View Full Version : Jasper (12 yr old Mini Schnauzer) is now at peace
06-04-2014, 03:06 AM
I think you know your boy best Tina and you do what you need to get through an event like that, it is a totally different kettle of fish when it is just a windy, rainy, thundery storm and being in confinement in your laundry for hours on end with a serious storm like that... thank goodness they do not come along too often. It sounds like it gave him some comfort so I think it is fine!!! Thank goodness no tornadoes!
Ohhh I am counting down the days until the Clavamox is finished, so want to see his appetite perk up then. I still think he has just gone off that particular food :rolleyes::confused::rolleyes: I know Flynn can be pretty perseverant when refusing food he does not like!
GOsh I hope everyone in your city is safe and all their pets too, maybe we should all have an evacuation plan on how to get us and our babies to safety if the need arises. I think I would put Flynn in a back pack and partially zip him in their if the worse came to the worse... hmmm I am going to have to put some thought into that! xxx
06-04-2014, 03:08 AM
OH look Tina, you just did post 1000 on Jasper's thread!!! Woot woot, time for another party!!!
I am pretty sure Patricia McDonnell- dog behavior specialist that she is did the exact same thing with one of her pups.
So my thought is, you did exactly right:):):):):):):):):)
Hi Everyone,
Wow, our 1000th post!! :) :D :)
I haven't meant to be scarce around this place but I've had some issues going on this week. Somehow I've developed some really bad tendonitis in my left wrist. I didn't know for sure what was going on and figured I could manage it myself but it continued to worsen all week. I was up pretty much all night Wednesday night, and felt so sick from the pain, I wasn't really able to function very well at work Thursday. I was lucky enough to get in to see an orthopedic doctor Thursday as it had become very swollen and had even gotten red, and I was worried about heading into the weekend with all of this going on.
The X-rays show that I have a calcium deposit on my wrist which apparently triggered it all and so that is going to have to be addressed. :( For right now I'm not supposed to be doing any keying, so I am using the voice text feature on my iPad. It's definitely an adjustment, and needs a few corrections here and there, but overall is not doing too bad.
I'm on a pretty hefty dose of prednisone for the inflammation, and hydrocodone to manage the pain. It's showing a little bit of improvement but not as much as I would've thought by now. But with this much pain I imagine I'm a bit impatient. It is hard to believe that such a small area on your body can cause so much pain and affect how you feel so much. Not to mention the difficulty of trying to function with only one hand and arm, you just don't think about those things. Addy I've been thinking about you with your shoulder injury and all the pain you've been experiencing there. Definitely a reminder to not take my health for granted.
So I am hoping that it improves with this treatment. The Dr did say that sometimes surgery is required to "clean it up". I am not even going to think about that right now, I'm just hoping the steroids can kick it in the butt.
Thankfully Jasper has not had any urgent issues going on this week during all of this drama. He is, however, struggling a bit with eating again. Since about the first of the month I've had to mix in about a tablespoon of the canned food with his dry kibble for each meal in order to get him to eat. He eats it pretty slowly but he will usually finish. I've noticed towards the end of the bowl he kind of starts trying to lick the canned food off the kibble, and leave some of it in the bowl, but for the most part I've been able to get him to finish.
He has also been pretty quiet and subdued again, especially for the past few days. I took a sick day home from work yesterday and he pretty much slept the entire day and has really low energy. So I am keeping an eye on that and hoping that it's not an indicator of something else going on.
I forgot to post this previously, but he has had a few random episodes of vomiting over the past couple of weeks while I've been at work. It happened on 3 separate days, last on 6/4. Thankfully it was only once per episode. My vet has been advised, she thinks he could be having some ongoing nausea from the clavamox. That is what I was kind of thinking too. He got his last clavamox dose this morning, yay! So I am hoping this improves soon, as well as his appetite and eating. Boy, this has been a long haul. I sure hope the infection is gone now.
Well, I just want everyone to know that I'm around and reading and trying to keep up on everyone, but not able to post as much as I would like.
I too am looking forward to the Belmont Stakes today and I'm totally pulling for California Chrome. I love the back story there. It should be exciting. And of course game two of the Stanley Cup Finals tonight! :) ;)
Tina and Jasper xo
Not good with the wrist, hope the pred is not making you crazy, I always thought I was superwoman on it:o:o I sure hope that your wrist gets better soon.
I am crossing everything I can that now Jasper is finally done with the antibiotic, he will perk up and his appetite will improve. Koko has been sticking his nose up at his food the last two weeks but he is more than happy to share my watermelon or oatmeal or come running for potatoes at the bathroom door before bed. Zoe taught him well and I cant break that ritual, he gets so upset every time I try.
Feel better, Tina and give hugs to Jasper and Shelby for me.
Koko says woof too:):):):)
06-07-2014, 07:06 PM
TINA!! I was just flicking through the sports channel and up pops hockey, I think it is your Stanley Cup.. it said it is live... but then I started watching and they got 2 goals in like two mins so when I read the bottom bit it is a game 1 recap... I wonder if we are getting it live. I will keep it on a bit and see... what team are we going for??? I think New York for Barbara and Trixie... don't think I know anyone in LAK... presuming that is LA?? lol I might keep flicking and see if I get the horse race too!!
Ohhh your poor hand, I was hoping would be a bit better by now!
I hope your Stanley Cup goes better than my horse race did:(
molly muffin
06-07-2014, 11:13 PM
I too hope that now Jasper will get his appetite back. Might take a bit though, so give it time, that stuff does a number on the tummy and his has probably shrunk too from not really eating much.
Hope that wrist is healed fairly soon. Don't want to have to stay on pred too long. You take care of yourself!
Sharlene and molly muffin
06-08-2014, 11:48 PM
Hi Tina,
Thanks for posting on my thread! I hope Jasper is doing well. Glad he is finished with the Clavamox if it was giving him nausea. Maybe his appetite will be even better now that he's off it.
I am with you on the smelly boiling of chicken! I do it for Trixie ever since the pancreatic episode she had last winter.
I do boneless chicken cutlets in water with low salt/no fat chicken broth. I get one of those foil boxes of broth and keep in the the fridge, instead of the cans..the box is easy to pop back in the fridge. I make a batch every couple days. She gets that chicken and a little Hills/WD canned food and some low fat kibble when she begs from me during meals. Like Trish, I put a little of the diluted broth over Trixie's other food sometimes. So far, so good but Trixie is far from finicky...she will eat just about anything at all. I'm sure the canned food is not great but she scarfs it all up, everyday! I recently found a few new lowfat's sometimes hard to find them. I try to find 6%fat and under.
Too bad about California Chrome...:( and also The Rangers lost 2 of the Stanley Cup finals in a row!! That was a disappointing night of sports for us here in NY. :(
My daughter went out to Belmont for the race (with over a 100,000 other people!)...she and her friends were hoping to see the history Triple Crown win, but it was not to be!
Reading your post about Shelby keep her eye on Jasper's food made me laugh. It reminds me of when someone looks at your plate and asks--"are you going to finish that??"...Shelby must be well behaved to know you don't want her to steal his food!
Glad that you didn't have any damage from all the scary storms that were in your area. It's good that Jasper was comforted being in your lap during the storms. I think that's better than ignoring him, especially if he was better when you held him, if it helps him feel less scared it's a good idea.
Hoping Jasper's eating keeps getting better! :p
06-09-2014, 05:52 PM
I forgot to add that I wish I could see a picture of Shelby, and of Jasper and Shelby together!! We'll have to get that lil Shelby to enjoy modeling!! :D:D:D
06-14-2014, 05:36 PM
Hi Tina
Another week has ticked by, hope it was a good one for you guys. Has Jasper's appetite picked up off the antibiotic?
How's that wrist feeling??? You still on the Pred?
xxxx and hugs for you and Jasper and Shelby, yes, I would like to see some more pics too :D:D:D
06-15-2014, 12:17 AM
Hi Tina
I see you light on, bad timing on my part as I need to go out for an hour or so.... hopefully see you a bit later :D
molly muffin
06-15-2014, 12:44 AM
Hi Tina! How is Jasper doing now that he is off his antibiotic? Is his appetite coming back?
Yes, how is that wrist doing? I saw you mentioned the voice on the ipad, so guess you are still not up to typing yet.
Take care of yourself
Sharlene and molly muffin
Hey Girls!
Gosh I guess I haven't checked in here all week, I've been so busy. Thanks for asking about my wrist and Jasper. The wrist feels tons better after being on prednisone for a week. Had two follow-up Drs appointments on Thursday, (had to take another sick day :eek:), and he prescribed another eight days of prednisone and increased the dose a little bit. I had been on a pretty hefty dose and tapered it down to 10 mg daily and now I'm taking 20 mg daily for another eight days with no taper. :eek: I hope that's going to be okay but he didn't order me to taper down, and I double checked with the pharmacist and she said it would be fine since I'm only taking it for another week or so. That stuff just make me nervous, but I know it is necessary.
I am still having some pain in the wrist and I think he was concerned about the inflammation flaring up again, so prescribed another week. The bad news is that I need to have surgery. :eek: :( :eek: He's ordered an MRI which hasn't been scheduled yet. It needs to be preauthorized through my insurance, and we are waiting to hear the decision on that. Hopefully they'll approve the MRI, otherwise I guess I won't be having it because it is way expensive.
So I guess after that the surgery will get scheduled. I'm very unhappy and disgusted about it. I have a lot to figure out between work and home. It's tough because I live alone, and I don't have any family in town to help. I'm going to have to figure out something because I think I'll probably need help for a day or two for sure, maybe longer. So things are kind of up in the air right now, and I'm feeling a bit of stress from that. I think I'll feel better once I can kind of pin down the timeframe of when the surgery will be scheduled and get some things in place here.
Thankfully, Jasper has been pretty stable through all of this and no emergencies. His eating has picked up some since being off the antibiotic, however he's still not eating the dry food on its own without a little bit of canned food mixed in. He did for one meal yesterday and I was very encouraged, and then now today he's not too interested. But all I'm mixing in is about 1 tablespoon so I guess I really don't mind doing that if that's what it takes. I'm just happy that he's eating and he does finish as long as I mix a little bit of the canned in. He still seems pretty low-energy and mopey to me, and pretty much sleeps all the time. I'd like for that to improve a little bit, so not sure what's going on there.
I checked in with the vet on Monday to give her an update and let her know how he was doing since being off the antibiotic, and she felt that he was showing good improvement. She wanted to give it a little bit longer for the appetite to pick up since stopping the meds, and to see if his energy improves. She said to see how he does over the next week, which is about over by now. She kind of acted like his low-energy wasn't that big of a deal. :mad: I asked her about a follow-up urine culture and she didn't really feel that it was necessary since a lot of times Jasper's cultures don't grow anything anyway because the urine is so dilute. She said as long as he continues to do okay and doesn't seem to be back sliding, that she was on the fence about repeating the urine culture. She said if I really wanted to we could get one. I told her that we could hold off for now and I would just see how he did over the next week or so. So far so good I guess, I haven't seen any additional urinating issues.
I picked up his Percorten and syringes, so I'm all ready to give his Percorten injection next week. That is if I have two functioning hands! Holy cow that medication is expensive, but I just have to remember that it will last for several months. It's just a big chunk to buy that vial all at once.
So that's what's going on in our neck of the woods. Kind of feel a bit down right now about my issues but I always try to look at the bright side of things, and I just keep telling myself thank God it isn't my right wrist that this happened to and needs the surgery. I'd be up a creek if that was the case.
Tina and Jasper xo
molly muffin
06-15-2014, 01:06 AM
You need a plan in place. You know, we always feel better with a plan. I think these dogs have got us trained pretty well. Live us blowing in the wind not knowing which way is which and we just won't settle down until there is a plan in place. So, that is what you need for your wrist. :)
insurance approval - check
mri scheduled - check
surgery scheduled - check
work notified - check
location of friend to stay with you a couple days or family to come from out of town to stay for a couple days - check
You'll be okay, once that is in place, just check them off as they come in and you'll see how close you are to getting that plan in place and accomplished!!
Hang in there.
Glad Jasper seems to be doing okay. I know it's tricky with his appetite, but hopefully that will improve along with energy levels.
Sharlene and molly muffin
Sharlene, you are so right! I know that a plan is what is needed, and I will feel so much better. Unfortunately I just have to wait a little bit to get the ball rolling, then hopefully everything else will fall into place.
I have already let my manager know what is going on for work purposes, and I'm feeling quite stressed about that. Of course there are other people that already have vacations scheduled, so it's a little tense. But I can't help it, there isn't anything I can do about it. I will do the best I can as far as scheduling, but I'm pretty much at the mercy of the surgeon. I work for a nonprofit agency, so of course our staffing is about as bare-bones as it can get. And also I need to see when someone from my family might be able to come to help out a little bit, so I have to take that into account.
This darned voice recognition thing keeps trying to spell your name with a C rather than an S, and I'm getting quite annoyed with that! LOL. :D
06-15-2014, 02:23 AM
I'm back!!! Awwww think you gone now :( But it is late there, Sat night though so you can at least sleep in!!
OMG Tina, that wrist!! What is he going to do, remove the calcium deposit? Ouchies!! Do you need a GA or they do a block? Wow an MRI, obviously plain xray not clear enough. Hope the insurance people come through asap. Hope you Mum can come stay and look after you and Jasper and Shelby. Or someone else in the family, I would love to come... I will bring Flynny!
Don't worry about work, many a time you have gone in Tina when you should have stayed home. No one can doubt your conscientiousness! Sometimes you just got to take care of yourself and you make sure you take the maximum amount of time off so you can heal properly and not go back too soon. How does your sick leave work over there?
Yes, a plan like Sharlene said sounds the deal.
So pleased Jasper is holding his own this week, good boy Jazzy!! :D
I'm still here Trish! My weather radio is going off about every 10 minutes, there is a huge line of severe thunderstorms moving in from the west. So I wanted to get everybody outside for the last time tonight before things started revving up. I'm hoping Jasper will be good for the night now, but who knows. He has been drinking a bit more yesterday and today, so I need to keep an eye on that. So far nothing but thunder and a lots of lightning off to the west. But there is supposed to be 60 mph winds moving in, gosh I hope that misses us.
06-15-2014, 02:39 AM
Gawd, I hope it does too. We had a bit of a storm during the week, I had to right my roses today! Other places had a bit more damage with trees over everywhere. I was a bit worried about my early morning drive for the meeting, but it was fine apart form a few slips on the road on the mountains. Might be in your laundry again?
I know! I really wasn't thinking it would need surgery, I guess I always hope for the best.
The x-ray shows a pretty good size calcium deposit. I think he wants to get the MRI to pinpoint exactly where it is in relation to the bones of my wrist and the tendons that go through there. I'm not a hundred percent sure on that. But that was kind of what it sounded like. Yes, the plan is to remove the calcium deposit. He said it would not be GA so I'm guessing some sort of block. However, I have to fast and prepare as if I was having GA just in case it is needed, I guess. I know, I'm kind of worried about approval from the insurance company for the MRI. I had a couple of friends at work with various issues, of course quite different from mine, but their MRIs were denied. :(
OMG, I would love it if you and Flynny could come! Although my little Shelby girl isn't the most friendly sometimes. I'm sure he would set her straight LOL! :D Boy, when something like this happens, it really makes you think about a lot of things. 99% of the time I am just find all by myself but with this type of thing it is quite inconvenient! Of course my main concern is the dogs and if Jasper would get sick or something and I would need additional help with that.
I'm trying to not worry about work, I know, you're right. I work a lot of extra hours and I'm very reliable and dependable. I hardly ever miss work for anything. But it doesn't seem like that matters when a situation like this comes up for some reason. The first thing that was asked, of course, is how long I was going to need to be out. Doesn't make you feel very good about things. I have plenty of sick time accumulated, and this would be considered scheduled sick leave.
Gosh, that sounds like that was quite the storm for you with trees down everywhere! Do you guys have storms like that often?
Hopefully no laundry room for us tonight, they're not saying that the storms are tornado producing, however they do have some pretty high straight-line winds which can be quite damaging. The weather guys have interrupted the TV programming of course to run nonstop weather updates now since we are actually under a warning now. They're saying it could be up to 70 mile-per-hour winds as the line moves in. The tornado warning sirens will go off if they are that high, and that sets the pups off. Looks like it is very fast-moving this time, which is a good thing.
The radar is showing that it's quickly bearing down on us, so I'm just sitting here waiting for the blast! :rolleyes: :eek:
06-15-2014, 03:04 AM
Are your bosses generally good? They probably just trying to think in advance what will be needed to cover you.
Why do you get a calcium deposit like that? Is that unusual? I don't think I have heard of that happening, but then I am no orthopaedic expert lol... going to see one on Tuesday though for Dad's checkup, I might just ask him about calcium deposits in wrists coming out of the blue like this! :D
Yep, Flynn would handle Shelby. When he was with the little Scottie dog last weekend, she was not real friendly either. He just ignored her :eek: she came around and they had a bit of a romp together :)
Yes, my manager is generally very good, I like her very much. I'm probably just being a little sensitive about everything. However she does have two weeks of vacation scheduled in July, right during the time when I'm probably looking at having this done. So I'm sure that probably influenced her reaction a bit. :o
I asked the doctor about the cause of the calcium deposit, and he said it's just something that happens in your body. Of course my first thought was the calcium supplements that I take on the advice of my regular doctor caused it somehow. He said absolutely not, it wasn't anything that I did or didn't do with my diet or otherwise, that it's just something that happens. He didn't act like it was all that unusual, but I have never heard of it either Trish. I feel like it did happen out of the blue, I have never had problems with either one of my wrists, much less something as severe and painful as this!
Oh, let me know what your dad's doctor says if you get a chance to ask, that would be very interesting.
I keep getting hot flashes off and on, LOL. I'm pretty sure it's the prednisone!
