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05-11-2013, 05:20 AM
Hi Tina

Hope all going good in Jasperland! I always think of you when I am up here late watching tv and keeping half an eye on the boards and everyone else is sleeping! Least your late night pit stops will be a bit warmer now :) Still smiling with Jasper's good news :):D:):D xxx

05-11-2013, 05:33 AM
Hey Tina,

Missed your post the other day but just seen it now and YAYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Way to go Jasper! About time some things started to go right hey?

05-14-2013, 01:06 AM
Awww, thanks so much you guys. I am still celebrating the results. :)

Trish, I knew that Flynn and Jasper both had the 3.57 UPC previously, and I thought that was bizarre enough to be exactly the same. Holy smokes, now they both have 1.49!!!! That is kind of unbelievable really, don't you think?!! Well, I said before that they are kindred spirits.... ;)

Yes, we should buy lottery tickets, I think I heard that our powerball here is way up there again.

And Leslie, thanks for the comments about Addison's. I had read that they do this in Europe. I am still a little afraid about it, and a little sad I guess. But it is easy to put it out of my mind because he seems to be feeling pretty good. And I will take that. I am just so glad that you all let us stay even though he doesn't have Cushings anymore. :D

I was wondering if maybe we shouldn't adjust the title of our thread now. Like maybe "Jasper (9 yr old Mini Schnauzer) - Cushing's, now Addison's". What do you guys think??

Hugs from me and Jasper

05-14-2013, 06:57 AM
Tina, I think the thread title change makes perfect sense, and now 'tis done! ;)

This way, you two will stand out as a beacon of support to others who find themselves traveling a similar path. :)

Tons of hugs being sent your way!

molly muffin
05-14-2013, 07:58 PM
Tina, what a great idea for a thread title. :) Marianne is right. Your journey with Jasper will help so many others who are in this situation too and give them hope that they too will be able to adjust and go on with with a beloved companion who has joined the Addisons diagnosis.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin

05-15-2013, 01:47 AM
that is a catching new title............i remember several months ago that had come up when talking with her IMS, prior to some of her testing while reviewing some of her previous testing.
hope all is well..........and i agree.......i think many will learn from this thread. your a wonderful momma to your babies and the photos are awesome.

05-15-2013, 04:40 AM
Yes, very nice new title!! I bet quite a few people will come here to find out about Addisons and they will find you, how lucky are they!! Jasper is a darling and is going to be around a long long time with you on his side!! xxx

05-20-2013, 04:31 AM
Tina, what a fright you must have got with Jasper in the night!! Poor boy, must have fallen right off the bed!! Crikey you must have thought a tornado had arrived with that racket! Hope you got back to sleep and had a good night, although sounds like you were up early today getting your chores done! Catch up soon xx

molly muffin
05-20-2013, 09:58 AM
Hope those storms missed you yesterday.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

Budsters Mom
05-27-2013, 05:40 PM
Hi Tina,
Wow! Tornado warnings! :eek: I am glad that you have a laundry room to go to with your babies.:D You all must have been terrified! :eek: Jasper's numbers are incredible! :D I am thrilled to hear that he's doing so well. Way to go Jasper!:D

Kathy and Buddy:cool:

molly muffin
05-27-2013, 05:55 PM
1:30am Tornado warnings, Sheezz, that is not the time to have to be crawling out of bed and heading down to the laundry room. Dratted things. I hate when they come in the middle of the night like that. I once slept through one that hit about 5 miles from my house in Texas, because it was the middle of the night. I didn't realize anything was going on till the next morning.
Glad you, Jasper and Shelby are a-okay though and that you have a laundry room to go to.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

05-27-2013, 07:40 PM
Hi Guys,

I hope everyone and their babies are having a good weekend and holiday! Sharlene, having lived in Texas you know all about tornado warnings. I hate it when they come in the middle of the night too. :eek: But I can't complain this time, we were lucky and just had straight line winds, with only small tree branches down in my neighborhood. Went out and cleaned up the yard a bit ago. There was lots more damage in other parts of town. Looks like we are under a watch tonight already, sounds like a potential repeat of last night, oy! And there is work tomorrow. :rolleyes: Tis the season unfortunately.

Marianne, a very belated thank you for changing the title of our thread. Glad you guys like it. I had trouble finding my own thread earlier today, Lol!!

An update on Jasper: For the past couple of weeks he has seemed a little out of sorts. Quiet, low energy, very subdued, not wanting to play. I told my vet about it around a week ago or so, and told her I was keeping an eye on him. He is eating fine, drinking and peeing are about the same, and his poops have been ok. So nothing specific that I can identify. The vet agreed to just watch him. For the past 4 or 5 days he has seemed even more slowed down and subdued. On Saturday morning, he walked away from his food briefly while eating, but only once and he finished ok. He hadn't done this for months. Right away I thought "ok, here we go just in time for the holiday weekend".

Well, Shelby had an appt Sat morning to recheck her tooth after the surgery and to get her leptospirosis vaccine, so I had the opportunity to run everything by my vet. She sent me home with 4 doses of Cerenia to give daily, and said to give him his Dexamethasone daily for the next week instead of every other day. She is wondering if he isn't a bit nauseated, or having some type of pain. She doesn't think it is the Addison's, but will increase the Dex for a short period just in case, and that would help if he was having pain also.

I haven't noticed any big difference with the increased Dex or the Cerenia, his energy is still low, sleeping a lot, and not too interested in anything. He gets annoyed with any attempt that Shelby makes to play. But he has continued to eat and drink ok, no vomiting, and poops are still ok. So not sure what is going on exactly. He just seems to be in slow motion. I guess I will continue to watch him.

Tina and Jasper

molly muffin
05-27-2013, 09:48 PM
Hi Tina, oh gee not another night in the laundry room. :( I really did hate that part of living in Texas.

Strange about Jasper, his last labs didn't show anything that would seem to cause lethargy. I guess they'll rerun labs if he doesn't perk up?

Hang in there Tina. Hoping for a peaceful night. Not fun to be up all night and then have work the next day. ugh
Sharlene and Molly Muffin

05-28-2013, 05:46 AM
Hi Tina

Maybe it is the change of season, is it getting much hotter there yet? Flynn always seems to slow down a little in the heat. Hopefully it is just a wee fluctuation in the status quo and he will perk up again soon. Poor Shelby must be wondering what is wrong!

Crikey, these storms worry me... when I hear of them on the news I look at my weather app to see if any of you are near! Hope you stay safe and no more midnight warnings, your sleep is disrupted enough as it is without having that to worry about. Hope we hear an update soon that Jasper is doing good!

Trish xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

05-28-2013, 08:13 AM
Hi Tina,

Maybe it is all due to the weather and storms, funny how things can affect them. I can see now that Zoe's tummy and skin were bothering her to some degree, she feels so much better now.

I havent forgotten about the fish oil, it is just her poos were not good and I cant make all these dietary changes at one time with Zoe. Hoping we can try it out once I know her poos are good again on a regular basis and her diet change is ok. Thank you for reminding me:)

Hope there are no more late night laundry room visits. We dont get a lot of tornado warnings here in the city but sometimes we have to all go down in the basement and wait.

06-08-2013, 05:32 PM
There you are... way down on page 4!!! Time for an update Tina! How is Jasper doing this week, has he perked back up and enjoying his doggy meals?? Be lovely to hear from you xxxx :D:D

06-21-2013, 05:33 AM
Awww I am missing my Jasper updates!! How is the wee man? Hope life has settled down a little for you and your family is well Tina!! See you soon :D

06-23-2013, 07:22 PM
Me too, Tina, I need a Jasper fix.:):):):):):)

06-24-2013, 05:22 AM
Hi Guys,
I've been trying to get caught up on everyone, this forum is a busy place! Jasper seems to be feeling pretty well lately. He was out of sorts and kind of lethargic for about 2 1/2 weeks , and has gradually snapped out of it. His energy has improved, and he is almost back to his old self. He had his Percorten injection on 6/18. He continues on the Dex every other day, Enalapril twice a day, Welactin twice a day, and Royal Canin Renal MP prescription diet. He has been eating good, and his poops have been pretty good. (That last part was said in a whisper) ;)

As long as he continues to feel well, next month we are planning to try him without the Percorten to see if he can go without it. He is on a decreased dose now. We will check his electrolytes on the day the Percorten is due, and if they are normal, he won't get the injection. We would re-check the electrolytes in 10 days, and if ok, check again in another 10 days. If his electrolytes remain stable during that entire time period, then we can stop the injections. Of course I would be watching for any adverse symptoms such as vomiting or loss of appetite. Other than that potential plan, he does not have any labwork or testing scheduled. I need to touch bases with my vet to see when we will re-check the UPC.

I have noticed that Jasper's water intake has increased a bit over the past couple of weeks, especially noticeable over the past 3-4 days, so I am keeping an eye on that. He has never gotten back down to a normal water intake, pretty consistently stayed between 4 and 6 cups a day, and typically even under 5 cups a day. Well, lately I have had to add water to his bowl and some days he is now up to 7 cups. :eek: I am trying to not worry about that as I am thinking that some of the increase is heat related, although it hasn't been super hot consistently yet here. And I keep the house pretty cool. So I am monitoring and will let my vet know if it continues to trend up. I am hoping it is just related to the heat rather than related to his kidney issues. He is peeing more too, of course. I really noticed it this weekend, he was asking to go out quite often. While I am at work he uses pooch pads.

So overall he is hanging in there I think. I count my blessings for every day that he feels good. He is such a sweet and loving boy. It warms my heart to see him feeling good enough to play with his toys or wrestle with his sister.

Thanks so much for checking in on us.

Tina and Jasper

06-24-2013, 07:20 AM
Awww Tina, I missed you! Dozed off on the couch watching telly. So pleased to hear Jasper continues to do well, I too am going to put down the extra drinking to the heat. That sounds very feasible reasoning to me especially as he is feeling well and playing with Shelby :) Hope you got back to sleep so your ready for work today! Talk soon xxxxxx

molly muffin
06-24-2013, 02:01 PM
Glad to hear such a good report on Jasper. Hoping those electrolytes stay in range and you can stop with the injections. Wouldn't that be nice to be able to eliminate Something. :)

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

Budsters Mom
06-24-2013, 02:09 PM
You have been through so much and you're such a great mom!:) I am thrilled to hear that Jasper is continuing to do well. I sure hope you're able to stop the injections.
Big hugs to you and a belly rub for Jasper.:D

06-29-2013, 05:09 AM
HI Tina
Hope you and Jasper and Shelby have had a good week! How has the drinking been this week? Hope its not too hot, but if you have any spare send it down south... way south!! :D Lovely sunny day here but top of only 13C... brrrrr. I have been out to dinner the last four nights in a row with a colleague visiting me from Australia. It has been great, but soooo nice to sit at home tonight and have a bit of a catch up here!! Might see you later if you and Jasper are up for a pitstop! xxx

07-04-2013, 12:55 PM
Hi Everyone,

Just checking in here, with a couple questions. Jasper is scared of fireworks, and usually I give him a 0.5 mg dose of alprazolam a couple of hours before I think the big boomers will start. The last couple of nights have been pretty bad, but I have managed to get by without medicating him. I anticipate tonight will be the worst, so I plan to give him a dose later today to hopefully take the edge off a bit.

I talked to my vet about whether it was still safe to give him the alprazolam (xanax) since he now has kidney issues, which are new since the last 4th. She said it was ok because Xanax is metabolized in the liver rather than the kidneys, and it would be ok even though he has some elevated liver enzymes. Of course, I did some googling and saw on a couple of different veterinary websites where Xanax should be "given with caution or not at all" to dogs with kidney or liver disease. I wish I would have seen that BEFORE I talked to her. Do you think it would be ok to give him just one or two doses? I am wondering if they are referring to giving it on a more regular basis?

Also, I decided to give him an extra dose of dexamethasone this morning to help counteract the stress from today. He gets it every other day and today was an off day, but I went ahead and gave it. I always give an extra dose before he gets groomed also, to help with the increased stress. We didn't have this issue last July 4th either, as he had just been diagnosed with Cushings then, so had high cortisol at that time.

So I guess I am just looking for opinions about giving the Xanax today. I am so torn because I want him to be less anxious, which in turn will decrease his stress so hopefully we won't get in trouble with his Addison's and low cortisol. Sheesh, it seems like it is always so hard!

Thanks everyone, looking forward to your advice.

Happy July 4th!!! I can remember when I used to enjoy fireworks! :o

Love and hugs,

Tina and Jasper

Budsters Mom
07-04-2013, 01:19 PM
I used to take Buddy's little bed and blankets and camp out with him on the bathroom floor through most of the Fourth of July. The loud fan in the bathroom muted the fireworks, taking the punch out of them. As long as I stayed with him in the bathroom he was fine. I used to see that as a hassle. Now I wish I could do it tonight. Maybe that could help Jasper.xxxxxx

07-04-2013, 05:25 PM
Hi Guys,
Just bumping this up in case anyone has any thoughts or advice. I will need to be deciding in the next couple of hours whether to medicate him or not so would appreciate any feedback. Thanks in advance.

Tina and Jasper

07-04-2013, 05:29 PM
Melatonin! I used it on my schnauzers every 4th and thunderstorm. Slept like babies. cuts down on the stress. Wish you were closer as I have a bottle. You can get at any drugstore, Walmart etc. Kim

Squirt's Mom
07-04-2013, 05:37 PM
Sophie is terrified of fireworks. She is wearing a thundershirt and has taken melatonin. She is going to also get some herbs that will help calm her - Passionflower and Skullcap. And it helps calm Sophie to be in her crate which is completely covered in blankets, like a bird in a cage. :D I use the same regimen with Squirt and thunder sans the crating. ;)

07-04-2013, 05:37 PM
Hey Tina, if your vet gave you the OK, I would think that an isolated dose shouldn't do Jasper any harm. I am just musing, of course, but I would agree with your line of thinking that the cautions are related more to ongoing use of the drug wherein the metabolites accumulate over time if they are not processed/excreted efficiently due to kidney or liver dysfunction.


molly muffin
07-04-2013, 07:10 PM
I agree with Marianne, I wouldn't think that a single day would do damage or cause problems if your vet didn't think it would be an issue. On going over a period of time, would probably not be a good idea, but thankfully the 4th is only one day. :)

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

07-04-2013, 07:44 PM
Thanks everyone, I did go ahead and give him a half dose to start, because he has seemed a bit better with it all over the past couple of days than he ever used to be. I can give him the other half later if needed. You know, until Jasper got Cushings, I never even thought to research or check up on things my vet prescribed or recommended. Now I check EVERYTHING, I can't seem to help it. Fortunately it is very rare that I read anything that contradicts what she says. :rolleyes:

Kim and Leslie, I need to check into Melatonin. I will ask my vet about it when I get a chance. I would have tried it on my own in the past, but now I have to check everything to see if it is safe to be given with his kidney issues, I always have to remember that.

Thanks again for the feedback. The boomers have started here, so I imagine it will just get more frequent from here. I hope everyone is having a good 4th and all the pups are safe and secure.

Tina and Jasper

07-05-2013, 06:51 PM
So pleased he was not to bad with the crackers going off Tina. You will be at work about now so hope the day is not too bad and then you can enjoy the weekend. The drinking more might well be because the weather is so much hotter now, be waiting to see his next test results and fingers crossed they are as good as the last ones!!

Budsters Mom
07-05-2013, 10:01 PM
Hi Tina, I'm just popping in to say hi and hoping that Jasper has a recovered from those horrible firecrackers! Those things terrify our babies! Thank you again for being around so much for me. I have been an extremely needy angel, consuming much of everyone's time! Give Jasper a belly rub for me. XXXXX

07-07-2013, 05:40 AM
Hi Trish and Kathy,
Well, I don't think the firecrackers will ever end, they were shooting them off well past midnight again last night! At least it wasn't constant, but still enough to where Jasper got a little anxious.

When I talked to my vet last, I mentioned that he was drinking more, sometimes up to 7 cups a day again. She said to continue to watch him and if it goes up more than that, we could recheck his kidney values to see if they have gone up. I am not even going to entertain that possibility!

