07-17-2012, 06:06 PM
Hi all,
i'm hoping someone can provide me maybe some insight and feedback on your thoughts. My boxer named Ry,had alot of skin and ear issues over the last year, i chalked it down to food allergy so i changed his food to something with no corn and such in it...ear issues disappeared...then in march/april of this year, he quickly started gaining wait but his eating habits did not change...he also begin drinking excessively and peeing alot..along with accidents in the house which was totally abnormal...had his urine tested for diabetes but the vet said there was no sign...the last two weeks, he has become super lathargic, rapid breathing, no smiles or tag wags at all...we took him to our local vet..they did some xrays and blood work..the results, his liver is enlarged and his liver numbers were 900 and 1300 and they are supposed to be near 100 :(
Off to the vet college we went...they re-did the blood work, aspirations of his liver, ultrasound etc...results...liver is enlarged (and pushing on his diaphram) as are his adernal glands, liver levels still high, heart and lungs sound and appear normal and the liver aspriations display no signs of cancer but some inflamation so we are on antibotics.
we had the test done where he fasted, they took blood,then injected him with something and took blood again in an hour or two...those results came back and they appear to be pretty sure its cushings...they want to do yet another test, the sugar one...i'm opting not to do that one,however, wondering what you all think. i'd like to get him on some sort of medication to see our silly boy back.
his symptopns have been:
- excess thirst/urination
- accidents in the house
- skin issues, looks like bites/pimples...now turned to scabs
- very quick weight gain and thinning belly skin
- thin hair on his belly
- extremely lathargic
- rapid breathing
Any thoughts/feedback would be wonderful and may put me at ease..the vet college said it would be approx 250.00 a mth can to treat but the local vet is saying more like 6-800!!!! Help, im driving myself crazy playing this waiting game :(
i'm hoping someone can provide me maybe some insight and feedback on your thoughts. My boxer named Ry,had alot of skin and ear issues over the last year, i chalked it down to food allergy so i changed his food to something with no corn and such in it...ear issues disappeared...then in march/april of this year, he quickly started gaining wait but his eating habits did not change...he also begin drinking excessively and peeing alot..along with accidents in the house which was totally abnormal...had his urine tested for diabetes but the vet said there was no sign...the last two weeks, he has become super lathargic, rapid breathing, no smiles or tag wags at all...we took him to our local vet..they did some xrays and blood work..the results, his liver is enlarged and his liver numbers were 900 and 1300 and they are supposed to be near 100 :(
Off to the vet college we went...they re-did the blood work, aspirations of his liver, ultrasound etc...results...liver is enlarged (and pushing on his diaphram) as are his adernal glands, liver levels still high, heart and lungs sound and appear normal and the liver aspriations display no signs of cancer but some inflamation so we are on antibotics.
we had the test done where he fasted, they took blood,then injected him with something and took blood again in an hour or two...those results came back and they appear to be pretty sure its cushings...they want to do yet another test, the sugar one...i'm opting not to do that one,however, wondering what you all think. i'd like to get him on some sort of medication to see our silly boy back.
his symptopns have been:
- excess thirst/urination
- accidents in the house
- skin issues, looks like bites/pimples...now turned to scabs
- very quick weight gain and thinning belly skin
- thin hair on his belly
- extremely lathargic
- rapid breathing
Any thoughts/feedback would be wonderful and may put me at ease..the vet college said it would be approx 250.00 a mth can to treat but the local vet is saying more like 6-800!!!! Help, im driving myself crazy playing this waiting game :(