View Full Version : HELP! I think my dog developed Cushing's because of Prednisone.
08-21-2012, 05:14 PM
I think my toy poodle might have developed or Iatrogenic Cushing’s or Cushing’s syndrome due to her medication that was administered.
About a month ago I took her to the vet because she had some skin allergies and yeast infection. One of the medications that the vet administered was Prednisone. The vet said that this was like a steroid that will help her relax and stop her from scratching & licking her yeast rashes.
Well during the past 3 weeks I've noticed that Dixie seems a little fatter, her belly seems kind of bloated and might have abdominal pain because anytime I carry her she makes a little straining sound like she’s uncomfortable. Another thing that I've noticed is that she is always hungry. She is always sniffing on the floor of my house hoping to find some table scrap to eat. Also during this time she has been trying to eat my other dog’s feces outside but I don’t let her. I also noticed that when she is standing her hind legs look kind of shaky. Dixie does not sleep under my blankets anymore. She used to love to go under my blankets and sleep.
Dixie is a toy poodle, 7 years old, and weighs 11 lbs. About 2 weeks ago I mentioned the abdomen pain to the vet and she just touched it. I am feeding her ½ cup of Solid Gold Small Wee bits (1 /4 am & 1/4 pm).
The only reason I found out about Cushing’s syndrome was because I googled “Why is my dog always hungry?” This whole time I was thinking that Dixie might have bloat, diabetes, hypothyroidism, or pancreatitis. I also found out that Iatrogenic Cushing’s is developed as a result of Prednisone so this could be what Dixie has. I should of paid attention to the side effects of Prednisone as this is mentioned on the receipt from the vet.
Help me out folks, what should I do? Dixie is due for a follow-up exam on 09/02. Should I wait or just take her to the vet soon? Dixie is no longer taking Prednisone. The dosage was the following: give ½ tablets twice a day for the first 5 days, then give ½ tablets for once a day for the next 5 days, and finally give ½ tablets every other day.
I think it’s been a week since she stopped taking Prednisone. Give me some advice please. What should I do? Has anyone in these forums ever had my experience?
08-21-2012, 05:58 PM
It is my understanding that if you cease the prednisone the cushings like symptoms go away. It might just be that it hasn't been enough time. I'm at work so can't post much more but here is a link to our resource section where this form of cushings is discussed by professionals. Kim
08-21-2012, 06:06 PM
It is my understanding that if you cease the prednisone the cushings like symptoms go away. It might just be that it hasn't been enough time. I'm at work so can't post much more but here is a link to our resource section where this form of cushings is discussed by professionals. Kim
That's what I thought. I read a couple of websites and they mention that normally stopping the steroid medication should stop the Cushing's symptoms. It's been about a week since Dixie stopped Prednisone. Do you know how long it normally takes for the Cushing's symptoms to go away after Prednisone is discontinued? I'll take a look at that link that you mentioned.
Should I take her to the vet or just wait for her follow-up visit on Sept 2and see if she gets any better? I just hate to see her sniffing on my house floor all the time. I don't know if I should give her a treat or just let her stay hungry.
08-21-2012, 10:30 PM
Hi and welcome to the forum. I agree that it certainly sounds like your dog has developed iatrogenic cushing's as a result of prednisone treatment. It does take the body a bit of time to clear the drug so I'm hoping that every day you will see lessening symptoms. At this point, I would wait until your follow-up appointment on 9/2 to discuss it with your vet. Hopefully, symptoms will have resolved by then and the discussion will be short. :D Please keep us posted.
08-21-2012, 10:33 PM
:D As annoying as the food sniffing is, trust me, there are alot of members here who would love to be in your shoes right now just waiting for the prednisone to wear off. :D
Like Glynda said, check in and let us know how the doc appt goes and to tell us how great your baby is doing ok? Kim
08-22-2012, 07:30 AM
Thank you for your replies. I just woke up and found this article ( which mentions that Iatrogenic Cushing's can be caused by "exposure to synthetic corticosteroids found in ointments, eye and ear creams, and eye drops."
The day that I took Dixie to vet which was on 07/29/2012, not only was she administered the Predmisone for her skin allergy but she was also given some eye drops/ointment (Neopolyclex Ophtalmic Ointment 3.5 gm) to treat her squinty eyes. I was to administer 1/4 inch in each eye twice a day for 10 days. I just pulled out the little box for the drops and the descriptions says that this medication "is a multiple dose anti-infective steroid combination in a sterile oinment for topical application."
Do you'll think these eye drops/ointment could have also contributed to Dixie's symptoms of Cushings on top of the Prednisone that I was giving her? I should also mention that on the eye drops I think I may have gone 2 or 3 days past the administration time. The drops were to be given for 10 days and when I finally realized I think I was already on my 12th or 13th day so I immedietly stopped. On the Prednisone I did follow the instructions word for word.
I think I am more convinced now that Dixie got these Cushing's symptoms due to these two medications. About how long do you'll think the symptoms last once the steroids are discontinued? I think it's been about a week since (if my math isn't wrong then Aug 16th was the last day I gave Dixie the Prednisone) Dixie stopped taking the Prednisone. Dixie has a follow-up appointment on September 02 which is a little over a week from now. I think will give her another week and see how she does by the time the appoinment comes. Hopefully she will be much better by then.
