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My Koko went to the groomers today. He has to wear his collar to the groomers otherwise he wears his harness. He is a partial collapsing trachea that has not been bothering him.
Since he came home he is sneezing and wheezing. I have never heard him wheeze like this. Usually if his trachea is bothering him he coughs and then gags. This is a wheeze.
He ate dinner but when tried to bend his head to lick his Kong he wheezed again. I held his Kong straight and he did not wheeze but now he just walked past me and wheezed again.
Do you think he could have swallowed something and it is stuck in his throat? Should I go to emergency?
His gums are not pale. It does not sound like Zoe's reverse sneeze.
I don't want to overreact.
Not sure what to do.
03-26-2011, 07:08 PM
Wheezing noise coming from the mouth or the nose?
03-26-2011, 07:12 PM
I googled and found this chart of different descriptions for wheezing and what it could be and what to do from the USDA
Thanks Kim,
I guess I lost the post I just wrote. The wheezing is coming from his mouth but he is also snorting from his nose and sneezing. This started when he came back from the groomer. It is very cold today.
He drank some water and did not wheeze. I just took him out to do his duties and he snorted in the cold but did not wheeze. Now he is laying next to hubby and not making any noise.
Freaked me out when he wheezed outside earlier. It went on for a few minutes and also when he tried to lick his Kong. Reminded me of when my asthma is acting up.
I wonder if some water from his bath went down the wrong pipe?
I guess I just watch him for awhile.
You know I am always so worried about Zoe, I take his health for granted I guess. It really scared me.
03-26-2011, 07:51 PM
My dear friend:
Would he have inhaled anything at the groomers that would be irritating. Interesting it was only after groomers.
can you call emergency clinic and see what they say?
Please keep us updated.
Love & tight hugs,
03-26-2011, 08:00 PM
I'm so glad that Koko is doing better, my dear friend. That had to be such a scare.
Give Koko some extra belly rubs from me.
Luv ya,
03-26-2011, 08:01 PM
Addy, you might try to reach the groomer to see if they used anything different in the way of shampoo, etc., that Koko might be reacting to, & check to see if anything unusual happened during the groom.
Hi Carrol,
Yeah, our first thought was did he swallow something at the groomers? She has her children there on Saturdays and sometimes they have stuff on the floor where they play. He has been going there for 3 years and loves his groomer. Is always happy to go.
Now I wonder if maybe he inhaled some hair particles or got water down the wrong pipe and maybe it irritated his bronchial tubes. Do they have them? He is snorting, little short snort puffs often through his nose.
If it happens one more time ,the wheezing attack, I will call emergency.
Always something:rolleyes::confused::(
Love ya,
He just threw up his dinner and is snorting. I did not see a foreign object in th vomit.
We just tried to call the groomer but they are closed until Tuesday:confused:
03-26-2011, 08:16 PM
I think it's time to call emergency. With the vomiting, IMO, Koko is in increasing distress.
03-26-2011, 08:19 PM
I agree with Deb. Sending hugs and love. Keep us posted. Kim
03-26-2011, 09:05 PM
Please keep us updated. We will be waiting.
Tight, tight hugs and positive thoughts your way.
I called emergency. They think the wheezing and snorting could be his version of a reverse sneeze and it sounds different from Zoe's because it can sound different in each dog. They thought he could have swallowed or got water in his nose and it irritated him and the throwing up is from being stressed from the reverse sneezing and feeling uncomfortable.
He is sleeping now on the sofa. They said to watch him and if he showed any difficulty breathing or if he throws up again I should bring him in.
He is not breathing funny or fast. His comes are not pale. I will watch him for the next hour.
Before he threw up, he heard a noise outside and started barking and flew off the sofa, running to the door. He vomited a few minutes later.
Thanks for being there.
03-26-2011, 09:56 PM
I'm sending positive thoughts that the ER staff is right my dear friend, and that Koko will be okay.
(((HUGS))) Try to relax a little, even though this is easier said than done. You and Koko are in my thoughts and prayers.
03-26-2011, 10:39 PM
Addy, I'll be standing by to get your updates on Koko. Positive thoughts being sent your way and prayers a plenty being said.
Thanks Terri,
Koko slept quietly and we just got him up to go potty and have his light snack. He throws up bile if his tummy gets too empty. I gave him soft cooked tukey, not too much.
He is sniffing abit. Hopefully we will make it through the night. His breathing is normal. I think he acts like he has a tummy ache. Wonder if dogs get acid reflux?
Emergency is 10 minutes away and is open all night. It is the same group Zoe"s IMS is with. They know us:o
03-26-2011, 10:58 PM
I'm so glad that Koko is doing better. I'm glad the ER is close by, just in case, but I really hope that it won't be necessary. Hopefully, all of you will be able to get a good night's sleep.
03-26-2011, 11:44 PM
Dearest Addy,
I am sure that little Koko will be fine. I will be watching and waiting.
Love & hugs,
03-27-2011, 06:19 AM
Hi Addy,
How's Koko doing this morning? I hope you both got a good night's sleep.
(((HUGS))) my dear friend.
Luv ya,
Hi Terri and Glynda, Kim, Deb and Carroll and All,
He slept through the nite with no events. We kept checking his breathing and it was normal. I fed his regular food for breakfast but in 3 stages so he could not gulp too fast and he did not wheeze. I have not heard any wheezing yet this morning. Though he has snorted.
Both dogs sneezed this morning when I took them outside. ER said there are alot of allergens outside right now.
No more throwing up, he seems tired but he is always tired the day and next when he comes back from the groomers.
I will see what happens today. He needs to go in for a wellness exam in August. Maybe I push that upa few months. He is such a puppy. I think he will act like a puppy when he is twelve.:)
Thanks guys, I am calmer when I know you are all there.
Squirt's Mom
03-27-2011, 09:44 AM
Hi Addy,
What a night you had! I am so sorry Koko had problems and I hope whatever it was is passed.
Do they put Koko in a drying box at his groomers? Could that have dried out his throat tissue causing difficulty breathing? Is there any possibility his throat/trachea got damaged during the grooming? Just navel gazing and throwing out thoughts.....
Let us know how he is doing, ok?
Hi Leslie,
He never had a problem before, I don't think they use a drying box but he had his collar on so maybe she took him out for a potty break and he pulled too hard for some reason.
After he threw up, he did not wheeze again. But he was doing alot of calming signals and licking his lips. He burped a couple times and I almost thought it looked like he had acid reflux or something coming up his throat.
The first time I heard the pug at work reverse sneeze it scared me so bad, I picked her up and ran all the way back to the office, a few blocks of running with an overweight pug and I was wheezing:rolleyes::rolleyes:
Zoe does it and it sounds bad but I know what it is so I just tell her to swallow and blow in her nose and rub her throat and it stops. This did not sound like that but ER says each dog is different:confused:
Koko is our puppy. He is almost 3 but he is still a puppy.:)
I tried to stay calm but he could have sensed by alarm and perhaps that scared him too.
No walks today for him, so far he has kept his breakfast down.
Hey, what do you think happened to Susan? Maybe we will hear from her today.
Squirt's Mom
03-27-2011, 10:56 AM
Hey Addy,
I'm glad he seems to be feeling better this morning and hope it continues as the day progresses.
I understand the panic feeling when you hear the breathing change. When Squirt got bronchitis this winter it scared the crap out of me to hear her breathing. :eek: We have a memory foam mattress but I could feel her breaths anyway. :(
Susan posted a short note earlier saying they hadn't had connection for 2 days. I hope we hear more soon and that she is still as excited as she was.....or even more so!
03-27-2011, 10:58 AM
Oh, my dearest Addy,
What a relief! These kids:rolleyes: I am SO happy to hear this was nothing serious. Now, I'll be telling YOU to get some sleep tonight.
Looks as if our Mom abandoned us for the "new kid". Now Mom likes Bailey best:(. Do you think we will ever get home? How much money do you have in your pocket? Where is the nearest Greyhound bus station?
LOL Carrol, I cannot stop laughing at your post. I have tears in my eyes.:D
Oh Gosh, I needed that laugh badly, I was so worried yesterday and last night.:eek::eek:
I think we are looking at hitchhiking home.:p:p:p
Maybe they will notice we are gone and come looking!!!!!!!!!!
Love ya bunches,
Addy who can't stop laughing:p:p:p
Koko update:
No more wheezing, no more vomiting.
He was sneezing in the house and whenever I took him outside.
I just took him outside, it is really cold and windy and he did not sneeze this time and wanted to trot up the street. Now we are back inside and he is snorting a bit.
He does not act like he has a tummy ache.
Bad news is Zoe almost threw up at 4:00pm. I can count on one hand how many times Zoe has thrown up in 4 years. I am waiting to see if she keeps down dinner.:eek:
Maybe it is all unrelated to the groomer:( I guess we will never know.
Koko is much improved. Now I will watch my Zoe.:(
Now I am sneezing:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
Maybe we need to move from wisconsin:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
Thank you all,
03-27-2011, 10:00 PM
Move here! Move here!
You know, maybe it IS allergens. They can be nasty. I am so relieved that Koko is okay. Doesn't it just give you more relief than Alka Seltzer?:D
Hey Addy, they never did look for us:( They didn't even know they were missing:( Well, I just going to tell Bailey to ask for a pony:D
Love and hugs,
Well, I just going to tell Bailey to ask for a pony
Carroll you are great with the one liners, I crack up:D:D:D
Thank you for the perfect start to my Monday. I have a big smile plastered to my face.
Well, I just going to tell Bailey to ask for a pony
Rolling on the floor laughing, I can't stop.
Love ya,
Squirt's Mom
03-28-2011, 09:03 AM
Hey Addy,
Glad to hear that Koko seems better :D but sorry to hear that Zoe threw up. :( I hope she is ok...
Ya know, when you said he was sneezing my first thought was allergies to some of the pollens that may be present where you live. Any possibility that could be his problem?
BTW, thanks for flaggin' that trucker down but next time, could you find one that has bathed in the last year? :o:p
Hi Leslie,
Thanks for asking about Zoe- I admit Sunday I was starting to goggle dog viruses thinking ok they both have something. But WHAT:eek:
Walked Koko this am and it is cold, 22 I think, we have not had a wheezing attack and the sneezing was better. Hubby is calling groomer this morning.
The kids stopped by for birthday cake (my Mom's) and I am wondering if Zoe helped herself to some off the floor maybe. She was still nauseous yesterday. When I got home from work her little belly was bloated but she was no longer nauseous. She was happy and playing with Koko. This morning she had mushy poos and feels much better it is all out of her.
SO we will fast for the rest of the day and have flagyl again tonight and hopefully all of this is over:D:rolleyes:
Thanks for checking and you trucker post was soooooo funny. Between you and Carrol, I can't stop laughing.
03-29-2011, 11:47 AM
Hi Addy!
Glad to see the kids are somewhat better. I think these are just blips that happen in our lives. Hopefully everyone will be right as rain soon.
Thought I would let you all know that the ER theory of Koko getting water in his nose seemed to play out correctly. One week later and we have had no further wheezing attacks, no evidence of trachea irritation and even all the sneezing stopped. No more vomiting. I guess I would have never even thought that it could cause that much todo:confused::confused::confused::confused:
Both my pups go to the groomers every few months and we have never had an incident like this so thought you all might like to know about it if your pup goes to the groomers just in case you ever see anything like that.
