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Squirt's Mom
12-18-2013, 09:01 AM
I can't agree more with Sharlene's post. That is excellent advise for ALL of us to remember - each of these pups is a unique biological system and what works for one may not work for one single other pup. ;) Personally, I would leave the diet recommendations up to the nutritionist period. What she recommends are the ONLY things I would attempt right now. You've paid good money and she is highly qualified in this field. ;)

I also want to say that we are working on assumptions here with Tipper. We do not KNOW she is hypothyroid; we do not KNOW she is having seizures. These are just POSSIBILITIES at this point - not confirmed facts. So from this stand point I would not in any way be trying to treat or address issues that are a "maybe". ;) That is getting the proverbial horse before the cart. FIRST comes the diagnosis THEN comes treatment. So for today, work ONLY with the known facts....and maybe in the process save yourself some stress and worry. As I've told you, I am very worried about you and your health with all this stress, honey.

As for the melatonin, I wouldn't increase it just yet. Keep giving the 3mg once at night for a couple of weeks and see how she does. Squirt (at 14 lbs) was taking 12mg a day at one point per her IMS for her intermediate hormones so you probably have some room to increase IF NEEDED. One night is not enough time to know, tho. I would also talk to the vet about this when you discuss the thyroid and seizure possibilities.

I do know one thing - if there is a problem or problems beyond what is already known with Tipper, you will figure it out with or without vet support. You are a great mom and Tipper is lucky to have you on her side. Just please don't forget to take care of Patti along the way.

Leslie and the gang

12-18-2013, 09:12 AM
Patti - I couldn,t agree anymore with Leslie,s post it hits the nail on the head.

You have to take care of yourself (yeah I know pot kettle black lol) as you will be no use to Tipper otherwise. One thing this has all taught me is sometimes you have to take a big deep breath, and enjoy your pup. I completely understand that you want the best for Tipper and I know you will get to the bottom of these "tremours" but please don,t make yourself sick in the process.

You too are a strong woman like many of us on here, we,ve had to be with what we go through daily with our pups, hang in there Patti you are doing a wonderful job :D

12-18-2013, 10:02 AM
Hi Everyone:
I am still working on a plan for Tipper with the nutritionist. Hopefully she will soon be eating healthier than she is ,which is all I ever wanted for her from this. As for her tremors the vet did call me and he believes from all I have told him, from what he has seen, and from talking with a colleague knowledgeable about this that this is a high possibility that Tipper does have this. He wants me to try and video it on the phone as I have been and he wants to see it and have the other Dr. see it. We are not doing anything here until we absolutely know for sure. I don't have the kind of vet that does things on his own to help my dog so what ever help Tipper gets is left up to my own devices. I am proactive and have been my whole life. It has helped me avoid many bad situations where I could have been reactive instead. Where Tipper is concerned I will not leave any stone unturned, her loyalty to me all these years had no measure, and I owe her more than that back. That is what drives me, my deep love for her. I would never forgive myself if something happened to her that I did not give my all on. She is counting on me. I know it can be stressful and I try to keep a lid on it when possible, but I also know I get little or no help from my vet. So Tipper's well being rests with me. I do not take that responsibility lightly. It would be more stressful for me to lose her to one of these issues that could have been corrected and should have been diagnosed by my vet, then I would never get over that. So I move forward trying to help her in the hopes of keeping her quality of life good or better than it is now. I will use Addy's drawer for the rest of the day and play ball with my girl. I do spend a great deal of time enjoying and loving her, but also know that I desperately want her with me for as long as her quality of life holds out. I must depend on myself as I have no one to depend on and help me. Tipper can be an odd kind of case with things and can be the exception to the rule in many things as I have already learned from Dr. Bruyette. I hope to hear on her diet today, and get moving on that , and as for the stress, I thank you all for caring as I have no one else to do that, and look after me. I am still praying for Woody and hope all will get worked out, hope we hear something concrete soon. Blessings.

12-18-2013, 02:16 PM
Hi Patti... I can't add anything to what everyone else has said. You are doing all you can for Tipper, and nobody could possibly do any more then that. You are a great Mom.... just make sure you DO look after yourself. Without you the babies wouldn't make it, so you have to keep healthy.

12-18-2013, 04:41 PM
good to hear that tipper is ok with her tommy and bowlmovements. hope you can find a good diet for her and that the 2 of you have a good night sleep together. good to hear that the temperatures will be up, so you can walk the dogs again.

molly muffin
12-18-2013, 09:00 PM
Hi Patti! I couldn't be more thrilled than to hear that you are taking some time today to put things in a drawer and just enjoy the day with Tipper and the rest of the gang.

I really do agree with that approach and sometimes that will allow us to come back to the situation with a clearer head and less anxiety, enabling us to deal with what Is much better.

I hope you do remember to do that every so often. For yourself and for Tipper. Don't worry we are here to remind you when needed. It's what we do, we all stick together.

Of course you are proactive, you have to be and you do a darn good job at it too. It doesn't hurt to say so though now and then :)

So, enjoy today. Tomorrow is still another day and I'm sure that with a fresh head and heart, you'll be right back at it with all the iron fortitude that you have and a new determination to get this figured out. That is what it is a renewing of determination with a freshness and strength to see it through.
So there you have it :)

Oh if you have anything going that needs doing, sounds like we might have another storm moving in. They are talking ice here. UGH snow, rain, ice, more snow...sounds like a bloody mess, so get done anything you need done so you can stay inside and hibernate! (you'll get it before us)

Cheers and hugs.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin

12-19-2013, 09:07 AM
Hi Everyone:
I used the melatonin with Tipper again last nite. It does take about 2 hours to work on her. She still has the seizures all nite long, but not as many. I think it does help her rest more. My vet oddly called me last nite. We talked for a long while. He told me to keep trying the melatonin, but beware it will grow hair on her. I said that is ok as she can use some. He said if need be he has a neurologist in Akron I can take Tipper to, but keep trying to get the video. I tried last nite when she started having them and had the tap lite ready and my phone and the batteries went in the lite. I is like there is some force stopping me from getting this for some reason. I opened up the lite this morning and found it corroded from battery acid. I had not changed the batteries as I seldom use it. I tried to use a flashlight and the beam was not spread out enough. I'm still working on a lite source now that does not wake her, as I put new batteries in the tap light after I cleaned it and it will not work now. I don't even know if they still sell them, I may have to get another one as that was the best lighting and did not wake her up. She seems to be going into a much deeper sleep now and it is hard to wake her , maybe the melatonin?? The vet gave me a hard time about sending Tipper's sample to Jean Dodd's. He gave me many reasons not to send it there because of the distance and problems occurring with the sample. He said he has always used a thyroid team of Dr.'s at Michigan State and they are wonderful. Does anyone know of them, as it seems he will not send it to California and I he has to draw the blood so I am stuck again in a dilemma. Maybe if they find nothing I could send her the report???? I have to go out and get some food in as we are to get back to back storms this weekend and I do not want to travel in them. My Christmas is just about having Tipper with me. I am so blessed with her I don't care about anything else. I will make some candy for some of my elderly neighbors, and some of the vet techs that have helped me. I need to save all the money I can as Tipper goes to Pgh. for her tumor and heart check January 15th, and if she must see a neurologist I will have to find a money tree. Maybe my vet will let me pay him in payments for the ACTH, Early Detection, And Thyroid we must send out??? I hope so I am really struggling to keep up with this. Will make it happen for her like I always do. I guess I will get cleaned up and see if I can get Tipper's sitter. I do not want to leave her as she has not been good, but I need to get this done quickly and get back to her. Blessings

12-19-2013, 06:28 PM
hi patti, i thought that the weather was getting better in the weekend, but now i read otherwise. were you able to take tipper out for a walk or is this still not possible? if i find someone who knows how to grow a moneytree i will send you one [and myself too]. flynn is using his sore leg a little bit more and i have stronger painkillers now. not good for his liver but he needs them for now. hope you managed to buy your groceries and don't have to drive in a snowstorm.
here it is like spring when you look at the temperature..............no winter yet.

12-19-2013, 06:38 PM
Hi Patti,

Historically, the lab at Michigan State's vet school has been a premier center for analysis of thyroid function. In the past, that's where I have requested to have my Peg's thyroid samples sent for analysis.


12-19-2013, 10:28 PM
Hi Patti
Maybe I can put your mind at ease a little bit.
I wanted to send my thyroid panel to Dr Dodd also after reading about her website but decided to let my vet send it to her place. She uses Michigan State university also. Here is what they checked for on Buddy's thyroid panel.

Total thyroxine TT4
Total triiodothyronine TT3
Free thyroxine FT4
Free triiodothyronine FT3
T4 autoantibody
T3 autoantibody
Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH)
Thyroglobulin autoantibody
They also give an endocrinology interpretation of the results for you on the report.

After I saw the report I was pleased that everything was tested. Hope this helps

12-20-2013, 12:34 AM
Thinking of you and Tipper.

12-20-2013, 06:17 AM
Patti - Popping into say thank you for thinking and worrying about us over the last few months. I,m glad Woody made you laugh, he made me laugh on a daily basis and I think that's what helped us both through all of it. When I described him to people I used to say he was like the class clown, or the naughty kid who was into everything and this is how I will remember him.:)

I hope you and Tipper are hanging in there :)

12-20-2013, 10:35 AM
Patti, I hope that you get to the bottom of Tipper's issues. If anyone can, it's you and now that your vet is finally on the same page, that should help immensely.

Have a wonderful holiday and stay safe!

12-20-2013, 12:06 PM
My prayers continuing for Tipper and you to resolve Tipper's issues.

12-20-2013, 01:16 PM
Hey Patti

Hope everything is ok with you? have noticed you haven't posted today...

Thinking of you and Tipper the Ripper

Big hug


12-20-2013, 04:20 PM
Hope all is okay with you Patti. I know you are probably feeling terribly sad about Woody..it's such a heartbreak. Thinking of you, hope you are okay!


molly muffin
12-20-2013, 04:31 PM
Patti! Hope everything is okay with you and Tipper. We start to panic when we don't hear from you!!

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

12-20-2013, 11:14 PM
Alright Miss Patti,

It's my turn to ask where you are dear?

12-21-2013, 05:43 AM
Popping in to see if you and Tipper are all right.

Not seen you around hope everything is all rights

12-21-2013, 08:59 AM
Hi Everyone:
It is taking all of my power right now to get back on here. Yes Woody's death rocked me to my core. I am still trying to function somewhat normally. You bond with the people on here suffering and fighting the fight with you. When something this terrible and unexpected happens it is just like it is happening to my dog. I feel for people and their situations maybe more than the average person as I have been through a lot of death in my life. It is never easy to take. That being said I had a toast to Woody this morning with my coffee, and asked that he look after his wonderful and courageous mom. I will just keep the rest to myself as I think all of us have been sickened over his passing.
I am going to try and make some candy for my elderly neighbors for Christmas, especially the ones who won't see anyone. I make some for the vet techs that truly try to make an effort to help my Tipper. The say before yesterday I was in my bathroom and I heard Tipper jump up on my bed. She mis- judged it and hit her leg on the frame. She never yelped but yesterday and today she can barely put weight on it and is hopping on three legs. It is one of her bad back legs too. I am so upset that I was not there to stop her. So yesterday and today she is on rest. If not better the vet will be in the beginning of next week, and I will take her in. She may have really put her knee out. It's a shame as it Is so be 60 here today and tomorrow. Thanks everyone for the help on the Michigan State lab I will just let him send it there. I have not even done Christmas cards yet. This is not my time of the year as I really miss my dad. I wish he was here he would have just loved my Tipper. I am hoping to get through this holiday quickly. Thank you all for thinking of me and keeping track of me. I did get some video of Tipper on the IPhone. Now I just have to figure out how to edit some out. I hope you can see what she is doing well enough as I had a light right by where I was holding the phone. I will look at it and figure it out this weekend sometime. I hope to get some footage on here for everyone to see what is going on. She is doing it all night long now and it is really scaring me. I need to build her some type of ramp to climb up to get onto the bed when I am not there. They sell one on Etsy for I think 37.00 and that is not bad at all, but I must save every cent for all these tests coming up. Blessings

Squirt's Mom
12-21-2013, 09:18 AM
I'm happy to see you here this morning. I hope Tipper's leg isn't bad and she is able to use it more as the day progresses.

This has been a particularly difficult Holiday season for me so I understand where you are coming from. I seem to feel those I've lost more intensely this year for some reason...and dealing with anticipatory grief over a period of time takes its toll, too. ;)

Leslie and the gang

molly muffin
12-21-2013, 11:59 AM
Hi Patti,

Glad to hear from you, even a check in say, hey okay, but need a break works for me. :) We all understand how overwhelming sorrow and worry can be. Just take care of yourself and Tipper and gang. I hope her leg gets better quickly. Trying to keep her rested and off of it might be a bit of a challenge, she is a JRT. :)
Really glad you are getting up to 60 this weekend, as we have ice all over the place here. Makes walking a bit of an ordeal, but we're managing. It's actually weird as we have ice in front and just snow slush in the back yard. (you can guess where molly is going :) )

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

12-21-2013, 12:07 PM
Hi Everyone:
It has been hard as I am trying my best to keep Tipper down. That is a funny statement for a Jack Russell. She wanted to do her regular run thru the house and check her domain out, but I keep up behind her telling her no, no. Finally she just stopped and looked at me like shut it up mom! I am trying to keep her laying down, and I have even carried her out to the potty. My yard is a lake. This soil here is all clay and it has no where to go. When I have to take the dogs out it is a real struggle in water up to their knees. I feel like putting a sign out saying " No Fishing." I got two pans of candy made and am cooling them now. It is just pouring here with no end in sight. If Tipper shows no improvement tomorrow I may take a small magazine and splint her leg with an ace bandage sticking the magazine out far enough so she isn't putting weight on that leg. Blessings

molly muffin
12-21-2013, 01:26 PM
Hmm, that magazine brace might not work so great for a dog, since their legs aren't meant to be 'straight' like a humans, but more of a bend. You want her to just not run on it and jump, but you don't want to immobilize the joints really, as then you could end up with some issues from that. They need to move it and keep it mobile. I'd just block her off from running Through the house, not let her jump etc and in a couple days it should be better. It is probably bruised from the bang, as long as that was what caused it and not the jump itself.
Candy sounds good. I had to laugh at the no fishing sign option. We have clay too and yea, the water just has no where to go sometimes.
You're doing good Patti, hang in there. Have you tried any of the products like Adaptil for when there is thunder, etc and anxiety situations? I just picked up a pamphlet at the vets office about it today. Available amazon.com. Just a thought. Spring will come again. :)

sharlene and molly muffin

12-21-2013, 03:03 PM
I wouldn't do a splint. Maybe just an ace bandage for added support? Is anything swollen orbruised that you can see? Warm baths?

I know how you feel. For the first time ever im not even in the mood to decorate. I have had it with being the only family member doing everything. My sister lives in the same town as my father, she doesn't work and her kids are in school for a good part of the day. She always has an excuse as to why she can't help with even taking dad to a simple doctor appointment. It's ridiculous and she's been this way her whole life. Yet, she gets here within 10 minutes to borrow money.

Also, I went to Greenwich overnight only to come home and find that dad is now smoking inside of the house! I spoke with him about it and he was so disrespectful!

Everyone takes me for granted and I have no life to speak of because I've given up everything to help dad. I just can't do this anymore.

Patti, I'm sorry for hijacking your thread. I hope that you and your "crew" have a relaxing Christmas regardless.
I just can't get into the spirit this year as those in my family don't reciprocate anything.

12-21-2013, 05:19 PM
hi tipper, i hope your leg will be fine soon, greetings from flynn who has a sore leg too.

12-21-2013, 05:49 PM
Hi Everyone:
I am really having a time with Tipper. She wanted in my room to lay on the bed. The only problem is she will jump off and I cannot stay in there with her. I made her go in her cage and she is angry. I think I am in for it if she gets out. I need to find something temporary until I get a ramp. I am afraid as she is so head strong she wants to do everything herself, and not be picked up. Oh lord I am in for a nite here. Blessings

12-21-2013, 11:03 PM
I'm sorry to hear Tipper hurt her leg. I hope it is feeling better real soon.
I hope you, Tipper and the rest of your gang have a nice Christmas.
Take care.

