View Full Version : Molly, 13 yr, shih tzu - lhasa aspo - Molly has passed
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10-17-2016, 10:25 AM
When my vet's team mailed a card with all their signatures on it after Bobo's brother passed - I fell apart - it meant so much to know that they cared for Sparkey and me. Knowing that you can share your loss with your neighbors must be such a blessing. I can't tell you the pain will pass quickly, and it is the little things that bring on the tears. But, I can tell you that those same little remembrances will eventually bring a tear and a huge smile remembering your "baby. " We're here for you. Your love will see you through.
I guess I was such a witch at the end, not one of the vets sent me a card. His 9 year vet of course I called her up on wrong testing, so got my money back from her and the vet college, so.... that would be a reason, 2nd vet had to read his book on how to give the acth test, I ended up telling him how to do it and to keep the serum.. so.... that could be a reason, 3rd vet though surprised me that I got nothing when I called to tell them. Only card I got was from Gateway when I picked up "mah boy." - and Oakville only saw him once, so they wouldn't even know. Wonder if there are cards you can buy that say "Thanks" for not sending a card..... nah just kidding. Coming up 17 years since puppers was born and 2 years since he died. Miss him just as much as the day he passed.... I really believe that you can die of a broken heart...wouldn't surprise me at all if I did. You have great strength Sharlene, you've already shown it in you postings to others since Molly left us.... but I know how the other moments are too. They catch you when you least expect it. She was loved and you were the best mommy any pup could have. Hope you take comfort knowing you did everything humanly possible and if only love could keep them young and healthy, we'd have them forever.
molly muffin
10-22-2016, 12:08 AM
Thanks Judi. yea it's those blasted moments. :) They just come out of nowhere and knock you for a loop.
At least I am staying so busy that I don't have too much time to think about it. Maybe why the moments seems almost unexpected when they do hit.
10-25-2016, 11:39 PM
Dear Sharlene,
It hits you out of no where, any time, any thing can set you off. Just let it out. We all miss Molly so much . Beautiful, spunky Molly.
There is no easy way around the feelings. We are here to love, support you through this.
Love Sonja, Apollo
Aunt Jana
10-26-2016, 12:00 PM
I'm so very sorry for your loss of Molly. I am sorry to say I know how you feel. I hope it gets better for you too. My hurt is fresh as I'm sure yours is also and words are comforting. I wish you happiness when you recall your precious memories of Molly. May they sustain you through your grief.
molly muffin
10-26-2016, 09:50 PM
Dear Janet, thank you for your kind words. I wish the same for you. I know your pain is just awful right now. Sending you big hugs.
molly muffin
11-07-2016, 08:27 PM
You know when life and things got to me, it was always molly that I turned to. A walk out of the house, meeting up with other dog walkers to share funny stories about our beloved dogs and let them have play time together was just the thing to get me out of my head and relieve the days stresses.
I don't have that now and I wonder if the anger part of grieving is just kicking in late or if I just need something else to get me to relax. I don't know.
It is like you have to learn all new coping mechanisms for life.
I admit that things are getting to me that shouldn't. I need to find a way to let it all roll off my shoulders and just enjoy the important little things. Talking a walk on my own doesn't seem to do the trick, as it gives me more time to think things I don't want to be thinking about and need to in fact get away from. UGH This sucks.
On top of having a house full of people that I am working every day and then coming home to make meals for, clean up daily, shop for, my MIL has told us that she will be here the first part of December. Permanently. My first response was Here? In the house? With all of us? No room!!! Literally no more room.
But no, she is going to move into the retirement village a few streets over from us until she gets an apartment. But she is shipping some furniture that she can't leave behind to our place. NO ROOM!!! but alas will have to find some room.
The cats are still fighting for some awful reason. 10 years those two cats have lived together just fine but come to our house and it is hissing and carrying on every single day.