She said his increased intake certainly could be because of the heat. She emphasized how humid it has been, and said it is the humidity that affects them even more than the heat, so that certainly could be causing it. So that is what I am going with, because it has been horribly humid and sticky. I don't handle it well either! :rolleyes:

Tina and Jasper

Budsters Mom
07-07-2013, 05:50 AM
Sorry to hear that you have a headache also.:( What's up with those those firecrackers? I sure hope the excess water that Jasper is drinking is just due to the humidity. Poor Jasper, he has been through too much already. It is a quarter till three right now here. I am still wide awake! I have not been able to go to sleep at night since Buddy passed. Right now I'm not working due to summer, When I go back to work this is really going to be a problem! give Jasper a nice big belly rub for me.:D XXXXXX

07-08-2013, 05:21 PM
Hi Tina,
Did Jasper's water intake start to decrease yet? It's so hard to tell about the amount they're drinking with this crazy heat!
Hope he's getting back to normal. :)


molly muffin
07-09-2013, 11:22 AM
Humidity does do a number on them, so that might be all it is. That's all we'll accept it as being anyway. :)

hugs Tina,
Sharlene and Molly Muffin

Boriss McCall
07-09-2013, 06:10 PM
I noticed my dogs are drinking more water as well. The Texas is heat is just now starting to raise its ugly head. :mad: Not looking forward to it.
It's crazy.. people have been popping off fireworks around here for days as well & I live in the city.
I guess it could be the gangsters firing off their guns here in Dallas. :p

07-10-2013, 03:30 AM
EEEEEEEEK Amy... I certainly hope you do not have gangsters anywhere near you and our little guys!! Not fair, poor Pearl cannot run at the moment with her sore leg, I bet Boriss would give any gangster a run for his money though :D:D:D

Hi Tina - I see you up and didn't want to do our usual chit chat in Rudy's thread as we need to keep that clear for all the prayers and wishes being sent to him :) Quite a day wasn't it, always such an anxious time for everyone when one of our babies has surgery. Brings back so many memories of the day Flynn had his but in hindsight apart from his retained swab his surgery was relatively uneventful considering he was allowed out the next day, stories like Rudy make me realise how lucky I am to still have my little Flynn snoring next to me all this time down the track!

07-10-2013, 03:45 AM
Trish, I just posted a quick note on Flynn's thread as I didn't want to chat on Rudy's thread, great minds! Yes, so anxious all day today. I sure hope that little guy is hanging in during the overnight hours. I don't remember seeing where they are located, so not sure what time it is there. Yes, I imagine memories come rushing back for you. So thankful that Flynn is doing so well. BRB, gotta finish cleaning up the kitchen from earlier. :o

07-10-2013, 03:54 AM
Tell me what was for dinner at your house so I can drool, put myself on a diet and its day 4 and am craving carbs and sugar!

07-10-2013, 04:24 AM
I warmed up leftover cheese tortellini. Nothing to drool over to be sure! Lol. I had rinsed the dishes and left them in the sink and then promptly fell asleep on the couch. So I finished cleaning up. Plus all my water bottles needed washing so I just started the dishwasher. So lazy. :rolleyes:

Good for you, day 4 on your diet! I need to put myself on one also, I usually make it about 48 hrs!

07-10-2013, 04:33 AM
Sounds pretty tasty to me right about now!! How are Jasper and Shelby, what do they do all day while you are at work? Get into any mischief?

07-10-2013, 04:56 AM
Jazzy and Shelby are doing pretty good, both snoozing on the couch at the moment, thanks. :) I keep them separated while I am at work. Unsupervised Shelby is too much for Jasper, he gets tuckered out easily. I have to barricade him in the kitchen with access to water, and pooch pads because he can't hold it during the day anymore. His bed and toys are also there for him. Shelby stays in my bedroom. Her crate is there, along with toys. It seems to work ok. Neither one of them seem to mind that they are separated, Jasper is probably relieved! I am quite certain Shelby would get into mischief if she had run of the house, she is still quite naughty.

Jasper's drinking is still increased more than the usual increased amount, so I am just monitoring. :rolleyes:

Ok dear, off to bed I go. I sure enjoy our chats, but must get some sleep! Hopefully will see you tomorrow night. xo

07-10-2013, 05:03 AM
That sounds a good arrangement!! Jasper needs his peaceful days to potter about the kitchen undisturbed :) Seems to be a lot of dogs have crates over there, I don't think that many here use them... or maybe I just have not come across them. It didn't even occur to me to get one for Flynn, of course that became a problem when he had to stay in the pet hospital and had never experienced being in a cage so hated it and cried constantly, he must have driven them crazy!! Sleep tight you lot!! Cya tomorrow! xx

Budsters Mom
07-10-2013, 11:47 PM
Hi Tina,
I am popping in to check on the three if you. Is Jasper doing ok aside from his increased water consumption and needing to pee so much. Yes, he probably is grateful for a break from Shelby during the day. I'm sure they probably get aggravated with each other like brothers and sisters. I hope you all had a good day.xxxxx

Budsters Mom
07-17-2013, 12:31 AM
Tina, you have been checking up on all of our babies, now what's happening with Jasper? Xxxx

07-17-2013, 08:50 AM
Jasper is hanging in there. Struggling with the heat a bit, just like everyone! I need to post an update, but just have a minute now before work. Hopefully I will get to that tonight. Thanks for checking on us Kathy!

Hugs from me and Jasper

molly muffin
07-17-2013, 11:52 PM
I think I have the weather webpage permanently open, checking for when the wind will switch to the North from the South. That is when we get a break in the humidity around here. Right now, even in the early morning and night it is hot and humid. The mid day is Horrid! I can see why Jasper and Molly and probably Shelby too isn't interesting in gallivanting around in that stuff. (me either to be honest! LOL)

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

07-18-2013, 09:24 AM
Sounds like a good idea to separate them. These Cush pups do get tuckered out sometimes. Tipper seems to always have an abundance of energy though. It is inherent in her breed. I think all the dogs are probably drinking more because of this weather. Blessings

07-20-2013, 01:07 AM
Hi Everyone,
Well, I have been out of commission for the past 2 days with a bloody headache. :( It was a nuisance on Thursday, and by Thurs night it was affecting my vision and reading a bit. It seemed worse this morning when I woke up, and then I was pretty nauseated. I always think I can manage and overcome it (most of the time I can), but it became clear this morning that things weren't manageable. I had to call in sick to work. Ugh!! That hasn't happened for years. :mad:

I slept off and on most of the day, and this evening was finally able to keep down a couple of pieces of toast and some diet coke so I could take some meds. How annoying! My little man stayed right with me all day, he knew something was wrong. I can't say the same for Shelby, she was being naughty and I had to keep her in the playpen so I could get some rest! :rolleyes: I worried so much that I would have to go to the ER, and how was I going to get there, how long would I end up being there, etc. And in this horrid heat on top of everything. Thankfully I was able to manage at home. And thankfully it is the weekend now so I can rest some more if needed. I am a terrible sick person, so it just better go completely away and stay gone!!

I have finally been able to read a bit on the forum tonight but have lots of catching up to do and still need to update on Jasper at some point. I will do more tomorrow. Not being able to be on the forum sure made me realize what an important part of my life everyone here is. It was killing me to not be able to read and post. I missed you all!

Tina and Jasper

Budsters Mom
07-20-2013, 02:54 AM
Oh Tina,
I am so sorry to hear about your migraine. Those bloody migraines, I get them too! :o I hope it's gone for good now. It is so sweet that Jasper stayed by you side to take care of you. Buddy did that too. He never left my side when I wasn't feeling well. Yes, this family is an important part of my life also. It is one of the best parts.:) A place where I am accepted for who I am. Checking up on everyone and their babies is a priority for me. I care so much for all of you! Yes, please update us on Jasper when you are feeling better. Don't push yourself though, because migraines are killers! I appreciate you staying up with me when Buddy passed. I am very grateful to all of the angels who stayed with me day and night, while I crumbled. Take care of yourself! Xxxxxxx

07-20-2013, 10:18 AM
Sorry to hear about your migraine. I have had them for 40 some years and take medicine daily for them. It does really seem to control them. Hope you feel better. Blessings

Squirt's Mom
07-20-2013, 10:22 AM
Oh, rest and take it easy, sweetie! Those migraines are a booger!

07-20-2013, 04:27 PM
Oh no, poor Tina! Hope that headache has gone overnight and you are feeling much better and ready for the weekend :D Jasper is such a sweet pea looking after you like that. You are an important part of my life on here as well and I always miss seeing you when your having a good sleep :D:D Hopefully we see you sometime today, gorgeous bright blue sunny frosty winter's morning here, it is going to be a stunner and I need to get into the garden and get rid of some weeds :D

07-24-2013, 05:29 AM
Are you fully recovered Tina? Hope your feeling better and are back at work! Although I bet Jasper and Shelby enjoyed you being home even though you were unwell, have you got any holidays coming up? Wish I did, but alas no!

Budsters Mom
07-27-2013, 03:21 PM
Hi Tina,:)
How are you and the kids doing? Did you finally get rid of your migraine? Those bothersome buggers! Sheer torture. I get them too!
What has been happening with Jasper, other than peeing all time time. Poor baby. Is he feeling okay otherwise. Please update when you get a chance. We need a report every couple of days, AT LEAST!!:D Big hugs my dear,

07-27-2013, 07:00 PM
Hope you are all recovered Tina, you know how we worry so do let us know when you can!! Hope Jasper and Shelby are behaving :D:D

molly muffin
07-28-2013, 08:34 AM
Hope all is going well with you and the furbabies. No more headaches and everyone healthy and happy. :)

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

07-28-2013, 08:53 AM
I sure hope you are feeling better, sweetie. I had a bad headache spell for awhile, it wont not break so the doctor said he could try to break the pain cycle by giving me a strong pain pill which would I would need to take on a weekend as it would make me groggy or prednisone.

I think the important thing is to have it checked out if it continues.

Feel better soon.

07-31-2013, 07:36 AM
HI Tina

I am getting a bit worried about you, have not seen you online for a ages and usually you pop in during the night, I really hope you are feeling ok and whatever you had has resolved!! I miss my middle of the night pitstop mate!! Hope to see you soon and your looking after yourself and not working too hard and Jasper and Shelby are still doing good! xxxx

08-04-2013, 05:49 AM
Hi guys,
Thank you all so much for checking in on us and so sorry to cause any worry. I didn't realize it had been so long since I posted. Unfortunately I have had a lot going on the past week and a half or so with work, and have continued to struggle with headaches off and on, although not nearly as bad as that first one. It seems it is just always under the surface. Also I have been just wiped out tired. I checked in with my Dr and she mentioned checking for West Nile if I don't feel better. :eek: :eek: I really don't think it is that, I didn't have a fever or neck pain per se. Yikes! I don't even want to think about that. Work has just been so busy, I don't know what the solution is there other than cloning myself! :rolleyes:

I have been trying to keep caught up on the forum, there sure is a lot going on. And now they have put additional internet monitoring protocols in effect at work, so I don't feel comfortable checking on things during the day like I used to. Drat!

Jasper seems to be feeling pretty good, although his water intake has continued to be consistently increased even though it has cooled off a bit here. So I am worried some about that. I will post more on him a bit later. I wanted to get a quick post in so you all would know I was still alive and kicking!

Hugs to all,
Tina and Jasper xo

08-04-2013, 05:55 AM
Hey Tina

Hope you feel better soon, is hard to split yourself between so many places and your interrupted sleep routine could be contributing. I did wake up for many months for Tia and it is something your body gets used to but it's not natural

I know what you mean about work. If only we didn't have to!

Glad to hear Jasper is doing ok for the most part


08-04-2013, 06:00 AM
So pleased to see you post Tina, I have been a little worried. Darn those headaches, maybe its your body telling you to slow down a little and take a vacation!! Eek, don't like the sound of that Nile Fever :eek::eek: Maybe you should have more tests to find out what it is :confused: you need time off work to recover if it is some nasty virus working like a Trojan is not going to help!

I don't check the forum at work, for the same reasons as you. Do have a quick look sometimes on my phone.

Pleased to hear Jasper is holding his own, still thirsty though stink.. maybe he needs a tweak or something :)

So nice to see you xx

08-05-2013, 03:40 AM
Thanks Mel. Yes, you are exactly right. I think that my unconventional sleep pattern may absolutely be contributing to the headaches. I am just not sure why it is happening now all of a sudden when I have had interrupted sleep due to Jasper's middle of the night pit stops for many months now. I guess maybe it is catching up with me. You are so right, I have adjusted but it is not natural at all. But there is not a lot I can do about it. :(

Trish, I do finally have some time off scheduled, beginning 8/12. Yay! Will be off for the week, my Mom is coming from Texas for a visit. Really looking forward to it, and to a bit of a rest. And Jasper and Shelby are overdue for some spoiling! :p :)

A bit of an update on Jasper finally. I mentioned previously that we were going to be checking his labwork to see if we could try getting him off the Percorten. His injection was due 7/15, so instead of getting the injection, his electrolytes were drawn as a baseline of sorts. Sodium and potassium were both in the normal range, so we held the Percorten. (Yay!). Plan was for the next electrolytes check in 10 days and monitor for loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, decreased energy. He had the second check done on 7/24 (actually 9 days later but that was when I could get him in). Sodium and potassium still both in the normal range. (Double yay!). No adverse symptoms noted, and eating good. Next blood work scheduled for 10 days.

I took him in on Saturday 8/3 for this last blood draw, this time electrolytes and a full chem panel to check the kidney values, protein and albumin, etc also. I should get the results tomorrow. Well I guess actually later today now. :o If the sodium and potassium continue to be WNL and stable, then we can discontinue the Percorten injections. I am anticipating that this will be the case. I am a bit worried about the kidney values since he is drinking and peeing so much more again now. They have always been in the normal range in the past, so hoping for the same again.

So that is where we are at right now. Last month my vet said she wanted to wait another month to recheck the UPC, so I will ask about that again when she calls with these latest results. I am just nervous about the kidney values since his drinking has increased over the past month or so. I want to see where the urine protein is at now also. The last check where it was still high but significantly improved was done 5/4. So it has been 3 months.

Like I said, he seems to be feeling good for the most part, and I am so grateful for that. I tell him every day how proud I am of him. I will let you know when I get the latest results.

Tina and Jasper xo

08-05-2013, 04:49 AM
Hi Tina

Darn I missed you!! Came in from work, computer on and then did dinner for the boy etc etc then you posted in the meantime :D That is fabulous news that Jasper is off the Percoten, so good to discontinue a medication :D:D I was very pleased to read that so hopefully the blood tests later today will confirm he is still doing well without it! Maybe I should wait longer for the UPC instead of doing it every month like we have been. Do not trust Flynnikin to behave for that long thought!! But I am waiting a bit longer this time, another three weeks till he is due.

YAY your Mom is coming and you have time off work, you have been so busy at work and everything else, plus the whole not sleeping properly thing so it is no wonder your body is protesting with headaches etc!!

Will be checking in tonight to see the results, so see you then! xx

molly muffin
08-05-2013, 08:48 PM
Hey Tina. Hope those headaches go away. Are they pressure related at all? Those types can be real killers sometimes, or stress even. Poor thing.

So glad to hear that Jasper is doing so good and not needing the percoten injections! yay!

Take is easy and get some "me" time into that schedule. :)

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

08-07-2013, 05:50 AM
Thanks Sharlene, not sure if the headaches are pressure related, they certainly could be. The old head has been better for the past couple of days, so I will take that! Yes, it will be really nice if we can stop the Percorten. :)

Well, we are up for our SECOND pit stop during the night/morning, I am so hoping that this is not going to start being a pattern again. :( I didn't hear from my vet on Monday with lab results. She doesn't work on Tuesdays or Thursdays, so I called yesterday and talked to a vet assistant who said the results weren't back yet. That is odd, usually they would have been back by Monday as the blood is sent to a local lab.

Although I am not good at waiting, it was almost a relief to hear that the results weren't back yet. In my mind I was thinking that maybe my vet didn't call because the results weren't good. That is so dumb, she has never not called as soon as lab results were available. I guess I am letting irrational fear take over since Jasper is drinking (and peeing) quite a bit more again. I expect I will hear from the vet today. I will post the results when I have them. Fingers and paws are crossed.

