View Full Version : Tipper - adrenal tumor/breathing issues
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01-19-2014, 05:05 PM
Hi Everyone:
Tipper is having a nap right now. She seems to be doing a little better on her leg today, she is putting her foot flat on the floor more times than not. I wish I could just keep her from thinking about running and jumping for a while. I was calling to check on Delora and she was not answering. I just got ready to run up there and she picked up the phone. She has been sleeping a lot and very tired so she did not hear the phone, she is almost deaf. She is ok just not sounding like herself. I hope if she passes it is in her sleep as she is very scared right now and I feel so sorry for her. Wow no one told me when a Main Coon throws up a hairball stay out of the way!! It was like an explosion of food like I have never seen. Sorry maybe TMI but I was really taken back by how much they throw up . It always has to be on the carpet too! She sits in my office by the window and looks up at the birds eating at their feeder and she slinks around like she is going to pounce and catch one, she it too cute. I think this is the first time she has had access to a window which is pitiful. I will get her a cat window perch later after she sheds a few lbs and she can get in it. I will have to get a super heavy duty one for her size! My other cats have one, but she would break it she is so big. have to take Tipper out in the frozen Yukon to go potty so I am hoping this weather does not freeze her leg up like last time. Blessings
01-19-2014, 07:22 PM
hopefully you don't need a lot of appointments at the laser therapist anymore for tipper. and with all the costs for this new cat........
besides from the cushing tipper sounds in pretty good shape.
when the leg problem is solved, you will have a puppy again.....
sleep well tonight!
01-19-2014, 10:39 PM
Glad to hear Tipper's leg seems to be feeling better.
Praying for Delora.
01-19-2014, 10:40 PM
Oh Patti!
I laughed out loud at your description of Grace's hairball.
Thankfully, Annie has only left me that kind of present once. Gracie actually cries before she lets loose, makes me wonder if it hurts her.
Hahahha, I can't stop laughing :-)
01-20-2014, 12:06 PM
Hi Everyone:
I just took Tipper for her Adequan shot. I think I need an apartment above the vets office. I am there 2-3 times a week think of the gas I will save. I forgot about it and it just popped up on my computer. So we don't have to go Wednesday. Tipper lost weight YEAHHHHHHHH!!!!! She also had good BP again. I have bad news on another front to report though. Grace be able to stay here. I have to find her a home. I got her blood results while I was there. I had specifically asked for a Corona test as I have know about it for 30 years or more. If a cat tests positive for a corona titre then that means is has a 30% chance of shedding FIP during it's lifetime. Feline infectious Perotinitis which has no cure and will kill your cat. I cannot take that chance as much as I love her and would love nothing more than to keep her she has to go. I will have her teeth done Wednesday and see after they swab her eyes if she has anything else so the person I give her to knows what is going on. This is preventable and I could just scream. I wish I could find that lady I would be strangling her right about now. If the cat would have been vaccinated and only kept indoors around no other cats that did have the same shots etc. she would be able to stay here. This poor baby. That is why I have found animals to be better than some people. So she will be an only cat somewhere for the rest of her life. I must now start finding potential people for her. It is not fair she is in a room alone. Tipper's leg is getting better, she still holds it funny, but she is walking better. It just sleeted if you can believe it, and the roads are slick so Tipper cannot walk today. I watched her last nite and she fell asleep early and so did I but it seems it may have been the second nite with no seizure activity that I could see. I am hoping she did not do it when I fell asleep and the meds are working- could we really be this fortunate??? God I sure pray we are. Please pray I find sweet Grace a suitable home as I will be very picky where she goes. Blessings
01-20-2014, 01:41 PM
Awwww Patti,
That sucks about Grace.
I hope that you can find her a good home!
Can the vets help with that? Many let you put up a poster in their offices.
Good news for Tipper!!!!!!
01-20-2014, 02:20 PM
Hi Everyone:
I though I was bummed about Grace well now I am really more than bummed. I am devastated for my poor little lady neighbor Delora. He wonderful Pastor son called her and told her to forget the chemo as she does not have long to live. May her rot in Hell yes I did say it and I mean it!!! The poor thing. I have to find her cat a permanent home now too. Her son will take it in the woods and shoot it. I am just sick over this news, what a way to comfort your mother that gave you life!!!! I still am hanging onto to the good news about my girl though, I have been very blessed with that. It is a solid sheet of ice outside as we had sleet all day. I have to carry Tipper to the spot and put her down to go potty and it is not easy holding her and making sure we both don't go down. I can feel the temperature dropping. God help old people that have children like this pastor. Blessings
molly muffin
01-20-2014, 02:36 PM
Oh my god! That is terrible. Can't Delora make her own medical decisions as to whether to have chemo or not? Why does her son have the right to say, no you can't have treatment? Dude is seriously messed up. :(
I'm so sorry Patti. This is just too much for anyone to have to bear. :(
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
01-20-2014, 02:38 PM
Please call those numbers that I gave you asap.
Your neighbor's son is abusing her and this can't be allowed to happen and you have enough to deal with. Let the professionals take over please but those calls need to be made right away for her sake please.
Her son is a piece of crap. I wonder what his parishioner's would think?
Squirt's Mom
01-20-2014, 02:50 PM
I think I would show up at his church and give a testimonial to just what kind of "christian" he is. But then, I'm an old B_____!
If he has power of attorney there isn't anything she or anyone else can do unless they take him to court and can prove he does not have her best interest at heart. :(
01-20-2014, 04:00 PM
That's not true. A social worker can get involved and should get involved. You would be amazed at what they can do or the contacts that they have.
Budsters Mom
01-20-2014, 04:22 PM
He probably has a power of attorney and can make informed decisions about her care. I would still alert social services anyway and have them look into it. I would do it right away. I would have to do it because I'm a mandatory reporter for any kind of suspected abuse. They could at least investigate and find out if her sons decisions are in her best interest. You can't do this Patti. You need to get the system involved. That is what they are there for.
Squirt's Mom
01-20-2014, 04:29 PM
My brother had POA over my mom and he put her in assisted living against her wishes, against the wishes of the rest of the family and against her doctor's advise. He had full power over every facet of her life. Unless we could prove he did not have her best interest at heart, there was nothing we could do.
01-20-2014, 04:50 PM
I believe that unless a person has been declared legally incompetent or physically/mentally unable to communicate their wishes, they have the right to revoke a POA at any time (both financial and medical POA). At the least, the incapacity typically requires a physician's documentation to that effect. I don't know how this plays out in Delora's case, but I didn't want people to think that just because they execute a POA, they've automatically turned their life over to somebody else forever. They have to be declared incapacitated before the POA kicks in. Before that, they remain in charge of their lives, can change their minds at any time, and can"fire" the POA.
01-20-2014, 05:04 PM
Hi Everyone:
Well I can tell you that Delora knows how her son is, but everything I say to her like make your own decisions she sticks up for him. It is a hopeless battle. She is not very educated, a little country woman whose husband did everything. Delora did very little and now that her husband passed she is at the mercy of her son who she dearly loves and thinks he would do nothing to harm her. If I get social works involved I will probably not be allowed to see her anymore as he will know it is me as I am the only one helping her. I would not want that as I have looked after her for 6 years now. I need to think this over tonite while I am sure I will be wide awake.
I am wanting some opinions on this subject in the event I decide to have Tipper's teeth cleaned. She has two larger fatty cysts. One on her back, the other on her knee on the good back leg. Is it wise to have them removed or do you think I am setting myself up for possible CC issues if they do not heal well?? I have always had them removed before she got Cushings when she has her yearly cleanings, but this is different now. Has anyone else done this and had any problems with healing?? Tipper teeth were cleaned every year in February. I never cleaned them when she got Cushings as so many things were going on and I was scared because of the heart murmur etc. to put her under. her mouth smells and I know it is from no cleaning. What do you think of this?? I do brush her teeth every day with CET and it is not helping. It is not coming from inside her according to the IMS. So what are the opinions on what to do here? I don't want my dog not waking up just to get her teeth cleaned but understand the importance of it. Poor Grace is purring away at my feet , she is like a dog. She is the sweetest cat ever, I hate doing this to her, but at least she will have her teeth clean and be up to date on vet care etc. I just hate having her go somewhere else. Lots of dilemmas! Blessings
01-20-2014, 09:21 PM
i am sorry to hear that you have to look for an other home for grace, but it sounds as an uncomplicated cat with a good nature.
must not be to difficult to rehome a cat like her with e.g. an elderly person where she will receive lots of attention. . she sounds like a quiet cat.
i have no experience with teeth cleaning for my dogs or cats [barf] , so i can not give you advice on this matter.
when it is not really necessary, i won't sedate my 12 year old cushing dog. if you brush them everyday, the teeth can not be too dirty can they?
no experience with fatty cysts either.....can't they stay put if they do not bother her? how large are they?
good to hear that tippers new meds do their work and the both of you are sleeping better.
i can imagine that the both of you do need some time-out from the vet for a while to relax and heal from all the physical exams.
be careful outside, so you don't break a leg or worse......your animals can not miss you.......
01-20-2014, 11:23 PM
Patti, I think that the general rule with the cysts is to leave them alone unless they bother Tipper like hampering movement or get sore etc.
Maybe they can do a very light sedative to clean her teeth? I would ask.
The fact that Delora's son told her that she is not to bother with chemo is not in her best interests and any social worker should know this. They absolutely can get involved regardless of who is POA.
01-21-2014, 08:19 AM
Hi Everyone:
Well it seems that Tipper did not have any episodes before I fell asleep so I am hoping she stayed that way after I went to sleep. I am so wanting these meds to stop this for her and me as it is so hard to watch. Tipper insists she wants to jump up on the bed again and we are having a real time of fighting about it. I don't mean to yell at her but she scares me so. I am still limiting her mobility and she is becoming angry with me because of it. I just thank God every day that she is as good as she is after all she has been thru. She will have to have her ACTH, Thyroid panel, Blood work, Urine etc done at the end of the month. I am giving her a break in between what all went on in the hospital before she has a nervous breakdown. I think her dose may have to go back to 30 mg Vetoryl even though that made her low on her top number. She is starting to get hungry 2 hours before her nitely meal and that is not a good sign. You can pretty much read her by her clinical signs as they come on stronger than other dogs may. I am still very sick over Grace. Tomorrow she goes to get her teeth done. Someone will be very fortunate to get such a loving and wonderful cat. She will makes someone very happy. She is tired of staying in my office though so this must end after she is cultured etc. and she has to move on unfortunately. I have been crying when thinking about it. She has had a hard life so far, and is still loving and sweet after all she has been thru. She loves being able to see out the window. Hope everyone stays safe and warm with this new clipper coming along. Blessings
01-21-2014, 05:13 PM
Hi Everyone:
Well Tipper started getting hungry again for her 6 o'clock at 4:30, so I think the cortisol is rising again and I may have to revert back to the 30mg Vetoryl as we are at 20 Vetoryl and 8 trilostane now. I hate to do it as it makes her top number go low. I had to leave her as she is getting really pushy wanting to eat so I know the signs to well. I am going to try to stick it out until the end of the month ACTH. I do not want her uncontrolled though so I will see what happens in the next few days. I so not want her to have to have 2 ACTH's if I can get it to one, as she has had enough already.
Well my neighbor Delora called me with some more concerning news. She told me that her son got her Leaves for Lives and that she should take that instead of Chemo. I read up on this stuff and read a lot of bad things. I knew he was going to talk her out of it. The bad part is she is trying to please him so he loves her by doing what he says. I told her how I felt about all of it and she said I have my mind made up and I am doing it. There is no need to call a social worker as she is going to listen to him until her death. His word is good and when someone else tells her it isn't she chooses to believe him. There is nothing else anyone can do if she believes him. I am not going to make myself a nervous wreck if she does everything he tells her. It is out of my hands now, and God will have to intervene. He is the most evil of people I have known. This will come back to him as it always does Karma will get him in the end. I just feel so badly that she is so naïve to his crap. Grace is on her back purring again as I type. She is the most pleasant, sweet natured girl, why did this have to happen to her??? I really wish with all my heart she could stay and have a good life. I guess it was not meant to be. I am all ready to take her in the morning. I will have someone watch Tipper when I drop Grace off. I will get her around 3pm to come home. I put an ad out for her to find her a new home- I just want to cry she is so nice. God Help her. Blessings
01-21-2014, 07:05 PM
hi patti, i have to fight with ian too about jumping into the car. they don't understand why they can't do this anymore by themselves.
since he is on 30 mg vetoryl, he does not beg for food anymore.
hope you can find a good home for grace soon with nice people. maybe the vet will allow you to put an ad on their website and/or in the waiting room. my vet has a message board for that.
it is good that you are both sleeping well, so you can recover from everything.
hope the weather is not too bad in your area. [it is +5c. overhere]
there were 2 bills from the vet in the mail. 1 reminder and one new one. i have to find the currage to open them..................
molly muffin
01-21-2014, 08:47 PM
It sounds like the medication is helping Tipper at night and you are both getting some good sleep.
I hope that you are able to find Grace a good home. She will make someone a wonderful pet and I hope they love her and give her the best of everything.
Well, if Delora is going to be stubborn and not want to help herself, then there isn't much anyone can do, she probably wouldn't work with any social workers to help herself either. That is too bad, but in a way I understand it. After her husband died, I'm sure that she felt her son is all she has in way of family. A lot of elderly are not going to go against that even in their own best interest. I don't agree, it just makes me feel sad, but I do understand. :( :(
Hang in there and just try to relax and enjoy your own life for a bit.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
01-21-2014, 09:19 PM
I'm so glad that Tipper is free of seizures!!!!
Hoping that someone kind will come through for Grace soon.
I have a rule, I help those who are making an effort to help themselves. I would still alert social services and tell them everything, including this medicine that her son got for her and what you've read about it. After this, focus on your own life and let Delora be. Her son can arrange everything from now on. I would still find a home for her cat though if the need arises.
I know that I sound harsh but I've been in your place. Nothing good came out of it, just more stress for me.
01-22-2014, 07:34 AM
Hi Everyone:
Well no seizure activity last nite, but and that is a big but, I fell asleep early. I don't know if I am so tired I am missing this now or if the meds are working so I will keep my tired self up tonite to check out the situation as I need to know to report this to the Dr. if it is working or not. I pray it is and that I never have to see her do this again. It is heartbreaking to watch this. Tipper is wanting outside and acting up and being naughty. It is so frigid that is not even possible. I have a hard enough time carrying her to go potty. She wants to romp around and I understand that. I have to take Grace this morning and she is miffed at no food. If you would see the size of her you would understand. She put her paw under the door and started shaking the door like crazy the dogs went nuts. She wants her food and she is letting me know. I hope someone will give her a good home vet said you are paying for all her vet care and giving her away? I said yes, I can't afford it but she needs it. I thought he may said he would do it for free, but no chance. I said it is my little part in helping an animal have a better life on this earth. If everyone did a little it would make a big impact. Nothing was said after that. I am getting ready to take her. I will not allow my boys access to this room once she is gone for a month to make sure all germs are gone after I clean it up. I am just so sorry she is leaving I have grown very fond of her she is easy to love. The weather is horrible and we will have to go slow as I am sure the roads are icy. Blessings
01-22-2014, 09:41 AM
Hi Everyone:
My vet just called me he is working on Grace. He said she is the most beautiful cat he has ever seen and so sweet he may have a home for her. I pray he does maybe he will give me a discount too. He is cleaning her teeth now, so pray for dear Grace that she has no more problems. I am still fretting over her, she is the nicest cat I have ever run into, what a pity people do not vaccinate and take care of these majestic animals these people make me sick literally. I just feel terrible that this happened to her. Blessings
01-22-2014, 11:59 AM
That would be wonderful for Grace if the vet had a home for her!
01-22-2014, 02:30 PM
Hi Everyone:
Grace is still at the vets. She had a molar with infection, and infection in her jaw too. Also he cleaned her eyes out, and her eyelids were full of lipids. He expressed them out. He said that is a first for any cat he has seen. She will need eye meds and antibiotics. The cause of the lipids is being too fat and a fatty diet.
Poor Grace she has had such a bad life. Thank God I can help her in some small way. It makes me sick the number of people who don't take care of their pets, and here we are doing everything we can to keep ours alive. It just makes no sense to me. Blessings
01-22-2014, 02:43 PM
Hi Patti
Thank goodness Grace found you to help her does this mean you will still re-home her when she is better? It is wonderful you were there to help her.
Diana & Teddy xxx
molly muffin
01-22-2014, 02:43 PM
That would be wonderful if the vet has a good home for Grace. Your worries would be over on that front. Although I know you will miss her terribly.
Glad Tipper didn't have any more seizures last night. I'm inclined to think that either she is not having Any or they are very mild because previously you have been woken from sleep when she is having seizures. So, if you aren't being woke up now, then something is different. (just my thoughts)
Sharlene and molly muffin
01-22-2014, 02:46 PM
Sorry Patti I missed the post you posted above the one I replied to I see it says the vet may of found her a home I do hope so. X
01-22-2014, 08:58 PM
is grace awake and at home with you again? i hope the vet has found her a good home. she sounds as a very lovely cat. hope he will give you a large discount since she is a rescue and the dental work was more complicated than you thought.
he knows how much tippers illness costs you.........
i hope the roads were cleaned from ice and snow.
do you have to make that trip again tomorrow with tipper for her laser treatment?
hope at least you all sleep well.
01-22-2014, 09:19 PM
Awww, I'm so glad that the vet is able to help! Grace sounds wonderful and that poor baby! Too bad that you didn't get the name of those losers who had her, your vet could've sent them the bill and reported them to animal control!
I hope that he can give you a break.
As for Tipper not having seizures - you have always heard her when she has so it sounds like the meds are working :) Yeah!!!
01-23-2014, 09:05 AM
Hi Everyone:
Well I stayed up last nite and have to report that Tipper did have seizures. She had 2 small ones while I was awake watching, so they are not gone unfortunately. I up her medicine to a full tablet tonite though and we will see after a week of that. It is really disappointing , but I guess that she has been having them and it did not wake me up. So back to the drawing board we go. She is getting miserable with no walking and being confines so she does not jump. She is acting out and beating up her toys and digging on the rug- all the attention getters. I know how she feel as she ahs always walked and this is awful for her.
Grace moaned a little last nite, and she wanted the bandage off her leg. She was all happy when I took it off. She has settled in again, and is her sweet self. This is killing me to make her move. The vet was unable to find someone to take her. I brushed her hair this morning, gave her some soft food, and put her meds in her eyes which she hates. It is an ointment and must temporarily blurr her vision and scares her. Other than that she is fine and all fixed up and ready to be a wonderful companion to someone. I can see she has taken off some weight since she has been cut down on food. This is all good. She needs to be put on a quality low cal food and monitored carefully as to the amount given. I did not sleep well last nite and have to take Tipper to therapy this afternoon. I will have to drag myself there. I must try and find Grace a home by this weekend it is not fair she is closed in one room and she wants out. I have a friend back in Pittsburgh I may try her, but that would mean driving all the way back there. Oh well she must have a permanent home. I got the 500.00 bill from the vet yesterday and he gave me no breaks whatsoever, so much for his big heart. Blessings
01-23-2014, 12:00 PM
Hi Patti,
Catching up on your news...I've been dealing with my mother in law who fell and broke her leg. She's in rehab now, so I've been back and forth to see her there.
