
was it difficult to find a sitter so early in the morning?

03-11-2014, 02:29 PM
Hi Everyone:
I made it home with no problems. Tipper was crazy when I got here, crying and trying to do her Jack Russell jumps. She just does not want me leaving her. Well the good news is that my Dr. said there is am virus going around that attacks you inner ear, so that is what I have. In feel good, but if I move suddenly or look down I could throw up easily. He wants me to get am stress test. I will have to get it set up. Also the Dr. called about my kidney stone and said I need a repeat ultra sound in 6 months to see if it is has been dissolved. I saw the weather and we are in for a real nasty storm tonite and tomorrow. Great as Tipper has to go to have her blood taken for the thyroid test. We are to get ice,accumulating snow, real bad wind etc. Sounds like another nice day. Tipper is acting funny again today, I can't put my finger on it, but will investigate .Last nite she was wheezing very loud, in fact so loud it woke me up. I did not have the vaporizer on, maybe that was the reason. I run it every nite for her as it is very dry in here. Tipper got to walk so she is taking am rest and I will lay down with her as I am beat. 5 hours in the car is too much for my body now as it kills my arthritis. I hope we can do a blood pressure tomorrow, she needs one to see if her pressure went down. Delora my neighbor lady loves donuts, so I stopped and got her a special one at a really good donut place. I am sure it made her day! Blessings

03-11-2014, 06:12 PM
Hi Everyone:
Just resting up a bit, Tipper is tired after her walk. I must go out in this storm tomorrow as Tipper will be out of Soloxine. We are getting warnings now. This is all to start tonite as we sleep, at least I hope we sleep! She has really lost weight from only a month. Every time I think of it I could slap my vet silly. I am missing Grace a lot today, as I went into the dreaded office today. Her not coming to greet me is crushing. I called the pharmacy in town, in case it is really bad out I figured I could get some Soloxine from them. Wrong!! They do not carry it, so I must get it for Tipper at the vets. I am home with all by beloved babies so for that I am thankful. Blessings

molly muffin
03-11-2014, 06:20 PM
Be careful out in that storm, it's suppose to be a real doozy. We should get it starting tonight too and then through tomorrow. I think it should start about 3am here, so probably earlier where you are.

You've mentioned Tipper is acting funny before, what do you think is going on? Funny how?

Glad you went to the doctor, but year, that is a long drive to go to the doctor!! yikes!

Be safe out there in this mess tomorrow.

Sharlene and Molly muffin

03-11-2014, 11:33 PM
glad you made it home safe in this weather. and another drive to the vet tomorrow. can't he ship the meds to you or give you enough for 3 months or so?
hope this storm will be not as bad as it sounds like.
we are so spoiled overhere this winter..........

03-12-2014, 08:45 AM
Hi Everyone:
It has been pouring rain all nite. It looks like a lake in the yard. The snow will start shortly. Tipper is starting the day off miffed as anything at me. I gave her just a little chicken breast so she could take her Vetoryl she cannot have anything until after her blood test at 12 noon. Both of us will be stressed out by then. She is insisting on getting her food and will not stop harassing me. I feel bad as you know how hungry they are from this disease and this makes it worse. Sharlene what I mean by her acting funny is she is kind of subdued. This is not her at all, she seems real quiet, and not interacting a lot . She is always in your face, and doing something. I guess maybe the blood work will hold any clues. She is just too quiet , and that is not normal behavior for her. I got the Adaptil collar for her, so when spring comes I will put it on her. I hate to be taking her to the vets again, but we need to see what this thyroid is doing, and if her protein is still up. I called our in town pharmacy in the event we cannot make it to the Vets as she will be out of Soloxine, they do not carry it. So I have no choice, but to go get it? I am going to rest today as I am worn out. I may opt to not take her next week for blood pressure if today's is OK, cause she needs a break. She wants her food and she is getting frustrated with me. Oh Lord I have to put up with this until 12 noon??? Blessings

03-12-2014, 11:02 AM
Hi Everyone:
Oh Lordy I had to get away from Tipper as she has been full tilt without her food. I cannot wait to get this over with. I am taking food with me in the car for when we get done so she can eat. The temperature is dropping and the snow has not started yet so maybe we can get there and back before all this starts. Tipper is scratching at my jeans as I type this, she found me hiding from her!! She is not a happy camper today. I hope there are no yapping dogs there today. My goodness massive fire and explosion in Manhattan, hope no one is hurt. Tipper is crying and jumping on the tablet to let me know she is annoyed. God I hope she does not have to do this too often!!! Blessings

03-12-2014, 11:58 AM
Oh dear. Fasting them is the worst! I hope everything goes well, and she can settle down once she gets her food.

03-12-2014, 03:15 PM
Hi Everyone:
We are home? When we left for the vets it was hailing. At the vets there was a yapper in the back so no blood pressure for Tipper. She got her blood taken and we left. On the way home the roads had gotten so bad in that amount of time they were trechearous. The snow and ice kept making noise on the under side of the car and Tipper got all crazy like when it storms. She climbed over and jumped on me and hung on. Dear Lord she almost made me wreck, she would not move off me. I had to pry her off. It took us really long to get home, and I had to keep one hand on her so she would not jump on me again. She might be sick, but she is strong. She was so hungry she was inhaling her food . We are having
blizzard conditions with 50 mile an hour winds. We have about 4 inches of new snow and it is still coming down. All the critters ate, and went potty so Tipper is resting on my bed and I am sitting there with her. I know the 27mg knocked her cortisol down, as she was in a panic in the car, which is typical of lower cortisol.It sounds like the windows are going to blow in. I made them give me extra Soloxine as I am not liking the fact we ran out today. I need to know I am prepared so I wanted some extra to save for times like this. If I would have left any later we would not have made it home our roads are so bad. Thank God we are safe and inside. I was going to skip next week at the vets to give Tipper a break but she needs an bp and her Adequan shot. I am glad we are home safe and that I have her Soloxine. Her lab results should be back Friday. Blessings

molly muffin
03-12-2014, 05:42 PM
Glad you made it home okay Patti. Gosh that isn't good, Tipper jumping on you while you are driving in that mess. :(

We have probably like 10 - 12 in of new snow here and it's still coming down. I had to shovel a path for molly to get to the sidewalk where the grader had gone through and at some points, the snow on each side of the shovel path is higher than her head. She didn't mess about out there long either, it almost blew her and me over. (swimming in snow!) Hope you have a spot for the gang to use outside the door.

Stay warm and safe
Sharlene and molly muffin

03-12-2014, 10:36 PM
what an event it was this trip to the vet, brrrr!! can't you secure tipper with a leash or so when sitting in the car? sounds dangerous she can reach you while you are driving the car.
isn't it possible e.g. to take tippers bp in your car, so she is at ease when the vet measures her bp?
i can remember one of the members on this forum did it at home with her dog. she bought one herself.
hopefully next week the roads will be much better to drive on.
hope you both can relax a bit till the next vet visit.
is tipper still very hungry despite the use of vetoryl?

03-13-2014, 01:26 AM
What a great idea Diane! Maybe Tipper's vet would be willing to come out and take her bp in the car!

Patty, they make harnesses that can attach to the seat belt clip in the car. Tipper jumping on you is much, much too dangerous!



03-13-2014, 11:51 AM
Hi Everyone:
Well we really got bombed with snow and had gale force winds all nite and this morning. Tipper was on high alert with all the noise, and kept jumping up and looking out the windows. The dogs hurried to get inside after going out potty this morning. Thanks for the suggestions about a restraint for Tipper in the car, but she was in one, and broke it she was so scared. She is very strong. I was worried her pulling it so hard and breaking it would have done damage to her insides. She was really wild, and scared to death so that is just a small example of what will happen during spring storms, and it really worries me. Tipper seems to be doing well on the 27mg once a day. Not too much hunger at nite and seems to be doing well other wise. I will be able to let out a sigh of relief after I see the blood work tomorrow. I was a little concerned about her glucose level going up on the last one as it has never done that, it is still normal, but the high side of normal for the first time. I am making some food for supper for Delora and my other elderly neighbor. Delora loves me to cook for her, and it's not that big a deal for me to do. Now delivering it is!! Blessings

03-13-2014, 04:08 PM
Get a crate for the car. The hard sided kind.
I'm glad that the higher dosage is helping.

03-13-2014, 04:27 PM
I cannot crate Tipper to go and get her blood pressure as she would be cray and the bp would have a false reading. Tipper has to be out in the open she would chew and dig until she was bloody to get out. She ain't your average bear! I have another harness, but she could not lay down with this one, so I will have to test it out. Maybe I should let her drive and me be the passenger???? Are you deluged with snow??? I am so over it!! Blessings

03-13-2014, 06:30 PM
Hi Everyone:
Well I delivered my meals to my neighbors. Delora was thrilled with hers and said she would like any left over! She is too funny! I have a great recipe I made up for baked steak. I concocted it many years back with the intent of entering it in a contest. Today Tipper was resting on my bed and it is the first time I saw her tremoring in the daytime. It seems this is getting worse, and still plagues me. We switched things up a bit here today. I was taking the dogs potty, which is basically the only time they are in close proximity of one another. Well Toby went after Tipper to snip at her. I think it scared him to death when he realized what he was doing. Tipper being the alpha female does not take threats lightly and lunged at him. They were both on leashes so I had the last laugh on both of them! Tipper is still giving Toby dirty looks, and if he looks her way she makes a low growl. Both are having a hard time adjusting to the new time. I hope Tipper's blood work is good tomorrow, and no more abnormals. Tomorrow is to be 54 and I will believe it when I see it. It is 17 now. I hope the dogs can walk tomorrow. Blessings

03-13-2014, 11:20 PM
i hope you can have a nice walk in the sun tomorrow.
and that the outcome of tippers bloodtest is fine so you will have less vet visits.
i have to go to bed now since it is 4.20 am overhere...........

03-14-2014, 01:27 AM
Hi Patti,
Glad that the 27mg seems to be working for Tipper. We never got any snow, though it was in the forecast..but we did get that wind. We had heavy rain and temps in the 50's yesterday but by late last night it dropped over 30 degrees. We've had colder temp days this winter but it was that wind today that kept us from our usual long walk. 40-50 mile per hour gusts and it was hard to be out in it. Trixie was ready to go, go, go...but forget it, I was so cold with that biting wind, no way I was walking to the park. We went two blocks and then back around to the door. Way too cold.
Hope you get some of the warmer weather that's in the forecast. It was up in the high 60's here on Tuesday and you know Trixie seemed a bit uncomfortable when we went walking the afternoon...she definitely does better in the cool air. Makes me worry about how she will be in the summer again. I hope we don't go from this crazy winter right into a hot summer, which seems to happen a lot lately. I'm hoping for a nice cool spring with weather in the 50's for Trixie. Hope you're feeling better after that dizzy spell you had.


