View Full Version : Casper (diabetic) - Sweet Casper has passed

casper's mom
08-23-2012, 08:28 PM
Good Evening - sad to report that my beloved Casper, diagnosed with Cushings 30 days ago has not responded to treatment - his liver profile is worse than when our Vet put him on Denamarin and now his blood sugar is over 600!! It was only 148 when he started his Cushings/liver meds. We didn't even bother with the 30 day ACTH - everything else is so out of whack. We brought him home from the vet today and are spoiling him rotten for the next few days then will probably have to put him down. Thanks for your wonderful site - I've learned a lot but unfortunately, God needs Casper more than I do at this time, I suppose.

08-23-2012, 08:55 PM
Whow! Don't do anything til others with experience can help!!!

First off - was Casper a known diabetic before treating cushings or did the blood sugar just go up? (sorry I'm not familiar with what range for a normal dog is) Many many dogs are misdiagnosed as having cushings when in fact they have diabetes. If your dog did NOT have diabetes before starting treatment I'd stop the cushings treatment and focus exclusively on the diabetes.

If your dog already had diabetes please know that it is very tricky to treat both diseases but totally doable. I have read many times here that the key is to get the diabetes under control before treating cushings.

We have a sister site k9diabetes.com if you need help with treating diabetes.

Again - I am no expert but i've been reading here for over 7 years. Hang in there and hopefully those with diabetic dogs can post and help. So glad you posted. Sending hugs and love, Kim

Bo's Mom
08-23-2012, 09:28 PM
I have to agree with Kim...please read up on the many cush pups that are doing very well with their diabetes and cushings. You have started in the right place.

08-24-2012, 06:36 AM
I agree completely with the above as well. Here is our sister site for diabetes http://www.k9diabetes.com/forum/

When you get the chance please post the most recent test results and please let us know what type of treatment Casper was on for Cushing's (ie. Trilostane/Vetoryl, Lysodren).

There are many here who treat both and can offer much advice.


casper's mom
08-24-2012, 07:04 AM
No, Casper didn't have diabetes prior to his cushings diagnosis. Our Vet said that his blood sugar was just a little high when he had his initial testing, ACTH, Liver, etc., 30 days ago. She says that his liver is failing and diabetes and cushings treatments 'fight each other'. He's a 13 or 14 yo Scottie, (he was a rescue and his exact age was never known). He's very weak, probably from the diabetes. He was on Trilostane for those 30 days. We don't know if the Trilostane was working cuz we didn't do the follow-up ACTH. We still don't know what to do with my poor angel, all I know is that he's miserable. Thanks for all your support.

08-24-2012, 07:14 AM
Cush dogs don't have high glucose. When a dog has diabetes and other non adrenal illnesses it can cause false positives on the cushings tests. I would suspect Casper is diabetic but not cushinoid.

Are you treating the diabetes? I would cease treating cushings because it isnt' a disease you have to treat right away and I would focus on getting the diabetes in order.

The reason your doggie is so sick is most likely due to uncontrolled diabetes - not cushings. The people on the diabetes forum can tell you what should be done to help with the diabetes - they are very very nice people too.

Sometimes it is hard for a regular vet to treat both diseases but we have had many many cases of dogs with both on this site and they do fine. More often we learn that the dog just had diabetes and false positive tests for cushings.

Please don't give any more cushings meds. It should go out of his system in a couple days so you should be able to tell if it helps. Don't feel bad, we see this a lot. Hang in there. Kim

08-24-2012, 07:17 AM
Please advise the dosage amt of vetoryl you have been on as well as your dog's weight.

When a dog that doesn't have cushings takes these types of drugs bad things can happen. Dogs become very lethargic and look like they are dying but it is just that their cortisol is too low. They vomit and have diarrhea. These are all signs of overdose.

My aunt's dog has diabetes and has for years and is doing great. She ignored his illness and didn't take him to the vet. When she finally did his glucose was high like Casper's. Within 2 days he was almost normal.

08-24-2012, 07:29 AM
Please use that link that Terry gave you and join the diabetes forum as quickly as possible. What your vet said about Cushing's and diabetes medications "fighting" each other makes no sense at all. We have many members who treat both conditions quite successfully. But like Kim says, the high blood sugar is the top priority right now.

I hate to say it, but it sounds as though your vet has given up on Casper without first pursuing appropriate treatment. Please talk to the diabetes forum folks as quickly as possible, and keep updating us as well, OK?