06-15-2014, 03:25 AM
Or menopause :eek: most likely Pred, are you hungry? If so you can come have dinner with me, pork, roast spuds, salad! Not very inspiring :) Can you feel the calcium in there?
Where is the weather radar your looking at so I can come on storm patrol with you!
We do not get many storms, not like that one. I rained solid for 3 days, not just drizzly either. Won't have to water the garden for a while!
LMAO!! Yes, I thought that it could be menopause, but it seems kind of fishy that the hot flashes have been bothering me for about the last week and a half since I started the prednisone! :D :rolleyes::p
I haven't been too hungry thankfully, I know that's a big side effect. Your dinner sounds yummy, wish I could come. I just had a bowl of strawberry ice cream. not something I typically do at 2 AM, LOL. :D
I can't really feel a lump where the calcium deposit is, but that's the part of my wrist where it first got painful and that's the area that still has pain.
The weather app that I have is called my radar, that's what I'm using. but I think you could probably go online and look at either AccuWeather or the Weather Channel maybe? It is blowing through right now, and it seems like it has weakened quite a bit, yay! That is great, because typically when things blow through late night like this they usually are quite severe.
06-15-2014, 04:00 AM
I am looking at accuweather and there is quite a wide band of storms!! :eek::eek:
Yes, it is unfortunately. Looks like it might be a long night. :eek: Although it seems like it has weakened, at least the part that's rolling through now. hopefully what's still coming won't be severe. Both dogs are snoring on the couch. Can't complain about that! :D
06-15-2014, 04:19 AM
Looks like it is going to get bad in half an hour or so, let me know if the wind starts picking up!! Looks like it is only going to be bad for an hour or so... then the green lines are back!!
It is picking up a little bit right now again. I don't like the red area that is still to the west, I wish that was already past. My brother lives in Wichita Kansas, it looks like they're getting hammered right now.
Gosh, I better hit the hay pretty soon and try to get some sleep. I need to get a bunch of stuff done tomorrow. It takes me twice as long to do any cleaning or chores babying this dang wrist. :rolleyes:
06-15-2014, 04:43 AM
Yay, looks like it has changed, back to yellow with a tiny bit of orange then green coming.... red is all gone on my one. That is if I am looking at the right thing!
06-15-2014, 04:45 AM
I will watch for you Tina, I am planning a reasonably early night too... hope it does not wake you up and those two sweeties sleep right through! :)
Yes, that's it!! Look at you, watching my weather! :D That's too funny, because lots of times I'll look at the radar map for New Zealand to see what's happening down there for you guys too. I love the Internet!
Yay, it seems like it's just continuing to weaken which is awesome. It's windy and raining but I can handle that.
06-15-2014, 04:54 AM
Yes, well the rain is only there for the next 52 minutes... LOL how can they tell that!?????! Like down to the last minute :eek: Please set your watch Tina LOL I want to check that out :D
Aww, thanks Trish. :)
Off to bed for me. Have a good rest of your night, and a good Monday, and I'll see you later. Great chatting, and I hope we can catch up again soon. Smooches for Flynn, and hugs for you from me Jasper and Shelby. xo
06-22-2014, 03:54 AM
Hi Tina
Just checking in to see how you, Jasper and Shelby are doing. How is his appetite doing now? Hope the week has been kind to you and your wrist is doing better. Sorry did not get a chance to ask Dad's ortho surgeon about it, was bit of a rushed appointment! Did you get the MRI approved? Hope so, then you can get the surgery booked and back to feeling like you can type!! Talk soon xx
Hi Trish,
We are all hanging in here, thanks for checking in on us! Jasper has been eating better over last week, he is back on his regular dry food, and I have phased out the tiny bit of canned food for now. Yay! We'll see how long that lasts. It seems to be normalizing finally. What I am watching now is his drinking. That seems to have increased significantly again. I measure his water every day and since the 11th he's been drinking about a cup to cup and a half more per day. He's back up to drinking about 6 cups a day now. :eek: No rhyme or reason that I can see for that. He has done this before briefly from time to time, and then it has gone back down again, so I am just monitoring. His drinking amount has never really gotten back down to normal for a dog his size, but it had stabilized on an amount that stayed pretty steady. So I'm a little bit concerned about this increase, especially since it has continued every single day since the 11th. His kidney function is always in the back of my mind. Always something to worry about I guess. His energy still seems pretty low and he sleeps quite a bit, but overall I guess he seems like he's feeling okay, which I am very thankful for.
My MRI was approved, which was a big relief, and I had it done on Thursday. Boy was that an unpleasant experience. I had no idea the position that my arm would have to be in. They had me laying flat on my stomach with my arm straight up over my head up against my ear and then my wrist and hand in a bracket to hold it straight. And then I had to hold completely still for 30 minutes, you know how long they take. Well, my arm went completely numb holding it in that position for that long, and I was worried I wouldn't even be able to complete the test. Thankfully I was able to hold everything still and get it done but it was extremely difficult. Now my shoulder and my neck on that side are pretty painful and are bothering me, hopefully that will resolve pretty quickly. I took my last dose of prednisone last night, so we will see what happens. I am quite concerned that my wrist will flare right back up once I'm off the prednisone, but I'm hoping for the best. The doctor should call with the MRI results early this week. I am feeling quite old and like I'm falling apart!
Yes, I completely understand about rushed orthopedic appointments. I feel like I am very rushed, even on phone calls from my doctors office. :rolleyes:
06-22-2014, 06:39 AM
Maybe he is drinking more because he is eating more biscuits?? One good thing, it will be washing out his bladder and any lurking bugs?? Silver lining and all that :) Hope it is nothing serious, always a good sign with Jasper when he is eating well though!!
Oh you poor thing... that sounds an incredibly uncomfortable position, they must think you are an acrobat Tina! Wonder why they could not stretch it out in front of you?? Who knows, what goes on in those machines is a mystery to me! :) But your poor back/shoulder.. maybe NSAIDs?? Or stretches!! :D Hope the prednisone withdrawl goes OK, it will be better to be off it for the surgery, so healing is maximised! Have you lined up family to come stay when you go in?
Well I don't think his increased drinking is related to the food. The amount of dry food that he is eating has been about the same amount, it's just that I don't have to mix canned food in with it now to get him to eat it. So that really hasn't changed. I know, I thought about that right away too, but there's not really a difference there. Yes, I agree, it is always a good sign when he's eating well! So I will just keep watching the water. I just remember my vet said that increased drinking is a sign to watch for as far as deteriorating kidney function. I am putting that completely out of my mind.
I know, I was thinking I would just be laying on my back with my arm stretched out in the machine! But that isn't how it works. The machine is like a tube and they don't have a way for you to just stick your arm in there apparently. Believe me, I asked. My whole body had to be in there, and I have claustrophobia issues anyway. I just kept my eyes shut and just kept telling myself that I was going to be okay. But once my arm started feeling so bad and going numb, and my neck became so stiff, the claustrophobia issues became secondary!
I am taking Tylenol, no NSAIDs while on prednisone, and actually they told me they don't want me taking anymore between now and the surgery. Yes the plan is to stay off the prednisone for the surgery of course. I'm working on getting things set up with my family. As it turns out my brother will be in town for a high school reunion the middle of July so I am looking at that week. He said he would be willing to help me for a couple of days. Hopefully that will work out and I won't need any more than that. :rolleyes: ;)
06-22-2014, 07:11 AM
I hope they gave you headphones with some nice music to listen to, but I guess in that much discomfort that would not have helped. Not allowed the NSAIDs even now you are off the Pred?? Maybe some Tramadol then?? You can share Flynny's supplies!
Yes, I watch Flynny's water consumption with the kidney issues too. We are repeating UPC tomorrow so hope it is still good. He barely drinks 1 1/2 cups a day.
Hey Tina, I was stopping by to say hi and had a thought too about the increased water drinking for Jasper- the wet food is mostly water, if he no longer has it could he be wanting more water to make up for it or was the amount of wet food verses increased drinking a huge difference?
Sorry to hear about continued issues with your wrist. I hate those dang MRI tests but they do give good diagnostics.:)
We have had the same extreme weather, our yard is so soggy I cant get any work done and the forecast continues to say rain. It feels like we are going to "rain" our way through summer.:(
take care
06-30-2014, 04:54 AM
Hey Tina, hope Jasper and you have had a good weekend and ready for another working week :D... any surgery date yet?? xx
06-30-2014, 04:15 PM
Happy birthday Tina I hope you had a good day :)
I can sympathise with the MRI I have to have one every 3 years and I still hate them but we get music played into it to keep you calm ... Doesn't work lol.
07-01-2014, 08:26 AM
I can relate to the MRI so often I have to take Tipper in every three months for an Ultra Sound and it really gets my nerves going sitting there and waiting. I can imagine having to do the MRI so often is really hard on all of you. Blessings
molly muffin
07-01-2014, 08:53 PM
How are things going with you Tina and Jasper and Shelby? Heard there was some nasty storms recently over your way. Hope that is all passed and you guys are good.
Sharlene and molly muffin
07-03-2014, 05:09 AM
Hi Tina! I missed your birthday!! Hope it was a good one and Jasper and Shelby gave you big doggie kisses :D Plus you get to share it with one of my favourite pups Woody!! Don't think that wild boy would share his cake though :D:D Hope all going well with you xxxxxxx
molly muffin
07-03-2014, 06:09 PM
What is this!!! I missed your birthday too!!! I think not! You'll have to go out and celebrate all over again!!! :) :)
Happy Birthday Tina!!!!!!
Sharlene and molly muffin
Hi All,
Thanks for the birthday wishes girls! I usually keep my birthday on the down low, I just mentioned it this year because I learned that I share it with the gorgeous Woody dog! :) ;)
We are doing ok here. I decided to stay home today rather than going to a friends house for a get together all day and then fireworks. The fireworks in my neighborhood have been relentless for the past week. :mad: They've been going off every night, and most of the day today so far. Jasper is handling it ok I think. He is a bit anxious at times, but so far no full on panic. He does a lot better when I'm home with him, so I just decided to stay here. Shelby doesn't seem to be scared, she gets startled with the really loud ones, but doesn't seem to be afraid. Yay for that!
I had a tough past week at work with it being end of month time, so I am very grateful for the holiday today! The MRI on my wrist confirmed that I need surgery. :( It is scheduled for 7/16. My brother will be in town for a high school reunion that week and is coming a couple days early, so he can help me out for a few days if needed. Hopefully that will be all I need.
I'm afraid to even mention it, but Jasper seems to be feeling pretty good for the most part. He's eating good again finally. *whisper* He is still drinking a little bit more than usual, but that has decreased some again. Addy, thanks for your input about the drinking. I really don't think it had anything to do with the little bit of canned food he was getting. I was really only adding a tablespoon with each meal, so I wouldn't think that would make a big difference. He still seems to be peeing quite a lot during the day while I'm at work, and of course not always on the pooch pads. So I am still having to do a lot of cleanup. :(
I am in for the night, bracing for the nighttime fireworks attack. It's pretty active right now, but I'm sure it will be worse later. I haven't given Jasper the Xanax yet, I'm using the wait-and-see approach since he hasn't seemed too rattled all day so far. I am really extra careful about giving it now, since he has the kidney issues. He is laying on the couch right now, so that's a good thing.
Better go and get their dinner, and think I'll grill a hotdog for myself! :) :D Will probably be back a little later.
Happy Fourth everyone!
Tina and Jasper xo
molly muffin
07-04-2014, 09:06 PM
Happy Fourth Tina!!!
We stayed in with Molly on Canada Day too, as that is our fireworks day and now we have some who set of some of the really big ones close by. Big booms! Makes me jump!
I'm glad you're brother will be able to be with you for a few days at least with your surgery. You won't have to worry as much about Jasper and Shelby being taken care of too.
I hope this is the turn around to a good long spell for Jasper on the upswing side of things. He certainly has been having a rough go for awhile this time around.
Hope the fireworks aren't too bad tonight.
Sharlene and molly muffin
07-05-2014, 04:45 AM
Happy to read your post, it is full of good news! Hopefully your work is all sorted for you to have a decent amount of time off to heal without the stress of thinking about work. Only a couple of weeks to wait, hope it is not too painful right now.
Jasper sounds fab Tina!! Love how he has picked up now he is off the antibiotics and is eating better! xxx
Thinking of you and Jasper. I am sure surgery will be a breeze:):)
We used to have a neighbor setting off firecrackers every 4th. One landed on our roof!!!!! Hubby was so mad. Then the neighbors finally moved:D:D:D:D:D:D
Enjoy your long weekend!!! I am so happy Jasper is eating better!!!:D
07-12-2014, 01:38 AM
Good grief you slid down to page 3!!!! That is a sign it is time for an update Tina!! Hopefully see you over the weekend sometime. Hoping still good news for Jasper and Shelby good too! xx
07-18-2014, 05:59 AM
TINA!!! How did the surgery go??? Hope it was no problem and you are back home and your brother was able to stay and look after things for you all. Bet you won't be able to type so hope your voice thingamy is able to work to let us know you are OK :) Least you have some time off work and can spend it with our beautiful boy Jasper. Be nice to hear all going well when you feel up to it!! Pats for Jasper and Shelby too! xxxx
07-18-2014, 06:31 AM
Yikes, thanks for paying attention to the surgery date, Trish! Absolutely, Tina, here's hoping that all went well!!!!!!!
Sending many healing hugs,
molly muffin
07-18-2014, 12:41 PM
Oh goodness! I missed it too. Good catch Trish!!
Hope all is going well Tina and that you are on the recovery fast track lane!
Sharlene and molly muffin
07-18-2014, 08:33 PM
Hi Tina
Something to read when you are up and about again!! It is from Dr Mark Peterson's endocrine blog about the top abstracts for 2014. This study is on incidence of Addisons caused by Trilostane.
Schrage A, Appleman E, Langston C. Iatrogenic Hypoadrenocorticism Following Trilostane Therapy for Pituitary-Dependent Hyperadrenocorticism in Dogs. J Vet Intern Med 2014;28:1035.
Dr Peterson has put his comments on this study and also his recommendations for treatment of PDH and how to avoid this happening. I thought a very good summary and pretty much what we are saying on the forum when guiding new people. Admins/mods may like to add it to the helpful resources section with this 2014 current research??
Hope your weekend goes well Tina and talk soon. xx
molly muffin
07-18-2014, 08:51 PM
Thank you Trish for posting that as it is rally timely that I have a couple pups in overdose status currently and ongoing on the Facebook page. I just copied it to them. Definitely is informative although Jasper's case involved lysodren it is certainly a relevant and informative article for our members.
Sharlene and Molly muffin
07-18-2014, 09:29 PM
Oh yep, wee Jasper was lysodren. I thought it was interesting how Dr Peterson was saying he thought the dogs in the study were having highish doses of trilostane and that is why they had so many drop too low despite them dosing within the dechra guidelines. Just goes to show, low is the way to go!!!
Budsters Mom
07-18-2014, 11:09 PM
Big hugs and healing energy headed your way. I hope both you and Jasper are doing well. Xxxxx
Hope you are ok, Tina and that Jasper and Shelby are giving you lots of loving.
Thinking of you.
07-22-2014, 06:02 AM
Hope all going well Tina, getting bit worried about you but you're probably not up to typing with that sore wrist, hopefully you are reading so sending you a big hug and a super duper box of chocolates to munch on AND big cuddles for Jasper and Shelby! xx
Thanks so much everyone for checking in on me. I apologize for not posting some sort of update sooner, I sure didn't want to worry anybody. :o I've had some issues separate from the wrist and haven't been feeling the best. I've been kind of wiped out and just resting the wrist.
I'm pleased to say that the surgery went very well. The first two or three days afterwards were a little rough, but doing pretty good now. I got the stitches out this morning, and the doctor thought the incision looked good and was healing well. It just has Steri-Strips on it now. I have some exercises to do to improve the mobility and strength. There is still a good amount of pain, as expected, and limited range of motion right now, but the exercises should improve that. The Dr said that it will be about 4 to 6 weeks before I regain full mobility and strength, and for the pain to fully go away.
My little man has just been a champ through the whole thing. So relieved he didn't have any issues going on. He loves snoozing while I rest. My snuggly little baby. Shelby has been a good girl also for the most part. She had a few episodes where she was a handful, she can be very naughty out in the yard. Thankfully my brother was here to help for a couple of days after the surgery. Yes, they have both loved me being home with them for a few days!
Gosh you guys, I had no idea I would be this tired during my time off. I had all of these lofty goals to get a few things done around here and sure didn't get much done. And now it's back to work tomorrow already. :( Apparently I was a lot more rundown than I thought, and I still feel somewhat tired. Just getting old I guess!
I appreciate you all so much, and all of your kind words. Hopefully I am on the mend now and will be getting my energy back soon!
Tina and Jasper xo
molly muffin
07-23-2014, 10:03 PM
Tina!!! So glad to hear from you and that the surgery went well.
What!! Already back to work! Where does the time go? You are on limited activity until you get full mobility back though right????
That's great that Jasper didn't have anything going on while you were laid up. Well, Shelby is shelby and she is just a baby. Love that naughtiness side of her, she has character. We love that around here. :)
Shhhhhh, I did not hear you say you had plan to do work around the place while you were off!! Didn't you get the memo, surgery is the absolute Best reason to not do a darn thing but snuggle with the gang and rest up. Rest equals healing remember, so the more you do the better off you'll be. Plus you don't want to over do anything with that wrist. Make sure it is fully healed. House stuff will still be there sometime in the distant future. !!
hugs, so great to hear form you!
