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Budsters Mom
08-29-2015, 09:09 PM
Hi Addy,

I've missed you so.:o So glad to hear that Koko Puff is settling in so well. He is such a sweetie pie.:p Yes, Zoe will always be with you wherever you roam.

My Mom's Shingles are still painful and it's been almost a year. Those are some stubbornly, persistently, painful suckers that attack the nerves. I am sorry to hear about the scarring, but hope they are finally starting to subside and heal.

Your new townhouse sounds lovely. Though it's not "Knollwood", it's sure to be much easier to take care of and keep up with all the maintenance.

A new car, a new haircut, a new home, 15 lbs. lighter and a fresh start. Change is incredibly hard. I am so proud of you my dear!!

Big hugs to you and butt scratches for our little boy,


Jenny & Judi in MN
08-31-2015, 05:14 PM
glad to hear you are all settling in. and congratulations on the weight loss!

molly muffin
08-31-2015, 08:50 PM
Addy! So great to see you online.

You have had a lot of changes in the last bit. Sort of like turning a corner on lifes journey and starting down a new path. It's scary but oh so exciting too. I bet Koko feels the same way.

One day your vacation place and rental car will become your normal. :)

I'm so glad that you are feeling better. Yay!

I cut my hair off this summer. Scary but hey, sometimes a girl just needs a change.

Is Koko getting some sidewalk restaurant time this summer?


09-01-2015, 12:41 PM
Dear Addy
So glad to hear from you. A lot of changes. Wishing you all the best in your new life. Right there with you. Kook sounds like such a love and support.
Love always Sonja,Apollo, Karma, little Ariel

09-02-2015, 07:27 PM
Thanks all, it has been some year and I found change is hard.

Thankfully Koko had a good physical in June though vet thought he was on the thin side. I thought he looked great. Now with all the treats with all the dogs we run into, he has gained some weight and of course I think it needs to come off though the vet would be happy.

This little boy inspires me as he really does go with the flow.he is just a good dog, granted we help him adjust and give him a lot of support but still, he amazes me. He has come so far from his Dennis the Menace days, can't believe it is the same dog.

09-11-2015, 08:40 AM
Koko was amazing at our weekend hotel stay. He just rolled right along, nothing bothered him.

I think what struck me the most was the concierge asking about him. I told her he was a stray, running the streets in a unsafe neighborhood. Animal Control picked him up and no one claimed him so we brought him home.

She was amazed and commented" and now, here he is staying at the Delafield Hotel having room service" and we all smiled.

How far they come amazes me.their abilities to adapt also amaze me.
He is such a good boy and continues to amaze us everyday that passes withou Zoe. I would have not thought it possible two years ago.
Traveling dog, wish I could fit him on a plane;)

09-11-2015, 12:09 PM
Dear Addy
So happy to hear about your weekend away. Koko deserves to be spoiled. He is lucky to have you and the other way around. Our Koko and Ariel have given us comfort, laughter and joy once again. Zoe and Apollo will always be in our hearts and soul.
Love Sonja,Apollo,Karma,Ariel.

Budsters Mom
09-11-2015, 03:19 PM
Atta boy Koko Puff!! So glad you were all able to be pampered!:)

What fun!!!!!! :D

11-05-2015, 06:34 PM
So here we are, darkness greeting me as I arrive home. No street lights or sidewalks and no acre of grass to walk Koko on.

What is a girl to do?

Enter Pup Light 2 from Amazon. It hangs from a reflective collar, we can aim the light up, down, straight, wherever.

Koko thinks he is so cute, he just wants to stay ou in the dark.

We love it!

Budsters Mom
11-05-2015, 10:42 PM
He knows he's adorable! Don't you? Isn't it interesting how they adapt? Koko sees this new chapter as a grand adventure!:D I so wish I could see life the way they do.;)

Big hugs,

Koko thinks he is so cute, he just wants to stay ou in the dark

Squirt's Mom
11-06-2015, 07:37 AM
How cute he likes his light so much! :D I'm glad you found a solution to the dark walks....that had to be a bit disconcerting after being used to the opposite for so long.

11-06-2015, 07:46 PM
I posted a picture of him wearing his pup light. He was never able to walk in the dark before and he just loves it. You are right Kathy, he does think of it as one great adventure. He has been no problem and so adaptable. Zoe would have had a hard time but Zoe was just like me and I'm still having a hard time.

I guess we all shoul try to have Koko's outlook, he is just so happy and rolls with the changes, who knew?

Leslie, I was worried about him and this worked out great, whew!

11-06-2015, 08:19 PM
Oh Addy, I love the photo! :) :) :)

It's so good to hear from you and to read your updates.

I think I have a lot I can learn from Koko, too :o. Thank you so much for sharing him with us.

Budsters Mom
11-06-2015, 08:29 PM
Love, love, love, the mama defending light saber!;):D

11-07-2015, 09:08 AM
Lol he could think of it that way, the magic saber light. It is bright and probably better suited for a bigger dog but every car can see us coming and he can see the ground well.

He stands on his hind legs looking into my neighbors kitchen for her cat and shines the light into her house, I could not stop laughing but he found the cat:D

I miss you all and try to check in on all of you, it is still hard for me as memories of Zoe's last days come flooding back.

One great thing is I found a transport van to bring my mom here for a visit. Now we can take her out more, she can't walk much anymore.

Other than that I still feel like I'm on vacation in some rental condo

Love you all very, very much.

molly muffin
11-09-2015, 07:05 PM
Koko is such a character! Standing up to shine the light and find the cat. hahahha That is hilarious and what a smart boy he is!