Jenny & Judi in MN
08-24-2012, 08:22 AM
My Jenny has diabetes and Cushings. Her blood sugar was very high for 2 or 3 months until we got both things under control. The care of these 2 diseases at the same time is complex.

Your vet should have admitted Casper and used some fast acting insulin to get his blood sugar down and to make sure he wasn't in ketoacidosis (sp).

that is my layman's opinion. This does not have to be a death sentence. Jenny required a LOT higher dose of insulin until we got her cortisol levels down.

IMO if you could get in to see an experienced vet today, it could give Casper a chance.

If he is too far gone then I'm really really sorry. Please find a different vet and get Casper in ASAP.

p.s. It has been over a year since Jenny was diagnosed with Cushings and Diabetes. She is blind but she chases squirrels, wrestles with her stuffed toys, snuggles with me at night and enjoys her life. Dogs can be treated appropriately if it is caught in time. hugs, Judi

casper's mom
08-24-2012, 09:40 AM
No, our Vet said that due to his severe liver damage, Scotties are prone to liver problems as well, treatment would be short-lived and futile. She's leaving the decision up to my husband and me - we're really struggling with it but due to his liver damage/failure, we feel crossing the rainbow bridge might be the best for our little guy. This is so hard. Thanks.

Jenny & Judi in MN
08-24-2012, 09:42 AM
No, our Vet said that due to his severe liver damage, Scotties are prone to liver problems as well, treatment would be short-lived and futile. She's leaving the decision up to my husband and me - we're really struggling with it but due to his liver damage/failure, we feel crossing the rainbow bridge might be the best for our little guy. This is so hard. Thanks.

I know it is so hard; these little guys love us so much. I'll be thinking of you today.

Give Casper a gentle rub from me and I'm so sorry. Judi

08-24-2012, 10:12 AM
I was unaware of Casper's age when I replied to you earlier. And I do understand that this, too, may be a big factor in your decision as to whether or not to pursue prolonged and involved treatment. It is clear that you love him deeply and want only the best for him. So whatever you decide, we are with you, and for you.

Sending hugs and comforting wishes to you all,

Squirt's Mom
08-24-2012, 11:01 AM

I, too, am so sorry you are in this situation but I would NOT give up until his diabetes was tackled. PLEASE talk to the folks at k9diabetes before you give up on him - they are the experts and can tell you much more than we can.

Stay in touch and let us know how things are going, 'k? Know we are with you no matter what you decide. Your love for Casper is obvious and I can only imagine the pain you are in today. But, please, to talk to the diabetes folks first.

Leslie and the gang

molly muffin
08-24-2012, 11:34 AM
Oh dear, I'm so sorry to hear that Casper has had so many issues.
I would do one thing now and that is go to see an IMS immediately and do an ultrasound and get the diabetes taken care of. (probably with insulin injections) forget the cushings for the moment.
Based upon what the IMS says and the results of the ultrasound, you can make an informed decision on what to do.
I know this is heartbreaking for you and your husband and Casper.

HUGS, you are in out thoughts,

08-24-2012, 03:09 PM
I am sorry to learn that your beloved Casper is having such a hard time.

If he truly is in liver failure, then treating the diabetes would be primarily to make him more comfortable as he can become very sick from uncontrolled blood sugar.

Only because sometimes a GP vet is not as knowledgeable about complicated diseases like Cushing's, diabetes, and liver failure, I would, in your shoes, seek a consult right away with a good internal medicine specialist who could review his test results and confirm that he is in fact in liver failure.

I have seen some dogs with liver disease whose blood sugar is very erratic. The liver is responsible for providing a baseline level of blood sugar and when it's not working properly, the blood sugar can be affected.

I also have seen a number of dogs diagnosed with Cushing's disease who actually had other liver problems and never had Cushing's at all. Some vets have looked at bad liver values on a blood panel and erroneously gone straight to Cushing's.

I would want to give him insulin if his blood sugar is staying high. And I would stop the Trilostane as he may not in fact having Cushing's and it's a strong medicine with side effects for the body. Right now I wouldn't even think about Cushing's disease.

Since you are on the verge of making a decision that can't be undone, please try to get a consult with a specialist ASAP just to make sure the information you have in making the decision about Casper and the diabetes is accurate.

Untreated high blood sugar can be deadly quickly. So it is imperative that the high blood sugar be treated with insulin. That will also help tell you how much of how Casper is doing is the high blood sugar and how much liver problems.