Sharlene and molly muffin
07-23-2014, 10:21 PM
Call in the favors Tina! Don't mess with your wrist please. Snuggles are the BEST medicine
Whewww, Tina, good to hear from you. My, we can all be nervous nelly hens:o:o:o:o:D:D:D:D:D:D:D The bond is a tight one!!!!;)
I am glad things have gone well and you are healing. I am really happy that the projects are still on your to do list. You needed to allow your body to rest and get lots of loving from Jasper and Shelby.
Good to hear Jasper is behaving and not worrying mama during recovery. What a good boy. Good girl Shelby too!!!
If work is a bit much, can you miss a day or two?
Budsters Mom
07-24-2014, 10:37 PM
I second that Addy. I'm very relived to hear from you too. What good babies you have and your brother is okay too.:D
Whewww, Tina, good to hear from you. My, we can all be nervous nelly hens:o:o:o:o:D:D:D:D:D:D:D The bond is a tight one.
07-26-2014, 02:19 AM
Hey Tina, hope work was not too stressful going back after time off! Would have been nice to have longer off, but work waits for no one eh! Those two pups sound like they were real well behaved while you were recovering :) Fantastic news all round, now you have a weekend for least couple more days to take it easy! Hopefully see you over the weekend sometime! x
08-01-2014, 06:56 PM
Hi Tina
Doing my weekend checkin and hoping for an update on you and Jasper! Hope the week was kind to you and your both feeling fit! Just checking my weather app and 28 deg, phew hot and a little cloudy.. weeked officially there for you so hopefully you can get out to enjoy it! xx
Thanks so much for the kind words everyone, I sure appreciate it. We are hanging in there. My wrist continues to do okay and seems to be healing pretty well. I still have a pretty significant amount of pain at times, but I'm able to manage it, and am back into the swing of things at work. :( :rolleyes: I had to be very careful this past week and try to pace myself, with it being end of month time and being crazy busy. I did work quite a lot of overtime since I have to go at a slower pace, and it takes me a bit longer to get things done. I'm very happy that the weekend is here!
As a lot of you know, Jasper is overdue for his rabies vaccination this year. It was due in April, and he wasn't feeling well at the time so he wasn't able to receive it, and then we had the whole issue with the ongoing UTI and other things happening throughout the summer. It is a state law here in Nebraska that the rabies vaccination be current, so right now we are breaking the law. (The Judas Priest song is coming to mind here, LOL ). Thankfully our yearly licenses are due in March, so I renewed that just prior to his vaccination expiring, or I wouldn't be able to have him licensed right now. I have done a lot of reading, and have been fretting over him getting this vaccination, but my vet is firm that he needs it and she will not authorize any type of exemption.
So since he has been feeling pretty well for the past several weeks to a month, I called and talk to the vet earlier this week about getting his vaccination. He has a few minor things going on right now that I want her to check out, I'll post more about that later. But anyway, we have our appointment in the morning, I guess now it's in just a few hours, at 9 AM. He will be getting his rabies vaccination at that time, and I have to admit that I'm scared. I have voiced my fears to our vet repeatedly, and as I said, she is firm that he needs this vaccination. A big concern is that he gets groomed every six weeks, and if he would bite the groomer and not be vaccinated, we would be up a creek. Jasper has never been snippy or shown any inclination to bite, but as with any dog, it can always happen. The law here is that if a dog bites somebody and their vaccinations are not up-to-date, they are quarantined at our local Humane Society for 30 days. :eek: If their vaccinations are current they can be quarantined at home. There have been a couple of cases of dog bites on the local news lately which has brought this to the forefront of my mind.
Well, with all of his issues, I don't think my sweet boy could survive a 30 day quarantine somewhere. So I have had that fear in the back of my mind ever since April. When I really start thinking about it, it is terrifying. So I'm going to bite the bullet and he's getting his vaccination. I am just praying that he doesn't have any reaction to it, or any ongoing adverse effects. (Concerned about his kidneys here, not to mention the Addison's).
I'm also bringing in a urine sample for a follow-up UPC. So I'm worried about that also. Please keep him in your thoughts. I'll be back on the forum later today. I've been reading to try to get caught up on everyone and have quite a lot of posting to do. Thanks so much everyone. I wish I didn't feel so scared in my gut about this. :(
Tina and Jasper xo
Tina, we were able to get a rabies waiver which Zoe' vet signed and here in Wisconsin the municipalities accept the waivers when you license a dog or cat. It did make me worry though, since Zoe was prone to biting strangers. I always muzzled her.
I hope everything goes well with the shot and the UPC is good.
My friend does the waiver with her cat after I mentioned to her I have a waiver for Zoe. You can find he forms on line.
08-02-2014, 07:26 AM
Tina, does Nebraska authorize 3-year rabies vaccinations? If so, that would definitely be preferable over a single-year vaccine. From what I understand, it is basically the same dose, it is just that they are labelled differently (and, of course, the 3-year costs more!).
Fortunately, I am able to get my girls 3-year vaccinations here in Georgia. I do worry about vaccinations with Peg, too, given all her problems. So I am now titer-testing for the core vaccines other than rabies since she has been fully vaccinated in the past. I do vaccinate for leptospirosis, though, because there is no way to titer for that, the disease is common here in the southeast, and my dogs' lifestyle places them at risk. And I do vaccinate for rabies due to risk factors, too. Rabies is sadly quite common among certain wildlife here, my dogs are out in the yard which is near an undeveloped wooded area, and every year there are accounts of dogs nearby me being bitten in their own yards by rabid foxes, raccoons, or bats (another incident just a month ago).
So I know my reason for vaccinating is different from yours, but just wanted you to know that I understand your dilemma as to weighing the risks. I have never done this myself because none of my dogs have ever had an acute allergic reaction to any vaccine, but I think vets sometimes administer an antihistamine at the same time as the injection in order to minimize that immediate risk? Maybe somebody here has had that done and can speak to that.
I'm so glad you've checked back in with us, and I'll surely hope that all goes well with you guys!
molly muffin
08-02-2014, 09:29 AM
We do the 3 year rabies vaccine too. I think Molly is due this year. We have raccoons and other wild animals just enough that I worry if I don't vaccinate her. But only as much as necessary. Kennel cough is one I get too as she has had it before and that was awful.
Hopefully jasper will be just fine. Molly has never had a reaction to any of her shots. Knock on wood.
Glad to hear that wrist is healing up very well. 6 weeks. Take it easy Wonder Woman. Lol.
Good to hear from you
Sharlene and Molly muffin
Budsters Mom
08-02-2014, 10:53 AM
Hi Tina,
I so hate the vaccination thing. I begged for an exemption for Buddy when he was dying from 3 vets. I could not get one. Long story. Buddy did not get his shot.
I always pretreat with Benadryl before any vaccinations or flea treatment. Buddy went down after receiving a combination shot yearly booster. He almost died. He never received any more vaccinations other than rabies. I chose to safeguard him instead. That means no dog parks, leash only and exposure to vaccinated dogs only. Friends dogs that I know are vaccinated and healthy. I am now treating Rosie the same way because she has allergies too. As it is, she scratched like crazy for over two weeks following her Rabies shot. :eek: She'll need another one after I year, then every 3 years.:eek: Rabies vaccinations have caused me nothing but grief!:o
08-02-2014, 05:03 PM
Awww poor Jasper getting a jab. I guess the thing is we have to remember that most dogs DON'T have a reaction and it is unlikely he will if he has been fine up to now. So I hope Jasper is just fine, you do not want to have that worry about quarantine not that I can imagine Jasper biting anyone, the sweet boy! It would not work for me as I take Flynn every where I go and we like to go out a lot. But then, we do not have rabies here in NZ so do not have to vaccinate for it.
Glad the wrist is coming along Tina, seems you went back to work so quickly and it would have been nice to have longer off. We get 4 weeks annual leave here, plus all the public holidays. Plus I have 3 weeks of long service leave up my sleeve that I have not used yet. Sick leave as needed, well within reason, but I did not even have to give a sick note from the GP when I had 6 days off sick last month. So we have it pretty good at work!! Look forward to hearing from you later and having a catchup! :):Dxxxxxx
Hi girls,
Thank you for all the comments. Yes, the rabies vaccination that Jasper gets is a three-year vaccine. He was due this year. Addy, my vet would not agree to a waiver or medical exemption for him, she felt he needed the injection. And yes Marianne, we always pre-medicate him with injectable Benadryl, we did that today also. (You're so smart! :) ) Today in addition she gave him a Cortisone injection also, to pre-medicate for the vaccine and to give him an additional boost for the Addison's. (So he actually got three jabs Trish :( ). So he has been drinking and peeing like a big dog all day and night. As if he didn't do enough of that before!
I live right near a farm, small wooded area and a creek, so I do have wildlife here as well to be concerned with. My yard is fenced, but that doesn't keep out the occasional possum, bat or other critter that can find its way in. It's not often, but it does happen. Anymore, Jasper is completely supervised when he is outside, even in the yard, and Shelby is as well due to her naughty behavior at the fence with neighbor dogs. But I guess wild critters are also a concern for me regarding having him vaccinated, in addition to the groomer issue.
He has never had a reaction the rabies vaccine before, however in the past has had an acute type of reaction to the leptospirosis injection, and that is what started us pre-medicating him for everything. He doesn't get that one anymore. Shelby also gets pre-medicated as she had a reaction to her first leptospirosis also. As far as the rabies vaccine, I was more concerned and I guess still am about longer term effects that could happen due to his kidney issues, and since his immune system is suppressed due to the Addison's.
I brought in the urine sample for the UPC. It was checked in the office and didn't show any any blood or sediment, so it will be sent out for the UPC. Should have results Monday or Tuesday she said. The specific gravity was 1.015. :( So I am hoping for the best for that.
He did just fine after the vaccine, we ended up being at the vets for over an hour, so had plenty of time to monitor as it turns out. And he has been fine all day and night so far other than seeming more tired than normal. I am keeping a very close eye on him, and am very relieved.
Now for the bad news, and I'm not going to say a lot about it now because I'm pretty upset. The vet gave him a check over of course, and said he now has a mitral valve heart murmur. :( :mad: :( She had never mentioned any type of murmur before, and confirmed to me that she had never detected one before. So it apparently has developed since his last thorough check over, which was in May. She said it is grade 3, on a scale of 1 to 5. One is the least severe and five the most severe. So his is at the middle level.
I'll post later about the chest x-ray results and her comments there, and what the plan is for all of this. I didn't really ask a lot of questions, because I just couldn't think. I felt like I had been kicked in the gut. I guess I was just blindsided. Here I was so happy that he had what I thought was a good month, and that he was doing pretty well, haven't needed anything at the vet, etc. And now this.
So kind of had a rough afternoon and evening, but I'm trying to pull myself up by the bootstraps once again. I haven't done a lot of reading yet on heart murmurs in dogs, I just couldn't bring myself to do it. I'm so worried and scared about this additional issue on top of everything else that my little boy has going on. Every time I look at him I just get choked up and the tears well up. I am trying so hard not to cry in front of him.
So if anyone here has experience with heart murmurs and wants to comment, I would welcome it and be very appreciative.
We are up now for our second pit stop of the night, he is peeing tons more than the usual tons due to the Cortisone injection. So I think we're going to head back to bed for a little bit. I am not sleeping well as you can guess. Well, I guess now I am thinking that I'm glad I took him in for the rabies vaccination, or who knows how long it would be until this was detected. Who would've thought. Sorry I wasn't on the forum earlier, I just couldn't bring myself to post until now.
Tina and Jasper
08-03-2014, 09:06 AM
Woody had a grade 4 heart murmour so have plenty experience on that. I knew woody had a heart murmour grade 2 when I resecued him and I will admit to "wrapping him In cotton wool" for the first few months and not letting him run to much etc but then i spoke to a specialist who told me that he could have a happy long life I began to relax. Woody took meds for this everyday and in the 3 and a half yrs he was with me it did go up to a grade 4 but it caused him no problems.
Things to watch for are coughing sign of fluid around the heart, swollen abdomine as in rounded another sign of fluid, lethargy is another symptom but to be honest I don't think you will need to worry (hard I know) as dogs an live up to 2 years with complete heart failure and your sweet boy is no where near that :)
Things I did when Woodys heart got to grade 4 I didn't walk him in hot weather or severe wind, tried and failedto keep him calm lol as stress puts pressure on the heart and I just loved him, had the demon cancer not got him he would still be running around like mad man . It is a bit of a shock that it's a grade 3 I would have thought it may have been detected in his May exam, did they say if it was on the right side or left, Woodys was on left side, I don't know if the heart meds if you choose to go down that route would interfer with any other meds he is taken the vet would tell you that.
So big deep breaths although it's scary being told that it is treatable. If it is possible and puts you mind at rest I would suggest and ECG for him and that will tell you all you need to know, as this will give a true reading of what grade it is. I had two done on Woody one when he first came and one the week he died, he wasn't sedated and just had to stand for the test :). Sorry I've written an essay x
molly muffin
08-03-2014, 10:28 AM
Oh Tina! I know this is a blow! I am so glad that Tracy responded though as she has been through this with her Woody. It is treatable and the main thing is to make sure that the treatment is one that is consistent with his other medications.
I like the idea of having an EKG done, that is definitely the next step and then of course, working out a plan of action for it.
Hang in there Tina! I'm sure the others will be along soon to give their input. I don't personally know anything about it but I know others here have had it going on with them too.
Sharlene and molly muffin
08-03-2014, 06:16 PM
i owned a top agility dog with 2/3 heart murmour.
she was a very active dog and i let her do whatever she wanted to do.
she could not stand the heat very well, that was the only thing i noticed.
no meds, no real limitations, and she reached the age of 14 when she died.
[kidney failure, not her heart].
like woodydog said, a dog wants to be a dog, so hot days, stormy days, and stress will be a bit of a concern, but when he is feeling fine, just let him lead a happy doggy life.
there are good meds these days to help the heart.
but the strange thing is that nobody ever noticed it before with jasper.
from 0-3 murmour in just 2 months?
i think i want him checked over again for a second or even a third opinion to be sure this is what he really has.
hope our stories will give you some relief.
I cant tell you how many times we went back and forth with Zoe- she has a heart murmur, no she doesn't, back and forth for I cant remember how long. The IMS finally stopped talking about it. I had other vets listen to check if they heard anything and they did not so I never pursued it and when they did xrays before her vulva surgery and the surgeon checked her over, I asked again and was told no, she did not have a heart murmur.
So, maybe you should have it checked again.
Big hugs, Tina.
08-03-2014, 10:24 PM
Tina, I'm so glad to hear Jasper didn't have any problems with his vaccination and I hope things will be just fine with the heart murmur.
I just read about everyone's concerns about vaccinations.
Kathy, I so agree with you!
Just wondering, has anyone ever done titer testing for rabies?
Archie will need his first booster in Oct. but since he had that seizure the day after he had his first rabies vaccination and then with the other issues after that I am so concerned about him getting any more. His immune system is not right and it scares me that things will get worse if he gets any more.
I have read that holistic vets feel one vaccination will last many years.
08-04-2014, 07:39 AM
Hi Vicki, just wanted to let you know that I have posted a reply to your question about rabies titer testing on Archie's thread:
Thanks everyone for all your thoughts, comments and feedback on the heart murmur. Tracy and Iris thanks so much for all of the detailed information about your experiences, and the encouragement, I sure need it. Tracy his murmur is on the left side.
By the middle of last week I had settled down enough to call the vet with some additional questions, I had my list in hand. I too felt very concerned by the fact that it was a grade 3 when it was discovered, and felt worried that maybe something had been missed back in May. Well, I'll never know for sure if something was missed, but my vet did explain that not all dogs start with a very low-grade murmur with gradual progression in severity. She said that it can show up as a more sudden bigger leakage. So I guess that's what happened with Jasper. She said that it will continue to progress and get worse, but there is no way to know if it will be a fast or slow progression. So I just have to hope and pray for a slow progression.
His chest X-ray showed mild enlargement of his heart. We were hoping there wouldn't be any enlargement yet, but there is. Ironically, the treatment is an ace inhibitor, enalapril. He is already taking enalapril for his kidneys and PLN, so he wasn't started on anything else at this point. I voiced my concern that this all happened while he has been taking the medication that is used to treat it, and wondered if things would be worse if he hadn't been taking it. My vet said that the enalapril doesn't act preventatively, so that is not likely. But in my mind I wonder about that, how would it be this bad already when he was already getting the medication?
So the plan is to re-check a chest X-ray in 2 months to see if there is further heart enlargement. She said she is not expecting it to enlarge more by then. If it does, then another medication would be added, Vetmedin. The only problem there is that it can be hard on the kidneys, so that will be a concern. We will re-check labwork in 2 months too. I have done some research and plan to ask my vet about her thoughts on getting an echocardiogram for him before that time.
We got bad news on the UPC also, it has gone up a bit more again and is now 2.14. It was 1.81 in March. So it is slowly increasing.
His previous UPC's and dates:
10/22/12 1.27
01/14/13 3.57
05/06/13 1.49
08/31/13 0.6
12/23/13 1.63
03/20/14 1.81
08/02/14 2.14
So now we are over the 2.0 mark. She said it is a small increase and this is what she expects. Well, it isn't what I expect! There is no change in treatment at this time, we are continuing everything the same.
So that is where we are at. Tracy, I am with you, I feel like I want to wrap him in bubble wrap. And I don't want him running around at all. Not like he really feels up to that most of the time, but on a rare occasion he gets pretty rowdy with Shelby. He has been really subdued and low energy for a long time now, and maybe this has been part of the reason for it. But I will say since about Sunday, he has seemed to be feeling better and more energy, for whatever reason. I'm not complaining, I'll take it!
I admit I have been feeling quite discouraged and down in the dumps over all of this. I'm very disappointed with the UPC, and scared about his kidney status, and now of course the heart murmur issue. Lots of big things to worry about.
