08-08-2012, 01:42 PM
Hello - we're new to this site and recently diagnosed. Chelsea, my cattledog, is being treated with Trilostane (taking Proin and Thyroxine, as well as Milk Thistle and Omega-3/Vit. E as well for concommitant symptoms) and appears to be doing well. However, the last couple of months I have noticed that she is incessantly itching. Our vet has prescribed an antihistamine, believing that Chelsea is exhibiting allergies to pollens, however, I haven't seen much improvement. My concern is that this may be, in fact, a symptom of the Cushing's itself (skin inflammation) and/or related to liver function. There are no bare patches, nor are there any encrusted or inflamed areas. Because she is being treated for the Cushing's, I was not expecting to see skin problems (as all other symptoms seem to be well controlled), although I know that Cushing's effects the immune system. What do you think?