Hoping you might get some good news...


casper's mom
08-25-2012, 08:22 AM
Well Ladies - I took your advice and started concentrating on Casper's diabetes. Casper's glucose was 682 on 8-23! My husband is diabetic & uses Levemir insulin so he started calculating how much insulin he thought Casper would need - we figured we had nothing to lose. As you advised, I went to K9Diabetes.com & found how to check Casper's blood sugar and give injections. His blood sugar wouldn't even read on the meter, that means it was still over 600. We started with 6u and started controlling his diet. 3 hours later his BS was still over 600 so we gave him 9 more units. Even though Levemir is a once a day insulin, sometimes my husband gives himself a 2nd injection with good results. 5 hours after 2nd injection, his BS read 475!! We gave him another 6u, making it 21 units in 12 hours. Awoke this AM, checked his BS, NPO, and it was 167!! Thank God!! Casper's much more alert and moving around, slow but still moving around! We gave him 10u this AM and will recheck his BS 2 hours after breakfast - a good diabetic breakfast, baked chicken and kibble. We live in northern Michigan and the closest IMS is at least 150 miles away but first thing Monday morning, I'm going to find one!! Reseaching the Scottish Terrier Club site provided me with a couple of articles about scottie's high, almost off the charts, liver enzyme readings and how that's usually normal for scotties. I emailed those articles to my Vet but haven't heard anything back as of yet.
We're not out of the woods yet, by any means, but thanks to you wonderful Ladies and your amazing site, we now have hope. I don't have the words to express how much I appreciate your care and compassion and, most of all, your expertise and encouragement.
God Bless every one of you and you bet you're all in our prayers!
Love and Hope - Teresa

Jenny & Judi in MN
08-25-2012, 08:25 AM
Teresa you don't know how happy I am to see this post today. I'm so glad Casper is feeling better.

Once the diabetes is under control, a lot of folks have had good results giving milk thistle to their dogs for liver issues. You could ask your vet about that too.

fingers crossed for continued good news!! Judi

Squirt's Mom
08-25-2012, 08:44 AM
Oh, Teresa!

I cannot tell you how happy this post makes me! :cool::cool::cool::cool::cool: Casper has some wonderful parents, no doubt about it! What wonderful news this morning! :) Please stay in touch and let us know how this sweet boy is doing.


Leslie and the gang

08-25-2012, 08:57 AM
I have been following along and this just brought tears to my eyes. First, because of how happy I am for Casper, second how glad I am his mom and dad are so brave and lastly but not the least how proud I am of all of the forum members who contribute so much

Way to go EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


08-25-2012, 10:04 AM
What fantastic news!!!!! :) :) :)

And the k9diabetes.com forum members totally rock, don't they!! ;) :D :D

Can hardly wait for your next update.

Many hugs,

casper's mom
08-25-2012, 04:09 PM
OH YEAH!! YOU BET YOU ALL ROCK!! Casper is getting better by the minute - he's joining us in the living room again - he'd been laying in the hall or foyer by himself - not wanting anyone around him. He's starting to act like the Casper of old. My Vet called today and I told her what's been going on and she's ecstatic!! She's going to call us on Monday to get him in for diabetic testing - we're still winging it here. There's a holistic dog food store in town and we just got back from buying some grain free poultry & fish food for him - carb count 17.5% of total calories. We'll just mix a bit in with his chicken and banana. I've found a list of foods to naturally detox the liver, banana and broccoli are a couple with is great cuz he loves those but we have to be careful with bananas - higher carbs and calories. Needless to say, we're walking on air here and have all you blessed folks to thank. As long as Casper's feeling better, that's all we pray for. If we still have to lose him, at least he'll go in peace - not miserable as he was before - but, the way God's been hanging around the house answering all our prayers, we may not have to worry about that just yet.
Love to all - Teresa

casper's mom
08-25-2012, 04:15 PM
Me again, my husband, George, wanted me to thank all Casper's Guardian Angels out there!! What a perfect name for Casper's supporters!!
oxoxoxoxoxox - Teresa, George, Casper & Maggie (his Westie sister)

Squirt's Mom
08-25-2012, 04:20 PM
:cool::cool: Woohoo!!!! :cool::cool:

Way to go Casper, Mom, Dad and Maggie (I just KNOW she is cheering you all on! :D)!!!