That's great that you have a transport to get your mom over. I'm sure she will be happier being able to get out and come for a visit. My mother in law is making tentative plans to come to our area when she gets to the point she can't live on her own. As in she toured and met with a senior living place not far from our house, while here on her last visit a couple weeks ago. I think now she is 84, she is thinking she wants to be around us more. (we only semi drive her crazy I'm sure) LOL Course she is also thinking of spending the winter in portugal or spain this year so who knows when that might actually happen. Probably not for a couple/few more years if she has her way. hahaha

big hugs

11-09-2015, 09:33 PM
So glad to hear from you. Koko looks very happy with his pop light.
With it getting dark so early I have one for Ariel, but he doesn't like any thing on. Like you memories flood back and the tears flow. I find comfort it knowing how much we loved Zoe and Apollo and the paw print they left on our heart till the day we die.
Koko is such a comfort for you. Like you dealing with Mom's aging. Glad to here about the van.
Love always my sister in arm.
Sonja, Apollo, Karma, Ariel ( and Doug's little rescue Kristen)

11-15-2015, 01:31 PM
I never heard of this product before! Wish we had it for our Gizmo. Maybe we'll get it for our poodle. Koko looks adorable!

So here we are, darkness greeting me as I arrive home. No street lights or sidewalks and no acre of grass to walk Koko on.

Enter Pup Light 2 from Amazon. It hangs from a reflective collar, we can aim the light up, down, straight, wherever.

Koko thinks he is so cute, he just wants to stay ou in the dark.

We love it!

12-24-2015, 02:14 PM
Happy, Merry, Ho, Ho, Ho!

Our best wishes and all our love to all of you!

Koko has his Christmas dress out, shhh, he thinks it is a coat! LOL!

The Gabapentin seems to be helping hubby a bit, our Christmas gift, we will take it!

Thinking of all of you, thinking of all our fur kids here and above!

Life changes, we change, the one constant that never changes is our unwavering love for our fur kids and the special bond with our Cush pups. That bond never breaks, our hearts may, but the bond is unbreakable.

Love you all dear family.

12-27-2015, 09:39 PM
Just beautiful
Sonja ,Apollo, Karma

01-20-2016, 08:02 AM
Love is eating oatmeal every morning even though you don't like it because your dog loves to lick the bowl

Love is calling friends or family to ask if your dog can come visit because he loves to see people

Love is carrying your dog through the bitter cold and snow even thou your arm hurts because his paws can't handle it

Love is saying you won't buy a condo unless the chaise he loves to sleep on fits in the bedroom

Love is having a dog

Love is having your dog gaze into your eyes then gently kissing your cheek to say thank you for loving him so much

Love is my Kokomo

Budsters Mom
01-20-2016, 09:20 AM
Beautiful!!!! :p:p:p:):):)

My sweet Ginger
01-20-2016, 09:25 AM
Oh Addy, it's beautiful.
With tears of happiness and a lump in my throat.

Bailey's Mom
01-20-2016, 09:21 PM
Dear Addy,

My but you do sound as if you're in a good place! And in the middle of winter, even! That warms my heart.

I hope your holidays went well. I hope you're adjusting to your new "digs."

I was sick for three weeks. Week #1 was pretty bad, but the next two weeks were tolerable. I think I must have shot up the stock price of Pull's with Lotion. How can you blow your nose, get quantities out of it, then turn right around and do the same thing all over again with the same results. It should take time for it to be ready for another blow. All that's left now is a nagging little cough. It was just a viral cold, but when I went to see the doc, he tole me to prepare myself as there was a lot of this going around and it was taking 2 - 6 weeks to recover. I'm glad I was forewarned.

Then last week we took Bailey to the groomers. The groomers doubles as a doggie day care. Their largest room is divided by 4' high fake fences. The keep the dogs segregated by size and personality. The bigger dogs are always jumping up high to see what's going on outside the fence. Well, Bailey watched this and decided she could do this too! We picked up our little doggie with a severe limp with her back, left leg. After a day, we took her to the vet who checked her out and said she had a bad sprain, but the knees and bones all seemed to be fine. He gave us Rimadyl to give her daily. It was a full week before we saw any improvement. Fortunately she does seem to be getting better now. Next time we go, they will keep her in a cage until being groomed. We'll drop her off early in the day and we'll get her back much earlier.

Have any holiday pictures of Koko?


Squirt's Mom
01-21-2016, 12:57 PM
What a wonderful poem to your sweet boy! I know he is so proud of his mom for all she has faced and she still stands tall and strong. He is a lucky boy to have you as his mom, Addy.

molly muffin
01-21-2016, 06:21 PM
Addy you do get right to the heart of the matter, love is your kokomo and now I'm thinking of the Beach Boys and singing Kokomo in my head LOL

It really was beautiful! you have a way with words darlin!

01-31-2016, 05:23 PM
Thank you, guys, I didn't mean to post and disappear but it has been high drama here,

I bought a condo down the street:eek::rolleyes::p:D

It is a long story, hubby is retiring, we were throwing money away on rent and believe it or not, I had four months left before I had to give notice if we were moving. Very few condo associations here allow dogs, cats, not dogs. I was starting to freak out and well, I bought Koko a condo :o

Budsters Mom
01-31-2016, 11:02 PM
Wow Addy, you are busy! Buying Koko Puff a condo, makes perfect sense around here.:D I'm glad it's all working out for you.

Is hubby feeling any better?

Big hugs my dear. I have missed you,


02-01-2016, 07:34 AM
Hi Kathy,

Hubby is still on a low dose of Gabapentin and cut back Motrin to bed time only. He just finished physical therapy and is faithfully icing and doing his exercises. He isn't 100 per cent but compared to where we were in November, huge improvement. I can't thank that spine Doctor enough and am so great full my friend recommended him.

Koko loves this townhouse, especially the stairs. We have no stairs at the condo but we have a small courtyard outside of the kitchen and we will be able to sit outside again in good weather.

My mom can still visit in the transport so that was another factor in my decision. Mom will be 92 and even though the doctors have written her off more than a few times she still is so happy to come to our house even in a wheelchair for only a few hours.