I am so sorry about Grace. Those stupid people who had her were abusive pet owners...guess that was obvious when they were going to just dump her in the dead of winter.
Well...sorry you still saw some seizures but it does seem like there's been an improvement with the medication, I hope that upping a bit will help even more.
Super cold and I'm forcing the Trixie to wear her sweater. Doing very short walks and she's bored inside. We have a foot of snow in the park but it's just too cold to have Trixie outside so she's forced to stay in and tear up paper bags and play tug of war with me! Hope you and your babies keeping warm. I'm hoping you find Grace a good home and someone who will love her like you do.
01-23-2014, 12:42 PM
Hi Everyone:
Oh Lordy!!! Now my other elderly neighbor the man is sick real bad with the flu and bronchitis. He is really sick as he is diabetic and it hit him hard. I am calling to check him and made two different soups vegetable and wedding and put on his porch as I can little afford to be sick. I put it on his porch and he got it after I left. I was in the process of trying to talk him into taking Gracie too. He is very kind and could use the company since she is more dog like she would have it good as I can look in on her and still see her. We will see. For now he has to get better, he went to the Dr. and got meds so I hope they do the trick. I will not take her there until he is better, but want to know today if he wants her as this is unfair to her and she wants out of this room bad. I know he is older, but I cannot find anyone else, and I would place her if anything happened to him. She is on her back laying and purring up a storm. The weather is awful and we just got a wind alert until 12:00 tomorrow. I have to take Tipper out in this to therapy, and she must go so I will have to suck it up and take her. Blessings
01-23-2014, 09:44 PM
hi patti, did you manage to drive to tippers therapy and back safe? is her leg better again as a result of the therapy? no walking would bore my dogs to death too.
if your neighbour wants grace, you can keep an eye on her and keep in touch. the weather sounds terrible.
we had a cold drizzle today, but it is still +2c. so no slippery roads.
hope the full seizure pill will do the trick.
i am disappointed that the vet charged you everything he did for grace, considering you are one of his main customers i think, and the fact that grace is a vet is acting more commercial also. i still get discounts, but nothing for free anymore.....
01-23-2014, 10:00 PM
2 small seizures is definitely an improvement for Tipper. I hope that your neighbor takes Grace. That poor cat has been through enough. Good luck today and be safe.
01-24-2014, 08:34 AM
Hi Everyone:
Well I took Tipper to therapy yesterday. The therapist said she is ok to be loose in the house. I am so worried as she is wild after this confinement and have to watch her carefully. If she hurts this again I will scream. The therapist said she felt her ACL where it crosses over her knee and she has no swelling. She said she ahs responded well. Tipper was bother by the laser yesterday though and something is hurting her, could be on her back. As she was touchy there. Also I thought I noticed a small red spot on her Koochie yesterday. She may be sore there for some reason as when I tried to look she snapped. I will have to get her in a head lock and put some zinc oxide on it. It was funny I told the therapist yesterday and she kept trying to get a look at it and Tipper would put her tail way down so she could not see, so the therapist shot it with the laser a little bit to start it healing. Which gave me a brain storm idea. Could cold laser therapy possibly help CC heal since it rejuvenates the cells??? I am going to ask her next time as this may help Dawn and Renee etc. I am still searching for a home for Grace. She want out of this room. God she is sweet and loving and so funny. Tipper did have some small seizures last nite and the cortisol is climbing as she is moving all over the bed and being hungry. I do not know if I should do 20 mg Vetoryl and 9mg trilostane as we are at 28 combined now or go back to the 30 mg which made her pre number low??? I would like some opinions please on what you would do?? This is just a balancing act all the time it wears you out. It is frigid and snowing here. The roads were bad on the way home yesterday. Glad we do not have to go out until
next week. Pray I find Grace a home. Blessings
My sweet Ginger
01-24-2014, 08:54 AM
Hi Patti, I hope the full tab will work for Tipper. Every time it makes me laugh when I read about her beating up her toys to express her dissatisfaction about something.:D:D:D I wish I could see that. None of my babies do that. Hopefully the weather will get warmer so Tipper can have her walks as she really needs them. BTW, your vet is in the wrong profession, he should be in a cut throat kind of business!:mad:
molly muffin
01-24-2014, 08:56 AM
What about splitting the dose more? Instead of 20/8 how about 14/14, same over all dosage but splitting it more evening through the day?
Interesting idea on the laser therapy and cc. I was trying to remember if any of the members have tried that in the past.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
01-24-2014, 11:08 AM
I tried the split dosage before and does does better on one in the morning for some reason. So it has to be one dose of either 30mg Vetoryl, or 20mg Vetoryl and 9mg tirilostane. Don't know which to do and hate to buy more trilo and it does not do it. Hate to give her 30 vetoryl and make her pre low. It is just a catch 22. Blessings
01-24-2014, 12:55 PM
Hi Everyone:
I just looked up Grace's eye meds and I am soooo disappointed in my vet. He knows I am treating her out of the kindness of my heart and her charged me 35.00 for her meds which cost 17.00. I just get so sick of his crap that it makes me so angry. He knows I need this money for Tipper and over extended myself to be humans and help this poor cat. You would think he would have given me a discount!! No he over charges me!! It makes me sick at my stomach knowing he had no empathy for this cat. Tipper is napping I let her have the run of the house and she definitely smells Grace, but cannot see her so that is good. She is happier not that she is free, but I am scared of her jumping on the sofa. I am watching her like a hawk. Blessings
molly muffin
01-24-2014, 06:40 PM
Oh that is so disappointing that he over charged you for Grace's medicine :( I bet that his office has a set price that he charges for medications and unless someone questions or the vet comes out and says explicitly to not charge that much, that they just do it. The only way that you get a regular price is by saying, this is what I'd pay here or here for the same thing. I wonder if they would refund you?
Okay I see what you mean. You need to a larger dose in the AM. Do you have some 1 - 2mg doses to try to add to?
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
01-24-2014, 11:01 PM
the over charging is indeed disappointing , i do not understand why your vet is acting like this. [well i]
i hope tipper will keep her 4 legs on the floor.
glad that the laser therapy is working for her leg. is tipper almost finished with her therapy?
sleep well.
01-25-2014, 07:43 AM
Hi Everyone:
I just looked up Grace's eye meds and I am soooo disappointed in my vet. He knows I am treating her out of the kindness of my heart and her charged me 35.00 for her meds which cost 17.00. I just get so sick of his crap that it makes me so angry. He knows I need this money for Tipper and over extended myself to be humans and help this poor cat. You would think he would have given me a discount!! No he over charges me!! It makes me sick at my stomach knowing he had no empathy for this cat. Tipper is napping I let her have the run of the house and she definitely smells Grace, but cannot see her so that is good. She is happier not that she is free, but I am scared of her jumping on the sofa. I am watching her like a hawk. Blessings
I wish all vets could be as loving and selfless as the beautiful people on this site... But alas, there is always a bottom line :( I don't think people understand the love between an owner and a dog until they've experienced what we experience. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers patti. Xoxo
01-25-2014, 08:22 AM
Hi Everyone:
The vets office does have set prices for things unless the vet writes otherwise, and in my case he did. Tipper has one more therapy session then she will go back to once every 3 weeks unless something happens. She tried to jump yesterday but I caught her. She is throwing her toys in the air and beating them on the floor to get her frustration level across to me. Believe me I am getting the message, but can't do anything about it. We have 40 mile and hour wind and snow, and temps around 7 so she cannot go out. last nite she had the second of a whole pill for her seizures and had many little ones all thru the nite. I am not sure if this is even working, maybe just mentally! I am disappointed because it is really hard watching this nite after nite and not worrying. I will email the neurologist in 5 days and tell him what is going on to see what the next step will be. I called a cat rescue near me to see if they have any people waiting for a nice cat, no luck yet. I swear this is really hard to do. I saw something yesterday that I have to look into. It was an article stating that most cats that come form breeders or catteries have Corona virus already. If that is the case then my Chance sis come form a breeder and maybe when he gets his blood work soon we could throw that in there to check. If he has it then maybe I do not have to make Grace leave. The poor thing is being so patient waiting to get out of this room. She is just a delight of a cat. Yesterday she sat up like a big Budda- her belly was so big she could not sit up right, I should have taken the pictures as it was funny. She lets you brush and touch her anywhere unlike a lot of cats. She is more dog like than any cat I have ever had. Blessings
01-25-2014, 12:45 PM
Hi Everyone:
Well Tipper seems to want to make up for things since her confinement. She wants to jump up on the sofa and look out the window. I clearly cannot be with her every second and I am so worried she will reinjure herself. I have to let her be free for a while she is really depressed form being confined. She was always such a happy girl and enjoyed life, not so much anymore. I am trying to please everyone in the house and spend time with them all. Poor Grace, she needs out of this room and into a new house where she is free to roam. The weather continues to be miserable. The wind is not letting up either. Very boring day for the babies that have not been able to walk now for a long time. Toby's feet froze in seconds outside today when he went potty. He was picking up his back feet and walking on the front ones like he was doing a hand stand. Today is a good day to bake, but I just don't feel like doing anything. This has me all worn out already. Oh God now I just got my tax bill!!! I cannot catch a break here. Blessings
01-25-2014, 10:49 PM
the weather sounds still terrible overthere.
the fact is that you can not explain to a dog why he or she can not do what ever they are used to do because of an injury. they feel fine and get really upset. it does not feel good to have to do this to them.
ian's hotspot has to be treated, but he gets very, very stressed!
he cried out loud, having a panic attack.
i really wish i did not have to do this. i hope this was the last time. i do not want him to hate me for it.
hope tipper is sleeping seizure free tonight, so you can have a proper rest too!
01-26-2014, 08:02 AM
Patti, as if you don't already have enough expenses :( :(, but what you said yesterday got me to thinking. Might you truly want to go ahead and just test the other kitties for Corona if it means Grace might be able to stay? Or maybe drawing blood from a cat is a pretty big deal and you don't want to have to do it unnecessarily.
I love kitties as does my hubby, but he goes all asthmatic with them so we can't have one of our own. But my family was a cat family my whole time growing up. Of course, I didn't pay any attention to their vet visits when I was a kid, though, so I don't know a thing about their blood draws or other testing. :o
01-26-2014, 08:13 AM
Hi Everyone:
Well we still are having some seizures at bed time. I wish they would just stop, but I feel we are going to have to go to plan B. I am getting ready with a letter to the neurologist with my questions and will send it Wednesday.
You are reading my mind. I read an article that said cats that come from breeders and catteries very often have been exposed to the corona virus. I am do to get Chance's blood work for his 6 month check up and I am going to throw a corona check in with it. I know for certain Lucky has not been exposed as he was tested before I left him come in the house with Chance for everything under the sun. I feel so bad for her and she sits by the window in this room looking out and is anxious to explore her new surroundings.
Tipper was very restless and up most of the nite. I don't know if it is because she had slept a lot in the day or it is the cortisol. I think it is the cortisol. Her Acth etc. is scheduled for Wednesday so we will see from there. Also I was looking at all Tipper's T4 results from the last 2 years she was always low normal so you think I should still test her thyroid?? Blessings
01-26-2014, 11:31 AM
Hi Everyone:
I am done shoveling a potty spot for the dogs. Tipper is really getting ansy not being able to walk. We never have a dull moment here. Elvis my normally sweet Yellow Naped Parrot decided to really bite me badly when I went to take him out today. I have had a million dogs bites, but the worst bite you will ever get is from a parrot his size. Their jaw power far surpasses a dog. Wow did that hurt. When I poured the peroxide on I went thru the roof. Needless to say Elvis will be in his cage the rest of the day and no one here is speaking to him. He knows he did something really bad. Thank God I am not scared by it as he would never get out again! I had to run out to the store for Delora. I can't just leave her there with no help, and her son has not even been back. She is bleeding again and the Dr. told her if she does she has to go to the hospital and they are going to use radiation on her. She has not told her daughter in law to take her yet!! I told her she has to listen tot he Dr. and it is falling on deaf ears! All I can do is help her with whatever I can and be her friend. My elderly man neighbor is getting better from the meds the Dr. gave him. I wish he would take Grace then I could see her, but he wants no animals. I will send his dinner over today to help him out. I am praying I find a way out of this mess for Grace.
01-26-2014, 08:32 PM
ouch, that sounds very painful! do you know what triggered him to bite you? is he a jealous parrot?
maybe your neighbour can take grace till you have found her a new home? sort of co-owner, maybe he will fall in love with her.................problem solved....
if your own cats were never exposed, it will be a risk introducing grace to their room and lives.
it has rained the whole day overhere, so dirty doggies.
a short walk in the rain and bedtime. they do not p and p in the garden.
01-27-2014, 08:39 AM
Hi Everyone:
Tipper had a really restless nite last nite like something was hurting or wrong, can't explain it. She moved all over the bed every few minutes so I think the cortisol is on the rise. We will know after her test on Wednesday. She did not have a lot of seizure activity, probably because she was never really in her Rem sleep as she kept moving about. I am almost ready to completely switch her to Fromm food by next week. We have taken this slow so she has no ill effects going on. I am hoping she will stay good on the total switch. We got more snow last nite and unbelievable winds. Tonite we are to go below 0 and more snow. Hope it is better for our trip to the vet Wednesday and Thursday is therapy. I have been brushing Grace and talking to her a lot and she does respond to my voice. This is a smart cat, and you can brush her anywhere or do anything on her and she never gets nasty or rattled. What a pity she was not cared for and would not be in this situation today. I am going to call a lady where I live she lives alone and ask her, she had a puppy she got rid of because she could not house break it, and Grace is like a dog that goes in litter so maybe it will work??? Delora is supposed to go for radiation if she continues to bleed, but she has not told her son yet. I told her she needs to do what the Dr. tells her or she will be gone even sooner. I just do not understand her reasoning unless she is resigned to dying and getting it over with? I have some black and purple marks where Elvis got me, and when I went to take him out today he was his old self and came right out with no problems. I told my girlfriend yesterday if he does it again he will be living elsewhere and she laughed and said that will be the day! I would never send him somewhere. I am hoping Wednesday comes soon as I think Tipper needs her dosage upped. I still have the 30mg Vetoryl and may need to go to it again and test more often unfortunately to check her pre does not go low again. I am thinking because the compounded version Trilostane is not always accurate maybe she is just not getting a dosage close enough to 30 to manage the cortisol.
molly muffin
01-27-2014, 01:31 PM
Hi Patti,
Maybe if you have to go to the 30mg again, then since the main concern is the pre, you could do just baseline cortisol, frequently and then full ACTH if the pre shows any problems, outside of the normal schedule of testing? That would allow you to know what is going on, without the full cost of the ACTH unless needed.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
01-27-2014, 01:34 PM
Good idea Sharlene. I just hate to put Tipper thru that all that time. It is so hard on them.
01-27-2014, 11:17 PM
hi patti, i hope you will find a dosage for tipper which will suit her well, so you and tipper can sleep better.
i hope that lady wants to take care of grace, that would be nice. plus you can visit her i hope.
i am only on the forum for 5 min. because it is 5 am overhere................[have been busy with the tax-forms.]
too much to worry about to go to sleep.
01-28-2014, 05:12 PM
Hi Everyone:
I thought I had a home for Grace, but it will not work out. I will continue trying. It is to be 7below tomorrow morning and Tipper and Chance have to go to the vets. I am hoping to get Tipper's Vetoryl regulated by early next week at the latest. I probably will go back to the 30mg Vetoryl. She needs to be controlled as I worry about more damage being done in her uncontrolled state. She is hungry an hour and a half early again today so I know what is doing this. I guess it is nice to sometimes live in a bubble though. Tipper's both back feet froze immediately upon going out to go potty. I had to carry her and she is no light weight anymore. I am guessing she will be up tonite and all around the bed again. I am waiting for the thyroid test until she starts on the new food not mixed with the old and give her a week on it to see if it starts to make a difference for her. Stay safe and warm everyone. Blessings
01-28-2014, 05:33 PM
Just wanted to let you know I'm praying for you and Tipper. And hoping for Grace to get that new home soon.
Try to stay warm.
01-28-2014, 05:51 PM
Prayers coming your way as always Patti.
Good luck at the vets today!
molly muffin
01-28-2014, 07:22 PM
Fooey, sorry that things didn't work out for Grace. What about putting a notice up in the area you live in? or at the vets office or even with some rescue organizations who might have applications from someone suitable.
I'm just throwing some ideas out.
Hope all goes well for Tipper and Chance's tests.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
01-28-2014, 10:15 PM
our vet has a messageboard for those cases in the waiting room and hall. flyer with picture of grace must get lots of attention i quess.
supermarkets do also have messageboards and pet stores [at least in my country] we also do have lots of re-homing sites for pets.
hope this will work out for grace.
good luck with your vet visit tomorrow, and a safe drive through the blizzard................bbbrrrrrrr!!
molly muffin
01-28-2014, 10:45 PM
Actually a pet store, independent or not, might be a good option too. My local independent pet store owner, does cat rescue. So you never know. :)
Sharlene and molly muffin
01-29-2014, 08:05 AM
Hi Everyone:
Well Tipper had a small episode of seizures early when she went to sleep. She did get some rest, so did I. I decided to go to the 30mg Vetoryl after her ACTH test today if it shows cortisol rising. I am afraid in the trilostane that she is not getting an accurate dose and when I think she is getting 8mg from it, it could according to studies on compounded drugs be only 4-5mg. I need to get this cortisol under control as her symptoms are thru the roof again and that seems the only way to do it. I just hope going form the trilo to all Vetoryl she does not plummet to far. Also I am taking my oldest cat along to the vet today. He gets an early detection profile every 6 months and is due. I am asking the vet to have the lab check for corona virus too. I read many cats form breeders already have it, wheich would mean Lucky does too and that Grace could stay. It is a long shot, but it is worth a try to save her anguish of moving again. I forgot to get urine from Tipper, so that means another trip this week, oh well! I always check her urine when doing the ACTH and blood panel. It is so frigid here I think 15 below is what they said on tv. Blessings
01-29-2014, 12:42 PM
HI Patti,
This super cold weather is making it hard to give the dogs some decent exercise isn't it? It was not as bad here this morning as by you...but still at 14 degrees I cannot take Trixie for more than an around the block walk.
After catching up on your posts I was wondering if the neurologist explained why the seizures would only happen at night? Do you ever notice Tipper having a seizure during the day when she's active? Just curious about that. Could it be when Tipper is lying down she is pressing a nerve that sets off a seizure? Seems like if was related to medication or anything else it would be more likely to happen anytime. Seizures are sometimes such a mystery!
Sorry about your parrot bite! There are nothing like parrot jaws. They can practically crack open a coconut, I know they can crack open nuts that need a hammer to open...very strong jaws! Awww...I bet Elvis was having some winter blues too!!
I don't want to hope your cats all have that corona virus...but I wish Grace could stay with you. I know you have enough on your plate...but the way she ended up in your car that day, seems like it was all meant to be. If she has to leave you I know you'll only put her with someone you trust.
I also think that the restlessness at night is a good marker about the cortisol maybe being a bit high. Now that Trixie is controlled she is so peaceful at night. She used to move around constantly when her levels were still high. Though with this weather and lack of exercise Tipper could just be restless too.