I seriously just want to give up. The only reason I was able to grab some computer time tonight was because no one is home for once, for the first time in weeks (?) at least weeks. I don't expect it to last much more than a few minutes more, but it is still precious to be able to come here and say hello and shed more than few tears over the passing of dear loved ones.
Hugs to all. What doesn't kill me makes me stronger right?
11-07-2016, 08:38 PM
Hello back to you, Sharlene! I wish I had some words of wisdom but just want you to know that we are always here for you even if you are pulled away (and in so many different directions!). I can't imagine working all day and then coming home only to be expected to take care of a group of people. Hang in there -- this too shall pass! Miss Abbie sends a big ar-o-o-o to you!
Budsters Mom
11-07-2016, 10:11 PM
Okay Sharlene, you are too nice! Make the freeloaders (Oops, I mean kids ;))help with meals and such. Hang in there!
molly muffin
11-07-2016, 10:31 PM
I don't mind them being here. I don't know. Today is not a good day and everything just adds up sometimes.
Hubby made me a martini tonight. He knows. Lol. This weekend we have a gala charity event coming up. After a day of salsa dancing lessons. I will forget all of this for awhile. nothing stops just because I am grumpy.
I am tired of fast food. So last night I did chicken Caesar salad and tonight salmon with garlic rice and broccoli. The kids had hamburgers and fries from somewhere. So only cooked for hubby and I. Now I have to go clean kitchen. In the morning I will need to clean it again most likely. Then again tomorrow night. But I do have lobster bisque and garlic shrimp and salad for dinner tomorrow night. Will make some cheddar garlic butter biscuits I think too. Whomever is here can eat.
I'll be okay. I always am. Just you know. Sometimes you need to vent and can't Here I can whine and moan and groan.
If Molly where her we would be heading outside and she would have had some salmon with me. She loved fish. Oh. Think this is the first time I made salmon since she been gone. Just thought of that. Sigh
Budsters Mom
11-07-2016, 10:50 PM
First of all, what times dinner? You did say anyone that was there could eat. Sounds good to me!;)
Secondly, and most importantly, Whine away my dear. We love you and totally understand. We miss our little diva too!
Sometimes you need to vent and can't Here I can whine and moan and groan.
molly muffin
11-07-2016, 10:57 PM
Lol. This is true. Dinner is whenever anyone feels hungry after 7 pm.
This is my revolt against fast food week. I made a huge pot of goulash last week. Never made it before. So I'm on a roll. Also done some other things that are good for a crowd that eats at all times of the day. When baby is asleep after 11 when work in house is done. Whenever they show up at the door basically. I can't even remember everything I've done. Pasta dishes. Casseroles. You name it. I'm doing it.
11-07-2016, 11:00 PM
I could use some home cooking. I'm in fast food mode right now. Or toast. Ice cream. Any and all forms of alcohol. Dinner for me was the other half of the breakfast burrito I tried to eat this morning. I did go out to lunch for chicken osaka with a coworker, and I ate... enough. My stomach's all in knots now though.
Ah see? I've whined in your thread. So please, whine away so I'm not the only one. ;)
molly muffin
11-07-2016, 11:11 PM
I understand Shana. I lost weight because I couldn't eat the first couple weeks. Then I flipped the other way and was eating all the time. Comfort eating I called it. and omg, I broke out like a teenager too from All that back and forth. Last time I did that was when my dad passed away and I lived on junk food while going back and forth to the hospital. I have a permanent scar on my cheek it was so bad.
Stress is a big hormonal upsetter. Add in too much garbage food and greasy food and it's a disaster. Be ware of that. Even if you don't feel like it force some fruit and veggies in there. Don't do what I did.
11-07-2016, 11:23 PM
Okay. I'll make myself a protein shake in the AM. Have frozen bananas and blueberries. Was going to roast potatoes tonight but, well, I didn't expect to bring him home until tomorrow.