12-21-2013, 11:18 PM
Hi Everyone:
I am really having a time with Tipper. She wanted in my room to lay on the bed. The only problem is she will jump off and I cannot stay in there with her. I made her go in her cage and she is angry. I think I am in for it if she gets out. I need to find something temporary until I get a ramp. I am afraid as she is so head strong she wants to do everything herself, and not be picked up. Oh lord I am in for a nite here. Blessings

I wish you were closer - I bought a ramp off the internet and it wasn't long enough so I had some people 'add onto it' so I could use it for Annie. She refused to use it. So if you can find something to experiment with please do before you go buying anything. Kim

12-22-2013, 04:19 AM
Measure the length and width that you would want and go to the nearest Home Depot. Tell them what it is for and they'll steer you to the least expensive wood that is strong enough. Buy carpet remnants and attach them to the wood.

This is what we did for Daisy as a ramp to use to get from the deck to the back yard and it's still intact after 4 years of being outside all year long.

12-22-2013, 08:41 AM
I wish you were closer - I bought a ramp off the internet and it wasn't long enough so I had some people 'add onto it' so I could use it for Annie. She refused to use it. So if you can find something to experiment with please do before you go buying anything. Kim

When I got my boys pet steps for my bed (pillow top mattress) because it is very high off the ground and the steps for the sofa, they too were afraid to use it. Beagles are extremely food driven so I coaxed them with treats. I held one in front of them and moved my hand up the steps, ofc being beagles they followed their nose/treats and were going up the steps and onto the bed w/o realizing it. After that they were fine using them.

So you might try using something Tipper really can't resist and holding it in front and moving your hand up the ramp slowly so Tipper will follow.

12-22-2013, 09:02 AM
We have a 14 foot long ramp that we put up for our senior west highland terrier in 2000 and it is still in pretty good shape. It was a Godsend for Lulu last year. We used an indoor outdoor carpet runner and Home Depot had it. You may have to check around or call to as I had to go to two stores to find carpeting last year.

12-22-2013, 11:58 AM
Hi Everyone:
Oh my goodness what a nite. Tipper would not stay in her crate and barked. I had to let her out. I was up all not watching and making sure she did not try to jump off the bed. I would have left her harness on, but thought it would be uncomfortable for her to sleep in. As I said many times it's all about her and so I just tuffed it out. I had to carry her out in the yard, or should I say lake, to potty several times last nite. I got soaked as she did not want to go in water up to her knees so Leslie I know how you feel. With the way her weight has shifted and the gaining of just one lb. she is hard for me to lift and maneuver. Her leg is a tad better today. What a shame as it is 60 out and she could walk. More great news I never video taped on my IPhone before and thought it was on and it wasn't I have no video, I could just scream. Something happens every time, I am getting the idea I am not supposed to video this. I made some candy yesterday, and will finish today and tomorrow. I have to leave Tipper where she cannot jump up on anything. This morning wasting for her food she wanted to start the Jack Russell springy jump and I screamed at her, did not mean to but if she does that leg in she is really in trouble. I am going to have to tether her to me I guess. She was very restless last nite and moving around as I guess this legs is paining her, she was moaning. Not doing it today though. It just poured here all nite long, and today it is nothing but rain and high winds. I guess the ice is next and the snow. Blessings

12-22-2013, 08:43 PM
again i hope you both have a good night sleep and the weather will improve. overhere there are springtemperatures. not normal for midwinter.

Budsters Mom
12-22-2013, 08:48 PM
I have a ramp that worked really well for Buddy when he could no longer jump up on the cedar chest for guard duty. It worked until his rear legs finally gave out. Tipper's rear legs need to be strong enough to maneuver the ramp, both up and down. Buddy could fight to get up the ramp, but couldn't get back down on his own. I wouldn't buy anything that you can't easily return. ;)

12-22-2013, 11:26 PM
We bought stairs for my pug Ichiro to use, since he has a bad back... of course, he never could get the hang of it, but the perfectly healthy pugs took it right over. :rolleyes: The stairs didn't last long, as my son thought it a good idea to walk his 75 pounds up them one day.

Getting through forced crate rest and limited movement is brutal. I was never good at doing this with my pugs, or any of my fosters either, so I really feel for you Patti. Any chance you could give her something to make her sleepy or more relaxed?

12-22-2013, 11:39 PM
Hi Patti,
Tipper has quite the spirit...she's not an easy one to confine or keep from being active. I hope that leg is better soon! Those Jack Russell's can do those pop up jumps straight off the ground...I've seen that a lot in the park, they are springy alright!
Up to 71 degrees here today...way too warm for me in December. We have the windows open--still warm at 65 here right now. Luckily there's a nice breeze so Trixie seems comfortable.
Hoping you, Tipper, Toby and all the rest are having a good night.


12-23-2013, 07:45 AM
Hi Everyone:
Thanks for the advise on the ramp. I am going to test out a few things Kathy now that you said about their legs being strong enough to do the ramp. Tipper's legs are fairly strong still even though she has lost a lot of muscle. I am going to experiment first before getting a ramp, so I think you guys have a good idea there. Her leg is a little better today, but still not good. Last nite as she was sleeping I massaged it. I am not wanting to do it while she is awake because she will probably nip me. I made candy last nite, and the dogs just layed on either side of the gate and watched me. Toby wants to play with Tipper so bad, he does not understand why he cannot be with her. He always wants to make up with her and tries to kiss her thru the gate. He is a very sweet boy, not a mean bone in his body. Going to finish my candy today to take it around tomorrow. I will take Tipper to the vet for BP tomorrow and give the techs their candy. It was 60 here and to go into the teens tonite. Blessings

12-23-2013, 10:39 AM
Hi Everyone:
I just called the vets office to make sure everyone will be in tomorrow for Tipper's bp. I am dressing Tipper in her Christmas antlers. I am going to see if my vet will be kind enough to just give her leg a look see, as I am worried about it. She is still walking on her toes this morning. Blessings

12-23-2013, 01:09 PM
Bribe him with the candy, we have no shame when it comes to our pups:D:D;)

Crossing fingers all is ok

molly muffin
12-23-2013, 02:07 PM
ohhh, bribery is a good idea! I like it

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

12-23-2013, 02:17 PM
Good luck today Patti. I hope that all goes well today.
Dad and I are at Smilow cancer hospital for a recheck today. I am very cross with him as he is now smoking inside of the house and I despise that smell.

12-23-2013, 05:13 PM
was tippers bp okay? and what did they say about the leg? hope everything was fine.

12-23-2013, 11:29 PM
Will be watching for you morning post about today's visit. I bet they all loved Tipper's antlers! :D Hope all went well. Barbara

12-24-2013, 12:09 AM
Merry Christmas to you, Tipper and your gang.

12-24-2013, 09:20 AM
Merry Christmas Patti. I hope the vet took your bribe and checked out Tipper's leg.

Seems to be a rash of leg injuries right now:(

Dang snow and ice dont help.

12-24-2013, 09:21 AM
Hi Everyone:
We got up to really bad roads this morning. Tipper was a trooper and wore her antlers without complaint. She has worn so many things since a puppy it does not bother her like it would some dogs. We had to go real slow. The vet was not there he was late, so I gave all the techs their candy and they loved Tippers antlers. Tipper hates when people make a fuss over her. Good Bp so that was worth the trip. Tipper was up a lot last nite moving around, can't tell if her leg is paining her or if it is the cortisol again. I have most all the candy delivered. I am going to clean up my kitchen today, and spend time with my babies. If for some reason I missed you with a post please have a safe and Merry Christmas. Blessings

12-24-2013, 09:51 AM
Merry Christmas to you and Tipper and the gang :)

12-24-2013, 02:12 PM
Merry Christmas Patti and babies!

12-25-2013, 07:34 AM
Merry Christmas Everyone:
I have the biggest present anyone could ever give me, and that is my Tipper. She is the biggest blessing in my life and for that I am very grateful. This forum is also a blessing, as if not for it we would not have made it through the last 14 months. You are all wonderful, caring , and helpful people and I appreciate knowing all of you. I hope you all have a wonderful day with your families, which is the true meaning of Christmas. Blessings

molly muffin
12-25-2013, 05:55 PM
Merry Christmas Patti, Tipper and rest of the gang. :)

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

12-26-2013, 09:51 AM
Hi Everyone:
Hope everyone had a great Christmas. Last nite Tipper was up with gastro upset. She has been getting up every nite now since her bad bout with the diarrhea. I am tired from her waking me at nite, she never did this before to much. Now it is every nite. Also this morning when I went to take her out, she had a vestibular episode. The last one was bad and it was only about two weeks ago. I hope this is not going to be going on a lot as it is awful to watch. Some dogs can never get their heads straightened out right again. I am praying this does not happen. It seems to some it is a permanent thing and others it straightens out. I had the old ma that lives by me over fro supper yesterday. His daughter could not come for Christmas and he was all alone. He thanked me for everything I do for him before he left. He was really appreciative of everything. I had to put Tipper in the bedroom as she is very territorial now. I hope we are done with incidents for the day as I am tired out from all this. We have an appt. at the vets first things Monday morning for an Adequan shot. Tipper's leg seems pretty good, but I will still have him look at it. I pray for all the babies and their mom's on here every nite. But last nite I just didn't ask God for anything, but instead let him know I am thankful for the birth of Jesus and for all he had given Tipper and I. I am always asking for miracles so I gave him a break last nite. Blessings

12-26-2013, 10:17 AM
hi patti, i'm sorry for you that you had another broken night. all those worries about our dogs.....hopefully tipper feels fine again after her attack. we could use some miracles.......the heater of my aquarium broke down, and my fish are not happy now. [the spare one does not work either....] and nice, that you invited your neighbour in for supper!

12-26-2013, 10:36 AM
Praying for relief. I know it is so hard but love always sees us through. Keep the faith and rest up best you can. Love, Kim

12-26-2013, 02:31 PM
Patti, I'm glad that Tipper's leg is improving. If it's not one thing, it's another. Hopefully she feels better soon and that you both can get some rest.

12-26-2013, 05:16 PM
Hope you and Tipper are doing well, we have gale force winds here so hoping the power stays on :)

12-26-2013, 09:25 PM
Happy to hear Tippers leg is improved, so sorry to hear Tippers tummy is acting up again. I hope Tipper feels better quickly.

12-26-2013, 09:27 PM
Upset belly again? Any changes in the food? Is it possible she has a virus or bacterial infection causing her stomach upset?

Poor Tipper! And poor you! I hope you can get some sleep soon.

12-27-2013, 07:59 AM
Hi Everyone:
Well Tipper did sleep all nite, and not get up to go out. She got up at 5am this morning though. I am just really a walking zombie from no sleep. He leg seems better, but not all the way, I see her limping at times. It will be in the 40's this weekend so she can go out, but how much she can walk without the leg starting up will be the question. We had big beautiful snowflakes coming down yesterday, it really was beautiful to watch. I have a lot of appointments coming up this next two weeks with myself going to Pittsburgh to the Dr. Tipper going to the vet, then to the hospital, and me going to the urologist. I just hate all these appointments, but what can you do?? I cleaned the house yesterday under the supervision on Tipper and Toby so that is out of the way. I wish someone had a way to make dust go away. I hate dusting, I would rather scrub a million floors. Elvis watches and it is like he does his little thing on purpose when he sees me dusting and I am done he flaps up a storm and blows dust everywhere I just cleaned. I could bake him in the oven when he does that!. He laughs as he is doing it too, that is the best part. Hope everyone had a nice Christmas and is slowly getting back into the groove. Tipper really needs her Adequan as her tracheal noises have been bad lately. Blessings

Squirt's Mom
12-27-2013, 08:38 AM
Too bad we don't live close! I hate doing floors and love to dust! We could swap out chores! :p

I'm glad to hear Tipper slept well and that her leg is improving!

12-27-2013, 10:58 AM
Hi Patti,

I am happy to hear Tipper slept through the night and her leg is on the mend. I hope you get the rest you need.

12-27-2013, 12:21 PM
Thanks for thinking of Tipper and I . It is good to get some sleep for once! Blessings

12-27-2013, 02:31 PM
Good news Patti!

12-27-2013, 03:43 PM
Good to hear!

12-27-2013, 04:12 PM
nice, that both of you had some sound sleep last night. don't you take a nap during daytime to catch up with some sleep? i do if i can.
hopefully you were able to walk the dogs outside.
and housekeeping..........bleeehhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!

12-27-2013, 05:11 PM
YAY for sleep!! Hehe. Hey, we have to take what we can get, right?! ;)

12-27-2013, 05:26 PM
Hi Everyone:
Thanks for thinking of us, but if I slept in the day it would be a miracle of God. I have never been able to do that. Further more the Queen Bee here would not think of allowing that. Tipper did walk twice today and the leg did hold out, the only problem is Tipper has a high pain tolerance and very few times does she show you something hurts her. I made it tot he hospital for my blood work, the only problem was the staff at the Dr.'s office never faxed it to the hospital. So I had to sit and wait for the hospital to contact them and get it. Got a phlebotomist that was not too good. I told her what to use and exactly where to get my blood as I am a hard patient to get blood from. I have had this done hundreds of times, and know the exact spot. She told me she found a better one she was more comfortable with. I told her it would not work but she insisted. She stuck the darn thing in where she wanted to then declared "oh there is nothing coming out." I really wanted to bean her one. I said please use the spot I told you to and get a butterfly. She did and the blood flowed. She said" if you ever get me again make sure you tell me about this." I said "I told you when I walked in here and you did not listen." She said "I will next time" yeah like she will remember!! Anyhow Tipper had a good day today and feels better after walking. It was real sunny and beautiful out today. We are to return to the arctic weather on Monday again. Hey has anyone heard from Judi? Wonder is she has power? I hope her and Keesh are alright. Blessings

molly muffin
12-27-2013, 06:08 PM
Hi Patti,

glad you were able to get through a night with some sleep. Unfortunately it takes more than one night to catch up from sleep deprivation, so I hope you get plenty more nights of Tipper not getting up for something.

Sorry about the vestibular episode, that really sounds very scary. I'd probably freak.

Yea they really should just listen when you tell them to draw from a specific area.

Hopefully Tippers leg will continue to improve. You'll have to keep watching her for a long time, no jumping on and off the beds till it's all the way healed.
I know Tipper really can give you a run for your money though, she's a strong willed little thing. LOL
The question though and it always has been, whose will is stronger yours or Tippers. LOL I'm betting on you!!

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

12-27-2013, 10:27 PM
Geez Patti, first the mamagram fiasco and now this. I can't keep up with you lady. :) I'm also a difficult one to get blood from. Small veins that like to roll out of the way.

I'm glad that Tipper is feeling better. Try to get more rest. Tell Tipper that this will be your joint New Year's resolution.

12-27-2013, 11:57 PM
Hi Patti,
Glad to hear you got some sleep and Tipper's leg is feeling better.
Sorry you had the problem with the blood draw.
Thinking of you and Tipper.

12-28-2013, 07:45 AM
Hi Everyone:
I am trying to keep Tipper from a lot of activity and she is not having it. She wants to run thru the house doing 90 miles and hour, and I have to keep her from getting on the sofa etc. It is a hard job keeping a Jack Russell down. Last nite Tipper slept again thank God. The weather is holding out so she should be able to walk today. I am going to play catch with her in the house in an attempt to make her not want to run and jump on things. I am hoping for an easy day today, which never turns out that way! Blessings

12-28-2013, 08:42 AM
I hope the little power house can chill a bit for her leg but it is so good to read about her running through the house:D:D

12-28-2013, 08:58 AM
She's clearly feeling better :-)

12-28-2013, 12:36 PM
Hi Everyone:
I just added some pictures to a new album! New Kitty room pictures also!

molly muffin
12-28-2013, 01:03 PM
Wonderful pictures Patti! Thanks for posting. That cat room is awesome and Tipper and Toby are just adorable.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

12-28-2013, 01:06 PM
Loved the photos - amazing job you have done of decorating too! I think Tipper looks great. To be honest - no cush tummy and ready for a walk - that is fantastic!!! You obviously do a great job. Know that and be proud :) Kim

Squirt's Mom
12-28-2013, 01:55 PM
She does look good - be proud! You can see the mischief in her eyes, too! :p I love Terrier eyes and faces - they are so expressive. Squirt can speak volumes without making a sound. :rolleyes::D

I agree with Kim on your home, too - you've done a great job! If I have the appropriate trails, I'm satisfied most of the time. :D;) And my "style" is definitely "eclectic"....or maybe post-modern confused. :p

12-28-2013, 01:58 PM
Tipper is just so cute!! Those JRT's! We have a jack russell pup in rescue right now, and he is just a pistol! lol.