Never gave much thought to it before:(:( and those wheezing attacks were pretty scary:eek::eek::eek:
Zoe is also better so everything is stable at our house.
Thanks for all your help!!!!:):):):)
04-02-2011, 01:53 PM
Oh, Addy, I am SO relieved to read your good news. Those little whipper snappers! I think it was all just a ploy on their part to get you to stop taking them to the groomers;)
Now, back to Bailey....Did you know Mom was going to give her chicken and steak:eek: She doesn't even give US chicken and steak. Anyway, it's not so bad in these hills. It sure beats sleeping in the non-basement!
Love & hugs,
rolling on the floor again, can't stop laughing, Carrol.
Is it cold in them there hills, Carrol? Chicken AND steak? wow and here we are eating SPAM:eek::eek::eek:
04-02-2011, 11:18 PM
Dear Addy
Glad to hear some good news. You all are making me laugh. :p
Hugs Sonja and Apollo
04-03-2011, 12:13 AM
Hey, Addy, we got to get Mom's thread. she must think we are behaving.....ha, ha. ha!!!!!!!!!
To my little wild man, my circus pup who was totally loco but so full of joy when we adopted you:
Happy Birthday sweet boy. You are such a joyful soul, everyone smiles when they see you.
Thank you for taking care of your sister. It was not that long ago when I would tell Zoe to take care of you when I left for work. Now, you take care of her.
I am so proud of the pup you have become and love you so very much.
Mom, Dad and Zoe
Also the kids:D:D:D:D:D:D
Grams says hi too:):):)
Squirt's Mom
08-05-2011, 08:37 AM
Happy Birthday, Koko!
We hope you have a very special day with a whole bunch of goodies and lovings!
Leslie, Squirt, Trinket and Brick
Harley PoMMom
08-05-2011, 09:26 AM
Happy Birthday, Koko!!!
08-05-2011, 09:48 AM
Oh, tons of birthday well wishes from our doghouse to yours!!!!!!!!!!!
:D :p :) :D :p :) :D :p :) :D :p :) :D :p :) :D
Marianne, Peg and Luna
08-05-2011, 12:51 PM
I hope your day is a very special one filled with lots of goodies. I know your mom will make sure it is special.
I'm sending lots of belly rubs for you. Corky is sending lots of kisses.
Thank you all for the well wishes for my sweet little boy.:):):)
And Koko says "woof, woof, bark, bark" as his thank you:D:D
He deserves a special birthday and he sure got one:D:D:D
Casey's Mom
08-05-2011, 08:22 PM
Happy Birthday Koko - I'm glad you look after your sister!!
Love and hugs,
marie adams
08-06-2011, 06:31 PM
Darn, I didn't want to miss his birthday, but I did; so belated Happy Day!!
So what did Koko get on his special day???:D:D
Hi Guys,
This morning I took Koko outside to do his business at 5:30am. The wind is frigid cold and wind chills are well below zero. When we came in he had his eye shut.
When I try to look at it he holds it shut tightly. After awhile he was starting to open it. Sometimes it will be open and sometimes he is squinting.
I had to take him out after breakfast to poo and it is shut again.
This happened once before and by the end of the day it was okay. That was a few years ago.
Not sure what to do. When he looks up at me it is normal for a bit and then he starts to squint again. The hair around that eye looks longer and is hanging down further over the eye. He was groomed about a month ago and the long lashes and hair around that eye always grow back funny.
Any ideas?
Harley PoMMom
01-19-2012, 09:31 AM
Maybe windburn? I'd ask your vet about this and see if you can get an eye ointment. Hope Koko's eye feels much better soon.
01-19-2012, 01:03 PM
Hi Addy,
I agree with Lori...probably windburn. Izzy, my little rescue guy with horrible allergies, had irritated eyes and the vet recommended an over the counter drop, Refresh with Celluvisc. It worked like a charm. I did note that windburn and sun are listed as reasons for irritation.
marie adams
01-19-2012, 01:15 PM
I hope the eye drops Glynda suggested work for Koko. Now you have two little furballs to worry about so get yourself well or the worrying will get you sicker!!!! PLEASE!!! :D
Good to know about the drops, thank you.:) I should have some on hand and also, do you know a good eye wash for him? I should probably have one on hand. I don't. Koko is part Cocker- goopy eyes sometimes!!!:):)
Glynda- how is your little Izzy doing? Poor guy.
Lori- thank you for you ideas. I have to go check on Bear.
Marie Irene- you are too funny!!!!!! LOL I'll get myself and the pups in to see the docs asap. I promise, cross my heart!!!!!;);)I am still all alone at work. I need to see my own doctor and she is gone by the time I get off work. I think I need short course of pred and a log course of amoxiccillin. The clinic will most likely not do that.
love you all and thanks for helping me with my sweet boy. He thanks you too:):):):)
Well, Koko is all better. It must have been the cold wind. Hubby said he was getting better each time I called but then when I got home of course, that eye was better but he was squinting with the other eye:eek::eek::eek::eek: Man oh man, he had had the right eye just plastered shut and would not open it that morning, scared the beegeebers out of me.
What the hey? It never fails, hubby reports they are fine and then I get home and I think the pups plot this out while waiting for me to return to make sure they have my undivided attention:rolleyes::rolleyes:;) I really believe Zoe and Koko decided I will look better with totally gray hair.:D:D:D
Anyway, I cleaned under both eyes this morning and checked Koko's eyes again and they were fine. It is still cold but we don't have the icy wind.
Thank you all for your help.
01-20-2012, 02:22 PM
YAY for Koko's eye looking and feeling better:)
Booooo for mommy's grey hairs:( "Clairol, this I do for me". LOL.:D
Try to have a nice weekend...
xo Jeanette
Could anyone shed some light on this for me- Koko eats Honest Kitchen (higher Protein) Embark
We recently did some blood work and urine sample on him.
Bun is marked 33 normal is 7-27
Creatinine is 1.7 normal is 0.4-1.8
Specific Gravity is 1.025
PH is 7
no protein in urine
New vet is worried he has the start of kidney disease or some other problem Addison (GREAT)
Koko does not drink much water, I usually added extra water to his food. He is just turning five years old.
What does this all mean?
07-03-2012, 07:38 PM
Oh Addy,
I truly wish I knew how to read these test results. So sorry you now are left to figure out more negative things going on with your Koko now. Ugh, Ugh...
I don't know a thing about Addison's disease but aren't the signs of such lethargy, vomitting, diarrhea, anorexia, inappetance? Is Koko exhibiting any of those? Princess has been off the Vetoryl for over 1 month and she hasn't been drinking too much water either, it really is mind boggling?
I hope you can get more answers from your vet or someone here. Please let us know once you do.
Tight hugs and love always,
xo Jeanette
07-03-2012, 07:41 PM
Hi Addy,
Dogs on high protein diets can have elevated BUN. Was Koko fasted? Also, if your guy doesn't drink much, he could have been a little dehydrated in which case BUN and creatinine can be mildly elevated. Please refresh my memory. What is Koko's breeding and what's his most recent medical history? On any meds?
molly muffin
07-03-2012, 08:39 PM
oh gosh. Maybe it is something that can be easily taken care of. I hope so.
He was not fasted, she said it did not matter, we should just run a blood panel for his records. He seems perfectly fine, he does not drink much water, he does not urinate a lot, he eats just fine, seems like a normal dog.
I took him in for a wellness check up and I wanted his teeth cleaned.
He is a shih tzu, pekingese, cocker spaniel.:D:D we call him a shipekok:):) We tested his DNA for my birthday present a few years ago.
He has a partial collapsing trachea ( I think) but other than that he is fine.
He has no symptoms of anything.
Harley PoMMom
07-03-2012, 11:46 PM
Kidney disease is not the only issue that can raise creatinine, certain medications such as Meloxicam, Furosemide, and Enalapril will elevate the creatinine, also feeding a high protein diet can cause an increase in the creatinine.
Most dogs with kidney issues will have an increase in drinking and urination.
marie adams
07-06-2012, 01:23 PM
Hi Addy,
Been seriously MIA lately. I hope what Lori and Glynda said is right about why Koko's level are higher.
07-06-2012, 02:45 PM
Hi Addy,
Thanks for bringing us up to date on Koko's history. With BUN being the only abnormal value you posted, I personally wouldn't sit around and worry about kidney failure; however, I would have a mini chem panel done every six months to check kidney and liver values. You need to start worrying about chronic renal failure if creatinine continues to rise and phosphorus levels are abnormal.
Thank you Glynda, why does she keep harping that his urine should be more concentrated? Granted it is low side of normal. I stopped adding extra water to his food and have been making him hold it alittle longer instead or running out with Zoe every time.
I think I will do that for a few weeks and then recheck his urine. Maybe it will be more concentrated.
07-07-2012, 02:25 AM
Because she wants the USG to be 1.030 or higher to gain some level of comfort with the increasing BUN and creatinine.
Got it :D
Koko had his distemper shot today, his titer was low. He saw Zoe's GP and Dr. Dean told me he is at a perfect weight, great condition, wonderful muscle tone and is a happy, healthy dog.
He suggested I stop adding extra water to his food for a few weeks. The night before the urine catch take away his water after dinner, let him have a good long pee before bed and catch first catch am.
He said I can offer water frequently to Zoe since she cant be restricted, just dont keep the bowl down that one night.
I feel better, but Koko is not so hot from his shot. Kind of blah:(
Roxee's Dad
08-04-2012, 10:59 AM
:D:D:D Happy Birthday Koko :D:D:D
Thank you John, Koko loves your birthday wishes and so do I:D:D:D
He is a special little boy and takes good care of Zoe now.
08-05-2012, 06:32 AM
Oh how could I miss this one.
Happy Birthday to you Koko!!!!!
Thank you Terry.
Koko had a special day. It seemed weird not to have hubby here to help celebrate. Hubby did quite well driving around Boston. Life is full of suprises:D:D
I still cant believe my little boy is five. Zoe was five when we adopted her. Where does the time go?
molly muffin
08-05-2012, 07:43 PM
Aww, it always goes to fast. KoKo will just have to have another birthday celebration once dad is home. I'm sure he'll do okay with that ;)
Hi Guys,
Saturday A.M. Koko went to the groomer with his collar not his harness. He has been coughing on and off ever since so I figure it is his trachea problem. Yesterday A.M. he threw up bile when he awoke. I did not think much of it and fed him his breakfast in smaller amounts so he would not eat to fast. He acted perfectly fine all day until 2pm. Hubby took him oustide and he threw up. When I got home from work, he was throwing up bile again like five times.
I fed him 1/4 cup cooked white rice and some small bits of white turkey breast. He ate it right up and wanted more and wanted to play and acted just fine. I fed him some more rice at 7:30 and 9:30 because he needs a snack before bed so he does not thow up bile.
Everything was fine and I woke up at 2am and he had thrown up all the rice somewhere between midnight and 2am.
I decided to try some pepcid and gave him a bit more than 1/2 of 10 mgs, the pill cutter did not break it exactly in half so maybe he had 7 mgs. He weighs 16.5-17pounds.