08-25-2012, 06:26 PM
Teresa, this is absolutely terrific news! :D

When you get the chance, we'd love it if you'd post an avatar of your sweet boy, or even upload some photos to an album! ;) :)

Here's a link to our FAQs section that will give you instructions -- when you have the time. :o


08-25-2012, 07:15 PM
Hi and great news!!!!! My Nibbles was diabetic and had cushings too

Just wanted to give you a few tips if you haven't already read over at the k9 diabetes sites...

I know you're winging it right now but just wanted to add more info
1. they'll probably put casper in an insulin called Humulin-n (NPH) if you're in the U.S. most stated don't need a prescription for syringes or insulin, i believe. You can get it at Walmart under there brand called Relio-N for around $25 and needles for around $12 for a 100 pack

2. It's good you're home testing because I know levemier is really strong and could drop a pup very quickly which, in your case, is needed. But as the glucose levels come down, you may have to adjust. you don't want him to drop too far below 100. if he is below 80 you'll want to rub karo syrup or pancake syrup on his gums and feed some snacks until he rises and stays above 100.

3. Dogs are usually put in a twice a day/ 12 hour apart shot and feed schedule.

4. Check a little more frequently if you're doing grain-free because alot of dogs need some carbs to stabilize them and the blood sugar to stay a little flatter.

Again so very happy to hear YOU saved Caspers life with quick thinking and determination.

Good Luck and keep up the good work,


08-25-2012, 07:17 PM

I have been following along since yesterday, but couldn't post from work, I could only read. My thoughts at that time were "PLEASE don't make any decisions about Casper until the experts here can check in and provide feedback."

I can't tell you how happy and relieved I am to read everything today. The Angels here showed up as I knew they would, as well as one from the K9 Diabetes site!

How brave you are to try the insulin on your own. I started crying as I read how well sweet Casper is responding.

God bless all of you that chimed in to help, and way to go Mom and Dad!

Hugs to all,

Tina and Jasper

molly muffin
08-25-2012, 07:48 PM
Oh my gosh! This is such wonderful news!!
I am so thrilled that you have your Casper back!

Rock on!

Bo's Mom
08-25-2012, 09:35 PM
Casper....YOU ROCK!! Keep hanging in there.

Squirt's Mom
08-26-2012, 08:29 AM

Just popping in to see how things are in your house today. Hope all is going well!
Leslie and the gang

08-26-2012, 08:50 AM
Whoooooooooooopppppppppppppppeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

I am out of town and just checked in! YOu made my weekend. Sending love, Kim

PS... Thanks for listening to us... I know it is scary but we do see this alot. (misdiagnosed).........

I am just so happy.

08-26-2012, 09:00 AM
The best news.:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

We are all so thrilled!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

casper's mom
08-26-2012, 01:33 PM
Hello to the Best Friends a person could ask for:)
Sorry I haven't posted sooner but I've been making Casper home- made diabetic treats, a recipe I found on K9Diabetes.com by the way! I gave Casper a bath - something I wouldn't have attempted last week, he was just too sick - I was so encouraged when he only smelled like stinky dog this morning, not the sick dog he's been smelling like. He's doing so much better, went for a car ride today - up on his rear legs to look out the rear windows!! Before he would only look up from a sitting or laying position. Barked at the front door at that imaginary person every dog sees at the door. Laying on top of the floor vent, enjoying the air conditioning - something he figured out last year. Good for him, bad for us cuz he blocks the cool air but that's what ceiling fans are for, right? Casper's NPO blood sugar this morning was 100 and 179 2 hours after breakfast.
I'm going to try to post some pics - I'm pretty computer stupid. I ordered some natural Milk Thistle pills today, but the most important thing I'll do today is register with K9Diabetes.com - I think I still have room in my pea brain for more info?!?
It's overwhelming what all you special people have done for us - my husband and I marvel at all your love and support. We'll never be able to thank you enough but we'll keep trying and praying for each and everyone of you.
Love to all - Teresa

casper's mom
08-26-2012, 01:35 PM
Thank Debbie - GREAT advice!! Really appreciate your help - I'm off to learn all about canine diabetes at K9Diabetes.com.
oxox - Teresa

08-26-2012, 02:01 PM

:) :p :D :) :p :D :) :p :D :) :p :D :) :p :o :D :)

Good job! ;)

08-27-2012, 01:08 AM
Hi Teresa,

I am happy to hear that Caspar is feeling better. :)

However... the amount of insulin that you gave Casper was far too much, a dangerous amount. Please do not give him another injection of Levemir without checking in with a veterinarian.

