View Full Version : dog cart/back, leg injury

08-15-2012, 02:36 AM
I wanted to share this step by step, how to measure, how to make a cart for dogs that have had back, leg, hip issues and need prothesis.
This is a way for you or someone you know to help make one.
hope this link works okay, and it can be modfied to work for front or back legs. :) and is much more affordable and results have been amazing! http://www.flickr.com/photos/54168480@N08/

Roxee's Dad
08-15-2012, 12:05 PM
Wonderful information, While there are companies that make wheelchair type carts for dogs, this is wonderful info that should be passed along as a great alternative for those that cannot afford the expense of purchasing carts.

Thanks for posting :D

molly muffin
08-15-2012, 11:03 PM
Really good instructions! You never know when that might be something you are going to need!