But I will end for now with my one good thing for today (actually two good things):
Jasper has seemed more perky and like he's feeling better for the last few days, for that I am so grateful. He is also eating pretty well now. *whisper*
My air conditioner broke last Thursday morning and thank God it was something that could be fixed by the end of the day on Friday. (Yes, I had to miss a few hours of work!). So we didn't end up without air-conditioning all weekend, or even longer. :eek: Even though it wasn't super hot like normal, I don't know what I would've done with Jasper, he wouldn't have been able to tolerate the heat for an extended period of time.
Thanks again for all the feedback, any additional comments are welcome!
Tina and Jasper xo
Budsters Mom
08-14-2014, 01:13 AM
We were talking about finding one good thing on other threads today. You found two!! Yay!!!! We'll take it!!!
I know you are worried Tina.:o You do an awesome job keeping up with it all. Jasper is forever grateful. For that, I am sure.
Big hugs,
Jasper has seemed more perky and like he's feeling better for the last few days, for that I am so grateful. He is also eating pretty well now. *whisper
08-14-2014, 02:52 AM
Oh Tina, you are such a sweetie for taking the time to write to me when you've got so much on your plate yourself. I'm afraid I don't have any great words of wisdom to offer (especially cuz right now I'm only half awake during a middle-of-the-night potty break with Luna :o). But you've absolutely got tons of healing thoughts flowing your way! Hang in there, sweet Jasper!
08-14-2014, 06:15 AM
Hi Tina
Sorry you have been having a bad time of late, so we now add heart murmur to the mix. I tell ya, these boys of ours love to copy each other eh!! Flynny had his diagnosed just before his last liver resection in November. His is low grade and no progression this year, so Jasper can jolly well do the same!! I guess I pushed the murmur thing aside when we were dealing with his other problems. I must look into it further, but then like Jasper he is on the treatment already too and had been on it for some time when the IMS first heard the murmur in November.
The UPC is only slightly up, but like you I do not like it going over 2. I just checked Flynn's results over the last couple of years, it has gone over 2 and then come back down 4 times now. So I hope Jasper's does the same. But I do know and understand the worry when that happens, this is why I am pretty careful about not even getting it tested when he is off colour for any reason as that is a sure fire way of getting a higher result. I seem to remember that Jasper had been unwell a bit prior to that latest test so I have lots of hope that now he is feeling perkier that it will show some improvement on the next testing Tina!!
Will be looking out for you for a catchup this weekend, I have a few things on including popping into work for a bit to get everything sorted before my leave starts next Thursday!
My happy thing for today is seeing you pop in for an update :D, always love to see you posting so hope the last couple of days of the week speed by and go well for you guys! xxx
Oh Tina, I am so sorry you have all this worry. I hope your wrist is holding up now that you returned to work.
When Zoe had so many things going on, her GP advised to pick my battles that I could not win them all. Well, in this case maybe we cannot win the battles but we can control them for Jasper.
I totally agree with Trish that if Jasper is off his UPC can be higher. Let's not worry too much about that yet.
I know it is hard, but just enjoy your boy now and wipe it all from your mind for a bit each day. I know, easier said than done. :o
So glad the air is back on, not that you would need it if you lived here, we have had such a cool summer, yesterday the high was 68:rolleyes:
08-14-2014, 12:28 PM
I'm glad that you have been able to speak with the vet re Jaspers murmour, I hope it has made your mind stop racing well a little bit anyway. It is hard to take in it took me a while before I adjusted to it and realised that he would be fine.
I'm no use on the UPC I'm afraid but sending positives thoughts to you all :D
molly muffin
08-17-2014, 08:04 PM
Well phooey on the heart mummer coming on like that. I know it is a worry.
Hopefully his UPC will come back down from over 2. like Flynn's did. It is just so darn hard trying to manage each little thing and not have one upset the other.
Thinking of you and Jasper and Shelby!
Sharlene and molly muffin
08-18-2014, 12:47 AM
Hi Tina,
Couldn't wait to catch up on your posts. I've been absent from the board for awhile but certainly have had Jasper in my thoughts and I've been wondering how he has been.
Sorry to read the news about the heart murmur and I'm going to take the positive side and hope it stays stable and that Jasper will have no effects from it.
Glad your a/c got fixed quickly! I'm so addicted to having cool air..especially at night but also Trixie just can't take the heat so a/c is a must.
The best news was to read that Jasper has been perky and having a better appetite! That's what matters the most right now!!
Hope everything will be okay with Jasper and that Shelby is doing fine too. Hoping Jasper continues to show his perky side! :D
08-27-2014, 06:06 PM
Hi Tina
How is Jasper doing, his fans want to know :D:D Hope your wrist is all healed up and feeling better too! xxxx
His fans do want to know, your fans as well;););):):):):)
09-02-2014, 07:50 PM
I hope September is going well so far, I know it is not your favourite month, but this year we are going to break the mould and Jasper will fly through (much like Flynny when November hits :p:rolleyes:) Hope the long weekend went well and you had some fun in between taking care of your Nan!! xxxxx
09-14-2014, 06:22 PM
Hello Tina..... is there an echo in here?? You can't hide out all of September you know!!! Love to hear how Jasper is doing! xxxxxxxx
Budsters Mom
10-05-2014, 01:19 AM
Getting pretty worried here. I hope all is well. Please update when you can. We miss you.
Hugs to you and but scratches for Jasper and Shelby.:p
molly muffin
10-06-2014, 07:27 PM
Hi Tina, how are you and Jasper and Shelby doing?
What food is it that you are feeding Jasper again for the protein loss kidney disease? Molly has now been diagnosed with that too and I think they are looking at the royal canine. I'm waiting on a call back this week from the IMS to compare with what the vet came up with.
Sharlene and molly muffin
Dear Friends,
Thank you all so much for checking on me and Jasper. I apologize so much for not getting an update posted on him. I have been out of my mind busy between work and family issues, I feel like I can't manage my own life. LOL Trish, yes there has been an echo in here!
Just briefly, I will let you know that Jasper seems to be doing pretty well at the moment, and I am beyond thankful for that! Yes everyone, I was holding my breath, but we made it through September. Yay!
We had a follow up vet appointment on Saturday 10/4, for a chest x-ray, exam and lab work. I will post about that later but it was mostly pretty good.
I have been reading and following along on most everyone when I can, I just haven't had time to post. Sharlene, I have been following along very carefully with everything you've been posting on Molly. I have posted a response about the food on your and Molly's thread.
I will check in again as soon as I can, hopefully tomorrow after work.
Hugs from me and Jasper xo
Squirt's Mom
10-07-2014, 08:40 AM
Good to hear from you! I wish there was something we could do to ease your load but I can pray and will. Looking forward to hearing about the tests on Jasper and very glad to hear he is doing well!
Hang in there!
Leslie and the gang
10-11-2014, 04:47 PM
Hi Tina
Hope all going well for you guys and all settling down on the family front too. Too many balls in the air sometimes but always awesome to hear from you! xxxx
molly muffin
10-12-2014, 07:48 PM
Thanks Tina for letting me know about the food. I just got home from being away, so will look through this more thoroughly.
I do hope the chest xray went okay and everything is going well with Jasper.
Sharlene and molly muffin
10-31-2014, 05:16 PM
Hi Tina!!!
Just checking in to see the latest news.... Hmmmmm there is none :D:D:D how is the little guy doing??? Hopefully he is trucking along just fine!! Miss you xxxxx
molly muffin
11-01-2014, 10:37 AM
Whoo hoo, saw you online Tina for a moment, so had to say high. Hoping Jasper is continuing to do well. You sound still frazzled with work and life and family, must remember to slow down gf! Take care of yourself too.
Isn't that a hoot that we all want to watch the All Blacks game and cheer them on. Trish has really managed to get us all on the same page when it comes to rugby eh. hahahaha
On the food thing, I'm not switching yet, but will go to RC moderate protein when the time comes. I don't want to introduce too many things at once. The Omega 3 is already doing a number on her gastro system. (the trilostane seems to be fine though, which is what I expected based on the dose we started her at)
Take care! Hugs
11-02-2014, 09:56 AM
Hi Tina, Glad Jasper is doing well. Hope things have settled a bit for you. Take care of yourself too.
11-07-2014, 03:07 AM
Hi Tina
Hope all going good with the little man Jasper.
Just thought I would let you know the IMS had a good listen to Flynn's heart and his murmur has not progressed any in the year since he first heard it so that was good news. I also asked him about the proteinuria and he is tending to think it is due to his IBD, but he also said Flynn is rewriting the text books in that regard with how well he is doing for so long. So long may it continue for both of them :D thanks for popping into his thread appreciate the support! xxx
11-07-2014, 07:16 AM
OK, Tina, we've seen you popping in elsewhere so WE KNOW YOU'RE OUT THERE!! :cool:
And we want an update on you and our boy and Shelby, too. ;)
Hoping all is well and that you are just busy...
Love ya,
Budsters Mom
11-10-2014, 12:56 AM
I see your light on Tina.;) How about that update?
I how all is well with you and the pups. xxxooo
Hi Everyone,
Thank you all for checking in on me and my little guy! I am happy to report that he has been hanging in there and doing pretty well overall. As I mentioned a while back, we had a vet appointment at the beginning of October for lab work and a follow up chest x-ray from when he was diagnosed with a heart murmur in August. He also had an exam. In preparation for the 10/4 appt I discovered that he was really supposed to have a repeat chem profile over 3 months prior to that, it was supposed to be in June sometime. He was sick at the beginning of May and had in house labs done at that time, which didn't include triglycerides. So I stupidly forgot to have a chem profile in June. :eek: I was so irritated with myself when I discovered that. I discussed it with the vet, and of course she said it was ok and she actually said that hopefully the triglycerides would be even better now, LOL. I don't know what happened, I'm usually so on top of things, I don't know how I missed that. :( Thankfully it didn't end up being detrimental for my boy.
The follow-up chest x-ray basically showed that his heart was not any bigger than two months ago, which is great news! :D She listened to his heart also and said the murmur sounded the same. So I'm very very grateful for that, and very relieved. She seemed very pleased also. I guess since he was just diagnosed, there's really no way to know how it's going to go or how fast it could deteriorate. So I'm very hopeful that maybe his will just stay stable for a while like Flynn and others have. She recommended that we repeat the chest x-ray in six months, but I asked her if we could recheck it again in two months, that I would feel better with that, and she agreed.
The abnormal labs are as follows:
ALT 222 IU/L (<100) H :mad:
ALP 3700 IU/L (<95) H :eek: :mad:
Cholesterol 449 mg/dL (125-260) H
Triglycerides 177 mg/dL (41-115) H
His BUN, creatinine, phosphorus, sodium and potassium were all right in the middle of the normal range. Yay! She was very happy with the triglycerides. Even though it is still high, it has come down so much from last time and especially from last December. In March it was 423, and last December when he was having all the problems it was way up to 1114. :eek: :mad: He was started on the prescription low-fat diet at that time. So it obviously seems to be helping. She felt it was good news with the labs overall, and felt that the reason he has been feeling so good is because we have gotten the triglycerides down so much. She was a little concerned with the ALT, but not too concerned with the ALP. Both of them are up since last time. (In March ALT was 148 and ALP was 2291). We will keep an eye on the ALT. And she reiterated again that the super high ALP does not indicate impaired liver function or damage, and in his case it's due to steroid hepatopathy. Even so, I wish it didn't continue to increase so much. That is quite an increase since last time, and I'd have to check back but it might even be the highest it's ever been for him or very well close to it. I think he may have had a value in the 4000's one time before.
I'm not sure if I've mentioned this in a post before, but we've been struggling with some sort of skin infection on Jasper's back for about the last five or six months. He gets these small kind of circular scaly type of patches. (Not ringworm, it's been checked). It started off just in between his shoulder blades, a couple spots here and there. They would heal and go away, and then intermittently crop back up again. For the past couple of months, he has quite a few more patches and they extend down his whole back now. They don't seem to bother him at all, not red, itchy or painful. Of course my concern was that it was some raging skin infection and he would need to be on an oral antibiotic, which I totally don't want to do since he has been eating so well. And we all remember how his stomach got so messed up the last few times he has been on an antibiotic. I ordered Trizchlor shampoo and spray from Amazon, and have been using that on him and it really has been helping. The vet checked his skin on three occasions and did not feel that an oral antibiotic was necessary thank God. She said to continue to use the shampoo every two weeks, so that's what I'm doing. It looks pretty good right now but it sure doesn't take much for it to flare up.
I also asked her if we could check Jasper's blood pressure while we were in, because I knew it had been quite a while since it had been checked. As it turns out he hadn't had it checked since January 2013. :rolleyes: The tech did three readings. The first was 190, the second and third were both 160. My vet was satisfied with the 160, she said she wasn't concerned with the 190. Jasper has not had a problem with high blood pressure, so I guess that's why. And in January 2013 it was 150. But I think I'm going to have to have it checked every so often at least a couple of times a year, since PLN can cause elevated blood pressure.
So the plan going forward:
Continue Royal Canin Low Fat GI prescription diet
Re-check the UPC in 2 months (beginning of Dec)
Re-check chemistry profile (triglycerides) in 3-4 months
Re-check chest x-ray in 2 months (beginning of Dec)
Continue on previous meds and treatment:
Enalapril 5 mg 1/2 tab BID
Welactin 1/2 spoonful mixed with food BID
Dexamethasone 0.5 mg 1/4 tab every other day
Denamarin 225/24 mg one tab daily
Percorten injection 0.5 ml monthly
Trizchlor shampoo every 2weeks
So that's the very belated update on my little man. Very pleased overall with how he is doing and hope it continues. I feel like we finally have the Addison's under control and at some level of stability. I've learned a lot on when to give him extra Dex for stressful situations, etc. I feel a little concerned with his liver values being so elevated. It doesn't seem like the Denamarin is helping very much with the numbers, but I still continue to give it because I feel like overall it is good for his liver. And of course still a bit concerned regarding the heart murmur and proteinurea, but I'm hoping for the best at the beginning of December when we check the chest x-ray and UPC again.
Shelby seems to be doing really well, just her usual naughty, bossy little diva self! She continues to have some pretty significant behavior problems out in the yard (read mini Cujo at the fence with the neighbor dogs), and with people that come to the house. We are constantly working on those things. She will be three at the end of December, I can hardly believe it!
I continue to be ridiculously busy at work, I don't really know if there's an end in sight for that, I just try to deal with it as best as I can. Unfortunately, it has meant some long days for Jasper and Shelby. I've had some family issues going on also that have been a bit taxing. Some health issues with my Mom, which seem to be settling down right now thankfully. And some ongoing issues with my Nana at her assisted living. She is showing some additional cognitive decline again, and has been dealing them fits there from time to time.
Two weeks ago I had to replace my furnace and air conditioner. :eek: :eek: :( Very expensive and very stressful, and time-consuming getting contractors out here for estimates. But it's done now so hopefully no further problems in that area! Never a dull moment around here it seems. So yes Marianne, just super busy and feeling a bit overwhelmed a lot of the time! Thanks again for checking on us everyone. I do try to read and keep caught up on everybody, I just haven't had a lot of time to post.
Well, this got terribly long. :o But I needed to get everything noted here for Jasper's record. Thanks all for reading. :)
Tina and Jasper xo
11-10-2014, 04:03 AM
Ohhhh I love details like this Tina!! Overall it sounds really good! Great you have got the trigylcerides down. The food really does seem to be doing the trick!! Pleased everything else is stable too. Those steroids really do a number on the liver tests, Flynnys was in 4500ish after being on Prednisone, I was like you though and did not seeing those numbers but my vets said same as yours that no real damage was being done. His did come down after stopping the drug, but unfortunately you cannot do that for Jasper.
Great news on the heart murmer, glad you are getting it checked again sooner rather than later too!! Love your plan, you really are so on top of things with that complicated little pup!! He is so lucky he has you and it is plain to see you are doing your utmost to keep him in tip top condition!! I do love the Jasper updates :) especially when they are good ones like this!
Sorry I missed you tonight but sure will see you again soon, hope all the family are behaving too xxxxx
molly muffin
11-10-2014, 09:18 PM
Tina :) So glad you found time to do an update. It seems like you've been running around like crazy lately and that doesn't count work which is nonstop.
Well, that doesn't sound too bad about Jasper. You know the things you are keeping an eye on and some of those like the trig are better, so that is good.
Did they do a skin scraping and send out to a lab to find out exactly what it is that is causing the skin problems? I wonder if it could be related to the steroid use for his adrenal gland, or could it be yeast?
Remember to take care of yourself too!
Sharlene and molly muffin
11-11-2014, 01:11 AM
Pretty good report overall, yeah!!! Dot to what Molly said...take care of yourself too.
Budsters Mom
11-11-2014, 01:25 AM
It was so good to hear from you Tina. I am glad that our boy Jasper is hanging in there. :p No wonder you hadn't updated. You are one very busy girl. I have both of my folks with me. There isn't much time to get what I need done because I'm too exhausted taking care of everything else. I imagine you have a similar situation. Please try to take care of yourself too, so you'll be stronger for what lies ahead.
11-13-2014, 03:09 AM
Only thing lying ahead of our boy Jasper is loads of hugs and fun with his Mom and no new troubles!!! Hope your week is going well Tina xxxx
11-25-2014, 02:43 PM
Hi Tina,
So glad Jasper has been doing well and overall good test results for him too!! Great work on those schnauzer triglycerides!! They are waaay down!!! Yay Jasper!!
Like you I havent been on here so much lately, but so glad to check in and see good news with you and your duo!!