Seems like over the weekend we will finally have some moderation in the temps...I hope you do too.
01-29-2014, 01:30 PM
Hi Everyone:
Well Tipper had her ACTH and blood work so we will see about the Reticulocyte count now and the alt etc. She gained more weight and has to stop now, even the vet said this is unlike her. I have to get her all the way onto the new lower calorie food by next week. He said we need to test for thyroid on a Monday. I said after I recuperate from all this. Chance my cat will be 14 and he lost 1/2 lb and the vet is concerned, and I am too. He is small and that is a lot for a small cat to lose. He had his check up and blood work and a corona virus check. If Chance was exposed to it at the breeders that means he has had it for nearly 14 years and would have exposed my Lucky to it. He has never been sick with anything like that so if he has had it it has not turned into anything all this time and that is good. So this is Grace's last shot at staying here. I did everything I could and now it is in God's hands. I came out of there with my head reeling from a 1000.00 bill I had to pay for all this and Grace. I am busted, broke and any other words you can think of right now. I have to get some more money together for Tipper's thyroid panel and Lucky needs blood work and Toby. It never ends here. I will manage I always figure something out. I will have all the test results back by probably Friday, and I will go pick them up as I forgot Tipper's urine and have to take it. Blessings
01-29-2014, 05:30 PM
Hi Everyone:
Well we area having 40 -50 mile and hour winds. It is really bad out there. Tipper went in on my bed and I turned the electric blanket on for her and she is napping. That ACTH testing is the pits. It is really hard on them. I wish there was a much easier way that did not involve pain for these babies. Tipper gets these so often she is developing a submissive behavior and just sitting there in complete compliance. That kind of makes me sick when I think about it, but the vet told me that is how she is getting. She must be on about number 15 of them by now. The vet agreed to go back to the Vetoryl as we are not sure she is getting enough in the compounded trilostane. So I guess after Fridays results we will be going to the 30mg Vetoryl again. I feel so bad she gained weight again, but it is not from me giving her excess food. I will do the thyroid earlier next month she needs a break and so do I. She should be on her low cal food totally next week, I have given her nuggets and more nuggets the past two weeks so she should not have a reaction- at least I pray she doesn't. It is Grace's time now so I am going to pay attention to her for a while. She never must have been given toys. My boys play with toys every day and I interact with them. She does not even know what to do with one, and that is sad. Blessings
molly muffin
01-29-2014, 06:54 PM
Well I do hope that things work out with Grace, but then I don't want your cats to have anything dire either. :(
Maybe Tipper is just so use to the tests now that they don't scare her or freak her out at all. She isn't doing the cringe submissive is she?
Cold here today too but suppose to warm up to -5C for a high tomorrow. Of course with that comes snow. :) of course LOL
Stay safe and warm
Sharlene and molly muffin
01-29-2014, 08:40 PM
hi patti, it sounds logical to me that tippers weight gain comes from the lack of exercise because of her leg injury and the bad weather.
doesn't that sound more logical than a thyroid problem? it can save tipper a visit to the vet and you a lot of money? from what you describe tipper was always in pretty good shape.
i saw it with my dogs too. since flynn could not walk much anymore, the other dogs gained weight too. i hope this is the case with tipper too.
since the weather is ok, we can walk longer distances now. ian has lost 1 kg [2 pounds] last month. he still has to lose about 2 kg. he is on 30 mg vetoryl too and his pot belly is less pronounced now. he weighs around 13,5 kg [about 28 pound]
a 1000 dollar bill today? hope you don't get nightmares from it!
i would..... i wish there was a fund for cushing dogs world wide [treatment and research]
we do have a Faculty of Veterinary Medicine where vet students get their education. they used to give large discounts overthere, but not so much anymore.
i can still send a stool sample every month of each dog which the students research for canine parasites for free, so you don't have to put unnessesary meds into your dogs [no deworm].
they never found any so far over the last 2 years. it is an interesting project. the outcome so far is that hardly any adult pet dog has canine parasites. flee control is necessary though.
take good care of yourself , and good luck with the results on friday.
01-30-2014, 08:11 AM
Hi Everyone:
Well I think part of Tipper's weight gain is the no walking I still studied all her T4's and they were all low normals ready to go into abnormals so she could be having thyroid issues. She had some seizure activity early on before she really got into her sleep. She slept better last nite because she was exhausted from her testing day. We have laser therapy today and then she goes back to her regular schedule of once every 3 weeks. I am tired out mentally and physically and need a few days rest. I have to go out Friday and take the urine sample, but that will be it until Wednesday so I can take it easy a few days and not have to be trekking out anywhere. I have some people that flip animals for profit trying to get Grace and pretending they will give her a good home. They will never get her. I will see to it if she leaves here she has an iron clad, clean, wonderful ,forever home or she does not go it's that simple. Delora is getting worse physically and mentally. I may either get a pizza or make something next week and take up and eat it with her for some company she is lonely and you never know when you will never see someone again. She likes to work puzzles and cross word books so I will see if I can find her some. My other elderly man neighbor is better and out and about so that is good. I wish I could hit the lottery and take care of all our dogs and all the elderly that need help. I am just glad that I am able to work things around that I can afford what Tipper needs for now, that is a blessing. I just wish I had the income I did when I was working as this would be real easy then. It is what it is so I deal with it. Blessings
01-30-2014, 05:22 PM
Hi Everyone:
Well the long awaited news is in...... Grace cannot stay neither of my cats have been exposed to the corona virus. I must start to really get a good home for her. This is breaking my heart that she must go, but that is the way it is. On the other hand my Chance had an excellent report, he needs to eat a little more now. Then we have Miss Tipper. Well I was right her thyroid took a big dip, and when I heard her alk phos 300 I was so upset. A dogs thyroid can make their alk phos high so if any of your babies are having that problem please check into it. I knew it as I read it somewhere before and I asked the vet and he confirmed it will make it high. So that is why the weight gain with Tipper. I think I should just call all the shots here and forget the vets. So we will have to do the thyroid panel and send it to Michigan State. Probably in a week, she needs a break, I need to think where I can pull this money from. Also her reticulocytes are way down so I was right it was the lentils!!! This is the one that really mystified me. Tippers ACTH results were not what I was expecting according to her clinical signs. Her pre number is .9 so she is low again ,and the post was 5. The vet told me her thyroid could have a lot to do with the wacky hungriness and drinking more. I was shocked as I expected her to be high based on her clinicals, but now that the thyroid is involved that adds another dimension to the mix. So I immediately got out the bottle of 8 mg trilostane and swapped it for the 7mg I already have. I will be lowering her dose starting tomorrow. She will have to be rechecked at least baseline in about a month. I just have to keep a close watch on her. I want her on thyroid meds asap to get this alk phos down. I am interested in hearing what others are using for thyroid and which is the safest drug to use? I would appreciate some heklp on this. I take Synthroid and know for a fact in people it must be started on a low dose or it tends to blow the top of your head off from a head ache. So I will want her started low if that also happens in dogs??? Anyone with thyroid experience please give me some advise. I am sick over Grace and I asked my other neighbor and he does not want any pets. I am back to square one, but I know she will get a good home I just need to network and find someone. I am home for about 4 days so I will do it then. Everything else seemed good according to the vet with Tipper's tests so I will pick my copies up tomorrow and then let you know after I pick thru it all. He never gives me the whole picture so I want to see it myself as usual then I will see what is good and bad according to me. I am sick over Grace so please pray I find her a home I am getting so attached to her. Blessings
molly muffin
01-30-2014, 06:56 PM
Oh I am so sorry that definitely have to find Grace a new home. I know you can do it though. Just might take some time. Glad that your cats are both well though. That is good news.
Okay, bummer about the thyroid, but yes it causes the same symptoms as cushings and is why we always say has it been ruled out.
I can't speak to which thyroid medication is the best, but I'm sure some of the others on here can and have knowledge of it.
Plus, no matter what Patti, you are the absolute best at researching Anything from Tipper. :) LOL
Still I'm sure others will chime in. :)
Hang in there Patti!!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
01-30-2014, 07:18 PM
my flynn was having a thyroid problem. his t4 was very low just 5 [normal 8-40] and his tsh was normal. he got forthyron 200 mg twice a day. it is also from dechra. [not expensive] it worked well for him. this problem was a side effect of his cushings. what do you call it? secundary?
flynn didn't start low on the meds and he did very well immediately.
how did the laser therapy go?
sleep well everybody....goodnight!
01-31-2014, 10:30 AM
Hi Everyone:
I am going to set up Tippers thyroid for Monday and ask the vet if I can pay it a little later. I need to get on this I am always for being proactive with Tipper. I need to get her straightened around with her weight and alk phos. I am sorry she will not get a break but it must be to get her as well as possible. I know now the hunger and drinking is thyroid related as her ACTH numbers were low and I switched her trilo dosage down a notch today. She had some seizure activity last nite again so I am sending the Neurologist a report right after this. This is the first time I saw her leg jump that it woke her up, usually she sleeps thru it all, until I shake her or call her and then it all stops. I need to get the video up on Youtube this weekend so you all can see it. I have just been really busy with Grace and all this. The weather was over 32 here this morning and Tipper finally got out to walk, she was so happy I cannot tell you how much better she was acting. Her leg held up ok. She has one more intensive treatment then we go back to once every 3 weeks thank God. She did not want her back touched this time though and I suspect the spot where she looks sway backed from the lack of muscle holding the stomach up is pulling on that spot and maybe bothering a disc. She moved all around and tried to get away from the therapist when she started on her back. I will walk her again if the weather holds up as she was in heaven walking again. Blessings
01-31-2014, 11:21 PM
i can understand very well that tipper loved her walks after such a long time. they do not understand why they can not go outside for a walk. i never read about toby coming along for the walk? or do you walk them seperately?
how is the weather forecast? more walks to come? we had a sunny day with hardly any wind blowing!
i have to go to bed now. sleep well.
02-01-2014, 03:16 AM
I worry about Daisy's back too, especially since she's a dachshund. Today was a bit warmer for us too and the weekend is supposed to be nice.
Dad is now smoking inside of the house and I can't take the smell.
Chris put an offer on a house several blocks from the beach in West Haven, waiting for the inspections and if all goes well, we'll be moving before the summer. Dad is well enough that he doesn't need me here 24/7 anymore.
I hate to leave Greenwich but we can't afford a million dollar home.
I feel so bad for Grace. Praying that you find her a suitable home. I'm glad that Tipper got out for a walk.
02-01-2014, 08:14 AM
Hi Everyone:
Tipper has already had one walk and will go again if we do not get this ice storm predicted. She had a lot of seizure activity last nite. I am waiting for the neurologist to answer my progress report and questions. I can't wait to get on this thyroid thing as she needs this weight off. It is not good for her legs or her breathing and she has been trim and muscular all her life up until Cushings. This has to be hard carrying this extra weight around. Tipper must think she was being punished being kept in for so long. She is happy now that she can walk, her favorite past time. I am lucky she is still able too also. I was reading where some of these thyroid medicines can make the dog drink more and urinate more. Has anyone using them experienced this? Also pleas I am wanting to hear form anyone on the best drugs to use for this now with the least side effects, I have done some research, but as always want to hear from you. Still not takers for Grace. Are people crazy, these cats cost 1000.00 and then with the 500.00 in vet care- why would someone not want her??? Well we will see what this weekend brings. Blessings
02-01-2014, 08:47 AM
Hey Patti, you may already know this from your reading, but low thyroid levels can trigger seizure activity. So if it turns out that Tipper needs thyroid supplementation, maybe that will help with these episodes. Wouldn't that be great!!
I am just so sorry that Grace cannot stay with you. I've gotten really attached to her, too, just by reading about her. I will miss her very much when you finally do find another home for her :o. I wish I could take her myself.
02-01-2014, 10:37 AM
Thanks Marianne, I am trying to get time to post the video this weekend. I did see where it said about the thyroid and seizures it scared me, it also talked a lot about vestibular episodes and Tipper also has that. I pray it helps. If you were not so far away and Tipper was not sick I would drive Grace to you as I know you would love her. God Bless her she is at my feet on her back talking to me. Her sweetness makes this all the more difficult. Blessings
02-01-2014, 11:28 AM
Oh Patty, if I could take Grace I would figure out a way to get her myself! The problem is my husband is very allergic to cats to the point of asthmatic attacks. :( :(
It is such a shame because he loves cats, too. While my parents' kitties were still alive, we'd have to load him up like a zombie on antihistamines in order to spend even a few hours at their house. :o
02-01-2014, 11:38 AM
I am having problems loading this video on Tipper to Youtube, and burned Tipper's chicken fooling around!
02-01-2014, 12:42 PM
Hi Everyone:
Sorry to say but Tipper's video is too long to put on YouTube it wants me to cut it and I don't want to, so I will get it onto the computer and see what I can do when I have time. Tipper and Toby have had 2 walks, so they are both napping right now. Still no interested parties in Grace, she is patiently waiting to get out of that room. My house smells of burned chicken. I will never do that again! Blessings
02-01-2014, 11:03 PM
you can split videos in parts on youtube. but there are videos on youtube that last as long as 45 min. is your video of tipper that long? i don't know how people are doing this though.
like i wrote before flynn [28 kg] was on forthyron 2x200mg and did not show any side-effects at all. not even at the start of it. they just worked fine. he never had seizures or vestibular issues.
it really is strange that no one wants grace sofar. maybe put her on a cat/main coon forum? flyers? on the website of the local pound/animal shelter? do you know anything about her age? it is difficult not to grow attached to an animal like her.
02-02-2014, 08:19 AM
Hi Everyone:
Tipper was very restless last nite moving all around again. She is going to be really miffed in the morning as she has to fast until after 9am and she gets up at 6am. I will have one crazy, angry dog on my hands. I will take her food along in the car and give it to her after we leave the vets. I know how hungry she gets so I must do it this way to make the least stress on her. We have snow on the ground so there is no walking this morning it is too cold. We will see if it warms up to 32 or above so the dogs can walk. I have not heard anything from the neurologist yet. Tipper did start out having seizure activity when falling asleep, and moved about all nite. I will be glad when this thyroid problem is taken care of. I tried yesterday to get the video off my IPhone onto Youtube, but it would not take it and said it was too long and to clip it which I did not want to. I have seen really long ones on there and this is only 5 minutes or shorter so I am not sure what is wrong. I may try it to another site as I want people to be able to see it in the event this happens with their dog. I logged on to an inquiry about Grace this morning. I answered it and but was sad thinking of it. I am waiting for a reply. Hopefully this is a good person who read every stipulation I have for owning Grace. This will not be easy. The vets office is going to let me pay Tippers bill later in the month, and for that I am glad as I would not feel good about spending money on Grace and Tipper needing testing and not getting it, that just cannot happen. So they are both getting what they need this way. I am hoping Tipper can get out this afternoon. I need some time to spend on myself today and do a pedicure etc. Blessings
02-02-2014, 01:01 PM
I hope Tippers tests go well. I am not update on her thyroid issues but will read about it shortly.
I don't think it is not youtube wont take a long video I believe it is iPhone that will not upload over a certain amount. You can break up the video into smaller ones on the iPhone and then upload them all to you tube.
or transfer the video to your pc. Then from your pc try uploading it to youtube or and see if it will take it as one video file.
02-02-2014, 01:39 PM
Thank you for even thinking of us at this time. I think you are right and it is IPhone. I have thought about you and your boys a million times whence I was awake last nite. I am hoping for some kind of a miracle for you all. I cannot believe this is happening to both dogs. I will anxiously be awaiting to hear their reports, and praying they are not as bad as first thought. If only there were some way for me to help, I certainly would in a nano second. Just know I care. Blessings
02-02-2014, 08:39 PM
fasting tipper does not sound easy. 12 hours i read on the internet. well lets hope the results will clarify what is wrong with tipper.
have a safe trip and we will hear from you how the vet visit went.
02-03-2014, 08:32 AM
Hi Everyone:
Well it was a bad nite and early morning here. Tipper started with really bad gastro symptoms last nite, and I had to take her out to potty and she was trying to push the snow away to get at grass and eat it. I brought her in at 330am and had to feed her. That is the only thing that will make it go away. So since she was fed we cannot do the test. I called the vets as soon as they opened to tell them so my vet does not get mad. They are going to see if she can come in tomorrow morning as I do not want to wait until next Monday. A rescue contacted me about Grace and wants to place her because they are such expensive cats they too are afraid of flippers and her falling into the wrong hands. I will see when they call me today what all this is about. I am hoping it leads to a good home for her. I am just sick that this happened with Tipper on test day. She was making so many gastro noises and so loud I had to feed her I had no choice I was not going to let her suffer as that hurts. She is almost 100% on Fromm diet right now. I think she did not get enough to eat last nite before bed and that will do it every time. Grace is seeming depressed, and I need to help her as soon as possible. She wants out of this room. I am tired now and feel like crap after being up half the nite. Oh well I will get something worked out. Blessings
02-03-2014, 05:41 PM
Hi Patti, I'm so sorry Tipper had a bad night/early morning. Is she feeling better now? Any gastro symptoms still occurring?
It's really hard to watch our pups suffer so late at night. I always feel so helpless and terrible because i want them to sleep and rest. Do you know what caused the gastro problems?
Praying Tipper is feeling better... Praying you get some peace and rest. You're such a wonderful mommy.
molly muffin
02-03-2014, 06:30 PM
Hi Patti,
Sorry to hear that Tipper and you had such a bad night. :( Hopefully tonight will be better.
There is a big snow storm heading your way it looks like. Take care and try not be out there in that mess.
What did the rescue have to say? Anything positive in that?
sharlene and molly muffin
02-03-2014, 09:11 PM
Patti, just wanted to say I hope you and Tipper are having a good evening.
02-03-2014, 09:23 PM
I've had nights like that. I hope that you both get rest tonight and that Tipper can have the test tomorrow.
Surely Grace doesn't understand why she's being kept separate and I hope that the rescue organization can help! She's beautiful!
02-04-2014, 09:51 AM
Hi Everyone:
We are back from the vets and wow they did not give me the full extent of Tipper's blood works as usual. Her alp is up in the 300's because of the thyroid. Her Albumin is up and the protein is way up. The calcium is up too and that falls in line with the previous two being elevates. I already have a suspicion that it is the change in food. That is all that is different. I am putting her back on her old food. Maybe the Fromm had too much protein for he to handle?? This is upsetting, so upsetting in fact I left my copy there. I will have to get it as I have to take urine back as I could not get it from her this morning. Tipper was all over the bed last nite and neither of us slept. She has her blood work done for the thyroid, so it will be back in about a week. I hate when they give you blood results over the phone and do not give you the whole picture. I was floored by all this. Chances was stellar for his age and he is 13 tomorrow God Bless him. I need to get him a treat for his birthday. Maybe a little tuna. All my animals were born on the 4th of the month but Lucky don't know his as I rescued him. I am emailing the rescue about Grace to see if I can make some arrangements for the weekend if the weather is good. I am attached to her and this will be heart breaking for me so I need to do this asap before I chicken out, she needs out of this room. Tipper was a maniac this morning over no food. I took it in the car and fed it to her after we left the vets. I read some where corona can live in carpet for 2 months so this room will be off limits to the animals, and disinfected. My vet said he finds that statement untrue but I cannot take chances. Blessings
02-04-2014, 12:25 PM
Hi Everyone:
I have begun the task of researching Tipper's high albumin, protein, and calcium. From what I have found so far it could all be related to her thyroid not functioning properly. This needs to get straightened out as it can cause seizures,heart arythmias etc. This is the first time she has had a rise in protein and calcium. The vet told me they were related and from what I see that is true.