03-14-2014, 07:39 AM
Hi Everyone:
I will be making some quick posts as I am running to the vets to get Tippers blood work as the bet said her results are in, and I want to talk to him if there are any issues. Tipper was a little restless last nite and drinking more water than usual and had a lot of the wheezing again while sleeping. I need to investigate this wheezing as I have not heard it for quite some time. We are hoping for a 50 degree day for the doggies to walk. Blessings

03-14-2014, 12:25 PM
Hello there

Do you think the weather could have anything to do with the wheezing a bit like hayfever? Maybe there is some allergens or something which irritate her as it's strange it comes and goes.

Hope she has good results, will be watching out later. I always read your posts even if I don't reply. I like to know how you and Tipper the ripper are doing..

Hugs and kisses to you both


03-14-2014, 12:38 PM
Hi Everyone:
We are back from the vets. I was able to see my vets notes from when he talked too Dechra. They say after starting Vetoryl test in 30 days and after dosage changes test every 2 weeks. I then spoke with Dechra myself to make sure of this and I repeated this word for word to thewm and they said the vet was correct. So are they putting out different information again than what their insert states?I
don't know the answer. So we will all have to agree to the same thing in order to help others, and which one do we use?? Tipper's blood work was much better than last time. The vet said her thyroid is right where it needs to be and it has corrected her rise in calcium. The all phos went down, but now the alp that was normal went up. You get one fixed and another ones crops up! Also on the last two blood panels I noticed Tipper's glucose inching up. Dechra just told me stress can cause this. Does anyone know if this is true? Here is another bizzare one. Because they say Tipper does not follow the pattern of a typical Cush dog she does not need ACTH tests in 2 weeks after changing her dosage if she has been on that dosage before. Opinions please!! The vet told me the increase in Tipper's water consumption could be from the Soloxine. Anyone know if that is right? Dechra said if is was because of diabetes it would be a more drastic change in the drinking. Is that true? I just know diabetes can go along with this and she does not need anymore problems as we just got the thyroid corrected. Tipper has walked twice and is very happy with the temperature. I hope everyone has some good weather today and gets a break from the cold. Blessings

03-14-2014, 02:48 PM
Please see Josie's thread and read Lori's post. It clarifies what I said in the beginning. The initial testing is done 30 days after starting treatment and then after each dosage change test 15 days after change. I don't want anyone to be confused. Tipper is resting after her many walks. She is so happy, and so is Toby. Blessings

molly muffin
03-14-2014, 03:54 PM
Hi Pattie,

I did post this on Josie's thread too, but I'll repeat it here, because I don't think it is clear cut of doing it at 10 - 14 days vs do it at 30 days. I think it depends on what you are seeing in your dog and their reaction to the beginning of medicating. This is the very first test we are talking about after starting a brand new medicine, so I think it has to be dependent upon symptoms if they are going to give such a broad span of days.

This was what I posted:

I have always gone with the 10 - 14 days for first test. Normally we start to see symptoms decrease at the 10 day mark from what I've noticed here on the forum.
So I think there has to be some subjectivity on when to do the test too. For instance seeing a decrease in symptoms, then I would go ahead and test prior to 30 days, but that is just me. I wouldn't risk going too low. If not seeing any changes then I'd be fine to let it ride out to a longer period of time.

That is my thoughts on the initial testing following starting medication.

Sharlene and molly muffin

03-15-2014, 12:12 AM
glad that the walks made your dogs happy. hopefully tipper will sleep through the night now. glucose level a bit high is normal for a cush dog.
flynn and ian had this too. [as long as it is not too high.] stress can cause it indeed.
a friend of mine had a dog with diabetes and before treatment she did drink non stop. hugh amounts! people do too. so no panic!
i think a break from all those vet visits will do tipper good. all that stress does not sound good for her. maybe you can skip the first acth test.
saves you a lot of money too.
just relax and enjoy her company.

03-15-2014, 08:24 AM
Hi Everyone:
Tipper and Toby slept like rocks. They had so much fun outside smelling all the grass they can finally see, and all the other critter smells that have been around during the winter. It is already 36 this morning. Yahoo!! The doggies get out again. It does seriously look like rain though.I cleaned the house yesterday so today will be critter day. Toby is due for a trim. I am worried about Delora, I can see her going down hill. It is sad to see, I wish she had made her own choices.Tipper is continuing to drop this extra weight off, which probably is making her feel better. She never had excess weight on before Cushing's. I am keeping my fingers crossed that this dosage will work for her and no more changes for a long while, as she has had enough ACTH testing. Tipper seems to be going into a deeper sleep lately. It has been harder to wake her up when she starts with the tremors, even if I really shake her. This is unlike her as before this
she would hear a pin drop. Hope everyone has warmer weather and gets outside
with their babies. Blessings

03-15-2014, 05:25 PM
Hi Everyone:
Tipper has really been at the water bowl today. It is going to be hard to tell now if it is the Cushing's, or Soloxine. It just seems like she is drinking quite a lot. I !at have to measure again. It is very overcast here and expecting flurries tonite. The dogs walked three times today. Tipper is enjoying getting out of the house so much, she never wants to come in. My neighbor Delora was really bad today with her tumor bleeding really a lot. I try not to pry and ask questions, but my God she should be with someone receiving care. It is getting around feeding time for the dogs and Tipper is sitting beside me making grumpy noises to let me know she wants her food. She will stare at you until you get it. I got an email from the people that have Grace. They sent me pictures of her laying on her back sleeping, like she always did here. They had a St Patrick's Day card their faces on these bodies all dressed up for the holiday, and Gracie was in the middle in a costume. It was very cute, but I can not help but cry when I see her. They love her and said she is the nicest cat ever, how well I know!! I am glad they treat her as good as a child. Blessings.

molly muffin
03-15-2014, 06:54 PM
That is wonderful to hear that Grace is doing well and seems to have adjusted and is comfy. I know you miss her and always will.

ugh, two options for causing water increase is not easy to deal with. :(

They can sure make their needs known can't they. Molly huffs and stares at me when she wants something.

We are under a wind chill warning here and Judi mentioned outside of the forum that they are having a blizzard this mid afternoon! Good grief. No blizzard here, just cold, a few flurries flying around that didn't stick. Hoping that this is the last really cold, cold blast we get, but who knows.

Sharlene and molly muffin

03-15-2014, 09:22 PM
Patti, Maybe all the outside time and walking has Tipper drinking more. Trixie always drinks more when she has more exercise. I'm so glad Tipper and Toby got all that time outdoors and enjoyed it so. It does make for really good sleep. Trixie also had a great time off leash in Central Park this morning...she sniffed every inch of where we walked. There were many dogs out and she loves that...sniffing around at all the "news". All the dogs were very happy with the weather..it was very breezy but not too cold, just right for dog walks. Tomorrow supposed to be cooler but we will be in the park at 8am anyway, I think Trixie likes the cold.
So nice to here Grace's new family seem to adore her. I'm so glad. I know you miss her but thank goodness you found her a good home!


03-15-2014, 09:52 PM
my dogs drink more too after a long walk. also during the walk. [river or puddles.] so i think -like barbara] - that this could be the case with tipper too.
great that tipper and trixie and even molly were able to walk today!

03-16-2014, 07:37 AM
I'm so glad that Grace is doing well. I know that you miss her dearly. It sounds like you found her another purfect home and you can't ask for a better outcome.

Finally, Tipper and Toby are getting out and releasing energy. Daisy and I went out too. Much colder today.

03-16-2014, 09:34 AM
Hi Everyone:
It was not a good nite for Tipper and I. She was having a lot of distress breathing. She kept me awake most of the nite. In the middle of the nite she did amdojble inverted sneeze and could hardly recover from it, which scared me. When she got up this morning she had a lot of mucus in her eyes again. She has had this before and it seems to go with this struggle to breathe. It is all connected somehow. Then when I was in the bathroom she jumped and hit her leg again. This is so frustrating I cannot even verbalize it. I am hoping no new damage!!.There seems to be a pattern developing that the week before her Adequan shot is due, she has really bad tracheal problems. I am going to ask the vet to up her Adequan dose a tad. I guess that will be the next battle?? He will probably give me a bunch of crap over it and make a big deal out of it. I am not feeling too good after being up most of the nite. Tipper is patiently waiting for the temp to go up so she can walk. This will be a lazy day for sure. Blessings

03-16-2014, 11:25 AM
Hi Everyone:
Well we are going no where. It is still only 16 and Tipper is so any to go. She is continuing to drink a lot of water. This is bugging me, as she has been on the Soloxine for a month now, so if that is the cause why did the water drinking excess become noticeable?? Today is watch a movie day and rest. I am moving slowly today. Blessings

molly muffin
03-16-2014, 12:09 PM
Cold here today too. We won't be getting out much, just short potty walks.

That is fine, we have things that need to be done around here today, so that works out okay for me.

Either Tippers dosage upped or more frequent shots, not sure which would last the best.
Sorry you both had such a bad night. :(

Sharlene and molly muffin

03-16-2014, 01:24 PM
Has it been since her stim test? As I always found Tia would drink more for a few days after her testing.

Hope it settles down soon xxx

03-16-2014, 02:49 PM
Hi Everyone:
I took Tipper out for a very short walk one street over as she is very bored. She is drinking a lot today. I don't think it's the ACTH test Mel as that was last Wednesday. This is just not normal for her to be drinking this much? I hope it is the Soloxine and not something else. She was at least happy to be outside for a short period of time. Looking at her today she looks kind of bloated from all the water. I am hoping she has a better sleep tonite with no breathing issues. It was snowing here earlier, just big flurries no accumulation. I think I will ask the vet to raise the Adequan dosage instead of more shots Sharlene as the shots are painful since she does not have a lot of muscle there and I am trying to limit these vet visits for both our sanities. I am looking at Tipper as I type and she looks huge right now,I bet she is up in weight again from this water. It would seem there is always a fire to put out. Blessings

03-16-2014, 02:56 PM
Patti, how much more is she drinking in a 24 hour period? You are measuring her water every day, right? And were the results of her last stim test ok? I scanned your thread real quick, but didn't find it right off.