Hope all continues to go well!! Happy Thanksgiving! :D
12-05-2014, 04:58 AM
Hmmmm now according the "the plan" check UPC and CXR due beginning of December, which is now... so be looking for the next update when you get time. My work always gets busy prior to Christmas so I bet yours does too, seems like everyone likes to get things sorted before the end of the year!! Hope all still going good with Jasper and Shelby, wow that little Miss nearly 3, how did that happen!! Hopefully see you over the weekend sometime xxxx
Hi Everyone,
Thanks so much for checking in on us! Yes Trish you are correct, had an appointment for Jasper at the vet Saturday 12/6 for a follow-up chest x-ray. I ended up not bringing in the urine for UPC however, because he had a couple of accidents in the house over Thanksgiving weekend, while I was home. :( This is unusual, and usually is a sign that he might have a UTI. So I ran him in on Tuesday after work for a sterile urine sample for culture.
Got the results at his appointment Saturday and it was negative. Very thankful for that, I was worrying about that all week since the last UTI that he had took months to get rid of. The antibiotics wreaked havoc on his stomach, and he went off his food. Very stressful trying to get him to eat and get him back on his food after all of that, and it took forever for him to get back on track.
Not sure why he had the accidents in the house like that, he has been fine since, and seems to feel okay. The vet did say that it is possible that he could have a mild infection starting up but it just didn't show up on the culture since his urine is always so dilute. But I guess this can be more likely to happen if the infection is in the kidneys rather than the bladder. And since he seems to be feeling okay, she doesn't feel his kidneys are involved. I plan to run a urine sample in tomorrow morning before work to run the UPC. She did say the office UA showed a lot of protein, so I am worrying about that of course. :o
The chest x-ray showed that his heart has enlarged a little bit since the last x-ray at the beginning of October. :( She said she needs to do all the specific measurements from the x-ray and is going to call me today with the exact results of that, but just on visual examination of the films, it did look like it was a little bit larger. Unhappy about that of course, but I'm going to wait to hear from her today to see what the measurements show to see if we need to do any adjustment in his treatment. She mentioned possibly needing to add the Vetmedin, but I'm really hopeful that we don't have to do that yet, as it can be hard on the kidneys. She said the murmur sounded the same as before, and his pulses in his extremities were all good, lungs looked and sounded good. So I'll see what the report is when she calls. Trying not to worry but not being too successful with that.
I've had a couple of my own medical issues going on also that have resulted in several doctors appointments. With work as busy as it is, it's really tough to fit those in, so feeling a little stressed about that also.
So I hope to have more information from my vet by the end of the day today, I'll post an update when I have that. Thinking of everyone so much. I wish I had more time to be on the forum, I am reading when I can. Miss you guys.
Tina and Jasper xo
Budsters Mom
12-08-2014, 02:37 PM
I don't like the sound of YOU having medical issues to take care. Don't like that at all!:o:eek:
No UTI. So that's good! we'll take it!:p I am glad that Jasper seems to be feeling okay. There are so many worries!
Please update us regarding your appointments and Jasper's when you have more information. We miss you too Tina. xxxxoooo
12-09-2014, 07:58 AM
Hey Tina, thanks so much for the update and we are very anxious to learn what additional info you heard from the vet yesterday. With as much as you have going on, we are very grateful on the occasions when you grab the chance to check in with us. So we'll be watching for your next visit and surely hoping that, in the meantime, things will go as well as they possibly can around your house!
Squirt's Mom
12-09-2014, 08:06 AM
Good to hear from you and hope the report from the vet is positive. Let us know when you can. And I certainly hope you are feeling better!
Thanks girls. It's been a little bit of a tough week here in Jasper land. Apparently the Little Man didn't think that Mom has enough to worry about, so on Tuesday 12/9 while I was at work, he decided to pull some of the stuffing out of a little hole that he found in one of the dog beds, and eat it. Hard to say how much he actually ate, it looked to be maybe about a handful. So due to this "dietary indiscretion", I have been on "detailed" poop patrol all week. :eek: And of course, by that night he was acting pretty mopey, and didn't want to eat. I struggled to get him to eat all week. For a couple of days I was worried he wouldn't eat any of his food at all, but I finally did get him to eat something with each meal. Last night and today that seems to be getting better, so maybe things are getting back on track. He is continuing to expel the stuffing, even this afternoon. I wonder how many days it's going to take to get out of his system. :rolleyes:
My vet had left a voicemail message for me late on Monday about the heart measurements from Jasper's x-rays that were done last weekend. I had some questions and wasn't able to talk to her until Wednesday. She explained that what they measure is a vertebral heart score. It is based on a measurement of the length and width of his heart and then calculations are done compared to the size of his vertebrae to check for enlargement. (I later looked this up online to get some more specific information about it). She said that 11 is the upper end of the normal range for Jasper and right now based on the most current x-ray his score is 12. :( Two months ago it was 11.5 and on the original x-ray four months ago when the murmur was first detected, it was at 12. (Yes, it was a little bit smaller two months ago than on the original films).
So she basically said that while it is up a little bit from the last x-ray, it is back to where it was on the original films. So she feels that she wants to hold off on starting any additional medication for him at this time. She feels it is a mild increase from last time, although she was hopeful there would be no increase as soon as this, and said we will be tracking any pattern or progression. We're going to get another x-ray in three months and if it shows an increase again at that point then it sounds like she will be strongly considering adding the Vetmedin at that time.
I brought a urine sample in on 12/9 for UPC, and got those results on Wednesday also. Unfortunately it has crept up a little bit again. :( It is currently 2.48. Four months ago it was 2.14. She said it consistently has been going up by about the same amount for the past year or so. Very unhappy with this, of course. :( But it is still better than the 3.57 starting value when we first started to treat him. We are continuing with the same treatment.
His previous UPC's and dates: (Normal is less than 0.5)
10/22/12 1.27
01/14/13 3.57
05/06/13 1.49
08/31/13 0.6
12/23/13 1.63
03/20/14 1.81
08/02/14 2.14
12/09/14 2.48 :mad:
So I'm feeling a little bit discouraged on both of these fronts. It's always a blow to hear not so good news, but I also realize it could be much worse. I am trying to pick myself up and start adjusting again. I guess that's why I waited a few days to post the update. I needed to regroup just a little bit. And then of course we had to add the "dietary indiscretion" into the mix just for good measure. He has never done anything like that, other than tearing up toys when he was much much younger. I have no idea what got into him. Thankfully so far, "everything seems to be coming out alright". LOL!
So here's the plan, a lot of it is unchanged.
Continue Royal Canin Low Fat GI prescription diet
Re-check the UPC in 4 months
Re-check chemistry profile (triglycerides) in 3 months
Re-check chest x-ray in 3 months
Continue on previous meds and treatment:
Enalapril 5 mg 1/2 tab BID
Welactin 1/2 spoonful mixed with food BID
Dexamethasone 0.5 mg 1/4 tab every other day
Denamarin 225/24 mg one tab daily
Percorten injection 0.5 ml monthly
Trizchlor shampoo every 2 weeks
So that's where we are at. I guess I just have to hope for the best and that neither of these issues progress quickly. Of course I wish they wouldn't progress at all, but it doesn't sound like that is very likely or realistic. I told our vet that I have kind of had my head in the sand for the last couple of months since he's been feeling so good. Not that it is effective, but I guess that's been my coping skill as of late.
As far as my issues, I think I've just been burning the candle at both ends too much, along with working a wicked ridiculous amount of hours. Add in all the stress with the pooch, financial stress, holidays, and ongoing issues with my Nana, and it's been getting the best of me. I definitely need to take better care of myself, I just am not sure how to make that happen on a consistent basis. :o :rolleyes: I'm sure you all can relate.
Tina and Jasper xo
Budsters Mom
12-15-2014, 03:10 PM
Big hugs Tina. You definitely have your hands full.:o I was hoping that my visit to Jasper Land would be a little more positive, but happy that he's still trucking along. You go Jasper!:p xxxxoooo
molly muffin
12-15-2014, 06:42 PM
Hi Tina and Jasper and Shelby!
Hugs to all 3 of you.
You have to take care of you, because you're important. :) :) I know the overwhelmed feelings though, they can sure drag you down.
Drat that UPC. grrrrrrrr I'm hoping that it doesn't progress too much either, too quickly.
What is up with that heart enlargement. Man, too many things and meds to keep track of. The whole thing is overwhelming to the brain.
Lets hope that he just continues on with no major problems for a long time to come.
It is very good to hear from you.
12-16-2014, 05:20 PM
Jasper ate a dog bed :eek::eek::eek::eek: Bad dog Jasper LOL!! Naughty pup, obviously he not liking his food Tina!!!! Oh but seriously that must have given you a fright, pleased it seems to be coming out the other end OK!
Sorry to see that darn UPC up a tad, but it is not too much, why is she not wanting to increase the enalopril? I am about to have this same discussion with our IMS tomorrow if his has gone up again too, one article said to keep adding meds to get it back down close as possible to normal.
I know those heart measurements worry, but it is only a fraction over normal and has gone up and down a little so hopefully next time it will be back down into the normal range :)
But other than nibbling beds it sounds like he is doing just fine, that is the main thing as far as I am concerned, but think I would be pushing to perhaps increase his ace. xxxxx
molly muffin
12-16-2014, 09:07 PM
I would increase the ace too. Molly is on benzapril 10mg, 5mg am and pm.
Something to discuss with vet at least.
12-17-2014, 01:46 AM
Hi Tina
Here is the rest of the article to go with that algorithm
Think I have probably posted it before, but worth another look with our boys deciding to go up this time! Wish they would go back to when they were twinnies at 0.6! x
I remember, I did mention to the vet the possibility about increasing the Enalapril, and I can't remember exactly what she said other than it is something that we will consider, both for his proteinuria and his heart. But I guess I didn't ask anything further about it at the time. I think I was trying to get a grasp on all of the information regarding the heart measurements so I didn't think to ask further. I will need to discuss with her for sure. Sharlene, Molly started off on a lower dose of Benazepril at first, didn't she?
Thanks so much Trish for the links to that that algorithm and the article. Just glancing, I don't think I've seen that article before! I will have to read it when I have more time later today. Gosh yes, I wish they both would go back to the 0.6!
12-24-2014, 03:57 PM
Hey Tina MERRY CHRISTMAS hope Jasper and Shelby can have a few treats and new toys to play with!!! Finger's and paws crossed all going good with you guys, catch up soon... I am off till 5th January whoop whoop!! Just got to get of this god awful cold I have battled with the last week or so... still have got the Christmas Spirit finally and hope it has found its way to you as well. xxxxxxx
molly muffin
12-25-2014, 02:49 PM
Merry Christmas Tina, Jasper and Shelby!!!
I hope you are having a wonderful, RELAXING, christmas and holiday season. Don't work too much and take time for yourself!!
love and hugs!
12-27-2014, 10:16 PM
TINA!!! I see you online!! Not often both of us on together, how are the holidays going for you!! Hope you and the Jasper and Shelby are getting lots of rest and relaxation! x
Hey Trish!! Trying to get caught up on everyone. Yes, been getting some rest finally, nice quiet Christmas here. Just the way I like it! Thank you for the Christmas wishes, sounds like all was good at your house. Are you feeling any better? Hope so. Watching some football here, and wishing I was off till January 5th too! That is awesome! :) xo
12-27-2014, 10:43 PM
pretty pleased I am off to the 5th too, not going anywhere. Maybe a little trip at the end of January up to a beach up north hopefully. This blardy cold is sure lingering, keep thinking I am getting better then the next day throat is sore, ears blocked coughing like I smoke 100 cigs a day! Blech, living on flu meds lol. But a nice quiet day today as all the family that came to town for Christmas have left so a chance to finally rest up and relax! Awww I miss our rugby, but none on over summer, have to wait to February till it starts up again. Dad gave me a season pass for my Christmas present to next years games!! YAY!!
A season pass is awesome! Good job Dad! Yep, this is the last college football game of the year for my team. And tomorrow is the last NFL regular-season game also, which is where it ends for my team. They won't be going on to any playoffs this year, LOL. So then no more football until August here other than the playoffs and Superbowl, of course. :( But at least there will be hockey!
Boy, that cold sure is hanging on! You don't think you need an antibiotic do you, with that cough? For me, if my ears start getting messed up I usually need an antibiotic to kick it.
12-27-2014, 11:12 PM
Last weekend ears felt like getting poked with knitting needle, pain is gone now but one just blocked and feels like under water lol... hopefully will come right soon. Most of these things usually viral, going to give it another couple of days then if no improvement see GP
Stink your team not going through to the finals, darn August seems a long way off, they have a good break!
Oh, unfortunately I know that ear pain well. I know you will monitor things and see your doc if you need to. Those viruses can hang on for a long time. :(
Yes, August is a long way off. After the Superbowl it always feels so bleak at the prospect of no football for that long.
12-28-2014, 12:15 AM
I am quite the wuss when I get sick, Flynn is made of much tougher stuff! I am pretty sure it is man flu though :D:D
He has had a little treat this afternoon, we had a hogget roast for Christmas and the little foot bone was left in the fridge and not cooked. So he is on lamb.. this is sheep so close enough and he spent a good hour out on the lawn gnawing it!! I don't give him bones often, but he sure enjoyed this one!
molly muffin
12-28-2014, 12:32 AM
Everyone that I know that has been sick this year the cough especially just seems to hang on and on. Mollys IMS had a dry cough for months. :(.
I wish I was off till the 5th! But alas back t work Monday and back to vet regime on Monday too. Bp check. Still 4 days off was and is a nice break. Jasper and Shelby doing okay over the holidays?
I'm a wuss when I'm sick too. :o
Happy to hear Flynn got a bone to chew on. Lucky boy! Nothing special for anyone here other than a few extra treats here and there. Jasper can't really have anything other than the food and treats that he normally gets. I'm really too afraid to give him anything else. It seems everything has a lot of fat, and since he's on a prescription low-fat diet, I worry about pancreatitis or colitis. Not to mention his triglycerides. He's been doing so well with all that lately, I sure don't want to rock the boat.
And poor Shelby has to suffer because of it. I can't very well give her something and not let him have some of it. But she doesn't really know any different, so that's a good thing. The sad thing is her birthday was yesterday, and no special treats for that even, because her brother can't have anything. :(
They are both doing okay Sharlene, got some nice new toys for Christmas, and Santa brought another dog bed that they are both enjoying laying on! :) But mostly they have just been so happy that I've been able to be home with them. And I've been happy too!
molly muffin
12-28-2014, 12:51 AM
Yep Molly is happiest when I am here with her. Well probably really happiest if both hubby and I are at home. They just want their pack all together.
Awwww happy late birthday Shelby!!!!
12-28-2014, 12:52 AM
Ahhhh well what they don't know they won't miss!!! Feeling good is much better for them anyway!! I have stopped walking Flynn up the beach last couple of months. AFter that last time when he got that old fish, it set off his IBD for about 6 weeks :eek: he does go up there with Dad on his leash during week days when they walk. I have been walking him in the school next door as it is holidays and no kids about, but that is not without its troubles too.. the other night he took off in a hurry and I nearly had heart failure thinking he was chasing the headmasters cat@!! Took me a wee bit to catch up with him but no harm done. I really like to let him off leash to have a good run, he so enjoys it and it does my heart good too! Might take him to the dog park this week, but it is too hot most of the day and I am not an early riser on holidays!! Will have to see what time they are open too!
Hi Tina,
Stopping by to wish you a happy new year. I hope you nana is doing well.
Koko was so happy to have me home as well, too bad their bubbles will burst after next week, though I only have Thursday off, I hope you have Wednesday off too.
Happy New Year!
Hi Everyone,
I have posted a few quick notes this afternoon, unfortunately I haven't been able to be on the forum very much lately. Lots of overtime at work due to end of the year. Then on Thursday my Nana fell again at her assisted living facility. She has injured her right shoulder. Her arm is immobilized, and she is getting medication for pain. She has been on hospice, but now seems to be going downhill quickly since the fall. I have needed to be out there in the evenings after work, and spent most of the day there yesterday. My mom will be coming from Texas in the next couple of days. She had been doing pretty well prior to this, and was able to enjoy Christmas, so I am thankful for that.
So I may not be able to be around very much due to that right now, but I just want everyone to know that I am reading along when I can and I'm thinking about all of you guys. Addy, thanks so much for the New Year wish, unfortunately I also had to work Wednesday, and just had the actual holiday off. But I was grateful for that.
Jasper, thank goodness, is hanging in there for the time being, and I am praying that it continues. I don't think I have known a sweeter natured or more affectionate dog. He has been so good about me being gone so much. Such a Mama's boy he is, just sweet to the core. I love him so much.
So I may be scarce, but I will be reading and will pop in when I can. Please keep my Nana in your thoughts.
Tina and Jasper xo
molly muffin
01-11-2015, 06:17 PM
Oh no Tina! Poor Nana. Sending well wishes her way!
Glad to hear that Jasper is doing well and maintaining. Hope that continues.
I do hope at some point you won't be working so much over time and get some serious Tina time. :)
Thanks for popping into Molly's thread. She's hanging in there. I am going to make an appt for this week to get an ACTH follow up test.
Sending big hugs your way and come on Nana!!
Budsters Mom
01-11-2015, 11:19 PM
Hi Tina,
Sending healing energy to your Nana and and tons of strength to you my dear. :p
So glad to hear that Jasper has been hanging in there pretty well. Yes he is a sweetheart.:p
Harley PoMMom
01-11-2015, 11:24 PM
Your dear Nana is in my thoughts and prayers, sending loving hugs to you all.
01-12-2015, 03:47 AM
Awww poor Nana, that's not fair getting an injury like that. I sure hope they are keeping her comfortable, nice your Mom is coming Tina. I will be keeping you all in my thoughts and sending big hugs to you all (especially to sweetie boy Jasper!) I also agree with Sharlene, you must be well overdue a holiday!! xxxx
01-12-2015, 11:29 AM
I'm so sorry about your Nana. Hope that all of you improve quickly.
Ear pain is the worst!