Now he cant open his eyes and keeps pawing at them.
My question is could this be an allergic reaction to the pepcid? I am trying to figure out whether to go to ER when Zoe's opthalmologist is in or go to GP here in town.
He has eye issues, this reminds me of Zoe when she had her ulcer and glaucoma but the vomiting is throwing me off.
molly muffin
11-01-2012, 07:54 AM
I'd go to the ER just in case. That way they can also look into the bile and coughing thing plus the eye.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
11-01-2012, 08:20 AM
Just making sure you gave pepcid AC vs other forms of pepcid. I would definitely take Koko to a vet asap... something isn't right. Sending prayers. Kim
11-01-2012, 08:30 AM
Addy: Maybe he ate something he is allergic to or perhaps a virus. Always something with our furbabies. Probably nothing serious, just food related and he will be good as new in a day or two. Hope the ER vet finds out what is wrong. Love, JoAnne
11-01-2012, 09:18 AM
I would certainly get Koko to a vet. His eye issues could be a number of things from something that got into them as well as Conjunctivitis.
The vomiting would have me worried when you combine the two along with the coughing - could be a bacterial or viral infection.
Please keep us posted
PS - are you able to open his eyelids and are they completely inflamed?
Squirt's Mom
11-01-2012, 10:36 AM
How is he now, Addy? I hope you can get him in. Let us know what you learn. Boy, a day for emergencies! Had to take Trink in this morning.
11-01-2012, 10:46 AM
Oh no..I hope Koko is alright. I am anxious to hear what the vet says ( I am assuming you got him him)..There seems to be so much going around with our furkids..hugs Lynda
GP said go to ER so of we went. Just got back. Nothing in xray- insides look good, no blockage. Eye pressure good, no tear, no scratch, no ulcer, both eyes look a bit inflamed, does not think the eyes ar related to the pepcid and wants me to give him pepcid for 3 days BID:eek::eek::eek: Thats why I am there:confused::confused:
Gave him an anti nausea shot, gave him fluids, no food or water until 6pm tonight. If he can hold water down, start small amounts of bland diet. Likely diagnosis: stress collitis, intestinal parasites, dietary indiscretion, not sure why his eyes are showing signs of mild irritation.
If we do not see improvement further evaluation is needed:
ingested foreign body, Addison's or liver disease.
You know this is the second time someone mentioned Addisons regarding Koko. GP said that possibility when she was all worked up about his urine and protein I think being high normal.
I have never seen his eyes like this, so I dont get it. He is still squinting and closing them.
I am ordering sliipery elm today and I am not giving him any more pepcid, I dont care what they say.
Jenny & Judi in MN
11-01-2012, 02:47 PM
what about benadryl? could it be allergies? poor guy
11-01-2012, 02:49 PM
sweet Addy,
Glad they found nothing serious with Koko, and hoping his eyes are healed real soon from whatever is bothering him.
As for Pepcid, I am with you. I will never give my girl it ever again as every time I did, she would vomit coincidentally. I think my poor girl is sensitive to most drugs, vetoryl, Pepcid, antibiotics.
Hope you are doing well also.
We love you.
Xo Jeanette and Princess
marie adams
11-01-2012, 03:08 PM
Dearest Sister Addy,
I am hoping it isn't something at the groomers he is allergic too. Just weird how it all came on after that. Could he be allergic now to a certain shampoo or something new they used and it is still on him??? Of course he would be itching a lot all over, so....
I guess he just wanted some attention like Zoe....:D:p
I am squeezing you tight (((((HUGS)))))
Take care!!!!:)
I dont know, he looks sicker now then he did when I first took him to ER. Poor little guy.:(
I feel so bad for him, the look on his face when he picks up his head. I'm going to go cuddle in bed with him.
I'm trying to see what shot they gave him, the bill says Maropitant Citarte 10mgs/ml. I guess I'll go look that up. All he had to eat so far today was 1/4 cup of rice.:(:(:(:(
I have not seen any more blood from Zoe, thank God!!!! Jeez Louise, I think in my next life I'll get gold fish.
At least there was not a blockage, I was worried he ate some toy at the groomers.
Roxee's Dad
11-01-2012, 04:14 PM
Dear Addy,
I am so sorry for what you all are going thru. I was just wondering if the groomer used some new shampoo and it got into Koko's eyes, or possibly does your groomer use "The Stuff" It's a silicone based spray that many groomers use to aid in quick drying and detangling. It keeps the dogs hair / fur a bit shiny and slick to also help in staying cleaner longer, but it also builds up like hairspray.
If that accidentally got into Koko's eyes, it could definitely have affected and irritated his eyes. If it gets spayed on the floor, it's very slippery much more so than wax. Many groomers use it to speed up the drying and grooming process.
It's worth an ask, The label recommends rinsing the dogs eyes out immediately for at least 15 minutes if accidental overspray gets into the eyes.
More hugs, prayers and good thoughts coming your way.
Hi John,
I dont believe she used anything different and I dont think it has anything to do with the groomers; his eyes were fine until this morning, why would they be affected 5 days later? His eyes were fine last night when he went to bed. I woke him up to give him a pepcid at 5am and when he came out of the bedroom 30 minutes later he was pawing at his eyes and could not open them. I did not see any hives anywhere on him nor shallowing breathing.
Now, he is not pawing at his eyes, his eyes just look like he is sick whenever he lifts his head and then he closes them and puts his head down. They flushed his eyes at the ER.
Thank you for the sympathetic words. If I was a superstitious sort, I would be thinking someone has a voodoo doll:eek::rolleyes:;):D
Once, a long time ago, someone said to me "do you ever have a dull moment in your life?" My reply was ,"no, not so much!"
But I have to look at it this way, it could be a lot worse than it is so I need to say the glass is half full:);)
I told the vet tech I was worried people will start thinking I am a hypocondriac when it comes to my pups!!!!!!!!!:rolleyes::o
molly muffin
11-01-2012, 08:12 PM
well wouldn't have to be so darn hypochondriac about the pups if they would just quit getting so many darn things that baffle the vets. LOL
The nice thing is that you have plenty of good company. I think we are all a bit jumpy about our pups health. :)
Hope Koko feels better by morning. Sure does sound like some sort of allergic reaction to something.
Hmm, my MIL just came back from France tonight, she seems to have the same thing, itching and rubbing her eyes and has a cold to boot. No bile coming up though. Did KoKo sneak off to France by any chance when you weren't looking? Maybe him and my MIL have been hanging out. hahaha
has anyone spray any sort of pesticides, fertilizers for lawn or trees?
wonder if there was any incident at groomers at all with any product, other groomer or animal? hope your baby is doing better.....hugs
Bo's Mom
11-02-2012, 07:25 AM
How is Koko this morning? I can't offer any help since what I might have thought it was has been suggested but I sure can send Koko well wishes. Keep us posted.
Squirt's Mom
11-02-2012, 09:03 AM
Me, too...checking in.
11-02-2012, 09:06 AM
How is your baby this morning?
Last night he pressed up against me as hard as he could in bed and would not move until hubby came to bed. This morning his eyes were still squinty but not tightly shut like yesterday am. I have him on a white rice and white turkey and egg white diet.
I had to go to work this morning to take care of an emergency and just got home. I fed Koko his second "meal" and he just came running to me his EYES WIDE OPEN:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
So far no more vomiting, Thank you all for your prayers. They worked. I have my slippery elm capsuls just in case and did not give him any more pepcid.;):)
11-02-2012, 05:03 PM
That is really great news!!!!!
11-02-2012, 05:11 PM
That is wonderful Addy. So glad KoKo is better. You are such a good furmama. Love, JoAnne
molly muffin
11-02-2012, 09:40 PM
yay KoKo! Eyes Wide Open. Koko's newest mantra. LOL Wonder if it was a reaction to the pepcid. Has he had it before?
Good news Friday! We've been long over due.
I dont know what it is with his eyes but Zoe has an appointment for her 3 month recheck next week so opthalmologist has scheduled a check up for Koko prior to her check up.
He always has had runny goopy eyes and no GP has been able to tell me why. I wonder if it is becuase he needs a dental. Hopefully next week will give us some insight for my little boy.
After all the trouble with Zoe's eyes, I am not taking any chances with Kokos.
LOL, I asked hubby why does it seem these pups are so much work, he told me it was me:rolleyes::rolleyes: I think he is insinuating I am overprotective mom;):o:rolleyes:
I admit to being an obsessive worrywart.:p:p:p:p:p:p
Squirt's Mom
11-03-2012, 07:35 AM
Oh no! Another twitchin' HAMMIE! :p:D:p You do know about that condition, right? Glynda diagnosed me with it; HAM - Hyper Active Mom. :D Like she has room to talk! ;):p
I hope this is nothing big with Koko. Let us know how things are going and what you learn with his eye exam.
Hamie- yup, Leslie that is exactly the disease I have, I am so relieved to know:D:D:D:D:D Does brandy help it?:D:D:D:D:D
Hey, I just clicked on the ABC button and it said to go to some link to down load spell check and now "eye exam" is underlined in your post and when I clicked there I went to a commercial:confused:
Should I not have downloaded that spell check?
Squirt's Mom
11-03-2012, 08:08 AM
Weird....I can't say I've ever seen anything underlined in someone elses post. In my own as I write, yes, but not in a posted reply. I don't seem to have the ABC button either. :confused: I'm a techno idiot so maybe someone else can explain why you are seeing this and getting a connection to an ad. That doesn't sound right.... twitch
Koko went for his eye exam with the opthalmologist today. He has a very mild case of uvitis and will be on fluriporfen 3 x a day fo 1 week then 2 x a day for 2 weeks and then recheck.
His eye pressure is on the low side of normal.
I will wait to get the report mailed to me but there was talk about a million systemic causes for uvitis. His lower eye lid is turned in and blocking part of his tear duct opening so that is why his tears are always leaking out but the tear ducts are open and do not need to be cleaned out. He said this is very common with cockers and shih tszu and little dogs.
I am not sure where we are going with this. Hubby is freaked out. I am trying to remain calm until I read his report tomorrow.
It is possible becuase he has gingivitis and needs a dental that could be the cause. I will hold on to that thought:):):):)
molly muffin
11-10-2012, 07:29 PM
hey Addy :))
Don't let hubby freak you out too. (only one freaking at a time!)
Read the report, do the medication. Things will come together and Koko will be okay. You're practically a pro at this point. This isn't nearly as bad as what you went through with Zoe.
Think, Teflon Mom!
hmm..I wonder, it is surprising how many things seem to go along with the dental issues isn't it.
Well, I came over here to post that Koko's labs are all normal this year, fecal is good, no worries like last year. I made sure I fasted him this time for eight hours and he has had no Angel Eyes plus I have been mixing in Keen with his Embark.
Big Sigh of relief. Funny thing, I must not want him to age because last year I read on this thread we were telling him Happy Birthday in August as he turned five and I thought he was going to turn five again this year:D:D
I think I will just keep him at five years old forever:D:D
Now we just have to get through Mr. Drama's dental on Friday!!!
