View Full Version : Bunny my baby passed today

08-25-2012, 07:35 PM
Thank you for this forum. My pomeranian died today. She was a bigger pom. who weighed about 13 or 14 lbs. She was diagnosed with Cushings disease first week of July. She had problems breathing and tilited her head. I took her to the ER. Her cortisol levels were extremely high. They gave her breathing treatments and IVs. I then took her to my vet the next day. Her ACTH levels were very high and they gave her an ultrasound. This showed she has pitutary Cushings. The vet prescribed 30 mg. Trilostane. I brought her 10 days later for another ACTH test, her levels went down. Then brought her back for ACTH test and her levels were almost normal. She has been doing very well with this medicine. She was almost back to normal. I have been giving her medicine once a day 30 mg. She has been doing so well. I gave her dosage at 8:00 am this morning, she vomited a little at 10:30 am. and pooped on the floor. Then she layed down in the hall. Then about a couple hours later she seemed to be panting more and began having trouble breathing. She then barely walked to lay a little under my bed. Her neck seems to be throbbing, her tongue stuck out. I checked her pulse and breathing, couldn't find any. She died. I am in shock. I then took her to the vet ER and he confirmed she died. He didn't know why w/o tests. I just took her to the pet cemetary to be cremated. I'll have her ashes with me always. I'll love her 4-ever. We were very close. She followed me everywhere. She often slept under my bed. This was a place she felt comfortable. I just need to know what could have happened. I need to know why she died. The medicine was working so well. If a vet or person knowledgable about Cushings can tell me. Thank you.

08-25-2012, 08:22 PM
Oh my goodness, I am so terribly sorry that you have lost your baby. What a total shock and a tragic loss. What a sad and lonely evening this must be for you. I am just so sorry.

I totally understand why you are hoping for answers as to what could have happened. But I'm afraid there really is no way to know. Since your girl was being monitoring appropriately with ACTH testing, it seems as though something very unexpected happened -- something that was perhaps unrelated to the Cushing's itself. Perhaps a stroke, or some other acute, catastrophic failure. There truly is just no way of knowing.

Although I cannot help with answers as to what might have happened, I am very grateful you have found us. Because you have found a group of people who understand how deeply we love our dogs, and how incredibly painful it is to lose them. We have a special forum here that is devoted to our beloved companions who have passed on. Here is a link:


You will always be welcome both here and also on our "In Loving Memory" forum at any time to talk about your baby girl. As you will see, your baby Bunny has been added to our special memorial thread of honor that is housed on our "In Loving Memory" forum.


Once again, I can only imagine how much you are hurting tonight. Especially in the midst of so many unanswered questions. Those unanswered questions can be so very hard to live with. But we are here to help you. So I hope you will stay with us, and feel the hugs and comfort that are being sent your way.


molly muffin
08-25-2012, 08:35 PM
Oh my gawd. I am soooo sorry Judith. That seems so unexpected and absolutely heartbreaking.

I do wonder, did they say anything about a possible macro tumor? The head tilting makes me wonder about that. There are of course other things, such as an aneurism, a tumor somewhere bursting, etc.
I am sure that some of the others will be stopping by soon to also send their condolences.

Bunny will always be with you and be a part of you. It's a special miracle that they give to us.


Bo's Mom
08-25-2012, 09:20 PM
I am so terribly sorry to hear about Bunny's unexpected passing. Know there are many people here who will comfort you and offer their kind words at this terrible time. Prayers for you and your Angel Bunny.

08-26-2012, 05:33 AM
Oh no, I am so very, very sorry for your loss.

Glad you found us and posted. There is a horrible time for you.
I think maybe it was not directly related to Cushing's that caused this so suddenly. It sounds as though it could be heart related.

Always remembering your little Bunny

Jenny & Judi in MN
08-26-2012, 07:44 AM
Judith: I'm so sorry about your very sudden loss of Bunny. ((hugs))

It is hard to never really know what happened but thank goodness you were home with her and she knew she was surrounded by your love.

I know you are still just in shock and I am so sorry. Judi

08-26-2012, 08:07 AM
Oh Judith, how devastating and tragic. I wish we could give you some closure but I don't know if anyone can answer 'why" it would just be speculation.

Please come and talk to us whenever you need to. My Zoe also slept under our bed, under me so I can relate to how that always felt for you.

I am so very sorry for your loss.

Squirt's Mom
08-26-2012, 09:00 AM
Dear Judith,

I am so, so sorry to hear about your precious Bunny and can only imagine your pain today. But I am glad you reached out to us in your agony and we will be here for you anytime you wish to talk.