12-28-2013, 03:27 PM
Ok everyone, I realized not all the cat room pictures uploaded so they are now all on there so you can take another look at what they do all day long!!

Squirt's Mom
12-28-2013, 03:33 PM
WOW! That is cat heaven! What a great room!

molly muffin
12-28-2013, 03:58 PM
That is a wonderful room for the kitties!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin

12-28-2013, 04:16 PM
tipper looks good indeed, no cushing belly, just great. and still so active at her age, great!! my cat can go outdoors , so he has a playground for free.[it is safe outside] is tipper no catlover?

12-28-2013, 05:12 PM
Tipper looks wonderful and so cute! and great! kittie room :)

12-28-2013, 05:14 PM
Tipper was raised with the one cat I have, but the rescue she was not raised with and she hates him. She would like to rip him apart as soon as look at him. He knows he is smart and stays away from her. They have has to meetings in the last 5 years and lets say the cat was so petrified that he did not even try to swipe Tipper he was just looking for a way out of the situation. The fur ,put it that way, and it wasn't Tipper's. I got the cat out of the situation and got them away from each other before anyone go hurt. Lucky stays clear of Tipper. All Tipper has to do is make a look at him and he beats it to the kitty room pronto. It is very damp out now and we are supposed to have rain all day tomorrow so Tipper will not walk if that happens. Toby is being a needy child today and whining a lot. When he does not get his own way he whines. So I just chased him around the kitchen island and played ball with him and he is conked out currently. I am getting nervous as the time gets closer for Tipper's tumor check. I just want to get it over with already. I hope the weather is not bad when we have to go. Tipper really does not appear sick to other people, so my neighbors probably think I am just babying her. When you first look at her you can't tell about the wasting from the Cushings, but when you examine her closely you can. Oh well I don't care what they think as long as I am paying the bills here! Blessings

12-29-2013, 07:42 AM
Hi Everyone:
Tipper slept all nite again like she used to . She is having really a lot of tracheal issues this morning. She has not had an Adequan shot for 4 weeks now and I can tell the difference. She usually gets them every 3 weeks but due to Christmas the vet put her off for another week. She has had 6 episodes this morning of the gagging, and honking and once it was like she could not get her breath. I am taking her tomorrow to get it, and it won't be any too soon for me. I need him to look at this leg too, she is walking and not limping, but holding it in a strange way where she walks on her toes and does not put her foot down flat. Have to get it checked out. She gets her laser therapy this week so I will make sure they do her whole leg real good too. It is very mild with rain on the way this evening so Tipper will get to walk after all. I am making a turkey today, the one the neighbor brought over. I will send him back most of it so he has something to eat as he does not cook. Blessings

12-29-2013, 02:14 PM
Hey Patti, glad she slept through the night again!

And turkey.... YUM! I love turkey.

12-29-2013, 04:30 PM
tipper; you are a nice dog to let your mom sleep through the night!!
hopefully the shot will help her breath easier.
hope she did not tore or rupture her knee ligaments, bur since she wants to go for a walk and still runs through the house in don't think so.
what can this laser therapy do for tippers leg. i have to google it.

12-29-2013, 04:48 PM
She may have done something to her ligaments. There is going to be no more jumping up on the bed for her, even though she thinks she still can do it. Jack Russells are very head strong, and intend on getting their own way no matter what. The cold laser therapy get is great for arthritis and joint problems. It reactivates the cells and they start working again, and the dog gets a lot of pain relief. Tipper has been going for many months. I believe that is part of the reason she has stayed so mobile, and that she is still able to walk good and run, even though the muscle in her rear legs wasted a way a lot. This helps them significantly. As they say there it can make an old dog run like a puppy again. They get musculoskeletal issues too from the weight of their abdomen pulling on their back as there is little support from muscle wasting. So she gets her legs and shoulders done, and her back. You have to have about 5-8 sessions in the beginning to build up to going once a month or once every three weeks like we go. It has made a difference in her back and her legs. I am up for whatever will make her more comfortable as this is hard enough on them. I am trying to keep her as pain free as possible so she does not need even more meds. Blessings

12-29-2013, 05:28 PM
Patti - Sorry that Tipper may have done something to her ligaments. Do you use Ttouch on Tipper, I used it on both my JRT and they loved it especially Woody. It meant I could do it at home daily if I wanted, I used it for all sorts of things, I would do it to keep Bruno my old dog calm and help with his IBD and for Woody I done it for pain when he done his back in I also used it for stress and its really good during thunder storms. Maybe something you could look into if you don,t already use it, it doesn,t cost anything and I loved doing it to Woody as usually he would end up snoring his little head of during it. :)

Budsters Mom
12-29-2013, 07:54 PM
Oh Patti,
I don't think you're going to like me anymore. My San Diego Chargers pushed your Steelers out of the playoffs after playing like crap for the first three quarters. They didn't deserve to win, but I'll take it! Sorry it had to be your Steelers. Xxxxx

12-29-2013, 08:53 PM
All 4 of my future inlaws like the Steelers too. I think I'll stay away from their Facebook pages for awhile :-)

I know how you feel about the rechecks Patti. You dread them but want them over with too.
Daisy's ACTH is now scheduled for Jan. 9th. Hoping for good weather that day!

12-30-2013, 07:55 AM
Hi Everyone:
No replay on that mess up in the Kansas City San Diego game last nite ???? Are they all crazy or what ? My Steelers would be in the playoffs had that happened. I have to say though, the Steelers shot themselves in the foot this season. We have never been out of the playoffs since the 70's. They let to many of out veteran lineman go at the same time. Stupid move. Now moving on to Tipper. Last night she had the worst of the seizures yet. Yes that is exactly what it is. This time her whole body shook violently she scared me to death, and when I shook her she stopped but got up dazed and confused. This is apparently getting worse and I will go over it with the vet this morning when Tipper gets her shot. My God it was bad, and I am worried as it is getting worse. I could not get my phone going in time and I was more concerned with stopping it. I just have to some how get this videoed and that would have been the one to catch on video. I sit there every nite ready to video this and nothing happens until I get tired and out the phone down. Some how I have to stick it out, it has been hard as I am exhausted lately form her not sleeping before. This definitely takes a toll on you. I just need to get some video of this asap. I am going to make this a priority this week!! We have new snow on the ground and it is 26 out this morning. What a difference a day makes. Blessings

12-30-2013, 08:27 AM
So sorry to hear about Tipper's bad seizure. They are the MOST frightening thing to watch. Our first Boston, Tyson had a brain tumor, and his first 3 were awful. Then he got on Phenobarbital and they stopped for 6 months, and slowly came back with a vengance. His last 3-4 were EXTREMELY violent.

And, ugh about the Steelers. blah.

Wishing you luck today!

My sweet Ginger
12-30-2013, 08:28 AM
Patti, I've been thinking that maybe somehow you can get or rent a night vision video camera or something like that through out the night where Tipper sleeps so you don't have to be up all night tho it's questionable how clearly you can see through that green light.
Tipper not being able to sleep with any light on makes your job almost impossible to achieve and you just can't do that night after night. I'm praying you resolve this quest sooner rather than later.
I know you will do it. Take care.

12-30-2013, 09:04 AM
Patti, I was going to suggest that as well, I have an ip camera, wireless (surveillance camera) set up and I watch my boys all the time when I'm up here in my office, it has night vision as well and yes you can see clearly when night vision kicks in, it isn't green on my camera it is more black and white, and can detect motion and it will record when motion occurs if you set it up that way. Try a rent a center or some type of renting company and see if it is affordable for you. You can sleep and catch sweet Tipper on video when she has these seizures. God Bless her.

12-30-2013, 10:39 AM
Hi Everyone:
I just came form the vets office. He thinks Tipper is definitely having seizures, and is very concerned about the one last nite. He is looking into some things and will get back with me. Also it is highly possible she has a cruciate tear from jumping on the bed. I cried all the way home and got it out. Tipper just laid on her pillow licking my hand like it's ok mom. W e may be trying out a low dose of Zonisamide dependent on what my vet talks to the neurologist friend of his about. He is weighing Tipper having the stress of undergoing yet another exam from a neurologist. I am also back t the macro tumor thing as a lot of these are caused by tumors in the brain. Did the vet hospital in Pgh. give me the right information??? I may need an MRI after all and that is just not possible right now. I know how everyone feels when you cannot get a solid answer, it is enough to make you crazy. After all that was a scan they did on her and maybe it was not visible on that??? I am so worn out from all these ifs. Blessings

12-30-2013, 11:24 AM
Hi Everyone:
I just faxed the IMS a letter asking if there is neurologist at her hospital, and told her what is going on. I asked her advise on this matter. She may not be in until Wednesday, so I may have to wait for an answer. In the mean time I have my vet supposedly checking into it also. I just wish people would move with some urgency on things that are of importance. Blessings

12-30-2013, 01:00 PM
Patti clear your messages please and don't use that email address I misspelled it

12-30-2013, 02:14 PM
Oh Patti,

How scary! I would've cried too.

Renting the night vision camera is a great idea. This way, you can both get some sleep.

12-30-2013, 02:41 PM
i just lost my flynn today, so i know how you must feel, being frightened that something major bad would happen.
@!@##%^disease it is!!

molly muffin
12-30-2013, 03:21 PM
oh Patti, you are running on adrenalin my friend. I know you hate the day time naps, but I think you are going to need some at this rate. I could call and sing you a lullaby? (not a very good singer and not sure I know any lullabys, but that is what google is for (the lullabeys, not the voice, that you'd have to suffer through)
I don't think they would have given you any awful information about the tumor size at the hospital, they Knew how important that was to you and were happy to be able to give you the good news. However, that doesn't mean that something else isn't causing it. The vetroyl itself (ohhh, call Dechra and get the latest info on vetroyl and tremors?), or the mass on her adrenal gland? would that cause tremors for any reason?
Those would be my first and I agree with the rest of the gang, night vision camera, motion detection might work for you. You'd only need it for one night, then download it to your computer.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

Budsters Mom
12-30-2013, 03:52 PM
So sorry that Tipper continues to have these problems. Unfortunately, the causes are often hard to figure out. :o Please step back and breathe. I know it's hard, but do it for your babies. They need you. Xxxx

12-30-2013, 05:16 PM
The constant worrying and figuring out of all this just wears you down as you well know. This dog is my life and I am trying to do this day by day, and do the best job for Tipper that I can. I just feel like I could just shatter in a million pieces at times. I will go on for her sake, and I will fight this fight with my every breath. Blessings

Budsters Mom
12-30-2013, 05:38 PM
I know Patti. Been there and would do it again if I could. :o We do worry about you though.:p xxxxx

12-31-2013, 09:07 AM
Hi Everyone:
Well Tipper was all over the bed last nite moving around. I so not know if it is from her leg or we have cortisol issues. I gave her a gentle massage yesterday. When I went near her leg, she snapped and tired to bite me. She has laser therapy tomorrow and I do not know how we are going to handle this as I don't want her biting anyone, but want her leg worked on. I put her on my bed early last nite and she wanted to go to sleep. I put the heating blanket on in hopes she would lay on that side and it would soothe her leg. She would not lay on that side. I looked up some dogs with cruciate injuries and she is holding her leg the same way as they do, at an angle and walking on her toes. It said they can do an xray to determine the extent of the injury- is this true?? Some opinions were it can heal itself, and others were the dog will go lame. So does anyone have experience to speak to this issue? I forgot to mention yesterday that Tipper is now almost a pound and a half over her weight. She gets the thyroid test on the 7th I believe. This has to stop especially because of this leg. I am back to cutting her down again on food that is already not enough for her, but what can I do?? She had some seizure activity as she started sleeping and I did catch a few seconds of it on tape, but is was not really all that much to see at that point. So maybe I can add to the footage every day. I just cannot spend any more money right now as she may need a neurologist and we know that won't be cheap. The hospital called me yesterday and told me that they got my fax to the IMS and she will not be in until Thursday. So I can expect some answers after she is caught up. I found out they do have a neurologist at that hospital so I need to research about them in case I need one. It is freezing out about 16 degrees and we have about 5 inches of new snow and it is still coming. I am keeping Tipper laying down even though she does not like it, as I want her to rest that leg. It seems a tad better today after her being off it all nite.I just want to say to all of you on this forum you have been a God Send to my Tipper and I and I am so thankful for finding this safe haven to help my girl. I wish you all a Happy New Year and I hope all of you have good things coming in the New Year. God Bless You All.

12-31-2013, 11:10 AM
Hi Patti,
SO sorry you are under such stress and worry.
Snuggles tore his ACL over a year ago, and my vet said he needs the surgery because if you do not, more complications happen to the leg as time goes on.
Snuggles was 13 at the time and we had the surgery done on a year ago July 3rd 2012. My vet brought in a surgeon who had extensive experience with this type of surgery. I think I took videos and pictures of Snuggles after surgery to show the vet how he was walking when I was concerned of his progress. It took many months before Snuggles would put his foot totally down on the ground/floor. But eventually he did.
I will see if I can find the videos and post them on my thread for you.

Budsters Mom
12-31-2013, 12:30 PM
Hi Patti,
Have you considered confining Tipper to a crate or very small room, such as a bathroom? That is generally recommended following surgery or for recovering from an illness. They won't stay put on their own, so we have to make it impossible for them to move about. Tipper is warning you not to touch it. I wouldn't push her on that issue. She has bitten before and you're likely to get hurt. I would have it looked at as soon as possible. They might have to mildly sedate her to examine it thoroughly and possibly use a soft muzzle for their own protection. When we are in pain, we don't want others fooling with us either. Hang in there. I know it's hard! Xxxxxx

12-31-2013, 12:50 PM
I have Tipper confined into rooms where there is nothing for her to jump up on during the day. I have known of a Dr. in Pittsburgh that does this ACL operation with minimal invasiveness. He uses fishing line to correct the problem and the dogs walk out of the office and have very little healing to do. I will be in contact with him once we xray to see how much damage is done. She does have a cranial drawer so I know there is some damage. Thank God Adequan shots help with this and she just had one Monday. I am also looking into Dr. Spatts Woundwear braces. That have a lot of good reviews, and that would mean no operation, but some say they are a pain to use. I want to help her and have her pain free, but I am not willing to chance her survival under anesthesia, so I am looking at helping her in less invasive ways. I will be discussing this with my vet on the 7th as Tipper get her blood taken for the thyroid testing, and an early detection panel. For now the Dr. told me if I have to keep her tethered to me. She is smart and knows she really did it this time jumping on the bed and hitting her leg. She knows she has trouble, and is not acting like she usually does all crazy and running. I need some seeds to plant a money tree does anyone have any? Blessings

12-31-2013, 12:52 PM
Patti I have to agree with Kathy on this one, when woody hurt his back he compressed 3 discs L4,5,6 he was not allowed to walk. I confined him to his crate for 6 weeks, as you know he was a bouncy Jack Russell so hard to keep them still. What I did was spend time with him out of the crate in the living room, but on a lead so he couldn,t run, jump etc and whilst in his crate I gave him frozen kong,s to chew on usually filled with something yummy, I also gave him puzzle toys the Nina ones where he could lye in his crate but still amuse his brain. He slept in his crate at nights, so I had to "lock him in it" which I hated but it was need in the long run. Is this the same leg as Tippers patella? Hang in there your doing well

12-31-2013, 07:27 PM
I'm so sorry for all the things Tipper is going through.
I hope the new year brings good things for you and Tipper.
Love and hugs to you and Tipper.

12-31-2013, 08:17 PM
Patti, I would opt for the soft muzzle since Tipper doesn't want to be touched. Warn the vet ahead of time so that no one gets bitten.

Surgery is recommended but that depends on how bad the tear is.