Roxee's Dad
06-26-2013, 08:07 PM
Great news on Koko :D Forever 5 !!! :D
Budsters Mom
06-26-2013, 08:32 PM
GO KOKO, GO KOKO, YAYYYYYYYYY!:D Love the great news!
Harley PoMMom
06-26-2013, 11:30 PM
Oh Addy, that is such great news about Koko!!!! Way to go Mom and Koko!!!!
Squirt's Mom
06-27-2013, 08:18 AM
Great news, Addy! On both the labs and on having a forever-five Koko! :p
06-27-2013, 10:52 AM
That is so wonderful Addy. Good luck with that dental Friday. I just love good news. Mr. KoKo is good and healthy. Love, JoAnne
06-27-2013, 11:20 AM
YAY from our house, too! :) :) :)
Good luck tomorrow!
Marianne, Peg and Luna
Thanks guys as I have been trying not to worry about the little boy but that hyper alert worry just never goes away when you are a Cush mom even when it involves your non Cush pup.;)
I'm confident we will get through his dental tomorrow just fine.
Simba's Mom
06-27-2013, 02:31 PM
Simba has called his jungle buddies to do a dance for Koko, we are celebrating the good news with you!!!
06-27-2013, 03:42 PM
Hey that's such good news, dread for test results will probably never leave me either. Am so pleased they came back all good
Will be thinking of you both for Dental on Friday.
Work has been nuts and I am trying to get ready to go away for two weeks next weekend, nothing exciting going on!
Big hug, kisses to the fur kiss
molly muffin
06-27-2013, 06:20 PM
Great news about Koko's lab results!! Yippee!!!!
Nothing wrong with staying 5! I'm pretty sure I'm 34 and Molly is always 8. :) (I always think that when someone asks how hold she is, but no idea why)
Hope the drama isn't too much on Friday, although I bet it will be. "mom they are killing me here!" Course then you have to actually go Into the vets. LOL
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Yeah, the drama already started:( we made it through all the fasting, everything was going along just fine)
So here we are in the room and Dr. D is reviewing everything with me, we conclude the meeting and Koko is a happy boy rolling on the floor. Dr.D bends over, picks him up and Koko starts yelping loudly like he was horribly injured and we both were so startled and my heart sunk to my feet and my stomach flopped so hard I thought I would vomit. Then Dr. D tickled his face and said oh did I scare you and Koko licked his face and was fine, the drama was over and I walked out wishing Dr a lot of luck with the Drama King.:rolleyes::rolleyes:
But my hands are still shaking, he scared me so with that yelping, it sounded so awful.:(:(
Squirt's Mom
06-28-2013, 10:31 AM
awwww... I know that scared you to pieces! :eek: Silly boy, scaring Mom and Doc like that. :D I hope all goes well with the dental. Let us know when he is through and back home!
06-28-2013, 10:33 AM
Sending positive thoughts across the miles! I'm sure all the drama will be worth it once Koko flashes his pearly whites this evening! ;) :)
Roxee's Dad
06-28-2013, 11:40 AM
Keeping everything here crossed for good results.
In her younger days, Rozee would scream like a little girl, literally like a little girl whenever a stranger tried to pick her up. :o
molly muffin
06-28-2013, 12:17 PM
I only hear Molly scream like that once (like a little girl) and it was at a stranger who tried to walk in the front door. (he had the wrong house and molly backed him up against the outside wall) He won't do that again! and I keep the front door locked even when I'm home now. (although it only happened once in all these years)
Koko is sure a hoot with his drama. Sounds like the doc knows just how to treat that though, with a tickle to the chin! LOL
Hoping it all goes well!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Budsters Mom
06-28-2013, 03:48 PM
How terrifying! After they scare us to death, they're fine. We are basket cases for much longer! :eek: Doesn't seem to be quite fair.:o Once his teeth are all done, you can both relax.
Big hugs to you, Miss Cujo and the drama king,
WOW, Zoe did not look or act like this after major surgery:(:(
He looked so out of it when I picked him up at three. He just lay in the car on his side and did not move, his eyes looked really weird.
I finally got him up at five thirty. He did not want to eat but I was supposed to feed him and give him a pain pill. I had to take his food and stick it on my finger and he would lick it off. Then I waited half hour to give him the rest, no more than 1/2 his usual dinner they said.
He is sleeping again. I asked my youngest granddaughter to come to visit him. Koko loves children and he thinks Kayla is his litter mate, loves her to bits.
They had to pull one small tooth, way in the back, otherwise they said he did really well.
I hope he feels better tomorrow.
Budsters Mom
06-28-2013, 07:39 PM
It sounds like a little too much anesthesia to me!:eek: That same thing happened to Buddy when I had him neutered. He was so out of it he couldn't even stand up when I picked him up. Poor Koko. I am so sorry. I hope he feels tons better in the morning. Big hugs to you mom,
molly muffin
06-28-2013, 10:17 PM
Awww poor Koko.
This will just reaffirm that he is of course right to make the drama at the vets office. Just look what they did to him, Torture for sure, there were probably medieval torture racks in there if only he could remember better. Oh well have some more food from mom's finger. hmmm, might not be so bad after all, she'll give me anything right now. :)
hugs and a few giggles,
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Harley PoMMom
06-29-2013, 12:49 AM
Awww poor Koko, sending loving and healing hugs. My boy, Sampson, was really knocked out when I picked him up from a dental cleaning, I suppose some dogs may just be more sensitive to the anesthesia.
Hoping Koko perks up real fast.
06-29-2013, 06:11 AM
I bet he is bright eyed and busy tailed this morning! Should not be too bad with only one wee tooth out. Anaesthetic has zonked him by the sound of it. Still I always think better to be sleeping it off than uncomfortable :D After Flynn's dental/ulcer removal few weeks back he was kinda wired that evening, could not sit still and wanted outside! Would rather he had slept it off like Koko instead of wandering around so drugged up! Is his pain pill non steroidal? They always best taken with food, so presuming that is what it is. Bet he is hungry today too... so will look forward to a good Koko report soon! xxx
Good to know he is not the only one who was out of it and Sharlene, I laughed so hard at your post. This morning he was still a bit under the weather so I had to hand feed him again. I was sure Zoe would be in our face as I was sitting on the floor with him and FOOD:p
I warned Zoe, "Today is about your brother, not about you, behave."
She totally understood and ignored the food and me feeding him. I could not believe it.:D:D
Tonight, he is finally normal and ate on his own.:D:D
Good boy, Koko, hope this means the worst is over.
Hmmm. Isn't it funny how boy dogs try to act so brave but are actually just big wimps when it comes to anything scary? At least that is also my experience with my Maxwell. Fortunately (and thankfully), he has always been super healthy. He'd have been quite a handful if he had to go through even 1/4 of what Ali has endured! Glad to hear he continues to do well!
07-01-2013, 05:55 AM
The wee man is being so brave, but seems to be he is liking the hand feeding a little too much!! Loving the attention by the sounds of it, Miss Zoe will be getting jealous!! Hope he keeps bouncing back now he is over the anaesthetic, can really knock them can't it. xx
Hi All,
This is Koko's thread. I merged his multiple emergencies into one place (my bad for multiple threads :o )
Hopefully, the rest of his thread will not have any more emergencies and be a happy place.:):)
I am not sure how often I will post here but I thought Susan was right and Koko should have his own home here.:):)
Please do not panic at the original posts- they are all old issues that have resolved long ago.:D:D:D:D
molly muffin
02-28-2014, 03:26 PM
This is a great idea Addy. It doesn't hurt to share some of Koko's adventures and life along the way. It's all a journey and what is important, I think, is the journey itself.
hugs to you and koko
Sharlene and molly muffin
LOL, Koko actually took his paw tonight and pushed his puzzle open.:D:D:D:D
I was not expecting that, he has been nudging it with his nose. LOL
I'll probably have to go buy him a new puzzle toy now.
First laugh I have had all day.
I thought I would post this here.;) It seemed right.
molly muffin
03-03-2014, 07:34 PM
Koko is quite the bright little boy. I think you might well need a new puzzle for him. Maybe 3 and alternate them to keep him on his "paws". LOL
What a guy! :)
Glad you got a smile going today and even a giggle!
Sharlene and molly muffin
Budsters Mom
03-03-2014, 10:08 PM
So happy that Koko made you laugh! What a guy! Xxxxx
03-09-2014, 11:33 AM
So glad that Koko is adjusting to being by himself. There is not a day that passes that I don't look at my sweet Toby and tell him " one day it will be your turn." He seems to understand what I am saying. He has always had to take a back seat to Tipper as she is an alpha female. Thinking of you always. Blessings
03-09-2014, 01:45 PM
Glad to hear about Koko
Hugs Sonja and Angel Apollo
Koko still has his ups and downs as we do but being able to walk twice a day helps him if only the weather would cooperate. Last night we played hide and seek and he thought that was great fun.
He thinks it is his job to protect the house now that Zoe is gone and he is a bit scared about that. Insecure, I think.
He is doing ok in the kitchen alone. I continue to leave everything as it was when Zoe was in the kitchen too.
He is so opposite of Zoe, like night and day. He is just this happy, gentle little mama's boy that can be quite the drama queen if someone takes him away from me which is why hubby usually takes him to the groomer.
He loves children. I need to find some little kids to come visit and play with him.
So that is my Koko update. We think he will turn 7 years old this year. He was a stray when we adopted him so they could only estimate his age. I dont know where the time went as he has been with us six years already. Seems like only yesterday.
03-12-2014, 12:05 PM
Love hearing about Koko. He is carrying on for Zoe. He sounds like such a sweet little guy.
Hugs Sonja and Angel Apollo
molly muffin
03-12-2014, 06:20 PM
Koko just is very very adorable. I love that he becomes a drama queen if someone tries to take him from you. I love that he is a gentle soul who adores children and is basically a mommas boy through and through.
He is completely different from little miss independent jump bark for chicken Zoe. Zoe had this inner spark to her, that would shine through at the worst of times. You just knew there was more to her than what you saw on the outside, a strong spirit inside.
hugs Addy,
Sharlene and molly muffin
yeah, remember when Koko could not solve his puzzle and I had to help him and Miss Zoe picked up the puzzle bashed it against the cabinet and then flung it in the air so it crashed on the floor so all the treats fell out?
Pretty much sums that up:D:D:D:D;););)
I saw some of me in her at times.:o:o:o
molly muffin
03-12-2014, 08:33 PM
Omg yes!!!!
That does sum it up exactly right. Gawd I can still laugh at that. LOL.
Oh I am sure. Haha. So what do you pick up and bang to make work? :rolleyes: :eek:
Bailey's Mom
03-12-2014, 09:10 PM
Welcome Koko!! The Adventures of Koko! Koko the Wonder Doggie! Newly Appointed/anointed guardian!:D:D:):D:D
Koko reminds me of my happy-go-lucky Maxwell. Max actually has a smile that is so obvious strangers will comment on it! But, unfortunately, kids scare Max so he is not good with them.
Addy, we are so fortunate to have our sweet boys to help us now!!
03-12-2014, 09:38 PM
love hearing about Koko, he and Arial are so alike. Zoe and Apollo were the leaders, the suborn, the independent ones, the smart , the brave.
