View Full Version : Help !!

07-11-2012, 06:51 PM
Hi I am writting this for my very upset mother who has just found out after months of being told by vets that her dog did not have cushings disease !!
That in fact she has my dilemma is she is a 8 year old Bedlington terroir she is typical cushings with the fur,eatting ,thirst etc .She has suddenly started with serious diehorrea.
Vets carnt work out why she has had it for 13 days lossing weight rapidly .
Any answers had all test for parasites etc and labs grown cultures all come back clear !
Vets have now given up does any one know if this is part of cushings syndrome my mum so upset u are my last resort please some one HELP !!!!!

Roxee's Dad
07-11-2012, 07:05 PM
Welcome to you Sebastian18, I have manually approved your post so that others that may have knowledge or experience with this will be able to see your post and respond.

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Thank you.

07-11-2012, 07:34 PM
Hi and welcome to the forum.

I have manually approved your membership so no more moderation will be necessary and everybody can see your posts right away.

I only have a minute but want to tell you that I'm so very sorry your mom's precious pup is having such a rough time. I can tell you that diarrhea is not a common symptom of cushing's but it is a symptoms of pancreatitis which cushdogs are predisposed to.

In order for us to provide you with meaninful feedback, we'll need as much information as you can give us. Can you round up all the testing that was done to diagnose the dog as well as any testing done to determine the cause of the diarrhea? Is he currently on anything for the diarrhea? Do you know if they did a cPL test to see if the dog has pancreatitis?

Gotta run but will be back later when I get home from work.


07-11-2012, 07:36 PM
I am so sorry to read your frantic post. I understand how scared your mom and you are.

How was Cushings diagnosed? Could you tell us what tests were done and what the results were? Normally diarrhea is not one of the usual symptoms.

My Zoe had chronic loose stools for a few years. All her tests were normal as well. Then she was diagnosed with Cushings. I worked first to control her stools with metronidazole. She went through a period where she lost weight and was very ill but we turned the page with metronidazole. Once she was stable for a long period of time, we started treating her Cushings, very slowly.

There was some discussion that her Cushings caused a chronic infection. Cush pups are prone to infections.

Zoe has not had a flare or lost weight in more than a year.

Can you see a specialist? Do you have access to an internal medicine specialist? That was the only doctor able to help Zoe with her IBD.

molly muffin
07-11-2012, 10:55 PM
My Molly had a bout with diarrhea in March and she was on antibiotics for about 5 days I think, and then a flora powder prescribed by vet for about 3 weeks. Took forever to clear it up. One thing I was told at the time, is to remove food from them, to clear them up, make sure they are drinking water to stay hydrated, and then slowly reintroduce them with some rice, very bland foods, in small amounts at any one time, making it back to their dog food eventually. This worked for Molly.

That is just my experience. Others are going to be far more knowledgeable as I'm new to the forum too. I'm just so sorry that this has occurred. :(

07-12-2012, 01:25 PM
Hi there,

Just checking in on you to see how your dog is doing today. Any updates?

Julie & Hannah

Squirt's Mom
07-12-2012, 02:00 PM
Hi and welcome to k9cushings! :)

Bedlington Terriers are prone to a condition called Copper Toxicosis, in which they cannot process copper properly and end up with an excess in their system. Here is a link about it - (of the three types, this seemed to fit best with what you have described)


3. Chronic overt copper toxicosis

Chronic overt copper toxicosis commonly occurs in older dogs, typically at about 6-7 years of age and manifests itself as a slow progressive development of clinical signs. These vary considerably and are typical of liver diseases in general. These signs include:-

Lethargy and depression.

Loss of appetite and the consequential loss of weight and body condition.

Excessive thirst.

Intermittent vomiting.

Diarrhoea and excessive urination.

Accumulation of fluid in the abdomen.


Nervous symptoms may also be observed.

If your mom's baby has not been checked for this condition, I would have it done asap...even if the breeder says they checked the line (it is inherited). ;)

Leslie and the gang