If Casper weighs between 20 and 30 pounds, which is about average for a Scottie, he should not have been given more than 5-7 units of NPH and only 1-2 units of Levemir because Levemir is 4 times more potent in dogs than it is in people.

So you can see why I am very worried about him... with his blood sugar so high, hopefully temporarily he was able to tolerate so much insulin but it would be extremely dangerous to give him any more Levemir. It's possible that his liver had to free up a large amount of reserve glucose to go with all of that insulin.

On average, a dog typically needs between 1/4 and 1/2 unit per pound of NPH - the average dose for a 30 pound dog would be as little as 7 units every 12 hours up to maybe 12 or 15. And the starting dose of any insulin needs to be conservative because some dogs need significantly less than the average amount. A starting dose for a 30 pound dog would be no more than 7 units and probably more like 5 or 6. I had a 64 pound dog who only needed 11 units of insulin per injection.

Translating that into the four-times stronger Levemir and the starting dose would be 1-2 units with him perhaps needing as little as 4 units twice a day long-term.

I hope that Casper is okay and I hope that you check in with the forum right away. I may email you as well in hopes of getting this information to you as quickly as possible.

You can email me at k9diabetes@gmail.com. I administer the K9Diabetes website and forum.


Squirt's Mom
08-27-2012, 08:30 AM
Mornin' Teresa,

How is Casper this morning? I am so glad Natalie saw your posts and offered her expertise and I would trust anything she tells me about diabetes and the treatment for it without reserve.

Has Casper seen the vet yet...well, it's a bit early in my corner but does he have an appt? :) His vet needs to be aware of what has been going on this weekend and what you have done to get him through it....and he needs to be aware that you had to do this on your own but you now expect him to get on board and fast. And I hope they have the decency to show at least a tiny bit of shame for letting this happen in the first place. If not, I would be looking for another vet, today. ;)

Leslie and the gang

molly muffin
08-27-2012, 09:57 PM
Hi, how are things going today with Casper?


Squirt's Mom
08-28-2012, 07:53 AM
Mornin' Teresa,

Are things ok? I am a major worry wart and we haven't heard anything in a day nor do I see a post on the diabetes site about Casper so, yes, I am worried. When you can, please drop a note to let us know how your sweet boy is doing and how his heroic mom and dad are doing.

Leslie and the gang

08-28-2012, 04:15 PM
I understand Casper saw the vet yesterday and is now on 5 units of NPH twice a day and a prescription diet.


molly muffin
08-28-2012, 04:45 PM
Oh that is so good to hear. Thanks for letting us know Natalie.


Squirt's Mom
08-28-2012, 05:28 PM
Thanks, Natalie! I have been so worried not hearing from them. :o

casper's mom
08-28-2012, 05:52 PM
Howdy and sorry I didn't post anything yesterday or earlier today. The news is still good - THANK GOD!! Took Casper to our regular Vet today - after I spoke to her on the phone the other day, I think that once she realized we're going to fight this thing tooth and nail she's happy to join in. She started Casper on 5u Novolin N twice a day - man that stuff's expensive!! She also put him on a Purina Diabetic dry food and restarted the Trilostane. He's going crazy right now cuz his diet has changed to eating twice a day, with his injection but he's been used to 1/3 cup kibble 3x day. He's been on that schedule for years - to control his weight. At lunch, he stayed in the kitchen forever waiting for someone to feed him and he's staring holes in me right now but, sorry Dude, you can't eat for another 90 minutes. He'll adjust. He has to have his blood sugars rechecked in 2days and I think I'm going to hold off on restarting the Trilostane - that pill really kicks his butt. He's doing so well with his sugar under better control - not drinking gallons or peeing said gallons and really getting around, so I'm wondering if diabetes was his problem all along???? If his blood sugar is good in 2 days, that may mean that his cortisol levels are OK. We'll see - I don't think it'll hurt to stay off Trilostane a little while longer. Like I said, sorry for the delay in posting Casper's updates but I needed to run errands and get some work done around the house!! I've been hovering over Casper for weeks, so now that he's better I'm OK with not being in the same room with him 24/7 - plus my husband is here to make sure Casper doesn't need anything.
OK Ladies, off to take Casper for a walk - anything to distract him until his dinner.
Love and hugs to all - God Bless - Teresa

08-28-2012, 07:26 PM
Teresa it is great to hear the update. I think you are wise to wait on the trilostane. As we have shared we see time after time where dogs are diagnosed with cushings when in fact it was diabetes. The chances of Casper all of a sudden developing both at the same time seems remote to me.