Hugs Sonja and Angel Apollo
Well, here we are on Koko's thread. Brought it up to page one and renamed it.
Apparently Mr. Puff is not fond of geese. I was home sick today with a bout of sinusitis. I decided to put him in the car and take him to our local park for his walk before dinner. He was very happy seeing all the kids playing at the park.
Across the street is a huge school yard and it had quite a large flock of geese hanging out on the grass. A man came along with a border collie. He turned the dog loose to chase away the flock of geese. Well, of course, the border collie did a great job and the geese took off flying low and honking like crazy.
Koko was indeed a Puff and totally freaked out. It dawned on me then, my dog around town had never seen geese before. When he gets stressed, he pants and then does calming signals.
Poor Koko Puff.
I think we will have to do some counter conditioning at the park so he does not get so nervous and excited.;)
Budsters Mom
08-05-2014, 08:49 PM
Love Koko Puff's new traveling journal!:D It's awesome!:p
I got your back Koko. Those geese are huge, scary and bite! :eek::D
Budsters Mom
08-05-2014, 09:14 PM
Okay Addy, I've been thinking it over and I think you should change Koko's thread title to.....
Koko, man about town and Addy his trusty sidekick. :D Think about it!!! ;)
molly muffin
08-05-2014, 09:30 PM
Is that like Batman and Robin?
Sharlene and molly muffin
Budsters Mom
08-05-2014, 10:28 PM
Precisely my dear and I am the joker! lol :D:D:D
molly muffin
08-05-2014, 11:11 PM
hahahaha I can probably find plenty of black and white in the closet and I'll woddle around like The Penguin! :eek: :D:D
Budsters Mom
08-05-2014, 11:22 PM
Trish, Tina and a bunch of others will want to play too! :eek::eek::eek::D:D:D
Cant I be Cat Woman instead?:p:p:p:p:p:p:p
Budsters Mom
08-06-2014, 10:16 AM
Sure, why not? No one wants to be Robin. :D:D:D
molly muffin
08-06-2014, 03:53 PM
well, he is a bit dorky poor boy, not really grown into himself yet. I thought Koko was robin and Addy was Batman hmmmm
Sharlene and molly muffin
Well Bat Boy, I mean Koko Puff went to visit Sasha Cat. They were in my daughter's kitchen about three feet apart. I kept Koko on his lead and he was a very good boy. Sasha cat was not sure what to make of him but as long as he lay on the floor then she would lay on the floor looking at him.
I am hoping they can be friends as then Koko would have someone to play with.:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
Budsters Mom
08-06-2014, 10:18 PM
Koko Puff has someone to play with Addy. That someone is you!;):D
08-08-2014, 07:23 PM
OMG we missed cake??? Flynny is most upset we missed Koko's birthday!! Flynn can be junior Superdog and I will be hmmmmm... Witchypoo hahaha
Thanks Trish,he had a good birthday, actually we celebrated all week:rolleyes::D So you did not miss anything but ice cream.
We spent the weekend cleaning all the windows inside and out along with the blinds. Koko had thee long walks yesterday, lounged on the chaise watching us clean the pool- lol 87 degrees water temps. The older I get the warmer I want the water but my arm does not hurt in the warm water. Went to visit mom, I took her outside to watch the finches play in the sun flowers. She enjoyed that.
Koko was a tired, happy dog last night after a round of throw my squeaky toy a million times.
So far the Sentinel has not bothered his tummy. Knock wood!!!
Budsters Mom
08-12-2014, 02:20 AM
Hey Addy,
How is the teeth brushing coming? Is Koko letting you brush his teeth? Buddy was always easy and never fought any sort of grooming. He didn't like it, but accepted it as inevitable. Rosie not so much. She fought like crazy at first, but now let's me do it quite agreeably with a finger brush. No regular tooth brush yet. The more she fought me, the more I did it. Every day for about a month, until she gave up and submitted. Now I do it every other day and it doesn't even faze her. She pops up, goes and grabs a toy and all is fine.
Hi Kathy,
He is getting better about it but the finger brush is big for my finger and his mouth. His vet gave me samples of the CET toothpaste and they said I could try a soft baby tooth brush. They also carry dog tooth brushes and I was going to take Koko for a ride and pick one up. He likes the flavor of the Arm and Hammer toothpaste and it is enzymatic.
We have been practicing commands everyday and his stay and down are rock solid. I can even leave the room and come back. I am toying with the idea of trying to get his good canine citizen badge. Koko loves children and he would make such a good dog to visit kids but he is a licker so whenever he meets someone he wants to give kisses.:rolleyes::)
molly muffin
08-12-2014, 06:11 PM
I need to send molly to you for some training :) :) Koko can be her training buddy. LOL
Sharlene and molly muffin
LOL send her over for a visit, Koko would be so happy.
I trained the work dogs too. I call one time and they come. Their dad gets mad about that.:rolleyes:;)
I love to do clicker training and free shaping with my dogs. I am fascinated how they think and learn, their body language. If I had a do over, I would be an animal behaviorist. :):):):):):):)
08-16-2014, 03:09 PM
Love reading about Koko.
Can you come over to my house. I'll beam you up and you could help with little Arial's issues.
Sonja and Angel Apollo
Budsters Mom
08-16-2014, 04:30 PM
I'll send Rosie over for some training. She'll have you both trained in no time. lol :D She'll let Koko know that he doesn't have to stay if he's not feeling it. ;) :D
LOL, Zoe trained us:D:D:D:D:D:D
Koko was much more comfortable at the park. Perhaps the memory of the honking geese has faded.;):)
I still don't understand the beagle bark when he gets really worked up. It is so funny. Where is that hound sound coming from?:confused::p
Maybe his DNA test is wrong. Do cocker spaniels bark like that? He only does it when he is really worked up about something. I cant help but laugh when he does it.
I keep wanting to try free rein of the house for more than an hour but I just don't think he can handle it if someone comes to work on the yard or rings the bell. The kitchen is his safe place but he really is not happy in there without Zoe.
Drum roll please- the kitchen table is going back into the kitchen!!!
Let's see, it has been six years since we ate in the kitchen:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:. It took me one rug a month to remove all the little rugs from Zoe.
When we go to clean the pool, Koko goes into his bed in our bedroom.
I think we may be able to pull this off!!
Wish us luck:D:D:D:D
Budsters Mom
08-29-2014, 08:14 PM
AWWWWW! You added Koko to your avatar. Love it! :D i'm sure that Zoe does too. ;) xxx
molly muffin
08-29-2014, 08:30 PM
I love that picture. Zoe and Koko just look so beautiful there together.
big hugs Addy
Sharlene (with a molly muffin on the side LOL)
Squirt's Mom
08-30-2014, 08:45 AM
Oh, I do love that avatar and I'm sure Zoe is pleased as punch!
awww, thanks. It is my favorite photo of the two of them, taken about year after Koko came to live with us. I know Zoe would approve, she loved him so and he worshiped her. Zoe took care of Koko and in return when she needed help, he took care of her.
The bonds dog can form with each other and with us continue to amaze me and always will.
Little Boy decided to take himself out the front door because the neighbor's Golden had the nerve to poo on Koko's lawn. So when hubby opened the front door, guess who decided to sneak out? There he is standing on the front stoop. I tell hubby, do you know Koko is outside loose? So of course hubby freaks out and yells "Koko stay!!"
Koko of course continues on toward the drive way.:eek::eek::eek:
I am standing in the foyer so I yell in my sing song voice "Koko CO-ME" and the naughty dog turns back to the house and runs inside to me.
Thank Goodness!!!:):):)
And all I could think of was how I got yelled at at obedience school for calling him in that sing song voice instead of sounding authorative:(:mad:
Well, I guess my way works, thank goodness!!!!:p:p:p:p
Koko's decides to be dog around town without me:D:D:D:D:D:rolleyes:
09-02-2014, 07:45 PM
Tis a very cute photo of those two love bugs!! I hope the cleaning is over for the week Addy, 4 days of it... well that sucks!! lol You must be able to eat off the floor after all that! Enjoy the rest of your time with your visitors and I have my fingers crossed the weather gods will be kind and give you loads of sunshine... Tickle for Koko and a hug for you xxxxx
molly muffin
09-02-2014, 09:00 PM
omg, that is one of my biggest fears is molly going out the door. I'm always really careful with the door, but hubby and others sometimes have been known to leave it wide open while they stand and talk. For petes sake, why would you do that with a dog that you Know lives in her own world. sheeezzz.
Glad Koko came back to you and I'd go with the sing song too. It works!
Sharlenea and molly muffin
Squirt's Mom
09-03-2014, 08:41 AM
I'm so glad he came back! That is such a sick and scary feeling when they are loose and you don't know if they will respond or not. I think it's more important to use what works with our babies than to follow the herd like sheep. If the singsong voice works better than the authoritative, then the singsong is what should be used regardless of what the experts say. ;)
It is such a sick feeling and so hard to stay calm. I spent so much time teaching Koko and Zoe to stay when the door is opened but every once in a while Koko just gets excited and hubby has the screen door set to close very slowly so that just enticies him when he is all excited.
I guess we need to review that lesson:rolleyes::rolleyes: His stay is pretty solid so we will do stay at the open door and practice again as well as practice come.
It is my fault for being lazy about some of these commands, not asking him to do them, just taking for granted he will.
Budsters Mom
09-03-2014, 11:05 AM
Been there, done that! It's terrifying!:eek::eek::eek:
Traveling Koko- how to take your small dog to places they are not allowed.
1- carry them
2- act super confident
3- call them a celebrity name
We took Koko past the no dogs sign into the ariport to pick up our guests, past dozen of airport attendees and workers yesterday. We called him "Hank"- our base ball teams famous rescue dog. SUCCESS:D
We then strolled in to the best hotel in town, sat down on a sofa and Koko entertained all the passerby s who by the way either smiled at him or wanted to pet him.
Traveling boy had quite the afternoon!!! And I can brag about how well behaved he was. Absolutely perfect.
Way to go Koko. He loves company.:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
My sweet Ginger
09-05-2014, 10:17 AM
Lol. It looks like Koko is on his way to becoming something big and wonderful. I'm very happy for him and you too Addy. :cool::D:)
Pulling off the Hank impersonation, good thing Koko looks very much like Hank. :cool:
Maybe Ginger can pass for Paris Hilton's chihuahua if she ever goes anywhere, no idea what her name is tho.:rolleyes:
Budsters Mom
09-05-2014, 11:34 AM
We have a celebrity in our group. You go Koko Puff! :p How fun!
I agree with you Addy. Carrying them and acting super confident really works. I do the same thing. ;)
I haven't Tried the celebrity name thing, but that's brillant!! Who could Rosie be? Lol
09-05-2014, 04:50 PM
Hi Addy
That's hysterical!! Work it like you own it :D:D
Were you at the airport saying goodbye to your visitors?? Hopefully now you have a few days of relaxing before going back to work... NO CLEANING allowed!! :D xxx
molly muffin
09-05-2014, 09:59 PM
hhehehee, that is brilliant Addy. Of course Koko just acts like he belongs there too, wherever there might be. :) I think as long as the dogs are calm and don't cause a ruckus then most of the time, no one says anything about it.
Hope you are in relax mode now!