I have some weird throat thing going on. It was scratchy, dry and so sore but only at the back. Then my sinuses started. Needless to say, that's how I spent the holidays.
Squirt's Mom
01-12-2015, 11:46 AM
Keeping you and yours in my thoughts and prayers. I hope your Nana is comfortable and that you find the time shared with her now brings peace to you both.
Oh Tina, I am so sorry to hear about your Nana. It can be a roller coaster with our elderly relatives. So many ups and downs, it is so hard.
Give Jasper and Shelby belly rubs from me. Sorry to hear you are working so many hours but glad to hear the pups are troopers about it.
01-28-2015, 05:54 AM
Hi Tina
Popping in to see how things are going, I have not managed to be here much lately but looks like you haven't too. Hope all going well with your Nana and Jasper and Shelby are continuing to do OK... thinking of you and hope your doing OK :) xx
Thank you so much everyone.
I am sad to say that my Nana passed away on Friday 1/16. The funeral was last Wednesday 1/21. She had a very long and happy life, and other than a few setbacks in later years, was blessed with good health all of her life until the last few weeks. I will miss her.
While both of my brothers and my Mom were in town, in addition to making all of the funeral arrangments, we worked night and day to get her apartment packed up and cleaned out, and boxes and furniture shipped. :eek: It was very difficult but I am so thankful that we got it done while there was some help. I have been beyond exhausted, but it is done.
My little Prince Jasper was just a gem through everything. ;) :) Lots of stress, chaos and different routines, various family members coming and going at my house, long hours home alone, etc. I gave him extra Dex on several days to help with the additional stress that I figured he would be experiencing, and we managed without any Addison's issues! I was very concerned because this was all WAY out of his normal routine, and he hasn't been tested like this since he became Addisonian. But my little darling was a trooper once again.
I am sorry I wasn't able to check in sooner, it is end of month at my work, so lots of overtime again. And with being out most of last week, I am behind the eight ball to get everything done in time. I have been reading threads here and there as I can once I get home, but haven't had time to do any posting yet. I plan to do major catch up on the weekend. Know that I am thinking about all of you and your precious pups. xoxo
Big hugs,
Tina and Jasper xo
Budsters Mom
01-28-2015, 12:20 PM
AWWWW Tina, I am so sorry to hear that your Nana has passed on. My heartfelt condolences surround you and your entire family. So glad she had a long, happy and loving life.
So happy to read that our boy Jasper continues to do well. What a trooper! So proud of our little man for going with flow. You go Jasper!:p
Wth much love and many tight hugs xxxxoooo
01-28-2015, 12:56 PM
Aw Tina I,m am so sorry to hear about your Nana but glad she had a good life.
Well little Jasper was just a star, taking everything in his stride I am so pleased he did well. You sound completely run off your feet, but please remember to take time out for yourself :)
Tina, I am so sorry to hear about your Nana. My heartfelt condolences to you and your family.
Jasper is such a trooper and such a good boy. He knew how to help you. They always know what we need somehow.
Please take care of yourself.
01-28-2015, 01:34 PM
Awwww Tina, so sorry to read about your Nana. Doesn't matter how old they are still leaves such a hole in your days. Especially as you were the one taking care of the day to day issues that cropped up. Big hugs for you my friend. Gotta dash and get going for the appointment, knew I could count on you for the telepathic good wishes over the oceans! Lots of love xxxxxx
Squirt's Mom
01-28-2015, 02:10 PM
Sorry about your Nana, Tina. It sounds like she had a long wonderful life. Can you imagine all the things she saw come to pass in her lifetime?! What a fascinating age to live thru.
I am glad Jasper handled all the excitement good and know he brings you comfort especially now.
molly muffin
01-28-2015, 07:11 PM
Tina. Big hugs. Iam so sorry you have lost your nana thT is always so hrs. My condolences.
What a trooper jasper was. So proud of him.
01-30-2015, 04:04 PM
Hi Tina
Just checking in to see how you and Jasper and Shelby are doing this week, end of the month so no doubt you are busy. Hope things are settling down for you, must feel strange not to be heading off to see your Nan all the time. Big hugs for you xxxx
02-12-2015, 06:36 PM
Hi Tina,
I haven't been on her regularly for awhile..but checking in now and sorry to read about your's hard losing family isn't it? Glad that you were able to get everything taken care of with her apt. and's a big job, and hard to do emotionally...but getting it done right away is the best idea.
Glad to read Jasper did so well with all the activity...hope both he and Shelby are being their adorable schnazuer selves!! :D
02-12-2015, 06:38 PM
:eek::eek: Had a typo on Schanuzer!! Can't let they go uncorrected! :D
02-13-2015, 05:45 PM
HI Tina, checking in to see how you and J and S are going this week. Hopefully things have settled down a little and your getting some time to recoup your energy and life. Big hugs for you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
molly muffin
03-01-2015, 07:50 PM
Hey Tina, checking in on you and Jasper and Shelby.
I hope things are going well for you all.
Hi Everyone,
Thank you all for your kind words and condolences on the loss of my Nana. Yes, it has seemed strange to not have to go and take care of things for her, or have her around to visit. Somehow I was thinking I would have a lot more free time, but it doesn't really feel like that just yet. It is an ongoing adjustment.
I haven't been on the forum very much lately so am trying to do some catchup. And I have a long overdue update on my Little Man.
On 3/7 we had his 3 month follow up check since the last chest xray and UPC. The last chem profile was done 10/4/14, so it was time for that also. There is some very good news, and some not so good. Here are the abnormal lab values:
ALT 194 (<100 IU/L) H (Last 222)
ALP 3884 (<95 IU/L) H (Last 3783) :eek:
CHOL 416 (125-260 mg/dL) H (Last 449)
TRIG 262 (41-115 mg/dL) H (Last 177)
BUN, Creat, Phos, and electrolytes all WNL. A big yay here! :) My vet said she is not concerned with any of the above values.
The chest x-ray measurement of his heart was 12, which is the same as 3 months ago. No additional enlargement of his heart. My vet said that the xray looks almost exactly the same as the last one and that she could almost lay one right on top of the other they were so close. This a HUGE YAY, I was so worried about this. On exam she said his heart rate was nice and slow and lungs were clear, and the murmur sounded the same. All great news regarding his heart. Not great that it has shown enlargement already, but great that it has not progressed further since the last xray. :) I hope this trend continues for a long time!
Now the not so good news:
UPC 2.95 (<0.5) H (Last 2.48)
So it has increased by about the same amt as the last few times. :( :mad:
His previous UPC's and dates:
10/22/12 1.27
01/14/13 3.57
05/06/13 1.49
08/31/13 0.6
12/23/13 1.63
03/20/14 1.81
08/02/14 2.14
12/09/14 2.48
Since his kidney values and electrolytes were all ok, we have increased the Enalapril to 2.5 mg every AM and 5 mg every PM beginning 3/10. He was previously taking 2.5 mg BID. Since Enalapril can cause elevation in BUN and creatinine, and also potassium, we decided to increase it by 50% rather than doubling the dose. I know we still have some wiggle room with the dose, but we have to be extra cautious due to the Addison's and also Jasper has proven time and time again to be very sensitive to medication.
He seems to be tolerating the increase ok, however I have noticed that he has had decreased appetite since about the third day of the increase. I don't know if that is coincidence or not, but he had been eating really well for quite a while until now. He ate better today, but there have been times over the past few days where he has not wanted to eat, doing that walking away from the bowl and laying down in another room, and I have struggled to get him to finish some meals. I did read that loss of appetite can be a side effect of Enalapril, but he has been taking it for a long time and doing fine. Maybe if it is related to the increased dose, it is something that he will adjust to.
I took him in yesterday to have blood drawn for a renal panel to check to make sure that the increase dose is not affecting his kidney values. Should have the results some time tomorrow, so I will ask my vet about the appetite issue then.
I am unhappy with the UPC continuing to go up of course. :( My vet has emphasized numerous times that the PLN is progressive and that this is to be expected, and that the goal is to slow the progression, which she feels we are doing. She said that Jasper has responded better to the Enalapril than a lot of dogs she has treated. Maybe I am being unrealistic to hope that the UPC will decrease now that we have increased the Enalapril, or that it will ever decrease again. But that is what I am hoping.
So that is where we are at. He seems to be feeling pretty good for the most part. He had a brief episode of colitis and bad poos for a couple of days beginning early morning on 3/9. I wonder if it was due to the stress of the vet visit on 3/7. I started metronidazole right away and got it under control pretty quickly. Other than that and now his decreased appetite, he seems happy. He continues to have lots of accidents in the house when I am at work. I put tons of pooch pads down - he obviously can't hold it all day while I am at work - but he manages to still pee on the carpet somewhere a few times a week. :( :rolleyes: My vet is not sure why this is happening, but we both think there is a behavioral component to it now. He does not do this while I am home. I still get up with him at least once during the night to go out, that has not changed. The chronic sleep deprivation continues. :rolleyes:
I will post the results from the renal panel when I get them tomorrow. Not really expecting any problems there but it will be good to see it on paper. I will post our plan tomorrow also.
Hugs from me and Jasper xo
molly muffin
03-19-2015, 11:30 PM
Hi Tina. Great to hear from you.
I certainly do sympathize with you on the UPC. Molly's is increased the same amount as jasper but in 2 weeks! Eeeeeek.
I hope the renal panel comes back okay. We are doing those also.
Glad to hear that Jasper's heart hasn't increased any further. Good news there. Yay. We will take it. Has your vet mentioned adding in an ARB with the enaparil? My vet is talking about it.
Hugs. Give jasper and Shelby a belly rub from me and Molly.
This deserves a separate post from all the update stuff - Today is Jasper's 11th Birthday!!!! I took the day off from work again to spend with him, and like last year, no cleaning, errands or internet. I feel this is the only way I can try to make it special for him since he can't have any special treats to eat.
We had a lovely day, he spent the day playing with his sister, snoozing, watching movies and of course snuggling on the couch. He had just turned 8 when we started this journey, hard to believe it has been almost 3 years. I am so proud of him with all he has been through and continues to endure, my strong little Bubba.
Tina and Jasper xo
Hi Sharlene,
Darn that UPC! So sorry Molly is having this issue too. My vet has not mentioned an ARB yet, and honestly, I don't know if it would be an option for us due to the potential for the potassium increasing. I think I read that this is more of a possible issue with ARB's than ACEi's. For Jasper this would be a huge factor because of his Addison's. The Percorten injection that he gets monthly is to keep his electrolytes stable, including excretion of potassium.
Going to get caught up on Molly now.
Budsters Mom
03-20-2015, 01:17 AM
Happy 11th Birthday Precious Jasper!!! I'm glad that Mommy got to stay home and smother you with love and attention today. Such a special treat for our special boy! :p:p:p:p:p
Harley PoMMom
03-20-2015, 01:23 AM
Happy Birthday sweet Jasper!!!!
PS, I took the liberty and changed his new birthday age on his thread, hope that was ok.
03-20-2015, 02:24 AM
Happy Birthday Jasper!
Squirt's Mom
03-20-2015, 05:48 AM
Happy 11th Birthday, Jasper!
03-20-2015, 06:47 AM
Oh HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY from me, too!!!! :) :D :) :D :)
It's so good to hear from you, Tina, and especially grand to get to help celebrate sweetie-pie's birthday! :p
Wish I could be more help re: the UPC, but I think you and Sharlene are really leading the way for the rest of us with everything that you are experiencing and learning (although I know you'd rather NOT need be an expert about this! :o).
Anyway, it sounds like you had a perfect "Jasper Day," and today is Friday, so the weekend is not far away.
Sending tons of warm wishes to all three of you,
molly muffin
03-20-2015, 07:08 AM
Happy Birthday Jasper
What a great boy he is.
03-20-2015, 06:36 PM
Happy Birthday Jasper!!!!
Sounds like a lovely relaxing love filled day Tina!! So happy you were able to spend the day at home, I bet he loved all that pampering!! xxxxxxxxxxxx
03-20-2015, 07:46 PM
Hip, Hip, Hooray for Jasper!
04-02-2015, 04:03 PM
Hi Tina
Sending you a big hug and a doggie safe Easter Egg :) Hope all well with you guys xxxxxxxx
05-22-2015, 07:16 PM
HELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HELLLLLLLLLO helllllllllllllllllllllllllllooooooooooooooooooooo o.... can hear the echo in here... Whats up Tina and Jasper?? Love to hear an update :) Miss you guys xxxxxx
07-02-2015, 07:39 AM
Hey Tina! Especially thinking of you guys today, and like Trish, hoping for an update soon. We miss you!!!
Budsters Mom
07-02-2015, 04:03 PM
OK Tina, I admit it. I noticed that you lit a candle today for our Angel Dakota, asking him to watch out for our sweet Jasper.
I am worried about both you and our little man. To read that he was struggling made my heart hurt. Please post when you are able and know that my thoughts and prayers are with you.
07-02-2015, 05:28 PM
I saw the candle, too, and that got my imagination in pretty high gear.:o. So yep, please do check in with us.
molly muffin
07-02-2015, 06:07 PM
Ditto Tina! Whats going on? Hoping you, Jasper and Shelby doing okay.
Squirt's Mom
07-03-2015, 07:23 AM
What???? Is Jasper ok?
Dearest Friends,
I apologize, I am so sorry to alarm you all by that darned candle, and have had the most noble intentions of getting back on here to post an update on Jasper even before this latest episode, but haven't gotten it done.
He has had a flare up of symptoms over the past two weeks, out of the blue. He had been really quite stable for the most part for some time now, and suddenly two weeks ago just didn't want to eat. We (the vet and I) have been struggling to figure out what exactly is going on with him and the cause for the inappetance. With all of his issues, it can be quite difficult to determine the cause, because any of his issues can cause him to stop eating. He has been quite lethargic and no energy, no interest in anything, weak, refusing food, even the canned, sometimes won't even eat the hamburger and rice, or take a treat! :eek: :(
He has had bloodwork, chest xray, abdominal xray, several vet exams. Nothing newly remarkable on the bloodwork thankfully, will post abnormals later. In the middle of the night on Tues 6/30, he broke with some bloody diarrhea, so that was quite scary. Really bad poo. Up all night with him. Terrifying memories of his bout with HGE immediately surfaced. He is on meds for that now also, it seems a little better but not as good as I would like going in to a holiday weekend that will be stressful anyway for him due to all the fireworks. Some other things going on also, I will post more later, but wanted to get this update in real quick so no further worry occurred.
Gosh, I was just thinking about Kathy and sweet Buddy and went in to light a candle for him and just decided to light one for Dakota. I'm sincerely sorry for causing alarm, but I should have thought about that knowing how caring you all are. :o I appreciate the concern more than I can say. You guys understand so much better than my own friends or family.
I've got rice and hamburger cooking on the stove, better get his breakfast ready. I will be back to post more later. Again, thanks so much for the concern. Love you guys.
Hugs from me and Jasper xo
Budsters Mom
07-03-2015, 10:48 AM
Yes Tina, we are a bunch of worrywarts here!:o
Thank you so much for for the update on our sweet Jasper. It is always so scary when they don't eat.:)
Surrounding you both both with tons of love, healing thoughts and wellness energy.
Hang in there little man!
07-03-2015, 06:06 PM
Tina, thanks so much for the update. I am so sorry, though, that our boy is doing poorly and to me, loss of appetite is just always especially worrying. When Peg goes through episodes like that, it's always so hard for me not to totally stress-out. Even as I write this, I've got several jars of baby food in the pantry left over from her last upset when I was trying anything to tempt her. :o
ANYWAY, I surely hope by the time you read this, Jasper is feeling better and has perked up a bit. Sending tons of healing well wishes your way.
Squirt's Mom
07-04-2015, 07:46 AM
Adding my prayers and healing energies to Marianne's wishes for a swift return to normalcy for our sweet Jasper. And yes, we are a bunch of worry worts, mother hens, and at times just plain ole nosy folk but it's only because we care. So thank you for caving in to our pleas for info. :D
Leslie and the gang
molly muffin
07-05-2015, 09:34 AM
Oh dear. Glad you posted Tina. Hoping that jasper is improving. You know we always keep you and jasper in our hearts.
07-13-2015, 05:48 AM
Oh gosh, that's not the kind of update I like to read about Jasper :( Hope his little tummy has settled back down, gawd I know the stress of being on poop patrol and hoping the next one will be good! Hope the next bit of news is better, gosh these girls were onto you huh!! can't be sneaking about lighting candles without popping in with an update!! Love these girls xx
Hi Everyone,
Thanks so much for thinking of us. I really need to update on Jasper but have to get to work now. Just wanted to check in real quick. We have been having some ups and downs and I am hoping to be able to come back after work tonight to let you all know what has been going on with him and hopefully get some feedback. I have been sick with a respiratory bug that I can't seem to kick, so have been kind of wiped out. I know I haven't been around much with everything going on, but I think about you all every day. Hope to be able to check back in later.
Hugs to all from me and Jasper xo
Squirt's Mom
09-15-2015, 09:27 AM
Hoping you both are feeling better very soon! I'm fighting a respiratory infection myself and understand how draining it can be! Have as good a day as you can and come back to chat when you feel better.
Leslie and the gang
molly muffin
09-15-2015, 01:14 PM
Ugh respiratory infections are awful!
Looking forward to your update on you and Jasper and Shelby. It's been too long!!! Sorry to hear there have been some downs with those ups, so hope they aren't too many or too serious!
Hey Tina,
I have not been around much but saw your post tonight. Hope you are all ok.
Thinking of you
Budsters Mom
09-15-2015, 10:23 PM
Hi Tina,
So glad to see you post, but sorry to hear that you are unwell. Those nasty infection can really knock us for a loop.
Sending healing energy to you and the pups. Please come back and update on our sweet boy Jasper when you're feeling up to it. I am relieved to hear that he's hanging in there. What a trooper!