01-01-2014, 07:42 AM
The only problem with the soft muzzle is that Tipper cannot have anything around her neck because of her trachea, and you have to attach them to a collar. I will figure something out. I am hoping you were not too cold last nite and that you and Chris enjoyed yourselves. Hope Daisy and your dad are well. Happy New Year Friend. Blessings

01-01-2014, 07:51 AM
Hi Everyone:
Hope you all had a great New Year. I was up with Tipper a lot last nite. She goes to laser therapy today. I need to somehow keep her from biting so she can have her leg worked on. A muzzle is not a possibility since she cannot wear a collar. I think I am going to put my arm and body around her waist and let them do the laser, if she gets someone it will only be me. I have to do so that's all there is to it. I will keep her tethered until the 7th when I see my vet and see what he says we can do. I know it has to be painful, and Jack Russells can endure a tremendous amount of pain. She attempted to run this morning, but could not because of the tether. I am just sick over this. Not too many seizures last nite, some small ones was all, I did get a tiny bit more video. It is 0 here right now, and we are to get bombed with snow tonite and tomorrow. My poor old neighbor lady called me crying, she is afraid her cancer is back. I hope this will be a better year for all of us. Blessings

01-01-2014, 09:11 AM
Patti how about a soft bandage round the snout I've used this with Woody the tie a soft bandage round the sharpe end save any biting it's not sore on the dog but if only for a short time works well. Tipper would still be able to breath etc just not bite

01-01-2014, 09:40 AM
Maybe we will try that. I will let you know how it works when I get home from there. I still have about 1 1/2 hours till we leave. I just got my shower and had her locked in the bathroom with me the whole time I got ready. I had to catch myself last nite as I was starting to yell at her to lay down. She is so hard to keep down, if you put her in her cage she will bark and dig and bite the cage which could be more damaging than letting her with me. I have to get a grip on this somehow. Blessings

01-01-2014, 09:50 AM
Hi Everyone:
I just looked at my appointment book and Tipper's therapy is the 7th not today. I think I am losing it from all this stress!!. So she goes to my vet the same day for blood for the thyroid issue. I am going to have to change it maybe. I will see how she does. God Help Us!

molly muffin
01-01-2014, 11:54 AM
Happy New Year Patti, Tipper and Gang

A lot of stuff going on, a lot of worries and appointments. It's hard to keep it all straight. :) Those calendars can be a life saver. :)

I hope this year will be a better one for you and Tipper. :)

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

01-01-2014, 12:42 PM
I am so sorry that Tipper is having all these issues. Lola has ruptured her ACL too 10 days ago, and it's hard to keep her from running and playing. I am trying conservative management and I'm hoping that would work because I can't put her through the stress of a surgery with everything that is going on.
I hope Tipper gets better soon.


01-01-2014, 05:38 PM
Hi Everyone:
I have Tipper in her crate and she is having a fit. I am afraid she may hurt herself more in there. I just needed a break, and she wants me right by her at all times. She really does understand there is something terribly wrong, she is a smart dog and figures things out quickly. I am going to try some more video tonite. You just cannot keep a Jack Russell down, they won't put up with it. I am doing the best I can here without losing my mind in the process. We are to get over a foot of snow in the next 2 days, so we are dug in here. It is only 14 and going to be 0 Tuesday. Blessings

01-01-2014, 06:22 PM
Patti I feel your pain as owning a feisty Jack myself. I can tell you how I used to keep Woody calm when he needed to be crated/rested up they may work or not work for you.

I used to Crate Woody leave the door open so he could come out but I always had a "House Line" on him and attatched to my wrist, so I knew when he moved. I used frozen Kongs I know Tipper is on a diet but you could put some veg in it then freeze, I used to put his food in his crate but hide it around so he had to work for his food although still resting at the same time. I used to give him frequent breaks of a walk up and down the living room (a few mins) then I would sit with him on the floor turn all the lights, tv etc off and just talk to him, I even sang to him to keep him calm. I gave up trying to do anything for myself when Woody needed to rest especially after his surgery and had to just focus on him. I know you can,t do that.
I,m sorry that Tipper is having these issues, especially with your weather, but maybe get her to use that good brain of hers to tire herself out instead of exercise. They are little fighters these dogs just look at Woody but sometimes we just have to remind them they need to stay quiet in order to get better ;)

Oh thought of something else, if Tipper is going nuts in the crate then you don,t want her to resent the crate so can you make some sort of temporary "playpen" for her in the same room as you, using maybe cushions, or furniture this may give her a bigger space to rest in and you will still be close by to her

01-01-2014, 07:06 PM
i read that the weather is still not improving at your village. overhere the weather is not normal too, but just the other way around; spring temperatures. last year we had almost 3 months of snow and ice.
when i had a litter of pups at home, i used a puppypen. it was made of several loose parts so i was able to make it the seize i wanted.
maybe tipper accepts that. the fences are very lightweight and easy to put together. maybe a big bone to chew on or like woodydog suggests a frozen kong, hide her kibble under her blanket , or in a box with torn newspapers. there are also balls with holes in it for sale, you can put her kibble in it so she has to work for her food. hope this will work for tipper.

01-01-2014, 07:23 PM

I use this muzzle on Zoe after researching muzzles. It would not hurt Tipper's trachea, she can pant, drink water, have a treat with it on. I made a game of it with Zoe and she allows it to be put on just fine. It keeps her safe.

Just a thought sweetie. I know you have a lot on your mind.

01-02-2014, 12:44 AM
Hi Patti,
I don't envy you trying to keep a feisty jack russell from moving about, that is not easy! I'm sorry Tipper had that big seizure, it must have been very scary I'm sure.
Guess we're all going to get blasted with snow and super bitter cold..looks like a few inside days coming up for Trixie. You probably already have snow on the ground but ours melted before Christmas.
Hope Tipper's leg is not badly injured! Stay warm!


01-02-2014, 08:20 AM
Hi Everyone:
Thank you all for your suggestions and help. This is very difficult, and it is really my fault. Since I brought Tipper home as a puppy she stayed with me where ever I went even in the bathroom. She has done this for 12 years. She does not put up with being away from me. When you cage her in a playpen she will try to jump and get out, knocking the whole deal over and that is dangerous, plus I don't want her doing Jack Russell springy jumps on those hind legs. I am going to attempt to give her a line attached to her harness and leave her crate door open. I still think she will jump as she knows I will come running to stop her. She is one tough cookie. I have done nothing but pay attention to her. This is hard too as I must keep her and Toby separate, and pay attention to him too. Addy I have the muzzle you sent me the link for, Tipper is able to get that one off of her, so I have tried that already.Yesterday Elvis was a bit fed up and nipped me as he is not getting the attention he wants. Last nite Tipper slept pretty good, not too many seizures. No video last nite so I will just wait it out. I am anticipating an email from my IMS today so we will see what she says. I did not even tell her about Tippers leg as that was after I sent the fax. Tipper is currently resting in my office right now. There is nothing she can jump up on in here and so she is safe and that is where she spend most of her day, even though she lets me know she does not like it. I just realized I must go to Pgh to my Dr. on the 14th and Tipper goes to the hospital the 15th. So that will be 2 trips to Pgh. in two days and that will kill me. It has to be done so what can I say. I also have the urologist appt. the 13th so that is a busy week for sure, and I pray the weather is good for us. Blessings

01-02-2014, 10:43 AM
Hi Everyone:
Since many of our dogs suffer from arthritis I am going to start a discussion on Green Lipped Muscle Extract. I have been reading on it for days. Have found many good things about it in trials. It is said to reduce inflammation in dogs instead of using nsaids. Does anyone use this??? The only caution I saw was that it occasionally can cause stomach upset, but not often. The other was that you need to use caution with dogs having hepatic issues. So would that then mean all our dogs as Cushings does affect the liver?? I am curious to see what we can all come up with, as if this is safe it may help our babies. Please come forth with any and all info as it is appreciated. Blessings

01-02-2014, 06:33 PM
Hi Everyone:
We have blizzard conditions right now. We got about 10 inches today alone. I just took Tipper out and she was like a kid in a candy store. She wanted to run and jump in the snow, but I could not let her. She was very disappointed and when we got inside she just pouted. She is so bored, it is like keeping a fish
from swimming. The Dr. from Pittsburgh called me. He wants to wait 45 days with Tipper, and wants her doing rehab. He is emailing me the exercises. He said laser therapy is very good for this. I will have lost my mind after 45 days of this.If she is no better than he would operate using the fishing line for the ligament. She would have to be out for an hour, so I have to think this all out as I am not liking that part..We have had a trying day of keeping the bucking bronco laying down resting. She wants no part of it, and is ready to go. He said after a week the pain subsides. We are to get more snow tonite so I hope the dogs can get out to go potty in the morning. Blessings

molly muffin
01-02-2014, 07:06 PM
Oh wow, hope they can get out. Snow Molly is fine with, it's when there is ice that things get tricky, or when it is as cold as it is now. Even in her coat tonight she was shivering and we didn't stay out long.

45 days to see if it heals on it's own or then do surgery?

You have your work cut out for you. If anyone can do it though, it will be you. :)
Sharlene and molly Muffin

01-02-2014, 09:20 PM
I predict a loooooong 45 days. Tough keeping a terrier down.

Can you try some of the interactive puzzle toys to at least give her something to do?

Is water therapy allowed? It seems so low impact, maybe that would be good for her.

01-02-2014, 10:14 PM
Patti, I know someone who has used the cold laser therapy on their dog and it has helped to avoid surgery. I'll bet that Tipper is bored and driving you nuts. You'll both make it through this.

We're also getting snowed in but the worst is to come tomorrow. Could be as much as 11 inches.

Stay safe and warm!

Budsters Mom
01-02-2014, 10:29 PM
45 days is a loooooong time to keep any pooch still and quiet. :eek: You do want to avoid surgery if possible. I hope resting it helps. Xxxx

01-02-2014, 10:32 PM
keeping her down for 45 days? it will make her insane i quess. can it really heal by itself? if so, can she run and jump again or will you always have to be cautious with her?
wouldn't it be an idea to buy a doggy ride? i sometimes see people walk their injured dogs like that. they get several times during the walk the chance to step out for a short walk and then back in.
tipper will need her musclepower to support that ligament won't she? so i quess she needs a certain amount of excersice?
no time to relax with our cushing doggies!

01-03-2014, 08:18 AM
Hi Everyone:
I got the range of motion things to do with Tipper in the email. The very first instruction is to muzzle the dog- oh here we go! Tipper slept ok last nite and I was able to add to the footage on her video of the seizure activity. I have to hold up a small lite and the IPhone at the same time so it is quite the task. Now I will have to see if I can edit the useless part out somehow, I think maybe Valerie may know how to do that. Also I got an answer for the IMS about Tipper. She thinks these certainly could be siezures, and had made an appointment with the Neurologist at her hospital for the day Tipper has her tumor check. I like how she spends my money I do not have. I am going to have to see if the hospital will let me carry a balance for some of this. She said she reviewed Tipper's whole case with him, and that Tipper's scan was reviewed again by them both and you can clearly see the pituitary tumor and it is within normal range. She said there could be a possibility that it has grown since then???? She also suggested the Dr. may want an MRI and spinal fluid. I do not think I would allow the spinal fluid as I have read that there are problems associated with this. I doubt that it can be because the tumor is larger as she has this when she started taking the Vetoryl. I digress and go back to the Vetoryl, it has to be the cause. The tumor may have increased and it is making it worse, but it did not stem from that if they say it was in normal parameters. Last nites were not too bad, so I have not caught one of the really bad ones since the one about a week ago that scared me to death. They will have to go with the video I am able to get. I am sure I got enough to see what is happening. When I get it all sorted out I will post it so it may help others if there dog is having so called tremors. I have to call the hospital and see if I can make arrangements to pay on this stuff somehow and what the neurologist will cost me. I am also nervous about a lot of different people handling her in the hospital with her leg being bad and I will have to instruct everyone on how to sit her down and hold her etc. I have been keeping here in my office as that is a safe place where she can walk without anything to get up on and I can leave her a few minutes if I have to do something. My house will be a mess after 45 days of this, but she is more important than anything to me so , too bad. I am going to call the hospital now, so I will post later what is going on. Blessings

01-03-2014, 08:37 AM
I edit videos all the time, and have the software to do it. If you want you can send me the files.

01-03-2014, 08:52 AM
That would be great. I will have to wait until I get all the footage in the upcoming week right? How long does it take to do it? My appointment is the 15th and I would like to try and get some more video of it before then. You are surely an angel for this help. Blessings

01-03-2014, 08:57 AM
Hi Everyone:
I just spoke to the IMS assistant. She told me 230.00 so I am going to have to do it somehow. I have to get this seizure thing resolved, before something happens. I will probably be there all morning now with the tumor Ultra Sound, the Cardiology Echocardiogram, and the now the Neurologist. I would not even do al this for myself, but I love Tipper so I just have to do this. I am praying right now that the pituitary tumor has not grown now. This has been a bumpy ride lately but I am trying to hang on. I am just so nervous for my girl. Blessings

01-03-2014, 11:11 AM
Depending, it can take me an hour more or less.

01-03-2014, 11:14 AM
I have never used this but my vet offers it and many other vets, it is called care credit


01-03-2014, 11:14 AM
Then it is ok to be able to video thru next week as I am trying to get the best footage? Thank You in advance you have been wonderful. Hope you and Snugs are warm it is really frigid here and Tipper is making all kinds of noises to let me know how dissatisfied she is at this confinement she is under! Blessings

01-03-2014, 11:20 AM
You're very welcome, yes we are staying in today we got hit with a bad winter storm here but it has stopped now. We have minus temps and 35 mph winds.

This is off the care credit faqs

How is CareCredit different from my other bank cards?

Unlike your Visa or MasterCard, the CareCredit healthcare credit card offers special financing options. With shorter term financing options that range from 6 to 24 months, no interest will be charged on purchases of $200 or more if you make your minimum monthly payments and pay the full amount due by the end of the promotional period. Interest will be charged to your account from the purchase date if the promotional balance, including optional charges, is not paid in full within 6, 12, 18 or 24 months. Minimum monthly payments are required.

If you need more time to pay for your procedure, we also offer longer programs with a reduced, fixed interest rate. The fixed monthly payment amount is based on repayment over a 24, 36, 48 or 60-month period. Purchases of $1,000 or more are eligible for a 24, 36 or 48-month offer and purchases of $2,500 or more are eligible for a 60-month offer. Not all practices offer all CareCredit financing options, so check with your provider. For complete details, please read the Credit Card Account Agreement within the application.

01-04-2014, 03:28 AM
Hello there

Just popping in to check how you are, caught up and can see you have had a few things to contend with again, I wish you and Tipper could catch a break!

Must be tough keeping that stubborn miss from doing anything, I wish they could understand it has to be done for their own good!

At least the IMS got back to you quickly this time so you can get yourself prepared for the next visit, I have everything crossed for you.

Sending you a hug and kisses to Tipper the Ripper


01-04-2014, 07:14 AM
Thanks Mel I appreciate your support. This has been tough going with my girl lately. She has had a really bad month. God willing I can keep her with me for much longer. I miss talking with you and hope you and Boyce are doing well. Blessings

01-04-2014, 07:15 AM
Patti, do apply for the Care Credit. They often offer promotions where if you pay off the whole thing within 12 - 18 months there is no interest charged.

Doing this would spread the cost out so that it is more bearable. I know how stressful upcoming vet bills can be and spreading it out would be one less worry.

I'm glad that you finally got the video! You might have trouble sending it via email though as most email providers only allow a certain size. If this doesn't work, you can upload it to youtube and then copy and send that link to Vicki. She'll be able to save. edit, and upload it back onto youtube where you can get it from.

I'm glad that Tipper had a better night and now that you have gotten the video, please get some rest! It's not like we can do anything in this blasted weather anyway :)
We also had the ice under snow which is scary. Someone was doing "donuts" in their car in the crowded parking lot when I went to the pet store yesterday. How stupid can people be!

Poor Daisy, I carry her out and back to her "pottie spot" so that her paws and belly don't have much contact with the ground as it has been below zero! I can't remember the last time that we saw temperatures this low.

Good luck with the upcoming appointments Patti. HUGS

On a lighter note, Gracie the "water loving" cat finally overstepped her abilities in navigating the bathtub enclosure while I'm bathing. She fell in!
She was so fast that only her back paws and tail got wet. :)

01-04-2014, 07:48 AM
Hi Everyone:
Tipper did not have a good nite last nite. Lots of noise breathing and because she is so restricted and not even able to do her walking she is not even tired and doesn't want to sleep. She did finally go to sleep either out of boredom or because she knew she was supposed to. I lay there listening to her last nite, and knowing what is ahead for her next week and part of me just tells me to stop all this and let her out of this misery. The other part tells me she has good quality if life in the day. I don't think I can mentally withstand her getting worse. I had a friend call me yesterday that I had not heard form in 2 years. She was so taken back by what is going on with Tipper that she could not believe it. She said Tipper was one of the healthiest, well taken care of dogs she had ever been around, and would never have guessed this happening to her. On top of all this now the leg problem. I feel so bad foe her it is hard for me to look at her and not cry. Part of me just does not want to put her thru next week. When I see her looking so frightened it kills me. I wish I could take all this away form her I would very gladly bear it myself. Blessings

01-04-2014, 07:52 AM
See what they say next week and go from there. I know how scary it is but I know that you need answers and as you say, Tipper has a good quality of life during the day.