Sharlene and molly muffin
09-14-2014, 06:40 PM
HI Addy
Have you had any Koko outings during your week off?? Seems to have shot by, I still have another two weeks off... loving it!! Think I would easily fit into being a lady of leisure, if only I could find a man of means!! :D:D xxxxx
LOVE the picture of Koko and Zoe! I see you moved/deleted Zoe's thread? :(
Glad Koko is having some great adventures. Saw a woman in the Plow and Hearth store today with a small dog on a leash! The dog was very well behaved so no one seemed to mind. I was talking to her - the little guy was only 5 years old and she was the 3rd owner! She rescued him from a shelter and the prior owner had had his vocal chords removed! She said he is the best dog she has ever had. Glad the third time was a charm for him!
molly muffin
09-14-2014, 08:27 PM
omg, Mary Beth that is a terrible thing to do to a dog. Remove their vocal chords! Glad he has another home now and hopefully this one will be the last!
Yes, want to hear all about yours and Koko's adventures.
Sharlene and molly muffin
Zoe's thread is there, I just have not posted on it so we have to hunt it down.:):) Been a zoo here. Someone is interested in coming to see our house. I thought I was ready for this but find not so much:o
As for our traveling boy- TADA:D:D:D:D
Today Koko had free run of the house when Daddy left for work and until Mama got home from work. I hope I am not making a mistake trying to give him his freedom but he looked so sad when we would lock him up in the kitchen alone. He was very good with Zoe's blankets gone and one of his beds in the kitchen. Never bothered the table nor the pillows on the banquet. We had been allowing him free run of the house for an hour or two here and there and hubby did every morning.
What do you think? Am I rocking the boat too much by pushing him so?
molly muffin
09-15-2014, 08:17 PM
Molly has free run of the house except to go into the basement, which I have blocked with a gate. She'd get stuck down there and cry. Usually she just hangs in the window or sleeps in her favorite spots it seems till we get home. She has never tried to get into anything she shouldn't.
Is Koko one to get into things or cause havoc with things he shouldn't? If he isn't then I doubt that there is much to worry about.
I don't know if I would be ready at any time for someone to come view my house either. The memories created there are all special and the home itself. Change is not always bad though.
If you were to sell what would you guys do? or where would you go? I know you have talked about this and thought about it, but is there a plan in place?
My friends came to dinner to the other night and said, guess what we bought a condo townhouse, down in the trendy area by High Park. (this would be the equivilant of Central Park in NYC) I was stunned. I said I thought we discussed last week that you were going to stay in the house for now. She said, yea, but we just went to look and they had one unit left and we thought, we can't walk away from this. Our house goes on the market next April. LOL So sometimes these things can really take on a life of their own when you least expect it.
Sharlene and molly muffin
we have a few tentative plans but I really wanted to sell the house next Spring and then rent in our old neighborhood as a transition while we figure out where we really want to live when I retire.
LOL one apartment told hubby our little one would be permitted if he was a therapy dog- I asked hubby didnt she mean service dog? He said no she said therapy dog, cant you buy a diploma on line for him?
I looked at hubby like he was crazy and then googled it- you actually can:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolley es: LOL
I always wanted him to do therapy but I wonder if the property manager is using the wrong terminology.
Always something!!!!
molly muffin
09-16-2014, 06:50 PM
Weird, it sounds like it should be service dog, but hey if they go with therapy dog, then Koko could be an in. LOL
When do you retire? Renting while figuring out the whole where you want to go thing is a good idea. Especially if you might want to try out a few places before making a permanent decision.
Sharlene and molly muffin
Budsters Mom
10-25-2014, 02:03 AM
Hi Addy,
Checking on you and Koko Puff. I hope you are starting to feel better. After all, you have an awesome little four-legged nursemaid there.;)
10-27-2014, 12:28 PM
Koko is such a sweetheart. When I try to sneak Ariel in,never know when his siren(voice) will go off.:eek:
Hugs Sonja,Apollo and Ariel
10-27-2014, 01:05 PM
I agree, free run of the house depends on the dog. Cosmo never got into anything so he was left out. He would sit in the window and bark at passers by or wait there when it was time for us to come home otherwise just hang out.
I have been reading Zoe's thread and catching up on her.
Thanks for checking in on Koko.:) He is doing well with free run of the house but he seems a bit nervous outside lately. He totally freaked out at a huge inflated black cat decoration with a moving head. He barked and growled, telling off a truck that dared to park on his street. Then yesterday he was beagle howling at the trick or treaters.
We did take him out Saturday as my cough seemed a bit better and it was warm out. We drove to Racine, about 40 minutes away to see their lakefront and revitalized downtown. Koko loved saying hi to the fishermen and enjoyed the new smells though I could tell he was a bit nervous and warm. We then stopped for lunch so Koko got his last patio dining in before winter. One more stop to see an apartment. He got on and off the elevator (first ride for him) like a trouper . The sign on the apartment office said no dogs allowed but I took him in anyway, carrying him , saying "why I had no idea he was not allowed in here, I'll just hold him." They did not care and said how well behaved he is.
When we go to the park a few nights after work, he is like a little kid, refusing to leave, pulls away and wont get in the car. Funny, little Kokomo.:D:D:D:D:D
molly muffin
10-27-2014, 09:45 PM
Awww koko is so cute and such a good boy. I love how playful he is and well behaved.
I wonder if he is not becoming the protector of the house and street. Molly thinks that even if it is on the other side of the street from her house that it is still her territory and will bark at a car or people or dogs, anyone or thing that comes into her space is fair game.
Racine sounds quite lovely. How nice that you got a good day and where able to get out for a bit and enjoy it. Hoping that the coughing stops completely soon, before winter gets here and the cold air hits. A cool brisk, nonhumid day will clear my sinus's right up, but when it's cold and damp, then I seem to get horrid sinus problems and cough like crazy. ugh, can't imagine dealing with that and an ongoing situation of asthma/allergies.
Take care of yourself and give kokomo a belly rub from me and molly
The warmest of holiday greetings to all of my dear friends at k9c,
I wish I could write on each and every thread but doctors orders are to limit computer use to help my concusion.
Love you and my thoughts and love are with each one of you.
12-24-2014, 03:12 PM
Darn, just saw you were online and thought we might manage a Christmas chat, has been ages but yes Dr's orders must be followed, hope the head is feeling better :D:Dxxxxxx
molly muffin
12-25-2014, 03:41 PM
Merry Christmas Addy and Koko and Angel Zoe!!
I hope you are feeling better soon. We miss you but want you to take care of yourself and get better more than anything.
hugs and love
I cant figure out how to copy the link to Koko claus pix so see his album.
We didn't tell him his Santa suit was for Mrs Claus;);)
He loved wearing it.
And everyone loved that he had it on at the nursing home.
molly muffin
12-25-2014, 07:48 PM
He is soooo cute Addy! Love the pics.
I posted the link for you. Hope that is okay.
Awww, thank you Sharlene- I am still learning my ipad:o
Yup- this Christmas was bit different, thank goodness I was going with the flow:rolleyes:;)
Although it was really different, I think sometimes, things work out for the best and we had a very good Christmas despite of all the glitches.
Budsters Mom
12-31-2014, 11:38 PM
What about your new years party? It's 11:30 there on the East Coast, and your light's on here???? I hope it's not fizzling out before midnight.:confused:
May your new year be filled with much love and many happy surprises. Belly scratches to Koko Puff and much love to you and our fur angels. :p
molly muffin
01-01-2015, 02:18 AM
Happy new year Addy and Koko. Peace and joy in the new year!
molly muffin
01-03-2015, 09:42 AM
Hope the impromptu New Years eve party went well and you had a good time. How is that concussion coming along?
There are things that I just can't do on the ipad as well as I can on the laptop. In the end I prefer to do posting on the laptop, but for keeping up and reading I like the ipad. Just I am always making typos and it drives me crazy sometimes.
Did Koko have fun at the party?
I think we have found our winter. Suppose to be snow constantly at least a little bit in the forecast. And cold! arggh the cold drives me bonkers It really does.
Party was great, thank you for asking. I think I left my iPad on the forum all night:o Koko couldn't quite figure why mama wasn't going to bed, and he was so tired! They get so used to a certain schedule.
Concussion symptoms get worse with stress, so I guess I need to keep up the go with the flow.
Won't Monday be a rude awakening for all of us? A regular work week, ouch that will hurt:)
Our first snowfall since December 6th. I sure didn't miss it:D
01-03-2015, 10:43 PM
Please, please, please take care of yourself and give the concussion the time and opportunity to heal. I know a number of people (it's the downside of skating) who have suffered concussions and it can take a long time to fully recover.
Budsters Mom
01-04-2015, 01:55 AM
Hi Addy,
So sorry to hear that you are still having residual effects from your concussion. I had one once. It took a long time to heal. Be very gentle with yourself. Yes, stress is a bugger. If you figure out how to eliminate it without running away from home, let me know.:o:(
Yes, it's back to work on Monday for me too. Rosie has had me home, all to herself for two weeks. She has been so happy. Her balloon is about to pop.:o
Squirt's Mom
01-04-2015, 07:20 AM
Hope you are feeling better, Addy. Please take good care of yourself! Rest and tell that bad ole stress to bug hubby for a while, 'k?
Oh I'm trying to take care of myself, I really am but things keep getting in the way.:o
Like life:p
Thanks for thinking of me. I'll be fine.
Budsters Mom
01-04-2015, 07:08 PM
Boy, ain't that the truth!! ;)
Oh I'm trying to take care of myself, I really am but things keep getting in the way.:o
Like life.:p
01-12-2015, 03:53 AM
Addy!! I have found a conference I am seriously keen to attend, in Las Vegas in October... so keep a bed spare for me, I might pop over for a visit if I can work this out!! How cool would that be :D:):D Hope your concussion is settling down and you aren't so foggy! Hugs for you and Koko! xxx
I'll save every bed I can:D
Koko and I would love you to come, Trish, what fun!!
I've never been to Las Vegas, my brother goes quite often. I missed a trade show once, I was to go for 4 days but got sick.
My concusion is getting better, thanks for asking. A bit of a slow go, but I have improvement, so I'm thankful.
Everyone here has the flu.
I have avoided it but I think I messed up taking Kate to tea. The had us smell all these jars of tea a so we could decide which one we wanted. We didn't think to go rewash our hands:eek::eek: after touching all those jars. I don't think I saw anyone go wash their hands.
I'm a germaphobic right now because they said this flu is bad and I worry about my asthma.
Other then that scare, we are great, great, great.
Hope Flynny is better. Dietary indiscretion gets them ever time. They can't seem to help themselves:):)
Budsters Mom
01-12-2015, 10:04 PM
I think we should all meet Trish in Vegas, Now THAT would be a blast!!! We should have Sharlene set it up. She's great at stuff like that! What do you think Addy?
So glad you are starting to feel better. My doctor said that it's a horrible flu season and the shot isn't helping, even if you did get one. I don't blame you at all for being extra careful. I have hand sanitizer all over my classroom and we wipe the desks down with antibacterial wipes every day. I am surrounded by germ :eek::eek:
Give Koko Puff a butt scratch for me.:)
Kisses to monkey girl too, Kathy. Almost five hundred people in Milwaukee have been hospitalized with the flu. I think I will buy some little sanitizer packets for my purse. I have a bottle at home and at work and at mom's.