Tina and Jasper

08-07-2013, 08:25 AM
Good news about stopping the Percoten, way to go Jasper:):)
I'm am sorry about the headaches, I suffer from them too and know they are no fun and very draining. I am so glad you have a week off and time to visit with your mom. Just a break in your routine can sometimes help the headache cycle. One time my doctor told me I needed to go away to stop the cycle. At the time, my daughter worked for the air lines so off we went to the Bahamas :) Doctor's orders!!!! I came back headache free and stayed that way for some months.

Keeping everything crossed for a good vet report. Zoe say woof, Jasper, good luck:):):)

Budsters Mom
08-07-2013, 03:49 PM
Hi Tina,
Those migraines suck, don't they. I get them too! :o:( I am so sorry :o

Love to hear that Jasper is off one of his meds. :) waiting to hear a great vet report! Go Jasper!:D xxxxxx

08-10-2013, 06:41 PM
Hi Tina
How's things going with you and Jasper and Shelby? Hope all is good with you guys! I have been a bit under the weather too, not enough to get off work though :mad: just tired, head cold and vaguely dizzy, yesterday I blew my nose and immediately had vertigo and nausea think it might be benign positional vertigo... had it a few months back and I don't like it! Been doing exercises to fix it. :D Anyway having a bit of a catchup here this morning to check out what's been happening. See you soon xxxxxxx

Budsters Mom
08-16-2013, 08:04 PM
Hi Tina,:)
How are you? Any more headaches?:o

Are Jasper and Shelby behaving themselves? How is Jasper been doing without the Percoten? What did his labs show?

Thinking of you.;) xxxxx

08-31-2013, 06:28 AM
Hi Everyone,

I am sorry to say that I have had a tough past couple of weeks with Jasper. I had him in to the vet on 8/12 for a check up on some new lumps that he had developed over the past few months. Finally his other issues seemed to be somewhat stable so we could address the lumps. He has had 4 or 5 lipomas over the years and the vet felt these 2 new ones were also lipomas. She did not do a fine needle aspirate this time, guess she was confident by how they felt. She did a general physical and thought his tummy felt good and overall was doing pretty good. She checked his teeth and discovered that the big molars on the top on each side of his mouth had slab fractures. :eek: :( She felt they had been there for a while and did not seem painful or to be causing problems right now. She said he would need a dental within the next 4-6 months and the teeth would need to be removed then unless they caused him problems sooner. I felt immediate fear at the prospect of anesthesia, but was able to put it on the back burner as she said they did not need immediate attention.

So the next day, 8/13, he suddenly had 4 accidents in the house. :eek: No warning or letting me know he needed to go out, and in fact would sneak into another room to go. He has never done this before. Back to the vet on 8/14. Urine was very dilute as usual, sent off for a culture. Vet felt it was a UTI and started zeniquin while we wait for culture results. Culture came back on 8/16 and did grow bacteria that was susceptible to zeniquin so meds were continued for a 14 day course and then repeat urine culture 4-5 days after meds are finished. He was showing improvement and seemed to be feeling better after a couple of days on the zeniquin. No further accidents. (I was on vacation that week thankfully, my Mom arrived the afternoon of 8/13. Yes , after he had the 4 accidents!)

He did well while my Mom was here and enjoyed being spoiled by Grandma. She left on 8/18. On 8/20 I noticed Jasper seemed less interested in his food than usual, walking away and hesitating at times. This had not happened for several months, he had been eating well and doing fine on his diet, fish oil and meds. By 8/26 he would not finish his food and I started mixing a little rice in it to get him to eat. I called the vet and she said he may be nauseated from the zeniquin, which would be finished after the 8/27 dose so she said to monitor and see if his appetite didn't improve after the zeniquin was done. That night (8/26) I could barely get him to eat the kibble with hamburger and rice mixed in, the same the next morning, so I brought him urgently to the vet 8/28 am.

She prescribed Cerenia for nausea once daily for the next 4 days. She checked his teeth real good again and did not feel that the not eating is related to his fractured teeth. The little monkey chomped down 3 or 4 very hard crunchy treats that she gave him with no problems. We already had a tech appt scheduled for Saturday 8/31 to get the follow up urine culture. She said if he wasn't eating better by then, to change the appt to be with her rather than the tech, which I have done.

The Cerenia doesn't really seem to be helping. By 8/29 AM Jasper completely refused to eat any kibble so I have been feeding him straight hamburger and rice since that time. He is eating this for now, but I can see the writing on the wall going into a holiday weekend with no vet for Sunday and Monday. I am very limited to what I can try to feed him since he is on a prescription kidney diet, not to mention the risk for pancreatitis.

Of course now he seems to be constipated, no poop at all on 8/28, pretty good sized and normal consistency x 1 on 8/29, and now no poop again on 8/30. I'm sure this is related to all the rice. I wish he would poop before we go to the vet. I am afraid she will want to do an enema and he got raging colitis with blood the only other time he had one done. :(

Overall he just seems subdued and low energy, no interest in anything, kind of depressed, along with not wanting to eat. He is resting and sleeping good and doesn't seem to be in pain or restless, at least for now. So our vet appt is at 10:30 this morning. I really don't know what she will do, and feel that she really doesn't know what is causing his inappetance either. He has so many issues. In my mind I wonder is it related to his Addison's and maybe not enough cortisol, is he getting ready to break with colitis, is it kidney related, could his electrolytes be out of whack since we stopped the Percorten, (they were ok on the last check on 8/3)? I will ask her all these things. I noticed his water intake has decreased significantly also since the appetite problems started, and especially over the past 4-5 days.

Oh, I don't want to forget to mention that I discovered a lump on the right side of his neck under the jaw on the evening of 8/27. It most definitely did not feel like a fatty tumor, more firm and fixed. This is the other reason I took him in urgently on 8/28. Of course I had to fight the panic feelings. With his teeth in the shape they are in, I immediately feared a bad infection and pictured emergency surgery being needed going into the holiday. Well she said it is an enlarged lymph node, may be related to his teeth but said a lot of things can cause it, she did not seem too worried. All his other nodes are small. I will ask about that again this morning.

So gosh, he is having a lot of issues again it seems, poor little guy. I have been dreading writing this post, every day I kept thinking things would level out and now it seems like a lot is going on suddenly. He really had been doing pretty well for a few months.

On his chem panel from 8/3, his electrolytes, creatinine, phosphorus, serum protein and serum albumin were all in the normal range. His BUN was actually a little low at 8 (10-28 mg/dL). His ALP, LDH, cholesterol and triglycerides were all still elevated (as they have been), and a little up from last time. The vet said they were small elevations so she was not concerned. His ALP is always going to be high since he is on Dex.

I am going to ask her about rechecking his electrolytes just to be sure they are not out of whack, as that will cause decreased appetite. I don't really know what else to ask, or what to think.

I feel like I jinxed everything because about a week and a half ago or so I was holding him and telling him that a long weekend was coming and what a nice weekend we were going to have. It was last Labor Day weekend where he ended up in the hospital with the Addison's crisis, and then hospitalized again a few days later. Near the beginning of our long journey. That has been on my mind, it was so scary. I told him what a long way we have come and that I was so proud of him. And now all this is happening. So I guess I am understandably fearful with all that is going on now, and going into the long weekend with no vet for 2 days.

Sorry this is so long. Thanks for reading, and as always, any comments or suggestions are welcome. I am always so grateful for everyone's feedback.

Tina and Jasper

08-31-2013, 06:36 AM
Hi, I am so sorry to hear you are having so many problems with Jasper.

It sure seems that when we get something under control, something else comes up.

Glad to hear though you can get into the vet today, and with any luck at all be able to address and fix some of these problems. I know it's so frustrating when they won't eat and that only adds to the anxiety we have with all the other things going on.

Please post how you make out today, and I'll be thinking about you and hoping you can resolve some of these issues.

Squirt's Mom
08-31-2013, 09:10 AM
Hi TIna,

I hope this is a lingering effect from the antibiotic and Jasper is feeling more like his old self very soon. You and Jasper both have been such strong fighters and that has carried you through much to this day....I know you will both continue to fight now. Keep in touch and let us know how he is doing.

Leslie and the gang

molly muffin
08-31-2013, 11:54 AM
Oh Tina, why do these things come up right before a long weekend. So frustrating to not be able to have a vet handy. So you have a Vet ER you could go to if needed? I know that would be tricky, but assume you have copies of all his lab results too if needed.

I do hope this is just a tummy upset and nothing particularly serious. Neither Jasper nor you, need any more to cope with.

Hang in there, hope it is a good, calm, weekend.
Sharlene and Molly muffin

08-31-2013, 12:42 PM
So sorry to read about what Jasper is going through Tina. I can only imagine how worried you feel about having a few issues to deal with.
I hate when those panic feelings set in and it's so hard to keep them tamed!! Good news is you will be at the vet today and I'm sure the vet will be able to put your mind at ease on many of the issues that are so worrisome. Maybe there are some high fiber treats you can get to get Jasper unplugged. Hoping that when you leave the vet that you will feel better about everything and have some answers to Jasper's problems.
Sending positive thoughts your way!! ;)

08-31-2013, 02:05 PM
I hope it is just the anitbiotics throwing him off and you get some answers today. Pumpkin can work both ways maybe your vet will suggest that too.

Any change in routine seems to throw them off, Zoe even for a day.
Hopefully, the antibiotics are done, he will feel better, get back to his normal routing and improve once he poos:):)

Big hugs, tina, I know how worried you must be.

Hope you are back from the vet soon with a positive update.

08-31-2013, 03:58 PM
Aww what you up to Jasper!! Such a worry aren't they Tina, I too think it might be antibiotics getting out of his system. Flynn had some after his swab issues and was good right until the end when he suddenly went off food and was very subdued. I thought something terrible was happening but vet said it quite common with antibiotics and I was happy when he came right and back to food in a couple of days. He also had cerenia, so this is what I am going with for Jasper too!!

But other thoughts could be UTI flaring back as they are notoriously hard to get rid of, if it has not been successfully treated they can get systemic symptoms like nausea so perhaps check his urine again with another culture perhaps? I would not check UPC as in Flynn's case if there are other things going on then that can be skewed. But electrolytes are going to give you a good idea of how he is doing generally, especially with Jaspers addisons history to make sure all on track. A full blood count would be helpful too, looking to see if white cells etc are raised which could indicate infection, like from his teeth.

Pumpkin might help in the poop department? Is he up to walking, as a good walk might help get him going too. I guess his water intake going down is probably not helping there either. Mix some extra water in with his food if you can get it into him. A trick my vet told me about when Flynn had nausea with his antibiotics and off his food was to mix a raw egg and milk together (if those ingredients are OK for Jasper). Flynn showed no interest in anything else but he sure lapped his eggy milk up!!! So you can get some fluids and vitamins into him that way. Vet said that treatment was an oldie but a goodie!

I so hope he checks out ok today Tina, I will be checking in to see how he is doing, big hugs for you and a snuggle for Jasper too xxxxxxxx

Simba's Mom
08-31-2013, 09:31 PM
Sending hugs and prayers for you and Jasper, take care

09-01-2013, 05:31 AM
Hi Tina

I still have my fingers crossed that all went well for Jasper and you at his appointment today, and wanted you to have a message if you check in for your pitstop tonight :) Big hugs being sent to you guys xxxxxx

09-01-2013, 06:54 AM
Hugs Tina, hope you and Jasper are okay.

molly muffin
09-01-2013, 10:21 AM
Hi Tina,
Checking in to see how things went with Jasper.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin

09-01-2013, 08:18 PM
Thank you all so much for the support, suggestions and positive comments. I so meant to post sooner than this but have been so tired. I think the stress of the past week caught up with me, and I felt a headache coming on again. I think with meds and extra rest I have headed it off at the pass now, yay!

The vet visit went pretty well, although I don't think she is exactly sure why Jasper doesn't want to eat his food. I think she still feels it is related to the antibiotic. She said it was ok to feed him hamburger and rice for the rest of the weekend, she said eating that for a few days will not hurt his kidneys. She still feels that he was nauseated, and now he associates his kibble food with not feeling well so doesn't want to eat it. The hope is that once he feels completely better I can start to transition him back. I don't know, he has no interest in that food now, and before he ate it down like a champ, no problems.

We did get a sterile urine sample for a follow up culture to make sure the infection is gone, that was on the schedule as he finished the antibiotic on 8/27. They did a mini UA in the office and it looked good, no blood or WBC's seen, it was very dilute as usual. Since it has been 4 months since his last UPC, she recommended sending that off also since we had enough urine. I voiced my concern about the possibility of there still being an infection and the results being skewed. She said she felt comfortable since he had just finished 2 weeks of antibiotics and the UA in the office looked good. She said they could hold the urine until the culture came back to be sure, but said it is better to use a fresh sample, and I remember reading that also. So I opted to go ahead and run it. Hopefully the repeat culture will be negative so this will be ok.

I asked about the electrolytes being off and should we recheck them. She said she was not too concerned with that as they have been WNL on the last few checks, and the main symptom of something wrong there would be vomiting, which thankfully has not been happening. I asked about his cortisol being too low somehow since he has also had low energy, etc. She agreed with that possibility, said that maybe he has felt stressed with everything going on and has become depleted. She recommended that I give his Dex daily through Monday instead of every other day. So he is getting that boost.

As far as the poops, he did have a small to medium poo just before we went to the vet, yay! It was hard formed, so it seems he is not getting colitis at the moment. Double yay! Trish, great minds - I asked about giving pumpkin! She said she didn't feel he needed it at this time but that it is a good thing to use to add fiber. She said that it is not a big deal if he goes for a whole day or even 2 without pooping. :eek: She said we worry if no poop for 3 days. Well I guess!! So I was apparently over concerned there. Sorry, but I will still feel concerned a bit if he skips a whole day! :rolleyes:

She checked his tummy, said it felt soft, so all ok there. She rechecked the enlarged lymph noted and it is the same. I clarified that she is not recommending any type of treatment related to that. She said no, we will monitor to make sure it isn't getting larger.

Trish, she did not recommend any other lab work or seem concerned with any type of systemic infection, that is why I asked about the lymph node. He does not have a temp. But I do have a bit of worry there since we have discovered those fractured teeth and the node. I would have felt better if we got a CBC, but she didn't think it was needed, or the electrolytes. She is always very tolerant of my questions and suggestions and lots of times will agree with what I ask. I usually ask/suggest something twice and if she doesn't seem like she is going to change her mind, I let it go. I guess I would push more if I felt a bigger concern, but I also try to be respectful. I know we all walk that line at some point.

He seems a little more perky today, but still a bit subdued and low energy. He ate his hamburger/rice this morning and had his meds. Now it is almost time for his dinner, hopefully he will eat then.

Yes, the little bugger can be such a worry. I know you all TOTALLY UNDERSTAND. Yes Sharlene, we have one ER vet in town, and I do have a copy of all his labs. So I know that is available, and I did clarify with my vet when it would be necessary to take him there. She looked at me kind of funny when I asked about that. I had my list of questions written out as usual, and that was the last on the list. She told me "now don't panic, I don't think anything that bad is going to happen". I reminded her that it was last Labor Day weekend when he had the Addison's crisis and was hospitalized, so with his latest set of issues, I couldn't help but have a little bit of panic. And besides, I was trying to have all the bases covered.

Thank you again my friends for your support, it means so much. And thanks for checking in on us again today. So glad to have an extra day off tomorrow, I am so tired. I have been reading along with all of you and will be posting on your threads a bit later.

Love and big hugs to all from me and Jasper xo

molly muffin
09-01-2013, 09:31 PM
Hi Tina,
So glad to hear that Jasper is holding his own. Now if he would just get interested in food again. Perhaps the Dex giving him a bit of pep will help with that.
I agree, it's always better to have all the basis covered Prior to these long weekends. Things just seem to wait to happen till the vets are away.
We're having a rather lovely storm here, thunder, lightening, rain, molly isn't impressed at all. :) I hope that you are having a good weekend now and no nasty headaches!

sharlene and molly muffin

09-02-2013, 07:42 PM
HI Tina

It will be interesting to see the result of his UPC as I now think if the dog is off for any reason it could potentially affect the result. So don't be too alarmed if it is high. I hope the results come back good though and he is getting his appetite back. Is he pooping better? Of course constipation could put him off his food too! I have Flynn on a little Metamucil each day to give him some extra fibre and it has been working well until our latest little IBD episode.