We will stay there as long as we have Koko. I can't believe how many condos we could not consider but I think it is because some people don't clean up after their dogs. Here at the townhouse, we have so many people who just don't pick up.

AnywAAy, it all happened so fast because everything here in Mequon gets multiple offers if it is decent. I'm kind of freaked out.:o

But renting here just didn't make sense after a year.

How is our monkey girl? I have to catch up:o

Bailey's Mom
02-01-2016, 09:29 AM
Well!! Very exciting news!! (Happy new year, by the way.) :) So Koko is getting his own Kondo! In my next life, I want to come back as a doggie of yours!! :D
I am sorry to hear your hubby is still not all well, but at least he's much better, it sounds like. And I always am glad to hear you refer to your Mom. She's a walking miracle!
Well-we went on our cruise over Christmas, came back and the next day I became sick....and it lasted for 3 weeks. Just a nasty virus that was bothersome rather than multi symptomatic. Got over that and it was time to take Bailey for a grooming. We don't know for sure what happened, but reportedly with some roughhousing with other doggies there, she overdid it and returned home limping. That was at least 3 weeks ago. She is still limping. We now have an appt on the 11th to consult with a surgeon. I'm also going to book another vet appt so we get a 2nd opinion. As you may remember, Bailey had both knees operated on before she was 1 and then had to have the same procedure repeated in about another year. She is bucking to match me in number of knee operations! We have had to keep her movement restricted which is getting old on all of us. She cannot go for her usual walks.....just very short trips outside. I'm very concerned because her leg is collapsing on her some and twice I've felt a bone crunch.
Give Koko a belly rub from us.

02-01-2016, 10:56 AM
Oh no! I hope Bailey is okay! And it's a shame that the dog owners who pick up after their dogs have to suffer for the ones who don't.


molly muffin
02-01-2016, 05:52 PM
Omg Susan, that does not sound good! Have you taken her to emergency to at least see what is wrong with the leg? Sure it might need surgery, but it also might need some sort of stabilization now, so it doesn't get worse.

Addy, I love that you got kokomo a condo and yourselves too of course. :) I'm sure it will be lovely and nice to be able to have your mom there and you can all sit outsides and watch the sun set with big cups of coffee with baileys (have you seen they have chocolate cherry baileys???)

02-01-2016, 09:11 PM
Poor Bailey, geez, Sus, she is going to break your knee record. I'm going to have to find pink bubble wrap with little puppies on it:)

Let us know what happens with the vets. I hope it all turns out well.

Sharlene, I love the courtyard. We have patio doors from the den and the kitchen to go out into the courtyard and I imagine it filled with flowerpots in the summer and a little green bistro table with an outdoor dog bed for Koko Puff. We have a second patio off the living room with tons of green space for Kokomo. I wonder about the original family. There are built in cupboards in the garage with handwritten labels of the contents and the doorbell has a little horse around it. It still has blue and white wallpaper in the powder room and master bath, I love blue and white and it has a blue delft looking chandelier. Hubby says it has to go but I could relate to it, I used to collect blue and white stuff from the flea markets.

Have a great night

02-01-2016, 09:56 PM
Dear Addy
So glad to hear from you. Koko you are a lucky boy, to have Mom buy you a condo. Wow!:D
Love Sonja, Apollo, Karma, Ariel and Kristen

molly muffin
02-01-2016, 09:59 PM
Addy. That sounds so absolutely lovely. This is a condo?!!! Amazing. I want a condo like that !! Lol.

02-02-2016, 07:00 AM
Oh Addy, your condo surely does sound lovely! It seems like the perfect spot for you three to rest and rejuvenate. :) :) :)

And as quickly as time flies, you'll be setting out those pots in no time. I am very happy for you all. ;)

02-03-2016, 09:09 PM
Thank you, Marianne . It is modest and small but has nice features. It is a community made up of 75 units on 4 or 5
different courts and each building is a two family, so like a side by side ranch home which I love because no one is jumping on my head and we only have one side with a common wall.

Hubby wished Zoe could see it:D I told him she does ;)

Yes, we need to rest and relax, it has been quite a year. My Kate is thrilled because the dining table and hutch will fit. That is important to her because she still wants all the holidays at our home wherever that may be.

Thank you for sharing my happiness.

02-10-2016, 07:02 PM
The condo didn't do well on the home inspection, we had to let it go
I am heartbroken.

molly muffin
02-10-2016, 07:52 PM
Oh no!!! I'm so sorry. :( It sounded really good but those nuts and bolt inspections sure can tell the tale and you don't want to get into anything that no matter how good the makeup on the outside, just isn't so good on the inside. You'd regret it later.

Just keep looking around, something will intrigue you again, I know it.

02-11-2016, 08:53 AM
Oh darn! :(

I am very disappointed, too. It sounded as though this unit had a special quality that really connected with you. But it wasn't meant to be, I guess, so that means there's another home out there that is meant to connect in a different way. And perhaps even in a surprising way. Hmmmmm....I'm already anxious to find out what it will be! I know you will be glad to find out, too. :o

02-11-2016, 10:12 AM
Addy- so sorry the condo didn't work out. If you really liked that complex, maybe another one will come available.

02-11-2016, 04:53 PM
Well thats just stink, was on my way to tell you congrats only to read its now off the list... well better off finding out now that it wasn't worthy of your money :D imagine being in there and it started costing you heaps to fix it up! No Addy, sayonara to that house, a better one is around the corner and you will be pleased this one didn't measure up! Chin up girlfriend!! xx

02-12-2016, 08:22 AM
The right side of my brain says good to know now, the left side of my brain is emotionally attached.

Good to know now, it is just hard to find something similar, they are rare in my price range.

I just spent 16 years in a fixer upper and at my age I don't want the worry nor the work.

Well, Koko loves the townhouse, so, I guess we stay here. We even had given our notice, had to reinstate our lease. They were very nice about it.

I think it wasn't so much the condo as a way of life it afforded that I craved and I think it was losing that way of life which is what upset me, does that make sense?

But I sure don't need something with foundation issues and having to gut bathroom:eek::eek:

Chin up, shoulders back, Spring is right around the corner and we will all be fine.

Sure was craving hubby's potatoes on the barbeque though;)

02-12-2016, 08:28 AM
Addy, do you think every unit in that same complex would be equally as compromised? If not, as Judy says, maybe you can keep a watchful eye out for other units there that might come up for sale?

molly muffin
02-12-2016, 11:55 AM
I agree with Marianne. I'd have a chat with the inspector and find out if the problems where in his opinion limited to that unit or to the complex itself.
You keep your eye out, continue to check out potential units in other complexes And that one and who knows..the lifestyle might still be coming your way, just not in this unit. They might not come up often, but they do come up!

02-20-2016, 01:26 PM
Good to hear from you. The right home will come. Patience is hard to do. Like you. We are looking to move to Arizonia, where it is more within our means. Koko sounds like he is doing well .
Love Sonja

03-02-2016, 08:01 PM
Well, hubby totally ruled out the condos we turned down, so we just bought a different one:rolleyes::p

This is definitely a condo but it is only 15 years old, one owner, Koko has a patio and his chaise fits in our bedroom and we have sidewalks and street lights. I think a Scottie lives upstairs. A woman across the street said a lot of people walk little dogs during the day so it feels good to be in a dog friendly community after having so many places say no dogs period.

Exactly one month to the day that we wrote the other offer.
I feel pretty good about this one. I am already picking out paint colors.

Wish us luck that all goes well. I feel sorry Koko has to leave the townhouse and his best friend the cat next store. Would that be a bcf
Best cat friend?

Here we go again.:D

Harley PoMMom
03-02-2016, 08:20 PM
Wishing yous the best of luck!!! bcf...now that's funny right there!!:D

03-02-2016, 09:07 PM
Keeping fingers and toes crossed! Sounds perfect for all of you. :D

03-06-2016, 02:04 PM
I think the home inspection went well. Nothing we did not expect except for one window in the bedroom has a broken seal. Realtor said they will fix.

I am feeling very hopeful and stil no tummy ache so must be right.

03-06-2016, 03:59 PM
good luck, fingers crossed.
love Sonja,Ariel

molly muffin
03-06-2016, 09:48 PM
Addy how exciting. Koko will love it wherever you and hubby are. He's just that kind of guy our Kokomo. Lol.

We will want to hear all about the condo of course. Do you have nice outdoor space. How is the dining room kitchen? Good walkie area? Detail. Details. Lol

03-07-2016, 07:57 PM
You are so funny, Sharlene. Ta Da, Kokomo and I will have sidewalks and strret lights, no more waking in roads with a flashlight and his bright collar light.:D

It is an open concept which we are not used to and we have a patio with lots of grass around it and lots go grass right outside the front door. I like the subdivision as it is a mix of condo buildings, 4 families each, ranch side by side condos and also one family homes. It is fairly new for us, built in 2001. We are used to old. Lol I was so excited that the windows tilt in for cleaning!

It is a little bigger than the townhouse, no stairs though. It has lots of windows facing south and gets great light.

I am picking out paint color and carpet, appliances, what fun!

We have two bedrooms and two full baths, not that we need them but good to have and we are moving to a new town. We are close to lots of shopping.

We want low maintenance, just close the door and forget about it, so that is why hubby would not look at any more side by side ranch condos, too much work and maintenance.

So there you have details my dear and also a big hug to Sonja.

I do not have a tummy ache about this one, I think it is perfect for us.

I hope it all works out.

molly muffin
03-07-2016, 08:30 PM
It's good to NOT have a tummy ache. I use to get nauseous when I made a decision and then later thought oh, this is not right for me. I even backed out of one home based on how much I wanted to throw up after putting in an offer. Not a good sign!!!!! So no tummy ache = good thing.

Hey there is alot to be said for low maintenance. I'm quite partial to it myself, but alas, the best we could do is to get a gardener, put in a sprinkler system and hubby be the pool boy. He is not as good with the blender (doesn't bring it out often enough) as I think a good pool boy should be but alas, he's cute so whatcha gonna do. ROFLMAO!!!

I think this sounds perfect, and so glad the days of "street walking" are behind you. Girl has to hang up that flashlight and sparkly flashing light collar at some point you know. errr hmmm...

So shopping close by, definitely a must, and easy maintenance, sounds like "road trip" time to me. Lets not make it a replay of "We're The Millers" though okay. Maybe Koko's Grand Adventures. You could instagram the whole thing, get a million followers and the marketing people would throw money at your feet to have koko just seen with a bag of their yummy in the tummy liver treats make in the USA, yadda yadda. Do Not laugh, I just was reading an article about that happening for dog owners in the newspaper this past weekend.

:) :) :) :)

hugs and love!!

03-08-2016, 06:54 AM
Oh Addy, I am so happy for you and also so jealous!! Our house is over twenty years old now and needs so much redone, inside and out. My tummy hurts every morning when I wake up and think about all that we should be doing and what a pain it will be to live through the work (and to pay for it!). But I know how much you also went through, physically and emotionally in preparing for your move, and I couldn't be happier for you now. :)

And Sharlene, I think your reply deserves "post of the year" award!! :p

I couldn't stop laughing from beginning to end! I wish I lived next-door to you and I would be happy to be your pool-girl for free, just to have the chance to share some (MANY!) blender drinks and to gab in between my pool-girl chores. My morning tummy ache evaporated the minute I started reading your reply! So thank you for being you. You are a hoot, girl!!! ;) :p :) :D

03-08-2016, 07:39 PM
Thank you both, it has been a journey, that sure is true, sometimes a jumble of emotions, good and bad. I try not to look back, like Scarlett, I tell myself no, don't look back to that low brick ranch that glowed a pink hue in the twilight, welcoming me home each night. If it is possible to have a spiritual connection with a house, I sure had one as did Zoe.

Traveling Koko, well I can do a video for Blue Stix, as they were finally a high enough reward to convince Koko other dogs were ok. We took him to the home inspection, to our realtor's office and I just may take him to the carpet store:D

I am struggling with picking out a nylon carpet that will last ten years. I would rather put in hardwood but I don't want to over improve the place.nAnyone purchase carpet lately ?

Marianne, it is so good to hear from you and don't worry about your house, when you are ready you will do it and maybe you will never even have to:)

03-08-2016, 08:59 PM
Addy--I did put in new carpet to replace "Maggie's carpet" ... I'll look up tomorrow what brand, etc. What I really wanted to do was put down the wood-look tile but it was just too expensive.

We should get Abbie and Koko to do a video together--Abbie loves Blue Stix! :D

I live in an attached villa and love the low maintenance--all our homes were just painted and sidewalks/driveways power-washed. It is so nice not to have to worry about any of that.

Budsters Mom
03-12-2016, 09:55 PM
Your new digs sounds perfect! :p. Our sweet Koko Puff will be happy wherever you and hubby are. ;)

Big hugs,

03-14-2016, 09:10 PM
Addy--the carpet I purchased is Mohawk Smartstrand. It is a special type of polyester fiber that is really soft and has permanent stain-resistance. I have had it for six years and it looks brand new.

03-16-2016, 08:29 AM
Judy, thank you so much as that was one of the samples we have at home, a smartstrand silk and I was concerned about wear. We saw it on the floor at the Caroet store.

The fact that you have had it six years is great news. Thank you again.

04-03-2016, 05:14 PM
Hi All,

We ordered our carpet, having worries it will be too rosey beige but the store is sending a cutting from the dye lot and who picks these color names anyway? Why would a rosey beige carpet be called morning mist? Arg:confused:

Paint color selected as well and we started to pack.

I feel guilty taking Koko from this townhouse as he so enjoyed his life here. He has been doing calming signals since we started packing:(

We went to our old neighborhood, just driving through. We did not go past our house but I felt so very sad. I just can't look back at the time of our lives, I can only continue to look forward, allowing just snippets of memories to come to mind.

Hard to explain.

Sorry, traveling dog about town, I sure hope you like our new home.

Wish I felt better about making him move again after only nine months. He adjusted so well so quickly. Please reassure me that he will take it all in stride. Wish I could retire tomorrow.:p

Harley PoMMom
04-03-2016, 05:30 PM
I'm sure Koko will do just fine, it is amazing how well they deal with change.

My boy, Marvin lived with a foster family before I got him and when I first brought him home he was aloof. I got Marvin and me filet mignon to celebrate our first day together and he wouldn't touch it :eek: I was shocked :eek: By the third day at home he knew that people food is yumyum and he now sits by my side while I'm eating and is so excited because he knows that he is getting what ever I am eating.

They adjust, some take more time than others but they do adjust.

Love and hugs, Lori

molly muffin
04-03-2016, 05:59 PM
Koko will be fine as long as he is with you and your hubby.

Dogs are very resilient about where they are, as long as they are with their people

Take this from someone who moved often with my cat and golden retriever.

It might just be a case of nerves with the carpet. Funny but I think the paint color in our fireplace room was morning mist or morning dew, it looks greeny grey.

Bailey's Mom
04-04-2016, 05:35 AM
Hi Addy-you and Koko are going to do great! Remember....Bailey now spends 5 months in one home and 7 months in the other. She needs no time to adjust when we make our trips. So long as she knows where I am, she is great. Unfortunately, I so wish she did not have such separation anxiety. Even if Bob is still here, when I go out, she goes and rests under the bed. From that point, she can keep an eye on any movements and is ready to jump out and run to the door if the doorbell rings. I've never sneaked out on her....this is just her nature. It is really nice getting her very warm greeting when I return or when Bob & I return. When she needs to go outside to do her business, or when we could take her for walks, she pulls to get back here where I am. She wants to be sure I didn't leave or something. I do make sure that on the way out I tell her "We will be back." She's okay with that. Plus we give her a cookie....so she's familiar with the drill.

Koko will probably meet great new friends and will settle in quickly. Extra hugs are warranted, I think.


04-05-2016, 01:03 PM
Dear Addy, as long as Koko has the two of you he will adjust fine.
Love Sonja, Apollo

04-05-2016, 07:48 PM
Thank you all for sharing, I know it will be ok, I just want everything perfect for the little boy, he is such a sweet, gentle, joyful soul and has really blossomed since we left the house. It was so upsetting looking at so many places to only find out, no dogs!

We all get so overprotective post Cushings, don't we? Yikes, how that disease changes us. If Koko drinks a bit more water, my radar turns on and I have to firmly tell myself, do not go there :mad:

Three more sleeps and we get the keys, I'm too excited to sleep.

Sharlene, congrats on the grandson, what a fun journey awaits:D

Bailey's Mom
04-09-2016, 04:55 AM
Congratulations Addy! By now you should be in your new forever home!! I hope the move went smoothly and I hope you'll post some pictures when you get a chance. I loved seeing the pictures of your yard at your former house. Please give Koko a hug from Bailey & me.


05-07-2016, 08:10 AM
It has been one week since moving into the new condo. We love it!
Koko is starting to adjust and is bringing out his toys. He sits at the patio door waiting for a dog to walk by and we have a lot of dogs in the neighborhood. We are trying to counter condition him not to bark at every dog. He has never lived with sidewalks, but we do love the sidewalks and pretty lantern strret lights.

My commute to work is the same time, just less traffic.

We still are unpacking small boxes and need to hang pictures. The space is perfect, not too small, not to big.

The paint colors and carpet are perfect and so far everything works. Since it was sold through an estate, we did not know.

It really feels warm and comfortable and in this stage of our life, we love the open concept. Hubby is getting used to his semi retirement and I can't wait to join him in two years.

Mom is coming today to see our new home. She is declining but we take it day by day. She still enjoys a few hours out though it tires her.

Kate is coming home next weekend. She is running a college program for the summer so is staying at school.

So that's our update. I will post a pix of Koko at the door, lol it's the ultimate dog tv for Koko

05-07-2016, 11:22 AM
Addy -- so happy to read that everyone is settling in and enjoying the new home! Love Koko's pic -- he looks cute even when he is upside down!

05-07-2016, 01:22 PM
Awwww I love the photos, too, and what a pretty view Koko has on his "TV!" ;)

I'm so glad to hear how happy you are, and also to know that your mom is still well enough to visit, even if only for a little while. This sounds like the perfect place for you to be right now, and I'm sure Koko will soon feel 100% at home, too.

Happy, happy news all the way around!!! :) :) :)

molly muffin
05-08-2016, 09:10 PM
The best doggie tv around! Molly loves her window seat looking out on the street for the same reason. :)

The new place looks lovely and I'm sure you are going to really enjoy it. Koko sure looks like he is. :)

05-09-2016, 05:51 AM
Good luck. Thanks for sharing.

05-14-2016, 12:37 AM
Addddy!! Hi girlfriend... if you haven't sent me an invite for the girlie drinks housewarming at the new condo I am going to be very cross! :p

The bit of the condo I can see with Koko looking out is very lovely, carpet fantastic colour :) I laughed when you mentioned the weird names they give carpet, paint etc. I have just suffered through a bathroom reno, the paint was called "Breathless" the only thing that made me breathless was the bill at the end of it all :eek::eek: but it is nice so i guess worth it in the end :D

I like Koko is sitting there sussing out his new hood, could you build a little fence around the door so he could come and go outside a bit?

And OMG did I read somewhere you fell... AGAIN!? You are a bit of a klutz sweet, you need permanent bubble wrap head to toe haha :D

So pleased to hear you and hubs and the boy are settling in so well, please do take care of yourself... when you do get to retire in 2 years you want to be fighting fit and enjoy it :) Miss our chats and you... Flynn sends a super lick and big hugs from me xxxxxxxx :D

Budsters Mom
05-15-2016, 06:00 AM
Hi Addy,

So happy to hear that you found the perfect little nest to call your own.:p

Our little love, Koko Puff, will be happy as long as you're together. What a treasure he is! His "doggy Tv", is pretty awesome! Always love the pics. Keep them coming!

You posted on Mel/Tia's thread that you feel we are connected for life though our babies. I believe that too. This family here understood when no one else did. They understand that we eventually pick up the fragments left behind, but moving on is difficult and many of us are changed forever. Okay, too sappy.;)

Big hugs dear friend,

05-15-2016, 09:50 AM
Sorry you have a migraine, I wondered why you were up so early, Kathy.

Hey Trish, page nine, it was a while between posts, girl, lol.

We do love this place. I don't mind the density of people, the yard crew really does a great job keeping up the outside and at this stage in my life, the amount of space is perfect, not too much to keep up.

Koko is selttling in and started to bring toys out and he is not doing as many calming signals. Hubby tried taking him for a walk mid day and Koko would come home so worked up from seeing all the walking dogs he would have the puppy crazies. Hubby said he did not think he should walk him:rolleyes:

We walk and walk as he smells every possible vertical anything to read his mail, he does not want to come back in and if he does not get to see anyone, he insists on standing out on the front lawn for a few minutes before finally consenting to go inside.:)

Koko went to the groomer and she gave him a summer cut. Last night we had frost warnings -I had to get out the winter coat!

Anyway, thank you all for the well wishes, this finally feels like we may have found home again. Hopefully, Koko will stop with all the barking at whatever passes by his dog tv.

I googled about walking safe as we age. So I have put those tips into action as I plan on walking my little boy as long as we can;)

I honestly hate to admit I am now considered a senior and so is Koko.
Never gave my age much thought nor his. Feeling vulnerable sucks:mad: So, stretches, strengthens and balancing practice are on the agenda.

Trish, carpet turned out well. We wanted hardwood but the cost was more than double and we thought the carpet would not be as slippery and help absorb sound. Now we have to buy a new vacumn because it is a smartstrand silk from Mohawk and the installer said we had to be careful of what kind of vacumn. I need to ask Judy which vacumn she has used.

Enjoy Sunday!

molly muffin
05-15-2016, 12:44 PM
Really, we are seniors now? I say we because I kind of think I might be considered one, even if I refuse to acknowledge it.

The place sounds wonderful. I'm sure Koko will settle more the longer he is there. Right now it's just a new adventure that is exciting.

We got cold here too this weekend. brrrr. I brought up out a winter coat for both me and molly.

Spring will be back by next weekend though (I hope!)

05-15-2016, 01:41 PM
Addy -- I bought an Electrolux Sanitaire (Professional) upright vaccum a few years ago. Since I use a canister with attachments to do all my dusting, the upright worked for me as it doesn't have attachments. This also makes it a very light vacuum (with excellent suction). It has several different height settings which works for me as I have the newer carpet in the living room, 15 year old carpet in bedrooms and tile in other areas. It works well everywhere. We have a great vacuum store near me where I have bought all my vacuums -- what's great is that they carry a lot of different brands with which they are very knowledgeable and you can try them out right in the store. Since I had no clue what I wanted, this worked much better for me rather than buying a vacuum in a big box store.

Also wanted to mention -- with fibro, I have had a lot of balance issues. I started going to tai chi three years ago and have seen a remarkable improvement in balance, range of motion and strength. I do a combination of the health recovery classes and regular classes. Just a thought -- maybe something you can pursue down the road!

05-20-2016, 10:14 PM
Dear Addy
Good to hear you are settled . Will plan on moving in the next year. I am glad Koko is adjusting. Still have a hard time with saying "senior". Remember you are as old as you act and think. An 87 year old lady just got her master's degree, another runs marathons. I am just happy to be able to use my stationary bike and walk. And ,yes have to be careful walking now. Bending and getting up in one step is quite a challenge. When did this happen?
Love Sonja
I just got a Shark Rotator Professional Lift Away Upright Vacuum features Anti-Allergen Complete Seal technology that traps dust and allergens to create a healthy environment. The bagless canister detaches to enable quick handheld cleaning for flexible use.
Never Loses Suction technology
3 Vacuums in one (Upright, Lift-away pod and Canister)
Extra large capacity dust cup
Anti-allergen Complete Seal technology
Ultra-maneuverable swivel steering
Powerful motorized brushroll turns on or off
Pet Hair Power brush
Home & Car detail kit
Too much information!
Love Sonja,Apollo

05-21-2016, 08:44 AM
I don't know when this happened, this senior stuff:rolleyes:
I go back to doing my ballet stretches and warm ups. Doesn't take long and helps strengthen and balance though as Judy said I would love to go to a class if I could find one.

We have that same Shark, Sonja, but I guess with this soft strand carpet, fibers are so soft we need adjustable height, lightweight, under 20 pounds. My Shark doesn't have adjustable height so the carpet store said just buy a cheap vacumn so I ordered a Bissell on Amazon and will keep our Shark since it isn't even a year old.

My daughter was just diagnosed with ulcerative colitis and we are waiting to hear from her doctor as to the path forward. Always something:(:(

Koko is settling in which makes me happy. We have a lot of green space but I have not yet tied him outside on the patio as they keep spraying the yard and we have to put him in the car to find a pesticide free zone.

The hardest part of downsizing is leaving the familiar and the memories, giving away all your stuff, and giving up a life for another.
It is a loss and you go through mourning.

If you can find a place that feels like home and that you really, really like, that helps. I sacrificed location so I could have Koko and a larger living space. The drive into work is awful but I know it is not for long.

If Koko is happy then I am happy and he sure does love to walk his neighborhood. The other day he saw a Great Dane and he didn't know what to think. I think he thought it might not be a dog. I scolded him the other night and told him no. I usually distract or counter condition unwanted behavior so he is not used to me telling him a firm no.

He looked so puzzled and then went into the bedroom to go to his chaise. I had suspected with hubby home with him he had thought the barking at stuff and acting crazy was a game.

They sure do keep us busy, but I would not have it any other way.

05-22-2016, 02:17 PM
Dear Addy
So right. My mother has ulcerative colitis . Normally stress causes it. The main thing is a diet change ( eliminate certain foods- nuts any thing with seeds,etc.)and reducing stress. In. Today's world that is hard to do. Between, my mother, Doug, ( know dealing with a lump behind his ear loop),closing down our business and making a major move to another state is at time overwhelming.
The older you get the harder it is to deal with change and the harder it is to bounce back. My mind says 20, but my body says otherwise. One day you wake up look in the mirror and say when did happen. It is life with all it's complexities, etc.
Ariel helps me a lot to get through it.
Love Sonja,Ariel

molly muffin
05-23-2016, 10:39 AM
Molly has the same reaction to really small dogs. My daughters friend had brought over here mini chi, and I'm pretty sure molly thought it must be a rat or something as she took one sniff and ignored her from there on out. Even though coco wanted to play, molly was just not interested enough to even give a growl like she would to the other coco down the street, a puppy cockerpoo that is just all exuberance and legs all over the place. LOL

I've certainly turned into a klux as I've gotten older. Hubby always says, you know how accident prone you can be. Beats me what he is talking about. :) :)

06-21-2016, 08:39 PM
All I want to say is that I am sooooo very grateful for this forum.
Koko had his annual wellness blood panel done and I received a phone call from his vet. Well, it is the same practice, I use a few different vets there.

Driving home I kept thinking that we have already been there done that in respect to his slightly elevated creatinine and bun.

Oh to check my memory, if only..... Wait, go check the beginning of this thread. There it all was, all the info I needed, his levels in June 2012, everyone's input and that the following year all was normal.

Knew it all was familiar.

Thank you for that, guys. Can't believe what a life saver that was.

Will tell vet, no thanks on the specific gravity test, been there done that, chalk it up to dehydration and high protein , non kibble diet, thank you.

07-15-2016, 12:29 PM
Glad to hear from you. My sweet warrior sister. Know only to well how you feel. Koko you keep your Mom busy. Went through the same with Ariel. After what we endured with our babies:Zoe and Apollo, we tend to be more hyper sensitive and alert.
Love Sonja

Budsters Mom
07-17-2016, 12:22 AM
Hey Addy, How is our Koko Puff doing? Have you taken him on a train ride yet? Has he slimmed down to make the weight requirement?lol :D

I miss hearing from you. I hope all is rolling along okay.


07-18-2016, 08:11 PM
Hey Kathy,
Thanks for thinking of us. Koko was a svelt 16 pounds at his physical but we have not had a train ride yet. We have had a few distractions. He had a bit of an increase on his kidney values and the new IDEXX test, we have to retest in three months. He seems fine, drinking a bit more water but he has always done that in the summer and after long walks, not urinating more. He seems just fine and really loves his new condo.Koko wants to walk, walk, walk. I can't keep up with him.

He is so funny, he lays in front of the patio door just hoping for a dog to walk by. If one does, he no longer barks, just runs to me and sits because he knows he was a good boy and will get a treat.

He has a girlfriend named Emily in the next building. Emily lost her brother about the same time we lost Zoe so Emily and Koko both want to be friends as they miss their "sibling".

We also have a Great Dane on the next block that prances like a pony, Koko has no idea what to make of him:rolleyes::D

So that's our update and summer is flying by. I hope you and Rosie are enjoying it.

Budsters Mom
07-20-2016, 11:19 PM
Awwww, I'm so glad Koko Puff has a new friend and loves his condo.:o

Still spunky, happy and raring to go. That's what I like to hear! You rock Koko!!! :D:D

07-21-2016, 11:49 AM
Love to hear about Koko's adventures. How cute about reading about his friends. Would make a great children's book.
Love Sonja, Apollo

02-02-2017, 07:52 AM
Hi Addy! You and Koko are on my mind this morning, so I've set out to track you down ;)! I can't believe you had dropped down to the third page here...

Surely hoping that all is well, and that Koko is still enjoying his condo life. How is Kate and how is your mom? When you have a chance, we'd love an update on all your doings. You are missed.


02-09-2017, 08:35 AM
Hi Marianne,
Thank you for tracking me down. I have been mia, just a lot going on.

Koko continues to love his new condo and neighborhood. We have so many dogs in this area and he loves to watch for them. We finally replaced our 20 year old sofa, the new one sits higher so Koko claimed his spot as it affords a better view of the street, lol.

We will be celebrating mom's 93rd birthday next month. She has recovered from her hospital stay but I am still leary about taking her out in the transport.

Kate has two internships this semester and will graduate in May.
Can you believe that? Wasn't it just yesterday we were all planning their visit to Boston to check out colleges? We are very proud of her and she has had a tremendous college experience.

Me, well I guess I have been having some anxiety lately. So many life changes and I have not been handling them well. Winter in Wisconsin doesn't help:o

Marianne, the time is flying by, we lost Zoe 3 years ago this month.
I miss her every day and so I spoil Koko even more. But he is such a good boy, he deserves it.

I will stop by your thread. I hope you and your family are well. I think about sweet Peg and all our pups a lot. That bond is forever.

Love you all

Squirt's Mom
02-10-2017, 12:04 PM
Always good to hear from you, sweet Addy! The time that passes does help us cope but for me it has not healed. I think those of us who have loved so deeply will always miss our babies but that only proves how truly deep that love is, each tear an offering to that love.

It's good to hear Koko is doing well in his new home and finding adventures that bring him, and you, joy.


05-27-2019, 10:31 AM
Good Morning Dear Family,
I promised an update on Koko and his newly found growth. It is a perianal gland tumor. Koko’s tumor was small, about 6 mm however it was located very close to his anus about less than 1/4” away. It did not bother him: Cytology confirmed the tumor; indication were benign, cells are similar to malignant growth so not 100 percent positive benign.
These growths usually appear in non neutered males or late neutered males though they can occur in spayed females and neutered males. They are thought to be hormone driven. I see no evidence of Cushing in Koko but wonder if his intermediate hormones could be in play.
I found a really capable surgeon trained at U.C Davis and had a pedigree education. I was hoping that would mean he had treated numerous dogs as our regular vet had only seen this growth in one neutered male in all his years of practice.
The thing is, sometimes these tumors show up then go away on their own, sometimes they grow slowly and sometimes they grow larger. Because of its location and our confidence in the surgeon, we had the tumor removed Thursday. Because of Koko’s age and other chronic conditions, we did sedation and a local.
Koko is recovering well, surgery went well and we wait for the pathology report to confirm it is benign.
I thought it important to note that perianal gland tumors can occur in dogs with Cushings.
If anyone ever has a question about it, I am now a walking encyclopedia on the subject lol.
There are not many abstracts or case studies to be found written in the U.S. and up to date.
Thankfully the surgeon I found had a wealth of knowledge as well and the two of us could talk it through.
I am hoping My Koko will be out patio dining around town very soon.
He has been a brave little boy but his reverse soft cone has to be worn at night and it causes him much anxiety.
Ten more days and hopefully we will all get a good nights sleep.
Happy Memorial Day dear friends,

05-27-2019, 03:58 PM
Oh Addy, thanks so much for this update! I confess this is a type of tumor about which I know absolutely nothing, so what you’ve shared with us today is definitely an education. Most importantly, though, it’s such a relief to know that the surgery is now behind you! I hate it that Koko is stuck with the darn cone, but hopefully the days will pass by as quickly as possible.

We’ll be anxious to hear about the pathology report, but in the meantime we’re grateful that our little boy is otherwise recovering nicely.

Thanks again for letting us know. Sending lots of love right back at you!

Harley PoMMom
05-28-2019, 03:34 AM
So glad that the surgery went well and will be praying for a speedy recovery!

Love and hugs, Lori

Squirt's Mom
05-29-2019, 04:44 PM
So glad to hear things went well and pray the path report comes back all clear! Let us know when you can!

06-05-2019, 07:48 PM
Thank you all so much.
Stitches came out this morning, Koko healed beautifully, growth now confirmed benign.
Wow, he was a handful for two weeks, lol.
We will be looking forward to take him away for a few days.
When we first stayed with Koko at the Delafield Hotel, the receptionist commented what a rag to riches story Koko has.
He went from being an unwanted stray, running the streets to staying at the Delafield Hotel.
I think he deserves one more stay there.
Love you all!

Budsters Mom
06-05-2019, 08:14 PM
Great news! You rock Koko Puff!

06-09-2019, 04:08 PM
What a great update, Addy — thanks so much! And I think another stay at the Delafield is *definitely* in order ;-))))). You all deserve to be pampered and to celebrate your good news in style. So go on, and enjoy!!!

Squirt's Mom
06-10-2019, 05:59 PM
Glad for such positive news, Addy! I hope this is the last scare the little booger gives you!