03-16-2014, 04:23 PM
Tipper's stim test showed higher than normal cortisol on her post was a 9. She is on a different dose now due to that. I had to let her cortisol come up higher as her pre number was too low last time. It's a balancing act with her all the time. Her post should be going down now, and hopefully not the pre. She is consuming maybe a cup more of water. It is hard to measure with her as Toby drinks out of her bowl too. Her urine is not dilute yet though. She is not drinking bowl fulls just more than usual. Blessings

03-16-2014, 08:39 PM
i hope this increase in drinking is just boredom and stress from being stuck inside so much because of this bad weather. especially for a dog who loves to walk. maybe you can lower de temperature inside your house a bit.
do you own a hygrometer? maybe the air is too dry in your house?
is tipper's leg ok? i hope the both of you will have a good night sleep!

03-17-2014, 09:18 AM
Hi Everyone:
Well Tipper had a better nite. She did not wheeze as much, and slept ok. She was a little hungry last nite and continued to drink more water. This is now going to be harder to discern what the culprit is here. I domuse a vaporizer every nite so she has enough moisture. I am thinking the Soloxine. I will talk it over with the vet on Wednesday, and see if he is worried about her glucose level rising. Today is only 11 degrees so she can only have a short walk. Where are the 50's we were promised this week?? I have some beautiful pictures of Grace on my camera, I am going to try and put them in her album this week. Blessings

03-17-2014, 04:23 PM
Tipper said Happy St. Patrick's Day Everyone!!!!!!!!! Then she laid down and is having a nap.

molly muffin
03-17-2014, 06:48 PM
Happy Saint Patricks Day Wear Green!! :)

Glad Tipper had a better night

Sharlene and Molly muffin

03-17-2014, 09:05 PM
enjoy your nap tipper! it is bedtime for us overhere.

03-18-2014, 01:04 PM
Hi Everyone:
Tipper and Toby are having a ball. They have walked three times already. Toby had to be a brat and got in the mud. For some reason if I do not post, Delora fell over in her bathroom last nite and fell into the bath tub, and she is not good, and I am real worried about her. Blessings

03-18-2014, 01:40 PM
Hi Patti,
So nice to hear the pups got out so much today and had fun! It was so cold yesterday but today is much better so far. Awww, Toby got himself into some mess...Trixie does that a lot, they love the all the scents in that mud!
Too bad about Delora, it's so sad that she's ailing and has no one there to take care of her. You are kind to lend a hand and do so much for her. I hope she did not get badly injured when she fell.


03-18-2014, 03:50 PM
Hi Everyone:
Tipper has walked three times today. It is beautiful and the sun is out. Delora is really bad. One of my other neighbors had a confrontation with her son when he finally showed up today. Needless to say the son left in a huff after the neighbor told him he better get his@#$& over here and care for his mother. The neighbor ended it by calling the son a piece of crap!. Oh Lord, I am glad I missed all that. He didnt even stay he got in his car and left. Tipper seems to not be in fhe water bowl too much today. She was up at 5:30 am this morning. I had to bathe Toby after he got his little butt in the mud. I hate to go to the vets tomorrow, but Tipper needs her Adequan. I am so thankful her triglycerides dropped almost in half, that was a jaw dropper. It is nice to see spring is on the way, but I am afraid of the storms. Blessings

molly muffin
03-18-2014, 04:36 PM
Glad Tipper and Toby are having a stellar day.

Molly discovered the mud too and the dead leaves and twigs. She was a mess and seemed to be okay with it. Her stomach though is just ... ugh.
Girl is going to need a bath too.

Sharlene and molly muffin

03-18-2014, 04:44 PM
Daisy has had two walks today. It's only 32 here. I'm so over this cold.

Patti, I'm glad that you're finally seeing improvements with Tipper!

03-18-2014, 05:38 PM
Tipper is passed out. It is 50 here so we are enjoying the day thoroughly !!

03-18-2014, 07:59 PM
i am so glad that you girls and your dogs had a "'heatwave "' today. hopefully this means the begin of spring.
even tasty mud puddles!
we had a cold day today with lots of wind. brrr!

molly muffin
03-18-2014, 08:14 PM
Whoo hooo, you wore Tipper out!

Sharlene and molly muffin

03-18-2014, 11:41 PM
Hi Patti,
Could you please send me a link/picture/dosage of the Hawthorn that you give Tipper?
I am trying to get Lola's BP under control and would try anything!

God bless!

03-19-2014, 06:26 AM
We have FROST :-(
Please send some of your warmth to CT. This is crazy!

Daisy and I are envious Patti :-)

03-19-2014, 12:15 PM
Hi Everyone:
Well we are back from the vets. Tipper had a blood pressure of 135 so I'll take that any day of the week. I asked about increasing the dosage on the Adequan and as he looked over top his glasses at me with a smirk on his face he said" I think she should just get the injections more often." Then I said please can you reconfigured her dosage. He finally did and gave it to her. Of course he would jump on the come more often band wagon as that is more money for him. I told him she is already there once a week and it is just too much for her. Well as soon as we got home I opened the dap collar. I put it on her, and was very disappointed in it's construction. Where the buckle is you have to thread the collar back thru it. It then has a hard edge that jabs her in the neck. So I unbuckled it part way and left it stick up. She is not usedto wearing a collar so it looks like she is uncomfortable in it. Tipper cannot usually where anything but leather or it causes her irritation, especially nylon. She has begun to scratch at it as it must have started her neck itching. The weather said storms with thunder so I am giving it a try. I hope to God for her sake this thing works. It has to be snug around the neck to work so that concerns me with the tracheal issues she has . shto be

03-19-2014, 12:23 PM
Hi Everyone:
Well we are back from the vets. Tipper had a blood pressure of 135 so I'll take that any day of the week. I asked about increasing the dosage on the Adequan and as he looked over top his glasses at me with a smirk on his face he said" I think she should just get the injections more often." Then I said please can you reconfigure her dosage. He finally did and gave it to her. Of course he would jump on the come more often band wagon as that is more money for him. I told him she is already there once a week and it is just too much for her. Well as soon as we got home I opened the dap collar. I put it on her, and was very disappointed in it's construction. Where the buckle is you have to thread the collar back thru it. It then has a hard edge that jabs her in the neck. So I unbuckled it part way and left it stick up. She is not usedto wearing a collar so it looks like she is uncomfortable in it. Tipper cannot usually where anything but leather or it causes her irritation, especially nylon. She has begun to scratch at it as it must have started her neck itching. The weather said storms with thunder so I am giving it a try. I hope to God for her sake this thing works. It has to be snug around her neck to work so that concerns me with the tracheal issues she has . She slept well and not as much water drinking going on. The vet said today several others have commented on their dogs drinking more on the Soloxine. He
also said that I need not worry about Tipper's glucose it is fine and no where near the number he would worry about. All in all a good visit, as I am tiring of the fights all the time. Deloras phone is not working right, I try to keep checking on her, and this makes it worse. We'll see if the son does anything about this!! Blessings

03-19-2014, 12:53 PM
Patti, that's great news! I'm glad Tipper's BP is down! You're doing great.

03-19-2014, 07:34 PM
way to go tipper! there is also an electric dap vaporizer which you can plug in and a spray i believe.
found it; our dutch site says;
Halsband [=collar] , Spray, Verdamper[=vaporizer]. maybe a good alternative to the collar?

03-19-2014, 08:56 PM
Hi Patti,
Sounds like great news from the visit on Tipper blood pressure!! Sorry to hear things with your neighbor are getting worse. Her son must be a horrible person. How does live with himself!? What an awful situation. How old is Delora? I feel sorry for her, at least you and the other neighbors care about her but it sounds like she needs some help. Do they have the Visiting Nurse service in your area? Maybe she needs Hospice care..it's not just for the very last days. If she has Medicare they cover Hospice care for awhile if a doctor okays it.


molly muffin
03-19-2014, 09:16 PM
I agree Barbara, he must be a very horrid person to do this or allow this to happen to his mother. :(

I'm so glad that Patti and the other neighbors care about her and watch out for her. It's so heart breaking what she is going through and her family is putting her through! That is worse that it's family that has done this.

Glad Tipper's BP is doing so well that is a good sign and we like good things. :) Just as much as we like plans, we like good results. LOL

Raining here today. Joy joy!
Sharlene and molly muffin

03-20-2014, 01:02 AM
great news all around for Tipper!
Honestly, report Delora's son to her doctor. You can do it anonymously and tell them that you don't know who to call to get her help.

Squirt's Mom
03-20-2014, 08:26 AM
Send me his name and the name of his church. ;)

03-20-2014, 02:04 PM
Hi Everyone:
Got my car inspected, thank goodness it did not need anything. Tipper had some really bad tremors when going to sleep. This time they rocked her body and it was very scary. I had to shake her out of it. It seems like she is sleeping deeper snd deeper. She used to hear me as soon as I said her name. She was very upset when I got home from doing the car. She just does not want me going anywhere without her. I think Deloras son has told her to stop talking to me.I could not get thru on her phone so I called the phone company and they said there was nothing wrong with her phone. I ran up to her house , she said her son had been there. I checked her phone and the battery was dead. Why did he not do something to get her a phone?? I said you son needs to start taking care of this. She must have told him I said that, as now she is barely talking to me. I am worried as I gave her a phone I had, and I hooked it up, but she is not answering the phone. I will be calling someone today as I have had enough. Will post later. Blessings

Squirt's Mom
03-20-2014, 02:25 PM
PLEASE let me have his name and the name of his church! (where is the little devil icon!) :D

03-20-2014, 02:56 PM
Hi Everyone:
Just done with my car inspection, so glad it all passed. I don't need anything. Tipper is crazy worked up the sitter said she was crying for me. She just does not want me to leave her alone. I couldn't get a hold of Delora yesterday. She called me and I could hear her TV in the background, I kept calling her name but no answer. I ran up there thinking she fell and was trying to call me. She said no the phone was not working right. I called he phone comany which is no easy task to request service for someone else's phone. I went back up and she said her son had been there. I checked her phone and the battery was dead. I. Said to her why didn't you son do something about this? She did not answer. I went home got a phone from here and hooked it up. Today she called and wanted to know if I am getting her battery?? She left me a voice mail when I called back she does not answer. Ran back up, she is acting strange. I think she told her son what I said and he told her not to talk to me. I cannot believe this. I am calling someone today about her as I have had it with her son. This is not fair to me with Tipper needing me, I cannot help her any more. I have done all I can and this is making me a nervous wreck. I am not her family, and am sick of trying to help her and they hamper everything, and do nothing. I cannot be in the middle of this. Will post later as I need to get caught up. Blessings

molly muffin
03-20-2014, 06:07 PM
Well he isn't going to like any of the neighbors, that son of hers. After all, they care about his mom and try to help her as they can.
Delora is probably, cranky at the situation, scared at the situation and lashes out. Her son is like this lifeline for her, that she has to always hope will have her best interests at heart, but unfortunately he doesn't seem to.
You know that she is very grateful for all that you do Patti. I know that it hurts though to then have her be curt and unfeeling towards you when you have only tried to help her. :( Her son is a turd if he even puts bad thoughts into her head about her neighbors that have been there for her when he has Not.
Tipper does seem to be getting more vocal about her displeasure at you not being with her all the time. :(

Sharlene and molly muffin

03-20-2014, 09:08 PM
so glad that your car was fine! does your neighbor gets some help from prefessionals who take care of her? or at least someone who will help her with housekeeping? they can report this at their organisation.
it is hard for you to watch all of this. it is my work and i know all about this.