This whole process is emotionally and physically draining.

We'll keep you both in our prayers!

01-04-2014, 10:21 AM
Thanks Valerie I will just wait till next week. I have to get ready here soon and go out in this sub zero weather as my old neighbor lady is going to the hospital tomorrow she is having bleeding problems. She had cancer 3 years ago and the Dr. told her after he removed a grapefruit sized tumor out of her that she would have to have chemo or it would come back. Her son talked her out of having it and I hate to say it but I think it is back. I want to see her and wish her well, you never know what might happen. I will have to take care of her cat, it will have to stay in her house though. I cannot get Tipper upset with a cat yet. I am going to cook her supper today and take it to her, that should cheer her up as she has been crying non stop, I think she knows too. I will have to cage Tipper and run up there real quick. I hope all turns out well for her tomorrow. Blessings

molly muffin
01-04-2014, 12:44 PM
Suppose to be a big snow storm coming in and then really cold temperatures after that so stay safe out on those roads Patti.

Oh good lord, your poor neighbor, she must be terrified :( I'm so sorry to hear this. :( You are a good neighbor Patti to go make her dinner and give her some company. I know she'll really appreciate it.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

01-04-2014, 01:24 PM
Patti you need to clear your inbox :)

01-04-2014, 09:32 PM
Patti, that is so sweet of you to take care of your neighbor. I can't believe that her son talked her out of chemo. That is so wrong.

molly muffin
01-05-2014, 07:43 PM
Eeek, haven't heard from you and wonder if this big dump of snow has come your way.

Take care!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin

01-05-2014, 08:16 PM
i think it will comfort your neighbour that her cat is well taken care of. moving the cat to your home with tipper would mean to much stress for all of the animals i quess. cats are better off in their own surroundings.
hope the snowfall will end soon, and that you will still be able to walk and drive around.
off to walk the dogs for the last time today. still spring temp. here. [weird!]

01-05-2014, 08:33 PM
Hope you are ok, we did not get the snow but it will be -17 tomorrow. The schools are closing as well as the grocery stores will close early. Was hoping I would receive a call from my boss not to come in but it never happened:rolleyes::rolleyes:

My sweet Ginger
01-05-2014, 08:53 PM
Hi Patti,
I didn't see your post today. You must be having a very busy day, taking care of Tipper, Toby, Elvis (love his name) and your neighbor's cat. Were you able to walk Tipper today? It's still pretty cold here today. I hope you and Tipper had a better night last night. Will check back later to read your today's post. Take care. :)

Budsters Mom
01-05-2014, 10:08 PM
We must not forget Lucky, Chance and the goldfish. 2 dogs, 2 cats, 1 bird, and goldfish. Now the neighbor's cat next door. I feel for the cat, but leave it at home! You'll have a riot of unprecedented proportions! :D I hope you are okay. We are used to you checking in EVERY morning. xxxxx

My sweet Ginger
01-05-2014, 10:43 PM
Patti, my apology to Lucky, Chance and your goldfish. It totally skipped my mind. It seems like it's happening more and more, like forgetting things.:eek: I was even admiring your beautiful cat mansion the other day.:o I'd like to volunteer myself for not remembering some family members from time to time. Sorry Sophie, I know I forgot about you a while ago. I will try to get things straightened out with time.;)

01-06-2014, 03:54 PM
Hi Everyone:
I had an emergency, I will be on later an explain everything is ok. Blessings

01-06-2014, 05:43 PM
Ok here we go. My elderly lady neighbor that I look out for did not answer her phone. I got Tipper all bundled up and went up the street to her house. I could hear her tv on and saw the lights. I banged on the doo, but no answer. Keep banging and tried the doo knob, and glory be it was open. There she was laid back in her recliner, with blood everywhere. I tied Tipper as she has a cat. Checked her pulse she had a weak one, called the ambulance and they were there in 3 minutes. We went up to the hospital and I sat there with Tipper on my lap. Two specialists examined her, and the cancer is back with a vengeance. They found a tumor, and I guess it had just let lose and bled. They let me see her thru the doorway and she was very frightened and calling out for me, so she got Tipper really rattled. I left and they took her by ambulance to the Cleveland Clinic 2 hours away. I ran up and fed the cat left the lite on and the tv for her. Ran back home and I guess they will operate tonite. I am waiting for the hospital to call me. Our roads are hazardous to say the least, sheets of ice from rain and snow all nite. The wind is unreal it is 20 below they said and worse tomorrow. Tipper blood appt. was cancelled by my vet, because he is afraid of the transport in these temps. Also her laser therapy she desperately needs has to be cancelled. I have her on a heating pad right now. The ice packs were too much for her and she moaned, so we went to heat and she is happy. I can feel the terrible frigid temps even coming thru my windows. It will be worse here tomorrow as tonite is lake effect snow. Sorry I did not get to read your posts, but please say a prayer for my elderly neighbor, her name is Delora. God Bless her she is 82. Blessings

01-06-2014, 06:05 PM
Patti I have just read every post you have written that I Have missed, I haven't been getting any alerts and so I logged in to see how you are, I hope your neighbour will be OK and Tipper too, you have SO much going on. PLEASE look after yourself too. Much Love Diana & Teddy x

molly muffin
01-06-2014, 06:27 PM
Oh thank god you were there Patti. It is unthinkable what would have happened if you had not gone over. Truly, bless you.

Oh poor Tipper. I am sure this weather is hard on her. I am taking molly out only very minimal into the back yard to do her business as there is at least some wind breaks back there. She isn't happy, but it's dangerous out the front.

I hope everything goes okay with the surgery tonight. Shame on her son for talking her out of chemo. :(

hang in there Patti! You done good.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin

01-06-2014, 07:50 PM
lots of strenght for you, tipper and your neighbour. hope the weather will improve!

01-06-2014, 07:59 PM
OMG Patti!

How scary! I hope that your neighbor pulls through and boy, someone should blast her son for convincing her not to do chemo. That makes me so angry. Elderly are not dispensable.

We're expecting the minus 17 temps too and it might go as low as -25/-30 which is unheard of in CT.

Please be safe and stay warm.

01-06-2014, 11:34 PM
Patti, Your neighbor is so lucky to have someone like you watching out for her. Hope she comes through the surgery just fine.

This weather is terrible.
Hugs and prayers to you and Tipper.

01-07-2014, 09:40 AM
Hi Everyone:
Well more problems. I went to feed the cat this morning and her water pipes are frozen. I had to comeback home to get water and take up. The cat is crying for her, but knows me well as I clip her nails so that is one good thing. I have asked my other elderly neighbor man that I help also if Delora is in the hospital for any extended time if he could take the cat and I would come feed it etc. but it would have company. It cannot stay alone for a long period of time. I have called a maintenance man I know to help with her pipes. I talked to her last nite and she is very scared. They did a scan, of her abdomen, and today a biopsy and exam which they will put her out for. Then I guess they know what they are removing, it sounds complicated from what the nurse said. I forgot to tell everyone that her son who is a Pastor has very little if anything to do with her. She is virtually alone, and he left her go to Cleveland in an ambulance alone. I could not go because of Tipper and she understood. He has been her maybe 3-4 times this past year. He was supposed to let some water drip in her house so the pipes did not freeze, but so much for that as he never went there. I called him the morning and he acted like he did not want to be bothered, and probably ahs attitude with me because I do not call him Pastor I call him by his first name, as I believe he is no pastor to do this to his 82 year old mother, he is a phony to his congregation as far as I am concerned. I know he has a seat in hell. Anyway Delora took it upon herself to give all the neighbors my phone number. They were calling last nite as I tried to rest with Tipper. Last nite Tipper did not sleep well again and all over the bed. This morning her bad leg froze up on her outside and I had to get her off the ground and carry her in the house. It would not move, and she kept trying to kick with it maybe to get it going. The cold packs are too much for her so we went to heat, and she likes that better. I just called the laser therapy and got her another appointment for Thursday when it is to be warmer. I am very concerned over this leg. She sits and sticks it out to the side and it looks like a broken leg when you look at her. This is a lot for me to handle taking care of my neighbors things with Tipper not well at all. Last nite she had a terrible seizure that shook her whole body she was up against me and it woke me up. It seems they are progressively getting worse. I have some good footage on my IPhone to show the Dr. I found one segment that is only a few minutes long that he can look at right on my phone. I will get Vicki to edit them later for UTube so I can post them as they may help someone on here. I don't want to tamper with the phone right now and lose them. I am exhausted as I went back up to the neighbors yesterday and cleaned all the blood up off her chair and floor, and got things cleaned up. Good thing I did it before the water froze up. The wind is relentless here today, I think we are at 17 below zero right now. So much for the polar vortex, hope never to see it again in my lifetime. I tried to put on Tipper's snow suit, but her leg is so bad she would not let me, so I put her coat on. It takes 10 minutes to get her ready to go out for 2 minutes. She wants to stand and breathe the air out there! Hope everyone stays safe and warm, and the babies are all safe after having to go out in this weather. Blessings

molly muffin
01-07-2014, 12:42 PM
Oh that is just terrible about your neighbors son! :( Did your other neighbor say if he would take the cat to give it company?
You are a godsend to your neighbors Patti.

Poor Tipper, sounds like her leg is really bothering her, and I am sure this cold isn't helping any. :(

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

01-07-2014, 02:35 PM
Hi Everyone:
Well it's not looking too good for my neighbor. They found a mass bigger than a golf ball, and now found some things on her lungs. She is very worried and rightfully so. My maintenance guy got the pipes going and only charged 20.00, so that was good. My neighbor called and they are sending her home for 3 days while they wait for the biopsies etc. They said there is no sense keeping her in there laying around while they wait for results. They are giving her a colonoscopy today, along with bladder tests, etc. I am sure they are worried about where this has gone. The poor thing has not eaten all morning waiting for the tests and she is starving. In an effort to cover his___ the son who was supposed to check her pipes last nite and use precautionary measures, has told her she will be staying at his house. He does not know my guy got the pipes thawed out and does not want his mother to know he lied about going to her house. She called me crying and does not want to go there. I told her to come home with her cat and I will check her and make her supper and help her. She said I don't want to stay at his house, I told her to tell him she insists on going home. I think she is sick of his abuse. Tipper is fatter than ever , I need to help her somehow. She is not walking and that has contributed to it. Her leg is really bothering her today form all this cold. I wish I had a button to press that would take her back to when she was a puppy. If I only could. Blessings

01-07-2014, 02:42 PM
Oh Patti I am so sorry about Delora, I hope they can help her somehow.

She, and all your other neighbours are SO blessed to have you, it's not like you haven't enough on your own plate, looking after Tipper and your other babies, and also having your own health to think of.

You are ONE in a trillion billion

Lots of love Diana & Teddy x

molly muffin
01-07-2014, 04:17 PM
I think she should go where she wants to go at this point. So, home to her own cat and things and where she is most comfortable. She has 3 days, it's not that long of time when you think about what it might mean.
It is wonderful of you to think of her too, and volunteer to help and do dinner. This is a rough time for you too.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

Budsters Mom
01-07-2014, 05:56 PM
Patti, you have a heart of gold, but you HAVE TO start delegating some of your responsibilities or let some things go! You exhaust me just reading about your every day life. :o No one can juggle so many things without something eventually giving out. I am hoping that something doesn't end up being your health. No one would take care of your babies as well as you do. I help out whenever I can, but also know that I have to be realistic as to what I can do. Please give this some thought. xxxxxx

01-07-2014, 07:22 PM
hi patti, i agree with budsters'mom you have to take care of yourself and tipper and your other animals first. what if you get ill, who will take care of you and tipper? i had to learn too to be more "'selfish"' but since we are alone we are the only caretakers of our pets and ourselves we have to. my job is to take care of elderly/sick people at home so they can stay home for a longer time. [ i do this in the morning and take care of families with problemkids in the afternoon]. does this excists in the usa too? they also supply meals or cook/prepare it at home and/or do the groceries. so the neighbours/family do not have to do this. overhere the hospital does the intake and when the person comes home it will be arranged. hopefully this is possible for you and your neighbour.

01-07-2014, 10:27 PM
hi patti, i just heared on the dutch news that they are keeping the penguins and icebears indoors at pittsburg zoo because of the cold weather......

01-07-2014, 11:14 PM

please visit this link and contact them tomorrow on your neighbor's behalf. We used them in CT for mom and dad and the social worker set everything up.

Be sure to tell them about her abusive son! I can guarantee that if she stays at his house she won't get the care that she needs and you can't do this.

These agencies take insurance and Medicare has special provisions and coverage for people like your friend in possibly terminal situation. Contrary to what people believe, a person can be covered under hospice provisions and stay at home for as long as needed. It is the diagnosis that determines eligibility not the length of time of the illness.

To begin VNA home healthcare services, just call 216-931-1400 or 1-877-698-6264 and speak with a nurse.
Please call them tomorrow and they'll probably send a social worker and a nurse to evaluate your friend when she gets home.


01-08-2014, 11:39 AM
Hi Everyone:
Had to go to the vets with Tipper this morning. Some one did not show for work so Tipper's bp could not be taken. That really steamed me as they know she comes every Wed. morning and it was very frigid and windy for me to take her out. No consideration what so ever. I have to go out later as I need some groceries. I will get my girl to sit Tipper . I won't be gone long. Valerie thank you for that information I will be using I am sure. The bad news now is that when I called the hospital this morning Delora was crying and telling me her son would be there in 5 minutes to get her and take her to his house. She said she would call me from there. Her poor kitty is crying for her. My other elderly neighbor may take the kitty if necessary, I approached him with the idea so I will see. Last nite I was ready to fall asleep which I really need and her done called me. Thanking me and apologizing to me etc. for all I do for her. HE is just trying to cover his butt as he knows I know all this and he is afraid I am going to spill the beans on him. He has never called me the whole 6 years I have helped her. He wants to keep her at home so I don't put any ideas in her head about him. I am wise to his underhanded stuff. So I got the report on her finally, she has cancer really bad and it went to her lungs also. Don't know just yet if her son will let them operate or just bring her home and let her die. She is a burden to him and he wants that burden gone. I don't even know if this cancer is operable etc. I am just sick today and Tipper did not have a good nite. I am going to stop at my vets on the way to the grocery as he will be in then and show him the video on my phone. We are to get snowstorms both back to back days I have to go to Pittsburgh, I cannot catch a break here. My urologist just called, said he is giving me and RX to take for two weeks and go to the hospital for more blood work. This is medicine to dissolve the stone, then I will have another ultra sound. So I get to cancel my appointment for this Monday thank God. Tipper started with the seizure activity as soon as she fell asleep last nite. I kept waking her to make it stop so neither of us slept well. I am so glad I am seeing the Neurologist next week too. I need to know she is safe and not be afraid of something happening to her at nite, this has been a nightmare. Oh where is the money tree????? Blessings

01-08-2014, 11:58 AM
Patti - I'll be praying a money tree grows in your yard! And, all of our yards, hehe!

I am sorry things are so tough right now. Just keep positive.

01-08-2014, 12:12 PM
So sorry to read things continue to be tough. You are very kind to look out for your neighbours I hope that something that can be done to help Delora

Hoping you can try and use the care credit to cover the trips next week as I can't imagine how much you have spent recently on all the tests and medication changes.

Am thinking of you both, sending big hugs and kisses to Tipper the Ripper. And some decent weather, although you don't want ours as it's constant wind and rain :D


01-08-2014, 07:03 PM
Hi Patti,
Trying to catch up on posts. Haven't been on for a bit. So sad about your neighbor. You are so kind to be helping the way you do. Her son sounds like a louse.
I'm sorry to hear Tipper is having seizures. The weight is an issue for Trixie as well. Even though Trixie is controlled she still seems to have a big appetite, and now it's a few days without really good exercise. People keep asking me if Trixie has gained weight. She was pretty slender before Cushings. I have been starting to cut back a bit on her portions. We'll see she can lose a pound or two but with this cold weather she has had zero long walks. It sounds like we may get to go tomorrow morning. Hopefully we'll be in the 20's at least.
Hoping all your babies are doing okay during this polar weather!


