View Full Version : Cushing's and Itching

08-08-2012, 01:42 PM
Hello - we're new to this site and recently diagnosed. Chelsea, my cattledog, is being treated with Trilostane (taking Proin and Thyroxine, as well as Milk Thistle and Omega-3/Vit. E as well for concommitant symptoms) and appears to be doing well. However, the last couple of months I have noticed that she is incessantly itching. Our vet has prescribed an antihistamine, believing that Chelsea is exhibiting allergies to pollens, however, I haven't seen much improvement. My concern is that this may be, in fact, a symptom of the Cushing's itself (skin inflammation) and/or related to liver function. There are no bare patches, nor are there any encrusted or inflamed areas. Because she is being treated for the Cushing's, I was not expecting to see skin problems (as all other symptoms seem to be well controlled), although I know that Cushing's effects the immune system. What do you think?

Squirt's Mom
08-08-2012, 01:59 PM

Cortisol acts like a natural anti-inflammatory so as we lower the cortisol back toward normal levels, inflammatory conditions like allergies, arthritis, etc can come to the forefront. We see this OFTEN. ;)

Leslie and the gang

molly muffin
08-09-2012, 02:45 PM
Hi and welcome. I'll second what Leslie said.

It is one of the drawbacks of lowering the cortisol (which can cause all sorts of other problems if not done) that other things show up, like joint issues and allergies.

Maybe one of the other members who have been going through this longer will have some ideas. I know alot of cushings dogs show signs of allergies after their cortisol is lowered.