And the great news is that there is absolutely no reason to rush cushings treatment. So even if Casper had cushings it does absolutely no harm to hold off on trilostane. In fact, it'd be easier I"d think to treat it after the BS is stable.

I'm going to cross my fingers that it is diabetes and only diabetes. I know you will keep us updated. Hugs, Kim

Jenny & Judi in MN
08-28-2012, 08:07 PM
great update. Teresa, check with Natalie or others on the diabetes forum but I'm pretty sure that Novolin N is the same as Humulin N you can get at Walmart for $25 per bottle. Eli Lilly contracts with Walmart to make the same stuff under their label.

Syringes are usually pretty cheap at Walmart also.

so glad Casper is doing better.

And good call on waiting on the Trilostane. The out of control diabetes could have definitely increased his cortisol levels leading to a possible incorrect diagnosis of Cushings. So glad things are going better. Judi

08-28-2012, 08:25 PM
Judi is correct about insulin and syringes at Walmart. My aunt and mom both have diabetic dogs and that is where they purchase their supplies. Much much cheaper. Kim

Squirt's Mom
08-29-2012, 07:06 AM
Mornin' Teresa,

SOOOO good to hear from you and to know that Casper is still doing good! :cool::cool: Now that I know things are going smoothly, I will try not to bug you when we don't hear from you for a while....but no promises. :D

I agree with others on waiting until the diabetes is controlled before going back to look at Cushing's as possibility. With the stress his little body has been under with the diabetes, the testing would be a huge waste of money and treatment for Cushing's could present a huge risk so you are on the right track to wait. I know the k9diabetes family will take great care of you and Casper.

Thanks so much for the wonderful update and know we are here anytime!
Leslie and the gang

08-29-2012, 07:19 AM
I am so grateful, too, to hear your report about sweeet Casper!!

I agree with the others as far as initially focusing on the diabetes. Natalie will correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe that one of the clues that Cushing's may still be at play is if you end up having a difficult time regulating Casper's glucose levels. If he instead normalizes and stabilizes on the diabetes treatment, I think that makes Cushing's less likely. So I believe that "Step One" is seeing whether or not you can get him well-regulated with his insulin regimen. And that's where the folks at k9diabetes.com will be so valuable to you.

Having said that, don't think you can get away without continuing to update us here! We have several members with ongoing threads on both websites, and we're counting on the same with you!! You are "family" now, and we will indeed worry if we don't hear from you.

Sending tons of hugs to you all,

08-29-2012, 07:22 AM
Good to hear some good news here.

I too would hold off on treating Cushing's - it is slow progressing (if Casper even has it) and getting the diabetes stabilized is the most important!


Bo's Mom
08-29-2012, 08:42 AM
Great news, Casper!!!! Keep on that road of feeling well and let mom keep updating us with good news.

molly muffin
08-29-2012, 09:05 AM
I am so glad to hear that Casper is doing well and you are too.


casper's mom
08-30-2012, 08:11 PM
Evening Dear Friends:)
Casper went to the Vet today to see where his blood glucose is - up to 480 - yikes, but the Vet said this happens often when just starting insulin. She increased the dose to 8 units (up from 5u) twice a day. Casper goes back again in 2 days for another recheck and hopefully the news will be better - fingers crossed. We're going to have a garage sale this weekend and I've been busy outside getting everything ready so this will be short and sweet. Plus, I may not have time in the next few days to chat so please don't worry. I'll miss all of you and promise to get back to y'all ASAP.
Love and smooches - Teresa

Jenny & Judi in MN
08-30-2012, 08:17 PM
just keep an eye on him for hypoglycemia. If they didn't do a full curve where they test him every 2 hours, you may not know where his low point is.

I've had it happen a couple of times with Jenny and it is scary. Corn syrup or honey to stop the drop followed by something carby.

Good luck with the garage sale but a 3 unit increase is a lot so please keep an eye on him if he starts acting lethargic or wobbly. Jenny's only sign that she was too low was her back end shaking. I thought it was the Cushings but Natalie, who is all of our guardian angel, suggested it was low blood sugar. Jenny was at 40. Please keep an eye on him with such a huge increase.