The ice cream is caramel apple pie gelato. It has pieces of apple in it. That counts, right? :p
11-08-2016, 07:52 AM
Oh Sharlene, I'm very glad to hear that at least you and Daniel are able to make time for the salsa lessons! It seems like a lifetime ago that we got to read about your dance parties and fancy office bashes. I remember back when we even got to outfit you like a cowgirl, right? :p
Those seem like the good old days in so many ways :o. Our family here had not yet suffered as many losses :(, and our hearts were lighter. It was such fun planning for your parties right alongside you! I even became a "virtual dancer" even though in real life I can't dance a single step. Happy days will surely come again even though it will always be different now. But let's all have a good time together at your gala, OK? We surely deserve a smile and an evening of release! And make sure to pass Daniel around to all us gals who lack a dancing partner, OK?...;)
molly muffin
11-08-2016, 08:12 AM
Oh gosh yes the apple counts. Some things are just good and that sounds relish Shana. Hmm wonder if they have that here.
Oh my Marianne. Those where awesome happy times. Yep we did the cowgirl party. This weekend is a gala sit down dinner and silent auction, live auction charity event. It will be fun too I'm sure.
We did go out on Halloween weekend dressed up, me as a pirate and hubby as David S. Pumpkin. Tom hanks. SNL character. Then on Halloween da we dressed for office party. Me as Peggy sue with poodle skirt and Daniel again as Pumpkin guy. That was our first festive outing sine sept 12.
We do all these things still. Daniel LOVES to dance and would happily partner everyone. It's actually better to be out and doing than home I think.
Happy memories we have had here. Very happy
Squirt's Mom
11-08-2016, 10:06 AM
So glad to hear you and Daniel were able to not only go out but enjoy yourselves again!
11-08-2016, 11:25 AM
Sharlene, maybe all this mess has been there all along under the radar, and Molly was there - easy to love and give you unconditional love. I'm so sorry you're having to deal with all this and it has come on the heels of losing your furry soul mate. I don't have any advice, except for you to keep coming back and accepting our hugs.
Hi Sharlene,
I am so sorry for you loss. I was away for a while, when I logged back in to read about all the fur babies out there that are on the same boat as my Lola, I was in tears when I found out about Molly's passing.
Please be strong, I know it will take time but my thoughts are with you.
Nadia and Lola
molly muffin
11-11-2016, 06:56 PM
Thank you Nadia.
I hope that Lola is doing well.
Thanks gang. I think it was a bad, grumpy day the other day as i haven't felt nearly as angry and grumpy since then.
I'm sure there are a lot of things that have been there and can come to the forefront at any given moment. I also think that there are just times, as I said on Catherines thread that you have enough and need to just back away from people, situations and give yourself the gift of space. I'm trying to practice doing that. :) :)
Bailey's Mom
11-15-2016, 03:46 PM
Hi Sharlene-
I was just catching up on your thread. What a crazy household you are running! MIL sounds like a "real kick." The one real benefit from our having lost all our parents so early in life is that we got out from under those relationship tensions. I still wish I could see all of them, though.
Bailey has a bump on her rump. We are going tomorrow to discuss getting it removed. I think it's non-threatening, but it seems to get irritated easily. Grooming is the usual culprit. It seems to have settled down lately, some, and this little operation is horribly expensive, natch, so we may let it go for now. It's at a place she cannot reach and I do not think it bothers her.
It's a bright sunny day down here in Delaware and a whopping 63 degrees. I hope you at least have sunshine to help your spirits where you are.
molly muffin
11-15-2016, 06:50 PM
Yes it's all very crazy around here Susan, that's for sure.
I try to get online but it's hard most days. Work, cooking, cleaning, and a multitude of other things. Last time I got a good stretch going, answering posts and bham, we have to leave right now! Hurry up, lets go. Off to I don't even remember where for what. But that's about how it goes most days.
People are in and out, meals are sometimes twice or three times a night with the various schedules. I've been going into the office more just to have some down time. I can't even imagine how much more hectic its going to get in December when my MIL arrives.