01-08-2014, 07:38 PM
i hope the neighbour will take her cat so he has a home and you don't have to take care of her anymore.
i am sorry , that you went all the way to the vet for nothing in this weather......
i hope your kidney stone will dissolve very fast with the medication.
and all the worries go on about tipper, hope the neurologist can help you after watching the video.
sleep well.

01-08-2014, 08:06 PM
Patti, I would call 211 and explain the situation and how your neighbor's son forced her to go to his home. They'll send someone over there asap.

Good luck with the upcoming appointments! I know all about having to reschedule appointments, we changed Daisy's twice.

01-09-2014, 08:55 AM
Hi Everyone:
Well a mixed bag of news to report today. First off I went tot he grocery store yesterday and stopped at the vets on the way. I showed him the footage of Tipper on my phone. I could see the concern in his face as he was watching it. He said this is definitely seizures. So I am not crazy and I am glad I kept on this until I found out what it was. He said the footage is all the neurologist needs to see. He was surprised when I told him this was one of the minor episodes she has. He could not get over her body jumping, especially her stomach. It seems she is starting this as soon as she falls asleep now. When she lays flat it doesn't happen as much and that is cause she is laying on her stomach. Last night she laid flat with her feet out like a frog as she always does. I could feel the rear legs just jerking underneath her. Very few times does it involve the front legs. She was up at 5am again and I was tired but took her out and she did lay back down for 40 minutes. She has been making a lot of noise again while breathing at nite and trying to clear her throat a lot. I cannot give her the antihistamine that the IMS suggested, as I read if you have seizures do not use this medication. I was giving this to her before too! God there are so many twists and turns you can't keep track of them with this disease. She is going to laser therapy today for her leg so I am taking the muzzle in the event we need it. She really needs this leg worked on good. My neighbor Delora called me yesterday and was talking strangely. After a few minutes I realized her son must be listening to her and she was trying to tell me in her own way. He is bringing her home on Friday , as I told her the cat is crying for her. I will help her until the hospital calls her and I will be in touch with some agencies to help her that Valerie gave me. The cat will be so glad she is home, as she is used to Delora being home every day as she does not drive and goes no where. The cancer is in her lungs, bladder, and vagina. The poor thing may not be here long, and I will not let her son take that cat as he will shoot it. He hates animals. I have to find it a safe place for a home if something happens to her and get it out of the house before he has a chance to take it. I am so sorry this is happening to her, she has had a hard life since her husband passed away and left her alone. She is not self sufficient by any means as he did everything for her which is bad as she knows nothing now. Life can be so cruel to some. Blessings

01-09-2014, 11:49 AM
This story you have told sure makes me stop and count my blessings Patti. You are an angel to have helped this lady so much.

Good luck with Tippers therapy, you might not see any difference for a few weeks, but I'm hoping the improvement is quick.

01-09-2014, 12:03 PM
The reason why she got this cancer back and it spread everywhere was because her son would not let her undergo chemo the first time. She listened to him, and God bless her she does not realize he considers her a burden and is not looking out for her best interests. Just goes to show you, just because they are family don't always put your trust in them.
Oh my gas has gone up terrible here. I just went to a place that sells it cheaper to fill up the car as we have those two trips to Pittsburgh early next week. This gas is costing a fortune anymore. I am getting anxious about Tipper having all these major things looked at next week. I honestly don't think I can handle any more bad news about her. I cannot wait until her laser treatment so she can get some relief from this leg. I called the Dr.'s office in Pittsburgh to ask if she can walk a few short walks and if that will make it worse. They told me walking is ok it will not make it worse unless she over does it. She looks so bad compared to what she used to look like, I cry when I look at her, I just can't stop it. I am sad to the deepest part of my sole that my wonderful girl has to endure this. Blessings

01-09-2014, 03:40 PM
Hi Everyone:
Well I got some good news today to report. The laser therapist said she can have Tipper good as new, but must see her every week for 4-5 weeks. I can deal with that. Also she told me the other vet there does the operation with the fishing line also, if for some strange reason this does not work. She said her min pin did the same thing and she got him fixed and he is the top min pin in agility in the U.S. So I was happy to hear she has hope Tipper will once again be walking right. She said to walk her on her walks, do the figure 8's and circles. If she starts to limp, stop everything. She said heat on the flank only, not near the knee as it will get inflamed more. I am waiting to hear from my neighbor lady. Blessings

01-09-2014, 08:05 PM

finally some good news :)

I'm so sorry about your neighbor. Please do call those numbers. The faster you get her help, the better. As she gets sicker, she'll need more and you just can't do it Patti. As much as you want to/ They'll also periodically assess her and what she needs.

I'm glad that Tipper can walk, that should help her.

01-09-2014, 10:14 PM
finally some good news about tippers leg. the walks will keep/make her muscles strong[er]. and keep her in a better mood i quess.
maybe you can go for longer walks when spring arrives.
does she like to swim? mine do and it is good for the ligaments too.
it is a pity, their looks do change so much because of the muscle loss. they really look different don't they? and old.
hope you get some more good news next week.

01-10-2014, 07:57 AM
Hi Everyone:
Well Tipper was restless last nite in bed and something woke me up suddenly and I am thinking it was her having a bigger seizure and she must have shaken me. This is getting scary that they are getting bigger and all the time now. I cannot wait to show the neurologist this video. I am starting to get myself sick and not want to eat to much. I am already worrying about next weeks results as much as I try not to and keep it off my mind I can't. I am going to have to make it my job that day to make sure everyone in that hospital that touches her knows about her rear leg. I do not need some tech or someone hurting her any further. We are to get a snow storm both days I go to Pittsburgh too, real fun I guess I am in for. Tipper seemed really annoyed and wanted to nip the laser therapist yesterday, but I held her head and she could only bite me then, which she didn't. If they get intense laser therapy it usually makes them sleepy, but she was restless as I think it was paining her. She is continuing to do a lot of that swallowing again and clearing of her throat, I think she is getting some kind of drainage from some where. My neighbor did not call me yesterday and I do not know her son's home phone number and it is not listed. She is to be brought home today so I will know what to do after I talk with her as far as getting her help. I am sure her son is trying to keep her away from where she can talk to people. The cat is crying out for her, and I feel sorry for it. My other neighbor said he will watch it if they put her back in the hospital. The Dr.'s are to talk with her and her son on the 17th. They wait their good old time don't they? I am getting the impression from all of this that there is not going to be many options. I have been praying for her. I got the chair and the floor cleaned up for her, and the water is still unfrozen, so that is good. I am not going to mention it to her as she has been upset enough. I will just go up several times and check on her, and take her supper. She will have to remain sedentary for the most part until the 17th. She likes to watch tv anyway. The cat will be so glad to see her. There is a thing here called meals on wheels where they deliver food to the elderly so I may get her to do that too after the 17th decision. It is a terrible thing to be in her position so I feel for her. Blessings

01-10-2014, 02:34 PM
I can only imagine your worry about these seizures. I mean a nothing, little ear infection kept me worrying about Trixie last night, so I understand how badly you feel and what a struggle it is to be worried day after day. If only these dogs could talk and tell us how they feel! What always worries me is how stoic they are...they don't let on much about pain and discomfort. It's all the watching and picking up the signs.
It takes over and you find yourself glued to their every move..it's not easy and you can't concentrate on anything else.
You should be getting back good karma in buckets for your devotion and kindness for you neighbor. Poor thing...too bad her son is part of the picture. I hope the cat will be okay...hate to think of that cat crying for her. So sad.
I'm sure she is totally qualified to get meals on wheels...that would be good for her!!


01-11-2014, 08:09 AM
Hi Everyone:
Tipper slept ok last nite, not too many seizures. She is getting around a little better on her leg after the laser therapy. She has her leg worked on really good. She also does laser acupuncture after the regular therapy. Than God I can take her there and that there is a place for this around here. I tried to find hydrotherapy but there is none anywhere. She wanted to jump on the bed yesterday, so she still has not learned her lesson. I may have to build a fortress around the bed to keep her off permanently after this 45 days is up. It is pouring down rain here and melting off all the snow. Monday a new system comes in with more snow. My neighbor called me yesterday telling me she will not be coming home until sometime this weekend. the cat is crying for her, it is a pitiful situation. Hopefully she will come home today, and the cat will be happy. I am sure her son could care less about the cat being alone. Well Friday will tell the tale of what happens with her and I will go from there and see what help I can get for her. I am anxious about the testing for Tipper next week, it has been making me nervous, and jumpy. I am praying for my girl to have good results as I do not know what I will do if not. Please keep my Tipper in your prayers. Blessings

Squirt's Mom
01-11-2014, 09:26 AM
I wish I had a neighbor like you! Wanna move to ARK?! :D

molly muffin
01-11-2014, 06:55 PM
She's a keeper neighbor eh Leslie :) I hope your neighbors realize how lucky they are to have someone who cares living around them.

Interesting, Tipper got around better, had a good laser session and had less seizures last night. Something to wonder about? Correlation between seizures and pain tolerance? hmmm.. I know less than squat about seizures, just to be up front, but that just jumped out at me so I wondered.

01-11-2014, 08:58 PM
glad to hear that tippers leg is improving. hydrotherapy facilities for dogs are also rare in my country. does tipper like to swim?
hope the testresults will be ok next week.
maybe you can walk tipper as long as the snow is gone? keeps her muscles in shape.
hope you both can sleep well tonight.

01-11-2014, 10:25 PM

I know how scary these seizures are. I'm glad that Tipper's leg is improving!

We had a mini poodle who had seizures that were so severe that she let out the loudest howl and no matter where we were in the house we heard it and all came running. She passed away 11 - 12 years ago and it wasn't until talking with a friend recently that I learned what they were. It got to the point where I didn't sleep because I knew that to expect so I stayed awake and waited.

Her vets assumed that something was wrong with her back and that it was going out. Needless to say, we don't use those vets anymore :(

Good luck with the tests!

01-12-2014, 08:07 AM
Hi Everyone:
Not too bad of a nite, Tipper did have some seizure activity. It seems that she is sleeping much deeper too as it is hard for me to wake her sometimes. Before all this if you even moved your eyelids she was up. Her leg is coming along, but I am having a time keeping her in check. She still wants to run, jump, and yes do the Jack Russell springy repeated jumps. She is a handful and not making this easy on her mom. Sharlene there may be something to her not having as many seizures after laser therapy. The therapist told me it makes them really tired when starting the therapy for the first time, and during extensive therapy. It gets all the cells energized and makes them tired. I would have to stay up all nite and watch her which I might do one nite soon, as I think when she gets really in her deep sleep cycle there are not as many seizures, I have to stay up to really tell. Either that or I am sleeping and do not hear or see what is going on, so it is hard to say for sure. It stopped raining enough yesterday for her to walk. I walked her slow and she did ok. I am confident in the experience of this therapist to get Tipper better. God bless her as my Tipper needs the help badly. One of my other neighbors dies yesterday from the flu!! In her 60's and went down hill fast. I saw on the national news many people are dying from this flu, and there were many younger ones included. Delora called me yesterday- well her son did and gave her the phone and stood there and listened to her. She will be home today after church, The cat will be so glad to see her. She is staying home until next Thursday and then she will go to her sons who will take her back to the Cleveland Clinic on Friday to speak to the Dr.'s. That is going to be decision time then about the cat and about getting her help. I am glad all this with Tipper will be done by then, as Tipper is my first priority. I am praying there is something they can do for her, but in the back of my mind is a lot of doubt. It is dark and drizzling here this morning, supposed to have rain again today then changing back to snow tomorrow. I am in touch with my other elderly neighbor daily to make sure he is ok and he has assured me he will look after the cat. Who knows what will happen, maybe he will like it and end up keeping it if that's how things turn out. I already had something planned for supper where there is enough for both of them. I try to pay things forward in the hopes some other neighbors will follow and help someone they know living by them. Hoping for a quiet day here as next week will be a stressful one. Blessings

01-12-2014, 08:19 AM
Hi Patti,
I am so happy to hear how Tipper's leg is improving, that is wonderful! and having less seizures too! I was thinking the same as Sharlene, maybe somehow there is a connection with her having less pain and less seizures. I sure hope so.

I agree with the rest, you are a wonderful neighbor, and they are lucky to have such a caring person to be their neighbor. I will be keeping Tipper in my prayers for good results this week.

01-12-2014, 11:04 AM
Hi Everyone:
Well the weather cleared up and Tipper may be going walking to burn energy off and keep her leg going. My neighbor should be home around 1:00 pm today so I will stop and see her for a few minutes and see how she is doing. Her cat will be so happy. I am in the middle of cutting Tipper's hair a little at a time again. I just grab what I can and chop it off, then she growls at me. WE have been doing this off and on all morning. It should be finished in about 2 weeks at this rate. Blessings

01-12-2014, 04:46 PM
i think we all want a photograph of tippers new haircut..............hopefully you can make some more walks before the snow comes back. isn't there someone who can grab/hold tipper, so you can cut her hair or the other way around? no fun, but you don't have to bother her again.....less stress for the both of you....

01-12-2014, 05:28 PM
She moved and has some holes cut into her back side oops. She used to be sooo good for her haircuts. Everything has changed since Cushings, even her personality. People will wonder where she got her hair cut! It gets to messy if I let it go and this is the only way so that's what I have to do. I will have to take a picture of her. Blessings

01-12-2014, 05:49 PM
Patti- Is there any chance that Tipper has some type of muscle spasm in her leg that could trigger the seizure activity...maybe a nerve is set off by a muscle spasm?? Probably not related but just trying to figure out less seizures after the leg has a laser treatment. Just a thought..I guess the deep sleep pattern could have some effect on the condition like you mentioned.


01-12-2014, 08:23 PM
Patti, I'm glad to hear Tipper's leg is feeling better and she is sleeping better too.
Hugs and prayers to you and Tipper.

01-13-2014, 11:19 AM
Hi Everyone:
We were at the vets for bp today and weight yuck! So I am late posting. Tipper has got to get this weight off and that is all there is to it. Lots of tiny seizures last nite, she was just moving all nite long. I cannot wait to discuss this with the neurologist Wednesday. Barbara I don't think it is a muscle spasm as I can feel like an electrical charge running thru her legs when this happens, I will try to find out on Wednesday though. It was just really bad last nite. I walked her on 1 walk today as the weather is better, but she wants to go again and I am taking it easy with this leg. I do not want her to over do it even though she thinks she can. I am after her all day about trying to run thru the house and jump, this is not easy and she has not intention of making it easy. My neighbor is home, with her head full of crap that her son told her. I think I am just going to help her if she calls me , and if not stay back as her son is a real piece of work lying to her about everything, it is pitiful and I cannot let it upset me any more. I have enough to deal with caring for Tipper. I will how ever take care of the cat and make sure it has a good life. I will be up and gone by 4am to the Dr. in Pittsburgh and it is supposed to rain. I have someone to sit Tipper so I will just hurry and get back asap. Blessings

01-13-2014, 04:15 PM
i think the weight problem is a typical cushing thing. especially around the weist. i don't know if you can get some weight of a cush dog without "starving"' them.
i think when tipper can walk more after her leg has healed, she will lose some weight too on the same amount of food. feeling hungry all the time makes them cranky. but tipper has a leg problem of course, so she has to. i don't think this will be easy on the both of you..............
my dogs have to lose some weight too.
hopefully the neurologist takes time to watch tippers video and answer all your questions. does he know tipper well from previous visits?

01-13-2014, 05:35 PM
Hi Everyone:
Tipper was always the same weight until a couple of months ago and I have to get it corrected. I truly think it is her metabolism that is all a mess from the Cushings. I will work at it as I am not a quitter at anything. I already have my clothes ready etc. to get up at 4 so I hope the weather is ok. There are a lot of deer crossing these old roads where I live, and you have to be really careful and drive slow until you get to the highway, that is why I leave early. I have to be careful as who would care for my girl, especially the way I do? The days are starting to get a little longer each day now. I am sort of dreading spring though as Tipper gets crazy with the storms. If we could just not have thunder it would be perfect. I worry about her blood pressure shooting up from the thunder. She gets so crazy I am sure it will be worse this spring. My cat is trying to attack the screen as I am typing. Maybe her is wanting to send your kitty a message! Take care of yourself and dear Ian. Blessings

01-13-2014, 05:42 PM
Good luck tomorrow, drive safe. Be thinking of you this week and will ask my Tia to look after your girl on her appointments

Tight hugs, kisses for Tipper the Ripper


molly muffin
01-13-2014, 07:04 PM
Good luck this week for both you and Tipper! I hope that you both have good results.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

01-13-2014, 07:32 PM
Good Luck with all the appointments

01-13-2014, 09:32 PM
Keeping Tipper in my prayers and thoughts for good test results!

