View Full Version : Arthur, 12yo Westie, heading to vet again...think it's Cushings

Arthur's Mom
08-10-2012, 02:50 PM
Hi Everyone --

I'm just getting my head wrapped around the possibility that my sweet little Westie, Arthur, has Cushings. This morning, we were playing and he all of a sudden ran to the door to be let out. He ran and did his thing and when we came back, I noticed he had a little accident. The urine had quite a bit of blood in it! (he is very well house-trained but he's been having quite a few accidents for the last month -- we just moved to the LA area and so I've been thinking it was from stress of a new place but it is NOT normal for him.) We are heading to the vet this afternoon...again after his annual checkup 3 weeks ago.

The annual checkup showed raised liver levels (sorry, don't remember the technical terms) and he had to have a cortisone shot because he was chewing his leg off - allergies. He was also diagnosed with a variety of things from his new vet: hip displaysia, degenerative bone disease, he's FAT (3 lbs overweight), gum disease, and an abcess...ugh. He was just on Clovomax for 21 days so I know it can't be a UTI that he is having.

He doesn't eat a lot but he has been drinking a LOT of water for the past year. The night I had taken him to the vet, he started panting really loud. He has been doing this a lot and always hot but we moved from San Francisco to warm weather 2 years ago (and then to LA a month ago) so I just figured it was from that.

The stiff back legs, excessive water drinking, skin color change on belly, raised liver levels, and now constant accidents are all pointing to Cushings. I want him to be comfortable but I am worried about what tests I should push my vet for? Also, I just lost my job so I am very concerned about the test costs since my last vet trip cost $600.

Any advice as I go into my vet appt? (and yes, I've been crying on and off about this and trying not to let it get to me but it's hard..)

08-10-2012, 03:14 PM
Hi there and welcome to you and Arthur,

I am so sorry Arthur is having some troubles, and I can completely understand your worries and fears. I am so glad you found us!

I'm glad you'll be heading to the vet this afternoon. Blood in urine is not a symptom of Cushing's, so even though he has been on an antibiotic, it sounds like something has to be going on there. I would think your vet will want to do a urinalysis.

We tend to ask a lot of questions at the beginning, but the more we know about Arthur, the better we can help you. Can you get copies of the tests that were done on Arthur and post any abnormal results, along with the normal range?

It sounds like Arthur has some symptoms of Cushing's, however you mentioned that he received a cortisone shot at the vet. Any steroid can cause a dog to drink/urinate more. Is he taking any steroid for his allergies? Is he on any other medications right now? Cushing's is somewhat difficult to diagnose, and there are many other issues that have similar symptoms.

As far as tests go, the UCCR test is fairly inexpensive and can rule OUT Cushing's. It is not enough to confirm it, but it is a fairly easy test to do (collecting his urine) and if it comes back negative for Cushing's, you'd have the answer.

Others will be along soon to offer their thoughts, but the sooner you can post results and give us more information, the better. We were all scared and worried when we came here. I was a crying mess. Please know that you have time to figure out what is going on with Arthur, and that if it does turn out he has Cushing's, it isn't the end of the world. Many dogs are successfully treated and the symptoms improve.

The wonderful people here are very knowledgeable and helpful, and give excellent advice. We are a supportive group, and we are here to help you in whatever way we can.

Please let us know what your vet says today, and post the results to Arthur's tests as soon as you can.

Julie & Hannah

Arthur's Mom
08-10-2012, 03:35 PM
Thanks Julie & Hannah for the warm welcome!

I will get a printout of the lab test today.

The constant accidents (4-5 a week) started happening about 2-3 weeks before he was given the cortisone shot. And, the excessive drinking has been happening for about a year now...my mom took care of him quite a bit last year when I would have to travel (she has a maltese) and she commented "he sure drinks a lot of water!" I just didn't think it was a symptom of anything bigger. And I guess we won't really know until the tests are done! ;)

Thanks for letting me know about the UCCR -- I will ask my vet about that!