Hopefully you are feeling better too, good time to have an extra day off! Talk soon xxxxx

Harley PoMMom
09-02-2013, 08:39 PM
Hi Tina,

Sometimes when a dog has an electrolyte imbalance they may crave salt. A dog with this sort of electrolyte imbalance may actually lick it off your hand if you offer it whereas a dog with normal electrolytes will look at you like you are crazy suggesting that they might find salt even remotely interesting. You could try offering him some table salt on your hand - he will probably go for it if he needs it and turn his nose up at it if he doesn't...just thinking.

Love and hugs, Lori

Budsters Mom
09-03-2013, 12:21 AM
Hi Tina, sorry to hear that Jasper's been having some trouble again. Rosie had some surgery and now won't eat her kibble either, so I know how frustrating that is! Yes they are worrisome little buggers! :eek: You hit that comment right on the nail!

You're such a great mom Tina, Jasper is blessed to have you as his personal advocate. I get the migraine thing. I get them too. Real killers. Take care of you too! Xxxxx

09-03-2013, 02:00 AM
Well, Jasper seems to be feeling a bit better today. Yay! A little more perky and better appetite. I snuck 1/4 cup of his kibble in with the hamburger and rice at dinner and he ate it with no problem. I will try the same for breakfast. Fingers crossed.

The heat wave finally broke today and I took him for a walk around the neighborhood early this morning while it was cool. Not too far, only about a mile or so, didn't want to overdo it since he hasn't been feeling well. This usually works like a charm to get things moving, I was surprised that he didn't go while we were out. But he did poo after we got home, finally. I anticipate this will improve after I get him back on his kibble. Sheesh, it seems like it is always one extreme or the other, and neither are good.

Lori, I tried offering him some salt, just a few grains. He took a tentative lick, I think out of habit, and then acted surprised and didn't lick anymore. So I am hoping this means his electrolytes are ok. Thanks for that suggestion.

Now it will be waiting for the results of the repeat urine culture and the UPC. Keeping fingers and paws crossed there. ;)

Tina and Jasper

09-03-2013, 05:09 AM
That's a good tip about the salt test from Lori. Glad he wasn't too interested in that!

Sounds like a better day Tina with both the eating and pooping, hopefully you are having a good nights sleep!

Our vet has sent the formal results for Flynn and his urine did have some sediment in it as I posted on his thread, hopefully that is also the cause of the raise???? I hope so!!

Will be checking in tomorrow and hopefully see some results xx

09-03-2013, 08:34 AM
Yay... Jasper.. keep it up.

09-03-2013, 02:56 PM
Tina, It sounds like Jasper is moving in the right direction! :) Yay Jasper! These pups sure keep us on edge don't they!? If only they could learn to talk and just tell us how they feel!! Don't they know what a help that would be!! ;)
I hope Jasper continues to eat well and do good poops!
I think everyone on this board is ready for nice cool dog walking weather as summer begins to wind down. I for one like to give Trixie as much time outside as I can because she always seems to have good days when exercised, but it has been uncomfortably hot and humid here...supposed to clear away tonight and I hope it does!
Yes...Trixie's triglycerides are crazy high...though her cholesterol number actually came down from the reading in May. I talked to the vet and again he kind of said between being a schnauzer and having Cushings he would expect a high number there. She also was not fasted for this last test...she should have been but the people at the vet's office screwed me up on that one, by saying it didn't matter...I should have known better. The next test she'll be fasted.
Hope Jasper is even more improved tomorrow!! Hope all the results from the urine test are normal!!


09-04-2013, 02:35 AM
Thanks girls! Jasper is hanging in there. I snuck in more of his kibble for both breakfast and dinner, mixed in with the hamburger and rice. He ate it with no problems. He actually seemed hungry at dinner so maybe things are normalizing with his appetite. I mixed in 1/3 cup of his kibble at dinner so I am gradually increasing the amount. I have to be careful, I don't want him to back off if I try to add too much at once.

Barbara, fish oil helps lower cholesterol and triglycerides in dogs with hyperlipidemia. Jasper was on it for that reason for a long time before he was diagnosed with Cushings. He was off it for a while due to repeated spells of diarrhea and colitis, and his cholesterol and triglycerides got sky high. We restarted it to treat both the proteinuria and also the triglycerides, and it has really made a difference.

Trish, I read Flynn's UA report and posted on your thread. I definitely think the sediment could have caused the increase.

No urine culture or UPC results here yet. I anticipate I will get them tomorrow as my vet doesn't work on Tuesday. All fingers, paws and stubs crossed here for good results. I am quite nervous about the UPC but am trying to keep positive energy going.

Tina and Jasper xo

09-04-2013, 06:14 AM
Yes slowly does it. Even with Flynny's upset tummy I am loathe to change his food as he has been doing so well on it. Jasper sounds like he is coming right and appetite coming back, it must have been the antibiotics. Flynn took a few days to come completely right when he had the nausea/off his food episode associated with ABs.

Crossing everything with you for the UPC result, those tests make me very nervous.. but we have seen fluctuations in them so if it is not good this time then get it repeated when he is totally right like I am going to do with Flynn. I am looking forward to tomorrow for the results xx

09-04-2013, 01:24 PM
I totally have everything crossed and Zoe has paws crossed as well and is woofing Jasper on.:)

We may get some bad UPC's here and there- as long as we can get things under control again- we will all handle it together:)

Many hugs, Tina, sorry you have had a rough go of it.

molly muffin
09-04-2013, 09:43 PM
We're crossed here in Canada Tina!! I have to keep nudging molly as she gets distracted by crossed paws and wants to play with her feet. No worries though, I just say, "knock if off, it's for Jasper, now pay attention, cross those paws". LOLOL

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

09-07-2013, 01:38 AM
Thanks for the good wishes everyone! I will post an update regarding Jasper's labs a bit later. Right now I need some urgent help!

Jasper's eating seemed to be on the right track and getting back to normal, then this morning, he acted like he didn't want to eat again. He did manage to finish about 1/2 cup of his kibble mixed with about 1/4 cup of rice/hamburger mixture. I hadn't completely gotten him back on his food yet. Tonight for dinner he refused the kibble so I was back to all rice/hamburger, which he did eat, but not enthusiastically. He pooped after he ate, and it was normal.

He seemed subdued with low energy through the evening and then seemed restless. I let him out and he had a large nasty looking diarrhea poo with lots of mucus. :eek: :mad: He rested for a bit, and a couple of hours later he vomited. One time, upchucked the rice and hamburger. I let him out shortly after and he had a small amount of mucus poo with lots of straining. No blood so far that I could readily see.

After the first bad poo I planned to see how he did and if another occurred I was going to start metronidazole. Well, now since he vomited also, I am worried about the possibility of pancreatitis. If he would be starting with pancreatitis, would he be vomiting more than once? And is it ok to start the metronidazole if he has it?

I did a some reading and it sounds like it would be ok to give the metronidazole, but wanted to see what you guys thought first if possible. Also, I am scared about the vomiting due to his Addison's. I am hoping it was a one time thing.

I know it is late, hopefully someone will be on soon to let me know what you think. Gosh, we have been having a bit of a rough spell, and now this too. :( Thanks guys.

Tina and Jasper

09-07-2013, 08:11 AM
Well, I have been up all night with Jasper. He has had two more episodes of diarrhea mucus poo, and also has vomited 7 or 8 more times since about 1130 last night. I decided to give him a dose of metronidazole at 0430, and he threw it up about 5 minutes later. He will rest for short periods of time but is mostly restless. When I take him outside he kind of acts like he wants to squat, or pee, and then he will sit like he is uncomfortable for a second and then lay down in the grass. He will move from place to place laying in the grass. Weird.

He did drink some water finally at about 0500, and has kept that down so far. No vomiting since 0445, but he seems like he could at any second. I have not tried to give him anything else. My vets office opens at 8. I am not sure if she is working today or not, but I will need to get him in to see someone else if she isn't. I am so worried, I don't know what has triggered this. And of course with the vomiting I am worried about his electrolytes and Addison's.

Squirt's Mom
09-07-2013, 08:33 AM
Hi Tina,

I'm so sorry no one was around during the night to help or talk with. :( It does sound like Jasper needs to be seen asap and I'm glad you are taking him on in. Please let us know what you learn and know we are all right by your side.

Leslie and the gang

09-07-2013, 10:06 AM
Oh Tina,

I am so sorry no one was here for you. I hope right now you are at the vets and getting some answers. Please let us know what happens. They do give metronidazole to dogs with pancreatitis so that should not have been a problem but they have to stop the vomiting first, I guess.

I swear you would think we all lived in the same neighborhood as so many are dealing with these issues. Even Zoe had a bad bout of poos last night, first time in I cant remember when it was this bad and she was perfectly fine all day:confused:

hugs and love, Tina Will wait to hear from you.

09-07-2013, 10:19 AM
Hey Tina, Hope you are getting some answers and that poor Jasper is starting to settle down a bit. It's scary when they get that sick, for you to have to worry about all the other bits too is just rough. Crossing fingers for you that he just ate something you didn't see and he will bounce back easily.

Take care.

Budsters Mom
09-07-2013, 12:16 PM
Oh Tina,
I am so sorry you were alone last night dealing with all of this.:o:( I have connected a few times during the night and no one's been around. It can be very lonely. I would have been happy to stay up with you through the night, if I had known. You certainly spent plenty of nights staying up with me through the wee hours.

I hope you are able to get Jasper in to the vet this morning. I will be anxiously awaiting an update. There has been so much poo lately, that is should be able to used for good, maybe to power at least a small city.:D

Many hugs and healing energy coming to you and sweet Jasper. Xxxxx

09-07-2013, 03:04 PM
Checking back to see if you have updates

09-07-2013, 03:19 PM
OMG what a night to go to bed without checking in, I am so sorry I was not here Tina, I was out late and just crashed when I got in. :o

How is our boy Jasper today, I hope he is getting some fluids at the vet, antinausea meds and his results are ok this morning. What a night you have had, you must be exhausted.

Will be waiting anxiously for an update sweet, big hugs for you and the boy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

09-07-2013, 03:27 PM
Thanks so much everyone for the support and kind words. I did get Jasper in to the vet. It's a miracle but my vet is working today, however all her appts were full. I had to drop Jasper off first thing and she said she would squeeze him in between her scheduled appts. I am so very grateful for that.

She just called and I provided the specifics about what happened yesterday and last night with Jasper. Well it seems that he is sicker than I thought (!) and she is keeping him in the hospital tonight. :( :eek: She will re-evaluate things in the morning to see if he can come home tomorrow but said he may need to stay another night. I think they have staff there until about 10 pm and then he will be alone over night. :( :eek: :( They are closed tomorrow but she will be checking him in the morning.

It seems he has a lot going on again unfortunately, and I am pretty torn up right now. I just wanted to check in now so you all wouldn't be worried. Gosh, it sure doesn't take long for things to go to pot, does it? I will say that the main big concerns lab value wise are that his sodium was way low at 123 (138-154 mmol/L). His potassium was high normal thankfully but the sodium is definitely an Addison's concern.

The new big scary thing is that his ALT which has shown mild elevation in the past and was WNL on the last check on 8/3, is now sky high at 1280 (< 100 IU/L). :eek: :( His ALP has gone up more also which is obviously not good, but it seemed her big concern is the ALT. So off I go to do some research on liver function tests. She had a lot to say which I will try to get posted later. I am a bit torn up right now with this latest turn of events. I am trying to not panic, but feel pretty worried. Please keep my boy in your prayers.

Love and hugs,
Tina and Jasper

09-07-2013, 03:32 PM
Pleased he is in there getting checked out Tina, remember sometimes those lab in house tests can show higher than they really are. I have especially found that on liver tests.

Is there any way you can bring him home overnight, even with fluids which I am sure you will be able to manage?

What are they giving him to manage the sodium?

Sitting here worrying right along with you Tina xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

09-07-2013, 03:39 PM
Did she do the pancreatitis test? That can put up ALT

Squirt's Mom
09-07-2013, 03:44 PM
Prayers rising, healing energies, hugs, and gentle belly rubs flying your way, Tina. Let us hear from you as you feel up to it and know we are all right by your side.

09-07-2013, 04:15 PM
Thanks you guys. Big hugs.. Sorry, I had started to type my last post and then my mom called in the middle of it so it took a while for me to get it finished and entered.

Trish, my vet wanted to keep Jasper there in case he continued to have vomiting as she did not want me to have to try to give him oral meds tonight and the rest of the weekend if the vomiting wasn't under control. He is getting injectable medication for nausea and also got injectable Dex. He will also get an antibiotic injection today. He is getting subq fluids which she said he is tolerating well. I can't remember why she said they went with subq rather than IV but she did explain and it made sense. She gave him a Percorten injection to manage the sodium, she feels this is due to his Addison's. Remember, we discontinued the Percorten after the June injection as his electrolytes remained stable and it wasn't indicated. I am wondering if it isn't a delayed reaction or something. We talked about that, and a whole bunch of other things. She mentioned that she is going to consult with our only IMS in town again. She has consulted with him on at least two prior occasions about Jasper.

We talked about pancreatitis and she said right away that an inflamed pancreas can cause the ALT to go up. I asked about the pancreatitis test and she said she didn't feel it was necessary as he is currently being treated as if he has it. I hope that makes sense. Trish I hope you are right about the in house labs showing higher. You all are so smart and I appreciate all the feedback and reassurance.

Yes, not a wonderful night last night, but so lucky it wasn't a work night, guess I would have missed work today. Although I don't like him being away overnight, I know he is where he needs to be. I DO NOT want to have to try to manage that vomiting on my own, scary. I will post more of what my vet said a bit later. Pretty wiped out right now.

Love and big hugs. I am so thankful for you all.

Tina and Jasper

09-07-2013, 04:29 PM
That all makes sense Tina, she sounds like she is onto it. Pleased she is also discussing with IMS too. You need a wee sleep I think, hope your headaches are staying away as this stress plays havoc on you too and we need you fighting fit at the moment. Hopefully once that sodium comes back up he is going to feel better. It's a fine line with the IV fluids, covering his dehydration but not washing out too much sodium... I guess they are using a higher sodium fluid for that.

Maybe the changes with the addisons were sneaking back up making him feel funky the last couple of weeks with the going off his food recently. Honestly I think we should just cancel out September for Jasper, wasn't it this time last year it all played up as well and he got through that Tina, so paws crossed he perks up real fast with this treatment xxxxxxxxxxxx

Harley PoMMom
09-07-2013, 04:39 PM
Oh Tina, I am just now reading this and am so sorry. Will definitely be keeping you and Jasper in my thoughts and prayers.

Please do keep us posted.

Sending huge hugs and love, Lori

09-07-2013, 04:59 PM
Yes! Regarding the dehydration - she said that overall he did not appear that dehydrated, CBC was WNL, his gums were moist. But she was surprised how low the sodium was, and felt it was a due to his Addison's so gave the Percorten injection. I am thinking maybe this was the reason for subq instead of IV fluids, so as to not wash out the sodium. She gave me so much information on everything and I was writing like a mad woman but couldn't get everything written down.

Maybe the changes with the addisons were sneaking back up making him feel funky the last couple of weeks with the going off his food recently. Honestly I think we should just cancel out September for Jasper, wasn't it this time last year it all played up as well and he got through that Tina, so paws crossed he perks up real fast with this treatment xxxxxxxxxxxx

Ok, we're you conferenced in on the call with my vet?! :) That is exactly what she said, that she questioned if the instability related to the Addison's was slowly creeping up with his recent appetite issues and not feeling so well the past week or two!

And yes, it was exactly a year ago that Jasper had the original Addison's crisis. Some problems over last Labor Day weekend and hospitalized. Home for a couple of days and then sh*t hit the fan on 9/5 and that was when he had the full on crisis and HGE and back in the hospital. :eek: :eek: Yes, I think we need to cancel September for him!! I am hopeful he perks up quickly this time also. I am wondering if he should have continued on Percorten even though indicators were that he didn't need it. He did well and was pretty stable the whole time he was on it. However it does affect how the kidneys function to stabilize the electrolytes. Hopefully this is not a concern related to his kidney issues.