This has me very nervous indeed. She will have to get on medication asap to get this under control, so I am hoping for a quick return on her thyroid panel results.I got up this morning to my eye swollen up, do not know what that is from. Blessings
02-04-2014, 02:42 PM
Hi Everyone:
I just sent the vet a letter with all Tipper's T4 values for the last 12 blood tests. I asked him to please start Tipper on a thyroid medication at half the normal dosage before the report comes back from Michigan state. The consequences to this calcium etc. are scary to say the least and I need to get on this. I told him Tipper is suffering hypothyroidism and if he didn't believe me, I would bet him Tipper's bill on it. I am tired of messing around while her dilly dallies and takes his time. Tipper already has heart problems and this can affect her heart. That is why I am asking for a low dose as not to give her a fast heartbeat or cause her problems as she is so allergic to stuff. He better call me if her knows what is good for him as I will be back down there after him. She has every symptom of this and that is why she is drinking so much again and peeing so much. I don't want kidney problems from this calcium so he best move his you know what. Blessings
02-04-2014, 04:19 PM
i skipped one day at this forum. too tired. i hope that grace can find a good home via this rescue centre. she needs a home of her own. the longer she will stay, the more you will grow attached to her.
good to hear that chance is in excellent shape.
how is your eye?
i hope tippers thyroid results will come in soon.
what did your vet say about tippers bloodwork. did he have any idea?
i hope the two of you will have a good night sleep. maybe you can try out a doggy cushion/bed or something like that on the floor so tipper can move around without waking you up. you can do with a good night sleep.
02-04-2014, 04:30 PM
Hi Everyone:
I am waiting for the vet to call about Tipper's thyroid. I have already called 4 times so they know I mean business. Tipper is really not good today, feeling like sluggish and tired. Not her perky self by any means. The rescue lady has not contacted me back yet. Everyone is getting ready for the big storm tonite we are to get 10 inches. Then more snow on the weekend. I am tired and just dragged out. I am hoping to hear from the rescue tonite. Grace needs out of this room the poor baby. It is time to take Elvis for his wings and beak trim again so that is at the end of the month when the traveling vet comes in town. Blessings
02-04-2014, 07:54 PM
hi patti, is a traveling vet someone who makes house calls?
02-05-2014, 09:15 AM
Hi Everyone:
Well the vet never called me yesterday as they said he got real busy, which is still no excuse. I called there bright and early this morning and had a conversation with the receptionist that sort of went like this-I am the biggest client he ahs at this practice and I am sick of his crappy treatment and not calling me when he is supposed to. If he thinks I cannot or will not go else where he is wrong as I am the one educating him on this stuff not the other way around, so I can just as easy use another vet. If I do not hear something today I will go somewhere else where they value a client who pays them enough to send their daughter thru college. I am really ticked off and he better not push anymore of my buttons. With what I read yesterday and Tipper's symptoms following the patter of it I am really worried for her even though he is not as usual.
This is basically what I researched. Tipper's high alt, calcium, and protein, can be caused by her parathyroid that secretes a hormone to regulate calcium. She could have calcemia which is dangerous and can really affect the kidneys, make heart arythemias, and cause seizures. I read several publish articles from Jean Dodds saying that any dog having seizure activity should always first have a full thyroid panel done. Also that the thyroid medicine may then stop some seizures when the thyroid functions normally again with meds. Also she said this can contribute to muscle wasting and tremors/seizures. Tipper we know does have the latter, I am worried as she already has heart problems. and she certainly does not need kidney problems. They can have thirst and more urination, and be tired and have personality changes. Tipper had all of that right now. She was restless last nite and drank more water and moved all around the bed. She is not running around as much more sedate. I read all her T4 readings form 12 blood tests. They are all low normal, and this last one was really low. In my fax to the vet I told him that Jean Dodds says all a dog had to do is present with one of these symptoms and it can mean thyroid issues. Tipper has them all and due to that I want her to start on a half dosage of thyroid meds now even before the stuff form Michigan comes back.
I sent him all the readings and asked if there was a reason he would not agree with the findings??? If not I wanted to start her today on meds- he is off after Wednesday and that is why I need to start today in case she has a reaction to them. He plays games and fools around too much for me and I am ready to leave him if he does not wake up today. This is serious stuff that can be a result of her blood work and she is not feeling well for day I have said that. I am not willing to wait on the results form Michigan as the writing is on the wall plain and simple. He better move his you know what if her wants Tipper as cash cow or I am done, I have had an uphill battle with him all throughout this and I am tired of fighting him. He knows what this dog means to me and he knows I don't put up with this so why he is doing it again I do not know. There will be consequences this time I am not bluffing.
On another note the rescue contacted me and they want a front shot of Grace to see her face. Part of her mane is shaved because of her blood work and not sure it looks so great, but I will do what they want. This cat is weighing heavily on my heart. I truly feel pain when thinking of making her leave. Please pray this vet does what he is supposed to and this gets taken care of today. Blessings
02-05-2014, 11:43 AM
I hope he calls you and does right by you and Tipper. waiting and worrying is horrible.
02-05-2014, 11:48 AM
Goodness Patti. I have not caught up on your thread in a while. Good for you for standing up to your vet. It really burns my biscuits when these people act like we are not important. We pay them, not the other way around, they should make the effort to remember that!
02-05-2014, 01:02 PM
I hope your vet hears you! You must be his best client, certainly he could have found 10 minutes to reach you at some point in the day.
I really hope the rescue can help with Grace. I'll be crossing my fingers.
02-05-2014, 01:12 PM
Hi Everyone:
Tipper is laying around and sleeping, not like herself. I got a call from a vet tech saying the Dr. will get with me he is extremely busy in meetings . I told her to tell him I understand people are busy so why did he not call me after hours last nite??? She had no answer so I told her to tell him I am expecting to hear from him today, if not don't bother calling me at all. I have had enough. Just like a cush mom I know something is going on with Tipper she has been off all week now and I have been saying it. This is not like her to be so inactive and laying around. Someone best get on the phone with me if they know what is good for them, or he can kiss my business goodbye. Today is my Chance's 13 birthday. He is so sweet he and Grace would have been fabulous friends, too bad it did not work that way. Gave him a small amount of tuna for his birthday and I am going to take his pictures now. Blessings
02-05-2014, 05:33 PM
I guess the vet thought over what I said, he just called and I balled him out. He agrees it is her thyroid but gave me some crap story about starting her on a lower dose that they do not do that. _____ is all I can say as I have thyroid problems and know that too much right away causes problems after going thru several specialists, they agreed with me that my problem was starting at too high of a dose. I told him how Tipper has reactions to things unlike other dogs and I want to go low. I told him she has not been well the last few days and I can tell she is off and something is wrong. I said if the results are not in by early next week I want to start her on a low dose, he seemed disinterested and ready to hang up and go home so I think he needs me to enter his private space to tell him what I am wanting to do. I stopped listening to these quacks quite a while ago and when I know different on something he is not going to change my mind. I will only start her low until we see how she reacts to the drug, and if he does not like it tuff beans for him. I cannot have her heart racing when she already has heart problems-where is the caution here??? At least he called back so he knows I mean business. Just let him try to mess with me about my Tipper and he'll be getting slapped up side his head by a cush mom that's had enough. The operative word here is Tipper and you don't mess with my dog, cause I won't put up with it ,I will come for you and your first and second born. He needs to go to continuing education for antiquated vets past their time. I wonder sometimes how many other dogs and peoples lives he has screwed up with his incompetency??? More than that how many people have put blind faith in him and believed in him??? Took some head shots of Grace and sent to the rescue. She was not co-operative and put her head down every time I was ready to snap a pic, it was too funny. She is adorable and does such cute things I cannot get over her. It is still coming down here, so we are getting bombarded with snow. Tipper wants to rub her ears in it!! Blessings
02-05-2014, 05:44 PM
hi patti, did your vet give you a call already? maybe he can email you.
this is the way i communicate with my vet practice now. they can easily mail in between things i think. but i am a client since i was a kid with my first pet mouse, so no complaints about this small practice.
i received a flyer that they will be on call 24/7 now, so no more visits to a strange vet! my vet practice is only a 5-10 min drive.
maybe tipper is tired during the day because she does not sleep at night?
hopefully somebody will fall in love with graces picture and take her home.
02-05-2014, 06:11 PM
oh, i see we posted almost at the same time. i got flynn's thyroid results back in 2 days. i think the vet wants to wait for the results before he decides which dosage tipper will need.
they are always afraid to make a mistake.
if she needs them, you can start on a lower dosage without mentioning it to your vet.
is there an other vet practice in your neighborhood?
my experience with animal/human doctors is that they do not want you to tell them what to do.
i always ask them politely if they also think it could be this or that. sometimes i am right, sometimes i [the internet] am wrong.
we need them for our pets, so i try not to out-class them. they really don't like that...............
02-05-2014, 06:21 PM
Hi Everyone:
I just read an article from Long Beach Animal Hospital stating that dogs with Cushing's disease and or heart disease must have a conservative dose of thyroid meds. Proving again this vet does not know what he is talking about. This really burns me. I am contacting the Cardiologist tomorrow and having her send him a message concerning this. Also too much of this for the dog can cause diarrhea. I will go to his office armed with info. This makes me sick he just does whatever he wants to without researching anything. This might be standard operating procedure with dogs that don't have Cushing's, but he should have checked this out knowing about her heart and all. Just too much work for him. Blessings
02-06-2014, 08:22 AM
Hi Everyone:
Another nite with Tipper up a lot. Every time she gets up I am up and nervous as to what is going on with her. She has had several honking episodes with the trachea the last week and she gets so frantic that she cannot breath and goes crazy while I grab her and rub her throat and talk real calm to her. I am so scared when she does this something will happen and her throat will not open back up. Also while reading about the thyroid it said this can cause the nerve in that area to become paralyzed and make her trachea not open back up. Please don't think I am harsh on my vet as this dog means the world to me and I am tired already of misinformation from him that could cost my Tipper her life. I am fed up with his cavalier attitude when I see her struggling to make it and I know sure as anything something is wrong. Mark my words this thyroid panel will come back with bad results and I am calling the cardiologist today to have her message him. I cannot email him because he is so behind the times he does not email, I must send him faxes, which I do and keep copies so I have proof of his neglect to perform his duties where Tipper is concerned. We have been at it since the day I had to get into a verbal fight with him about testing Tipper as I knew she had Cushings. He would not do it, and finally when I made him she did have it. I am not bragging, but I have been right about everything so far and he has been really wrong ,and if I would have listened to him Tipper would not be here. So I must do what I need to to protect her. If that means getting into it with him so be it. This dog means everything to me and I will not allow his sloppy practices to kill my dog. I have never been more disappointed in a vet in my life. If I could write RX's etc. I would not even need him. I am very worried that if the test results do not come back by next week I am calling the IMS to get meds for Tipper as there is something going on with her from this thyroid and it has me very nervous. I need to get her started on 1/2 a dosage and get her back to her current level of what normal has been. I am just scared that more and more issues keep coming on the pile and when will we get to one I cannot fix? This vet should be taking the time to research things he does not know or understand and he doesn't. I have paid all this money to him so that I can tell him what needs done? It doesn't even make sense. If he cared about Tipper and returned calls in a timely manner, researched things and gave me concrete answers, and did not care about money, money and more money maybe I would have some respect for him, but the way things stand I cannot help stating the truth about how I feel towards him. So now that that rant is over, I have not heard back form the rescue for Grace yet. We are to get more bad weather this weekend so it may be next week before Grace get to where she needs to be. Honestly I have never had a sweeter cat than her. I have taken some video of her and I to remember her when she is no longer with me. I am so sad for her and I. For now I need to concentrate on Tipper as she had to go to therapy this afternoon and I feel bad as I know she is not feeling well. Blessings
02-06-2014, 03:38 PM
Hi Everyone:
We just got back from therapy. Tipper was really squirming when her back was done, but now in the lower back where before it was in the middle. Don't know what that is about. She is tired now and we are taking a rest. I put in a call to the cardiologist and I am waiting for her to call me back. I am going to have her fax my vet and tell him why Tipper needs to start with a low dose of thyroid meds.Then maybe he will believe me. It is very frigid outside, the roads were ok. The therapist said Tippers leg is doing well enough that she can come every 3 weeks from now on. She let her walk around so she could see her using the leg, and was pleased with her progress. She has been a life saver and always happy and glad to see Tipper. She let's you know how much she appreciates your business, and she did fix Tipper just like she said she would.Thank God for all her help. Tipper is tired and snoring as she slept very little last nite. Blessings
molly muffin
02-06-2014, 04:37 PM
Hi Patti, that is great that Tippers leg is much improved.
I am sorry to hear that you are once again having problems with your vet. That seems to be the never ending story with him. Hopefully you can get Tipper on a low dose for the thyroid and get that done right away. How scary those episodes are when they can't breath. :(
Still no word from the cat rescue huh :( that is sad. You'd think they would be amongst the first to try and find her a good home. What about emailing them again as a follow up? I know you hate to have to do this, it is just going to get so much harder with each passing day and Grace Needs a home she can roam around in and just be herself in. I wish that she wasn't a risk to your other cats, but don't know of any way around that :( Too bad your neighbor guy wouldn't take her. My dad just adored his cat (mine from my youth that him and my mom took when I wouldn't ship the cat to Hawaii, due to quarantine - 6 months!!) and that cat lived to be 21 years old and my dad to 90. Pretty sure they adored each other till the end.
Hang in there Patti. Hope you get some responses today or tomorrow at the latest.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
02-06-2014, 04:52 PM
Hi Everyone:
Well the cardiologist just called me and could not believe my vet would not give Tipper 1/2 dosing on the thyroid meds. She is going to talk to the IMS and they will contact my vet to tell him that Tipper must have a lower dose than a normal dog. They will call me back on Monday to go over everything. These are specialists in a hospital and they call back the same day, what is my vet's problem then??? I am so glad they are telling me the same thing. I knew she could not have a full dose and make her heart race. Sometimes I wonder how he got licensed??? I emailed the rescue again this morning and have heard nothing. I am getting attached to Grace, you cannot help it she is so sweet. We just got a weather bulletin that we will be going to 20 below 0 and in the teens tomorrow. Great I have to take Tippers urine to the vets in the morning. Blessings
molly muffin
02-06-2014, 05:02 PM
Yay for the cardiologist! Now on to getting your vet on board with this treatment plan.
Well, when it comes right down to it, this is what the specialist are there for, to keep the vets on the right path.
Too bad they haven't gotten in contact with you about Grace again. Did you send them the pictures you posted here too? Those are just adorable!
I love how big she is and so loving. Hard to imagine that a Resuce wouldn't be able to place her in a good home.
It's going to be cold here tonight too. :(
Sharlene and molly muffin
02-06-2014, 05:09 PM
Picture alert I added to Gracie's album she is a cuddle bug, and a big one at that.
molly muffin
02-06-2014, 05:26 PM
She's just gorgeous. Someone surely would want such a beautiful big hearted purring cuddle bug. :)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
02-06-2014, 07:41 PM
the weather does not sound good again! but tippers leg does!
if it was not for the weather you could make longer walks again. i think tipper would like that very much. she sounds somewhat depressed.
isn't it an option to take grace to the rescue, so she can stay there and people who are interested in her can see her in real life?
so they can pet her and fall in love with her.
if the relationship with your vet is so bad, maybe a change to another clinic will benefit you and your animals. all the stress sounds bad for you.
it is cold and raining and i have to walk the dogs for the last time before going to bed.
and patti, i hope you and tipper sleep well tonight.
02-07-2014, 02:18 AM
Patti, I'm so glad that the laser is helping Tipper.
Boy, your vet in an A #1 jerk! Thank God for the IMS vet and cardiologist. Maybe one of them can recommend someone else for you?
Honestly, it's too much to have to second guess and argue with that pompous fool like you do.
02-07-2014, 08:23 AM
Hi Everyone:
I am going to lean more on the IMS and the Cardiologist with Tipper I am not wanting another stand off with this vet. On another note the rescue emailed me about Grace and they have me really fired up. I sent them her head shots and they replied with could you tell us if she is 100% Maine Coon? That really set me off as they seem to have forgotten my mission here. They wanted me to ask the people where she was! where they got her!! I emailed them back telling them that firstly if someone wants this cat it will be on Grace's own merit, that she is sweet and loving and deserves a good home not whether she is 100 % Maine Coon or not. Also that she has just had 500.00 worth of vet care done and what do they want for nothing??? I am really irked with them right now. I want someone who wants Grace because they love her not because she is a Maine Coon. I am not messing around with this crap. On another note Tipper was up a lot again last nite and drinking water. She was laying around again very unlike her. I am hoping her results are in early next week. I did not take the urine this morning as it is 0 degrees here. I will take it when it warms up or when I do her BP again. I am waiting for a call that Tipper's chicken is in. She ahs just been off lately and not feeling well and cranky. I know it is her thyroid and I hate seeing her go thru this. The cardiologist and IMS are not in until Monday. I have not heard back form the neurologist and will call him today. No one wants to see their baby suffer needlessly. I hope we get thru the weekend ok. Between this vet and the rescue I am about to blow a gasket. I need to order Trilostane for Tipper now too and Luckys and her Ursidiol is needed so here goes some more money. Where oh where is that illusive money tree?? Blessings
I hope she feels better and you are able to fix the thyroid meds. You always know what is wrong with Tipper so I know you will stay on top of it until it is resolved.
Hope the weather has gotten a tad better, ours follows the same pattern, a tad warmer so we get snow and then the sun comes out and temps plunge below zero.
We are all so done with this winter, makes it hard to stay in a good mood, doesn't it?
02-07-2014, 01:08 PM
I must have missed a posting or two...I didn't know Tipper has low thyroid. Is that new? I have that too...I've had all kinds of Thyroid problems!
So, you are starting Thyroid meds now for Tipper. Happy to hear the leg is better though. Hope it keeps improving.
What is the deal with the cat rescue!!?? All one has to do is see the photo of the cat!! She's beautiful!! She has all the traits of a Maine Coon and better yet she's Calico!! Why would anyone who is looking to adopt the cat need anymore than seeing the photo and knowing the cat is in good health. You're right..they should just want her, no matter what breed she is. People stink sometimes! :mad:
02-07-2014, 01:14 PM
I have to agree Barbara people are stinkers some times. Tipper's thyroid is new. It is a result of the cushings. Working on it right now to get her straightened out though. That is why all the weight gain when here I am counting nuggets of food!! I need a secretary to keep track of all of this stuff going on with appointments and all. I just feel bad my vet is terrible and I hate my dog suffering because of his stupidity. Blessings
02-07-2014, 01:35 PM
It is just such hit or miss with these vets! I was lucky this time...both my vet and the vets at the Animal Medical Center..(which is an amazing place!) were helpful and available...most of the time this is not the case. Thankfully I felt like everyone was helpful this time.