Road trip to Vegas and remember what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, ha ha, the commercials:D:p
My sweet Ginger
01-13-2015, 09:25 AM
Hmmmm... Am I seeing a full blown Cushings reunion 2015 in Vegas?:eek:
Budsters Mom
01-13-2015, 11:01 AM
Wouldn't that be WILD!!!! :D:D:D:D
So Koko can add Walgreens and Sherwin Williams paint store to his list, ha, was so funny taking him into the stores.
Hubby says I'm pushing it. I laughed and said the worst that can happen is they throw us out if the store, who cares?
We started a trend at my mom's nursing home. Sunday two more dogs came to visit besides Koko. Was fun to see.
After reading Susan writing about how the dogs go everywhere in Florida, I sure wish I could retire tomorrow.
Budsters Mom
01-20-2015, 11:16 AM
You need some instructions for my game.;) I started with Buddy and have continued with Rosie. The game is called, "I don't see a dog". This is how it goes. Sneaking them in undetected is worth two points. Getting thrown out the first time is worth three points. Talking them into letting your dog stay is worth 10 points. That means CALMLY exasperating the managers until they give up. That one is so fun! Each time you get thrown out of the same store, you double your points. Oh yeah, and sneaking in to a store where there's a posted "Service Dogs Only" sign is worth five points. Tell hubby to lighten up and have fun!;):D:D:D:D
I love that , I really do Kathy:D:D:D:D:D I am going to start adding points too:D:D:D:D:D
That is just so funny. I usually just pick Koko Puff up and carry him right on in. Funny thing is, he is really liking being out and about. He enjoys it and is such a grateful little boy. Afterward, he sits on my lap in the car, gazes up into my eyes, his eyes actually shining and then licks my face.
I always had to worry, who was Zoe going to bite:rolleyes:LOL remember Kujo dog spells with Zoe? Still cant get used to it sometimes, not having to worry about that lover boy pup.
Kisses to Rosie girl.
Budsters Mom
01-20-2015, 02:53 PM
Buddy and Rosie both love/loved to go ANYWHERE with me. Buddy was a calm, quiet sweetie pie like Koko Puff. He was easy to take in almost anywhere. Monkey girl is quite different. Still loving, but gets overexcited very easily. She thrives on running the show. She navigates from the shopping cart, standing up with her front paws on the edge of the cart. She expects everyone to stop and talk to her and plays the cute card for attention, which she always gets. She wants the cart to keep moving when no one is fawning over her. She'll start fussing like a baby in a stroller when the cart stops. LOL Needless to say, she doesn't exactly blend in.:D:D:D:D:D
Squirt's Mom
01-20-2015, 02:59 PM
Squirt used to go everywhere with me, and I mean every where. I wore Big Smith overalls and carried her in the pockets or the bib. It was obvious when her head was poking out - we got lots of stares and grins. :D
A www I can so picture that Leslie, our itty bitty puppy Squirt in your pocket:)
Koko is a bit big to carry around but I manage even with my screwed up arm.
Funny how life works. I always will remember falling with Zoe and protecting her from the fall, my arm is a daily reminder.
Weird how that all works out sometimes.
Bailey's Mom
01-21-2015, 11:40 AM
Well I just caught up on Koko's adventures. MB I cannot believe someone took out the dog's vocal does sound appealing not to have to listen to all that barking!
I didn't realize Koko had become such a traveler. Bailey loves to go for rides in the car. I've never tried taking her into stores. I don't know about that for us. I am glad to hear you are really enjoying Koko's company now.
How has winter been so far? I've not heard much about snow. It's supposed to get to 78 here today...and it's very sunny. This is why I love it here!!
01-22-2015, 04:20 PM
Hi Addy!! Popped in to say hello and hear how Koko is doing! I see he is getting around with you quite a bit! :p I still have many posts to read but wanted to say hi and Happy New Year to you, (and yours ;))
Finally sold my mom's house...ugh...what an ordeal, selling a house not for the faint-hearted....making decisions and not knowing if better offers will come or fun! It's almost over at least. What's doing with your home...did you decide to sell? Last I recall you were tending to the pool and other outside maintenance. I have to try to get on here a little more often so I don't lose track of everyone's news. Trixie is doing well...I posted the latest on her today.
Hope all is well with you, your family and little Koko! :p
Susan and Barbara,
I'm really hoping I can take Koko Puff to NYC on a plane.
Thank you both for stopping by to say hi. Love hearing from you and always miss you both. Barbara, if this summer we can fly, we can meet in Central Park and Koko and Trixie can walk together and Susan, if that goes well, our next stop will be Florida!
We are fine and I am so glad you are all fine too.
Bailey's Mom
01-25-2015, 04:06 PM
come on down!!!!!! :D:D:D:D
Look how small Koko looks when he is just groomed.
LOL he looks like a little Maltese.
Budsters Mom
01-27-2015, 10:50 PM
Yes, they look very tiny and thin after a groom. Almost an entirely different dog. Our Koko Puff is a totally adorable man about town either way. :p
01-28-2015, 06:18 AM
Crikey, don't take him outside you will lose him in the snow!!!! He looks so clean, so white, so small, so Koko!! He is a beauty Addy!!
Hope your feeling better, would be nice to have a catchup.. maybe this weekend! hanging out for Friiiiiiiiiiiiiday! xxx
Budsters Mom
02-07-2015, 10:29 PM
Hi Addy,
I saw your light on!:D what's happening with our little Koko Puff? Is the snow starting to melt so he can get outside?
How are you feeling? Shoveling snow cannot be good for that bum arm!:o;)
Please take care of yourself sweetie. I know that you have a sucky anniversary coming up. We'll get through it together.
Big hugs and butt scratches for our sweet boy,
Thanks Cathy, I know you too have Buddy's birthday so we will hold each other's hands. Koko hasn't been able to walk much because it got terribly cold after all the snow. I felt badly all this awful weather came right after his trip to the groomers.
My arm is a bit looser so I push it in hopes it will loosen more. Hubby had strep throat and was sick for a week. I was in bed most of yesterday with a migraine but other than that we are fine, thank you for asking.
The biggest obstacle. Right now is trying to get the house ready to sell. The handyman we found has disappeared and we talked to a new one but he wants $1500 for 3 days of work fixing minor jobs we can't do so not much cost in the way of materials.
I'm feeling a lot of pressure from that since it seems I am going to end up doing most of the work.
My brother hurt his knee so can't help me and hubby just can't do things anymore. He is 10 yrs older than me.
Oh well, I try not to think about it or I start getting really stressed out.
Enjoy your Sunday and kisses to monkey girl.
I bet she and Koko would have a ball running and playing together.
02-08-2015, 01:46 PM
Dear Addy,having Koko and my little Ariel is a comfort for both of us. Our lives are so similar. Trying to close our business will probably fall on me, Mom's care will fall on me( my brother lives in Ohio ), eventually selling our townhouse on me. My husband is 6 years older than me and not in good health. I am dealing with my own health issues. I have hip problems from a fall I had years ago trying to manuver a retractable leach when Apollo started running. KOKO is such a sweet heart. I am trying to get Ariel comfortable with a carrier so I can fly with him. Apollo was just an Angel when it came to flying, he knew we were going on a trip. He was a pup when I started flying with him and was quite the celebrity on many flights. Ariel is the screamer,whinner and barker. I fear I will be on YouTube- the plane needs to turn around because an 9 pd dog is causing havoc on the plane ::eek:
Thinking about you as Zoe's one year mark comes and also Cathy's ,Buddy's.Holding both your hands in love and comfort.
Hi Sonja, we always seem to run parallel, that is why we are sisters in battle always :)
Hubby passed on his germy sore throat so now I am sick:mad:
What next, right?
It is hard when our hubby's are older. Maybe we should have been cougars:D I tried to give mine away once, included food, recliner and tv, do you remember?
Ah, heck, I guess I keep him.:p
molly muffin
02-10-2015, 07:27 PM
Drat! Sorry you are under the weather too now Addy. grrrrr Just take care of yourself.
My sisters husband is 10 years older than her and hasn't been able to do anything for many years around the house. She said she was sure glad she had the boys living close enough to do some of it.
Even when we are all around the same age, the older we get the harder it gets. Hubby's knees and shoulders and just shot. He's a year older than me, but we end up having to hire out a lot of stuff that just a couple years ago we would have knocked off in a weekend. grrrrr
How is our Kokomo doing? Bet he's A-dorable after his grooming. Molly is looking pretty groovy herself and is being a typical trouble maker these days.
I sure do wish winter would end. I've just Had it and want spring, summer, fall and no winter!
02-11-2015, 07:33 PM
At least you made me laugh. I don't think I would know what to do with a young stallion.:eek: I would probably faint just at the site of a young man!:eek:
Miss you sister in arms.
Hugs Sonja and Angel Apollo
Oh Sonja ROLF I too needed a good laugh, young stallion indeed:D:D
I have tears in my eyes from laughing.
Budsters Mom
02-11-2015, 08:07 PM
Yes, but wouldn't it be fun giving it a try! lol ;):D:D:D
I don't think I would know what to do with a young stallion.:eek:
I cant even spell your name right after how long? What would I do with a young stud????:p:p:p:p:p:p:p I'd probably ask him to cut the grass:rolleyes:
That could make a funny sitcom though:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
02-13-2015, 05:41 PM
Ohhh my, everyone fantasising about stallions on your thread... us old mares would probably have a heart attack LOLOL!
Gosh those bugs are swirling around this group, hope your feeling better Miss!! Soon you will be back to walking on the warm spring evenings with Koko trotting along smelling the flowers... ahhhhh just dreaming for you!! But in the meantime
Happy Friiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiday!!! :D
Had a bit of a sleepin this morning, it was awesome till Flynn reminded me mornings are for eating and to get my lazy butt out of bed and feed him!! Gawd it was only 9.30... think he hadn't eaten in a week :D Hope the weekend goes well and have my fingers crossed everything thaws out soon xxxxxxxxx
LoL tomorrow our Valentine Day is for Eskimos, bitter cold, below zero, terrible winds, guess it doesn't matter I have the flu:p
Burst our bubble as Koko and I were so happy it was still light out for a bit when I get home from work. Dancing thru the tulips will be awhile ;)
Kate is going to The Hard Rock Cafe in Chicago with a group from her college. It is semi formal attire. She will freeze to death. I hope the bus the university chartered has heat:eek:
In the back of the kitchen cupboard tonite we found an old box of Quaker Oats, expired in 2010' sitting behind a teapot on the top shelf.
I had bought the oats for Zoe as the holistic dog store owner said she gave a bit to her dog every night before bed as it firmed up her dog's stool.
She is still everywhere, my little girl. I remembered her barking for the oats and smiled. Koko never barks, I told hubby. Hubby said can't you hear him barking on Friday nights? He waits and waits for you and as soon as he sees your car lights, he runs around the house barking like he is nuts.