09-07-2013, 05:03 PM
Oh my goodness Tina. I have just signed on and read thru what's been going on with Jasper. Wow..you had quite a night..I'm so sorry that Jasper has had such a bad bout of something, poor boy!
As hard as it is to have him staying at the vets, (I hate those overnights too!) it is necessary right now..they will keep him comfortable and hydrated. With all that vomiting and diarrhea he probably needs those fluids and whatever meds they're giving him.
Now that he is being taken care of I'm sure he will begin to stabilize today. Jasper will probably be so exhausted after last night that he will be sleeping soundly tonight and hopefully in the morning when she checks him out he will be getting back on track and maybe could come home tomorrow.
So, so sorry for what you're going through, those terrible nights with vomiting and everything are so scary and so long!! Try not to worry too much about the liver number...if it makes you feel better Trixie's is also very high...and at one point was up in the 2000s. I read online that they can go way higher than that...so it could even be a infection causing that number to rise. I'm sure the vet will get to the bottom of this.
Sending lots of positive thoughts to you and Jasper! Hope you'll have another update today after you hear from the vet again. Try and get a little rest if you can!!


09-07-2013, 05:31 PM
Haha yep I have accessed your phone lines and was listening in :eek::eek::eek: That just makes me sound like a mad scary stalker woman :D:D:Ds Truly I'm not :)

Makes sense about the subcut fluids and the sodium Tina. Good that he is not dehydrated. I think once he is stabilised that he will most likely have to stay on the Percoten. Can't have this happening again, our nerves will not be able to take it, even though tough little Jasper will just keep trucking along!!

09-07-2013, 05:56 PM
LOL, you are totally not a mad stalker. Just trying to emphasize how smart you are Trish! You are right on, that is exactly what my vet discussed. You know, when she said she wanted to try to get him off the Percorten, in my gut I had a little fear about it. But since the dose had been decreased to less than half of what he started on, and the electrolytes all stayed WNL for a month with checks every 10 days x 3, I figured that proved he didn't need it. I am thinking he will need to stay on it now also. That's right, our nerves can't take this, and I don't think his little body can really take it either. He has been pretty tough, but I know it takes its toll. He really did look pitiful during all that vomiting, they just look so helpless when that is going on. :(

I read that you are taking your Dad out for lunch. How nice, hope you have a good time, and something yummy to eat. Getting kind of hungry myself, I guess I have forgotten to eat today with all that has gone on.


09-07-2013, 05:57 PM
Just catching up, had to run out to my mom's. I checked on my phone for updates but cant post from my phone.:o

Well, I think yup, staying on the Percoten may be the ticket along with canceling any future Septembers, no more allowed, simply cannot have that month for Jasper anymore.

Gosh, Tina, what a time you and Jasper have had and I know it is hard when they are in hospital and not home with us but I am sure he will be home soon.

Sending much love and many prayers, sweetie. I really believe this will all turn out all right but wish I could be there with you in person.

09-07-2013, 06:15 PM
Me too Addy, be so nice for us to pop over to Tina for a visit, loads of chocolates, flowers, wine, tissues and some poppers to crack when we get the good news that Jasper is coming right, as surely we will!!

I do have to log off now Tina, but know you will be in my thoughts all day, so for now a big:


09-07-2013, 06:16 PM
hehe you know what I mean!! Sorry about the typo xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

09-07-2013, 06:24 PM
Aww, you are such a sweetheart Addy. Wish you could be here too. Big hugs.

Yes, he is where he needs to be. I am just not too keen on him being by himself all night. But this will allow some quality time for Shelby tonight. Poor little girl, she has not had much Mommy time in the past 24 hrs. Seems that her needs are put on a back burner lots of times due to Jasper's issues.

How's your Mom doing Addy? I know it has been a tough time lately for both of you.

Love and hugs,
Tina and Jasper xo

09-07-2013, 06:28 PM
Thanks Trish, yes, paws up Jasper! Thanks for thinking about my boy.

Gosh, that would be so nice. You and Addy both pop over! Trish have a nice day with your family, I will catch you later tonight.


09-07-2013, 06:54 PM
Four Paws Up Jasper:):):):):)

Mom's up and down, thanks for asking. She has had medication induced delirium. We'll get her straightened out in spite of her doctors;););):rolleyes::rolleyes:

How is Shelby doing? Maybe tonight a nice long hot soak in the tub with a warm washcloth over your eyes so you don't get a migraine and then a bit of chocolate, some mindless TV like old Bob Newhart shows and then a cuddle with Shelby to put you to sleep:):)

Some of the old sitcoms really can make us laugh even when we don't want to.:)

09-07-2013, 06:56 PM
Four Paws, 20 toenails AND a tail Up JASPER!!! :D

Now I really am going! xxxx

Budsters Mom
09-07-2013, 07:06 PM
Oh my Tina,
It sounds like Jasper's exactly where he needs to be right now. It's the pits when our babes aren't home where they belong. We'll keep you and Shelby company this evening. You are never alone. You have all of us right by your side praying for both you and Jasper. Try to get some rest. I'll check and see if you're around and want company in a bit. Until then,

Many, many loving hugs coming your way. :)

09-07-2013, 07:27 PM
Wishing Jasper a peaceful night's sleep...he will probably be so, so tired after what he's been through. I think he will just be sleeping and gaining his some of his strength back over night.
You must be running on empty by now Tina, hoping you and Shelby can try and relax and get some rest...you've got us all here cheering Jasper on!!


Budsters Mom
09-07-2013, 08:13 PM
I was going to take a nap, but you and Jasper are on my mind. So I thought I'd hang close by instead, in case you surfaced. My first week back to work was only four days, but it was crazy busy. There was barely time to catch my breath. On the upside, it flew by.:)

I know how worried you are. It wasn't long ago when I was feeling just as worried. All of you angels kept me talking and semi-sane. The entire flocks of angels floated out to stay with me throughout many days and nights. I am so sorry that you were alone with all of this last night. Now that we are aware, many of us will be checking on you much more often. It is okay to lean on us. I certainly leaned on all of you. In fact, a couple of days there I think I was actually carried!;)

Sending you tons of love and healing energy.

09-08-2013, 02:30 AM
Hi Tina

Well busy afternoon day here, just got home and checking in!! Hopefully you are sound asleep after a lovely Shelby snuggle on the couch. I am around for a few hours yet if you wake up, which I hope you don't :) not that I don't want to see you, but rather you getting a good sleep xxxxxx :)

09-08-2013, 03:59 AM
I'm just catching up on some posts. I'm sorry to hear Jasper isn't doing well.

I know what you mean about Jaspser being by himself overnite. They don't feel well, in a strange place and all by themselves. Hopefully he will rest and feel much better this morning.

Paws up for Jasper !!

09-08-2013, 04:34 AM
Hi Tina

I see your little green light on, not sleeping? xx

09-08-2013, 04:39 AM
Aww, you guys, I am a bit choked up with all of your sweet messages. Thank you, thank you, thank you for all the kind words and support, and for looking in on me. True Angels. ((((Hugs)))).

Well I am up for the middle of the night pit stop, but no Jasper! :( I guess my sleep schedule has been permanently reprogrammed!! Shelby and I did get some much needed sleep, whew, I was a bit wiped out. She is kind of clingy. Probably wonders where her brother is, but more likely doesn't know quite what to do with herself without him to terrorize! :rolleyes:

Well, no news from the vet last evening is good news I guess. She said she would be checking on him again last night, I imagine by touching bases with the vet on call last night. It sounded like she will be checking on him herself in the morning and will call me then. She wasn't going to call last night unless something had changed so I am going to take that as good news.

Thanks for all the support dear friends. I don't know what I would do without you. Love you guys! ❤❤

Big hugs,
Tina and Jasper xo

09-08-2013, 04:44 AM
Phew, well I agree no news is good news! :) Now for a good morning report and we can all breathe a sigh of relief! So pleased you have had some sleep! - Think I will be checking on the phone tomorrow, with work getting in the way of keeping up with Jasper :rolleyes:

09-08-2013, 05:21 AM
I know what you mean by work getting in the way of checking on things on the forum. I feel that way most days, but especially when something urgent is going on with one of our babies.

It's kind of difficult to check on my phone, it doesn't get a good signal in my office. I have been checking real quick a couple times a day from my work computer, but I should probably stop doing that. They recently "announced" that the internet usage would be more tightly monitored. :rolleyes:

Yes, looking for a good report in the morning. The more I think about it, I feel like he went into another Addison's crisis. That kind if occurred to me when all the vomiting was happening, but just as a quick thought. I really thought it was just a bad flare of colitis. I have to think it through a little better because he had been stable from the Addison's regard. We had it under control I thought. The only thing I can think of is that it is some very delayed response to stopping the Percorten, and we got in trouble with the aldosterone and his electrolytes got out of whack. Such a delicate balance.

PS no headaches so far, I am so thankful! They do seem to be stress related for the most part, and this is certainly stressful! Plus last week at work was a bugger so I was a bit wiped out from that too. But so far so good.

09-08-2013, 05:41 AM
Thank goodness no headaches, did you ever get to the bottom of why you had them, was it a virus do you think?

I was wondering about the aldosterone too, plus if he did have a bit of a tummy upset that might have been enough to send him Addisons again too with his electrolytes getting mucked up then the Addisons just made it worse really quickly??

09-08-2013, 06:17 AM
You know, I tend to get pretty severe headaches from time to time if I get too run down, or lots of ongoing stress. But that migraine headache that I had in July where I was throwing up, in bed all day and missed work - I feel like there was something more going on there. I can't remember ever being that sick with one. And I certainly have not needed to miss work because of one. Normally if I throw up (which is rare) it will be once , and then the nausea improves. I got a little worried when my Dr mentioned testing for West Nile, but I think that is not necessary as I don't feel so run down now like I did.

With Jasper there is so much to think about, and all things are inter related. I wonder if his sodium was slowly dropping due to not enough aldosterone, and it finally got low enough to make him sick, and then the vomiting started? Which of course then further complicates everything.

The Percorten injection that he used to get replaces aldosterone in Addison's, so without that, I wonder of it was some sort of delayed reaction, and the sodium got out of whack due to that? These are all things I will be asking my vet, and I think are part of the reason she will be consulting with the IMS again. Jasper has certainly been a challenge for her, and he historically has not followed the text books, so why would this be any different?

Oh gosh Trish, I just realized the time, after 5 am here! I should try to get a bit more sleep before I need to be up and waiting for the vet to call. And it must be starting to get late there for you as well.

Lovely chatting with you, and as always, your support and feedback is so appreciated.

Hugs, and smooches for Flynn xo

09-08-2013, 06:27 AM
I had just let him out for his last pitstop and was following on poop patrol as we do! He ran around the house a couple of times, no doubt that pesky cat from next door called by! Flynn has decided it is his bedtime and just taken himself off, I am going to have a cup of tea and that will be me in bed as well, it is only nearly 10.30pm here so that's the weekend finished :p too fast!!

Your theory sounds very likely to me too, I just want him better asap and I am sure with the meds, fluids and some rest he will be feeling better in the morning, I will be checking on my phone Tina so you get a few more hours and see you tomorrow night, give that boy of yours an extra special hug from me and Flynny xxxx night night :)

09-08-2013, 09:48 AM
Morning shift reporting in:D:D:D:D:D

Hoping to see some good news for Jasper, whom by the way I am sure could take 1st place at Westminster so just phooey to the snooty dog show lady. As I always joke to my Kate " Oh yeah? Well we've been thrown out of better places than this!!!!":p:p:p:p

Hope you are getting some sleep Tina as it seems you were up late;)

Budsters Mom
09-08-2013, 10:58 AM
Good morning Tina,
Dropping in to check on you, Jasper and Shelby this beautiful Sunday morning. I hope you got little more sleep after chatting with Trish during the night. It's been triple digits here all week!:eek: September is ALWAYS the hottest month, just as I return to work.

I see no Jasper report as of yet. Hoping that his tummy had has a chance to settle during the night and he's doing much better this morning. I'll be watching for your update.

Glad to hear, no headaches. That is a blessing. Take care of you, too.
Many big hugs this morning and belly rubs for the kids.xxxxxx

Squirt's Mom
09-08-2013, 11:18 AM
Girl, you were going to bed as I was signing on! I hope you are able to rest a bit and that you have good news on our sweet boy today.

molly muffin
09-08-2013, 01:35 PM
Omg, I am just getting caught up on what is going on with Jasper.

Lordy Tina, but you have been on a roller coaster. I think you are on the right track with the thinking that this is Addison related and probably related to the Percorten stoppage. It's all connected and relative, one thing leads to this and then this leads to that. So, one thing gets out of whack in a bad way and it's like a domino effect until you can catch one and stop it. Then it's work to get everything straightened back out again.

Hopefully the next news from the vet is going to be that you can start working on getting him sorted back out and on the right track again.

Sending you really big hugs Tina and a belly rub to Shelby and Jasper (hope he is coming home soon!)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin

09-08-2013, 02:50 PM
Trish, Kathy, Addy, Leslie, Barbara, Judi, Lori, Naomi, Sharlene,

My Little Man is home! :cool: :D :) :p ;) My vet said she was a little on the fence with letting him go, but since there was no more vomiting and was eating and drinking a bit for them, she felt he would rest better at home. And she said "and since it is you, I feel comfortable letting him go". (Thank you, I'll take that as a compliment! :) )

Thank you all for checking on us again today. I wanted to post a quick update as soon as I got him home. The only thing I did first was give him a nice bath. He seemed not so "fresh" after being in the hospital and along with all that vomiting and pooping, he needed freshening up. :rolleyes:

I will post details and all my vet had to say a bit later, but basically, it looks like he had an Addison's crisis again that, in hindsight, we think was brewing for at least a week. I don't think it was quite as severe as the first one, but still pretty severe. And now we have the issue with the highly elevated ALT. She is quite concerned about that and is not messing around with treating it. Jasper is on lots of additional meds now. He seems MUCH better, but still a little mopey, which I would expect. He is snoozing on the couch right now. The fact that he is even able to rest is such an improvement!! What a trooper my boy is. I love him so much.

I am going to try to get him to eat a little something now. I wanted to get an update in for all you wonderful Angels so no one would be worrying. I will be back on later with details and our plan.

I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone again, Administrators on down, for allowing us to stay in this wonderful forum even though Jasper technically has Addison's. I would be lost without you all. All the love, prayers and positive thoughts have carried us through once again. 💜

Love and big hugs,
Tina and my resilient boy Jasper xo

09-08-2013, 03:30 PM
Oh my gosh, what a relief!! My alarm went off and I rushed out of bed to see if there was any news... I don't usually get out of bed that fast especially on a week day, but Jasper is a special case!!! :D:D

So pleased he is home Tina, of course your vet was right letting him out into your tender loving care, no one else is going to take such good care of Jasper!!

I bet he is mopey, what a horrid time he has had of late. Hope you can tempt him with some food and he is good to keep it down and then can relax and catch up on his sleep.

OK YAY Monday is starting off good for me with this news, awesome!! Good Boy Jasper!! xxxxx

molly muffin
09-08-2013, 03:36 PM
Yay so glad to hear that Jasper is Home~~!!!! :) You bet that is a compliment, and well deserved too, you are a very good mom to Jasper and Shelby. :cool:

Gosh, Tina, molly isn't on any cushing meds either and they let me stay too. ;)

Oh, I like the sound of that "the plan". Will be waiting to read it.

Enjoy your Sunday! Life is awesome, Jasper is home. He had an Addisons attack, you caught it, now you will fix it, just like last time and the ALT Will come down. This one might have just taken a toll on his liver, but it Can recover from what I've read.

Will check in later,
Sharlene and Molly Muffin

Budsters Mom
09-08-2013, 03:37 PM
Welcome home Jasper! I am so glad that the vomiting has stopped. What a relief!

We are all family Tina. Buddy is gone, but I'm still here. You aren't getting away from us that easy. We will hunt you down with 24 hour angel service and do it relentlessly.;):D There is no escape from the angel brigade! ;)Do not think for a second that you are not one of us. You, Jasper and Shelby are very important family members and we love and worry about all of you.