We are currently trying to get her phone setup, which is no small feat let me tell you with a non techno and not as easy it turns out as setting up her computer was. Of course, my husband actually flew out there and did a lot of the set up in person for that.
I have to make room in my basement for even more furniture to be stored. She swears its only one thing coming now and the rest will come once she has "her" place. We'll see. There is barely room to walk down there now it's so full.
As you know there are good days and bad days when it comes to missing molly. Some days it doesn't seem to affect me, others I stop for some reason and think 'oh molly, I wish you where here for this'. That's the worst times and I think we all who have lost a beloved pet go through that experience. I know it gets better. I know it occurs less often but when it does, out of the blue usually it's tough.
We are having lovely weather this week, but next week they say we are going to get cold and will experience our first snow flurries. YUCK.
Even that makes me think of the mornings I'd get up early to shovel a path for the muffin, so she could get out to do her thing and how now I won't be doing that and even though I'd grumble at the time about teaching Her how to use that shovel, I sure do think it's something I'll miss now. Just one more thing in the taking care of her repertoire that is no more.
When do you head for Florida?
Bailey's Mom
11-15-2016, 11:39 PM
When do you head for Florida?
Ryan and Ellen will be here until the 27th. It will depend on how much undecorating remains to be done. We will need to put Christmas away and then we are free to go. I'm anxious to go because a) it's 80 degrees there :) and b)we have to come back early this year to go to a wedding in PA.:(
It sounds like you are pretty well tuned into knowing you need to cut yourself some slack and get some "free" time for you. I so clearly remember it was the all-of-a-suddens about losing Palmer that really got to me. I'd be fine and out of nowhere a memory pops or an image pops up or I see a picture of Palmer. It does get better but I can remember how incredible the pain was and how long it went on.....less frequently, but still....
molly muffin
12-25-2016, 12:32 AM
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all of my k9cushings family.
It's tough not having molly this year for Christmas and of course she came to us about a month before Christmas so it was always a special time for her and us as a family.
We've been away to British Columbia vising our other daughter and grandson. It was good to get away for a bit, our youngest daughter and the baby went with us. Now we are back and trying to catch up with everything we need to do before tomorrow!!!! EEEEK! Time flies.
I miss molly and think I always will. For me, there was only one diva. People see me and ask where I've been as they don't see me outside as much or at all. She was the social butterfly of the neighborhood I think, not me.
But in the grand perspective, we are good, I am good. Have my health, my family and friends, including my k9cushings family and those are all good things. The most important really.
12-25-2016, 02:47 PM
Dear Sharlene
Wishing you and your family a blessed Christmas. Our little diva ,Molly is looking down on you with love. She will always be a part of you.
Love Sonja and Apollo the warrior
Jenny & Judi in MN
01-10-2017, 12:37 PM
Hi Sharlene: I don't come around here much anymore but was sorry to see that your Molly had passed. xo Judi
molly muffin
05-12-2017, 02:27 PM
8 months today muffin. I miss you so much.
You are still my bright star in the night and when I'm feeling lonely and missing you so very much, it is where I look to for comfort. I love you muffin, I always will.
05-12-2017, 02:35 PM
Eight months...a lifetime, Sharlene. Hugging you as much as I can from Long Island.
Squirt's Mom
05-12-2017, 03:03 PM
I'm sure the love she holds for you and Daniel brighten her glow immeasurably.
Harley PoMMom
05-13-2017, 11:35 AM
Tons of loving hugs being sent your way, my dear friend.
05-26-2017, 01:42 PM
Dear Sharlene ,the lose is always there. The love never dies. Understand only to well. When life throws us curves our fur babies where always there to catch us- with a look, a paw, a lick, unconditional love.
Love Sonja and Apollo
Whiskey's Mom
05-26-2017, 11:27 PM
The 12th of every month will be a sad day for both of us Sharlene. I didn't realize. I looked back on your thread and saw the time. 4:30. Just like Whisk. Hope they're together...and she's bossing him around!