03-21-2014, 08:21 AM
Hi Everyone:
Well Tipper had some really bad tremors again last nite. Her whole body was shaking and rocking. This is extremely hard to watch, and it is starting to worry me again as this all started out with her rear leg shaking, so where will this go from here?? I may need to contact the neurologist, and get this on the IPhone for him to see how bad this is getting. I am worried about what her heart and blood pressure are doing during this too. It is cold here this morning, and we are to get snow next week. I called Elder Care a legal group about Delora yesterday and they had no one to talk to me but said they will get back to me. I have heard nothing from her and have seen no one at her house to help her. Even though she is listening to that disgusting son of hers, I still feel bad for her that she doesn't know any better than to listen to his lies. I am hoping this place I called helps her out of this mess. I am missing Grace, she really left her paw prints on my heart. Blessings

03-21-2014, 07:02 PM
Hi Everyone:
Tipper is resting after having three walks today. She is my rock star. She just keeps on going no matter what, and I pray it continues. Every day with her is the biggest blessing I could receive. Toby is passed out,band Elvis just went in the cage for the nite. I guess I will wrangle the kitties with some teasers. Their cat room is like being in Miami. It is about 80 degrees in there. They like it warm so I have the heat turned up for them. I hope Tipper does not have tremors tonite. It is really on my mind. Tipper is having fun as she has no vet visits until next Wednesday. I hope for her sake tomorrow is nice too. I cannot believe we are getting a clipper tomorrow. I just saw it on the weather channel. More snow. Look out Valerie it is coming your way!! Hope it misses you Sharlene. Blessings

03-21-2014, 08:30 PM
Hi Patti,
I hope all the exercise that Tipper had will make for a restful and no tremor sleep tonight.
I took Trixie to Central Park early this morning, she had a great time, it is still cold here today, sunny but windy. Tomorrow is supposed to be nice and in the 60's, but Mon and Tues we're back in the voretx...not as bad as last time, but in the 20s. Winter doesn't want to give up. I'm not looking forward to the summer heat though..it's too hard on our pups! Hoping for some real spring weather low 60's would be great for awhile.
Have a great weekend.


03-21-2014, 08:59 PM
so glad that tipper and trixie had their walks today. it keeps our doggies sane.
is it very hot outside in summer where you both live?
i think dogs prefer the cold weather though!
it will be 12C overhere this weekend.
p.s. what is a clipper?

Squirt's Mom
03-22-2014, 05:11 AM
We have rain....yippee. The bath battle yesterday will be all for naught in about 2 hours! :D

Oh! and I haven't forgotten the salve again. I got my bowl for this down and dropped it, empty, because of my arm. SO I decided I didn't quite trust the arm just yet to carry the bowl full of hot liquids. :o

03-22-2014, 07:49 AM
Hi Everyone:
Tipper had an decent nite. She kept me up all nite though. She slept plastered up against me. When she first went to sleep I was watching her. It seems that now the tremorsndo not start in one place like her leg, and move to other places, but it seems they all start at once now. Her whole body shakes and jumps around. When she got up against me real it seemed she had no more. If she was not so hot all the time I would put her thunder shirt on her and see if that would help. It seems when her legs are stretched out and free it may happen more. Other than that everything else was fine with the exception of hunger, which she had bad last nite. No one called back yet from Elder Care. Still waiting. Snow expected today and tomorrow, and very dark out. Tipper kept me up sleeping so close to me I could not move and was hanging off the side of the bed all nite so I am tired lazy day today. Blessings

molly muffin
03-22-2014, 10:41 AM
Hi Patti, Sorry you didn't get much sleep last night. Sleep is important for both you and Tipper. It seems she is sleeping but tremors during it. Just a dusting of snow for us over night, so we had a nice walk this morning.

Hope you have a good day and can get some rest.

Sharlene and molly muffin

03-22-2014, 12:01 PM
Hi Everyone:
I didn't post on your threads as I had an emergency with Delora. She called me this morning crying and saying she needs help that she is confused and cannot get dressed. Got her all straightened out and her son is coming to get her and take her to his house. Now I have a cat to take care of again. She spilled a carafe of coffee all over the kitchen. She forgot how to make her bed and dress herself. I was right the cancer has gone to her brain. God Bless her, I have done all I can. I need to be here for my Tipper. Blessings

molly muffin
03-22-2014, 12:05 PM
Oh Patti, I am so sorry that Delora has deteriorated so badly. That is just a very, very sad situation for her and for you, who have tried so hard to help her as much as you can.

I saw you and Tipper had a walk this morning, so that is good you were able to get out.

Sharlene and molly muffin

03-22-2014, 06:25 PM
Hi Everyone:
I have had so much bad news today it is incredible. Delora called at 1 pm and told me her son never came to get her and she was hungry and could not get up. I hurried up and threw a pizza in the oven and took her some up. The poor thing, she is pitiful and I could tell her mind was all jumbled up. He did not come until 4:00 after learning his mother forgot how to put her clothes on!! How disgusting is that??? Then I was sitting down watching the news and saw something about a major league pitcher hurting his shoulder. I knew this face and did not hear his name.After constantly thinking of this face I went and did some research. It turns out it was my best friend who I went all through school with, and lost touch with after I moved, it is her son I used to babysit. I was floored, and immediately started searching for his mother online. This was a girl I spent most of my school days with. I couldn't locate her, but found her sister who I was also friends with. I called her only to find out my best friend died of breast cancer. I am devastated. No one knew my new address to tell me. I never got to see her and she was asking for me. I feel terrible and crying all day in disbelief. Her son Scott had just gotten a contract with the Yankees and she was on her death bed. He flew home and before she died he told he he made it to pitch for the Yankees. She died shortly after. He has played for various teams since then and is currently dealing with a shoulder injury. This is definitely one of the saddest days of my life. I just wish I could have hugged her once again. She never got to see her boy play major league baseball. It is very dreary and cold out. It kind of suits my mood. I am hoping Tipper has no bad tremors tonite. I was really not aware they could get this bad. It worries me so much. I pray every nite they go away for good. I don't think Delora will ever come back to her house, so I need to start to find a home for her cat. Blessings

03-22-2014, 08:22 PM
what is it that you call it in the states? murphy's law.
is there anybody who will take good care of delora when she is at her son's home? we do have organizations called hospices.
they take care of people dying in a home like environment. lots of volunteers.
hope you will have a quiet night with tipper and a lazy sunday with good weather to walk in.

03-23-2014, 01:32 AM

I had something similar happen with a good friend of mine. I had no idea that she had cancer until her husband told me that she had passed. I'm so sorry!

Please call your local VNA and tell them of Delora's situation and that she needs proper care asap. Her son will let her sit at his house and do nothing.

Get some rest, ok? Hugs.

03-23-2014, 07:59 AM
Hi Everyone:
Well Delora said she would call me last nite, but she didn't so she either forgot or her son did not give her the phone. I fed her cat this morning, and it was crying for her. The house is as mess from her not being able to get up, if I can I will clean it up tomorrow. I have low energy today. Yesterdays news has had quite an negative affect on me. Tipper had several episodes of tremors as she was going to sleep last nite. It is snowing as I type this and too cold for her to walk. I am very depressed knowing my friend passed and I need to get myself out of this. I do not think Delora will make it to summer, I think she is very close to passing. There is a lot of sadness filling my heart these days, but as always I am blessed with my Tipper. I hope the weather warms up so these dogs can walk. Tipper looks forward to it, and needs the energy burned off. Blessings

Squirt's Mom
03-23-2014, 09:06 AM
My college roommate has MS - a rare form that has no remissions. We lost touch years ago because her hubby was in the Army and they traveled all over the world but I could learn about her through her sister who lived in town then. After her sister moved, I had no way to find out how she was doing. And based on the last report, she was losing more and more function rapidly.

Last year, my roommate and I reconnected. She is back in ARK and living about an hour away. She is now bedridden, unable to care for herself. At first she begged me to come see her then she would tell me not to come. This has gone on for a year now - begging me to come, then begging me not to. She doesn't want me to see her as she is now but wants me to remember how she used to be, how we used to be - which was wild and crazy. We are those friends who constantly laugh and sing and whisper our secrets together. Every day was a new adventure for us. As badly as I want to see her again, to give her a hug, to watch her laugh again I honor her wishes. One time I was already in her town when she called crying, saying please don't come.

It is heart-breaking to be so close yet needing to respect her needs and desires. So I allow myself to become lost in those memories I so cherish of Carol and I through the years, remembering her vitality, courage, humor, intelligence, and determination. And through the tears, I always find reason to smile.

I am so sorry for the loss of your childhood friend and for the manner in which you learned of her passing.

molly muffin
03-23-2014, 10:05 AM
Hi Patti,

I am very sorry for the loss of your friend. I know that hurts and just finding out now, makes it very raw. Take some time to remember the good times. Maybe put together, a memory book if you have photos and memorabilia from your times together. I have always found the best way to honor someones life is to remember who they were and who you were together. Best buds.
The situation with Delora is awful. I cannot imagine how scared and confused she must be and to not have the basic support of her family must have been worse, however, having said that, and I know it took a lot of your energy but she did have you. What could be done to help her, was done. You talked to her and helped her, fed her and took care of her as best you could and that says an awful lot about you as a person. You have done what you can and now it is in the hands of her son. He may not want or like the responsibility but it is his. If you have his number, a call to ask him what he wants done with the house and the cat at this point might help. I wouldn't put it past him to dump her back off there as soon as he thinks he reasonably can do so and get away with it. At least you'd know if that is his intention or not.
Wow, snow again. It'll be wonderful when real spring and summer finally arrive and you can get outside with the animals and enjoy the days again. I am sure that they will love that too.
Hang in there. This too shall pass. Remember, we all just do the best we can, whatever the situation may be.