I hope you get the thyroid worked out. A sluggish thyroid can pack on the pounds in humans...I imagine it does the same with animals. I had the opposite problem too...I had Graves Disease..autoimmune over active thyroid...with that I lost so much weight, which was not so bad but it came with a whole list of unpleasant symptoms too. Had to have a radio active treatment to turn my thyroid the other way...ugh..then you gain weight, amongst other issues. Not fun.
I hope you can work out the dosage for Tipper. Whatever this was with Trixie took off weight...I think she probably lost a pound and a half. I didn't want to stress her by putting her on the scale when we were leaving the hospital yesterday, she was already in a bad state. Doing very well today though. Hope you have a good weekend with all your babies.
02-07-2014, 03:11 PM
Thank God for the IMS and cardiologist. I'm glad that you're cutting the vet loose. He's a useless money pit with a bad attitude.
Shame on that rescue organization! Might be worth contacting another one.
02-07-2014, 04:26 PM
Hi Everyone:
Just heard back from the cat rescue and she was apologizing a little to late I am afraid for me. I have decided to fax a letter to my IMS about Tipper and ask her what she thinks of Grace passing this to my boys. I started playing with her this afternoon and gave her a mouse toy and she has never had toys and I got her playing. She was running her huge butt around the room batting the mouse and chasing a teaser toy. She is adorable and I am so torn on her being here. I cannot put my boys at risk but see her thriving even in this room. I will see time will tell. Tipper is sleeping again and I am not liking this I got copies of her blood work and her Lymphocytes are low too. He never told me that either. I need to really go thru them good and see what is going on. Blessings
02-07-2014, 04:54 PM
well I'm glad at least the rescue organization apologized. Guess they came to their senses. Is there a chance that what Grace has would not pass to your cats then? I wish she could stay with you...I know you can't risk your babies though. I just think how you ended up with her was her lucky day.
Hope it all works out the best way possible.
02-07-2014, 05:17 PM
Grace sounds a lot like my Gracie. They're so much fun!
I hope that it all works out.
molly muffin
02-07-2014, 05:54 PM
Hi Patti,
It's a good weekend to stay in, do some cooking and play with the animals.
Too bad that rescue had the wrong focus. Surprising when it's a rescue. You'd think they would care more about finding a good home than breed. sheezzz
Poor Tipper. I hope she can get her thyroid meds and feel better soon.
Hang in there. You're doing good job and I think you're tired. You've been fighting these battles for a long time now. It would exhaust Hercules himself.
Sharlene and Molly muffin
02-07-2014, 06:01 PM
We all would do anything for our furlets and I think that great strength comes through the fights. That's what makes us all so understanding. You're not alone in the fight, you have us..
I shudder to think of the outcome for Daisy had I not found this forum. Hugs.
02-07-2014, 06:05 PM
Patti, I'm so glad you thought to ask your IMS about Grace and the extent of the danger to your boys. I am keeping all fingers crossed that maybe there is something that can be done to protect the boys and allow Grace to remain. I've been holding off on looking at her new pictures cuz I knew I would love her if I looked. But I couldn't resist and I do love her, of course! :o
That rescue gets a huge zero in my book. :mad:
02-07-2014, 09:38 PM
i am very tired because of the flu and the rain all day overhere.
i hope you will have a quiet weekend and lots of sleep!
02-08-2014, 08:01 AM
Hi Everyone:
It was a really bad nite with Tipper. She was up all nite for the 4th nite and out of bed at 5:00. I am exhausted and cannot do this much longer. She needs some meds now. I am calling my vet on Monday morning and telling him if he does not give them to me I am calling the IMS and having her send an RX to the drug store. This is making her suffer needlessly and me too. I think I will get her urine Monday morning and drive there in person. He needs to understand we cannot keep this up. I played with Grace this morning and it is going to take the strength of Hercules to give her away, she is so pitifully sweet this is killing me. I am so worn out from no sleep I need to get in the shower and wake myself up if possible. This is going to be a crazy day I can tell. Blessings
02-08-2014, 11:28 AM
Hi Everyone:
The vets office just called to confirm an appointment Monday morning. How could I be this lucky??? She has to have her Adequan shot. I will discuss the meds while we are there. She is tired and laying around this morning and I am too. I am going back and forth about Grace what a situation. At least I am glad for one things that I was at the right place at the right time or she would probably be dead somewhere outside. SO I saved her and she is safe and warm, but where we go from here only God knows. Blessings
02-08-2014, 08:48 PM
hi patti, the flu is killing me so this must be a short reply.
i hope everything will work out fine for you and your animal friends.
i have to go to bed now.
02-09-2014, 08:29 AM
Hi Everyone:
Another really bad nite for Tipper. She was up and down all nite. Last nite she kept at me for more food. Then she finally went to sleep after I gave her the melatonin. I read it is good for seizures and I read it is bad for seizures so what the __ do you do?? Well she slept a bit then she was up roaming around and I could not sleep. This went on all nite. I could strangle my vet for making us suffer like this. I will be there first thing Monday demanding these drugs to help her, I will not leave without them. She was up for the day at 4:00 and I am dead. I am actually dizzy from not enough sleep and sick at my stomach. I know she cannot help herself, but my vet could have prevented all of this. She is drinking tons of water too, and ravenous and her cortisol is low so it is not that it is the thyroid, I would be my life on it. I will have meds come Monday or you will see it on the news that Cush mother strangles her vet. I have heard nothing from the rescue for Grace. I need to get her out of one room so after I talk to the IMS I will reach a decision on what to do for her. Tipper needs to be my focus right now as she is really suffering from this. I am ready for a fight on Monday so he better look out. I do not like to see my Tipper in distress and this is all his fault. Blessings
02-09-2014, 08:32 AM
I'm so sorry to hear Tipper isn't well and your vet is leaving you hanging. Is there another vet near you, you can see instead of this one?
I am praying Tipper feels better soon and your vet calls immediately.
molly muffin
02-09-2014, 11:03 AM
Hi Patti,
I hope that you can get the meds for Tipper and that they make a difference for her and for you.
Sorry that you haven't heard any more from the rescue about Grace. Lets see what the IMS tells you about the risk to your cats.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
02-09-2014, 12:17 PM
Hi Everyone:
I forgot to add to the scenario of Tipper not feeling well that Tipper is not like you average dog when wanting something. She actually scratched me badly in the face this morning for me to get up at 4am. She did not mean it but she is so tenacious that you will not sleep or do anything when she wants something. She digs at you, jumps at you, scratches at you barks, digs the carpet, keeps drinking more water if she gets no food. You just cannot tell her no or lay down it won't do when she is in this state. She used to listen so well too. This has turned her into a crazy dog. I feel so bad when she does all this, it makes me cry. I just cleaned the house as I will never get it done if she keeps me up one more nite. I am with Grace for a while now. I am hoping I can figure something out on her behalf without jeopardizing my boys. Chance is 13 and could not handle any health problems now. Wish I had a huge room all to itself that she could be in and look out the window and maybe that would suffice for her, but I do not. It would have to be my cat room and my boys know that is their room. Blessings
02-09-2014, 03:26 PM
I have to say this but you might need to crate Tipper at night so that you can get some rest. It might also help to retrain her out of this scratching behavior which is not good. I know that it sounds mean, but honestly it will bother you more I think.
Budsters Mom
02-09-2014, 04:02 PM
I have to agree with Valerie on this one. You need to get some rest whether Tipper sleeps or not. If not at night, then during the day. I know that it is hard. Buddy went several weeks without resting well at night. I couldn't sleep either. I was beyond exhausted. You need to find something that works for both of you. I laid on the floor many nights right by Buddy's bed, so he could touch me. That helped him settle and rest. I would crawl back in bed after I was sure he was asleep. Sometimes he would settle quickly. Other times, he couldn't settle at all, so I would stay on the floor all night. If crating Tipper is the ony way you are able to get some rest, then do it. She probably won't like it, but she'd be safe. XXXXXX
02-09-2014, 09:14 PM
i do agree with the others on crating tipper or let her roam the room if she wants too. why is it that she has to stay on the bed? can't she sleep on a doggy bed/stretcher or something like that.
my flynn had a very low thyroid level, but never showed any of this behavior.
we are all worried about you. what if she e.g. damages your eye when scratching your face? we know you love tipper very much, but if you collapse, who will take care of them all?
molly muffin
02-09-2014, 09:32 PM
Hi Patti,
Does this seem to be "off" behavior from Tipper? That just doesn't sound good to me, that even not meaning to that she would be so aggressive towards You of all people.
You know that we all worry about you and Tipper.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
02-09-2014, 10:42 PM
Patti, I am going to add my voice to everyone elses. I don't post a lot on your thread, but I have been reading along. I am worried about you, and Tipper seems to be changing somewhat in her personality.
If her getting up and down off the bed is an issue, have you thought about just putting your mattress on the floor (getting rid of the bed frame) for a while, just so she can move around and you can try to sleep without being up too?
02-10-2014, 12:01 PM
Hi Everyone:
This is a late post as I had to sit with Tipper for a while after getting home from the vets. He asked me how things were going and I just burst into tears. I told him Tipper is really off. All of the behavior she is exhibiting are symptoms of thyroid problem, including the personality change and aggressive behavior. I told him I did not want to wait for the tests to come back from Michigan and that I wanted him to start her on thyroid meds at 1/2 the normal dose. I gave him all the reasons why the 1/2 dose and he looked at me and very smartly said "don't school me in thyroid I am an expert." I said well in that case why did you not see this coming from the last 12 blood tests done?? He said "I have gone along with everything you have wanted, but I am not giving medication to a dog that does not need it ." I said what about all the other things you would nto help me with including the Cushings I had to fight with you to get you to test her as you blamed it on a hundred other things, and I was right wasn't I ??? He was quiet, I said what about the Reticulocytes I was right about that too, what about the tracheal issues I was right about that too, I said I can go on and on. I said do you actually think knowing how much I love and protect this dog I would ask you to do something to harm her? He said "No" Then he said he would call Michigan to see if they could tell him anything, and a tech called him in the back room. He came out holding the test results from Michigan. They were there and no one told me!!! She has low thyroid function, and he did not even look at my face when he said it cause he knew what I was going to say. I told him I wanted a half normal dose of Soloxine for Tipper and he agreed. I showed him printed in black and white from Long Beach Medical how you cannot give a full dose to a Cushings dog. He had an attitude as the girls in his office saw he was wrong and I guess that embarrassed him. Too bad I thought just give me the medicine and let me get away from you before I haul off and slug you. Tipper was up all nite last nite, panting, drinking, and whining which she never does. I made up my mind this morning I was bringing home meds no matter what. She was so riled up in his office I even forgot to get what her Bp reading was as I record it when I get home on her chart. I will call later. I gave Tipper her first dose at 10:00 so she is past the time if she was going to be allergic to it thank God. I will see how this goes in a few days if she is able to sleep and calms down. I also told him her pre number on cortisol is low and it might be nice if he called Dechra. I will post the rest late as I want to keep and eye on her. I am waiting for emails from the neurologist, IMS and a call from the cardiologist so it should be a busy day for me. The roads were bad this morning too and it is snowing a fine snow. Blessings
02-10-2014, 02:37 PM
You and Tipper are in my thoughts today.
02-10-2014, 02:52 PM
Thank you Jen I appreciate it.
Budsters Mom
02-10-2014, 03:09 PM
I don't know how you do it? It exhausts me just reading your posts and you have Noah's Ark to take care of. :eek: xxxx
molly muffin
02-10-2014, 04:05 PM
Oh Patti, sending you big hugs. I know that must be exhausting mentally and physically to have to go toe to toe with your vet every time something needs to be done.
I really do hope that this helps Tipper and how long before she gets her thyroid retested? Maybe you can do the BP then, because it is probably a good thing you didn't have it done today actually. With the lack of sleep and her being so upset and then you upset would bother her more. Just not a good BP check day.
Crossing fingers this works and you all get some much needed rest.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
02-10-2014, 04:22 PM
Hi Everyone:
I just called the vets and they said Tipper's blood pressure was 190! That scared
The crap out of me. This is a first. Better be a last too. Tipper had a nap, and I keep checking her heart rate to make sure it is not racing. It will be about 3 or 4 weeks before this Soloxine makes her feel better. I just think it is pitiful that I have had to fight for everything this dog has needed, and it has worn me out today. I am thankful we got started on this as I have never seen Tipper like this and don't want to ever again. You think he would have some respect for someone knocking themself out to help their dog. I believe in Karma and one day it will visit him. This depresses me that it is one thing after another for my girl. She needs a break. I forgot to mention when I told him thyroid symptoms can mimic Cushing's symptoms and he said that's not true, but he calls himself an expert????? Blessings
02-10-2014, 04:52 PM
i am tired, and so must you, so i hope tipper is sleeping well after an exhausting day, and you can have a few weeks break from the vet to relax a bit.
02-10-2014, 05:51 PM
It certainly not easy with your vet. I'm glad that Tipper does not seem to have a racing pulse right now. Did her thyroid test show that she is hypo thyroid? Sorry if this was answered already...I may have missed some posts over last week.
I hope both you and Tipper can get a restful sleep tonight. Is she still super hungry? Anything from the IMS about id Grace was contagious? I hope she's not!!
02-10-2014, 06:14 PM
I am so glad you finally got the thyroid meds for Tipper. I feel your frustration and wish you can see a more accommodating vet. I hope she feels better and better in the next few days on the thyroid meds, I take thyroid medication and it took a few days before I started feeling better. Hugs and kisses to Tipper I hope you both get some week needed sleep and rest.
02-10-2014, 10:28 PM
Wow Patti,
you would think that your vet would trust you by now and realize that you do your research before asking for anything. What a condescending JERK!
I am so glad that you got what is needed for Tipper though and I hope that someone else in his office tells him to lighten up and fly right.
Hoping that both of you get some much needed rest tonight.
02-11-2014, 08:43 AM
Hi Everyone:
Vicki: I don't even care about him being accommodating, he is just plain rude and he should have more respect after all the research I put into anything I approach him with. Does he really think I would do anything on God's earth to hurt my girl? If he would just hear me out and try to be open minded instead of thinking he knows it all and is far from it.
Valerie: I think he knows I research all this but gets angry that I know what I am approaching him about, and he likes it when the people come in there and think he is great and knows everything. I am more of a challenge and want things done correctly and know what is correct so that is the problem. I am challenging his authority and he does not like it. I never go in there with an attitude that I know everything and he is and idiot. I try to approach him in a non threatening manner and her always gets nasty about it. Yesterday I said to him I need your help, to make him feel important. Then I said this is what I have learned, can you help me with this? Then he immediately started about me schooling him. So there is not dealing with him, he nit his way and when I know better I will not allow it so it is a stand off.
Last nite I gave Tipper the 2nd pill. She seemed to sleep better and not moving all around the bed all nite. I am scared about that high blood pressure and hope it was the circumstances yesterday that brought it on. This better not be a new problem! I kept checking her heart rate and all seemed ok. I am hoping in a few weeks this is all good, and she is back to herself.
The IMS emailed me and answered a question I have been wondering about from her checking Tippers tumor. I wondered how she can say it had never grown if Tipper is not in the same exact position each time. She said she goes thru a series of checks to make sure she is in the exact position when measuring. She said she was answering for the neurologist and said they can change Tipper's meds but this one would sedate her a bit it is called clomipramine and from a quick glance can sedate, make lethargic, and depression. I am wondering if that would be good so she sleeps better if it sedates? Would like everyones opinion on that . I will research the drug first. She also said she wants me to video Tipper's honking episodes so she can see them. I told her Tipper gets frantic cause she cannot breathe as anyone would and it is worrying me. Tipper has to go back in 3 months for another US. She forgot to answer me about Grace, just my luck. So I am going to call a cat expert and ask them when I get time. Tipper's pre number is low again .9 and the post is 5 so I am calling Dechra today. I may have to back her down to 20 Vetoryl and 5 trilostane as she was getting 8 trilostane. This is such a hard balancing act. Tipper seems more calm now So I am getting ready to dose her at nine. The research said 2 times a day dosing 12 hours apart and 1 hour before meals or 3 hours after meals. Well she eats at 6:00 and I cannot make her wait an hour and I am not getting up at 5:00 as she will stay up for the day then. So I am doing it 3 hours after meals. It said there is calcium in the dog food which interferes with the absorption of the Soloxine and that is why it must be done this way. I read Soloxine is the newest and supposedly the best drug for this. We do not have to go out until next Wednesday for BP and I will make sure I go early so I do not see the vet as my blood is still boiling. I am taking a few days rest and figuring out Graces future. Blessings
Hi Patti... I'm following your thread. Would Tipper be like this ? - Keesh had this episode a couple of times and I thought he was dying. Turns out it's a reverse sneeze.
molly muffin
02-11-2014, 12:32 PM
Molly does the reverse sneeze thing sometimes too. Not often, but it's scary at first. Not sure if that is the same thing Tipper is doing or not.
Gosh, her pre being .9 is not good. :(
Before I switched to a medication that might sedate her more at night, it would be worth it to see if once the thyroid medication is fully working if that doesn't take care of the night time restlessness.
Grrrr, that the IMS didn't answer you about Grace.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
02-11-2014, 01:09 PM
The reverse sneeze.. Terrifying. And my vet can't explain it. Do you girls think its Cushing related?
Also Patti, your vet sounds like a jerk. >:(
molly muffin
02-11-2014, 02:54 PM
Hi Patti,
Let us know what you hear back from Dechra about the .9 pre. I'm very curious about that too, in light of their earlier comment about 1.45 being their lowest.
We have a member on facebook, whose dog has dropped to a .9 now from a 4.2 pre in November, after an increase from 7mg x2 to 9mg x2.
Sharlene and molly muffin
02-11-2014, 03:21 PM
Hi Everyone:
Tipper has done this in the past. It is a sign of tracheal problems, which can be related to Cushing's. Tipper is real loud and making a honking noise when her trachea collapses, which means she cannot get air and she panics. The sneeze has not happened since she gets adequan shots, but if she has to sneeze she tries not to do it, so it must not feel good. I talked to Dechra and they want their vet to talk to mine, so that will happen next year I guess. They told me a base line is not good enough when Tipper goes low for a recheck. They are not as concerned this time as last time her pre was .7 and the post was 3 this time pre is .9 and post is 5. They said she has some wiggle room on the post if she would start to go low. Basically the only two options are with hold Vetoryl for a few days or lower her dose a tad. The with holding only bring then problem back when you resume unless you lower the dose, but it does prevent Addison's by letting the cortisol rise. They know it is hard to do this with Tipper as she respond quickly with strong clinical symptoms. We will have to wait and see what Dr. Bruyette says about it as I emailed him earlier and asked him about this. Hopefully we can all learn something that will help manage this. Tipper is napping, lots of snoring and congested sounds. Blessings
02-11-2014, 05:10 PM
Hi Everyone:
I just posted this to Sharlene and wanted to tell everyone else. Dechra told me that 1.45 is what they want the dog at for a pre number. Normal untreated dogs are to be .5 to 5.5 on their pre number. I know the next part sounds a little hard to decipher but Tipper was .7 one time and .9 now in her pre number. Since she is still above the .5 of an untreated dog they are not as worried. If it goes below .5 of an untreated dog that is really cause for concern. So in other words as long as Tipper is above the untreated dog pre number threshold she is not in danger, but of course they would optimally want her above 1.45 as in the treated dog threshold. I am waiting on Dr. Bruyette to email me back he is usually fairly prompt and may be busy. I will let you all know when he answers me. Blessings
02-11-2014, 05:17 PM
Hey Patti, I'm really confused by what they told you. On one hand, they're saying the pre should be above 1.45 for a dog on trilo, but then they're saying it's still OK for Tipper to be below 1.45. So I agree with you -- that seems totally contradictory and hard to figure out. There's a big difference between .5 and 1.45. In honesty, it's been very rare here that I've seen dogs that were listed at <.5, even actually diagnosed Addisonian dogs. So if that is Dechra's true cut-off, it seems as though there are very few trilo dogs with genuinely worrisome pre values.