If I were you, I'd maybe not go up to 8 right away. But I'm no expert. Dogs can handle higher blood sugar better than people as long as he isn't throwing off ketones. Sorry for the book. Judi

molly muffin
08-30-2012, 11:40 PM
Judi has some good advice. Natalie might have something to input on that too.
Me, I'm just going to say, good luck at the garage sale and good luck to Casper. :)


Squirt's Mom
08-31-2012, 08:46 AM
Mornin' Teresa,

Can't offer any input via the diabetes but I am so glad to know Casper is still fighting and doing pretty well! That is always good to hear and it is really good to know his vet is part of the team now. Funny how sometimes they need to know how determined we are, huh? :D

Good luck with the garage sale. The best I've ever done with one was make $700 over a weekend. I was FLOORED when I shut down and counted the sales! Come to find out, my then fiance' was getting into bidding wars with folks driving the prices up! LOL :D He sold a $2 mixer for $35 and a $10 mower for $100! DANG! I just realized there IS a reason to miss him! LOL

Best of luck all the way around!
Leslie and the gang

casper's mom
09-01-2012, 03:04 PM
This won't be a very long post - Casper took a turn for the worse two days ago and was only getting worse. He could no longer walk; his blood sugar was well above 600 again - the cortisol got the better of his diabetes; so we looked deep into his eyes this morning and he told us it was time and we honored his wishes. He was so very brave, my little dude and our grief is immense. I'll try to have more later.
Love to all - Teresa & George

09-01-2012, 03:08 PM
Aw.... I'm so very sorry to hear that Casper declined and you had to let him go. I suspect it was liver failure, which can get worse very quickly.

Casper was clearly a beloved member of your family - the one thing every dog wishes for. I have no doubt you gave him a great life and I know how much you will miss him.


molly muffin
09-01-2012, 03:08 PM
Oh Teresa and Geroge, my heart is just breaking for both of you. I am so sorry that Casper took such a bad turn for the worse.
I just don't know what to say. :( His spirit will always be with you. He put up a good fight.


Squirt's Mom
09-01-2012, 03:31 PM
Dear Teresa,

I cannot tell you how sad I am to hear this news. You and your husband worked very hard to gain control and I know Casper loves you all the more for these last few weeks of feeling better that you gave him.

Casper's name has been added to the In Loving Memory thread for 2012 where he will always be remembered and honored by his family here.


Our deepest sympathies,
Leslie, Squirt, Trinket, Brick, Tasha and our Angels, Ruby and Crystal

09-01-2012, 04:17 PM
I'm so sorry to hear of your loss.....May God comfort you in this difficult time....
Hugs, Leah and Maya

Jenny & Judi in MN
09-01-2012, 06:06 PM
I'm so sorry to hear this. I know how very much you loved him and am glad he is not suffering anymore. Big hugs to you and your husband. RIP Casper

Boriss McCall
09-01-2012, 06:30 PM
So very sorry for your loss. :(

09-01-2012, 07:07 PM
I am so sad to read about Casper. You made a heroic effort for your sweet baby and an even more heroic one to allow him to go in peace.

Godspeed sweet Casper.

Hugs to you and your husband.

09-01-2012, 09:12 PM
Dear Teresa,

I am so sorry to hear this news. You and your family are in my prayers. Our deepest condolences.


Tina and Jasper

Bo's Mom
09-01-2012, 10:41 PM
Oh my....I am shocked to hear about Casper. I was hoping that with his latest update that things were looking better. I am so sorry to hear that he took a turn for the worse. Please accept our heartfelt condolences and we will keep you and your family in our prayers. Casper,
You are an Angel now shining brightly in the sky. You will never be forgotten.

09-02-2012, 07:53 AM
Dear Teresa and George,

I, too, am sorry beyond words. Casper was such a dear and brave little boy. And the two of you left no stone unturned as far as giving him every chance possible. I know it doesn't make it hurt any less, but I hope you will find some peace in knowing that you truly did everything you could for him.

Although I am so sorry, I am also so grateful that we have had the chance to meet and know your family. Please rest assured that Casper will always be remembered and honored here, and we will always welcome you back to us at any time that you wish to talk or share memories of your sweet boy.