I am so relieved that he's home. Xxxxx

Squirt's Mom
09-08-2013, 04:31 PM
OH, this just made my day to hear that Jasper is home where he belongs! :cool::):cool::):cool: No question he is in the best possible hands! Take care of your sweet boy, get some rest and we will be here when you feel more like talking. I know you're exhausted after Trish keeping you up all night long! :p;)

09-08-2013, 07:50 PM
Made my day too, Tina:):):)

so glad Jasper is home

09-08-2013, 08:35 PM
That's great news! Addison's is so scary!

Boriss McCall
09-08-2013, 09:10 PM
Hi Tina,
So sorry you & Jasper have been going thru such a hard time the last couple days. But, sounds like I logged on to the forum just in time to read good news. SO glad you have him back home. Hope this is the beginning of better days for your little guy.

09-08-2013, 09:38 PM
I'm also just catching up on the latest.. wow you have been one busy mom. Talk about some stress. As you say it is all so delicate and getting that balance just right. Again I commend both you and your vet. I do hope you got some sleep today! Jasper too.

Addisonian dogs are allowed because they were once cush dogs and it is a lesson for everyone treating a cush dog. Actually we don't kick anyone off but we are able to help some more than others. ;) My Annie was misdiagnosed and I had her thread changed multiple times between the cushings forum and the everything else forum... so I understand but trust me you and Jasper are family to us. Sending hugs, Kim

Harley PoMMom
09-08-2013, 10:35 PM
So glad to hear that Jasper is home and surrounded by all of your love. And I agree with everyone else, You and sweet Jasper are family. ;)

Sending huge, loving, and healing hugs, Lori

09-09-2013, 12:19 AM
Just back from my usual Sunday, taking care of my mother..I had to quickly sign on and see how Jasper is doing. I am SO happy to read he got to come home today!! YAY JASPER!! :D
I know what a relief it is to get your pup out of the vets.
He is probably having a good day of napping now that he is back at home and all cleaned up.
Hoping he continues to make a good recovery after these last few miserable days! :p


09-09-2013, 04:53 AM
Was up early this morning to check on you. What a great way to start the week, knowing Jasper is feeling better and at home.

09-09-2013, 05:57 AM
Hope the rest of the day went well for you guys and Jasper is continuing to improve! Wonder if you have the day off today to keep an eye on him or if you are back at work whatever you have planned I have fingers crossed for a good report later! I am having an early night so might see you tomorrow or later in the week :D xx

09-09-2013, 08:16 AM
Checking in for Monday
Wasnt sure if you were going to work or not.
Hugs and kisses to little boy:):):):)

09-09-2013, 09:01 AM
Thanks everyone for checking on us! Jasper is hanging in there. I got him to eat 3 small meals of rice/hamburger yesterday, and he kept it all down, along with meds. This morning I gave him a regular portion of the mixture and so far so good. My vet said I could mix in his kibble if he will eat it, but I think I will try that tonight when I can be home to monitor. He is still pretty mopey this morning.

I meant to post more later yesterday but I was pretty tired, and there was lots to do around here. Jasper did sleep almost all day, which I expected. Such a relief to see him resting comfortably, and that food and meds are staying down. Sorry I missed you Trish, we had an earlier than usual pit stop last night because he isn't drinking as much right now!

I do have to work today but have permission to come in a couple of hours late. So that is better than nothing! I will check in tonight after work.

Love and hugs,
Tina and Jasper xo

09-09-2013, 12:56 PM
Hi Tina,
So happy to hear Jasper is getting all straightened out. It's good that he's sleeping and letting his body recover, that rest is what he needs. I bet he'll be more himself really soon! Poor little mopey guy...he really had a tough couple of days and nights! You too!!
Glad to hear you can spend a couple extra hours at home with him this morning, but if he's keeping his food then things are definitely headed in the right direction! :D

Looking forward to hearing an update later on. I bet Shelby will be keeping a close eye on him while you're at work! :D


Squirt's Mom
09-09-2013, 01:07 PM
Food and rest in his own spaces are just what he needs along with his mom's TLC. ;)

09-09-2013, 01:14 PM
It is days like these we need a doggie cam:)
But then we would be at work watching the doggie cam instead of working and probably lose our jobs;);)

Hugs coming at you for Monday!!!!!

molly muffin
09-09-2013, 10:15 PM
Doggie Cams!!! Great idea. :) How to go to work and still keep an eye on jasper, all in one easy remote viewing option. There must be software that can do a live feed, along with a web cam. hmmm

Food for though there.
Sharlene and molly muffin

Roxee's Dad
09-09-2013, 10:33 PM
I do know someone that set one up. Just google home web cam and you will find many. Also apps available to watch via your smart phone :D Most electronic stores carry them and probably get a good price at Amazon.

Note: but you do have to be careful of hackers peeking in. So a good software and security is a must.

molly muffin
09-10-2013, 10:03 PM
Checking in on you and Jasper. :) Hope you are able to get some sleep at night with all of this going on and work during the day.

sharlene and molly muffin

Budsters Mom
09-10-2013, 11:18 PM
Sending tons of love and healing energy to you, Jasper and Shelby. Take care of you too. ;):) xxxxx

09-10-2013, 11:44 PM
I have a friend who set up a doggy cam and actually can access it from work and her iPhone :)

09-11-2013, 05:33 AM
Hi Tina!!

I see you posting :) Waiting here patiently for a Jasper update, hope its a good one and he is continuing to pick up and hear the latest xx

09-11-2013, 05:43 AM
You guys, I have often thought that I would like to have a doggie cam!!! Seriously, I have just never taken the time to investigate what all would be involved with getting it set up. Maybe I will do some checking. Yes John, I would be paranoid about hackers, so would need to check into that carefully. Well that will need to be a consideration for the future because my funds are stretched to the max at this point!!! :o And Addy, you are right, I would probably be looking at the webcam all day and get fired. Then how would these mounting vet bills get paid?!! :rolleyes: :p

Jasper seems like he is continuing to stabilize from this latest crisis. I am advancing his diet to include more of his prescription diet kibble, and so far so good. The biggest challenge is working out a schedule for all his meds now. I swear, I need an app for that!! :eek:

I need to post a complete update including his treatment and ongoing plan, I am hoping to do that tonight when I have more time, there is a lot to it. But I wanted to check in to let you know that my boy is holding his own at the present time (said in a whisper).

I am up way early because I have to go in to work early. So I am hoping that maybe I won't have to stay so late tonight. It is tough working such long hours, especially now with all that is going on with Jasper. Thanks for checking on us!

Tina and Jasper

09-11-2013, 06:29 AM
So pleased to hear he is holding his own Tina!! Good Boy Jasper!

I like the sound of these doggy cams too. Would be very reassuring if you could do a quick look to see what he is up to during the day. Better yet, we could set it up to stream in a thread here and all the aunties who pop in and out could also do a quick check when they log in here and let you know if anything was concerning! I think we would be fairly close to 24hr cover... hmm maybe a business opportunity for someone :D :D

Very interested to hear his plan so will be back tonight to see how your day has gone, hope work speeds by xx

09-11-2013, 02:10 PM
Hi Tina,
Couldn't be happier to hear that Jasper continues to do well!! Good boy Jasper! :p
The doggie cam could be quite a distraction. I think when we're not at home it's snooze time for the pups. At least that's what I tell myself when I leave Trixie. ;)


molly muffin
09-11-2013, 05:51 PM
So glad to hear that Jasper continues to do well.

Yea, those long days are rough when you have worries at home.

You're doing great though.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin

09-11-2013, 06:09 PM
You go Jasper! Great news!

Budsters Mom
09-12-2013, 12:57 AM
Hi Tina,
So relieved and thrilled to her that Jasper has continued to improve.:p:) It is very hard leaving them when they're not feeling well. I dealt with that every day with Buddy for the last several months before he passed. I would rush to work and then rush home to be with him. I didn't do much else. I do understand how hard it is, but I wouldn't replace that time with him for anything. I am sure that you feel the same way about your sweet Jasper.

As far as a doggy cam, I could never do it because I wouldn't get anything else done. Plus the district monitors web usage. I would be sitting there in my math groups presenting a lesson while staring at Rosie on the WebCam. It wouldn't have worked too well. It would have been reassuring to have had one for Buddy though. I wouldn't have worried about him nearly as much if I could see that he was okay on the doggy cam.

Sending you tons of love and healing energy for your boy, xxxxx

09-12-2013, 11:09 AM
YAY Jasper !!!!!

09-13-2013, 05:55 PM
Hi Tina
Hopefully the week is winding down for you and I bet you are looking forward to spending more time with Jasper and Shelby. Hopefully he has continued to pick up the last couple of days and you are both getting some good nights sleep :D:D Hopefully will catch up over the weekend xxx

09-15-2013, 06:06 PM
Hi Everyone,
Well I have been trying to get an update together about all that is going on with Jasper, and things keep happening that I have to add. :(

So the report from last weekend when Jasper was hospitalized I feel shows that he had a bit of an Addison's crisis again. I don't have any of the lab reports yet, but from what I wrote in my notes, here is what my vet said verbally:

The CBC was WNL but showed that he was a little dehydrated
The chemistry panel showed that the kidney values were ok. But I wrote that she said the BUN was 30, and when I look at the normal range from one of my other reports, it lists the normal range as 10-28 mg/dL so that would be a little high according to that. Also, on his last chem panel, the BUN was 8, so that is quite an increase. Maybe that is due to dehydration? I will have to ask her about that. She did say the creatinine was WNL. So, I will be anxious to get the actual lab report to see what's what. It was run on the in house lab, so maybe the reference ranges are different than what I have here at home.
Sodium was low at 123, this was confirmed by a secondary test that showed it as 120 (138-154 mmol/L) :eek:
Potassium high normal at 5.2
ALP higher than 2400 (the machine in the office only goes up to 2400) - this is significantly higher than on the last check where it was 1719 (<95 IU/L)
ALT high at 1280. This was 66 on the last check which was normal (<100). I think one time in the past this has shown a mild elevation, but it has been WNL for the most part.

He was given subq fluids, injectable anti nausea medication, injectable dexamethasone, antibiotic injection. He also got an injection of Percorten to help stabilize the electrolytes. (I am forcing myself to not think about how many jabs that is, in addition to the blood draws :eek: ). I know it was all more than necessary so I just have to put it out of my mind.

So other than the Addison's getting out of control again, my vet's main concern seemed to be the big elevation in the ALT. She said this is usually due to an acute insult to the liver. We talked about this, and I know Jasper could not have gotten in to anything toxic, I am with him all the time when he is outside, I monitor everything. Other than when I am at work, he is not out of my sight. While I am working he is barricaded in the kitchen, and there is nothing in there for him to get into. She is feeling that the increased ALT is most likely caused by an inflamed pancreas. There can be other causes such as bacterial hepatitis or a tumor, both of which she feels are less likely. She did say she is not sure what is causing what. That makes me a little nervous. She mentioned that we may need to get an ultrasound of the liver if the values don't go back down quickly with treatment. I am thinking positive that the treatment will be effective.

So here is the treatment and plan:

Cerenia 24 mg once daily x 3 days (finished 9/10)
Amoxicillin 250 mg twice a day x 10 days
Zeniquin 25 mg 1 1/2 tabs once daily x 10 days (my vet said the Amoxicillin and Zeniquin are the combination of choice for liver inflammation/infections)
Dexamethasone 0.5 mg 1/4 tab daily (usually he gets this every other day so this is a temporary boost)
Start Denamarin 225/24mg one tab daily x 30 days
Resume Enalapril 5 mg 1/2 tab twice a day
Resume Welactin 1/2 spoonful with food twice a day
Percorten injection (not sure what the dose will be now, but I imagine he will be back on this every 26 days)
Feed hamburger/rice mixture and transition back to Royal Canin Renal MP diet as tolerated
Recheck liver profile in 7-10 days (appt on 9/16)
Consult again with our IMS in town, including discussing possible prolonged action of Percorten since Jasper's electrolytes have stayed WNL for an extended period of time after we discontinued the monthly injections.

Current report:

He had been doing pretty well since being hospitalized. He was eating, keeping meds down, finally had a small formed poop after 3 days with no poop :eek: (Guess he was pretty cleaned out from all the vomiting and diarrhea). I had been slowly advancing his food to get him back on his prescription renal kibble. I had it down to mixing in only 1/4 cup of the hamburger/rice mixture, and then Friday morning 9/13 he acted like he didn't want to eat. I managed to get him to eat most of it so I could get his meds down him, but it was a struggle.

Well Friday night, he wouldn't eat any kibble at all, even out of my hand or with rice mixed in. So I put him back on full hamburger and rice. I have to get him to eat something so he can take his meds. I don't want him to miss a dose of either of the antibiotics. So that is what he has been getting all weekend. I have been sneaking in about 1/4 cup of his kibble, which he manages to eat around and leaves about half the kibble in the bowl. Sometimes he will go back and finish it later. So he is not keen on getting back on his food. I will talk to my vet about that tomorrow. I am not sure that he will ever want to eat it again. It seems like it doesn't appeal to him anymore. I don't understand that because he was eating it just fine before.

I will ask my vet about trying the canned version. He has to be on a kidney diet, so there aren't a lot of options. So frustrating! But I am thankful that he will eat the rice and hamburger, at least he will eat that. He still seems a bit mopey and low energy, and is very short tempered with his sister. Hopefully that will all continue to improve. I keep wondering if his poor appetite and low energy are related to his liver issues now. So hard to know for sure.

So that is where we are at. We will see the vet tomorrow after work. I have to get my list of questions/concerns together, and also need to remember to get copies of all the most recent labwork. The bill from everything last weekend is still pending. :eek: I have dusted off my Care Credit card so it will be ready for tomorrow. :rolleyes:

Thank you everyone for the ongoing support and good wishes. It took me a while to get all of a this information together, thanks for checking back on my boy. It sure helps to get all of it in a post so now it will be easy to reference for the future. As always, any feedback or suggestions are most welcome. Thanks for reading, I know this is so long. :o

Love and hugs,
Tina and Jasper xo 💜

molly muffin
09-15-2013, 07:01 PM
So, a couple of concerns, the ALT/ALKP and BUN. You might have to recheck that a couple times as it always seems to take longer for liver issues to come down than it takes for them to go. But if they are making a move in the right direction on 09/16, then it is possible that it might have been an bit of an Addison crisis, but possibly brought on by a pancrease bout.

Jasper might associate his kibble with his feeling so sick. Baby steps on that one and maybe a bit of the canned till you can get him back on the kibble. Do you have can kidney diet at home? If not maybe pick up one can or two, and trying blending that in with the hamburger/rice.

You know we say it all the time, but really does feel better to Have a plan. :)

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

09-19-2013, 11:21 PM
Hi Tina,
Sounds like Jasper is getting back on track. Is he still saying no to his kibble? I hope he's been feeling better each day and getting his schnauzer spunk back. :)


Squirt's Mom
09-20-2013, 08:23 AM
Hi Tina,

You might try soaking the kibble before adding it to the hamburger mix so he can't pick it out, plus help get him used to the taste again. He may simply not want that taste compared to that good burger. ;) If he sticks with the hamburger and rice, you may want to add either a good canine vitamin/mineral or something like NutriCal so he is getting more of a balanced diet.

Let us know what the vet had to say and if the plan has changed....and certainly how our sweet boy is doing.

Leslie and the gang

09-20-2013, 08:25 AM
Hi Everyone,
I just wanted to check in real quick. I have had a tough week with Jasper. Lots of trouble getting him to eat, and labwork from Monday 9/16 was not as good as we had hoped. The ALT had shown some improvement, but was still way elevated. His electrolytes were still way out of whack. Sodium was still critically low and now the potassium was elevated. :eek: :( I will post values later. I ran him in on Tues 9/17 for another Percorten injection. He is still very subdued and mopey but I was able to get him to eat some of his kibble last night and this morning. He is just not bouncing back very quickly. Hoping we are turning the corner now. Thanks for checking in on us, I will post more tonight.