Squirt's Mom
08-10-2012, 04:12 PM
Hi and welcome to you and Arthur! :)

There are many conditions that mimic Cushing's and having some solid labs run will help rule out several of them like diabetes, hypothyroidism, liver or kidney issues just to name a few. Talk to your vet when you go about making sure these things are checked before you start any specific tests for Cushing's - that may save you a bundle! ;)

To help you have a better idea of what signs are often seen in a cush pup, here is a list by Kate Connick -


The most common symptoms include:
• increased/excessive water consumption (polydipsia)
• increased/excessive urination (polyuria)
• urinary accidents in previously housetrained dogs
• increased/excessive appetite (polyphagia)
• appearance of food stealing/guarding, begging, trash dumping, etc.
• sagging, bloated, pot-bellied appearance
• weight gain or its appearance, due to fat redistribution
• loss of muscle mass, giving the appearance of weight loss
• bony, skull-like appearance of head
• exercise intolerance, lethargy, general or hind-leg weakness
• new reluctance to jump on furniture or people
• excess panting, seeking cool surfaces to rest on
• symmetrically thinning hair or baldness (alopecia) on torso
• other coat changes like dullness, dryness
• slow regrowth of hair after clipping
• thin, wrinkled, fragile, and/or darkly pigmented skin
• easily damaged/bruised skin that heals slowly
• hard, calcified lumps in the skin (calcinosis cutis)
• susceptibility to infections (especially skin and urinary)
• diabetes, pancreatitis, seizures

You can make a list (and check it twice! :p) to share with your vet the things you have seen in Arthur that fit this list, and the things that do not fit. ;)

We can talk more after your visit...if you haven't already left, that is! ;)

I'm glad you found us!
Leslie and the gang

molly muffin
08-10-2012, 04:39 PM
Hi and welcome arthur and arthurs mom,

Julie and Leslie have pretty much covered the basics. Post all abnormal (high or low) lab results.

They are going to want to do a urinalysis anyway, with blood in the urine, so the UCRR is a good start.

It's hard to get a reading for cushings, so many other things mimic the same symptoms. Very frustrating and I know you are probably worried sick right now.

We'll stick by you as much as you want so post any time.

Again, welcome.

Sharlene and molly muffin

08-10-2012, 05:41 PM
Have Arthur checked for stones in the bladder - that is what happened to my gal Haley. She had to have them surgically removed. Do not wait - take her to the vet right away. I bet money that is what is going on. Do NOT waste money on cushings tests. Get this handled then see if the urination continues. Hugs, Kim

Arthur's Mom
08-11-2012, 09:34 PM
Thanks everyone for your support and help! I went to the vet yesterday and he was great -- he walked me through the lab results and what he suspected might be happening (he's had 3 of his dogs have Cushings so he's not ruling it out yet.)

Here are the results where the ranges were high:

Total Protein, 7.5
Alk Phosphatase, 750
Potassium, 5.6
Triglyceride, 294


Protein, 1+
Occult Blood, 3+
RBC, >50
Transitional Epithelia, 2-3

They did find blood in his urine in this test which was done on 7/21. Arthur was put on Clovomax for 3 weeks due to an abcess and it should have taken care of the blood in the urine thing too but the vet isn't sure if it came back or it never was cured. So, Arthur is now on Zeniquin for 8 days to see if that will work in case he had a tolerance for the Clovomax. He goes back in in 9-10 days for the UCCR. The vet said because there were no cyrstals seen, it is most likely he doesn't have stones.

Today, he is not eating at all. I even put peanut butter (his favorite!) on his Zeniquin and no go. :(

Jenny & Judi in MN
08-11-2012, 09:54 PM
I wonder if his tummy is churning? I've heard of some dogs needing some type of acid reducer for awhile.

the no appetite is definitely not a cushings symptom but it sounds like poor Arthur has a lot going on right now. kudos to your vet for not rushing into anything. Judi

Arthur's Mom
08-11-2012, 09:59 PM
Hi Judi!! (and Jenny too)

YES! It has been churning all day! Looks like a chicken and rice dinner is in store. And yes, he does have lots going on -- poor little guy -- I really hope we can figure out what's wrong with him. He's such a great dog and my little white shadow.