Budsters Mom
05-26-2017, 11:33 PM
Yes, we miss her too. Our little diva on her rug under the Christmas tree and her window to the world, are among my fondest memories.
I sure that our little Muffin is making sure that her star remains the brightest, just for you and Daniel. XXXOOO
molly muffin
05-28-2017, 12:07 AM
Those are some of my fondest memories too Kathy.
Annie, yes I really think that molly's 8 month passing hit me hard that day due to Whiskeys passing on the same time and month date.
We'll be emotional messes together and that's okay. If molly and whiskey found each other I can say with some assurance that she is being a diva to him. Her best doggie buddies, where 2 golden retreivers Trophy and Louie, both now gone but she never forgot what house they lived in or their people. She loved golden retrievers.
She had other doggie friends and loved them but she didn't take to new dogies all that easily. Goldens just have a way of worming their way into hearts of both dogs and people.
09-12-2017, 05:56 PM
I was thinking of you today, Sharlene, on this one year anniversary. I know how hard this one is. Many, many hugs to you and Daniel.
09-12-2017, 06:08 PM
Me too, Sharlene. Soooooooo many special memories of our Diva :o.
And as Joan says, sending so many hugs northward to you and Daniel.
Always in loving memory ~
Budsters Mom
09-12-2017, 09:56 PM
I miss her. I miss them all! :o
Big hugs,
Me too Sharlene, add my hugs in with the others. Thinking of you and Miss Molly on this difficult anniversary. xo
09-13-2017, 12:51 PM
I was thinking of you yesterday as well. Sending more hugs your way.
molly muffin
09-13-2017, 02:51 PM
Thanks all of you. It wasn't an easy day and I don't know if Daniel wasn't thinking or what, but he put her steps to the window seat out to the curb (someone picked it up and took it) and I just bawled.
Then I didn't see her sheepskin rug on the floor and went crazy looking for it, as it is Always there. I don't move it. Found it finally and put it back.
I don't like that she is gone, I don't like that her things are being moved and removed, I don't like that I can still get all weepy over it, drat, nothing about it is acceptable.
I sure do appreciate all of you. Each of you having been through this yourselves. Yesterday was not so great, but I know that tomorrow will be better.
HUGS my friends
09-13-2017, 03:30 PM
OMG! I would've killed Victor if he had done that. Everyone knows not to touch or move Lena's things, even the dogs... :). I need to see them, even if they make me cry. She's gone, but they don't have to be.
Oh Sharlene.. I am glad you got through another milestone as hard as it is. I for some reason had my ex the day I brought Keesh's ashes home, (same day as cremation) take everything other then his tags out of my house. I couldn't bear at all to see anything. I was thinking about you and hoping you were coping ok. Coming up 3 years for me and I still am a bit of a mess at times. Man don't they burrow into our hearts and leave the biggest hole. You keep busy which is good and honouring the little diva will continue. Cheers my friend. Thank you too for all the great work you do on here. I know so many appreciate you, I especially for one.
molly muffin
09-13-2017, 04:45 PM
Thanks Judi. Yes staying busy helps a lot and of course this week is especially busy so that is good.
Joan, I don't know what he was thinking.
Squirt's Mom
09-14-2017, 10:03 AM
Dear Sharlene,
These times we mark after our babies have gone are so very tough, especially the first time they come around. Even those happy times like birthdays and gotcha days are hard to face at first. Sometimes a simple unremarkable Thursday is hard to deal with....even three years later. So we cry, sometimes we scream, and we get thru to the next, moderately better moment. And tho time itself does not heal it does allow enough of those better moments to accumulate to give us a space from which to start the healing process. Meanwhile we live our lives in a way that honors always that love we shared, that love like no other. I know your sweet girl is so very proud of her mom (and dad even tho he acted like an idiot :rolleyes: ).
Molly will always be safe with us, always remembered and honored, always cherished.
Harley PoMMom
09-14-2017, 06:16 PM
((((Sending tons of loving hugs))))
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