Sharlene and molly muffin

03-23-2014, 07:15 PM
i am very tired so a short reply. i hope you can have at least one walk today and a good night sleep.

03-24-2014, 08:20 AM
Hi Everyone:
Tipper is really bored we woke up to snow on the ground so I hope it warms up so she can walk? I noticed when massaging her yesterday that the fatty lumps she has are getting very large, and very quickly. She has always had these in the past, but they never got this big this fast. Some are in places that have to hurt. I even found a really big one on her ear at the bottom by her head. I do not want to put her under, so I need to discuss this with my vet. She did have a decent sleep after some tremor activity. Delora called me again last nite. She said she hurt her knee and can barely walk. Her sons wife gives her a phone to use only when they are home and can listen to what is being said. The cat is beginning to cry for her and not want to eat very much. I asked my other neighbor to start asking any friend if they want her, in the event Delora does not come home. I do not think she will ever be back, but I will wait. I know what a hard time I had placing Grace, so this will be even harder to find a home for her.Tipper was making those real congested noises again last note and when we got up I noticed her eyes just filled with goopy mucus. I cleaned her up, but want to know what is going on here. I feel it has some connection to the swallowing and always trying to clear her throat. She is getting mucus from somewhere. I feel bad for her and Toby they are really sick of this weather.If I can get up enough energy I need to clean this house. I am just really down about my friend and real low energy. This is hard to shake off. Blessings

03-24-2014, 02:05 PM
Hi Everyone:
First I just want to mention my neighbor Delora is in the emergency room, that is all I know right now. Please say a prayer for her. I had to keep busy so I cleaned the house. Not a real great job, but it will do for now. The dogs walked once as it is still too cold. It is snowing here again. The cat is looking for Delora and sitting on a chair next to the door when I went in. I am worried she may try to run out when I open the door. She is upst not knowing where Delora is as she was used to sitting on Deloras lap while Delora watched TV. I feel bad for her. I think if anything happens to Delora the will hurry and take the cat and lock up the house. I am afraid they will just take the cat and let it out some where or shoot it. I am not feeling real great as all this news has really impacted me. Tipper and I are laying down and watching the news, and Toby is sleeping. I shall wait until someone calls me about Delora. Blessings

molly muffin
03-24-2014, 03:46 PM
Oh my gosh Patti, what a horrible few days you are having.

I hope they wouldn't do anything so horrid to Delora's poor kitty who is just missing some human companionship and her special person.

Did they aspirate those lumps to find out if they lipoma's? Some of them can grow pretty fast I've heard, but that isn't traditionally how Tippers have been?

Sorry the mucus problem seems to be back. grrrrr

Spring has to show up here one day soon I'd think Patti. Just hang in there.
I saw a dove on the deck yesterday. Every year they show up when spring is here or just about here, so I know the weather will warm up soon. (or I'm going to have some cold doves out there!)

Sharlene and molly muffin

03-24-2014, 07:22 PM
I saw a robin today, I'll send him on to you:):):)

Sending hugs

03-24-2014, 09:47 PM
signs of spring for all of you finally! overhere we do have some frost at night. -2C or so.
and patti, i hope you can find some time to relax despite everything going on.
i never had a dog with lumps or throat problems etc. so i can not help you with this one.

03-24-2014, 09:47 PM
the whole situation is sad. Can you get to the hospital and tell the doctors all that you know about her son and wife so that they can place her somewhere safe if she can't come home?

If the cat is healthy, I would take it to your home now. From there, you can find her a home without worrying about Delora's family.

I am so sorry that this is all happening and I hope that her son gets what he deserves. I hate to sound harsh, but he is a disgusting excuse for a human and makes the rest of us look bad.

Tipper's mucus and now goopy eyes make me think of allergies.

Take care sweetie.

03-24-2014, 11:07 PM
Hi Patti, I haven't checked in on your thread in a while, but I wanted to stop by and thank you for still keeping up on my thread. I think about Tipper often, and hope you are holding up.

03-24-2014, 11:22 PM
Are you thinking of taking in Delora's cat with you until you know what's going on with her? It's so sad the cat is just waiting for her. I would hate to think her son would go in there and try to get rid of the cat.
Just hearing our weather forecast...snow due here tomorrow afternoon and night...not too much they say. Guess we'll see.
I hope Tipper and Toby are having a good night...and your other babies too.


03-25-2014, 10:02 AM
Hi Everyone:
Well I just spoke to Delora. Her son is sending her to a nursing home. I knew he would never take care of her. I told her ai need to do something about the cat. Yesterday when I went to feed it her daughter in law came stomping in the door and scared the daylights out of me. Talked down to me and real smart, acting like I did not belong in Deloras house. Looking in the refrigerator etc.to make sure nothing was missing!!!. It took every ounce of will power I had not to tell her
off. Then she told me Delora was in the emergency room, that is how I found out.She lied and told me a different hospital. So I called around and found her. I explained to Delora, because her cat was nor up to date on shots and never checked for Corona virus, I could not take her in. She asked me to find her a home. I said I am not getting in the middle of this, and finally after 6 years of holding back,told her everything about her son and daughter in law. She said I am so sorry. I told her to tell her son to care for the cat, as after yesterday I have had it with them. I am afraid if I take the cat somewhere like my other neighbors house her son will start trouble. I am putting a call into the social worker at the hospital this afternoon, because they have a meeting with her this morning. I am going to fell htoer all about this son. Tipper has laser therapy today. It will be good to go for a ride, as I can't handle any more bad news this week. Tipper had a lot of tremoring going on last nite. She has been sleeping a lot as she is bored. She got up at 5 am this morning. Just got a phone call from Deloras cousin, and HSR son will not tell them anything. I will post after therapy today. Blessing.

03-25-2014, 03:43 PM
Hi Everyone:
I just typed a long post and lost it, because Tipper is trying to attack my tablet since I played the video of Leslies she thinks my he tablet is barking and ruined the corner of the cover. As you have probably guessed you were going to read, I took the cat. I took it to my neighbor mans house. It jumped right up on his lap like it was at home. Could he possibly fall for her???? Let's pray he does. I told him not to tell anyone where it is. I needed to get it out now as when I see her son and daughter in law it won't be them talking smart to me. They will be real shocked as fireworks will be going off. Delora will be going straight to a home from the hospital. Some time when they are not around, which will probably be always, I will ask Iif I can take the cat to see her. Tipper and Toby had 2 walks. I am glad she got out as the sun is out and looks beautiful. I am planning a trip to the cemetery where my best friend was buried. I need to see her gravestone and tell her I am sorry I let her down when she needed me. It will have to be a nice day when Tipper feels good as I will have to take her and Toby with me. It is nice that you can get maps of the cemetery and see pictures of the stones. It is weighing heavily on my mind, but have the cat to care for this week. I will have to run to the neighbors and feed and clean up after it. Sometimes life is not kind. Blessings

03-25-2014, 03:51 PM

I hope that your neighbor falls in love with Delora's cat.
Telling off the son's wife wouldn't get you anywhere. They have no conscience.

Good for talking to the hospital social worker! Tell them EVERYTHING!
Please suggest that they appoint a non-family member to be in charge of her care. They can do that. I wouldn't trust the son at all.

You do so much, too much. You're one person and can't be there for every needy person.

Get some rest. I worry about you. Hugs.

molly muffin
03-25-2014, 08:42 PM
Oh my, so they aren't telling the rest of the family what is going on either. :(

I am sure the son and daughter in law would not have taken care of the cat, if that is the way they reacted to you being there to feed and clean up after it.

I am so sorry this has turned into such a mess in your lap. :(

Sending you prayers for strength to get through this.
Sharlene and molly muffin

My sweet Ginger
03-26-2014, 08:44 AM
Patti, this was Ginger before her seizure medicine. A lot less now with the meds. Is Tipper's anything like this?

03-26-2014, 08:52 AM
Hi Everyone:
We woke up to 2 inches of snow and frigid temperatures. Tipper will not be walking. I called my neighbor last nite and he said he was watching TV and the cat was sleeping on his lap!! I am hoping this time together could help him decide to keep her permanently. Could I be so lucky?? Tipper did good at her laser therapy. We were discussing all her lumps and bumps, and she said Tipper seems bothered me by two of them that she could see, as when touched by the accu pressure tip in the laser she moved her body away from it. K will go over this with the vet next week. This is a first for no blood pressure today. I decided Tipper's mental state is more important, and she needs this break. Toby goes on the 31st to get his teeth cleaned and blood work, and then the first week in April he gets his new spring do. I made the mistake of having him groomed before his dental the last time, and they just ruined his do. They get wet and yucky when being worked on, so no more of that. I talked to Delora last nite. She said her daughter in law was going to take the cat and it could stay on her sun porch. I felt really bad, and did not have the right to say this but I told her no, I have the cat and I will never give her to them. Delora was taken back when I said that and did not know what to say so she just said ok. I would love have let an animal go to an abusive situation. It will all work out. Delora said her soon is putting her in a nursing home near where we live on Thursday. She was given a cat scan etc
yesterday. The son probably wants to know how long she has left some does not have to pay any money to the nursing home! Blessings

03-26-2014, 12:32 PM
Hi Patti,
We didn't get the snow...just some fierce wind today so it feels way colder than the temperature outside.
What a situation Delora is in...poor thing. If it is a decent nursing home she will be better off with people taking care of her as it sounds like she's unable to be on her own anymore...though I'm sure she will miss her cat. So many nursing homes aren't that great so it all depends on the place, I hope the one she goes to is nice.
Maybe your neighbor will enjoy the company of the cat. A little more time together and maybe he will become attached! I hope so.
Glad Tipper gets a break from doing the blood pressure, it was so good last time, seems like you wouldn't need to do it again this soon anyway.
Hope those lipoma aren't bothering Tipper too much.