Love and hugs,
Tina and Jasper xo

09-20-2013, 08:36 AM
Tina, Still following your story and sending out strength, love and prayers friend. Kim

Boriss McCall
09-20-2013, 11:22 AM
sorry ya'll have had a rough week. Keep us posted on Jasper. I hope he continues to gain his strength & you have a good weekend.

molly muffin
09-20-2013, 07:05 PM
You so did not need another rough week. I hope Jasper starts to feel better soon and those electrolytes can be stabilized real soon too. I think if those get better, then other things will start to fall into place too. He's just going to be feeling really yuck with those out of sync. :(

Here's hoping for a really, really good weekend!

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

09-21-2013, 11:42 PM
i have found putting kibble in blender, it will turn to near powder, consistency of sugar. mix that in with the hamburger and rice. No way it can be picked out. and if you add water to the ground kibble its like canned food. Excellent hydration too.

Harley PoMMom
09-21-2013, 11:44 PM
Sending love to you both, and hoping Jasper feels better real soon.

09-21-2013, 11:49 PM
i dont know if this will be helpful or not, but this is some info my IMS gave to me during one of discussions over my girls lab results. On the Alk Phos 2 basic areas to look at, slowing of bile flow or cortisal levels to high, thing is, Alk Phos elevations can come from many places, including bone and liver. It is common in seniors to see this. Often will not develop into anything, and can be seen 3 times higher than what is considered normal. And the Amalayse is an notorious unreliable for pancreas disease. Dont know if any of this will help at all but thought i would toss this in too.

Budsters Mom
09-22-2013, 12:07 AM
Hi Tina,
I am so sorry that you and Jasper are still having such a tough go of it.:o You must be exhausted!

Grinding kibble up to a fine powder and mixing it in, did fool some picky eaters that I was fostering at one time. They would only eat soft canned food. I even soaked the kibble and mixed it with a little canned. They carefully licked around every morsel of the canned food, leaving the soaked kibble. I finally grounded up the kibble and added water to the consistency of canned food and stopped the canned food altogether. They gobbled it right up. It wasn't the taste of the kibble that bothered them, it was the consistency. It is worth a try.

Big hugs to you my dear and belly rubs for Jasper and Shelby. Xxxx

09-22-2013, 01:51 AM
Hi Tina
Popping in to send lots of love to you guys, hope the test results even out next time and Jasper gets back to where he was. Your boy is such a fighter and I hope we see him back to his spunky self soon xxxxxx

Budsters Mom
09-27-2013, 10:15 PM
Hi Tina,
Checking on you and our boy Jasper. Is he eating any better? Thinking of you. Belly rubs for Jasper and Shelby and big hugs for you.xxxxx

09-29-2013, 02:01 AM
Hope your and Jasper's week has gone OK Tina and the wee man is turning the corner! Looking forward to an update when you have time, but want you to know I am thinking of you all xxxx

09-30-2013, 04:25 AM
Thank you everyone for all the love and support. We have had another tough week here, but I am hoping that things are finally going to turn the corner now. To add to it all, my work has been just horrid. I can't imagine how things can get any busier, and then they always seem to. I hate being away from Jasper for such long hours, but haven't had a choice. Thankfully he has been holding his own a bit more, although he is not up to par just yet. And to further add to my stress, I have been without internet for part of Saturday and all day Sunday until just a few hours ago! :eek: :mad: Ugh!!!! Some widespread outage they said. So I wasn't able to get most of the work that I brought home with me done, or get caught up on the forum like I wanted to. :(

I took Jasper in for another chem profile on 9/25 as he just wasn't doing well, and so much trouble getting him to eat. His sodium and potassium were finally in the normal range, so the Addison's is finally stabilizing again. It sure seems to be taking him a long time to bounce back this time. Liver values are still way elevated, but ALT is slowly coming down, hopefully that will continue. I will post all the abnormal values from this lab draw and the last when I get a chance. I just wanted to pop in real quick to let you know why I have been scarce around here, and that Jasper is trying to hang tough. As always, thank you guys so much for checking in on us and for all your kind words and support. I'm sorry I haven't been able to keep up with posting on everyone, but I have been reading along when I can. :o

Much love and hugs,
Tina and Jasper xo

09-30-2013, 08:20 AM
Sending you much love Tina and hope Jasper gets back on the right path soon. I totally understand about work and that just adds more stress, I know it so hard.
Love and hugs to you and Jasper. Jasper- Zoe says woof, woof, she is cheering you on to get better soon.

09-30-2013, 12:58 PM
Hi Tina,
Isn't it always the case that everything happens together...Jasper not feeling well, busy at work, no internet!! :eek: Hoping that this streak is over for you and that Jasper starts to feel more himself and starts to be tempted by his food again!! Hoping that liver number continues to head in the right direction...we have that same issue, seems like that takes awhile to get back down towards the normal range.
Sending positive thoughts to you and Jasper and Shelby for a nice calm October! :)


Squirt's Mom
09-30-2013, 01:17 PM
I hope the coming days see Jasper gaining his strength back and he is soon ripping around again.

Leslie and the gang

molly muffin
09-30-2013, 07:16 PM
Hi Tina,

Hope this is better one for you and for Jasper. I'm sure you are ready for things to turn around too. :)

Thinking of you!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin

Budsters Mom
10-01-2013, 12:27 AM
Hi Tina,
I think it's about time you and sweet Jasper caught a break. :p. I am glad to hear that he's holding his own a bit more. Do not worry about posting on the rest of our threads. We understand completely. Just continue to concentrate on that sweet boy of yours and we'll continue to send you tons of healing energy, strength, thoughts and prayers. xxxx

10-01-2013, 05:23 AM
Right Jasper, September is over young man!! So time to tuck into your tasty dinners and perk right up!!! Looking forward to your next report Tina and hope he is feeling much better and your work has settled down a bit :):)

Budsters Mom
10-12-2013, 01:08 AM
Hi Tina,
I've missed hearing from you. I hope Jasper is feeling much better and that you've been able to get some much needed rest. Please update us when you can. Xxxx

10-12-2013, 05:36 PM
Hi Tina
Hope all well with you guys! Hugs for Jasper and Shelby! xx

molly muffin
10-12-2013, 10:26 PM
Hi Tina, checking in on you and Jasper and gang! Hope that all is going okay.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

10-14-2013, 03:38 AM
Hi Everyone,
Thank you all so much for your kind words and checking in on me and Jasper. I think he has finally turned the corner and is showing some stability again. He seems to be feeling considerably better. Yay!! It has been a long recovery. It took him over a month to bounce back from the crisis this time. I'm so proud of my little trooper, it has been a long rocky road. I hope he continues on the right track now.

I haven't meant to be absent from the forum. My grandmother who is in assisted living has been declining over the past couple of months. My Mom had visited in August, and she has further declined since then. My brother flew in from Texas at the end of September for a visit and to spend some time with her. It was a short notice visit and I couldn't get any time off from work while he was here :mad:, so things were a bit hectic. Then about a week ago she fell and was briefly hospitalized, fortunately nothing was broken. She has been doing somewhat ok since that time.

During all of this, work has been brutal, and I have had severe pain in my left foot. I haven't done anything to injure the foot. I think it is a flare up of plantar fasciitis, but not sure because I have never had it this bad. A couple weeks ago I could hardly bear any weight on it and was worried that I would need crutches. :eek: It will improve for a few days and then get worse again. It has been better over the past few days thank goodness, but seems to flare very easily for no reason. So things have been a bit difficult lately, and it's been a bit of a struggle to manage Jasper through everything. Thank God he kept going in the right direction, however slowly.

Currently, he seems to be feeling pretty well. His eating has improved, and he has more of a spring to his step. I am so grateful for that. I still need to post his lab results from the last couple of blood draws, mostly for my own records. They have shown gradual improvement, which seems to correlate with how he is feeling.

Sorry for not posting an update for so long. Thanks again for all the support. :)

Love and hugs,
Tina and Jasper xo

10-14-2013, 03:53 AM
It's great to read the update on Jasper. So glad he's feeling better.

I wanted to let you know what I did about my foot. Same thing happened to me around the time of my daughter's wedding. I of course am in the wedding industry, so this whole decor, flowers etc. that goes with weddings was in my lap not to mention mother of the bride duties. I couldn't take the foot pain anymore so bit the bullet, headed to the dr.'s and got a steroid shot. I thought I was going to hit the roof when they did it. The shot went into the bottom of the foot near the arch. There was freezing in the actual shot too, so it was instant relief ( after I got off the ceiling) and could walk on it immediately. The doc said it was only a temporary fix and wouldn't last long. 10 yrs. later and my foot has been fine. It was horrible when I used to get out of bed first thing prior to the shot but so far, so good. Maybe worth looking into to get some relief. Guess that's what I get for wearing stiletto shoes for years and years.

Sorry to hear about your grandmother. It is so hard to watch our aging family deteriorate. My thoughts are with you.

10-14-2013, 08:05 AM
Jasper is feeling better :-)
You're not allowed to break. That sounds so painful!

Prayers for your grandmother!

molly muffin
10-14-2013, 08:49 AM
Hi Tina,

So sorry to read that things have been hectic and then health problems with your grandmother too. Family and hectic does seem to go hand in hand sometimes doesn't it.

So glad to read that Jasper is doing well though and finally turned the corner to recovery. Just what we all wanted to hear. :)

You hang in there and take care of yourself too. :)

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

10-14-2013, 08:59 AM
So glad to hear that your Jasper is doing much better. Hope you are too. Blessings

10-15-2013, 04:32 AM
Hi Tina
So pleased to hear Jasper has turned the corner, YAY!

Not good news about your grandmother though, hard on you when work has been so wickedly busy for you as well. There are just not enough hours in the day sometimes.

Your foot sounds super painful, last week on a warm day I wore summer shoes for the first time and I could hardly walk the rest of the week too!! I just put it down to the different shoes, but wonder if it is similar to yours, it still slightly sore but can walk easy enough now. That injection sounds really painful Judi :eek::eek: but sounds like it did the trick! Hope your foot has eased up even more Tina. :) xx

Budsters Mom
10-16-2013, 01:45 AM
Hi Tina,
I am so relieved to hear that Jasper is finally doing better.:) What a trooper he is.

I am sorry to hear about your grandmother and what's up with your foot? That has to hurt!:eek: How are you managing to work? I know it's hard with so much going on, but please take care of yourself. Xxxx

10-16-2013, 07:50 AM
Glad to see your Jasper is doing better, keep up the good work. Blessings

10-16-2013, 01:26 PM
Thinking of you and Jasper, Tina.

10-19-2013, 06:05 PM
Hi Tina

Doing my weekend catchup with everyone, hope your still not hobbling about and Jasper and Shelby are doing good. Has work quietened down? Hope your Grandmother is in good form this week too so you also can have a relaxed and stress free weekend! xxxx

11-03-2013, 08:20 PM
Hi Everyone,
I had to go to page 4 to find our thread, guess I'm way overdue for an update!

First and foremost, I want to get Jasper's last few sets of labwork posted. Mainly for my own records at this point, since most are from a while back. And a lot has happened in the meantime. I think where I left off was with the chem profile on 8/3/13. I will list just the abnormals.

Chem Profile 8/3/13
Serum Creatinine L 8 (10-28) mg/dL
ALP H 1719 (<95) IU/L
LD H 304 (<175) IU/L
Cholesterol H 322 (125-260) mg/dL
Triglycerides H 263 (41-115) mg/dL

The sodium and potassium were WNL, (this was the third set of electrolytes drawn, 10 days apart per the protocol), so the decision was made that he didn't need the Percorten, so it was discontinued. (Big mistake we later discovered, but it looked correct at the time).

On 8/12 I brought him to the vet for a general check and to have some lumps checked and it was discovered the big molars on each side of his mouth on the top had slab fractures. We are monitoring this, but she has said that they need to come out sooner rather than later. He had the Addison's crisis in the meantime, so this is on the back burner. Hopefully there will not be any complications with the teeth before we are ready to deal with them.

On 8/14 he was back at the vet urgently due to suddenly having accidents in the house. He was started on antibiotics for a UTI. The urine culture came back positive, so antibiotics were continued. About 10 days or so on the antibiotics his appetite decreased and by 8/28 he was refusing to eat his kibble, so back to the vet we went. She felt it was nausea related to the antibiotics, and sent him home on Cerenia x 4 days. He had a previously scheduled appt for 8/31 to get a repeat urine culture. She decided to get a repeat UPC at that time, since the urine looked good in the office and he and just finished a round of antibiotics. (For reference, there are detailed posts about these 4 vet visits posted on 8/31 and 9/1)

The follow up urine culture was negative. That brings us to the UPC results from 8/31/13

Protein, Random Urine 15.6 mg/dL (no reference range given)
Creatinine, Random Urine 26 (no reference range given)
Protein/Creat, Urine 0.60 (<0.5)
:D :) :D :) :D :) :D :)

My vet was very happy with this result and so was I, it was better than both of us expected. Not quite in the normal range but we will take it! My vet said she was pleased that the treatment was working, she indicated that it doesn't always. That was scary to hear.

So we had a few days of joyfulness over the UPC results, then the crash on the night of 9/6, and hospitalization 9/7-9/8 with an Addison's crisis. :eek: :( His electrolytes were way off, the sodium was critically low and potassium a bit high. In hindsight both my vet and I think that when the appetite and eating problems started at the end of August while he was being treated for the UTI, that he was starting to have problems then, but we thought it was the antibiotics.

I found an article by Dr Peterson about prolonged Percorten response, and I think this is what happened with Jasper. Even though all his electrolytes stayed normal for 30 days after his last injection was due and all the Percorten was expected to be way out of his system, apparently in 2-5% of dogs, a prolonged response to the medication can happen where it can actually be 90 days or more before the Percorten is out of their system. I feel sure that this is what happened with Jasper, and my vet seems like she is in agreement after I talked to her about it. You know, I remember feeling nervous in my gut about stopping the Percorten back then even though his electrolytes indicated that it was ok. Who would have thought? Another example where Jasper has followed his own path, and has ignored the textbooks. You would think I would be getting used to this pattern, but I keep telling him enough already with being a trailblazer!

Well, I need to get Jasper and Shelby fed and get a few more things done around here, so I will post the labs while he was hospitalized and going forward in another post. Again, this is mostly for my records, and so I can have everything in one place. The longer I have neglected to post all this stuff, the harder it has become to get it all together. But comments are always welcome and appreciated!

I hope everyone is having a good weekend with their pups and - for those of us in North America - are making the most of our extra hour of the weekend! :)

Tina and Jasper

molly muffin
11-03-2013, 08:43 PM
Love the new picture of Jasper. :)

Good idea keeping everything on one place. I do the same with Molly's lab results.

Good to hear from you!

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

11-04-2013, 03:24 AM
Crikey Jasper is in the 2-5% of dogs, typical!! Trust our dogs to defy the odds eh Tina!!

That UPC is just amazing, it just defies belief to get such a good result then the crash a week later. Interesting how much the ALP alters too when other things are happening in their little bodies. How are his teeth, hope those molars are not giving him too much grief as I can imagine you are not keen for him to have an anaesthetic right now.

I have to wonder if the UTI and stopping the Percoten at same time were enough to set off the Addisons, wondering what would have happened if he did not have the UTI to upset the apple cart. Does staying on the Percoten long term have any possible side effects? So is the plan to keep him on the Percoten for like forever??

I am so pleased to hear he is doing good now though, cute little man in his new avatar pic!! xx

11-04-2013, 07:41 AM
Hoping everything works out for you and Jasper. Blessings

11-04-2013, 08:10 AM
Of course our pups are always in the 2-5%;);) That is how they make sure we have to pay attention:):)


Squirt's Mom
11-04-2013, 10:16 AM
Yeah, I think the trail blazer doggies really like it here because we have several! Glynda's little Jojo had text books, lecture notes, and taped conferences stashed which he would consult then do his best to go in the opposite direction! :p So many times I could picture him sitting in a corner watching his mom and her friends scratching their head while he snickered softly, "neener neener neener...gotcha!" :p:D:p Most pups with hydrocephalus require surgically implanted shunts to drain the excess fluid from the brain - not my little Brick! He said, "No thanks, I'll do it myself!" And he does! The vets that have seen him are amazed by this while Brick is very proud of himself. :p So, yeah, Jasper being in a 2-5% group is normal for our family here!