That surprised me.:)
Budsters Mom
02-14-2015, 01:17 AM
AWWWWW Addy, thank you so much for lighting a candle for Buddy. :p
I loved your hubby's reply about Koko never barking. He loves his mama. :p:p:p:p
Feel better Sweetie,
I feel guilty because it was 89 degrees here today and you're freezing your tush off! So not fair!:eek::eek::eek:
Kisses to Koko Puff
Buddy's 12th birthday is Feb. 19.
Zoe flew to the bridge to meet the others Feb. 22
We'll get through this together.
molly muffin
02-14-2015, 02:11 AM
Oh poor addy. This is one nasty bug alright. You take care of yourself. It settled in my chest and ear and caused all sorts of havoc. So hope yours doesn't migrate around.
I know what you mean bitterly cold here too. Sigh.
The perfect valentine. Soup and hot beverage. ( good for throat and mucus). A nice back rub or foot massage. Sigh now that is love. Rofl.
Oh wow Koko is nut for mommy. And knows it is the weekend too! Smart boy.
You take care of yourself!
I've blanked the exact date of her death from my mind. I just know it is sometime between the 21-24 of February. The date caused so much pain, I remember the time and every detail, just get fuzzy in the exact date as it was the middle of the night.
I went to light a candle for Scout and thought about Buddy too.:)
Squirt's Mom
02-14-2015, 09:29 AM
Squirt's birthday will be on the 25th of this month. She would have been 17.
I will never be whole again.
Oh Leslie, I feel the same way. Some part of me died with Zoe and it is not coming back ever. Maybe that is ok, though.
Koko keeps me busy and he is endearing. I am thankful to have my boy. Now that it is light out when I come home, he wants walkies.
Freezing cold, ice on the road but off we go for a quick walk up to the corner and back, keeps him happy.
I have noticed since I speak to him all the time, he has learned many news words.:D I can say whole sentences and he knows which words to pick out. Who knew?
molly muffin
02-17-2015, 09:03 PM
Well he is a very smart boy. :)
Molly picks words out of sentences too. She does tend to pick and choose the ones she likes best though and tends to ignore the ones she doesn't want to hear. ROFL!
He is smarter than I ever gave him credit for as he lived in the shadows of Zoe.
Last night the closest we got to a Bark Fest was a demure, soft whining, er, er ,er for his treats while ate my dinner. We continue potato as a treat because I swear he is addicted to them as was Zoe. I dont know why. It is a potato:rolleyes:
They both loved them:D:D:p
molly muffin
02-19-2015, 05:24 PM
Well when you want your potato, you must have your potato. LOL
Koko has sure come into his own personality wise. I think he didn't really have to do much with Zoe around, she said it was this way and he went along with it. Now he has had to find his voice (still working on that maybe) and with a louder voice comes a louder personality. Funny how that works.
I think he is pretty darn adorable.
02-20-2015, 10:17 PM
Dear Addy, I think I got your bug. Losing my voice. It was fun to read the posts about the stallions. Sometimes we just need to laugh at ourselves. Hope you start feeling better. This is a nasty bug.
Hugs Sonja and Angel Apollo
Bailey's Mom
04-13-2015, 06:28 PM
Hi Addy!
I finally seem to have caught up on "life." Took me 40 years to do it, but I'm there now. :)
Ryan's wedding plans are progressing along. He and Ellen are handling almost all of it, but they did hire a planner to come in for this last 5-6 weeks and she will be there on the day of the wedding. I think that's great.
I've run into a glitch-getting my hair done. Here I've been growing it for a full year and now, since this falls on a holiday, I'm having great difficulty finding someone to make it look nice. Most shops are closed. In addition, I have to be fully dressed, ready for pictures by 10 AM. YIKES! I don't know what I'm going to do. I may wind up just going back to short hair. That would be a bummer, after all this time. :(
The alligators are not hanging around, for some reason. The family of sandhill cranes still comes around daily. :D The little baby is almost up to the shoulders of the parents.....but the feathers are still the baby feathers-not the gray adult ones. We do have a large population of very huge turtles around us. They love to sun themselves.
We head back to BB in just under 2 weeks. Looking forward to getting home. We're going to roll around in all the space we have there after being in this sardine can all winter. We're trying to work on our tans so we'll look like we've been here all winter.
I hope your cold and allergies are all gone. How is your Mom doing? Are you planning on listing the house this spring? Give Koko a big hug from us.
Miss you.
05-22-2015, 07:02 PM
Hi Addy, had to come hunt you down and found Koko's thread!!
Hope you are feeling up to popping in for an update soon! Love reading about the latest, I hope you and Koko have been out from some al fresco dining in the Spring sunshine!! Smuggling him in when you have to, that cracks me up!
Sending a big hug, plus some more healthy vibes and hope this note finds you feeling much better!!
I haven't forgotten Zoe, no one could, that girl was bigger than life itself and has left her dainty pawprint on all our hearts! Miss you xxxxxxxx
We are all alive and trying every day, Koko has indeed been patio dining and has done quite a bit if shopping too, has had non stop visitors, the last two months have been a whirlwind with the house. The photographer is coming today, listing goes up Thursday with a hold on all showings then open house Sunday.
Hubby had vertigo last night, cam out of nowhere, very scary. Rushed mom to the clinic Saturday, she has shingles.
We are all exhausted, mentally and physically and the more we try to fix up this old house, more things go wrong.
I hope to catch up with you all, Trish how did the house hunting go?
I scanned Molly's thread and got worried, will have to go back further to see what is all going on.
Love you all and hope to have more time soon!
Moved Zoe's trunk to the rec room and hate that her stuff is downstairs, that was a hard day,
Koko has been so good but hated the carpet cleaning, refused to go back in the house, never saw him act like that though the smell was ver strong.
And I'm still coughing, ugh
Hugs and kisses
06-09-2015, 11:38 PM
Think about you a lot. Glad you have sweet Koko. Hope you let me know your new place when you move. So many changes for both of us. Both dealing with aging mothers,etc. Hope your mother gets better.
Love always
Bailey's Mom
08-12-2015, 08:33 PM
Hey Addy! :)
Just stopping by to say hi and to tell you I'm thinking of you. I hope things have settled down somewhat for you and hubby.
Squirt's Mom
08-13-2015, 06:10 AM
I'm with Susan. You have been on my mind a lot lately and I hope all is well in your world.
Leslie and the gang
08-13-2015, 07:04 AM
Add me to the list, too. I think about you often, Addy, and hope that the move is agreeing with you all and especially that your Shingles has quieted down! Is Koko truly a traveling dog around town now?? ;)
molly muffin
08-13-2015, 09:49 PM
Addy, we miss you!!!
How are you and Koko doing? How do you like the new place? Are you and koko and hubby adjusting?
I hope those nasty shingles are gone! I really need to get the vaccine for that. My MIL had them too. Very painful.
Pop in sometime and play catch up.
Thank you for all the "hellos". My hand is finally not as painful and the strength is coming back, the shingles left a terrible scar and I hope it improves, people stare at it:eek:
We are getting used to the new townhouse. We did not take the one downtown, friends talked us out of it. We are in a western suburb about 15 minutes west of where we used to live. It seems rather rural to us and I have a longer commute but we like the townhouse, though we had to get rid of 90 per cent of what we owned.
Koko loves running up and down the stairs and will run up to our bedroom and play by himself. There is a beautiful orange cat next door and he and Koko love to look at each other through the window.
Koko is adjusting and he is really doing well with all the dogs we see.
He is still a bit nervous about all the commotion after living in our private quiet house but I think he is adjusting better than I thought he would. He hasn't barked at any of the dogs and is starting to wag his tail at some of them. He is such a good dog and my neighbor said she never hears him bark when we are away and he is home alone. We put the Disney station in for him when he stays home alone.
Parts started falling off my 13 year old car so Koko and I went car shopping. He thought that was quite fun and now I have a new car for the long commute. After driving the same car for 13 years, it has been an experience trying to adjust to the new car and the new commute which has so much more traffic.
We have been busy with my mom and trying to find a few pieces of furniture to fit in the townhouse. I managed to cram our dining table and China cabinet in, I gave away the buffet. We need a new sofa, ours is 20 years old but I want to have it reupholstered. The new sofas are all to deep.
Kate leaves for Spain on the 1st for the semester. We are having a special farewell dinner tonight for her. She is sooo excited and has an internship in some government office in Granada.
I had been stuck in the house for so long with Zoe I just now realized that my world had become very small and new things make me anxious. I am hoping to change that and venture out more on my own.
All in all, we are adjusting to all the new things in our life. Koko just came flying down the stairs with his plastic hot dog. It has been his pacifier since Zioe died. I put her trunk upstairs in the second bedroom. I don't allow myself to look back too much, the last day I stood in our home, looked around at the empty rooms of Knollwood and said "come on Zoe, let's go, Koko is waiting for us". My darling girl was right by my side to start our new journey. Leaving Knollwood was almost harder then facing Zoe's death.
Somehow, I survived it all and now I keep trying to only stay in the now.
I did lose 15 pounds and chopped off my long hair.
I was teasing hubby that I have a new townhouse, a new car, a new hairdo and if he isn't careful I will get a new hubby;)
Well, enough of my updates, I need to sit down and catch up on all of you and hope to have time soon.
Love you all, miss you all and realized my strength came from your support. Thank you for that.
Squirt's Mom
08-29-2015, 11:08 AM
Oh Addy, it is so so good to hear from you! Things seem to be settling down a bit for you and your new life, and I'm glad. It is really nice that Koko is adjusting so well.
I know what you mean about your world becoming so small. It is hard, very hard, for me to get out of that world (it is so familiar and comfortable) but I am trying. My heart may pound, I may sweat like mad, my hands and voice may shake....but I get out. My circle of real life friends that I am ok spending face time with has grown a teeny bit and that is a good growth rate for me. But I am still, and always, more comfortable in the cyber world. ;) With Trink's new illness I know the progression will back to that isolated state as the COPD progresses - with no complaint from me. :)
BTW, I found your 15lbs plus a few more from someone when I stopped smoking. You want yours back? :D
My sweet Ginger
08-29-2015, 08:20 PM
Dear Addy,
I'm so glad you stopped in. I knew you would after everything is settled and I'm glad to hear that everything is going smoothly for Koko, you and your hubby.
It must've been awfully hard to leave that beloved house, full of memories of Zoe, happy and sad all at the same time. I have no doubt Zoe was right by your side helping you all the way. I think about you and Zoe often and my heart still aches. I want you to know that I'm very proud of you and sweet Koko for what you two have accomplished since Zoe.
I'm also glad you like your new town house. We are planning on putting our house on the market by early next spring too. It's a very old house so needs a lot of repairs. Not looking forward to doing it.
To me the biggest hurdle is my hubby. We have to get rid of a lot of stuff as this move is all about downsizing. My hubs can't be separated from any of his possessions it seems.:mad: They all have special meaning and purposes! He has things from 20-30 years ago?:eek::eek: How did you get your hubby on board on tidying things up by 90%? :eek::eek::eek: I need a lot of luck and I can only hope he gets brave so we will be ready by the spring.
The weather is beautiful out here these days. Just gorgeous. Enjoying it so much. I hope you are enjoying this end of summer weather, too. Give Koko big hugs for me and hugs to you, too. Song.
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