03-26-2014, 07:05 PM
Hi Everyone:
Well I got some video of Tipper on the tablet. She was having tremors, but not the bad ones. I will try to get these up on photo bucket. My neighbor who has Deloras cat called me this morning and said the cat cried all nite. He had to go out and lay on the sofa, she curled up with him and went to sleep. Hope she does not keep this up, and make him not want her!!!! Tipper was really bored and naughty today. Thats OK cause I love her anyway. Next week temps in the 50s!!

03-26-2014, 07:10 PM
hi patti, i hope everything will work out fine for delora and her cat.
hopefully your neighbor will take her.
is tippers leg totally healed by now? or does she still need this therapy for something else?
maybe you can visit delora in the nursing home and inform the staff?
good night to you and tipper.

03-27-2014, 02:12 AM

good for you refusing to give the cat to Delora's family! I hope that she calms down and gets used to being with your neighbor. It's hard for them to be uprooted but they adjust.

I'd glad that Delora will still be close enough to visit. I would definitely talk with the social worker on staff about her family.

No walking for Daisy either. The wind and temps are horrendous!

03-27-2014, 08:50 AM
Hi Everyone:
Tipper had many tremors last nite when falling asleep. I need to get some time to get the video ai took with the tablet on photo bucket. I cannot take any animals in !y office until the end of May because of the Corona virus that can still live in the carpet, and the dogs could carry it to the rest of the house on their feet? Therefore I cannot go in tom use the computer as Tipper will bark and cry. There are many things, paperwork, pictures, stacks of mail that need attended to. I may ask the sittermto come sit with Tipper while I get this stuff done as it will take a few hours to get it all accomplished. Delora is to be transferred to the nursing home today. She had a bunch of scans yesterday and I can't remember if I mentioned this, but they said she definitely had a stroke too. I am going to try and walk Tipper before the rain. Blessings

03-27-2014, 08:52 AM
The cat is in a strange house and by the sounds of it not in a room with anyone... think I'd howl too. Poor thing.
Wet weather this weekend so not much walking for Keesh I don't think.

molly muffin
03-27-2014, 02:47 PM
hmm, we're suppose to be dry here I think Sat and Sun. Just rain this evening and tomorrow. Our temp are finally above freezing, so that is awesome! Judi you need to come down this way with Keesh. LOL

Sorry to hear that Tipper had more tremors last night. :(

I think the cat just needs constant companionship as that is what he is use to. So, if the neighbor gentleman just lets the cat be with him all the time, it should adapt.

Sharlene and molly muffin

03-27-2014, 03:00 PM
Hi Everyone:
All my neighbors are calling me to find out about Delora. She is being transferred to the nursing home this afternoon. My neighbor who is keeping the cat for me said the cat did good last nite with no crying. I am sure this is a major adjustment for her, and I feel bad, but this fate I much better than what she faced with Deloras son. Tipper had two walk today and is happy as a lark. We still have not gotten the rain. Toby goes in on Monday to have his teeth cleaned, so he will get a little taste of what Tipper goes through! Tipper is resting, and Toby is passed out. Toby is so little he has to take 5 steps to Tipper's one, so he gets a work out. I found the cemetery where my best friend is. I was able to see her stone, leave virtual flowers and a note, which helped a little. I hope there is no thunder associated with this rain. I noticed on Tippers hair under her koochie that it has a brownish stain on the fur. I am going to have to have the vet look at it, as I am worried about what it is being brown and all. Sorry tmi. Blessings

03-27-2014, 08:59 PM
so glad that the cat is settling down with your neighbor.
two walks before the rain and happy doggies because of this.
no thunder i hope?
sunday the weather forecast says it will be 20C overhere..........not normal anymore!

03-27-2014, 09:00 PM
so glad that the cat is settling down with your neighbor.
two walks before the rain and happy doggies because of this. great!
no thunder i hope?
sunday the weather forecast says it will be 20C overhere..........not normal anymore!

03-27-2014, 11:23 PM
Other than Delora being moved today, it sounds like everyone had a good day at Patti's house. :-) I'm so glad that the cat is acclimating. I spent most of the day helping my best friend move her mother's belongings to an assisted living facility. This place will let her keep her cat! I was quite surprised.

03-28-2014, 12:31 PM
Is it raining by you yet Patti?? It was almost balmy here this morning at 44 degrees!! It's all relative...after so much cold temps in the 40s feel downright warm!
I got Trixie out to the park early as with all the rain expected who knows when she'll get another long walk off the leash.
Hope Tipper and Toby were able to get out before the rain starts up.
Is your neighbor falling in love with Delora's cat yet?? Does he live alone? Maybe once he gets used to having some nice cat company he won't want to give it up! I hope so.


03-28-2014, 12:49 PM
Hi Everyone:
Well I waited and waited for Delora to call and so I called the nursing home. She got on the phone and the first thing she said was how in comfortable and depressed she was. She said I told my son if I stay here I will die. She said she hates it and is so depressed and was crying. Her son is at her house as I type this scavaging for whatever he can find . The neighbor said the cat did not cry last nite, but he closes her out of the bedroom, and that is upsetting to me, but what can I do. He is avidly looking for am home for her, so I think he will not be keeping her unfortunately. Tipper was up most of the nite, because of the rain and we have very bad wind. She actually slept in this morning!!! A whole 20 minutes!! It is dark out and looks like a storm looming. I feel bad about Delora but there is nothing I can do, but visit her. She cannot call out on her phone, and I am not sure if the son did that or what, so I will have to call her. She said she hurts everywhere , and has sore spots all over, that is the cancer. I feel bad she has ended up like this. I just saw a truck going to Deloras so they are taking her furniture already, it is her grandson the one that has never come here to see her.Blessings

03-28-2014, 11:19 PM
some people....................... did dolora rent the house? could this be the reason they are closing it down so fast? money?
i hope you and your neighbor can find a good home for her cat.
i hope there will be no more wind and rain tonight so you can sleep well.

03-28-2014, 11:54 PM
Delora is lucky to have you as a friend. Visit her as often as you can and see if they'll let you take Tipper.

Cats are nocturnal and as much as I love Gracie and Annabelle, I have to lock them out of my bedroom so that I can sleep.

03-29-2014, 10:48 AM
Hi Everyone:
I am posting late today as I had Tipper and Toby for 2 walks. I passed Deloras house and the family that never came to see her are looting her house. They just stared at me and said not one word as they carried put Deloras belongings. She does own the house and I saw them carrying out some papers so they are power of attorney papers more than likely for her to sign the house over to them. I told her long ago to make a will and leave it to animal friends and really fix them, but she was too scared of her son to make a bold move like that. Tipper has been licking and biting, something I have not seen for a while, and they say because of this winter being so bad that allergy season will be horrible. She will have the whole run of the place when Toby goes in for his tooth cleaning Monday. I have most of the room disinfected where Gracie stayed God love her. I will let the animals back in there in May and it will make it a lot easier on me, as Tipper stays with me all the time and I will be able to use my computer. Lucky likes that room as it get an afternoon sun, and he can lay there and watch the birds. A cat came in the yard to see my cats through the sliding glass doors and when he left Lucky of course wanted to follow running to all the windows in the house to look out, and wanted in my office desperately. He paced in front of the door and was head butting the door in an attempt to push it open. So they will all be happy when it becomes part of the house again. I talked to my neighbor about Deloras cat. He said it is no trouble at all, and likes to sleep on his lap. Well then why is he still wanting to find it a home? I do not understand people I swear. Why can't you just help the poor thing out and give it a home??? Tipper is going to love it Monday when Toby gets no food and has to go to the vets!!! She will probably be secretly laughing to herself. Blessings

molly muffin
03-29-2014, 01:23 PM
What a family. *sigh* Some people make the world a better place and others do not. It's really very sad. I expect they do not expect her to ever go back to it again and plan to put it on the market as soon as it is cleared out. Very sad indeed.

Glad Tipper has had some walks, but might want to consider the benadryl option if allergies are going to be bad for her. She'll feel it more with allergies too since her cortisol is lower.

Sharlene and molly muffin

03-29-2014, 04:53 PM
Hi Everyone:
The dogs got three walks today. The rain is just pouring and making ponds everywhere. The hail is next, then the snow!! Tipper is napping after all the activity. I just talked to Delora and she is so unhappy and crying. I learned something very unsettling when talking to her. She told me her daughter in law informed her hospice would be coming to see her. She said to me I thought they don't come until you are ready to die? I was silent I could not answer. I am just sick for her, she does not deserve this.I don't think I can go to that church for her service and see that monster son of hers preaching, I am really worried about what to do. We are having a lazy day today, this is all so depressing! Blessings

molly muffin
03-29-2014, 06:32 PM
Hi Patti, Well, you can tell Delora, that my brother in laws mom is in a nursing home and hospice has been coming to see her for a year now. They help with taking care of her and making her more comfortable. Our Oma is doing okay. Her family comes and gets her for family dinners and other things and she is still kicking. Your time comes when it comes. How horrid though not to have a frank discussion with her about her condition. Obviously if they are clearing out the house they don't think she has long.

Just try to enjoy the day with the furlets. Hopefully it'll warm up tomorrow and melt any snow you get tonight.

Sharlene and molly muffin

03-30-2014, 12:08 AM

some people just suck.
Were you able to tell the nursing home staff about Delora's horrible family?

I'm so glad that the furlets got to walk, it's been pouring rain all weekend and we're expecting snow on Monday. I'm so over winter!

03-30-2014, 08:49 AM
Hi Everyone:
Well Tipper woke up to 5 inches of new snow on top of an all day rain. It is a real mess out there. Tipper had a good nite, but lots of tremors. I just wish I could figure out the mechanism causing this and stop it somehow. It is very hard to watch her do this nite after nite. She woke up with mucus in her eyes again, a and swallowing a lot the last few days. It actually sounds like she had a drink and is swallowing it. Sharlene unfortunately here Medicare will not pay for hospice care for more than 4 months I believe. So Deloras son would never pay for it, and I feel she is on the way out and that they were told and are not telling her. I feel anyone who is dying has the right to know. What if there is something they want to do, or someone they want to see before they pass? They should have that right. It is hard to talk to her as all she does is cry.d I will go over this week, and take her some food as she said she cannot eat their food it is so bad. I hope for her sake she is not there long, and God has mercy on her as I know this is like torture to her. The cat is doing well, I actually think better than when she lived with Delora, and he is just insistent on getting her a new home. I wish he could just keep her. She sits on his lap at nite while he is watching TV. Why would he not want her for some company??? Well it is time for Tipper's pill and atrip outside. Blessings

03-30-2014, 11:14 PM
my experience with hospices are very good, but they are indeed for the terminal ill persons. they allow pet visits overthere [in nl]
3 walks sounds great.
hope toby will be fine after his treatment today.
sleep well everyone.