Sending many hugs across the miles,

09-02-2012, 05:21 PM
I was out of town and am just now hearing the sad news. Know you did all that you could and thanks for coming back to let us know. Casper was blessed. As Marianne said, we will honor him here always. RIP dearest angel Casper. Run free of pain and know you were deeply loved. Kim

09-02-2012, 05:35 PM
I am so sorry for your loss. You did everything you could for him, including letting him go when it was time. thinking of you...

Julie & Hannah

casper's mom
09-03-2012, 10:22 AM
Hello Cherished Friends - my heart has been in fetal position since the 1st and we're all like zombies. We noticed Casper's hind legs getting weaker on the 31st - he would fall but was able to get back up. On the 1st, he had a recheck appt. at the Vet where his blood sugar was over 600 again, even though we had upped his insulin. He couldn't tolerate the Trilostane, so the uncontrolled cortisol was causing his sugar to go through the roof. Once we got home from the Vet, Casper was extremely, extremely restless - he couldn't relax and started crying and howling - something he NEVER does. Scotties are so stoic and Casper was a brave Scotsman. His discomfort kept increasing and now he couldn't stand at all. We called the Vet but she was in with an emergency and would call us back. He vomited and seemed to relax a tiny bit but was still so uncomfortable - he would drag himself all around the hallway, finally settling in the guest bathroom. He kept crying, especially when we left his sight for a split second. He wanted to be alone but still wanted to see us. This kept up for what seemed like an eternity and we decided to just take him back to the Vet. I called the office and the Vet answered and told us to bring him right back. We told Casper we were going back to the Vet- and his whole demeanor changed - he calmed right down and looked deep into our eyes, another thing Scotties aren't known to do - it's like a challange to them, they're fiesty dogs. He looked at us as if to tell us he was ready. He allowed us to hold and hug him - Scotties aren't snuggly dogs and I sat in the back seat with him on the way back to the Vet. Once there, she evaluated him and told us that the uncontrolled cortisol was causing such anxiety and it seemed like his systems were shutting down. He kept looking directly into our eyes, almost thanking us for taking such good care of him. Oh, this is so hard to re-live. We signed the papers, the Vet inserted a catheter and we held him so tight, telling him how much we loved him, thanked him for letting us rescue him and for all the love he's given us. He looked at the Vet, as if to thank her as well and went to heaven.
Our little Westie, Maggie, is really grieving - she hasn't stopped looking for Casper - we're doing our best to be upbeat for her. She looks so distressed but hasn't lost her appetite, thank God. Our first Westie grieved so hard when he lost our first Scottie, we almost lost him also. We're not going to get another dog - it's too, too hard to lose them. Our pain is immense right now.
We thank God for giving us that additional 7 days with Casper and for bringing all of us together. If this tragedy hadn't happened, my husband and I would not have had the sincere pleasure of meeting all of you amazing and loving people. I'm surprisingly calm with all of this and I'm positive it's because we have all your prayers and support surrounding us. I'll keep in touch, all though maybe not so much right now - my husband and I just sit and hold each other and Maggie.
Much, much love to all you wonderful Ladies - thank you from the bottom of our hearts - Teresa, George & Maggie

09-03-2012, 11:17 AM
My heart and prayers go out to you and your family.I had to make the same unselfish decision for Koda on July 25th. Please know that I am so sorry for your loss.

09-03-2012, 03:27 PM
Dear Theresa and George,

I just read Casper's story and my heart is breaking for your loss. I am so happy that Casper and you seemed to have that last good week or so. You tried your hardest and in the end were unselfish.

I know you said you will never own another dog because the pain of losing them is just too hard. I haven't been there yet, but I think I can understand. I found this poem and it makes me cry every time I read it. I wanted to share it with you:

Before humans die they write their last Will & Testament, give their home and all they have,
To those they leave behind. If with my paws, I could do the same; this is what I’d ask…

To a poor and lonely stray I’d give:
- My happy home.
- My bowl and cozy bed, soft pillows and all my toys.
- The lap, which I loved so much.
- The hand that stroked my fur and the sweet voice that spoke my name.

I’d Will to the sad, scared shelter dog, the place I had in my human’s loving heart, of which there seemed no bounds.

So, when I die, please do not say, “I will never have a pet again, for the loss and pain is more than I can stand.”

Instead, go find an unloved dog, one whose life has held no joy or hope and give MY place to HIM.

This is the only thing I can give…the love I left behind.

-Author Unknown

RIP sweet casper. Take good care of each other.