02-11-2014, 05:41 PM
I'm as confused as Marianne about this. Dechra's US website has a paper written by Dr. Ellen Behrend entitled Update on the Use of Trilostane and it clearly states:
If the basal or ACTH-stimulated cortisol concentrations are below ideal at any time, trilostane administration should be discontinued temporarily and the dose decreased when resumed.
Ideal is 1- 5 ug/dl. That makes perfect sense if the post is also under 5 ug/dl but Tipper's is well outside the reference range. I don't believe I've ever seen a basal (pre) number so low with a discordant post stimulated cortisol. pre .7 and post 9 seems very unusual.
molly muffin
02-11-2014, 05:47 PM
I don't feel comfortable at all with a pre number going below 1.0, as I think it would be way to easy for them to slip further between monitoring tests and end up in crisis very easily. Better safe than sorry I think.
People/vets seem to think, oh vetroyl/trilostane they can bounce back and they can, but only with a good vet and specialist team who recognizes what is happening and administers prednisone and electrolyte tests and fluids as needed. We can't count on all our vets being knowledgable in treating a trilostane induced addisons crisis. That scares me!
I think Dechra should stick to their 1.45 as an optimal range to not go lower than.
Sharlene and Molly muffin
02-11-2014, 05:48 PM
Patti, I thank you for your updates. My Tobey is getting her pre and post number farther and farther apart as well, although not as dramatically as Tipper. I am anxiously awaiting Dr Bruyette's opinion.
02-11-2014, 06:07 PM
I don't know, but it sounds scary to me. I am worried about Tipper having these low pre numbers. I am afraid to take her off the Vetoryl right now as she just started thyroid meds and some of those symptoms as we know are the same,and I don't want to be wondering what is causing what. I need a good plan here??? It would seem their information is so contradictory. I really don't want an Addison's crisis either as Sharlene said some vets don't even know how to treat One, and my vet would probably be in that category. I do have a question in light of all of this. Since blood work has to be sent to a lab, when your dog has one of these Addison's crisis, how can they balance the electrolytes right away if they don't know what is high or low? Is it just assumed the potassium is high and the sodium low until results come? I am wanting to know this in case I would have an emergency with Tipper that I am able to over see things are done correctly. Very scary stuff. Blessings
02-11-2014, 07:15 PM
This is just me chattering away based on nothing, but it seems to me that a person really needs to take the whole picture into consideration and not just the pre in isolation -- meaning the post as well as the pre. If my Cushpup was registering a post higher than 5, I'd be hard pressed to think that I couldn't stay the course even if the pre dropped a bit below 1.45. I mean, that just doesn't make sense to me -- that a dog with that high of a post is suddenly going to become oversuppressed. But of course the other piece is looking at patterns and trends -- has the pre stayed pretty constant or has it suddenly dropped. All I can say is it sure was a lot easier when nobody seemed to care very much about the pre at all. :rolleyes:
02-11-2014, 07:24 PM
Patti, can you do me a favor? Can you give me a quick recap on Tipper's last two or three acth stim tests where her pre was less than 1? Can you also tell me what dose she was getting at each of the stim tests? Did you inquire about this with Dr. Bruyette?
02-12-2014, 08:07 AM
I did ask Dr. Bruyette about this. I asked him quite a few questions and that is probably why he has not replied yet. Here is a run down of what was going on with Tipper.
August 13th 2012 - Vetoryl 30mg -ACTH pre- 0.7 Post 3.0 Off the Vetoryl until August 17th restarted on 20mg
August 28th not controlled went to 10/10 split dose morning and nite.
Septmeber 9th gave 10mg morning and 10 mg 8 hours later to see if that helps
October 1st gave 20 mg Vetoryl morning and 5mg trilostane nite
October 27th went to 20 morning and 7 mg nite
December 4th gave 27 mg dose in morning
December 18 gave 20 vetoryl and 8 trilostane in the morning
She has been on the last dosage up to this current Acth
January 30th ACTH .9 pre and 5.0 post
I have dropped her down to 20 mg Vetoryl and 7 mg trilostane after these results so that is what she is on now. This was all done in an effort to try ad control her symptoms, and was done by consulting Dechra.
I am wanting to know if you think I should stop the Vetoryl and wait a few days start her back on total of 27 again then gradually drop down to 25 total? If so I need to order 5mg. I thought starting back on the 27 would not the cortisol down enough that maybe 25 will be adequate then? I really am not knowing what to do as my vet never called as usual. Anyone with any perspective on this or ideas pleas help.
Tipper seems better at nite with the thyroid medicine. Last nite she had a lot of seizure activity, one shook her whole body. It is so scary to watch, so I kept waking her. I was going to with hold her Vetoryl for a few days, because of her low pre number again, but her symptoms were so bad from the thyroid I don't want to do it unless I have no choice. I am so worn out trying to figure the right combination out.
02-12-2014, 05:31 PM
Hi Everyone:
As you can see I am working hard with Glynda ( or should say Glynda is working hard to help me with Tipper's dosing.) I am trying to get her to a place where she is not exhibiting symptoms and her pre number is not low. I can tell you Glynda is miraculous at all this, and big hearted to take time to help me. I honestly don't know what I would do without this forum and it scares me that there are people out there dealing with this on their own, it's sad. I am going to feed Tipper only twice a day and see if that helps with the hunger. I am thinking of a way to get her exercise in this weather. She would not do well on my exercise bike! I need to get her a treadmill or something. I will work on it. A friend that lives near me may no someone for Grace. I am waiting to hear. I am calling the Cat Expert in Pittsburgh tomorrow as I had a lot to do for Tipper today. I will ask his opinion on this. Tipper did ok last nite but still had some seizure activity. She did sleep better but up at 4:30 and I made her lay down till 6:00. She seems to be doing ok on the Soloxine and her heart seems ok and not racing. It is a mild dose and I am glad, that is what I wanted in case things went south.
She is not panting, and whining anymore so maybe it will help her. So with some help maybe I can get her straightened out here. She seems to have a better attitude today, and happier. Blessings
02-12-2014, 05:41 PM
i can not help you, since i don't do the tests with ian. he is doing well on 2 mg/kilo and that is ok with me.
in a way i am glad i don't have the money to pay for those tests, because worrying about the numbers/results would drive me nuts i quess.
besides ian will suffer a heart attack if i would take him to the clinic for this. he is so frightened!
hope you and tipper will have a quiet night.
molly muffin
02-12-2014, 06:23 PM
Glynda has a lot more knowledge than I do when it comes to cushings and dosing. I wonder though if the way the results have been, low pre and in rangeish post is because she has the adrenal tumor now and that is a lot harder to control.
Hopefully the thyroid medicine will start to kick in and help control the symptoms too and then you'll know better what you have to do with the vetroyl.
Hang in there! You ARE doing good, even if it drives you nuts sometimes. :)
Sharlene and Molly muffin
02-12-2014, 09:59 PM
Glad you noticed some improvement with panting and racing heartbeat..that's a positive sign. I hope that tonight Tipper has a good, relaxed sleep.
It is so hard to deal with getting these pups their exercise between the extreme cold and the snow which is has an ice shell over it.
Trixie and I met up with a friend and her dog and took a walk to a playground area that has fenced in ball courts. We let them run around and a puppy came in and they were all going crazy chasing around. Trixie hasn't chased like that in a long time but I was so afraid she would slip and hurt herself on the ice.
I guess she really needed some good exercise, especially as we have another storm starting tonight so she won't be out much tomorrow.
Hoping you're having a good night with all your babies.
02-13-2014, 12:48 AM
awwww, that sounds like such doggy fun!
02-13-2014, 08:37 AM
Hi Everyone:
Not too bad for Tipper last nite. Some early seizure activity and it seems to happen a lot when she first goes to sleep. I have decided to have an online consult with Dr. Dodds about Tipper's thyroid. I wanted my vet to use her in the first place if you remember and he wouldn't do it and insisted on Michigan. I believe as other so that she is the top expert and can find things over looked by others. I need to cover all my bases here and makes sure Tipper is safe and getting the correct treatment. My vet was supposed to call Dechra 2 days ago, now he is off till next week and he had never called me. He just simply does not care about Tipper, that is why I always have to go to outside sources for help. I am working with Glynda to help Tipper and she knows a gazillion times more than my vet so I am better off without him. It's just the idea of paying him all this money and he feels he has no obligation to do anything for it. He knows Tipper is low and could go Addisons and still no calls. Thank God for this forum as my Tipper would not be here if I had not received all this help. I do try to pay forward whenever I can. I am consulting with the Cat specialist today on Grace too. It will be a busy day. It is supposed to get nice next week in the high 30's and Tipper can walk which will make her much happier. I will be in the hole so far after this consult I will need a ladder to get out. I need to do this for my girl so I will bare the burden of it for her gladly. I am wanting some opinion on this subject. Tipper was at 28 mgs one dose in the morning when her pre went low again. 20 vetoryl and trilo. I am wondering if I go to 5mg trilo and do 15mg in the morning and 10 mg at nite. That gives her a split to even the cortisol all day and drops the dose down by 3mgs to let her pre come up a tad. Please I need some feed back. I am wanting to do this because I am afraid she is close and can slip in Addisons and want to lower her post without lowering her pre. I welcome some ideas. Again her pre was .9 and her post was 5.0. Blessings
Squirt's Mom
02-13-2014, 08:53 AM
I don't know if the thyroid can have any effect on the pre number in an ACTH or not, but if I were you, I would focus on that organ for now. I would give her enough time on the new thyroid med to give it time to work and see how her signs, which both conditions share, are after her thyroid is regulated. The post number does NOT indicate Tipper is in any danger of an Addisonian crisis so I wouldn't waste a great deal of time worrying about that happening right now. The pre has come up and Dechra didn't seem overly concerned when you talked to them about it.
I don't understand Vetoryl (Trilostane) as much as I try but I have to wonder if even division of the dosing might not have a positive effect on the pre number - if she were given an even dose am and pm if that number might not come back in better range? :confused:
molly muffin
02-13-2014, 08:56 AM
If thyroid has the same symptoms as cushings and we know it does, then it might be that the hunger and definitely the aggression is due to the thyroid being off and not the cushings. This would mean that you could safely lower the dosage of vetroyl and if the thyroid is controlled, then those symptoms could go away.
I really wonder if that 5. isn't due to the adrenal tumor, and the .9 due to the suppression during the day by vetroyl.
It certainly can be a very tricky situation to be in.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
02-13-2014, 09:36 AM
Just my two cents worth, but I would not add yet another variable of twice daily dosing into the mix when you have so much else going on. We have been told by Dr. Bruyette that there seems to be a greater risk of oversuppression with twice daily dosing, and that is exactly what you are trying to avoid. I am only speculating as to the physiology of that, but perhaps it is because the cortisol never has the opportunity to rebound very greatly at any time during the daily cycle with twice daily dosing. At any rate, this is what he's told us:
While twice a day dosing may result in a lower amount of trilostane being used per day it will require closer monitoring as the ACTH stimulation tests tend to be lower so we have to look for both hypocortisolemia and electrolyte abnormalities.
Since this last test was done with once daily dosing, I would stick with that for the time being so you will have some head-to-head comparison with the next test. I agree with Leslie that since Dechra wasn't too worried about these recent results, I wouldn't worry unduly right now, either. I would want to change only one variable at a time, and right now that would be adding the thyroid supplementation.
02-13-2014, 10:18 AM
Just wanted to add that we have been told all along by the experts that ACTH stim testing may not be the ideal gauge for monitoring optimal trilostane dosing, but it's the best thing we've got right now. (I'll try to find a quote that better explains why, and come back later to add it). These kinds of weird discrepancies between low "pre" and higher "post" numbers may be a reflection of an inherent problem with using the test for trilo dosing decision-making. But so far, nobody has come up with a better alternative. So there you have it...
02-13-2014, 10:41 AM
Thank you Marianne that does make sense to me and like you said don' add another variable to the mix. I am hoping to get this thyroid thing sorted out this week. Tipper seems to be doing a little better on this drug but do not want to jinx things! She was lethargic, dull coat, panting, restless, drinking, sensitive to cold and weight gain. She has all the classic symptoms and she lets me know for the past few weeks something is off and she is not feeling well. It's enough to make your crazy all this stuff! Blessings
I am waiting for a return call from the cat expert!!
02-13-2014, 03:18 PM
Hi Everyone:
I have some not so great news. Gracie must go to another home. After consulting with the cat expert he confirmed what I have already known. Since my cat Chance is 13 years old, he could have a compromised immune system. Therefor putting him at risk for picking up this virus and having it mutate into FIP. The first sign of them having the corona virus would be severe diarrhea. I have spent enough money trying to turn Graces' situation around, but in all god conscience I cannot knowingly make my boys sick, and have the expense of that yet! I am crushed as her and I have become quite close and she never has acted up trying to get out of this one room God Bless her. This is devastating to me as she has suffered enough in her lifetime. I wish I could change all this, but the illusive magic wand is no where to be found. I must kick this into high gear and find her a forever home. This is making me cry as I type these words. I am sad for her and for me. I am waiting to talk to Jean Dodds and get Tipper squared away. Blessings
molly muffin
02-13-2014, 06:00 PM
Oh Patti, I am So sorry. I know we were all praying for a miracle. Maybe try some other rescues and put notices up at various places.
Sending you big hugs and hoping for the best
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
02-13-2014, 06:06 PM
Patti, I am so sad and sorry, too. This is so not fair for either Grace or for you. What I will turn my hope towards is that you can find somebody out of your own circle of acquaintances so that at least you can still visit her from time to time...
I really am so sorry.
02-13-2014, 11:33 PM
I'm so sorry.
I would try other rescue groups and whoever finds Grace a home first gets to place her. The place that you mentioned was concerned about getting a lot of money concerns me and I wouldn't trust them to screen candidates properly.
02-14-2014, 12:21 AM
hi patti, i will catch up with your thread tomorrow. sleep well!
02-14-2014, 01:06 AM
Oh Patti, So sorry about Grace, I was hoping she would pose no risk to your other cats. What a shame. I will hope a good and loving home can be found for her.
As for the thyroid..the are things that differ from Cushings, low blood pressure and slow heart rate are common in low thyroid but usually the opposite in Cushings. I know you worry Tipper has a rapid heart rate and high blood pressure, so you may want to watch that the medication doesn't increase these.
02-14-2014, 07:35 AM
Hi Everyone:
My heart is heavy as I post today. I was up most of the nite thinking about poor Grace. I can't help but feel an overwhelming sadness for her. I was going to try a different rescue today and when we got up it was snowing so we won't be doing this until the snow is done. Tipper had some of her episodes last nite and was all around the bed moving all nite long every few minutes. After discussing this with Glynda she thinks it may be Tipper's cortisol rising at nite. Before when she was on a split dose I always gave her the higher portion in the morning. I am thinking she should get the higher portion at nite instead. I have taken her off the Vetoryl as I am afraid of that pre number and my vet never called me about new dosing from Dechra. Tipper's safety is paramount here so I need to know she will be safe until I get some good solid answers. Glynda is trying to get me some help with this too. I am going to call Dechra and tell them my vet never called me and ask for help. I just can't believe I pay him all this money, he knows she is low and he just goes off until next week and does not bother about it. I am thinking after discussing Tipper in length with Glynda that Tipper is having muscle tremors from the Vetoryl. Now that does not mean for I am suggesting it is bad and for anyone not to use it, as Tipper needs it to live so I will have to deal with the side effects. I am hoping to get things straightened out with Jean Dodds today as they emailed me and the site was not working properly and they lost all my info on Tipper so I must do it all over. That is ok as I need the help for her. So I will not be posting on your threads until later as I must do this while Tipper is resting. Blessings
02-14-2014, 07:58 AM
Oh Patti, I am so sorry that you are having such a tough time!
I do have a special request, though, and that is for you and Glynda to please carry on at least some portion of your conversations about Tipper here as public replies. That way, you will not have to summarize them all after-the-fact and we can follow your decisions as you are actively making them. I am starting to hesitate to make suggestions here, for instance, because I don't know whether it's something you two have already discussed and discarded. :o
02-14-2014, 08:51 AM
I can't post all the conversation with Glynda as we talked on the phone. I will however try to catch everyone up so they understand what is going on. I know I did not want to deal with another variable as Tipper is on thyroid meds and has a low pre number, isn't feeling well and is exhibiting thyroid symptoms. Glynda and I went over all of Tipper's thyroid. Glynda said her numbers looked good to her, but wants me to use Jean Dodds if I can to get her expert opinion. Tipper has been running low on her T4 for the last 12 blood panels and now on this one did go low. As I was noticing these symptoms in here that is why I had the thyroid panel done as I have been saying she has been off and I know it, she is not feeling well. I am surmising that she is right on the fence of starting to go down hill, but I know her so well I caught the symptoms in an early stage. I told Glynda I read Jean Dodds ahd said that some dogs at a slight low need some help. Tipper has shown Cushings symptoms that are really strong. So I am thinking that is why she is exhibiting these thyroid symptoms early - she is just like that with illnesses. You see it right away. So I made an application to Jean Dodds and will wait to see what her expert opinion is. I am doing this to keep Tipper safe. in all the craziness of her ups and downs her safety is paramount to me. Knowing that I feel this way Glynda old me if it were her dog she would stop the Vetoryl too. I was ready to put it back in the cupboard the other day and then gave it to her, but felt uneasy. I have not heard from my vet which is no surprise. Glynda is trying to help me on her end by getting answers to why Tipper is running low on her pre number. So until I get some answers from someone like and endocrinologist or Dechra that is dealing with this and knows precisely what to do I am not dosing her. Her dosage has been changed and the poor thing has had over 13 ACTH's which have cost fortune, and look at the agony she has endured. It makes sense to me that I have taken her to every specialist under the sun in an effort to make sure she has the best care, why would I then throw caution to the wind with these meds and chance something happening to her especially with the vet I have?? I will tell everyone what is going on when I have my consult with Jean Dodds. I have asked her to consult only with me because of my vet situation. I want to make sure Tipper is on the right drug, and the right dosage for her thyroid. This has seemed to be helping her. Also her dosage with Vetoryl must be looked at due to the fact that Glynda feels her cortisol must be going higher at nite and that is what all the moving about the bed is from. So if she is put on a split dose does Dechra think the higher portion of it should be at nite, as the even split has not worked for her. I am trying to keep her post lower to stop her symptoms with out lowering her pre number. I did advise jean Dodds that Tipper does have both kinds of tumors and the results of her latest stim. She may have some suggestion on that you never know. Thank God for this forum and all of your help. Tipper never has a straight forward case of anything so doing anything with her requires a lot of looking into. Glynda has been a God send to give me her valuable time to help Tipper. I need her input as she has very valuable experience that I do not. Ultimately this is my decision I know, but to have expert guidance is like gold. We are waiting to see who gets back to us first with some concrete answers. I am calling Dechra when I am done here and telling them the situation with my vet and asking for help, as Tipper's symptoms come back quick, and strong and I do not want her going thru that more than necessary. I feel there is a key to keeping Tipper's number in balance and I need one of these experts to help me with it, as I know all this up and down in her numbers cannot be good for her. Blessings
02-14-2014, 09:17 AM
I have not posted anything here yet because there was nothing new to report. I'm waiting to see if Dr. Peterson will respond to my question regarding Tipper's low basal cortisol. I have no answer for Patti but if Tipper were my dog, I'd be very concerned about continuing treatment until I got some reassurance from somebody like Dechra, Dr. Peterson or Dr. Bruyette. It's a 50/50 proposition with Dr. Peterson when you post on his blogs but I'm keeping my fingers crossed and if he does respond, I'll immediately post his response. I did recommend that Patti contact the person she has a good relationship at Dechra and tell her she's very concerned about continuing to dose Tipper and that her vet is not responding to her. Hopefully that might get Dechra to give her some guidance. I also told her that she shouldn't screw around with dosing until she gets some guidance from an experienced professional.