Thanks everyone. Still battling the crud, feeling a little better I think, but still so exhausted, especially from all the coughing, I need to go back and get Jasper's last set of labwork posted, along with some other things. You know me, I like to have everything posted here in chronological order so that I have an accurate record of everything, but since I have gotten so behind on all that, I'm going to need to try to get caught up on the weekend. But I want to tell you what has been going on most recently.
When I last posted in July, we were dealing with him not eating and a bout of colitis. For whatever reason, it took us over a month to get this last episode of colitis under control. After that he had finally been doing pretty well for several weeks. Fast forward to last Friday 9/11. He stepped on a bee in the yard and was stung on the pad of his left front paw. :eek: :mad: I was right with him and got the bee off, carried him in the house and got the stinger out of his paw. I called the vet, and the tech said I could bring him in or could just watch him. Um, this is Jasper we're talking about. With all of his issues, I went with my gut and rushed him to the vet. Thank goodness I did, I got him there within a hour after the sting. He had what the vet called a severe reaction and thankfully we were at the vets office when it happened. Although we had to see another vet, not our own. More on that later.
He was treated and did fairly ok over last weekend, but has been not feeling well again since the beginning of the week. He has sounded congested, mainly through his nose, no energy, and of course, not wanting to eat. I took him in to the vet urgently on Wednesday 9/16 and we saw our own vet. He has a respiratory and sinus infection. :( Not sure it is entirely related to the bee sting, but I really feel like it is. He has never had anything like this before. He was started on Clavamox. He also has an eye infection in his right eye and we have neomycin drops for that. Struggling with getting him to eat again and am mixing half and half canned and dry versions of his prescription low fat diet. I'm not sure he is a lot better yet, but he seems to be hanging in.
I meant to ask my vet if it is possible that he caught his respiratory infection from me, but I forgot. I will ask when I talk to her next. What do you guys think? I don't think I have ever had a dog catch anything from me before, but again, this is Jasper. It just seems so coincidental that it has happened in conjunction with the bee sting.
So please keep him in your thoughts. I would feel better if he was showing a bit more improvement today. I am really looking forward to the weekend so I can be home with him, and also hopefully get some rest myself. Will try to get his labwork, meds, etc more up to date then.
Tina and Jasper xo
09-18-2015, 10:49 PM
Gosh Tina, I'm so sorry to hear that Jasper is feeling poorly! :(
The vet will know for sure, but I think it's unlikely that he would have gotten a respiratory infection from you. With a few exceptions, apparently most viruses are species-specific. Here's an article I found that talks about this:
But I hate it that the poor little guy has both the infection and also got stung by that bee. Last fall, our Luna had a horrible experience with a leg and paw that ballooned up and got infected and even though we didn't see what had happened, we assume it was a sting or a bite of some kind. We could tell it really hurt!
Anyway, I'll watch for your further updates and I'll definitely be sending positive, healing thoughts your way -- for both you and Jasper.
Hugs, Marianne
Budsters Mom
09-19-2015, 11:08 PM
Paws up Jasper Boy! You can do it!!!!:p
So sorry you've both been under the weather. :o
Buddy stepped on a bee at the park several years ago. Major allergic reaction!!! Huge swollen paw! You did the right thing by taking Jasper in right away. Way to go mom!
Sending much love and healing energy your way,
Big hugs,
Squirt's Mom
09-20-2015, 07:28 AM
Oh I hope you both get a break soon. That bee sting is scary! Bless his heart - I bet it hurt like the dickens, too.
That colitis can be a booger! Knock on wood, Trink hasn't had a major issue in a while. I think all the changes she went thru there at first really threw her for a loop - put in a nasty shelter blind and in horrible pain, both eyes removed, almost dying after the second, the long trip from AZ to AR with a strange dog and very weird strange lady, a new home with lots of dogs, a brand new environment all around, new foods, new water - it was just too much for her and colitis is how she reacted. Now she is settled and she doesn't face many changes in her routine at all so her little system is happier, thankfully. I know how awful that can be for both of you. I'm glad he is over this bout and pray it is a long time before he has another.
I worry so about this dog flu - but I am a major worrier. :rolleyes::o I took Trink to see her lung doc and a dog in the waiting room was coughing - it FREAKED me out! If that pup had the flu and Trink got it, oh my that would be bad bad news. It was too hot to wait outside with no air so I told them to call me when they were ready, Trink and I would be driving around the block in the truck. I just couldn't risk it. Is this flu in your area yet? That is something to consider with the cough still going on. Yes! Allow me to share my paranoia with you! :p
Being Sunday, I hope you have both been able to rest and gather your strength back a bit. Take it easy next week so you can recoup. Let us hear from you when you can.
Leslie and the gang
molly muffin
09-21-2015, 09:08 PM
I hope that Jasper is doing better. Those bee stings can be awful and that sounds very scary.
It sure is the year for respiratory issue, humans for sure. I don't think that it would transfer from humans to dogs though. Just you two are a pair. :) Even sharing illnesses. Now that's Love!
Hope you are both feeling better.
Hi Everyone,
Well, it has been a tough couple of months for my boy, but I think we are back on track again finally. I thought we had broken the September curse, but with the bee sting on 9/11 I guess all bets were off. It took him an entire month to recover from the effects of that. He struggled with colitis, no energy, and generally being unwell for quite a while after the sting. The respiratory/nasal congestion that started around that time continued and actually got worse for a while. Thankfully, his lungs remained clear, it was in his sinuses and nasal passages only, but still caused a lot of difficulty breathing. He was started on Clavamox as both my vet and I felt it was related to an infection rather than allergies since it was so severe. He had never had any type of respiratory or allergy issues before. The Clavamox didn't seem to help at all, and of course, he stopped eating and went off his food, so it was discontinued after 4-5 days. It seemed like we were on a downward spiral and it was scary. It took a month to get him back on his food, and get the colitis consistently under control.
After an antihistamine didn't seem to help with the congestion and made his diarrhea worse, on 9/21 he was started on daily nebulizer breathing treatments with dexamethasone. I was running him in to the vet every night after work for the treatments. Those continued for about 10 days, and seemed to help quite a bit but the congestion didn't completely resolve. My vet felt pretty certain that it was allergies at this point, even though he had never had them before. (She said she has been seeing lots of dogs with allergy symptoms the same as Jasper's that also had never had them before). We tried him off the nebulizer treatments for a couple of days and since things didn't get significantly worse again, my vet decided to send him home with some nose drops that she mixed in the office - saline, an antibiotic and steroid combination.
He also developed an eye infection in his right eye during this time, and was getting drops for that too. I wonder if this was related to the bee sting also. On this same eye, he has had a small growth on the upper eyelid at the lash line for quite a while that we have been watching. Of course it decided to grow and get much larger during this time. For a while, my vet was saying that she felt he was probably going to need surgery to remove it once his breathing was more under control, but with the drops (neomycin with dexamethasone), the growth has shrunk again, so now my vet said we can hold off on the surgery. Thank goodness for that, I am terrified of any surgery due to his Addison's and kidney issues. And now with the breathing issue, I was really scared. I am hoping that we can put that off indefinitely.
Through all of this my job has been horrible, daily overtime and we are in a vacation freeze currently, so I haven't been able to take any time off. :( :mad:
We are way behind with all of his routine bloodwork, chest xray and especially behind with checking his UPC. :eek: It was last checked in March, and was due in June or July. Since then we have had a hard time keeping him well for a 4-6 week period in order to get a valid UPC run. :( I had planned to take a urine sample in the 2nd week of September because he had finally been well for a good period but I was sick myself so delayed bringing it in. Then the bee sting so I didn't get it done. So mad about that. He has been doing better since about the middle of October, so I am hoping he can continue for another week or two and we can get a UPC and chemistry profile done, along with distemper and parvo titers.
We are continuing the eye drops in the hopes that the growth on his eyelid will remain stable or even shrink more. And the nose drops are continuing in the hopes that we will get our first hard freeze soon and will be able to see if that significantly resolves the congestion. It is much better, but not completely gone.
I have been meaning to post so much sooner but have been so down in the dumps with everything, I just didn't. One of my good friends said that she doesn't know how I can even enjoy Jasper because he always has so many things wrong with him. I was so upset with her comment that all I could say is "well, there are lots of things to enjoy about Jasper", and quietly walked away. Later after I thought about it, I realized that it really hurt my feelings and I cried and cried. Now I kind of don't feel the same about her. I later told her that I thought her comment was insensitive and it hurt my feelings. I really have only a few very close friends, and more and more I feel like everyone here on the forum understands things so much better than most of them. Sometimes I feel very alone. I know you all can relate and understand.
So that is where we are at with my boy. He has once again been a trooper and forged through another rough time. I'm so grateful, and so proud of him. :) ;) Thanks for reading everyone. I hope you and your pups are all doing well.
Big hugs,
Tina, Jasper and Shelby xo
Budsters Mom
11-08-2015, 10:46 AM
Oh, we understand all so well Tina. I would still be fighting for a few more precious moments with Buddy, if only I could have kept him comfortable. :o
It seems, most don't truly understand the depth of feeling we have for our precious babies. I don't think they're trying to be insensitive. It's probably more cluelessness. ;) I feel sorry for those who have not been loved or loved to that degree.
Yes, I often felt/feel alone when it comes to dog issues or my daily responsibilities. We muddle through the best we can, but it does take a toll on us.
You are a wonderful mom To Jasper and Shelby. I am so glad to hear that Jasper is fighting hard and getting stronger. He's not giving up!!
Big hugs,
molly muffin
11-08-2015, 11:38 AM
Oh my gosh Tina what an awful lot Jasper has had going on.
Of course we understand. Been there, done that, continue on. :)
Jasper is not always like this, this is a bad episode and I'm with you, it seems like that bee sting did trigger a very severe allergic reaction which might still be affecting him and in turn triggered other things to occur. I'm thinking of the histamine that was produced at the time of the bee sting. Having a sever reaction would have increased that and could definitely, I would think, be causing the other issues. It rather makes sense to me.
I think when others haven't gone through something with a beloved pet and family member that is so life threatening, have never had to hold that life in their hands with ever decision on their behalf being a life affecting one, they just don't understand. I don't think they Can understand. Empathy is fine, but they just don't Really get that done deep emotion that we live with every day.
I don't know that it is their fault really and perhaps it is just a link that is missing in their lives to have that sort of bond. Think what they are missing out on, all the joys that we and you know so well. Doesn't make it easier of course and I wouldn't want to hear something like that either. It too would hurt my feelings.
I didn't even like it when the ophthalmologist, being very frank and practical said I wouldn't probably have to worry about molly having a glaucoma side effect from her eyes as her other problems would probably make the issue moot. I was like, hello, say what. pfftt
You hang in there girl and when you are down, when you are worried, you know you have a bunch of people right here to lean on!
Oh Tina, what a spiral of issues from that bee sting. I am sorry you and Jasper have had so much to deal with. I will say many prayers that the worst is over now and the allergies will be behind Jasper.
My neighbor made a cruel remark about Zoe once, it hurt me so. Hubby said she probably didn't mean it the way I took it:( I think people don't realize just how cruel statements can be sometimes. So I totally get your feelings. It took me a long time to forgive my neighbor but I never forgot it nor felt the same toward her.
I wish so much for you to have a few days off for a snuggle with Jasper. I know you would both feel better.
I think you have done and continue to do a remarkable job of managing everything with work, coordinating care for Jasper, I think you deserve a huge hug.
We love you both
11-09-2015, 07:59 AM
Oh Tina, I am so sorry for all the troubles you guys have had! Thank you so much for taking the time to come back and talk to us, though, because you are both so loved here and we are always so anxious to know what is happening. For me, myself, I know I only seem to post on my own girls' threads when something bad is happening. When I go back later on and read what I've written, I think "Gosh, I sounded so needy when I wrote that"...:o :o :o But the truth is, I really AM totally needy when I'm upset and worried about my dogs!! That's the way I am. So thank goodness for all our family members here who understand and support us when we're going through hard times. Now I've just re-read what I wrote here, and I don't in any way mean that YOU sound needy at all -- I just want you to know that no matter how much time passes or what is going on with you and Jasper and Shelby, we want to know exactly what you're dealing with! ;)
ANYWAY, I'm so glad the worst of this episode seems to be behind you. And I have to agree with the others that I'm betting your friend has never had a deep relationship with a pet. For folks who don't know what that feels like, I think they're looking at a pet more as a toy or entertainment or something. If you're not having "fun" with it, then what good is it? They would probably never be so thoughtless as to say something remotely similar about an ailing spouse or parent or child ("How can you enjoy your mom when she is so old and sick?" :rolleyes:). So I am very proud of you for telling your friend how hurtful her comment felt to you. None of us are perfect, that's for sure, and we all say things that we'd give anything to take back. So I do hope your friendship will not be permanently damaged, and that this may have ended up being a teachable moment for this woman. If she is a true friend, she will learn from what has happened and she'll be a better person for it.
OK, love you guys and hope that you can enjoy some smooth sailing now!
Squirt's Mom
11-09-2015, 09:14 AM
I pray the worst is behind you both and the road to recovery and strength is smooth ahead. That friend and those like her are missing something that we here have - I am sure someone could work on it and determine what we have in common like perhaps some personality trait or belief structure but I don't think that's it at all. I think we have something extra, some added gift from the gods, that allows us to love so deeply, that allows us to see the Souls of these small creatures and understand that they are just like us in the ways that matter. Something extra that gives us the gift of a true unconditional love. I can't help but pity those who will never know what you and I know, who will never understand a love so pure and so true. We truly are the blessed ones, Tina.
Leslie and the gang
11-14-2015, 04:32 PM
Dear God, September curse strikes again!! Just like you to methodically tackle it all though... so pleased we get the end of the story when everything has nearly come right. Sorry I hadn't seen this earlier... like you have not been in here nearly so much anymore... then look what I miss!! We are way way way overdue for a catchup, so hopefully we manage to be on here at the same time soon. Big hugs for you and pretty pleased it is winter coming on there for you all now, SO NO MORE BEES!! I had a cat once that got stung on his eyelid, man it swelled but luckily trip to the vet for antihistamine had him right pretty fast... Flynn snaps at them sometimes especially if it is a big fat low flying bumble bee!
Now Jasper you behave yourself... you should be right now for another 10 months Tina!! xxxxx
molly muffin
01-26-2016, 09:52 PM
Hi Tina, I hope that things are going well for you and Jasper and Kirby.
I can't believe it has been so long since we've been posting on your thread. Time sure does fly.
Happy New Year!
Budsters Mom
01-26-2016, 10:11 PM
Yes Tina, I miss you. :o So glad that Sharlene bumped up your thread.
Post when you can. I hope things have settled down for you and that Jasper in hanging in there okay.
Hugs to you and gently scratches to Jasper and Shelby
02-11-2016, 05:15 PM
Hi Tina
Hope all OK for you, Jasper and Shelby, I read on beautiful Dakota's thread about some worrying Jasper blood results... hope they just little worries, not big worries!! We so overdue for a catchup, sending you some hugs xxxxxx
Hi Everyone,
I can't believe it has been so long since I have posted an update on Jasper. He always has so much going on, it feels daunting to try to get everything organized to post. And the more I put it off, the more difficult it gets. I have several sets of labwork that I need to get posted for his record. On the last couple of chem profiles, his liver enzymes have been horrible. His ALP was 6000 something on one of them, I about fainted. His ALT has been very high also, which is even more concerning.
There are some new contributing factors that I haven't had a chance to post about. It just seems that everything is a vicious circle with him, and more and more things keep happening to add to the circle and we can't get a good handle on most of it for any length of time. Very frustrating and disheartening. In spite of all of this, he had seemed to be feeling pretty good overall until about two weeks ago when he suddenly started not wanting to eat again. So I have been struggling to get him to eat since then. And I mean struggling. Every meal is a challenge, sometimes it takes him hours to eat, but so far he hasn't completely refused. He doesn't always finish but he will at least eat something.
I decided mid week last week to take him in for my vet to take a look at him, and discovered that she is out of town until Monday, so we have an appt then. I have just been praying that he doesn't get worse before then. I don't know what she will say. I'm so sorry to be such a downer. A bunch of other not so good stuff going on with me too, mostly work related. It all just gets to be a bit much. I am hoping for some sort of positive shift in everything soon.
Well, I got off topic, but I came to post that today is my boy's 12th birthday!! Even though he isn't feeling the best right now, I am grateful that it is Saturday and I was able to be home with him. He pretty much slept most of the day, but again, I am thankful that he is able to rest comfortably for the most part. Just wish he would eat. I admit that I'm a little sad that he wasn't feeling better for his birthday.
Thanks so much for listening everyone, I know you all understand and I appreciate it so much. Unfortunately I don't really have anyone else to talk to about him. I think even my two closest friends don't quite understand so I don't say a whole lot anymore.
I haven't been able to be on the forum very much lately but think about all of you and your babes so much. Thank you for checking in on us and keeping us in your thoughts.
Tina and Jasper xo
03-20-2016, 07:41 AM
Awww Tina, Happy Birthday indeed!!!! I've taken the liberty of editing Jasper's thread in honor of his birthday celebration! ;) :)
I'm so sorry, though, that you have so many worries to shoulder right now. We are always here for you, and yes, absolutely we understand. So anytime you want to come and talk, we will be eager to listen.
Thanks so much for taking the time to give us this update, and to give us the chance to send our own greetings to your precious birthday boy. Sending my hugs and warmest thoughts to you both!
Squirt's Mom
03-20-2016, 07:52 AM
Happy 12th Birthday, Jasper!
03-20-2016, 07:58 AM
Happy Birthday smoochies to your boy!!!!
03-20-2016, 09:48 AM
Lots of birthday hugs and kisses sent out to Jasper! I'm sure he enjoyed spending his special day with you as much as you did.
molly muffin
03-20-2016, 01:08 PM
Happy Birthday to our dear Jasper.