Thank you so much for your help and I appreciate any additional feedback or suggestions..
molly muffin
08-24-2012, 03:16 PM
Hope you and Dixie are having a good day and that the symptoms improve now that the preds been stopped.
Have a good weekend
08-27-2012, 10:49 AM
Hello everyone and thanks for your concern. I believe that Dixie is doing better, at least that is what I hope. Her abdominal pain whenever I carry her is less now. I no longer see her sniffing around looking for food all the time. The only time she sniffs around is when we’re cooking or sweeping the house. She will still sometimes try to eat my other dog’s feces but I stop her from doing so.
She is able to do our usual 30 minute morning walks and she jumps up and down from couches and beds. I guess that’s a good sign? Because I've heard that dogs w/Cushing’s syndrome have weak hind legs therefore unable to jump as much.
She doesn’t drink as much water as I would like her too which could be another good sign? I've heard that dogs w/Cushing’s drink a lot of water. She only had one accident in the house and that was like way before I wrote my initial thread to you’ll.
I have to shower her every 5 days with a special shampoo because of her skin problems. I bathed her on Thursday and whenever I touched her stomach or lightly squeezed it to clean her she makes like this light grunt or straining sound like she’s uncomfortable. Is this abdominal pain part of Cushing’s? Her belly seems less bloated now. I will bath her tomorrow Tuesday night so I’ll let you’ll know how that goes as far as any abdominal pain.
She is starting to lick/chew on her underskin a little bit... I guess because I stopped the Prednisone but the licking is not as much as it used to be. I guess her change of diet, omega fatty acid oil, and shampoo are slowly doing its job.
I would really like to know your opinion about the abdominal pain and if it's part of the Cushing's potbelly stomach and stuff. Like I said she doesn't do the straining sound as much when I carry her.
Thank your for your help.
Steph n' Ella
08-27-2012, 11:02 AM
I donno about the abdominal pain. I know my ella groaned when I picked her up while she had a bladder infection. I would get it checked out by the vet. Also mention about the IC...see what he/she thinks.
molly muffin
08-27-2012, 09:55 PM
I agree, the groan doesn't really sound right. Urine test sounds like a good option. Morning collection and then off to find out. With a quick little consult during drop off.
08-28-2012, 12:12 AM
Thanks for your concern. Dixie is due for a follow up exam on 09/02 so what I'm gonna do is bath her and see if she still does that groaning sound when I rub/touch her belly. She will sometimes make the groaning sound when I carry her but not as much as she used to. I'll see what happens when I bath her tomorrow.
How can I collect her urine sample? She is so small and literally crouches very low whenever she pees that I don't think that I can fit a little cup underneath her to collect. Should I tape like a litlle sandwich wrapper underneath her groin so that hopefully the urine falls on the little plastic bag? Or can vets extract some urine out of her like they do on fecal exams?
If I do manage to get some urine sample should I drive to the vet right away or just wait for the day of the appointment to collect the urine? I hope this possible bladder infection or whatever it is is not a matter of life and death because she seems more normal than what she looked like a week ago but I am worried now about the abdominal pain.
I also found this ( "Cystitis is a bacterial infection of the lining of the bladder. Urethral infections in both males and females often precede bouts of cystitis. Other predisposing causes include increasing age, diabetes mellitus, and being on long-term corticosteroid therapy. Prednisone???
Thank you everyone.
PS Just to be on the safe side should I force her to drink a little more water than the usual on her own? I don't think she drinks as much water as I would like her to considering that she eats dry kibble. She weighs like 10 or 11 lbs. I can easily force her to drink atleast 1/2 - 3/4 cup (4 -6 oz) if I chop some little pieces of her favorite treat into a little water dish. You know let her drink 1/4cup in the morning, 1/4 cup in the afternoon, and 1/4 cup in the evening.
molly muffin
08-28-2012, 06:33 AM
Well we do have the joke about the ladle for collection. I usually try to collect on the morning of the test. Put it in a clean small tuperware and then put it in fridge until I can drive it in, usually within an hour of collection.
It might not be an infection but better to check it out. You might try different ways of collections and if one of them works, take it in. Just let the vets office know that you'll be trying for a collection. Want to get a check done to be on the safe side, etc.
Not sure if you need to force her to drink more, although water is good for animals just like it is for us humans. Drinking water helps to keep the ph balanced. It is a real issue with our dog molly that we get her to drink enough due to her being prone to crystals forming. If she is drinking enough for her body weight then you probably don't have to force her to drink more.
Squirt's Mom
08-28-2012, 08:50 AM
Hi Chris,
Normal water intake for our babies about 1 oz per pound. So at around 10 lbs, Dixie should drink around 10 oz of water per day. You can add a little bit of home made chicken broth (no seasonings) in the water bowl and that may encourage her drink a bit more if you think she truly isn't drinking enough on her own.
Any time you collect urine at home, put it in the fridge in a covered jar if you can't take it immediately on to the vet clinic. (And label it just in case! :D) For low-riders, like my 5.8 lb Trinket, you can use something like those tiny aluminum pans used in pastries you buy in the store. I kinda flattened it and shaped it so it would slide under her then taped it to a spatula to maneuver it. Anything that will fit under them will of our old vets kept those paper boat things they serve french fried in for this purpose. :)
Keep up the good work!
Leslie and the gang
PS. OH! And a belated welcome to you and Dixie! :)
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