02-14-2014, 09:34 AM
Regarding the low basal and possible shortcomings of ACTH testing for monitoring trilo dosing, here's one of the comments I was looking for earlier:
• Monitoring of trilostane therapy with the ACTH stimulation test may be difficult because ACTH can override the competitive inhibition of steroidogenesis.
I'm not sure I understand the point of the comment, but is it perhaps that the stimulated (post) result is not necessarily an accurate reflection of the actual ongoing adrenal reserve of a dog on trilo (the "real" daily reserve may be lower) and that's why Dechra is becoming more concerned about lower basals even though the "post" seems OK. I dunno -- maybe someone else here can explain what the comment means.
One last question for you, Patti, and then I'll check out until you gather your additional info. Did your vet give you a written endocrinological interpretation from Michigan State that accompanied the raw test results? I surely hope he requested that, although it might have involved an extra charge.
That may be the case, Marianne. I know Zoe's IMS was very concerned Zoe did not have enough adrenal reserve after I told her how Zoe reacted after her ER visit and then when we got her blunt ACTH test results back after lowering her dose she was really concerned about it.
02-14-2014, 11:15 AM
First off before I forget, no the vet never got one Marianne. I am in the process of getting all my info on Tipper to Dr. Dodds so I have limited time here. The other very important thing to note is I just had very lengthy conversation with Dechra. Before I explain that just know they told me my vet never called them!! So you know I am not happy right now, but it is par for the course with him. After them reviewing extensive notes on Tipper and all the dose changes we gave made and the problems that have occurred after stopping her Vetoryl this is what was decided between all of us. First they do not want her Vetoryl stopped because the last time her clinical symptoms were so quick and so bad on return they do not want her cortisol climbing that high. They want me to dose her with one morning 20mg dose until I am able to get the 5mg from Diamondback. When I get that I am to give her 15 in the morning and 10 at nite. that way if she is on 20 now her cortisol should not drop, but will not escalate out of control either. That way it does not have to be knocked down too far when she starts on a smaller total dose than what caused all this(28). When we have taken her off in the past and her cortisol shot up too high and then she was put on a lower dose because the pre was low ,it was not enough to bring her post number down to where she was not having terrible clinicals. So when I get the 5mg she will get 15 in the morning and 10 at nite and an ACTH in 2 weeks as my stupid vet did not know to do. I told them she cannot sleep at nite and wouldn't the bigger dose be better at nite and they said no because you must do the ACTH after the higher dose and that would mean she would have to have an ACTH at 10 or 11 at nite and my vet is never going to do that! If this does not work we may do 12/12 split with the 2 mg being trilostane. When Tipper got all 30mg in the morning this not sleeping all nite was not a problem, but that can no longer be because of her pre number. I told Dechra about my vet and they did not comment on him other than to say he never called. He is really a terrible person to do this to Tipper. It will all come back to him sometime. They were not going to help me until I practically begged and said my vet isn't interested in this and I have no other help from an expert and this is a tricky situation. They assured me she is ok on the 20 mg for now. It is ok to dose her on 20 and when the 5mg comes to start the very next day on 15/10. They said the 20 will keep her in a good place to stave off the symptoms as she does get crazy, and will probably really have a hard time at nite until the other mg comes. This is the only combo we have not tried. I told her I do not want to subject Tipper to all these ACTH tests as she has really had enough and we need to get this right so she stops suffering. I want to know what everyone thinks of this especially Marianne and Glynda as you two have been helping me with this problem. I will take Jean Dodds word as gospel when she tells me what is going on and follow what she tells me on the thyroid. A neighbor came and asked me for a picture and description of Grace to take to work, she has cats and many people she works with love them and maybe she could get Grace a home. So I made a flyer and description of her and what is expected of the person who wants to give her a home, I want to put it all right out front so there is no misunderstanding that only the right person will get her and what I require to relinquish her. I am hoping this is not too convoluted and I explained it well enough. Please let me know what you think I value all you input to help my girl. Blessings
02-14-2014, 11:39 AM
Hey Patti, I totally defer to Dechra at this point and will keep my fingers crossed that this combo will finally be the right one for Tipper.
All fingers crossed for Grace, too.
P.S. Did you tell Dechra that you have started the thyroid med? Also, I am somewhat confused -- was Tipper's Michigan State profile truly below normal range, or just in the lower part of normal?
02-14-2014, 12:37 PM
Her test from the vet was below normal. She was low normal on the Michigan test. This is where Dr. Dodds says some of these dogs need help in this range.Glynda said maybe she likes to see them come up in the middle . I would think that especially since Tipper has so many symptoms this may be true, we will see soon. Did what Dechra said to do makes sense to you? Blessings
02-14-2014, 12:42 PM
Hi Everyone:
I forgot with all this going on that Dr. Bruyette answered my email very oddly this time. All he said was Tipper seems to be doing well, and that is good??????? I am shocked he never answered any question I asked. Maybe he was busy and will elaborate later. He did thank me for referring great people to him. Blessings
02-14-2014, 04:32 PM
Hi Everyone:
I just sent Dr. Dodds more info on Tipper. I am hoping to get a consultation with her maybe next week or so, don't know how busy she is right now. I wanted to wish everyone a Happy Valentines Day and your babies one too. It would seem after researching on Dr. Dodds site the attack Tipper did on Toby could be part of this problem, and when she tried to bite me, as she has never been like that before and it was one of the many symptoms Tipper has. I am playing with grace and just want to cry when I look at her. Blessings
molly muffin
02-14-2014, 04:57 PM
Sending you and whole patti gang a great big Happy Valentines Day.
Yes, aggression and personality changes can be a big part of thyroid issues.
Hang in there! hugs,
Sharlene and mollymuffin
02-14-2014, 05:33 PM
I just wanted to add one thing. I have been saying in my post about Tipper whining and she has never done that in her life. Well it is one of the symptoms also, so I think I can see where this is going. Blessings
02-14-2014, 09:11 PM
i wish you lots of strenght with all this research about tipper''s tests etc.
lots of work it seems.
my ian had the muscle tremors before the vetoryl and it stopped completely after the first pill, so the other way around.
flynn's behavior mellowed after his thyroid got low, so the opposite of tippers.
every dog reacts in a different way symptom-wise so it seems.
i have to go and walk the dogs in the storm.
hope the weather is improving in your area.
sleep well!
02-15-2014, 12:34 AM
as you have explained everything, it makes perfect sense to me. Especially since Daisy also does better with the dosage split and given twice a day.
I'm so glad that Dechra is working with you! I wouldn't give your vet another dime. I'm sure that there are others who would be willing to work with Dechra and the other specialists to learn more about Cushings and low thyroid problems.
Crossing my fingers that your friend can find Grace a happy home!
It sounds like things are starting to look up finally!!!!
02-15-2014, 08:33 AM
Hi Everyone:
I woke up to an email from Jean Dodds. Thank God there are some people that take their responsibility serious, I am so thankful to her. I explained my vet situation to her and that is why she helped me so quickly. She is a wonderful human being and I am so grateful for her help. She did exactly what she said unlike some others I hired who took the money and ran and did nothing. So here is the report:
Because Tipper is a Jack Russell Terrier they need more thyroid to maintain their basal metabolic demand. Tipper is on the correct medicine and the correct dose. She would like to see Tipper's levels boosted to the upper half of the mid range. She also felt this because of Tipper's symptoms which are extensive.
She suggested that if I wanted to not go to the Vetoryl since Tipper is having problems to got o the Melatonin and Lignans.
So I know Tipper so well I am fortunate that I was able to realize this when it first started because it can cause paralysis of the larynx and Tipper does have tracheal issues!! I did right by my girl and I am happy for it.
I am wanting to know what you all think of this now that the expert has spoken? What do you think of the alternative treatment? Do you think Tipper's symptoms are too strong to control with this natural method? I thank God I was able to see something wrong with her and get on this right away. I am also glad she is on the correct dose that my vet fought me about to double. I am so glad I never listen to him. No one knows these dogs like their moms! I have noticed Tipper seems better and acting better, not laying around wanting to play and not as moody and depressed. This was the best money besides the ultra sound that I have spent to help her. Now I just have to figure out how to pay the credit card bill! Oh where is my money tree? This is a happy day for me as I knew my dog was off and now that is one less worry put to rest. Now I must concentrate on the dosing and get it right. Her 5 mg will be here probably by Wednesday. She is still moving all around at nite so I know her cortisol is rising then. Thank God when I had my vet call in the Rx's I made him give me refills as where would I be now? I would have no 5mg refill and him no where to be found. I wondered why all of a sudden Tipper starting whining. She has never been a whiner and that struck me as really odd. Well the lady took Grace's flyer to work today and I am hoping someone will rise to the challenge and want her. She has lost about a half a pound since I am controlling her food. So she is doing well that way. Delora goes to the Dr. for an exam on Tuesday as she is still bleeding after 3 months. I made her promise to talk to the Dr. herself and write questions down and have him answer them in writing as she does not hear well. I hope she gets a miracle the poor thing. Thank You all for your help in advance. I am going to email Glynda so she looks at my thread to see the Dr. has gotten back to me. Blessings
I am so glad you heard from Dr. Dodd. The only comment I can make is that for me, it is hard to evaluate what is cause and affect when I do two things at once to Zoe. Is there any reason her thyroid wouold make her restless at night or any other supplement or medication she may be on? Since some of the low thyroid problems can mimic Cushings, would it be better to give yourself a chance to see her behavior now since she has started the thyroid meds?
I know you said Dechra did not want her off her Vetoryl. I am just commenting on the change to twice day dosing which I thought was the plan. But that is about the only thought I would have Patti.
02-15-2014, 10:15 AM
Patti, if Tipper were my dog, I would not switch to the melatonin and lignans. Our experience here is that they will not control excessive cortisol to the extent required by Tipper. As far as the Vetoryl dosing, I truly do defer to Dechra's recommendations at this point.
As for the thyroid dosing, I think you will just have to see whether Tipper seems better or worse as time goes on. One drawback to Dr. Dodds' differential norms/ranges based on individual breed are that they reflect her personal, unpublished database. Other researchers have not been given the opportunity to evaluate her data. From what I've read on the internet, some pet owners feel that their dogs have improved using her recommendations; others do not. But that is standard for most treatments, after all. So I think that for Tipper, you will just have to see how she does.
I do want to warn you that too much thyroid supplementation can cause some of the very symptoms you are hoping to correct: excessive hunger, thirst, urination, restlessness, rapid heartbeat, etc. So to give your annoying vet a tiny bit of slack, I can see why he may have felt reluctant to start supplementation if Tipper's results still fell within the normal range on the Michigan State profile. But given the complexity of Tipper's situation, it is very unfortunate that he didn't request their written interpretation so you would have it to compare/combine with Dr. Dodd's assessment.
Since you have seen Tipper worsening, I surely understand why you are anxious to make some changes, though. So we'll all be anxious to see how she responds. As Addy warns, though, it may be hard to sort out the source of any improvement or worsening since you will be changing both the amount of the trilo and also the time of dosing alongside the thyroid supplementation. I'll keep my fingers crossed that you will only see improvement, and than we really won't care about the source anyway!
02-15-2014, 01:12 PM
Thank you Addy and Marianne. To me the lignans did not sound good because of Tippers strong symptoms all the time. So I will stick with the Dechra plan. I know it will be hard telling what is what. Tipper is on such a low dose of thyroid meds that there has not been a difference in drinking and peeing with the exception of today as she is only getting 20mg vetoryl and I know that is why. She has been acting more alert and better the last three days than she has for 2 months now. Today she wanted to play and catch ball her favorite activity and she has not wanted to do that for a while so I know she is already feeling better. I am hopeful she continues to improve as it makes me worry less. I guess that is all of us can hope for is improvement and quality of life. Blessings
02-15-2014, 09:53 PM
i am glad that tipper is feeling better today. how is her leg doing? one day it will be spring and you will be able to walk again. that will help her feeling better too i think.
i hope you will have a quiet sunday!
02-16-2014, 08:11 AM
Hi Everyone:
Tipper is doing a lot better with her leg. She did walk just a small walk yesterday because it was too cold for her to be out. She is running and yes I hate to say it jumping again. I would have to hog tie her for the rest of her life and she is depressed enough being inside so I can no longer restrict her and the therapist said it is best to let her go. She is walking flat footed on the leg and that is a great improvement as when they tear that cruciate they walk on their toes. There is no doubt the laser therapy healed her, and were are so fortunate to have a good therapist too. Tipper had a lot of activity going on when she went to sleep last nite. I noticed when this first started it started with her rear leg. It progressed up her body to her eye twitching, not it is involving her mouth, her mouth is twitching and that almost woke her up. She slept ok but moved about most of the nite. She is drinking more water on the 20mg which I expected. She is doing much better with the thyroid meds, better attitude, and not nasty, seems to be feeling a lot better I can tell she is not acting sick and is up and not sleeping. So I will take those improvements. I was reading on some supplements for the heart, and for the muscle wasting. I will post them later when I have more time as I know the muscle wasting is worrying a lot of us. Most had very little side effects if any. I will clear them with Leslie though. The rescue emailed me about Grace again and told me they have someone to foster her. I asked if they person liked her would they be able to keep her. I will wait for the reply. Grace wants to play with all the toys I gave her as soon as I come in the room in the morning she is ready to play. god bless her sweet heart she is so great I am at a loss for words to describe it. This will be tough , but I have to suck it up and do it. This will be the first animal I have ever taken out of my house and given to someone and it is really bothering me. Tipper walked a small walk yesterday as it was too cold for her, but just the small walk lifted her spirits. Next week 40-50 degree temperatures and she will love that. I got an email that her 5mg was shipped so I am hoping it is here by Wednesday. I can tell her cortisol is rising just from the 2 days on the 20 mg as it is not enough to control her. At least she is not out of control though as that is what Dechra wanted. We shall see if this combo works. Blessings
molly muffin
02-16-2014, 12:55 PM
Glad to hear that Tipper is doing better with her leg and her activity level too. Nice to see that come together. If only those night time tremors would end.
That is good that the rescue has found a foster at least until a good home can be found. I imagine you'll have to check out all the specifics for it to make sure it is a good fit for Grace.
Just a tad of snow here today, then bloody cold tonight and tomorrow night snows starts again and goes through tuesday I think. Horrid stuff. grrrr
Sharlene and Molly muffin
02-16-2014, 01:59 PM
Praying Tipper gets better.
Hugs Sonja and Angel Apollo
02-16-2014, 02:45 PM
Thank You Sonja
Marianne, I wish that the tremors would go away to they are so hard to watch my girl doing that. Now it is even involving her mouth and I am hoping this does not get worse. I let Tipper out from behind her gate and put Toby behind the gate and Tipper went right in front of Toby grabbed Toby's new ball and she just ruined the heck out of it. As Toby protested she ruined it more, then she kind of looked up and I wear she smiled. She can't get out so she is being a little brat. So when I put her back behind the gate I gave Toby one of her toys and she is really miffed- and Tipper does not forget. Grace told me she wants to stay with me!. I am so weak when it comes to a furry critter. Blessings
02-16-2014, 07:53 PM
if there is a way that you can keep Grace and that she is happy with you, I hope that she can stay.
I'm so glad that Tipper is improving! Good for you giving Toby one of her toys in return. They have memories like an elephant :)
Could her thyroid have anything to do with the tremors? Maybe a combination of both?
02-16-2014, 10:00 PM
valerie, i don't think grace can stay with patti, because this would mean living in that one room on her own forever. i don't think that would be fair to her. she will need a whole home for her alone. [a good home of course with the proper care]
glad that tipper is feeling better. and that the weather is improving, so tipper can have her much needed walks.
i have to walk the dogs before going to bed. it is 4 am now..............
02-17-2014, 01:06 AM
I know, wishful thinking because I know that Patti has become so attached to her.
02-17-2014, 08:22 AM
Hi Everyone:
Well Tipper did her usual activity last nite and it is really bothering me that it involves her mouth now. I am afraid of her biting her tongue. Valerie I did read where Dr. Dodds said that the thyroid can waste muscles etc. so maybe it is a combination. It has just progressed so much it is scary when you see your dog doing this. She lays up against me at nite and I can feel when it starts. She is doing well with her leg and seems better with the thyroid pills, more energy and happier. I am waiting for her 5mg Trilostane I hope it is not delayed because of the pending storm again. I need to get her dosage straightened out. Well the vets office has been open for a while now and no call from him still. Now I kind of wish I would have slapped him that day, maybe get some sense into him. The poor birds here arte having so much trouble getting food as the snow is so deep. I keep putting things out for them and it is gone as soon as it hits the snow as there is a flock that covers the food and eats it all immediately. I must concentrate on Grace this week as I am so weakening it is pathetic. Blessings
02-17-2014, 06:22 PM
hi patti, overhere they do sell balls made of grease and birdseeds/peanuts in a net, and peanut-slings which you can hang e.g. into a tree or bushes. and more things like that. so the birds can find them even when there is a lot of snow on the ground. i also stick an apple on the end of a branch etc.
and no fights with your vet ! we do not want to have to visit you in jail! he is not worth it.....grrrrr!!
glad that tipper is feeling happier now. good night!
molly muffin
02-17-2014, 06:49 PM
Hi Patti,
I'm not sure how it is where you are at, but here we'll get the snow and it will warm up too so maybe tipper will be able to get a walk in the snow this time. Cross fingers.
Did you hear back from the rescue about Grace?
My neighbor has a few different bird food things hanging from some trees in the back yard, maybe you could put a few of those up for the birds in the winter time?
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Sharlene and Molly muffin
02-18-2014, 12:44 AM
Hi Patti,
More snow due here too...but warming up out of the deep freeze at the end of the week...hopefully Tipper will be able to get some good outdoor time in if it gets warm enough.
Hoping Tipper is having a good night tonight, and the other fur kids too.