As others have said, the "why" may never be answered but it doesn't really sound related to the Cushing's or the treatment. If the dose were too high, I would have expected you to see some warning signs before she got so very bad. For this to happen as suddenly as it did indicates there would have been very little, if anything, anyone could have done for her unfortunately. :(

One thing I have no doubt about - Bunny knew with her final breath that her mom loves her with all her heart and would have given anything to save her. With that love to support her, she flew across The Bridge with joy in her heart because she knows she will one day see her mom again. And when that happens, you will never again be parted. For us who have to stay behind, that time drags on but for our babies, it is only a few seconds.

We are here to help you in any way we can to cope with the pain and grief you now carry in your heart. We do understand how you feel.

Our deepest sympathies,
Leslie, Squirt, Trinket, Brick, Tasha, and our Angels, Ruby and Crystal

A Dogs Message from Heaven

I am sending you this message as I can see you are still having struggles with coping each day since my passing.

You may walk in darkness and your heart is broken with my absence. I haven't left you as you hold me in your heart. Please don't be sad as the light will come shinning through for you. For each day of sunshine, think of it as reminder of me beaming down on you. Be happy that I am no longer in pain from sickness or injury. I don't want you grieving for me for long as it makes me sad to see you in so much hurt. Don't dwell on the guilt you feel for making decisions we both know you had to do and I thank you for releasing me of my sickness.

Cry if you need to miss me if you must, but don't worry about me, I'm in a place I love.

Yesterday I talked with the Creator and he said you'd come one day. I wanted you to know this. So you see I'm happy and I am free. There's nothing to worry me. Dry your eyes and make plans to see me again. I will look for you and when you get here, you will see what a wonderful place this is.

Let me tell you what it's like here in this wonderful place. There are no clouds or dreary rain…Just lot of blue sky and sunshine casted on us from His most gracious presence. There are miles of green grassy fields and meadows of beautiful flowers.

There are no cruel humans to hurt us, just the keepers who have been specially chosen to care for us...

We all get along here large and small. Some of us had a pretty rough life while others were very spoiled. We run and play tag or chase balls. We can be lazy as we want and take long naps. The Creator checks on us each day.

I have met many of your friend’s fur kids here.

It's been neat to see my brothers and sisters again that came here before me. There is never a sad moment. Just so much to keep busy....We get a lot of new kids arriving daily and is fun to show them the ropes here.

We are here waiting here for you when your purpose on Earth is complete. My wish for you is to be happy for me and not sad. It will be the most happiest of reunions and I will lick away all your tears. There will be nothing but good times for ever and ever.

I will let you feel my presence if you will just have faith and allow it to happen.

When the time is right and it will come, I want you to take in another fur kid to care for just as you cared for me and protected me from all harm and gave me the security that I needed all those years. They deserve the life I had with you. Don't think of it as replacing me but giving another the love you have inside you to bring joy to another. I felt honored to a part of your life and you gave me so much of yourself.... That will always be special.

You were my life and I will always love you for that.

I am not that far away and I will be close to you in spirit and will remain in your heart. That is the bond that connects us. Do not think of me when I was at my worst but all the great memories we shared together. I hate to see you cry. I am happy here so be glad for me.

I want to be remembered for all the silly things I did and things we did together. We had some great times together.... So cherish those memories.

So my best friend, until your task on Earth is finished, take care of yourself and help another less fortunate kid to know the love I shared with you and you will be forever rewarded. You will know when the time is right.

Love you Forever,
Your 4 legged soul-mate.

Author...Kay Faulkner

08-27-2012, 08:04 PM
I thank you all for responding to my post. I worked yesterday. I felt Bunny's presence. I felt her smile at me. I know it is odd but that's what I felt yesterday. Today I called Bunny's Dr. and she was so shocked as well. She didn't know what it could have been either because Bunny was doing so well on her meds. I really need some answers on what caused her death. I feel so lost w/o her. Today I picked up Bunny's ashes in her urn. I put her beautiful picture on it. This is what they engraved, My Baby BUNNY Who I will Love 4ever Mar.9,2004-Aug.25,2012. It was difficult driving home. Because the last car ride Bunny had she was alive. This has been very difficult. In the hallway, where Bunny sat a lot, I found Bunny's tooth. She must have lost a tooth and I didn't know it. Anyways, thank you for the beautiful dog poem, so sweet. Thank you all.

08-27-2012, 09:11 PM
That last "ride" home is soooo bittersweet. They are home and will always be in your heart.

For a moment is our sorrow....

Til you meet again!