03-31-2014, 12:24 PM
Hi Patti,
Not that it's you who can arrange anything for Delora but Medicare pays for Hospice care if a doctor thinks the patient has 6 months or less to live. I don't know if being in a nursing home facility has any bearing on that or not, but coverage is for 6 months.
Hope it wasn't too cold for Tipper to get a walk. It was freezing and raw here this morning...5 inches of snow just East of the city, out near my mother's house. Winter doesn't want to give up.
Trixie did not care that there was an icy drizzle coming down when we walked out the door and cold wind blowing, she pulled straight to the park but I have limits some of the time...and I just could not go all the way there..plus I thought it might start to rain harder so we didn't stay out very long. She was disappointed to come back to the front door, but when we got upstairs I gave her a nice big bag to tear up and she enjoyed that activity very much.
Wish you had an answer to the tremors. I hope Tipper is feeling good today.


03-31-2014, 01:35 PM
Patti--no Medicare does not cover home aide care, but Medicaid does. If she has Medicaid an aide for the home can be arranged. It's not exactly complicated, but it's not easy either. You have to have an aide who is medicaid approved...or certified, I don't know if I'm using the right language but it's not like you can go out and find an aide and expect that Medicaid will pay the bill.
Medicare will cover Hospice care but it isn't like what you see on a movie where the hospice workers are there sitting by the bed with the patient. They are great people but they are not there to care for a person all day long, giving meals etc. They come in and out, making sure the person is comfortable, checking vitals, giving pain med...that type of thing.
It is not an easy or inexpensive option to have home care. We paid a fortune for my mother's care giver...believe me it was worth every penny to have such an amazing person to care for my mother so she could stay in her home but it cost a lot of money...and even with her, I covered all day/evening on Sundays and my brother was there for night time too...you need at least 2 people to do the job well. The primary caregiver needs at least a day off...and someone to shop for things...food, supplies etc.. It took 3 of us to keep my mother safely in her home...and one of them was on salary. I hate to say it and I don't know what type of place Delora is in but she's probably better off there with people helping her...unless it's a horrible place. It's so hard...there is a real lack of good places and care for the elderly, especially those that are ill.
I am unsure and have no experience with actual Hospice care centers and don't know if they exist in your area but it may be something to look into if she is very ill.

03-31-2014, 02:42 PM
Hi Everyone:
A late post today as I am on a break now. I have to pick Toby up soon. Tipper has the run of the whole house again, so she told me to leave him there. Toby always acts ruff and tough he copies Tipper's behavior, but when it comes down to it he is a cry baby. He was totally upset with no food this morning. He cried and crawled up my legs begging me. Tipper was quietly relishing every moment of it, as she knows that drill too well. He shook and cried all the way to the vets and had a hissy fit inside. He will be starving at 4 when I get him the poor thing. Yorkies as everyone knows have a reputation for getting nasty teeth so I must keep his up. I went and bought Delora a robe and bought her some lunch and took it to her room today. That place is horrible, and she cried. She said the food is horrible and really ate what I brought her like she was starved.She has really declined in this just this amount of time. Guess who went on vacation? I know you all said the son. Correct! I asked the nurse why Delora cannot call out on her phone. She said all the phones are like that, she said Delora can call the nurse and she will bring her a portable phone to use to call out. Her son neglected to tell her that so she could not call him!! Well I sure fixed him I went right back to her room and told her what she has to do to make phone calls. I told her why don't you call you son and ask him to come over??? He will have a kitten and if I ever run into him he will probably start in on me, but this time I will finish it. She was happy to see me and all she did was cry. If I had to stay in a place like that I would cry too. Tipper had a lot of tremors again last nite. I can't believe it will be April and she will have to go back to the hospital for a tumor check. That will ruin the whole month for me as it just makes me sick to wait there to hear her fate. If it stays nice this week I will give her a badly needed bath. She and I are enjoying the sunshine, it sure feels good on your face. I will post later after I get my baby boy home. Blessings

molly muffin
03-31-2014, 03:30 PM
oh poor Delora. :( I feel so awful for her.

Yes, our Oma was expected to maybe make it a couple weeks and was in a coma. The family went there in April to say their good byes. Then the doctors took her off the IV pain meds, she regained consciousness and has was put on hospice care in the nursing home. I think it is still going, but maybe they took her off it. They thought she probably had a couple months left at that point. Unfortunately, her son, who took care of her and made the arrangments, developed a brain tumor and passed away within a couple months, and Oma is still going and still in the nursing home. Her daughter in law now takes care of things at the home and goes and gets Oma even for the family dinner/outings, so she won't be stuck there. Oma hates the home too, but it isn't an option for her to go anywhere else, the care just isn't enough outside of the home. :(

Is there no other nursing home that is better that could take her? Even an assisted living where they provide meals and help them when they need it would be better perhaps. Of course it is all in the sons hands and I doubt he is going to put any effort into her situation as it doesn't seem like he has in the past.

I'm sure Toby will be starving when you get him. I bet Tipper loves having the whole house to herself!

Sharlene and molly muffin

03-31-2014, 06:29 PM
Hi Everyone:
I am so glad I did not get Toby's hair done before this dental. My God was he a mess when I picked him up!! He was crying and making a real low wimper all the way home. I gave him a little warm chicken as he was starved. He kept it down some just gave him a little more. He is woozy so I put him in his cage, and Tipper is napping from her three walks today. She was very happy to getbnput in the sun. It is really strange to walk past Deloras house and not see her wave to us. By the time I got medications for Lucky, Tipper's Vetoryl , and Toby's antibiotic I spent almost 500.00. It never ends. I don't like running short on medications though because I am not close to anything. I had to get flea protection for Toby too. This stuff is just all way too expensive. Toby is out cold as I am typing this. I can't wait until his hair is done, I hate my dogs not looking clean and brushed. We are going to rest tonite as tomorrow will be near 70 and rain in the afternoon so we will be walking in the morning and pitting the day collar on for evening. Blessings

03-31-2014, 08:20 PM
glad that toby is home and eating. is he an old dog?
3 walks for tipper sounds great!
do you groom toby yourself?
500 dollar again......it is a lot of money!
hope the 3 of you will have a quiet night.

03-31-2014, 10:34 PM
So glad Toby is all finished...poor guy all zapped out from the anesthesia. Glad he got some special supper eaten before he fell asleep. How nice Tipper got so much time outside today..she probably loved that, I hope she has a good night's sleep after all the exercise.


03-31-2014, 10:42 PM
Hopefully all is quiet for you tonight with Tipper being tired from the walks and Toby the anesthesia. Try to get some rest.
70 tomorrow! I am so jealous. :)

I know that it's strange not seeing Delora, I hope that you can manage to visit her and do talk with the social worker there.

04-01-2014, 09:46 AM
Hi Everyone;
Well my little Toby had a great sleep, good breakfast, and a better walk. I brushed him out, but he looks like a shaggy mop. Can't wait until Friday to get him groomed and he will look and feel good. He has to be on antibiotics a few days and then go back and have the Dr. check his mouth in 2 weeks to make sure no problems. Tipper wants to attack Toby again as she can smell his scent is different from at the vets. She went after him when he was in his crate, thank God she could not get at him!! That scent stuff sets her off every time, and when he goes to the groomers and has the clean shampoo smell etc. she really goes after him. They have been separated for many months now so no worry, all Tipper can do now is charge the gate in an effort to get him. Tipper had a good sleep but lots of that swallowing again and sticking her tongue out. I can hear her mouth sounds sticky, I wish to God I could figure this out!! I am making some stuffed peppers today. Maybe later this week I will take some to Delora she loves them. I miss seeing her when I walk, and think how pitiful her life has become. If God hears me her son will have his day reckoning. I am going to bath Tipper if it starts to rain and stays warm. I cannot stand a dog needing a bath, especially if they sleep in your bed!! Blessings

04-01-2014, 03:48 PM
Hi Everyone:
Drum roll please!!! Tipper my rock star walked four times today!!!! Of course she is passed out at the moment, but she was loving it outside. I gave her a bath when we were done and now she is beautiful. She never smells like a dog, she always has a sweet smell about her, and every time I kiss her I say to myself don't ever forget that smell Patti. Toby is worn out. Four walks is a lot for him as he is little with short legs, but he persevered. He is also conked out. It is a good day when the dogs are worn out. I talked to Delora. All she did was cry and say why did my son go on vacation? I wish things were different for her, but there is nothing I can do to ease her mind. Tomorrow we go for blood pressure so I hope
there are no yapping dogs in there. Blessings

04-01-2014, 03:52 PM
Go Tipper, Go!!

Yay for walks and good weather to walk in.

It's still cold and yucky up here, so the pugs are stuck inside for the most part.

04-01-2014, 09:43 PM
4 walks!! that will mean a good night sleep i hope.
is the bp measuring reliable since tipper is always so stressed at the vets? is it really necessary to do this?
i can not remember reading about any other member of this forum doing this. it sounds like such a stressful mission every time for the both of you.
it is still summer overhere, very awkward for this time of the year! [20+C]

04-02-2014, 12:58 PM
Hi Everyone:
Tipper had good blood pressure and weight. She has already done three walks today, and now is resting. She looks so nice after her bath. She has been making so many breathing noises at nite. I noticed before she starts with the tremors she has a change in her breathing pattern, it becomes deeper and more pronounced, then the tremors start. I hope she can continue to do as well as she
is right now so she can enjoy the summer. I have been living in my little bubble
again, where I just ignore the fact that she is sick. I have to do this at times to make it thru all of this. It's kind of a silent contentment that currently nothing is needing to be fixed. It's the " I can finally take a breath time." I still miss Grace really a lot, she would have had so much fun in the cat room this summer, with all the doors open to watch the birds. Blessings

molly muffin
04-02-2014, 05:04 PM
Yay, good blood pressure! :) Wish she wouldn't have the night time issues but she does seem to be energetic enough during the day and happy when she gets her walks.

Sharlene and molly muffin

04-02-2014, 06:06 PM
great thet tipper is in good shape despite the cushing disease.
and the walks will help her too.
how is her leg doing? no more trouble walking?