Budsters Mom
01-13-2014, 09:46 PM
You exhaust me! I can't keep up! Sending you tons of strength and healing energy. You need it girl! Xxxxx

01-13-2014, 10:18 PM
Good luck Patti!
Prayers for you, Tipper and your neighbor.

01-14-2014, 02:11 PM
Patti, Thinking of you and Tipper. Praying that all the appointments go well and all results are good.

01-14-2014, 05:15 PM
Hi Everyone:
Just a quick post to thank you all for thinking of my Tipper. Tomorrow will be one of my hardest days yet to get thru. I am exhausted and had to rescue the most beautiful calico Main Coon cat I have ever seen. She is 17lb. I will elaborate later. Needless to say she is in a spare room until I find an excellent home for her to go to. She is calm, and sweet and a beautiful soul. She has been over fed too. I have been up since 2am and I am exhausted. I have to get up at 5am tomorrow. I got Tipper a new food. Fromm and gave her 3 nuggets today. Tomorrow some more until I get her switched over to it with no ill effects. I need to get this weight off her, it is getting hard for me to lift her. Leslie I am naming the cat Grace too as she is amazing! I will post if I am not dead when we get home tomorrow. Thank you all again for your well wishes, I have prayed my heart out on my long drive today for a miracle for Tipper. Last nite she had a full body seizure that is the 3rd one of those. It was dark, so foggy you could not see, and rainy this morning the whole drive! Blessings

molly muffin
01-14-2014, 05:26 PM
oh my goodness Patti. You certainly do seem to have had a heck of a day.

Maine Coon's are Beautiful! My Tipsy was part maine coon and just gorgerous and they have the sweetest and yet funniest personalities. I always thought my Tipsy should have had a sherlock holmes hat and cloak with a pipe in one paw as he would sit on the couch and cross his paws and watch to see what was going on. I love them.

Oh no, sorry Tipper had a full body seizure last night. I am sure that you are exhausted and tomorrow another long day. I hope that somewhere in the midst of all of this, there are answers to many long asked questions, solutions to be had readily, and peace that the journey continue smoothly with no bumps, twists and turns.

Fromms every one says is an excellent food.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

01-14-2014, 05:55 PM
Pleased to read you got back safety from your appointment. Will be thinking of you both tomorrow.

Big hugs, kisses to Tipper


My sweet Ginger
01-14-2014, 06:03 PM
Dear Patti,
One down, one more to go. Sending positive thoughts on your way for tomorrow.
Please, do us all a favor and don't do anything today other than have a good dinner, rest and spend happy times with your babies as you should be freshly energized and sharp to deal with many Dr.s through out tomorrow.
I really hope you and Tipper will get a decent night of sleep tonight.
I know it will be hard but try not to worry too much. Whatever the results, I know you will tackle it the way you always have and don't forget the possibility of excellent and encouraging results, too. So we are going to stay positive tonight, k?

Patti, you should seriously consider getting your own reality tv show like 'Patti and the Gang' or something like that as I really think you have more than enough materials in your everyday life more than anyone I know! It's never dull in your household! It will be a lot more fun and exciting than those of Kardashians many times over.:D:cool::) Take care Patti. Song

01-14-2014, 08:16 PM
hi patti, i wish you and tipper lots of strenght tomorrow, good weather, a safe drive, and good results!

01-14-2014, 09:32 PM

Annabelle Lee is mostly Maine Coon, except for the size. She is a total sweetheart!
Hoping that you get some rest.

01-15-2014, 03:55 PM
Just popping into say I have been thinking of you both today, hope all went ok with Tippers appointment.


01-15-2014, 04:10 PM
Hi Everyone:
WE just got home from 5am. Got snarled in traffic from an accident on the highway for an hour!. We are both home safe and sound. I never slept at all last nite. I am dead. Had to feed Elvis and let him out, feed Tipper and Toby, feed the kitties and the fish. I ate for the first time today and got sick right away. Tipper had an exhausting day, and I will tell you all about it tomorrow. Tipper is a real trooper, and I thank God for the blessings I got today. I have decided because this rescue cat was so abused she will live her life out here and have the best life she can. I hate when people do this to animals. I know you are all saying well she already has two cats. Well I'll be up front, I am not an animal hoarder! I do have a big heart for any abused animal. She has had enough during her lifetime so she will be the last one I can help. She is going to have to go to the Vets on Friday before she can even say hi to my cats. She has been checked for FIV and Felv and some shots. So she will get her shots and her eye fixed where the dog hurt her where she was . My vet told me under the circumstances I can pay for her later! He does have a pulse and a heart!! I am exhausted and just need to rest a while. I do have information that may help others on here so I will get it out there tomorrow morning asap. Thank you all for thinking of us you are wonderful people. Blessings

01-15-2014, 04:13 PM
Doesn't surprise me one bit that you would keep the cat. Nice your vet has allowed you to do that for once. You do have a big heart so good he has taken a leaf out of your book

Pleased you got home ok and I will look out for your update tomorrow

Hoping you get a decent nights rest tonight.


molly muffin
01-15-2014, 05:24 PM
Oh gads Patti, I don't think you are an animal hoarder, but definitely you are a small animal rescuer. So, whether you keep her or if one day you come across a good home for her, either way, you rescue those in need. There isn't anything bad about that. It is an abundance of love and thank god that people like you exist in this world, because I for one, do not want to even imagine a world without small animal rescuers or people who will help others, not because they expect something, but because their hearts demand that the right thing to do is to feel compassion for others and act on it. Thank the lord for that.
Leslie, Glynda, and others on here and in the world are exactly the same, they see a need and they answer it.
Never apologize for being a good person and do Not think that you are judged harshly, especially on HERE of all places for being a decent human being. :)

Sending you big hugs and can't wait to hear about the blessings you received today and to hear the story of Grace, your newest family member.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

01-15-2014, 06:12 PM
Glad you are both home safe and sound you need some rest and we will all be here waiting to hear all about it. your new cat has found its paws with you for sure !!!!! Much love Diana & Tedddy xxx

01-15-2014, 09:22 PM
So glad you and Tipper are home safe and sound. and how wonderful for you to give the kitty a forever home! I am looking forward to seeing your post tomorrow. Rest well. {{{HUGS}}} to Tipper.

01-15-2014, 10:01 PM
That is so sweet Patti,
I was secretly hoping that you would keep the cat since I have no doubt that it will be safe and loved with you. :-)

Get some rest. I'm anxious to hear what you've learned but we can wait.


My sweet Ginger
01-15-2014, 10:39 PM
Hi, Patti,
I'm glad you two made back home safely from what must have been a long and exhausting day. Will look for what you came home with.

Me? As I was reading about the cat yesterday and I was thinking that I wouldn't be surprised if she ends up keeping this cat and there you are.:D:D Grace is one lucky cat now. Sleep tight.

01-16-2014, 09:04 AM
Hi Everyone:
I am only posting for Tipper this morning as I have an enormous amount to catch up on from being gone for 2 days. I have an appointment for Tipper with the laser therapist this afternoon and wish I didn't but she needs it. I do not want to get back in my car for a year after all this. I am going to break this down into the 3 specialists that saw Tipper.

Tumor, spleen, gallbladder, liver check with Ultra Sound
She spent a lot of time studying her inside this time I was told.
Gallbladder she still has some gravity dependent material as she did
Liver- still coarse echotexture and some hypoechoic nodules.
Spleen normal
Kidney both normal but decreased corticomedullary definition
Right adrenal normal
left unchanged tumor
Small intestines and stomach normal
Pancreas Normal, Colon normal,
Lymph nodes normal
Compared to previous study nothing has changed.
Will need periodic ultra sounds

Her heart mumur is still so slight it is not even graded as a 1
Her heart muscle function is very good
She needs to eat a good diet and get the xtra weight off and can have only low salt treats.
No hypertension, no symptoms, no structural changes whatsoever
This is a slow progressing valve disease
No walking in temperatures below 32 degrees
No heart enlargement, no arrhythmias
Recheck in 6-9 months
Continue Hawthorn as it makes high blood pressure lower and lower blood pressure higher, make sure of fatty acids being used in the salmon oil and if not sufficient use Welactin, or Dermcaps or 3Vcapsules. Check the instructions for use with her weight.
She should always be watched carefully after any anesthesia for respiratory status.

This was the most concerning and interesting.
Firstly the neurologist said I am a walking Cushings Encyclopedia, and when he heard I had a video of Tipper admitted to being a little intimidated by me. He was wonderful and could not have been nicer and had a colleague along for his opinion also. Tipper was examined form stem to stern. He said she is in the best shape of any Cushings dog he has seen. He also told me her ACL is torn but not completely. He made Tipper walk as he told me he was particularly interested in her gait as Glynda had mention to me once. He said Tipper had no problems with a stiff legged wide gait and that was good. Checked her eyes and they were good. Then checked reflexes and her nerves, and just all over exam, even in her ears. He put Tipper CT scan up on the monitor which is the 1st time I got to see it. He told me and showed me how really minute her pituitary tumor is, and that she had no lesions in her brain, no tumors, her brain was absolutely normal. He let me explain all of what is going on with Tipper - he took 1 and 1/2 hours with me after the exam. He and his colleague both watched the video of Tipper. Both really studying it closely, and said they were thankful to see this as no one does videos and they are so telling. First he said there is no neurologist that can 100% diagnose a seizure without an EEG, and there are maybe a handful of the machines in the U.S. as they are not used. They go more by clinical and he said you have to know precisely what you are doing when diagnosing them. He told me he read my letter about het focal and myoclonic seizures I suspected Tipper of having and he was amazed at what I knew about them. He said he cannot 100 5 say it the focal seizures, but that I nailed it with the diagnosis of what it would be if it is a seizure. He said we do not need an MRI of Tippers brain as the CT scan showed him what he is concerned with , and does not want to cost me that money and put her thru it . He does not believe she even needs a spinal tap either. He wants to start her on a benign medication for one week ( Trazodone) at 50mg if that does suppress the activity at nite it could be a violent sleep disturbance during her REM sleep or muscle tremors. If is does nothing I got to 100mg the nest week for a week and see if it does anything. He told me this medicine has been studied more than any other medicine like it and it has been found to be really safe and little side effects if any. If this does nothing we will be leaning to the seizures, which are not totally as scary right now after he explained it to me. Because they are small and she does not wake up he does not believe she is in danger as bad as they are to watch. The fact that I can wake her and they stop he told me is very good. I f anyone want to know the difference between a seizure and a tremor this is it. A seizure only originates form the brain, a tremor only comes from the muscle. The electrical impulses that I feel going thru Tipper's legs when this happens can be muscle impulses. He told me if he were a betting man he would say the Vetoryl is the cause of all of it, which is not a totally bad thing, as we know she needs it to live. We are going to try and counter act it and see if we can be successful. Also he told me that since Tipper was doing this only after starting the Vetoryl and her Pituitary tumor was already scanned at that time he is definitely ruling that out as the cause. He was the most patient male Dr. I have ever encountered. He told me if Tipper doesn't take up smoking or drinking she could go on a long time because of her body condition, if no other problems crop up. We did have a laugh over that as I said I might be the one doing that. He asked me if he could show the video to a few other in the hospital while I was in Cardiology and I said whoever wants to see it as it may help another dog somehow. He then took Tipper out in the hallway and wanted to see her trot and walk, but Tipper met up with a boxer and anted to mix it up with him. I am to call him in two weeks and if nothing has happened I can choose to ignore her episodes, or we will go to another conservative plan. I am conservative by nature and that is great for me. He said I have done everything right with this dog, I told him you all have helped me so much with that.
The IMS and Cardiology both told me Tipper is so well behaved that she never has to be sedated for her testing as when they tell her to lie still she does not move. She was a trooper, but she was with the IMS and the Cardiologist so long I admit to going in the ladies room and having a meltdown. I was a nervous wreck wondering about her tumor and her heart. There was a girl sitting by me that her dog may have bladder cancer, she was beside herself too and hard to comfort. Upon seeing the IMS and Cardiologist and hearing about Tipper's results all I could so was cry and hug my Dr.'s and they both told me they were holding their breath while testing her as they know how much I love this dog. They were so kind to me, except for the bill, I almost fainted. It had to be done so what can I say. I will find a way around it, I always do somehow. Tipper is kind of a hospital celebrity now as everyone thinks she is still a puppy and such a cute face and they love her eyebrows. They cannot believe she will be 13. I put Tipper in the car when done and went back in and gave the girl whose dog may have bladder cancer my rosary I keep in my pocket when Tipper goes to the hospital.. She cried and thanked me for it, at first did not want to take it . I told her if it helps her dog it is worth it. I have others I can use. I cried and thanked God for all my blessings all the way home, until Tipper was ready to barf looking at me balling my eyes out. She just takes it in stride, turned her back to me and slept. We had to go to the drive thru pharmacy and I was so tired I could not believe they told me an hour wait. I called the pharmacist over and explained the situation and she made Tipper's RX right away and we were off to the house. We were gone 12 hours and it was exhausting. I have to take Tipper to laser today and tomorrow the new cat to the vet for it shots etc.
Ok here is the cat story. My Dr. moved into a big building with a big parking lot. I just got a lecture from my Dr. and came out to find some kids and their mother standing beside a car where a cat was yowling inside and just about screaming out. I said is that you car, they said yes, I said what is wrong with that cat. They said we are taking it to the pound we have a dog that it does not get along with and we don't want it anymore. I said what happened to it's eye, they said it the dog got it. They said the dog was tearing the cat up as the cat was declawed. Something I am firmly against. They said we may just let her out somewhere this is too much trouble. They said she was terrible for the car ride and need to ditch her somewhere. I asked her age etc. Then said I will take her. They looked dumb founded like no one would ever want her. They said she will probably tear up your car. I said just give her to me I will deal with that. They opened up the door and that cat could not wait to get away form them. The kids laughed and thought it was funny. After getting her in my care and locking it and starting my car I drove over by them and them and told them this was not a laughable situation and they should all be ashamed and that she will have a good life now and they all just mumbled stuff under their breath. I told them I have their license number, and they better not do this again as I was turning it in tot he Humane Society. I did not but just wanted to scare them as they could have cared less about this cat. She sat on my front seat on Tipper's pillows none the less and never moved, never cried, just rubbed my hand. She stood up at the toll booths and the attendants said what a beautiful cat, and she rides with no carrier? She is a gem and was fed up being hurt by a Burnese Mountain Dog, which are gentle giants but rough and could land on her an break her back. Of course you guessed it the dog came way after the cat was there. This cat must weigh 20 lbs. I will keep Tipper away from her like I do Lucky, they will never meet. She is grossly over fed and not cared for at all. She is a Main Coon but still way over weight so much I can hardly lift her and she can get up on nothing to look out. She is calm and sweet and after shots and sequestration period she will meet my cats slowly thru the door crack and then the gate etc. They know she is here and can smell her scent. God bless her she is Amazing Grace. So this is about the longest post in history on here. If you have any ideas or comments or questions on any of this please do as you know I always want your feed back. Now I must get caught up on some stuff and I will post later to all your threads and get caught up on them. Tipper and I have truly been blessed so I have to tell one short story about it. When my father was passing I said dad how will I know you are watching me and see how my life is going after you are gone. He said I have always been strong and competitive so I am going to be a hawk, so when you see a hawk it will be me because they see everything. The day before we left a Perrigrine Hawk came into our yard walking around looking for mice. Have never seen one the whole time I lived here, and I believe they are endangered and not too many left. After we came out of the hospital and start to get onto the interstate there was a hawk right above us on t light pole looking right at us. I know it was my dad watching over my Tipper. I ask him every nite to please keep her safe. So I know God and my dad made these blessings Tipper and I received yesterday, there is no doubt in my mind. Last nite as I prayed I told God I was not asking for anything, but wanted to thank him for our blessings. I truly hope you all receive blessings too.