02-18-2014, 08:52 AM
Hi Sharlene and Barbara:
I never heard anything back from the rescue yet. Grace is sick of this room and after a month I do not blame her. My heart aches when I watch her, and how wonderful she is. We got bombed with snow, it is still going this morning and the wind is unreal. Hope all is going well with Trixie and that you found out about you salmon oil. Blessings
02-18-2014, 09:09 AM
Hi Everyone;
Well Tipper had a pretty good nite. I can tell her hunger has escalated with being on only the 20mg Vetoryl. I am hoping her 5mg trilostane comes today. Other wise she is doing a lot better while on the Soloxine. So much more alert, and acting better. I take her to the vets for bp tomorrow and I am going early so I do not run into him as he has still never called me about Tipper's dosing. Why he would deliberately try to hurt her is unbelievable to me. WE really got the snow last nite, it is still coming down and the wind is relentless and strong. We are actually in a blizzard right now. When it warms up next week and rains then the problems will start with flooding as we have so many feet of snow on the ground. Nothing of Grace yet and I am not venturing out to take her anywhere until this is over. This has really put me in a precarious position, as I feel for her and want her to be happy. Blessings
Hey Patti... I do once in awhile get on here to catch up on things, but you know the reason why I mostly try to stay away.
I'm not a fan of cats, there are very few far and between that I take a liking too, but Grace sounds like one of the ones I'd love.
Sure wish I was in your area, or we could take pets into Canada from the States without so much paperwork... I'd take her in a heart beat.
Glad to hear Tipper is feeling much better, once you get the 5 mg you'll feel a bit better too.
Take care of yourself...
Hugs -
02-18-2014, 11:44 AM
Hey Patti - so glad to hear Tipper had a good night.
I don't know how you all are getting all the snow.. I'm in Alaska and we are hardly getting any. This crazy weather!
molly muffin
02-18-2014, 09:56 PM
Glad Tipper had a good night. That is excellent news.
Sharlene and Molly muffin
02-18-2014, 10:06 PM
sounds good that tipper had a good night! the weather does not sound good though! hope you will have an other good night sleep.
You should have a nice day after the blizzard, we are today. So hold on to that thought. I am so glad Tipper is feeling better.:):)
02-19-2014, 04:02 PM
Hi Everyone:
We are late as I had Tipper in for Bp this morning and had to get a sitter and go to the grocery store. Tipper has a 150 bp today and that is high for her. I am wondering if she got wound up too much before we left home. If it is high again next week we have a problem that will have to be addressed. The vet never came out of his room when I was there this morning and it is just as well he did not. I am having a time with Grace not having anywhere to go and getting sick of this room too. I saved her and do not want to give her up to a less than ideal place, but it is getting much. Her kitty litter is making dust and that does not mix with computers etc. Tipper seems real keyed up today for some reason. Today is the first day of the split dose 15/10. She was panting a little. Maybe her cortisol is going up and that is making her feel bad. I know she needs an ACTH in 2 weeks will it make a difference if it is 1 day early? I need to schedule her thyroid draw for 30 days but if I can do them both at the same time it is less stress for her. Her thyroid will be due the time this ACTH is due. I know she is so sick of all these tests it is pathetic. She lost weight today yeahhhhhhhhh!!!
I need to get her settled into this new dosage and I pray it works for her. I am hoping it controls the cortisol at nite since that is what is probably making her move around the bed all nite long. We will see here in a few days I will be able to tell. It is snowing here again- I thought it was supposed to rain??? Just a lot of flakes nothing heavy. Tipper walked twice today and was so happy. I will try to post on your threads later I am beat and have to feed the cats. Blessings
02-19-2014, 06:16 PM
glad that you and tippers were able to walk 2 times. i can understand it makes her happy. we were having a sunny afternoon and i also had a nice long walk with the dogs along the riverside. the next days there will be rain and wind again, so this was a good day.
sleep well!
molly muffin
02-19-2014, 06:40 PM
Hi Patti,
Glad that Tipper lost some weight as I know that really worried you. The weight though is probably tied to the thyroid not the cushings, so it might start going down now that she is on medication.
I know the situation with Grace is not a good one. :( Wish I had the answer for you.
Nice that you got to walk today. So now we are expecting, get this, rain storms tomorrow! Probably flooding too. Then by end of week, we'll drop the temperatures again and through march we'll likely be cold. *sigh* I'm enjoying these couple days of of at least warmer weather, even if it comes with problems. :)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
02-20-2014, 08:11 AM
Hi Everyone:
I kind of figured that Tipper's weight was brought on by the thyroid, so I will be glad when it comes off because she has never had weight on her like this. Yesterday was the first for the split and it seemed to help her better thru the nite. I was awake all nite never slept a wink as I am feeling so bad about Grace it terrible what she has been thru. I emailed the rescue to take her there Saturday. I watched Tipper all nite . It seems she ahs more of her episodes when she first goes to sleep, but there were some during the nite. She sis not appear to move about the bed as much before her 10mg dose at nite, so I think it was the cortisol climbing. We will see in a few days if she starts with any clinical symptoms and cannot stay on this dosage. I am looking to be giving her melatonin today as that is all I have. How many hours apart can I give it I forget? I do not want her pressure rising any more as it was high and I don't want eye problems or her heart racing. It is a challenge each and every day we get up. I so hope the storm passes us as TIpper will go nuts with thunder. Blessings
02-20-2014, 04:44 PM
Hi Everyone:
I have a home for Gracie with a retired couple that have no other animals. They sound perfect and I am meeting them on Saturday at noon in Erie Pennsylvania. About an hour from me. I am happy, but I am crying that I won't see her anymore. I am happy she will be safe and loved in a wonderful home. They have owned cats in the past, but never a bog Maine Coon like Grace. I need to get myself together as this is what has to be. I gave Tipper some melatonin before the rain started as she was laying by my closet ready to go in and it seems to have calmed her, but the worst is yet to come with the thunder and 60 mile and hour winds tonite. Say a prayer for Grace that this all works out and she is happy for the rest of her life. Blessings
02-20-2014, 06:32 PM
Oh Patti, I am crying right alongside you. I don't know how or why Grace has wormed her way into my heart, too, from across all these miles. But she has, and I will be missing all your reports on her. This arrangement sounds perfect for her, but I understand why your heart is aching.
Please give Amazing Grace some farewell pets from her Auntie Marianne (and here are some big hugs for you, too!)
02-20-2014, 07:16 PM
Thank you Marianne:
It's going to take everything I have to do this. I feel like I saved her only to let her down. I don't feel good about having to do this to her, I was up all last nite worrying about her. I spoke to the people that want her for 45 minutes. They know what I expect from them in order to get her. I told them if it doesn't work out I want her back immediately. I don't want anything bad to happen to her anymore. I have been crying since I hung up the phone. She is just so special, I will never see another one that wonderful in my lifetime.
Tipper has been sleeping off and on after the melatonin I gave her. It stopped raining, but the worst has not started yet. I pray my Tipper makes it thru tonite OK. How I wish things had turned out differently for Grace. Blessings
02-20-2014, 07:22 PM
glad, that you found a home for grace, you will miss her off course, but getting a home of her own with -i hope- lovely people is good!
maybe they will provide you with updates on grace. and they can call/mail you. she deserves more space and a house of her own.
did tipper survive the storm and thunder without too much stress?
i hope so!
hope the new dosage will work for tipper.
molly muffin
02-20-2014, 07:50 PM
Oh I know your heart hurts bad to have to give Grace up and of course you wouldn't if at all possible. You did explore every option available, it just wasn't there.
I hope this couple will love her and spoil her rotten, brush her and play with her. Give her everything she would ever want in a kitty life. Everything except you of course, because I am sure that she will miss you too.
Hope Tipper makes it through the night with no panicking. Ours was snow here, but waiting on the rain and wind to kick in. Should be a doozy.
sharlene and molly muffin
02-21-2014, 02:10 AM
maybe the couple will let you call them or visit to check in on Grace a few times? Just to be sure that she has acclimated. They do sound perfect though and retired too so she won't be home alone for a long time.
How did Tipper do with the rain? Did the melatonin help?
02-21-2014, 08:24 AM
Hi Everyone:
Yesterday during the day I gave Tipper melatonin and sprayed the closet with pheromone spray. WE had one round during the day, and one at nite that brought thunder, Tipper slept off and on in the say the poor thing. Right before the thunder she went to the closet she could sense the barometric pressure change probably and then the thunder started. The thunder was over quickly thank God. I could not get her out of the closet, but she was not panting after the thunder left and she just lay on the floor in there. Today I am so tired I did not sleep well. I never gave one of my animals away, it's just not something I would do and Grace is weighing heavily on my heart. This couple called me yesterday from the pet store they are shopping for her. They got her a pair of steps to get up on and look out the picture window in their living room. They want her to sleep in bed with them! It all sounds good, so it better turn out good or I told them to bring her back to me. I feel like I am letting her down by doing this, and it is making it hard for me. Tipper is doing ok. I called the vets yesterday and got the substitute vet asked him about a tranquilizer for Tipper. He at least calls back promptly. He said he did not want to do that and give her the melatonin. I am going to need something for spring I can see it coming. Please pray for Grace. Blessings
Squirt's Mom
02-21-2014, 08:41 AM
You are getting a tiny taste of what it is like to be a foster parent. We fall in love with each little charge then have to let them go. But you are a vital, important step in Grace's new life - a life she would NOT have had any chance of if not for you. In the short time you have had her, you have given her more than she's probably ever had in her life - more attention, more care, more love. These things she will carry with her always. You leave a mark on her heart just as she leaves one on yours. You are also bringing great joy to another family thru Grace. You are helping fill a void in their life just as Grace filled one in yours for a time. You are passing on the hope, happiness, and love that Grace carries with her from your home to her new one. You are helping to create a new family unit. YOU have shown her what it means to be loved, YOU have shown her how wonderful life can be. And now you are letting her go to a home that can offer just as much, if not more because she will not have to be so limited in their home. You are doing the right thing for all. Be sure her new family has your email and hope they will send you pics and updates on Grace. That is a truly wonderful thing for foster parents - to know their little ones are doing good in their new homes. You will feel as if a part of your heart is being ripped out as you drive away with her but remember, if not for you Grace would probably not be alive to have a new home. YOU saved her and gave her the chance she needs to live out her life in love and care....and give love as you have taught her. That pain you will feel between your shoulders is simply your wings making their appearance.
02-21-2014, 11:53 AM
Hi Patti
Glad you found Grace a home I know it can't of been easy for you to see her go but you did the BEST for her in every way. I have not been getting post notifications again.
So I haven't posted for a bit. Hope you are OK
Diana & Teddy xxx
02-21-2014, 01:37 PM
Hi Everyone:
I am trying to stay busy today so I don't think about Grace leaving me. Well it isn't working too well. I am still crying about her. I hope these people truly know how special she is, and how I struggled to let her go. They better treat her like the princess she is. I will take some pictures of them tomorrow with Grace. Tipper walked tow times today. I can see that she has lost weight now just by looking at her. It is fairly warm today so both dogs had a good time. I am so glad
Tipper was OK last note. I need to get something before spring and storms coming. I ordered. Some cleaner online as it takes a special cleaner to kill corona virus. I will have to clean that room thoroughly and keep all animals out for 3 months to make sure all of it is dead.
This is going to be a bad weekend for me, but I was blessed to know Grace and have her here for as long as I did. She was really playing with me this morning, and running and jumping to get her toys. I will give them to the lucky couple that is getting her.
Thank you Leslie, you have such a gift to be able to write like you do. I will never forget this very special, wonderful cat. Blessings
02-21-2014, 02:58 PM
Leslie always knows the right thing to say. Sending you a big hug. You saved grace and couldn't have done any more.
molly muffin
02-21-2014, 04:21 PM
I cried when I read what Leslie wrote. She does have a way with words and fostering I can tell you is dear to her heart, so maybe it if because she and some of the others here (hello Glynda) know the feelings you are going through all too well themselves. You will be okay eventually and Grace will always be a part of your heart. This couple sounds wonderful and I they are already looking at ways to make Grace feel like the special being you already know her to be.
I'm glad Tipper got some walking time today.
sharlene and molly muffin
02-21-2014, 08:31 PM
I'm crying too as I type this.
It's a great sign that they're out shopping for Grace! As much as you'll miss her, this definitely sounds like a winning situation for her. Sleeping in bed with them too <3 How sweet!
As I said, ask them if you can visit once or twice to check in. Getting email updates is a great idea and maybe the three of you will become friends through your love for animals? That would take away any doubts that you have.
Tipper had a better night that I expected to hear. We had the rain all night and today too. I can't recall hearing any thunder.
I could never be a foster parent. I'm MUCH MUCH to attached to my furbabies!
Please try to get some rest dear.
02-21-2014, 09:40 PM
two walks, and the thunder was over quickly, not a bad day for tipper. just try to think about the good home you found for grace and if they are as nice as you mentioned here, they will send you updates and pictures.
what was the reason the vet did not want to give you tranquilizers for tipper? they must know that you won't harm tipper. stress is not good especially for cushing dogs.
hope you will catch up with some sleep tonight and have a safe trip tomorrow.
02-21-2014, 11:57 PM
Thinking of you Patti.
Remember that Grace is going to another loving home.
Please ask these people to keep you updated on her. It will make you worry less.
02-22-2014, 06:58 AM
Thinking of you this morning, Patti, and sending you strength and comfort. I know this trip today will be so hard. But just remember, we will be alongside you in spirit. And Grace will never forget you, and you will never forget her. You will always remain connected, even across the miles. And that is a sweet thing, even though the parting will be so hard.
molly muffin
02-22-2014, 07:09 AM
Right here this morning with you. Think I will just pop along for the ride.
You have done a wonderful thing with Grace. Not easy but definitely wonderful
Hope Tipper had a good night so you are rested
Sharlene and Molly muffin
02-22-2014, 07:48 AM
Thank you all for your kindness and remembering Grace. I had to log on to see how Zoe was and I am crushed to hear the news that she has passed. God help each and every one of us get thru this. I am glad to know you are all with Grace and I on this very hard journey. She and I are playing now for the last time together. I am talking to her and trying to explain to her what will be happening. I hope she forgives me for having to do this. She is the perfect cat and should never have had a life like she did. I will post when I get back as I am just overwhelmed with this task and with the passing of sweet Zoe. Blessings to you all
02-22-2014, 02:57 PM
Thinking of, hope you are ok. I know Grace left a stamp on you heart. I hope her new parents are telling you right now how much they will love and spoil her.
Come back and let us know your ok when you feel up to it
Big hug
02-22-2014, 03:29 PM
Hi Everyone:
I am back home, I have just cried all the way back. It was one of the hardest tings I have done. I was so upset I forgot to take pictures. The rescue was so depressing I could not stop crying. The people who got her were OK. I guess I am so taken with this cat, no one would have been good enough. I really did not even want anyone to touch her or hold her. Might sound strange, but that is how I felt. The owner of the rescue decided she wanted her when she saw how beautiful she was. I said no because she was promised to this couple, and they had already bought her stuff. I am not feeling well from all this, I guess the thing I cannot get out of my mind is that I will never see her sweet face again, or hear her talking to me while on the computer. I will never forget the innocence and sweetness brought into my life by this cat.
God Bless. Grace
God Bless Zoe and Addy
02-22-2014, 03:54 PM
Oh Patti, I am very sorry to hear that you were not all that crazy about the couple. I was so hoping you'd feel good about them. It wouldn't make you miss Grace any less, but at least you might feel better about things. But still, the fact that they went to the trouble of consulting you about things to buy for her is a plus. It means they do care about giving her the best home they can
Always remember you saved her from certain death, being left alone in the woods with no claws. She will miss you, too, Patti. But she will be safe inside a home with toys and a bed to sleep on, and two people to claim as her own. No matter what, you saved her.
Sending warm hugs. It was so brave of you to send Grace off on her new life. I am so sorry she is gone, though. I know you will always wonder about her, and a part of you will always miss her. This is such a hard day, all the way around.
02-22-2014, 08:00 PM
so, grace is in her new home now. i hope those people will send you updates and pictures. maybe you can give them some advice about her behavior, the food she likes etc. do they own a webcam? that would be nice. from what you told us, grace is a laid-back cat so she will be part of the family soon i hope. and having a house of her own must please her too. i have rescued and replaced many animals, so i know how difficult it can be to let them go.
have you heared from them yet? maybe they will allow you to visit her after she has settled.
hope you will sleep well after all the events today.
molly muffin
02-22-2014, 08:20 PM
Hi Patti, I hope that this was an emotional response to having to give Grace up to anyone and that they will be wonderful to Grace. I cannot imagine anyone who sees her not wanting to give her a good home. It wouldn't be right actual for the rescue lady to take Grace, because if she is doing cat rescues, then she likely has cats in and out of her place constantly, so not good, as Grace needs to be a solo cat in the home. Good call on that.
How is Tipper today?
I know this is a very, very hard day on our forum home here, so I hope that you are taking some time to just enjoy your babies today and not think too much about 'what if's'.
Sharlene and molly muffin
02-22-2014, 09:37 PM
Patti, I'm sorry you had find a home for Grace. I hope she will have a long life in her new loving home.
I hope Tipper is doing OK. I might not be on here much lately but I think of all of you often.
Hugs to you and Tipper.
02-22-2014, 11:07 PM
Hi Patti,
I've been off the board for a few days...I've come on tonight to the very sad news about Zoe, so I'm already in tears...and now I'm feeling heartsick for you too!
You saved Grace from a terrible fate, the awful family who were about to dump her during the worst winter weather...she never would have survived all these weeks out on her own in the elements and she would have suffered so much if you hadn't come along that day.
She's been safe and warm in your house all this time and getting so much love from you. I'm hoping the couple who have adopted her will just shower her with attention, and I think they will. Calling you from the pet store and telling you they were buying things for her just has to be a positive sign that they really want her and will be good to her. If things had been different and she didn't have that virus I know she'd be with you now, but it couldn't be that way. I have a good feeling she is going to be great in her new home. Just think, if she was still with the original dopes you saved her from!
I hope you can sleep well tonight knowing you were the one who gave Grace a 2nd chance!
Hope Tipper and your other babies have a restful night too.
02-22-2014, 11:29 PM
You saved Grace and ensured that she have a forever home. I'm glad you told the rescue woman "no" as I truly believe that she would've sold Grace for the money.
Give yourself time and by all means call them and ask how things are going.
I'm crying with you dear.
02-23-2014, 10:25 AM
Hi Everyone:
It was a very hard morning I could not go into my office knowing Grace was not there. This made me so sick I got chest pains from it. I am just not feeling well from all the stress. Tipper is notnhavingnthe best day, she had some panting going on, and some breathing noises. I am just using my tablet and I am sitting on the bed with her. I can't seem to go in my office. I hope that changes in a few days. I never had an animal impact my life in such a short time like she did. In just heard maybe another storm is coming to the northeast. We had snow on the ground this morning. I have not walked with Tipper today, and I know she wants to go, I am just not feeling up to it. I think whenever I can get some one to sit with Tipper I will take Delora out for something to eat? I dont think with the way she is feeling, and all that she will be around much longer. My babies are sensing something is not right, I am going to play ball with Tipper, and then Toby. I have to get Tippe her Adequan shot on Wednesday so the vet will have to face me, I can't wait to see what he says to me.Blessings
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