I am very glad he seems to be doing so well and hope the trend continues!
Leslie and the gang

PS. I have been wondering something - it is said by some that treating and living with Addison's is easier than Cushing's. Have you found this to be true for you and Jasper?

11-04-2013, 10:35 PM
So happy to hear Jasper is doing well! I love his new picture..he's a cutie! :D:D


11-05-2013, 01:35 AM
That figures. Nothing is ever "the usual" here is it?

Budsters Mom
11-05-2013, 05:56 PM
Hi Tina,
What a handsome little dude you have there! I love his new avatar photo. :p I'm glad he's doing so well. Keep it up Jasper! Xxxx

11-06-2013, 08:29 AM
So glad to hear that Jasper is doing well. I hope you continue to see improvement in him every day. Blessings

11-15-2013, 01:10 AM
Hi Everyone,
Thanks for all the comments on the new avatar! Jasper does not like his picture taken, so I really didn't have anything recent or up close. Thankfully you can silence the shutter sound on my iPad (he is afraid of the sound), and I have been gaining his trust so with the help of some treats I was able to get a few new pics!

Well, it seems we take one step forward and two steps back. Jasper had been doing pretty well (thank goodness because work has been wicked). Then Tuesday at 4:30 in the morning he jumped down off the bed and started vomiting. I was hoping it would be just once, but he vomited 3 times. :eek: No interest in food at all. Seemed like he felt pretty bad. So weird because he was doing great the night before and had been eating well.

Vomiting can become an emergency very quickly with Addison's, so I ran him in to the vet first thing. We ended up being there all morning, I didn't get back go work until noon. :eek: My vet does not work on Tuesdays so we had to see another vet at the clinic who isn't very familiar with Jasper. A chem profile was checked and his electrolytes were great (yay!), however his liver values are sky high again. :mad:

ALP > 2400 (20-150 U/L)
ALT 1130 (10-118 U/L)
TBIL 0.8 (0.1-0.6 mg/dL)

The ALP is off the charts again, their machine doesn't register any higher than 2400. The ALT which had gotten back to normal is now severely elevated again, and the bilirubin is high for the first time.

The Dr mentioned that pancreatitis can cause the elevations. Jasper did not seem to be in pain when she checked his abdomen, and he did not have a fever. She did not check the spec cPL because she said he should be completely fasted for that. He was given an injection of Cerenia. Back on a bland hamburger and rice diet, and sent home with Cerenia pills to be given daily x 4 days. The plan was for my vet to call on Wednesday to follow up.

So I talked to my Dr yesterday and we discussed everything that had happened. She is quite concerned with the elevations in the liver values, especially the ALT, and especially since this had all just happened in September too. She is recommending an abdominal ultrasound for Jasper to get a closer look at his liver and pancreas, and of course gall bladder, spleen, kidneys, adrenals, etc. He is scheduled for tomorrow 11/15 at 1 pm.

Now I realize that Jasper is probably the only dog on the forum who hasn't had an ultrasound. But I am very nervous. I guess I am scared of what they might find, but I also feel a bit relieved that we are getting it done. Of course if they see anything questionable they will get a biopsy. I am concerned about anesthesia with his Addison's and kidney issues if they need to get a biopsy.

Thanks to what I have learned from everyone here, I verified that the U/S machine is high resolution. The vet that will be doing the procedure has had special training with ultrasounds, so hopefully it will be ok.

I took the day off from work because I didn't want Jasper waiting in a cage for 6 hours before the test. And plus, I will probably be a basket case and I know I wouldn't be able to manage my work.

So please keep my Little Man in your prayers tomorrow. I am staying positive but I won't lie. I am scared.

Tina and Jasper xo

PS Leslie, I will need to come back to your question about whether Addison's is easier to manage than Cushings. I need to give that some thought once things settle down again.

Budsters Mom
11-15-2013, 01:44 AM
We will be right there with you Tina holding your hand. I hope the waiting room is big!

Big hugs,

11-15-2013, 01:58 AM
Me too, I am up at stupid o'clock so am all ready to go.

I hate that feeling of anticipation so we know exactly what you mean.

Hi Kathy - so nice to see you realtime, been ages :)


11-15-2013, 02:05 AM
Hi Tina

Ahhhh they copying each other again!! Little beggars! Flynny's ALP/ALT have shot up too so he is having a review next Tuesday with a new specialist vet in Auckland. We are driving the 6hrs up there tomorrow and stay with friends a few days. I just got home from work at 7.30pm and starting to get us packed up. Flynny is suspicious the bag is out and I only got home from conference earlier in week and he thinks I am off again, I keep telling him he is coming too but he still doubting :D Be looking out for the results and it goes without saying we will be fluttering about making sure Jasper is well looked after for this appointment. Hopefully he won't need a general if they go for a biopsy, Flynn has had x3 liver biopsies and only once did he need a little sedation. Hopefully you get some sleep tonight so you are not looking like your eyes are on toothpicks tomorrow xxxxx

11-15-2013, 07:27 AM
Tina, awwww he was doing so well. The US will give a clearer picture and help to form the best treatment plan.

When Daisy had hers, they didn't have to sedate her because she fell asleep :-) She must've thought it was the best belly rub ever!

We'll be waiting with you.

11-15-2013, 07:43 AM
Your babies avatar is so cute. I will be praying for you both. Blessings

11-15-2013, 08:29 AM
Tina, Zoe has had two ultra sounds and did not need to be under anesthesia so I am hoping Jasper will not need to be.

I was terrrified on the last one, wanting to know but not wanting to know, so I totally understand how you feel.

Either way we will all be here thinking of you and sending prayers your way.

11-15-2013, 05:19 PM
Trish - I know, right? They are copying each other AGAIN! I have been reading along on your thread and knew that Flynn was scheduled for his upcoming U/S and that his liver values had gone up. I guess Jasper must have felt that he needed to join him! :rolleyes: I have been trying to keep caught up reading on everyone but just haven't been able to post much lately.

Thanks for the support everyone. The tech just called and they did do some biopsies. :( :( They are monitoring him while he recovers from the anesthesia. She said he did great. She said that when she saw that Jasper was there she asked our vet "what's my boy doing here?" Our vet apparently knew immediately who she was talking about and said he was there for an ultrasound because "his liver values are all over the place again". This tech is my favorite, I'm so glad she was there. She always tells me that Jasper is her favorite boy in the whole world, and then always says "and I mean it". :) I am to go at 5:30 to pick him up and my vet will talk to me then. I am pretty scared.

I will post again when I know more.

Hugs from me and Jasper xo

11-15-2013, 05:29 PM
Oh Tina...so sorry to hear you are going through all this today! Trixie's liver numbers are high too!! They should have gone down as her Cushings numbers were good but the ALP was still up high..I think we were at 1834 or something like that.

I'm glad you can pick Jasper up soon. I'll be sending prayers and positive energy your way!!! Thinking of you and Jasper!!


11-15-2013, 05:46 PM
Hugs and don't forget to breathe. It will be ok, Tina.

11-15-2013, 07:16 PM
No need to worry Tina, my Lola just had her ultrasound done yesterday. It was painless and quick. They didn't sedate her or anything, they shaved some of her belly hair:)

Good luck to you and hope to hear good news about your little baby too

Harley PoMMom
11-15-2013, 07:42 PM
Will be keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers, sending huge and loving hugs, Lori

molly muffin
11-15-2013, 07:49 PM
Tina, waiting right here to see what the vet had to say. That is great that your fav tech was there. I'm sure Jasper was in good hands and if they say he is coming out from the anethesia just fine, then that's great too. Bugger that they had to do biopsies but maybe it was just a minor precaution.
We'll all be waiting right with you to see what the ultrasound showed and what the vet has to say.

Sharlene and Molly muffin

11-16-2013, 02:38 AM
Checking in with a big hug! Xxxx

11-16-2013, 06:04 AM
Thanks everyone for checking on us. After we got home and he ate and got settled, I was so tired I guess I just crashed on the couch. :rolleyes:

His ultrasound results were good overall, and I am so thankful. I don't have any kind of formal report yet, just the verbal report from my vet. She said that there were no overt abnormalities seen. :D :D His liver, gall bladder, kidneys, intestine, bladder and lymph nodes all appeared normal on the scan. (A big YAY!) His adrenals were visualized and were small, which I imagine would be expected since they are pretty much non functional. His spleen is slightly enlarged, which she mentioned she had noticed before from X-rays that he had in the past for various reasons. (I'm not sure I remember that). She said that it is slightly enlarged but has normal architecture, nothing abnormal seen there. She seemed like this is nothing to worry about. It sounds like the only remarkable thing that was seen was an omental cyst. This is a cyst in the connective tissue that surrounds the intestines. She said that they commonly see these and that it doesn't require that anything be done.

The did obtain biopsies from two areas of the liver. These were tru cut biopsies, which apparently involve a larger tissue sample than a regular needle biopsy. They use a larger gauge needle which obtains a larger core type of sample that preserves the architecture of the tissue. This is why he needed anesthesia, as they do not want to chance any type of movement when this larger gauge needle is used. And it was general anesthesia :eek:, however very short acting.

They said he did great. He does have a little bruising around the needle site, and a bald tummy of course. He was given a buprenex injection for pain, which is long acting. She said he would be groggy for the rest of the night, and she wasn't kidding. He is still kind of out of it even now on the middle of the night pit stop. Several times during the evening I saw him just standing there staring, and a couple of times was standing with his chin resting on the couch and eyes closed. He was sleeping standing up, poor baby. Even though he has been groggy, he has also been randomly restless and unsettled. I imagine it is all related to the buprenex. No pain meds were sent home with us, she said he wouldn't need anything else.

She said it will be 5-7 days for the histology report to come back, she will call me then. I will be able to get a copy of the full report once that is all completed. So needless to say I am very happy with the report so far. And so relieved. But there is still the question of what is causing his liver value abnormalities. I will have to see what they determine after the histology is back. I won't be able to completely relax until those results are in.

Thanks so much for all the prayers and positive thoughts, I truly believe in their power. And I knew you all were with me today and I was thinking about that when I was feeling so scared. Even though I am always by myself for everything, I know I am never alone with my family here.

Love and hugs,
Tina and Jasper xo

11-16-2013, 06:11 AM
Well overall it seems like a good report.... YAY!!!! :D:D:D

Waiting for the other test results can be frustrating, but here's hoping everything else turns out as well as this last report.

Thinking about you !!

Squirt's Mom
11-16-2013, 08:23 AM
Oh, that sounds so good, Tina! I'm relieved so I can imagine how you feel! :D

That is such a sweet image - Jasper with his chin resting on the couch, asleep on his feet. awwww..... I bet he'll be rearing to go in no time. ;)

No, sweetie, you are never alone. You may not see us, but we are always with you and your sweet boy.
Leslie and the gang

11-16-2013, 08:42 AM
That sounds pretty good, Tina. Koko was pretty out of it from his anesthesia when he had his dental which scared me since I was only knew Little Miss Nails who never bats an eye over it. I am sure Jasper will be feeling up to his normal speed in a few days.

molly muffin
11-16-2013, 09:39 AM
I am pleased as punch with that report. I think over all it sounds pretty darn good. Hoping that the histology comes back really good too. :)
No idea what made him sick this last time eh?
Get some rest and enjoy the weekend. :) This is a Good day.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

11-16-2013, 10:31 AM
Well I would be happy with that Tina! Fingers crossed for biopsy xxxx

11-17-2013, 12:09 AM
:D So happy the ultrasound was all good news! Hoping the biopsy results are normal too!! Those dang liver values, :mad: we have the same issue!

Hoping Japser is getting his energy back after being so groggy from his day at the vet!


11-17-2013, 04:21 AM
Hi Tina

Pleased to hear your news, I know that waiting for that call seems to get harder not easier, so thank goodness no abnormalities were seen

Jasper must have felt shattered, bless his little cottons falling asleep standing up, I can just imagine it.

Hope you are both doing well today

Big hug

11-18-2013, 05:56 AM
Thanks everyone. I am still giving thanks for the results that we have so far. I was so wiped out Saturday that I think I just napped off and on most of the day. I had planned to finish up some yard work and leaf raking Sunday, but things were pretty wet till late in the day. Plus I didn't want Jasper running around out in the yard while I worked, and he doesn't like it if he is left inside while I am outside. So I skipped it. It was more important for him to feel calm and get good rest.

No Sharlene, we are not exactly sure what made him sick this time. Other than the liver values being sky high again. I think my vet is thinking possibly mild to moderate pancreatitis. The scan apparently didn't show any abnormality with his pancreas, but maybe that wouldn't show up on the scan unless it was severely inflamed. I don't know. She is waiting to see the results of the histology, and then I will see what she has to say.

Jasper has perked up quite a bit over the weekend, but is still a bit more quiet than normal. I have started mixing his regular food back in with the hamburger and rice and he is eating it just fine and seems to be tolerating it. I am just a little nervous about that, because if it is pancreatitis, I worry that maybe his regular food (Royal Canin Renal MP) could be either triggering it or contributing to it. But my vet said he could go back to his regular food if he will eat it, so that is what I am doing.

I do not want to go to work today, I just want to stay home with him. :(

Tina and Jasper xo

11-18-2013, 11:04 AM
I am praying for Jasper not to get pancreatitis. It seems so miserable for the dogs to get and the owners to deal with. I haven't had that problem thank goodness. Hoping Jasper continues to do well. Blessings

Budsters Mom
11-19-2013, 12:25 AM
((((((hugs)))))) Tina. I'm glad that Jasper's tests turned out well!:)

I know that not wanting to go to work thing very well. I wanted so much to be able to stay home with Buddy too.:o

Paws up Jasper boy! :p xxxxx

11-19-2013, 01:08 AM
So far good news Tina! Hoping for more to come.

11-19-2013, 08:15 AM
I feel for you as that is one nice thing I can stay home with Tipper. The only bad thing about it is the money situation. Blessings

11-19-2013, 08:18 AM
Just checking in on you and Jasper. Hate it that the Protein Pup Band has a member down, praying for Flynny and I hope Jasper is feeling better. I guess I was feeling insecure;)

Hugs to you and our boy. I know how you feel about leaving for work, sometimes it so so dang hard to leave them.

11-20-2013, 08:25 AM
Thanks guys. As of this morning, Jasper will be fully transitioned back to his regular diet and off the bland diet. So far so good, and hoping it will not cause something with his pancreas to flare. I guess we will see. I know Addy, we have to keep a close eye on these Protein Pups of ours! Feeling so relieved now that Flynn is out of surgery and holding his own. :)

No word yet on the histology report from Jasper's biopsies, the vet said it could take 5-7 days but she was hoping we would hear something by the end of the week. I'm not real good at waiting.

Jasper seems to be feeling ok, but just not his usual self or energy. I'm keeping a close eye on him.

Tina and Jasper xo

11-20-2013, 09:24 AM
Hoping for a good histology report and that everything goes good for your boy. Blessings

Boriss McCall
11-20-2013, 06:03 PM
Hi Tina,
I hope your report comes back good. I know waiting = worrying at my house. I hate the waiting period too.
It sounds like Jasper's pancreas is doing better. yay!!! I know keeping on top of that is not easy. Good job!

Budsters Mom
11-20-2013, 08:12 PM
(((((HUGS))))) Tina. You are such a wonderful mom to sweet Jasper. :p I am glad to hear that his food is almost back to normal. Sending wellness thoughts and positive energy your way. All fingers, toes and paws crossed for clear biopsies. Xxxx

11-20-2013, 08:38 PM
shoot no results yet, well still have everything crossed

11-20-2013, 10:56 PM
Waiting is awful...all that time just makes all the bad thoughts multiply! I hope the vet gets back to you soon with all good results!! You and Jasper deserve good news! :p


11-23-2013, 03:07 AM
I'm not real good at waiting either, where are Jasper's liver tests? Hopefully you hear soon and get good news Tina. Honestly, these protein pups are having their moments lately aren't they. The band must be due for some smooth sailing right about now!! Including Miss Zoe :)

How's he doing back on his normal food?? Hopefully getting a bit more of his pep back too... looking forward to reading the news.

A big thank you to you as well during our recent week from hell, but looks like we will be out the other side soon and I am joining you waiting for histology reports. xxxx