Squirt's Mom
01-16-2014, 09:05 AM
HA! I knew that cat was home! :p And we AIN'T gonna talk about animal hoarding! ssshhhhhhh.....my floor space is rapidly disappearing under dog crates! :D

You're an angel to take Grace and I know she will settle in and be grateful you were the one to find her. I hope you neighbor is ok - that is just a sad situation.

I'm glad you made it through your day and back home safely. Looking forward to the info you learned, too!
Leslie and the gang

PS - We were typing at the same time! LOL

Squirt's Mom
01-16-2014, 09:41 AM
Oh, Patti! That sounds so good! :cool::cool::cool:

I'm proud of you for telling those people how awful they are! That should be against the law if it's not already. :mad: That poor cat - just wanting away from terrible people who didn't care one little bit about her. She's hit the mother lode now, tho, and will have the life she deserves. Bless you for caring!

My sweet Ginger
01-16-2014, 10:38 AM
Dear Patti,
It took forever to read your morning post not because it was miles long:eek: but I had to stop many times needing to wipe my tears away, happy tears this time for you and our Miss Tiper, the wonder dog! I'm just ecstatic about the excellent test results and feel like you hit the jackpot with your neurologist as it is so hard to find a decent veterinary doctors these days it seems. I think I know how you felt about him as I know how I felt about our new IMS when I was talking to her the first time. You just know it. I'm just really happy for you and Tipper about the whole thing what'd happened yesterday and hope the new meds will work for her nicely because it's just a wonderful feeling watching your baby not trembling or seizureing, be able to sleep or rest peacefully again. Please, get some much needed rest and relax a bit with these happy findings and spend lots of quality time with Tipper (You both earned it!)putting all your worries away from your head and enjoy each other.:):):) Many, many hugs, from a very happy friend, Song.

01-16-2014, 10:57 AM
Hi Everyone:
Just one little addition to my ever so long post this morning. The cat that the people were going to take and let out in the woods is declawed! She would have no protection. I also forgot to say that I told the mother she should get an award for teaching her children how to care for animals- your turn them lose in the wood and go away and not care! Crazy ______!!!!! She is sitting with me while I am typing this like she is so grateful to be away from that dog. I will take some pictures and post you will not believe her beauty. Tipper has to start all over at therapy because they got her leg hurting yesterday even though I warned them all and everyone who touched her to be careful. She is back to ground zero again and hobbling. We must go to therapy she has to have it and come home and we are going to rest. I have dinner ready to go in the oven and that is it for the day. Blessings Please excuse my typos on my long post, I neglected to use spell check as I am still dead tired.

01-16-2014, 06:01 PM

those are great reports for Tipper overall!!!! Thank God for this IMS and neurologist. Very sweet what you did for the girl in the waiting room <3.

I want to kill those people with the cat! How disgusting and I pray that they never have another pet! Honestly, I would report them to animal control and all vets/rescue organizations in the area.

I've always thought that there should be an animal abuse registry, just like they do for sex offenders. If I had the legal knowledge to avoid being sued - I would voluntarily build the necessary database with Chris' help since he has a masters degree in this stuff. They're considering doing this very thing in Arizona right now and it couldn't happen sooner!

I can't wait to see pictures of Grace. Annabelle Lee is at least a good part Maine Coon and they are super sweet cats.

I'm so glad that you got a good report and hopefully the meds will help and all of you can get some good sleep at night.

molly muffin
01-16-2014, 06:20 PM
What really wonderful reports on Tipper from the various experts. I sure do hope this medicine will work for her. It does sound like muscle tremors the way he explained it and with the pituitary tumor being so small too.
So, vetroyl could certainly be the culprit here.
So glad you were there to save Grace. She obviously Knew she had been saved too and was perfectly content to be somewhere safe. Way to go Patti!

Yes, definitely must see the pictures.

Sharlene and Molly muffin

01-16-2014, 07:51 PM
i am so glad that tipper got so many good reviews from the specialists. must be a big relief for you.
hope her leg will improve again with the laser-therapy.
and for that cat-people;@%%&&*!!
hope she will be a healthy cat, otherwise you will have to plant 2 moneytrees......
take good care of yourself and have a good night sleep.

01-16-2014, 09:39 PM
I have tears in my eyes hearing the story of the cat....I just can't take hearing about how cruel people are!! Terrible...and teaching children that it's okay to treat a living thing this way! Ugh...it's awful.
You are an angel for giving that cat a loving home! I was so happy to hear the outcome for that cat is the best possible-with you.

Tippers appt. sounded so comprehensive! How great to find out with certainty that the pituitary tumor is tiny-minute and her brain is pristine--not to mention super smart!! :) That's such a relief. I hope the med works to control the seizures/tremors. Sounds like Tipper is in really great shape after all...hope that knee heals up quickly!


01-17-2014, 04:23 AM
All I can say is that your persistence certainly paid off, and I couldn't be happier to read such good news about Tipper. You must be feeling so relieved and a huge weight off your shoulders, other then the bill of course.

I know that things happen for a reason, and it was no coincidence that you were there when Grace needed to be rescued. I'm sure the bond between you two that has already formed will be so good for both of you.

I can certainly feel a bit better now knowing that you got to the bottom of Tippers issues... way to go Mom!!!

01-17-2014, 04:31 AM
So chuffed to read everything looks good and no movement in the wrong direction as I know you were so worried as we all were for you

I sure hope that medicine does the trick for you both and that you can get some rest and peace of mind now.

Look forward to seeing the pictures of Grace, welcome home little one.

Bug hug


01-17-2014, 05:45 AM
Great news to see that Tipper is in such good condition, hopefully the meds work and you can now relax and enjoy each other :)

01-17-2014, 12:00 PM
Hi Everyone:
Well Tipper is still having the seizures so we will see in the next two weeks what happens. Bad news on Grace though. Her eye, well both actually may have some virus she is shedding that could be contagious to my cats. I have to keep her by herself with no contact. I am not sure what I can do now. She either had to be treated and go to a home with no other cats if she has a virus, as she will carry it her whole life and my cats can get it, or I have to find a home where she is the only cat and have her treated or she will go blind. I am already into 150.00 and Tipper and Toby need teeth cleanings etc. I cannot go another high bill. I have to think this one over. Just do not know what to do. She is sleeping on her back purring while I type, she was wonderful at the vets and everyone said she is the most beautiful cat they have ever seen. Some more decisions to make!!!. Tipper's laser therapist was really upset that they messed her leg up at the hospital, said we now have to start all over again. Oh well what else is new? I am dead tired and if I have to find Grace a new home I am going to be really bummed. She must have her teeth cleaned and maybe one pulled, then while under anesthesia they swab her throat and eyes and send it away to identify what is inflaming her eyes. My neighbor old man would have to keep her while I had all this done so she is not near my cats as she cannot stay locked up in a room alone for 2 more weeks and that will be about how long all this takes. God is anything simple anymore??? Have some catching up to do in the house still. Blessings

01-17-2014, 02:04 PM
Hi Everyone:
Another thing I forgot to say on my last post was that when waiting for Grace at the vets today, a Yorkie came in for an ACTH test- yet another dog with Cushings!!. I also wanted to say I am concerned about the statement from Tipper's IMS re- kidneys saying decrease in corticomedullary definition. Can someone tell me if this is the beginnings of renal disease?? Blessings

01-17-2014, 03:02 PM
Hi Patti

You have been through so much and I am so pleased Tipper is better than you thought she may be, she is better than Teddy is to be honest, he has the start of kidney problems, and has cretinin in his urine and urea in his blood, he has permanent heart arrhythmia's as well as the mitral valve issues, plus he has his spleen nodule, he is getting more and more tired looking we are scared we will loose him soon, so I am genuinely happy for you, as I know the fears of our dear ones being sick, Poor Grace, and what a dilemma for you too, I hope it works out.

Diana & Teddy x

01-17-2014, 03:06 PM
How sad about Grace, will your elderly neighborhood be willing to keep her?

01-17-2014, 04:37 PM
Hi Everyone:
I haven't been able to talk to my neighbor to see if he can take Grace for 2 weeks as he is not home. I will keep checking.

I am so sorry Teddy is not doing well. I really thought he was going to defy the odds being at home with you and getting love. I pray he improves. You should be getting ready for your Dr. visit soon??

I am thinking Grace may have a herpes infection in her eye, which will be for life, and she can shed it any time she gets nervous so that would eliminate her staying here and I would have to find her a home. It would make sense as when they get nervous it acts up and she has obviously been abused and nervous about a dog beating the crap out of her. I pray that it is not so she can stay here. At the vets she laid on the exam table wagged her tail and purred and never any panic at all. She was great in the car again. When home she laid on her back, spread her legs out and purred at me. She is truly amazing. Please pray she does not have anything contagious. I need her to live a good life. Blessings

molly muffin
01-17-2014, 04:48 PM
I really hope that she doesn't have a contagious virus and that she'll be able to stay with you. Poor thing, she deserves a good life after all she's been through.
I wonder though, wasn't your neighbor going to take your other neighbors car though? They wouldn't be able to be together if Grace has a virus right?

Crud about Tippers leg having to start all over. :(

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

01-17-2014, 05:22 PM
Hi Everyone:
Sharlene: Glad hubs pneumonia was caught in time. I am sad though at the party cancellation as we won't get pics. I am going to try and take pics of Grace tomorrow as I am still tired out today after taking her to the vet, an d Tipper to therapy yesterday. The man that will be watching her is the one I wanted to watch the other cat, but I just found out Delora's situation is not operable so they will be doing chemo and the cat will be home with her. I will need to be looking for a permanent home for her cat though as you never know what might happen. Her son told her it was a different type of cancer that she has now, as he does not want blamed for not getting her the chemo. Well the Dr. blew the lid off that today as he told her it was a re development from the old cancer because she failed to get chemo. So now she knows how her pastor son lies. It is stage 4 so I don't know what will happen and it is in her lungs now too, but the nodules were too small to biopsy. God bless her I hope she beats this the poor thing. I will be really glad for a quiet restful weekend coming up- if I get one??? Blessings

01-17-2014, 10:00 PM
i also wish you a quiet and restful weekend. hopefully you do find the cat a good home where she can be the only cat in the house. keeping her seperated in your house in your office is not a good solution as you mentioned. and the money issue as well. you can not save the whole world. tipper and you and your other animals come first.
during my work i see a lot of pets who would be better off somewhere else, but i can not help them unfortunately.
hope tippers leg will heal soon and that the new medicin will do it's work.
is the weather still ok, or is it freezing again?

01-18-2014, 08:27 AM
Hi Everyone:
I am catching up in the house little by little. I have spent a lot of time with Grace. I have decided against letting ,y neighbor watch her. Since this is a virus that would require contact with my cats they are no where near her or will be. So she just has to wait it out in my office. I thought the stress of another home yet, may make this virus flare up worse. I am worried as I know a herpes virus can start shedding and become active because of stress, and she was stressed at the dog beating her up, and if it is that she will carry it all her life and cannot stay here. I prayed on it last nite. I am hoping God sees what a bad life she had and needs this home and helps her out. I have already started cutting down her food. She is a joy and smart and actually more dog like than anything, sleeps on her back, and likes her belly rubbed unlike most cats. Tipper had a few episodes last nite, but not a lot like normal. She is resting up still exhausted from the Pittsburgh trip. I am still not recuperated either. It is cold out and snowing so it sounds like a good day to make some chili. I will send some to my two elderly neighbors. Delora told me last nite that they do not hold out too much hope for her. She said her pastor son told the Dr. he believes in divine healing. Well I do too, but she needs to try the chemo, I don't think she has much to lose. This must be the first time Grace has been able to look out a window. I have bird feeders all around for the cats and she is watching the birds fly by the window crouching down like she is going to get one and not let them see her. Tipper's leg is a tad better today. So I am resting her up for next weeks BP and laser treatment. She is so content at home. Delora wrote me a wonderful thank you card, I will keep it always in case she does not get thru this. Blessings

01-18-2014, 05:44 PM
when they diagnosed my father, there wasn't much hope either. Tell your neighbor not to give up. He son can go where the sun doesn't shine.

I hope that Grace has a miracle so that she can stay with you. She sounds a lot like Annabelle Lee who is at least mostly Maine Coon from looking at her.

I'm glad that Tipper's leg is improving. I still can't believe that the hospital undid much of the treatments. You should send them the last appt bills.

01-18-2014, 07:22 PM
sounds as if grace is a nice cat. but herpes is contagious indeed. does it really take 2 weeks before they know what is wrong with her eyes?
do they really declaw cats in the usa? it is prohibited by law overhere, so is cutting your dogs tail or ears! i am glad it is not allowed.
have a lazy sunday for the both of you to catch some well earned rest. i will try to do the same overhere.

molly muffin
01-18-2014, 07:59 PM
I really hope that it isn't herpes or a contagious virus that Grace has. That is a long time to work to find out though.
Hope Tippers leg gets back on track today.
I'm going to hope for a miracle for Delora too. Poor thing. :( that is so scary for her.
Hope you are having a nice day.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin

01-19-2014, 08:22 AM
Hi Everyone:
Well I either fell asleep on the job or Tipper had very few episodes last nite. I am hoping it was fewer episodes. I will make sure to check tonite as I got some good rest last nite and feel a little better. Tipper's leg is on the mend again so I hope we can keep it going. I though I only had 2 appointments with her next week and one just popped up on my computer for Monday for her Adequan shot so I will get the bp Monday too and not take her out again until the laser therapy Thursday. I must take Grace Wednesday for her culture and teeth cleaning, she meow loud for food and won't be able to have any so this should be fun being serenaded by her all the way to the vets. I noticed yesterday a bit of skin that seems to protrude under her eyelid. I am hoping this could be an allergy, or something they let go and that is not catchy and got bad. My God she is so sweet you just can't believe they abused her so. Everyone please say a prayer for her that this is not catchy. I have just fallen in love with her personality and her sleeping on her back. She is so huge she looks like a tiny submarine. She never acts out or meows when alone in this room. She is truly a delight sent from heaven. I am hoping Tipper's leg only needs two more weekly sessions or I am going to be in the poor house. I think the Adequan shot will help also tomorrow. I should just give all my money to the vet and he could give me an allowance to live on!! Blessings

01-19-2014, 08:41 AM
Hi Everyone:
I am back so soon!! Just wanted to give you a picture alert on Grace her album is now up so please look at her. Also I forgot to say I am in the 4th day of transitioning Tipper to Fromm reduced calorie senior food. I am doing this literally a few nuggets at a time as I do not want any system upset, or chance pancreatitis, so it may take about 2-3 weeks this way, but I need to keep Tipper safe. Blessings

molly muffin
01-19-2014, 10:35 AM
Oh Grace is just lovely. :) Did the vet look at her and say it may be a contagious virus or think it could be allergies? I hope it is just allergies. She is just adorable.

Glad that Tipper's leg is starting to mend again. That is good. It does sound this therapist is a very good one. Nice to know that success has been had before with the leg issue and the therapy.

Think we might get more snow today too.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

01-19-2014, 11:40 AM
The vet did not say what he though it was, and probably did not want to upset me if he did think it was herpes. I am sure he had some inkling of what it was. I pray she has an allergy or something else, maybe an eye infection that was never taken care of and it went to the other eye too, as you know how cats wash and maybe she wiped it in the other eye too. I am praying for her, she is just terrific. Blessings

01-19-2014, 02:44 PM
Hi Everyone:
I just got an answer to my question I sent the IMS concerning the statement she made about Tipper's kidneys. She told me what she described in her report about the decrease in corticomedulla definition is a natural thing to see in an older dog and not to worry that Tipper has no signs of any kidney problems. Thank God for another blessing. Grace had a hair ball and made a huge mess on my carpet. I just got it all cleaned up. She started meowing the loudest of any cat I have ever heard and then vomited. Oh never a dull moment here. The wind is ferocious here and it is really cold. I got Delora and my other elderly neighbor who is sick again milkshakes from Mickey D's and took them some chile too. They were both so happy to get it. God Bless them both. Blessings

molly muffin
01-19-2014, 03:57 PM
Awww, what a sweetie you are Patti. When I am elderly I want a good neighbor like you! I will promise to behave myself and pay it forward by being a good neighbor in return. :) :) (does that get me into the neighborhood???) :D

My tipsy use to yeow something awful before a hairball came up too. I think he just didn't like it and was sending out the warning alarm, coming up mum, here it comes, NOW. :)

Great news, no problem with Tippers kidneys. There seems to be a good many things that you can check off your worry list after this past week. That is all good.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin