View Full Version : Molly, 13 yr, shih tzu - lhasa aspo - Molly has passed

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Harley PoMMom
09-02-2013, 01:47 PM
Poop with some form and NO blood!! YAAAAA!!! :)

Loving hugs being sent to you and sweet Molly, Lori

molly muffin
09-02-2013, 01:49 PM
Thanks John, it's not belated yet. :D 6 Sept :)

You guys are all great. Thanks for the lovely birthday wishes.

Judi, midnight isn't all that rare for me. I try for earlier on work nights, but you never know. :)
Plus till Molly is settled the later the better.

Hugs all,
Sharlene and Molly Muffin

09-02-2013, 01:50 PM
Lori... I spit out my coffee laughing at that remark.

It's not funny, it was just the way I read (interpreted) it at the time.

Way to go little Molly... make your Momma proud.

Budsters Mom
09-02-2013, 02:22 PM
Yes, it's hard to sleep anyway when our babies are quite right.;) I hope everything firms up real quickly.

Ah Sharlene, we are both Virgos. I can see that!;) xxxxx

09-02-2013, 02:55 PM
It would seem to outsiders reading these posts all we talk about is poop!! I sure hope Molly gets straightened out soon. I know that is a worry and no fun for her, but at least she has form!! So we are giving her points for the form. God Bless you Both Patti

molly muffin
09-02-2013, 03:08 PM
You're right Patti, it probably does seem like that is our main topic of conversation and here I am to continue it. :D

She just went to the door and had to go outside, we're back to full blown mucus dirrahea and blood at the end. :(

This was just after she had a bit more dry food and her glucosomine treat, within about 1/2 an hour.

She doesn't Feel bad, she came in the house, got her bum washed and then ran laps around the living room, got a drink of water and back to lay down and take a nap.

What the heck. I cannot get this figured out. Off to make up some sticky rice and take some chicken out of freezer and hope she tolerates that.

Will be calling the vet in the morning.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

Roxee's Dad
09-02-2013, 04:37 PM
Okay.. It's time for the poop chart. This was introduced by a friend and admin Jenny a few years ago when Roxee and I were in our cushings battle.

Yes someone did make a chart LOL Memorise it, their will be a test next week :D


Budsters Mom
09-02-2013, 04:58 PM
Oh Sharlene, What a bummer! I don't like the sounds of that at all!:o At least she'll feeling okay, but no one likes to get their bum washed!;) It wasn't orange was it? Orange, mucousy stools are a symptom of pancreatitis. If not, it sounds like a bacterial infection to me. Take a stool sample with you when you go. EWWWWWWW picking that up!:eek: Poor Molly, poor Mom. Xxxxx

09-02-2013, 05:31 PM
Gosh Sharlene, I can't miss out on a poop discussion! Darn, I was hoping Molly's poops had settled down. I am glad she doesn't seem to feel bad, but I agree, I think it's time for the bland diet and see if that starts to settle things down. I am wondering if she doesn't need some metronidazole, especially with the mucus and blood. I know that Jasper usually needs meds in order to kick it, along with chicken/hamburger and rice bland diet.

I hope she is tolerating the bland diet and shows some improvement. Poor little girl, hope she feels better soon. Hang in there Sharlene.

Tina and Jasper

PS Happy pre Birthday. I will be glad to welcome you into Club 50. :)

PPS Thanks for the poop chart John, where were you when I needed you? LOL :D :D

09-02-2013, 06:04 PM
Ah Sharlene.. I was hoping to hear good news. Hopefully the rice and chicken will help, sure wishing it does. What a bummer - no pun intended.:D

John, where do you get this stuff from? Hate to be the guy that actually did the analysis on that. :eek:

09-02-2013, 06:57 PM
That is awful for poor Molly. This seems to be such a problem with all these Cush pups. I wish we could find something that really worked on it. I know it is troublesome to see the mucous and blood. That would worry me too. Hope whatever is causing this stops. Blessings

molly muffin
09-02-2013, 07:45 PM
We're back to very, very soft, with some form, (not solid liquid at least, but not good) and a couple drops of blood at the end each time. Usually one, and then follow almost immediately with liquid. I'm calling the vet first thing in the morning. I'm suppose to be at the office tomorrow, but not sure how I'm going to deal with that yet.
She is starving though. Molly is never a big eater, and since I've just been giving her a little bit at a time, she ends up going back to the bowl to try to lick it clean. She does at least, Love the rice. I haven't introduced any chicken to it yet. I'll cut up some chicken breast in about an hour to add to it, not much though, and then we'll probably have to go out for her to poop about an hour later.

Thanks for checking in everyone. Yes, it is worrisome as I don't like the idea of her getting dehydrated from all this diarrhea so trying to make sure she drinks plenty of water too. (another thing that she doesn't do real well is drink enough)

Sharlene and Moly Muffin

09-02-2013, 08:14 PM
Sharlene: So sorry Molly has soft poops. It is such a worry when they have bad poops. I think most of the time it is something they eat or they have picked up something and need an antibiotic. I am sure the vet will figure it out tomorrow. I will be thinking about you and sweet Molly. Love, Joanne

09-02-2013, 08:23 PM
Hi Sharlene

I have the day off as Dad had minor surgery yesterday and I am looking after him as my sister has taken Mum on a trip for a few days to shaky Wellington!! He is fine, but Flynn and I had a sleepover with him last night :)

Sorry to hear Molly still has an upset tummy, apart form the squits she does not sound to sick so that is good. From my dealings with tummy troubles our vet has said if it does not last too long then nothing to worry about but if blood appears then they should have something like metronidazole to settle it down. So pleased to hear you are seeing your vet tomorrow. It seems to have started when you were at the wedding so wonder if she picked something up when she was boarding, either a bug or stress colitis with her fretting while you were away.

I would do exactly what you are doing with the simple plain meals, smaller and more frequently mixing a bit of water into the food to make sure she is getting enough to drink. Not sure if I remember if you are adding a probiotic, but think you had fortiflora? Take a sample when you go tomorrow. Without her being sick with nausea/vomiting and not displaying pain I would not think it would be pancreatitis but you never know with these tough little dogs do you!

Hope all goes well tomorrow and I will be keeping an eye to see what progress little Molly Muffin is making :) xxx

09-03-2013, 03:16 PM
How's wee Molly today?

09-03-2013, 03:38 PM
Oh...I feel your pain. This type of thing has been Trixie's m/o for years. We have had many a bout of soft poops and/or diarrhea with blood. Thankfully only once was it more than droplets and mixed with mucous. It's scary but my vet says can be very common but should be checked out. It's certainly a good sign that Molly seems to not be stressed or feeling poorly.
Metronidazole will help immediately, at least it does with Trixie. You may also want to send in a stool sample if it continues. As I've mentioned probably too many times is Trixie had a clostridium overgrowth and this organism emits a toxin in the colon that causes colitis symptoms in dogs. Here's a link with a short overview.

It's getting to be more common. Of course Molly may just have a basic gastro upset...just mentioning because the colitis symptoms are prevalent with this when the dog otherwise is doing fine.
I hope Molly will get over this right away...I know how you feel when you see that blood...diarrhea is bad enough but those red droplets really get the worries going. Sending positive thoughts your way!


molly muffin
09-03-2013, 06:24 PM
I don't know what to make of this girl. After a weekend of nonstop runny poops, about 3 times a day, sometimes 4, she had a soft one this morning. Then I came home from work early to make sure she could go outside, which she did, but she did nothing, no poop, no pee. Then I took her for a walk just now and she peed, but no poops at all.
She is on chicken and rice, pretty much exclusively for the next couple days, with a probiotic, Florafora.
The vet said to do this for 2 more days and then if her poops haven't formed up more solid, to bring her in for with a stool sample.
Maybe it is just that the chicken and rice are better for her tummy and the florifora helps too. We'll see how it goes.
The vet felt that because it was after the stay over, that she had some stress colitis, and that might have actually triggered a full out colitis attack which will calm down with this regimen. If it doesn't we'll start looking for bacterias.

The girls on last weekend, were new, couldn't handle molly at all and that might have been enough to get molly stressed out. I have verified that she can stay over this sat night and that the two on duty are old friends of molly's, so she'll be fine. My vet said that Molly has people she is partial to and everyone else she doesn't want near her. (that sounds about right for Molly) but it stresses her if "her" people aren't the ones there. She won't let others near to put her harness on to take her out even and it seems that there was even a call to the vet that they couldn't do anything with molly last weekend. She didn't want to come out of her area, she didn't want them to put her harness on, she wouldn't let them clean, just was a real handful. That's not good. :(

If this doesn't clear up, I'll mention clostridium Barbara, thanks.

Thanks for checking in on us.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin

09-04-2013, 01:23 AM
No doubt that dogs can work themselves into a stress situation that manifests in gastro upset...I'm sure it happens all the time. I hope that's all Molly's is about. :p As far as not doing any poops I find that's a good thing. The system is recovering and no poops are better than bad poops anytime!! :D

Sounds like the overnight stay for the party will be a lot less stresssful for the little girl with her "friends" there to look after her instead of all the non friends that she doesn't like. Dogs are funny...they certainly have their preferences for just about everything and especially for people!! Good for Molly for being a discerning judge of who she wants around her!! I'm sure she has her reasons!! :D
I hope the vet visit ends up not being needed!!


09-04-2013, 03:15 AM
I hope Molly's tummy has continued to settle with the bland diet. Unfortunately I am acquainted with the dastardly clostridium also. The bacterial overgrowth that Barbara mentioned happens easily in stress related colitis. That used to happen to my angel Dakota almost every time she was kenneled. :( Metronidazole works really well as it controls the bacteria and also decreases the inflammation in the bowel. Jasper has experienced this type of colitis a few times also. :( :(

Here's hoping Molly is on the mend and won't need a vet visit!

Tina and Jasper

09-04-2013, 05:43 AM
Poop update !!

09-04-2013, 07:08 AM
Fingers crossed Molly has turned the corner! A couple of normal ones will all have us giving a big sigh of relief!! Jeepers I bet you are less than keen about Molly having a sleepover at the vets again this weekend, but so pleased to hear her favourites will be on to take care of her and keep her happy. xx

09-04-2013, 08:37 AM
Hoping Molly does turn the corner. I just pray she does not get her system upset from staying at the vets this weekend. Blessings

09-04-2013, 02:21 PM
Hey Sharlene...How's Molly today?? Hope "things" have firmed up and that Molly is doing just fine. ;)


molly muffin
09-04-2013, 10:10 PM
Hi all, well I thought this morning, when we had soft but at least a bit formed and no blood that things would get better. This evening though we're back to the diarrhea. I'm continuing with chicken/rice and probiotic.
We had a change of computer equipment today and so I haven't been able to get online till now.

We'll just keep trudging alone. Molly feels like she is losing weight, but that could be my imagination. Her belly looks smaller and she feels lighter.
I have to say though, she continues to act like she feels okay, she is constantly hungry on this diet plan.

The vet wanted me to call tomorrow or Friday to let her know how molly is doing. I'll probably call tomorrow.

Thanks for checking in with me gang. :)

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

09-05-2013, 09:30 AM
Would Molly eat some boiled potato? When my one bird had cancer the vet would tell me to give her that for the runs. The starch binds them up. It would not hurt her as it is bland, but could possibly help. Hope it all gets turned around as I know she will go to the vets this weekend to stay right? Hope your party is a hit. Blessings

molly muffin
09-05-2013, 01:56 PM
Back to the full diarrhea this morning. I called the vet and will be going to pick up Metronidazole this afternoon. I said the probiotic alone just isn't working and I think she needs something more.
Poor thing, she doesn't act like she feels bad, she isn't tender anywhere like if she had pancreatic issues, no pain at all.
However, she is not drinking enough water right now and that is a huge worry with the crystal issues. She looks like she has lost weight, in that her tummy isn't nearly as pot belly looking currently and she feels lighter when I pick her up. That might all be my imagination what with the concern over how long this is lasting. I'd b feeling much worse than she seems to if it were me.

She is always up for more rice and chicken, just loves it all, even the plain rice, she will lick the bowl. I'd think the rice, being starchy would help with the poop consistencies, but it really hasn't.

So, cross your fingers this works.
Yea Trish, I'm not thrilled about her going back there this weekend, but it's only one night and I talked with the vet about it and we felt she'd be more stressed with a house full of strangers.

Okay got to run, work, work, work

Sharlene and molly muffin

09-05-2013, 02:07 PM
Oh Sharlene, I sure hope Miss Pretty Molly feels better real soon.

09-05-2013, 02:11 PM
Didn't want to read that. What a shame ! Sure hope the meds help cause what else can you give her?

Boriss McCall
09-05-2013, 03:15 PM
awe.. Ms. Molly's tummy is giving her fits. :( Hope the meds help & she is back on her sassy way soon.

molly muffin
09-05-2013, 05:26 PM
Wow, had no idea that this Metronidazole had liquid gold in it. 5 pills was 98.97 :eek: :eek: I know we pay a lot for pet meds here in Canada, but is that reasonable compared to the US?

I just paid over $30.00 for 7 packets of florifora 2 days ago, because mine had expired date on it, so needed some new.

I'll pay it obviously but it does seem rather excessive, or am I just fooling myself. It's okay, don't be afraid to say, gf you are out to lunch. :D :confused:

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

09-05-2013, 05:32 PM
Ok... tell Molly she IS going to get better only because of the cost of the meds.

You aren't out to lunch, we'd pay triple that and you know it to make them feel better.

Sure hope it works for you. Nothing bugs me more when you pay an arm and a leg for meds and they don't work.

I'll ck back tomorrow to see how she's doing and officially wish you "Happy Birthday" - tell Molly her feeling better would be the best present for you.

Budsters Mom
09-05-2013, 07:52 PM
I totally agree with you Sharlene. Almost $20 per pill! That is insane!:eek::eek::eek: Are these directly from your vet, or can you get them at another pharmacy with written script? I would certainly try! So sorry to hear that our little diva still has the runs, and so close to your birthday celebration. Kids will do that to you every time!;) xxxxx

molly muffin
09-05-2013, 08:13 PM
That was from my vet. I needed it today and have never found a place to get anything with a script. :( It's not quite as easy to do in Canada.

Yea, I know, holidays and all, is prime time for them to catch something or get sick.

Sharlene and molly muffin

09-05-2013, 08:22 PM
Sharelene our vet sends the prescription to the human pharmacy and I pay about $50-$60 for 60 pills 250mgs.

That cant be right, are you sure they did not make an error? I would ask them. How could that be?

09-05-2013, 11:35 PM
WHAT!?? Even my crazy over-priced vets office does not charge anything close to that! Dr. Foster/Smith has it for .45 cents a tab. and 1-800 pet meds has .69 cents a tab. in the U.S.
Wow I can't believe you would have to pay that much more for it in Canada...I always think it's the one cheap drugs at my vet.
Well...you needed it and had to get it for Molly and that's what they charged you...but maybe check it out because it does seem extreme.
The good news about it is that you should see results pretty soon. It always works for Trixie with improvement after one dose...and usually no more diarrhea after two doses.
Hoping it works on Molly right away and that you can feel fine about boarding her for the party...and speaking of that have a HAPPY BIRTHDAY and a super fun celebration!!!! :D


Simba's Mom
09-06-2013, 12:20 AM
Hope Molly feels better soon, poor sweetie!

09-06-2013, 04:08 AM
♫ Happy Birthday To You ♫

09-06-2013, 08:28 AM
Sharlene: So sorry Molly has the runs. That is extremely expensive for the Metronidazole. I never pay more than $1 a pill. Of course we pay what we have to for our pups. Maybe she will not need more than 5 pills. It always really helps CoCo. I know Molly will be fine boarded at the vet's. I am sure they have everything there to help her, but I know you worry that she is not with you. Have a happy birthday and I know Molly will be fine. For some reason these little dogs get diarrhea really often, I know CoCo does and it takes several days to get him back to firm stools. Usually something he has eaten, inside or outside. Much love and I will thinking about you and Molly. Enjoy your party. Love, JoAnne

09-06-2013, 09:53 AM
Sharlene, something is terribly wrong with that pricing!!! :eek: :eek:

Here's a link to a Canadian pharmacy that is charging only approx. 50 cents (Canadian currency) per 250 mg. pill, even for only five pills total. I would definitely pursue this with your vet and demand a refund!



09-06-2013, 10:20 AM
How is Molly feeling today? How are you doing?

That price on metronidazole is highway robbery! First you have to do whatever you have to do to help them feel better, but it sure seems the vet has taken advantage of the urgency in needing the medications. I wonder if the dispensing fee is super high or something. I, too would have a discussion with your vet or the hospital manager regarding their pricing....

I hope Molly and you can get some much needed rest!

Take Care,

Jen & Jigsaw

molly muffin
09-06-2013, 11:02 AM
Good morning. :)

Molly this morning still had diarrhea. She'll have her second dose this afternoon, hopefully that will help. She isn't going Often, just when she does, it's a mess.

I Know that when it comes to pet medications here we are definitely Way above what you pay in the US. We don't have the options of buying usually from online pharmacies without a prescription, even flea medication, liver support etc, and I have yet to hear of a vet who will write a prescription to an online pharmacy. My vet doesn't write any prescriptions out of house, so to speak. My flea/tick/heartworm medication is I guess around 120.00 for the 6 month supply. My Hepato Support supplement is around $80.00

I dealt with the office manager when I bought the medication. She's someone I've know for years and I know that she charged whatever the price is that is set there. I think it is two thing, one immediate disbursement (the need at the moment) and the other, that the vets in Canada have a monopoly on what they charge since everything has to go through the vet for a prescription. This isn't new, although for some reason this one floored me. We've known for a long time that when it comes to pet medicines here that we are basically at the mercy of the vets.

I have noticed that many things you can buy online in the states for 1/4 or 1/2 the cost that we pay here for a prescription medicine. Like Hepato Support, from the same place RX Vitamins is 22.72 at amazon.com. They won't ship to Canada and Amazon.ca doesn't carry it.

Just like Dechra won't/can't talk to the pet owner here, we also can't buy the simplest things without a prescription. Everything goes through your vet. *sigh*

Isn't that strange, that it is this hard to get meds for pets, but if you need Tylenol with codeine, you just walk up the pharmacy window and you can get a bottom of #1 strength codeine, for higher #2 and #3, you would need a prescription.

Oh, DEHA, vitamin supplement, you need a prescription for (Human), yet in the states, every drug store has it in their vitamin section. Here you even need to have it compounded as it isn't carried by pharmacies. Although some health food stores have it, and you have to show your prescription to pick it up. :confused:

I'll ask next time I see the vet or office manager, what the deal is though. I won't see them on Saturday probably when I drop molly off, as she is going in at the latest possible time and I know that my vet has a delicate situation scheduled with another owner, at around that same time, so she'll be occupied and that isn't something I want to interrupt for this. :(

Thanks for the birthday wishes. It has started off lovely, other than poopy bums. :) Molly's not mine. :D Hubs made me a cappuccino and flowers and lovely card first thing in the morning. Great way to start the day.

hugs all,
Sharlene and Molly Muffin

09-06-2013, 01:30 PM
We need prescriptions for most online pharmacy drug purchases here in the U.S. too, Sharlene, so it's not the prescription that's the difference in terms of the metronidazole. And even though I recognize that buying directly from the vet would involve a somewhat higher cost, the difference between 50 cents and $20 per pill is astounding. I just cannot imagine any justification for that price differential. I'll be really interested to hear the office manager's explanation.

Even if your vet doesn't want you to make an online purchase, can you at least take the prescription to a brick-and-mortar drugstore to be filled instead of holding you hostage for that exorbitant price at the vet practice? If I were you, I'd ask for pricing from a reliable local drugstore and if it is significantly less, present that info to the office manager and ask her, "What gives?"


09-06-2013, 01:56 PM
Please do not pay that much for the Metronidazole. I called 1-800 Pet meds and they ship to Canada and it is 69 cents a pill. You can use the web site and save five dollars on your first order by using the code FIVEOFF. Please go tot he web site. They all deliver quickly . Blessings

09-06-2013, 01:58 PM
I think the website Drs Foster and Smith also ship to Canada and they are cheap too.

09-06-2013, 05:35 PM
Wooohooo, its a birthday Day!! And it's a biggie :D:D:D:):):):D:D:D



Have a fantastic weekend, it's the festival of Sharlene and you deserve to have fun, so hope Miss Molly's poopybum will settle down pronto on the liquid gold :eek::eek:

09-06-2013, 06:45 PM
Parteee Birthday Girl

molly muffin
09-06-2013, 07:09 PM
I will check with my local pharmacy that dies all my prescriptions and see if they would fill for Molly too and what the price is. I think the tricky part will be getting her to write a prescription for out of house filling.

I'm stuffed. Ate too much I am sure while out with friends today. They had to role me home. Lol.

Party tomorrow so got to make room for more food. Think I can hold over after this weekend till thanksgiving. Lolol

Sharlene and Molly muffin.

Boriss McCall
09-06-2013, 08:21 PM
Happy birthday!!!!!:d

Budsters Mom
09-07-2013, 12:45 AM
Party on birthday girl! I hope the little pooper behaves herself at the vet!;) xxxxxx

09-07-2013, 01:56 AM
Happy Birthday Sharlene!!!

Yay, I got in just under the wire on your special day (central time at least!). I hope you have had a great day, and have a wonderful party tomorrow! Party on girl!!! :D:):D:)

Hope Molly is feeling better.

Big hugs,
Tina and Jasper

09-07-2013, 08:47 AM
Happy Birthday and wishing you and Molly health and happiness in the year to come. Blessings

09-07-2013, 11:28 AM

HOPE ROUND 1 WENT FANTASTICALLY AND YOU ARE READY FOR ROUND 2! Enjoy your party and eat big - just remember, Molly will happily poop it out on your behalf :D

09-07-2013, 04:27 PM
Yippee.. it's the day of the party!!! Have fun with your family and friends Sharlene, I celebrated and raised my glass for you last night and it was a good one. :D I so hope Molly is ok boarding overnight, you will be in there at the crack of dawn (if your not too under the weather from partying to pick her up!) Have Fun Tonight!!! xx

09-07-2013, 08:23 PM
Wishing you a happy birthday and lots of healing your way.
Hug Sonja and Angel Apollo

09-08-2013, 07:31 AM
Dying to know two things. How did Molly make out and how are you feeling today - :D

09-08-2013, 08:58 AM
Just checking in on you and Molly. Hope you had a wonderful party and enjoyed your birthday bash. Blessings

09-08-2013, 12:01 PM
Well it was quite a party, Trish and I headed over to a good virtual vantage point and watched the entire shindig.:D:D:D:D:p:p

Well, we wished we could but could not.:o:o:o

Hope Molly is okay and you have tons of leftovers:D:D:D

We anxiously await all the details:):):):):)

molly muffin
09-08-2013, 01:27 PM
Good morning everyone. :) I feel fine today. Hubby is definitely feeling it more than me. :) I pretty much didn't eat other a couple nibbles here and there as I was flitting around here and there being a social butterfly. Still didn't get to spend enough time with everyone as I would have liked, but over all I'd say a great success.

Molly did good at the vets. She had one poop yesterday there that was soft semi formed, so they are hoping she is on the road to recovery. She is currently having a nap, after checking out the entire house to see what went on while she was away. I'm sure she knows that we had people over and didn't tell her. She keeps looking over like, what Are these Smells here in my space!! What have you Done??! LOLOLO

I wish you all could have been here. My friends did a presentation and got a bunch involved in reading their parts, it was a hoot. There were party tattoos that you put on with water, and we all were covered in the things. Face cheeks, shoulders, bloody mess to get off though. One of my friends called his wife at her hotel in Australia (she was just getting ready to check out to head for New Zealand I think she said) so she could wish my Happy Birthday, which I thought was very sweet. He said if he forgot he'd been in the dog house when she got home. LOLOLOL

Anyway, a good night. Everyone kept asking where Molly was. Definitely would not have been a good idea to have her here though. I went around this morning and made sure there wasn't anything dropped like a food toothpick that she could get and did a good vacuuming before I went to get her. The pitfalls of having animals and a bunch of people around are many. Amazing amount of stuff they can get into.

Thank you for all the birthday wishes. What a great group. :)

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

09-08-2013, 01:48 PM
Sounds like it was a great success. I'm so glad to hear Molly did well too at her hotel for the night.

She's feeling pretty good if she's cking out the house. Keesh does the same and with every single bag I bring into the house.

Hope you have a great week.

09-08-2013, 04:41 PM
3am, that's a very good effort Sharlene!!! I think you will be napping this arvo. Even a late night these days without even any partying makes me feel knackered the next day!

Aww that sounds very special what your friends did for you with the presentation, I bet there were loads of laughs, what a great night of celebrating!!

Wee Molly sounds less traumatised this time (and the staff too :D) and checking out her domain to sniff out any intruders in her territory! Glad to hear of the poop improvement, hopefully this is the day all the pups come right!

Have a relaxing day :D xx

Budsters Mom
09-08-2013, 07:30 PM
So glad that Molly is home and her poops are good. You can't ask for more than that after a night of partying.;):D xxxx

molly muffin
09-08-2013, 09:12 PM
We had a soft form today, so I am going with being cautiously optimistic that things are getting better. :)

Sharlene and Molly muffin

09-09-2013, 06:09 AM
A soft form is better then no form. Here's hoping the next one is a good one.

09-09-2013, 08:31 AM
I hope Molly continues to improve, it is such a worry when these things are going on for an extended period of time. I know you watch her like a hawk, so I am confident whatever caused this you will figure it out. Seemed like a storm yesterday and nothing happened again. I am so glad for Tipper's sake. Blessings

molly muffin
09-09-2013, 11:46 PM
Sorry it took all day, but I just finished work tonight.

Poop update: One poop this morning, very soft, semi form. She is now done with the antibiotic, a couple more days of the probiotic to go. I put her to straight rice today, no chicken, no liver medicine, and she has been off her glucosimine since this started. We're on the 2nd week now of this and I really hope that it is getting better. We'll see how tomorrow morning is. She has lost a pound since this started poor thing and the rice doesn't fill her up, even though she loves it, she is hungry constantly it seems. I know the extra water I make the rice with her is helping some, because at least she is still peeing enough, but she is barely drinking any of her water from the dish. Very frustrating and I worry that we'll have a UTI and crystals again in the future if this continues much longer. She only drinks enough water if she is eating that SO food, nothing else gets her to drink it seems. (very uncushings like I might add)

I'm exhausted from the work day. Keeping everyone in my thoughts and prayers.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

09-10-2013, 01:08 AM
Hi Sharlene,
I like how Trish put it--soft form better than no form. ;) I agree with that 100%!
Good idea of rice and only rice and then maybe tomorrow you'll see a difference. Is it 2 weeks of this already? Ugh,, poor Molly and poor you too! Well good news is that she still has her appetite and she's not vomiting. Crossing my fingers that this will be over by tomorrow and Molly will be in hard formed stage!!


09-10-2013, 09:57 AM
I sure hope this means Molly is on the mend. She has certainly had her share of this going on. I hope your wonderful party was a huge success, as it sounds like you had many dear friends there. Blessings

09-10-2013, 04:38 PM
Hi Sharlene,
How's Molly today? Poop report good?? I surely hope so! :)


09-10-2013, 08:54 PM
Me too, hope it is good news. :):):)

molly muffin
09-10-2013, 11:08 PM
Morning poop - start with some form, finish it off with mush. :( At least it hasn't been bum cleaning time every day lately. I did trim all the hair around that area so it doesn't get messy. She didn't think much of that process!

I'm leaving off her liver med for the moment and after just plain rice yesterday that did nothing for the form, I added in a few bit of her kibble to the rice this morning with the probiotic, then this evening, I added in cooked ground chicken and a few kibble pieces to the rice with the probiotic which I divide the packet 1/2 in the am and 1/2 in the pm.
This is the last probiotic packet I have on hand, but I got the notice that my order has been mailed to me. I was able to find a place with 2 boxes of 30 day supply available. So I got one box of it and hopefully it will be here soon.

I'll see how she does this week without any more antiboitic. They do have a sample so I am hoping they tried to grow a culture to find out what sort of bacteria it is exactly. I might call and ask them if they did and if not, take in another sample to them. That way we'd know we have the right thing for treatment.

Through all of this Molly continues to be the happiest little girl, full of energy, bouncing around and playful, loving.

Thanks for checking in on us. We will eventually conquer da PooPs

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

09-11-2013, 12:00 AM
Well Molly..I don't blame you for not caring for the butt fur trimming process! That can't be too enjoyable for you.
The good news here is thank goodness there is no vomiting! And her appetite is okay too...happy and in good spirits..all good signs!!
Now we just have to get that system back to normal. How many days was she on the metronidazole? I thought the usual dosing on that was for 10 days? Maybe she needs a few more days of it? Or maybe in the morning she will be getting back to normal and poop patrol will report solid business!! :D


Budsters Mom
09-11-2013, 12:17 AM
If Molly is happy, that's all that matters! The rest is just details.;):) xxxx

molly muffin
09-11-2013, 12:54 AM
Molly obviously just needs to make a firm commitment to the process.:D :o
sharlene and molly muffin

09-11-2013, 01:25 AM
:D Good one Sharlene!!! :D hahaha...on that note I'm headed to bed!!

09-11-2013, 05:52 AM
Hi Sharlene,
Just trying to get caught up a bit on everyone since so much has been going on with Jasper. It sounds like your party was hit, so glad you had a great time and that everything went well!

So sorry to read that Molly is still having bad poos. Like Barbara, I am wondering if she wasn't on the metronidazole long enough? It seems like the minimum course that Jasper was ever prescribed was a 10 day course. I think his dose is always 250 mg 1/2 tab twice a day x 10 days. The last time when he had a really bad case of colitis (last spring), he ended up being on 2 back to back courses, so a total of 20 consecutive days, and then that was when the Fortiflora was added. He got that daily for a full 30 days in addition to the metro, and slow diet progression. So I am wondering if she just needs to be on a full course of both to do the trick.

Happy to read that her appetite is good and she seems to be feeling good, but the ongoing poop issues are frustrating and worrisome. I have resorted to the butt fur trimming also in the past, so you are not alone! :rolleyes: Molly needs to make a firm commitment to the process, LOL. :D I hope she is on the mend soon.

Tina and Jasper

09-11-2013, 06:37 AM
:D commitment is something we are all good at while caring for our pups isn't it! Nothing too much for us dog Moms :) So we have a half n half good poops!! C'mon Molly you can do better than that, we will be looking for 75% tomorrow :D:D So frustrating, it is a little alarming how a good poop can really pick up my mood :) FIngers crossed we will be reading a good report tomorrow xxx

molly muffin
09-11-2013, 06:48 PM
Well, maybe not 75%, but we can probably push a 65% today! :)

I'm convinced the first part is good because she is going once a day right now.

Tina, molly got 250mg a day for 5 days. Maybe a full dose instead of halving it for 10 days? Not sure.

I'm not going to contact the vet again till we see how this week goes, if she can make that commitment or not. :)

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

Budsters Mom
09-11-2013, 09:59 PM
Enough Poop issues already! Come on Molly. Let's get this firmed up!
You might need John's poop chart for inspiration! LOL XXXXX

molly muffin
09-11-2013, 11:11 PM
Yep, I saw it, showed it to molly, told her what we out goals are what she should be aiming for.
Have I mentioned that she prefers to go her own way in her own time?! LOL

Bad storms moving into the area tonight. Looks like just arriving here. I hope Patti gave Tipper something to calm her a bit tonight, since she might be getting this too. :( I took Molly out to pee as soon as I saw the radar and she did one and I'm saying, one more molly when lightening went off in the sky. Not another drop out of her, she closed up like a clam and headed for the door with me right behind her.
I have the flashlights out just in case and we're moving stuff around just in case we get some slow moving heaving downpour (which they say we might) Blankets out downstairs for molly to hide in.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

09-11-2013, 11:28 PM
stay safe Sharlene. Kim

Budsters Mom
09-11-2013, 11:33 PM
How about sending some of that water down California way. We need it desperately!;) Stay in and keep yourself safe. Xxxx

09-12-2013, 01:09 AM
yikes!! we are due for those storms tomorrow! :eek: They better usher in some cool dry air because it's awful here today!
Hope Molly is all firmed up by tomorrow. :p


09-12-2013, 06:11 AM
Hey Sharlene: Hope you got through the storms safe and dry. Poor Molly and poor you. CoCo does the half and half a lot of times and I just figure he ate too much food and cut it back and most of the time it clears up until the next time or next thing to come along. Sometimes I have to give him Metronidazole for a long time, I have to keep it all the time along with Centrine for diarrhea. It seems to bother us more than our furbabies. Here is hoping for firm poops this morning. Love, JoAnne

09-12-2013, 12:01 PM
We missed the storms last night. Rain where you were at supper time, tornado warnings out to the west of here, but nothing here.

Poop report please ??

molly muffin
09-12-2013, 04:16 PM
The worse of it seems to have gone just east of us, with only rain here and not overly bad. Whoo ooooo

Ready for it??????

Poop Report - Thursday afternoo - FIRM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I know I am excited, it's only one and we need that full commitment but still. Have seen of these, or picked Up one of these in what seems a long time. So I'm thrilled and hope this will be the real road to recovery.

hugs all and thanks for sticking by me through this, when I drove myself and everyone else crazy I'm sure. LOL

Sharlene and Molly Firmed Up Muffin

Squirt's Mom
09-12-2013, 04:23 PM
YAY! Happy firm-poop dancing over here for Molly! I know what a joy firm poops are! :p

09-12-2013, 04:30 PM
YEEEEEHAAAWWW !! Way to go Molly. Glad that's behind you, no pun intended, well .... yes there was !!

Roxee's Dad
09-12-2013, 04:36 PM
LOL.. Great news !!!!:D Can you imagine an outsider taking a little window shot of some of our conversations... we are poop addicts :D

When I clean up the yard, I can identify who's poop I am picking up. Oh that's a Rozee poop.... and this is a Little Bits poop. yeah, it's gotten to that point :o

09-12-2013, 04:40 PM
ROFL - hopefully John it's due to the size and not the content?? ;)

molly muffin
09-12-2013, 07:07 PM
ROFL! That is too funny John, but I can totally see that being true too.

Gosh, I'm sure they think we are some poop obsessed individuals on this forum.
It's so true too. I think the one I will never forget was Julie's pictures to take to her vet for little Hannah, but, you got to do what you got to do.

Sharlene and molly muffin

09-12-2013, 10:26 PM
HAPPY (belated) BIRTHDAY!!

I've just been catching up and very pleased to hear that things are improving with Molly.

I was also interested in reading about the cost of pills - I've always been totally horrified by the cost of pets meds in Canada but don't think I ever paid anything like $20 / pill for metronidazole (although have yet to purchase from my current vet - now I'm scared!!), however I remember my previous Canadian vet charging me different amounts for the same pills and when I queried it the Receptionist did tell me that the vet did have some flexibility in pricing. It seemed that I paid less on an initial visit than on a follow up, possibly because they charge more for the initial visit???

So I would definitely query the pricing with them.....

molly muffin
09-13-2013, 12:25 AM
Well on tonights walk we had a minor set back. We went with a friend and her dog and walked a bit further than I've been taking her. First poop, was formed but a bit soft, second was not good and third was just a bit of liquid. Hoping it was due to, one the longer walk, you know how that can affect them, and second to her getting scared at some other dog barking and trying to take off and high tail it home. Hard to do on a leash, but she was trying. So we'll see what tomorrow brings. I made some more rice for her tonight.

On a good note, I've noticed since she has been on the chicken and rice for the last couple weeks that her tear stains and saliva stains are getting much better. Darn grains in dog food. :( Drives me up the wall sometimes what they put into dog food. A bit of corn I could handle but when that is one of the first ingredients, it can't be good long term. Even supplementing it with chicken.

I've noticed she is barely drinking any water though, and luckily I am making the rice with extra water, so she must be getting moisture, but I worry it's enough to keep the crystals at bay.

sharlene and Molly muffin

molly muffin
09-13-2013, 12:31 AM
Little wench made a liar out of me by going and getting a good drink of water, after I just said I worried about it. So, never mind all that. :D
On other good note, she has not vomited once during any of this and she still wants to run around with her stuffed toy in her mouth and periodically throw it into the air and attack it. I think she "feels" alright, just darn runs. Maybe this was just a one off. :confused:

Sharlene and molly muffin

09-13-2013, 01:30 AM
hmmmm...oh little Molly...still a bit off with those poops I guess, but not acting at all sick which is so good and no vomiting thank goodness!!

Maybe she needs more metronidazole...I don't think she was on it long enough, just my opinion but that was a pretty short course, it's usually a bit longer and it does usually eradicate pretty well especially if it's not a crazy bad case.

Love that she went in for a big drink and you had just written otherwise...isn't that always the way! ;) Good that she's drinking though!


09-13-2013, 06:52 AM
Ahh, sorry to hear that she's back on the poop wagon. Maybe it's just what you said, or it's the very last of the upset.

So glad to hear though she's feeling ok. They sure do keep us wondering.

09-13-2013, 09:33 AM
I hope there are no more seats left on that poop wagon! It is so hard to watch that, and have them struggle with the runs. Tipper has had them on occasion before ever getting sick, and it's as if she knows she is sick, and always looked at me like make this stop-help me. Hoping it gets better as the weather is cooler and she can enjoy it outside. Blessings

09-13-2013, 07:31 PM
Hi Sharlene, darn it I thought Molly was over this epidemic!! So frustrating eh! Yep I will put it down to the walk as well... sounds like she likes her food too!

Just in case any of Flynn's treatment for his upset tum helps he is on just the one protein source, venison in his case and a grain free biscuit which is also venison plus potato. Cut out all other non doggie food snacks plus probiotic, plus losec, plus Metamucil for a little extra fibre. I mix his probiotic and the Metamucil in 50ml of water and add it to his venison and he tolerates it really well.

Hope she has a good rest of the day and NO MORE RUNNY POOPS MISS MOLLY!!! xx

molly muffin
09-13-2013, 08:12 PM
Oh yea, molly likes her food just fine thank you. Not like before, when she would have days she just grazed at her dry food. Nope, she LOVES this chicken and rice mixture, or Just the rice plain, or just the chicken, or combination possibilities (I really only see the two options, but who knows) She even loves the probiotic sprinkled on top of either of the above. She thinks it's a treat and doesn't need anything else.

Poops...what poops. Two walks on leash and one run around the back yard (has to verify that nothing was in her area while she wasn't looking) and not a poop to be seen. Nope, nodda, not interested at all. Peed, sure, she peed here, there and everywhere to make sure everyone still know which trees were hers, which yard was hers, etc. But a poop? Nope.
We still have another walk later on. Just just had her dinner, so who knows, maybe that will push something out. ROFL

I told her Molly, knock it off, you are confusing people on the forum!! She just batted those baby brown eyes and jumped up on my leg to see if I had any chicken hidden anywhere. (like I am carrying ground up chicken in my pocket down the street!!! I'd be swarmed by every dog in the neighborhood!!)

And so, the saga continues.

Cool food regime Trish. (hmm, considering Metamucil)

Barbara, I know, she lives to confound me and does a pretty good job.

Judi and Patti, not on the poop wagon, refuse to get on the poop wagon, think we're hanging off the side attached by a string, just trying to get away from the darn thing. (shhhhhh it smells you know) hahaha

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

09-13-2013, 08:24 PM
No poops is good!! Probably had a good clean out on the walk :) So least it is not pouring through her gut!

Right, I have procrastinated here long enough this morning. Going to take Flynny and meet a friend for lunch at a café across the other side of town, so better get my A into G!! It is cool out there and we will have to sit outside with the boy in attendance so he is going to wear his All Black jersey as we have a big rugby game on tonight against South Africa so Flynny can show our team support :D:D

Will check in tonight and hopefully we have good poop reports all round! xx

09-13-2013, 09:40 PM
My dog's labs came back high liver enzyme last year. Every re-test her Alka/phos came back higher. The last test came back 1300. Gave her Denamarin for a year and didn't help at all. They mentioned Cushings but she didn't have high water intake and really didn't have any symptoms until recently. She started eating like a starved animal, steals cat food every opportunity, and constantly whines in kitchen for food or dog biscuits and has become very annoying. She was obsessed with eating. She also began urinating everyday inside. Just had the Dexamethasone Supression test done and she has Cushings(pituitary type). Today was 4th day of Lysodren and she has stopped urinating in the house and isn't acting so aggressive eating but still eats faster than she normally ate before. I order a slow eating bowl a few weeks ago because she was literally gobbling her food up. I feed her half of her food then give the 1/3 of 500 mg. Lysodren in a piece of cheese. Then give her the rest of her food. I hope this avoids stomach problems. She is doing great so far. I know her kidneys, liver and heart will be affected if I let let it go untreated. Her water has decreased by 1/4 of a cup. She weighs 15 lbs. and drinks 2 cups a day and eats dry food but I add water to it. They say her water isn't excessive. I am afraid of the medicine but all the different meds. sound risky. So far so good!! I am happy I found this forum. It helps us cope with our furbabies illness. The information on this site really helped me understand Cushings and will help me do the best I can for my Daize. She is Rat Terrier/Chihuahua and is 12 yrs.

09-13-2013, 10:05 PM
Sharlene...sounds like Molly is doing great and no poops means her system is righting itself! (that's how I like to think of it) Too funny that you told her she was confusing the forum!! :D Love that!

The Canadian weather front has reached New York this evening! Couldn't be happier about that. It's nice and cool, the a/c is off and I'm looking forward to wearing a jacket in the morning!! :D

Yes, I think Molly is off the dreaded poop wagon...she doesn't need that ride anymore! :D


Simba's Mom
09-13-2013, 11:05 PM
oh Molly, you and those baby browns can get you anything, work it girl!

molly muffin
09-14-2013, 12:00 AM
Hi Daize's mom and welcome. I dropped by your thread to say hello to you and Daize. We're so happy you found us.

Oh Letti, she works it and then she works it some more. I'm such a sucker for those eyes. LOL

Barbara, whooo hoooo for canadian cool! LOL Yes, it is true, I think we jumped the wagon. Another firm poop finally tonight, so I think her system is clearing up. I'm still doing the rice/chicken thing, but am adding in her dry kibble in the morning and evening meals and just giving rice for a treat during the day or mid snack if she is acting hungry, which she does just to get some more rice.

I never knew dogs were that partial to rice! Do all dogs think this is the greatest thing since ham or something? I'm amazed.

Hugs all,
Sharlene and Molly muffin

09-14-2013, 12:05 AM
:D I know--rice! You'd think I was giving Trixie prime rib! Glad she likes it because it really helps sometimes!! :D

Budsters Mom
09-14-2013, 01:42 AM
Hi Sharlene,
Obviously, your discussion with Molly over John's poop chart helped. :D In spite it all, she aims to please!:D I am glad to hear that she's doing better.

Yes! Dogs love rice! It is a treat, because they NEVER get it when they are well. It is like a child getting their tonsils out. They get to eat as many Popsicles as they want. ;) xxxx

molly muffin
09-14-2013, 02:01 AM
Okay I have got to share this. Only on here will the joke really be appreciated.

So, last night, I made a dish of garlic rice and black pepper chicken, which is all cut up after cooking and mixed in with the rice. (one of those I worked late tonight, easy dinners). So my husband comes home (you see where this is going right) and I hand him a bowl of chicken and rice. He looks down at Molly who is eating her dinner and as I am taking a drink of ice tea, he says "you're feeding me dog food????!!!! :eek: )

Needless to say I spit tea out over the counter as I cracked up laughing, while he stands there looking mortified. I said, it is NOT the same thing at all. He takes a bite and he said, well this is really good, I see why Molly likes it so much.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

Budsters Mom
09-14-2013, 02:18 AM
ROFL - That is hilarious Sharlene! Well, he now understands why Molly likes it so much!!! :D:D Thanks for sharing! :)xxxx

09-14-2013, 08:37 AM
That is so funny, your hubby cracks me up. Hope Molly is doing well this morning. We have great cool weather and Tipper is loving every second of it. I got an email form Diamondback so I hope Tipper's 5mg is on the way and is here soon, she is not doing well this week and I am scared. Blessings

molly muffin
09-16-2013, 09:37 PM
Poop Patrol report :) All is well, poops consistently firm, transitioning back to kibbles. :)

Yay! And this episode is over. :)

Next up - So, we have these rather steep stairs to the basement. Molly has never had an issue with them. On Saturday, I was outside by the screen door and molly came up the stairs and must have missed one or two, I heard a bit of scrambling and came running in just as she bounced up to the top. So I figured she didn't do any damage, whew, she immediately went outside and ran down the deck stairs and later back up them. However, now when she goes downstairs to the basement, she doesn't want to come back up.
She'll sit at the bottom of the stairs and bark at me, while I encourage her to come up. She has come up twice and always gets to the top, and starts jumping for joy, but once, she got within 4 steps of the top and stopped, got turned sideways and then couldn't come up any further, she went back to the bottom. So I went down to the bottom and got her to go up in front of me, and she did, didn't miss a step either, then bounced around because she was so happy she had made it. I noticed that she skipped the last step and goes for the 2 step jump just to get to the top though. I wonder if she did this before I and I didn't notice and this is what she missed. Scares the crap out of me, but I don't want her to see me worried.

Now I worry that she'll go down while I'm not home and she'll fall coming up. There is no rail on the left hand side and if she goes over, she'd get hurt. :( So, something new to think about. *sigh* I told hubby, we might have to put up a baby gate while we aren't home.

Molly is pretty happy still, running around like her normal self, finding mischief. Now she has just developed her own neurotic issues too. :)

hugs all, have a good week.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin

09-17-2013, 12:10 AM
Sharlene...it's too funny about your husband and his rice bowl supper!! hahahaha....glad that he dug right in though! Even though it wasn't the same he probably knows whatever Molly is having would probably be good enough for humans! :D

So I can 100% see your dilemma about the steps! I assume that Molly has to go up and down those steps during the day when you're at work? If she doesn't have to go down to the basement for any reason then I would gate the stairway. Probably everything would be fine but if you're going to be worrying it would be better to just keep her off those steps...why have that worry unless of course there's reason for her to be going up and down. :p

Glad the poops are back on track! yay! :D


09-17-2013, 12:49 AM
I can't believe that hubby thought you would actually feed him dog food :)

09-17-2013, 01:30 PM
When Tipper first developed issues with her back and legs she would go down the stairs and not want to come up. The Laser Dr. told me this can mean leg or back issues. I have read of other dogs on here having back issues. As the muscle goes and everything sags it pulls down on their back. I have seen several say back comments on here. Could Molly have a back issue? I am glad the poop is under control, as that is a worry also. Blessingss

09-17-2013, 10:52 PM
Oh that is brilliant (see, I understand what you are saying - good aren't I ;) ) and your hubby's timing was impeccable.

Even better news that Miss Molly is back to solids now although the stairs do sound like a concern. If she doesn't need to go down to the basement when you're out I'd be inclined to put a gate up, for your own peace of mind if nothing else.

molly muffin
09-17-2013, 11:33 PM
Exactly! Hubby is a very quick wit and his specialty is in his timing. It use to be a real hazard when we were dating and were out at restaurants. Over the years, I've usually been able to tell when one is getting ready to come my way and not be taking drinks or bites of food at the same time, but every once in awhile, he'll still catch me. His delivery is completely deadpan too. Such a brat!!

Molly doesn't have a bit of problem running upstairs to bed. She is just having issues with the stairs up from the basement. Tonight she went galloping down them, then barked because she didn't want to go back up, so this time I let her out the downstairs slider to the back yard. She acted like she didn't want to come up the deck stairs to come in, or she was ignoring me, anyway, I went down the deck stairs to see if there was an issue and she starts wagging her tail and then hightailed it right up the deck steps (14 of them) as fast as she could go. I think it is only those specific steps she doesn't like. I think it is because they have a steeper incline than any other stairs in the house, so I might just block them off during the day when I'm not here, that way I won't even have to think about or worry that she is stuck downstairs for some reason. She doesn't need to be down there, just Thinks she does.

Have to say if she is sleepy all bets are off and she will decide she can't possibly go up Any steps or jump anywhere and wants to be picked up. The only time she Ever wants to be carried anywhere.

I don't know Patti, she has always had some rear weakness, from having that deformed joint groove. So she's had problems before where she'll decide not to jump up for some reason if she has hurt it. She was off her glucosomine for 2 weeks during the diarrhea episode and that might have made her feel it all a bit more. So, not sure if it is a high cortisol issue or if it is just that joint that bothers her at that incline. Think her back is okay, it's never been a problem.

She doesn't act like she is in any pain anywhere and like I said, she can manage every other staircase we have, just not those, so psychological or physiological in nature, I'm not positive, maybe a combination.
She can just keep herself out of the basement and out of trouble and we'll all be happy. LOL or at least I will be and by extension, hubs will be too.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

Simba's Mom
09-17-2013, 11:40 PM
Love hearing those Molly stories, your hubby cracks me up!!

09-18-2013, 06:16 AM
Sharlene... Keesh started the same thing for some reason. He is ok on the carpeted stairs to the second floor. He's fine with the cement stairs outside coming onto the porch and the back cement stairs coming into the kitchen.
He has decided now though that the wooden stairs in the garage are completely a no go. He will go down them, but won't come back up. I have to open the garage door, so he'll go around to the front door and come in.
I don't know if it's something to do with wood or what! He hasn't fallen down them ever, but he has had missteps on the carpeted stairs yet still uses them.
I can't figure it out, but at least Molly is small enough to pick up. Not so much with Keesh :o

Boriss McCall
09-18-2013, 10:00 PM
I guess Molly knows how to get her mama to carry her. ;)
I think Boriss has a few neurotic issues as well or he acts like it to get me to do what he wants. lol
Glad to see Molly is still ruling at your house. She's a good girl. :D

09-21-2013, 07:20 PM
Just dropped by to say hi and hope you and Molly are doing okay.
Hugs Sonja and Apollo

09-22-2013, 03:23 AM
Hi Sharlene

I am wondering if Molly got a fright coming up the basement stairs for some reason. Once Flynn was coming in the back door and it was windy, the screen door swung shut and whacked him on the rump, now he will not come through that door unless I am there holding the screen back and he still gives it a very suspicious look as he passes by! Sounds like she is OK on the other steps, maybe it is the incline. I have been semi looking at houses to buy, anything with stairs gets crossed straight off the list! Lucky we have a lot of single storey houses on the market! :D

I am having a very relaxed Sunday, I have good friends who are twins and they turned 50 on Thursday. They always have their party together but for this big one they decided to have them separately. So we had the first one on Thursday and the second one last night! I'm all partied out for the week but it has been great fun :D:D Back to work for rest I reckon, hope you and Molly are well and have a great week! xxxxxx

molly muffin
09-22-2013, 11:30 AM
Yes I think she did give herself a scare when she missed a step and did a bit of flailing around till she got up them. Now she doesn't want to do the last couple steps up. I wish we had a single level home, they are pretty scarce around here though. Land at a premium in the city, I guess and even though our lot is pretty large, we have 2 sets of stairs inside the house. The ones going down to the basement level is I think a steeper incline than the ones going up to the bedroom level. So she has issues with that even though they are carpeted. I think I'd like to have them completely changed out and made more standardized. She'll run down them, then wants to go out the slider to the backyard, where she'll sniff around and then go up the deck steps to the slider on the main level. She is a funny thing.

Oh those birthday parties for turning 50 are definitely ones that take some recovery time. You attended 2 this week. Oh my I need a nap just thinking about it. hahahaha

Yep, Molly knows how to rule the roost around here. LOL She is spoiled rotten and that is our fault. I can't say that I regret anything though.

Sonja, so nice of you to drop in. Sorry to read that your hubby is having health issues. I hope that all turns out well.

Molly is fit as can be right now, seems to have recovered just fine from her couple weeks of tummy upset and be back to normal. She's in full act out mode right now as I haven't had as much free timely to spend playing and taking longer walks. Work has been hectic and I'm not seeing a real let up for the immediate future. Just try to fit as much in as the day allows for. :) (If not Molly might take over the entire house, like she hasn't already LOL)

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

Simba's Mom
09-23-2013, 12:24 AM
Glad to hear that Molly is doing well

09-23-2013, 09:24 AM

Just checking in on Molly and hoping things are still going well. We are loving are cooler weather, as I am sure you are too. Blessings

09-23-2013, 02:35 PM
It's great to come on here and read about good news. Give Molly kisses from me and Keesh.

09-24-2013, 09:34 AM
Hi Sharlene:
Tipper and I are absolutely loving the cool weather. Keep sending more our way! Hope Molly is still doing well. Blessings

molly muffin
09-24-2013, 08:33 PM
It's getting to be that time of year, fall, when we get cold for a couple days and then warm for a couple. Back and forth.

Molly is doing fine, but she doesn't want to Just eat her dry food for dinner. She wants rice, or chicken or something on her dry food. In the morning she has a bit of wet on it, so I can get the liver pill down her.
Every since she had the tummy upset though, she thinks she needs rice with every meal. That can't be good for her, so she doesn't get it, but it is definitely a battle. If I put even a bit of rice kernals on it, she'll eat the whole thing. If I don't, she'll leave it almost completely! I have a brat!

She is fine though, just her normal Molly self.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin

Budsters Mom
09-25-2013, 12:15 AM
Hi Sharlene,
Rosie acted the same way following her spay/ear flush. She decided that she preferred soft food with shredded chicken and broth and refused to eat her kibble once she recovered. I have just now transitioned her back. It took forever, in baby steps. Once they've had the good stuff, it's tough going back. It's like us vacationing in and eating gourmet meals. Then returning home with no food in the house and end up eating dry Cheerios for dinner. ;):D

I am relieved to hear that Miss Molly is still a brat. I wouldn't want her to change too much.:D I want her to be the usual Molly self.;) xxxxx

09-25-2013, 05:42 AM
Hey Sharlene... welcome to my world of human food versus dog food. It's a battle for sure, and I have actually given up. Keesh won.

I spend more time at the stove cooking for him then I did for anyone in my household - LOL .

He's really bad though. If he doesn't like what's on the menu that day, he goes without voluntarily. He I believe is the king of brats. At this stage of the game, I give it to him. He has mostly kibble, but you know he'll go for days at a time without eating if there's no goodies in the bowl. I gave up cause he has to eat. I've called him far worse then a brat though, believe me.

09-26-2013, 07:25 PM
Hmmmm what's going with these little gourmets!! Trixie is never picky and will usually eat anything. I give bites of kibble when she is begging at the table...I never eat a bite of food without two eyes staring me down!! Unless we're eating out of course. ;) Anyway lately when she begs and I give the kibble she's actually taken it in her mouth and dropped it right on the floor!! :confused: She's holding out for something better!! The only other thing I'll give from the table is bits of bread and rice. If neither comes her way she'll take the kibble....but she's not happy about it!! :D
Glad Molly is doing fine! Oh, and the rice thing is so crazy isn't it? I had a little rice left over so put it on Trixie's plate with fresh turkey and her usual dog food and she ate the rice before the turkey!! Can't believe she'd go for rice over turkey but that's what happened! :p


molly muffin
09-26-2013, 07:35 PM
yes they are little gourmets aren't they. All 3 of them. hmmpphhh. She won't be joining me at La Castile any time soon, that's for sure, can you imagine, I'd have to order Prime Rib, medium rare for her. :D

Judi you can join me but leave Keesh at home! rofl Those two would be a dieting terror if they ever got close to each other. :eek:

Sometimes I play attack with Molly's kibble when she won't eat it. If I throw a piece she will go for it, jump all over it and then eat it if she thinks I'll take it away. If I do that enough, then she'll go to her bowl and eat the rest. However!!! Yes, there is a however, if you do this too much, then she'll sit at her full bowl of food and bark at it, because she wants you to come throw it for her to play with before she eats. Demanding little thing isn't she. Try explaining that to your guests. Sorry she isn't barking at you, she wants to play with her food.

LOL Well, we love them for all their little quirks that keep things interesting. :)

shalene and molly muffin

09-27-2013, 09:03 AM
I have done that very same thing with Tipper if there is something I want her to eat like a heart worm pill. She turns her nose up at it so I tell her I am going to eat it, and make eating noises, this disturbs her and she takes it. The things we do to get these babies to cooperate is so funny when you think about it. Hope Molly is doing well. Blessings

09-27-2013, 05:13 PM
I love the description of you playing attack with Molly's kibble.

Hamish was really good about eating 'his' food and as long as he had been fed would hardly ever bother us (if he hadn't been fed he would herd us into the kitchen, stand us in front of his food bowl and bar our escape until we fed him!), but there was one day that he decided he wanted a piece of spinach and was being a total pain, so in the end we gave him a bit, which he grabbed eagerly then spat out seconds later.

molly muffin
09-27-2013, 08:08 PM
So I'm posting away on the forum, trying to catch up. Evenings seem to be the only time I have during the week to do so and brat dog got stuck downstairs and wouldn't come up. Again!
I decided not to close it off and it doesn't look like she goes down there when I'm not home, so she must know that when I'm here I'll come rescue her. So, she is barking her head off for me to come do something about her dilemma. I finally let her out the bottom slider to the yard where she ran around and then came bouncing up the deck stairs to the door to come back inside. Normally I make her go up the stairs and I'll follow behind her or wait at the top for her. Once hubby waited at the top and followed her up. He had a treat, she managed it just fine I'll have you know. I swear molly is my bratchild!

I do the liquid heartworm/flea prevention that goes on the back on the skin with Molly. I know some people don't like it but she has never seemed to have any problems from it.

hugs all,
sharlene and molly muffin

09-28-2013, 09:23 AM
I have used no flea protection on Tipper this year and we have fleas bad here. She has not gotten any fleas so far. I keep her out of the high grass and more on the road. I am scared to do that now that she had Cushings, so going without it has worked. I do however use it on Toby, as he is more likely to get them, and has longer hair. Molly is the "spoiled one," but aren't all these cush dogs? Blessings

09-28-2013, 10:39 AM
I'll be right there at La Castille.... just name the day - LOL - I've been going to that place for well.... let's just say you know how old I am and I celebrated my 30th birthday there allbeit at the bar.

This food thing is an issue, I have resorted to cutting up a chicken sausage the size of a pepperoni I get at the deli.. and all meds go in that now. I also realized I have to wash my hands after handling the pill just in case the smell of the meds is on the right side of the meat - sheesh.... what a brat he is.

At the new vet on Thursday, speaking of stairs and Keesh went up their inside stairs as if there was nothing wrong with him. They were ceramic too... can't figure out these pups and certain stairs. Guess if they've had an incident or two that does it for them, however, come to think of it.. Keesh last week came up the carpeted stairs, back legs gave out and he literally clawed the 3 steps he slipped down before he got a good grab. That hasn't stopped him from still coming up them, but he won't go near wooden steps.

molly muffin
09-28-2013, 01:28 PM
Maybe Keesh knows that he can't get a grip on those wooden stairs if his back end goes out on him. Having a fall, not being able to get up, just causing them to develop a neurotic issue with those steps I think. Probably the same for Keesh and for Molly, they associate those specific stairs as no go, dangerous areas, and all other steps are good and fair game to journey up and down. Dogs are smart, no doubt about it, but they also develop all sorts of neurotic issues I think based upon past experiences.

I try to encourage Molly to go up and down those specific stairs, where she hasn't had a problem since as much as I can when she gets stuck down there. Only once in awhile, will I let her go out the bottom level slider as I don't want that to be what she thinks the answer is every time. Especially in winter when we go out the back alot due to ice on the front sidewalks.

Okay, no more procrastination, back to doing the laundry and organizing basement. Molly is behind my chair snoring her head off and not even aware I'm here I think. She sure does sleep a lot harder the older she has gotten and she's Always been a noisy sleeper. Snoring, grunting, running, twitching, she is just pretty active when she is asleep, but these days the sleep seems much deeper.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

Budsters Mom
09-28-2013, 11:09 PM
Hi Sharlene,
Do you think that Molly fell or something on those stairs? Not enough to injure her, but enough to scare her? That could be why she is reluctant to use them now. Just a thought? Xxxx

molly muffin
09-29-2013, 12:31 AM
Yes. I am sure she did fall. I heard her. I was outside with the screen closed. I couldn't see her but I heard what sounded like a scramble instead of her normal thump thump run. I ran to get inside but she was up to the top by the time I got in. I watched her all day for any limping or noticeable problem and didn't see any. Just this fear of those steps now. She went down today and I made her come back up them. She got 3 steps from the top and stopped. I just kept encouraging her to come on you can do it and she did. She jumps around in joy every time she makes it to the top now.

Sharlene and Molly muffin

Budsters Mom
09-29-2013, 01:00 AM
You are such a great mommy Sharlene. :p Yes, that does make sense.
A big dog charged Buddy and I on a walk and grabbed his leg. He was in my arms by that time. He wasn't physically hurt, but it took many months before we could walk by that house again. Buddy would panic and stop and freeze. That is why I thought Molly might have had a scare. Xxxxx

09-29-2013, 09:13 AM
Are the steps wooden or padded? I thought some gripper pads may help to assure her of not falling. Poor Molly she must have the fear in her of falling. I am confident if anyone can work it out it will be you Sharlene. Blessings

molly muffin
09-29-2013, 11:57 AM
They are carpeted Patti. It's the incline that is a bit higher than the other steps and the fear that is getting to her. :)

We are having quite the time, and hubs chuckles when he sees me at the top of the stairs, on my hands and knees saying, "come on you can do it, come on" and her at the bottom barking at me saying "no can do, not going to happen" LOL So of course I catch him doing the same thing the other day and bout fell over I was laughing so hard. :) I said, "busted!" hahahaha
He's a good guy, funny that he told me he wasn't a dog guy when we first got together. He hadn't met Molly at that point. :)
I do want her to get over it, but we're having some fun with it too and she is so proud when she does make it up the steps that it is hilarious to see. :) She just bouncing all over the place as soon as she hits the landing at the top. boing boing
We'll conquer this or we won 't and she'll train us to come down and get her. (oh my!) LOL
She had a bath yesterday and is currently a very fluffy doggie. She hasso much hair, she is going to need a hair cut soon. I'm trying to keep it trimmed and out of her eyes at least.

Hugs all, have a good Sunday
Sharlene and Molly muffin

09-30-2013, 02:49 PM
:D Love all aspects of this story!! ;) Both you and your husband coaxing little Molly up the stairs is the best. I don't doubt that she'd rather be carried...after all, those stairs are like the boogieman now..she did have a little spill on them and she's not forgetting about it anytime soon!! Can't blame her for that-she's thinking it could happen again! See how smart she is that she doesn't go down them when you're not at home! She waits until someone is around to save her from coming back up! Molly's not really a brat Sharlene, just super intelligent--she's got it all figured out! ;)


Budsters Mom
09-30-2013, 06:52 PM
Hi Sharlene,
I can just see your hubby coaxing his baby up the stairs, while pretending like he's a macho guy. Busted!! I love it!!!!!:D xxxxx

molly muffin
09-30-2013, 09:38 PM
Oh Barbara dear, you have fallen for Molly's antics even from across the miles. Here, join hands, we are all under her spell. ROFL!!
She is a sweetheart really, but oh yea, total brat, just a very smart one. hehehehe, she has us wrapped around her little paws, no doubt about it.
Step 3 from the top, seems to be the culprit, she stops at that one on the way up now and gets sort of turned sideways, then with some coaching, up she comes. She went down tonight and woke me up from my nap, barking like crazy. She won't try it without someone to watch over her. Smart little bugger indeed.

My neighbor took a couple pictures of molly the other day and sent them over to me. (I added them to the album here) His wife said their dog likes Molly's pictures, which I thought was so funny. They were showing them to their Westie Maggie and she'd bark at them, like she knew it was Molly. She always runs up to the front door and barks for molly when they are out for a walk. Molly does the same to their door, except she doesn't bark for Maggie, she waits patiently, sure that they will be coming out any second. :)

Hugs all, hope you are each one having a good day
Sharlene and Molly Muffin

10-01-2013, 08:57 AM
It certainly seems Molly knows you two are putty in her paws! That is so cute about the Westie. These dogs know a lot more than we think they do! Blessings

10-02-2013, 12:46 AM
:D :D hahaha Yes, Molly's cuteness has reeled me in and I'm clearly on her side. ;) Maybe you guys should invest in one of those stair lifts for the basement steps! Then Molly can just hop on that little seat and take a ride upstairs! I think that would be a great idea!! Molly probably thinks so too!! :D


10-02-2013, 04:38 AM
Hi Sharlene, glad to know everything is going well with Molly.

The stairs thing is cute yet worrisome at times. Keesh won't let you help him, he's too proud. I even tried putting his collar on and gently leading him up the stairs, but he turns and walks away. He makes 5-6 attempts before he starts up, and then zig zags up the stairs.

10-02-2013, 01:18 PM
Hi Sharlene:
Don't worry about the post, I understand completely what you were getting at. I am glad to have you help me in times of need. I count on you as the voice of reason when I am losing it. Blessings to you and sweet Molly.

molly muffin
10-02-2013, 05:13 PM
Glad you understood what I was trying to get out Patti. Sometimes things in typing don't come across as well as they would if said in person. Inflections and all that and tone add so much to conversations. We do the best we can with a forum.
I usually try to go with optimistic at all times. Some days it's the only thing that makes sense. :)
Judi, Keesh just really doesn't like those stairs. Once they make their minds up they can be very stubborn about it.
LOL Barbara, if she has her way we would go down pick her up and carry her back up the stairs. She will put one foot on a step and wait to see if you aren't going to do that for her or not. :) Not spoiled much is she. :) I'm resistant to encouraging the pick up though so for now, it is a matter of just being encouraging for her to get her confidence back. She's smart, she'll get it :)

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

Simba's Mom
10-03-2013, 01:00 AM
I think Molly needs her own personal elevator :)

10-03-2013, 08:47 AM
And make it a glass sided one like the one in Trump Towers! That is a cute idea, I can just see her Royal Highness riding in it and waiting for her subjects to get her out when she arrives. Blessings

10-03-2013, 10:17 AM
Keesh puts his front paws on the first stair too, I'm at the top encouraging him. Come down the stairs to him though and he walks away. As long as he doesn't think I'm watching him after 3-4 attempts up he comes, he doesn't know I'm leaning over the railing watching though.... he's just too proud. Aren't they funny ??

molly muffin
10-03-2013, 03:16 PM
Yep, they are funny :) Molly will run away when I come downstairs too but a firm, get up those stairs will get back to the correct vicinity. Much tale wagging and running around ensures, so I don't try to make it "play time" or she'd think this was some bright new trick she has thought up.
Oh gads, a glass enclosed elevator! LOL Can just see me telling hubby that he needs to pull out the staircase and put in a glass elevator for molly. LOL This I do not think will fly with him.

I have mentioned I wouldn't mind having the incline changed that it would be good not just for molly but peeps too, if we are going to be doing renovation in the basement eventually, then that would be the time to look into it. Thoughts me of trying to carry laundry up and down steep staircases as the year go on, definitely makes that one priority in my book. (I wish we had more flat houses around here, but city land is usually at a premium and you just can't find them or if you do, they are a bloody fortune to buy.

Okay back to work gang
Sharlene and Molly Muffin

Budsters Mom
10-03-2013, 04:29 PM
Are we really talking about putting a glass dog elevator in? LOL:D:D:D

molly muffin
10-03-2013, 07:42 PM
hmmmph :D

Some of them are, lets Barbara suggested an elevator and Patti went with the upgraded Trump model! :eek::eek:

Molly is NOT allowed to read this thread!!!! :p :D

Little wench just went running down those stairs too!! It's like she knew were talking about them and her. :eek: (was she reading over my shoulder?! I won't even contemplate the disaster that Molly being a mind reader would be!!!!)
Annnnnd the barking starts.
Better go convince her she can do this ..... Again.

Sharlene and molly muffin (stuck in the basement)

molly muffin
10-03-2013, 07:46 PM
I finally had to go down the steps, pat them, then she started up at a run, ran out of steam almost to the top, (again about 3 steps from the top). I picked up up and put her up One step only (one ping only please in best -not very good- Sean Connery voice) and then she continued up on her own. Now running around house fast as she can go, so very proud of herself.

Do we Really have pages of threads on Molly's adventures with stairs!!!!! oh my:eek::eek::D:D

There is obviously nothing truly worrying going on in our household!! ROFL

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

10-03-2013, 11:24 PM
haha now we are all chiming in on the step renovation for Molly!! :D
My suggestion was actually one of those stairway lifts...you know like a little chair that goes up a track like a bannister. I think Molly would like that! :D :D :D
I kind of imagine Molly down in the basement deciding it's time to get upstairs and she jumps onto her chair and gently coasts up to the main floor on her gliding chair! :D just joking of course!!

I watch a show on HGTV called Love it or List It and I believe all the houses are in Toronto. They have never shown a one story home...all have had a basement and 2 stories...do you ever watch that show?? It is in Toronto isn't it? They never actually say for sure where they are. They also always talk about homes being on a "ravine" and that seems to be very desirable. Anyway-- the make-overs are always so nice!! Love home make-over shows. Wish my place could be on one!! :D Need a kitchen make-over big time!

molly muffin
10-04-2013, 01:51 AM
I do know that show Barbara. :) Several of the home make over and real estate shows are filmed here. Mike Holmes from Holmes on Homes comes from Toronto area too. As does Property Virgins. Tons of them. I think it's an area like New York and Los Angles, you have these skilled people and you have huge film activity. It's a natural marriage for these cable television stations. You're right, everyone has a basement if you have a house and either a multi level or a bungalow that is basement and one level.

Yes, ravines are much loved around here or any green parkland area. Luckily Toronto is a city with a lot of planned green areas. We love our parks and natural areas. :) I live near several. We have a park at the end of the street, a ravine, wooded area, one block over, a creek that separates that part and wooded area from a very Large park, with ski hill, etc. It's wonderful to be in the city and still so close to these natural areas. We have some good dog walk, people walking, running, biking areas because of that. It's not a central park, because central park is just uniquely itself and I love it, but it is very nice to have here.

Oh yes I do know the gentle slide elevator you are talking about. I might need that myself at some point, hopefully many years from now. I always tell hubs, we'll keep the house till we can't do the stairs any more. :)

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

10-04-2013, 02:24 AM
We talk about poop. I think that stairs are a milder topic :-)

10-04-2013, 08:53 AM
I agree with Valerie. Better to devote the threads to stairs than poop. Any outsider reading all of this must surely think we are all a bunch of nuts! Blessings

10-05-2013, 02:03 AM
I vote for an escalator! A nice antique wooden one, you would just have to train Molly to press the button to activate it... but she's a smart girl and will have that sussed in no time :D

10-10-2013, 03:22 PM
I had to scroll to page 3 to find you. - LOL - how's the little monkey doing? For that matter how are you doing?

molly muffin
10-10-2013, 06:46 PM
:) Page 3, eh. Well, I've been known to show up much further back than that. LOL It's the price you pay when everything is just trucking along all normal like, which it Usually is for us, until I show up scatter brained heading to the ER or something. LOL

Actually things are going fine for Molly, we're still urging her up the steps, which she will do if we are with her. I'm swamped at work. (as usual) Getting ready for Thanksgiving, so Mother in Law arrives tomorrow and is here for a week I think. I seem to have invited more people to dinner than my dining table actually holds. Drat off by 1!! So, pulling out the card table, cleaning it up and doing a trial run this weekend to see if it will work. After that, hunt around the house for 3 extra chairs. *sigh* Fun never stops eh! hahaha

Do you have big plans for Thanksgiving or planning a quiet one? We use to have quiet holidays, now they seem a bit hectic, I think it goes in cycles.

hugs, all
Sharlene and Molly Muffin

10-11-2013, 02:57 AM
Yeah for Mollie!
I'm glad that she continues to do well!

10-11-2013, 09:38 AM
No plans for Thanksgiving. The rule in my house if you can't boil it, nuke it, or thaw it... you won't find it at my table. I hate cooking.
Kidding aside, I will cook a turkey albeit under protest - LOL

10-11-2013, 09:49 AM
Glad Molly is doing well. Instead of the card table you can let Molly handle that turkey, she will make quick work of it! Glad everything is going well, and you are getting ready for company. Blessings

molly muffin
10-11-2013, 07:33 PM
Oh yea Molly and a turkey, Disaster I'm sure!!!

Actually kind of a sad time today, in that my Brother In Laws brother passed. It sounds distant, but the rule in our family is when you marry, the whole family becomes part of one big family. My sister and BIL are heading out to Oklahoma on Saturday for the funeral next week. It was rather quick, an inoperable brain tumor, not diagnosed till very late and then since the diagnosis, just very quickly down hill. Worse, is that my BIL's mom is also on hospice care. In fact her and his brother had the same case worker. *sigh* Some days are just rough. He was best man at my sisters wedding.

I'm glad Molly is doing so well still. There are times when I wonder, but you do what you can with the facts as you have them. So I hope what I am doing or not doing is right for her. So far I think we're okay.

My Mother in Law gets in tonight. Molly will be really excited to see her again and run to her bedroom every morning to say hello. ;) If she doesn't find her, she'll still roll around in her stuff (loves that scent of family) and then head downstairs to give her a big hi, look at me wiggle. :)

If I am scarce in the coming week this is why. I like to spend time with her when she is here and I'll take her to her favorite store, Tilley's and out to lunch, the normal stuff.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

Budsters Mom
10-11-2013, 11:07 PM
Hi Sharlene,
It's weird hearing you talk about Thanksgiving. In the US, Thanksgiving is the last Thursday in November. I cannot wait as I get the whole week off. Work has beyond exhausting this year and there's no let up in sight. There are far too many needs and not enough of me to go around. I'm going around putting out little fires everywhere, but not getting much else done. It is terribly frustrating!:p I am also still very emotional over Buddy, so that hasn't helped either.

I am sorry to hear about your family members being so ill. I had a friend that had an inoperable brain tumor. He went quickly once it was discovered. Much too quickly. My thoughts and prayers go out to family to give them strength to do what needs to be done.

On the upside. I am thrilled that Molly is Molly and continues to do well.:D Are you still coaxing her up the stairs? I can still picture your hubby doing that and a smile comes across my face every time. What a guy.:)

Enjoy your visit with your mother-in-law. As they age, we end up getting less and less time with them making every moment special. Xxxx

10-12-2013, 06:35 PM
We don't do thanksgiving at all here :D, all I know about that I have seen in the movies!!

So sorry to hear about your BIL's family having trouble. Gosh it is always so awful when a family get's hit one after another. I feel for them Mum under the hospice care losing her son like that. She did not need that right now, so sad.

I hope you have a lovely week with your company Sharlene, I bet you whip up a lovely feast and I want to hear all about your tasty treats, I am back on a diet to shape up a bit so I can live vicariously through your cooking!! Kiss for Molly xxx

molly muffin
10-13-2013, 12:14 AM
hahahaha, I don't even want to think of dieting this weekend. In Canada we are all about food and more food. LOL

We did a trial run of the table today, so think I have that figured out now and a way to fit everyone in.
There will be lots of food, so far, the plan is, Roasted Turkey, ham with pineapple, Portuguese potatoes (that is cooked with onions and garlic), leek casserole, caramelized carrots, cesar salad, dressing, homemade cranberry sauce and hot rolls. Then dessert. Pecan tarts, apple pie, pumpkin pie, coconut cream tarts, home made cookies, ice cream, whipped cream. That should do it right :) Only thing saving me is having two young men at the table that have healthy appetites.

LOL Kathy, yea, hubby is a good guy and he adores Molly too. A major break through! Friday I was working from home and she went down the steps to the basement. Well, of course she started barking for me to come down and escort her back up, or at least watch her come up. Well, I was on a conference call and on the computer and couldn't jump up and go to her. She make it up just fine on her own. I thought she'd stay forever, but I didn't go near the steps and she did make it up. Hopefully a few more times like that and her confidence will be back. Crossing my fingers.

I think I just invited my mother in law to come for Christmas, if she wants to. :) I should probably let hubs know. LOL She is also contemplating, a possible christmas trip to Italy, or come here and then go on to Spain for a long winter holiday. Then there is always staying home with my brother in law, and his family, so no idea what she will do.

I'm taking her shopping and to lunch later this week. I also set her up with a sony reader to see if she likes ereading or not. It would be easier maybe when she travels and I don't use it any longer, so if she does like it, then maybe a mini ipad would work for her. Still trying to figure that out.

Well, I sure did prattle on tonight. That is a big risk when I start typing. :)

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

10-13-2013, 12:40 AM
OMG I am salivating!! Out of that lot I think I could have Caesar salad (love it) and a bit of turkey sans sauce, oh and ham :D

Your a good person Sharlene, looking after the family like you do! Lucky MIL with such choices, I would go for Christmas at yours then Europe, Spain or Italy not fussy there :D:D

I have had such a busy day, pulling all the furniture out and vacuuming behind and washed about 6 loads, bit of afternoon breeze has that all dry already. Just got back from the Garden Centre, met a friend for coffee there after dropping Flynny with his Nan and G'Dad for an afternoon visit. I bought Parsley, curly and Italian, Coriander, Basil, another tomato, quite a few lettuce and this lovely black petunia so have a bit of planting to do now so lucky we have 3 more hours of sunshine left to get it all done. OHHH plus a new super long hose to get right around the house and not come apart at the joins :D:D So off I go, to get this day of housework finished!! xx

Simba's Mom
10-15-2013, 09:11 PM
Glad Molly is doing well, love good news, hugs and prayers

10-16-2013, 08:58 AM
I think that is a great idea with regard to the knives in the kitchen. That did happen to me once when Toby was underfoot and it scared me when the knife fell, it was a small one, but I make him go and lay away from where I am working now. I am glad she is doing well. It is nice not to have worries on your mind for a while. Blessings

10-18-2013, 12:20 PM
Sharlene, I just saw you mention a coconut pie on Trish's thread. :) :) :)

If it turns out good, would you be willing to share the recipe???? I LOVE COCONUT PIE!!! :p :D :p :D

molly muffin
10-18-2013, 07:03 PM
Oh you bet Marianne. I haven't made it yet. I got sidetracked with taking my mother in law to the mall, then there was this wonderful Restaurant supply store, that I was in I bet for an hour! Then dinner out, which involved, peach bellini's, wine and thank god, cappuccino's. Now I know I said I was making it tonight, but I'm thinking it's going to be after a nap maybe tonight. LOL I'll go ahead and post the recipe. Whomever makes it first, has to report back!

Impossible Pie

All the ingredients are mixed together and poured into a pie tin, but when it cooks it forms its own crust with filling This has a coconut vanilla taste like a coconut cream pie


2 cups milk
1 cup shredded coconut
4 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/2 cup all purpose flour
8 Tablespoon butter
3/4 cup sugar
1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg

Place milk, coconut, eggs, vanilla, flour, butter and sugar in blender (now see, I'm thinking you can just use a hand mixer to blend). Mix well.
Pour into a greased and floured pie plate. Sprinkle nutmeg on top.
Bake at 350 degrees for 45

Sounds easy enough right?! Enjoy Marianne! I love Coconut pie too

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

molly muffin
10-18-2013, 08:47 PM
Here is another version using Bisquick:


1 cup flaked or shredded coconut

3/4 cup sugar

1/2 cup Original Bisquick® mix

1/4 cup butter or margarine, softened

2 cups milk

1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla

4 eggs


1 Heat oven to 350°F. Grease 9-inch pie plate with shortening or cooking spray.
2 In medium bowl, stir all ingredients until blended. Pour into pie plate.
3 Bake 50 to 55 minutes or until golden brown and knife inserted in the center comes out clean. Cover and refrigerate any remaining pie.

10-19-2013, 08:46 AM
These recipes sound wonderful where did you get them? Do you put anything on the coconut pie or serve it plain? I bet that makes a good smell in the kitchen when it's baking, I am going to try it. Blessings

Squirt's Mom
10-19-2013, 10:20 AM
I make an Impossible Pie often - it's inexpensive and so easy! But I don't like grated coconut so I leave that out and my recipe is a tad bit different. My mom has a great coconut pie recipe that I make for Mark during the Holidays since he loves that pie!

molly muffin
10-19-2013, 11:02 AM
I have a custard pie recipe that you can adapt for either coconut or chocolate and all are wonderful. It is my sisters recipe. My sister is an awesome baker. I thought I would try this one and realized I have a box of Bisquick that has to be used, so I went with the second recipe I posted and it's in the oven now. Could not get the softened butter to do more than be small pieces in all that liquid, so I'll let you know how it turns out.

After the pie comes out of the oven, a peach cobbler will be going in. Not making huge amounts, so 9 in pie, 8x8 cobbler should be good, served with whipped cream or ice cream and espresso's. This is mother in laws last night here and I'll be making a creamy pesto sauce with penne pasta and chicken tonight for dinner and thinly sliced garlic bread.

Molly will be on kitchen guard duty as usual. :) So, some of the chicken I'll save back for her.
She btw is doing fine. Those stairs still get to her though, I thought we had a break through but hubby had to help her up the last few steps yesterday after she got stuck and just stood there on the step. He lifted her and then sort of glided her up a couple steps then put her down and let her go the last two on her own.

Leslie feel free to share any recipes! LOL

hugs all
Sharlene and Molly Muffin

10-19-2013, 11:20 AM
Sounds great Sharlene. Lucky Mother-in-Law. Molly says woof-woof, mmmm good. Love, JoAnne

10-19-2013, 05:17 PM
Mmmmmm coconut pie... I love coconut but never had it in a pie. Not sure what bisquick is, so will google it :D Your MIL will never leave at this rate Sharlene :D She sounds like a lovely lady so hope you have enjoyed having her to stay and all the shopping etc! It is tiring though :)

Kitchen guard duty is an important part of a doggies day and they take it very seriously don't they :D can't have any chicken bits littering the floor!

Squirt's Mom
10-19-2013, 05:48 PM
Impossible Pie (makes two pies; I cut everything in half for one pie and it works just fine)

4 eggs
1 stick oleo, melted
2c. sugar
2c. milk
½ c. self-rising flour
1 tsp. vanilla
2c. grated coconut

Beat eggs, sugar and melted oleo. Add flour, milk and vanilla. Mix well. Stir in coconut flakes. Mix well. Pour into two 9 inch pie plates (this makes its own crust). Bake at 350 degrees for 40-45 minutes or until top is lightly browned.

(Since I don't eat grated/flaked coconut, I leave it out and it is still a good pie!)

Squirt's Mom
10-19-2013, 05:59 PM
My mom's coconut cream pie recipe -

1 c sugar
3 tbsp. cornstarch
1/3 tsp. salt
2 c milk
3 egg yolks, beaten
1 tsp. vanilla
2 tbsp butter
2/3 cup grated coconut
1 baked 9-inch pie shell
coconut for topping

Mix sugar, cornstarch, and slat in sauce pan; add milk gradually, stirring in, and start to cook over medium heat. Add 3 - 4 spoonfulls of this mixture to the beaten egg yolks; stir into pan and continu to cook until thick, stirring often. Remove from heat. Add vanilla, butter and coconut. Top with Basic Meringue (recipe to follow) and sprinkle with grated coconut. Bake at 325 degrees until meringue is browned, about 5-10 minutes.

Basic Meringue

3 egg whites
1/8 tsp salt
1/4 tsp cream of tartar
6 tbsp sugar

Beat egg whites, salt and cream of tartar until stiff but not dry (should make nice peaks). Gradually add sugar and beat after each addition until sugar is partially dissolved. Place on top of cream filled pie, making sure to cover completely to the edges.

(The secret to this perfect, beautiful meringue is a very clean bowl and very clean instruments. Wash everything just before making the meringue, taking extra care that any oil, fats, etc are completely removed and all is dried well.)

I use this same basic recipe for all my cream pies - chocolate, strawberry, peanut butter - all of them and they are always delicious!

Budsters Mom
10-19-2013, 06:58 PM
Send the flops my way. I'm not picky! :D xxxx

molly muffin
10-19-2013, 08:47 PM
Your mom's recipe sounds like my sisters recipe that I use when I make a custard pie, then adapt for coconut or chocolate.

My mother in law leaves tomorrow. I do adore her, but she has turned my kitchen and refrigerator upside down. I have things frozen and in containers everywhere from her cooking nonstop. LOL I love her, but sometimes I need a break from the nonstop, just everything I guess. I'm use to having some space and quiet I guess. Gosh I sound like a fuddy duddy but I need that down time or I get super cranky. I've always been like that.

Molly is being great with her here though. She loves having Her people around and runs into mums bedroom every morning to check things out, once she is up of course. :)

Oh you must try a coconut pie if you like coconut Trish. You don't need Bisquick, you can just use a regular recipe and as you can see, there are several ways to make it.

sharlene and Molly muffin

10-20-2013, 09:13 AM
How nice of you mother in law to cook and make things for you. You are a lucky ducky! It could probably get overwhelming though. I bet Molly loves having her. That's an extra person to wait on her royal highness!! Have a good weekend and enjoy you company. Blessings

10-20-2013, 04:41 PM
Awww she sounds like a great house guest! Trouble is you will spend the next week locating all your kitchen utensils!! Flynny loves visitors too and will go in first thing in the morning like Molly, if they have the door shut he impatiently waits on the other side, pawing it a little so they know he is waiting for his morning hello's!

When I finish this diet I will most definitely be trying a coconut pie, I do like meringue on top too so will add that as Leslie suggested... well its vegemite on toast for brekky here!!

molly muffin
10-20-2013, 08:03 PM
yea, she is a good house guest. Tries very hard to be helpful and not impose of anyone. I'm sure I'll locate everything eventually. LOL Lucky I won't be cooking this week at all. Hubby is traveling for work, and mum has left enough food in various containers that I won't need to cook for myself at all.

Molly hasn't realized she isn't coming back tonight, but tomorrow she'll be mopey probably (till distracted by something else of course)

Okay, off to go see Gravity now! I've heard it's good! This is date night after mum's visit. :)

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

10-21-2013, 08:58 AM
Poor Molly she will miss her Grandmother. I am sure she will figure out some way for you to make it all up to her!! Blessings

10-21-2013, 05:09 PM
Well, I guess I'm making pies this weekend. I love the "mix everything together" part!

Wanted to check on Molly. Hope all is well (as possible).


molly muffin
10-21-2013, 06:53 PM
Hi :) Molly is doing good still. She's about due for another round of test though to check her levels. Will talk with the vet about whether we are going to need another ultrasound too. Not sure about that yet. But she acts good, poops are normal, she wants people food still (from that round chicken and rice during the bacterial infection) and would like to skip her dog food all together. LOL She can't, she doesn't drink nearly enough water without the SO food mixed in there somewhere.

If you are making the coconut pie, use a 10 inch pie plate/tin, not the 9 inch. 9 inch isn't big enough and over flows. ICK. Yes, I had to clean the oven in between baking rounds. I wasn't nearly as impressed with the peach cobbler.

ciao all
Sharlene and Molly Muffin

10-21-2013, 07:20 PM
Seems to be the time for our routine checkups on the forum, here's hoping all of them do well and get good results.

When was her last ultrasound done? I do think it is worth checking them regularly, look at Flynny for example when he had kinda some cush symptoms but negative on testing, it was the ultrasound that eventually picked up his pheo so on that basis alone I would recommend them. Crikey I am not suggesting Molly has one of those but sometimes whatever is wrong with them takes a while to declare itself so I figure catching things early has to be good. But Miss Molly is going to pass her next round with flying colours!!!

molly muffin
10-21-2013, 08:22 PM
LOL I know exactly what you mean. :) She is going to do well and that is exactly why I was wondering about getting another one. She has one last year. Still no symptoms of cushings.

She is currently begging me for some pasta which she has never been allowed but continues to try and convince me that I'm a big ole meanie for withholding it from her. Her begging is that she will sit and look at you and then rock from foot to foot with impatience and eventually if look at her too often, make this humph humph noise at you. She'll get a doggie treat later. :)

Hope you are getting a good start to your holiday.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

Simba's Mom
10-24-2013, 02:03 PM
Love those Diva Molly stories!

molly muffin
10-24-2013, 07:52 PM
Well, the diva is still a diva with paranoia of the steps.

So, here is the latest. My husband left on Tuesday for a business trip. Molly had all her normal walk times then around 8:30, while I was on the phone yakking with a friend, she went down to the basement and peed, then tried to come up and again, about 4 or 3 steps from the top, I heard her scuffling on the carpet, I ran to the steps and she was just making it to the top. Brat.

She'd just been for a walk at 5pm too. I told Hubby when he called around 10pm that she must have been acting up because she saw him take his suitcase and not come home. The last time she did this was when she had the bacterial infection. I cleaned the pee up with the bissel hand held and there was no discoloration, perfect yellow. I repeat BRAT! she hasn't done it again either.

However, today she goes down the steps, while I was on my work laptop, talking with a colleague and gets to the bottom, sniffs around the basement for awhile, then starts barking. It took a good 15 minutes to convince her to go up the steps on her own. You'd have thought I had asked her to do an impossible task. However, she did finally go up them, with me behind her, and she didn't miss a step at all. She even over jumped the last one to get to the landing. Then she jumps up and down because this is such a major accomplishment for her, she looks like she is on a rubber band going straight up and down on the main floor landing. (so yea, I gave her a yippeee treat) I swear that girl, is such a character. But now the paranoia is even worse. She was bound and determined I would carry her up the steps and I was bound and determined that she would do them on her own. (I won This time).

and so the saga of molly muffin, diva dog, continues. :)

Sharlene and molly muffin

10-24-2013, 10:53 PM
So Sharlene, aside from overflowing the pie plate :(, how did the coconut pie turn out?? Would you make it again?

Marianne :)

molly muffin
10-25-2013, 12:37 AM
I'd say it turned it pretty good, my husband had 3 pieces as soon as I told him it had cooled enough. He started with one, and kept going back for more, so that is a good sign. :)

Yes I think I'd make it again. Probably play around with reducing a bit of milk or increasing a bit of the bisquick for a thicker consistency. It does firm up nicely when put into the fridge though.


10-25-2013, 02:15 PM
That Molly sounds so much like Tia. She thought I was supposed to hold her all the time and I always did, just like a baby on my hip! Times like this, I'm glad I did even when everyone made fun of me. What I'd give now to be able to hold her again...

Love and prayers to you all.

Donna and Angel Tia

Boriss McCall
10-25-2013, 04:34 PM
Hi Sharlene,
It is nice to read that Molly is still up to her princess ways at your house. She sure does know how to keep you in line. :D

10-25-2013, 05:43 PM
I want Coconut Pie!! I think I might make one now and take it around to my parents where we have a working bee this arvo.... I will do a report :D:D

I so know that begging rocking from foot to foot stance! Putting on their I am starving face at the same time, hard to resist!

Right, I am off to search back through your thread for the recipe! xx

10-25-2013, 10:24 PM
Hi Sharlene,
Still going through all the posts and now that I've read all yours and I'm hungry for pie!! Ha..just what I don't need!!
So what do you think Molly and steps is all about?? When my younger daughter was 4 she would say " I just want some "be-ttention"..instead of attention. So, I'm thinking maybe Molly just wants some "bettention" :D or she likes the idea of you spotting her on the way up the scary steps!
Thank you for your sweet messages on my thread while I was away. Getting back to a routine around here and starting to sort out things at my parents house. A big job ahead there...and I've already gotten started this week with the help of a friend and my mom's caregiver. So much stuff to deal with. Decided to take the weekend off and not go to the house until next week. It will be strange having a whole weekend again, it's almost 3 years of what I called eldercare Sunday. We'll have some nice outdoor time this weekend. Trixie is enjoying the chill in the air. Even needed my gloves the last few mornings.
Glad Molly is doing well! Hope you have a nice weekend.


10-26-2013, 09:34 AM
Now you made us all hungry for pie!!!! I bet Molly is in a tither because her Grandmother left and now her dad! She is wondering where is the loyalty?? Blessings

molly muffin
10-26-2013, 09:46 PM
Ha, her loyalty is right here with me! hahahaha I'm sure she'll be a happy camper though when my husband gets home tomorrow.

At least the rain finally stopped here. Molly doesn't like to go outside in when it is raining. She also doesn't like to get up in the mornings when it is raining. So this morning of course it is dark and rainy, wind blowing and I have to get up and get moving because I am leaving at 10:30 for a memorial service and who doesn't want to get out of bed?! yep, molly just snoring away, until finally I went upstairs and had to rouse her. Then she stretched and wanted to be petted and loved on (they are so cute in the mornings aren't they) so did that with her for a bit, then we went downstairs and she took one look out the window and went and jumped on the couch and prepared to go right back to sleep. I said "I don't think so little miss, I know you have to go to the bathroom, so suck it up, and lets go walkies". I think she might have crossed her eyes and stuck her tongue out at me, but it might have just been a big yawn.

Still we finally got a quick walk in and breakfast done, so she could head back to sleep in her blankets, since she'd gotten wet, she was all about crawling into and making a bed in her blankets. By the time I got home, it had stopped raining and she was ready for a good long walk outside.

Hugs gang,
Sharlene and Molly Muffin

10-27-2013, 09:09 AM
Molly is quite the character. I'll have to send Tipper over there for a visit so Molly can teach her to sleep in. It is pitch black out and we are up in this house. It is warmer here today and we are to hit the 60's next week. Blessings

10-29-2013, 09:21 AM
We are to get 70's today. I hope you get some of this too!

molly muffin
10-29-2013, 06:39 PM
We're suppose to warm up on Thursday, but along with the warmth comes rain. Not going to be fun for the little trick or treaters if it is raining :(

Sharlene and Molly muffin

10-29-2013, 06:59 PM
Throughout this journey no matter what has been wrong, you always make me feel better after reading you posts. I just wanted to thank you for that. Blessings

10-30-2013, 04:58 AM
They are so cute not wanting out in the rain, Flynny is the same with his allergy to water in any form! He will hold on for ages, like nope.. I don't need to go... Yes you do little dog, you not been for 12 hrs!!!

Hope your week is going well, Molly will be happy with hubby's return home. They miss their pack when someone leaves! I must set Mum's ipad up for facetime when I am away so I can check him myself!! xx

10-30-2013, 11:44 AM
Sharlene :
I bet Molly is going to be happy to see her daddy come home. How is your weather holding up? Blessings

molly muffin
11-01-2013, 06:18 PM
Wind came in like crazy today Patti. :( Rain was yesterday.

It's been a real whirlwind around here this week. A dear friends mother passed unexpectedly and we seem to go from finding out Tuesday night, cooking all Wednesday evening, then funeral on thursday. So, meetings had to be rescheduled, flights rebooked (my husbands meetings were out of town) and then right into the funeral, burial and shiva yesterday, run home for trick or treat and so molly wouldn't be freaking out here by herself with the door bell ringing, then back to work late last night for things that had to be done before today.

In the midst of that Molly decided she didn't want to eat her dry food any more. She'd nibble at it with her morning wet food (she gets about a teaspoon worth in the am) and then wouldn't eat at all for dinner. So, I finally found something that would get her to eat at least most of it, which was Bistro Cesar. I give her about a tablespoon of one of those mixed into the dry food and she'll eat plus the dry, at least most of the dry. She won't drink hardly at all, if I don't get the SO food into her at least a little bit. Otherwise, she will go down to maybe a cup of water all day. Darn dog does not Like water particularly and never seems thirsty enough on her own.

So, a whirlwind like I said. Two funerals in one week, halloween and molly getting finicky (maybe lack of attention caused that, not sure) is just a bit much. It messes with my zen and that won't do.

Molly was quite happy to have hubs home, but we don't seem to have been around much this week and she is not a happy camper about that for sure.

So, hoping to get some recuperation time on the weekend and some quality molly time too.

hugs all,
Sharlene and Molly Muffin

11-01-2013, 06:39 PM
Oh gosh that is a week of it Sharlene. Sorry to hear about all you have going on, my condolences to your friend on the loss of her Mum.

No wonder Molly has gone on a bit of a food strike, hopefully everything will even back out once you all get back into the normal routine. Flynny only drinks about a cup of water a day too, I do mix his probiotic in water and add that to his meals so that's about another half a cup a day but like Molly he is just not a thirsty dog. We hear all about the cush pups drinking gallons but it can be just as worrying when they don't drink enough especially with other problems like crystals etc.

I think you need to collapse in bed and laze a bit! Hope you all have a chance to catch your breath this weekend xxxxx

Budsters Mom
11-02-2013, 03:04 AM
Hi Sharlene,
No one should have to attend two funerals in a week. I am so sorry.

Rosie isn't found of her dry food either. She prefers soft food also. She will only eat the dry when she is really hungry. I have finally found a solution. I soak about a cup of dry food in water, then zap it with my mini food processor (Ninja). It becomes the consistency of canned and Rosie gobbles it right up. I still offer her dry in the evening and as snacks during the day. She'll eat it hand fed or in a game, but doesn't like it in a bowl. I was buying the canned formula at $2.50 a can to mix with the dry. Rosie is just as happy with my makeshift soft food and it keep well in the frig. Just a thought....

I hope you are able to get some rest this weekend. Xxxxx

11-02-2013, 09:11 AM
Sharlene, Sorry to hear about your tough week. Hope the weekend brings you some relaxation and extra time with Molly.
Sorry to hear about 2 funerals. My condolences.

11-02-2013, 09:25 AM
I think you need a break. That is so sad two funerals in one week. I hope what is left of this year is easier on you. WE had such bad wind yesterday, but al the leaves are still not down. It is very dark and looks like rain again. Was Molly excited to see her daddy? Blessings

Squirt's Mom
11-02-2013, 10:27 AM
Geez, two funeral in one week is no fun. I hope the families and those who love them heal soon.

Leslie and the gang

molly muffin
11-02-2013, 01:57 PM
Yes, Molly was thrilled that my husband came home from his business trip. She heard his vehicle pull into the garage and looked at me. I said, "that is Daddy, Daddy is home" and she started whining at the window and then ran to the door to meet him. (something she does when either of come home from being out and about)

Last night, he was rubbing his face in her neck fur and I was blowing raspberries on her belly, while she rolled around on her back on the floor doing the Molly Wiggle. I think she was in her happy place. :)

The plan is to take it easy this weekend, maybe do some work around the house if we find our motivation. :) If not, then my favorite thing to do in the whole world is to curl up with a good book and read myself silly. Molly is currently joined right into that mind set, curled up on couch with hubby, watching some very bad scary movie. I think they are actually using it as back ground noise to take a morning nap.

sharlene and molly muffin

11-02-2013, 03:40 PM
How cute is that, Molly sounds like she is in 7th heaven!! Enjoy your lazy days! xx

11-03-2013, 03:08 AM
Oh oh oh Sharlene, Canada just popped up on my facebook and you know how much I love rugby!!

The Maori All Blacks are in Toronto to play Canada the game is on early tomorrow morning I won't be able to watch it all as it starts 7am my time and Flynny has to be at the vet by 8am! But this is the clip on facebook and shows them at a very fancy dinner with the Canadians and doing a haka. They play USA next week.


molly muffin
11-03-2013, 10:15 AM
That was so cool! Loved the end. What was that a chant, a victory thing? The expressions on that one guys face, he was so into it and looked quite ferocious.

Fun never ends at this house. So, we've been trying to do massages on hubby's shoulder and exercises to get some mobility back. (this involves some swearing and yelling too, sort of like that chant come to think of it) Then he is in the backyard, encounters a spider, and flings it away, not thinking of his shoulder. Next thing I know he comes running in yelling for me, and he is having a massive muscle spasm, that I massage away. Way to get mobility going eh. So, he says, I'm taking Molly out back with me. Not long, he comes in yelling for me to bring a poop bag, that she is stinking up the entire yard. ROFL. So, out I go and I look around and see a tiny little bit on the grass, and I'm like, really this is it? He says well, I smell it. (He can't clean up poop, he just gags when he tries) So, I clean that up, then tell molly to go inside the house, which she takes off running up everywhere but up the deck steps. I find another bit of poop, clean that up, she is still running around as fast as she can go. We have a new level pool cover, child proof, this year and she runs across it, and stops in the middle because it is waving. Now it will hold an animal, or child, but not an adult, so we're calling her back, she gets her sea legs going and takes off again, all around the yard, while I am yelling, Molly get inside the house NOW! Finally she goes up the steps lickity split and hubs looks at her and says, she sure is a trouble maker isn't she. ROFLMAO. I am now laughing so hard that I am doubled over. Molly is pleased as she can be at the top of the deck looking down at us and every time I look up at her, she runs again. Finally I got her in the house, poop bags disposed of in their container and hubs back to doing his clean up. It's been an eventful morning and it's only 9am.

She is currently laying in the kitchen, in the sun, barking at nothing, maybe my shoe? and growling, carrying on like a banshee. She is definitely feeling good and pretty full of herself today. I think she might want to go back outside. Frisky, is the key word, if I ignore her, she picks my shoe up and throws it. This is new. (all this is happening as I'm typing this out).

I need coffee. Back in a bit.

Squirt's Mom
11-03-2013, 11:00 AM
Oh, what fun! :D:D:D

Your hubby's aversion to poop reminded me of the first time Gia's daddy changed a poopy diaper - if video cams had been available as easily back then as they are today, it would have made a GREAT YouTube show! I've seen one on America's Funniest Videos that is similar but her dad did eventually get the job done... with me howling in the kitchen as I watched. :p

Enjoy your day...I hope you all have many more adventures and much more laughter!

11-03-2013, 11:24 AM
Molly certainly keeps you two on your feet and entertained! She seemed to have an abundance of energy, maybe it's the weather as Tipper is energetic today too, and wants to walk more! Blessings

11-04-2013, 04:25 AM
Woof woof zooooooooooooooooom... you go Molly girl!! xxxx

molly muffin
11-04-2013, 06:59 PM
The walk that took forever this evening, because Molly has discovered great big humungous leaf piles are a blast to jump into and no pulling on a leash is going to keep her from them. She had to pounce into every leaf pile she found and right now everyone rakes their leaves to the side of the street for the city people to vacumn up. Boy did she have fun! I was freezing My tail off of course. LOL We did finally make it back to our house, where she was still looking for as many leaves as possible and would run to even a little bundle to check it out and see if it was big enough to jump on. That girl!!

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

Budsters Mom
11-04-2013, 07:12 PM
Ah Sharlene,
Freezing or not, you can't possibly deny our diva a few romps in the leaves. Such joy for the little things. We can learn do much from them about what's important in life. You go pounce on those leaves Molly before they get away.:D xxxxx

molly muffin
11-04-2013, 07:45 PM
Don't worry Kathy! I'm sure she didn't miss even one leaf pile. :D And a few that could barely even be called a leaf pile come to think of it. She still pounced. And run, she would run as fast as she could go to the next one, tail high in the air. Only thing she would stop for was to peak around a tree (her I'm hiding and you can't see me but I can see you stance) to watch a dog or person walking on the other side of the street. I was laughing myself silly.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin (zoom is right Trish, she is like a mazda commercial somtimes, zoooom zoooom)

11-04-2013, 09:58 PM
Hi Sharlene,
Trixie has also been spending time in the leaf piles too. She likes to really give them a good going over...nosing around the whole pile, making sure to sniff everything and the ground underneath. When she walks away she usually has a leaf or two hanging from her beard...not the best look!! :D Glad Molly is enjoying the Fall too.


molly muffin
11-04-2013, 10:31 PM
That is exactly what Molly does, goes sniffing all the way through, side to side, top to bottom, burrowing in as needed.
One or two leaves is all?!! WOW. Molly comes out looking like a minature fall maple tree. ROFL head to toe. LOL

I love it though. So glad that Trixie too is enjoying the fall leaves

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

Harley PoMMom
11-04-2013, 11:03 PM
Frisky, is the key word, if I ignore her, she picks my shoe up and throws it. This is new. (all this is happening as I'm typing this out).

I need coffee. Back in a bit.

OMGosh, Molly, she is a riot!! I can just see her picking up your shoe and tossing it!!! :eek::D

11-05-2013, 02:38 AM
Daisy loves strolling through the leaves too. I think that she likes the noise :-)

11-05-2013, 09:14 AM
It is so cute to see a dog and a pile of leaves, as you know what will happen next. Tipper loves jumping in them and scattering them about. I appreciate these moments even more now that she has become ill. The weather is so much better for Cush dogs outside that it gives them some energy. Blessings

Bailey's Mom
11-09-2013, 07:35 PM
I like it when the dogs chase after the blowing and dancing leaves. Bailey used to get mesmerized by those. Here in FL there are no falling leaves and back in BB there aren't many deciduous trees.....mostly pine trees....and she does like those pine cones.....which just did their annual fall. I'd much rather rake leaves than go around picking up pine cones!:mad:

11-10-2013, 09:40 AM
Hi Sharlene:
It's blowing up a storm outside. 60mph gusts we are having this morning. I am assuming you guys sent it down here since the temperature is dropping rapidly. There won't be any leaves left in my yard when this is over, unless I get the neighbors! Hope you and Molly are having a good weekend together. Blessings

11-10-2013, 09:45 AM
Argggg Patti, we had that awful wind yesterday, Sharlene probably has it today. Today it is just COLD:(

molly muffin
11-10-2013, 10:41 AM
Yep, we've got the wind going here too and the temperature is suppose to be dropping throughout the rest of the day. brrrrrr Of course we're going out tonight to a gala that requires a dress. Thinking it's going to be cold and breezy out there.
Molly is doing good. She's still having fun with the leave piles. She goes in looking like a dog and comes out look like a tree with leaves everywhere. Then she runs to the next pile to do it all over again. The leaves bug her when they get stuck on her bum or tail, so then she goes through this process of trying to pull them off with her mouth or shake them free. Doesn't really work that well and then I go in and pull them off before we come back into the house. Such a little prima donna.

I really have to stop playing on the computer and get dressed to go out to run some errands. Once the colder weather gets here I don't even want to go outside the door. I'm like a bear that wants to just hibernate the winter months away.

hugs all, stay warm!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin

11-10-2013, 11:48 AM
You better put some long underwear under that dress, I have a feeling you are going to need them!!!

molly muffin
11-10-2013, 12:13 PM
You better put some long underwear under that dress, I have a feeling you are going to need them!!!

LOL now there is a thought! ;)

I'm procrastinating again. Molly is curled up asleep in the window seat, none of us seem too inclined to do much.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

11-11-2013, 09:23 AM
How did the dress work out in the cold weather? Did you leave Molly alone to go? Does she get an attitude when she is left alone? Tipper would stay alone by herself with no problems before she got Cushings. Now she always wants to go with me and cries to go. We are expecting are first substantial snow tonite. I bet it will look pretty. Blessings

molly muffin
11-11-2013, 05:48 PM
I am very much Not ready for any kind of snow or nasty weather. They said we might get some flurries though.

Yes, I left Molly to go out. She is actually pretty good about being left at the house. I think she sleeps until we get home, and it doesn't seem to bother her any. Which is good since we are fairly active outside of the house sometimes and especially during the holiday season, which we are into now and it goes till about mid January I guess.

The dress worked out fine since I had a long wool coat, and only had to walk across the street from the parking garage to the building entrance. It was quite the swank evening. I think it was a success over all and we were back home and Molly was ready for her walk and me for my pj's.

It's hard to get me moving for stuff in the winter. I can procrastinate myself silly and end up doing nothing if given half a chance. Molly loves it when it snows, but once it turns to ice, then it's a bit dicey for dog walking.

hugs all,
Sharlene and Molly Muffin

Bailey's Mom
11-12-2013, 12:15 AM
Snow? 81 here. Running a/c here. Fallen leaves? Fallen blossoms. Might be a different story come Friday...:(

11-12-2013, 12:49 AM

Macy's sells fleece lined stockings. I have a black pair and they look no different than any other pair.

Budsters Mom
11-12-2013, 12:54 AM
Warm, shorts, 85 degrees here! Supposed to be in the 80's all week! Isn't snow the white stuff you make snow cones out of? LOL

My sweet Ginger
11-12-2013, 07:20 AM
You are so cruel, Kathy. :mad: :( ;)

11-12-2013, 09:00 AM
Yipeeeeeeeeee SNooooooooooooow

11-12-2013, 09:02 AM
Break out the snow shovels! Tipper is loving this and it energized her like you would not believe! Blessings

molly muffin
11-12-2013, 08:19 PM
ohhhh, fleece stockings!! Now that's an idea too! A lot of times I'll wear tights instead of hose, much warmer!

No snow here. :) We had a few flurries flying around, but it was really cold and windy today, so nothing even accumulated. Think our high was around 33 or 34F.

85! :cool: I agree Song, cruel, cruel, cruel. LOL :D

Tomorrow, molly goes for her hair cut. I'm going to have to take a coat to put on her when I pick her up. She'll have bare bum with all that hair off. Way to breezy for my little diva. (plus her tail tends to tickle her bum after a hair cut) :eek: She prances around trying to chase the tickle away. Good times!

I am not getting out the shovel yet Patti!

hugs all!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin

11-13-2013, 06:25 AM
Well it's gone all cold again here too... jeepers got a big sunburnt on my nose on the weekend, now I have the heater going again. Spring eh!! We are just about due to get our equinoxial gales too.. everyone gets right grumpy when we get the winds! Still I count my lucky stars we do not have to deal with snow, but I would love to see how Flynny would handle it if we did! Dunno about those fleece stockings Sharlene, sounds a bit like a sheep and I think Flynn might give them a bit of a nibble if I wore anything like that :eek:

You will have to get your bags packed for the road trip on Saturday now :D My lovely Auckland friends want us up there earlier when they rang tonight, they think Flynn will do better if we meander up on Saturday then he has a couple of days getting over the travelling and get used to the place so he is not all stressed for the vet on Tuesday. We were laughing as when I flew home from the conference I had a couple of hours stopover in Auckland and they came out to the airport to meet me for lunch. They were grumbling that I always seem to be just passing through catching a flight somewhere and I never get to stay for very long with them and have a good catchup. So they were urging me to come back soon and stay a few days but none of us thought it only be a week before I was actually back!! They were planning how to keep Flynn enclosed with baby gates in their back yard as it is not fully fenced but sounds like they have it all worked out, they also have his walks planned in some nice parks and I think he is going to be spoilt rotten up there. She wanted to know what he likes to eat so she can get supplies in for his dinners, I think she was a little put out when I said I will be bringing all his food with us :D:D

Ohh spa day for Molly tomorrow, hope she likes getting pampered! Before and after shots please! xx

11-13-2013, 06:47 AM
Hiya.... it's been awhile. The trip wasn't what I expected, however at least I got the chance to get away.
Keesh is ok... had attitude when I got back but he'll come around.

Glad everything is ok with you and Molly. Sounds like she's doing well.

I have so much to do now that I'm back, just don't know where I'm going to find the time. I might have to cancel Christmas - LOL - no time for it.

Will start Keesh back up on hydrotherapy next week and take him for an ACTH test too. He's still the same with peeing and drinking. Talk soon.... gotta go get started with these weddings.

11-13-2013, 12:50 PM
Those fleece lined stockings are great. Mine are tights that have flannel inside. They are not bulky, and you really cannot tell the difference between them and regular ones. They really keep you legs toasty if you get cold there. You and Molly could get a matching set!!!Blessings

molly muffin
11-13-2013, 07:51 PM
I was thinking of maybe trying them for the company winter parties that are held in January, snow and blowing usually in Ottawa and Montreal. Last year I wore knit leggings with a long red cowneck sweater to our office luncheon. That was warm at least.

LOL I'm sure Flynn would just love them. Molly too. I have to keep her out of my closet or she thinks it is her play area and my clothes end up in tatters. Sometimes quite literally. :eek::o

Judi, yikes! Sounds like a lot of work coming up. Can't cancel Christmas!! :eek:

Well the before pretty much looks like her on the yard picture and the after looks the same as her on the tile in the kitchen picture. She had a blast, as usual, said howdy to duke (the irish setter) and then promptly ignored him to role over on her back and get belly rubs from our groomer. (she spoils her a bit LOL)

Oh great, you'll have some time to spend with your friends and Flynn will have a blast I'm sure!

hugs all
Sharlene and Molly Muffin

Simba's Mom
11-13-2013, 10:52 PM
Hope Molly's haircut went well, such a little diva!

11-14-2013, 09:49 AM
Well how is Miss Diva this morning after the hair cut? Does her Royal Highness approve of the new do? She is so funny, and keeps you two on your toes. Blessings