View Full Version : Italian Greyhound - CHF, Cushings & SARD

08-21-2012, 10:44 PM
I'm writing on behalf of my Mom - I'm a 10 year old Italian Greyhound - I was a happy, healthy boy up until about 2 months ago. My mom noticed that I was drinking more water (but honestly - I don't think I drank enough to begin with - and lets face it - water is great for the skin/body). I've always LOVED food and I admit - I would break into the garbage and often would wait until the closet door was open - so I could still the bag of treats and eat them all. My mom says - this is what dogs do, they eat, sleep, lick themself and sometime if we don't like you - will pee on you.

My mom works in the Healthcare industry and is great at google. She typed in my syptoms and 2 things came up - diabetes and cushing's - having had "experience" with humans who have diabetes - she ruled that one out. She finally made an appointment to see my Vet - and I had gained 3 lbs since my last visit 18 months ago. The Vet asked could I stay for a few hours and let them run some test and do an x-ray. It came back that I have early onset Congestive Heart Failure and because of my size most likely Cushing's. The test came back a few days later and the Vet said all signs point to Cushing's and could I come back in for a 8 hour day of testing. During which my mom received a call and was asked "may we do a ultrasound" - Mom says yes, and during that test - the Vet saw something on my liver - so they did a biospy and it came back as highly suggestive of cancer. I have been put on Vetmedin, Furosemide, Benazepril and Trilostane.

Lately, I've developed the following symptons - daytime blindness and my sense of smell has left me.

I am still wagging my tail and giving my mommy kisses. But she's worried for me. She called someone from the Italian Greyhound Club of America - and spoke with a lady who says in all her years she has NEVER heard of a dog having all of these problems.

Me and my mommy want Answers.....any suggestions? Thanks! Mitch and Alexis

08-21-2012, 11:17 PM
Well you tell your mommy you are one smart dog googling and finding all that info out and this site! :D

I have never dealt with SARDS but we've had cases here and often there is no cushings - just SARDS and false positives on cushings tests. I am going to link you to our resource section which has some info on SARDS.

My understanding is that if treated IMMEDIATELY the eyesight can be saved. Do not waste time in going to a specialist for help. I'm also going to give you a link to a list of IMS (internal med specialists) so you can check your area. To be honest, I'm not sure if SARDS is treated by eye docs or IMS or what but do not waste alot of time.

The 8 hr test was the low dose suppression test (LDDS) and it is prone to false positives if other non adrenal illnesses are present. It could be your dog does not have cushings. It happens alot.

SO - read the article, consider a specialist and please get all test results that have been done so far (including blood panel work and the write up from the ultrasound) and post it. We'll take a look.

Glad you found us! Kim

Bo's Mom
08-21-2012, 11:39 PM
Welcome Mitch and to your mom. You sure have stumbled upon one of the most wonderful group of individuals who will help you as you deal with the Cushings diagnosis and all that comes with it.

Squirt's Mom
08-22-2012, 08:02 AM

Cushing's doesn't come on in a couple of months but takes years. SARDS however does come on suddenly and does present as Cushing's until a few months after the sight is gone. I wouldn't be treating with Trilostane just yet for this reason (the tests for Cushing's are apt to be skewed which makes any subsequent diagnosis questionable) and for the liver reason. If the liver is cancerous, asking it to process a drug like Trilo might be too much. (AND, right now the liver needs to have the focus if cancer is suspected.) This drug is contraindicated in liver disease. From the Dechra brochure -

Do not use VETORYL Capsules in
animals with primary hepatic disease
or renal insufficiency.

Also this waring in the brochure -

Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE)
inhibitors should be used with caution
with VETORYL Capsules, as both drugs
have aldosterone-lowering effects
which may be additive, impairing the
patient’s ability to maintain normal
electrolytes, blood volume and renal
perfusion. Potassium sparing diuretics
(e.g. spironolactone) should not be used
with VETORYL Capsules, as both drugs
have the potential to inhibit aldosterone,
increasing the likelihood of hyperkalemia.

I would also add that testing for Cushing's while a dog is already under stress from other illnesses/traumas/etc is a total waste of time and money as cortisol is going to rise naturally with non-adrenal illnesses, which can give false-positives resulting in the dog being given a powerful drug they do not need. ;)

Just to be on the safe side, were diabetes and hypothyroidism ruled out via labs? Are there any other health issues other than those recently discovered and posted here? Any other meds, herbs, supplement that are being given? If so, what and what for.

If I were you, I would stop the Trilostane and not restart it at all until the liver was given a clear bill of health and hepatic diseases have been completely ruled out. I would need to be totally convinced that none of the meds for the heart failure could pose any risks if combined with the Trilo. I would want to be sure this isn't SARDS meaning treatment for Cushing's would not be required. IF this is Cushing's, there is no need to rush into treatment.

I'm glad you found us and look forward to learning more as time passes.

Leslie and the gang

PS. Tell your mom that I will probably address her as that is habit and I'm an old woman who is stuck in her ways! :p

molly muffin
08-24-2012, 03:14 PM
Hi and welcome to you and your mommy. Glad you have found us and be assured that you are talking to people with many, many years of experience dealing with cushings and other issues.

First off, ditto to what the rest of the gang have mentioned. No Trilostane if there are liver issues.

Again, it's good to have your here and we'll do all we can to help you with any questions you might have or just to talk anything out.

We all hope for the very best for you and your mom