Tina I am sorry that Jasper and you are going through such tough times.
We are always here for you both. Day or night.
I hope Shelby is doing well.
Big hugs
Budsters Mom
03-20-2016, 01:51 PM
Hi Tina, it is so good to hear from you. So sorry to hear that you and our boy Jasper are continuing to have such a tough time. :p However, today is a cause for celebration!:p
happy birthday Jasper boy! You go get em tiger!:)
I haven't been posting much, but I have been reading. I have been pretty sick with the stomach flu and have a lot going on, but I wanted to take a few minutes to send you both my best wishes.
03-20-2016, 03:10 PM
Hi darl, Happy Birthday to the wee man xxx if their is a corner to turn our Jasper is the one to find it, hope his appetite returns soon. Big hugs xx
Harley PoMMom
03-20-2016, 03:14 PM
Happy 12th Birthday, Jasper!!!
03-21-2016, 07:12 AM
Tina, good luck at Jasper's vet appointment today. I know you are feeling worried about heading in, so please just imagine us all walking through the door right alongside you. We are definitely there with you in spirit! And we'll be anxious to hear the actual report just as soon as you have the time to let us know.
Hi Tina,
Happy Birthday to our dear boy, Jasper. Good luck at the vets and let us know when you can.
We are always thinking of the two of you and need our Tina and Jasper updates:):)
I am sure you are worried so lots of hugs and as Marianne said, we will all be with you.
Thank you all so much for the birthday wishes and kind words!! :)
And thank you for the support posts regarding the vet appt. I got all teary eyed when I saw them this morning, you girls know me so well. Yes, very worried, but I know you will all be with me in spirit. Will be leaving in just a few minutes, appt at 1:15 CDT. I have a vacation day scheduled today, so at least that worked out!
Will post an update after we get back.
Big hugs from me and Jasper. xo
Budsters Mom
03-21-2016, 02:18 PM
I'm here too! Will be semi-patiently awaiting that update.:o
Hang in there Jasper boy! Holding you hand, Tina.
molly muffin
03-21-2016, 05:38 PM
So what did the vet say? ? ?
Budsters Mom
03-21-2016, 05:57 PM
Dropping in to check for that update.....
Budsters Mom
03-21-2016, 09:38 PM
Yo Tiiiiiiiiiiina!!!!! We are waiting. Tap, tap, tap, tap.......
Oh my gosh, what a long day. Sorry, I had another appt and then an eye dr appt for myself after Jasper's vet visit. I over booked myself since I had the day off work. I have something going on with one of my eyes, a lump on the inside of the upper lid. Was hoping it would just go away, but apparently it is more of an issue than I thought so glad I went in. I have some daily treatments to do, no contacts and no makeup :eek: :mad: for at least a week and a half in the hopes that it will resolve on its own. My blood pressure was a little on the high side too. I guess I need more to worry about.
My vet examined Jasper thoroughly. The good news is that his heart murmur sounded the same, lungs clear, abdomen large but soft, liver enlarged but she felt it was about the same. :) He continues with the nasal/sinus congestion issue, some days worse than others, so I was super relieved that his lungs sounded clear.
She is not sure why he won't eat, but from everything I described, she said it sounds like severe nausea. The big question is the cause. We had blood drawn for a chemistry panel just to make sure there are no big changes with the kidney or liver values from last time, although his liver enzymes were not good then. We also got a UA. That showed a trace of blood, a few wbc's which she wasn't concerned with because the sample was obtained by catheter. Sp gr 1.008, and lots of protein, which is usual for him. But this time she said there were tons of crystals. :( He hasn't had crystals before. The ph was ok, so she is concerned about an infection of course. It has been sent off for culture. I know that a UTI can cause loss of appetite or nausea. He hasn't shown any change in urination habits, still peeing several times a day while I am at work, mostly on pee pads, and up at least once during the night to go out. Water intake has been about the same. So I don't know how I would know for sure that something was wrong there. Trying not to worry about the crystals, but schnauzers are very prone to bladder stones, so I've always felt relieved that he never had them.
He ate this afternoon when we got back, half and half Royal Canin GI lowfat dry kibble and canned version. He was hungry due to being fasted since last night, so he finished it! She wants me to continue half and half mix in the hopes that we will get over the hump and we'll get him back on track with the eating. In the past this worked for a few days, then he turned his nose up but I will think positive.
She ran an in house CBC and nothing remarkable there, she also checked a PCV and it was ok, so he is not dehydrated.
So we wait for the lab results and urine culture to come back. Mostly good news for now I think. I feel like I over worry about things sometimes, but the vet assured me that he needed to be seen with the eating issue going on as long as it has, and his low energy. I wish I could have taken him last week.
You guys, sometimes I think I have developed anxiety issues since his illness started. I have always tended to be a bit of a worrier, but nothing like I am now. I feel like I will never be how I was before, like I am permanently changed because of all I have been through with him. Like I will never be able to be a normal dog mom again. I know that my friends think I am a freak about my dogs, that is why I don't say much anymore. Thank goodness for all of you.
So that is where we are at.
Once I get his lab results back, I am going to post the abnormals from the last 3 or 4 sets of results. I think I have an updated UPC that hasn't been posted too. I need to get his thread up to date with everything.
While I was sitting in the exam room waiting for the in house lab results, I was thinking about how you guys were there with me. I know he wasn't having surgery or anything super stressful like that, but it was so comforting knowing you were there. Thank you.
Big hugs,
Tina and Jasper xo
Sorry Kathy, thank you for your patience. :D
Big hugs. xo
Budsters Mom
03-22-2016, 12:42 AM
Well, your hands are certainly full!:o
Our boy seems to be hanging in there okay considering all. He is a wonder! Thank goodness he ate today. That's a start. Rosie is the pickiest little eater I have ever encountered. Half the time she won't touch her food and she's not sick, just a pain in the butt. She's not interested in food at all. It makes it difficult to get medication down her when it has to be dosed with food. Half the time she doesn't get her allergy meds because of it. The thought of you struggling so hard to entice Jasper to eat a little something makes my heart hurt. No wonder you are exhausted and feel emotionally drained.
I think that this kind of constant stress does change you. It did change me. I am not the same person. I am on guard for every little thing with Rosie. Is she drinking enough or too much? When did she last pee? Is her poop too soft? Why is she lying around so much? The list is endless. I was not like that with Buddy before Cushings happened. I didn't watch him ALL the time. I did not worry about him and he was fine and healthy, until one day he wasn't.
So sorry to hear about your eyelid issue. Glad you got it checked out.
Please let us know when you get Jaspers results. I hope you didn't feel too crowded in that vet's office today. There was quite a mob of us there hanging out with you. Thankfully Marianne arrived with a big box of chocolate.;):p
Big hugs,
03-22-2016, 06:54 AM
I noticed you were seriously enjoying the chocolate, Kathy! Thank goodness I found a box with a chart so we didn't have to sneak little nibbles off the corners of everything. I can always find those caramels right off the bat, though, chart or no chart...:) :D :p
Tina, thanks so much for the report and in general, so far pretty good. Peg had a bunch of crystals last spring, too, alongside her UTI. But they cleared up once the infection was gone.
Let us know as soon as you find out about the rest. And being a born worrier myself, I can so relate. I guess the only difference is that I've always been this bad :o...
Hang in there, kiddo!
Thank goodness there was chocolate! I always appreciate those charts too Marianne, otherwise the box would look just as you described, with a small bite out of many of the pieces. Lol
I should have all of the lab results some time today and will post when I get them. He is eating the half and half canned and dry so far, hope it continues.
Tina and Jasper xo
molly muffin
03-23-2016, 08:49 PM
One cannot underestimate the value of chocolate!!!!
So what was the lab results today?????
Oh my gosh you guys, I am so sorry I haven't posted an update on Jasper after his last vet visit. Between the two of us, it seems it has been one thing after another for the past few weeks. I have been meaning to post every day but have been so tired I just didn't get it done.
Well, my boy has had a raging UTI, in the words of my vet. The culture grew two bacteria, lots of E. coli and strep. So a double whammy. He didn't really show any of the usual symptoms, but with as much as he pees, there would be no way to know. We discussed the antibiotic choices at length, because of his history of not eating with abx in the past. And that was already a problem going in this time.
He has had lots of eating problems in the past with both Zeniquin and Clavamox which were both indicated. Baytril is also a good option for these bacteria. Since he has never had that one, we thought we would try it in the hopes that he wouldn't completely go off food this time. He has also been getting metoclopramide before meals to help head off nausea. I have been getting him to eat a 50/50 mix of dry and canned RC GI lowfat food thank God, as she said to not give the Baytril if he won't eat. So far so good, we have one more day of the abx. We tried it for 5 days initially and since he tolerated it, got a refill. She wants him on a full 14 day course, then re-culture 5 days after he finishes.
He seems to be feeling much better, and I am so thankful. Our big fear of course was that it would turn into a kidney infection like it did one other time. That was such a bugger to get rid of. I don't think that is happening this time.
I still need to get my bum in gear and post the abnormals from all of his labwork, but wanted to touch bases. As always, thank you all for all of the support and kind words.
Tina and Jasper xo
molly muffin
04-06-2016, 04:34 PM
Yay, finally an abx he isn't having bad non eating reaction too. Good call using the metoclopramide before meals and him taking it has probably headed off the dreaded kidney infection possibility.
It's really good to hear from you Tina. I'm sorry it has been so hectic for you lately. Seems to always be that way these days for many of us. Still we keep plugging along :)
Take care of yourself and Jasper and Shelby
05-14-2016, 01:32 AM
Hey Tina, just sending you all some hugs... Miss ya xxxxx
Hi Everyone,
Well, this is not the general update that I desperately need to post (hope to work on that later), but I just want to ask for positive thoughts today for my boy.
Four days ago I suddenly noticed a pretty large hard fixed lump on the top of his head. It's about the size of a marble. I'm not sure exactly how long it has been there, but probably not real long. Normally I would have noticed it immediately but I have been avoiding petting him on the top of his head lately because he has a long standing wart type of growth on the other side that has been cracking open and bleeding recently. It seems like every time I would go to pet him I would accidentally bump that area and aggravate it. He has a few of these warts on his body, but the one on his head and another on his back periodically start cracking and bleeding. I have been keeping them clean and dry and treating with antibiotic ointment until they heal again.
I don't think the hard lump has been there very long. I am not sure if it was smaller at one time and then grew, or not. I was pretty shocked when I felt it. He will be getting groomed this morning, it is hidden by his long fur right now so not visible. It is not red or inflamed at all, and does not appear to be painful for him. It feels like it is part of his skull, like a boney prominence.
We have a vet appt this afternoon so I will let you know what I find out. Just not sure what it could be. It's definitely not like any of the many other lumps he has over his body, so I am feeling a little worried.
Hugs from me and Jasper xo
06-18-2016, 06:20 AM
Tina, absolutely sending positive thoughts flying westward. I know senior dogs can sprout all kinds of weird but harmless growths, but I also surely understand why you're worried and we will be so anxious to hear what the vet has to say.
Huge hugs,
molly muffin
06-18-2016, 09:39 AM
Sending good thoughts your way Tina. Hope it's nothing! let us know what the vet says! Hugs
06-18-2016, 11:07 AM
Positive thoughts headed East from me. Crossing fingers and saying prayers that you get some good news!
06-18-2016, 11:26 AM
Tina -- as scary as it is to have the growth checked out, you are definitely doing the right thing by having the vet check it. Prayers sent your way that it is just a harmless bump!
Budsters Mom
06-18-2016, 11:38 AM
Oh Tina, tons of healing vibes headed your way for our sweet Jasper.
Please keep us posted.
06-18-2016, 03:21 PM
Hey Tina, I'm here to waiting for news. Hope this new lumps is nothing to worry about. Flynny had a lot of those warty things too. Sometimes he a,so had quite hard sebaceous cysts that were fixed relatively easily. Hope we hear good news soon xxxx
Budsters Mom
06-18-2016, 04:23 PM
I'm checking back in and waiting too....
Harley PoMMom
06-18-2016, 06:25 PM
Positive thoughts being sent from my house too.
Hugs, Lori
Budsters Mom
06-19-2016, 02:34 AM
YOOOOOOO TINA!!!! What did the vet say?
Thanks for the support everyone, and so sorry for the delay getting back here! I ended up having a lot going on yesterday after we got back and the day got away from me. Kathy, a special apology to you, thanks for your vigilance! :)
The vet immediately agreed that this lump was something different than his numerous other lumps. An x-ray showed that it isn't the bone. It is some type of very firm soft tissue mass. She got a fine needle aspirate of some very odd looking extremely thick reddish fluid. She said it was the consistency of honey. :eek: The slide showed several different types of cells. It has been sent off for pathology/cytology, should have results near the end of the week. She said there were lots of sebaceous cells visible, but also several others. She is not super worried, but of course can't be sure. She said she has never seen anything exactly like this (great), so there is some concern. We both said, well this is Jasper after all, why would it be straight forward or uncomplicated. :rolleyes:
So I am now in waiting mode and hoping for the best. She said if the results show anything other than completely benign, it will have to be removed. Trying not to put the cart before the horse, but have to admit that I am worrying about this of course.
Jasper was wiped out when we got home. Between grooming and the vet visit, he was tuckered and slept the rest of the day. I'm sure the heat contributed also.
Thanks again for all the positive thoughts, I really believe they make a difference. Please keep them coming. :)
Tina and Jasper xo
Will wait with you for the results, sweetie, we are all right by your side, crying in the shower allowed if you get super worried. Waiting is so hard.
((( hugs))))
Budsters Mom
06-19-2016, 10:09 AM
Holding your hand as we await the news.
Budsters Mom
06-24-2016, 10:15 AM
Tap, tap, tap...... Yo Tina, any news?????? Thinking of you and our sweet Jasper. xxxooo
Bumping up this thread, so you can find it easily.;)
Budsters Mom
06-26-2016, 08:35 PM
Getting antsy here!!!!! :o
Thanks Kathy and Addy, my vet called Friday afternoon with the cytology report. I haven't been able to post because I have been upset, and also have something else going on that is extremely stressful and has been taking my time and impacting my ability to deal with this.
The report showed no cancer cells in the sample, so that is wonderful news. The results are somewhat inconclusive however. She said there are lots of inflammatory cells and the pathologist questions whether the fluid might be coming from his sinus. It sounds like they aren't sure exactly where the fluid is coming from. My vet said if it is coming from his sinus then there must be some kind of hole that has broken through the bone in the frontal sinus to allow the fluid to get through, which is a big concern of course. :( She said she hasn't seen anything like this before so has done quite a bit of research. She found that the most common reasons for loss of bone integrity in this area are cancer or a fungal infection. :eek: She said there are lots of questions and she is not sure exactly what is happening.
She is going to email a consult to the internal medicine specialist to ask what else could be going on, if there are other things to be concerned about, and what would be the next diagnostic step. She mentioned possibly a CT scan or scope. She will call me as soon as she hears back from him and has more information.
The original lump is not as raised as it was, but the swelling has travelled or shifted more toward the middle of his head and forward toward the bridge of his nose. My vet is aware. Today it seems like it may be a bit more swollen, but mostly about the same. It doesn't seem to bother him unless I try to mess with it, and I am very careful when I touch it.
That's all I know right now. I am trying to not worry, but not being very successful. Thank you for checking on my boy, and sorry for the delay. I have just been so upset I couldn't post. I am very scared, especially since my vet doesn't seem to know what is going on. Please keep him in your thoughts. xo
Budsters Mom
06-27-2016, 11:36 AM
Well, no cancer, YAY!!!! We'll take that for now. Jasper Boy definitely keeps us guessing. Glad to hear that the yucky lump doesn't seem to be hurting him, unless you fiddle with it of course. Unfortunately, we can't stop doing that when we know that something is off. :o
So sorry to hear that you still have other things going on that are troubling you. We may remain here for you as always.
06-27-2016, 12:22 PM
Tina, thanks so much for taking the time and energy to post an update. Boy, the lump/fluid indeed sounds like a mystery, and I understand why you remain concerned. It sounds as though your vet is doing a great job, though, in terms of trying to pursue the cause. And since it sounds as though an infection of some sort is the more desirable option, that is what I'll be pulling for!
Like Kathy, I'm also so sorry that you have additional stress piling on right now. The worry over Jasper would be more than enough, all on its own. :o
Continue to write when you can. But even during times when you cannot, please know that we are always here and sending warm and healing thoughts to you and sweet Jasper.
Big hugs coming your way,
molly muffin
06-27-2016, 04:51 PM
Hi Tina. So, so sorry that you have multiple stressful things going on in your life right now. One is more than enough. Did they talk about starting him on some sort of antibiotic to see if he responded? Not sure if that is even a route they can take without knowing.
We'll be around if you need to yak or just vent.
I think your vet is a winner, and has certainly tried to stay on top of Jaspers various issues and get him the best treatment possible.
06-28-2016, 05:25 AM
Hey Tina, reading these posts I am going to take the no cancer and that the bone looked good on the X-ray. I hope the IMS has some positive suggestions to get to the bottom of this bump. Stink you have so much going on right now, hard enough handling one thing let alone other issues too, you poor thing, come on over here and get in middle of this big group hug ((((((((TINA & JASPER & SHELBY TOO)))))) hope the next post brings good news! xxx
Yeah, we are all climbing in that shower with you, ok in swimsuits of course, for a big group hug, Tina. We aren't going to leave you crying in the shower all alone.
Sometimes I get an unknown splinter on a finger and it ends up swelling up, looks like a hard bump and finally after a few months it bursts open and the splinter flys out, all the gook drains out.
I'm just rambling.
Tina, we can all have a good girly night chat too if you need one.
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