04-02-2014, 06:19 PM
Sometimes if she walks a lot she will favor that leg, or not put her foot flat and use her toes more. When she does that we stop. After she rests it seems to be better. It seems she is wearing herself out which is good, as I think she sleeps better. I pray she continues to do this well. Blessings

04-03-2014, 01:21 PM
Hi Everyone:
We are awaiting the arrival of the storm with damaging winds and hail. I gave Tipper a melatonin, and she has her dap collar on. God help us, I hope it works, as I don't need more issues to deal with. The dogs have had three walks and are done and resting. I like when they are worn out, that is good for them. I know Melatonin affects cortisol and I do not know Tipper's current number until next week, so I hope she would not go low from one dose. It's always something on the horizon to deal with!!! It is getting dark and they said there is possible tornado activity around us. Just what we need!! If this starts this early in the season, we are in trouble. If all else fails I will take her in the garage in the car as she seems to be secure in the car when it does this and we are out on the road. Blessings

04-03-2014, 01:38 PM
Worn out doggies are loved doggies. Tornado activities! That's scary. I hope that they pass you by.

molly muffin
04-03-2014, 06:14 PM
uh, you aren't thinking of going out and driving around in tornado weather are you??!!! I hope not.

Go in the car and sit I guess if you must but no going out in this mess!! Scared the bejebees out of me.
I hope the really bad stuff misses you completely and that the collar and melatonin help her.

Sharlene and molly muffin

04-03-2014, 07:20 PM
Hi Everyone:
Well the storm is postponed until tomorrow afternoon. Oh joy!! I will sit in the garage in my car with Tipper if I have to. She is going along ok right now except for the tremors. I have been researching the tremors as I am not liking this and looking for some type of help understanding what is going on when this happens and why. I will post when I find some relevant information. Even though he neurologist said just try not to pay attention, it is very hard when she sleeps up against me not to realize it is going on. In just feel it can't be good for her doing this every nite. It has been a steady rain for a few hours now. I just spoke to Delora. She is so confused it is terrible. She was not like this at home. She keeps telling me she is getting out and will be home. She is not eating much, and says the food is terrible, and starchy. I don't think she is going to make it too much longer, she is also declining physically. She keeps asking about her cat, she misses her. Toby gets clipped tomorrow yeah!!!!!! Last nite I forgot to give Toby his antibiotic from his dental and I gave it to him in his crate through the bars. Well Miss Tipper saw me and she thought he was getting some kind of treat that she did not get. She flew across the room and tried to get Toby try the bars, but was not successful. She can be be a little #@#* when she gets jealous.
I made sure to do it out of her sight tonite so no problems. I miss Grace, and think about her all the time. Blessings

04-03-2014, 08:59 PM
hope the storms will skip your village tomorrow, and you and tipper will have a quiet day.
is toby afraid too?
do they still update you about grace?
maybe you can wear her out with an extra long walk before the storm begins?
it is still humid and warm overhere.

04-04-2014, 10:00 AM
Hi Everyone:
Well Tipper has walked and was very jumpy listening to every noise and I know she can feel the pressure change and knows what is coming. She had a bad episode of tremors while starting to go to sleep so I am posting my research findings and want to get some feed back as to why your opinion is on the cause. These are the causes I found for tremors, I have been researching this for quite a while and narrowed it down to these things:
Damage to the cerebellum from disease. The cerebellum is at the base of the brain as is the pituitary.
Brain diseases can produce seizures that can manifest as persistent, but fine tremoring.
Tremoring releases stored glycogen/glucose to permit continued muscle contraction.
Can be caused by inflammation of the nerves.
Please review these and I would appreciate your opinion on which you feel could be the cause.
I hope you are reading this post Glynda as I would really like your input.
I also read that these tremors raise body temperature and can cause brain damage.
Thanks for taking the time to review this I need your input. Blessings

04-04-2014, 12:34 PM
Hi Everyone:
We are having a hard down pour but no thunder yet. I am keeping an close eye on Tipper to make sure she does not take her dap collar off. From Tipper having so many allergies when she was a puppy, I cannot use any nylon on her, so it must also include the vinyl material this collar is made of because she is scratching herself silly with it on. She just keeps scratching at her neck? I may have to remove it. I came in my room with her so she would lay down. I think the Melatonin is making her tired. I am already sick of this and this is the first day!! Blessings

04-04-2014, 06:28 PM
Hi Everyone:
Well Tipper kept scratching her neck so,I took the collar off. Within 15 minutes it started to thunder and I hurried and put it back on her. I am not sure if it kind of worked, or if it was because it was just a little bit of thunder, but she went to the closet and about a half an hour later I called her and she came our willingly. She also had a Melatonin in her. I hope this combo does as good when we get lots of
rolling thunder, but I have my doubt's. I am just thankful we made it thru today. This is going to be a real pain every time it rains with possible thunder. Then there is the little Toby boy who I picked up at the groomers and swore I had the wrong dog. I always take him there, and they know how I want him done. He shaved him with the clippers which I never do, and he looks like a badly bred poodle. I feel like it was a waste of money and I am really upset. I like this family that operates this but what the h??? I felt like asking the clipper what they were thinking when he comes there all the time and they know I do not want clippers but scissors. I guess the clippers are faster and easier and a good way to make a fast 50.00. I am sorry but for this little one horse town that is excessive to me to shave a dog in 15 minutes and make 50.00. If you are going to take your time and scissor cut him ok. I could have done a better job than this. My neighbor called this afternoon and said his daughter may have found a home for the cat. Oh great, I thought it would grow on him, but no it must not have. I need to make sure we can give her away, and I don't know how to do that??? Delora is very confused, and I am not contacting the son, I would rather drink bleach. Everything is all quiet now and all the rain has stopped. They said snow tonite, I thought I was hearing things! Blessings

04-04-2014, 09:11 PM
The Pituitary gland is not at the back base of the brain where the cerebellum is. The pituitary is at the front base below the cerebral cortex, pretty much in back of where the dogs eyes are.
Wow..how come the groomers did something different with Toby's cut? Did they say why they used a clipper on him since they never did that before.
It's funny, ever since Trixie's cortisol is more controlled she is less afraid of the loud rain. We had one big clap of thunder the other night and she didn't seem to react. It was just one clap though so I'll have to judge when we have more of a real thunder storm. She usually goes to hide when she hears pounding rain but she hasn't done that for awhile. Hope your storms are over for tonight.
I also thought your neighbor would've started to enjoy the company of the Delora's cat...well hopefully a good home is found for her by the daughter.
Hope Tipper and the rest of your gang all have a good night.


04-04-2014, 10:52 PM
snow again? that is not fair...
maybe dolora can meet with the people that want her cat, and give her permission. it still is her cat. maybe you can check those people first.
i hope it will work out that way.
i do work with a family with kids who seemed to be sick from "'a kids virus"'
and now i am bleehh!! hopefully it will be over tomorrow.
i am too old for that.....not a kid anymore....
hope you will have a dry night without thunder.

04-05-2014, 12:21 AM
Patti, I would call the home where Delora is and ask if she can have the cat there or if you can bring it for a visit before they give it away.

I would say something about Toby's cut. You paid for it and didn't get the quality that you paid for. The family knows you and should make it right.

04-05-2014, 12:31 PM
Hi Everyone:
It is very cold here but Tipper did walk with a coat on. There is snow coming down real fine. Tipper really had the tremors last nite. I am hoping someone seeing my post on the tremors gives me feedback on what they think the cause could be. I got an emai this morning from the people that have Gracie. They sent some pictures of her new bed, and the lady crocheted her a blanket. They are making a nice home for her, and think she is the best cat ever. I am happy for Gracie's sake, but I cry when viewing her picures, I miss her. I am going to try and walk Tipper again. I have to watch her with Toby, she does not like his hair cut and wants to go after him thru the gate. I never thought it would get this cold again. I will have to call Delora as she was upset that her son has not come for days now. I am making some pulled pork out of a pork shoulder and the dogs can smell it cooking, and both keep crying for some. I just cooked my own barbeque sauce to put on it. Blessings

04-05-2014, 12:49 PM
The picture the surgeon gave me showing the pituitary in a dog is at the base of the brain. He does the operation thru the rear of the roof of the mouth which would be at the base of the brain. It is not near the cerebellum, but are you thinking of the location in people as that may be different?? We are having fine snow still, hope you do not get it! Blessings

04-05-2014, 01:15 PM
it is at the front of the dog's brain and below the cerebral cortex which comes forward and kind of curls at the forehead area..below that is where the pituitary gland is. Pretty much located between the back of the throat and the eyes, so yes they would go up thru the roof of the mouth.
You had mentioned the cerebellum and pituitary being at the base of the brain in your post about tremors. The cerebellum being what we think of as the base of the brain...in back where the spinal column would descend, whereas the pituitary is in the front..that's all I was saying, the brain stem would separate the back from the front. It is actually the same location as in a human brain.

No snow here....sunny and beautiful, cool and breezy, a perfect spring day. Trixie had a long time off leash and I'm sure we'll be out again later. Just right for her...kind of cool the way she likes it. Hope the snow stops by you, maybe tomorrow will be better dog walking weather.


molly muffin
04-05-2014, 01:45 PM
Hi Patti,

I really am not sure about the tremoring, but one question, is her tremors less when her cortisol is higher?
I am thinking this might affect any inflammation of the nerves, if they are less when the cortisol is higher.
Tremors releasing glucose to induce continued tremors, possible. Does Tipper have any glucose spikes?

Sharlene and molly muffin

04-05-2014, 04:06 PM
I have not seen anything with glucose spikes, but her glucose on her CBC has been inching up.I will have to watch as I think her cortisol is lower now, she gets her next ACTH Wednesday. I thought maybe if the cortisol was lower it would make inflammation in the nerves?? This is very perplexing. I appreciate your help. Blessings

molly muffin
04-05-2014, 04:45 PM
I don't think low cortisol is Make inflammation, but it might uncover inflammation, or not help to reduce it, just as it does in arthritis. A dog with arthritis, feels better with a big higher cortisol. Lower it and bham, they have a hard time getting around. It doesn't Cause the arthritis, it just no longer covers it, or even perhaps help in the reduction of any inflammation.

So, it's a bunch of theory thrown out and feel free to discard, but I'm all about the logic and common sense as that will often clarify issues for me, when I'm finding things perplexing.

Sharlene and molly muffin

molly muffin
04-05-2014, 06:33 PM
Hi Patti,

I was just thinking about this cat issue and I don't know that a home for it should be found without some kind of consultation with the family or Delora. What if they wanted the cat and to take it home and then accused you of stealing it or something like that? Just think it might be good to walk carefully with them.

Sharlene and molly muffin